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BL1 O. Rosenberg, Problems of Buddhist Philosophy (in Russian). Petrograd 1918. Translated into German as Die Probleme der buddhistischen Philosophie. Heidelberg 1924 BL2 Theodore Stcherbatsky, La Theories de la Connaissance et la Logique chez les Bouddhistes Tardifs. Russian original translated into German, Munchen 1924. Translated into French in AMG 36, 1926. Pp. 12-39 reprinted ETB 441-468 BL3 Satkari Mookerjee, "Ksanabhangavada", CR 35, 1930, 83-98 BL4 Th. Stcherbatsky, Buddhist Logic. Two volumes. BBudh 26, 1930; The Hague 1958; New York 1962 BL4.1 D.C.Chatterjee, "Buddhist logic (an introductory summary)", ABORI 13, 1931-32, 77-85 BL5 Jean Przyluski, "Sautrantika et Darstantika", RO 8, 193l-32, 14-24 BL6 K. Fischer, "Einiges über den Syllogismus", BLD 3, 1932, 28-35 BL6.1 D. Chatterjee, "Sources of Buddhist logic", IHQ 9. 1933, 499-502 BL7 Duracharan Chatterji, "Sources of knowledge in Buddhist logic", IC 1, 1934-356, 263-274 BL8 Satkari Mookerjee, "A Buddhist estimate of universals", IC 1, 1934-35, 359-374 BL9 H.R.Rangaswamy Iyengar, "Some theories of Buddhist logic in the Kavyalamkara of Bhamaha", PAIOC 8, 1935, 419-424 BL10 N. Aiyaswami Sastri, "A short account of the Sautrantika philosophy", PAIOC 9, 1937, 618-622 BL11 N. Aiyaswami Sastri, "Some tenets of the Sautrantikas", JSVRI 1.2, 1940, 179-192 BL12 P.T.Raju, "Buddhist conception of negation", HirComVol 162-170 BL13 D.N.Sastri, "Sautrantika theory of knowledge", ABORI 32, 1952, 122-129 BL14 Saileswar Sen, "A note on the Yogacara-Sautrantika theory of adhyasa", HirComVol 175-180 BL15 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Theory of meaning according to the Buddhist logicians", ALB 18, 1954, 196-209 BL16 Anantlal Thakur, "Influence of Buddhist logic on Alamkarasastra", JOI 7, 1958, 257-261 BL17 Yuichi Kajiyama, "On the theory of intrinsic determination of universal concomitance in Buddhist logic", JIBSt 7.1, 1958, 32-36. Reprinted StudBudPhilos 497-502 BL18 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "The Sautrantika theory of bija", BSOAS 22, 1959, 236-249. Reprinted CPBS 219-238 BL19 Richard S.Y.Chi, Buddhist Syllogistic and its Relation to Modern Formal Logic. Ph.D.Thesis, Cambridge University 1964 BL20 Heramba Chatterjee, "Arguments in favor of recognising the Buddha as an independent authority", PAIOC 22.2, 1965, 144-146 BL21 Srinivas Shastri, "The conception of external object in the school of Dignaga", Darshana 18, 1965, 91-97 BL22 V.V.Ivanov, "About the analogous conception of Buddhist logic and contemporary European science" (in Russian). Narodi Azii Afriki (Moscow) 5, 1966, 250 BL23 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Buddhist philosophical schools on the problem of existence and knowledge. Chapter II: Sautrantika" (summary). TK 43.11, 1967, 1-2 BL24 Masatoshi Nagatomi, "Arthakriya", ALB 31-32, 1967-68, 52-72 BL25 Srinivas Sastri, "The representational theory of perception in Buddhist philosophy", KUJ 1, 1967, 407-415 BL26 Dhirendra Sharma, "Buddhist theory of meaning (apoha) and negative statements", PEW 18, 1968, 3-10 BL27 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Ontological basis of the Buddhist theory of inference", VJP 5.2, 1969, 26-33. Reprinted RPISP 50-59 BL28 Chandramani Sharma, Critical Study of the Pramanas according to Nyaya and Buddhist Logic. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Allahabad 1970 BL29 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The problem of svalaksana in the Sautrantika epistemology", JOI 20, 1970-71, 216-225 BL30 S.S.Barlingay, "The significance of pratityasamutpada, samanyalaksana and apoha in Buddhism", ProcIPC 1971, 140-157 BL30.5 J.N.Mohanty, "Buddhist Logic and its doctrine of apoha", Bharati 5, 1971; reprinted LRA 85-90 BL31 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The role of 'yogic perception' in Buddhist thought", JGJRI 28.1-2, 1972, 701-708 BL32 R.R.Dravid, "The doctrine of apoha", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 156-171 BL33 Y.Kajiyama, "Three kinds of affirmation and two kinds of negation in Buddhist logic", WZKSOA 19, 1973, 161-175. Reprinted StudBudPhilos 155-170 BL34 D.N.Shastri, "Perceptive judgment in Buddhist school (Dignaga school)", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 215-223 BL35 R.K.Tripathi, "Pramana samplava and pramana vyavastha", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 172-178 BL36 S.R.Bhatt, "Buddhist and Nyaya methods of vyaptigraha", JDBSDU 1, 1974, 1-4 BL37 Richard S.Y. Chi, "Topics on being and logical reasoning", PEW 24, 1974, 293-300 BL38 A.Charlene McDermott, "The Sautrantika arguments against the traikalyavada in the light of the contemporary tense revolution", PEW 24, 1974, 193-200. Reprinted ETB 409-416 BL39 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Buddhist epistemology: the number of pramanas", JDBSDU 1, 1974, 45-50 BL40 J.L.Shaw, "Empty terms: the Nyaya and the Buddhists", JIP 2, 1974, 332-343 BL41 Douglas D. Daye, "Buddhist logic", BAMP 127-132 BL42 Hans G. Herzberger, "Double negation in Buddhist logic", JIP 3, 1975, 3-16 BL43 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "What sort of a criterion is the criterion of functionality?", JGJRI 31, 1975, 339-344 BL44 Kaisa Puhakka, Knowledge and Reality: A Comparative Study of Quine and Some Buddhist Logicians. Delhi 1975 BL44.5 Lambert Schmithausen, "Zur buddhistischen lehre von der dreifachen Leidhaftigkeit", ZDMG Suppl 3, 1977, 918-931 BL45 Alex Wayman, "Reflections on the study of Buddhist logic", ITaur 5, 1977, 289-307 BL46 J.L.Shaw, "Negation and the Buddhist theory of meaning", JIP 6, 1978, 59-78 BL47 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "The Buddhist theory of relation between prama and pramana", JIP 7, 1979, 43-78 BL48 Esho Mikogami, "Some remarks on the concept of arthakriya", JIP 7, 1979, 69-74 BL49 Ernst Steinkellner, "Miszellen zur erkenntnistheoretisch-logischen Schule des Buddhismus", WZKSOA 23, 1979 - 29, 1985 BL50 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Bhamaha and Buddhist logic", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 201-216. Also ACIS 106-111 BL50.1 A.L.Thakur, "Chala, jati and nigrahasthana and the Buddhist philosophers", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 47-52 BL50.2 S. Matsumoto, "Sahopalambhaniyama", Journal of Soto Sect Research Fellows 12, 1980, 298-265 BL51 Katsumi Mimaki, "Sur le role de l'antarasloka ou du samgrahasloka", IEB 233-244 BL52 Katsumi Mimaki, "Le chapitre des Blo gsal grub mtha' sur les Sautrantika", Zinbun 15, 1980 - 16, 1981 BL53 Masatoshi Nagatomi, "Manasa-pratyaksa: a conundrum in the Buddhist pramana system", SISDI 243-260. Also (in Japanese with English summary) TISGR 11, 1984, 23-34 BL54 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Social significance of apoha", JDBSDU 7, 1983, 1-12 BL54.1 Shyamalal Sanyal, "The case of Buddhist nominalism", Darshana 23.3, 1983, 10-17 BL55 Rama Das, Self and Causality in Hume and the Sautrantika. Ph.D.Thesis, Syracuse University 1983 BL56 Rita Gupta, "Some significant contributions of Buddhist logicians in the development of Indian philosophy", IndPQ 11, 1984-85, 161-170 BL57 Anu Mehrotra, "The concept of trairupya in Dignaga-Dharmakirti tradition", JDBSDU 8.1, 1984, 39-48 BL58 Anu Mehrotra, "The concept of sarupya", JDBSDU 8.2, 1984, 21-32 BL59 N.H.Samtani, "Towards Mahayana: a study of Sautrantika leanings", ASBP 137-150 BL60 Tom J.F. Tillemans, "Sur le pararthanumana en logique bouddhique", AS 18, 1984, 73-99 BL61 Kamaleshwar Bhattacharya, "Some thoughts on antarvyapti, bahirvyapti, and trairupya", BLE 89-106 BL62 Hans G. Herzberger, "Three systems of Buddhist logic", BLE 59-76 BL63 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Buddhist logic and epistemology", BLE 1-30 BL64 Tom Tillemans, "Identity and referential opacity in Tibetan Buddhist apoha theory", BLE 207-228 BL64.1 Akihiko Akamatsu, "Vidhivadin et pratisedhavadin: double aspect presenté par la théorie semantique du bouddhisme indien:, Zinbun 21, 1986, 67-90 BL65 Mangala Chinchore, "Some thoughts on significant contributions of Buddhist logicians", JIP 15, 1987, 155-172 BL66 Takashi Iwata, "On the identity in Buddhist logic" (summary). TICOJ 32, 1987, 112-113 BL67 R.K.Payne, "The theory of meaning in Buddhist logicians: the historical and intellectual context of apoha", JIP 15, 1987, 261-284 BL67.5 Ram Shankar Tripathi, "Process of change: the Sautrantika view",SramV 41-46 BL68 Douglas D. Daye, "On translating the term drstanta in early Buddhist formal logic", PEW 38, 1988, 147-156 BL69 Roger R. Jackson, "The Buddha as pramanabhuta: epithets and arguments in the Buddhist 'logical' tradition", JIP 16, 1988, 335-366 BL70 Michael Torsten Much, A Visit to Rahula Sankrtyayana's Collection of Negatives at the Bihar Research Society: Texts from the Buddhist Epistemological School. Wien 1988 BL70.1 G. S. Sahay, "The samadhavupasargah' (P.V.S.III.37)--a re-visit", YM 27.34, 1988-89, 67-73 BL70.2 Jai Singh, "The Buddhist theory of meaning (apoha)", KUJ 23, 1989, 131-135 BL71 Ernst Steinkellner, "Methodological remarks on the constitution of Sanskrit texts from the Buddhist pramana-tradition", WZKSOA 32, 1988, 103-130 BL72 Tom J.F. Tillemans, "Some reflections on R.S.Y.Chi's Buddhist Formal Logic", JIABS 11.1, 1988, 155-171 BL73 Eli Franco, "Was the Buddha a Buddha?", JIP 17, 1989, 81-100 BL73.1 Masahiro Inami, "On paksabhasa", StBudEp 69-83 BL73.2 Bimal Matilal, "Dharmakirti and the universally negative inference", StBudEp 161-168 BL73.3 Chisho Mamoru Namai, "Two aspects of paralokasadhana in Dharmakirtian tradition", StBudEp 227-241 BL73.3.5 Claus Oetke, "Zur interpretation du drei Merkmale des logischeGrundes", ZDMG Suppl Vol. 7, 1989, 391-401 BL73.4 J.K.Rechung, "Rebirth in Buddhist Logic", Bulletin of Tibetology 1989, 11-15 BL74 Ernst Steinkellner, "Miszelen zur erkenntnis theoretisch-logischen Schule des Buddhismus", WZKSOA 33, 1989, 177-182; 34, 1990, 209-210 BL75 V.A.van Bijlert, Epistemology and Spiritual Authority. The Development of Epistemology and Logic in the Old Nyaya and the Buddhist School of Epistemology. Wien 1989 BL75.5 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Self-awareness (sva-samvitti)", VBA n.s. 2, 1990, 21-30 BL76 Bhavani Shankar Shukla, "Historical tradition of Buddhist logic", Tulku 63-71 BL77 Tom J.F. Tillemans, "On sapaksa", JIP 18, 1990, 53-80. Reprinted SLL 89-116 BL77.1 Ram Shankar Tripathi, Sautrantikadarsanam. Varanasi 1990 BL78 Tom J.F.Tillemenas, "More on pararthanumana theses and syllogisms", AS 45.1, 1991, 143-148. Reprinted SLL 69-88 BL79 Rita Gupta, "Agent-causation and event causation: the Buddhist-Naiyayikas controversy", BHIA 190-209 BL80 Peter Della Santina, "Sakaravada-nirakaravada controversy", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 174-175 BL80.1 Ernst Steinkellner, "Buddhist logic: the search for certainty", BudSp 213-218 BL80.5 Rom J.F.Tillemans, "La logique bouddhique est-elle une logique non-classique ou deviante? Remarques sur le tetralemme (catuskoti)", in J.-L. Soliere, ed., Le Cahiers de philosophie 14, 1992, 183=198. Translated by J. Dunne as "Is Buddhist logic non-classical or deviant?", SLL 187-207 BL81 Claus Oetke, Studies in the Doctrine of Trairupya. Wien 1994 BL82 Paul Schweizer, "Momentary consciousness and Buddhist epistemology", JIP 22, 1994, 81-91 BL83 David Seyfort Ruegg, "Validity and authority or cognitive rightness and pragmatic efficacy? On the concepts of pramana, pramanabhuta and pramana(bhuta)purusa", AS 49, 1995, 817-828 BL84 Amar Singh, The Sautrantika Analytical Philosophy. New Delhi 1995 BL84.1 E. Steinkellner and M. T. Much, Texte der erkenntnis-theoretischen Schule des Buddhismus. Systematische Übersicht übersicht die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literature, II. Abh. de A.K.Wiss Götingen, Phil-Hist Kl., Dritte Folge ms. 214, Gottingen 1995 BL85 Tom J. F. Tillemans, "On the so-called difficult point of the apoha theory", AS 49, 1995, 853-89. Reprinted SLL 209-246 BL85.0 Pradyumna Dubey, "Place of Sautrantika in Sarvastivada", Srijnanamrtam 491-499 BL85.1 Kenneth K. Inada, "The reflexive nature of momentariness (ksanavada)", BEWC 1996, 73-82 BL85.2 Shoryu Katsura, "How did the Buddhists prove something?--the nature of Buddhist logic", The Numata Yehan Lecture on Buddhism 1996, Calgary, 21 pp. BL86 Taiken Kyuma, "Incompatibility and difference--virodha and anyonyabha-vavyabhicaratva", JIBSt 45.2, 1997, 24-27 BL87 Rita Gupta, "The Buddhist theory of arthasarupya as pramana", EssInP 261-278 BL90 Takashi Iwata, "On the interpretations of the subject (dharmin) of the inference negating invariable entities in Dharmakirtin logic", DTI 155-172 BL93 Kazufumi Oki, "Pravrtti as an action of a person", DTI 287-294 BL95 Mark Siderits, "Apohavada, nominalism and resemblance theories", DTI 341-348 BL95.5 Rama Datta, "The serial view of life: the Sautrantika: a limited solution to the problem of transmigration without a self", JIAP 37, 1998, 42-52 BL95.6 Pramod Kumar, Negation, Logic and Semantics. Patna 1998 BL95.7 Tara Chatterjee, "The concept of truth in Buddhist logic", JJP 11, 1999, 29-44. Reprinted KFIP 65-76 BL96 Alex Wayman, A Milennium of Buddhist Logic. Volume I. Buddhist Tradition Series 36, Delhi 1999 BL98 Masaaki Hattori, "The problem of grammatical gender in the apoha theory", LPEIM 445-456 BL99 Prabal Kumar Sen, "The Buddhist theory of pramana and pramanaphala", RRRPKS 447-461 BL99.5 Harjeet Singh Gill, "On signification in Buddhism and French traditions", SBVT 1-27 BL99.6 Harjeet Singh Gill, "Buddhist theory of names and Condillac-Destutt de Tracy'", SBFT 60-97 BL100 Shinya Moriyama, "Non-erroneous cognition and direct awareness", JIBSt 50.2, 2001, 36-38 BL102 Ann Heirman, "Can we trace the earl Dharmaguptakas?", TP 88, 2002, 396-429 BL103 Takashi Iwata, "Compassion in proving the Buddha's authority in the Buddhist Logic school", Tohogaku 104, 2002, 10 (summary) (in Japanese pp. 140-153) BL106 Bart Dessein, "Sautrantika and the hrdaya tradition", JIABS 26, 2003, 287-320 BL109 Joshifumi Honio, "Sautrantika", JIABS 26, 2003, 321-330 BL112 Robert Kritzer, "General introduction", JIABS 26, 2003, 201-224 BL115 Guang Xing, "An inqjiry into the origin of the Mahasamghika Buddhology", IIJBS 5, 2004, 41-51 BL116 Nobuyoshi Yamada, "On the school affiliation of Asvaghosa: 'Sautrantika' or 'Yogacara'?", JIABS 26, 2003, 225-254 BL119 Nandita Banerjee, "Mode of presentation: its role in the Buddhist logic", Anviksa 25, 2004, 27-32 BL120 Collett Cox, "Sautrantika", EnB 2, 2004, 754-755 BL130 Dan Arnold, "On semantics and samketa: thoughts on a neglected problem with Buddhist apoha", JIP 34, 2006, 415-478 BL132 Vincent Eltschinger, "On seventh and eighth century Buddhist accounts of human action, practical ratioality and soteriology", Pramanakirti 135-162 BL132.5 Yohei Kawajiki, "The Pratyabhijna school's interpretation of the Buddhist concept of svalaksana", SACS 1, 2006, 109-128 BL133 Taiken Kyuma, "Marginalia on the subject of sattvanumana", Pramanakirti 469-482 BL135 Yosuhiro Okazaki, "The development of avita from the trairupya theoretical point of view", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 21-32 BL138 Mark Siderits, "Apohavada", PCRSIT 727-736 BL140 Noboru Ueda, "On the pervasion of hetu in paksa", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 217 BL140.5 A.K.Chatterjee, "Apoha: Buddhis theory of meaning", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 13-20 BL141 Chizuko Yoshimizu, "Causal efficacy and spatiotemporal restriction: an analytical study of the Sautrantika philosophy", Pramanakirti 1049-1078 BL144 Charles Hallisey, "Sautrantika", EnBuddhism 675-677 BL145 Richard P. Hayes, "Pramanika movement", EnBuddhism 597-600 BL150 Christian Coseru, "Naturalism and intentionality: a Bu ddhist epistemological approach", AsPOxford 19, 2009, 239-264 |