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Ac1 Dinesh Chandra Sen, Vaisnava Literature of Bengal. Calcutta 1917 Ac2 Melville T. Kennedy, Chaitanya Movement. Oxford 1925; New Delhi 1998 Ac3 S.K.Maitra, "Caitanya (Acintyabhedabheda)", HPE 358-368 Ac4 Kamalesh Ghosh, "The Gaudiya conception of reality", IPC 3, 1958, 231-235 Ac5 Radha Govinda Nath, "The acintyabhedabheda school", CHI 3, Second edition, 266-386 Ac6 Edward C. Dimock, A Study of the Vaisnava-Sahajiya Movement in Bengal. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1959 Ac7 Kamalesh Ghosh, "The secular and the religious attitude: a study in Gaudiya Vaisnavism", IPC 4, 1959: 84, 144 Ac8 O.B.L.Kapoor, "The Absolute in Bengal Vaishnavism", AUJR 7, 1959, 13-22 Ac9 Sushil Kumar De, Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Bengal. Calcutta 1961 Ac10 Edward C. Dimock, "Doctrine and practice among the Vaisnavas of Bengal", HistR 3, 1963, 83-105 Ac11 H. Bhattacharya, "Acintya-bheda-abheda-vada", IPC 9.4, 1964, 42-45 Ac12 Devkanya Arya, "Acintyabhedabheda or inconceivable difference-non-difference", PQ 38, 1965, 191-198 Ac13 (Anon.), Gita Darsan as Bhakti Yoga, as a Chaitanyite Reads It. Madras 1968 Ac14 M. Emmanuel Haq, "Impact of Islam on the Gaudian form of Vaishnavism", JASP 13, 1968-69, 125-136 Ac15 Devkanya Arya, "A note on the term acintyabhedabheda", CIDO 1969, 332-335 Ac16 Bhakti Bhattacharya, "Bhakti cult with special reference to acintyabhedabheda", SMFV 626-638 Ac17 Sudhindra Chandra Chakrabarti, A Critical Exposition of the Philosophical Foundations of Bengal Vaishnavism. Calcutta 1969; New Delhi 2004 Ac18 Prasad Kumar Maity, "The concept of bhakti in Gaudiya Vaisnavism", RBJ 4, 1971, 39-44 Ac19 Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, "Acintyabhedabheda", IPC 17, 1972, 132-137 Ac20 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, Rajavidya, The King of Knowledge. New York 1973 Ac21 Santosh Gupta, Conception of Bhakti in the Gaudiya Vaisnava Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Kurukshetra University 1973 Ac22 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, "The perfection of yoga: pure love of Krsna", DhP 7.4, 1977, 31-40 Ac23 Ramakanta Chakravarti, "Gaudiya Vaisnavism in Bengal", JIP 5, 1977, 107-150 Ac24 Acyutananda, "The nature of supreme reality", DhP 8.1, 1978, 64-71 Ac25 Tapasyananda, "Acintyabhedabheda or the Chaitanya school of Vaishnavism", VK 66, 1979 - 67, 1980 Ac26 Joseph T. O'Connell, "Gaudiya Vaisnava symbolism of deliverance (uddhara, nistara)...from evil", JAAS 15, 1980, 124-135. Also TMBM 124-135 Ac27 Sushanta Sen, "Theological aspects of Bengal Vaisnavism", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 148-161 Ac28 Ramachandra Brahmachari Vidyananda, "The six illustrious gosvamins of Vrndavan", DhP 13.2, 1983, 20-22 Ac29 Maya Das, "Prema: the Bengal Vaishnava concept", VJP 21.2, 1985, 105-116 Ac30 Manju Dube, Conceptions of God in Vaisnava Philosophical Systems. Varanasi 1984 Ac30.5 David L. Haberman, "Entering the cosmic drama: Lila-smarana meditation and the perfected body", SAR 5, 1985, 49-58 Ac31 Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, "Cultic aspects of Bengal Vaishnavism", PB 91, 1986, 358-363 Ac31.3 Tony K. Stewart, "Bhava and divinity in the Caitanya Bhagavata", SAR 6, 1986, 61-76 Ac31.5 O.B.L. Kapoor, "Relation between Krsna the highest Bhagwan and Radha the highest devotee in the school of Sri Caitanya", BBR 114-123 Ac32 M.M.Agrawal, "Nirguna Brahman in Vallabha and Caitanya schools", SIRVJ 293-300 Ac33 N.N.Bhattacharyya, "Acintyabhedabheda", SCRLI 203-209 Ac33.5 Bhakti Sarup Bhagabat Goswami Maharaj, The Fundamentals of Gaudiya Vaisnava Darsana. Tr. Krishan Kishore Das Brahmacarya. Calcutta 1989 Ac34 Bimanbehari Majumdar, "Religion of love: the earliest medieval phase", MBMI 1-16 Ac35 R. Meena, "A note on the bhakti movement in Tamilnad", MBMI 187-190 Ac36 Prabhat Mukherjee, "Vaisnavism in medieval Orissa:, MBMI 232-24 Ac37 Durgadas Mukhopadhyaya, tr., Religion, Philosophy and Literature of Bengal Vaishnavism. Delhi 1990 Ac37.5 Sambidananda Das, The History and Literature of the Gaudiya Vaishavas and Their Relation to Other Modern Vaishnava Schools. Volume One. Madras 1991 Ac38 Steven J. Rosen (ed.), Vaisnavism. Contemporary Scholars Discuss the Gaudiya Tradition. New York 1992 Ac39 Jan K. Brzezinski, "Manjari-svarupa-nirupana (a translation of the Introduction)", JVaisS 1.3, 1993, 59-71 Ac39.00 Aloka Lahiri Chaitanya, Chaitanya Movement in Eastern India. Calcutta 1993 Ac39.0 Nirmala G. Kamat, Bibliography of Acintyabhedabheda. CASS, class H, no. 5. Poona 1994 Ac39.0.2 Suresh Candra Bhattacharya, Vaishnavism in Eastern India. Calcutta 1995 Ac39.0.5 Hermaba Chaturvedi, "Role of bhakti in Chaitanyism", Bharati 22-23, 1995-97, 49-57 Ac39.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "Some reflections on the concept of mukti in Vaisnava philosophy", JRS 25, 1995, 148-152 Ac40 Joseph T. O'Connell, "Karma in the Bhagavadgita: Caitanya Vaisnava view", JVaisS 3.2, 1995, 91-108 Ac41 Jan Brzezinski, "The parampara institution in Gaudiya Vaishnavism", JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 151-182 Ac42 Glen A. Hayes, "Vaisnava Sahajiya traditions", JVaisS 6.1, 1996-97, 183, 1996 Ac43 June McDaniel, "Divine love in Gaudiya Vaisnava and Catholic mysticism", JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 83-102. Reprinted in GV pp. 133-152 Ac44 Steven Rosen, "The meaning of Gaudiya Vaisnavism",JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 5-20. Reprinted GV pp. 5-19 Ac45 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "Srimadbhagavata and Caitanya-Sampradaya", JASBe 37.4, 1995, 1-14 Ac45.5 Sudhindra C. Chakravarti, "Bengal Vaisnavism", HSPCM 47-62 Ac46 Francis X. Clooney, "Hindu lobe and the practice of Catholicism", JVaisS 5.2, 1997, 9-28 Ac46.5 Rahul Peter Das, Essays on Vaisnavism in Bengal. Calcutta 1997 Ac47 Neal Delmonico, "Trouble in paradise: a conflict in the Caitanya Vaisnava tradition", JVaisS 8.1, 1999, 91-102 Ac48 Glen Alexander Hayes, "Vaisnava Sahajiya appropriations of Gaudiya Vaisnavism", JVaisS 8.1, 1999, 77-90 Ac50 G.C.Nayak, "The unique Vedantic synthesis in Jaggannath as Lokayata Brahma and Vaisnavism; a philospphical approach", QJMS 90.3, 1999, 79-95 Ac52 Amar Nath Chatterjee, Sri Chaitanya and the Chaitanya Movement. New Delhi 2001 Ac52.5 David L. Haberman, Acting as a Way of Salvation: A Study of Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana. New Delhi 2001 Ac53 Ranganayaka Mahapatra, "Sri Caitanya's bhakti movement", JAIRI 5, 2000-2001, 21-28 Ac55 Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, A Discourse on Bengal Vaisnavism. Kolkata 2002 Ac58 Meera Borah, The Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam, 1449- A.D. - 1826 A.D. New Delhi 2002 Ac62 Ranjit Kumar, A Discourse on Bengal Vaisnavism. Kolkata 2002 Ac64 Mans Broo, As Good as God: the Guru in Gaudiya Vashnavism. Abo, Finland 2003 Ac65 Jaikishan Prasad Khandelwal, "Acintya Bhedabheda", Pramodasindhu 180-182 Ac68 Sures Candra Banerjee, Sanskrit Culture of Bengal. Delhi 2004 AV69 Dipali Hazra, "Gaudiya Vaishnavism–the doctrine of Chaitanya", JHR 46.2, 2004, 91-97 Av69.5 K. Narain, The Philosophy of the Vallabha School of Vedanta. Varanasi 2004 Ac70 Jason D. Fuller, "Bhaktivinoda Thakura and the modernization of Gaudiya Vaishnavism", JVaisS 13.2, 2005, 75-94. Reprinted GV pp. 295-314 Ac73 Travis Chilcott, "Vedic authority in the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition", JVaisS 15.1, 2006, 71-86. Reprinted GV pp. 117-132 Ac74 Ravi M. Gupta, "Making space for Vedanta canon and commentary in Caitanya Vaisnavism",IJHS 10, 2006, 75-90 Ac75 Shandip Saha, "A community of grace: the social and teleological world of the Pusti Marga varta literature", BSOAS 69, 2006, 225-242 Ac78 Sambidananda Das, (Complete Works) The History and Literature of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas and their relation to other medieval Vaishnava Schools. Chennai 2007 |