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a=article AAC = Authority, Anxiety, and Canon (ed. Laurie L. Patton). SUNY 1994 AAJ = Tara Sethia, ed., Ahimsa, Anekanta and Jainism. Delhi 2004 AandS = Anekantavada and Syadvada. Ed. Rai Ashwini Kumar and Anil Datta Mishra. Ladnum 1996 AB (school) = Abhidharma Buddhism. (See AB section of Part IV) AB=Adyar Bulletin (Adyar, Madras) (=The Theosophist) 1 (1879) - 106 (1983) Abhinavagupta = K.C.Pandeya, Abhinavagupta. Second edition. ChSSt 1, 1963 ABK = A Buddhist Kaleidoscope: Essays on the Lotus Sutra. Ed. Gene Reeves. Tokyo 2002 ABORI = Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Institute (Poona). 1 (1918) - 88 (2008) ABSGB = Amitabha-Buddha-Srih. Gems of Buddhism. Edited by Sushma Kulshreshtha. Delhi 1996 ABSP = Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad (Lucknow). See Rtam Ac = Acintyabhedabheda Vedanta. (See Ac section of Part IV) Acarya-Vandana = Acarya-Vandana. D.R.Bhandarkar Birth Centenary Volume. Ed. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay. Calcutta 1984 ACIS, see CIS Acta Asiatica = Acta Asiatica (Tokyo). 1 (1960) - 97 (2009) ActInd = Acta Indologica (Japan). 1 (1970 - 8 (1995) ActOD = Acta Orientalia (Copenhagen). 1 (1922) - 70 (2009) ActOP = Acta Orientalia (Budapest). 1 (1951) - 54 (2001) ACV = Anesaki Commemoration Volume. Tokyo ACW = Complete Works of Swami Abhedananda. Calcutta 1967-1970. Ten volumes, numbered consecutively AD = Action Dharma. New Studies in Engaged Buddhism (ed. Christopher Queen, Charles Prebish and Damian Keown). London 2003 Ad = A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Adyar Library, compiled by V. Krishnamacharya. Adyar, Madras ADR = Astadasaratna. Eighteen of Samkara's works edited by M. M. Trivedi by Nathuram Sarma. Ahmedabad 1914 ADU = text whose author's dates and dates of composition are unknown AdV = R. Balasubramanian (ed.), Advaita Vedanta. Volume II, part 2 of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization (Gen. Ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya). New Delhi 2000 Adyar = The Adyar Library, Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras AEO = Archives d'Études Orientales (Upsala). 1 (1910) - 20 (1930) Aevum = Aevum 1 (1927) - 51 (1977) AG or Ag = Acyuta Granthamala (Banaras) AGP = Paul Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie. Leipzig 1894-1917 AgSS = Agamodaya Sanskrit Series AIBP = T.R.Sharma, An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy (Vijnanavada and Madhyamika). Delhi 1994 AICSB = Annual of the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University. 10 (1988) - 13 (1991) AICL = Ancient Indian Culture and Literature (Pt. Ganga Ram Commemoration Volume). Ed. Mohan Chand. Delhi 1980 AIFBS = All Indian Frontier Bauddha Sammelan International Buddhist Conference (Sept. 15-19, 1978). Ed. Lodi G. Gyari. Delhi 1978 AIK = Aus Indiens Kultur. Festgabe Richard von Garbe. Erlangen 1927 AIPHO = Annuaire de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales et slaves (Bruxelles) AISC = An Apostle of India's Spiritual Culture. Souvenir Released on the Auspices of the 60th Birthday Anniversary (Sastyabdapurti) of H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. Tehri-Garhwal 1976 Aj = Ajivika. (See Aj section of Part IV.) Ajaya-Sri = Ajaya-Sri: Recent Studies in Indology: Prof. Ajay Mitra Shastri Felicitation Volume. Vol. II. Delhi 1989 AJMR = Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register (London). 16 (1822) - 4th series 1 (1845) Ajnana = T.R.V.Murti, G.R.Malkani and R. Das, Ajnana. COS 26, London 1933 AJOS = Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies. 1 (1984) - 6.1-2 (1989) AJP = Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 1 (1922) - 87.3 (2009) http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/00048402.asp AJSP = Approaches to Jaina Studies. Philosophy, Logic, Ritual and Symbol. Ed. N. K. Wagle and Olle Qvarnström. Toronto 1999 AKM = Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 1 (1857) - 62 (2008) ALA = Asian Library (Adyar) ALB = Adyar Library Bulletin (Adyar). (=Brahmavidya). 1 (1937) - 70 (2006) AligarhJOS = Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies (Aligarh). 1 (1984) ALIPC (=IAL) = Arts and Letters--India, Pakistan and Ceylon (London). 1 (1925) - 376 (1963) Altar Flowers = Altar Flowers. Calcutta 1934 AM = Asia Major (Leipzig). 1 (1924) - 15 (1939); n.s. 1 (1949) - 19.2 (1975); 3d series 8 (1995)-20 (2007), 22-23.1 (2010) Amala Prajna = Amala Prajna: Aspects of Buddhist Studies. Professor P.V.Bapat Felicitation Volume. Edited by N.H.Samtani and H.S.Prasad. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 63. Delhi 1989 AManjS = Advaitamanjari Series (Kumbhakonam) AMG = Annales du Musée Guimet (Paris) AMGG = Abhandlungen der Marburger Gelehrten Gesellschaft AMP = Arhatamataprabhakara Amrtadhara = Amrtadhara. Professor R.N.Dandekar Felicitation Volume. Ed. by S.D.Joshi. Delhi 1984 Ananda = Ananda. Papers on Buddhism and Indology. A Felicitation Volume to Ananda Weihana Palliya Guruge on his 60th Birthday. Colombo 1990 Anjali = Papers on Indology and Buddhism. A Felicitation Volume presented to Oliver Hector de Alwis Wijesekera on his 60th birthday. Ed. J. Tolakasuri. Peradeniya 1970 AnnualJP = Annual Journal of Philosophy. Philosophy Association, Y.D.College, Lakhimpur-Kheri. 1 (1959-60) - 3 (1961-62) Annuaire EPHE = Annuaire EPHE de l'Ecole pratiques des hautres etudes. Section des sciences religieuses. 91, 1952 - 106, 1997-98 AnO = Anecdota Oxoniensa, Aryan Series. 1 (1881) - 9 (1909) Anviksa = AnvIksa. Research Journal of the Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University, Calcutta. 1 (1966) - 6 (19072), 17 (1998) - 28 (2007) AnyaV = Anyakhyatiya Vidvatsamgosthi. Papers and Proceedings on Anyatkhyativada during the Seminar on the Vallabha Theory of Error. Mandvi, Kutch 2002 AO = Archiv Orientalni (Prague). 1 (1929) - 73 (2005) AOR = Annals of Oriental Research (Madras). 1 (1936) - 33 (2000) AOTV = Aspects of the Vedanta. Madras 1903 AOV = Acta Orientalia Vilnensia. 1 (2000) - 4 (2003), 6 (2005) - 7 (2006) AP = Aryan Path (Bombay). 1 (1930) - 49 (1978) APCP = Bimal Krishna Matilal and Jaysankar Lal Shaw (eds.), Analytical Philosophy in Comparative Perspective. Dordrecht 1985 AProf = Asian Profile. See AsP AR = Asiatic Researches ARCV = Acharya Ray Commemoration Volume. Ed. H.N. Dutt et al. Calcutta 1932 ARION = Annals of the Royal Institute Orientale di Napoli (Naples). 1 (1929) - 10 (1936-38) ARIRSU = Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University. 1 (1997) - 20 (2008) ARL = Asiatic Review (London), 1 (1896) - n.s. 55 (1959) ARROU = Annual Report of Researches of the Otani University. 2 (1943)- 20 (1967), 23 (1970) - 52 (2000) Articleschoisis = Peter Skilling, Articleschoisis. Bangkok 2005 ARTU = Annual Report of the Faculty of Letters, Tohoku University (Tokyo). 1 (1950) - 26 (1976) Aruna-Bharati = Aruna-Bharati. Prof. A.N.Jani Felicitation Volume. Baroda 1983 ARWEP = A.R.Wadia: Essays in Philosophy presented in his honor. Ed. S. Radhakrishnan et al. Bangalore 1954 AS = Asiatische Studien (Zurich). 1 (1947) - 63.2 (2009) ASBP = G.C.Nayak (ed.), Analytical Studies in Buddhist Philosophy. Bhubaneshwar 1984 ASBud = Aspects of Buddhism. Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume of the Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology. Sikkim 1993 ASDJ = Diamond Jubilee Commemoration Volume of the Advaita Sabha of Kumbakonam. Part One. Edited by S. Subrahmanya Sastri. Kumbhakonam 1960 AshSS = Asutosh Sanskrit Series (Calcutta) Asiatica = Asiatica. Festschrift Weller. 1954 AsIS = M.L.Wadekar, Aspects of Indological Studies. Delhi 2001 AsP = Asian Profile (Hong Kong) 1 (1973) - 37 (2009) AsPI = Aspects of India. Essays on Indian Politics and Culture. Ed. Noel O'Sullivan. Delhi 1997 AspJ 1 = Sagarmal Jain (ed.), Lala Harjas Rai Commemoration Volume. Aspects of Jainology, Volume 1. Varanasi 1987 AspJ 2 = M.A.Dhaky and Sagarmal Jain (eds.), Pt. Bechardas Doshi Commemoration Volume. Aspects of Jainology, Volume 2. Varanasi 1987 AspJ 3 = M.A.Dhaky and Sagarmal Jain (eds.), Pt. Dalsukh Bhai Malvania Felicitation Volume I. Varanasi 1991 AsPOxford = Asian Philosophy (Oxford). 1 (1990) - 19.3 (2009) ASS = Anandasrama Sanskrit Series (Poona) AsSt = Asian Studies (Philippines). 1 (1963) - 13 (1975) ASVOI, see JSVRI Atmanand = Jainacharya Shri Atmananda Centenary Commemoration Volume. Bombay 1936 ATS = Asian Thought and Society. 1 (1976) - 26 (No.77) (2001) AUJR = Agra University Journal of Research. 1 (1952) - 26, 28-32; n.s. 1 (1969) - 3 (1985) AUM = Allahabad University Magazine. 11-12 (1932-34), 14 (1935-36), 19 (1938) - 25 (1946), 28 (1949) - 35.1 (1954) AUS = Allahabad University Studies: Arts Section. 1 (1925) - 1968; n.s. 1 (1969) - 3 (1971) AUSS = Allahabad University Sanskrit Series AV = Advaita Vedanta. (See AV section of Part IV) AWBI = Alex Wayman, Buddhist Insight. Ed. George Elder. Delhi 1984 b = book B = G. Bühler, A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts contained in the Private Libraries of Gujarat, Kathiavad, Kachch, Sindh, and Khandesh. Bombay 1871-73 BAEO = Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Orientalistas (Madrid). 1 (1965) - 35 (1999) BAFS = Bulletin annuel de la fondation suisse (Université de Paris: Cité Universitaire) Bailey = H.W.Bailey, Khotanese Buddhist Texts. Cambridge Oriental Series 3. London 1951 BAMP = Charles S. Prebish (ed.), Buddhism: A Modern Perspective. University Park, Pa. 1975 BandD = Buddhism and Deconstructions. Edited by Jin Y. Park. Lanham, Md. 2006 BandJ = Harish Chandra Das et al. (eds.), Buddhism and Jainism. Cuttack 1976 BandP = Bhakti and Philosophy. Ed. R. Raj Singh. Lanham, Md. 2006 Baroda = Raghavan Nambiyar, An Alphabetical List of Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, Baroda. Vol. I. GOS 97, 1942 BasavaJ = Basava Journal. 1 (1976) BASR = Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de URSS (Russia) BAT = Buddhism and American Thinkers. Albany, N.Y. 1984 Bauddhavidyasudhakara = Bauddhavidyasudhakarah. Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Ed. Petra Kieffer-Pulz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Indica et Tibetica 30. Swisstal-Odendorf 1997 BBB = Dan Arnold, Buddhists, Brahmins and Belief. Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion. New York 2005 BBR = Ramesh M. Dave et al., eds., The Bhakti-Bhagawan Relationship. Ahmedabad 1988 BBRAS, see JASB BBSRU = Bulletin of Buddhist Studies. Ryukoku University. 5 (1972) - 9 (1996) BBudh = Bibliotheca Buddhica (St. Petersburg) BCAR = B. C. Asian Review. 2 (1988) - 2-6, 8, 10 (1997) (electronic journal) BCD = Buddhist-Christian Dialogue (ed. Paul O. Ingram.), Honolulu 1986 BCGV = Bulletin of the Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan. 1 (1954) - 26 (1982) BCH = The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism. Ed. Gavin Flood. Oxford 2003 BChS = Buddhist-Christian Studies Volume 10. Edited b David W. Chappell. Honolulu 1990 BCLS = Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques: Academie Royale de Belgique (Bruxelles). 1899-1976 BCLV = D.R.Bhandarkar et al., eds., B. C. Law Volume. Two volumes. Calcutta 1945 BCON = Buddhadasa P. Kirthisinghe (ed.), Buddhist Concepts Old and New. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica No. 9. Delhi 1983 BCW = Buddhism in a Changing World. Proceedings of the 7th International Buddhist Conference. Bodhgaya 1981 BCWCC = Ananda W. P. Guruge and D. C. Ahir (eds.), Buddhism's Contribution to the World Culture and Civilization. New Delhi 1977 BD = Bhedabheda/Dvaitadvaita Vedanta. (See BD section of Part IV) BDCRI = Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute (Poona). 1 (1939-40) - 64-67 (2007) BDCV = Dr. Bhagavan Das Centenary Volume (1869-1969). Varanasi 1969 BDDKK = Bukkyo Daigaku Daigakuin Kenkyu Kiyo (Kyoto) BDE = Thomas A. Kochumuttam, A Buddhist Doctrine of Experience. A New Translation and Interpretation of the Works of Vasubandhu the Yogacarin. Delhi 1982 Beal = Samuel Beal, A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures. London 1871 BEFEO = Bulletin de l'École Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (Paris). 1 (1901) - 93 (2006) BELP = Kalyan Kumar Dasgupta (ed.), Buddhism, Early and Late Phases. Calcutta 1985 BEM = Louis de la Vallée Poussin, Bouddhisme: Études et Matèriaux. London 1914-1919, 1918 Ben = A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of the Benares Sanskrit College. Supplement to Pan 3-9, 1864-1874 BenSS = Benares Sanskrit Series BerlinIndStud, see BIS BEWC = Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization. Essays in Honor of Nolan Pliny Jacobson (ed. Ramakrishna Puligandla and Robert Lee Miller). Carbondale, I. 1996 Beyer = Stephen Beyer, The Buddhist Experience. Encino, Cal. 1974 BF = The Buddhist Forum (School of Orieintal and African Studies, University of London). 1-6 (2001) BGDWU = Bulletin of the Graduate Division of the Waseda University (Tokyo). 1 (1956) - 8 (1962) BGG = Buddhismus im Geschichte und Gegenwart. Band III: Santidevas 'Eintritt in des Leben dur Erleuchtung. Hamburg 1999 BGIS = Bulletin of the Greater India Society (Calcutta). 1 (1926) - 5 (1928) BGK = Bukkyogaku Kenkyu (Kyoto). 1 (1949) - 55 (1999) BGOMLM = Bulletin of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library (Madras). 1 (1948) - 21 (1976) BGP1/2 =Buddhism in Global Perspective. Edited by Kalpakam Sankaranarayana, Ichigo Ozawa and Revindra Panth. Two volumes. Mumbai 2007 Bh = Bharati: Bulletin of the College of Indology, Banaras Hindu University. 1 (1957) - 26 (2000-2002) BhakStud = G.W.Bailey and I.Kesarcodi-Watson (eds.), Bhakti Studies. New Delhi 1992. Bh-Bhanam = Bharati-Bhanam (Light of Indology). Dr. K. V. Sarma Felicitation Volume. Ed. G. Bhanskaran Nair. Punjab University Indological Series 26. Hoshiarpur 1980 Bharati, see Bh BharKau = Bharata-Kaumudi. Studies in Indology in honor of Dr. Radha Kumud Mookerji. Allahabad 1945 BHerm = Donald S. Lopez (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics. Honolulu 1988 BHIA = G. Oberhammer (ed.), Beiträge zur Hermeneutik indischer und abendlandischen Religionstraditionen. Wien 1991 BHISS = Buddhist-Hindu Interactions from Sakyamuni to Sankaracarya. Ed. V. Subramanian. Delhi 1993 BhM = Bharata Manisha. 1 (1975) - 5.1 (1979) Bhr = R.G.Bhandarkar, Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1882. Bombay 1884 BHUAb = Abstracts of the Theses accepted for the Ph. D. Degree of Banaras Hindu University. 5-6 (1965) BhV = Bharatiya Vidya (Bombay). 1 (1939) - 64.1-2 (2004) BI = Bibliotheca India (Calcutta) BIAPSL = Bulletin international de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres. Classe de philologie et de philosophie (=Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci). 1901-1953 BIBS = Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series. 1 (1982) - 53 (1988) BIEW = Beiträge für Indienforschung. Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80.Geburtstag gewidmet. Berlin 1977 BIS = Berliner Indologische Studien (Berlin). 1 (1985) - 15-18 (2007) BITC = Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures (Madras). 1 (1957) - 1982 [continued as BITCSSEA to 1993] BITCSSEA = Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures of South and S.E.Asia (Madras) [a continuation of BITC to 1993] BK = Bukkyo Kenkyu. 1 (1937) - 8 (1954), 27 (1998), 29 (2000) BKA = Bhaktakusumanjali. Ed. P. P. Subrahmanya Sastri. Srirangam 1938 BKBCV = Professor Birinchi Kumar Barua Commemoration Volume. Gauhati 1966 BKM = Winifred Lewis (ed.), Basanta Kumar Mallik. A Garland of Homage. London 1961 BKMEE = The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. Ethics and Epics. Oxford 2002 BKMPCR = Philosophy, Culture and Religion. Essays by Bimal Krishna Matilal. Ed. Jonardon Ganeri. London 2002 BL (school) = Buddhist Logic, i.e. Sautrantika Buddhism, including Dignaga's school. (See BL section of Part IV) BL = Th. Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic. Two volumes. Leningrad 1930 (=BBuddh 26); The Hague 1958; New York 1962 BLD = Buddhistische Leben und Denken (Berlin). 1 (1930) - 12 (1941) BLE = B.K.Matilal (ed.), Buddhist Logic and Epistemology. Studies in the Buddhist Analysis of Inference and Language. Dordrecht 1984 BLSam = Baudhalaghugranthasamgraha (a collection of minor Buddhist texts). Edited by Janardan Pandey. Sarnath 1997 BLTR = Bhartrhari, Language, Thought and Reality. Proceedings of the International Seminar, Delhi 12-14, 20-03). Ed. Mithilesh Chaturvedi. Delhi 2009 BM = Benares Magazine (Calcutta). 5 (1851) - 7 (1852) BMBCV = Dr. B. M. Barua Centenary Volume. Calcutta 1989 BMI = Bulletin of the Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning (Darbhanga) 3 (1967) - 7.1 (1971) BMT = E.B.Cowell, Buddhist Mahayana Texts. Two volumes. SBE 49, 1894; Delhi 1965, 1968, 1972, 1975; New York 1969 BN = Brahmanirupana. Samkara's works edited by Vishnu Narayana Maduskar. Bombay 1914 BNKS = B. N. Krishnamurti Sharma, A History of the Dvaita School of Vedanta and its Literature. Revised Delhi 1981. BNKSRP = B.N.K.Sharma, My Further Ten Research Papers. Mumbai 2002 BodCat II = Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Volume II. Oxford 1905 Bodhi Baum = Bodhi Baum. Zeitschrift für Buddhismus und Meditatives Leben (Wien). 8 (1983) - 9.4 (1984) Bodhi-Chara = Bodhi-Chara. Journal of Buddhist History and Culture (Patna). 4 (1996) Bodhi-Rasmi = Bodhi-Rasmi. Third Internaitonal Conference on Buddhism and National Cultures. New Delhi 1984 BonnOS = Bonner Orientalische Studien (= Studia Indologica) BOr = Beyond Orientalism. The Work of Wilhelm Halbfass and its Impact on Indian and Cross-Cultural Studies (ed. Eli Franco and Karin Preisendanz). Poznana Studies of the Sciences and the Humanities 59, 1997 BORI = Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona BP = R. G. Bhandarkar, Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the Year 1883-1884. Bombay 1887 BPBS = Citrarekha V. Kher, Buddhism as presented by the Brahmanical Systems. Delhi 1992 BQ = Buddhist Quarterly (=Buddhist Forum). 8 (1975) - 15 (1983) BR = Buddhist Review. 1 (1909) - 11 (1921) BrB = Breaking Barriers. Essays in Asian and Comparative Philosophy in Honor of Ramakrishna Puligandla. Ed. Frank J. Hoffman and Godabarisha Mishra, with David Mantulva. Fremont, CA. 2003 BRMIC = Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture (Calcutta). 1 (1950) - 60.11 (2009) BSAM = Philip Denwood and Alexander Piatigorsky (eds.), Buddhist Studies Ancient and Modern. Collected Papers on South Asia 4. London 1983 BSDB = Leslie S. Kawamura (ed.), The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism. SR Supplement 10. Calgary 1981 BSHHS = Gatare Dhammapala et al. (eds.), Buddhist Studies in honour of Hammalavi Saddhatissa. Nugagoda, Sri Lanka 1984 BSIBH = Buddhist Studies in honor of I.B.Horner (edited by L. Cousins, A. Kunst and K.R.Norman). Dordrecht 1974 BSCV = Benidhar Sharma Commemoration Volume.. Ed. G. N. Bhuyan and D. Chutia. Gauhati 1987 BSHPLD = Buddhist Studies in Honour of Professor Lily de Silva. U. of Peredeniya, 2002 BSM = Brhatstotramuktahara (Bombay). 1912, 1916, 1923 BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 1 (1937) - 72.3 (2009) BSPF = Buddhist Studies Present and Future. Paris 1992 BSPS = Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrti Series BSR = Brhatstotraratnakara. Volume I: Bombay 1888, 1906, 1910, 1918, 1919, 1920; Benares 1923, 1926, 1927, 1929. In Telugu characters, Madras 1897-1905. In grantha characters, Madras 1903-04 BSS = Benares Sanskrit Series BSSS = Brhatstotrasaritsagara. Bombay 1927 BSWR = Buddhist Studies in honour of Walpola Rahula. Ed. by S. Balasoriya et al. London 1980 BTAPR = Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research. Transending the Boundaries. Edited by D. K. Nauriyal, Michael S. Drummond, and B. Lal. London 2006 BTCIK = Buddhist Thought and Culture in India and Korea. Ed. S. R. Bhatta. New Delhi 2003 BTE = Between the Empires. Edited buy Patrick Olivelle. Oxford 2006 BTPP = Duboom Tulku (ed.), Buddhist Translations. Problems and Perspectives. Delhi 1995 BudA1 = Buddhist Asia 1. Papers from the First Conference of Buddhist Studies held in Naples in May 2001. Edited by Giovanni Verandi and Silvia Vita. Kyoto 2003 BudBible = Dwight Goddard (ed.), A Buddhist Bible (Thetford, Vt. 1932; New York 1935-37, 1952; Boston 1990) BudCompL = Sanghasen Singh (ed.), Buddhism in Comparative Light. Acharya Anukul Chandra Banerjee Commemoration Volume. Delhi 1999 Buddhism 2001 = Peter Harvey (ed.), Buddhism. London 2001 Buddhist = The Buddhist Vesak Annual. 37.12 (1967) - 68 (1996-7) Buddhist-Christian Studies (Hawaii). 5 (1985) - 7 (1987) BudDig = Buddhist Digest. English Series (Penang). 17 (1987), 21 (1989) - 22 (1989) BudHerIA = Donald S. Lopez (ed.), Buddhist Hermeneutics. Honolulu 1988 BudIA = Kalpakam Sankaranarayanan, Motohira Youtoniya and Shubhadra A. Joshi (eds.), Buddhism In India and Abroad: An Integrating Influence in Vedic and Post-Vedic Perspective. Bombay 1996 BudinP = Donald S. Lopez (ed.), Buddhism in Practice. Princeton, N. J. 1995 BudP = Buddhism and Peace: An Interdisciplinary Study. Ed. G. Sundaram Ramaiah, K. Ravi and S.D.A.Joga Rao. Visakhapatnam 1991 BudPhilCult = Buddhist Philosophy and Culture: Essays in Honor of N.A.Jayawickrame. Colombo 1987 BudS = Buddhist Studies. Edited by Richard Gombrich and Cristina Scherrer-Schaub. Delhi 2008 BudScrip = Edward Conze, Buddhist Scripture. Penguin 1959 BudSp = Buddhist Spirituality. Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese. Ed. Takeuchi Yoshinori. New York 1993 BudSR = Buddhist Studies Review. 1 (1983) - 26.2 (2009) BudTexts = Edward Conze, Buddhist Texts Through the Ages. Oxford 1954. Buhler, see B BukG = Bukkyogaku (Kyoto) BukShig = Bukkyo Shigaku Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes = Bulletin d'Études Indiennes (Paris). 1 (1983) - 24-25 (2006-2007) Bulletin of Tibetology = Bulletin of Tibetology. 1 (1964) - 12 (1975); n.s. 1981-40.2 (2004) Bunka = Bunka BUOP = Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Series C. 1 (1953) - 11 (1963) Burnell = A. C. Burnell. A Classified Index to the Sanskrit Mss. in the palace at Tanjore. London 1880 BUUJH = Bharati. Utkal University Journal. Humanities. 7 (1973) BV or BVa = The Brahmavadin. 1896-1914. n.s. 1 (1966) - 11 (1976) BVK = Brahmavidya (Kumbakonam). 1 (1948) - 5 (1953) BVSAM = O.H.de Wijesekera, Buddhist and Vedic Studies: A Miscellany. Delhi 1994 BVSK = Bauddhavidyasudhakarah. Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Ed. Petra Kiffer-Putz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Indica et Tibetica 30, Swisstal-Odendorf 1997 BWB = Buddhist Wisdom Books (ed. Edward Conze). London 1958 BWP = Nathan Katz (ed.), Buddhist and Western Philosophy. New Delhi 1981; London 1988 BZLGI = Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Indiens. Festgabe Hermann Jacobi. Bonn 1926 C = Carvaka. (See C section of Part IV.) CAJ = Central Asiatic Journal (Wiesbaden). 4 (1958-59) - 53.2 (2009) CalSktCollege = Calcutta Sanskrit College CalSS = Calcutta Sanskrit Series CandC = Communication and Cognition (Ghent). 5 (1972) - 41.1-2 (2008) CandI = Categorisation and Interpretation (ed. Folke Josephson). Gotebor 1999 Candragomin = Mark Tatz (tr.), Candragomin: Difficult Beginnings. Three Works on the Bodhisattva Path. Boston 1985 CardonaFest = Indian Linguistics Studies. Festschrift in Honor of George Cardona. Eds. Madhav M. Deshpande and Peter E. Hook. Delhi 2002 CAS = Contributions to Asian Studies. 1 (1971) - 18 (1984) CASSt = CASS Studies (Poona). 1 (1973) - 5 (1980) CaT = Mary Brockington and Peter Schreiner (eds.), Composing a Tradition: Concepts, Techniques and Relationships. Proceeding of the First Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas, August 1997. Zagreb 1999 CatPun = Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manusciprts in Muniraja Sri Punyavijayaji's Collection. Part I. Ahmedabad 1963 CB = Concerned Buddhism. 3 (2002) - 4 (2003) CBR = S. Yamaguchi, Chugan Bukkyo Ronko. Kyoto 1944 CBWCC = P. N. Chopra and Tokar Sumi (eds.), Contribution of Buddhism to World Civilization and Culture. New Delhi 1983 CBWTC = Contribution of Buddhism to World Thought and Culture. Proceedings of the 6th International Buddhist Conference. Bodhgaya 1980 CCERHI = Charisma and Canon. Essays on the Religious History of the Indian Subcontinent. Ed. Vasudha Dalmia, Angelika Malinar and Merton Christof. New Delhi 2001 CCIP = Christian Contribution to Indian Philosophy. Ed. Anand Amaladass. Madras 1995 CDSFV = Charudeva Sastri Felicitation Volume. Volume I. Delhi 1974 CEA = Cahiers d'Extreme Asie. 1 (1985) - 11 (1999-2000) CEAP = Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy (edited by Brian Carr and Indira Mahalingam). London 1997 CEBKM I = The Collected Essays of Bimal Krishna Matilal. Volume One:Mind, Language and the World. Edited by Jonardon Ganeri. Oxford 2002. CEGAG = Commemorative Essays presented to Sir George Abraham Grierson. Lahore 1933 CERGB = Commemorative Essays presented to Sri Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar. Poona 1917; Varanasi 1976 CG = Chizan Gakuho CHBJ = Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal. 13 (2000) - 17 (2004) Chettiar = Raja Sri Annamali Chettiar Commemoration Volume. Annamalainagar 1941 CHI = The Cultural Heritage of India. Four volumes. Calcutta 1937; revised 1952-53; Second edition 1958 CHMI = Constructions Hagiographiques dans le monde Indien. Entre Mythe et Histoire. Ed. Francoise Mallison. Paris 2001 ChSS = Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series (Banaras) ChSSt = Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies CIBT = Catalogue of Indian (Buddhist) Texts in Tibetan Translation, Kanjur and Tanjur: alphabetically arranged. Edited by Alaka Chatopadhyay, Mrnalkanti Gangopadhyaya and Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Calcutta 1972 CIDB = Christentum in der Begnung. Ed. Andreas Bsteh. Mödling 1997 CIDO = Proceedings of the International Congress of Orientalists. Listed by place and year CincoS = Cinco Sutras del Mahayana: el Budismo Mahayana en sus textos mas antiques. eds., Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti. Florham Park, New Jersey. 2002 CIndS = Corpus of Indological Studies. Prof. Ramaranjan Mukherji Felicitation Volume. Ed. Anantlal Thakur. Delhi 1992 CinSasVol = Mahamahopadhyayacinnasvamisastrinamjanmasatabdi-smarakagranthah (ed. Mandana Misra et al.). Varanasi 1990 CIP = S. Radhakrishnan and J. Muirhead (eds.), Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Revised edition, London 1958 CIPH = Contemporary Indian Philosophers of History (ed. T.M.P.Mahadevan and Grace E. Cairns). Calcutta 1977 CIPR = Victoria Lysenko and Michael Huliln, Classical Indian Philosophy Reinterpreted. Calcutta 2007 CIPY = Conscioiusness, Indian Psychology and Yoga. Edited by Kirett Joshi and Matthjus C. Cormalissen. HSPCIC XI, Part 3. New Delhi 2004 CIS = A Corpus of Indian Studies. Essay in Honour of Professor Gaurinath Sastri. Ed. by Gopikamohan Bhattacharya and Manabendra Banerjee. Calcutta 1980 CJBS = The Chulalangkorn Journal of Buddhist Studies. 1 (2002) - 2.1 (2003) CJH = Ceylon Journal of the Humanities. 1 (1970) - 2.1 (1971) CL = Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya and Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyaya (eds.), Carvaka/Lokayata. An Anthology of Source Materials and Some Recent Studies. New Delhi 1990 CLSS = Collected Lectures on Saiva Siddhanta. (1946-1954). Annamalainagar 1965 CMP = Ramakant Sinari, ed., Concept of Man in Philosophy. Simla 1991 COJ = Calcutta Oriental Journal. 1 (1933) - 3 (1936) ConK = Concepts of Knowledge, East and West. Papers from a Seminar held from 4 January to 10 January 1995 at The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Calcutta 700 029. Calcutta 2000 Consciousness = M.A.S.Rajan (ed.), Consciousness. Proceedings of the Workshop held in Melkote 16-18 June 1987. Melkote 1988 ContB = Contemporary Buddhism. 1 (2000) - 10.1 (2009) ContIP = Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Series II. Ed. Margaret Chatterjee. London 1974 ConUlt = Linda J. Tessian (ed.), Concepts of the Ultimate. London 1989 Corpus = Corpus of Indological Studies: Prof. Ramaranjan Mukherji Felicitation Volume (ed. A.L.Thakur). Delhi 1992 COS = Calcutta Oriental Series Cordier = P(almyr) Cordier, Catalogue du fonds tibetain de la Bibliotheque Nationale. 4 vols. 1909-1931 CPBS = Padmanabh S. Jaini, Collected Papers on Buddhist Studies. Delhi 2001 CPCB = Contribution of P. C. Bagchi on Sino-Indian Tibetology. Edited by Haraprasad Ray. Kolkata 2002 CPJS = Padmanabh S. Jaini, Collected Papers on Jaina Studies. Delhi 2002 CPJLS = Purushottama Bililimoria, ed., Contemporary Philosophy and J. L. Shaw. Kolkata 2006 CPP = Daya Krishna and A.M.Ghose (eds.), Contemporary Philosophical Problems: Some Classical Indian Perspectives. Poona 1978 CPR = Comparative Philosophy and Religion in Timd of Terror. Ed. Douglas Allen. Lanham, Md. 2006 CPSSS = T. M. P. Mahadevan (ed.), Collected Papers of Suryanarayana Shastri Madras 1961 CPTV = N. Jagadeesan, Collected Papers on Tamil Vaishnavism. Madurai 1989 CR = Calcutta Review. 1 (1844) - 181 (1966); 1 (1969) - 3 (1971-72); n.s. 1 (1975-76) - 6.1 (1980). New series 1 (1984) - 13 (2007) CracowIS = Cracow Indological Studies. 1 (1992-1993), 4-5 (2002-2003) CRIP = K. Satchidananda Murty and K. Ramakrishna Rao (eds.), Current Trends in Indian Philosophy. Waltair 1972 CRPCSS = Culture, Religion and Philosophy. Critical Studies in Syncretism and Inter-Faith Harmony. Ed. N. K. Das. Jaipur 2003 CRYP = M. N. Dvivedi (ed.), A Compendium of the Raja Yoga Philosophy. Bombay 1885, 1901,1982 CSFV, see CDSFV CTA = Culture Through the Ages (Prof. B. N. Puri Felicitation Volume). Edited by Sarva Danan Singh. Delhi 1996 CTAM = Kapila Vatsyayan (ed.), Concepts of Time, Ancient and Modern. New Delhi 1996 CTB = Crossing the Borders.: Essays in Honour of Francis X. D'Sa on the occasion of his 65th Birthday. Edited by Anand Amaladass and Rosairo Roche. Chennai 2001 CTBRP = Ernst Steinkellner and Helmut Täuscher (eds.), Contributions on Tibetan and Buddhist Religion and Philosophy. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 11.Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros Symposium held at Velm-Vienna, Austria, 13-19 September 1981. Volume 2. Wien 1983 CTCIP - Conflict between Tradition and Creativity in Indian Philosophy: Text and Context.Ed. Toshihiro Wada. Nagoya 2006 CTSB = Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism. Ed. Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Chicago 2005 CultInd = Cultura Indica. Professor Asoke Chatterjee Sastri Felicitation Volume.Edited by M.K.Gangopadhyaya, Dipak Ghosh and Ratna Basu. Delhi 1994 CultMod - Culture and Modernity. East-West Philosophic Perspectives (ed. Eliot Deutsch). Honolulu 1991 CurB = Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (ed.), Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism. Chicago 1995 CV = Citi-Vithika. Journal of Art, History, Culture and Literature (Allahabad). 1 (1995) - 8 (2002-2003) CVVGP = Commemoration Volume of Dr. V. G. Paranjpe: Some Aspects of Indo-Iranian History and Cultural Traditions. Ed. Suniti Kumar Chatterji et al. Delhi 1977 CWA = Richard Sherburne, tr., The Complete Works of Atisa Sri Dipankara Jnana. New Delhi 2000 CWP = A Companion to World Philosophy. Edited by Eliot Deutsch and Ron Bontakae. Malden, Massachusetts 1997 CWRGB = Collected Works of Sri R. G. Bhandarkar. Four volumes. GOSBORI, class B, 1-4. Poona 1933 CWSV = Collected Works of Shri Vallabhacarya. I (in 16 Volumes): Delhi 2003-2007 d = dissertation D, see Dasgupta DA = Louis de la Vallée Poussin, "Documents d'Abhidharma" I = BEFEO 1930, 1-28, 247-298. II = MCB 1, 1932, 65-125. III = MCB 5, 1936-37, 1-187 DandA = Dharma and Abhidharma. Ed. Kalpakam Sankaranarayan, Kanchana Mahadeva, Ravindra Panth, Motahiru Yoritami. Volume I. Mumbai 2007. Two volumes. (DandA1 and DandA2) Darshana = Darshana International (Moradabad). 1 (1961) - 16 (1976), 20 (1980) - 35 (1995), 36.2 (1996) - 40.1 (2000) Dasgupta = Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy. Five volumes. London 1922-1955; Delhi 1975. DB = Dinesh Bhattacharya, History of Navya-nyaya in Mithila. Darbhanga 1959 DBGIP = Dayanand Bhargava, Glimpses of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Literature. Delhi 1981 DB1 - H. Bechert (ed.), Der Buddhsmus I. Stuttgart 2000 DCBCSJS = Deccan College Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series DCH = Du corps humain, au carrefours de plasieurs savoirs en l'Inde. Melanges offerts a Arion Rosu par se colleuges et ses amis a l'occasion de son 80th anniversaire. Edited b Oscar Botto, Colette Caillat, Pierre Delaveau, Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Siegfired Lienhard, G. Jan Meulenbeld and Priya Vrat Sharma. Studia ASIATICA 4-5, 2003-2004. Bucarest 2004 DCI = Dharma. The Categorial Imperative. Edited by Ashok Vohra, Arvind Sharma and Mrinal Miri. New Delhi 2005 DCKRPV = Dr. C. Kunhan Raja Presentation Volume. Madras 1946 DCPGRIDS = Deccan College Post-graduate and Research Institute Dissertation Series DCPGRIMS = Deccan College Post-graduate and Research Institute Monograph Series DCPY = Swami Digambaraji (ed.), Collected Papers on Yoga. Lonavla 1975 DCRIB = Deccan College Research Institute Bulletin. 35 (1976) - 41 (1982) DDIP = Discussion and Debate in Indian Philosophy. Issues in Vedanta, Mimamsa and Nyaya. Ed. Daya Krishna. New Delhi 2004 DeBary = W.T. de Bary (ed.), A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton 1963 DET = Frederick H. Holck (ed.), Death and Eastern Thought. Understanding Death in Eastern Religions and Philosophies. Nashville 1974 Deyadharma = Deyadharma: Studies in Memory of D.C.Sircar. Delhi 1986 DGTS = Gerry W. Houston (ed.), Dharma and Gospel: Two Ways of Seeing. Delhi 1984 Dhammadesana = Dharmadeaana, a Buddhist Perspective. Prof. Mahesh Tiwary Commemoration Volumes. Edited b Hari Shankar Shukla and Bimalendra Kumar. Varanasi 2008 Dharma-Nirajana = Dharma-Nirajana. A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Dharmendra Nath Shastri. Edited by Vachaspati Upadhyaya, Satyapal Narang and Shakuntala Punjani. Delhi 1989 DHCCR = A Dialogue: Hindu-Christian Cosmology and Religion (ed. Kala Acharya, Nicholas Mance and Lalita Nanjash). Mumbai 1999 DhP = Dharmaprakash (Madras). 1 (1970) - 21 (1991) Dhruva = Acharya Anand Shankar Dhruva, Smaraka Grantha. Three parts. Ahmedabad 1944-1946 Dilip = Dilip. 2 (1975) - 9 (1983), 11 (1985) - 34 (2008) Diogenes = Diogenes. 1 (1953) - 212 (2006) DIPECO = Daya Krishna (ed.), Development of Indian Philosophy from Eighteenth Century Onwards. Classical and Western History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization Vol. X, Part 1. New Delhi 2002 DK = S.S.Rama Rao Pappu (ed.), The Dimensions of Karma. Delhi 1987 DKIP = Daya Krishna, Indian Philosophy: A Counter Perspective. Delhi 1991 DKM = Dilip Kumar Mohanta, Cognitive Scepticism and Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1999 DM = Darshan-Manjari. The Burdwan University Jurnal of Philosophy. 1 (1984) - 6 (1991-92) DLJP = Devacandra Lalbhai Jaina Pustakoddhara Samstha DMDV = World Perspectives in Philosophy, Religion and Culture. Essays presented to Prof. Dhirendra Mohan Datta. Patna 1968 DoubtBK = Doubt, Belief and Knowledge. Edited by Sibajiban Bhattacharya. New Delhi 1987 DP = Dasaprakaranani. Madhva's ten prakaranas edited with commentaries by Vidyaranya Tirtha. Four volumes. Madras 1969-1972 DRBV = D. R. Bhandarkar Volume (ed. B. C. Law). Calcutta 1940 DSA = Raya Dhanapati Simha Bamaduraka Agamasamgraha DSCSIP = Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts: Indian Philosophy. Indian Museum Collection. Compiled by Asesh Ranjan Mishra. Ed. Debabrata Sen Sharma. Calcutta 2001. Numbering cited is the consecutive numbering of this volume, not the catalogue number of the Indian Museum) DT = Darshanika Traimasika (Faridkot) DTI = Shoryu Katsura (ed.), Dharmakirti's Thought and its Impact on Indian and Tibetan Philosophy. Proceedings of the Third International Dharmakirti Conference, Hiroshima, Nov. 4-6, 1997. OAW, Phil-hist. Kl, 281. Band, Wien 1999 DU = text whose author's date is unknown DUB = Dacca University Bulletin DUS = Dacca University Studies, Part A. 1 (1935) - 48.1 (1991), 50.2 (1993), 51.1 (1994), 52.1-2, 1995, 53.2-54, 55.2 - 61.1 DV = Dvaita Vedanta. (See DV section of Part IV) DWD = The Ritual Vow in South Asia. Ed. Selva J. Raj and Willliam P. Harman. Albany, N.Y. 2006 e = edition EAT = Emotions in Asian Thought. A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy. Edited by Joel Marks and Roger T. Ames. Albany, N.Y. 1995 EAW = East and West (Rome) 1 (1950) - 56 (2006) EAWBo = East and West (Bombay). 1 (1902) - 21 (1921) EB = Eastern Buddhist (Tokyo). 1 (1921) - 7 (1939). n. s. 1 (1966) - 39 (2008) EBAT = Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought. In Honor of Doctor Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventy-seventh Birthday. 2002 EBPL = Angraj Chaudhary, Essays on Buddhism and Pali Literature. Delhi 1994 ECB = Erlösung in Christentum und Buddhismus. Ed. Andreas Bsteh. Modling 1982 EDH = Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Epiphanie des Heils. Zur Heisgegenwart in Indischen und Christlichen Religion. Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 9. Wien 1982 EDOM= Rita Gupta, Essays on Dependent Origination and Momentariness. Calcutta 1990 EEE = A. Raghuramaraju (ed.), Existence, Experience and Ethics: Essays for S.A.Shaida. New Delhi 2000 EEWP = Essays in East-West Philosophy (ed. Charles A. Moore). Honolulu 1951 EFNW = Erich Frauwallner, Nachgelassene Werke. 1. Aufgesätze, Beiträge, Skizzen. Wien 1984. 2.Philosophische Texte des Hinduismus. Tr. by Gerhard Oberhammer and Chlodwig H. Werba. Wien 1992 EHBZT = Essays on the History of Buddhism presented to Prof. Zenryu Tsukamoto. Kyoto 1961 EIDI = Einführungen in die Indologie. Stand-Methoden-Aufgaben. Ed. by Heinz Bechert and Georg von Simson et al. Dharmstadt 1979 EIPRL = Essays in Indian Philosophy, Religion and Literature. Ed. Piotr Balcerowicz and Marek Major. Delhi 2004 EITCH = Encyclopedia of Indian Traditions and Cultural Heritage. Edited by Chidatman Jee Maharaj. 2008 EJ = Eranos-Jahrbuch EJPR = Piotr Balcerowicz, Essays on Jaina Philosophy and Religion. Delhi 2003 EMH = Expanding and Merging Horizons. Contributions to South Asian and Cross-Cultural Studies in Commemoration of Wilhelm Halbfass. Edited Karin Preisedanz. Wien 2007 Empty Words = Jay L. Garfield, Empty Words. Buddhist Philosophy of Cross-Cultural Interpretation. Oxford 2002 EnB = Robert E. Buswell et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Two volumes. New York 2004 EnBud = Encyclopedia of Buddhism (ed. G. P. Malalasekara et al.) (Colombo). 1 (1963) - 6.4 (2002) EnBuddhism = Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Edited by damien Keown and Charles S. Prebish. London 2007 EnBudT = Encyclopedia of Buddhist Thinkers. Ed. Shiv Shankar Tiwary. Five volumes. New Delhi 2008 EnIndPh = Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Volume I: Bibliography (compiled by K.H.Potter) (Delhi 1971; second edition 1983). Volume 2: Nyaya-Vaisesika up to Gangesa. Ed. K.H.Potter (Delhi 1977, Princeton, N.J. 1978). Volume 3: Advaita Vedanta up to the time of Samkara. Ed. K.H.Potter (Delhi, Princeton 1983). Volume 4: Samkhya. Ed. Gerald James Larson and Ram Shankara Bhattacharyya.(Delhi, Princeton 1987). Volume 5: The Philosophy of the Grammarians. Ed. Harold Coward and K.H.Potter (Delhi, Princeton 1990). Volume 6: Indian Philosophical Analysis: Nyaya-Vaisesika from Gangesa to Raghunatha Siromani. Ed. K.H.Potter and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. (Delhi 1993). Volume 7: Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D. Ed. Karl H. Potter, Robert E. Buswell, Jr., Padmanabh S. Jaini and Noble Ross Reat. (Delhi, 1993). Volume 8: Buddhist Philosophy from 100 to 350 A.D. (Ed. K.H.Potter) (Delhi 1999). Volume 9: Buddhist Philosophy from 350 to 600 A.D. Ed. K.H.Potter, Delhi 2003. Volume 10: Advaita Philosophy up to Citsukha (ed. Karl H. Potter) )Delhi 2006). Volume 11: Jain Philosophy, Part One (ed. Jayendra Soni and K.H.Potter (Delhi 2006. Volume 12: Yoga: India's Philosophy of Meditation (ed. Gerald James Larson and Ram Shankar Bhattacharya) (Delhi 2008) EnIW2 = Encyclopedia of Indian Wisdom. Professor Satya Vrat Shastri Felicitation Volume, Volume Two. Edited by Ramkaran Sharma. Delhi 2–5 EnP = Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second Edition. Edited by Donald M. Borchert. Ten volumes. Detroit, etc. 2006 Enq = Enquiry (New Delhi). 2-3 (1961), 5-6. n.s. 1 (1964) - 3.3 (1971) Ensink = J. Ensink, De grote Weg naar het Licht. Amsterdam 1955, 1973 Ent = Entretiens 1955. Pondichery 1956 EOI = Satya Vrat Sastri, Essays on Indology. Delhi 1963 EpJ = K.B.Jindal, An Epitome of Jainism. New Delhi 1988 EPM = Essays in Philosophy presented to Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan. Madras 1962 Epoche = Epoché: Journal of the History of Religions at UCLA. (1983) ERE = Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics ESEHD = Fred W. Clothey and J. Bruce Long (eds.), Experiencing Siva: Encounters with a Hindu Deity. New Delhi 1983 ESOSIP = Anima Sengupta, Essays on Samkhya and Other Systems of Philosophy. Revised, enlarged edition 1977 EssInP = Sukharanjan Saha (ed.), Essays in Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1997 ES3WB = The Enworlded Subjectivity–Its Three Worlds and Beyond. Ed. R. Balasubramanian. HSPIC XI.4, 2006 ET = Études traditionelles EtAs = Études Asiatiques publiées à l'occasion du vingt-cinquienne anniversaire de l'École Francaise d'Extreme-Orient. Publications de l'École Francaise d'Extreme Orient 19-20, 1925 ETB = H.S.Prasa (ed.), Essays on Time in Buddhism. Delhi 1991 EthR = Ethical Responsibility: A Dialogue with Buddhism (ed. Julia Martin). Delhi 1997 ETML = Études Tibetains dediées à la memoire de Marcelle Lalou. Paris 1971 EW = Eastern World (London). 1 (1947) - 23 (1969) EWJ = East-West Journal (New York) EWVCT = Ernst Waldschmidt, Von Ceylon bis Turfan. Schrifte zur Geschichte, Literature, Religion und Kunst des indischen Kulturraumes. Festgabe zum 70 Geburtstag. Gottingen 1967 Excell = Robert Excell, The Wisdom Gone Beyond. Bangkok 1966 (=TWGB) ExinP = Bina Gupta, ed, Explorations in Philosophy: Essays by J. N. Mohanty. New Delhi 2001 ExO = Ex Oriente (Tokyo). 1 (1925) f = felicitation volume in honor of ____ FacB = Shotaro Iida, Facets of Buddhism. Delhi 1991 FacIC = Facets of Indian Culture. Gustav Roth Velicitation Volume.Ed. Kameshwar Prasad, Jagadiswara Pandey and Umesh Chandra Dwivedi. Patna 1998 FacInd = Facets of Indology. Mahamopadhyaya Pandit Damodar Mahapatra Shastri Commemoration Volume. Edited by Subash Chandra Dash. Delhi 2005 FaithAU = Faith in the Age of Uncertainty. Ed. Sima Sharma. New Delhi 2002 FBB = From Benares to Beijing: Essays on Buddhism and Chinese Religion (ed. Koichi Shinohara and Gregory Schopen). Oakville, Ontarioa 1991 FDS = Festschrift Dieter Schlinghoff zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres durgebrucht von Schüler, Freunden und Kollgen. Ed. Friedrich Wilhelm. Reinbek 1996 Feer = Leon Feer, Fragments extraits du Kandjour. AMG 5, 1883 FestKB = Festschrift: Klaus Bruhn zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres. Reinbek 1994 FFMBI = Gregory Schopen, Figments and Fragments of Mahayana Buddhism in India. More Collected Papers. Honolulu 2005 FIC = C. Muraleemadhavan (ed.), Facets of Indian Culture. Delhi 2000 Final5 = B.N.K.Sharma, My Final Five Research peprs (with six Appendices).Mumbai 2003 FJ = N. Nasupal, editor, Facets of Jainism. Chennai 2005 FJPRC = Facets of Jain Philosophy, Religion and Culture. 1: Anekanta and Syadvada (ed. R.A.Kumar, T.M.Dak, A.D.Mishra). Ladnum 1996 FK = F. Kielhorn, Lists of the Sanskrit Manuscripts purchased for Government during the years 1877-1878 and 1869-78 and a list of the manuscripts purchased from May to November 1881. Poona 1881 FKB = Festschrift Klaus Bruhn (ed. Nalaini Balbir and Joachim K. Bautze). Reinbek 1994 FL = Foundations of Language. 1 (1965) - 14 (1976) FMA = P. M. Padmanabha Sarma (ed.), Five Manuals of Advaita (Advaitanirupana Prakaranapancakam). Tanjore 1971 FMW = Festschrift Moriz Winternitz. Leipzig 1933 FP = Founders of Philosophy. Delhi 1975 FPh - Faith and Philosophy. Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophy. 1 (1984) - 26 (2009) FPS = R.Balasubramanian and S.Bhattacharyya (eds.), Freedom, Progress and Society. Essays in Honour of Prof. K. Satchidananda Murty, Delhi 1986 Frauwallner = Erich Frauwallner, Die Philosophie des Buddhismus. Two volumes. Berlin 1956 FRSD = Rsikalpanyasa. Festschrift honouring Rajeswar Sastri Dravid. Allahabad 1971 FTASG = Pitirim A. Sorokin (ed.), Forms and Techniques of Altruistic and Spiritual Growth. Boston 1954 FTAD = Five Treatises of Acarya Dipamkarasrijnana. Ed. tr. Lobsang Dorje Rabling. Sarnath 1999 FTB, see BKS FTI = Freedom, Transcendence and Identity: Essays in memory of Prof. KalidasBhattacharya. Edited by Pradip Kumar Sengupta. Delhi 1988 FutI = Future of Indologoy. Kolkata 2003 FVSKB = Felicitation Volume presented to Professor Sripad Krishna Belvalkar. Benares 1957 FWS = Festschrift Walther Schübring: Beiträge zur indischen Philologie und Alterkumskunde. Hamburg 1951 G = The Gaudiya (Madras) G (school) = Grammarian (Vyakarana) Philosophy. (See G section of Part IV) GAISE = Glimpses of Ancient India through Soviet Eyes (edited Jagdish Vibhakar and Usha Gay). Delhi 1989 GandS = Padmanabh S. Jaini, Gender and Salvation: Jaina Debates on the Spiritual Liberation of Women. Berkeley 1991 GatP = William Sax, ed., The Gods at Play: Lila in South Asia. New YOrk 1994 GB = General Buddhism, especially Mahayana. (See GB section of Part IV ) GCNPR = G. C. Nayak, Philosophical Reflections. Delhi 1987. Revised Second edition = GCNPR2, Delhi 2002 GECBT = Jan Nattier, A Guides to the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Translations. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica X. Tokyo 2008 GilgitM = Nalinaksha Dutt, Gilgit Manuscripts. Volume 1 (Srinagar 1939). Volume 2.1 (Srinagar 1941). Volume 2.2 (Calcutta 1953). Volume 2.3 (Calcutta 1954). Volume 3 (Calcutta 1955). Volume 4 (Calcutta 1956) Gitasamiksa = Gitasamiksa (ed. E.R.Sreekrishna Sarma). Tirupati 1971 GJV = T.N.Dharmadhikari (ed.), Golden Jubilee Volume, Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala. Poona 1982 GJWDJ = Gedenkschrift J. W. de Jong (ed. H. W. Bodewitz and Minoru Hara). Tokyo 2004 GK = Gopinath Kaviraj, Gleanings in the History and Bibliography of the Nyaya-Vaisesika Literature. Calcutta 1962 Glory of Knowledge = Glory of Knowledge: Professor Ram Murti Sharma Felicitation Volume. Ed. S.G. Kantawala and Priti Sharma. Delhi 1990 GM = Gandhi Marg. 6 (1962) - 20, 22-30 (2008-2009) GMBNN = Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, Navya-Nyaya. Some Logical Problems in Historical Perspective. Delhi 1978. GOJ = Surender K. Jain (ed.), Glimpses of Jainism. Delhi 1997 Gomez/Silk = Luis O. Gomez and Jonathan A. Silk, Studies in the Literature of the Great Vehicle. Ann Arbor 1989 GOML = Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras GOS = Gaekwad's Oriental Series (Baroda) GOSBORI = Government Oriental Series. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Classes A to C GRSJ = Gujarat Research Society Journal. 1 (1939) - 39 (1977), 42 (1980, 52 (1990), 54-57 (1992) GS = General Saivism. (See GS section of Part IV) GSAIF = Giornale della Societa Asiatica Italiana (Firenze). 1 (1837) - n.s. 2 (1932) GSBL = Glimpses of the Sanskrit Buddhist Literature. Volume I. Ed Kameshwar Nath Mishra. Samyag-Vak Seires IX. Sarnath 1997 GSI = German Scholars in India. Volume I. Varanasi 1973. Volume 2: new Delhi 1976 GSLB = Glimpses of Sri Lankan Buddhism (ed. D.C.Ahir). Delhi 2000 GSN = God, the Self and Nothingness. Reflections: Eastern and Western. Edited by Robert E. Carter. New York 1990 GSPM = Grantha-samsodhana-prakasana-mandala GSSK = Genjun Sasaki (ed.), A Study of Klesa. A Study of Impurity and its Purification in Oriental Religions. In Japanese. Tokyo 1975 GSSVIC = Grace in Saiva Siddhanta, Vedanta, Islam and Christianity (ed. Albrecht Frenz). Madurai 1975 GSTJ = Gurbachan Singh Talib (ed.), Jainism. Patiala 1975 GTOM = Giuseppe Tucci, Opera Minore (Rome). 1 (1971) - 2 (1972) Gu = G. Buhler, Report on the results of the search for Sanskrit mss. in Gujarat during the year 1871-72. Surat 1872 GUJ = see JUG Gunj = S.R.Gunjala, Lingayat Bibliography: A Comprehensive Source Book. Bhalki, Dist. Bidar 1989 GUOS = Glasgow University Oriental Society (Glasgow). 1 (1901) - 1958 GV = Gaudiya Vaishnavism and ISKCON: an Anthology of Scholarly Perspectives. Edited by Steven J. Rosen. Vrndaban 2008? GVD = G.V.Devasthali, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Bombay. References are by items GWAM = God's Word Among Men: Papers in honour of Fr. Joseph Putz, Frs. J. Bayart, J. Volkaert and P. Lettes (ed. G. Gisbert-Sauch). Delhi 1973 GWP = Grosses Werklexikon der Philosophie (ed. F. Volpi), Munchen 1995- H = General Hinduism. (See H section of Part IV) Half Way = Half Way. The Golden Book. Presented to Shri V.R. Narla on his 51st Birthday. Madras 1958 Hall = Fitzedward Hall, A Contribution toward an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. Calcutta 1859 HandS, see HSENR HarSS = Haridas Sanskrit Series, Banaras HBISS = V. Subramaniam, Buddhist-Hindu Interactions from Sakyamuni to Samkaracarya. Delhi 1994 HBK = Hokke-Bunke Kenkyu (Journal of Institute for Comprehensive Study of Lotus Søtra). 18 (1992) - 26 (2000 HCV = A Commemoration Volume for Dr. Hikata. Tokyo 1964 HDV = H. D. Velankar, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Desai Collections in the Library of the University of Bombay. Bombay 1953 HDVCV = H. D. Velankar Commemoration Volume (ed. S. N. Gajendragadkar and S.A.Upadhyaya). Bombay 1965 HEL = Histoire Epistemologie Langage. Reve editee par la Societe d'Historie et d'Epistemologie des Sciences, du Langage et les Presses Universitaires de Vincennes. 1 (1979) - 29 (2007) HermE = Hermeneutics of Encounter. Essays in Honour of Gerhard Oberhammer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Vienna 1994 HEVT = J.G.Arapura, Hermeneutical Essays on Vedanta Topics. Delhi 1986 HHKKR = Hikata Hakaso Koki Kinen Ronbunshu (Fukuoka 1964) HHF = M.L.Sondhi and Madhuri Sondhi (eds.), Hinduism's Human Face. New Delhi 1990 HiDBK = Hiroshima Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyo HIL = Satischandra Vidyabhusana, History of Indian Logic. Calcutta 1921; Delhi 1971 Hind = K. P. Sundararajan et al. (eds.), Hinduism. Patiala 1969 HindEc = Christopher Chapple and Mary Evelyn Tucker (eds.), Hinduism and Ecology: the Intersection of Earth and Water. Cambridge, Mass. 2000 HindEth = Harold J. Coward, Jullius J. Lipner and Katherine K. Young, Hindu Ethics. Albany, N. Y. 1989 HIndPh = History of Indian Philosophy: A Russian Viewpoint. Ed. Marietta Stepanyants.New Delhi 1993 HindRec = Hinduism Reconsidered (ed. Gunther-Dietz Sontheimer and Hermann Kulke). New Delhi 1997 Hinduism = Hinduism. Gregorian Pontifical University. Roma 1963 HinduReg = Hindu Regeneration. 4 (1974) - 13 (1983) Hindutva = Hindutva (Varanasi). 3 (1973) - 10 (1980) HIPP = Heritage of India: Past and Present. Essays in Honour of Prof. R. K. Sharma. Edited by P.K.Mishra and S.K.Suller. Delhi 1994 HirComVol = Professor M. Hiriyanna Commemoration Volume. Mysore 1952 HistR = History of Religions (Chicago). 1 (1961) - 46 (2006) HJ = Hibbert Journal. 1 (1961) - 18 (1978) HJAS = Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies HJKS = Hermann Jacobi, Kleine Schriften. Ed. Bernhard Kolver. Teil 2. Wiesbaden 1970 HMAA = Alessandra Monk, ed. Hindu Masculanities Across the Ages. Updating the Past. Torino 2002 HMBSP = Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, Studies in Philosophy. PunOS 22, 1933 HMJKV = H.M.Joshi, Knowledge, Value and Other Essays. Baroda 1986 HNBTK = Hokekyo no Bunka to Kiben (Kyoto 1982) Hoernle = A.F.R.Hoernlé, Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in East Turkestan. 2 volumes. Oxford 1916; Amsterdam 1970 HOKS = Hermann Oldenberg, Kleine Schriften. Volume 2. Wiesbaden 1967 HOS = Harvard Oriental Series HPE = S. Radhakrishnan et al. (eds.), History of Philosophy, Eastern and Western. Volume I. London 1952 Hpr = Haraprasad Shastri, Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts. Calcutta 1900 ff. HPS, see Hpr HR = Hindustan Review (Calcutta) HReview = The Historical Review. A Biannual Journal of History and Archaeology. Indian Institute of Oriental Studies and Research, Calcutta. 1 (1986), 4-15 (2007) HRHHR = C. J. Bleeker and Geo Widergren (eds.), Historia Religionum. Handbook for the History of Religions. Volume Two: Religions of the Present. Leiden 1971 HS = The Hymns of Sankara (ed. T.M.P.Mahadevan). Delhi 1980 HSAJIS = Harayana Sahitya Akademi Journal of Indological Studies. 1 (1896) - 2 (1987) HSENR = History and Society. Essays in Honour of Professor Nihirranjan Ray. Ed. Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. Calcutta 1978 HSPCIC = History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization. General Editor: D.P. Chattopadhyaya. HSPCM = Hindu Spirituality, Postclassical and Modern. Edited by K.R.Sundararajan and Bithika Mukerji. London 1997 HSS, see HarSS HSUEI = H. S. Ursekar, Essays in Indology. Aurangabad 1981 HTR = Jose Pereira (ed.), Hindu Theology: A Reader. New York 1976 HVM = Kesavarama Kasirama Sastri, Sri Hariraya-vanmuktavali. Volume One. Nadiya 1974 i = index or catalogue IA = Indian Antiquary. 1 (1872) - 62 (1933). Reprinted 1971. For Second Series, see NIA. Third Series, 1 (1964) - 5 (1971) IAC = Indo-Asian Culture (after 1971, Indian Horizons) (New Delhi) 1 (1952) - 56 (2008) IAHRC = Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. Leiden 1968 IAL, see ALIPC IATW = India and the West. Proceedings of a Seminar Dedicated to the Memory of Hermann Goetz. Ed. Joachim Deppert. South Asian Studies No. 15, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, New Delhi Branch. Manohar 1983 IASWRP = Samkhya-Yoga. Proceedings of the IASCWR Conference, 1981. Stony Brook, N.Y. 1983 IBSDJ = Indological and Buddhist Studies. Volume in Honour of Professor J. W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday. Canberra 1982 IC = Indian Culture (Calcutta). 1 (1934) - 16 (1949) ICandB = Indian Culture and Buddhism (in Russian). Moscow 1972 ICCD = Indian Culture, Continuity and Discontinuity. In Memory of Walter Ruben (1899-1982). Ed. Joachim Hedrich, Hiltruh Rüstau and Diethhelm Weideman. Berlin 2002 ICHR = Proceedings of the International Congress for the History of Religions. 1 (1900) - 6 (1979-80) ICQ = India Cultures Quarterly. 21.3 (1964) - 40 (1985) ICWTC = India's Contribution to World Thought and Culture. Vivekananda Commemoration Volume. Triplicane 1970 IDDG = Im Dickicht der Gebote: Studien zur Dialektik von Norm und Praxis in der Buddhismus-geschichte Asiens. Ed. Peter Schalk and MarDeeg. Uppsala 2005 IEB = Indianisme et Bouddhisme offerts à Msgr. Étienne Lamotte. Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste du Louvain 23. Louvain-la-Neuve 1980 IECTC = Indian Ethics: Classical Traditions and Contemporary Challenges; an Anthology. Edited by Purushottama Bilimoria, Joseph Prabhu and Ranuka Sharma. Williston, Vt. 2007 IETMH = Indica et Tibetica. Feschrift für Michael Hahn. Ed. Konrad Klaus and Jens Uw-Hartmann. WSTB 66. Wien 2007. IHDAB = In Honour of Dr. Annie Besant: Lectures by Eminent Persons, 1952-1988. Varanasi 1990 IHQ = Indian Historical Quarterly (Calcutta). 1 (1925) - 39 (1963) IHR = Indian Historical Review. 1 (1971-75) - 35 (2008) IIB, see SKGIB IICB = Indian Institute of Culture (Bangalore) IICQ = India International Centre Quarterly. 1 (1974) - 35 (2008-2009) IID = Indien in Deutschland. Dharmstädter Beiträge zur Diskurs über indische Relilgioun, Kultur und Gesellschaft. Edited by Edmund Weber and Roger Tøpelman. Frankfur am Main 1910 IIG = Indology in India and Germany. Problems of Information, Coordination and Cooperation. Ed. H. von Stieteneron. Tubingen 1981 IIJ = Indo-Iranian Journal. 1 (1957) - 51.2 (2008) IIJBS = Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies. 1 (1999-2000) - 10 (2009) IIQF = Indo-Iranische Quellen und Forschungen (Leipzig) IIT = Indo-Iranian Thought: A World-Heritage. Ed. M. Shojakhani and M.R.R.Khtegren, Delhi 1995 IJ = The Inner Journey. Views from the Hindu Tradition. Ed. Margaret Case. Sandpoint, Idaho 2007 IJBS = Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies. 1 (1989) - 10 (1998). Continued as IIJBS. IJE = International Journal of Ethics, see Ethics IJHS = International Journal of Hindu Studies. 1.1 (1997) - 13.3 (2009). IJIS = International Journal of Indian Studies (Ottawa). 1 (1990) - 3.2 (1993) IJP = Indian Journal of Philosophy (Bombay). 1 (1959) - 4 (1964) IJPR = International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion. 1 (1970) - 56 (2004) IJPS = Indian Journal of Philosophic Studies (Hyderabad). 1 (1974), 5 (1985) IJT = Indian Journal of Theology (Calcutta). 1.2 (1952) - 15.1 (1977) IJTS = International Journal of Tantric Studies. 1.1 (1995) IJY = International Journal of Yoga. 1.2 (2008) - 2.2 (2009)&# IKK = Indische Kultur in Kontext. Rituals, Tests und Ideen aus Indien und der Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Mylius. Ed. Lars Göhler. Wiesbaden 2005 IL = Indian Linguistics: Journal of the Linguistics Society of India ILAR = Indian Logic: A Reader (ed. Jonathan Ganeri). Richmond, Surrey: Curzon 2001 ILMS = Satischandra Vidyabhusana, History of the Medieval School of Indian Logic. Calcutta 1909 ILSGC = Indian Linguistic Studies. Festzchrift in Honor of George Cardona. Edited by Madhav M. Deshpande and Peter E. Hook. Delhi 2002 IMAAR = Richard H. Davis (ed.), Images, Miracles, and Authority in Asian Religious Traditions. Boulder, Co. 1998 IMM = In the Mirror of Memory. Reflections on Mindfulness and Remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Edited by Jent Gyatso. Albany, N.Y. 1992 IndA = Indian Archives (New Delhi). 2 (1948) - 7 (1953) IndAnt = India Antiqua: A Volume of Oriental Studies presented by his friends and pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel, C.I.E., on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his doctorate. Leiden 1947 IndBeyond = India and Beyond. Aspects of Literature, Meaning, Ritual and Thought. Essays in Honour of Frits Staal. Ed. Dick van der Meij. London 1997 Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Edited by Janet Gyatso. Albany, N.Y. 1992 Indian Horizons, see IAC Indica = Indica. 1 (1964) - 44 (2007) IndicSt1 = Indic Studies. Volume One. Edited by Chidananda and A. Ramaswami Iyengar. Velyanad 2002 IndPhRel = Roy W. Perrett (ed.), Indian Philosophy of Religion. Dordrecht 1989 IndPQ (formerly PQ) = Indian Philosophical Quarterly. 1 (1973) - 34.1 (2007) IndPT = Indian Philosophical Terms. Glossary and Sources. Chief Editor Kala Acharya. Mumbai 2004 IndS = Indian Semantics. Edited by Keshab Chandra Das. Delhi 1994 IndTibS = Indian and Tibetan Studies (Collectanen Marpurgensia Indologica et Tibetica).Ed. Dragomir Dimitrov, Unika Roesler and Roland Steiner. Wien 2002 IndTrad = Indian Tradition. Prof. Dr. Sitanath Goswami Felicitation Volume. Volumes I-II. Ed. Himamsu Chakravarti. Calcutta 1977 IndW = India and the West. The Problem of Understanding. Selected Essays of J. L. Mehta. Chico, CA. 1985 Ingalls = Daniel H. H. Ingalls, Materials for the Study of Navya-Nyaya Logic. HOS 40, 1951 Inklusivismus = Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Inklusivismus. Eine indische Denkform. Publications of the De Nobili Research Library Occasional Papers 2. Wien 1983 Insight = Insight: A Journal of World Religions (New York). 2.2 (1977-78) IntJPS = International Journal of Philosophical Studies. 1 (1995) - 17 (2009) IntptR = Shlomo Biderman and Ben-Ami Scharfstein (eds.), Interpretation in Religion. Leiden 1992 IntStudPh = International Studies in Philosophy (originally Studi Internazionale di Filosofia) (Torino). 1 (1969) - 39 (2007) InTh = Indian Thinker (Trivandrum) IO = Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office (compiled by J. Eggeling). London 1887, 1896 IOL = Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts in the India Office Library, Volume II (compiled by A.B.Keith with supplement by F.W.Thomas). London 1935 IP = S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy. Two volumes. London 1927; New York 1971 IPA = Indian Philosophical Annual. 2 (1966) - 26.1 (1999) IPACP = Daya Krishna, Indian Philosophy: A Counter Perspective. Oxford 1991, 1996. Revised, enlarged Delhi 2006 IPACR, see IPE IPC = Indian Philosophy and Culture. 1 (1956) - 20 (1975) IPE = Roy W. Perrett (ed.), Indian Philosophy: A Collection of Readings. Volume 1: Epistemology. New York 2001. Volume 2: Logic. N.Y. 2000. Volume 3: Metaphysics. N.Y. 2000. Volume 4: Philosophy of Religion. N.Y. 2000. Volume 5: Theory of Value. N.Y. 2001. (same as IPACR) IPP = India, Past and Present. 1 (1984) - 3 (1986) IPQ = International Philosophical Quarterly. 1 (1961) - 49 (2009) IPR = Indian Philosophical Review (Bombay). 1 (1917) - 4 (1921) IPS = M. Hiriyanna, Indian Philosophical Studies. Volume 1, Mysore 1957. Volume 2, Mysore 1972 IPSA = H. Chaudhuri and H. Spiegelberg (eds.), The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. London 1960 IPTS = Indian Philosophy and Text Science. Ed. Toshihiro Wada. Delhi 2010 IR = Indian Review (Madras) IRIABSU = Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University 1999. Tokyo 2000 IS = Indische Studien (Berlin). 1 (1850) - 18 (1898) ISCRL = Indian Studies in honor of Charles Rockwell Lanman. Cambridge, Mass. 1929 ISPP = Indian Studies Past and Present (Calcutta). 1 (1960) - 15 (1974) ISS = Ideology and Status of Sanskrit. Contributions to the History of the Sanskrit Language. Ed. Jan E.M. Houben. Leiden 1996 ISUD, see JDSUD IT = Indian Thought. 1 (1909) - 11 (1919) ITag = Indologen-Tagung 1959 (ed. E. Waldschmidt). Gottingen 1959 ITAI = Donald H. Bishop (ed.), Indian Thought: An Introduction. New Delhi 1975 ITaur = Indologica Taurinensia (Torino). 1 (1973) - 35 (2009) ITBC = Indian Thought and Buddhist Culture. Essays in Honour of Professor Junkichi Imanishi on His Sixtieth Birthday. Tokyo 1996 ITH = P.C.Muralimadhavan (ed.), Indian Theories of Hermeneutics. Delhi 2002 ITK = Hakuju Ui, Indo Tetsugaku Kenkyu. Six volumes. Tokyo ITMS = Indo-Tibetan Madhyamika Studies. Sambhata Series 3. New Delhi 1996 IWP = Introduction to World Philosophies. Edited by Eliot Deutsch. Upper Saddle River, N.J. 1997 J = Jainism. (See J section of Part IV) JA = Journal Asiatique (Paris). 1 (1822) - 297 (2009) JAALP = Jainism. Art, Architecture, Literature and Philosophy. Edited by Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kanalokar, and A.K.V.S. Reddy. Delhi 2001 JAAR = Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 35 (1964) - 77 (2009). JAAS = Journal of Asian and African Studies. 11 (1976) - 42.1 (2007) JAG = Jaina Atmananda Grantharatnamala (Bhavnagar, Bombay) JAH = Journal of Asian History. 1 (1967) - 43.2 (2009) JAIH = Journal of Ancient Indian History. 1 (1967-68) - 20 (1996-97) JainA = Jaina Antiquary (Arrah)(=Jaina Siddhanta Bhaskara). 1 (1935) - 52.1-2 (1999) JainCC = Collette Caillat (ed.), Jainism. Delhi 1974 JainG = Jaina Gazette. 22 (1926) - 36 (1939) Jainism = Jainism. Delhi; New York 1974 JainJ = Jain Journal (Calcutta). 2 (1967) - 43.1 (2008) Jainthology = Ganesh Lalwani (ed.), Jainthology. Calcutta 1991 Jambujoyti = Jambujyoti (Munisvara Jambuvijaya Festschrift). Edited by M. a. Dhaky and J. B. Shah. Ahmedabad 2004 JAIRI = Journal of the Ananthacarya Indological Research Institute. 1 (1998) - 5 (2002-2003) JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society (New Haven). 1 (1843) - 128 (2008) JAS = Journal of Asian Studies. 15 (1955) - 66 (2007), 67.3 (2008) - 68 (2009) JASACFV = Jainism: A Study (Acharya Chandana Felicitation Volume). Ed. R. M. Das. New Delhi 2000 JASB = JASBo JASBe = Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta). 1 (1832) - 1958; n.s. 1 (1959) - 51.3 (2009) JASBo = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Bombay Branch. 1 (1841) - n.s. 81 (2008) JASP = Journal of the Asiatic Society of Pakistan (now, Bangladesh) (Dacca). 1 (1956) - 14 (1969), 16.1 (1971) - 53.2 (2008) JAssamRS = Journal of the Assam Research Society. 1 (1933) - 39 (2007) JAsSt = Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies (Madras). 1 (1983) - 19 (2002) JAU = Journal of the Annamalai University. 1 (1932) - 29 (1972), 31 (1982) - 33 (1987), 35 (1989) - 39 (1997) JBHU = Journal of the Banaras Hindu University. 1 (1937) - 2 (1938), 6.2-3 (1942) JBS Sri Lanka (old SLJBS) 1 (2003) - 2 (2004) JBP = Journal of Buddhist Philosophy (Bloomington). 1 (1983) JBR = Journal of Bible and Religion. 1 (1933) - 34 (1966) JBRS = Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society of India (Calcutta). 1 (1911) - 75 (1989) JBTSI = Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India (Calcutta). 1 (1893) - 7 (1906) JBurmaRS = Journal of the Burma Research Society. 1 (1911) - 42 (1959) JCV = R. C. Sharma and Pranati Ghoshal, eds., Jaina Contribution to Varanasi. New Delhi n.d. JD = Journal of Dharma (Bangalore). 1 (1975-76) - 31 (2006) JDBSDU = Journal of the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi. 1 (1974) - 15 (1991) JDHUB = Journal of the Department of Letters, University of Burdwan. 1 (1968) - 2 (1969) JDJBS = J. W. de Jong, Buddhist Studies. Ed. Gregory Schopen. Berkeley 1979 JDL = Journal of the Department of Letters, University of Calcutta. 1 (1912) - 17 (1958); n.s. 1 (1957) - 3 (1960) JDPaliUC = Journal of the Department of Pali, University of Calcutta. 1 (1982-83) - 13 (2005) JDPUC = Journal of the Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta. 1 (1975) - 5 (1981-82) JDSUD = Journal of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi. 1 (1971-72) - 3 (1974) JEAS = Journal of the European Ayurvedic Society. 1 (1990) - 5 (1997). Becomes TSAM. JFLNU = Journal of the Faculty of Letters, Nagoya University. Philosophy Section JGIS = Journal of the Greater India Society (Calcutta). 1 (1934) - 1958 JGJRI = Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute (Allahabad). 1 (1943) - 60-61 (2004-2005) JGK = Jinbungaku Kenkyujoho (Kanazawa) JGujRS, see GRSJ JHI = Journal of the History of Ideas JHR = Journal of Historical Research. 3 (1960)- 46.2 (2004-2006) JIABS = Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (Madison,Wisconsin). 1 (1978) - 29.2 (2006-2008) JIAP = Journal of the Indian Academy of Philosophy (Calcutta). 1 (1961-62) - 45 (2006) JIAS, see JAsSt [=Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies (Madras)] JIBSt = Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (=Indobukkyogaku Kenkyu) (Tokyo). 1 (1952) - 55 (2007) JIC(A)(P)BS = Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. 1 (1998) - 13 (2009) JICPR = Journal of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research. 1 (1983) - 24 (2007) JICPRSpI = Journal of the Indian Council for Philosophical Research Special Issues. 2001-2002 JICS = Journal of Intercultural Studies (Japan). 1 (1974) - 31 (2004) JIES = Journal of Indo-European Studies. 1 (1973) - 32 (2004), 36 (2008) - 37 (2009) Jigo to Muga = Jigo to Muga (Tokyo 1963) JIH = Journal of Indian History. 1 (1921-22) - 86 (2007), Golden Jubilee Volume (2001) JIIP = Journal of the Indian Institute of Philosophy (Amalner). 1 (1918) - 2 (1919) JijJHI = Jijnasa. A Journal of the History of Ideas and Culture (Jaipur). 2 (1981) Jijnasa = Jijnasa (Jaipur). 1 (1974) - 3 (1984) JIJS = Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies. 5 (2002) - 6 (2003) Jinamanjari = Jinamanjari (Mississauga, Ontario) = 3.2 (1991), 5.2-6.1 (1993), 7.2 (1993); 8.3 (1993), Special edition; 9.1 (1994) - 11.1 (1995), 12.2 (1995), 13.1 (1996), 14.2-15.2 (1997), 17.1 (1998), 18.2 (1998), 19.1 (1999), 20.2 (1999), 21.1 (2000), 22-25 (2002), 31.1 (2005), 33.1 (2006), 34.2, 36 (2007) - 37 (2008), 38.2 (2008), 39.1 (2009) JIndPsych = Journal of Indian Psychology. 1 (1978) - 20 (2002) JIP = Journal of Indian Philosophy (Dordrecht). 1 (1970) - 38.1 (2010) JIPR = Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion (Calcutta) 1 (1996), 5 (2000), 7 (2002) JISSA = Journal of the Indological Society of Southern Africa. 1 (1993) - 4 (1996) Jitari = Gudrun Bühnemann (ed.), Jitari: Kleine Texte. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 8. Wien 1982 JJ, see JainJ JJG = Jivaraj Jaina Granthamala (Sholapur) JJP = Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy. 2 (1990) - 3.1 (1991) - 14 (2002) JJRS = Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. 1 (1984) - 36.1 (2009) JKHRS = Journal of the Kalinga Historical Research Society. 1 (1946-47) - 3 (1950) JKU = Journal of the Karnatak University (Humanities). 1 (1956-57) - 43 (2003-2004) JKUOML = Journal of the Kerala University Oriental Manuscripts Library (Trivandrum). 1 (1945) - 21 (1976) JLCLEA = Journal of the Literary Committee of Lingayat Education Association (Dharwad) 1 (1936) - 7 (1942) JLE = V. N. Jha (ed.), Jaina Logic and Epistemology. Delhi 1997 JLMIW = J. L. Mehta, India and the West. The Problem of Understanding. Studies in World Religions 4: Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions. Chico, Cal. 1985 JMKU = Joural of the Madurai Kamaraj University. 3.1 (1973), 5 (1976) - 9 (1980) JMU = Journal of the Madras University. 1 (1928) - 62 (1990) JMysoreU = The Half-yearly Journal of the Mysore University (= Mysore University Magazine). 1 (1917) - 3d series 59 (1997) Jnanamuktavali = Jnanamuktavali. Commemoration Volume in honour of Johannes Nobel. New Delhi 1943 JNIBS = Journal of Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies. 17 (1994) - 32 (2009) JNMP = The Philosophy of J.N.Mohanty. Edited Daya Krishna and K.L.Sharma. New Delhi 1991 JNRC = Journal of the Nepal Research Centre (Humanieis). 1 (1997)-11 (1999) JOI(B) = Journal of the Oriental Institute (Baroda). 1 (1951) - 58.3-4 (2009) JOR = Journal of Oriental Research (Madras). 1 (1927) - 77 (2006) JOS = Journal of Oriental Studies (Hong Kong). 1 (1954) - 41.2 (2006) JOSA = Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia. 1 (1960) - 40 (2008) JP = Journal of Philosophy (New York). 1 (1904) - 106.1-7 (2009) JPA = Journal of the Philosophical Association (Nagpur). 1 (1953) - 15 (1974). JPAMI = N. N. Bhattacharya (ed.), Jainism and Prakrit in Ancient and Medieval India. Essays for Prof. Jagdish Chandra Jain. New Delhi 1994 JPASIC = Jaina Philosophy, Art and Science in Indian Culture (ed. D.C. Jain and R.K.Sharma). Two volumes. Delhi 2002 JPMJG = Jnana-Pitha Murtidevi Jaina Granthamala (Banaras). JPS = Journal of Philosophical Studies. 2.1 (1994) JPT = Nagin J. Shah (ed.), Collection of Jaina Philosophical Tracts. LDS 41, 1973. JPTS = Journal of the Pali Text Society (London). 1 (1882) - 142 (1958); 9 (1981) - 28 (2002) JPU = Sresthi Devachanda Lalabhai Jaina Pustakoddhar Fund Series (Bombay) JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London). 1 (1834) - 1990; 3d series 1 (1991) - 20.1 (2010) JRASCB = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch (now Sri Lanka Branch) (Colombo). 1 (1845) - series 2, 32 (1989) - 54 (2008) JRK = Hari Damodar Delankar, Jinaratnakosa: An Alphabetical Register of Jain Works and Authors. Poona: Bandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1944. Also Government Oriental Series Class C, No.4 JRS = Journal of Religious Studies (Patiala). 1 (1968) - 19 (1991), 21 (1992) - 37 (2006) JS = Jaina Studies. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, Vol. 9. Edited by Colett Caillat and Naloini Balbir. Delhi 2008 JSB = Jaina Siddhanta Bhaskara. Published jointly with JainA JSidSt = Journal of Siddhanta Studies (Jaffna). 1993 JSG = Jahrbuch der Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft JSHJD = Jain Studies in Honour of Jozef Deleu (ed. Rudy Smet and Kenji Watanabe). Tokyo 1993 JSITS = Journal of Studies for the Integrated Text Science. 1.1 (2003) JSM = Journal of Studies in Mysticism (Australia). 1 (1977) JSORI = Journal of the Sukrtindra Oriental Research Institute. 9.2 (2008) JSP = Jadavpur Studies in Philosophy. 1 (1979) - 5 (1983) JSR = Japan Science Review (Kenkyu Rombunshu). 1 (1950) - 12 (1961) JSS = Journal of the Sri Samkara Gurukulam (Srirangam). 1 (1939-400 - 5 (1944-45) JSU = Journal of Shivaji University (Kolhapur). 1 (1968) - 39 (2004) JSVRI = Journal of the Sri Venkatesvara Rao Institute (Tirupati). 1 (1940) - 16 (1955) JTC = G. C. Pande (ed.), Jain Thought and Culture. Jaipur n.d. JTibS = Journal of the Tibet Society. 1 (1981) - 8 (1988) JTMFRT = Nagin J. Shah (ed.), Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth (Anekantavada). Delhi 2000 JTS = Journal of Tamil Studies. 1 (1969) - 2 (1970); n.s. 1 (1972) - 67 (2005) JTSML = Journal of the Tanjore Sarasvati Mahal Library. 1 (1946) - 49 (2004) JTU. see TDG JTUOML, see JKUOML JUB = Journal of the University of Baroda. 1 (1952) - 35-36 (1987) JUBihar = Journal of the University of Bihar. 1 (1956) - 2 (1957) JUBo = Journal of the University of Bombay. 1 (1933) - 53 (1984) JUG = Journal of the University of Gauhati (Arts). 1 (1946-49) - 39 (1978) JUJI = Sri Jagganathajyotih. Jagannath University Journal of Indology I.1 (1984), 5-9 (2004) JUP = Journal of the University of Poona (Humanities). 1 (1952) - 41 (1974) JURB = Journal of the University of Ranchi, Bihar. 6 - 15, 16.2 (1985) JUS = Journal of the University of Saugar (Madhya Bharati). 1 (1954) - 10 (1961), 16 (1965) - 18 (1970) JVaisS = Journal of Vaisnava Studies. 1 (1992-93) - 18.1 (2009) JVS = Jinavanisamgraha. Calcutta 1927 JVSC = Journal of the Visvabharati Study Circle. 1 (1959) - 2 (1961) JYI = Journal of the Yoga Institute (Santa Cruz, India). 1 (1966-67) - 20 (1974-75) K = F. Kielhorn, A Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. existing in the Central Province. Nagpur 1874 KAG = Kaviraj-abhinandana-grantha. Lucknow 1967 Kailash = Kailash (Kathmandu). 1 (1973) - 19 (2000) Kairos = Kairos. 1 (1959) - 37 (1995) KAKICW = K. A. Krishnaswamy Aiyar, Collected Works (ed. Satchidananda Saraswati). Holenarsipur 1969 Kalyanamitraraganam = Kalyanamitraraganam. Essays in Honour of Nils Simonsson. Ed. Eivind Kahrs. Oslo 1986 Kalyanamittam = Kalyana-mitta. Professor H. Nakamura Felicitation Volume (ed. V.N.Jha). Delhi 1991 Kalyani = Kalyani. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, U. of Kalaniya. 5 (1986) - 6 (1987) KASGJ = Kumbakonam Advaita Sabha Golden Jubilee Commemoration Volume. Madras 1948 Kashi Vidyapith = Kashi Vidyapith Silver Jubilee Volume. Banaras 1946 Kashyap = J. Kashyap, The Abhidharma Philosophy. Sarnath 1943 KavS = Kavyasamgraha KBPCV = K. B. Pathak Commemoration Volume. Poona 1934 KCBSP = K. C. Bhattacharya, Studies in Philosophy. Two volumes. Delhi 1982 KCV = Knowledge, Culture and Value. Papers of the World Philosophy Congress, Dec. 28, 1975 - Jan. 3, 1976. Delhi 1976, 1979. Three parts. KD = Karnatak Darshan. Bombay 1955 KDG = Kodaigakku (Osaka) KDTDR = Kinki Daigaku Tanki Daigaku Ronshu (Osaka) KFIP = Tara Chatterjee, Knowledge and Freedom in Indian Philosophy. Landon, MD 2002 Kh = F. Kielhorn, Report on the search for Sanskrit mss. in the Bombay presidency during the year 1880-1881. Bombay 1881 Khn = F. Kielhorn, A Classified Alphabetical Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in the Southern Division of the Bombay Presidency. Bombay 1869 KISSC = Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Knowledge and International Studies in Society and Consciousness. Calcutta 1985 KK = Kalyana Kalpataru (Gorakhpur). 1 (1934) - 27 (1963) KKBLKO, see LKO KKIBR = Kanakura Hakase Koki Kinan Indogaku Bukkyo Goku Ronshu (Kyoto 1966) KKKSG = Kochi Kogyo Koto Senmon Gakko Gukujutsu Kiyo KPJCV = K. P. Jayaswal Commemoration Volume (ed. J. S. Jha). Patna 1981 KRBCP, see KRNCP KRCIT = Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (ed.), Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. Berkeley 1980 KRH = R.K Mishra and B.M.Sagar (eds.), Knowledge, Reality and Happiness. Simla 1991 KRNCP = K.R.Norman, Collected Papers. Four volumes. Oxford 1991-93 KRPCD = Ronald W. Neufeldt (ed.), Karma and Rebirth: Post-Classical Developments. Albany, N.Y. 1986 Krsna Pratibha = Krsna Pratibha. Studies in Indology (Prof. Krishna Chandra Panigrahi Commemorative Volume). Ed. H. C. Das, S. Tripathi, B. K. Rath. Delhi 1994 KS (school) = Kashmir Saivism. (See KS section of Part IV) KS = Kant-Studien. 1 (1897) - 77.3 (1986) KSBC = Mm. Professor Kuppuswami Sastri Birth-Centenary Commemoration Volume. Part I: Collection of Sastri's Writings. Ed. S. S. Janaki. Madras 1981 KSCV = Kuppuswami Sastri Commemoration Volume. Madras 1937 KSDR = Kyoto Sangyo Daigaku Ronshu (Kyoto) KSS = Kashi Sanskrit Series KSTS = Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies KT = H.W.Bailey, Khotanese Texts. Volumes 1-5, Cambridge 1945-1963. Vol. I-III reprinted Cambridge 1969, 1980. Vol. IV reprinted 1980. Vol. 5 reprinted 1980 KTKK = Kokusai Tohogakusho Kaigi Kiyo Kuhn = Festschrift E. Kühn. Breslau 1916 KUJ = Kurukshetra University Journal (Arts and Humanities). 1 (1967) - 37 (2003) KVRACV = Prof. K. V. Rangaswami Aiyangar Commemoration Volume. Madras 1940 KW = B.K.Matilal and A. Chakrabarti (eds.), Knowing from Words. Dordrecht 1994 L = Rajendralal Mitra, Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Calcutta 1871-1890 LADWR = Harold Coward, ed., Life After Death in World Religions. Delhi 1997 Lahore = Kashi Nath Kunte, Report on the Compilation of the Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts for the year 1879. Lahore LandR = J. L. Mehta, A. K. Chatterjee and Santosh Kumar (eds.), Language and Reality. Proceedings of the Second All-India Seminar held at the Center of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University. Varanasi 1968 LB = Lotus bleu LBIP = Logic and Bellief in Indian Philosophy. Edited b Piotr Balcerowicz. Delhi 2010 LCC = Le civita cattolica (Roma) LDBC = Living and Dying in Buddhist Culture. Edited b David W. Chappell and Karma Lakshe Tsoma. Honolulu 1998 LDS = Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Series (Ahmedabad) LDSBDM = Love Divine. Studies in Bhakti and Devotional Mysticism. Ed. Karel Werner. Richmond, Surrey 1993 Lee = S. C. Lee, Popular Buddhism in China. Shanghai 1934 LECI = Logic in Earliest Classical India. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, Vol.um 10.2. Edited b Brendan S. Gillon. Delhi 2010 Leumann = Ernst Leumann, Zur nordarischen-sprache und Literatur. Strassburg 1912 LFDP = La fabrication du psychisme. Ed. Silvia Mancini. Paris 2006 L'Herme = L'Herme Nirvana. Paris 1993 LHRCV , see AspJ 1 LindH = Christian Lindtner (tr.) Hinayana (in Danish). Denmark 1998 LIPR = Language in Indian Philosophy and Religion (ed. Harold C. Coward).SR Supplement 5. Calgary 1978 LJL = Library of Jain Literature LKO = Language, Knowledge and Ontology. A Collection of Essays by Professor K.K.Banerjee. Edited by Kalyana Sen Gupta and Krishna Roy. New Delhi 1988 LLHT = Living Liberation in Hindu Thought. Edited by Andrew O. Fort and Patricia Y. Mumme. Albanya, N.Y. 1996. (Cf. Arvind Sharma's review, PEW 48, 1998, 142-161 LLSI = Language, Logic and Science in India: Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives. Cont. Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya et al. New Delhi 1995 LM = Le Muséon (Paris). 1 (1882) - 122.1 (2009) LNMCV = The Heritage of India (L. N. Mishra Commemoration Volume). Ed. Upendra Thakur and Yugal Kishore Mitra. Bihar 1978 LP = Lokaprajna (Puri). 2 (1988) LPB (=PB) = La pensée bouddhique LPEIM = Le Parole e i Marmi. Studi in Onore di Raniero Gnoli nel suo 70th Compleanno. Ed. Raffaele Torella. Two volumes. SerOR 92.1, Roma 2001 LRA = Language, Reality and Analysis. Essays on Indian Philosophy by Jitendra Nath Mohanty. Leiden 1990 LSFV = Ludwik Sternbach Felicitation Volume. Two parts. Lucknow 1979 LSLT = Francois Grimal (ed.), Les Sources et le Temps. Sources and Time, a Colloquium. BEFEO 91, 2001 LSS = Lange, style et structure dans le monde indiens. Centenaire de Louis Renou: actes du Colloqu international (Paris 25-27 janvier, 1996). Paris 1996 LTC = Language, Thought and Culture in India (from c. 600 B.C. to c. A.D. 300). History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization (Gen. Ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya). Volume I, part 2. New Delhi 2001 LTK = Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir. Essay in Memory of Pandit Dinanatha Yaksha. Ed. Mrinal Kaul and Ashok Aklujkar. New Delhi 2008 M = T.R.V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. London 1955 MachR = Machikanayama Ronshu (Osaka) MahaRaval = Maha-Raval (Rajata Jayanti Abhinandana Grantha). Dungarpur 1950 Mahayanasutrasamgraha I = Mahayanasutrasangraha, Volume I. Darbhanga 1960 Mahendra = Indian Culture (Mahendra Jayanti Volume). Calcutta 1951 Makaranda = Makaranda (Madhukar Anant Mahendralala Festschrift). Ed. M.A.Dhgaky and J.B.Shah. Ahmedabad 2000 MandS = Harold Coward and Terence Penelhum (eds.), Mystics and Scholars. The Calgary Conference on Mysticism 1976. SR Supplement 3. Calgary 1976 ManSC = Manuscripts in the Schoyen Collection (Jans Braarvig, editor-in-chief). Two volumes. Oslo 2000 Manual = D.T.Suzuki, Manual of Zen Buddhism. Kyoto 1935; New York 1950, 1960 Manushya: Journal of Humanities. 1 (1998) Marfatia = Mrudula I. Marfatia, The Philosophy of Vallabhacarya. Delhi 1967 MatR = Matsukaneyama Ronshu (Osaka) MB (school) = Madhyamaka Buddhism. (See MB section of Part IV ) MB = Mahabodhi (Colombo). 16 (1908) - 103 (1995) MBL = Alex Wayman, A Millennium of Buddhist Logic. Volume One. Buddhist Translation Series 36. Delhi 1999 MBMI = Medieval Bhakti Movements in India: Sri Caitanya Quincentenary Commemoration Volume (edited N.N.Bhattacharyya (New Delhi 1989) MBMTP = Minoru Kiyota (ed.), Mahayana Buddhist Meditation: Theory and Practice. Honolulu 1978 MBT = Giuseppe Tucci, Minor Buddhist Texts. Roma 1956, 1958; Japan 1978; Delhi 1986 MCB = Mélanges chinoise et bouddhiques (Bruxelles). 1 (1931) - 27 (1995) MCdH = Mélanges Charles de Harlez. Leiden 1896 MCV = Malaviya Commemoration Volume. Banaras 1952 MD = M. Rangacarya, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. Madras 1910 MDAA = Multi-Dimensional Application of Anekantavada (ed. Sagarmal Jain and Shriprakash Pandey). Ahmedabad 1999 MDIFO = Mitteilingen des Institutes für Orientforschung. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Institute für Orientforschung. 1 (1953) - 17 (1971) MDIPP = Madras University Department of Indian Philosophy Publication MDJG = Manikacandra Digambara Jain Granthamala MDJK = Meijo Daigaku Jinbun Kenkyu (Nagoya) MDPN = Samdhong Rinpoche (ed.), Madhyamika Dialectic and the Philosophy of Nagarjuna. Sarnath 1977 ME = Message of the East (=Vedanta Monthly) (=Vedanta Quarterly) (Boston) 1 (1905) - 48 (1959) MEHTC = H. T. Colebrooke, Miscellaneous Essays. Two volumes. London 1837 MFLYU = Memoires of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Yamanashi University MGKCV, see Navonmesa MGOS = Madras Government Oriental Series MHBCV = Professor M. Hiriyanna Birth Centenary Commemoration Volume (1871-1971). Ed. V. Raghavan and G. Marulasiddaiah. Mysore 1972 Mi = Mind 1 (187) - 117 (470) (2009) MIK = Miscellanea Indologica Kiotensia. 1 (1960) - (1965) MIMLR = Mélanges d'indianisme à la Mémoire de Louis Renou. Paris 1968 MimP = The Mimamsaprakasa (Poona) MIRRP = Harold G. Coward, ed. Modern Indian Responses to Religious Pluralism. Albany 1987 MiscB = Christian Lindtner (ed.), Miscellanea Buddhica. Indiske Studien 5. Copenhagen 1985 Mizuno = Kogen Mizuno in EnBud 1.1, 1961, 64-80 MJS38 = Mahavira Jayanta Smaraka 38th. 2001 MK = Miscellanea Kiotensia. Kyoto 1956 MKB = Materialen zur Kunde des Buddhismuis (Heidelberg) MKUJ - Madurai Kamaraj University Journal 5 (1976) - 9 (1980) MMM = Man, Meaning and Morality. Essays in Honour of Professor Rajendra Prasad. Edited by R. Balasubramanian and Ramashanker misra. New Delhi 1995 MMR = Mikkyogaku Mikoshi Ronbushi. Koyosan 1965 MMSFV = Prof. Mukunda Madhava Sharma Felicitation Volume. Studies in Indology (ed. A.K.Goswami and Chutia). Delhi 1996 MO = The Mysore Orientalist. 1 (1967) - 17 (1995) MOF, see MDIFO MOLP = Mysore Oriental Library Publications Mon = The Monist. 1 (1890) - 92 (2009) MonV = Marxism on Vedanta. Papers on the Conference on "The Universe of Vedanta", 6-7 May 1975. New Delhi 1976 Morgan = Kenneth W. Morgan (ed.), The Path of the Buddha. New York 1956 MOS = Madras Oriental Series MP = Mountain Path. 1 (1964) - 27 (1990-91) MPM = Madhva Prabandhamala. Madhva's works edited by K. R. Rau. Madras 1908-1912. Four volumes. Second edition 1919, two volumes MR = Modern Review MRJ = Research Journal of the Social Sciences (Meerut).1 (1963) - 35 (2009) MRSBC = Henende Bikash Chowdhury, ed., Mahapandita Rahula Sankrtyayana Birth Centenary Volume. Calcutta 1994 MRTB = Memoirs of the Research Dept. of the Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library).4 (1929), 10 (1938) - 30 (1972), 33 (1975) - 40 (1982), 42 (1984), 44 (1986) - 57 (1999), 60 (2002) - 66 (2008) MS = Modern Schoolman. 1 (1925) - 53 (1976) MSAP = Brian Carr, ed., Morals and Society ion Asian Philosophy. Richmond, Surrey 1996 MSC = Bettina Baumer (ed.), Mysticism in Shaivism and Christianity. New Delhi 1997 MSDS, see MUSS MSFV = Muhammad Shahidullah Felilcitation Volume. Ed. M. E. Haq). Asiatic Society of Pakistan Publication #17. Dacca 1966 MSOS = Sri Madhva Siddhanta Onahini Sabhar (Tirupati) MSS = Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft (Munich) MSL, see MSylLevi MSSME = Myths and Symbols: Studies in Honor of Mircea Eliade. Editeds by Joseph M. Kitagawa and Charles H. Long. Chicago 1969 MSylLevi = Ed. Eli Franco, Mémorial Sylvain Lévi. Paris 1937. Reprinted Delhi 1991 MT = Triennial Catalogue of Manuscripts collected for the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. Nine volumes, some in several parts. Edited by M. Rangacharya, S. Kuppuswami Sastri and Z.A.Sankaran. Madras 1913-1943 MTSR = Myth and Theory in the Study of Religion. 1 (1989) - 21.3 (2009) Muralt = Raoul van Muralt, Meditations-Sutras. Zurich 1956; Oberhain 1976 MUSIP = Mysore University Studies in Philosophy MUPS = Madras University Philosophy Series MUSS = Madras University Sanskrit Series MVIC = Mimamsa and Vedanta; Interaction and Continuity. Edited by Johannes Bronkhorst. Delhi 2007 MVV = Mitravani-Vacaspati Visesanka (ed. Rudradhar Jha). Darbhanga n.d. MW = The Middle Way. 19.4-6 (1945) - 70 (1995), 71.4-72.3 (1997) MWS = H. R. Bhagavat (ed.), Minor Works of Samkaracharya. Poona 1924, 1952 Mysore = F. Kielhorn, A Supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit Works in the Saraswati Bandaram Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore MySS = Steven T. Katz, ed., Mysticism and Sacred Scripture. Oxford 2000 n = notes Nagarjuniana = Christian Lindtner, Nagarjuniana. Studies in the Writings and Philosophy of Nagarjuna. Indiske Studien 4. Copenhagen 1982; Calcutta 1987. Rearranged as Master of Wisdom (Oakland, Cal. 1986). Nakamura = Hajime Nakamura, Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes. Japan 1980; reprinted Delhi 1987 NanB = Nanto Bukkyo (Nara) Nandanavana = Nandanavana [Elysium]. Collected Writings of Dr. N. L. Jain. Ed. by Shriprakash Pandey. Parshwanath Vidyapeeth Series 147. Rewa 2005 Navonmesa = Navonmesa. Mahamopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj Commemoration Volume. Volume IV: English. Varanasi 1987 NAWG = Nachrichten Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen __ Philosophische-Historische Klasse NBKK = Naritasan Bukkyo Kenkyu Kiyo (Chiba) NB(G)KN = Nihon Bukkyo Gakui Nempo (Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association). (1928) - 28 (1963) NBLBS = Karunesha Shukla (ed.), Nature of Bondage and Liberation in Buddhist Systems. Proceedings of a Seminar held in 1984. Gorakhpur 1988 NBUR = North Bengal University Review. 1 (1980) - 5 (1984) NBWGJ = Nalanda--Buddhism and the World: Golden Jubilee Volume. Ed. R. Panth. Nalanda 2001 NCat = New Catalogus Catalogorum (V. Raghavan, K. Kunjunni Raja et al., eds.). Madras 1949-. In progress. References to Volume I are to the revised edition of 1968 NDVP = New Dimensions in Vedanta Philosophy. Bhagavan Swaminarayan's Bicentenary Commemoration Volume 1781-1981. Ahmedabad 1981. Two parts. NEB = New Essays in the Bhagavadgita (ed. Arvind Sharma). NewDelhi 1987 NEF = Notes y Estudios Filofia (Tucuman, Argentina) NEPSR = New Essays in the Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Edited by S. S. Rama Rao Pappu. Studies In Indian Tradition Series No. 6. Delhi 1995 New Essays = Bardwell L. Smith (ed.), Hinduism. New Essays in the History of Religions. Leiden 1976 NGDR = Nisho Gakusha Daigaku Ronshu (Tokyo) NHRI = New Horizons of Research in Indology (Silver Jubilee Volume). Ed. V.N.Jha. Publications of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit Class E, #10. Poona 1989 NIA = New Indian Antiquary. 1 (1938) - 9 (1947) Nilabdhi = Nilabdhi. Essays on Art, Culture and Literature. Pandit Nilamani Mishra Commemoration Volume. New Delhi 2002 Nirgrantha = Nirgrantha (Ahmedabad). 1 (1995 - 2 (1996) NIT = Neooplatonism and Indian Thought (ed. R. Blaine Harris). Norfolk, Va. 1982 NKDPR = N.K.Devaraja (ed.), Philosophy and Religion. Simla 1989 NKDPRC = Nand Kishore Devaraja, Philosophy, Religion and Culture. Delhi 1974 NKGWG = Nachrichten von der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universitats zu Göttingen. Philologisch-historisch Klasse NNLGB = N. N. Law (ed.), Gautama Buddha: 25th Centenary Volume. 1956 NNMRP = Nava-Nalanda-Mahavira Research Publications (Nalanda). 1 (1957), 2 (1960) NP = A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of the Northwestern Provinces. Ten parts. Allahabad 1877-1886 NPAV = New Perspectives on Advaita Vedanta. Essays in Commemoration of Professor Richard de Smet (ed. Bradley J. Malkovsky). Leiden 2000 NPVAIC = New Perspectives on Vedic and Ancient Indian Civilization (ed. Bhu Dev Sharma). Meerut 2000 NPBR = A.K.Warder (ed.), New Paths in Buddhist Research (Durham, N.C., 1985) NPNI = Ram Chandra Pandeya and Manju, Nagarjuna's Philosophy of No-Identity. Delhi 1991 NR = New Review (Calcutta) 1 (1936) - 1950 NSCE = Ninian Smart, Concept and Empathy. Essays in the Study of Religion. Ed. Donald Wiebe. London 1986 NTWR = Peter Koslowski (ed.), Nature and Technology in the World Religions. Dordrecht 2001 NUJ = Nagpur University Journal. 1 (1935) - 36 (1986) Numen = Numen. 1 (1954) - 56 (2009) NV = Nyaya-Vaisesika. (See NV section of Part IV) NW = A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of the North-West Provinces. Part I. Banaras 1874 Nyanaponika = Nyanaponika, Der einzige Weg. Konstanz 1980 O = Oriens (Frankfurt-am-Main). 1 (1948) - 35 (1996) Oa = Orientalia (Amsterdam). 1 (1840) - 2 (1846) OAWV = Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Veroffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprache und Kulturen Sudasiens (Wien) OC = Open Court ODKN = Otani Daigaku Kenkyu Nenpo (Kyoto) ODVS = Anantalal Thakur, Origin and Development of the Vaisesika System. History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization II.4, 2003 Offenbarung = Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Offenbarung, Geistige Realität des Menschen. &#Wien 1974 OG = Otani Gakuho (Kyoto). 1 (1918) - 2000 OH = Our Heritage (Calcutta). 1 (19530 - 39.2 (1996) OHCHB = Offenbarung als Heilserfahrung in Christentum, Hinuismus und Buddhismus. Ed. Walter Strolz und Shizuteru Ueda. Freiburg im Breslau 1982 OHDI = S.N.Eisenstadt, Neuven Kahane and David Shulman (eds.). Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy and Dissent in India. Berlin 1984. OHRJ = Orissa Historical Research Journal (Bhubaneshwar). 1 (1959)- 48 (2005) OKDKJ = Osaka Kyoiku Daigaku Kiyo Jinbun Kagaku OL, see O OLit = Orientalischer Literaturzeitung. 1 (18930 - 96 (2001) Opp(ert) = Gustav Oppert, Lists of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of Southern India. Two volumes. Madras 1885 OPTOE = Prabhakara Ramakrishna Damle, Oxford Philosophy Today and Other Essays. Philosophical Essays--Second Series. Poona 1965 OrNY = Orient (New York) (=New Orient). 1 - 3.2 (1926) OrParis = Orient (Paris). 1 - 6 (1958) ORS = Oriental Research Series (London). 1 (1927) - 6 (1931) ORT = Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina (Leiden). 1 (1949) OS = Orientalia Suecana (Upsala). 1 (1952) - 58 (1999) OSRE = On Sharing Religious Experience. Possibilities of Interfaith Mutuality (ed. Jarold D. Grant, Hendrik Y. Vroom, Rein Fernhart, Anton Wessels). Amsterdam 1992 OSt = Oriental Studies (Philadelphia). OT = Oriental Thought (Nasik). 1 (1954-55) - 7 (1963) OUA = Orient und antike (Heidelberg). 1 (1924) - 7 (1929) Oudh = Pandit Deviprasada, Catalogue of Sanskrit mss. existing in Oudh. Fascicles 3-13 (1879-80), 14-20 (1881-1890) Oudh 1876, 1877 = John C. Nesfield and Pandit Deviprasada, Lists of Sanskrit Manuscripts discovered in Oudh during the year 1876 (and 1877). Calcutta, Allahabad 1878 OUPI = Oxford University Papers on India. 1 (1986) - 2.1 (1988) OV = Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, On Voidness. A Study on Buddhist Nihilism. Delhi 1995 Oxf = Th. Aufrecht, Catalogus Codicum Sanscriticorum Bibliotheca Bodleianae. Oxford 1864 P (language) = Pali P = Prajna (Banaras). 1 (1954-55) - 31.1 (1985), 36-38 (1990-1993) P15ML = V.M.Bedekar (ed.), Philosophy in the Fifteen Modern Indian Languages. Poona 1979 PA = Preceptors of Advaita. Secundarabad 1968 PAIOC = Proceedings of the All-India Oriental Conference. Listed by volume and year. 1-36 (1986-87) PAISC = Proceedings of All-India Sanskrit Conference on Golden Age of Sanskrit. Madras 1982 PaliBud = Pali Buddhism. Edited by Frank J. Hoffman and Deegalle Mahinda. Richmond, Surrey 1996 Pan = The Pandit (Banaras). 1 (1886) - n.s. 42 (1920) PAOPA = Proceedings of the Conference of All-Orissa Philosophy Association. 3 (1971) - 5 (1975) PappuSV = Studies in Vedanta: Essays in Honor of Prof. S. S. Rama Rao Pappu. Eds. P. George Victtor and V.V.S.Saibaba. New Delhi 2006 Parabola = Parabola (New York). 12.1, 3 (1987) - 16 (1991) Parampara = Parampara. Essays in Honour of R.. Balasubramanian. Editors Srinivasa Rao and Godabarisha Mishra. New Delhi 2003. Paris = A written alphabetical catalogue compiled by S. Munk, with additional material supplied in 1886 by M. L. Feer. (Mss. in Bibliotheque nationale, Paris) PathsLib = Robert E.Buswell, Jr. and Robert M. Gimello (eds.), Paths to Liberation. The Marga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought. Honolulu 1992 Pathway to God = Pathway to God. 6 (1971) - 19 (1984-85) PatUJ = Patna University Journal. 1 (1944) - 10, 12 - 27 (1972) PATW = Philosophy and the Life-World Paul = Diana Paul, Women in Buddhism. Berkeley 1979. Translated into German, Hamburg 1981 PB = Prabuddha Bharata (Calcutta). 1 (1896) - 13 (1908); 17 (1912), 21 (1916), 27 (1922) - 113 (2008) PBBK = Pari Bukkyo bunka kenkyu (Tokyo 1982) PBDFV = Studies in Indian History and Culture. Prov. P.B.Desai Felicitation Volume. Dharwar 1971 PBE = Perspective on Buddhist Ethics (edited by Mahesh Tiwary). Delhi 1989 PBh = Prajna-Bharati (Patna). 1 (1981) - 11 (2005) PBIB = Pierre Beautrix, Bibliographie de la Litérature Prajnaparamita. Bruxelles PBO = Polski Biauletyn Orientalistyczny. 1 (1937) PBR = Pali Buddhist Review. 1 (1976) - 6 (1982) PBS = Prachyabharati Series (Varanasi) PBSGT = Pranabananda Jas, ed. Perspective of Buddhist Studies (Giuseppe Tucci Birth Centenary Volume), New Delhi 2002 PBT = Pruning the Bodhi Tree. Edited by Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson. Honolulu 1997 PBV = Praci-Bhasa-Vijnan. Indian Journal of Linguistics. W. Bengal Institute of Linguistics. 20, 2001 PC = Prayer and Contemplation. Ed. Chetus M. Vakkekar. Delhi 1997 PCEL = Premier Colloque Étienne Lamotte. Publications de l'Institut orientaliste de Louvain 42. Louvain-la-Neuve 1993 PCRSIT = Philosophical Concepts Relevant to Sciences in Indian Tradition. Ed. Pranab Kumar Sen et al. Volume I: HSPCRC 3.4. New Delhi 2006. Volume 2: HSPCRC 3.5. New Delhi 2008 PDB = René de Berval (ed.), Présence du Bouddhisme. France-Asie. Revue Mensuelle de Culture et de Synthèse 153-157, Paris 1959 PDBTL = Giuseppe Tucci, Pre-Dinnaga Buddhist Texts on Logic. GOS 49, 1929 PDHTU = Proceedings of the Department of Humanities, Tokyo University PDK = The Philosophy of Daya Krishna. Edited by Bhuvan Chandel and K.L.Sharma. New Delhi 1996 PDV = A.N.Upadhye and H.L.Jain (eds.), Padmanandipancavimsati. JJG 10, Sholapur 1962 PEBG = Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India (ed. Lance E. Nelson). Ithaca, N.Y. 1998 PEIP = Mysore Hiriyanna, Popular Essays in Indian Philosophy. Madras 1952 PenB = (=LPB) = Pensée bouddhique PerP = R.V.Joshi et al., Perspectives in Philosophy. Delhi 1993 PerspC = Perspectives on Consciousness. Editede by Amita Chatterjee. New Delhi 2003 PEW = Philosophy East and West (Honolulu). 1 (1951) - 60.1 (2010). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_east_and_west/ PF = Przeglad Filozoficzny Pfad = Helmut von Glasenapp, Der Pfad zur Erleuchtung. Dusseldorf 1956, 1974 P15ML = V.M.Bedekar (ed.), Philosophy in the Fifteen Modern Indian Languages. Poona 1979 PGI = Philosophy, Grammar and Indology. Essays in Honour of Prof. Gustav Roth. Edited by Hari Shankar Prasad. Delhi 1992 PGIS = Publications of the Greater India Society (Calcutta) Ph = Philosophy. 1 (1926) - 82 (322) (2007), 84 (2009) PHCDPS = Perspective on History and Culture: Essays in Honour of Professor D.P.Singhal (ed. Arvind Sharma). Delhi 1992 PHDEU = Philosophy and Human Development. Essays in Honour of Father Emilio garte, S.J. (ed. A. Amaladass, S.L.Raj and J. Elampassary). Madras 1966 Pheh = Pheharist Samskrta Pustakonke PhenomEW = F.M.Kirkland and D.P.Chattopadhyaya (eds.), Phenomenology--East and West. Dordrecht 1993 PhilandS = Philosophy and Science: An Exploratory Approach to Consciousness. Papers read at Seminar held at Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, India on 8-9 February 2002. Kolkata 2003 PhilCon = Paul Hacker, Philology and Confrontation. Paul Hacker on Traditional and Modern Vedanta (ed. Wilhelm Halbfass)., Albany, N.Y. 1995 PhilEW = Philosophy East and West. Essays in honor of Dr. T.M.P.Mahadevan (ed. H.D. Lewis). Bombay 1976 Philosophica = Philosophica (Calcutta). 6 (1977) - 16 (1987) PhilR = R. S. Srivastava, S. P. and J. P. Atreya (eds.), Philosophical Reflections. New Delhi 1977 PhilThA = Philosophy, Theory and Action ed. by Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Kalidas Bhattacharya and K.J.Shah. Poona 1980. Also abbreviated PTA. PhIP = Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy (ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree and Jitendranath Mohanty). Albany, N.Y. 1992 PHKS = Paul Hacker, Kleine Schriften. Herausgegeben von Lambert Schmithausen. Wiesbaden 1978 PhOR = Philosophy of Religion. Ed. K.M.P.Verma. New Delhi 1982 PHT = S.V.Subramanian and R. Vijayalakshmy (eds.), Philosophical Heritage of the Tamils. Madras 1983 PICI = Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne. Paris PICP = Proceedings of the International Congress of Philosophy. 1 (1900) - 15 (1973) PIPC, see PICP PIPV = Purvamimamsa from an Interdisciplinary Point of View. Edited by K. T. Pandurangi. HSPIV II.6, Delhi 2006 PIRKW = Perspectives on Indian Religion: Papers in Honor of Karel Werner. Delhi 1986 PJ = Praci-Jyoti: Digest of Indological Studies. 1 (1963) - 40 (2008) PJPC = Satish Kumar Jain and Kamal Chand Sogani (eds.), Perspectives in Jaina Philosophy and Culture. New Delhi 1985 PKCV = Principal Karmarkar Commemoration Volume. Poona 1948 PKGCV = Professor P.K.Gode Commemoration Volume (ed. H.L.Hariyappa and M. M. Patkar). POS 93, 1960 PKGSCH = P.K.Gode, Studies in Indian Cultural History. Hoshiarpur 1961-67 PKRSMS = Proceedings of the K. R. Sant Memorial Seminar on Indian Culture, Philosophy and Art. Edited by Gharati Shalt. Ahmedabad 2001 PKSM = The Philosophy of K. Satchidananda Murty. Edited by Sibajiban Bhattacharyya and Ashok Vohra. New Delhi 1995 PLCIT = The Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition. Edited by K. S. Prasad. New Delhi 2002 PLNB = Papers on the Literature of Northern Buddhism. Edited by Sanghasen Singh and Geza Bethlanfalvy. Delhi 1979 PM = Purva-Mimamsa. (See PM section of Part IV) PNRBFV = Pandit N. R. Bhatt Felicitation Volume (edited by P.S.Filliozat, S.P.Narang and C.P.Bhatta). Delhi 1994 PNREIPR = P. Nagaraja Rao, Essays in Indian Philosophy and Culture. Bombay 1971 PNVB = The Philosophy of N.V.Banerjee (ed. Margaret Chatterjee) New Delhi 1990 PO = Poona Orientalist. 1 (1936) - 27 (1963) Ponniah = V. Ponniah, The Saiva Siddhanta Theory of Knowledge. Annamalai 1952, 1962 PonV = Perspectives on Vedanta (ed. Rama Rao Pappu). 1987 Poona = A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Deccan College. I: F. Kielhorn. II: R.G.Bhandarkar. Poona 1884 POORI = Proceedings of the Okurayama Oriental Research Institute (Yokohama). 1 (1954) - 4, 8 POS = Poona Oriental Series POSankara = Perspectives of Samkara: Rashtriya Sankara Jayanti Mahotsava Commemoration Volume. Edited by R. Balasubramanian and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. Madras 1989 POV, see PonV POWSBSt(udies) = Princess of Wales Saraswati Bhavana Studies (Banaras). 1 (1922) - 10 (1938) POWSBT = Princess of Wales Saraswati Bhavana Texts PPC = Robert K. C. Forman, ed., The Problem of Pure Consciousness. New York 1990. Also abbreviated ProbPC. PPIBPS = Perspectives in Philosophy: Indo-Bulgarian Philosophical Studies (ed. R.V.Joshi, R.P.Srivastava, P.I.Gradinarov, M.M. Agarwal). Sophia Indological Series No. 1. Delhi 1993 PPQ3 = Dialectics and Humanism. The Polish Philosophical Quarterly. Volume III. 3-4, Summer/Autumn 1976 PPR = Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 1 (1940) - 79.2 (2009) PPRAMC = Perspective in Philosophy, Religion and Art. Essays in Honour of Margaret Chatterjee (ed. R.Balasubramanian and V.C.Thomas). New Delhi 1993 PQ = Philosophical Quarterly (Amalner). 1 (1925) - 39 (1966). New Series I.1 (1995) PQJNMU = The Philosophical Quarterly. Journal of North Maharashtra University Pratap Centre. n.s. 3.3-4, (1997), 4.3-4 (1998), 6.1-2 (2000, 7.3-4 (2001), 8 (2002) PQS = Philosophical Quarterly (Scotland). 1 (1950) - 56 (2005) PR = The Philosophical Review. Ithaca, New York. 1 (1892) - 118.3 (2009) Prabhakara-Narayan-Srih = Studies in Indology and Musicology (Dr. Prabhakar Narayan Kawthekar Felicitation Volume. Delhi 1993 Prachya-Pratibha = Prachya Pratibha. 1 (1973) - 13.1-2 (1985-87 Praci-Prabha = Praci-Prabha. Perspectives in Indology. (Essays in honour of Prof. B.N.Mukherjee). Edited D.C.Bhattacharyya and Devendra Honda. New Delhi 1989 Prajnajyoti = Prajnajyoti. Professor Gopikamohan Bhattacharya Commemoration Volume. Edited by Debabrata Sen Sharma and Manabendu Banerjee. Kurukshetra 1991 Prajnaloka.= Prajnaloka. Journal of the Nagarjuna Buddhist Foundation (Gorakhpur). 1 (1979) Prakrti4 = Prakrti: The Integral Vision. Volume Four: The Nature of Matter. Ed. Jayant V. Narlikar. New Delhi 1995 Pramanakirti = Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Ed. Birgit Kellner, Helmust Krasser, Horst Lasic, Michael Torsten-Much and Helmut Tauscher. Two volumes. WCTB 70.2, Wien 2007 Pramodasindhu = Professor Pramod Ganesh Laly's 75th Birthday Felicitatio Volume. Edited by Kalyan Kale, N. B. Marathe, and Shreemal L. Bapat. Pune 2003 Prasadam = Prasadam. Recent Researches in Archaeology, Art, Architecture and Culture. Prof. B. Rajendra Prasad Festschrift. Eds. S. S. Ramachandra Murti, D. Kiran, Kranth Choudhury. New Delhi 2004 Pratibhanam = Pratibhanam. Research Papers presented to Dr. P. K. Narayana Pillai. Trivandrum 1970 Pratidanam = Pratidanam. Indian, Iranian and Indo-European Studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his 60th Birthday. Ed. J.C.Heesterman et al. Mouton 1968 Pratityasamutpada = Pratityasamutpada. Sarnath 1986 PresLioght = The Presence of Light. Divine Radiance and Religious Experience. Edited b Matthew T. Kapstein. Chicago 2004 ProbPC = Robert K.C. Forman (ed.), The Problem of Pure Consciousness. New York 1990. Also abbreviate PPC. ProcAristSoc = Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 1 - 106.3 (2006) ProcASB = Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (Calcutta) ProcIPC = Proceedings of the Indian Philosophical Congress. 1 (1925) - 45 (1971) PRS = Lewis Lancaster (ed.), Prajnaparamita and Related Systems. Berkeley 1977 PRSK = Prasthanaratnakarasabdakahdniya. Papers and Proceedings of Seminar on the Sabdakhanda of Pasthanaratnakara of Gosvami Sri Purusottamacarya. Mandvi-Kutch, Gujarat 2000 PRVV = M. Sivaramkrishna and Sumita Roy (eds.), Perspectives on Ramakrishna- Vivekananda Vedanta Tradition. Hyderabad 1991 PS = Paramarthasadhana. Poona 1914 PSA = K.L.Sharma and R.S.Bhatnagar (eds.), Philosophy, Society and Action. Essays in Honor of Prof. Daya Krishna. Jaipur 1984 PSJCP, see CPJS PSK = Paramesvarastotrakadamba. Madras 1873, 1875, 1879, 1883 PSR = P.A.Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. New York 1952 PTA = Philosophy, Theory and Action. Essays Presented to Prof. S.S.Barlingay on His 61st Birthday. Edited by K.J. Shah et al. Poona 1980. Also abbreviated PhilThA. PTAIP = T.N.Ganapathy (ed.), Perspectives of Theism and Absolutism in Indian Philosophy. Madras 1978 PTG = Pathway to God (Belgaum). 6 (1971) - 37 (2002), 40 (2004) - 43 (2007-2008) PTP = Philosophy: Theory and Practice (ed. T.M.P.Mahadevan). Madras 1974 PTS = Pali Text Series PTSTr = Pali Text Society. Translation Series PTT = Mervyn Sprung (ed.), The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedanta. Dordrecht 1973 P20WCP = The Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Twelve Volumes. Bowling Green, Ohio 2001 PunOS = Punjab Oriental Series Purana = Purana. 1 (1959) - 47 (2005) PURB = Punjab University Oriental Bulletin. 1 (1970) - 34 (2007) Purnatrayi = Purnatrayi. Shri Ravi Varma Samskrta Granthavali Journal (Tripurithura, Kerala). 16 (1989) - 19.1 (1992) PV = Prajna Vihara. Journal of Philosophy and Religion (Thailand) 1.2 (2000) - 4 (2003), 5.2 (2004), 7 (2006) - 8 (2007) PVKF = A Volume of Studies in Indology presented to Prov. P.V. Kane. POS 75, 1941 PY = A.K.Sinha (ed.), Perspectives in Yoga. Varanasi 1976 PWIAI = S.D.Joshi (ed.), Proceedings of the Winter Institute on Ancient Indian Theories on Sentence Meaning. Publications of the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Class E, no. 6. Poona 1980 Q = Quest (Bombay). 1 - 101 (1976) QAP = Mysore Hiriyanna, The Quest after Perfection. Mysore 1952 QFT = Quest for Truth. A Felicitation Volume in honor of Prof. S.P.Kanal (ed. K.K.Mittal). Delhi 1976 QJAHRS = Quarterly Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society. 1 (1926) - 39 (1995) QJMS = Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society (Bangalore). 1 (1909) - 100 (2009) Qu = Quest (London). 1 (1909) - 14 (1922-23) Radh = Rajarama Sastri, Pustakanam Sucipatram (The Collection of the Pandit Radhakrishnan of Lahore) RadhCompStud = Radhakrishnan: Comparative Studies in Philosophy. London 1951 RadhCentVol = Radhakrishnan Centenary Volume (ed. G. Parthasarathi and D.P.Chattopadhyaya). Delhi 1989 Rajasudha = Rajasudha. Collected Papers of Dr. K. Kunjunni Raja. Madras 1982 RAL = Rencontre avec l'inde (New Delhi). 15.1-2, 1956 - 36 (2007) RandP = V.K.Bharadwaj (ed.), Rationality and Philosophy. Essays in Honor of Ramchandra Pandeya. New Delhi 1984 RandT = Anindita N. Balselv and J.N.Mohanty (eds.), Religion and Time. Leiden 1993 RAR = Research and Review (Calcutta). 1 (1908) - 3 (1909) RASGBIM = Royal Asiatic Society Monographs RASPPF = Royal Asiatic Society Publication Fund RBCERE = Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Edited by Ravindra Brahmachari Chidananda. RBJ = Rabindra Bharati Journal. 2 (1987), 4 (1971) - 10 (2004) RBP = Research Bulletin of Philosophy. Special Issue. Edited S.K.Bhattacharya. Calcutta 1984 RBS = Researches in Buddhist Studies. A Descriptive Bibliography compilerd b Arvind Kumar Singh and Lalan Kumara Jha. Delhi 2007 RCT = Religions and Comparative Thought: Essays in Honour of the Late Dr. Ian Kesarcodi-Watson. Ed. Purusottama Bilimoria and Peter Fenner. Delhi 1988 RDPPIWP = Reason, Dialectic and Postmodern Philosophy: Indian and Western Perspectives. Edited by Raghvendra Pratab Singh. Faridabad 2001 RDR = Ryukoku Daigaku Ronshu (Journal of the Ryukoku University) (Kyoto). 336 (1949) - 1984 RDSO = Rivista degli studi Orientali (Roma). 1 (1907) - 79 (2006) REB = Revista de Estudios Budistas (Buenos Aires). 1.2 (1991-92) - 13 (1998) RelationsIP = V.N.Jha (ed.), Relations in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1992 Religion = Religion. 1 (1971) - 32.2-3 (2003) Religion and Society = Religion and Society. 6 (1959) - 53 (2008) Religious Hinduism = Religious Hinduism: A Presentation and Appraisal. Allahabad 1964 Religious Studies = Religious Studies. 1 (1965) - 46.1 (2010) RelimS = Religion im Spiegelkabinett. Asiatische Religions geschichte in Spannungsfeld zwischen Orientalismus und Okzidentalismus. Ed. Peter Schalk et al. Uppsala 2003 RelST = Religious Studies and Theology (Saskatchewan). 5 (1985 - 18.2 (1999) RelT = Religious Truth (ed. Robert Cummings Neville). Albany, N.Y. 2001 ResIn = Rabindra Kumar Pande (ed.), Research in Indology: a New Perspective. Delhi 1998 RevRel = The Review of Religion. (1936) - 22 (1958) RHR = Revue de l'histoire de religions RIBP = Research in Indian and Buddhist Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Professor Alex Wayman (ed. Ram Karan Sharma). Delhi 1993 Rice = Lewis Rice, Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Mysore and Coorg. Bangalore 1884 RIndPh = Kalidas Bhattacharya (ed.), Recent Indian Philosophy. Volume I. Calcutta 1963 RinN = Rinrigaku Nempo (Tokyo) RinR = Jan Assmann and Albert L. Baumgartan (eds.), Representation in Religion. Leiden 2001 RIP = Revue internationale de philosophie. 1 - 63 (2009) RIPMC = Shastri Prabha Kumar (ed.), Relevance of Indian Philosophy in Modern Context. Delhi 1993 RIR75 = Review of Indological Research in Last 75 Years. M.M.Chitrashastri Felicitation Volume. Ed. P.J.Chinmulgund and V.V.Mirashi. Poona 1967 RIST = Re-organizing Indian Sastric Traditions (ed. Radha Vallabha Tripathi and Achutanand Dash). Delhi 1998 RIT = Revelation in Indian Thought. A Festschrift in honour of Professor T.R.V.Murti (ed. Harold G. Coward and Krishna Sivaraman). Emeryville, California RJPSS, see MRJ RJRU = Research Journal of the Ranchi University. 4 (1967) - 9 (1973) RJSM = Rayacandra Jaina Sastra Mala (Bombay) RKBSSS = Rabindra Kumar Pande, Studies in Sanskrit Sastras. Delhi 2000 RKV = Reality, Knowledge and Value. Essays in Honor of Professor A.G.Javadekar. Ed. S.R.Bhatt. Delhi 1985 RM = Review of Metaphysics. 1 (1947) - 63.1 (2009) RMI = Giri Raj Gupta (ed.), Religion in Modern India. New Delhi 1983 R.Mitra, Notices, see L (=RM in ms. citations) RO = Rocznik Orientalistyczny Warsaw). 1 (1914) - 48 (1994), 50 (1996), 61 (2009) ROB = Revue orientale (Brussels). 1 (1841) - 3 (1844) Robinson = Richard Robinson, Chinese Buddhist Verse. London 1954 RofY = G. Feuerstein and J. Miller, A Reappraisal of Yoga, London 1971. Also published as Yoga and Beyond, New York 1971 ROP = Revue orientale (Paris). 1 (1868) - 2 (1870) RP = Revue philosophique (de la France et de l'étranger) (Paris) 1 (1876) - 159.1-2 (1969) RPBSI = Ram Chandra Pandeya, Buddhist Studies in India. Delhi 1975 RPG = Rajasthan Puratan Granthamala RPY = Jean Filliozat, Religion, Philosophy, Yoga: A Selection of Articles. Translated from the French by Maurice Shukla. Delhi 1991 RPISP = Ram Chandra Pandeya, Indian Studies in Philosophy. Delhi 1977 RPL = Revue philosophique du Louvain RPR = Review of Philosophy and Religion (Poona). 1 (1930) - 12 (1943) RPRP, see RandP RRBS = Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies. Esays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa (ed. Kuala Lumpur Dhammagiti, Asanga Tilakaratna, Kapila Abhayawansa). Hong Kong 1997 RRIP = R. Naga Raja Sarma, Reign of Realism in Indian Philosophy. Madras 1937 RRRPKS - Realism, Responses and Reactions. Essays in Honour of Pranab Kumar Sen. Ed. D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Sanhya Basu, Madhavendra Nath Mitra and Ranjan Mukhopadhyaya. New Delhi 2000 RRVVRI = Research Bulletin, Vishveshwaranand Vedic Research Institute 1 (2002) RS = T.M.P.Mahadevan, Readings from Samkara. Madras 1961 RSAI = Religion and Society in Ancient India. Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya Commemoration Volume. Calcutta 1984 RSB = Relativism, Suffering and Beyond. Essays in memory of Bimal K. Matilal. Edited by Purushottama Bilimoria and J.N.Mohanty. Delhi 1997 RSV = Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Souvenir Volume. J.P. Atreya (et als, eds). Moradabad 1964 RSET = Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism. Studies in Honor of André Padoux. Edited by Teun Goudriaan. Albany, N.Y. 1992 RSJ = T. Ishizu et al. (eds.), Religious Studies in Japan. Tokyo 1959 RSMSPR = Ram Shankar Mishra, Studies in Philosophy and Religion. Varanasi 1971 RSSE = Rahula Sankrtyayana, Selected Essays. New Delhi 1984 RSSI = Recent Studies in Sanskrit and Indology. Prof. Jagannath Agrawal Felicitation Volume. Ed. Dharmendra Kumar Gupta. Delhi 1982 RT = Revue thomiste Rtam (=ABSP) = 1 (1969) - 18 (1986) Rtambhara = Rtambhara: Studies in Indology. Acharya Udaya Vira Shastri Felicitation Volume. Ghaziabad 1986 RTP = Revue théologique et philosophique (Switzerland) Ruegg = David Seyfort Ruegg, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India. Wiesbaden 1981 RUG = Recueil de travaux publiés par la faculté de philosophie et lettres de l'Universitat de Gand RYB = A.K.Chatterjee (ed.), Readings on Yogacara Buddhism. Banaras 1971 RZVT = Raum-zeitliche Vermittlng der Transzenden: Zu 'sakramentaler' Dimension religiosen Tradition (ed. G. oberhammer and Marcus Schmucker). Wien 1999 s = summary S = Samkhya. (See S section of Part IV) SACS = South Asian Classical Studies. 1 (2006) Sainthood = Richard Kieckhofer and George D. Bond, Sainthood: Its Manifestations in World Religions. Berkeley 1988 SaivS = Saiva Siddhanta. 1 (1966) - 30 (1996), 32 (1997) - 36 (2001), 38-40 (2006) SAJ = Saugar University Journal. 1 (1951) - 5 (1956), 7 (1958) - 10 (1961) Samamnaya = Samamnaya. Journal of the Maharesi Veda-Vijnana Academy (Ahmedabad). 1.1, 1992, 8-9 (1999-2000) Samarasya - Samarasya. Studies in Indian Arts, Philosophy and Interreligious Dialogue. Edited by Sadananda Das and Ernst Fürlinger. New Delhi 2005 Sambhasa = Sambhasa (Dept. of Indian Philosophy, University of Nagoya). 1 (1979) - 27 (2008) Sambodhi = Sambodhi (Ahmedabad). 1 (1972) - 21 (1996), 24 (2001) - 27 (2004) SAMSJV = Sir Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee Volume. Orientalia. Volume III, parts 1-3. Calcutta 1922 SAMV = Sir Asutosh Memorial Volume. Patna 1926-28 Sandhani = Sandhani. Journal of Centre for Studies in Civilizations. Ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya. 1 (200-1 - 3.1 (2003) Sankaram = Sankaram. Recent Researches on Indian Culture (Professor Srinivasa Sankaranarayana Festschrift). Ed. S.S.Ramachandran Murthy, B. Rajendra Prasad, D. Kiran Kranth Choudary. New Delhi 2000 SanLitKer =E. Easwaran Nampoothiri, Sanskrit Literature of Kerala (Trivandrum1972) SANV = K.C.Bhattacharya, Search for the Absolute in Neo-Vedanta. Honolulu 1976 SAOCB = Sein als Offenbarung in Christentum und Hinduismus. Edited by Andreas Bsteh. Modling 1984 Sap = Zapiski vostocnogo otdelenija Russkogo arxeologiceskogo obscestva SAR = South Asia Research. 2 (1982) - 30.4 (2009) Sarup = Sarup-Bharati: The Homage of Indology. Dr. Lakshman Sarup Memorial Volume. Hoshiarpur 1951 Sarupa-Saurabham = Sarupa-Saurabham. Tribute to Indology. Prof. Lakshman Sarup Centenary Volue. Ed. Ashvini Agrawal. New Delhi 2003 SarvastiBS = Charles Willemen, Bart Dessein and Collett Cox, Sarvastivadi Buddhist Scholasticism. Handbush der orientalistik: Zweite Abteilung: Indien. 11. Band. Brill 1998 Sastrarmbha = Sastrarambha. Edited by Walter Slaje. AKM 62, 2008 SAT = Sarvastivada and its Traditions (ed. Sanghasen Singh). Delhi 1994 Sauhrdayamangalam = Sauhrdayamangalam. Studies in Honour of Siegfried Lienhard on his 70th Birthday. Eited by Mirja Tuntunen, William L. Smith and Carl Sunasen. Stockholm 1995 Saundarya = Saundarya. The Perception and Practice of Beauty in Indian Philosophy. Ed. Harsh v. Daheja and Mokarand Paranjpe. New Delhi 2003 SAWW = Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaftern in Wien. Phil.-hist. Klasse SB (in ms. citations) = Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Sanskrit College Library, Banaras. Allahabad SB = Siddha Bharati. Part II. Hoshiarpur 1950 SBalS = Sri Balamanorama Series SBAV = Eliot Deutsch and J.A.B.Van Buitenen (eds.), Source Book of Advaita Vedanta. Honolulu 1971 SBBT = Juliane Schober (ed.), Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia. Honolulu 1997 SBE = Sacred Books of the East SBECCV = Sri Basavesvara Eighth Centenary Commemoration Volume. Bangalore 1967 SBFT = Harjeet Singh Gill, Signification in Buddhist and French Traditions. New Delhi 2000 SBGM = Sarasvati Bhavana Granthamala SBH = Sacred Books of the Hindus SBJ = Sacred Books of the Jains SBL = Summum Bonum of Life. Seminar Proceedings 1974. Belgaum 1974 SBNT = Six Buddhist Nyaya Tracts. BI 185, 1910 SBVLB = Shailaja Bapat, A Study of the Vedanta in the Light of the Brahmasutras. Delhi 2004 SBWarder = N.K.Wagle and F.Watanabe (eds.), Studies in Buddhism in Honour of Professor A.K.Warder. South Asian Studies Papers No. 5. Toronto 1993 SCCEJ = Kendall W. Folkert, Scripture and Community. Collected Essays on the Jainas. Ed. John E. Cort. Atlanta 1993 SCEAR = Studies in Central and East Asian Religion. 1 (1988) - 10 (1997) SCGVS = Shri Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan Studies (Surat) Scholasticism = Scholasticism: Cross-Cultural and Comparativd Perspective. Edited b Jose Ignacio Cabezon. Albany, N.Y> 1998 SCR = Studies in Comparative Religion (England). 1 (1967) - 2 (1968), 7 (1973) - 17.1-2 (1985) SCRLI = H.C.Das (ed.), Sri Chaitanya in the Religious Life of India. Calcutta 1989 SDCh = Saddarshanachintanika or Studies in Indian Philosophy (Poona). 1 (1967) - Sectes = Emile Steinmiller-Oberlin, Les Sectes bouddhiques japonaises. Paris 1930. English translation London 1938; Westport, Conn. 1970 Selected Sayings = Edward Conze, Selected Sayings from the Perfection of Wisdom. London 1955 Self - East-West Studies on the Problem of the Self (ed. P.T.Raju and Albury Castell). The Hague 1968 SelfandC = Self and Consciousness. Ed. Augustine Thottakare. Bangalore 1989 SerOR = Serie Orientale Roma SelfSV = Shashiprabha Kumar, Self, Society and Value: Reflections on Indian Philosophical Thought. Delhi 2005 SERS = Selected Essays of Rahul Sankrtyayana. New Delhi 1984 Sevartham = Sevartham (Ranchi). 7 (1982) - 16 (1991) 7WSC2 = Panels of the 7th World Sanskrit Conference, Leiden, Aug. 23-29, 1987. Vol. 2: Earliest Buddhism and Madhyamaka (ed. D.S.Ruegg and L. Schmithausen). Leiden 1990 SG = Aksaya Kumara Sastri, Samkaragranthavali. Calcutta 1927 SGDOS = Shri Garib Dass Oriental Series (Delhi). 1 (1981) - 78 (1988) SGJTDK = Shotoku Gakuen Joshi Tanko Daigaku Kiyo SGr = Samkaragranthavali. Samkara's works edited by Prasannakumara Sastri. Calcutta 1908 Shah = J.G.(Jethalal Govardhanandas) Shah, Srimad Vallabhacarya, His Philosophy and Religion. Nadiad 1960 Shakti = Shakti (New Delhi). 1 (1964) - 8 (1971) Shankara and Shanmata = Shankara and Shanmata. Madras 1969 SHAW = Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften SHB = A.K.Narain (ed.), Studies in History of Buddhism. Delhi 1980 Shink = Shinshu Kenkyu (Kyoto) ShinsuSeiten = The Shinshu Seiten: The Holy Scriptures of the Shin Sect. Honolulu 1955 SHIP = Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya (ed.), Studies in the History of Indian Philosophy. An Anthology of Articles for Scholars, Eastern and Western. Three volumes. Calcutta 1978-79 ShortPP = Edward Conze, The Short Prajnaparamita Texts. London 1974 SHT = Sriharsa, Khandanakhandakhadya, edited with Atmasvarupacarya's Sisyahitaisini. U.G.C.Grant 31, Gujarat University. Ahmedabad 1990 SH3 = Studies in Hinduism III. Pancaratra and Visistadvaita Vedanta. Ed. Gerhard Oberhammer and Marian Rastelli. Wien 2002 SHVH = Studies in Hinduism. Vedism and Hinduism. Ed. Gerhard Oberhammer. Wien 1997 SI = Sino-Indica (Calcutta, Paris). 1 (1927) - 4 (1930) SIAAC = Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture. 1 (1972) - 5 (1977) SIAS = The Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv University 1985 SIB = Studien Indologie und Buddhismuskunde. Festgabe Seminar für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde für Prof. Dr. Heinz Bechert. Ed. Rheinhold Grünendahl, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, and Peter Kieffer-Pulz. Indica et Tibetica 22, Rome 1993 SIBSY = Studies in Indology and Buddhism presented in honor of Susumu Yamaguchi. Kyoto 1955 SICE = Sacrifice in India: Concept and Evolution. Ed. (Mrs.) Sindhu S. Dange. Aligarh 1987 SICSL = N. Gangadharan et al, eds., Studies on Indian Culture, Science and Culture(Professor K.V.Sarma Felicitation Volume). Channai 2000 SIEW = The Status of the Individual in East and West (ed. Charles A. Moore). Honolulu 1968 SII = Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik (Germany). 1 (1975) - 25 (2008) SIIWG = Studia Indo-Iranica. Ehrengabe für Wilhelm Geiger. Leipzig 1931 SIJ = Sino-Indian Journal (Santiniketan). 1 (1947) - 2 (1948) Silburn = Lilian Silburn, Le Bouddhisme. Paris SILH = P.K.Gode, Studies in Indian Literary History. Volume One (=SJS 37), 1953. Volume Two (=SJS 38), 1954. Volume Three, Poona 1956. SilkRS I = Johan Elverskog, Silk Road Studies I: Uigur Buddhist Literature. Brepols, Turnhout 1997 SILLE = V.N.Jha, Studies in Language, Logic and Epistemology. Delhi 1986 SILM = Rasik Bihari Joshi, Studies in Indian Logic and Metaphysics. Delhi 1979 SIndSt = South Indian Studies: Dr. T.V.Mahalingam Commemoration Volume (ed. H.M.Nayak and B.R.Gopal). Mysore 1990 Singh = Satya Vrat Singh, Vedanta Desika. His Life, Works and Philosophy. Varanasi 1958 SinghJS = SJS SIP = Kapil N. Tiwari (ed.), Suffering: Indian Perspectives. Delhi 1986 SIPSR = Studia Ingologica. Professor Satya Ranjan Banerjee Felicitation Volumes. Edited by Jagat Ram Bhattacharyya. Delhi 2007 SIR = Studies in Ramanuja. Madras 1980 SIRVJ = Studies in Indology. Prof. Rasik Vihari Joshi Felicitation Volume (ed. A. Kumar et al.) New Delhi 1988-89 SIS = Sino-Indian Studies (Santiniketan). 1-5 SISDI = Masatoshi Nagatomi et al. (eds.), Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls. Studies of Classical India 2. Dordrecht 1980 SIT, see deBary SIUM = Studies in Indology. Umesh Mishra Commemoration Volume. Madras 1967 6SystIP = Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. The Sutras Six Systems of Indian Philosophy with English translations, transliterations and indices. Ed. Tr. Madan Mohan Agrawala. Delhi 2001 SJ = The Sanskrit Journal. 1 (1896)- 22 (1917) SJGM = Sanatana Jaina Granthamala (Banaras) SJS = Sri Bahadur Singh Jaina Series SK = Shanti-Sevak (=Self-Knowledge) (London). 1 (1950) - 8 (1959) SKACV = Dr. S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar Commemoration Volume. Madras 1936 SKBCV = Professor Suryya Kumar Bhuyan Commemoration Volume. Ed. Maheshwar Neogard H. K. Barpujari. All-India Conference 22. Gauhati 1966 SKBFV, see FVSKB SKDMV = S.K.De Memorial Volume. Ed. R.C.Hazra and S.C.Banerji. Calcutta 1972 SKenk = Shuko Kenkyu (Journal of Religious Studies) (Japan) 124 (1951) - 1984 SKF = J.N.Mohanty and S.P.Banerjee (eds.), Self, Knowledge and Freedom. Essays for Kalidas Bhattacharyya. Calcutta 1978 SKGIB = Sushil K. Gupta (ed.), Insights into Buddhism. Selected Essays on Buddhist Philosophy, Art and History, Delhi 1987 SktRelSt = Sanskrit and Related Studies: Contemporary Research and Reflections (ed. B.K.Matilal and P. Bilimoria). Delhi 1990 SLJBS = Sri Lanka Journal of Buddhist Studies. 1 (1987) - 5 (1996) SLC = Signification in Language and Culture. Ed. Harjeet Singh Gill. Shimla 2002 SLJH = The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities. 1 (1975) - 22 (1996) SLL = Tom J. F. Tillemans, Scripture, Logic and Language. Essays on Dharmakirti and his Tibetan Successors. Boston 1999 SMFV = Dr. Satkari Mookerjee Felicitation Volume. Varanasi 1969 SMJVGJ = Shri Mahavir Jaina Vidyalaya Golden Jubilee Volume, Part I. Bombay 1968 Smrtigrantha = Sriparamesvaranandasastri-Smrti-Grantha. Delhi 1973 SMS = Sastramuktavali Series (Conjeeveram) SMSR = Studie Materiali di Storia delle Religioni (Roma) SMT = Kewal Krishna Mittal (ed.), Sunyavada--the Madhyamika Thought. Delhi 1993 SNDU = Hans Peter Duerr (ed.), Sehnsucht nach dem Ursprung zu Mircea Eliade. Frankfurt-am-Main 1983 SOHT = Saivism (Origin, History and Thought). Ed. K. Thimma Reddy. Hyderabad 1994 SOL = Studi Orientali e Linguistici. (1983) - 6 (1995-96) Sophia = Sophia (Australia). 13 (1974) - 47.3 (2008) SoundLT = Sallie B. King, ed. The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian, in Honor of Frederick J. Streng. Richmond 1999 SourceBAP = John M. and Patricia Poyce Koller, A Sourcebook in Asian Philosophy. Upper Saddle River, N.J. 1991 Source Book = S. Radhakrishnan and C.A.Moore (eds.), A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Princeton 1957 SouthIS = South Indian Studies. Editor S. Murali. Delhi 1998 SPBMS = Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph Series (Tokyo) SPBOR = Studia Philologica Buddhica. Occasional Papers Series (Tokyo). 1 (1977) - 4 (1981) SPC = Science, Philosophy and Culture. The Humayun Kabir Festschrift. Bombay 1968 SPCME = Science, Philosophy and Culture. Multi-Disciplinary Explorations. Edited by D. P. Chattopadhyaya and Ravindra Kumar. New Delhi 1996 SPD = The Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction. What Difference Does a Difference Make? Edited by Georges B. Dreyfus and Sara L. McClintock. Boston 2003 SPIP = Manjulika Ghosh, ed., Sabdapramana in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2006 SPM = S.P.Moghe, Studies in the Purva-Mimamsa. New Delhi 1984 SPP = Sarada Pitha Pradipa (Dwarka). 1 (1961) - 23 (1993) SPPat = Sahitya Parishad Patrika (Calcutta) SPR = S.K.Maitra, Studies in Philosophy and Religion. Second edition. Calcutta 1956 SR = Sanskrit Research. 1 (1915) - 2 (1917) SRamanuja, see SRV SramV = Sramana Vidya. Studies in Buddhism. Prof. Jagannath Upadhyaya Commemoration Volume. Ed. N.H.Samtani. Samyag-Vak Series 3. Sarnath 1987 SRC = Studies in Religion and Change. Ed. Madhu Sen. New Delhi 1983 Srijnanamartram = Vijaya Rani, ed., Srijnanamrtam. A Memorial Volume in Honour of Prof. Shri Ninashavasastri (?), Delhi 1996 Srikantha = Srikantha. Dr. S. Srikantha Sastri Felicitation Volume. Mysore 1973 Srngeri Souveni = Srngeri Souvenir Volumes. Various dates SRP = P. George Victor (ed.), Social Relevance of Philosophy. Essays in Applied Philosophy. AUPS 3, New Delhi 2002 SRTDK = Saga Ryokuku Tanki Daigaku Kiyo (Saga) Sruticintamani = Sruticintamani. Prof. C. G. Kashikar Felicitation Volume. Edited by S.S.Bahulkar and Sucheta Paranjpe. Poona 1994 SRV = Sri Ramanuja Vani. 1.2 (1979) - 14 (1991), 16-18 (1993), 25-27 (2002-2004) SS (school) = Saiva Siddhanta. (See SS section of Part IV) SS = Stotrasamgraha. Banaras 1925 SSADL = Studies in South Asian Devotional Literature (ed. Alan W. Entwistle and Francoise Mallison). Paris 1994 SSam = Sahitya Samhita (Calcutta) SSEIP = Shrikrishna Saksena, Essays in Indian Philosophy. Honolulu 1970 SSG = Srisamkaragranthavali. Eleven volumes. Kumbhakonam 1954-1962 SSGS = Sri Samkara Gurukula Series SSJ = Samskrta-Sangita-Jayadisvari. Jewels in Sanskrit and Musicology. Prof. Jagdish Sahni Kulsresta Felicitation Volume. Delhi 1995 SSM = Siddhanta Sikhamani Mimamsa (ed. Vrajavallabha Dwivedi). Varanasi 2000 SSPC = A Hand-List of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Sanskrit Sahitya Parisad, Calcutta SSPS = Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad Series (Calcutta) SSS = Sanskrit Savitri Series (Trivandrum) SStotra = Sarvottamastotra. Ahmedabad 1872; Poona 1873. SSV = Samskrta-Sangita-Vaijayanti. Studies in Sanskrit and Musicology. Smrt. Kamlesh Kumari Kulshresthrea Commemoration Volume. Edited by Sushma Kulshreshtra and Satya Pal Narang. Delhi 1992 SSVLII = M. Varadarajan, Studies on Sri Vaisnava Literature II. Tirupati 2005 SSVOI = Studies of the Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Institute (Tirupati) STBK = Fumio Enomoto, Jens=Uwe Hartmann and Hsashi Matsumara, Sanskrit-Texte aus dem buddhistischen Kanon: Neuentdeckungen und Neueditionen. Two volumes. Gottingen 1989, 1992 StBudEp = Studies in the Buddhist Epistemological Tradition. Proceedings of the Second International Dharmakirti Conference, Vienna, June 11-16, 1989. Edited by Ernst Steinkellner. Wien 1989 STEVL = Spiritual Traditions. Essential Visions for Living. A Book in Honour of Donald C. Scott. Ed. David Emmanuel Singh. Delhi 1998 StIndPh = Studies in Indian Philosophy. A Memorial Volume in Honour of Pandit Sukhlalji Sanghvi. LDS 84, 1981 StIndT = Studies in Indian Thought. Collected Papers of Prof. T.R.V.Murti. Ed. Harold G. Coward. Delhi 1983 StinJ = M.P.Marathe, M.A.Kelkar and P.P.Gokhale (eds.), Studies in Jainism. Indian Philosophy Quarterly Publication 7. Poona 1984 STM = Shankara the Missionary. Bombay 1978 StO = Studia Orientalia (Helsinki). 1974-1976 StPaliCom - Sodo Mori, Studies of the Pali Commentaries. A Provisional Collection of Articles. Japan 1989 StudBudPhilos = Yuichi Kajiyama, Studies in Buddhist Philosophy. Edited by Katsumi Mimaki et al. Kyoto 1989 StudCJag = K.C.Mishra (ed.), Studies in the Cult of Jagannatha. Bhubaneshwar 1991 StudCompR = Studies in Comparative Religion. Columbia, South Carolina StudiaInd = Studiai Indologiczne 1 (1994) - 9 (2002) Studia Indologica, see BonnOS Studia Orientalia. 1 (192) - 107 (2009) StudIHC2 = Studies in Indian History and Culture. Volume II. Ed. L.C.Jha. Patna 1987-88 StudIHC4 = Studies in Indian History and Culture. Volume IV. Ed. C. P. Sinha. Patna 1996 StudIndCult = A Volume of Essays Presented to Sahitya Siromani Prof. S. Ramachandra Rao. Bangalore 1986 StudinInd = Studies in Indology . Prof. Mukunda Mahadeva Sharma Felicitation Volume. Edited by Ashok Kumar Gosvami and Dharmeshwar Chatia. Delhi 1996 StudinM = Studies in Mimamsa. Dr. Mandan Mishra Felicitation Volume). Edited by R.C.Dwivedi.Delhi 1994 StudinR = Studies in Religion (Canada). 4 (1974-75) - 38.2 (2009) StudPB = A.K. Narain and Leonard Zwilling (eds.), Studies in Pali and Buddhism (J. Kashyap Memorial). 1979 Subhasini = Subhasini. Prof. Dr.Saroja Bhate Felicitation Volume. Ed. G. U. Thite. Pune 2002 Sucipatra = Sucipustaka containing a list of the manuscripts of Fort William, the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, etc. Calcutta 1838 SUD = Suddhadvaita Vedanta. (See SUD section of Part IV) Surabhi = Surabhi. Sree Krishna Sarma Felicitation Volume. Tirupati 1983 Suryacandraya = Suryacandraya. Essays in Honor of Akira Yuyama on the occasion of his 65th Bithday. Ed. Paul Harrison and Gregory Schopen. Swisstal-Odendorf 1998 SUS = Sri Umapati Sivacarya: HIs Life, Works and Contribution to Saivism. Ed. S.S. Janaki. Chennai 1996 SV = Sarvastivada and Vaibhasika Buddhism. (See SV section of Part IV ) SVCMV = R.C.Majumdar (ed.), Swami Vivekananda Centenary Memorial Volume. Calcutta 1963 SVOS = Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Series (Tirupati) SVSI = Satyakam Varma, Studies in Indology. 1976 SVSS = Sri Vallabha Studies Series (Baroda). 1 (1984) - 11, 17 SVUOJ = Sri Venkatesvara University Oriental Journal (Tirupati). 1 (1958) - 50 (2007) SVVS = Sri Vani Vilas Series SWII = Taidong Han, Selected Works II: Essays on Cognition Structure. Seoul 2003 SWIII = V.N. Jha (ed.), Sanskrit Writings in Independent India. New Delhi, 2003 SWV = Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu. The Buddhist Psychological Doctor. Delhi 1984 SYBC = Susumu Yamaguchi (ed.), Buddhism and Culture. Suzuki 90th Birthday Volume. Kyoto 1960 SylLev = Sylvain Lévi (1863-1935). Etudes indiennes, histoire, sociale. Edited by Lyne Bansat-Boudonat and Roland Lardinois with Isabelle Ratié. Tournout, Belgium 2007 SynP = Synthesis Philosophica (Zagreb). 2.3 (1987) SYogaC = Surindra Nath Mahajan, ed., The Science of Yoga and Consciousness. All India Conference on Yoga and Its Integration in Modern Education: Papers. Agra 1987 SzumJB = Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus. Gedankenschrift für Ludwig Alsdorf. Wiesbaden 1981 t = translation TA = The Tradition of Advaita. Essays in Honor of V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri. Ed. R. Balasubramanian. New Delhi 1994 Tabo2 = C. A. Scherrer-Schaub and E. Steinkellner, eds., Tabo Studies II. Manuscripts, texts, insciptions and the arts. SOR 87, 1999 Takakusu = J. Takakusu, "The Abhidharma literature of the Sarvastivadins", JPTS 14, 1905-06, 67-146 Tanjore = Sarasvati Mahal Library, Tanjore TatP = Tattvabodhini Patrika (Calcutta) TatT = Glenn H. Mullin and Nicholas Ribush (eds.), Teachings at Tushita. New Delhi 1981 Tattvaloka = Tattvaloka. Journal of Vedanta. 6 (1983), 7.4-6 (1984-85) TBDK = Tokyo Bakugei Daigaku Kiyo - Jinbun Kagaku TBH = The Buddhist Heritage. Ed. Tadeusz Skorupski. Tring, U.K. 1989 TBHTB = K.T.S.Sarao (ed.), A Text Book of the History of Theravada Buddhism. Delhi 1995 TBIC = The Bases of Indian Culture. Commemoration Volume of Abhedananda (ed. Amiya Kumar Mazumdar and Swami Prajnananda) Calcutta 1971 TBIS = Raniero Gnoli (tr.), Buddhisti in sancrito. Torino 1983 TBKK = Toyo Bunka Kenkyushu Kiyo (Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo). 5 (1933) - 153 (2008) TC = Tamil Culture (Madras). 2 (1953) - 12 (1966) TCon = Jeffrey R. Timm (ed.), Texts in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South Asia. Delhi 1997 TD = P.P.S.Sastri, Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Sarasvati Mahal Library, Tanjore. Srirangam 1943. References are to items. TDBKH = Tohoku Daigaku Bungakubu Kenkyu Hokoku (Sendai) TDBKN, see ARTU TDG = Taisho Daigaku Gakuho. 1 (1924) - 38 (1952) TEATW = The East and the West. 1 (1903) - 25 (1927) Telivala = Suddhadvaita Brahmavada (The Complete Works of M.T.Telivala). Edited by Kedar Nath Mishra. Varanasi 1980 Tet = Tetsugaku TGK = Toyogaku Kenkyu (Tokyo) TGKJAS = T.G.Kalghatgi (ed.), Jainism: A Study. Mysore 1976 TGKJKC = T.G.Kalghati (ed.), Jainism and Karnatak Culture. Dharwar 1977 THC = The Hindu Commentator 350P = Diane Collinson and Robert Wilkinson, Thirty-Five Oriental Philosophers. London 1994 30YBS = Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies. Selected Essays by Edward Conze. London 1967 Thomas = E.J.Thomas, The Perfection of Wisdom. London 1952, 1954 3-FoldR = John Ross Carter (ed.), The Three-Fold Refuge in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition. Chambersburg, Pa. 1982 ThV = R. Balasubramanian (ed.), Theistic Vedanta, Volume II, part 3 of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization (Gen. Ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya). Delhi 2003 Tibetan Studies = Proceedings of the Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. 4.2 (1988), 5.1-2 (1992), 7.1-2 (1997) TIBGR = Tohoku Indogaku Bukkyo Gakkai Ronshu (Sendai) TibSt = Tibetan Studies (ed. Helmut Krasser, Michael Torsten Much, Ernst Steinkellner). OAWV 256. 2 volumes. Wien 1997 TIC = Tolerance in Indian Culture. Ed. R. Balasuramanian. New Delhi 1992 TICHER, see ICHR TICOJ = Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan. 1 - 49 (2004) TIIAS = Transactions of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study (Simla). 1 (1965) TIM = The Indian Mind (ed. Charles A. Moore). Honolulu 1967 TIR = Donald H. Bishop (ed.), Thinkers of the Indian Renaissance. New Delhi 1982 TISGR = Tohoku Indogaku Shukyo Gakkai Ronshu Tiwari = Mahesh Tiwari, The Pancappakarana-Atthakatha. Patna 1968 TJ = The Tibet Journal. 1 (1975) - 30 (2002) TJR = Tenri Journal of Religion. 1 - 22 (1988), 25 (1997) - 37 (2009) TK = Tetsuku Kenkyu (Journal of Philosophical Studies). 42.3 (19630 - 45.6 (1972) TL = Tattvaloka. 5 (1982) - 15.3 (1992) TMBM = Jayant Lele (ed.), Tradition and Modernity in Bhakti Movements. Leiden 1981 TMIJ = Tradition and Modernity. India and Japan Towards the Twenty -first Century. Edited by Hiroichi Yamaguchi and Haruka Yamagisawa. New Delhi 1997 TMSR = Shoun Hino and Toshihiro Wada (eds.), Three Mountains and Seven Rivers. Prof. Musashi Tachikawa’s Felicitation Volume. Delhi 2004 TMW = The Meditative Way. Readings in the Theory and Practice of Buddhist Meditation. Compiled by Rod Bucknell and Chris Kang. Richmond, Surrey 1997 TO = The Orient. 1 (1972) - 5 (1976) ToG = Tohogaku. 1 (1931) - 74 (2001) Tohogaku - Tohogaku (Eastern Studies). 13 (1957) - (2000) TOR = The Orientalist (Bombay). 1 (1984) - 3 (1889) TP = T'oung Pao. 1 (1930 - 94 (2008) TPIST = Turning Points in Indian Sastric Tradition. Edited by Radhavallabh Tripathi and Nilakantha Dasa. Delhi 1999 TPL = Edward Conze, The Prajnaparamita Literature. The Hague 1960 TPW = The Pacific World. Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies (Berkeley). 1 (1982) - n.s. 1 (1985) - 3 (1987) TPY = Kura A. Jacobsen, Theory and Practice of Yoga. Essays in Honour of Gerald James Larson. Leiden 2005 TQ = Theosophical Quarterly. 1 (1903) - 35 (1958) TRAS = Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1 (1827) - 3 (1835) TRC = T.R.Chintamani, A Short History of Purvamimamsa Literature. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras. Typescript Treasury = Garma C.C. Chang, A Treasury of Mahayana Sutras. Selections from the Maharatnakuta Sutra. University Park, Pa. and London, 1983 Triveni = Triveni (Masulipatam). 1 (1928) - 8.1-2, 9.2,5-12; 10.2,4,8-12; 11.2-6,10; 12.1-8, 10; 13 - 77 (2008) TSAM = Traditional South Asian Medicine. 6 (2000) - 7 (2003). See JEAS for earlier issues TSFP = Th. Stcherbatsky, Further Papers. Translated by H.C.Gupta. Calcutta 1971 TSMLS = Tanjore Saraswati Mahal Library Series TSPM = V. Viroopaksha Jadalipal, ed. Tarkasastraprabhava Mimamsa. Proceedings of the National Seminar on the Impact of Nyaya-Vaisesika System on the Other Schools of India. Tirupati 2001 TSS = Trivandrum Sanskrit Series TSV = Tirumalai Sri Venkatesvara. 1 (1932-33) TSWS = Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series (Patna) TTTIW = Translating, Translations, Translations from India to the West. Edited by Enrica Garzilli. Cambridge 1996 TUAA = Toyo University Asian Studies. 1 (1961) - 2 (1964) Tub = R. Roth, Verzeichniss Indischer Handschriften der Königlichen Universitats-Bibliothek in Tübingen. Anhang. Indische Handschriften der Königlichen Offentlichen Bibliothek in Stuttgart. Tübingen 1865 Tulku = Doboom Tulku (ed.), Mind Only School and Buddhist Logic: A Collection of Seminar Papers. New Delhi 1990 TVH = Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Transzendenzerfahrung Vollzugshorizont des Heils. Das Problem in Indischer und Christlicher Tradition. Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 5. Wien 1978 TVOS = The Voice of Samkara. 1 (1976) - 32 (2007) TVP = Tijdschrift voor Philosophie (Netherlands) TWGB = The Wisdom Gone Beyond. An Anthology of Buddhist Texts. Translated from Tibetan, Sanskrit and Pali by various hands. Bangkok 1966 2 BudBooks = Upasika Chihmann (Miss P.C.Lee), The Two Buddhist Books in Mahayana. Hong Kong 1964 2Jewels = Two Jewels of Indian Wisdom (tr. Ramananda Sarasvati). Bloomington, Indiana 2003 2500 Years = B.V.Bapat (ed.), 2500 Years of Buddhism. Delhi 1959 TWP = Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte en Psychologie UAITD = Ultimate in Ancient Indian Thought and Discipline. Ed. Dr. Mrs. S.S.Dange. Bombay 1991 UandU = Unique and Universal. Fundamental problems of an Indian Theology (ed. J.B.Chettimattam). Bangalore 1972 UAS, see AUS UBh = Uttar Bharati: Journal of Research of the Universities of Uttar Pradesh. 1 - 8 (1961) UBRS = University of Baroda Research Series UCR = University of Ceylon Review. 1 (1942) - 25 (1967) UCV = Ui Commemoration Volume UJP = University Journal of Philosophy (Jabalpur). 1 (1962) - 3 (1964) UM = Umesh Mishra, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume Two. Allahabad 1966 UMCV = Umesh Mishra Commemoration Volume. Allahabad 1970 ff. 1 (1970) UnM = Understanding Mantras (ed. Harvey P. Alper). Albany, N.Y. 1989. UPEWP = Understanding Philosophies–Eastern and Western Perspectives. Ed. Manjulika Ghosh. New Delhi 2005 UPHSJ = Uttar Pradesh Historical Society Journal. 23 (1950) - 35 (1952), 9 (1961) - 14 (1966) UPSPS = University of Poona Sanskrit and Prakrit Series UR = Robert C. Neville (ed.), Ultimate Realities. Albany, N.Y. 2001 URS = University of Rajasthan Studies (Arts) UTK = Alex Wayman, Untying the Knots in Buddhism. Selected Essays. Delhi 1997 Utkalasrimanjusa = Utkala'rimanjusa. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Sri Jagannatha cult-Sri Jagannatha cult--Sri Caitanya Philosophy and Sri Jayadeva Literature. Edioted b D. Prahladacarya. Tirupati 2002 V = Vikram (Ujjain). 1 (1956) - 9 (1965), 14.2, 4 (1971), 15.2, 15.4 (1971) VandB = Vedanta and Buddhism: Proceedings of the Third All-India Seminar held at the Centre of Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University, and Other Papers. Varanasi 1968 VA2 = Visvabharati Annals, volume 2 Vacaspatyam = Saroja Bhate and Madhav Deshpande (eds.), Vacaspatyam (Pt. Vamanshastri Bhagwat Felicitation Volume). Poona 1994 Vadavalai = Vadavalai (ed. Ramanatha Sarman Bhatta). Bombay 1920 Vajirabhivandana = Venerable Kumburugamuve Vajira Felicitation Volume. Ed. Leelananda Prematilleke and Olver Abeynayake. Colombo 2008 Vanmayi = Vanmayi. Panorama of Indological Research. Dr. Krishna Chaturvedi Felicitation Volume. Ed. Radha Vallabha Tripathi. Delhi 1999 VarPl = The Variegated Plumage. Encounters with Indian Philosophy. (A Commemoration Volume in Honor of Pt. Janakinath Kaul 'Kamal)'.Edited by N.B.Patil and Mrinal Kau 'Martand'. Delhi 2003 Vasantagaurava = Vasantagaurava. Essays in Jainism Feliciting Professor M. D. Vasantha Raj of Mysore on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Ed. Jayendra Soni. Mumbai 2001 VATW = Vedanta and the West (=Voice of India). 1 (1938) - 140 (1959) VBA = Visva-Bharati Annals. 1 (1945) - 13 (1969), 14.2 (1971); n.s. 1 (1988) - 4 (1992) VBQ, see VQ VBS = Visva-Bharati Studies VCA - Vedanta. Concepts and Application. Papers for a Seminar held from 26 December to 30 December 1997, at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Gol Park, Calcutta. Calcutta 2000 VD = Vedic Digest (Baroda) VDG = Vedanta Desika Granthamala (ed. P.B.Ananthachariar). Conjeeveram 1941 VDIFO = Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Institute für Orientforschung. Veroffentliche. 1 (1950) - 76 (1971) VDPG = Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Pali-Gesellschaft VedS = Vedic Studies. Volume I. Edited by Chidananda, A. Ramaswamy Iyengar, Vasudevan Potti and S.K.Lal. Veliyanal 2002 VEW = Vedanta for East and West (London) VF = Voprossi Filozofii VFBHC = Void and Fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu and Christian Traditions. Edited Bettina Bäumer and John R. Dupuche. New Delhi 2005 Vid = Vidya (Ahmedabad) VidBh = Vidya Bharati (Bangalore). 3 (1977-780 - 9 (1988) VidBhar = Vidyaranya Bharati: Essays on Vidyaranys. Warangal, A.P. 1990 Vidya = Vidya : Rivista trimestrale di Cultura (Marasala). 2 (1963) Vidyarnavavandanam = Vidyarnavavardanam. Essays in Honour of Asoka Parpola. Edited by Klaus Karttunen and Petter Koskikullia. Studia Orientalia 94. Helsinki 2001 Vidya-Vratin = Vidya-Vratin. Professor A.M.Ghatage Felicitation Volume. Edited by A.N.Jha. Delhi 1992 Vidyodaya = Vidyodaya (Nugagoda, Sri Lanka). 1 (1968) - 14 (1986); n.s. 1-8.1-2 (1997) Vidyotini = E. Easwaran Namppothiry, Glimpses of Sanskrit Research. Vidyotini: A Collection of Research Papers in Sanskrit and English. Thiruvananthapuram 1995 VIISR = A Volume of Indian and Iranian Studies presented to Sir E. Denison Ross. Bombay 1939 VIJ = Vishweshwaranand Indological Journal. 1 (1963) - 43-44 (2005-2006) Vimarsa = Vimarsah (Tirupati). 1 (1972) VIRB = Vaishali Institute Research Bulletin. 1 (1971) - 15 (1998), 18 (2005 -19 (2006) Vividha = Vividharatnakarandaka. Festgabe fur Adelheid Mette (ed. Christine Chajnacki, Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Volker M. Tschannerl. Indica et Tibetica 37. Swisstal-Odendorf 2000 VizSS = Vizianagram Sanskrit Series VJP = Vishwabharati Journal of Philosophy. 1 (1964) - 34.1 (1999) VJR = Visva-Bharati Journal of Research. 4 (1979) - 5 (1980) VK = Vedanta Kesari (Madras). 1 (1914) - 95 (2008) VM = Vedanta Magazine (New York). 1 (1905) - 5 (1909) VMGS = Vedic magazine and Gurukula samachar (Lahore) VMH = Vedic magazine (Hyderabad) VMRS = Vidvan Manoranjini Series (Madras) VOJ, see WZKM VPIP = Bijayananda Kar, Value Perspectives in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2000 VPR = Visishtadvaita Philosophy and Religion. A Symposium by 24 Erudite Scholars. Madras 1974 VQ = Visvabharati Quarterly (Santiniketan). 1 (1923) - 50 (1988); n.s. 1-2 1990-92) - 16.2 (2007) VR = Vedantaratnavali (ed. Mahesacandra Pala). Four parts. Calcutta 1884-1888 VRA = V. Raghavan, Abhinavagupta and His Works. Varanasi 1980 VRFP = V. Raghavan (ed.), Foundations of Philosophy. New Delhi 1975 VRFV = Sanskrit and Indological Studies. Dr. V. Raghavan Felicitation Volume. Delhi 1975 VRPRL = V. Raghavan (ed.), Philosophical and Religious Leaders. Part I. New Delhi 1978 VRSFV = Dr. V. Raghavan Shashtyabdapurti Felicitation Volume. Madras 1971 VS (school) = Virasaivism. (See VS section of Part IV) VS = Vedantasamuccaya (ed. Hari Rama Sarma). Ahmedabad, Bombay 1915 VSIPT = V.S.Iyer, The Philosophy of Truth or Tattvajnana. Madras 1955 VSMV = Vidarbha Samsodhana Mandala Varsika. 1958-1988, 1991-1994 VSS = Vedantastotrasamgraha. 1890 VTBW = Harcharan Singh Sobti, ed., Vipassana. The Buddhist Way. Delhi 1992 VV = Visistadvaita Vedanta. (See VV section of Part IV) VVMFV = V.V.Mirashi Felicitation Volume. Nagpur 1965 VWWK = Vaisnavi: Women and the Worshp of Krishna. Edited by Steven J. Rosen. Delhi 1996, 1999 W = A. Weber, Verzeichniss der Sanskrit-Handschriften (der Königlichen Bibliothek in Berlin). Two volumes. Berlin 1853, 1888 Warder = A.K.Warder, Indian Buddhism. Delhi 1970 Warren = Henry C. Warren, Buddhism in Translations. Cambridge, Mass. 1915 Watanabe = Fumimaro Watanabe, Philosophy and Its Development in the Nikayas and Abhidharma. Delhi 1983 WAW = Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Klasses, Wiesbaden WB = World Buddhism WBA = World Buddhism Annual. 1975 - 1977 WCSU = Wisdom, Compassion and the Search for Understanding. The Buddhist Studies Legacy of Gadjin M. Nagao. Ed. Jonathan A. Silk. Honolulu 2000 WDO = Die Welt des Orient. 2 (1954) - 30 (1999) WEIP = Western Encounter with Indian Philosophy. Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Thomas Kadan Kavi. Ed. Augustus Thottakara. Bangalore 2002 WerB = Wer is Buddha? Eine Gestalt und ihre Bedeutung für die Menschheit. Ed. Perry Schmidt-Leukel. Munich 1998 WFBR = World Fellowship of Buddhists Review. 8.4-6, 11.1-6, 12.1-3, 17.3, 28 (1991) - 44.4 (2007) WFMRQ = Whitfield Foy (ed.), Man's Religious Quest. A Reader. London 1978 Wheel = The Wheel Publications. 1 (1958) - 393 (1994) Winternitz = Moriz Winternitz, Der Mahayana Buddhismus. Tubingen 1930 WIP = Sangam Lal Pandey (ed.), Whither Indian Philosophy? Essays in Indian and Western Epistemology. Allahabad 1978 WIT = Wisdom in Tradition. Prof. K.P.Jog Felicitation Volume (ed. Shoun Hino and Lalit Deodhar). Delhi 1999 WL = The Way to Liberation. Indological Studies in Japan. Volume I. Ed. Sengakku Mayeda, Y. Matsunomi. M. Tokunaga and H. Marui. New Delhi 2000 WLKHR = Way of Life: King, Householder, Renouncer. Essays in Honour of Louis Dimont. Paris 1982 WMN = Winternitz Memorial Number. Calcutta 1938 WoolCV = Woolner Commemoration Volume. Lahore 1940 WS = H.R.Bhagavat (ed.), Works of Sri Samkaracarya. Vols. I, III. Poona 1928 WSS = T.K.Balasubrahmanyam (ed.), Works of Sri Samkaracarya. Four volumes. Srirangam 1910, 1927 WUW = Collected Works of Unrai Wogihara. Tokyo 1938 WZKM = Wiener Zeitschrift für des Kundes Morgenlandes (Wien). 1 (1887) - 99 (2009) WZKSOA = Wiener Zeitschrift für des Kunde Sud-(und Öst)asiens (Wien). 1 (1957) - 51 (2007-2008) WZTB = Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde. Wien x = subject of an article or a book y = discussed in Y (school)= Yoga. (See Y section of Part IV) Yana = Yana. Zeitschrift fur Fruhbuddhismus und religiose Kultur auf buddhistischen Grundlage. 53, 2000 - 54.1, 2000 YB = Yogacara Buddhism. (See YB section of Part IV ) YJG = Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala YL = Yoga Life. 4 (1974) - 14 (1983) YM = Yoga-Mimamsa. 20 (1980) - 31 (1992) YMAP = Yogavasistha Maharamayana. A Perspective. Research Papers presented in the International Seminar held on 26-28 Feb. 2003. Edited by Manjla Sahdev. Patiala 2004 YQR = Yoga Quarterly Review (London). 1 (1971) - 5 (1972) YSKBSR = Yuki Hakase Shoju Kinen Bukkyo Shijoshi Ronshu (Tokyo 1964) YSS = Yajneshwar S. Shastri, Traverses on Less Trodden Paths of Indian Philosophy and Religion. LDS 109, Ahmedabad 1991 YWW = Yoga World Wide. Ed. Gitananda and Meenakshi Devi. Pondichery 1972 ZASS Zentral-Asiatische Studien des Seminars für Sprache- und Kulturwissenschaft Zentralasien der Universität Bern (Wiesbaden). 1 (1967) - 28 (1998) ZBVG = Zeitschrift für Buddhismus und Verwandte Gebiete (Munchen). 1 (1918) - 9 (1931) ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft (Wiesbaden). 1 (1847) - 159.1 (2009) ZenEssays = D.T.Suzuki, Essays in Zen Buddhism. Volume 3, 1934. Translated into French as Essays sur le bouddhisme Zen (Paris 1958) ZII = Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik. 1 (1922) - 10 (1936) Zinbun = Zinbun. Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University. 2 (1958), 4-6, 10 - 41 ((2008) ZKM = Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 1 (1837) - 1850 ZMR = Zeitschrift für Missionskunde und Religionswissenschafte (Berlin) ZPF = Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung ZSEBD = H. Bechert (ed.), Zur Schulgehørichkeit einiger buddhistischen Dichter. Gottingen 1985 ZSWH = Heinz Bechert (ed.), Zur Schülzugehörigkeit von Werken der Hinayana-Literature (Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung III.1). Abhandlungen der Akademie Königen der Wissen in Göttingen. Philosophische-historisches Klasses, Dritte Folge Nr. 149. Gottingen 1985 |