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[AB] Abhidharma, especially Theravada Buddhism AB0 Edmund Hardy, Der Buddhismus nach alteren Pali-werken dargestellt. Munster-in-W. 1890, 1919 AB1 T.W.Rhys Davids, "The sects of the Buddhists", JRAS 13, 1891, 409-422 AB1.1.Reginald S. Copleston, Theravada Buddhism. Colombo 1892. Edited by Harcharan Singh Sobta, Delhi 1993. AB2 Paul Carus, Karma. A Story of Early Buddhism. Chicago 1894, 1896 AB3 A.C.Taylor, "Buddhist Abhidhamma", JRAS 1894, 560 ff. AB4 Arthur O. Lovejoy, "The Buddhist technical terms upadana and upadisesa", JAOS 19.2, 1898, 126-136 AB5 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Les trois asamskrtas", Album-Kern (Leiden 1903) AB6 J. Takakusu, "The Abhidharma literature, Pali and Chinese", JRAS 1905, 160-162 AB6.1 Jarl Charpentier, Pratyekabuddhageschichten. Dissertation, Upsala U. 1908 AB7 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "The Buddhist councils", IA 37, 1908: 1, 81 AB8 Nyanatiloka, "The primary properties of the material world", MB 21, 1913, 202-204. Also BR 5, 1913, 192-195 AB9 Anagarika Dharmapala, "The philosophy of the skandhas and the nirvanic doctrine", MB 22, 1914, 143-147 AB10 D.T.Suzuki, "The development of Mahayana Buddhism", Mon 24, 1914, 565 ff. AB11 S.Z.Aung, "Buddhist philosophy of change", PAIOC 1, Summaries 1919, 29 AB12 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Introduction to the evolution of the schools of Buddhism", JDL 3, 1920, 247-266 AB13 Magdalena and Wilhelm Geiger, Pali Dhamma vornehmlich in der Kanonischer Literature. Abh. den Bayerischen Ak. der Wiss. Phil-Psych. und Hist. Kl. 31 Band, 1 Abhandlung. Munchen 1920 AB14 J. Masuda, "Early Indian Buddhist schools", JDL 1, 1920, 1-11 AB15 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Theravada school of Buddhism", JDL 8, 1922, 130-140 AB16 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Mahasanghika school of Buddhism", JDL 8, 1923, 117-129 AB17 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "The Abhidhamma-Pitaka and commentaries", JRAS 1923, 243-250 AB18 S.Z.Aung and Max Walleser, Dogmatik des modernen s?dlichen Buddhismus. MKB 5, 1924 AB19 R. Kimura, "An historical study of the terms Mahayana and Hinayana and the origin of Mahayana Buddhism", JDL 11, 1924 - 12, 1925 AB20 Nalinaksha Dutt, Early History of the Spread of Buddhism and the Buddhist Schools. COS 14, 1925 AB21 T.W.Rhy Davids, "Sects (Buddhist)", ERE 11, 1925, 307-309 AB22 Paul Demieville, "Sur la m?moire des existences ant?rieures", BEFEO 27, 1927, 283-298 AB22.1 Ryukan Kumura, Historical Study of Terms in Hinayana and Mahayana and the Origin of Mahayana Buddhism. Calcutta 1927; Patna 1978 AB23 Max Walleser, Die Buddhistische Philosophie. Volume IV: Die Sekten des Alten Buddhism. Heidelberg 1927 AB24 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Documents d'Abhidharma". BEFEO 30, 1930: 1, 247; MCB 1, 1932, 65-125; 5, 1936-37, 1-187. Pp. 17-158 of last reprinted ETB 147-298 AB25 B.C.Law, "Non-canonical Pali literature", ABORI 13.2, 1931-32, 97-143 AB26 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Les relations des livres d'Abhidharma et d'Abhidhamma", CIDO 1931, 145 AB26.1 B.C.Law, A History of Pali Literature. Two volumes. London 1933 AB26.2 Grace Constant Lounsbery, La meditation bouddhique: etude sur la theorie de sa pratique selon l'ecole Sud. Paris 1935, 1947, 1976, 1979; New York 1936; Tucson, Ariz. 1973 AB27 G.Mensching, "Zum streit um die Deutung des buddhistischen Nirvana", ZMR 48, 1933, 33-57 AB28 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "Recherches bouddhiques: Les origines du Mahayana", JA 225, 1934, 195-208 AB29 Theodore Stcherbatsky, "Dharmas of the Buddhists and gunas of the Samkhyas", IHQ 10, 1934, 737-760 AB30 Bimal Churn Law, "Buddhist conception of dharma", JDL 28, 1935, 1-19 AB31 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "Rebirth and omniscience in Pali Buddhism", IC 3, 1936, 19-34 AB32 B.C.Law, "South India as a center of Pali Buddhism", SKACV 239-245 AB33 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, The Birth of Indian Psychology and Its Development in Buddhism. London 1936 AB34 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Doctrines of the Mahasanghika school of Buddhism", IHQ 13, 1937 - 14, 1938 AB35 Nyanatiloka, "Five groups of khandhas", MB 45, 1937, 129-141 AB36 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Musila et Narada. Le chemin du nirvana", MCB 5, 1937, 189-222 AB37 C.L.A.de Silva, Abhidhamma. Colombo 1937 AB38 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Zur Geschichte der buddhistischen Dharma-Theorie", ZDMG 92, 1938, 383-420 AB39 V.V.Gokhale, "What is avijnaptirupa (concealed form of activity)?", NIA 1, 1938-39, 69-73. Also PAIOC 9, 1940, 623-629 AB40 Nyanatiloka, Guide through the Abhidhammapitaka. Colombo 1938 AB41 Jean Przyluski, "La theorie des skandha", RO 14, 1938, 1-8 AB42 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Doctrines of the Sammitiya school of Buddhism", IHQ 15, 1939, 90-100 AB43 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Die Ursprung der Buddhistischen Dharma-Theorie", WZKM 46, 1939, 242-266 AB44 Paul Mus, La Lumi?re sur les Six Voies. Paris 1939 AB45 P.T.Raju, "Buddhistic conception of dharma", ABORI 21, 1939, 192-202 AB46 Maryla Falk, "Kosas, kayas and skandhas", PAIOC 10, 1941, 310-325 AB46.1 I.B.Horner, "Abhidhamma Abhivinaya", IHQ 12, 1941 AB47 J. Kashyap, "Types of consciousness in the Abhidharma", MB 49, 1941, 235-240 AB48 Maryla Falk, Nama-rupa and Dharmarupa. Calcutta 1943 AB49 J.Kashyap, The Abhidhamma Philosophy. Sarnath 1943 AB50 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Pratisamkhyanirodha; apratisamkhyanirodha in Buddhism", MB 52, 1944, 279-281 AB51 P.V.Bapat, "Nekkhamma", BCLV II, 260-266 AB52 C.D.Chatterji, "A point of distinction in the concept of khandha in Buddhism", BharKau I, 161-182 AB53 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The Buddhist sects: a survey", BCLV I, 282-292 AB54 E.R.de S. Sarathcandra, "Abhidhamma psychology of perception and the Yogacara theory of mind", UCR 4, 1946, 49-57 AB55 Andre Bareau, "Les sectes bouddhiques du P?tit V?hicule et leurs Abhidhamma Pitaka", BEFEO 44, 1947-50, 1-11 AB56 W. Stede, "Pali yathabhutam", BSOAS 12, 1947-48, 397-398 AB57 Nyanaponika, Abhidhamma Studies. Colombo 1948 AB58 I.B.Horner, "Foundations of Theravada", MW 24, 1949-50 - 25, 1950-51 AB59 Narada Thera, "Une simple introduction ? l'Abhidharma", PenB 3, 1949, 7-10 AB60 Moriz Winternitz, "Self and non-self in early Buddhism", POS 39, 1950, 457-468 AB61 D.L.Barua, "Treatment of rupa in the Abhidharma system", MB 58, 1950, 169-174. Also CR 115, 1950, 16-20 AB62 G.P.Malalasekara, "Some aspects of reality as taught by Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism", EEWP 178-195. Also TIM 66-85. Also Wheel 127, 1968 AB63 Kogen Mizuno, "The psychology of Pali Buddhism", (summary), JSR 2, 1951, 168-170 AB64 Nyanaponika Thera, "The Abhidhamma philosophy", MB 59, 1951, 383-397 AB65 Samanera Dhammananda, "Kamma or karma", MW 27, 1952, 80-83 AB66 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Abhidharma texts in Tibetan". IHQ 28, 1952, 372-378 AB67 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, "Historical introduction to the Indian schools of Buddhism", HPE 173-189 AB68 Y. Krishan, "Origin of Mahasanghikas", MW 27, 1952, 94-101 AB69 F.L.Woodward and E.M.Hare et al., Pali Tipitakam Concordance. London 1952 - present AB70 Andre Bareau, "Une confusion entre Mahasanghika et Vatsiputriya", JA 241, 1953, 399-406 AB71 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The Vinaya and Abhidhamma Pitakas of the Pali canon", IAC 2, 1953-54, 255-258 AB72 Y. Nishi, Research of the Prajna' in the Primitive Buddhism. Yokohama 1953 AB73 U.H.Aung, "Clarification and critical analysis of the various processes involved in the attainment of lokiyasamadhi through samatha", JBurmaRS 37, 1954, 17-23 AB74 R.Fukuhara, "A study of doubt (vicikitsa)--mainly from the Abhidharma" (summary), RDR 347, 1954, 45 AB75 N.Aiyasvami Sastri, "Some Abhidharma problems", ALB 18, 1954: 81, 217 AB76 Andre Bareau, Les sectes bouddhiques du P?tit V?hicule. Paris 1955 AB77 P.M.Rao, "Dhammas and sankharas", MB 63, 1955, 383-385 AB78 N.K.Sahu, "Hinayana Buddhism in Eastern India in the 7th c. A.D.", OHRJ 4, 1955, 28-33. AB79 G.F.Allen, "The origin of the Mahasanghikas", MB 64, 1956, 225-232 AB80 Heramba Chatterjee, "Pratityasamutpada", ABORI 37, 1956, 313-318 AB81 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "The concept of arhat" in Acarya Vijayavallabhasuri Memorial Volume (Bombay 1956) AB82 A.K.Nyayatarkatirtha, "Nirodhasatya", IHQ 32, 1956, 254-260 AB83 U Thittila, "The fundamental principles of Theravada Buddhism", in Morgan 67-112 AB84 A.K.Warder, "On the relationship between early Buddhism and other contemporary systems", BSOAS 18, 1956, 43-63 AB85 Andre Bareau, "Richesse et diversit? de la pens?e bouddhique ancienne", PDB 451-462 AB86 Andre Bareau, "Les controverses r?latives ? la nature de l'Arhant dans le Bouddhisme ancien", IIJ 1, 1957, 241-250 AB86.1 Andre Bareau, "The notion of time in early Buddhism", East and West 7, 1957, 353-364. Reprinted ETB 1-12 AB87 Andre Bareau, "Les r?lations entre la causalit? du monde physique et la causalit? du monde spirituel dans le Hinayana", SIS 5, 1957, 14-21 AB87.1 H. Bechert, "Zu Geschichte der buddhistischen Sekten in Indian und Ceylon", Le Nouvelle Clio 7-9, 1955-57, 311-360 AB88 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Pratisamkhya and apratisamkhya nirodha", IHQ 33, 1957, 156-161 AB89 Herbert V. Guenther, Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma. Lucknow 1957; Delhi 1973, 1999; Berkeley 1976 AB90 P.V.Bapat and Nalinaksha Dutt, "Schools and sects of Buddhism", CHI 1 (2d edition) 1958, 456-502 AB91 Beni Madhab Barua, "Some aspects of early Buddhism", CHI 1 (2d ed.) 1958, 442-455 AB92 Aruna Haldar, "Samjna skandha or perception/formation/ composition", JBRS 44, 1958, 37-42 AB93 Nyanaponika, "Abhidhamma studies", MW 33, 1958 - 34, 1959-60 AB94 Genjun H. Sasaki, A Study of the Abhidharma Philosophy. (in Japanese, with a 25-page English summary). Tokyo 1958 AB95 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Principal schools and sects of Buddhism" in 2500 Years AB96 V.V.Gokhale, "Principal schools and sects of Buddhism" in 2500 Years AB97 Aruna Haldar, "Buddhist conception of object consciousness (arthagrahanam)", JBRS 45, 1959, 204-212 AB98 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Origin and development of the theory of viprayuktasamskaras", BSOAS 22, 1959, 531-547. Reprinted CPBS 239-260 AB99 W.S.Karunaratne, "Sunyata in Theravada Buddhism", ALB 23.1-2, 1959, 1-18 AB100 W.S.Karunaratne, "Concepts of freedom and responsibility in Theravada Buddhism", UCR 17, 1959, 73-89 AB101 Narada Mahathera, "Le doctrine du kamma", PDB 261-268 AB102 Walpola Rahula, "L'enseignement fundamental du Boudhisme", PDB 261-271 AB103 B. M. Rao, "The dharma theory", MB 67, 1959, 320-324 AB104 Ajay Mitra Shastri, "Fresh light on the history of the Saila schools of Buddhism", PAIOC 20.2, 1959, 79-86 AB105 U Dhammaratna, "The methodology of vibhangappakarana", NNMRP II, 237-319 AB106 Lama Anagarika Govinda, The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and Systematic Representation according to Abhidhamma Tradition. London 1961. In German Zurich 1962 AB107 Arthur L. Herman, "Ethical theory in Theravada Buddhism", JBRS 47, 1961, 170-187 AB107.1 Anagarika Govinda, Die psychologie Haltung der fr?hbuddhistischen Philosophie und ihre systematische Darstellung nach der Tradition des Abhidharma. Zurich 1962 AB108 Parevehara Vajiranana Mahathera, Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice. A General Exposition according to the Pali Canon of the Theravada School. Colombo 1962 AB109 Walpola Rahula, "A comparative study of dhyanas according to Theravada, Sarvastivada and Mahayana", MB 70, 1962, 190-199 AB110 K. Yamada, "On the idea of avijnaptikarma in Abhidharma Buddhism", JIBSt 19, 1962, 349-354 AB111.1 R. Barua, "The development of Buddhisim in Nagarjunakonda during the time of the Iksvakus", MB 71.1-2, 1963, 11-16 AB111 Heinz Bechert, "Zur fr?hgeschichte des Mahayana-Buddhismus", ZDMG 113, 1963, 530-535 AB112 C.B.Dharmasena, "Abhidhamma philosophy. 3 charts with an explanatory essay", Wheel 63/64, 1963, 32 pp. AB113 Erich Frauwallner, "Abhidharma-Studien", WZKSOA 7, 1963 - 17, 1973. Translated by Sophie Francis Kidd as Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems. Albany, N.Y. 1995 AB114 W.S.Karunaratne, H.G.A. Van Zeyst and Kogen Mizuno, "Abhidhamma", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 37-49 AB115 Kogen Mizuno, "Abhidharma literature", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 64-80 AB116 S.C.Banerji, An Introduction to Pali Literature. Calcutta 1964 AB116.1 Edgerton C. Baptist, Nibbana or the Kingdom. Second edition. Colombo 1964 AB116.2 T.R.Havens, "Mr. Rhys-Davids' dialogue with psychology", PEW 1, 1964, 51-58 AB117 Y. Karunadasa, "The Buddhist conception of mahabhutas as primary elements of matter", UCR 22, 1964, 28-47 AB118 Winston L. King, In the Hope of Nibbana: An Essay on Theravada Buddhist Ethics. La Salle, Ill. 1964 AB119 G.P. Malalasekara, "The status of the individual in Theravada Buddhism", PEW 14, 1964, 145-156. Also SIEW 65-76 AB120 E. Mayeda, A History of the Formation of the Original Buddhist Texts. Tokyo 1964 AB121 Someshwar Prasad, "Abhidhamma view of momentariness", VVMFV 264-269 AB122 O.H.de A. Wijesekara, "The concept of vinnana in Theravada Buddhism", JAOS 84, 1964, 254-258 AB123 Andre Bareau and H.G.A. Van Zeyst, "Andhakas", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 602-606 AB124 Nyanamoli Bhikkhu, "Anicca", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 657-663 AB125 B.G.Gokhale, "The Theravada-Buddhist view of history", JAOS 85, 1965, 354-359 AB126 Rune E.A. Johansson, "Citta, mano, vinnana--a psychosemantic investigation", UCR 23, 1965, 165-215 AB127 Y.Karunadasa, "The atomic theory of the Theravada school of Buddhism", UCR 23, 1965, 35-66 AB128 Thomas T. Love, "Theravada Buddhism: ethical theory and practice", JBR 33, 1965, 303-313 AB128.1 Ajay Mitra Sastri, An Outline of Early Buddhism. Varanasi 1965 AB129 W.G.Weeraratne, "Anagama (in Theravada)", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 506-508 AB130 E. Yamaguchi, "The problem of dharma in Buddhism and the dharma-adharma in Samkhya", JIBSt 26, 1965, 28-34 AB131 Hajime Sakurabe, "Anutpadijnana and anutpattikadharmaksanti", JIBSt 28, 1966, 883-889 AB132 Donald Keeney Swearer, Knowledge as Salvation: A Study in Early Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Princeton University 1966 AB133 Oliver L. Abeysekare, "The concept of reality in Buddhism", Buddhist 37, 1967, 302-304 AB134 Nihal de Silva, "The Buddhist concept of wisdom", Buddhist 38, 1967, 18-21 AB135 S.F.de Silva, "Karma--the law of conditioned origination", Buddhist 37, 1967, 282-286 AB135.1 Maniku Wadu Padmasiri De Silva, A Study of Motivational Theory in Early Buddhism with Reference to the Psychology of Freud. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1967 AB135.2 T.R.Havens, "Order in of states of mind in early Buddhism", VATW 185, 1967, 43-54 AB135.3 Bhagchandra Jain, "The rudiments of anekantavada in early Pali literature", NUJ 17, 1967. Reprinted FJPRC 276-290 AB136 L.M.Joshi, "The concept of dharma in Buddhism", MB 75, 1967, 342-350 AB137 Y. Karunadasa, Buddhist Analysis of Matter. Colombo 1967 AB138 V.B.Rajapakse, "Trilaksana bhavana", Buddhist 37, 1967, 305-310 AB139 Liang Tao-wei, "On the six asamskrta dharmas" (summary), TICOJ 13, 1968, 108-110 AB139.1 Amnuay Tapingkae, Eternity and Enlightenment: A Comparative Study of the Educational Philosophies of American Idealism and Theravada Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Washington 1967 AB139.5 Purushottama Vishvanath Bapat, Pali-sangaha. Selections from early Buddhist Texts in Pali. New Delhi 1968 AB140 G.S.P.Misra, "Logical and scientific method in early Buddhist texts", JRAS 1968, 54-64 AB141 D.J.Kalupahana, "The problem of psychical causation and the use of terms for 'change' in the early Buddhist texts", Vidyodaya 2.1, 1969, 37-42 AB142 Donald W. Mitchell, "The no-self doctrine in Theravada Buddhism", IPQ 9, 1969, 248-260 AB143 Nyanatiloka Mahathera, "The significance of dependent origination in Theravada Buddhism", Wheel 140, 1969, 41 pp. AB144 Kogen Mizuno, Primitive Buddhism. Karinbunko 1969 AB145 Roy Clayton Amore, The Concept and Practice of Doing Merit in Early Theravada Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1970 AB146 N.K.Bhagwat, Buddhist Philosophy of the Theravada as Embodied in Pali Abhidharma. Patna 1970, 2006 AB146.1 Mary Farkas, "The practice of the Theravada", WB 18.7, 1970, 177-179 AB147 Tom Holman, "Theravada and psychology", World Buddhism 19, 1970: 3, 36 AB148 D.J.Kalupahana, "Aspects of the Buddhist theory of the external world and the emergence of the philosophical schools in Buddhism", CJH 1, 1970, 93-108 AB149 D.J.Kalupahana, "Schools of Buddhism in early Ceylon", CJH 1, 1970, 159-190 AB150 Winston L. King, "A comparison of Theravada and Zen Buddhist meditational methods and goals", HistR 9, 1970, 304-315 AB151 A.K.Warder, "The concept of a concept", JIP 1, 1970-71, 181-196 AB152 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "A study on samatha and vipassana in Buddhism", MB 79, 1971, 267-292 AB153 Dipak Kumar Barua, "Sila, samadhi and panna in Theravada Buddhism", MB 79, 1971, 287-292 AB154 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The Sammitiyas and their pudgalavada", MB 79, 1971, 129-136 AB154.1 Nina van Gorkom, Mental Development in Daily life. Nakhon 1971, 1972; Bangkok 1976 AB155 James Paul McDermott, Developments in the Early Buddhist Concept of Kamma/Karma. Ph.D.Thesis, Princeton University 1971 AB156 Donald W. Mitchell, "Analysis in Theravada Buddhism", PEW 21, 1971, 23-32 AB157 Walpola Rahula, "L'ideal du Bodhisattva dans le Theravada et la Mahayana", JA 1971, 63-70. Translated as "Bodhisattva ideal in Theravada and Mahayana", MB 79, 1971, 139-143 AB158 A.K.Warder, "Dharmas and data", JIP 1, 1971, 272-295 AB158.1 George Doherty Bond, The Problem of Interpretation in Theravada Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Northwestern University 1972 AB158.5 John Ross Carter, Dhamma: Western Academic and Sinhalese Buddhist Interpretations. A Study of a Religious Concept. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1972. Reprinted as book, Tokyo 1978 AB159 O. von Hinuber, "Die 'dreifache' wirkung des karma", IIJ 13, 1972, 242-254 AB160 Yoel Hoffman, "The concept of 'object' and the concept of 'self' in the philosophy of David Hume and Hinayana Buddhism", TICOJ 16, 1972, 73-85 AB161 U Jagabhivamsa, Nature of Perception according to Abhidhamma. Ph.D.Thesis, Magadh University 1972 AB162 Katsuhiko Kamimura, "Pratibha, vyutpatti, abhyasa" (in Japanese with English summary). TOG 43, 1972, 93-110 AB163 Chandra Sekhar Prasad, "Theravada and Vibhajyavada: a critical study of the two appellations", EAW 22, 1972, 101-113 AB164 Chandra S. Prasad, "Vibhajyavada: an examination into its identity as a separate school" (summary). TICOJ 16, 1972, 73-85 AB165 Swapan Kumar Sarkar, "The Mahisasaka school of Buddhism", MB 80, 1972, 44-51 AB166 Swapan Kumar Sarkar, "The Ekavyavaharika school of Buddhism", MB 80, 1972, 407-408 AB166.1 Jack Donald Van Horn, Devotionalism in Early Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1972 AB167 Shohei Ichimura, "Buddhist thoughts on the relationship between religion and logical thinking, especially in Theravada and Zen", MB 81, 1973, 42-54 AB168 Isaline B. Horner, "Atta and anatta", SCR 7, 1973, 31-34. AB169 James P. McDermott, "Nibbana as a reward for kamma", JAOS 93, 1973, 344-346 AB170 U. Schneider, "Upanisad philosophy and early Buddhism", GSI I, 308-332 AB171 Karunesha Shukla, "The Abhidharma, the Madhyamika and the Yogacara", CSFV 392-395 AB172 D.G.O.Vajrapani, "Buddhist bhavana--what it means", Buddhist 43, 1973, 15-16 AB173 Stefan Anacker, "The Abhidharma Pitaka", BAMP 55-64 AB173.2 Rabindra Bijoy Barua, "Foundaiton of Theravada Buddhism in Bangladesh", WFBR 13.1, 1974, 12-19 AB173.5 Harvey B. Aronson, Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity in Theravada. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975 AB174 Stephan V. Beyer, "The doctrine of meditation in the Hinayana", BAMP 137-147 AB175 Itsuo Ishikawa, "On dhamma in early Buddhism" (in Japanese with English summary). TBDK-Jinbun 26, 1975, 22-36 AB175.1 Brahmachari Govinda, The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and Its Systematic Representation according to Abhidhamma Tradition. Delhi 1975 AB176 K.N.Jayatilleke, The Message of the Buddha. London 1975 AB177 Charles S. Prebish, "Major schools of the early Buddhists: Doctrines of the Early Buddhists, Mahasamghika, Theravada, Sarvastivada", BAMP 29-45 AB178 P.D.Premasri, "Moral evaluation in early Buddhism", SLJH 1.1, 1975, 31-45 AB179 A.K.Warder, "Objects", JIP 3, 1975, 355-362 AB180 Matthew Abbate, "Origen and Theravada Buddhism", WB 1976, 26-30 AB181 Roy C. Amore, "Doing merit and beyond merit", CIDO 29, 1976, 35-40 AB182 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "The Theravada school of Buddhism", JGJRI 32, 1976, 187-193 AB183 Biswanath Banerjee, "Some aspects of the Kalacakra school of Buddhism", CIDO 29, 1976, 41-45 AB184 Heinz Bechert, "Buddha-Field und Verdienst?bertragung: Mahayana-Ideen im Theravada-Buddhism Ceylons", BCLS 1976: 1, 27 AB185 Bhikkhu Bodhi, "Aggregates and clinging aggregates", PBR 1, 1976, 91-102 AB186 John Ross Carter, "Dhamma as a religious concept: a brief investigation of its history in the Western academic tradition and its centrality within the Sinhalese Theravada tradition", JAAR 44, 1976, 661-674 AB187 Thich Thien Chau, "Le personalisme du bouddhisme ancien", CIDO 29, 1976, 52-60 AB188 C.K.Datta, "The Buddhist doctrine of anatta", BandJ 2, 140-144 AB189 Bhikkhu Nanajivako, "Karma--the ripening fruit", PBR 1, 1976, 19-35 AB190 Hajime Nakamura, "A critical survey of early Buddhism (II)", BK 5, 1976, 141-167 AB191 Ellawele Nandiswara, "Anatta", BandJ 2, 145-149 AB192 Ninian Smart, "Nirvana and timelessness", JD 1, 1976, 318-323 AB193 Kyosho Tanaka, "On the differences in the practices between Sarvastivada and Theravada" (in Japanese with English summary), Shink 230, 1976, 21-42 AB194 Alex Wayman, "Aspects of meditation in the Theravada and Mahisasika", Studia Missionalia 25, 1976, 1-28. Also AWBI 69-98 AB195 Russell Webb, "Pali Buddhist studies in the West: U.K.", PBR 1, 1976, 169-180 AB196 John F. Bardishan, "Pali Buddhist studies in the West: USA and Canada", PBR 2, 1977, 55-62 AB197 Heinz Bechert, "Zur Geschichte des Theravada-Buddhismus in Ostbergalen", BIEW 45-66 AB198 Shanti Bhadra, "Hela Atuwa or the Sinhala commentaries of the Tripitaka", WB 1977, 5-7 AB198.1 Charles Johnson Dawes, The Path of Spiritual Progress in Theravada Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, California Institute of Integral Studies 1977 AB199 Jan T. Ergardt, Faith and Knowledge in Early Buddhism. Leiden 1977 AB200 Russell W. French, "The concept of iddhi in early Buddhist thought", PBR 2, 1977, 42-53 AB201 Anagarika Govinda, "From Theravada to Zen", Bulletin of Tibetology n.s. 1.1, 1977, 24-34 AB202 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Basis of Buddhist ethics", WB 1977, 11-15 AB203 Rune E. A. Johansson, Pali Texts Explained to the Beginner. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series 14. London 1977 AB204 A.D.P.Kalansuria, "On perception--a brief philosophical re-examination of some concepts in early Buddhistic thought", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 711-724 AB205 James P. McDermott, "Undetermined and indeterminate kamma", IIJ 19, 1977, 31-36 AB206 Hajime Nakamura, "A critical survey of early Buddhism (III)", BK 1977, 109-164 AB207 Janice J. Nattier and Charles S. Prebish, "Mahasanghika origins: the beginnings of Buddhist sectarianism", HistR 16, 1977, 237-272 AB208 Noble Ross Reat, "Karma and rebirth in the Upanisads and Buddhism", Numen 24, 1977, 163-185 AB209 H. Saddhatissa, "Anatta--the philosophy of no soul", WB 1977, 1-2 AB210 Henri Van Zeyst, Truth and the Way. Colombo 1977 AB211 Zahiruddin Ahmad, "The Sarvastivada or the philosophy that 'everything exists'", JOSA 13, 1978, 9-37 AB211.1 L. Stafford Betty, "The verification principle in early Buddhism", MB 53, 1978, 201-205 AB212 Pratap Chandra, Metaphysics of Perpetual Change.The Concept of Self in Early Buddhism. Bombay 1978 AB213 Lily de Silva, "Cetovimutti, pannavimutti and ubhatobhagavimutti", PBR 3.3, 1978, 118-145. Also MB 89, 1981, 1-24 AB214 David A. Dilworth, "Whitehead's process realism, the Abhidharma dharma, and the Mahayana critique", IPQ 18, 1978, 151-170 AB214.1 Brian Galloway, "Vijnana, samjna, and manas", MW 53, 1978, 72-75 AB215 B.G.Gokhale, "The Buddha's 'dying consciousness'", JIH 56, 1978, 1-20 AB216 Wasin Indasara, Theravada Buddhist Principles. Book One, Bangkok 1977. Book Two, Bangkok 1978 AB217 Rada Ivekovic, "Misconceptions about Buddhism", PBR 3, 1978, 30-34 AB218 Rune E. A. Johansson, "Psychological causality in early Buddhism", PBR 3, 1978, 30-34 AB219 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Concept of doubt in Buddhism", Buddhist 48, 1978, 24-27 AB220 Prem Nath, "Vipassana, the way for all", AB 99, 1978, 116-119 AB221 Nyanaponika Thera (tr.), The Roots of Good and Evil. 1978 AB221.5 K. Ramakrsna Rao, "Psychology of transcendance: a study in early Buddhistic psychology", JIndPsych 1, 1978, 1-21 AB222 Amarasiri Weeraratne, "The doctrine of sunyata in Theravada and Mahayana", Buddhist 49.1-2, 1978, 13-14 AB223 Buddhist Texts Translated from Pali. Wheel 251-253, 1978, 1-104 AB224 Aloysius Pieris, "The notions of citta, atta and attabhava in the Pali exegetical writings", PBR 4, 1979, 5-15 AB225 Atul N. Sinha, "A note on the authority of Buddhavacana (according to the Theravada tradition)", JRS 6.2, 1978, 50-54 AB226 Chogyam Trungpa, Glimpses of Abhidharma. Boulder 1978 AB227 U Nu, "Vipassana meditation", Hindutva 9.3, 1978 - 9.12, 1979 AB227.1 Alex Wayman, "The Mahasanghika and the Tathagatagarbha", JIABS 1, 1978, 35-52 AB227.2 P.V.Bapat, "Attadipa in Pali literature", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 127-130 AB228 Silananda Brahmachari, An Introduction to Abhidharma Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology. Calcutta 1979 AB229 J.W.de Jong, "The background of early Buddhism", JDJBS 29-42 AB230 Albert J. Groening, "Some thoughts on Buddhist meditation", Buddhist 50.7, 1979, 8-9 AB231 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Buddhist theory of survival and kamma", Buddhist 50.5, 1979, 3-6; 50.6, 1979, 3-5; 50.7, 1979, 3-7; 50.8, 1979, 4-7 AB232 Rune E.A. Johansson, The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism. Oxford 1979 AB233 L.M.Joshi, "Nirvana according to Buddhist scriptures". JRS 7.2, 1979, 4-23 AB234 Richard H. Jones, "Theravada Buddhism and morality", JAAR 47, 1979, 371-388 AB235 David J. Kalupahana, "The early Buddhist notion of the middle path", EB 12.1, 1979, 30-48 AB236 D.J.Kalupahana, "Early Buddhism and the quality of life", Buddhist 50.1, 1979, 6-11 AB237 Nathan Katz, "Does the 'cessation of the world' entail the cessation of emotions? The psychology of the Arahant", PBR 4. 1979, 53-65 AB238 Peter Masefield, "The nibbana-parinibbana controversy", Religion 9, 1979, 215-230 AB239 Barbara Stoler Miller, "On cultivating the immeasurable change of heart: the Buddhist brahma-vihara formula", JIP 4, 1979, 209-221 AB240 Jyotir Mitra, "Theories of pancamahabhutika and tridosa as depicted in Tripitaka", JGJRI 35.3-4, 1979, 11-26 AB241 Nyanaponika, "The analogy of jivanmukta in Vedanta with the Arahant in Pali Buddhism", PBR 4, 1979, 71-85 AB242 Alec Robertson, "How does the mind function?", Buddhist 50.1, 1979, 50-52 AB242.1 H. Saddhatissa, "Anatta, the crux of Buddhism", MB 54, 1979, 93-95 AB243 Arvind Sharma, "Anicca", PBR 4, 1979, 16-24 AB244 James Santucci, "Transpersonal psychological observations in Theravada Buddhist meditative practice", JIABS 2.2, 1979, 66-78 AB244.1 H. H. Tibe, Pali Buddhism. New Delhi 1979 AB245 Henri Van Zeyst, Marks of Distinction)(ti-lakkhana). Columbia 1979 AB246 O.H.de A.Wijesekere, "Concept of peace in early Buddhism", Buddhist 50.1, 1979, 12-15 AB247 Solomon Abeyesekare, "The seven stages of purity or satta visuddhi", Buddhist 51.1, 1980, 34-39 AB248 Harvey B. Aronson, Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism. Delhi 1980 AB248.1 M. Berganzi, "Observations su samatha und vipassana nel Budismo Theravada", RDSO 54, 1980: 143-170, 327-357 AB249 Dipak Bhattacharya, "The scheme of four in early Buddhism", Bh-Bhanam 291-298 AB250 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Dittham, sutam, matam, vinnatam", BSWR 10-15 AB251 George D. Bond, "Theravada Buddhism and the aims of Buddhist studies", SHB 43-66 AB252 George D. Bond, "Theravada Buddhism's meditations on death and the symbolism of initiatory death", HistR 19, 1980, 237-258 AB253 James W. Boyd, "The Theravada view of samsara", BSWR 29-43 AB253.5 Mark Davis, "Sammaditthi and the dynamic universe", WFBR 17.3, 1980, 26-32 AB254 S.N.Dube, Cross Currents in Early Buddhism. New Delhi 1980 AB255 Richard Gombrich, "The significance of former Buddhas in the Theravadin tradition", BSWR 62-72 AB255.1 Henepola Gunaratne, A Critical Analysis of the Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation. Ph.D.Thesis, American University 1980 AB256 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The doctrine of paticcasamuppada", Buddhist 50.9, 1980, 2-5; 50.10, 1980, 3-5; 50.11, 1980, 3-6 AB256.1 Richard Hubert Jones, Mysticism and Science: A Comparative Study of the Claims about Reality in Western Natural Science, Theravada Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1980 AB256.2 Pahalwattage Don Premasiri, Moral Evaluation in Early Buddhism: From the Perspective of Western Philosophical Analysis. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1980 AB256.3 Vinai U. Sivakul, "Five mental factors of concentration", WFBR 17.3, 1980, 33-36 AB256.3 Nina van Gorkam, Buddhist outlook on Daily life. Bangkok 1980 AB257 Fumimaro Watanabe, "The concept of Abhidhamma in the nikayas and agamas: its characteristics", BGK 36, 1980, 1-23 AB257.2 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Is the Adbhidharma a teaching of the Buddha?", WFBR 17.3, 1980, 13-17 AB258 Etienne Lamotte, "Conditioned co-production and supreme enlightenment", BSWR 118-132 AB259 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Ignorance or misconception? A note on avidya in Buddhism", BSWR 154-164 AB260 E. Moerloose, "The way of vision (darsanamarga) in the Tocharian and old Turkish versions of the Maitreyasamitinataka", CAJ 23, 1979, 240-249 AB261 Nanajivako, "The way of Buddhist meditation", PBR 4, 1979, 93-97 AB262 Akiko Osaki, "Abhutva-bhava", JIBSt 28.2, 1980, 19-22 AB263 Joaquin Perez-Ramon, Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism. The Hague 1980 AB264 Aloysius Pieris, "The notions of citta, atta and attabhava in the Pali exegetical writings", BSWR 213-222 AB265 Noble Ross Reat, "Theravada Buddhism and morality: objections and corrections", JAAR 48, 1980, 433-440 AB266 Alec Robertson, "The floods of samsara (existence)", Buddhist 51.1, 1980, 25-29 AB267 Braj M. Sinha, "The Abhidharmika notion of vijnana and its soteriological significance", JIABS 3.1, 1980, 54-67 AB268 Alex Wayman, "The sixteen aspects of the four noble truths and their opposites", JIABS 3.2, 1980, 67-78 AB269 Amarasiri Weeraratne, "Antarabhava", Buddhist 51.1, 1980, 55-60 AB270 Isshi Yamada, "Premises and implications of interdependence", BSWR 267-293 AB271 Heinz Bechert, "Studies in the origin of early Buddhist schools, their language and literature", IIG 70-78 AB271.1 Buddhadasa, :The seven purifications, the five stages in vipassana and the nine steps in the perfection of knowledge:, MB 89, 1981, 229-235 AB272 Jose I. Cabezon, "The concepts of truth and meaning in the Buddhist scriptures", JIABS 4.1, 1981, 9-23 AB272.1 Lily de Silva, "Cetovimutti, pannavimutti and ubhatobhagavimutti". MB 89, 1981, 1-24 AB273 The Essence of Buddhism. Edited by Sri Kalyana Dharma Publications Committee. Colombo 1981 AB274 Balkrishna Govind Gokhale, "Bhakti in early Buddhism", TMBM 16-28 2 AB275 Paul Griffiths, "Concentration or insight: the problematic of Theravada meditation theory", JAAR 49, 1981, 605-624 AB275.1 Henapola Gunaratne, "Place of jhana and samadhi in Theravada Buddhism", MB 89, 1981, 87-96 AB275.2 I.B.Horner, "Keci: 'some" in the Pali commentaries", JPTS 9, 1981, 87-95 AB276 Thomas Kochumuttam, "Sunyata and tathata: emptiness and suchness", JD 6, 1981, 18-36 AB277 Paul Kimberly Ling, The Intensive Buddhist Meditation Retreat and the Self: Psychological and Theravadin Considerations. Ph.D.Thesis, Boston University 1981 AB278 Kiyoshi Ota and Masataka Ikada, "Buddhist studies in Japan", PBR 6, 1981, 7-33 AB279 Jampa Lobsang Panglung, Die Erzahlstoff des Mulasarvastivadavinaya. Analysiert auf Grund des tibetsichen ?bersetzung. Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph Series 3, Tokyo 1981 AB280 C.S.Prasad, "Attitude of Buddha and early Buddhism towards metaphysics", StIndPh 1-18 AB281 Geshe Rabten, "The twelve links of dependent origination", TatT 83-87 AB282 Shanta Ratnayaka, "Metapsychology of the Abhidharma", JIABS 4.2, 1981, 76-90 AB283 Andrea Razzino, Panna and Karuna in Theravada Buddhist Ethics compared to Love in Protestant Christian Ethics. Ph.D.Thesis, Northwestern University 1981 AB284 Sherkong Rinpoche, "Renunciation", TatT 41-53 AB285 Galek Rinpoche, "Developing samadhi", TatT 97-102 AB285.1 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "A further note on Pali gotrabhu", JPTS 9, 1981, 175-177 AB285.2 N. H. Samtani, "Nirvana and akasa: significance of analogy", MB 88, 1981, 83-86 AB286 Arvind Sharma, "The significance of the Brahmavihara in Theravada Buddhism", PBR 6, 1981, 37-40 AB286.1 Arvind Sharma, "Advaita Vedantic and Theravada-Buddhistic mysticism: a distinction", BhV 41.3-4, 1981, 69-72 AB287 Braj M. Sinha, "Temporality and consciousness in Abhidharmika Buddhism: a phenomenological approach", BWP 425-443 AB288 Ninian Smart, "Problems of the application of Western terminology to Theravada Buddhism, with special reference to the relationship between the Buddha and the gods", BWP 444-449 AB289 Kannimahara Sumangala Thera, "The attainment to the state of a sotapanna or 'stream-enterer'", Buddhist 52.2, 1981, 17-19 AB290 Mahesh Tiwary, "Meditation in Theravada Buddhism", TatT 103-113 AB290.0 A. K. Warder, "Some problems of the later Pali literature", JPTS 9, 1981, 198-207 AB290.1 Jeffrey Douglas Watts, Determinism and the Path to Freedom in Early Buddhism. Ph.D.Thess, University of Hawaii 1981 AB291 Paul M. Williams, "On the Abhidharma ontology", JIP 9, 1981, 227-257 AB292 Thubten Yeshe, "Creating space for dharma", TatT 17-23 AB293 George D. Bond, "Faith and meditation: a comparison of sarana and anussati in the Theravada tradition", JDPUC 1, 1982-83, 31-42 AB294 George D. Bond, "The Buddha as refuge in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", 3-FoldR 16-32 AB295 John Benedict Buescher, The Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths in the Vaibhasika and Theravada Schools. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Virginia 1982, 1983; Ann Arbor 1985. AB296 John Ross Carter, "Dhamma as refuge in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", 3-FoldR 33-40 AB297 John Ross Carter, "The notion of 'refuge' (sarana) in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", 3-FoldR 1-15 AB298 Stephen Collins, Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought in Theravada Buddhism. Cambridge 1982 AB299 Kotatsu Fujita, "The doctrinal characteristics of karman in early Buddhism", IBSDJ 149-160 AB300 Sodo Mori, "The vitandavadins (sophists) as seen in the Pali Atthakathas", PBBK 1, 172-188 AB300.5 Mahinda Palihawadane, "'Liberation' in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", OHCHB 186-208 AB301 Edmund F. Perry and Shanta Ratnayaka, "The Samgha as refuge in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", 3-FoldR 41-56 AB302 David F.T.Rodier, "Meditative states in the Abhidharma and in pseudo-Dionysius", NIT 121-136 AB302.1 Hammavala Saddhatissa, "A survey of samatha meditation", MB 90, 1982, 82-86 AB303 Gregory Schopen, "Hinayana texts in a 14th Century Persian chronicle", CAJ 26, 1982, 225-235 AB303.1 Nina van Gokem, "Abhidhamma and practice", MB 90, 1982, 1-8 AB304 Alex Wayman, "A study of the Vedantic and Buddhist theory of nama-rupa", IBSDJ 617-642. Reprinted UTK 505-528 AB305 Dilip K. Barua, "Pali Tipitaka and applied bibliotherapy", CBWCC 240-248 AB306 Michael A. Best, "Theravadin tradition and Jean-Paul Sartre on the nature of self", YB 1983, 219-224 AB307 Rod Bucknell and Martin Stuart Fox, "Did the Buddha impart an esoteric teaching?", JIH 61, 1983, 1-18 AB308 Grace Gayle Burford, The Ideal Goal according to Atthakavagga and its Major Pali Commentaries. Ph.D.Thesis, Northwestern University 1983 AB309 George Chatalian, "Early Indian Buddhism and the nature of philosophy: a philosophical investigation", JIP 11, 1983, 167-222 AB310 John M. Cooper (tr.), "Two sutras on dependent origination", BudSR 1, 1983-84, 31-34. Comments 136-142 AB311 L.S.Cousins, "Nibbana and Abhidhamma", BudSR 1, 1983-84, 95-109 AB311.0 John H. Engler, Theravada Buddhist Insight Meditation and an Object-Relations Model of Therapeutic Developmental Change. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Chicago 1983 AB311.1 Jacqueline Filliozat, "?tudes r?centes sur les textes pali", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes 1, 1983, 75-80 AB312 Paul Griffiths, "Buddhist jhana: a form-critical study", Religion 13, 1983, 99-112 AB313 Shohei Ichimura, "Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism", BCON 113-132 AB314 Shohei Ichimura, "Buddhist thoughts on the relationship between religion and logical thinking, especially in Theravada and Zen", BCON 149-170 AB315 Tilak Kariyawasan, "The methodology of early Buddhist meditational practice", Buddhist 54.1, 1983, 32-34 AB316 Tan Kheng Khoo, "Citta bhavana", YB 1983, 193-198 AB317 Ria Kloppenborg, "The Paccekabuddha. A Buddhist ascetic", Wheel 305-307, 1983 AB318 Ria Kloppenborg, "Theravada Buddhism in Nepal", YB 1983, 65-70 AB319 Sodo Mori, "Atthakathacariyas and Atthakathikas", JIBSt 31.2, 1983, 1-7 AB320 Klaus Mylius, Die vier wedlen Wahrheiten. Texte des urspr?ngliche Buddhismus.aus dem Pali. Leipzig 1983 AB321 Ria Nakayama, "Theravada school and non-Vinaya Buddhism in Japan", CBWCC 246-251 AB322 Nanajivaka, "An atlas of Abhidhamma diagrams", BudSR 1, 1983-84, 110-114 AB323 K.R.Norman, Pali Literature, including the Canonical Literature in Prakrit and Sanskrit of All the Hinayana Schools of Buddhism. History of Indian Literature 7.2, Wiesbaden 1983 AB324 Nyanaponika Thera, Contemplation of Feeling. Wheel 303-304, 1983 AB325 Maha Thera Piyassi, "Moral causation and survival", MB 91, 1983, 99-101 AB326 Yogachara Rahula, "Techniques of meditation in Theravada and Mahayana", MB 91, 1983, 99-101 AB327 Hammalawa Saddhatissa, "The bodhi: the enlightenment", MB 91, 1983, 75-77 AB328 Hajime Sakurabe, "Some problems of anatman theory in reference to the Pali Nikayas (in Japanese with English summary). ODKN 35, 1983, 67-100 AB329 Arvind Sharma, "How is the Buddha different from an arahant in Theravada Buddhism", BudSR 1.1, 1983, l6-24 AB330 Braj M. Sinha, Time and Temporality in Samkhya-Yoga and Abhidharma Buddhism. Delhi 1983 AB330.5 Haraharan Singh Sobti, "The Concept of Nibbana in Early Buddhism. 1983. Sumamrized in RBS pp. 60-61 AB331 Mahesh Tiwary, "Citta-vithi (course of cognition)", JDBSDU 7, 1983, 84-95 AB332 U Thittila Sayadaw, "The characteristics of Theravada Buddhism",YB 1983, 53-56 AB333 D. Amarasiri Weeraratne, "Puggalavada and Theravada", YB 1983, 147-148 AB334 W.G.Weeraratne, "Mind and meditation", YB 1983, 155-158 AB335 Mohan Wijayaratna, Le Moine Bouddhiste selon les textes du theravada. Paris 1983 AB336 Martin G. Wiltshire, "The 'suicide' problem in the Pali canon", JIABS 6.2, 1983, 124-140 AB336.1 Aggavamsa, "Kamma", JDPaliUC 2, 1984-85, 5-8 AB337 Harvey B. Aronson, "Buddhist and non-Buddhist approaches to the sublime attitudes (brahmavihara)", BSHHS 16-24 AB338 Dipak K. Barua, "Delineation of rupam in Theravada Buddhism", MB 92, 1984, 79-89 AB339 Dipak Kumar Barua, "Early Buddhist concept of matter", Acarya-Vandana 174-186 AB340 Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Noble Eightfold Path. Wheel 308-311, 1984 AB341 George D. Bond, "The development and elaboration of the arahant ideal in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", JAAR 52, 1984, 227-242 AB342 Rod Bucknell, "The Buddhist path to liberation: an analysis of the listing of stages", JIABS 7.2, 1984, 7-40 AB343 Colette Caillat, "Prohibited speech and subhasita in the Theravada tradition", ITaur 12, 1984, 61-74 AB344 Thich Thien Chau, "The literature of the Pudgalavadins", JIABS 7.1, 1984, 7-16 AB345 Ernst David, "Meditation und Gedicht--ein Paar subjective Anmerkungen", Bodhi Baum 9.3, 1984, 149-152 AB346 Rewata Dhamma, "The fundamental forces of the mind", MB 92, 1984, 137-145 AB347 Mirko Fryba, "Abhidhamma--eine uralte Grundlage Transpersonalen psychotherapie", Bodhi Baum 9.2, 1984, 113-116 AB348 B.G.Gokhale, "On the Buddhist conception of attha", RSAI 47-59 AB349 Jeffery Roger Goodpaster, Theravada Buddhism and Jungian Psychology: A Comparative Study. Ph.D.Thesis, California Institute of Integral Studies 1984 AB350 Ta Kheng Koo, "Meditation as a tool in reducing mental suffering", YB 1984, 107-110 AB351 Bhiksu Madhankar, "The bodhisattva doctrine in Sthaviravada and Mahayana", ABSP 52-62 AB352 David Maurice, "The sankhara of the paticcasamuppada", YB 1984, 111-112 AB353 James Paul McDermott, Development in the Early Buddhist Concept of Kamma/Karma. New Delhi 1984, 2003 AB354 Kiyotaka Minami, "A tradition of the Atthakavagga in primitive Buddhism" (in Japanese with English summary), BDDKK 12, 1984, 93-107 AB355 Kogen Mizuno, "The origin of the Buddhist sutras and their language", JAsSt 1.2, 1984, 1-34 AB355.1 Sodo Mori, A Study of the Pali Commentaries. Theravadic Aspects of the Attakathas. Tokyo 1984 AB356 Biswadeb Mukherjee, "On the relationship between the Sarvastivada Vinaya and the Mulasarvastivada Vinaya", Journal of Asian Studies (Madras) 2.1, 1984, 139-l65 AB357 Perry Schmidt-Luekel, Die Bedeutung des Todes f?r das menschliches Selbstverst?ndnis im Pali-Buddhismus. Munchen 1984 AB358 K.B.L.Shukla, "Relationship of mind and matter as depicted in Abhidharma", PAIOC 31, 1984, 367-368 AB359 Ninian Smart, "Action and suffering in the Theravada tradition", PEW 34, 1984, 371-378 AB360 Alexander Syrkin, "On the beginning of suttapitaka (the Brahmajala Sutta)", OHDI 57-72 AB361 Mahesh Tiwary Shastri, "Death to birth and thereafter", JDBSDU 8, 1984, 7-14 AB361.1 Mahesh Tiwary, Pari-nibbana. Bodhi-Rasmi 89-93 AB362 U Thittila Sayadaw, "Concentration before meditation", YB 1984, 137-140 AB363 Alfred Weil, "Friedl?se Welt--Weltl?ser Frieden", Bodhi Baum 9, 1984, 230-234 AB364 Alfred Weil, "Individualpsychologie und Buddhismus", Bodhi Baum 9, 1984, 105-112 AB364.1 Dipak K. Barua, "Consciousness or citta as revealed in early Pali texts", MB 93, 1985 2-8 AB365 Heinz Bechert, "Einleitung", ZSWH 20-55 AB365.5 Heinz Bechert, Zur Schulzugeh?rigkeit von Werken der Hinayana-Literatur. Gottingen 1985 AB366 George D. Bond, "Text and context in the Theravada Buddhist tradition: the interpretations of the arahant ideal", JRS 13.1, 1985, 39-55 AB367 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Problems of early Buddhism", KISSC 228-255 AB367.1 Rewata Dhamma, "The Theravadin perspective on life after death", MB 93, 1985, 2-8 AB367.2 U. Dhammaratna, "Significance of cetana in the doctrine of kamma", MB 93, 1985, 109-113 AB368 Siglinde Dietz, "Unters?chung zur Schulzugeh?rigkeit der Ujjainliegenden Gilgit-Fragmente", ZSWH 163-179 AB369 Balkrishna Govind Gokhale, "Bhakti in early Buddhism", JAAS 15, 1985, 16-28 AB370 Henepole Gunaratne, The Path of Serenity and Insight. An Explanation of the Buddhist Jhanas. Delhi 1985 AB371 Ratna Handurukande, "Dasakusala karmapatha--the path of good actions", SLJH 11, 1985, 39-44 AB372 Tetsuo Hashimoto, "'Time' in early Buddhism", JAsSt 3.1, 1985, 101-111 AB373 F. Lottermoser, "Zur Typologie von Parellelstellen in der Pali-Literatur", ZDMG Supplements 22, 1985, 328-329 AB374 K.G.Mendis, The Abhidharma in Practice. Wheel 322-323, 1985 AB375 Shanta Ratnayaka, "The Bodhisattva ideal of Theravada", JIABS 8.2, 1985, 85-110 AB375.1 Robert Lee Robbins, The Multidimensional Character of Paticcasamuppada from an East-West Perspective. Ph.D.Thesis, California Institute of Integral Studies 1985 AB376 David Seyfort Ruegg, "?ber die Nikayas der Sravakas und den Ursprung der philosophischen Sch?len des Buddhismus nach den tibetischen Quellen", ZSWH 111-126 AB376.1 Hammavala Saddhatissa, "The concept of kamma in Buddhism", MB 93, 1985, 47-48 AB377 Lore Sander, "Parisad und parsad in Vinaya- und Hinayana-Sutra-Texten aus den Turfan-funden und Gilgit", ZSWH I, 144-161 AB378 Lambert Schmithausen, "Beitr?ge zur Schulzugeh?rigkeit und Textgeschichte Kanonischer und postkanonischer buddhistischer Materialen", ZSWH II, 304-405 AB379 Harcharan Singh Sobti, Nibbana in Early Buddhism. Based on Pali Sources (6th c. B.C. to 5th A.D.). Delhi 1985 AB380 Oskar von Hinuber, "Die Bestimmung des Schulzugeh?rigkeit buddhistischer Texte nach sprachlicher Kriterion", ZSWH I, 57-75 AB380.5 Peter C. Verhagen, "Tibetan expertive on Sanskrit grammar–a case-study: grammatical analysis of the term pratityasamutpada", JTibS 8, 1985, 21-48 AB381 Georg von Simson, "Stil und Schulzugeh?rigkeit buddhistischer Sanskrittexte", ZSWH I, 76-93 AB382 Solomon Abeyasekara, "The process of sense-recognition in Buddhism", YB 1986, 85-90 AB382.3 Amrtaanda, A Shbort History of Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal. Kathmandu 1986 AB382.5 Anandamaitreya, Meditation on breathing: anapana-gati: development of mindfulness as expounded by the Buddha. Los Angeles, 1986 AB383 H. Bechert, Zur Schulzugeh?rigkeit von Werken der Hinayana Literatur. 2 Teile. Gottingen 1986-1987 AB384 James W. Boyd, "Suffering in Theravada Buddhism", SIP 145-162 AB385 Paul R. Fleischner, "The therapeutic action of vipassana", Wheel 229/230, 1986, 1-19 AB386 Rupert Gethin, "The five khandhas: their treatment in the Nikayas and early Abhidhamma", JIP 14, 1986, 36-54 AB387 Peter Harvey, "'Signless' meditations in Pali Buddhism", JIABS 9.1, 1986, 25-52 AB388 Peter Harvey, "The between-lives state in the Pali suttas", PIRKW 175-190 AB389 Tetsuo Hashimoto, "Time in early Buddhism", JAsSt 3.1, 1986, 101-112 AB390 Peter Masefield, Divine Revelation in Pali Buddhism. Colombo 1986 AB391 Bruce Matthew, "Post-classical developments in the concepts of karma and rebirth in Theravada Buddhism", KRPCD 123-144 AB392 Hajima Nakamura, "Analysis of the individual existence by way of Buddhist psychology", FPS 230-242 AB392.5 Joaquin Perez-Ramon, "The self and the production of pleasure and pain in early Buddhism", BAEO 17, 1981, 39-70 AB393 Edwina Pio, "The brahmavihara of early Buddhism", IPP 3, 1986, 35-50 AB394 Edwina Pio, "Mutations in the arahant ideal", Indica 23, 1986, 21-30 AB395 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "Psychology of transcendence: a study in early Buddhistic psychology", FPS 243-276 AB396 Ninian Smart, "Problems of the application of Western terminology to Theravada Buddhism", NSCE 113-118 AB397 Amadeo Sile-Leris, Tranquility and Insight. An Introduction to the Oldest Form of Buddhist Meditation. Boston 1986 AB398 Geshe Lhundub Sopa, "The special theory of pratityasamutpada: the cycle of dependent origination", JIABS 9.1, 1986, 105-120 AB399 Mahesh Tiwary, "Vedananupassana", JDBSDU 10, 1986, 7-14 AB400 Chi-Shin Yu, Early Buddhism and Christianity. Delhi 1986 AB401 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "The Mahasamghika school of Buddhist thought", JDBSDU 11.2, 1987, 1-5 AB402 Thich Thien Chau, "Les r?ponses des pudgalavadin aux critiques des ?coles bouddhiques", JIABS 10.1, 1987, 33-54 AB402.1 Steven Collins, "Kalyanamitta and kalyanamittata", JPTS 11, 1987, 51-72 AB402.3 Terence P. Day, Great Tradition and Little Tradition in Theravada Buddhist Studies. Lewiston 1987 AB403 Lily de Silva, "Nibbana as experience", SLJBS 1, 1987, 29-50 AB403.5 B.S.L.Hanumantha Rao, "the Saila sects of Andhakas", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 43-54 AB404 Lily de Silva, "Sense experience of the liberated being as reflected in early Buddhism", BudPhilCult 13-22 AB404.0 Mirko Fryba, Anleitung zum Glucklichsein: der Psychologie des Abhidhamma. Freiburg in Breisgau 1987. Translated as The Art of Happiness (Boston 1989). Reprinted as The Practice of Happiness (Boston 1995) AB404.1 R.M.L.Gethin, The Path to Awakening: A Study of the Thirty-Seven Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma in the Nikayas and Abhidharma. Two Volumes. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Manchester 1987. Printed as The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiya Dhamma (Leiden 1992) AB404.2 Nina van Gorkom, The Problem of Fear in Time of Grief: Two Letters on Dhamma. Kandy 1987 AB405 Frank J. Hoffman, "The pragmatic efficacy of saddha", JIP 15, 1987, 399-412 AB406 Frank J. Hoffman, Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism. Delhi 1987. Discussed by Peter Masefield, Numen 38, 1992, 256-260 and reply by Hoffman, Numen 39, 1992, 253 AB407 M. Karaluvinne, "Dharmaguptaka", EnBud 4.4, 1987, 526-526 AB408 Y. Karunadasa, "Abhidharma theory of pannatti--the category of the nominal and the conceptual", BudPhilCult 71-92 AB409 W.S.Karunaratne, "Background to the theory of levels of predication of reality in early Buddhism", BudPhilCult 1-12 AB410 Etienne Lamotte, "Religious suicide in early Buddhism", BSR 4.2, 1987, 105-118 AB410.1 Bandusena Wickremasinghe Madanayaka, A Study of Sankharas in Early Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Toronto 1987 AB410.5 Sodo Mori, "Chronology of the Sihala sources of the Pali commentaries", Bukkyo Kenkhu 16, 1987 - 17, 1988. Reprinted StPaliCom 21-106 AB411 P.D.Premasri, "Early Buddhist analysis of varieties of cognition", SLJBS 1, 1987, 51-69 AB412 P.D.Premasri, "Early Buddhist conception of ethical knowledge--a philosophical analysis", BudPhilCult 37-70 AB413 Vijitha Rajapakse, "Early Buddhism and John Stuart Mill's thinking in the fields of philosophy and religion: some notes towards a comparative study", PEW 37, 1987, 260-285 AB413.5 Satyapala, An Analytic Study of Death in Pali Triupitaka. 1987. Summarized in RBS pp. 86-88 AB414 Madawala Seelawimala and Arnold McKinley, "Sati (mindfulness) and the structure of the mind in early Buddhism", TPW 3, 1987, 3-14 AB414.5 Peter Skilling, "History and tenets of the Sammitiya school", Linh-san-Publication d/Etudes Buddhologiques 19, 1982, 38-52. Reprinted Articleschoisis AB415 Mahesh Tiwary, "Bhakti in early Buddhist traditions", HSAJIS 86-92 AB416 H.G.A.van Zeyst, "Dharmottariya", EnBud 4.4, 1988, 565 AB417 Phra Acharn Tharvee Baladhammo, "The development of purification and insight", BSR 5.1, 1988, 3-20 AB418 Andre Bareau, "Les d?buts de la predication du Buddha selon l'Ekottara-agama", BEFEO 77, 1988, 69-96 AB418.0.George D. Bond, "The arahant: sainthood in Theravada Buddhism", Sainthood 140-171 AB418.1 Francis X. Clooney, S.J., "Sacrifice and transcendence: a comparison of Buddhist and Mimamsa approaches", NBLBS 25-40 AB419 Collett Cox, "On the possibility of a nonexistent object of consciousness: Sarvastivadin and Darstantika theories", JIABS 11.1, 1988, 31-88 AB419.0 Lily de Silva, "Some exegetical techniques employed in the Pali commentaries", SLJBS 2, 1988, 91-108 AB419.1 S.N.Dube, "Some early Buddhist reflections on nirvana", NBLBS 59-66 AB420 Richard Gombrich, Theravada Buddhism. A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo. New York 1988 AB420.1 Nina van Gorkom, Buddhism in Daily Life. London 1988, 1992, 1996 AB421 Henepola Gunaratna, "The jhanas in Theravada Buddhist meditation", Wheel 351-353, 1988, 75 pp. AB422 Ruben L.F. Habito, "Buddhist philosophy as experiential path: a journey through the Sutta Nipata", IPQ 28, 1988, 125-140 AB422.1 Charles Hallisey, Devotion in the Buddhist Literature of Medieval Sri Lanka. Two volumes. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Chicago 1988, 1990 AB423 W.S.Karunaratne, The Theory of Causality in Early Buddhism. Indumati Karunaratne 1988 AB424 Bimlendra Kumar, Philosophy of Relations in Buddhist Philosophy. Delhi 1988 AB425 Peter Masefield, "The origin and development of the peta in early Buddhism", RCT 47-70 [?] AB426 Prabhakar Mishra, "The need for the idea of tathagata in early Buddhism", PBh 5, 1988, 67-70 AB426.1 Sodo Mori, "Uttaraviharatthakatha and Sarasamasa", JPTS 12, 1988, 1-48 AB427 Hari Shankar Prasad, "The concept of time in Pali Buddhism", EAW 38, 1988, 107-136 AB428 Nand Kishore Prasad, "The concept of paccekabuddha in early Buddhism", PBh 5, 1988, 45-50 AB428.1 Sibnath Sarma, "Pratityasamutpada: the Buddhist theory of causality", JUG 34, 1988, 180-187 AB429 Mahesh Tiwari, "Samatha meditation in Theravada Buddhism", BudSR 1988, 21-37 AB430 Chogyam Trungpa, Glimpses of Abhidharma. Delhi 1988 AB431 Tilmann Vetter, The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism. Leiden 1988 AB431.3 A. K. Anantanatham, "The notion of dhamma in early Theravada Buddhist tradition", JTS 35, 1989, 17-27 AB431.5 A. C. Banerjee, "The Vatsiputriya school of Buddhist thought", BMBCV 84-86 AB432 P.R.Barua, Early Buddhism and the Brahmanical Doctrines. Dacca n.d. AB432.0 Sukomal Barua, Paticcasamuppada: its twelve links in the wheel of becoming", DUS 46.1, 1989, 117-139 AB432.1 Kamaleshwar Bhattacharya, "Brahman in the Pali canon and in the Pali commentaries", Amala Prajna 15-31 AB432.1.1 Kamaleshwar Bhattacharya, "Some thoughts on atman-Brahman in early Buddhism", BMBCV 63-83 AB432.2 Saeng Chandra-Ngram, "The process of Buddhist enlightenment", Amala Prajna 301-317 AB432.2.5 Eric Cheetham, The Pre-Mahayanic Landscape. London 1989 AB432.3 Balkrishna Govind Gokhale, "Aloka Udapadi: the imagery of illuminations in early Buddhist literature", Amala Prajna 1-10 AB433 Winston L. King, "Sacramental aspects of Theravada Buddhist meditation", Numen 36, 1989, 248-256 AB433.0 Sodo Mori, "The value of the Pali commentaries as research material", Josai Studies in the Humanities 17.1, 1989. Reprinted StPaliCom 1-19 AB433.1 Walpola Rahula, "Validity and vitality of Theravada tradition", MW 64, 1989, 205-211 AB433.2 Bhiksu Satyapada, "A critique on asava", PBE 1989, 34-47 AB434 Martin Stuart-Fox, "Jhana and Buddhist scholasticism", JIABS 12.2, 1989, 79-110 AB434.0 C. Sunesin, "the interpretation of the samasin concept in the Pali Commentaries", ZDMG Supplement 7, 1989, 497-506 AB434.1 Nina van Gorkom, Abhidhamma in Daily life. London 1990, 1992, 1997 AB434.2 Nina van Gorkom, Conversations on Buddhism. London 1990 AB434.3 Nina van Gorkom, Inroduction to Buddhism. London 1990 AB435 Carl Suneson, "The interpretation of the samasisin concept in the Pali commentaries", ZDMG, Supplement 7, 1989, 497-506 AB435.1 Upali Karunaratne, "Ekabboharika", EnBud 5.1, 1990, 46-47 AB435.2 Upali Karunaratne, "Ekabiji", EnBud 5.1, 1990, 47 AB436 Phra Khantipala, "The limits of Theravada Buddhism", BudSR 7, 1990, 25-38 AB436.0.5 Kenneth P. Kramer, "Theravadin Buddhist commentaryon the current state of Western epistemology", BChS AB436.0 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Ekaggata", EnBud 5.1, 1990, 48-49 AB436.01 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Ekothibhava", EnBud 5.1, 1990, 59-51 AB436.02 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Elements", EnBud 5.1, 1990, 51-52 AB436.1 K.R.Norman, "Aspects of early Buddhism", 7WSC 2, 24-35. Reprinted KRNCP 4, 124-138 AB437 Mahesh Tiwary, "Process of death in early Buddhism", Ajaya-Sri 561-565 AB438.1 Bhavani Trivedi, "The concept of change--as treated in Buddhism: Section I: Hinayana Buddhism", Sambodhi 17, 1990-91, 68-80 AB438 Jonathan S. Walters, "The Buddha's bad karma: a problem in the history of Theravada Buddhism", Numen 37, 1990, 90-95 AB439 Karel Werner, "The palace of rationality in early Buddhism", BudSR 7, 1990, 25-38 AB439.1 Martin G. Wiltshire, Ascetic Figures Before and In Early Buddhism. Berlin 1990 AB440 Heinz Bechert, "Methodological considerations concerning the language of the earliest Buddhist tradition", BudSR 8, 1991, 3-20 AB441 Grace Burford, Desire, Death and Goodness: The Conflict of Ultimate Values in Theravada Buddhism. New York 1991 AB441.1 William Hale Burns, The Doctrine of Anatman in Early Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Texas at Austin 1991; Ann Arbor 1997 AB441.1.0 Madhumita Chattopadhyaya, "Pratityasamutpada, sunyata and human actions", JJP 3.2, 1991, 73-80 AB441.1.1 Beatrice Vogt Fryba and Mirko Fryba, "Silabatta--virtuous performance", SLJBS 3, 1991, 71-104 AB441.1.2 Mirko Fryba, Abhidhamma Zaklady meditativne psychoterapie a psychohygieny. Praha 1991 AB441.1.3 Nina van Gorkom, The Perfections Leading to Enlightenment. London 1991 AB441.1.5 Menakshi Gupta, Concept of Suffering n the Early Buddhist Tradition. 1991. Summarized ub RBS pp. 126-127 AB441.2 Kanai Lal Hazra, Studies on Pali Commentaries. Delhi 1991 AB441.3 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Faculties", EnBud 5, 1991, 199-203 AB442 Baidyanath Labh, Panna in Early Buddhism. Delhi 1991 AB442.1 K.R.Norman, "The literary works of the Abhayagiriviharins", Kalyanamittam 41-50. Reprinted KRNCP 4, 202-217 AB442.2 K.R.Norman, "Theravada Buddhism and brahmanical Hinduism" in T. Skorupski (ed.), The Buddhist Forum 2 (1991), 193-200. Reprinted KRNCP 4, 271-280 AB442.2.1 P. D. Premasiri, "Vimarnaka Sutta and applications of contemporary philosophy of religion to early Buddhism",SLJBS 3, 1991, 145-154 AB442.2.1.5 Sunananda Putuwar, "The similarities and differences between Theravada and Mahayana", WFBR 23.4, 1991, 17-24 AB442.2.2 Shanta Ratnayaka, "Quantum physics foreshadowed in the Abhidhamma", SLJBS 3, 1991, 125-134 AB442.3 Gregory Schopen, "Archaeology and Protestant presuppositions in the study of Indian Buddhism", HistR 31, 1991, 1-23 AB442.3.0 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Gokulika", EnBud 5, 1991, 357-358 AB442.3.01 Henry Weerasinghe, "The mind in early Buddhism", University of Colombo Review 10, 1991, 35-41 AB442.3.02 D. Amasiri Weeratne, "Antarabhava: the interior plane of beings seeking rebirth", WRBR 28.3, 1991, 10-14 AB442.3.1.E. Zurcher, "A new look at the earliest Chinese Buddhist texts", FBB 277-300 AB442.4 Rupert Gethin, "The matikas: memorization, mindfulness, and the list", IMM 149-172 AB442.6 Upali Karunaratne, "Hinayana", EnBud 5, 1992, 453-455 AB442.7 Upali Karunaratne, "Hasituppada-citta", EnBud 5, 1992, 416 AB443.1 Archie J. Bahm, "Buddhism: Gotamavada vs. Theravada", Darshana 32.2, 1992, 1-16 AB444 Heinz Bechert, "Buddha-Field and transfer of merit in a Theravada source", IIJ 35, 1992, 95-108 AB444.1 Grace G. Burford, "Theravada Buddhist soteriology and the paradox of desire", PathsLib 107-134 AB445 Robert E. Buswell, Jr., "The path to perdition: the wholesome roots and their eradication", PathsLib 107-134 AB446 Pratab Chandra, "Atomism and Buddhism: a note on T.W.Rhys Davids' approaches to early Buddhism", PHCDPS 11-22 AB446.01 Collett Cox, "The unbroken treatise: scripture and argument in early Buddhist scholasticism", in Innovation in Religious Traditions (ed. Michael Williams and Martin Jaffe). The Hague 1992, 143-189 AB446.03 Padmal de Silva, "Aversive strategies for behaviour changes in early Buddhism", BSPF 15-17 AB446.1 Richard Wallace Harding, An Examination of Charles Hartshorne's Process Philosophy of Religion in the Light of Abhidharma Buddhist Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, American University 1992 AB446.2 Paul Harrison, "Is the dharmakaya the real 'phantom body' of the Buddha?", BSPF 26-28 AB446.3 Peter Harvey, "The mind-body relationship in Pali Buddhism: a philosophical investigation", BSPF 29-30 AB447 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "On the ignorance of the arhat", PathsLib 135-146. Reprinted CPBS 167-181 AB448 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Smrti in the Abhidharma literature and the development of Buddhist accounts of memory of the past", IMM 47-60. Reprinted CPBS 281-295 AB448.0 Nanasatta Mahathera, Zaklady buddhismu. Translated by Mirko Fryba. Praha 1992, 1995 AB448.1 Nyanaponika Thera, "The omission of memory in the Theravada list of dhamma: on the nature of sanna", IMM 61-66 AB448.2 Winston L. King, Theravada Meditation. The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga. Delhi 1992 AB448.3 Narasimgha Panda, "The concept of indriya in Buddhism", VIJ 30, 1992, 89-96 AB448.4 Amalia Pezzali, "The four noble truths (aryasatya)" an analysis", BSPF 45-47 AB449 Robert Robbins, "The concept of anatta in early Buddhism", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 631-632 AB449.0 Vijay Kumar Sharma, "Concept of matter in early Buddhism", PBh 6, 1992, 35-47 AB449.1 Jikido Takasaki, "On gotrabhu", WZKSOA 36, 1992, Supplement 251-260 AB450 Mahesh Tiwari, "Process of death in early Buddhism", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 160-161 AB450.0 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Haimavata", EnBud 5, 1992, 406-408 AB450.05 Bangwei Wang, "Buddhist nikayas through ancient Chinese eyes", BSPF 65-72 AB450.00 Andre Bareau, "Le nirvana selon le bouddhisme antique dit Hinayana", L'Herme 223-241 AB450.1 Amal K. Barua, Mind and Mental Factors in Early Buddhist Psychology. New Delhi 1993 AB451 Heinz Bechert, "The nikayas of medieval Sri Lanka and the unification of the sangha by Parakramabahu I", SBWarder 11-21 AB451.01 Roderick S. Bucknell, "Reinterpreting the jhanas, JIABS 16.2, 1993, 375-409 AB451.01.5 John Ross Carter, On Understanding Buddists: Essays on the Theravada Tradition in Sri Lanka. Albany, N.Y. 1993; Delhi 1995 AB451.02 Collett Cox, "Dependent origination: its elaboration in early Sarvastivadin Abhidharma texts", RIBP 119-142 (same as SV28.2) AB451.03 Anagarika Govinda, Buddhist Reflections. Translated by Maurice Walshe. Delhi 1993 AB451.04 Peter Harvey, "The mind-body relationship in Pali Buddhism: a philosophical investigation", AsPOxford 3.1, 1993, 29-42 AB451.05 Akira Hirakawa, "The relationship between paticcasamuppada and dhatu", RIBP 105-118 AB451.06 Lal Mani Joshi, "Comments on 'Is early Buddhism atheistic' by David J. Kalupahana", BSR 10.2, 1993, 207-211 AB451.06.01 Indumathia Karunaratne, "Isi", EnBud 5, 1993, 589-591 AB451.06.02 Upali Karunaratne, "Indriya-samatta", EnBud 5, 1993, 556-567 AB451.06.03 Upali Karunaratne, "Indriya-samvara", EnBud 5, 1993, 567-568 AB451.06.04 Upali Karunaratne, "Indriyaparapariyotta nana", EnBud 5, 1993, 565-566 AB451.06.1 Hegoda Khemananda, Logic and Epistemology in Theravada (Theravada Nyaya). Translated by Asanga Tilakaratna. Colombo 1993 AB451.07 Bimalendra Kumar, "The law of dependent origination and relations", IndPQ 20, 1993, 391-400 AB451.2 Sanath Nanayakkara and K. Wimalajothi et al., eds., Buddhism: A Graduated Course. Four Steps. Sri Lanka 1993 AB451.2.0 B.S.L.Hanumanta Rao, "Theravada system in Andhradesa", B 101, 1993, 68-72 AB451.2.00 K. R. Norman, "The languages of early Buddhism", PCEL 83-99 AB451.2.1 Hajime Sakurabe, "Abhidharma", BudSp 67-78 AB451.3 N.H.Samtani, "A study of aspects of raga", RIBP 61-68 AB451.4 Masi Sayado, Meditace vsiimavosti a vledu (Satipatthana-Vipassana): Zakladni a pokrocile stupna. Praha 1993, 1995 AB452 Arvind Sharma, "Attitude toward past lives in Theravada Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta", SBWarder 145-148 AB453 Braj Sinha, "Notion of transcendence and soteriology in Abhidharma and Samkhya-Yoga", BHISS 56-88 AB454 Nina von Gorkom, The World in the Buddhist Sense. London 1993 AB457 Chandra B. Varma, Buddhist Phenomenology: A Theravada Perspective. Delhi 1993 AB457.1 Oskar von Hin?ber, "From colloquial to standard language. The oral phase in the development of Pali", PCEL 101-113 AB457.7 R.K.Nanayakkara, "Iddhi", EnBud 5, 1993, 508-510 AB457.8 R.K.Nanayakkara, "Iddhipada", EnBud 5, 1993, 510-511 AB458 S.G.M.Weerasinghe, A Comparative Study of Early Buddhism and Kantian Philosophy. Colombo 1993 AB458.5 Senarat Wijesundara, "Indriya-paccaya", EnBud 5, 1993, 564-565 Ab458.6 Senarat Wijesundara, "Indrioyapatha", EnBud 5, 1993, 588 AB459 Angraj Chaudhury, "The concept of matter in early Buddhism", EBPL 38-46 AB459.01 Angraj Chaudhary, "Concept of paccekabuddha", EBPL 38-46 AB459.02 Angraj Chaudhary, The altruistic motive and the changing ideals of Bodhisattva as revealed from the Dana Paramita", EBPL 117-123 AB459.03 Angraj Chaudhury, "Vipassana - a distinct contribution of Buddhism to world culture", EBPL 208-221 AB459.05 J. W. de Jong, "The beginnings of Buddhism", HBK 20, 1994, 1-18 AB460 Rupert Gethin, "Bhanga and rebirth according to Abhidhamma", BF 3, 1994, 11-36 AB460.0 Balkrishna Govind Gokhale, New light on Early Buddhism.Bombay 1994 AB460.1 Y. Karunadasa, "Nibbanic experience: a non-transcendental interpretation", SLJBS 4, 1994, 1-4 AB460.2 Kanai Lal Hazra, Pali Language and Literature. New Delhi 1994 AB461 Robert Kritzer, "Aksepahetu and abhinivrttihetu among the ten hetus and in interpretations of the pratiityasamutpada formula", JIBSt 42.2, 1994, 28-33 AB462 Robert Kritzer, "Cittaviprayuktasamskaras in the Abhidharma and the Yogacara", JIBSt 43.1, 1994, 9-15 AB462.0 Sodo Mori, with Y. Karunadasa and Toshiichi Ende, The Pali Atthakatha Correspondence Table. Oxford 1994 AB462.1 Bandana Mukhopadhyay, "Scientific basis of the paticcasamuppada", JASBe 36.1, 1994, 75-78 AB462.2 Kenneth R. Norman, "Mistaken ideas about nibbana", BF 3, 1994, 211-226 (old number AB456.1) AB463 Braj Sinha, Notion of transcendence and soteriology in Abhidharma and Samkhya Yoga", HBISS 1994, 56-887 AB463.5 Nina van Gorkom, The Buddha's Path. London 1994, 1995 AB464 Oskar von Hinuber, "Die neun angas. Ein fr?hen Versuch zuer Einteilung buddhistischer Texte", WZKSOA 39, 1994, 121-136 AB464.1 Oskar von Hinuber, "Vinaya und Abhidhamma", SII 19, 1994, 109-222 AB464.5 O. H. de Wijesekere, "The concept of vinnana in Theravada Buddhism", BVSAM 1994, 103-112 AB464.6 .Ryoda Yasui, Theory of Soul in Theravada Buddhism. Calcutta 1994 AB464.7 Osama Yoshida, "Uniqueness of dependent origination (paticcasamuppada)", JIBSt 43.1, 1994, 23-26 AB465 Bela Bhattacharya, Facets of Early Buddhism. A Study of Fundamental Principles. Calcutta 1995 AB465.3 Matthieu Boisvert, The Five Aggregates: Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology. Waterloo, Ont. 1995. Reprinted Delhi 1997 AB465.4 Sajin Borihararnwerkhet, Metta: Loving Kindness in Buddhism. Translated by Nina van Gorkom. London 1995 AB465.3 Padmasiri de Silva, "Theoretical perspective on emotion in early Buddhjism", EAT 109-122 AB465.4 Dhammavihari, "Buddhist ethics of pancasila: their universal acclaimability", WRBK 32.3, 1995, 24-44 AB465.5 Sumanapala Galmangoda, "Theravada theory of sounds and meanings as reflected in the Pali: traditional grammar", SLJBS 4, 1995, 163-174 AB465.6 Charles Hallisey, "Roads taken and not taken in the study of Theravada Buddhism", CurB 31-62 AB466 Sue Hamlton, "Anatta: a different approach", MW 70, 1995, 47-60 AB467 Peter Harvey, "Contemporary characterisations of the "philosophy" of Nikayan Buddhism", BudSR 12, 1995, 109-134 AB467.5 Akira Hirakawa, "The formation of the pancasila in early Buddhism", WFBK 32.3, 1995, 8-23 AB468 Somapala Jayawardhaene, "A critical introduction to the study of Pali Tikas", Sesquicentennial Volume of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (ed. G.P.S.H. de Silva and C.G.Uragoda)(Colombo 1995), 285-318 AB468.5 Joy Manne, "Case histories from the Pali canon", JPTS 21, 1995, 1-128 AB468.5.5 B.N.Mishra, "Early Buddhist schools at Nalanda", JGJRI 50-51, 1994-95, 429-440 AB468.6 Subhra Pavagadhi, "The Buddhist Councils", TBHTB AB469.Phra Prayudh Payutto, Buddhadhamma. Natural Laws and Values for Life. Translated by Grant A. Olson. Albany, N.Y. 1995 AB469.1 R. K. Rama, "Expansion of Buddhism in India",TBHTB 75-88 AB470 Ngawang Santan, "Northern Buddhism - an inappropriate term", BRMIC 46, 1995, 206-209 AB470.00 Indra Narain Singh, A Study of the Universal Flux in Theravada Buddhism. 1995. Summarized in RBS p. 164 AB470.0 Peter Skilling, "On the five aggregates of attachment", WFBK 32.2, 1995, 39-56 AB470.1 Ninian Smart, "Theravada Buddhism and the definition of religion", Sophia 34.1, 1995, 161-166 AB471.Suwanda H.J. Sugunasiri, "The whole body, hot heart, a 'seat of consciousness'; the Buddha's view", PEW 45, 1995, 409-430 AB471.5 Oskar von Hinuber, Studien zur Literatur des Theravada Buddhismus. Mainz 1995 AB472 Mathieu Boisvart, "Death as a meditation subject in Theravada Buddhism", BSR 13, 1996, 37-54 AB472.1 George D. Bond, "Theravada Buddhism's two formulations of the dasa sila and the ethics of the gradual path", PaliBud 17-42 AB472.2 Chritopher Key Chapple, "Abhidharma as paradigm for practice", PaliBud 79-100 AB472.2.5 Douglas Fernando, Die Theravada-Buddhism und die Auffassung von Gott und Menschen der biblischen Theologie. Berlin 1976 AB472.3 Padmasiri de Silve, "Suicide and emotional ambivalence, an early Buddhist perspective", PaliBud 117-132 AB472.4 G. Dharmasiri, "A Buddhist critique of Theravada", PaliBud 141-154 AB472.4.5 Mirko Fryba, Psychologie zvladani zivota: aplikace netody abhidhamma. Brno 1996 AB472.5 Mitchell Ginsberg, The Far Shore: Vippasana, the Practice of Insight. Delhi 1996 AB472.6 Henepole Gunaratna (Thera), "Akalika dhamma", SLJBS 5, 1996, 15-29 AB472.8 Sue Hamilton, Identity and Experience. The Constitution of the Human Being according to Early Buddhism. London 1996 AB473 Kana Lal Hazra, History of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia with special reference to India and Ceylon. New Delhi 1996 AB473.0 Upali Karunaratne, "Jhana", EnBud 6, 1996, 50-55 AB473.00 Upali Karunaratne, "Jhana", EnBud 6, 1996, 50-55 AB473.01 Upali Karunaratne, "Kankhavitaranavisuddhi", EnBud 6, 1996, 137 AB473.1 N. Kashiwahara, "Metta in Pali Buddhism", BudIA 79-89 AB473.1.0 (Sister) Khema, "Can women attain nibbana?", WFBR 33.4, 1996, 27-35 AB473.1.1 Rajah Kuruppa, "The Buddhist goal of nibbana", Buddhist 67.1, 1996, 34-38 AB483.1.2 Palitha Manchanayaka, "Concept of anatta or 'egolessness' in Buddhism", Buddhist 67.3, 1996, 14-17 AB483.1.3 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Kamacchanda", EnBud 6, 1996, 105-106 AB473.2 Taina Nieminen, "Tanha, kamma, and reincarnation", CTA 41-58 AB473.3 Andrew Olendzki, "A proposed model of early Buddhist liberation", PaliBud 43-56 AB473.4 O. P. Pathak, "Inherent characteristics of noble truths", BudIA 1996, 13-22 AB473.5 K. H. Potter, Robert Buswell, Jr., Padmanabh S. Jaini, and Noble Ross Reat, eds., Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. Vol. 7 of The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies (Delhi 1996) AB474.Charles S. Prebish, "Saiksa-dharmas revisited: further considerations of Mahasamghika origins", HistR 35, 1996, 258-270 AB474.0 Bogoda Premaratna, "Gaining entrance to the stream", Buddhist 67.1, 1996, 13-187 AB474.01 V.N.Seshagiri Rao, "Hume and early Buddhism", JMysoreU 58, 1996, 8-13 AB474.1 Shanta Ratnayaa, "Process of philosophy and Theravada Buddhism", PaliBud 184-195 AB474.2 Deshabandu Alec Robertson, "Can one realize nibbana in this life itself?", Buddhist 67.4, 1996-97: 1-4, 6 AB474.3 D. Saddhasena, "Kabalinkarahara", EnBud 6, 1996, 75 AB474.4 D. Saddhasena, "Kammapatha", EnBud 6, 1996, 121-122 AB475 Mark Siderits, "Do persons supervene on skandhas?", JIPR 1, 1996, 55-76 AB475.5 Bhupendra Nath Singh, "Importance of Theravada school", PBh 7, 1996, 87-91 AB476 Sanghasen Singh, "The problem of existence and non-existence in Buddhism", ABSGB 93-109 AB477 Ninian Smart, "Theravada and processes: nirvana as meta-process", PaliBud 196-205 AB477.3 Dhammaratna Tampalawela, "Some remarks on the anatta (no-soul) doctrine", WFBR 33.1, 1996, 40-45 AB477.5 Asanga Tilakaratne, "Kamma", EnBud 6, 1996, 108-121 AB478 Mahesh Tiwary, "Concept of purification of mind in early Buddhism", BudIA 13-22 AB478.1 Oskar von Hin?ber, A Handbook of Pali Literature (Indian Philology and South Asian Studies, Volume 2). Berlin 1996, 1997 AB479 Henry Weerasinghe, "Some aspects of early Buddhist psychology", SLJBS 5, 1996, 166-180 AB479.5 A.G.Weeratne, "Kamasukhallikanuyoga", EnBud 6, 1996, 107-108 AB479.6 Per Arne Berglie and Carl Suneson, "Arhatschaft und selbstmord--zur buddhistischen interpretation von cetanabhabbha/cetanadharman and attasamcetana/atmasamcetana", Kalyanamitraraganam 13-48 AB479.7 Binayendra Nath Choudhury, "Treatment of relations (paccaya) in Abhidhamma system", JDPaliUC 7, 1997, 11-23 AB480 Tampalawala Dhammaratna, "Une ?cole bouddhique originale: les personalistes (puggalavadin)", RRBS 118-137 AB485 Toshiichi Endo, "The Theravada notion of the eighteen qualities of a Buddha (attarasabuddhadhamma)", RRBS 173-193 AB485.1 Toshiichi Endo, Buddhism in Theravada Buddhism: a Study of the Concept of Burrha in the Pali Commentaries. Nedimala 1997 AB490 Sumanapala Galmangoda, "Definitions of phenomena and the noumenon in the exegetical works of the Theravada Abhidhamma", RRBS 194-210 AB495 Rupert Gethin, "Wrong view (miccha-ditthi) and right view (samma-ditthi) in the Theravada Abhidhamma", RRBS 211-229 AB599 P. Gnanarama, "Tathagata: a study of the canonical and commentarial definitions", RRBS 230-241 AB504 Paul Harrison, "The Ekottarikagama translations of An Shigao", BVSK 281-284 AB505 Peter Harvey, "Psychological aspects of Theravada Buddhist meditation training: cultivating an I'less self", RRBS 341-355 AB508 Trevor Oswald Ling, Buddhism and Mythology of Evil: A Study in Theravada Buddhism. Oxford 1997 AB510 Shiro Matsumoto and Nobuyoshi Yanabe, "A critical exchange on the idea of dhatu-vada", PBT 1997, 205-219 AB515 AloysiusPieris, S.J., "Cakkhy-vinnana which is dassanamatta: visual perception or non-perceptual vision?", RRBS 540-566 AB520 Jeffrey Samuels, "The Bodhisattva ideal in Theravada Buddhism philosophy and practice: a reevaluation of the Bodhisattva-Sravaka opposition", PEW 47, 1997, 399-416 AB525 Clive Sherlock, "Dharma, dhatu, and skandha", MW 72.3, 1997, 131-141 AB530 Asanga Tilakaranta, "Saddha: a prerequisite of religious action", RRBS 593-611 AB530.5 G.B.Upreti, Early Buddhist Outlook in Historical Perspective, New Delhi 1997 AB535 Mark R. Woodward, "The biographical imperative in Theravada Buddhism", SBBT 40-63 AB535.5 P. Yogi, "The jhanas in the Theravada Buddhism", Bulletin of Tibetology 1997.2, 44-48 AB536 Dipak Kumar Barua, "The basic foundation of Theravada Buddhism", FacIC 381-392 AB537 Jayanti Chattopadhyay, "Rupasamutthana in Abhidhamma", JDPaliUC 8, 1998, 74-77 AB538 H. Nakamura, "The ideal ultimate goal in life in the early Buddhism", ITA 23-24, 1997-98, 197-204 AB539 Sanghasen Singh, "The concept of man in early Buddhism", FacIC 152-176 AB539.4 Claudia Weber, "Der Buddha nach der Lehre des Theravada", WerB 35-49 AB539.5 Carol S. Anderson, Pain and Its Ending. The Four Noble Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon. Surrey 1999; Delhi 2001 AB539.5.5 Harvey B. Aronson, "Death in the Theravada Buddhist tradition", LDBC 27-36 AB539.6 T. Ariyadhamma, "Kkhanda-parinibbana", EnBud 6, 1999, 201-202 AB539.7 T. Ariyadhamma, "Khanti", EnBud 6, 1999, 202-204 AB539.8 T. Ariyadhamma, "Kilesa-parinibbana", EnBud 6, 1999, 222 AB540 Torkel Brekke, "The religious motivation of early Buddhists", JAAR 67, 1999, 849-866 AB540.5 Roderick S. Bucknell, "Conditioned arising evolves: variation and change in textual accounts of the paticca-samuppada doctrine", JIABS 22, 1999, 311-342 AB541 Thich Thien Chau, The Literature of the Personalists of Early Buddhism. Buddhist Translation Series 39, Delhi 1999 AB542 Bradley Clough, Noble Persons and their Paths: a Study in Indian and Theravada Buddhist Soteriological Typologies. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia U. 1999 AB542.1 Pradyumna Dubey, "The place of Sautrantika in Sarvastivada", BudCompL 112-124 AB542.2 Paul Harrison, "Philology in the field: some comments on selected rDa mang texts in the Tabo collection", Tabo2 37-54 AB542.3 Bhagchandra Jain, "The nature of religion in sramana culture", BudCompL 54-86 AB542.5 Upali Karunaratne, "Khanda", EnBud 6, 1999, 192-201 AB542.6 Upali Karunaratne, "Kilesa", EnBud 6, 1999, 213-222 AB542.7 Wan Doo Kim, The Theravadin Doctrine of Momentariness. D.Phil. Thesis, U. of Oxford 1999 AB542.8 Bimalendra Kumar, "Abhidharma texts in Tibetan", PBh 20, 1999, 64-76 AB543 Christian Lindtner, "What is the dharmas' caturbhadra?", IIJ 42, 1999, 121-140 AB544 Choong Mun-Keat, The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism. Second revised edition Delhi 1999 AB544.2 Leonard C., D. C. Priestley, Pudgalavada Buddhism: The Reality of the Indeterminate Self. South Asian Papers #12. Monograph #1. Toronto 1999 AB544.3 V.V.S.Saibaba, "The object of Buddha's teaching with reference to Theravada refutation of creator/God/Absolute", BudCompL 95-111 AB544.4 Satyapala, "Ethico-eschatological perspective of death in early Buddhism", JDPaliUC 9, 1999, 26-40 AB544.6 Rina Sircar, The Psycho-ethical Aspects of Abhidhamma. Lanham, Md. 1999 AB544.9 G.A.Somaratne, "Intermediate existence and the higher fetters in the Pali nikayas", JPTS 25, 1999, 121-154 AB545 Nina von Gorkom, Cetasikas. London 1999 AB546 Siglinde Dietz, "Citta and related concepts in the Sanskrit mss. from the Turfan finds", BSR 17, 2000, 127-149 AB547 Hubert Durt, "Du lambeau de chair au d?membrement. Le renoncement au corps dans le bouddhisme ancien", BEFEO 87.1, 2000, 7-22 AB547.3 Sue Hamilton, Early Buddhism. A New Approach. The I of the Buddha. Richmond, Surrey 2000 AB547.4 Peter Harvey, "The mind and its development in Theravada Buddhism", CandC 33, 2000, 65-82 AB547.4 Bhagchandra Jain, "Rudiments of anekantavada in early Pali literature", JTMFRT 119-126 AB547.5 Ashin Jatila, Dhamma Discourses. Cp. by U Hla Kyaing, Yangan, Myanmar 2000 AB548 Robert Kritzer, "The four way of entering the womb (garbhavakranti)", Bukkyo Bunka ((Buddhist Culture:Kyushu Ryukoku Jion College) 10, 2000, 1-41 AB550 Robert Kritzer, "Rupa and the antarabhava", JIP 28, 2000, 235-272 AB551 Steven Mandelkar, "The renunciation of sense-pleasure in Christian and Theravada Buddhist doctrine", PV 1.2, 2000, 36-59 AB552 Kazunoba Matsuda, "Three fragments related to the Sariputra-Abhidharma", ManSC 2, 239-248 AB553 David Montalvo, "On the propositional treatment of anatmavada in early Buddhism and atmavada in Hinduism", AsPOxford 10, 2000, 205-212 AB555 Dickwala Piyananda, "Pali Tipitaka: its commentaries, sub-commentaries and English translation", GSLB 47-60 AB556 Ram Kumar Ratnam, "The evolution of the concept of duhkha in early Buddhism", Sankaran 138-152 AB558 Klaus Schimmelpfennig, "'Strabet ohne Vertless'. Uber die Bedeutung der Sotapannaschaft", Yana 53, 2000, 107-114 AB559 Christins Schoenwerth, "Der paticcasamuppada: Die Kausalitatskett aus fruh buddhistische Sicht", Yana 53, 2000, 102-105 AB560 Christine Schoenwerth, "Der puggala: die Last und ihr Trager", Yama 53, 2000, 67-76 AB561 Christine Schoenwerth, "Einfuhrung in die Vipassana-Samatha Meditation der Fruhbuddhistischen Lehre", Yana 53, 2000, 1-33 AB561.5 A Parashar Sen, "Emergence of religious consciousness in early Deccan--the case of Buddhism", Sankaran 153-163 AB561.6 Ninian Smar, "Mysticism and scripture in Theravada Buddhism", MySS 232-241 AB562 Lance Cousins, "On the Vibhajjavadins", BudSR 18, 2001, 131-183 AB562.5 Collett Cox, "Dharmaguptaka", EnB 1, 2001, 225 AB563 S.N.Dube, "Cross-currents of Buddhist thought in the age of Asoka", LTC 618-644 AB562.5 Sue Hamilton, Early Buddhism: A New Approach. The I of the Beholder. Richmond, Surrey 2000 AB563 Peter Harvey, "Coming to be and passing away", BudSR 18, 2001, 183-215 AB564 Shohei Ichimura, "Abhidharmika logical crisis and Madhyamika dialectical solution" (reference lost) AB564.5 Lalit 'Shravak', "Misrakabhidharmahrdayasastra: fusion of bahirdesaka and Kasmira Abhidharma traditions", IIJBS 2, 2001, 71-84 AB565 Rita Langer, Das Bewusstsein als Tr?ger des Lebens: einige Weniger beachtete Aspekte des Vinnana in Palikanon.. Wien 2001 AB565.5 Dewelegama Madhananda, A Comparative Study of the Middle Path in Early Buddhism and Mahayana Madhyamika Philosophy. 2001. Summarized in RBSD pp. 211-212 AB566 Robert G. Morrison, "Two cheers for tanha", ContB 2, 2001, 99-116 AB567 Jagat Pal, "The theory of birth and death in early Buddhism", IndPQ 28, 2001, 375-384 AV568 Rakesh Ranjan, A Study of the Origin and Development of the Exegetical Literature in Palil up to Sixth Century A.D. 2001 Summarized in RBS pp. 213-214 AB569 N.H.Samtani, "Pali canonical literature", LTC 585-617 AB570 Christine Schoenwerth, "Zu viel oder zu venig Phantasie?", Yana 54, 2001, 7-31 AB571 Christing Schoenwerth, "Die Satipatthana-Meditationem", Yana 54, 2001, 143-166 AB575 Ajahn Sucitto, "Punna or merit", PB 105, 2001, 122-125 AB579 Thich Minh Than, The Mind in Early Buddhism. New Delhi 2001 AB581 Chandra B. Varma, "Philosophy and psychology in Theravada", LTC 740-812 AB582 A.M.Ruwan Bandare Adhikari, "Micchaditthi", EnBud 6, 2002, 675-676 AB582.5 Aisarya Biswas, "Origin of anatta-dilemma to a novice", JDPUC 11, 2002, 54-59 AB583 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Patanjali and the Buddhists", in Buddhist and Indian Studies in Honour of Professor Sodo Mori (Hamamatsu, Japan 2002), 485-491 (same as 131.1.259) AB584 Michael S. Drummond, "Therapy, satipatthana and the observation of bodily feelings", PV 3.2, 2002, 53-66 AB585 James R. Egge, Religion, Giving and the Invention of Karma in Theravada Buddhism. Richmond, Surrey 2002 AB587 Eli Franco, "Towards a reconstruction of the Spitzer manuscript--the dialectical position", WZKSOA 46, 2002, 171-224 AB587.4 M. Karalivinna, "Mahimsasaka, or Mahisasaka", EnBud 6, 2002, 556-558 AB587.5 Tilak Kariyawasan, "Some aspects in the development and early conceptions of omniscience in Theravada and in early Mahayana Buddhism", BSHPLD 135-151 AB587.6 Suvimala Karunaratne, "Marana", EnBud 6, 2002, 632-636 AB587.7 Suvimala Karunaratne, "Marananussati", EnBud 6, 2002, 636-639 AB587.8 Suvimala Karunaratne, "Metta", EnBud 6, 2002, 668-673 AB587.9 Upali Karunaratne, "Maggamaggananadassanavisuddhi", EnBud 6, 2002, 383-384 AB587.9.3 Ulrich T. Kragh, "The extant Abhidharma-literature", IIJBS 3, 2002, 123-168 AB587.9.5 Surita Kumari, "A comparative study of samadhi and dhyanayoga in early Buddhism and the Bhagavadgita", NNMRP 8, 2002, 173-183 AB588 M.J.Marasinghe, "Mahasanghika", EnBud 6, 2002, 470-478 AB588.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Mahabhinikkhamana", EnBud 6, 2002, 389-392 AB589 Tomanichi Nitta, "The meaning of dhammakaya in Pali Buddhism", JIBSt 51,1, 2002, 45-47 AB591 Satyendra Kumar Pandey, Abhidhamma Philosophy. Delhi 2002 AB592 M. V. Ram Kumar Ratnam, "Nuddhist prespective of mindfulness: satipatthana", SRP 125-134 AB592.5 Indra Narain Singh, Philosophy of Universal Flux in Theravada Buddhism. Delhi 2002 AB593 Gyana Ratna Sraman, "A comparative study between samadhi and jhana in Theravada Buddhism", JIBSt 51.1, 2002, 48-51 AB594 Candra B. Verma, Dictionary of Abhidharmic Terms. Ranchi 2002 AB594.5 Chandra Wickramagamage, "Matika", EnBud 6, 2002, 656-657 AB594.6 Bellanvila Wimalaratana, "The transition of buddhakaya concept from Theravada to Mahayana", BSHPLD 152-157 AB594.8 Wit Wisdavet, "Theravada Buddhist ethics", CJBS 1.1, 2002, 1-24 AB595 Alexander Wynne, "An interpretation of 'released on both sides' (ubhato-bhago-vimutti) and the ramifications for the study of early Buddhism", BudSR 19.1, 2002, 31-40 AB596 Yogasthachaitanya, "Cultivating the spirit of dispassion in Theravada Buddhism", VK 89, 2002, 424-427 AB596.4 Giulio Agostini, "Partial upasaka, BudS 1-34 AB596.5 Analayo, Satipatthana, The Direct Path to Realization. Birmingham 2003 AB596.7 Subira Barua, "Abhijjha in the light of Sallekha Sutta", JDPUC 12, 2003, 66-67 AB596.8 Sumangal Barua, "Concept of avijja in Buddhist thought", JDPUC 12, 2003, 107-114 AB597 Stephen C. Berkwitz, "History and gratitude in Theravada Buddhism", JAAR 71, 2003, 579-604 AB597.3 Ellison Banks Findly, Giving and Getting in Pali Buddhism. Delhi 2003 AB597.3.5 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Science and philosophy in early Buddhism", Anviksa 24, 203, 13-22 AB597.4 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Early Buddhism", TMSR 27-42 AB597.5 Maria Heim, "The aesthetics of excess", JAAR 71, 2003, 531-554 AB597.6 Mahinda Deegalle, "Theravada pre-understandings in Understanding Mahayana", TMSR 43-64 AB597.7 Pascale Enbgelmeier, "Perfect or perfecting? Reflections on the arahant in the Nikauas", CB 4, 2003, 33-54 AB597.8 Truang Thi Hue, Method of cariya to attain enlightenment in the Palil Nikayas and Mahayana sutras. 2003. Summarized in RBS pp. 237-238 AB598 M.V.Ram Kumar, Dukkha: Suffering in Early Buddhism.New Delhi 2003 AB599 Thomas Oberlies, "Ein bibliographischer ?berblick ?ber die kanonoischen Texte der Sravakayana-Schulen des Buddhismus (ausgenommen der des Maahavihara-Theravada)", WZKSOA 47, 2003, 37-84 AB600 V.V.S.Saibaba, Facets of Buddhist Philosophy: Theravada and Mahatana. Visakhapatnam 2003 AB601 Gyana Ratna Sarman, "Mental hindrances–based on Nikaya commentaries", JIBSt 52.1, 2003, 8-11 AB602 Harcharan Singh Sobti, Vipassana: The Buddhist Way (based on Pali sources). Delhi 2003 AB604 Norihisa Baba, "On expressions regarding sunya or sunyata in the Northern Agama and the Pali canon", JIBSt 52.2, 2004, 9-11 AB605 Collett Cox, "Abhidharma", EnB 1, 2004, 1-7 AB605.1 Collett Cox, "Mahisasaka", EnB 2, 2004, 501 AB605 3 Kate Crosby, "Theravada", EnB 2, 2004, 836-841 AB605.5 Abraham Velez de Cea, "The silence of the Buddha and the questions about the Tathagata after death", IIJBS 5, 2004, 119-141 AB605.6 Phyan Thin Ngoe Dung (Gui Huang), Concept of Bodhisattva of sunyata in the Pali Nikayas and the Mahayana Sutras: an analysis. 2004. Summarized in RBS pp. 245-246 AB605.7 Eli Franco, "The Spitzer manuscript (SHT 81c)–a philosophical manuscript from the Kusana period". In Desmond Durkin et al., eds. Turfan Revisited–The First century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road.(Berlin 2004), pp. 92-94 AB605.8 Eli Franco (ed.), The Spitzer Manuscript. The Oldest Philosophial Manuscript in Sanskrit. Wien 2004 AB606 Rupert Gethin, "Wrong view (miccha-ditthi) and right view (samma-ditthi) in the Theravada Abhidhamma", ContB 5.1, 2004, 15-28 AB608 Paul Harrison, "Mahasamghika school", EnB 2, 2004, 490 AB609 Oskar von Hinuber, "Pali, Buddhist literature in", EnB 2, 2004, 625-629 AB613 Leonard C.D. Priestley, "Pudgalavada", EnB 2, 2004, 692-693 AB620 Nirmala S. Salgado, "Religious identities of Buddhist nuns: training precepts, renunciate attire, and nomenclature in Theravada Buddhism", JAAR 72, 2004, 935-954 AB622 Anita Sharma, Early Indian Buddhism. Delhi 2004 AB626 Alexander Wynne, "The oral transmission of the early Buddhist literature", JIABS 27.1, 2004, 97-128 AB627 Guang Xing, "An inquiry into the origins of the Mahasamghika Buddology", IIJBS 5, 2004, 41-51 AB628 John B. Buescher, Echoes from an Empty Sky : the Origins of the Buddhist Doctrine of the Two Truths. Ithaca,N.Y. 2005 AB628.5 Sukumar Chaudhuri, "Pali languag4 and literature", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 93-99 AB629 Paul Fuller, The Notion of Ditthi in Theravada Buddhism. The Point of View. London 2005 AB629.5 Rupert Gethin, "On the nature of dhammas: a review article", BudSR 22, 2005, 175-194 AB630 Charles Goodman, "Vaibhasika metaphoricalism", PEW 55, 2005 AB630.5 Cheng Kuan, Three Contemplations Toward Buddha Nature. Jaipur 2005 AB631 John W. M. Krummel, "Praxis of the middle: self and no-self in early Buddhism", IPQ 45, 2005, 517-535 AB631.5 Bimalandna Kumar, "Anusmrti inTheravada and Mahayana texts", PBh 11, 2005, 209-215 AB631.6 Bimlendra Kumar, "Problem of perception in Abhidharma philosophy", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 12-16 AB631.8 Saswati Mutsuddhi, "Rationality of mind in Theravada Buddhism", JDPUC 13, 2005, 63-68 AB631.9 R. Panth, "Relevance of vipassana meditation", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 107-113 AB632 Noa Ronkin, Early Buddhist Metaphysics. London 2005 AB632.5 V.V.S. Saibaba, Faith and Devotion in Theravada Buddhism. New Delhi 2005 AB632.5 Sudhan Chandra Sarkar, "Concept of paramita and dasabhumi in Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 17-30 AB633 Naomi Sato, "Entering parinirvana in Aksobhya's Buddha-field", JIBSt 53.2, 2005, 15-19 AB634 David Webster, The Philosophy of Desire in the Buddhist Pali Commentaries. London 2005 AB635 Caifang Zhu, "From vipassana in Theravada to Guan Xin in Chinese Buddhism: a comparative study", ContB 6.1, 2005, 53-64 AB638Akiro Fujimoto, "How to enter the first jhana", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 59-63 AB640 Jonardon Ganeri, "Words that burn: why did the Buddha say what he did?", ContB 7.1, 2006, 7-28 AB641 Soraj Hongladaran, "Love in the age of high tehcnolog: how are metta and karuna still possible?", PV 7.2, 2006, 141-156 AB642 Risho Hotori, "The etymological meaning of 'paramita'", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 228 AB643 Soonil Hwang, Metaphor and Literalism in Buddhismt: the Doctrinal History of Nirvana. London 2006 AB645 Mitsunobe Nakasone, "The criticism of heretical views from the viewpoint of the doctrine of paticcasamuppada in early Buddhist literature", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 221-222 AB650 John Peacocke, "Paticcasamuppada–beyond linear causality", ContB 7.1, 2006, 1-6 AB655 Shigeru Saito, "The synonyms of atman in early Abhidharma Buddhsm", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 228-229 AB656 Richard Salomon, "Recent discoveries of early Buddhist manuscripts and their implications for the history of Buddhist texts and canons", BTE 349-382 AB660 Daniel Veidlinger, "When a word is worth a thousand pictures. Mahayana influences on Theravada attitudes towards writing", Numen 53, 2006, 405-447 AB660.5 Ajahn Amaro, "Contemplating the Theravada tradition", PB 112, 2007, 113-119 AB661 Sutus Aranrattam, :Meditation on space in Pali Buddhism with reference to akasa-kasina and akasanancayatana", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 190-191 AB661.5 S. R. Bhatt, "Noetic process (citta vithi)–a Theravada Buddhist view", DandA1 467-476 AB662 Angraj Chaudhary, "An in-depth analysis of early Buddha-dharma", BCP1, 91-102 AB662.1 Angraj Chaudhury, "Mechanism of vipassana", DandA1 69-78 AB663 Mangala Chinchore, "Buddist concepts of brahma-vihara–a direction to emancipation by a corrected new version", BGP1, 114-126 AB663.5 Binod Kumar Chwdhury, "Dhamma in Bu ddha's philosophy", DandA1 91-94 AB663.6 Nandana Chutiwongs, "Dharmas as a sacred domain", DandA1 359-376 AB664 M. G. Dhadphale, "The vibhajjavada doctrine", BGP1, 21-26 AB664.1 M. G. Dhadphale, "Dharma and Abhidharma", DandA1 315-318 AB664.3 Xu Donglai, "Abhidharma study in China: its concents and its history",DandA1 555-566 AB664.5 Fumiaki Gangintani, "The doctrinal basis of the 'three time periods': Vaibhasika, Sarvastivada and Sautrantika", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 244 AB664.8 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "Working of mind in Sati meditation: some issues and perspectives", DandA1 409-422 AB665 Charles Hallisey, "Abhidharma", EnBuddhism 3-6 AB665.1 Charles Hallisey, "Dharmaguptakas", EnBuddhism 281-283 AB665.2 Charles Hallisey, Mahasamghika", EnBuddhism 484-485 AB665.3 Charles Hallisey and Damien Keown, "Nikaya Buddhism", EnBuddhism 549-558 AB665.4 Charles Hallisey, "Sammitiya/Pudgalavadins", EnBuddhism 649-651 AB665.5 Charles Hallisey, "Vatsiputriyas", EnBudhism 794-795 AB665.7 B.S.L.Hanumantha Rao, "The Saila sects of Andhakas", SVUOJ 50, 2007, 131-140 AB666 Richard B. Hayes, "Abhidharma schools", EnBuddhism 3-6 AB667 John J. Holder, "A suffering (but not irreparable) nature: environmental ethics from the perspective of early Buddhism", ContB 8, 2007, 113-129 AB668 Damien Keown and Charles Hallisey, "Nikaya", EnBuddhism 549-558 AB669 Mreenal Katarnikar, "Abhidhamma: the Bu ddhist epistemology ion a seed form", DandA1 329-336 AB670 Matthew Kosuta, "Theravada emptiness: the Abhidharmma theory in Ajaon Sujin Barhamwenaket", ContB 8.1, 2007, 19-30 AB671 N. G. Kulkarni, "A subtlety in the Buddhist theory of the self and some elaborations", BGP1, 3-11 AB672 Bimalendra Kumar, "Philosophy of relation in Abhidharma tradition", BGP1, 53-60 AB672.1 Bimalendra Kumar, "Phenomenology in Abhidharma philosophy", DandA1 111-118 AB672.7 Baidyanath Labh, "Cittabhavana and paramartha in Theravada Buddhism:, DandA1 95-110 AB673 Karen C. Lang, "Pali canon", EnBuddhism 583-586 AB673.3 Gauri Mahulikar, "Phenomenal world in Abhidharma and Vedanta", DandA1 199-206 AB673.5 David L. McMahan, "Meditation in the Pali canon and the Theravada tradition", EnBuddhism 507-510 AB674 Prabhakar Mishra, "On sunnata in Pali Buddhism", BGP1, 148-153 AB674.3 Sudo Mori, "Recent studies in the Pali commentaries", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 188-189 AB674.7 Shinkan Murokami, "A study of the five aggregates (khanda) on the basis of the text-critical investigations of earl Bu ddhism", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 241 AB675 Jan Nettier, "One vehicle in the Chinese agamas: new light on an old problem in Pali", ARIRSU 18, 2007, 181-200 AB676 Kazuki Omori, "The Theravadin interpretation of the twelve-linked chain of dependent origination", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 190 AB677 S. K. Pathak, "Mind and matter in Abhidharma and Tantra", DandA1 449-466 AB678 Tavivat Puntarigvivat, "Process philosophy and the paticcasamuppada", WFBR 44.4, 2007, 31-39 AB678.0 Amara Srisuchat, "Yoga in Buddha dharma and Abhidharma", DandA1 1-24 AB678.1 Uma Vaidya, "Abhidhamma and cittavrtti-nirodha in the Patanjala-yoga", DandA1 539-546 AB678.2 He Xirong, "The property of metaphysics in Buddhism", DandA1 225-238 AB678.2.2 Oliver Abeynayaka, "Samma Ajiva (right living): the least understood factor of the noble eight-fold path", Vajirabhivandana 51-58 AB678.2.3 Bela Bhattacharya, "The Buddhist theory of impermanence", Dhammadesana 242-245 AB678.2.4 Angraj Chaudhury, "Walkling on the eight-fold path in true dhamma", Dhammadesana 246-256 AB687.2.4.5 B. N. Chaudhury, "Samyak drsti (sammaditthi)", Dhammadesana 279-284 AB678.2.5 Nalini Devdass, Cetana and the Dynamics of Volition in Theravada Buddhism. 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