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AV1 Vans Kennedy and C.G.Haughton, "The Vedanta system", AJMR n.s. 18, 1835: 94, 212 AV2 Vans Kennedy, "On the Vedanta system", TRAS III, 1835, 412-436 AV3 Anon., "Vedanta--what is it?", CR 4, 1845, 43-61 AV4 J.R.Ballantyne, "On the ontology of the Vedanta", Pan 2, 1867: 91, 136, 162 AV5 Pramoda Dasa Mitra, "A dialogue on the Vedantic conception of Brahma", JRAS Second series 10, 1878, 33-48 AV6 P. Regnaud, "Le maya", RHR 12.3, 1883 AV7 E.R.Beierlein, Die Lehre der Vedanta. Dresden 1889 AV8 Manilal .Nabhubhai.Dvivedi, Monism or Advaitism. Bombay 1889 AV9 E.S.von Seeheim, "Das Wesen des Menschen im Sinne der Vedantalehre", Sphinx 7, 1889, 208-209 AV10 Paul Deussen, "The philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to the occidental metaphysics", JASBo 13,1890-94, 330-340. Reprinted Bombay 1893. Also SPP 12.1,1972, 1-12 AV11 E.S.von Seeheim, "Die Vedanta-Lehre", Sphinx 9, 1891, 84-90 AV12 F.Max Muller, Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy. 1894. Reprinted Varanasi 1967 AV13 M.G.Bhattacharya, Lecture on the Vedanta Philosophy. Agra 1895 AV14 M.N.Dvivedi, The Imitation of Samkara. Bombay 1895 AV15 R.N.Apte, The Doctrine of Maya. Bombay 1896 AV16 N.V.Iyer, "Advaita philosophy", BV 1, 1896: 6, 19, 34, 43 AV17 J.J.Goodwin, "Pantheism and the Vedanta",PB 2, 1897, 54 ff. AV18 Charles Johnston, "Studies in the Vedanta", CR 104, 1897, 277-303 AV19 K.Mal, "Some reasons for the superiority of the Vedanta over other systems", PB 2, 1897, 31 ff. AV20 L. Baijnath, "The philosophy of Advaita", CIDO 11, 1897, 99-142 AV21 B.F.Waldo, "Methods of the Vedanta", BV 1897, 117-120 AV22 A.Hillebrandt, "Maya", WZKM 13, 1899, 316-320 AV23 M.S.Tripathi, A Sketch of the Vedanta Philosophy. Bombay 1901 AV24 F.J.Alexander, "Discourses on the Vedanta". PB 11, 1902; 17, 1908: 5, 26, 86 AV25 Narmadashankar Devshankar Mehta, Vedanta Siddhanta-Bheda or an Account of Various Followers of Sankaracharya Schools. 1902. Reprinted Delhi 1985 AV25.5 Abhedananda, Vedanta Philosophy: Divine Heritage of Man. New York 1903 AV26 N.V.Aiyar, "Ethics of the Vedanta", AOTV 72-83 AV27 S.Tattvabhushan, "The Vedanta in outline", AOTV 1-24. Also IR 4, 1903: 395, 468 AV28 S.Tattvabhushan, "The Vedantic doctrine of future life", AOTV 84-107. Also IR 4, 1903, 601-606 AV29 S.Tattvabhushan, "Ethics of the Vedanta", HR 7, 1903, 522-528 AV30 S.D.Aiyer, "Knowledge, belief and will", BV 9, 1904: 85, 139, 193 AV31 Paul Deussen, Vedanta und Platonismus im Lichte der Kantischen Philosophie. Berlin 1904 AV32 V.J.Kirtikar, "Vedanta and its Hegelian critics", EAWBo 3, 1904: 549, 649 AV33 Otto Schrader, Maya-Lehre und Kantianismus. Berlin 1904 AV34 Swarupananda, "Hindu culture and the doctrine of maya", HR 11, 1905, 49-56 AV35 V.J.Kirtikar, "Pantheism and the Vedanta", IR 6, 1905, 627-633 AV36 Bodhananda, "Renunciation", VM 2, 1906-07, 84-92 AV37 Paul Deussen, Das System des Vedanta. Second edition. Leipzig 1906. Translated by Charles Johnston as The System of the Vedanta, Chicago 1912; Delhi 1972; New York 1973 AV38 V.J.Kirtikar, "Ethics of the Vedanta", IR 7, 1906, 94-102 AV39 T.C.R.Iyengar, "Monism of Vedanta", VM 3, 1907-08, 84-100 AV40 E.Greaves, "Maya", EAWBo 7, 1908, 828-834 AV41 V.J.Kirtikar, "Avidya--nescience", IR 9, 1908, 420-425 AV42 G.Ramchandra Aiyar, A Few Thoughts on the Science of the Self or Atma-Vidya in Seven Discourses. Srirangam 1909 AV43 P.D.Shastri, The Doctrine of Maya in the Philosophy of the Vedanta. London 1911 AV44 P.T.Srinivasa Aiyangar, "Consciousness, mind and body", BV 17, 1912 - 18, 1913 AV45 H.Leone, "The Vedantic absolute", ME n.s. 21, 1912, 62-78 AV46 K.S.Iyer, "Ethical aspect of the Vedanta", VK 1, 1914-15 - 3, 1916-17 AV47 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The ethics of the Vedanta", IJE 24, 1914, 168-183 AV48 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Vedanta philosophy and the doctrine of maya", IJE 24, 1914, 431-451 AV49 Sharvananda, "Advaitism or mayavada", VK 1, 1914-15, 301-395 AV50 P.D.Shastri, "The doctrine of maya in Indian philosophy", CR 2, 1914, 227-238 AV51 P.Narasimham, "The Vedantic good", Mind n.s. 24, 1915,37-59 AV52 Paul Carus, "Vedantism, its intrinsic worth and its vagaries", Mon 26, 1916, 298 ff. AV53 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Vedantic approach to reality", Mon 26, 1916, 200-231 AV54 S.L.Sardar, "How Kant proved a fundamental tenet of the Vedanta philosophy", VK 3, 1916-17, 295 ff. AV55 Arthur Avalon, "Sakti and maya", IPR 1, 1917, 121-135 AV56 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The training of the Vedantin", The Karnataka 1917. Also in PEIP 1-18 AV57 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Is Vedanta theology or philosophy?", IPR 1, 1917-18, 321-323 AV58 R.Naga Raja Sarma, "The doctrine of maya", IPR 1, 1917-18, 349-357 AV59 G.R.Malkani, Problem of Nothing. Amalner 1918 AV60 G.R.Malklani, "Advaitism and nihilism", JIIP 1, 1918: 113, 118, 174 AV61 P.D.Shastri, "The doctrine of maya", IPR 2, 1918-19, 67-72 AV62 G.Dandoy, "An essay on the doctrines of the unreality of the world in Advaita", Catholic Herald of India (Calcutta) 1919 AV63 G.R.Malkani, "The individual and the Absolute", JIIP 2.l-3, 1919 AV64 M.R.Oak, "The world and the individual: Nietzsche and the Vedanta", JIIP 2.2-2.3, 1919 AV64.1 Madhavamamda. "The influence of Vedanta on human thought", PB 25, 1920, 275-278 AV65 G.R.Malkani, Metaphysics of Energy. Amalner 1920 AV66 Kokilesvar Bhattacharya, "On Vedanta", JDL 7, 1921, 95-112 AV66.1 Bhavacaitanya, "Neo-Platonism and Vedanta", PB 26, 1921, 36-39 AV67 Surendranath Dasgupta, "The logic of the Vedanta", ProcAristSoc 22, 1921-22, 139-156 AV68 N.K.Datta, The Vedanta: its Place as a System of Metaphysics. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1921 AV69 Abhaya Kumar Gupta, "Two ancient schools of the Vedanta", JDL 7, 1921, 275-282 AV69.1 Madhavananda, "The place of upasana in the Vedanta", PB 26, 1921, 221-225 AV70 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Some aspects of the Vedanta", VK 8, 1921-22, 10 ff. AV71 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Higher and the lower Brahman", JMysoreU 5, 1921, 32-39 AV72 B.Raychaudhuri, The Fundamental Principles of Samkara-Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1922 AV73 N.K.Dutt, "Vedantism", CR 12, 1924, 417-430 AV74 V.J.Kirtikar, Studies in Vedanta. Bombay 1924 AV75 J.F.Pessein, "Advaita philosophy", PAIOC 3, Summaries 1924, 161-164 AV76 Kokileswar Sastri, "Place of ethics and religion in the Samkara system", JDL 11, 1924, 149-171 AV77 K.Vidyaratna, Advaita Philosophy. Calcutta 1924 AV78 J.Banerjee, "Introduction to Advaita philosophy", CR 16, 1925, 58-70 AV79 N.K.Brahma, "Vedantic intuition", ProcIPC 1, 1925,166-173 AV80 N.K.Dutt, "The monistic theories and the Vedanta", CR 17, 1925, 41-57 AV81 V.S.Iyer, "One of India's contributions to philosophic thought", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 197-210 AV82 J.F.Pessein, Vedanta Vindicated. Trichinopoly 1925 AV83 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Is Advaitism an adequate answer to Buddhism?", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 197-210 AV84 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Advaita", VK 12, 1925-26, 356 ff. AV85 Mahendranath Sircar, The System of Vedantic Thought and Culture. Calcutta 1925; New Delhi 1975 AV86 Saccidananda Yogisvara, Jivabrahmaikyavedantarahasya, translated from Tamil to English by K.R.Aiyar. Srirangam 1925 AV87 K.Sundaram Aiyar, The Vedanta. Its Doctrine of Divine Personality. Srirangam 1926 AV88 K.Sundaram Aiyar, "Doctrine of experience as the one Self", VK 13 1926-27 - 15, 1928-29 AV89 Kokilesvara Bhattacharya, An Introduction to Advaita Philosophy. Second edition. Calcutta 1926 AV90 D.Mackichen, "Advaita", ERE 1, 1926, 19-20 AV91 G.R.Malkani, "Creation or illusion", PQ 2, 1926, 107-111 AV92 B.Chandrasekhara, "Meaning of maya", VK 14, 1927-28, 58 ff. AV93 S.Majumdar, "State of the emancipated soul according to Vedanta", VK 14, 1927-28, 334 ff. AV94 G.R.Malkani, A Study of Reality. Amalner 1927 AV95 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The doctrine of maya--some problems", ProcIPC 6, 1927, 683-689 AV96 Sharvananda, "Concept of the Self", VK 14, 1927-28, 93 ff. AV97 Sharvananda, "Self-knowledge", VK 14, 1927-28, 290 ff. AV98 Mahendranath Sircar, "Vedantic conception of God", CR 22, 1927, 153-175 AV99 I.D.Tawakley, La Doctrine de la Maya et ses Bases Psychologiques. Paris 1927 AV100 Atulananda, "Teachings of Vedanta", VK 15, 1928-29, 94 ff. AV101 Bodhananda, Lectures on Vedanta Philosophy. New York 1928. AV102 P.Chaitanya, "Renunciation as an ideal in life", VK 15, 1928-29, 416 ff. AV103 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "The import of a proposition in Vedanta philosophy", PQ 4, 1928-29, 264-279 AV104 K.Gopalakrishnamma, "The Advaitin's theory of external reality", PAIOC 5, Summaries 1928, 101-102 AV105 M.S.Modak, Vedanta and Spinoza: A Comparative Study. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1928 AV106 P.Mukhopadhyaya, Introduction to Vedanta Philosophy. Calcutta 1928 AV107 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Caitanya (knowledge) in Advaita", JMysoreU 2, 1928, 55-78 AV108 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Problem of superimposition (adhyasa) in Advaita Vedanta", JMysoreU 2, 1928, 139-160 AV109 H.K.Raja Rao, "Concept of relation", VK 15, 1928-29, 424 ff. AV110 S.K.Belvalkar, Vedanta Philosophy. Part I: Lectures 1-6. Poona 1929 AV111 U.C.Bhattacharjee, "Vedanta and Vedantist", IHQ 5, 1929: 408, 646 AV112 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Mayavada", JDL 19, 1929, 1-87 AV113 Rasvihary Das, "Vedantism and theism", PQ 5, 1929-30, 49-58 AV114 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Problem of nescience (ajnana)", JMysoreU 3, 1929, 167-188 AV115 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Appearance and reality", VK 16, 1929-30, 412 ff. AV116 P.S.Basu, Bergson et le Vedanta. Montpelier 1930 AV117 S.K.Das,"Towards a systematic study of the Vedanta", CR 35, 1930, 371-396 AV118 S.T.Das, "Bradley from the standpoint of Samkara-Vedanta", CR 36, 1930, 239-248 AV119 I.B.Hart, "The old doctrine of maya and modern science", AP 1, 1930, 212 ff. AV120 V.Subrahmania Iyer, "Avasthatraya. (A unique feature of Vedanta)", ZII 8, 1930, 89-106 AV121 S.N.Maitra, "Love in Advaita Vedanta", VK 17, 1930-31, 287 ff. AV122 S.N.Maitra, "Advaitism in the religious experiences and thoughts of the bhaktas", VK 17, 1930-31, 447 ff. AV123 K.Prasad, "Vedanta solution of the problem of evil", Ph 5, 1930, 62-71 AV124 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Concept of substance", VK 17, 1930-31, 304 ff. AV125 Kokilesvar Sastri, "The absolute reality and God", VK 17, 1930-31, 327 ff. AV126 Kokilesvar Sastri, "What is maya and why is it anirvacaniya?", VK 17, 1930-31, 373 ff. AV127 Kokilesvar Sastri, "One end works in nature and in finite self", VK 17, 1930-31, 373 ff. AV128 Mahendranath Sircar, "Spiritual implications of mayavada", PAIOC 5, 1930, 1041-1057 AV129 C.T.Srinivasan, "Vedanta as science of reality", Triveni 3, 1930, 103-108 AV130 S.K.Das, Towards a Systematic Study of the Vedanta. Calcutta 1931, 1937 AV131 E.P.Horrwitz, "Buddhists in disguise", VK 18, 1931-32, 456 ff. AV132 G.R.Malkani, "Are there many souls?", PQ 7, 1931, 125-133 AV133 G.R.Malkani, "Vedantic mysticism", PQ 6, 1931, 221-231 AV134 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Time and eternity", VK 18, 1931-32, 66 ff. AV135 Kokilesvar Sastri, A Realistic Interpretation of Samkara-Vedanta. Calcutta 1931 AV136 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Jiva's state of samsara or false predication and how to get rid of it", VK 18, 1931-32: 288, 333 AV137 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Uttara Mimamsa",VK 18, 1931-32: 138ff. AV138 T.R.V.Murti, "Rational basis of Advaitism", PQ 6, 1934, 57-81 AV139 G.Dandoy, L'ontologie du Vedanta. Paris 1932 AV140 Rasvihary Das, "Sleep and consciousness", CR 44, 1932, 253-260 AV141 S.K.Das, "Vedanta in the making", VK 19, 1932-33: 172, 224, 260, 308 AV142 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, Six Ways of Knowing. London 1932. Revised, Calcutta 1960 AV143 Jagadisvarananda, "Taoism and Vedanta", RPR 3.2, 1932, 164-l76 AV144 Jagadisvarananda, "Devotion in Advaitism", AP 3, 1932, 808 ff. AV145 M.Lakshmi Narasinha, "The aham-pratiti in Advaita", PQ 8, 1932-33, 289-297 AV146 J.F.Pessein, "High value of avidya", RPR 3.2, 1932, 177-180 AV147 Asutosh Shastri, "Is Vedantism mysticism?", PQ 8, 1932-33, 148-155 AV148 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Maya in Vedanta: why is it called such?", RPR 3.2, 1932, 152-163 AV149 C.T.Srinivasan, "Is Vedanta a science of reality?", JAU 1, 1932: 1, 121 AV150 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of maya and the results of modern science:", HMBSP 1-15 AV151 Rasvihary Das, "Theory of ignorance in Advaitism", Ajnana 73-114 AV152 Anagarika Govinda, "Concept and reality", VK 21, 1933-34, 174 ff. AV153 Jagadisvarananda, "Advaita and sannyasa", QJMS 24, 1933, 100-106 AV154 G.R.Malkani, "Ajnana", Ajnana 3-69 AV155 T.R.V.Murti, "Ajnana", Ajnana 117-226 AV156 M.Mukherjee, "Two types of subjectivism in monistic Vedanta", IHQ 9, 1933, 913-922 AV157 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Karma samnyasa", VK 20, 1933-34, 345-352 AV158 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Reason and revelation", VK 20, 1933-34, 291 AV159 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Sarvamukti or universal salvation", VK 20, 1933-34, 177 AV160 Dasaratha Sarma, "The Advaita Vedanta in the 7th century", IA 62, 1933, 78 AV161 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Vedanta and psycho-analysis", AP 4, 1933, 490 ff. AV162 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Vidya and avidya", COJ l, 1933-34: 252, 283, 303, 351 AV163 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Brahman in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 1, 1933-34, 117-122 AV164 Kokilesvar Sastri, "The world in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 1, 1933-34: 25, 41 AV165 P.C.Divanji, "The practical side of the Advaita doctrine", RPR 5.2, 1934, 162-178 AV166 A.Mukherjee, "Scientific analogies in elucidation of Vedantic ideas", RPR 5.2, 1934, 153-161 AV167 A.C.Mukerji, "The place of God in Advaita", PQ 10, 1934-35, 260-271 AV168 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "The place of God in Advaita", PQ 10, 1934-35, 236-259 AV169 P.T.Raju, "The absolute and negation", RPR 5.1, 1934, 47-60 AV170 R.Ramanujachari, "Vedanta on freedom and moral responsibility", JAU 3.2, 1934: 17, 6, 160 AV171 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Divine purpose in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 2, 1934-35, 205-214 AV172 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Two viewpoints in the Vedanta", COJ 2, 1934-35, 145-149 AV173 R.Sama Sastry, "Avidya psychology", KBPCV 139-150 AV174 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Disciplinary prelude to the study of Vedanta", VK 21, 1934-35, 218 ff. AV175 B.S.Stoffer, The Modernizing of the Vedanta. Chicago 1934 AV176 A.Bhattacharya, "Brahman and the world", JDL 28, 1935 AV177 Benodbehari Majumdar, "A glimpse of the Vedantic theory of non-perception", CR 57, 1935, 42-49 AV178 P.T.Raju, "The message of Samkara Vedanta to our times", Triveni 7, 1935, 562-571. Also PICP 8, 1938, 804-812 AV179 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Advaita and its critics", KK 2, 1935, 627-632 AV180 A.K.Banerjee, "Problem of evil in divine creation", VK 23, 1936-37: 15, 35 AV181 H.Banerjee, "Three stages of Vedanta philosophy", VK 23, 1936-36, 258 ff. AV182 Asutosh Bhattacharya Sastri, Studies in Post-Samkara Dialectics. Calcutta 1936 AV183 Asutosh Bhattacharya, "Different types and stages of emancipation in Samkara's school of Vedanta", PB 41, 1936, 603-605 AV184 P.G.Dutt, "Doctrine of maya", PQ 12, 1936, 31-37 AV185 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The place of feeling in conduct: according to the Advaita", ProcIPC 12, 1936. Also PEIP 88-95 AV186 A.C.Mukerji, "Place of reasoning in Advaita philosophy", AUS 12, 1936, 117-129 AV187 Satkari Mookerjee, "Concept of ajnana in Vedanta philosophy", IHQ 3, 1936, 99-108 AV188 P.T.Raju, "Nature of vitanda and its relation to the methodology of Advaita", PQ 12, 1936, 52-59 AV189 G.D.Rao, "Problem of evil", VK 23, 1936-37, 338 ff. AV190 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Reason and intuition in Vedanta", VK 23, 1936-37, 109 ff. AV191 B.L.Sharma, "Authority and obedience in Vedanta", IJE 46, 1936, 350-363 AV192 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Our waking and dreaming worlds in Samkara Vedanta", KK 3, 1936, 57-61 AV193 Mahendranath Sircar, "Metaphysical and spiritual implications of the Advaita Vedanta", KK 3, 1936, 29-40 AV194 A.K.Banerjee, "Man and the universe", VK 24, 1937-38, 386 ff. AV195 S.N.Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of maya", PB 42, 1937, 139-144 AV196 Rene Guenon, L'homme et son devenir selon le Vedanta. Fifth edition, Paris 1974. Italian translation, Bari 1937. Translated into English as Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta, London 1945 AV197 M.Laksminarasimhiah, "The jiva in Advaita", PAIOC 8, 1937, 336-351 AV198 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Vedantic idea of release", KK 4, 1937, 529-535 AV199 P.T.Raju, "Doctrine of maya", VK 24, 1937-38, 91 ff. AV200 Pranaveshananda, "Modern thought and Vedanta", VK 24, 1937-38: 427, 468 AV201 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "What Vedantism is", PB 42, 1937: 529, 598 AV202 Devabrata Sinha, "Vedanta as religion and philosophy", AUS 13, 1937, 61-136 AV203 Tejasananda, "Vedanta and science", CHI 1, 527-535 AV204 A.C.Das, "Notion of truth and criterion of falsity", CR 66, 1938, 185-196 AV205 V.Krishnamacharya, "Avidya in Advaita Vedanta", BKA 19-20 AV206 M.Ledrus, "Advaita and creation", NR 8, 1938, 256-269 AV207 B.S.Naik, "Theory of predication in Vedanta", PQ 14, 1938, 214-220 AV208 P.T.Raju, "Approaches to absolutism", VK 25 25, 1938-39, 296 ff. AV209 Sadhu Santinatha, Mayavada or the Non-Dualistic Philosophy (Vedanta). Poona 1938 AV210 Sadhu Santinatha, The Critical Examination of the Non-Dualistic Philosophy. Poona 1938 AV211 Kokilesvar Sastri, "How susupta state benefits our waking state", AP 6, 1938, 384 ff. AV212 Asutosh Shastri, "Some Vedantic views on universal causation", PB 43, 1938 - 44, 1939 AV213 Asutosh Shastri, "Two-fold universal cause: a Vedantic view", PB 43, 1938, 281-284 AV214 Asutosh Shastri, "A critical study of the Advaita conception of illusory causation", PB 43, 1938, 18-20 AV215 P.D.Shastri, "The Vedantic conception of peace", PB 43, 1938, 119-120 AV216 S.Srikantha Sastri, "Advaitacaryas of the 12th and 13th centuries", IHQ 14, 1938, 401-408. Summarized in PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 85-86 AV217 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "An Advaitin's plea for continuity", JMU 10, 1938, 1-8 AV218 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Akhandartha", JOR 12,1938, 289-294. Also CPSSS 186-190 AV219 P.S.Venkatachala Sastrigal, "Ananda in Advaitavedanta", BKA 77-78 AV220 Siddhesvarananda, "Universe as a 'mind-construction'", VK 25, 1938-39, 90 ff. AV221 Otto Strauss, "Knowledge", VK 25, 1938-39, 10 ff. AV222 Asutosh Bhattacharya, "The monistic interpretation of ajnana and its inferential proof", IC 6, 1939, 45-52 AV223 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Knowledge and reality", PB 44, 1939, 610 ff. AV224 T.A.Venkatesvar Dikshitar, "Dream psychology in the Hindu system of thought", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 78-79 AV225 Mysore Hiriyanna,"Advaita conception of time", PO 4, 1939, 47-48 AV225.5 Krishnananda, Let There Be Light, New York 1939 AV226 H.P.Maiti, "Arthapatti and epistemological possibilities of doubt", PQ 14, 1939, 314-321 AV227 G.R.Malkani, "Problem of suffering in the light of the Vedanta", VK 26, 1939-40, 11 ff. AV228 A.C.Mukerji, "Paul Deussen's interpretation of Vedanta", AUS (Phil.) 1939, 1-24 AV229 A.C.Mukerji, "The rational foundation of Advaita philosophy", PQ 14, 1939, 257-266 AV230 P.T.Raju, "Advaita and the moral paradoxes", VK 26, 1939-40, 252 ff. AV231 P.T.Raju, "Idea of superimposition and the sphere of mind", CR 70, 1939, 50-66 AV232 P.T.Raju, "The cultural significance of Advaita philosophy", IC 6, 1939, 15-22 AV233 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Philosophy of Advaita", NIA 2, 1939, 86-98 AV234 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Advaita Vedanta", QJMS 30, 1939-40: 207, 332, 418 AV235 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Maya in Samkara-Vedanta: its objectivity", POS 37, 1939: II, 327-342 AV236 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "A vindication of Advaitic transcendentalism", PQ 14, 1939, 291-302 AV237 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Jivanmukti", PQ 14, 1939, 303-313. Also CPSSS 244-251 AV238 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "On the nature of sublation", NIA 2, 1939, 1-5. Also CPSSS 191-196 AV239 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The apparent and the real self", PB 45, 1940, 408-412 AV240 D.C.Chattopadhyaya, "The preacher of nondualism: his qualifications", PB 45, 1940, 321-323 AV241 Rasvihary Das, "The falsity of the world", VK 27, 1940, 133-134 AV242 Deshikananda, "God and the problem of evil", PB 45, 1940: 354-360 AV243 Deshikananda, "A philosophic view of the ultimate", PB 45, 1940: 503, 565 AV244 S.N.Mitra, "Advaita and morality--an Advaitic transformation of will", VK 26, 1940, 407-414 AV245 Nikhilananda, "Vedanta and science", PB 45, 1940, 55-61 AV246 N.K.Pantulu, "Triple basis of the Vedanta", QJMS 31, 1940, 110-128 AV247 G.Hanumantha Rao, "The development of the Advaita doctrine of antahkarana in relation to perception", PQ 16, 1940-41, 183-191 AV248 Anilbaran Roy, "Advaita of the Gita", CR 76, 1940, 297-308 AV249 Satsvarupananda, "The conception of maya", VK 27, 1940, 44-45 AV250 Siddhesvarananda, "Purusartha--the ladder of life according to the Vedanta", VK 27, 1940, 212-219 AV251 Otto Strauss, "Some scholastic remarks on the mahavakya 'tattvamasi'", WoolCV 251-252 AV252 Otto Strauss, "Jiva and paramatman", DRBV 141-152 AV253 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Advaita, causality and human freedom", IHQ 16, 1940, 331-369. Also CPSSS 201-232 AV254 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Karma and fatalism", PQ 16, 1940-41, 81-88. Also CPSSS 233-238. Also TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72. AV255 M.Yamunacharya, "The Vedantic doctrine of intuition", PQ 16, 1940-41, 157-163 AV256 B.B.Chaitanya, "Avidya and adhyasa", VK 27, 1941, 466-470 AV257 B.B.Chaitanya, "The problem of 'becoming'", PB 46, 1941, 362-366 AV258 P.M.Modi, "Relation between the two aspects of Brahman", IHQ 17, 1941, 160-171 AV259 P.T.Raju, "The Vedantic attitude toward matter", HR 74, 1941-42, 31-38 AV260 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The category of difference in Vedanta", PQ 17, 1941-42, 100-104 AV261 Mahendranath Sircar, "A neo-Vedantic conception of reality", CR 79, 1941, 229-236 AV262 C.T.Srinivasan, "Causality and Vedanta", VK 28, 1941-42, 332-338 AV263 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Jnanad eva tu kaivalyam", PQ 17, 1941-42, 138-143. Also CPSSS 239-243 AV264 N.K.Brahma, "Vedantic transcendence", CR 82, 1942, 1-12. Also PQ 18, 1942-43, 51-62 AV265 Adidevananda, "Modern science and Vedanta", VK 29, 1942-43, 185-188 AV266 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The ethics of Advaita", VK 29, 1942-43, 109-113. Also PEIP 83-87 AV267 R.K.Iyer, "The Advaita doctrine", KK 9, 1942, 670-674 AV268 G.R.Malkani, "Kant and Vedanta", PQ 18, 1942-43, 1-8 AV269 G.R.Malkani, "A justification of mayavada", PQ 18, 1942-43, 221-249 AV270 A.Moses, "Vedantic theory of truth and error", PQ 18, 1942-43, 118-124 AV271 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Word and sense", ABORI 23, 1942, 424-430 AV272 N.K.Brahma, "Is the world unreal?", PB 48, 1943: 430, 492, 511 AV273 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The place of reason in Advaita", RPR 12.1-2, 1943, 13-18. Also IPS 1, 45-52 AV274 Christopher Isherwood, "What is Vedanta?", VATW 7, 1944, 164-176 AV275 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The implications of the doctrine of maya", PB 49, 1944, 153 ff. AV276 Indra Sen, "Is mayavada defensible", PQ 20, 1944, 68-95 AV277 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Self, world and the Absolute in Advaitavada", VK 31, 1944-45: 98, 123 AV278 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Aspects of Advaita", VK 31, 1944-45 - 33, 1946-47 AV278.5 Roma Bose, Sufism and Vedanta. Calcutta 1945, 1964 AV279 Roma Chaudhuri, "Vedanta and Sufi monism", PB 50, 1945, 16-20 AV280 D.R.Deshpande, "Mayavada", JUBo 14, 1945, 57-68 AV281 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The conception of jiva or the individual soul in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy", PB 50, 1945, 176-178 AV282 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Definition of Brahman", JGJRI 2, 1945, 287-293. Also IPS 1, 98-103 AV283 H.G.Narahari, "Advaitic account of the theory of karma", JGJRI 3, 1945, 349-369 AV284 W.N.Pandit, The Place of Bhakti in Advaita Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Nagpur University 1945 AV285 P.Nagaraja Rao, A Comparative Study of the Religious Philosophy of A.N.Whitehead and the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1945 AV286 T.B.Rao, "Dreamless sleep (susupti) in Vedanta", VK 32, 1945-46, 97 ff. AV287 Sharvananda, "Vedanta and communism", PB 50, 1945, 253-255 AV288 Siddhesvarananda, "Search after reality on the external plane", VK 32, 1945-46: 74, 135 AV289 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "The phenomenon theory of Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 60 ff. AV290 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Advaita--realistic aspect", VK 32, 1945-46, 203 ff. AV291 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Pure practical Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 33 ff. AV292 P.N.,Srinivasachariar, "Practical Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 138 ff. AV293 B.Kuppuswamy, "Imagery and the antahkarana theory of perception", JMU 7, 1946, 17-23 AV294 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The roots of Advaita in the Rgveda", DCKRPV 319-335 AV295 P.Negre, "Vedanta" (in Spanish). Pensiamento 2, 1946, 415-432 AV296 Maung Aung Pa, "What Advaita owes to Buddhism", MB 54, 1946, 8-11 AV297 Prajnananda, "Knowledge and the Absolute", PB 51, 1946, 101-106 AV298 C.Rajagopalachari, Vedanta: The Basic Culture of India. New Delhi 1946 AV299 P.T.Raju, "Arthapatti, its logical significance", PAIOC 13, 1946, 308-314 AV300 S.V.Ramamurti, "Advaita and mathematics", IR 47, 1946, 7-8 AV301 P.S.Sastri, "An examination of the Advaitic theory of jivanmukti", PAIOC 13, Summaries 1946, 7-8 AV302 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, Compromises in the History of Advaitic Thought. Madras 1946 AV303 Yatiswarananda, "God and the problem of evil", VATW 9, 1946, 114-122 AV304 Abhedananda, Attitude of Vedanta towards Religion. Calcutta 1947 AV305 A.L.Gregson, A Rational Justification of the Main Principles of Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1947 AV306 Paul Hacker, "Vedanta-studien", WDO 1947, 242 ff. AV307 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Maya", AP 1947, 1950. Also PEIP 88-95 AV308 Prabhavananda, "Samsara and moksa", VATW 10, 1947, 123-127 AV309 Laksminarasimha Sastri, "Advaita and bhakti", KK 13, 1947-48 - 17, 1951-52 AV310 Siddhesvarananda, "Expose de la metaphysique de l'Advaita fond?e sur l'analyse des trois ?tats", Psyche 2, 1947, 1045-1060 AV311 A.S.Nataraja Ayyar, "Quintessence of the Vedanta as a nyayaprasthana", PAIOC 14, Summaries 1948, 144 AV312 G.Watts Cunningham, "How far to the land of yoga? An experiment in understanding", PR 57, 1948, 573-590 AV313 A.Minakshisundaram Iyer, "Science and Advaita", KASGJ 22-32 AV314 K.B.Iyer, "The practical value of Advaita philosophy", BVK 1.1, 1948, 8-10 AV315 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita in relation to European philosophical and religious thought in ancient and medieval times", KASGJ 13-18 AV316 T.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The Vedanta and the trend of modern science", KASGJ 41-47 AV317 R.Krishnamurthy, "Advaita and mathematics", KASGJ 61-64 AV318 S.Laksminarayana, "St. Tayumanavar, an exponent of Advaita philosophy", KASGJ 65-78 AV319 S.Laksminarayana, "Emerson, an apostle of Advaita in the Western world", KASGJ 79-92 AV320 S.V.Ramamurthi, "Advaita as the culmination of mathematics", KASGJ 60-61 AV321 Rama Tirtha, Mathematics and Vedanta (Vedanta Practised). Lucknow 1948 AV322 Siddhesvarananda, Essai sur le metaphysique du vedanta. Translated by M. Sauton et al. Angers 1948 AV323 K.S.Venkataraman, "Advaita and politics", KASGJ 19-21 AV324 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta--a philosophy of world-understanding", PB 54, 1949, 437-39 AV325 Deshikananda, "The rationale of evil in this world", VK 36, 1949-50, 545-552 AV326 C.K.Handoo, "Freedom as envisaged by the Vedanta", VK 36, 1949-50, 379-384 AV327 M.K.V.Iyer, "Intellect and intuition", BVK 1.3-4, 1949, 1-3 AV328 T.B.Rao, "The four mahavakyas of Advaita", VK 36, 1949-50, 456-468 AV329 P.Sankaranarayanam, "Jnanamarga", BVK 1.3-4, 1949, 4-8 AV330 P.N.Srinivasachariar, Aspects of Advaita. Madras 1949. Portions reprinted TVOS 18.2, 1993, 57-86; 19, 1994, 77-108; 20.2, 1995, 59-84 AV330.5 Ajarananda, The Word and the Cross in Ancient India. Bangkok 1950 AV331 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, Doctrine of Maya. Second edition.Calcutta 1950 AV332 P.J.Chaudhury, "Physical indeterminism in the light of Vedanta", PB 55, 1950, 491-494 AV333 P.J.Chaudhury, "The concept of maya", PB 55, 1950, 237-241 AV334 Paul Hacker, Unters?chungen ?ber Texte des Fr?hen Advaitavada. I.Die Sch?le Sankaras. WAW 6, 1960 AV335 Adya Prasad Misra, Bhakti in Samkara Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Allahabad 1950 AV336 N.A.Nikam, "Plato's conception of the dialectic and the Vedanta: an interpretation", SB 73-79 AV337 Nityabodhananda, "The Vedantic approach to the problems of civilization", PB 66, 1950, 403-408 AV338 Sambuddhananda, "Vedanta, the perennial philosophy", PB 55, 1950, 277-279 AV339 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "There is an unchanging atman", VK 37, 1950-51, 28 ff. AV340 P.J.Chaudhury, "Aesthetics--a Vedantic view", B 56, 1951, 414-419 AV341 Haridas Chaudhury, "The Vedanta as purnadvaitavada", Mahendra 145-158 AV342 A.C.Das, "The awareness of ignorance", CR 118, 1951, 89-105 AV343 G.R.Malkani, "Some criticisms of the traditional concept of ajnana", Sarup 143-152 AV344 G.R.Malkani, "Vedanta and the ethical consciousness", Mahendra 158-166 AV345 Nikhilananda, "The nature of Brahman in the Upanishads--the Advaita view", EEWP 234-248 AV346 P.T.Raju, "Vedanta and absolutism", PAIOC 13, 1951,287-292 AV347 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Vedanta, its influence on the changing world", PB 56, 1951, 46-48 AV348 B.K.Sengupta, "The problem of perception in Advaita Vedanta", IHQ 27, 1951, 287-292. Summarized in PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 214-220 AV349 Nalini Kanta Brahma, "Philosophy of the Vedanta", BRMIC 3.11, 1952, 214-220 AV350 P.J.Chaudhury, "The ground of things", VK 39, 1952-53, 504 ff. AV351 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta phenomenology", PB 57, 1952: 303, 330 AV352 A.C.Das, "Brahman and maya in Advaita metaphysics", PEW 2, 1952, 144-154 AV353 A.V.Gopalachariar, "Sad Vidya", BVK 4.3-4, 1952 - 5.3, 1953 AV354 Jan Gonda, "Maya", TVP 1, 1952, 3-62 AV355 Paul Hacker, "Die Lehre von den Realit?tsgraden im Advaita Vedanta", ZMR 36, 1952, 277-293. Reprinted in PHKS 120-136. Translated into English by John Taber, PhilCon 137-152 AV355.5 Krishnananda, The Realization of the Absolute. Rshikesh 1952, 1972 AV356 Nikhilananda, "The three states (avasthatraya)", PEW 2, 1952, 66-75 AV357 C.Kunhan Raja, "Where ancient thought and modern science meet", ALB 16, 1952, 59-86 AV358 P.T.Raju, "Post-Samkara Advaita", HPE 287-304 AV359 Saradananda, "The Vedanta, its theory and practice", VATW 15, 1952, 13-19. Also AOTV 108-123 AV360 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Atman--the Self", SK 3, 1952, 35-42 AV361 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Advaitic concept of God, soul and world", BVK 4.1, 1952, 9-10 AV362 P.S.Sastri, "Higher immediacy", PB 57, 1952, 221-226 AV363 P.S.Sastri, "Jivanmukti and avidya", PB 57, 1952, 345-349 AV363.5 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Sastra--an independent pramana", DCRIB 12, 1951-52, 437-441 AV364 J.Stewart-Wallace, "Vedanta and the West", HJ 51, 1952-53, 113-120 AV365 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "The theories of drstisrsti and srstidrsti", PQ 26, 1953, 43-50. Reprinted PB 106, 2001, 569-573 AV366 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Post-Samkara Advaita", CHI 3, 255-280 AV367 Krishnachandra Bhattacharya, "The Advaita and its spiritual significance", CHI 3, 245-254. Also KCBSP I, 109-126 AV368 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", OH 1, 1953, 69-76 AV369 Roma Chaudhuri, "The Vedantic conception of Brahman as saccidananda", PB 58, 1953: 419, 463, 497 AV370 A.C.Das, "Christian and Indian spiritual ethics", VQ 18, 1953. Reprinted in his Studies in Philosophy (Calcutta 1962) AV371 Gambhirananda, "Some positive aspects of Advaita Vedanta", PB 58, 1953, 56-59 AV372 Paul Hacker, Vivarta. WAW 5, 1953 AV373 K.A.K.Iyer, "Philosophy of the Advaita", CHI 3, 219-236 AV374 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Essentials of Vedanta", CHI 3, 211-218. Also VSIPT 221-235 AV374.1 D. S. Jatakey, "The metaphysical nature of the 'illusory'", JPA 1.2, 1953, 11-14 AV375 G.R.Malkani, Vedantic Epistemology. Amalner 1953 AV376 G.R.Malkani, "The spirit of Vedantic philosophy", PQ 26, 1953, 25-34 AV376.1 G. R. Malkani, "Our notion of reality", JPA 1.2, 1953, 1-3 AV377 P.M.Modi, "State of union with Brahman", GRSJ 15, 1953, 105-111 AV378 A.Sulochana Nachane, "From wonderland to reality in Advaita", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 256-257 AV379 B.K.Sengupta, "The philosophy of Advaita Vedanta", PB 58, 1953, 176-178 AV380 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Maya--the power of the Lord", SK 4, 1953, 3-6 AV381 Vivekananda Tirtha, "Illusory world", BVK 5.2, 1953, l-6 AV382 K.S.Varma, "Doctrine of maya", AUJR 1, 1953, 33-41 AV383 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "On avidya or ignorance", PQ 27, 1954: 43, 79, 141 AV384 D.Chandler, "A dialogue on the meaning of Vedanta", VATW 105, 1954, 48-53 AV385 A.C.Das, "Advaita Vedanta and liberation in bodily existence", PEW 4, 1954, 113-124 AV386 P.D.Devanandan, The Concept of Maya. Calcutta 1954 AV387 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Awareness, cosmic and individual", VK 41, 1954-55, 130 ff. AV388 G.R.Malkani, "The synthetic view of Vedanta", ARWEP 184-192 AV389 M.R.Oke, "Philosophical essays", Srimant Pratpseth Amrita Jubilee Volume 3, 1954 AV390 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Time and the Timeless: Principal Miller Lectures 1953. Madras 1954 AV391 Devabrata Sinha, "Study on the Advaita theory of knowledge: the concept of self-illumination", CR 131, 1954, 53-64 AV392 Devabrata Sinha, "Concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", OH 2, 1954, 325-332 AV393 V.P.Varma, "Marxism and Vedanta", VQ 20, 1954, 131-152 AV394 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The rational approach to Advaita philosophy", BRMIC 6, 1955, 73-84 AV395 N.B.Chakraborty, "Falsity of falsity", OH 3, 1955, 249-254 AV396 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, Self and Falsity in Advaita Vedanta. Calcutta 1955 AV397 P.J.Chaudhury, "Materialism versus mentalism (relative standpoints of modern science and Vedanta)", PB 60, 1955, 19-26 AV398 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as a scientific metaphysics", PB 60, 1955: 331, 362 AV399 P.Chenchiah, "The Vedanta philosophy and the message of Christ", IJT 4.2, 1955, 18-23 AV400 A.De, The Development of the Vedanta Conception of Avidya. M.A.Thesis, University of London 1955-56 AV401 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", JOR 25, 1955-56, 9-18 AV402 R.K.Iyer, "The conquest of maya", KK 19, 1955, 692-696 AV403 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Avasthatraya", VSIPT 285-309 AV404 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Is Vedanta theology or philosophy?", VSIPT 235-250 AV405 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "What does Vedanta signify to a modern mind?", VSIPT 251-266 AV406 G.R.Malkani, "A note on liberation in bodily existence", PEW 5, 1955, 69-74 AV407 P.S.Naidu, "Indiscipline and individuality", VK 42, 1955-56, 293 ff. AV408 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Preface to Vedanta", PB 60,1955: 406, 461,493 AV409 P.T.Raju, "Vrtti or psychosis", PAIOC 16, 1955, 347-350 AV410 H.Sarasvati, "The ego and the self" (translated by Alain Danielou). ALB 19, 1955, 241-312 AV411 P.S.Sastri, "Philosophy of history and the Vedanta", PB 60, 1955, 11-13 AV412 B.K.Sengupta, "The Vedantic theory of knowledge", IAC 3, 1955, 288-291 AV413 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Synthetic Vedanta", JMU 27, 1955, 305-344 AV414 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Das Gleichnis in der Vedanta Philosophie", BonnOS n.s. 3, 1955, 87-100 AV415 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "The concept of saksin as a unique Advaitic principle of knowledge', PAIOC 18, 1955, 492-498 AV415.5 Abhishiktananda, Ermies du Saccidananda: un essai d'integration chretienne de la tradition monastique de l'Inde. Paris 1956. Reprinted Tournai 1957. Translated in German, Salzburg 1962. Translated into English as Saccidananda: a Christian Approach to Advaitic Experience. Delhi 1974, 1984 AV416 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of ignorance", JPA 3.11-12, 1956, 7-16; reprinted in KKBLKO 252-261 AV417 N.B.Chakraborty, "Place of reasoning in Advaita philosophy", PQ 29, 1956, 177-184 AV418 M.H.Das, "Phenomena and the Noumena: a study in Advaita in the light of Kant", Bh 1, 1956-57, 65-91 AV419 W.Heinrich, Verkl?rung und Erl?sung im Vedanta. Salzburg 1956; Munchen 1962 AV420 John Levy, The Nature of Man according to the Vedanta. London 1956 AV421 S.K.Maitra, "Worldliness, unworldliness and other-worldliness", SPR 67-78 AV422 P.B.Mukerji, "The atom and the Vedanta", PB 61, 1956, 52-55 AV423 K.R.Rao, "Vedanta and the modus operandi of paranormal cognition", PQ 29, 1956, 35-38 AV424 P.S.Sastri, "Logic of being in Vedanta", PB 61, 1956: 418, 457, 486 AV425 P.S.Sastri, "Reality of the appearance", PB 61, 1956, 175-178 AV426 Mahendranath Sircar, "The Vedantic view of life", PB 61, 1956, 408-410 AV427 D.B.Shesh, Problem of Individuality and its Implications for Modern Idealism and Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1956 AV428 S.N.Bhattacharya, "Maya and avidya", PB 62, 1957, 234-237 AV429 P.J.Chaudhury, "Science and Vedanta", BRMIC 8, 1957, 188-190 AV430 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Inward and outward Advaita Vedanta", PQ 30, 1957, 165-172 AV431 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Drg-drsya-viveka", IPS 1, 135-137 AV432 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Advaitic conception of time", IPS 1, 104-106 AV433 S.K.Maitra, Main Problems of Philosophy, an Advaitic Approach. Two volumes. Calcutta 1957, 1962 AV434 G.R.Malkani, "Discussion: inward and outward Advaita Vedanta", PQ 30, 1957, 201-206 AV435 T.P.Ramachandran, "From cause to ground", JMU 28, 1957, 205-212 AV436 Louis Renou, "Grammaire et Vedanta", JA 245, 1957, 121-134 AV437 P.S.Sastri, "The logic of relations in Vedanta", PB 62, 1957: 424, 462, 507 AV438 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of implication", PQ 30, 1957, 19-40 AV439 P.K.Sundaram and S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Dialectics of difference", JMU 29, 1957, 31-62 AV440 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Advaita analysis of the knowledge problem", JASBe 24, 1958, 1-2 AV441 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as phenomenology", BRMIC 9, 1958, 56-63 AV442 N.S.Dravid, "Is Advaita unrealistic?", JPA 5, 1958, 184-188 AV443 D.S.Jakatey, "Is Advaita unrealistic?", JPA 5, 1978, 178-183 AV444 A.G.Javadekar, "Double-edged catuskoti of Advaita Vedanta", JUB 7, 1958, 53-58 AV445 Peter Mar, "The Trinity and saccidananda", IJT 7, 1958, 92-98 AV446 T.R.V.Murti, "The two definitions of Brahman in the Advaita", PQ 30, 1958. Also StIndT 52-87 AV447 P.Nagaraja Rao, Introduction to Vedanta. Bombay 1958, 1960 AV448 Raymondo Panikkar, "Der isvara des Vedanta und der Christus der Trinit?t: ein philosophisches problem", PICP 12.10, 1958, 153-160. Also Antaios 2, 1961, 446-454 AV449 Johannes J. Poortman, "Die Fr?chtbarkeit der Grundgedankern des Vedanta f?r die abendl?ndische philosophische Problematik", PICP 12, 1958, 179-188. Also KSS 51, 1959-60, 438-445. Translated into Dutch in Handeligen van het Vlaanes Filologen congres (Leuven 1959) AV450 S.S.Raghavachar, "Way of self-surrender and Vedanta", VK 45, 1958, 101 ff. AV451 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Advaita metaphysics (its religious significance)", PB 63, 1958, 74-79 AV452 P.S.Sastri, "Logic of change in Advaita", PB 63, 1958: 406, 449, 489 AV453 P.S.Sastri, "Principle of non-contradiction", PQ 30, 1958, 223-236 AV453.1 P.S. Sastri, "Negation in Indian idealism", JUS 7, 1958, 55-69 AV454 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Elements of Advaita in other schools of thought", JMU 30, 1958, 69-74 AV455 P.K.Sundaram, "Trtiyalingaparamarsa", JMU 30, 1958, 75-78 AV456 P.K.Sundaram, "Some reflections on jivanmukti in Advaita", JMU 30, 1958, 121-134 AV457 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of Advaita" in Narla Golden Book (1958). Also in Advent 1961 AV458 N.R.Warhadpande, "Doctrine of maya", JPA 5, 1958, 83-93 AV459 Abhedananda, The Vedanta Philosophy. Calcutta 1959 AV460 Akhilananda, "Time and eternity--the Vedantic viewpoint", JBR 27, 1959, 114-117 AV461 R.Balasubramanian, "The significance of negative and affirmative Vedantic texts", JMU 31, 1959, 23-42 AV462 V.M.Bedekar, "The Moksadharma studies", ABORI 40.3-4, 1959, 262-288 AV463 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The real, the unreal and the illusory", PQ 31, 1959, 221-230 AV464 P.J.Chaudhury, "Deontological Vedanta", BRMIC 10, 1959, 169-181 AV465 P.J.Chadhury, "Vedanta as transcendental phenomenology", PPR 20, 1959-60, 252-263 AV465.5 Vedanta Through Letters from Swami Chinmayananda. Madras 1959 AV466 Isvarananda, "Nature and function of reason in Vedanta", VK 46, 1959, 246 ff. AV467 G.R.Malkani, "Ultimate reality", PQ 32, 1959, 21-30 AV468 K.Satchidananda Murty, Revelation and Reason in Advaita Vedanta. Waltair 1959; Delhi 1974 AV469 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy as seen from the scriptures of early Jainism", JOI 8, 1959, 148-155 AV470 R.S.N.Ramakrishnan, "A study in Advaita philosophy", VK 46, 1959, 258-259 AV471 A.N.Rao, "Relativity of bheda (difference) and abheda (nondifference) and of truth", VK 46, 1959, 287 ff. AV472 S.S.Raghavachar, "Place of reason in Advaita", JMysoreU 19, 1959-60, 29-48 AV473 Nityabodhananda, "Freedom and value", VK 46, 1959, 508 ff. AV474 P.S.Sastri, "Status of maya", ABORI 40, 1959, 185-211 AV475 P.S.Sastri, "Contradiction and metaphysics", PB 64, 1959, 210-218 AV476 S.Vittala Sastri, "Advaita and the method of realizing it", BRMIC 10, 1959, 250-254 AV477 K.Savithri, "Conception of God in Advaita", VK 46, 1959, 215 ff. AV478 Veeramani Prasad Upadhyaya, Lights on Vedanta. ChSSt 6, 1959 AV479 Veeramani Prasad Upadhyaya, "Significance of karma in Advaitism", PAIOC 20, 1959, Vol. II, 333-342 AV480 R.K.Aiyer, Outlines of Vedanta. 1960 AV481 B.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Pitfalls in the history of Vedanta philosophy", IPC 5, 1960 AV482 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as a scientific philosophy", PB 65, 1960: 183, 266 AV483 R.V.de Smet, "Theological method and Vedanta", OT 4.1-2, 1960, 20-35 AV484 Govind Chandra Dev, "The doctrine of maya in Vedanta: what it implies", JASP 5, 1960, 148-163 AV485 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Advaita conception of man", Religion and Society 7.3-4, 1960, 13-16 AV486 G.R.Malkani, "The logical and the mystical in Advaita Vedanta", PQ 32, 1960, 261-266 AV487 Giuseppe Morichini, "Early Vedanta philosophy", EAW 11, 1960, 33-39 AV488 H.B.Phillips, "Advaita Vedanta: according to scripture and according to reason", PB 65, 1960 AV489 C.Kunhan Raja, "Revelation and reason in Advaita Vedanta", PQ 33, 1960, 161-168 AV490 Satprakasananda, "Isvara and his maya (from the nondualistic standpoint)", PB 65, 1960, 290-296 AV491 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Concept of consciousness in Advaita philosophy--not a study in the Advaita philosophy", PQ 34, 1961, 155-164 AV492 Vidyashankar Bharati, "Advaita and the theory of illusion", KK 25, 1961, 333-339 AV493 P.J.Chaudhury, "A scientific approach to Vedanta", BRMIC 12, 1961, 235-243 AV494 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta and ontology", PQ 34, 1961, 125-127 AV495 Roma Chaudhuri, "Is Vedanta dogmatic?", PB 66, 1961, 368-373 AV496 P.G.Kulkarni, "Is Advaita Vedanta unrealistic?", OT 5.1-3, 1961, 31-40 AV497 Ghanshamdas Rattanmal Malkani, Metaphysics of Advaita Vedanta. Amalner 1961 AV498 Ganeswar Misra, "A study in the Vedanta theory of meaning", PQ 34, 1961, 171-178 AV499 P.M.Modi, "Brahman: simultaneously sakara and nirakara: a forgotten period in the history of Indian (Vedanta) philosophy", SPP special number, March 1961, 37-42 AV500 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras 1961 AV501 R.S.N.Ramakrishnan, "World in the Advaita system", VK 47, 1961, 519-521 AV502 R.M.Sharma, Advaita Vedanta: A Critical and Comparative Study of its History and its Tenets. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Agra 1961 AV503 J.Frits Staal, Advaita and Neoplatonism. Madras 1961 AV504 P.K.Sundaram, "The removal of nescience", JMU 33, 1961, 21-32 AV505 A.G.Krishna Warrier, Concept of Mukti in Advaita Vedanta. MUPS 9, 1961 AV505.5 Atmananda (Krishna Menon), Atmanirvrti: Freedom and Felicity in the Self. Trivandrum 1946, 1962; Haarlem 1955; Auxtin, TX 1983 AV506 George Bosworth Burch, "Principles and problems of monistic Vedanta", PEW 11.4, 1962, 231-238 AV507 M.S.Chowdhury, "The Advaita answer to Karl Marx", Darshana 5, 1962, 105-109 AV508 Jagannath Das, "The akhandartha, the a priori and Advaita metaphysics", PQ 34, 1962, 229-232 AV509 A.G.Javadekar, "Reality of the world in Samkara Vedanta", JUB 11, 1962, 81-90 AV510 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The role of knowledge", Darshana 5, 1962, 6-9 AV511 G.R.Malkani, "Science and Advaita Vedanta", EPM 5-9 AV512 E.R.Marozzi, "Psychoanalysis and Vedanta", EPM 368-375 AV513 Hajime Nakamura, "The Vedanta as noticed in medieval Jain literature", in Indological Studies in honor of W. Norman Brown' (New Haven 1962), 186-194 AV514 R.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The status of the world phenomenon in the Advaita philosophy", SPP 2.2, 1962, 35-41 AV515 Ruth Reyna, The Concept of Maya. Bombay 1962 AV516 P.K.Sundaram, "Realism of Samkara and the world-illusion", EPM 384-394 AV517 Siddhinathananda, "The knowledge of ultimate truth (an Advaitic view)", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 28-35 AV518 Bede Thum, "Zum Problem der Gotteserkenntnis im Advaita-Vedanta", Kairos 4, 1962, 42-46 AV519 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The nature of ultimate truth (an Advaitic view)", Religion and Society 9.3, 1962, 14-27 AV520 Advaitagranthakosa, prepared at Upanishad Brahmendra Mutt of Conjeeveram. Calcutta 1962 AV521 R.Krishnaswami Aiyar, The Great Equation. Bombay 1963 AV522 R.C.Bhadwe, "Vedanta darsana and the future of man", Vid 6, 1963, 78-99 AV523 Chandrodaya Bhattacharya, "The objects of the Advaitic transcendental consciousness", PQ 36, 1963, 179-187 AV524 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Notes on the relation between subject and object", CR 166, 1963, 207-210 AV525 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Final emancipation of Advaita Vedanta", CR 167, 1963, 233-266 AV526 Paul Hacker, "Die idee der Person im Denken von Vedanta-Philosophen", Hinduism 30-52. Also Studia Missionalia 13, 1963, 30-52. Reprinted PHKS 270-292. Translated into English by Hugh van Skyhawk, PhilCom 153-176 AV527 Ramana Maharshi, Erase the Ego (compiled by Rajeswarananda). Bombay 1963 AV528 A.C.Mukerji, "The place of God in Advaita", RIndPh 369-381 AV529 T.R.V.Murti, "Illusion as confusion of subjective functions", RIndPh 25-39 AV530 Sangam Lal Pandey, "The old Advaita Vedanta", JGJRI 20-21, 1963-65, 167-234 AV531 Arthur L. Herman, "Maya", AO 34, 1963, 231-237 AV532 Krishnananda, The Realisation of the Absolute. Sivanandanagar 1964 AV533 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "The two mayas", PQ 36, 1963, 195-201 AV534 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Pure Advaita of Swami Vivekananda", JOI 13, 1963, 31-47 AV535 Anthony J. Alston, Early Post-Samkara Advaita. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1964. Summarized BHUab 4, 1965, 74-76 AV536 Ananyananda, "Self-knowledge", BRMIC 16, 1965, 265-305 AV537 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Absolute and the individual", CR 170, 1964, 8-32 AV537.5 V.K.Chari, Whitman in the Light of Vedantic Mysticism: an Interpretation. Lincoln, Nebraska 1964, 1969, 1976 AV538 Roma Chaudhuri, "An objection against brahmakaranavada", PB 69, 1964, 58-62 AV539 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The jivanmukta's way of life", PB 69, 1964, 428-434 AV540 A.G.Javadekar, "Constructive reinterpretation of Advaita Vedanta", PQ 37, 1964, 1-10 AV541 A.G.Javadekar, "Some aspects of the Vedanta psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1964, 93-101 AV542 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Vaisnavism and Advaitism", PB 69, 1964, 200-204 AV543 G.R.Malkani, "The relation of false identity", PQ 37, 1964, 141-150 AV544 Nityabodhananda, "Maya and will", PB 69, 1964, 451-459 AV545 K.E.Parthasarathy, "The soul of Vedanta", AP 35, 1964, 108-112 AV546 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Ontology of Advaita. Mulki 1964 AV547 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Maya and mayavada: a critical retrospect", VK 51, 1964, 302-305 AV548 Satchidananda Sarasvati (ed.), Vedantins Meet (A Symposium on Samkara's Advaita). Holenarsipur 1964 AV548.1 Satchidanandendra, Vedantaprakriyapratyabhijna. 1964. Translated by A.J.Alston as The Method of the Vedanta, London 1989 AV549 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "On theories of the self in Advaita", SVUOJ 7, 1964, 75-78 AV550 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Subject-object in Advaita", SK 15.4, 1964, 125-127 AV551 Satprakasananda, "The sum and substance of Advaita Vedanta", PB 69, 1964, 90-93 AV552 P.K.Sundaram, "Superimposition", VK 51, 1964, 352-355 AV553 Edward Thornton, "Jungian psychology and the Vedanta", AP 35, 1964, 159-163 AV554 Cheomil Velayachich, "Yusmad-asmad relation as starting-point in philosophy", JOR 34-35, 1964-66, 54-57 AV555 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "A new angle on the problem of unreality in Advaita", PB 69, 1964, 108-l15 AV555.5 Abhishikananda, Sagesse hindoue, mystique chretiene, du Vedanta a la Trinite. Paris 1965, 1991 AV556 A.V.Subramania Aiyer, "George Santayana and Vedanta", VK 52, 1965-66, 263-285 AV557 Gade Ankayya, Vedanta Glossary. Guntur 1965, 1978 AV558 B.L.Atreya, "Vedanta and psycho-synthesis: possibility of cooperation between them", Psychics International 2.2, 1965, l-7 AV559 Jayachamaraja Wadiya Bahadur, "Advaita philosophy", Srngeri Souvenir 1965, 62-64 AV560 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The position of God in Advaita philosophy", CR 175, 1965, 135-140 AV561 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The position of 'I' in Advaita philosophy", CR 175, 1965, 179-186 AV562 Roma Chaudhuri, "Advaita Vedanta conception of the soul", VK 52, 1965-66, 25-27 AV563 Eliot Deutsch, "Levels of being", Darshana 20, 1965, l-9 AV564 Eliot Deutsch, "Karma as a 'convenient fiction' in the Advaita Vedanta", PEW 15, 1965, 3-12. Reprinted IPE 4, 243-252 AV565 A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, Vedanta or The Science of Reality. Revised edition, Holenarsipur 1965 AV566 S.Y.Krishnaswamy, "Misconception about maya", Srngeri Souvenir, Madras 1965, 93 ff. AV567 A.C.Mukerji, "The crux of monism", PQ 38, 1965, 1-14 AV568 Paul Hacker, "Relations of early Advaitins to Vaisnavism", WZKSOA 9, 1965, 147-154. Reprinted PHKS 205-212; also PhilCon 33-40 AV569 S.S.Roy, The Heritage of Samkara. Allahabad 1965 AV570 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "An examination of avidya: some fundamentals in the metaphysical history of Advaita", PAIOC 22, 1965, 246-248 AV571 Devaprasada Sinha, The Idealist Standpoint. Santiniketan 1965 AV572 Smarananda, "Transcendence and immanence in Vedanta", PB 70, 1965, 22-27 AV573 Tapasyananda, "Concept of the Absolute in Vedanta", VK 52, 1965-66, 12-14 AV573.7 Abhishiktananda, Le rencontre de l'Hindouisme et la Chrisitanisme. Paris 1966. Translated into German by Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, Innsbruck 2005 AV574 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The Advaita concept of falsity--a critical study", OH 14.2, 1966, 84 pp. AV575 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti, "The ethical aspect of Advaita", PB 71, 1966, 409-414 AV576 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti, "The doctrine of adhyasa (superimposition)", VJP 2.2, 1966, 75-89 AV577 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Language and reality", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 13-23 AV578 K.Sarat Chandran, "The doctrine of maya", BKBCV 230-237 AV579 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 165-169 AV579.5 Sanjukta Gupta, "The concept of jiva: Gaudiya Vaishnavism compared with that of Advaita Vedanta", Anviksa 1, 1966, 69-76 AV580 Daya Krishna, "Vedanta--does it really mean anything?", Conspectus 2.2, 1966, 20-28 AV581 R.V.de Smet, "Maya or ajnana?", IPA 2, 1966, 220-225 AV582 Eliot Deutsch, "The self in Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 6.1, 1966, 5-21 AV583 N.S.Dravid, "A critical formulation of the maya doctrine", IPA 2, 1966, 208-214 AV584 S.Gopalan, "Maya and social progress", IPA 2, 1966, 246-254 AV585 Sanjukta Gupta, "The concept of jiva in Gaudiya Vaishnavism as compared with that of Advaita Vedanta", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 69-76 AV586 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita Vedanta is essentially a value philosophy", PB 71, 1966, 293-306 AV587 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The universe: its ontological status according to Advaita Vedanta", PB 71, 1966 AV588 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Bhakti from the Advaitic standpoint", VK 52, 1966, 477-483 AV589 A.G.Javadekar, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 170-178 AV590 Brahmachari Madhavan, "Advaita Vedanta--a bird's-eye view", VK 52, 1966, 443-450 AV591 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedanta and Buddhism", IPA 2,1966, 281-288 AV592 G.R.Malkani, "The Absolute and the individual", PQ 39, 1966, 47-54 AV593 G.R.Malkani, "A discussion of Daya Krishna's views on Advaitic adhyasa", PEW 16, 1966, 81-83 AV594 Manasvir Ramgopal G. Molhatta, Vedanta in Practice. Translated from Hindi by B.Bhattacharya. Bombay 1966 AV595 Harold Barry Phillips, "An application of the Aristotelian categories to Vedanta", VK 53, 1966-67: 283, 324 AV596 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 161-164. Also VKSS 1968-69, 229-232 AV597 P.Nagaraja Rao, The Philosophy of A.N.Whitehead in the Light of the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara. Tirupati 1966 AV598 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Criticism of the Advaitic concepts of experience, language and reality", VK 53, 1966-67, 449-453 AV599 Ruth Reyna, "Advaita Vedanta and modern challenges", Darshana 22, 1966, 77-87 AV600 Manoranjan Sastri, "Advaitavada or philosophy of non-dualism in Kamarupa", BKBCV l16-127 AV601 P.S.Sastri, "Adhyasa: metaphorical structure of experience", PB 71, 1966, 342-344 AV602 Santosh C. Sengupta, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 196-207 AV603 B.H.Shreedhara, "The riddle of the Absolute", SVUOJ 9, 1966, 21-26 AV604 Siddheswarananda, Meditation according to Yoga-Vedanta. Translated from French by V.A.Thyagarajan. Puranattukara 1966 AV605 Ram Pratap Singh, "Radhakrishnan's substantial reconstruction of the Vedanta of Samkara", PEW 16, 1966, 5-32 AV606 P.K.Sundaram, "The non-difference of effect from cause", VK 53, 1966-67, 291-293 AV607 K.C.Varadachari, "Vedanta", VK 52, 1966, 469-477 AV608 K.C.Varadachari, "A critique of dialectical Advaita", SVUOJ 9, 1966, 39-44 AV609 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus of avidya", IPA 2, 1966, 238-242 AV610 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "Maya, thought and subjectivity", VJP 4.1, 1967, 111-116. Also in ProcIPC 1967, 81-85 AV611 Nirod Baran Chakravarty, The Advaita Concept of Falsity. Calcutta 1967 AV612 Eliot Deutsch, "Types of philosophical problems in classical Vedanta", CIDO 27, 1967, 354 AV613 N.K.Devaraja, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedanta", ProcIPC 1967, 1-11 AV614 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The great illusion", PB 72, 1967, 253-262 AV615 Bernard Kelly, "A Thomist approach to the Vedanta", SCR 1, 1967, 164-170 AV616 Adya Prasad Misra, The Development and Place of Bhakti in Samkara Vedanta. Allahabad 1967 AV617 P.M.Modi, "The doctrine of prasthanatrayi--is it valid?", JOI 17, 1967-68, 53-58 AV618 Hajime Nakamura, "The particular nature of the Vedanta", KAG 159-165 AV619 Nityabodhananda, "Freud, Jung and Vedanta", PB 72, 1967, 489-497 AV620 Om Prakash Sharan, "The law of karma and rebirth", BMI 3.2, 1967, 15-27 AV621 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of difference", PB 72, 1967, 369-377 AV622 Shantananda, "Science of all sciences, Vedanta", BV 2, 1967, 145-150 AV623 A.L.Shivarudrappa, "Virasaivism and Advaita", SBECCV 363-369 AV624 Ramakant Sinari, "The phenomenological attitude in Samkara Vedanta", ProcIPC 1967, 57-68 AV628 Debabrata Sinha, "An approach to Vedanta", BRMIC 18, 1967, 365-370 AV629 I.K.Taimni, "Maya or the great illusion", Theosophist 87, 1967: 113, 167 AV630 V.P.Varma, "Contribution of Vedanta to world culture", BMI 3.1, 1967, 167-178 AV631 T.K.Gopalaswamy, "Pre-Samkara Upanisadic philosophy as expounded by Kalidasa", JGJRI 24, 1968, 179-186 AV632 Ananyananda, "Some phases of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 19, 1968, 333-343 AV633 R.Balasubramaniam, "The Advaita view of liberation", in Sankara and Shanmata AV634 Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, The Philosophy of Pancharatra: An Advaitic Approach. Madras 1968 AV635 Grace E. Cairns, "Time, eternity and social progress in the Advaita Vedanta of T.M.P.Mahadevan", Darshana 31, 1968, 64-68 AV636 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Vedantic way of life", DMDV 65-70 AV637 S.K.Chattopadhyaya. "Advaitism as the philosophy of transcendence", ProcIPC 1968, 69-76 AV638 A.C.Dharmraj, "Christian mysticism is not Vedantic monism", IPC 13.3, 1968, 37-42 AV639 A.C.Dharmraj, "Union or communion (Christian and Vedantic points of view)", IPC 13.4, 1968 - 14.2, 1969 AV639.5 R. R. Dravid, "The Advaita theory of universals", VandB 134-146 AV639.8 Daya Krishna, "Adhyasa–a non-Advaitic beginning in Samkara Vedanta", PEW 18, 1868. Reprinted IPACP 370-380 AV640 Sengaku Mayeda, "The Advaita theory of perception", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 221-240 AV641 Angelo Morretta, Il Pensiero Vedanta. Roma 1968 AV642 Mukhyananda, "The concept of God in Vedanta", BRMIC 19, 1968, 303-318 AV643 Hajime Nakamura, "The circumstances of the formulation of the Vedanta school", SPC 184-193 AV644 Hajime Nakamura, "The Vedanta philosophy as was revealed in Buddhist scriptures", in Mandan Mishra (ed.), Pancamrtam (Delhi 1968), 1-76 AV645 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy in philosophical and religious works", JGJRI 24, 1968, 47-64 AV645.5 C.P.M.Namboodiry, "Advaita and Indian tradition", VandB 167-186 AV646 Harold Barry Phillips, "Maya: an interpretation", VK 55, 1968-69, 150-158 AV647 Harold Barry Phillips, "Maya: a fresh assessment", VK 55, 1968-69: 303, 350, 382 AV648 S.O.Ramkrishna, "The role of reason (yukti) in Advaita Vedanta", Research Journal of Philosophy (Ranchi) 1.2, 1968 AV649 P.Nagaraja Rao, The Heritage of Vedanta. Madras 1968 AV650 M.T.Sahasrabudhe, A Survey of the Pre-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Poona 1968 AV651 Lambert Schmithausen, "Zur advaitischen Theories der Objecterkenntnis", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 329-360 AV652 K.Seshadri, "Echoing accounts: Vedanta and Emerson", VK 55, 1968-69, 42-45 AV653 Bhoomananda Tirtha, Brahma Vidya Abhyasa, or Reality and the Method to Trace It. Paralam 1968, 1970 AV654 B.N.Bhatta, "Samkaracarya's Advaita and Pratyabhijna system--a comparison", JOI 19, 1969-70, 53-59 AV655 Richard Brooks, "The meaning of 'real' in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 19, 1969, 385-398 AV656 Kshitish Chandra Chakravarti, Vision of Reality. Calcutta 1969 AV657 Pritibhusan Chatterji, "Concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy (an Advaitic approach)", IPA 5, 1969, 67-75 AV658 Eliot Deutsch, Advaita Vedanta: A Philosophical Reconstruction. Honolulu 1969. Portion reprinted in IWP 1997, 24-32 AV659 Paul Hacker, "Essere e spirito nel Vedanta", Filosofia e vita (Nuova series) 10, 1969 (No. 4. Ott-Dic) 26-46, 293-319. Translated into English by Wilhelm Halbfass, PhilCom 187-210 AV660 K.A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, "The fundamentals of Vedanta" in KAKICW AV661 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The special relevance of Advaita Vedanta to modern times", PB 74, 1969, 422-428 AV662 A.G.Javadekar, "A valuational discrepancy in Advaita Vedanta", in Sankara and Shanmata AV663 T.M.P.Mahadevan, The Philosophy of Beauty with special reference to Advaita Vedanta. Bombay 1969 AV664 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Advaita view of time", SMFV 500-503 AV665 Satya Deva Mishra, "The theory of appearance in Samkara Vedanta", IPA 5, 1969, 272-290 AV666 Raimundo Panikkar, "Advaita and bhakti", BDCV 230-239 AV667 D.Prithipal, Advaita Vedanta: Action and Contemplation. Varanasi 1969 AV668 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of the Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1969 A669 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Three Lectures on Advaita as Philosophy and Religion. Mysore 1969 AV670 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "The language of Samkara's Advaita", VK 56, 1969-70, 386-390 AV671 C.Sampurna, "Intentionality in Brentano and Vedanta", IPA 5, 1969, 217-225 AV672 S.P.Singh, "The Absolute in Vedanta", Darshana 36, 1969, 61-64 AV673 B.Sitamahalaksmi, "The concept of bhakti in Advaita", in Sankara and Shanmata AV674 P.K.Sundaram, "Liberation in Advaita", IPA 5, 1969, 63-66 AV675 I.K.Taimni, "The nature of mind according to Vedanta", AB 91.1, 1969-70, 317-332 AV676 V.P.Upadhyaya, "Samkara's Advaita", CIDO 26, 1969, 494-497 AV677 N.Veezhinathan, "Preceptors of Advaita", in Sankara and Shanmata AV678 Edward Albertson, Vedanta. Los Angeles 1970 AV679 Bhabas Chandra Chaudhuri, "Vedanta and Einstein", Cosmic Society 8.6, 1970, 36-42 AV680 Eliot Deutsch, "Vedanta and ecology", IPA 6, 1970, 79-88 AV681 N.K.Devaraja, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedanta", PEW 20, 1970, 129-136. Reprinted NKDPRC 161-170 AV682 R.K.Garg, "A discourse on saccidananda", UMCV 65-80 AV683 Paul Hacker, "Cit and nous, or the concept of spirit in Vedantism and in Neoplatonism", Vortrag gehalten von der Internationalen Gesellschaft f?r Erforschung des Neoplatonismus 1970. Reprinted PHKS 320-337; also NIT 161-180; also PhilCom 211-226 AV684 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "To know Brahman is to become Brahman", MP 6, 1970, 230-233 AV685 G.V.Kulkarni, "Contribution of Sri Raman Maharsi to the Vedantic mysticism", MP 6, 1970, 160-166 AV686 John Levy, Immediate Knowledge and Happiness (Sadyomukti): The Vedantic Doctrine of Non-Duality. Revised edition, London 1970 AV687 T.M.P.Mahadevan, The Insights of Advaita. Mysore 1970 AV688 N.A.Nikam, Vedanta: Delight of Being. Mysore 1970 AV689 Troy Organ, "An interpretation of maya", VJP 6.2, 1970, 51-56 AV690 R.Puligandla, "Professor Deutsch on karma", Darshana 38, 1970, 27-33. Also KIAP 10.2, 1971, 42-49 AV691 Ramchandra Dattatreya Ranade, Vedanta: The Culmination of Indian Thought. Bombay 1970 AV692 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Ontology of Advaita", BV 5, 1970, 42-56 AV693 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "On truth: a Vedantic perspective", Srngeri Souvenir, Srirangam 1970, 9-14 AV694 C.Sampurna, "Concept of person in Strawson and Vedanta", IPA 6, 1970, 181-188 AV695 P. Sankaranayanan, What is Advaita? Bombay 1970 AV696 Bhoomananda Tirtha, Vedantic Way of Living. Paralam 1970 AV696.5 Abhishiktananda, Eveil a soi-eveil a Dieu. Paris 1971. Expaned and translated into German as Die Gegenwarten Gottes erfahrung, Mainz 1980 AV697 S.S.Barlingay, "Mayavada or a critical examination of the theory of world-illusion", FRSD 263-278 AV698 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Advaita views on causality", TBIC 177-193 AV699 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Advaita and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 3-18 AV700 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarty, "The Advaita doctrine of the highest ideal and the means of its realisation", VJP 7.2, 1971, 42-59 AV701 Pritibhushan Chatterji, "Advaita theory of causality", ProcIPC 1971, 121-138 AV702 Roma Chaudhury, "The Vedantic conception of Brahman as saccidananda", TBIC 161-176 AV703 Roma Chaudhury, "Sufism and Vedanta", TBIC 311-322 AV704 Richard V. de Smet, "Questioning Vedanta", IPA 7, 1971, 97-105 AV705 Haridas, Message of Vedanta in the Age of Modern Science. Calcutta 1971 AV706 Oscar Marcel Hinze, "Parmenides' Auffahrt zum Licht und der Tantrische Yoga", Symbolon 7, 1971, 53-79 AV707 P.K.Jain, "Vedantic conception of illusion: a critical analysis", JainJ 6, 1971-72, 50-59 AV708 Ganeswar Misra, "What is right and wrong in and about Samkara's Vedanta", CR n.s. 3, 1971-72, 321-322 AV708.5 R. C. Mohapatra, "The concept of jivanmukri in Advaita Vedanta", PAOPA 3, 1971, 39-43 AV709 R.N.Mukherji, "Pramanyavada and some problems of svatahpramanyavada in Advaita Vedanta", Anviksiki 4.4, 1971, 14-35 AV710 Nityabodhananda, La notion de maya dans la pens?e indienne et le th?me de l'absurde chez Camus. Doctoral dissertation, University of Paris 1971 AV710.5 D. M. Praharaj, "A note on the doctrine of maya", PAOPA 3, 1971, 47-48 AV711 Prajnananda, "Indefinable maya in Advaita Vedanta", TBIC 139-160 AV712 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Jnana in Advaita philosophy", PB 76, 1971, 411-414 AV713 P.Nagaraja Rao, Religion in the Changing World. Belgaum 1971 AV714 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Sri Samkara's Advaita and its relevance to our age and problems", BV 6, 1971, 28-43 AV715 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The realist encounter with Advaita", IPA 7, 1971, 106-112 AV716 Pabitra Kumar Roy, "Vedanta and Western philosophy", IPA 7, 1971, 86-96 AV717 Sadananda Giri, "Spiritual practice of Advaita Vedanta", TBIC 97-104 AV718 Saccidanandendra Sarasvati, Essays on Vedanta (Matter and Method). Holenarsipur 1971 AV719 Satprakashananda, The Goal and the Way. The Vedantic Approach to Life's Problems. St. Louis, Mo. 1977 AV720 Satswarupananda, "A critique of Advaita philosophy", TBIC 87-96 AV721 David C. Scott, "Causation and creation in Advaita and Visistadvaita Vedanta", JRS 3.2, 1971, 51-61 AV722 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "The problem of perception in Advaita Vedanta", FRSD 357-262 AV723 Santosh Chandra Sen Gupta, "The metaphysics of inwardness", Srngeri Souvenir, Srirangam 1971, 81-85 AV724 K.Seshadri, "Advaita Vedanta and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 44-49. Also AP 43, 1972, 386-390 AV724.5 Candradhar Sharma, "The Advaita tradition in Indian philosophy", PAOPA 3, 1971, 1-8 AV725 Ramakant Sinari, "Pure consciousness as the ontological assumption in Samkara Vedanta", Anviksiki 4.1-2, 1971, 37-42 AV726 Jadunath Sinha, Problems of Post-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Calcutta 1971 AV727 G.Srinivasan, "Heidegger and Advaita Vedanta", IPA 7, 1971, 76-85 AV728 Padma Sudhi, "Vedanta and modern Christian theology", PTG 6.1, 1971, 98-108 AV729 Jnanananda Bharati, "An introduction to the study of Vedanta", VK 58, 1971-72: 33, 93, 173, 227, 258, 295, 347, 379, 414 AV730 R.K.Tripathi, "Advaita Vedanta and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 36-43 AV731 K.Pichu Aiyar, The Role of Advaita Philosophy: A Study. Madras 1972 AV732 N.V.Banerjee, "The foundations of Advaita Vedanta", CRIP 23-36 AV733 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Advaita concept of subjectivity", VJP 8.2, 1972, 1-22. Also PhilEW l-16 AV734 Karuna Bhattacharya, "Santarasa et Advaita, ? propos d'un livre recent", JA 1972, 89-106 AV735 Richard V. de Smet, "Is the concept of 'person' congenial to Samkara Vedanta?", IPA 8, 1972, 199-205 AV736 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", SPP 12.1, 1972, 13-23 AV737 D.S.Jakatey, "The notion of 'non-difference' in Advaita Vedanta", PTG 6.2, 1972, 81-85 AV738 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedantic meditation and its relation to action", IPA 8, 1972, 215-226 AV739 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedanta in the United States", MHBCV 223-232 AV740 Satkari Mookerjee, Modern Polity and Vedanta. Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series 81, 1972 AV741 Hajime Nakamura, "Early Vedantic scholars subsequent to the Brahmasutra", SIAAC 1, 1972, 165-170 AV742 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy in pure literary works", S.K.De Memorial Volume (Calcutta 1972), 129-144 AV743 Prabhavananda, The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta. Madras 1972 AV744 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Prof. M.Hiriyanna and the theory of maya", MO 5, 1972, 97-104 AV745 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The Gita and the school of Vedanta", PTG 6.2, 1972, 39-49 AV746 Hari Keshab Sen, "The infinite in Vedanta and the mathematical theory of infinity", BRMIC 23, 1972, 241-247 AV747 Ramakant Sinari, "The phenomenological attitude in the Samkara Vedanta", PEW 22, 1972, 281-290 AV748 B.Sitamahalakshmi, "Concept of bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", BITC 1972 (Jan.-June) 1-49 AV749 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus and content of modal ignorance in Advaita", IPA 8, 1972, 282-294 AV749.1 Yogeshananda, "Existentialism and Vedanta", YQR 3, 1972, 31-52 AV750 Yogesvarananda, Science of Soul. Second edition. Rishikesh 1972 AV751 J.G.Arapura, "Maya and the discourse about Brahman", PTT 109-121. Reprinted HEVT 23-38 AV752 Jogiraj Basu, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics", JUG 24-25, 1973-74, 84-93 AV753 Richard W. Brooks, "Some uses and implications of Advaita Vedanta's doctrine of maya", PTT 98-108 AV754 Mohan Chaitanya, "Right knowledge and its implications", MP 10, 1973, 67-70 AV755 Ksitish Chandra Chakravarty, "The Vedantic concept of ignorance", BRMIC 24, 1973, 281-286 AV756 Roma Chaudhuri, "Nirgunatva of Brahman", RBJ 6, 1973, 101-106 AV757 Eliot Deutsch, "The multileveled ontology of Advaita Vedanta", in E.Gerow and M.D.Lang (eds.), Studies in the Language and Culture of South Asia (Seattle 1973), 151-160 AV758 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Transcendent character of Advaitic experience", VK 60, 1973-74, 279-283 AV759 S.Karunakaran, "Concept of Being according to Advaita Vedanta", IPA 9, 1973-74, 25-32 AV760 A.G.Javadekar, "Epistemological appeal to the existence of God", PTG 8.1, 1973, 53-61 AV761 Kashinath, The Scientific Vedanta. New Delhi 1973 AV762 Olivier Lacombe, "Reflexions on Sri Ramana Maharsi", GWAM 183-194 AV763 Ganeswar Misra, "Avidya, adhyasa and other related concepts", BUUJH 7, 1973, 1-6 AV764 Tapati Mukhopadhyaya, "Logical significance of the Vedantins' distinction between jiva and jivasaksi", BUUJH 7, 1973, 55-60 AV765 Jayashri Nag (Sengupta), Two Works on Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Visvabharati University 1973 AV766 K.P.Parthasarathy, "Vedanta in practical life", PTG 8.1, 1973, 26-32 AV767 S.S.Raghavachar, "Karnataka and Vedanta", Srikantha 239-244 AV768 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Relevance of Vedanta to modern life", VK 60, 1973-74, 273-279 AV769 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Anandamaya Brahman and world creation", IPA 9, 1973-74, 33-42 AV770 Saccidanandendra Sarasvati, Intuition of Reality. Holenarsipur 1973 AV771 Satprakashananda, "The applicability of Vedanta to modern life", PB 78, 1973, 90-94 AV772 Frithjof Schuon, "Atma-maya", SCR 7, 1973, 130-138 AV773 Peter Schreiner, "Some remarks about the function of reason in modern Advaita philosophy", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 114-122 AV773.5 B.N.K.Sharma, Lectures on Vedanta. Dharwad 1973 AV774 A.K.Sinha, "The Vedantic ideals of human existence", Hindutva 4.5, 1973, 11-29 AV775 C.R.Swaminathan, "The karma theory of the Advaitins", Smrtigrantha 10-14 AV776 V.Swaminathan, "Advaita", SVUOJ 16, 1973, 19-24 AV777 Yogesvarananda, The Science of Divinity or Brahma Vigyana. Translated from Hindi by M.L.Sharma. Rishikesh 1973 AV778 Abhishiktananda, Saccidananda: A Christian Approach to Advaita Experience. Delhi 1974 AV779 S.P.Atreya, "Four states of experience", Darshana 14.3 (55), 1974, 1-10 AV780 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of maya", IndPQ 2, 1974-75, 65-70 AV781 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Absolute as pure consciousness", Sambodhi 3.2-3, 1974 - 3.4, 1975 AV782 L.S.S.Chakravarty, "Summum bonum of life: Vedantic view", SBL 93-117 AV783 Bani Deshpande, The Universe of Vedanta. Bombay 1974 AV783.5 Jyotirmayananda, Waking, Dream and Deep Sleep. Miami, Fla. 1974 AV784 Jacob Kattakkal, Ethics of Advaita. Ph.D. Thesis, Kerala University 1974 AV784.5 Krishnananda, Meditation, its Theory and Practice. Shivanandanagar 1974 AV785 B.R.Kulkarni, "Ethical and religious aspects of Absolutistic philosophy", CSFV 365-372 AV786 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Contemporary relevance of the insights of Advaita", ContIP 109-132 AV787 T.P.Meenakshisundaram, "Advaita in Tamil", JMU 46.2, Part I, 1974, 1-67 AV787.5 S.R.Mukherjee, "An inquiry into the metaphysics of atman", PICP 48, 1974, 28-40 AV788 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Reality and categories of thought: the Advaitic perspective", IPA 10, 1974-75, 21-28. Also PB 82, 1977, 213-218 AV789 Ruth Reyna, "Mayavada and science", Hindutva 4.10, 1974, 6-12 AV790 Ruth Reyna, "Concept of no-time in Advaita Vedanta", Hindutva 5.3, 1974, 9-12 AV791 Brahmanandendra Sarasvati, "A correct understanding of the concept of maya in Vedanta", PTG 9.1, 1974, 63-72 AV792 Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", Hindutva 5.1, 1974, 16-18 AV793 Deba Brata Sen, "Pancakosa and Panca Kancuka--a study in comparison", CDSFV 385-391 AV794 Gummaraju Srinivasan, Essentials of Vedanta. Bangalore 1974 AV795 Narendra V. Soosania, Dialogues on the Atman. Lund 1974 AV796 L.K.L.Srivastava, "The purpose of the attainment of jivanmukti", Darshana 14.4 (56), 1974, 1-8 AV797 P.K.Sundaram, "Akhandartha", IPA 10, 1974-75, 183-187 AV798 Vireswarananda, "The place of bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", PB 79, 1974, 300-309 AV799 Pratibha Acharya, "Self-realisation in Jung and Vedanta", CR n.s. 1, 1975-76, 1-27 AV800 R.Balasubramanima, "On the locus of avidya", JMU 47.2, Part II, 1975, 39-54 AV801 Kalidas Bhattacharya, A Modern Understanding of Advaita Vedanta. LDS 47, 1975 AV802 G.L.Chaturvedi, "The Advaita Vedanta theory of perception: a restatement", ABSP 7, 1975-76, 93-100 AV803 S.S.Cohen, Advaitistic Sadhana. Varanasi 1975 AV804 Jagannath Das, "The authority of the srutis and the smrtis: the Sankarite way", PAOPA 5, 1975, 7-12 AV805 D.V.Gundappa, Advaita, Faith and Practice. Bombay 1975 AV806 K.J.Krishnaswami, "Avidya and vidya (ignorance and learning)--a study in Vedanta", VK 62, 1975-76, 147-152 AV807 Laxman Prasad Mishra, "Place and importance of reason in Vedanta", IPC 20, 1975, 175-183 AV808 Satya Deva Mishra, "The Advaitic concept of abhasa", VRFV 267-289 AV809 Yogini Nighoskar, "Adhyasa", PTG 10.l, 1975, 14-20 AV810 Nityabodhananda, "Some modern trends in psycho-analysis in the light of the Vedanta", PB 80, 1975, 110-114 AV811 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Advaita as a philosophy of science", PICP 1975. Reprinted WIP 390-408 AV812 C.M.Pathak, "A conceptual re-translation of the key Vedantic terms", Bharata Manisha 1.2, 1975, 55-58 AV813 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Identifying maya", PB 80, 1975, 424-426, 431 AV814 Yashdev Shalya, "A Vedantic conception of man, history and society", VJP 12, 1975-76, 43-55 AV815 Ram Murti Sharma, "Modern monism and the Vedanta of Samkara", VIJ 13, 1975, 305-310 AV816 K.Subrahmanyam, "Grace in Vedanta", GSSVIC 23-30 AV817 P.K.Sundaram, "The symbol and meditation in Advaita", JMU 47.1, Part III, 1975, 48-59 AV818 P.K.Sundaram, "Advaita and the problem of religious language", AOR 25, 1975, 145-155 AV819 N.Veezhinathan, "The nature and destiny of the individual soul in Advaita", JMU 47.1, Part II 1975, 1-38 AV820 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "Advaitic ethics--a re-examination", VRFV 499-508 AV821 G.Adhikari, "A comment on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 40-60 AV822 J.G.Arapura, "Can one participate in the Vedantic gnosis (jnana) through thought alone?", KCV II,475-486 AV823 R.Balasubramaniam, Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1976 AV824 R.Balasubramaniam, "Some problems in identity mysticism", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 477-494 AV825 Jnananda Bharati, An Introduction to Vedanta. Thankarai, Madurai Dt., 1976 AV826 S.R.Bhatt, "A note on vidya and avidya", KCV I, 93-96 AV827 Dilip Bose, "On the book 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 136-143 AV828 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Further notion on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 246-271 AV829 Bani Deshpande, "Erudite quackery on Vedanta philosophy", MonV 61-107 AV830 Richard V. de Smet, "Chinks in the armour of avidya", KCV I, 77-84 AV831 S.A.Dange, "On the controversy regarding the book 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 287-290 AV832 Jagadish Dasgupta, "'The Universe of Vedanta'-- a total repudiation of Marxism", MonV 202-214 AV833 S.H.Divatia, "Maya: a note", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 513-514 AV834 M.Farooqi, "A historical distortion in 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 117-118 AV835 D.V.Gundappa, "Advaita and bhakti", PTG 10.2, 1976, 12-15 AV836 P.Gupta, "Some comments on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 215-219 AV837 T.K.John, "Deep sleep experience: a probe into its philosophical import", ABORI 57, 1976, 117-127 AV838 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vidya and avidya", KCV I, 69-76 AV839 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Time and timelessness", JD 1, 1976, 324-330 AV840 Ganeswar Misra, The Advaita Concept of Philosophy: Its Method, Scope and Limits. Bhubaneshwar 1976 AV841 K.P.Mishra, "Vidya and avidya", KCV I, 97-100 AV842 P.R.Nambiar, "Discussion on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 152-155 AV843 V.Raghavan, "The Visnu-Purana and Advaita", Purana 18, 1976, 149-152. Reprinted Purana 32.1, 1990, 50-53 AV844 Anil Rajimwale, "Comments on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 165-176 AV845 G.Ramakrishna, "Neither Marxism nor Vedanta", MonV 272-286 AV846 G.J.Ramarao, "'The Universe of Vedanta': the halo and the hollowness", MonV 220-245 AV847 Srinivasa Rao, "Anatman, anirvacaniyakhyati and Advaita", PEW 26, 1976, 71-74 AV848 Rina Roy, "Some contemprary reflections on maya", VJP 13, 1976-77, 67-73 AV849 D.P.Sen, "Avidya and its relation to vidya", KCV I, 85-92 AV850 S.G.Sardesai, "The social role of Vedanta", MonV 108-116 AV851 Mohit Sen, "'The Universe of Vedanta'--an outrageous attack on Marxism-Leninism", MonV 108-116 AV852 Ram Murti Sharma, "Concept of vrtti", PURB 7.2, 1976, 99-102 AV853 K.D.Sikdar, "On 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 144-151 AV854 Harbans Singh, "'The Universe of Vedanta'--a total repudiation of Marxism", MonV 196-201 AV855 Debabrata Sinha, "Consciousness--the Vedantic predicament", KCV II, 487-498 AV856 Jnananda Bharati Swaminaha, An Introduction to Vedanta. Calcutta 1976 AV857 Kapil N. Tiwari, Dimensions of Renunciation in Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1977 AV858 Kapil N. Tiwari, "Origin and development of the idea and institution of renunciation in Vedanta", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 575-596 AV859 N.Vanamamalai, "Vedanta and Marxism", MonV 177-195 AV860 S.P.Varma, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedantic conception of mukti", VK 63, 1976-77: 312, 383 AV861 N.Veezhinathan, "On the annihilating factor of the knowledge of the self", AOR 26, 1976, 1-7 AV862 Vishadananda, "Saktimaya and bodhamaya practices and attainments", BV 11, 1976, 181-193 AV863 H.Amaram, "Science and Vedanta--II. Principle of objectivity", Dilip 4.5, 1977, 18-26. "III.Evolution of life", 4.6, 1977, 17-22 AV864 Ashokananda, "Free will or predestination?", PB 82, 1977: 122, 168 AV865 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Essentials of Advaitism", BRMIC 28, 1977: 3, 27 AV866 Kamala Chatterjee, "Thou art that", JIAP 16.1, 1977, 37-46 AV867 V.B.Cholkar, "From the philosophy of Upanisads and Vedanta", JOI 27, 1977, 17-26 AV868 Joseph Damrell, Seeking Spiritual Meaning: The World of Vedanta. Beverly Hills, Calif. 1977 AV869 Umesh Chandra Das, "Problems and justifications of the theory of drstisrsti", JIP 5, 1977, 151-162 AV870 Niranjan Dhar, Vedanta and the Bengal Renaissance. Calcutta 1977 AV870.1 Dipak Ghosh, "A comparative approach towards the concept of ananda of the Samkara-Vedanta", IndTrad I, 173-174 AV870.3 Sitanath Goswami, "Body of a free man--a poser", Prof. Rama Rajan Mukherjee Felicitation Volume. Reprinted IndTrad I, 37-43 AV870.4 Sitanath Goswami, "Influence of Advaitism in Indian life", IndTrad I, 44-54 AV870.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Meaning of the sentence 'tat tvam asi'", IndTradI 62-66 AV871 A.G.Javadekar, "Ascending scale of the Advaita Vedanta", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 659-666 AV872 Nilima Kushari, "Kant and drstisrsti", JIAP 16.2, 1977, 1-12 AV873 Mukhyananda, "Determinism and free will", PB 82, 1977, 218-224 AV874 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Philosophy of karma in prasthanatraya:, PTG 11.3, 1977, 49-55 AV875 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The Vedanta philosophy and its relevance to contemporary problems", Dilip 3.2, 1977, 28-35 AV876 P.S.Sastri, "Experience and consciousness", PB 82, 1977, 232-237 AV877 P.S.Sastri, "Advaita and determinate negation", Glory of India 1.2-3, 1977, 1-12 AV878 Satprakasananda, "The search for the one in the many", PB 82, 1977: 255, 299 AV879 Satprakashananda, The Goal and the Way: The Vedantic Approach to Life's Problems. St. Louis 1977 AV880 Peter Schreiner, "Zum Verh?ltnis von bhakti und Advaita im Bhagavata-Purana", ZDMG, Supplement 19, 941-954 AV881 Arvind Sharma, "W.T.Stace on mysticism: an Advaitic approach", VJP 14, 1977-78, 30-34 AV882 P.K.Sundaram, "Radhakrishnan and the concept of maya", IPA 12, 1977-78, 251-274 AV883 R.Thangasami, "The philosophy of Advaita", TVOS 2, 1977: 232, 319 AV884 Kapil N. Tiwari, "Self-knowledge and Advaitic liberation", JD 2, 1977, 22-34 AV885 N.Veezhinathan, "The interpretation of the great-sayings (maha-vakyas) of the Upanisads", AOR 27, 1977, 1-8 AV886 N.Veezhinathan, "Karmas that are useful for the rise of the knowledge of self", TVOS 2, 1977, 149-155 AV887 N.Veezhinathan, "On the relative strength of perception and verbal testimony", TVOS 2, 1977, 239-254 AV888 P.B.Vidyarthi, "Sin and avidya in Christianity and Vedanta", PhilR 361-367 AV889 A.G.Krishna Warrier, God in Advaita. Simla 1977 AV890 J.G.Arapura, "Some special characteristics of sat (being) in Advaita Vedanta" in M. Sprung (ed.), The Question of Being (College Park 1978). Reprinted as "Sat (being) in Vedanta", HEVT 5-22 AV891 R.Balasubramaniam, "Karma and Advaita", IndPQ 6,1978-79, 567-569 AV892 R.Balasubramaniam, "Advaita: an overview", PTAIP 42-69 AV893 K.S.R.Datta, "The Visnu-Purana and Advaita", Puranam 20, 1978, 193-196 AV894 Anthony Elenjimittam, "The Vedanta as the cosmic religion", MP 15, 1978, 164-165 AV895 N. Gangadharan, "Means for liberation", TVOS 3, 1978, 183-187 AV896 Tuen Goudriaan, Maya: Divine and Human. Delhi 1978 AV897 Harinamananda, "A scientific view of Advaita Vedanta", BVa 13, 1978, 50-54 AV897.3 Herbert Herring, Reflections on Vedanta. Madras 1978 AV897.5 William m. Indich, The Advaita Theory of Consciousness. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Hawaii (Honolulu) 1978 AV898 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", SPP 18-19, 1978-79, 30-40 AV899 H.M.Joshi, "Concept of maya in Advaita Vedanta", SPP 18-19, 1978-79, 45-61 AV900 Leta Jane Lewis, "Vedanta and religious harmony", PB 83, 1978, 458-466 AV901 J.J.Lipner, "The Christian and Vedantic theories of originative causality : a study in transcendence and immanence", PEW 28, 1978, 53-68 AV902 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Eka bhakti (the place of devotion in Advaita)", TVOS 5, 1978, 191-205. Also VK 65, 1978: 13, 76 AV903 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Concept of moksa in Advaita Vedanta",VK 65, 1978, 364-368 AV904 Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja, Vedic Metaphysics. Delhi 1978 AV905 J.L.Mehta, "Heidegger and Vedanta: reflections on a questionable theme", IPQ 19, 1978, 121-150. Reprinted in JLMIW 221-268 AV906 Jagat Mitya, "The kosas", Dilip 5.6, 1978, 18-28 AV907 Nityabodhananda, "Freedom and value: East and West", VK 65, 1978, 369-372 AV908 Uma Pande, "Advaita Vedanta and social integration", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 493-503 AV909 Rewati Raman Pandey, "The Advaitic theory of causation", EAW 28, 1978, 291-298 AV910 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Justice in Vedanta", PTG 13.4,1979, 1-6 AV911 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Brahman and the world", TVOS 5, 1978, 341-347 AV912 V.A.Sarma, "The Vivarta--a positive approach", BVa 13, 1978, 162-171 AV913 P.S.Sastri, "Concept of individual in Advaita", Glory of India 2.3, 1978, 5-9 AV914 K.Seshadri, "The concept of freedom", VK 65, 1978, 376-377 AV915 Arvind Sharma, "A distinction between sopadhisesa and nirupadhisesanirvana", PBR 3.3, 1978, 114-117 AV916 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the word advaita", VK 65, 1978, 235-237 AV917 Ramlal Singh, "An Advaitic emendation of Kant: a study in comparative metaphysics", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 175-184 AV918 S.P.Singh, "The fundamentals of Vedanta", LNMCV 426-430 AV919 D.Sinha, "Cognitive language in Vedanta", SKF 213-228 AV920 Debabrata Sinha, "Reflections on some key terms in Advaita Vedanta", LIPR 33-42 AV921 D.Arka Somayaji, "The metaphysics of Advaita under a modern perspective", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 69-74 AV922 P.K.Sundaram, "Concept of change", JMU 49.2.2, 1977, 83-92 AV923 Radhakrishnan Swamiji, "Brahman, the Absolute", BVa 13, 1978, 89-93 AV924 Tapasyananda, "God in Advaita", VK 65, 1978, 84-89 AV925 N.Veezhinathan, "On the identity of maya and avidya", TVOS 3, 1978, 188-195 AV926 N.Veezhinathan, "Liberation--its nature and its means in Advaita", TVOS 5, 1978, 213-218 AV927 Vimalananda, "Rudiments of freedom", VK 65, 1978, 373-376 AV928 Mark B. Woodhouse, "Consciousness and Brahman-Atman", Mon 61, 1978, 109-124 AV929 Hari Prasad Bhattacharya, Status of the World in Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 1979 AV930 Roma Chaudhuri, "Some critical reflections on the nirvisesavada of Advaita Vedanta." Our Heritage Special Number. Sanskrit College 150th Anniversary 1824-1979, 7-96 AV930.5 Chinmayananda, Vedanta, the Science of Life. Bombay 1979, 1982 AV931 S.H.Divatia, "Empirical basis of Vedanta", PTG 13.4, 1979, 27-29 AV932 Leta Jane Lewis, "The Vedantic conception of immortality", PB 84, 1979, 103-l10 AV933 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The place of meditation in Advaita Vedanta", VK 66, 1979, 404-407 AV934 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedantic meditation and its relation to action", TVOS 4, 1979, 351-369 AV935 Harsh Narain, "Nihilism and Advaitism", Prajnaloka 25-32 AV936 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Vedanta and social service", PTG 13.4, 1979, 1-6 AV937 P.S.Sastri, "Appearance of reality", Glory of India 3.2, 1979, 1-14 AV938 K.P.Sinha, "On the concept of Advaita", JUG 30-33, 1979-82, 69-76 AV939 G.Srinivasan, "Heidegger and Advaita Vedanta", IAC 28.2, 1979, 16-23 AV940 Tandradevan, Aspects of Truth in Advaita. Madras 1979 AV941 N.Veezhinathan, "Manifestation and positive nature of avidya", TVOS 4, 1979, 72-81 AV942 N.Veezhinathan, "Does avidya conceal the witness-self?", TVOS 4, 1979, 95-100 AV943 Gopinath Bhattacharya, "Some basic tenets of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 31, 1980: 34, 67, 83, 108, 134 AV944 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Perception (pratyaksa) in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 3, 1980, 35-44 AV945 Chinmayananda, Vedanta. The Science of Life. Part 2: The Art of Living. Compiled by K.V.K.Thanpuran. Bombay 1980 AV946 David Hall, "Praxis, karman, and creativity", PEW 30, 1980, 57-64 AV947 William M. Indich, "Can the Advaita Vedanta provide a meaningful definition of absolute consciousness?", PEW 30, 1980, 481-494 AV948 William M. Indich, Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1980 AV949 Jacob Kattackal, Religion and Ethics in Advaita. Freiburg 1980 AV950 Jacob Kattackal, "The rational foundation of Advaita dharma: a departure from Mimamsa", JD 5, 1980, 380-388 AV951 Eric Lott, Vedantic Approaches to God. London 1980 AV952 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Advaita sadhana", VK 67, 1980, 401-404 AV953 T.G.Mainkar, The Making of the Vedanta. Delhi 1980 AV954 Harimohan Mishra, "Adhyasa in Advaita Vedanta: is linguistic analysis possible at all?", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 385-392 AV955 T.R.V.Murti, "Revelation and reason in Vedanta", JMU 1980. Reprinted in StIndT 57-71 AV956 Sita Krishna Nambiar, "Teaching Vedanta", AICL 52-56 AV957 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of the Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1980 AV958 A.Ramamurty, "What is Advaita?", PB 85, 1980, 497-506 AV959 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Advaita Vedanta: Problems and Perspectives. Mysore 1980 AV960 Ram Murti Sharma, "Vedantic concept of liberation (mukti)", CIS 172-176 AV961 S.Subrahmanya Shastri, "Eligibility for the study of Vedanta", CIS 138-144 AV962 Sivananda, Essence of Vedanta. Shivanandanagar 1980 AV963 Siddhinathananda, "'Advaita", VK 67, 1980, 134-137 AV964 Padma Sudhi, "Existentialism and Vedanta", PB 85, 1980, 58-62 AV965 P.K.Sundaram, Advaita Metaphysics. Madras 1980 AV966 R.Thangaswami, Advaita-Vedanta Literature. A Bibliographical Survey. MUSS 36, 1980 AV967 Vinita Wanchoo, "Vedanta and the modern world: is Vedanta a philosophy of escape?", PB 85, 1980 - 86, 1981 AV968 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The logic of nivrtti in Advaita", ALB 44-45, 1980-81, 229-240 AV969 Ananyananda, "The fruition of jnanayoga", VK 68, 1981, 401-408 AV970 Ramakant Angiras, "Brahma-drsti of Vedanta", VIJ 19, 1981, 147-149 AV971 J.G.Arapura, "Transcendent Brahman or transcendent void: which is ultimately real?" in A.M.Olson and L.S.Rouner (eds.), Transcendence and the Sacred (South Bend, 1981). Reprinted as "Transcendence and the transcendent via the doctrines of brahman and sunyata", HEVT 39-59 AV972 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Akanksa: 'expectancy' in sentential- comprehension--an Advaita critique", JIP 9, 1981, 85-100 AV972.1 Purushottam Bilimoria, "Pramana and contradictions", BhV 41.1-2, 1981, 40- 42 AV973 George Cardona, "On reasoning from anvaya and vyatireka", StIndPh 79-104 AV974 Jagannath Chakravorty, "Vivekananda's vision of new India in the light of Advaita", BRMIC 32, 1981, 3-6 AV975 Prakash Chandra, "St. Augustine and the Vedanta", VK 68, 1981, 23-27 AV976 Kamala Chatterjee, "The analogy of image in Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 20.1, 1981, 33-50 AV977 J.C.Creighton, "Modern science and Vedanta", Dilip 7.3, 1981, 11-15 AV978 Mariasusai Dhavamony, "Vedantic philosophy of religion", IPQ 21, 1981, 51-69 AV979 S.H.Diwatia, "The concept of maya and its relevance to modern times", VK 68, 1981, 64-65 AV980 S.H.Diwatia, "The concept of maya: a view-point", PTG 15.4, 1981, 30-38 AV981 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", Dilip 7.3, 1981, 7-11 AV982 K.A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, "Vedanta or the science of reality", Dilip 7.4, 1981, 14-25 AV983 Stephen Kaplan, Maya, Mind and Holography. Ph.D.Thesis, Temple University 1981 AV984 Lokeswarananda, "Buddhism and Vedanta", Bulletin of Tibetology n.s. 1.2, 1981, 1-33 AV985 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Dhyana Yoga and jnana in Advaita", VK 68, 1981, 440-444 AV986 B.R.Modak, "Why does man suffer?", Dilip 7.5, 1981, 12-16 AV987 T.R.V.Murti, "Aspects of Advaita Vedanta", JMU 53.1-2.2, 1981, 1-12 AV988 R.V.Raghavan, "Vedanta", Dilip 7.6, 1981, 3-5 AV989 Ramaswamy, "Vedanta: a teaching tradition", Dilip 7.5, 1981, 7-12 AV990 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "Compromises in the history of Advaitic thought", KSBC 74-88 AV991 Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, "The state of jivanmukti", TVOS 6, 1981, 9-21 AV992 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Maya", TVOS 6, 1981, 131-140 AV993 S.N.L.Sharma, "The nondoctrine of nondualism", VK 68, 1981, 20-23 AV994 John B. White, "God and the world according to Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 21, 1981, 185-194 AV995 Kamala Chatterjee, "Is there only one finite self?", JIAP 21.1, 1982, 1-8 AV996 Tara Chatterjee, "The concept of saksin", JIP 10, 1982, 339-356. Reprinted KFIP 9-24 AV997 Giridhari Lal Chaturvedi, The Concept of Self-Luminosity of Knowledge in Advaita Vedanta. Aligarh 1982 AV998 Aditi De, The Development of Maya and Avidya, with special reference to the Concept of Vivarta. An Interpretation of Samkara Philosophy. Patna 1982 AV999 Andrew Fort, Turiya and the Catuspad Doctrine in Advaita Vedanta: An Inquiry into an Indian "States of Consciousness" Doctrine. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Pennsylvania 1982 AV1000 Narayan M. Kansara, "The vivarta and avikrtaparinama in the Vedanta-mimamsa", RSSI 79-98 AV1001 Leta Jane Lewis, "The place of prayer in Vedanta", PB 87, 1982, 144-148 AV1002 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The concept of divine grace in Advaita", VK 69, 1982, 418-421 AV1003 D. Pathak, "The metaphysics of mayavada", PBh 2, 1982, 184-196 AV1004 S.S.Raghavachar, "The place of negation in Advaita", PB 87, 1982, 23-26 AV1005 K.S.Rangappa, "Some causes of confusion in philosophic understanding", BVa 17.3, 1982, 13-17 AV1006 Ch. Sreenivasa Rao, Vedanta: Some Modern Trends. Bombay 1982 AV1008.Subbaraidu, "Advaita siddhanta", HinduReg 13.2, 1982, 11-15 AV1009 Sukha Ranjan Saha, Advaita Theory of Illusion. Calcutta 1982 AV1010 V.A.Sarma, "A critique of etiology", BVa 17.2, 1982, 39-44 AV1011 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Advaita", Dilip 8.2, 190-82, 3-6 AV1012 Arvind Sharma, "The significance of the guru being a srotriya", Dilip 8.2, 1982, 6-8, 11 AV1013 Sampooram Singh, "The concept of maya in the light of modern physics", PB 87, 1982, 60-64 AV1014 R.S.Srivastava, "Vedanta and neo-Vedanta--a comparative study", PhOR 80-83 AV1015 B.V.Subbaraidu, "Advaita siddhanta", HinduReg 12, 1982, 11-15 AV1015.5 Abhishiktananda, Les yeux de lumiere. Paris 1979. Translated as The Eyes of Light, Denville, New Jersey 1983 AV1016 M.R.Rajagopala Ayyangar, "Why should there be three diverse systems of religious thought while all of them accept the Upanishads as authority?", Dilip 9.2, 1983, 27-30 AV1017 K.P.Bahadur, The Wisdom of Vedanta. New Delhi 1983 AV1017.5 Giuseppine Scalabrino Borani, Aspects et evolutions du systeme Vedanta au cours des siecles du Moyen Age. Louvain-la-Neuve 1983 AV1018 Michael von Bruck, "Trinitarian theology--Hegelian vis-?-vis Advaita", JD 8, 1983, 283-295 AV1019 Bhabas Chandra Chaudhuri, "The Vedanta 'merger' of diverse ideological cults in the 'one ' Vedanta reality: a brief discussion", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 37-43 AV1020 Andrew Osum Fort, Turiya and the Catuspad Doctrine in Advaita Vedanta: an Inquiry into Indian 'States of Consciousness'. Ph.D.Thesis, Pennsylvania State U. 1983 AV1021 Bina Gupta and William C. Wilcox, "Are all names of the Absolute synonyms?", PEW 33, 1983, 285-294 AV1022 Berthold Hager, Die Entwicklung des Maya-Begriffs im Indo-Arischen. Freiburg 1983 AV1022.1 Kazi Nurul Islam, "The origin of concept of maya: some controversies examined", DUS 43.2, 1983, 21-35 AV1023 Stephen Kaplan, "Mind, maya and holography: a phenomenology of projection", PEW 33, 1983, 367-378 AV1024 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Advaita thought", MP 20, 1983, 161-165 AV1025 Bithika Mukerjee, Neo-Vedanta and Modernity . Varanasi 1983 AV1026 Hajime Nakamura, A History of Early Vedanta Philosophy. Part I. Delhi 1983. Translated Trevor Leggett, Delhi 1990 AV1027 D.A.Ramamurthy, "What is Advaita?", TL 6.5, 1983, 7-22 AV1028 V.Rangarajan, "Advaita--from the Vedas to Sri Samkara", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 22-28 AV1029 Ram Murti Sharma, "Drstisrstivada--an analysis and critical appraisal", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 1-8 AV1030 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaita and I-sense", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 9-16 AV1031 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaitic sat", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 17-22 AV1032 V.A.Sarma, "Brahma-vicara in Advaita", BVa 18.1, 1983, 1-12 AV1031.1 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Elements of Advaita in other schools of thought", TL 6.3, 1983, 6-10 AV1033 Varahur Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The supreme Brahman is nirvisesa", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 8, 1983: 335, 407 AV1034 V.S.V.Gurusvami Sastri, "The theories of error", translated by J.R.S.Vasan Ramanam. TVOS 8, 1983, 395-400; 9, 1984, 69-72 AV1035 Basavaraj Siddhasrama, "The nature of self and knowledge according to Advaita Vedanta", PTG 17.4, 1983, 52-55 AV1036 Debabrata Sinha, The Metaphysics of Experience in Advaita Vedanta. A Phenomenological Approach. Delhi 1983 AV1037 Esther A. Solomon, "Avidya in Vedanta", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 57-81 AV1038 Helen Tiffin and Arvind Sharma, "Metaphysics and literary form: Advaita Vedanta in three novels of Raja Rao", Religion 13, 1983, 359-374 AV1039 S.Vijayakumar, "Concept of avidya in Advaita Vedanta and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 18, 1983, 112-120 AV1040 Y.K.Wadhwani, "Is there a double retribution according to the Upanisads and the Vedanta?", VIJ 21, 1983, 39-52 AV1041 Editor, "Understanding Advaita", PB 89, 1984: 402, 442 AV1041.5 R. Balasubramanina, "Der Seinsprozess des Offenbarung", SAOCP 37-68 AV1042 Donald A. Braue, Maya in Radhakrishnan's Thought. Delhi 1984 AV1043 Michael von Bruck, "The Advaitic experience and meditation", IPA 17, 1984-85, 135-152 AV1044 Eliot Deutsch, "A radical discontinuity in being: a dialogue", RPRP 95-112 AV1045 Andrew O. Fort, "The concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 12, 1984, 277-290 AV1046 Bhabani Ganguli, "Manas in the Advaitic tradition" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 343-344 AV1047 Bina Gupta and William C. Wilcox, "Tat tvam asi: an important identity statement or a mere tautology?", PEW 34, 1984, 85-94 AV1048 R.I.Ingalalli, "The Advaita conception of knowledge", VK 71, 1984, 376-380 AV1048.1 Kazi Nurul Islam, "Anirvacaniyakhyati: a new defence and a new interpretation", JASP 29.2, 1984, 91-106 AV1049 Leta Jane Lewis, "Creation and man in Vedanta", PB 89, 1984, 169-174 AV1050 Mukhyananda, "Vedanta and modern science", VK 71, 1984, 219-221 AV1051 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry, "Contribution of Kerala to Advaita Vedanta literature", VIJ 22, 1984, 184-194. Also summarized in PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 171-172 AV1052 A.Parthasarathy, Vedanta Treatise. Second edition. Bombay 1984 AV1053 Padmasri Sadashiva Rathasarma, "Lord Jagannath and Vedanta philosophy", in Daityari Panda and Sarat Chandra Panigrahi (eds.), The Cult and Culture of Lord Jagannath (Cuttack 1984), 78-89 AV1054 O.P.Sachdeva, "Doctrine of avidya in Vedanta" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 364-365 AV1054.1 K. Saratcharan, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics", TL 6.6, 1984, 4-12 AV1055 Arvind Sharma, "Saccidananda Brahma: what does it mean?", IPQ 24, 1984, 63-72 AV1056 Ram Murti Sharma Sastri, "Modern monism and the Vedanta", Bharati. Bulletin of the College of Indology. Professor R.B.Pandeya Volume (ed. L.K.Tripathi) (Varanasi 1971-1984), 73-78 AV1057 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Advaita", TL 7.4-6, 1984-85, 45-51 AV1058 Varahaur Kalyanasundara Sastri, "No plurality whatsoever here", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 9, 1984: 78, 175 AV1059 V.R.Kalayanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is brahman itself, not different from it", translated by R. Balasubramaniam, TVOS 9, 1984, 291-298 AV1060 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Difference is not real", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 9, 1984, 383-391 AV1060.1 Yooshisugu Sawai, The Faith of Ascetics Among Smartas: A Study of the Samkaran Tradition of Srngeri. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1984 AV1061 Siddhinathananda, "The tenets of Advaita philosophy", VK 71, 1984, 168-170 AV1062 E.A.Solomon, "Brahmajnana and mukti" (summary) PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 365-366 AV1063 G.Srinivasan, "Postulates and problems of Vedanta", JMU 56.1.2, 1984, 1-31 AV1064 David Applebaum, "A note on pratyaksa in Advaita Vedanta", PB 90, 1985, 301-304 AV1065 Maheswari Arulchelvam, "Knower, known and knowledge in Advaita philosophy", SLJH 11, 1985, 37-46 AV1065.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Tatparya - intentionality in sentential comprehension in Advaita linguistics", Annali Sesione Orientale, Seminario Di Studi Asiatici (Naples, Italy 1985), 599-627 AV1066 Kamala Chatterji, "Brahman's creation of the world", JIAP 24.2, 1985 - 25.1, 1986 AV1066.5 Chinmayananda, Vedanta: a Self-Study. Bombay 1985, 1991 AV1067 R. de Smet, "Spiritual values of Advaita Vedanta and social life", IPA 18, 1985-86, 101-124 AV1068 S.P.Dubey, "The Advaitic concept of truth", PB 90, 1985, 348-352 AV1069 Tapash Sankar Dutta, "Impact of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta on Vivekananda", VK 72, 1985, 180-182 AV1069.1 K.A.Neelakantha Elayath, "Types of sentences in Advaitavedanta", SVUOJ 28, 1985, 71-76 AV1070 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Vedantic gnosis for blessedness", Dilip 11.3-5, 1985 - 12.5, 1986 AV1071 Andrew O. Fort, "Dreaming in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 35, 1985, 377-386 AV1072 Phyllis Granoff, "Scholars and wonder-workers: some remarks on the role of the supernatural in philosophical contexts in Vedanta hagiographies", JAOS 105, 1985, 459-468 AV1073 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "The Advaita doctrine of mahavakya", PB 90, 1985, 55-60 AV1074 M.N.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita in relation to European philosophic and religious thought in ancient and medieval times", Dilip 11.3-5, 1985, 6-11 AV1075 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Superimposition in Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1985 AV1077 Mahesh Mehta, "The dynamics of self-knowledge in Advaita and Yoga: vrttijnana and svarupajnana", Bulletin d'etudes indiennes 6, 1988, 92-98 AV1077.1 N. Malle, "Austin to Advaita", Darshana 25.4, 1985, 80-82 AV1078 N.D.Mehta, Vedanta Siddhanta Bhede. Delhi 1985 AV1079 A.J.Motilal, "Vedantic approach to Hinduism", VK 72, 1985, 333-337 AV1080 A.C.Paranjpe, "The identity theory of prejudice: a perspective from the intellectual traditions of India", JAAS 20, 1985, 232-244 AV1081 A.Ramamurty, "Vedanta and modern understanding", PB 90, 1985, 305-309 AV1082 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Maya and Brahman--a mathematical interpretation", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 177-181 AV1083 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Bhakti as a means of realization", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 7-10 AV1083.5 Arvind Sharma, "Upamana in Advaita Vedanta: a case of ontology influencing epistemology?", Darshana 25.4, 1985, 57-60 AV1084 R.M.Sharma, Some Aspects of Advaita Philosophy. Delhi 1985 AV1085 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Mukti not a state of stone", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 73-81 AV1086 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Nondifference in supreme identity", TVOS 10, 1985-86: 165, 289 AV1087 V.S.V.Guruswami Sastri, "The dream state and the deep sleep state (in the exposition of Advaita philosophy)", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 58-66 AV1088 Debi Prasad Sen, "Advaitism in Tantra", BRMIC 36,1985, 27-59 AV1089 Debabrata Sinha, "Human embodiment: the theme and the encounter in Vedantic phenomenology", PEW 35, 1985, 239-248 AV1090 Esther A. Solomon, "Avidya--its svarupa and visaya", Sambodhi 13, 1985, 79-99 AV1091 Madan Mohan Agrawal, "Treatment of reasoning in Advaita Vedanta", EAW 36, 1986, 101-104 AV1092 John G. Arapura, Gnosis and the Question of Thought in Vedanta. Dordrecht 1986 AV1093 John G. Arapura, "Language and knowledge in the theology of Karl Barth and Vedanta", HEVT 179-201 AV1094 J.G.Arapura, "The notion of avidya (ignorance) in Vedanta", HEVT 60-83 AV1095 Saradindu Banerji, "Autoeroticism, narcissism and Vedantism", JIAP 25.1, 1986, 27-38 AV1096 Jan Bresky, "Brahman and ein soif: the infinite and finite in two mystical traditions", JRS 14, 1986, 14-25 AV1097 Satchidananda Dhar, "Liberation in Zen and Vedanta", PB 91, 1986, 70-72 AV1097.0 D.B.Gangoli, The Magic Jewel of Intuition. Holenarsipur 1986 AV1097.1 M. Aji Narayana Iyengar, "Advaita and Visistadvaita", SRV 10.1, 1986 - 11.1, 1987 AV1098 H.M.Joshi, "Concept of maya in Advaita Vedanta", HMJKV 56-78 AV1099 R.V.Khedkar, Vedanta Philosophy and Religion. A Handbook. Delhi 1986 AV1100 Saroj Kulshrestra, The Concept of Salvation in Vedanta. New Delhi 1986 AV1101 B.R.Modak, "Gurudev Ranade's approach to Vedanta", PTG 20.4, 1986, 28-42 AV1102 G.C.Nayak, "Does Advaita Vedanta advocate illumination through analysis?", VJP 23.2, 1986, 20-30 AV1103 Rewati Rawan Pandey, "An Advaitic appraisal of the concept of saksin", JGJRI 42, 1986, 143-154 AV1103.1 Rasmiyakha Pati and Bijayananda Kar, "Is Advaita mukti non-analytical?", Darshana 26.3, 1986, 64-69 AV1104 R. Puligandla and Donald Matasz, "Appearance and the laws of logic in Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 26, 1986, 75-85 AV1105 T.P.Ramachandran, "The nature and significance of karma according to Advaita", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 238-248 AV1106 T.P.Ramachandran, "Rajayoga according to Advaita", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 42-50 AV1107 Anantanand Rambachan, "Where words fail: the limits of scriptural authority in the hermeneutics of a contemporary Advaitin", PEW 37, 1987, 361-371 AV1108 K.B.Ramakrsna Rao, "Suffering in Advaita Vedanta", SIP 186-200 AV1108.1 S. Ranganath, "The nature of adhyasa", TL 8.6, 1986, 39-41 AV1109 Glyn Richards, "Gandhi's concept of truth and the Advaita tradition", Religious Studies 22, 1986, 1-14 AV1110 Arvind Sharma, "Is Advaitic metaphysics compatible with belief in the kingdom of heaven on earth?", VK 73, 1986, 262-263 AV1111 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaita and I-sense", StudIndCult 113-122 AV1112 Ram Nath Sharma, "The status of reason and revelation in Advaita Vedanta", Rtambhara III, 14-17 AV1113 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "Advaita Vedanta according to Swami Vivekananda", BRMIC 37, 1986, 3-8 AV1114 M.P.L.Sastry, "Sadhana in Advaita", StudIndCult 319-326 AV1115 S. Rama Chandra Sastry, "The place of bhakti" in Advaita", StudIndCult 240-244 AV1116 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jnani tvatmaiva me matam", translated by R.Balasubramanian. TVOS 11, 1986-87, 91-99 AV1117 Daniel P. Sheridan, Advaitic Theism in Bhagavata-Purana. 1986 AV1118 Priti Sinha, Philosophy of Advaita: A Transition from Samkara to Sri Aurobindo. Varanasi 1986 AV1119 Kim Skoog, The Epistemological Status of Liberative Knowledge (with special reference to Advaita Vedanta). Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1986 AV1120 Daniel Thattackara, Emerson the Advaitin. A Study of the Parallels between Emerson and Samkara's Advaita Vedanta. 1986 AV1121 D.K.Tripathi, Revelation, Intuition and Reason in Samkara Vedanta. Faizabad 1986 AV1122 R.K.Tripathi, "Advaita Vedanta and Neoplatonism", NIT 233-292 AV1123 W.S.Urqhart, The Vedanta and Modern Thought. Delhi 1986 AV1123.1 Maheshwari Arulchelva, "The undifferentiated and the differentiated aspects of Godheadin Advaita thought", SLJH 13, 1987, 59-66 AV1124 R. Balasubramanian, "Avidya and the illusory world", TVOS 12, 1987, 16-40 AV1125 Nancy F. Bauer, "Advaita Vedanta and contemporary Western ethics", PEW 37, 1987, 36-50 AV1126 G.J.Darling, An Evaluation of the Vedantic Critique of Buddhism. Calcutta 1987 AV1127 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Advaita Vedanta and linguistic analysis", VJP 24.1, 1987, 101-108 AV1127.1 A.O.Fort, "Dream and sleep in later Advaita Vedanta", ALB 51, 1987, 157-175 AV1127.2 Bhireshwar Ganguly, "Mrs. Gopinath Kaviraj's views on Vedanta, Tantra, and Marxism", Navonmesa 19987, 66-72 AV1128 Raghunath Ghosh, "The phenomenon of linguistic analysis in Vedanta", VJP 24.1, 1987, 94-100 AV1129 Bede Griffiths, "Advaita and Christian faith", MP 24, 1987, 181-183 AV1130 John Grimes, "The dilemma of avidya", IndPQ, Student's Supplement 14.3, 1987, 1-9 AV1131 R.I.Ingalalli, "Role of reason in Advaita", VK 74, 1987, 333-336 AV1132 Steven Kaplan, Hermeneutics, Holography and Indian Idealism. Calcutta 1987 AV1133 Bijayananda Kar, "Moksa as value and jnana as method in Samkara Vedanta", VJP 24.1, 1987, 14-22. Reprinted VPIP 45-54 AV1134 Jankinath Kaul, "A comparative view of two schools of Indian thought with special reference to Kashmir", MGKCV 397-401 AV1135 Visvalids V. Kline, "Analytic philosophy and Advaita", POV 33-41 AV1136 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Elucidation of contentment", TVOS 12, 1987, 49, 157 AV1137 Mahesh Mehta, "The Advaita critique of 'difference'", POV 78-91 AV1138 Donald A. Metesz, "Karma and moksa in Vedanta: reality vs. appearance", DK 188-220 AV1139 J.N.Mohanty, "Consciousness in Vedanta", POV 8-17 AV1140 Mukhyananda, "Maya and its cognates", VK 74, 1987, 365-369 AV1141 G.C.Nayak, "Does Advaita Vedanta advocate illumination through analysis?", VJP 23.2, 1987, 20-30 AV1141.1 G. C. Nayak, "Maya: the Advaitin's Gordian knot", GCNPR 1, 1987, 49-53. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 58-65 AV1141.2 G. CC. Nayak, "Tolerance in Advaita", GCNPOR 1, 61-66. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 75-82 AV1142 R. Puligandla, "Modern physics and Advaita Vedanta", POV 182-197 AV1143 T.P.Ramachandran, "Bhakti in Advaita", TVOS 12, 1987, 61-76 AV1143.1 Sri Maha Sannidham, "Attributes of a jivanmukta", TL 10.2, 1987, 11-16 AV1145 Yoshitsugu Sawai, "The nature of faith in the Sankaran Vedanta tradition", Numen 34, 1987, 18-44 AV1146 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Is the individual self illusory?", VJP 24.l, 1987, 30-36 AV1147 Arvind Sharma, "The Vedantic concept of God", POV 114-131 AV1148 Arvind Sharma, "On Brahma-laksana: a contribution to Advaita Vedanta", VK 74, 1987, 256-258 AV1148.5 Ram Murti Sharma, "Sacrifice in the Vedanta philosophy", SICE 83-87 AV1149 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Futility of instruction--not in Advaita, but only elsewhere", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 386-395; 12, 1987, 101-114 AV1150 Debabrata Sinha, "On immortality and death--notes in a Vedantic perspective", POnV 170-181 AV1151 R. Balasubramanian, "The liberated-in-life", TVOS 12.4 - 13.1, 1988, 33-44 AV1152 R. Balasubramanian, "Brahman--the source of all", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 30-36 AV1153 D. Chatterjee, "Karma and liberation in Samkara's Advaita Vedanta", PonV 158-169 AV1154 H.S.Varada Desikacharya, "The concept of attributive consciousness or dharmabhutajnanam", Consciousness 161-172 AV1155 K.A.Neelakantan Elayath, "The Advaita theory of meaning", ALB 52, 1988, 94-104 AV1155.1 D.B.Gangoli, The Relevance of Vedanta in Modern Age and Civilization. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 2. Bangalore 1988 AV1156 H.K.Ganguli, Radicalism in Advaita Vedanta: A Comparative Critique of Swami Vivekananda. Calcutta 1988 AV1156.1 Sitanath Goswami, "Some principle concepts of Advaita Vedanta", OH 36.1, 1988, 19-32 AV1157 Bede Griffiths, "Advaita and Christian faith", MP 25, 1988, 181-184 AV1157.5 Mishke Jambor, "If all is Brahman then why are there any illusions?", Darshana 28.2, 1988, 26-33 AV1158 Visvaldis V. Klive, "Analytic philosophy and Advaita", PonV 33-41 AV1158.1 K. Krishnamoorthy, "Anubhava of Advaita", TL 11.1, 1988, 30-33 AV1159 U.A.Vinay Kumar, "Existence of self and adhyasa in Advaita", JIP 16, 1988, 201-216 AV1160 Mahesh Mehta, "The Advaitic critique of 'difference'", PonV 78-91 AV1161 S.L.Pandey, "Vedanta social philosophy", 1988; reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 24-39; 26.2, 2001, 76-87 AV1162 R. Puligandla, "Modern physics and Advaita Vedanta", PonV 182-1976 AV1163 S.S.Raghavachar, Studies in Vedanta. Mysore 1988 AV1164 T.P.Ramachandran, "Advaita cosmology", TVOS 12.4 - 13.1, 1988. 93-116 AV1165 G. Sundara Ramaiah, "Language, sentences and Brahman in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 12.4-13.1, 1988, 117-124 AV1166 Ram Kumar Ratnam, "Duhkha: Advaitic perspective", IndPQ 15.2, 1988, Student Supplement 13-24 AV1167 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Non-duality is what is known through the Vedanta", TVOS 12.4-13.1, 1988, 143-162 AV1168 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Maya is not the Lord's intelligence", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 79-89; 13.3, 1988, 94-103 AV1169 Arvind Sharma, "Was Ramakrishna an Advaitin?", ALB 52, 1988, 83-93 AV1170 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", IICQ 15, 1988, 23-30 AV1170.1 S. Srinivasan, "Atmabodha--its relevance to modern times", TL 11.1, 1988, 50-55 AV1171 A.D.Vallooran, In Search of the Absolute. A Critical Study of the Advaitic Philosophy of Religion as Interpreted in the Works of T.M.P.Mahadevan. Shillong 1988 AV1172 S.M.S.Varadacharya, "Concept of sentient, insentient and supreme Brahman in Vedanta", Consciousness 117-126 AV1173 N. Veezhinathan, "The preceptors of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 30-36 AV1174 N. Veezhinathan, "Liberation--its nature and its means in Advaita", TVOS 13.3, 1988, 57-76 AV1174.05 M. M. Agrawal, "A note on satta-traividhya-vada", Dharma-niranjana 1989, 322-327 AV1174.1 J.G.Arapura, "An inquiry into the vyavaharika truth", IPA 21, 1989-90, 1-7 AV1175 Atmaramananda, "Advaita for the masses", PB 94, 1989, 217-225 AV1176 R. Balasubramanian, "The Absolute and God according to Advaita Vedanta", POSankara 24-37 AV1177 S.R.Bhatt, "An exionoetic approach to Vedantic philosophy of education", POSankara 433-439 AV1178 Abheda Nanda Bhattacharya, "The Advaitic view of Self", POSankara 42-50 AV1179 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Consciousness (caitanya)", BRMIC 40, 1989: 190, 224 AV1179.1 Bijan Biswas, "Advaitins on sabdaparoksatva: a critique", OH, 37.1, 1988, 1-14 AV1179.1.5 Mariasusai Dhavamony, "The self as consciousness: Samkara's Advaita", SelfandC 32-43 AV1179.2 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "Sentence and its meaning in Advaita Vedanta", JOI 39, 1989, 51-56 AV1180 Ramchandra Gandhi, "A note on 'Advaita and annihilation'", POSankara 453-454 AV1180.1 D.B.Gangolli, The Reality Beyond All Empirical Dealings. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series I. Bangalore 1989 AV1180.7 M. G. Hampiholi, "Advaita concept of liberation (moksa)", JKU 33,1989-90, 165-172 AV1181 A.L.Herman, "Advaita and religious relativism", RadhCentVol 34-40 AV1182 R.I.Ingalalli, "The Advaita concept of truth", PTG 23.4, 1989, 25-34 AV1183 Bijayananda Kar, "National integration, secularism and Advaita philosophy of value", POSankara 393-403. Reprinted VPIP 17-28. Also TVOS 28.2, 2003, 38-50 AV1184 Hideki Kiyoshima, "The concept of anirvacaniya in early Advaitavedanta", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 45-60 AV1185 Leta Jane Lewis, "Renunciation in Vedanta", PB 94, 1989, 493-497 AV1186 G. Sundara Murthy, "A critique of the stages of reality as advocated by the Advaitins", DhP 18.8-9, 1989, 46-54 AV1187 Sangam Lal Pandey, The Advaita View of God. Allahabad 1989 AV1188 S.L.Pandey, "The idea of spiritual value", POSankara 307-316. Reprinted TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72 AV1188.1 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", IPA 21, 1989-90, 63-74 AV1189 Karl H. Potter, "The development of Advaita Vedanta as a school of philosophy", RadhCentVol 71-99. Reprinted JICPR 9, 1992, 135-158, with comments by V.Venkatachalam, G.C.Pande, S.L.Pandey, Ram Murti Sharma, and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. Potter's response to comments in JICPR 10.2, 1993, 114-116. Reprinted with comments in DDIP 3-70 AV1189.1 Sujata Purkayastha, "The Advaitic concept of jivanmukti and the problem of acvidya-lesa", JUG 35, 1989-90, 42-46 AV1190 G.N.Ramachandran, "Vedanta and modern epistemology", POSankara 363-379 AV1191 A. Ramamurty, "The concept of Advaita: a re-evaluation", POSankara 88-103 AV1192 Anantananda Rambachan, "The value of the world as the mystery of God in Advaita Vedanta", JD 14, 1989, 287-297 AV1193 Som P. Ranchan, An Adventure in Vedanta (J.D.Salinger--the Glass family). Delhi 1989 AV1194 S. Ranganathan, "The concept of jivanmukti", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 28-32 AV1195 S. Revathy, "The doctrine of maya in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 14.3, 1989, 55-88; 14.4, 1990, 65-80 AV1196 Sukharanjan Saha, "Svaprakasatva, saksijnana, and saksin", POSankara 51-67 AV1196.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Dr. Radhakrishnan--the true Advaitin", JUG 35, 1989-90, 38-41 AV1197 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "No 'I'-sense in sleep and liberation", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 97-105 AV1198 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The Self is never ahamartha", TVOS 14.1-2, 1989, 117-125 AV1198.1 Yajneshwart S. Sastri, "Doctrine of maya--a critical study", Sambodhi 16, 1989, 18-41 AV1199 Satchidanandendra Sarasvati, The Method of the Vedanta. Tr. A.J.Alston. New York 1989. Also London 1989 AV1200 S.K.Sen, "Is the individual self illusory?", POSankara 68-74 AV1200.5 R.L.Singh, "An axiological view of avidya", POSankara; reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 39-54 AV1201 Tapasyananda, "Swamiji's contribution to Vedantic thought", PB 94, 1989, 13-17 AV1202 P.P.I.Vaidyanathan, "Perception-knowledge-reality", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 57-90 AV1203 N. Veezhinathan, "On the concept of the knowledge of Brahman", TVOS 14.1-2, 1991, 38-58 AV1203.01 M.A.Venkatakrishna, "Advaita and Visistadvaita", SRV 12.4, 1989 - 14.2, 1991 AV1203.1.1 Ashokananda, Meditation, Ecstasy and Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta. Calcutta 1990 AV1203.2 R. Balasubramanian, "Can difference be perceived?", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 17-32 AV1203.3 R. Balasubramanian, "The Advaita view of liberation", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 43- 55 AV1203.4 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with other systems and its contemporary relevance", Indian Philosophical Systems (1990); reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 93-116 AV1204 Bhupendra Das, "The Advaita theory of liberation", IPQ 17.4, 1990, Students' Supplement 1-22 AV1205. G.P.Das, "An Advaita Vedantic concept of prayer", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 64-73 AV1205.1 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "The ethical interpretation of tattvamasi", MO 16, 1990, 111-114 AV1205.2 D.B.Gangolli, On Knowledge of the Ultimate Reality. Satchidanand Vaak-Jyoti Series 5. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.3 D.B.Gangolli, The Philosophical Science of Vedanta. Satchidanand Vaak-Jyoti Series 7. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.4 D.B.Gangolli, The Quintessence of Pristine Pure Vedanta. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 6. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.5 D.B.Gangolli, A Broad Outline of Vedanta. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.6 Harshananda, A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta. Bangalore 1990 AV1206 T.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The Vedanta and the trend of modern science", Dilip 165, 1990, 4-12 AV1206.5 A. G. Javadekar, "Advaita as paramartha and vyavahara", Darshana 30.1, 1990, 1-18 AV1207 N. Jayashanmukham, "The jivanmukta", PB 95, 1990, 507-510. Also TVOS 15.1, 1990, 67-74 AV1208 Hari Mohan Joshi, "Status of world in Advaita Vedanta", Glory of Knowledge 108-122 AV1208.1 J. Krishnan, "On the definition of avidya", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 56-64 AV1209 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Advaita as immanent metaphysics", TVOS 14.4, 1990, 21-42 AV1210 Leta Jane Lewis, "God in Vedanta", PB 95, 1990, 251-254 AV1211 Mayawati, "The concept of maya", Glory of Knowledge 166-169 AV1212 Haramohan Mishra, A Study in Advaita Epistemology. Delhi 1990 AV1212.1 J.N.Mohanty, "N.V.Banerjee's critique of Advaita Vedanta", PNVB 47-54. Reprinted ExinP 216-223 AV1212.2 Michael Warren Myers, Their Conceptual Sphere is Where the Cow Wanders: Metaphor and Model from Veda to Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1990 AV1213 R. Prescott, "The scientist, the philosopher and the Vedantin", PB 95, 1990, 288-289 AV1213.1 S. Revathy, "Critique of difference", TVOS 15.1, 1990, 50-56 AV1213.2 S. Revathy, "Falsity--is it real or false?", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 83-88 AV1214 Satyavrat Shastri, "Was Panini an Advaitin?", Glory of Knowledge 31-33 AV1215 Arvind Sharma, "Karma and reincarnation in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 18, 1990, 219-236 AV1216 Arvind Sharma, "Are Brahman and Sunyata identical?", PB 95, 1990, 317-318 AV1216.1 Arvind Sharma, "Ramana Maharsi on the theories of creation in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 8.1, 1990, 77-92 AV1217 B.R.Sharma, "Relation of language and reality in Advaita Vedanta", Glory of Knowledge 146-155 AV1217.1 Varahur Kalyana Sundara Sastri, "Justification for scripture being the pramana" (translated by R. Balasubramanian). TVOS 15.1, 1990, 109-115; 15.2- 3, 1990, 118-128 AV1217.2 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Essence of the inquiry into superimposition", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 75-86 AV1218 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", POSankara 347-355 AV1219 R.L.Singh, "An axiological view of avidya", POSankara 75-87 AV1220 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Justification for the sublation of perception by scripture", TVOS 14.4, 1990, 116-124 AV1220.5 Purnananda Shaw, Morality and Religion in Advaita and Visistadvaita. Delhi 2990 AV1221 Debabrata Sinha, "Towards a philosophical anthropology from a Vedantic perspective: a hermeneutic explanation", NKDPR 17-42 AV1222 T.L.S.Sprigge, "Advaita Vedanta and Western Absolute idealism", POSankara 253-275 AV1222.1. S. Srinivasan, "The sublime path of yoga", TL 13.1, 1990, 40-46 AV1222.2 Lalit Krishna Lal Srivastava, Advaitic Concept of Jivanmukti. Delhi 1990 AV1223 N.Veezhinathan, "Interpretation of Vedantic texts", POSankara 1-10. Also TVOS 14.4, 1990, 81-96 AV1223.1 N.Veezhinathan, "The philosophy of Advaita", SIndSt 432-443 AV1224 N. Veezhinathan, "The importance of the great saying (mahavakyas of the Upanisads)", TVOS 15.1, 1990, 57-66 AV1225 Purnanand Shaw, Morality and Religion in Advaita and Visistadvaita. Delhi 1990 AV1226 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with the other systems and its contemporary relevance", BRMIC 42, 1991: 67, 109 AV1227 Deviprasad Bhattacharyya, "Bhakti: the Vedantic way par excellence", BRMIC 42, 1991: 131,176,205 AV1228 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The nature of consciousness", BRMIC 42, 1991: 15,42 AV1228.1 Tara Chatterjee, "An attempt to understand svatah pramanya in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 19, 1991, 229-248. Reprinted KFIP 25-40 AV1228.0 George Chemparathy, Vedanta Old and New: Change in Continuity. Utrecht 1991 AV1228.1.5 G.R.Franci, "Dal Vedanta alla bhakti al Vedanta", Alti del Quarto e del Quinto Convegno Nazionale di Studi Sanscriti (Torino 1991), 45-51 AV1228.2 D.B.Gangolli, Deliberation on the Ultimate Reality. Culminating in Intuitive Experience. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 4. Bangalore 1991 AV1228.3 D.B.Gangolli, Vedanta: the Only Consummate Spiritual Experience. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 8. Bangalore 1991 AV1229 John Grimes, An Advaitic Perspective on Language. Delhi 1991 AV1230 John Grimes, "Some problems in the epistemology of Advaita", PEW 41, 1991, 291-301 AV1230.5 Jitatmananda, Holistic Science and Vedanta. Bombay 1991 AV1230.8 Daya Krishna, "Vedanta–does it really mean anything?", IPACP 357-369 AV1231 Basant K. Lal, "Vedanta and the contemporary problem of man's estrangement", BRMIC 42, 1991, 227- AV1231.1 A. Rama Murty, "Hindu attitude to other religions: an Advaitic approach", JRS 19.2, 1991, 45-54 AV1232 Lance E. Nelson, "Reverence for nature or the irrelevance of nature? Advaita Vedanta and ecological concern", JD 16, 1991, 282-301 AV1232.0 Piyali Palit, "Epistemology in monism: an Advaita Vedanta approach", JJP 3.2, 1991, 45-56 AV1232.1 N.C.Pande, Maya in Physics. Delhi 1991 AV1232.2 Rewti Raman Pandey, Scientific Temper and Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 1991 AV1233 Walter Schultlz, "The contribution of Advaita Vedanta to the quest for an effective reassertion of the eternal", JD 16, 1991, 387-397 AV1233.05 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Doctrine of maya--a critical study", Sambodhi 16, 1991, 18-41 AV1233.08 K. B. Archak, A Primer of the Advaita Vedanta. Dharwad 1992 AV1233.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta on the problem of enworlded subjectivity", PhIP 77-93 AV1233.1.1 Francis X. Clooney, "Hearing and seeing in early Vedanta: an exegetical debate and its implications for the study of religion", JOR 56-62, 1986-92, 213-226 AV1233.2 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Advaita Vedanta and linguistic analysis", VJP 28.2, 1992, 56-63 AV1233.2.0 N.K.Devaraj, "Self and freedom: the Vedantic and phenomenological perspectives", PGI 79-86 AV1233.2.1 K.N.Nilakantsa Elayath, "The ethical interpretation of tattvamasi", MO 16, 1992, 111-114 AV1233.3 N. Jayashanmukhan, "The waking life and its conquest: a teaching of Advaita Vedanta", ALB 56, 1992, 47-55 AV1233.3.0 V. R. Kalayanasundara Sastri, "Scripture", Advaitasiddhantasara I, Madras 1992, 12-17; reprinted TVOS 29, 2004, 69-77 AV1233.3.1 Lita Jane Lewis, "The Vedantic concept of maya", PB 97, 1992, 247-252 AV1233.4 Thomas Manningezhath, "Advaita critique of the sphota and Sabdabrahman", JD 17, 1992, 178-195 AV1233.5 Tanya Mukherjee, "Vedanta: a rejuvenating power", PB 97, 1992, 448-452 AV1233.6 Harsh Narain, "Nihilism and Advaitism", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 25-32 AV1233.7 G.C.Nayak, "Tolerance in Advaita–a study of the unique culture of transcendence", TIC 121-130 AV1233.8 Ramindra Kumar Pande, "Cessation of nescience as a fifth kind of reality in Advaita Vedanta: an appraisal", SVUOJ 35, 1992, 109-118 AV1234 Raphael, The Pathway of Non-Duality: Advaitavada. Delhi 1992 AV1234.1 S.Revathy, "Sruti and arthapatti in respect of avidya", ALB 56, 1992, 99-115 AV1234.2 V. Kutumba Sastry, "On tatparya-lingas", TVOS 17, 1992, 72-84 AV1234.3 K. Srinivas, "The nature of reality in Advaita", TVOS 17, 1992, 58-71 AV1235 T.P.Subrahmanyam, Vedanta in Prose and Verse. Hyderabad 1992 AV1235.1 Raghunath Chintaman Bhadwe, Vedanta Darshan: A Survival Guide for the Modern Man. Pune 1993 AV1235.2 Francis Xavier Clooney, Theology after Vedanta: an Experiment in Comparative Theology. Boulder, Colo. 1993, 1997, 1999 AV1236 Michael Comans, "The question of the importance of samadhi in modern and classical Advaita Vedanta", PEW 43, 1993, 19-38 AV1236.0 Wade H. Dazey , "The role of bhakti in the Dasanami order", LDSBDM 147-172 AV1236.1 Viswanath Sitarama Gautamah, Vedanta Kosah (A Dictionary of Vedanta). Madras 1993 AV1236.5 V. Pramacle Kumari, "The concept of reality in Advaita Vedanta", VIJ 31, 1993-94, 159-168 AV1237 Michael W. Myers, "Tat tvam asi as Advaitic metaphor", PEW 43, 1993, 229-242 AV1237.0 G.C.Nayak, "Freedom--some ethical and metaphysical aspects: Vedanta view", PPIBPS 329-336 AV1237.1 Ladapuram Varadachari Rajagopal, A Critique of Vedanta. New Delhi 1993 AV1237.1.05 B. C. Obula Reddy, "Advaita concept of upamana", Darshana 33.3, 1993, 52-54 AV1237.2 Sahananda, "The relevance of Vedanta today", BRMIC 44, 1993: 155, 191, 255, 262 AV1237.3 Vashdev Shalya, "Vedanta conception of man, history and society", PPIBPS 259-269 AV1238 Ram Murti Sharma, Encyclopedia of Vedanta. Delhi 1993 AV1239 K. Sundarama Iyer, Aspects of Advaita. Srirangam n.d. AV1240 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, Advaita and Modern Thought. Srirangam n.d. AV1241 Advaita Grantha Kosa Samgraha, prepared by a disciple of Sri Istasiddhindra Sarasvati Swami of the Upanisad Brahmendra Mutt, Kanchipuram n.d. AV1242 Bijayananda Kar, "Samkara Advaita on truth, reality and value", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 37-44 AV1243 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of saksi in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 45-64 AV1243.1 G. R. Malkani, "Philosophical truth", TVOS 18.2, 1993, 40-52 AV1243.2 Candrasekarendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 18.1, 1993, 75-90 AV1244 Arvind Sharma, The Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1993 AV1245 Walter Slaje, "BAU 4.3.14 (M16) und die Entwicklung des subjektiven Illusionismus in ?lteren Vedanta", SII 18, 1993, 223-250 AV1245.1 Tathagatananda, "The fundamental teachings of Vedanta", PB 98, 1993, 343-351 AV1245.2 M. Vedantalakshmi, "Ontological status of the world in Advaita", TVOS 18.2, 1993, 125-135 AV1247 N.S.Rugmini, "Disciples of Samkara", TL 17.1, 1994, 27-31 AV1247.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita: an overview", TA 1-25 AV1247.2 R. Balasubramanian, "The Absolute and God", TA 26-42 AV1247.3 R. Balasubramanian, "The one and the many", TA 43-72 AV1247.4 S.P.Banerjee, "Vedanta and neo-Vedanta: some reflection", TA 141-161 AV1247.5 R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedantic concepts of maya and avidya", TA 109-128 AV1253 N.S. Dravid, "The illusoriness of the world", TA 129-140 AV1254 S.P.Dubey, "Freedom and equality in the Advaitic tradition", JPS 2.1, 1994, 66-74 AV1254.3 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "Advaita and language", CultInd 73-78 AV1254.6 Dipak Ghosh, "Doctrinal alliance with sabdaparoksa in Advaita philosophy", CultInd 229-232 AV1255 John Grimes, Problems and Perspectives in Religious Discourse: Advaita Vedanta Implications. Albany, N.Y. 1994 AV1255.5 Kashinath, The Philosophy of Scientific Advaita. New Delhi 1994 AV1256 R.S.Kaushal, The Philosophy of the Vedanta: a Modern Scientific Perspective. New Delhi 1994 AV1257 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Transformation metaphysics: Advaita as a model", TA 178-206 AV1258 Basant Kumar Lal, "Vedanta and values of a technological society", JPS 2.1, 1994, 8-18 AV1259 Basant Kumar Lal, "The Advaitic drsti: a recent sample", TA 122-178 AV1260 Kenneth Liberman, "A case for convergence in Tibetan and Vedantin meditative practices", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 55-68 AV1260.5 Tapti Maitra, A Constructive Study of Advaita Conception of Mind. Poona 1994 AV1261 Bhabani Charan Mukherji, Vedanta and Tagore. New Delhi 1994 AV1261.1 S.L. Pandey, "Reason and jnana: a reconstructionist view", JRS 24, 1994, 36-46 AV1262 T.P.Ramachandran, "The place of Advaita in Indian philosophy: a meta-philosophical approach", TA 201-234 AV1262.2 S. Revathy, "The sadvidya sections of the Chandogyopanisad: a study from the Advaita and the Dvaita standpoints", SVUOJ 38, 1994, 105-114 AV1262.4 N. S. Rukmani, "Disciples of Samkara", TL 17.1, 1994, 27-31 AV1262.5 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Aspects of Advaita", TVOS 19, 1994, 77-108; 20.2, 1995, 59-84 AV1262.6 Junzo Tanizawa, "Advaitin's theory of laksana and Paninian grammar", JIBSt 43.2, 1994, 17-21 AV1263 N. Veezhinathan, "The concept of maya-avidya", TA 73-86 AV1264 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus, content, and removal of avidya", TA 87-108 AV1264.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita", TVOS 20.1, 1995, 118-138; 20.2, 1995, 130-154 AV1264.2 Anindita N. Balslev, 'Radhakrishnan as the exponent of Advaita Vedanta on the question of encounter of religions", NEPSR 1995, 211-224 AV1264.3 A. N. Bhattacharya, "The Advaita view of Self (Brahman as existence-knowledge-bliss)", Darshana 35.3, 1995, 73-75 AV1264.4 Beatrice Bruteau, "Remain in bhavamukha: the empowering of a new wholeness", PB 100, 1995, 373-379 AV1264.5 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Sleep-learning or wake-up call? Can Vedic sentences make us aware of Brahman?", PKSM 1995, 157-168 AV1264.8 Richard de Smet, "Focussing on Brahman-Atman", CCIP 34-68 AV1265 Peter Forrest, "Maya and the pluralist predicament", AJP 73, 1995, 31-48 AV1265.5 John Grimes, "Two paradigms of religious language", PKSM 1995, 177-186 AV1265.6 Wilhelm Halbfass (ed.), Philology and Confrontation. Paul Hacker on Traditional and Modern Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 1995 AV1265.7 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "Knowledge and truth according to Swami Vivekananda's neo-Vedanta", PB 100, 1995, 872-879 AV1267 Daya Krishna, "What exactly is meant when we talk of different types of philosophical texts in the Indian tradition? Different forms of Advaita: what do they mean?", JICPR 12.3, 1995, 153 AV1267.5 Sengaku Mayeda, "Murty and Advaita Vedanta", PKSM 1995, 121-131 AV1267.5.1 Michael W. Meyers, Let the Cow Wander: Modeling the Metaphors in Veda and Vedanta. Honolulu 1995 AV1267.6 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry, "Contribution of Kerala to Advaita Vedanta literature", Vidyotini 1995, 40-49 AV1267.7 Nityasthananda, "Reflections on consciousness", PB 100, 1995, 829-833 AV1268 B.N.Pande, "The Vedanta and Sufism: a comparative study", IAC 44.3, 1995, 125-147 AV1268.1 S. L. Pandey, "Vedantic motifs of theism", TVOS 20.2, 1995, 22-41 AV1268.2 S. L. Pandey, "Vedantic approach to God", TVOS 20.1, 1995, 53-77 AV1269 B.L.Raina, Vedanta: What Can It Teach? Delhi 1995 AV1269.1 S. Revathy, "Advaita and other orthodox schools", TVOS 20.2, 1995, 85-104 AV1269.3 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "A note on the mahavakyas of the Advaita Vedanta", JUG 37, 1995, 63-66 AV1269.5 Tathagatananda, "The individual and the supreme", PB 100, 1995, 526-531 AV1269.6 Francis Vinaeth, "In search of an Advaita understanding of Christian experience", CCIP 241-260 AV1269.7 Adiswarananda, "Awakening of spiritual consciousness: the Vedanta pont of view", PB 101, 1996, 369-376 AV1269.7.5 K. P. Aleaz, Christian Thought through Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1996 AV1269.8 R. Balasubramanian, "Daya Krishna's retrospective delusion", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 137-156. Reprinted DDIP 80-106 AV1269.8.2 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The unique concepts of Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 35, 1996, 1-10 AV1269.8.5 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Is maya the material cause of the world?", VK 83, 1996, 302-306 AV1269.8.6 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Is the question of morality irrelevant in Advaita Vedanta?", PB 101, 1996, 335-337 AV1269.7 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "What is the status of jiva (individual soul) in the Sankarite Advaita Vedanta", Darshana 36.3, 1996, 64-65 AV1269.9 S. H. Dixit, "The atmavada of Advaita Vedanta and the anatmavada of the Buddha", BudIA 1996, 102-113 AV1269.9.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Some principal concepts of Advaita Vedanta", MMSFV 84-91 AV1270.9.6 R. I. Ingalalli, "Logic of tattvamasi", PTG 31.2, 1996, 11-23 AV1270 B.R.Rajan Iyer, Rambles in Vedanta. Delhi 1996 AV1270.3 Basant K. Lal, "The Vedanta drsti: a recent Indian sample", StudIHC 4, 67-80 AV1270.5 Mukhyananda, "Modern science and Advaita Vedanta", VK 83, 1996: 367, 412 AV1270.7 G. C. Nayak, "Vedantic morality--a critical appraisal", RelST 15.2-3, 1996, 40-44 AV1270.8 G.C.Nayak, "Ethical considerations in Vedanta--a scientific approach", JD 21, 1996, 204-209 AV1270.9 S.L.Pandey, "Margins of theism", TVOS 21.1, 1996, 45-59 AV1270.9.5 S. Maheswara Pillai, "The mind and its functions: a Vedantic thought", VIJ 33-34, 1995-96, 203-206 AV1271 A. Ramamurty, Advaita: A Conceptual Analysis. Delhi 1996 AV1272 Srinivasa Rao, "Two 'myths' in Advaita", JIP 24, 1996, 265-279 AV1273 Arvind Sharma, The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedanta. University Park, Pennsylvania 1995 AV1273.3 B.R.Shanthakumari, "Advaita: a metaphysics of standpoints", TVOS 21.1, 1996, 67-82 AV1273.7 Gomathi Ramanathan, "Bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 21.2, 1996, 180-188 AV1274 Ram Murti Sharma, The Veda and Vedanta. Delhi 1996 AV1275 N.S.Siddharthan, "Non-duality in Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta", BudIA, 1996, 218-224 AV1275.5 M. Vedantalakshmi, "Individual self in Advaita", TVOS 21.2, 1996, 137-158 AV1275.8 Michael Zammit, "Morals and society iono the light of Advaita Vedanta", MSAP 109-118 AV1276 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "Verses of the Samkarite school of Advaita Vedanta: a retrospection", MMSFV 84-91 AV1277 Adiswarananda, "The meaningful liberation", PB 102, 1997, 398-404 AV1277.5 Subhash Anand, "Jivan-mukti or liberation in this life", PC 179-208 AV1278 Krishna S. Arjundwadker, "A rational approach to Vedanta", ABORI 87.1, 1997, 223-234 AV1279 Tapobrota Bharadwaj, "Adventures of a layman in the realm of Vedanta", PB 102, 1997: 302, 353 AV1280 Joy Bhattacharyya, "Sri Ramakrishna, the epitome of Advaita", BRMIC 48, 1997, 121-124 AV1281 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacarya Sastri, "Advaita Vedanta, or the philosophy of nondualism in the Upaniœads", EssInP 1-16 AV1282 Suresh Chandra, "An illusive historiography of the view that the world is maya: Professor Daya Krishna on the historiography of Vedanta", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 123-132 AV1283 Francis X. Clooney, "Binding the text: Vedanta as philosophy and commentary", TCon, 1997, 47-68 AV1284 R. K. Das Gupta, "Western response to Vedanta", BRMIC 48, 1997: 22, 73, 171 AV1284.1 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Vivartavada vs. drsti-srstivada", VK 84, 1997, 306-313 AV1285 Eliot Deutsch, "Outline of an Advaita Vedanta aesthetics", RSB, 1997, 336-347 AV1286 N.S.Dravid, "Different forms of Advaitism: What do they mean? A reply", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 157-159 AV1286.5 Andrew O. Fort, "Jivanmukti and social service in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta", BOr 489-504 AV1287 Ardhendu Sekhar Ghosh, "Parallelism between modern physics and Vedanta", PB 102, 1997, 636-639 AV1288 Minati Kar, "Advaita view of reality and appearance", EssInP 17-28 AV1289 Satyaranjan Kar, "Vedanta, the Bhagavad-Gita and Sri Ramakrishna", BRMIC 48, 1997, 117-120 AV1290 Daya Krishna, "Is tattvam asi the same type of identity statement as 'the evening star is the same as the morning star'?", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 167 AV1290.0001 V. Prameela Kumari, "Means of liberation in Advaita Vedanta", VIJ 35-36, 1997-98, 153-157 AV1290.001 Suchita Y. Mehta, "The concept of dream in Kevalavaita Vedanta", JOI 47, 1997, 237-249 AV1290.002 Suchita Y. Mehta, "Eka jivavada - aneka jivavada", JOI 47, 1997, 55-60 AV1290.0 Joseph Milne, "Advaita Vedanta and typologies of multipliclity and unity: an interpretation of nondual knowledge", IJHS 1.1, 1997, 165-188 AV1290.5 Srimati Mukherjee (Ray), "Radhakrishnan's critique of maya as illusion", Darshana 27.4, 1997, 57-60 AV1291 S. Panneerselva, "A rejoinder to Daya Krishna", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 150-152 AV1292 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A critique on Brahman-realization", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 71-82 AV1293 Indrani Samyal, "What is it that we are ignorant of?", EssInP 29-46 AV1294 Satchidananendra Sarasvati, The Method of the Vedanta (A Critical Account of the Advaita Tradition). Delhi 1997 AV1295 Arvind Sharma, The Rope and the Snake. A Metaphorical Exploration of Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1997 AV1295.5 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "An observation on some verses of the Advaita school", JASBe 39, 1997, 25-30 AV1295.7 S. R. Swaminathan, Vedanta and Shelley. Portland, Ore. 1997 AV1296 P.V. Narayana Swamy, "The way to freedom from prakrti", PB 102, 1997, 680-684 AV1298 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita", TVOS 23.1, 1998, 49-61 AV1300 J.K.Barthaku, "A journey towards essence of Mandukya Upanisad for a theory of time", IndPQ 25, 1998, 15-48 AV1301 S.M.Bhatkande, "Identity of Brahman and Atman", DHCCR 157-164 AV1302 S.R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedanta concepts of maya and avidya", DHCCR 103-118 AV1303 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Maya in the light of Swami Vivekananda", PB 103, 1998, 541-546 AV1304 T. S. Devadoss, "The universality of Vedanta", SaivS 33, 1998, 16-24 AV1305 N. S. Dravid, "A note on 'Is "tat tvam asi" the same type of identity statement as "the morning star is the evening star"', IndPQ 25, 1998, 533-546 AV1310 Andrew O. Fort, Jivanmukti in Transformation: Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 1998 AV1311 Frederic F. Frost, "The making of worlds in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 48, 1998, 387-405 AV1313 N. Gangadharan, "Advaitic concepts in the Tirumandiram", TVOS 23.2, 1998, 106-116 AV1314 J. Krishan, "Relation between pure consciousness and mind", TVOS 23.2, 1998, 117-138 AV1315 Daya Krishna, "Is 'tat tvam asi' the same type of identity statement as 'the morning star is the evening star?'", IndPQ 25, 1998, 1-14 AV1316 Daya Krishna, "The myth of the prasthanatrayi", JICPR 16.1, 1998, 85-92. Comments by Prema Nanda Kumar at JICPR 16.3, 1999, 140 AV1320 G. Mishra, "The parliament of philosophies--majority view condemned: a critique of Daya Krishna's view of Vedanta in the first millennium A.D.", JICPR 16.1, 1998, 135-144. Reprinted in DDIP 127-138 AV1321 Laxman Prasad Mishra, The Doctrine and Discipline of Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1998 AV1322 Lance E. Nelson, "The dualism of nondualism: Advaita Vedanta and the irrelevance of nature", PEBG 61-88 AV1323 Prabuddhananda, "Consciousness in Vedanta", PB 103, 1998, 268-272 AV1324 Ranganathananda, "Vedantic view of evolution", PB 103, 1998, 9-17 AV1325 Srinivasa Rao, "Prabhakara Rao on 'Brahman-realization'", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 128-132 AV1326 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 8-21 AV1327 Dayananda Sarasvati, "Tradition of Advaita", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 34-55 AV1328 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence: Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 49, 1998: 75, 132, 187, 217, 276, 318 AV1328.1 Vidyasankar Sundaresan, "On Prasamkhyana and Parisamkhyana: meditation in Advaita Vedanta, Yoga, and Pre-Samkaran Vedanta", ALB 62, 1998, 51-89. AV1329 Swahananda, "Social implications of Vedanta", BRMIC 49, 1998, 396-403 AV1330 S.R.Swaminathan, "Vedanta and Shelley's philosophy of love", VQ 7.2, 1998, 25-42 AV1335 Tattvavidananda, "Mulavidya, avasthividya, and tulavidya", BRMIC 49, 1998, 224-225 AV1335.00 N. Veezhinathan, "Advaita in the works of Kalidasa", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 122-131 AV1335.0 Krishna S. Arjundwadkar, "Some challenging words and readings", ABORI 79, 1999, 213-220 AV1350.01 Atmapriyananda, "Vedanta and mathematical logic", PB 104, 1999: 579, 613 AV1350.03 Milind M. Beedkar, "The role of the philosophy or Vedanta in human resourcd development", JOI 49.1-2, 1999, 69-73 AV1350.05 S.M.Bhatkande, "Identity of Brahman and Atman", DHCCR 157-164 AV1350.06 S.R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedanta concepts of maya and avidya", DHCCR 103-118 AV1351 Bijan Biswas, "Pratyaksa and its two dimensions: Advaita Vedanta perspective", IndPQ 26, 1999, 37-58 AV1355 S.V.Bokil, "A note on 'tattvamasi'", IndPQ 26, 1999, 425-434 AV1361 R.K.Dasgupta, "Vedanta through the ages", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 211-218; 51, 2000: 15, 87, 121, 155, 216 AV1364 Martha Doherty, A Contemporary Debate in Advaita Vedanta: Avidya and the Views of Swami Satchidananendra Saraswati. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard U. 1999 AV1364.5 Dhruv S. Kaji, Yet Another Book on Vedanta. Mumbai 1999 AV1365 Dipak Ghosh, "An instrumentality to moksa in the Advaita concept", Vanmayi 64-67 AV1365.1 Bijayananda Kar, "Vedanta concept of purusartha", VJP 34.1, 1999, 1-13 AV1365.3 Bob Kindler, "Non-dual truth as spiritual practice", PB 104, 1999, 583-584 AV1365.9 D. Nasy, "Vedanta and human rights", PB 104, 1999, 854-859 AV1366.0 G.C.Nayak, "The concept of saksicaitanya in Advaita Vedanta", PQJNMU 5, 1999, 55-62 AV1366.1 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 8-21 AV1366.2 Dayandna Sarasvati, "Tradition in Advaita", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 34-55 AV1366.3 Arvind Sharma, "A problem in the epistemology of Advaita Vedanta", PB 104, 1999, 716-723, with comments by K.H.Potter, N.B.Chakraborty, M.Ramachandra, S.P.Dubey, Arati Bhattacharya and Hiranmoy Banerjee AV1363.4 Asoke Chatterji Sastri, "An observation of some verses iof the Samkara-school", Vanmayi 43-48 AV1366.3.5 V. Kutumba Sastry, "Phenomenological Advaita Vedanta", SVUOJ 42, 1999, 29-42 AV1366.4 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Nature of the universe: views of Vedanta and modern science", BhV 59, 1999, 7-20 AV1366.6 P.K.Sundaram, "Advaita and the problem of religious language", PB 104, 1999, 230-231 AV1336.8 N. Veezhinathan, "Advaita in the works of Kalidasa", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 122-131 AV1366.9 Sandra Kay Woodson, Callicott's Criteria for Environmental Ethics and Advaita Vedanta. M.A.Thesis, Colorado State U. 1999 AV1367 Srimohan Bhattacharya, "The use of the word prama: valid cognition in Advaita Vedanta", ConK 83-92 AV1368 A. Kanthamani and S.V.Bokil, "Are mahavakyas identity vakyas? A note on 'tattvamasi'", IndPQ 26, 1999, 415-434 AV1370 G. Mishra, "Turning points in Vedanta in second millennium A.D.: intellectual ratiocination and spiritual discourse in Advaita Vedanta", TPIST 1-15 AV1370.5 S.L. Pandey, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", AdV 3-28 AV1371 Muni Narayana Prasad, Karma and Reincarnation: the Vedantic Perspective. Contemporary Research in Hindu Philosophy and Religion 2. New Delhi 1999 AV1373 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A rejoinder to Prof. Srinivasa Rao entitled 'A critique of Brahman realization'", JICPR 17.1, 1999, 142-144 AV1374 S. Revathy, "The illusoriness of the world", AdV 340-378 AV1376 Sanjay Kumar Shukla, "Saksi: its nature, role and status in Advaitic tradition", IndPQ 26, 1999, 575-588 AV1379 Radhavallabh Tripathi, "Mahavakya and liberation", TPIST 151-157 AV1380 K.P.Aleaz, A Convergence of Advaita Vedanta and Eastern Christian Thought. Delhi 2000 AV1383 Atmapriyananda, "Understanding Vedanta in the light of completeness and consistency. Questions in the formalism of mathematical logic", VCA 59-76 AV1384 Ramesh Sadashiv Balsekar, Advaita, the Buddha, and the Unbroken Whole. Ed. Susan Waterman. Mumbai 2000 AV1385 Anindita N. Balslev, "The question of 'I' in Advaita Vedanta: reviewing the contributions of K.C.Bhattacharya", VCA 77-87 AV1387 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "Advaita Vedanta: a contemporary perspective", VCA 88-93 AV1389 Bhajananda, "Alienation and neo-Vedanta",VCA 94-114 AV1391 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "The unique concepts of Advaita Vedanta", VCA 115-125 AV1392 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Sastri, "The concept of freedom according to Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 39, 2000, 1-4 AV1395 S.V.Bokal, "Reflections on Dravid's mahavakyas again", IndPQ 27, 2000, 339-344 AV1398 Arindam Chakraborti, "God as the teacher, the teacher as God: notes towards a critique of the concept of an omniscient guru in the devotional Advaita of Jnaneshwari (Gita)", VCA 159-173 AV1399 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "Advaita, Visistadvaita and Dvaita as different stages of Vedanta", VCA 174-186 AV1400 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The concept of freedom--the Advaita approach", JIAP 39, 2000, 42-47 AV1401 Shyam Kumar Chattopadhyaya, The Philosophy of Samkara's Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 2000 AV1402 John B. Chetthimattam, "Vedanta as a method for inter-religious theology", VCA 187-203 AV1404 Michael Comans, The Method of Early Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 2000 AV1404 Bhupendra C. Das, "Advaita Vedanta as jnanalaksana: a critique", IndPQ 27, 2000, 247-258 AV1405 R. K. Das Gupta, "Swami Vivekananda's idea of Vedanta", VCA 204-213 AV1407 B.U.Deshpande, "Dravid and the identity-statements: some difficulties", IndPQ 27, 2000, 201-204 AV1409 N.S.Dravid, "Mahavakyas again", IndPQ 27, 2000, 335-338 AV1411 David Frawley, Vedantic Meditation. Lighting the Flame of Awareness. Berkeley, Calif. 2000 AV1412 Ghananda, "Disciplines of Vedanta", VK 87, 2000: 351, 383 AV1412.5 Sitanath Gosvami, "Vedanta as a philosophy", BRMIC 51, 2000, 446-449 AV1412.8 Shoun Hino, "Historical perspective on Vedanta", WL 183-194 AV1413 Alan Hunter, "Chinese Buddhism and Vedanta", VCA 255-279 AV1413.1 Mazemma Jakubczak, "Living liberation (jivanmukti)", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 171-180 AV1413.2 S.N.Kandaswamy, "Advaita in Tamil", AdV 443-469 AV1413.3 Bijayananda Kar, "Samkara's Advaita on truth, reality and value", VPIP 29-38 AV1413.4 Bijayananda Kar, "The Vedanta concept of purusartha: a philosophical appraisal", VPIP 145-156 AV1414 Gerald James Larson, "Relevance of Vedanta in the new millennium", BRMIC 51, 2000: 251, 305, 543 AV1414.5 Haline Marlewicz, "Vedantic exegesis of Taitiriyopanisad 2.1", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 245-254 AV1415 Godabarisha Mishra, "Dissolution of mind and erosion of impressions. Manonasa and vasanaksaya in Advaitin's scheme of liberation", TVOS 25.1-2, 2000, 278-312 AV1416 J.N.Mohanty, "Advaita Vedanta as philosophy and as religion", VCA 280-291. Reprinted ExinP 105-113 AV1418 Mumukshananda, "Vedanta: concepts and application through Sri Ramakrsna's life", VCA 292-316 AV1420 Sulachana A. Nachane, A Survey of Post-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Edited by Ravindra Kumar Pande. Delhi 2000 AV1420.1 G.C.Nayak, "The concept of saksicaitanya in Advaita Vedanta with reference to the Upanishads", PQJNMU 6, 2000, 55-62 AV1420.3 Nihsreyasananda, "Vedantic approaches", VK 87, 2000, 232-236 AV1420.4 Nihsreyasananda, "Relevance of nondualism", VK 87, 2000, 267-270 AV1420.7 Pitambarananda, "On the goal of life", VK 87, 2000, 153-155 AV1421 Prabhananda, "Swami Vivekananda's concept of service: a feather in Vedanta's cap", VCA 217-335 AV1423 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A critique on the concept of jiva", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 117-142 AV1424 S. Revathy, "The illusoriness of the world", AdV 340-378 AV1424.1 S. Revathy, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", AdV 3-28 AV1424.3 T.S. Rukmini, "Vedanta and the Bhakti Traditions", FIC 125-147 AV1424.5 S. Sankaranayanan, "Post-Samkara Advaita: the Bhamati tradition", AdV 285-339 AV1425 Arvind Sharma, "Who speaks for Hinduism? A perspective from Advaita Vedanta", JAHR 68, 2000, 751-759 AV1425.1 Arvind Sharma, "Sacred scriptures and the mysticism of Advaita Vedanta", MySS 169-183 AV1426 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Vedanta and conflict resolution", SICSL 67-78 AV1427 J. L. Shaw, "The Advaita Vedanta on meaning", VCA 360-373; also BRMIC 51, 2000: 83, 126, 161, 265 AV1428 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Vedanta and the future of man", BRMIC 51, 2000: 83, 126, 161, 265 AV1428.5 Ramakant Sinari, "Advaita as contemporary Indian philosophy form the beginning of the 19th century", AdV 379-442 AV1429 Shivananda, Practice of Vedanta. Shivanandanagar 2000 AV1430 K.S.Sivakumar, "Swami Vivekananda's ethical perception of the Vedantic oneness", VK 87, 2000, 358-361 AV1430.3 Vidyasankar Sudarshan, "Conflicting hagiographies and history: the place of Sankaravijaya texts in Advaita tradition", IJHS 4, 2000, 109-184 AV1430.4 V. Swaminathan, "A textual problem in Advaita Vedanta", SVUOJ 43, 2000, 1-8 AV1430.4.1 Tattvamayananda, "Advaita Philosophy and National Integration", FIC 119-124 AV1430.5 Tathagatananda, "The concept of soul or self in Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 51, 2000, 395-401 AV1431 D. N. Tiwari, "Advaita critique of experience", IndPQ 27, 2000, 133-150 AV1433 N. Veezhinathan, "Post-Samkara Advaita: the Vivarana tradition", AdV 242-284 AV1435 Huna Xinchuan, "Religious and cultural interflow between Indian Vedanta and Chinese Buddhism and Taoism", VCA 374-378 AV1438 Bibhuti S. Yadav, "Mispredicated identity and postcolonial discourse", Sophia 39.1, 2000, 78-131 AV1438.5 K.P.Aleaz, "An interpretation of the person and function of Jesus from within Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 52, 2001, 468-471 AV1438.7 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with other systems and its contemporary relevance", Indian Philosophical Systems. Reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 93-116 AV1439 Gauri Chattopadhyaya, Advaitic Ontology and Epistemology: a Critical Reassessment. Allahabad 2001 AV1439.1 Karunasindhu Das, "A Vedanta perspective on disambiguation", PVB 20, 2001, 62-68 AV1439.2 R.K.Das Gupta, "Vedanta in Bengal", BRMIC 52, 2001: 147, 196, 231, 267, 321, 353, 399, 479 AV1439.5 N. Usha Devi, "'If there were no snakes at all'. Reply to query published in the JICPR Vol. 7, no. 3", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 245-246 AV1439.8 Bharta Dhruva, "Mahavakyas and their application", VK 88, 2001, 222-233 AV1440 N. S. Dravid, "A postscript to the discussion on the mahavayas", IndPQ 28, 2001, 93-96 AV1440.1 Lionel Fernandes, "A Christian reflects on the Vedanta", CTB 45-64 AV1440.2 T.N.Ganapathy, "The philosophy of the Tamil siddhas and Advaita: a study in parallelism", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 55-79 AV1440.3 Alan Hunter, "Chinese Buddhism and Vedanta", PB 105, 2001: 116, 172 AV1440.5 Rajesh Kumar Jha, "Post-modernism and Advaita spirituality", RDSPPIWP 185-196 AV1440.7 Dhreev S. Kaji, Yet Another Book on Vedanta: Common Sense about Uncommon Wisdom. New Delhi 2001 AV1441 A Kanthamani, "Are Dravid's mahavayas Fregean mahavayas?", IndPQ 28, 2001, 97-99 AV1441.1 A. Kanthamani, "What is it to be a witness consciousness (saksin)", IndPQ 28, 2001, 1-147 AV1441.2 Bob Kindler, "What is solid yet subtle?", PB 105, 2001, 329-331 AV1441.2.5 Sashi Prabha Kumar, "Pratibodhaviditam as saksi caitanya", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 87-102 AV1441.3 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Jagat, jiva and Brahman: Advaita view", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 117-129 AV1441.3.5 G.M.Mallica, "Advaita in Srimad-Bhagavata", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 103-116; 26.1, 2001, 45-71 AV1441.4 G. Mishra, "Doing Advaita--Malkanian way", JICPR 18.4, 2001, 249-261 AV1441.5 G. C, Nayak,"The Advaita philosophy of value", JUJI 7, 2001, 125-131 AV1441.5.5 L. Antony Saveri Raj, "The radical trinity : Raimon Panikkar's re-vision of Advaita and the trinity", CTB 178-191 AV1441.6 M. Prabhakara Rao, "Brahman-world illusion in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 129-146 AV1441.8 C.S.Shah, "Advaita Vedanta as the quest for knowledge", VK 88, 2001, 139-141 AV1442 Ramesh Kumar Shastri, "Dreamless sleep and some related philosophical issues", PEW 51, 2001, 210-231 AV1444 Karan Singh, "Vedanta and the challenge of modern times", BRMIC 52, 2001, 11-17 AV1445 R. L. Singh, "An axiological view of avidya:, TVOS 26.1, 2001, 39-55 AV1446 Tathagatananda, "The fundamental teachings of Vedanta", BRMIC 52, 2001: 18, 62, 117 AV446.5 Tattwanayananda, "Advaita philosophy and the 'dharma' ideal", PB 106, 2001, 547-550 AV1447 Tattwavidananda, "Concept of existence in Advaita Vedanta", PB 105, 2001, 271-275 AV1449 Augustine Thottakara, "A Vedantic perspective of ecology", JD 26, 2001, 9-27 AV1451 D.N.Tiwari, "'Suppose Mr. X realizes the Advaitic Brahman: will he be able to make that claim (not just speak, etc.) by making the statement ahambrahmasmi? Will he be able to tell Mr. Y tattvamasi and sarvam khalvidam brahma?' Reply to the queries of U.A.Vinay Kumar published in JICPR 17.3", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 247 AV1451.5 N. Veezhinathan, "On the cause of the world", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 80-86 AV1452 Brahmaprana, "Vedanta: death and the art of dying", PB 107, 2002, 605-620 AV1453 Chidananda, "Vedantic wisdom: the way to real happiness", VK 89, 2002, 253-256 AV1454 Maya Das, "Tattvamasi: a discussion on Advaita method, meaning and metaphysics", PQJNMU 8, 2002, 13-20 AV1455 Thomas A. Forsthoeffel, Knowing Beyond Knowledge. Epistemollogies of Religious Experience in Classical and Modern Advaita. Aldershot, England; Burlington, Vt. 2002 AV1455.5 Rajesh Kumar Jha, "The response of non-dualism (Advaita) to the problem of individualism", JRS 33, 2002, 21-35 AV1456 Jojo Joseph, "Trinitarian experience of a Christian and Advaitic experience of a Hindu", JD 27, 2002, 207-231 AV1456.5 Stephen Kaplan, "Vidya and avidya: simultaneous and coterminous?–a holographic model to illuminate the Advaita", PEW 57, 2002 AV1457 Paul Y. F. Loke, "The transcendental self", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 130-147 AV1458 Suryakant Maharane, "Husserl's phenomenology: an Advaita Vedanta perspective", PQJNMU 8.3-4, 2002, 83-92 AV1459 V. Malavalli, "Einstein's relativity and relation to Vedantic thought", JIBSt 51.1, 2002, 13-7 AV1459.5 G. M. Mallica, "Advaita in Srimad-Bhagavata", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 103-116; 27.1, 2002, 45-71 AV1459.7 Satya Deva Misra, "The concept of saksi caitanya in Samkara's Vedanta", IndicSt1 114-122 AV1460 G. S. Murty, Paratattvaganitadarsana. Egometry or Principles of Transcendental Philosophy or Mathematical Truth. Delhi 2002 AV1461 Samir Nath, Dictionary of Vedanta. Delhi 2002 AV1464 William Page, "A case for counter-superimposition", BRMIC 53, 2002, 159-162 AV1465 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Problem of avidya and avidyasraya", RKBSSS 100-113 AV1465.1 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "On the fifth definition of mithyatva", RKBSSS 122-129 AV1466 Parfulle Kumar Panigrahi, The Theory of Zero-Existence. Maya, the Power Divine. New Delhi 2002 AV1467 M.S.Muralidharan Pillai, "Advaita interpretation of mahavakyas", ITH 495-499 AV1468 Pitambarananda, "The challenge before Vedanta today", BRMIC 53, 2002: 12-20, 78-82 AV1468.2 Prabuddhananda, "Consciousness is supreme", PB 107, 2002, 413-415 AV1468.4 S. V. Raman, "Advaita Bhagwad Gita: its relevance in quantum meditation", Dilip 28.4, 2002, 8-14 AV1468.5 Chakravarti Ram-Prasad, Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics. An Outline of Indian Non-Realism. London 2002 AV1469 P.S.Roodurmun, Bhamati and Vivarana Schools of Advaita Vedanta. Edited by Kanshi Ram. Delhi 2002 AV1470 M. Schm?cker, "Zur Kontroverse um die Erkenntbarkeit des Unterschiedes in Advaita- und Visistadvaita-Vedanta", SH3 131-152 AV1471 Sevaprana, "Why do we suffer?", PB 107, 2002, 207-212, 257-261 AV1473 B.N.K.Sharma, "Mahavakyas and via negativa methodology", BNKSRP 19-22 AV1474 B.N.K.Sharma, "Perception and configuration of saksi in Dvaita and Advaita schols--an appraisal", BNKSRP 37-40 AV1475 Ram Murti Sharma, Encyclopedia of Vedanta. Second edition. Three volumes. Delhi 2002 AV1476 Henry Simoni-Wastila, "Maya and radical particularity: can particular persons be one with Brahman?", IJHS 6, 2002, 1-18 AV1479 Jaidev Singh, "Role of bhavana in moral and spiritual development", PB 107, 2002, 309-312 AV1477 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", IICQ 28.4, 2002, 145-151 AV1479 Gopal Stavig, "Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Indian Vedantists on mysticism, salvation and heavenly existence", JD 27, 2002, 149-168 AV1479.0 Sharada Subramanian, "On the problem of evil with special reference to Vedanta", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 96-113 AV1479.1 G. L. Suthar, "Dr. Madhusudana Oja's approach toward establishing conformity between the Veda and the Vedanta", Madhya Bharati 52, 2002, 81-86 AV1479.2 N. Veezhinathan, "Interpretation of Vedantic texts", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 33-44 AV1479.2.1 N. Veezhinathan, "The nature of the jiva according to Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2002, 108-118 AV1479.3 Ramesh S. Balsekar, Advaita, the Buddha, and the Unbroken Whole. Bombay 2003 AV1479.3.5 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta. Kolkata 2003 AV1479.4 V. A. Devasenapathy, "World perspective of Indian philosophy", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 51-60 AV1479.5 N. Usha Devi, "BEING-Being-being: the Advaitic perspective", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 147-160 AV1479.6 N. Usha Devi, "What is the difference, if any, between abhava and anupalabdhi?", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 184-186 AV1479.7 N. Usha Devi, "Comments on Brahman-world illusion in Advaita Vedanta: a critique:, JICPR 20.2, 2003, 200-207 AV1479.7 S.P.Dubey, "The method of early Advaita", PB 108, 2003, 130-132 AV1480 Bina Gupta, Cit: Consciousness. New Delhi 2003 AV1482 K. N. Hota, "The grounds for accepting arthapatti as a distinct pramana", JGJRI 48-49, 2002-2003, 289-296 AV1483 V. R. Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is Brahman itself, not different from it", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 73-79 AV1484 S. N. Kandaswamy, "The encounter between Saiva Siddhanta and Advaita", ThV 690-724 AV1485 Bijayananda Kar, "Bhavarupa-Avidya: a new analysis", Parampara 130-140 AV1485.1 Bijayananda Kar, "National integration, secularism and Advaita philosophy of value", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 38-50 AV1485.2 Bijayananda Kar, "The Vedantic concept of purusartha", BrB 39-50 AV1486 Daya Krishna, "Freeing philosophy from the 'prison-house' of 'I-centricity'", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 125-143 AV1487 Gauri Mahullikar, "Trends of assimilation and integration in Vedanta philosophy", SVUOJ 46, 2003, 87-101 AV1488 M.S.Manhas, The Holy Vedantic Life. New Delhi 2003 AV1488.5 G. Mishra, "Jivanmukti and jivanmukta", VarPl 191-202 AV1488.6 Godabarisha Mishra, "Maya-avidya–a phenomenological problematic", BrB 23-38 AV1489 K. Narain, The Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 2003 AV1489.5 S. L. Pandey, "The idea of spiritual value", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72 AV1490 R.C.Pradhan, "R. Balasubramanian on Wittgenstein: the search for Advaitic roots", Parampara 212-228 AV1490.5 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology, and science: an Advaitic analysis", TVOS 28.1, 2003, 120-129 AV1491 S.V.Raman, "Advaita in Bhagwad Gita: its relevance in quantum meditation", Dilip 29.1, 2003, 13-20; 29.2, 2005, 29-36 AV1491.5 Ranganathananda, Democratic Administration in the Light of Practical Vedanta. Mylapore, Chennai 2003 AV1492 Nagaraja Rao, "Bhagavan Ramana Mahrishi–the restorer of Advaita", VarPl 236-240 AV1493 Srinivasa Rao, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics: some reflections", BrB 173-188 AV1492.5 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "A reply to A. Kanthasuri's comments on my views concerning consciousness vs. dreamless sleep", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 208-213 AV1492.7 V. A. Sarma, "On differences in some readings in the Advaita texts", Sarupa-Sarabham 83-94 AV1492.8 V. R. Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is Brahman itself, not different from it", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 73-79 AV1493 Marcus Schm?cker, "The object of perception: the debate in Advaita and Visistadvaita", Parampara 341-362 AV1494 Umamaheshwari Shankar, "Acarya parampara in Advaita tradition", JAIRI 5, 2002-2003, 1-14 AV1494.8 Karan Singh, "Some thoughts on Vedanta", VarPl 362-369 AV1495 Debabrata Sinha, "Ananda--the notion and the theme: a perspective", Parampara 178-190 AV1497 D.N.Tiwari, "A reply to the queries of Jagat Pal publishedin JICPR Vol. XVII.no 3, July-Sept. 2000", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 187-188 AV1497 N. Veezhinathan, "Conceptual divide between Advaita and Visistadvaita", ThV 239-276 AV1497.1 N. Veezhinathan, "The nature of the jiva according to Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2003, 108-118 AV1497.2 N. Veezhinathan, "On mithyatva", TVOS 28.1, 2003, 104-119 AV1497.5 Ashok Vohra, "Jaganmithya–an alternative interpretation", BrB 1-10 AV1498 Annette Wilke, "Der vedische Weltburger. Zur Globalisierung des Advaitavedanta0parampara zwischen Traditionalilsmus und auto-Orientalismus", RelimS 321-356 AV1498.3 Adiswarananda, The Vedanta Way to Peace and Happiness. Woodstock, Vt. 2004 AV1498.5 T. N. Ganapathy, "Rambling thoughts on Tamil siddhas and Advaita", TVOS 29, 2004, 173-178 AV1499 Minati Kar, "Perennial values in Vedanta philosophy", Kalyan Bharati 8, 2004 AV1499.1 Paul Y. E. Lok, "Liberation in Advaita", TVOS 29, 2004, 121-144 AV1499.3 G. Mishra, "Vivekananda as a post-Samkara Advaitina", TVOS 29, 2004, 220-236 AV1499.5 Robert Powell, Dialogues on Reality: An Exploration into the Nature of our Ultimate Identity. Delhi 2004 AV1500 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology and science; an Advaitic analysis", AsPOxford 14, 2004, 147-154 AV1500.2 Ramaswarup, Vedanta and Eternal Vedas Philosophy II. Kangra 2004 AV1500.3 Charles Rathkopf, "Hindu philooph", TVOS 29, 2004, 194-206 AV1500.5 Arvind Sharma, Sleep as a State of Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 2004 AV1500.6 Arvind Sharma, Advaita Vedanta: an Introduction.Delhi 2004 AV1500.6.5 K. Srinivas, "The social significance of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 29, 2004, 174-203 AV1500.7 Satyaswarupananda, "Dreams and deep sleep", VK 91, 2004: 229, 258 AV1500.8 N. Veezhinathan, "The theme of consciousness in Indian culture", CIPY 76-89 AV1500.9 N. Veezhinathan, "OPn the notion of the phenomenal world", TVOS 29, 2004, 207-219 AV1500.9.5 Radhasyan Brahmachari and Baidyanath Basu, "Vedanta and modern science", BRMIC 56, 2005, 396-402 AV1501 John Bussanick, "The roots of Platonoism and Vedanta: comments on Thomas McEvilly", IJHS 9, 2005, 1-20 AV1501.5 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, Practical application of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 56, 2005, 153-159 AV1502 Bhupendra Chandra Das, "Spinoza's substance and Vedanta-Brahman", UPEWP 157-162 AV1505 Martha Doherty, "A contemporary debate among Advaita Vedantins on the nature of avidya", JIP 33, 2005, 209-241 AV1506 Gambhirananda, "Vedanta in practice", PB 110, 2005, 151-163 AV1507 N. Gazabas, "Advaita and gnosticism", IHR 32.1, 2005 AV1507.5 Bart Gruzalski, "Modern philosophical fragmentation versus Vedanta and Plato", DCI 349-362 AV1507.5 D. Haimalayanath, "Vedanta at the development paradigm" a critique", JGJRI 60-61, 2004-2005, 301-314 AV1507.8 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Ontological quest from Veda to Vedanta", SelfSV 47-58 AV1507.9 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Significance of sadhanacatustaya in Vedanta", SelfSV 108-125 AV1508 Mukhyananda, "Vednta as an investigative system", PB 110, 2005, 22-27 AV1508.5 Raphael Neelamkavil, "Reconstructing the foundations of Vedanta metaphysics: a pluriversal model for philosophizing", JD 30, 2005, 337-364 AV1509 Pitambarananda, "Individual being and universal being", PB 110, 2005, 219-221 AV1509.5 R. C. Pradhan, "Social dimensions of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 30.1, 2005, 35-53 AV1509.8 T. P. Ramachandran, "The Advaita view of life", TVOS 30, 2005, 132-146 AV1510 Ranganathananda, "Vedanta and science", BRMIC 56, 2005, 285-291 AV1510.5 Srinivasa Rao, "Advaita as the foundation of morality", TVOS 30, 2005, 102-125 AV1511 Satyamayananda, "Beyond illusions", PB 110, 2005, 566-570 AV1513 Sunirmalananda, Insights into Vedanta: Tattvabodha. Chennai 2005 AV1513.5 Sebastian Velassery, "Transcendent Brahman and the problematic of ultimate reality in Vedanta: a phenomenological approach", PURB 32.1-2, 2005, 112-124 AV1514 Namboodri R. Jeevan Babu, "Vedanta philosophy and Sartrean existentialism", PappuSV 193-198 AV1514.5 Adiswarananda, The Four Yogas: a Guide to the Spiritual Path of Action, Devotion, Meditation and Knowledge. Woodstock, Vt. 2006 AV1514.8 S. Balakrishnan, "Self-enquiry, knowledge and liberation", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 152-159 AV1515 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Aham brahmasmi: its logical foundation and value implications", PapuSV 81-96 AV1516 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Real, uinreal and false in Advaita vedanta", IndPQ 33, 2006, 75-84 AV1516.1 D. Nirmala Devi, "Ego and desire", PB 111, 2006, 651-653 AV1516.2 N. Usha Devi, "Anirvacaniyata: recasting the Advaita assertion", JICPR 23.2, 2006, 164-184 AV1516.3 Shree Jahannatha (Swami), "Ultimate reality in Advaita and Tantra", PappuSV 157-164 AV1516.4 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Advaita through sabdaparoksatva: is it testimonial or perceptual?", SPIP 135-141 AV1516.5 Prabalal Janaki, "The echo of Vedanta in Tyagaraja's musical compositions", PappuSV 140-148 AV1516.7 J. P. Johnson, "Advaita and aletheia: a comparative analysis of Hindu and Chinese metaphysics", PappuSV 212-229 AV1517 Ashmita Khasnabish, Jouissance as Ananda. Lexington 2006 AV1519 Kanchi Mahasrami, "Veda and Vedanta: do they conflict with each other?", Dilip 32.1, 2006, 37-39 AV1520 Godabarisha Mishra, "Tat tvam asi: understanding in the tradition of Samkara", PappuSV 67-80 AV1521 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Buddhist philosophy as presented in Advaita Vedanta works", VIJ 43-44, 2005-2006, 214-225 AV1522 K. T. Pandurangi, N. Veezhinathan and K. F. Devanathan, "Utilisation of Purvamimamsa Nyaya in Vedanta", PIPV 389-428 AV1523 Krishnan Unni Pettapallath, "Is Vedanta a life-negating philosophy?", VK 93, 2006, 70-72 AV1524 R. C. Pradhan, "Transcendental philosophy and Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 75-92 AV1525 R. Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology and science: an Advaitic analysis", PappuSV 31-42 aV1526 T. P. Ramachandran, "The philosophy of the soul in Srimad-Bhagavata ", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 102-125; 32, 2007, 31-58 AV1527 C. L. Ramakrishnan, "The triad of yogas", TVOS 31.2, 2006, 112-141 AV1528 V. V. Raman. "Transcendence in modern science and in classical Vedanta", PappuSV 251-265 AV1530 Ranganathananda, "Human relationships in Vedanta", VK 93, 20-06, 452-460 AV1530.1 Arvind Sharma, Sea-Shell as Silver. A Metaphorical Excursion into Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 2006 AV1530.3 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "The concept of freedom according to Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 57, 2006, 347-348 AV1530.6 Sukha Ranjan Shah, "Vedanta as the art of living", BRMIC 57, 2006, 533-540 AV1530.9 Satyamayananda, "The Self and the Atman", PB 111, 2006, 590-595 AV1535 K. Srinivas, "The Advaitic understanding of self and human rationality", PappuSV 43-58 AV1545 Sthaneshwar Timalsina, Seeing and Appearance. Aachen 2006 AV1560 N. Veezhinathan, "Rta, rna, and dharma", ES3WB 608-625 AV1561 Vipashananda, "Vidya and avidya", PB 111, 2006, 647-650 AV1562 Paravrajika Vrajaprana, "To be or to become? Vedanta's approach to the study and practice of virtues", BRMIC 57, 2006: 78, 127 AV1563 Anindita N. Balselv, "An exploration of subjectivity in Advaita Vedanta", ARC The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 35, 2007 AV1563.5 Brahmesananda, "Soul and God", VK 94, 2007, 356 AV1564 Brahmesananda, "Nature of mind and ego", VK 94, 2007, 307-312 AV1565 Ravindra K. S. Chaudhury, Wittgensteinian Philosophy and Vedanta. 2007 AV1567 N. Usha Devi, Advaita Vedanta: a Logico-Cognitive Approach. Kochi 2007 AV1567.2 P. Syamala Devi, "Mysticism and Advaita", SIPSR 233-240 AV1568 Stuart Elkman (Swami Atmajnananda), "What to do with the world", EMH 467-472 AV1570 Thomas A. Forsthoeful, Knowing Beyond Knowledge. Epistemologies, Religious Experience in Classical and Modern Advaita. Delhi 2007 AV1570.0 Bina Gupta, "Freedom in Indian philosophy", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 35-58 AV1570.5 N. Hariharan, "Importance of vyavaharika in Advaita", TVOS 32, 2007, 5-22 AV1571 Stephen Kaplan, "'Vidyas and 'avidya: simultaneous and coterminous?–a holographic model to illuminate the Advaita debate", PEW 57, 2007, 178-203 AV1572 Jitendra Nath Kar, "Vedanta and human personality", VK 94, 2007, 272-276 AV1572.3 Arun Kumar Ojhe, "The enigma of maya: a reappraisal", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 175-192 AV1572.5 K. V. Raghupathi, "Mind and its functioning", VK 94, 2007, 17-20 AV1573 Chakravarti Ram-Prasad, "Studies in Advaita Vedanta: towards an Advaita theory of consciousness", PEW 57, 2007, 107-110 AV1573.4 Srinivasa Rao, "The 'ontological gap' and the sadasadvilaksana of Advaita metaphysics: are they logically sound?", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 21-32 AV1573.5 S. Revathy, "The problem of the one and the many", TVOS 32, 2007, 77-110 AV1574 T. S. Rukmani, "Yoga in Aamkara's Advaita Vedanta", ABORI 87, 2007, 123-134 AV1574.3 Goda Venkateswara Sastry, "Falsity of the world", TVOS 32, 2007, 111-132 AV1574.7 S. N. Shastri, "Adhyasabhasya", TVOS 32, 2007, 133-174 AV1575 Marcus Schmucker, "Debates about the object of perception in the traditions of Advaita and Visistadvaita", MVIC 115-158 AV1576 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Advaita: its spiritual significance", BRMIC 58, 2007, 487-491 AV1579 Siddheswarananda, "God and man–a Vedantic view", VK 94, 2007, 252-253, 332-336 AV1579.1 Siddheswarananda, "Three states of consciousness", VK 94, 2007, 214-225 AV1579.2 Siddheswarananda, "Understanding reality as sat-chid-ananda", VK 94, 2007, 132-135 AV1579.3 Siddhewarananda, "Understanding nirvikalpaka-samadhi", VK 94, 2007, 371-374 AV1579.4 Siddheswarananda, "Real and unreal–a Vedantic study", VK 94, 2007, 8-11 AV1584 N. Veezhinathan, "The test–tat tvam asi–its interpretation", TVOS 32, 2007, 175-184 AV1587 Vireshananda, "Understanding the inherent divinity", VK 94, 2007, 67-72 AV1590 Vedanta Philosophy. EITCH Volume 18, 2008 AV1592 Douglas L. Berger, The Veil of Maya. 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New Delhi 2008 AV1617 Narasimhananda, "Beyond distinctions", PB 113, 2008, 628-632 AV1618 Nityasthananda, "What is reality?", PN 113, 2008, 287-289 AV1622 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The mahavakyas: their role in sadhana", PB 113, 2008, 305-307 AV1624 Polugam Suchanana Sastri, "Advaita thought in Valmiki RamayanA", dILIP 34.2, 2008, 8-9 AV1630 Yuktananda, "The principles of Vedanta", BRMIC 59, 2008, 141-148 AV1640 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Vedanta Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 |