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C1 E.B.Cowell, "The Carvaka system of philosophy", JASBe 31, 1862, 317-390 C2 Giuseppe Tucci, "Linee di una Storia del materialismo indiano", Atti della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Anno 320 (1923), Ser. 5; Memorie della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, vol. 17 (Roma 1923), 242-310; ibid., Anno 323 (1926), ser. 6, vol. 2 (Roma 1926), 667-713. Reprinted GTOM 49-156 C2.1 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Lokayata and the doctrine of svabhava", POWSBSt 2, 1923, 93-111. Reprinted CL 441-451 C3 Haraprasad Shastri, "Lokayata", DUB 1, 1925. Reprinted London 1925. Also reprinted in SHIP 2, 25-31 and in CL 377-383 C4 Giuseppe Tucci, "A sketch of Indian materialism", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 34-44. Reprinted CL 384-393 C5 Richard Garbe, "Lokayata", ERE 8, 1926, 138 C6 Umesh Mishra, "The Carvaka system", PAIOC 4.1, Summaries 1926, 102-103 C7 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Materialism (Indian)", ERE 8, 1926, 493-494 C8 O.Strauss, "Die 'gebildeten' Carvakas", OL 1926, 907-910 C9 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, "The Lokayatikas and the Kapalikas", PAIOC 6, 1930, 287-297. Also IHQ 7, 1931, 125-137 C10 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, A Short History of Indian Materialism. Calcutta 1930. Portion reprinted CL 394-431 C11 R. A. Schermerhorn, "When did Indian materialism get its distinctive titles?", JAOS 50, 1930, 132-138 C12 P.J.Abs, "Some early Buddhistic texts in relation to the philosophy of materialism in India", CIDO 1931, 157-159 C13 Walter Ruben, "Materialismus im Leben des alten Indien", ActOD 14, 1936: 128, 177 C14 G.N.Chakravarthy, "A critical estimate of the Carvaka system", PAIOC 9, Summaries 1937, 30 C15 D.R.Shastri, "The Carvaka philosophy", CHI 1, 473-492 C16 K.B.Krishna, "Indian materialism", Triveni 12.7-8, 1940, 10-23 C17 A. Moses, "The Carvaka theory of knowledge", PQ 18, 1942-43, 206-210 C18 B.A.Saletore, "Historical notices of the Lokayatas", ABORI 23, 1942, 386-397 C19 P.S.Sastri, "A new light on the Carvaka system of philosophy", PO 12, 1948, 69-73 C20 Dakshina Ranjan (Bhattacharya) Shastri, "The Carvaka philosophy", HPE 133-138 C21 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, "Materialists, sceptics and agnostics", CHI 3, 168-186 C21.1 L.R.Joshi, "Carvaka philosophy - a critical study", JPA 1.3-4, 1953, 27-31 C22 Helmuth von Glasenapp, "Der altindische Materialismus", AS 8, 1954, 70-78 C23 K.N.Kar, "Logical empiricism and Carvaka and Buddhist systems of philosophy", JBurmaRS 37, 1954, 10-16 C24 Deviprasad Chattopadhyaya, Lokayata. Calcutta 1959 C25 M.Dambuyant, "Le materialisme dans l'Inde ancienne", Pensee 92, 1960, 89-98 C26 C.Rajagopalachari, "Materialist philosophy", VK 47, 1961, 401-402 C27 C.Kunhan Raja, "Carvaka system", PQ 36, 1963, 15-32 C28 Tarapada Bhattacharya, "God in the Carvaka system", CR 172, 1964, 201-206 C28.1 Krishnananda, Carvaka-samiksa. Hoshiarpur 1964 C29 K.V.Apte, "A note on Carvaka views referred to in the Surasundaricariar and Nanapancamikaho", JASBo 41-42, 1966-67, 150-152 C30 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Carvaka views on causation: an Advaita study", PB 71, 1966, 373-379 C31 Dakshin Ranjan Shastri, Carvaka Philosophy. Calcutta 1967 C32 Th. Stcherbatsky, "History of materialism in India". Translated from Russian by Harish C. Gupta. ISPP 10, 1968, 145-150. Reprinted CL 432-440 C33 David J. Kalupahana, "Two schools of materialism in Indian thought", Vidyodaya 2, 1969, 87-92 C34 Deviprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Indian materialism", VDIFO 72, 1970, 507-524 C35 Sadashiv N. Athavale, "Origin and growth of materialistic thought in ancient India", PBDFV 367-375 C36 B.N.Dasgupta, Materialism, Marxism, Determinism and Dialectic. Allahabad 1971 C36.5 S.K. Nanayakkarwa, "Carvaka", EnBud 3.4, 1971, 682-686 C37 Anima Sen Gupta, "The Carvakas: what they stood for", VK 58, 1971-72, 495-499. Reprinted ESOSIP 281-288 C38 I.D.Serebryakov, "Sources on the history and chronology of materialism in India", UCandB 78-81 C39 Keval Krishna Mittal, Materialism in Indian Thought. Delhi 1974 C40 G.V.Tagare, "? propos Aryabhata and Lokayatas'", JASBo 49-50, 1974-76, 218 C41 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Lokayata materialism", ITAI 101-114 C42 K.C.Chattopadhyaya, "The Lokayata system of thought in ancient India", JGJRI 31, 1975, 137-156 C43 Jagdishwar Pandey, "The Ambhiyas: a Lokayata sect", JBRS 62, 1976, 39-43 C44 G.M.Bongard-Levin, "Aryabhata and Lokayatas", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 69-77 C45 Anima Sen Gupta, "Hedonistic tone of the Carvaka philosophy", ESOSIP 289-294. C46 Ganesh Thite, "Carvaka theory of Jaradgava". Purana 19, 1977, 180-182 C47 Janakiballav Bhattacharya, "The Carvaka philosophy", Philosophica 7.1 - 7.2, 1978 C48 Bijan Kumar Biswas, "The Carvaka on anumana", Philosophica 7.1, 1978, 1-5 C49 Robert Duquenn, "Heterodox views on the elements according to Buddhist testimonies", JIBSt 26.2, 1978, 9-14 C50 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the nomenclature for materialist in ancient India", Sambodhi 8, 1979-80, 34-38 C51 R.D.Hegde, "The nature and number of pramanas according to the Lokayata system", ABORI 63, 1982, 99-120 C52 M.N.Roy, Materialism. An Outline of the History of Scientific Thought. New Delhi 1982 C53 Arvind Sharma, "Carvaka in a new light", JOI 13, 1983, 263-264 C54 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Materialism in Indian philosophy", KISSC 196-227 C55 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Lokayata in ancient India" (summary), PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 348 C57 Symali Sanyal, "The Carvaka critique of certainty in knowledge", JDBSDU 8, 1984, 13-20 C57.1 B. M. Chamke, "Probability: a contribution to Charvaka philosophy", Darshana 26.1, 1986, 20-26 C58 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Lokayata in ancient India and China", ABORI 68, 1987, 393-405 C58.1 M.S.Menon, "Caricature of 'Lokayata Darsana' or materialism in ancient India", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 81-86 C59 Arvind Sharma, "Did Prof. M. Hiriyanna revise his views about the Carvaka?", MO 15, 1989, 1-4 C59.1 N. P. Tiwary, "Conception of aparigraha (with special reference to Gandhi and Carvaka)", SVUOJ 32, 1989, 95-102 C60 Ananta Kumar Bhattacharya, "Carvaka darshana", translated by Mrinal Kanta Gangopadhyaya. CL 452-473 C61 Shubhada A. Joshi, "Indian empiricism", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 71-75 C62 H.L.Chandrashekara, "Materialists conception of soul and its logical implications", JMysoreU 52, 1990, 60-62 C62.1 Subhadra A. Joshi, "Indian empiricism", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 71-75 C62.5 Amiyansu Deb, "Materialism down the ages", Corpus 1992, 228-239 C63 Tabe E. Meindersma, "Carvaka and the materialists", WZKSOA 36, 1992, Supplement 299-306 C63.1 Dharmanand Sharma, "Some reflections on Lokayata philosophy", VIJ 30, 1992, 117-122 C64.1 Grigori Bongard-Levin, "Ancient Indian culture and materialism", HIndPh 1993, 1-15 C64.2 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "The Carvaka theory of pramana", PEW 43, 1993, 665-682 C65 Bhakti Srivastava, "The philosophy of Lokayata: an appraisal", RIPMC 126-135 C66 Bhagabat Kumart Shastri, Charvaka-Shashti (Indian Materialism). Calcutta, n.d. C68 H.N.Mishra, "Carvaka's concept of purusartha", JPS 2.1, 1994, 113-121 C68.1 G. Sundara Ramaiah, "A reconstruction of the doctrines of Lokayata from Buddhist sources",PNRBFV 1994, 265-276 C68.2 N.V.P.Unithiri, "Histodiamat interpretation of Indian philosophy", MO 17, 1995, 24-31 C69 Gunaseela Vitanage, "Materialist philosophy as during the time of the Buddha", Buddhist 66, 1995, 41-44; WFBR 33.4, 1996, 41-46 C69.3 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Five more Barhaspatya aphorisms", JIAP 35, 1996, 66-67 C69.5 Marc Ballanfat and Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Les Mat?rialists dans l'Inde Ancienne. Paris 1997 C70 Jasyantanuja Bandyopadhyaya, "Lokayata arthasastra and kamasutra: an inquiry into the 'lost' texts of a social philosophy", EssInP 513-554 C70.3 Ramakrsna Bhattacharya, "Carva/Lokayata philosophy: Perso-Arabic sources", Indo-Iranica 50, 1997, 85-94 C70.5 Katti Padma Rao, Charvaka Darshan: Ancient Indian Dalit Philosophy. Translated by D. Anjanayulu. Madras 1997 C71 M. Mostofa Kamal, "The epistemology of the Carvaka philosophy", JIBSt 46.2, 1998, 13-22 C73 R. Gopala Krishan, "Lokayata (Carvaka) school", MOPS 46; reprinted SaivS 34.3, 1999, 18-32 C74 L. S. Arjunwadkar, "The resurrection of Caraka", Makaranda 197-218 C85 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Perception and inference in the Carvaka philosophy", JASBe 42.1-2, 2000, 29-38 C85.3 RamakrishnaBhattacharya, "The significance of Lokayata in Pali", JDPaliUC 10, 2000, 39-46 C85.7 Bhaswati Bhattacharya Chakraborty, "The word and the world from the Carvaka standpoint", JJP 13.2, 2001, 5-14 C86 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Carvaka fragments: a new collection", JIP 30, 2002, 597-640 C87 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Verses relating to svabhavavada: a collection", Sambodhi 25, 2002, 75-90 C92 D. K. Kharwandikar, "The Carvaka system", IndPT 182-188 C95 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Monks, monarchs and materialists", JIP 33, 2005, 571-582 C96 Ram Krishna Bhattacharya, "What is meant by svabhavan bhutacintakah?", EMH 275-281 C100 Jo Miyhamaoto, "Lokayata in Tamil", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 103-107 |