
Rig-Veda, Book 3 Index
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Rig Veda, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896], at


1. OF thee, the Bull, the Warrior, Sovran Ruler, joyous and fierce, ancient and ever youthful,
The undecaying One who wields the thunder, renowned and great, great are the exploits, Indra.
2 Great art thou, Mighty Lord, through manly vigour, O fierce One, gathering spoil, subduing others,
Thyself alone the universe's Sovran: so send forth men to combat and to rest them.
3 He hath surpassed all measure in his brightness, yea, and the Gods, for none may be his equal.
Impetuous Indra in his might cxccedcth wide vast mid-air and heaven and earth together.
4 To Indra, even as rivers to the ocean, flow forth from days of old the Soma juices;
To him wide deep and mighty from his birth-time, the well of holy thoughts, aIl-comprehending.
5 The Soma, Indra, which the earth and heaven bear for thee as a mother bears her infant,
This they send forth to thee, this, vigorous Hero! Adhvaryus purify for thee to drink of.

Next: HYMN XLVII. Indra.