[GB] General Buddhism, especially Mahayana




GB1 Brian H. Hodgson, Essays on the Languages, Literature and Religion of Nepal and Tibet. London 1828, 1874

GB2 Brian H. Hodgson, "Sketch of Buddhism", JRAS 1830, 222-257. Also JASBe 5, 1836: 28, 71

GB3 Brian H. Hodgson, "European speculations on Buddhism. Remarks on M. Ramusat's Review of Buddhism", JASBe 3, 1834: 382, 425, 499

GB4 Brian H. Hodgson, "Quotations in proof of his sketch of Buddhism", JRAS 5, 1836: 27, 81

GB5 Brian H. Hodgson, "Quotations from original Sanskrit authorities in proof and illustration of Mr. Hodgson's sketch of Buddhism", JASBe 5, 1836: 28, 71

GB6 A. Csoma de Koros, "Notices on the different systems of Buddhism, extracted from the Tibetan authorities", JASBe 7, 1838, 142-147

GB7 E. Burnouf, Introduction à l'histoire des bouddhisme indien. Paris 1844, 1876

GB8 Edward E. Salisbury, "Memoire on the history of Buddhism", JAOS 1, 1847, 79-135

GB9 Edward E. Salisbury, "M. Burnouf on the history of Buddhism", JAOS 1, 1847, 375-398

GB10 S. Julien, "Concordance sinico-samskrite d'un nombre considerable de titres d'ouvrages bouddhiques", JA 14, 1849, 358-446

GB11 Robert Spence Hardy, Manual of Buddhism. London 1857

GB12 J.B.Saint-Hilaire, "De la morale et de la metaphysique du Bouddhisme", Journal des Savants 1854-55. Reprinted as Du Bouddhisme (Paris 1855)

GB13 F. Max Muller, The Meaning of Nirvana. London 1857

GB14 W.Wassiljew, Der buddhismus, seine Dogmen, Geschichte, und Literature (in Russian 1857). Translated into German by A. Schiefner, Leipzig 1860. Translated into French 1865

GB15 Taranatha, History of Buddhism in India. Translated into Russian by W. Vassilieff. Introduction translated into German by A. Schiefner, St. Petersburg 1869. Translated by Ghoshal and Dutt, IHQ 4, 1928 - 10, 1934

GB16 A. Bastian, Die Weltauffasung der Buddhisten. Berlin 1870

GB17 Schoebel et al., "Sur le nirvana bouddhique", CIDO 1, 1873, part 2, 424 ff.

GB18 A. Bastian, "Die Verkettungstherien der Buddhisten", ZDMG 29, 1876, 53-75

GB19 T.W.Rhys Davids, "On nirvana, and on the Buddhist doctrines of the 'groups', the samskaras, karma and the 'paths'", Contemporary Review 29, 1877, 249-270

GB20 Adolf Bastian, "Über die Psychologie des Buddhismus", CIDO 5.2, 1881, Ostasiatische section 10-12

GB21 Rajendralala Mitra, The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal. Calcutta 1882

GB22 Sarat Chandra Das, "Detached notices of the different Buddhist schools of Tibet", JASBe 51, 1882, 121-128

GB23 J. Edkins, "The nirvana of the northern Buddhists", JRAS 13, 1881, 59-79

GB24 M.M.Kunte, "Nirvana", JRASCB 7, 1882, 163-180

GB24.2 Adolf Bastian, Der Buddhismus in siner Psychologie. Berlin 1882

GB24.5 Adolf Bastian, Religions-Philosophische Problem auf dem Forschungsfelde buddhistischer Psychologie und der vergleichenden Mythologie. Berlin 1884.

GB25 Samuel Beal (tr.), Si-yu-ki. Buddhist Records of the Western World. Two volumes. London 1884

GB26 F.G.Ayuso, El Nirvana buddhista en sus relaciones con otros sistemas filosoficos. Madrid 1885

GB27 Dharmasamgraha, edited by K.Kasawara, F. Max Muller and H. Wenzel. AnO 5, 1885, 1-83

GB28 M. Monier-Williams, "On Buddhism in its relation to Brahmanism", JRAS 18, 1886, 127-156

GB29 Henri Leon Feer, "De l'importance des actes de la pensée dans le Bouddhisme", RHR 18, 1888, 297-319

GB30 I. Minayev, Der Buddhismus: Untersüchungen und Materialen (in Russian). St. Petersburg 1887

GB31 I. Minayev, "The Buddhists' view of the world" (in Russian). Sap 1.3, 1888, 203-207

GB32 M. Monier-Williams, Buddhism. New York 1889

GB33 A.Chaboseau, Essai sur la philosophie bouddhique. Paris 1891, 1946

GB34 Sylvain Levi, "Le bouddhisme et les Grecs", RHR 23, 1891, 36-49. Reprinted MSylL 204-213

GB35 I.P.Minayev, "Release in the later Buddhist schools" (in Russian). Sap 4, 1891, 153-228

GB36 I.P.Minayev, "Materials and notices on Buddhism" (in Russian). Sap 6, 1892, 332-334

GB37 T.W.Rhys Davids, "Schools of Buddhist belief", JRAS 1892, 1-38

GB38 Adolf Bastian, Der buddhismus als religions-philosophisches System. Berlin 1893

GB39 Paul Carus, "Karma and nirvana: are the Buddhist doctrines nihilistic?", Mon 1893-94, 417-439

GB40 Th. Schultze, Vedanta und Buddhismus. Leipzig 1893

GB41 Paul Carus, "Immortality and the Buddhist soul-conception", OC 8, 1894, 4259-4261

GB42 Dharmapala, "Buddhists on the law of karma", OC 8, 1894, 4261 ff.

GB42.1 S.T.Krishnamacharya, "On the doctrines of transmigration and ekotibhava according to Brahmanism and Buddhism", Journal of Buddhist Text and Anthropological Society 2.1, 1894, 7-8

GB43 I.P.Minayev, Recherches sur le Bouddhisme. AMG 4, 1894

GB44 Sarat Chandra Das, "Buddhist ontology and nirvana", ARL n.s. 10, 1895, 123-127

GB45 Sarat Chandra Das, "A sketch of Buddhist ontology and the doctrine of nirvana in the Mahayana school of Tibet", JBTSI 3.1, 1895, 11-15. Also Asiatic Quarterly Review 2.10, 1895, 123-126

GB45.5 Ernst Diestel, Buddhismus und Christentum. Braunshcweig 1895

GB46 Paul Carus, "The philosophy of Buddhism", Mon 7, 1896-97, 255-286. Also MB 33, 1925, 301, 372

GB46.5 Joseph Dahlmann, Nirvana: eine Studie zur Vorgeschichte des Buddhismus. Berlin 1896

GB47 Hermann Jacobi, "Ursprung des Buddhismus aus dem Samkhya-Yoga", NKGWG 1896, 43-58. Reprinted HJKS 31-321

GB48 H. Kern, Manual of Indian Buddhism. Strasburg 1896; Varanasi 1968; Delhi 1974

GB49 T.W.Rhys Davids, Buddhism. New York 1896

GB50 Charles de Harlez, "Vocabulaire bouddhique Sanscrit- Chinois. Précis de doctrine bouddhique", TP 8, 1897, 129-l54

GB51 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "The Buddhist 'wheel of life' from a new source", JRAS 1897, 463-470

GB52 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "On the culture of the will", CIDO 11, 1897 (section arienne) 143-144

GB53 T.W.Rhys Davids, History of Indian Buddhism. London 1897

GB54 Cecil Bendall, "The St. Petersburg Series of Buddhist texts", JRAS 1898, 226-228

GB54.5 Robert Falke, Christentu und Buddhismus: ein Vortrag. Berlin 1898

GB55 Hermann Jacobi, "Über der Verhältnis der buddhistischen Philosophen zum Samkhya-Yoga und die Bedeutung der nidanas", ZDMG 52, 1898, 1-15

GB56 Hermann Oldenberg, "Buddhistische Studien", ZDMG 52, 1898, 613-694. Reprinted HOKS 2, 889-970

GB57 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Vedanta et Bouddhisme", C.R. du IVe Congres Scientifique du Catholicisme. Bruxelles 1898, Part l, 415-418

GB58 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "On the will in Buddhism", JRAS 1898, 47-60

GB59 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Nirvana", JBTSI 6.l-2, 1898, 22-43

GB60 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Bouddhisme: notes et bibliographie", LM 1899: 97, 221

GB61 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Pratityasamutpada", JBTSI 7.1, 1899, 1-19

GB61.2 Adolf Bastian, Culturhistorische Studien unter Ruckbeziehung auf den Buddhismus. Berlin 1900

GB61.5 Carlo Formichi, Apologie du Bouddhisme. Paris 1900; Roma 1923, 1925. Translated into Spanish, Buenos Aires 1976

GB62 Emile Senart, "Bouddhisme et Yoga", RHR 42, 1900, 345-363. Also ICHR 1, 1900, 75-94

GB63 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Mahayana and Hinayana", JRAS 1900, 29-42

GB64 Victor Henry, "Bouddhisme et positivisme", ICHR Paris 1901. Also RHR 43, 1902, 314-324

GB65 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Buddhist sutras quoted by Brahmin authors", JRAS 1901, 307-309

GB66 Louis de la Vallee Poussin and F.W.Thomas, "Le Bouddhisme d'aprés les sources brahmaniques. Note préliminaire", LM n.s. 2, 1901 - 3, 1902

GB67 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "On the authority (pramanya) of the Buddhist Agamas", JRAS 1902, 363-376

GB68 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Dogmatique bouddhique. La negation de l'ame et la doctrine de l'acte", JA 1902 - 1903

GB68.1 Paul Dahlke, Aufsatze zum verstandnis der Buddhismus. Berlin 1903

GB69 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "The soul-theory in Buddhism", JRAS 1903, 587-591

GB70 Goblet d'Alvilla, "Notes bibliographiques", BCLS 1904, 374-383

GB71 Albert J. Edmunds, "Dolden, or pre-existence?", Buddhism 1.4, 1904, 636-638

GB72 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "Samtana-hypothesis in Buddhism", JRAS 1904, 370-371

GB73 O. Schrader, "Nirvana", JPTS 14, 1904-05, 157-170

GB74 Th. Stcherbatsky, "Rapports entre la théorie bouddhique de la connaissance et l'enseignment des autre écoles philosophiques de l'Inde", LM n.s. 5, 1904, 129-171

GB75 J.Takakusu, "K'ueichi's version of a controversy between the Buddhist and the Samkhya philosophers", TP series 25, 1904, 461-466

GB76 C.Authappayi, "Is the self an illusion?", Malabar Quarterly Review 4, 1905, 144-153

GB76.1 J. Estlin Carpenter, "Some points still obscure in the Buddhist doctrine of the self", ICHR 2, 1905, 286-287

GB77 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Deux notes sur le pratityasamutpada", CIDO 14, 1905, 193-203

GB78 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Dogmatique bouddhique. Les soixante-quinze et les cent dharmas", LM n.s. 6, 1905, 178-194

GB79 Th. Stcherbatsky, "Notes de littérature boudhique", LM n.s. 6, 1905, 144-153

GB80 Paul Dahlke, "Auch etwas über Wiedergeburt", Die Buddhist 2, 1906-10, 7-12

GB81 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Studies in Buddhist dogma: the three bodies of a Buddha (trikaya)", JRAS 1906, 943-977

GB81.1 S. Shaku, "Buddhist conception of death", OC 21, 1907, 202-205

GB82 D.T.Suzuki, Outlines of Mahayana Philosophy. London 1907

GB83 Paul Dahlke, Buddhist Essays. Translated from German by Bhikkhu Silacara. London 1908

GB84 V.J.Kitrikar, "Mahayana Buddhism", IR 9, 1908: 101, 193

GB85 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Faith and reason in Buddhism", ICHR 3, Oxford 1908, volume 2, 32-43

GB86 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Knowledge and intuition in Buddhism", ICHR 3, Oxford 1908, volume 2, 43 ff.

GB87 R.G.Corbet, "The kernel of Buddhism", ARL 3d series 28, 1909, 338-346

GB88 F.Greenly, "Cause and effect in Buddhist ethic", BR 1, 1909, 278-288

GB88.5 Sylvain Levi, "Les Saints écriture du Bouddhisme", AMG 1908-09, 105-129. Translated into Spanish by F. Tola and C. Dragonetti, REB 3, 1992, 119-139

GB89 B.Nauth, "The mystery of rebirth", BR 1, 1909, 88-99

GB90 Paul Oltramare, La formule bouddhique des douze causes. Geneva 1909

GB91 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, Bouddhisme: Opinions sur l'histoire de la dogmatique. Paris 1909, 1923, 1925

GB92 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Buddhist notes: Vedanta and Buddhism", JRAS 1909, 129-140

GB93 G.R.S.Mead, "Spiritual reality in progressive Buddhism", Qu 2, 1910-11, 692-714

GB94 R.Gauthier, "Quelques terms techniques bouddhiques et manichéens", JA 1911, 49-68

GB95 S.Kanda, "Buddhism and the doctrine of the soul", BR 3, 1911, 279-292

GB96 G.R.S.Mead, "The ideal life in progressive Buddhism", Qu 3, 1911-12, 270-289

GB97 G.R.S.Mead, "Some features of Buddhist psychology", Qu 3, 1911-12, 655-687

GB98 E.J.Mills, "Knowledge and ignorance", BR 3, 1911, 172-180

GB98.5 Paul Dahlke, Buddhismus als Weltanschauung. Munchen 1912, 1920, 1923, 1929

GB99 E.J.Mills, "Physical counterpart of nibbana", BR 4, 1912, 56-58

GB100 A.Costa, Filosofia e Buddhismo. Torino 1913

GB101 P.Dahlke, Buddhism and Science. Translated from German by Bhikkhu Silacara. London 1913

GB102 Charles Dias, "Matter in Buddhist philosophy", MB 21, 1913, 212-221

GB103 Charles Dias, "Mind in Buddhist philosophy", MB 31, 1913, 241-251

GB104 A.Fisher, "The soul", BR 5, 1913, 257-267

GB105 F.Greenly, "Bearing of Buddhism upon free will and determinism", BR 5, 1913, 16-24

GB106 S.Hewavitarne, "Psychology and philosophy of Buddhism", BR 5, 1913, 24-31

GB107 Paul Masson-Oursel, "Les trois corps du Bouddha", JA 1913, 581-618

GB108 Nyanatiloka, "Dependent origination", BR 5, 1913, 267-272

GB109 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Théorie des douze causes", RUG 40, 1913

GB110 Ledy Sadaw, "Some points in Buddhist doctrine", JPTS 1913-14, 115-164

GB111 E.J.Mills, "Reality", BR 6, 1914, 2-13

GB111.5 Paul Dahlke, Buddhismus als Religion und Moral. Leipzig 1914; Munchen-Neubiberg 1923

GB112 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Notes bouddhiques", LM n.s. 15, 1914, 3-48

GB113 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, Buddhist Psychology. London 1914

GB114 E.J.Thomas, "The basis of Buddhist ethics", Qu 6, l914-15, 339-347

GB115 Paul Masson-Oursel, Essai d'interpretation de la théorie bouddhique des douze conditions. Paris 1915

GB116 Paul Oltramare, "Un probléme de l'ontologie bouddhique: l'existence ultra-phénoménale", LM 33, 1915, 3-23

GB117 W.W.Strickland, "Note on the illusion of the ego", BR 7, 1915, 212-214

GB118 A.K.Coomaraswamy, Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism. London 1916; New York 1964

GB119 Ernst Windisch, "Brahmischer Einfluss in Buddhismus", Kuhn 1-13

GB120 B.M.Barua, "Karma and causation", BR 9, 1917, 30-35

GB121 A.C.Pereira, "An elucidation of kamma", BR 9, 1917, 54-72

GB122 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "The Buddhist principle of change", Qu 9, 1917-18, 1-24

GB123 Hakuju Ui, "The Mahayanist view of Buddha", BR 9, 1917, 26-29

GB124 S.Z.Aung, "Buddhism and science", JBurmaRS 8, 1918, 99-106

GB125 S.Z.Aung, "Dialogue on nibbana", JBurmaRS 8, 1918, 233-254

GB126 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "A first lesson in Buddhist philosophy", Qu 10, 1918-19, 1-17

GB126.5 Anagarika Dhammapala, Buddhism in its Relationship with Hinduism. Calcutta 1918

GB127.7 Friedrich Heiler, Die buddhistischen Versenkung eine religionsgeschichteliche Untersuchung. Munchen 1918

GB127 D.N.Sen, "Buddhism and Vedantism: a parallel", JBRS 4, 1918, 136-143

GB128 W.McGovern, "Notes on Mahayana Buddhism", Mon 29, 1919: 238, 381

GB129 Silacara, "Concerning nibbana", JBurmaRS 9, 1919, 125-128

GB130 M.N.Tolani, "A misconception about Buddhism", JIIP 2.3, 1919, 34-42

GB131 K.M.Ward, "Anatta: the doctrine of 'no ego'", JBurmaRS 9, 1919, 97-102

GB132 J.Woodroffe, "Shakti: the world as power", Qu 11, 1919-20 - 12, 1921-22

GB133 W.Bohn, "Sein und werden", ZBVG 2, 1920, 250-259

GB134 W.Bohn, "Buddhismus und Materialismus", ZBVG 2, 1920, 41-46

GB135 R.Kimura, The Original and Developed Doctrine of Indian Buddhism. Calcutta 1920; Delhi 1998

GB135.1 Ryukan Kimura, "Shifting of the centre of Buddhism in India", JDL 1, 1920, 12-47

GB136 O.J.Gardner, "Conception of nirvana", HR 41, 1920, 165-178

GB137 W.Bohn, Die Psychologie und Ethik des Buddhismus. Munchen 1921

GB137.5 Anagarika Dhammapala, The Psychology of Progress, or, the Thirty-Seven principles of Bodhi. Calcutta 1921, 1926

GB138 R.Kimura, "What is Buddhism?", JDL 4, 1921, 135-208

GB139 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "The Buddhist doctrine of rebirth", Qu 13, 1921-22, 303-322

GB140 Stanislas Schayer, "Vorbeiten zur Geschichte der mahayanistischen Erlösungslehren", ZBVG 3, 1921: 235, 334. Translated by Knight as Mahayana Doctrine of Salvation, London 1923

GB141 Hakuju Ui, "On the development of Buddhism in India", EB 1, 1921, 308-315

GB142 Chizen Akanuma, "On the triple body of the Buddha", EB 2, 1922, 1-29

GB143 Nalinaksha Bhattacharya, "Buddhistic philosophy", MB 31, 1923, 201-210

GB143.5 Joseph Estlin Carpenter, Buddhism and Christianity: a Contrast and Parallel. London 1923

GB144 Arthur Berriedale Keith, Buddhist Philosophy in India and Ceylon. Oxford 1923. Reprinted as ChSSt 26, 1963

GB144.1 B.C.Law, The Buddhist Conception of Spirit. Calcutta 1923; London 1936; Varanasi 1974. Pp. 163-168 reprinted ETB 299-306

GB145 W.McGovern, Manual of Buddhist Philosophy I.Cosmology. London 1923. Pp. 43-48 reprined ETB 433-440

GB146 Nyanatiloka, "Das nirvana", ZBVG 5, 1923-24, 100-116

GB147 Paul Oltramare, L'histoire des idées théosophiques dans l'Inde. Volume II: Buddhism. AMG 31, 1923

GB148 D.N.Sen, "Nirvanam", JBRS 9, 1923, 324-346

GB149 D.T.Suzuki, "Enlightenment and ignorance", EB 3, 1923, 1-31

GB150 H. Bailleau, Le Bouddhisme dans l'Inde. Hong Kong 1924

GB151 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Remarques sur le nirvana", Studia Catholica 1924, part l, 25-43

GB151.1 Paul Dahlke, Das Bedeutung des Buddhismus fur unserer Zeit. Munchen 1924

GB152 Anagarika Dharmapala, "Buddhist philosophy", MB 32, 1924, 101-104

GB153 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Buddhism and the negative", JPTS 1924-27, 237-250

GB154 M.Anesaki and J.Takakusu, "Dhyana", ERE 4, 1925, 702-704

GB155 M. Anesaki, "Docetism (Buddhist)", ERE 4, 1925, 835-840

GB156 Masaharu Anesaki, "Ethics and morality (Buddhist)", ERE 5, 1925, 447-455

GB157 Masaharu Anesaki, "Tathagata", ERE 11, 1925, 202-204

GB158 Masaharu Anesaki, "Transmigration (Buddhist)", ERE 11, 1925, 429-430

GB159 A.S.Geden, "Fate (Buddhist)", ERE 5, 1925, 780-782

GB160 Bimala Charan Law, Heaven and Hell in Buddhist Perspective. Calcutta 1925

GB161 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, Nirvana. Paris 1925

GB162 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Notes on Buddhism", IHQ 1, 1925, 369 ff.

GB163 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Cosmogony and cosmology (Buddhist)", ERE 4, 1925, 129-138

GB164 Louis de la Vallee Poussin and E.J.Thomas, "Mysticism (Buddhist)", ERE 9, 1925, 85-87

GB165 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Nihilism (Buddhist)", ERE 9, 1925, 372-373

GB166 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Nirvana", ERE 9, 1925, 376-379

GB167 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Philosophy (Buddhist)", ERE 9, 1925, 846-853

GB168 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Perfection (Buddhist)", ERE 9, 1925, 727-728

GB169 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Reality (Buddhist)", ERE 10, 1925, 592-593

GB170 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Relation (Buddhist)", ERE 10, 1925, 648-649

GB171 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Salvation (Buddhist)", ERE 11, 1925, 110

GB172 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Self (Buddhist)", ERE 11, 1925, 351

GB173 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Soul (Buddhist)", ERE 11, 1925, 731-733

GB174 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Will in early Buddhist scriptures", IHQ 1, 1925, 443-456

GB175 Haraprasad Sastri, "The northern Buddhism", IHQ 1, 1925: 31, 201, 464

GB176 Haraprasad Sastri, "Bhadrayana", IHQ 1, 1925, 769-771

GB176.1 Max Walleser, "Die Zeit", Die Philosophische Grundlage des alteren Buddhismu (Heidelberg 1925), pp. 123-133. Reprinted ETB 13-24

GB177 E.J.Thomas, "Righteousness (Buddhist)", ERE 10, 1925, 778-780

GB178 Robert Cornell Armstrong, "A discussion of the origin of Mahayana Buddhism", EB 4, 1926-28, 27-47

GB179 Joseph Harger Bateson, "Body (Buddhist)", ERE 2, 1926, 758-760

GB180 S.C.Chakravarty, "Is nirvana annihilation?", The Young East 2, 1926-27, 94-95

GB181 Ernst L. Hoffman, "Die Bedeutung des Korpers in der Meditation", ZBVG 7, 1926, 67-74

GB182 Taiye Kaneko, "The Buddhist doctrine of vicarious suffering", EB 4, 1926-28, 145-161

GB183 Arthur Anthony McDonnell, "Indian Buddhism", ERE 7, 1926, 209-216

GB184 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Bahyakas", SAMV 23-24

GB185 Louis de la Vallee Possin, "Agnosticism (Buddhist)", ERE 1, 1926, 220-225

GB186 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Adibuddha", ERE 1, 1926, 93-100

GB187 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Atheism (Buddhist)", ERE 2, 1926, 183-184

GB188 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Abode of the Blest (Buddhism)", ERE 2, 1926, 687-689

GB189 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Bodhisattva", ERE 2, 1926, 739-753

GB190 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Identity (Buddhist)", ERE 7, 1926, 99-100

GB191 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Mahayana", ERE 8, 1926, 330-336

GB192 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Logic (Buddhist)", ERE 8, 1926, 132-133

GB192.5 Paul Dahlke, Buddhism and its Placei n the Mental Life of Mankind. London 1927

GB193 N.D.Mironov, "Buddhist miscellany", JRAS 1927, 241-280

GB194 Narada, "Samsara or Buddhist philosophy of birth and death", IHQ 3, 1927, 561-570

GB195 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Buddhism not originally a negative gospel", HJ 26, 1927-28, 624-632

GB196 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Old words and new will", IHQ 3, 1927, 710-719

GB197 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Dhyana in early Buddhism", IHQ 3, 1927, 689-714

GB198 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Some aspects of Buddhist philosophy", MR 44, 1928, 62-71

GB198.5 Paul Dahlke, Buddhismus als Wirklichkeitslehre und Lebensweg. Karlsruhe 1928

GB199 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Nirvana", IHQ 4, 1928, 347-348

GB200 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Growth of not-man in Buddhism", IHQ 4, 1928, 405-418

GB201 Nanda Lal Simha, "The meaning of nirvana", MR 44, 1928, 684-685

GB201.1 B.Bhattacharya, "A peep into later Buddhism", ABORI 10, 1929, 1-24

GB202 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Doctrine of kaya in Hinayana and Mahayana", IHQ 5, 1929, 518-546

GB203 Har Singh Gour, The Spirit of Buddhism. London 1929

GB204 E.W.Hopkins, "Buddhist mysticism", ISCRL 113-134

GB205 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Extase et spéculation", ISCRL 135-136

GB206 Johannes Rahder, "La carriére du saint bouddhique", Bulletin de la Maison Franco-Japonaise 2, 1929, 1-22

GB207 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "The Patna congress and the 'man'", JRAS 1929, 27-36

GB208 Stanislas Schayer, "The problem of personality in ancient Buddhist philosophy" (in Polish), PF 32, 1929, 182-205

GB209 D.T.Suzuki, "Passivity in the Buddhist life", EB 5, 1929-31, 128-129

GB210 Richard Wilhelm, "Einige Probleme der buddhistischen Psychologie", Sinica 4, 1929, 120-190

GB211 James Haughton Woods, "Integration of consciousness in Buddhism", ISCRL 137-139

GB212 Ajarananda, Buddhism: the Fulfilment of Hinduism.Bangkok 1930

GB213 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of atman and anatman", PAIOC 5, 1930, 995-1008

GB214 D.C.Chatterji, "The problem of knowledge and the four schools of later Buddhism", ABORI 12, 1930-31, 205-215

GB215 Nalinaksha Dutt, Aspects of Mahayana Buddhism and its Relation to Hinayana.  COS 23, 1930. Includes E. Conze, "A note on the Prajnaparamita", 323-326

GB216 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Place of the Aryasatyas and the pratityasamutpada in Hinayana and Mahayana", ABORI 11, 1930, 101-127

GB217 V.V.Gokhale, "Die buddhistische theorie der Kausalkette", Sinica 5, 1930, 37-40

GB218 Helmut von Glasenapp, Brahma und Buddha. Berlin 1930

GB219 Satkari Mookerjee, "Nirvana", MB 38, 1930, 422-425

GB220 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, Le dogme et la philosophie du Bouddhisme. Etudes sur l'histoire des religions 6, Paris 1930

GB221 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Tathata and bhutatathata", JTU 6-7, 1930, 43-46

GB222 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, Kindred Sayings on Buddhism. Calcutta 1930

GB223 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Naturam expelles furca", Dr. Modi Commemoration Volume (Bombay 1930), 7 pp.

GB224 J.K.Sarkar, "The Buddhist conception of sublimation", PAIOC 5, 1930, 953-966.  Also JBRS 16, 1930, 102-112

GB225 Th. Stcherbatsky, "The doctrine of the Buddha", BSOAS 6, 1930-32, 867-896

GB226 Max Walleser, "Zur Herkunft des Wortes Tathagata", TDG 1930, 21-33

GB227 Moriz Winternitz, Der Mahayana Buddhismus. Tubingen 1930

GB228 S.Z.Aung, "Nibbana", ZBVG 9, 1931, 129-l66

GB229 Bu-ston, History of Buddhism. Translated from Tibetan by E.Obermiller, MKB 18-19, 1931-32

GB230 Marie Gallard, La view du bouddha et les doctrines bouddhiques. Paris 1931

GB231 A.Kirchner, "Die Stellung des Buddhismus zum Problem des Absoluten", Theologie und Glaube 23, 1931, 771-783

GB232 Bimal Charan Law, Buddhistic Studies. 1931

GB233 T.Matsumoto, "Vom Wesen des Budhismus", Europaische Revue 7, 1931, 569-576

GB234 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Notes et bibliographie bouddhiques", MCB 1, 1931-32 - 2, 1934-35; 5, 1936-37

GB235 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Notes du le 'moment' ou ksana des bouddhistes", RO 8, 193l-32, 1-9. Reprinted ETB 69-78

GB236 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, Sakya, or Buddhist Origins. London 1931

GB237 G.Schulemann, "Die innere Weiterentwicklung des Buddhismus", ZMR 21, 1931, 32-49

GB238 R.Shama Shastri, "Buddhistic theory of avidya", VK 18, 1931-32, 53 ff.

GB239 B.Bhattacharya, An Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism. London 1932

GB240 Har Dayal, The Bodhisattva Doctrine in the Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. London 1932; Delhi 1979

GB241 Jagadananda, "Buddhism and Vedanta", CR 45, 1932, 161-176

GB242 A.B.Jayasundara, "Anatta and moral responsibility", MB 40, 1932, 504-510

GB243 Sten Konow, Buddhismen. Oslo 1932

GB244 Bimal Charan Law, "Nirvana and Buddhist laymen", ABORI 14, 1932-33, 80-86

GB245 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Une derniére note sur le nirvana", Études d'orientalisme, publiées à la mémoire de R. Linossier (Paris 1932), 329-354

GB246 Jean Przyluski, Le Bouddhisme. Paris 1932, 1933

GB247 Jean Przyluski and Etienne Lamotte, "Bouddhisme et Upanisad", BEFEO 32, 1932, 141-170

GB248 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, A Manual of Buddhism for Advanced Students. London 1932

GB249 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "The rise and fall of Buddhism in India", MB 40, 1932-33. Reprinted RSSE 179-195

GB250 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "Anatta on the doctrine of non-soul", The British Buddhist 1932. Reprinted RSSE 205-214

GB251 Arya Dharma, "Anatta and moral responsibility", MB 41, 1933, 93-100

GB252 K. Fischer, "Negativer und positiver Fatalismus", BLD 4, 1933, 70-79

GB253 Jagadananda, "Nirvana", RPR 4.2, 1933, 161-173

GB254 G.Mensching, "Zum Streit und die Deutung des buddhistischen Nirvana", ZMR 48, 1933, 33-57

GB255 B. Petzold, "Die Triratna. Grundsätzliches über das Wahre Wesen des Buddhismus", Jubilaumsband herausgegeben von der Deutschen Gesellschaft (Nature, -Volkerkunde) Ostasiens 2, 1933, 328-388

GB257 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Appeal of the Buddha's teaching to the thinking mind", MB 41, 1933, 445-453

GB258 T.N.Ramachandran, "Prajnaparamita in Buddhist iconography", Triveni 4.6, 1933, 17-25

GB259 Stanislas Schayer, "L'anityata and the problem of impermanence in Buddhist philosophy" (in Polish). PF 36-37, 41: l933-38

GB260 E.J.Thomas, History of Buddhist Thought. London 1933

GB261 B.M.Barua, "Universal aspect of Buddhism", CR 52, 1934, 1-11

GB262 S.K.Belvalkar, "Development of Buddhist thought", AP 5, 1934, 306 ff.

GB263 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, The Basic Conception of Buddhism. Calcutta 1934

GB264 E.G.Carpani, Nirvana (in Italian). Bologna 1934

GB264.1 Dwight Goddard, Buddha, Truth and Brotherhood: an Epitome of Many Buddhist Scriptures. Santa Barbara, Cal. 1934; Fresno, Cal. 1965

GB265 J.Kashyap, "The nature of 'self'", MB 42, 1934, 230-234

GB266 N.D.Mehrota, "The nature of self", MB 42, 1934, 352-354

GB267 Nyanatiloka, "Paticcasamuppada", MB 42, 1934, 479-509

GB268 Ernst Obermiller, "Nirvana according to the Tibetan tradition", IHQ 10, 1934, 211-257

GB269 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "A few words on sukha", KBPCV 55-56

GB269.1 J. B. Pratt, "Buddhism and scientific thinking", Journal of Religion 14, 1934, 13-24

GB270 Jean Przyluski, "Origin and development of Buddhism", Journal of Theological Studies 35, 1934, 337-351

GB271 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Amity", KBPCV 57-67

GB272 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "The relations between early Buddhism and Brahmanism", IHQ 9, 1933, 247-287

GB273 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, Outlines of Buddhism. London 1934

GB274 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "Recherches bouddhiques", JA 225, 1934, 195-230

GB275 F.Otto Schrader, "Vedanta and Samkhya in primitive Buddhism", IC 1, 1934-35, 543-552

GB276 B.Shio, "Epistemological Buddhism", ACV 327-331

GB277 Th. Stcherbatsky, "Die drei Richtungen in der philosophie des Buddhismus", RO 10, 1934, 1-37

GB278 Luigi Suali, Gotama Buddha. Bologna 1934

GB279 C.H.S.Ward, Outline of Buddhism. London 1934

GB280 H. Willman-Grabowska, "Evolution sémantique du mot 'dharma'", RO 10, 1934, 38-50

GB281 Alexandra David-Neel, "Basic principles of Buddhism", MB 43, 1935, 196-204

GB282 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The Buddhist meditation", IHQ 11, 1935, 710-740

GB283 J.Kashyap, "Anicca: all is impermanent", MB 43, 1935, 522-526

GB284 J. Kashyap, "Problem of individuality", MB 43, 1935, 464-469

GB285 Etienne Lamotte, L'explication des Mystéres. Louvain 1935

GB286 Satkari Mookerjee, Buddhist Philosophy of Universal Flux. Calcutta 1935; Delhi 1975. Pp. 1-19 reprinted ETB 505-525

GB287 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, The Birth of Indian Psychology and its Development in Buddhism. London 1935

GB288 Stanislas Schayer, "Notes and queries on Buddhism", RO 11, 1935, 206-213

GB289 Stanislas Schayer, "Precanonical Buddhism", AO 7, 1935, 121-132

GB290 E.J.Thomas, "Tathagata and tahagaya", BSOAS 8, 1935-37, 751-758

GB291 E.Tomomatsu, Le bouddhisme. Translated from Japanese by K. Matsuo. Paris 1935

GB292 Arya Dharma, "Problem of anatta", MB 44, 1936, 149-152

GB293 Alexandra David-Neel, Le Bouddhisme: ses doctrines et ses methodes. Paris 1936

GB294 Helmut von Glasenapp, Der Buddhismus in Indien und im Fernen Osten. Berlin 1936

GB295 Arthur Berriedale Keith, "Pre-canonical Buddhism", IHQ 12, 1936, 1-20

GB296 Narada, The Buddhist Doctrine of Rebirth. Colombo 1936

GB297 Narada, "'Anatta' or no-soul", MB 44, 1936, 149-152

GB298 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Le libre examen dans la bouddhisme", AIPHO 4, 1936, 659-660

GB299 Jean Przyluski, "Der Lebendig-erlöste in dem entwickelten Buddhimus", EJ 4, 1936, 117-136

GB300 Teresina Rowell, "The background and early use of the buddhaksetra concept", EB 7, 1936-39, 131

GB301 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "Tathagata", BSOAS 9, 1937-39, 331-332

GB302 C.L.A.de Silva, "Where does consciousness arise?", MB 45, 1937, 13-17

GB303 K. Fischer, "Schopenhauer und der Buddhismus", BLD 7, 1937, 183-197

GB304 K.P.Jayaswal, "Lost Sanskrit works recovered from Tibet", MR 61, 1937. Also MB 34.3, 1937. Reprinted RSSE i-xix

GB305 Bimal Charan Law, Concepts of Buddhism. Amsterdam 1937

GB306 Bimal Charan Law, "Formulation of pratityasamutpada", JRAS 1937, 287-292

GB307 Phanibhushan Roy, "Buddhistic nirvana", CR 63, 1937, 216-228

GB308 Stanislas Schayer, "New contributions to the problem of pre-Hinayanistic Buddhism", PBO 1, 1937, 8-17

GB309 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "Nirmana-kaya", JRAS 1938, 81-84

GB310 Betty Heimann, "Nirvana", NR 8, 1938, 491-501

GB311 W.Kirfel, "Die buddhistischen termini jnana und vijnana nach Leumann und Stcherbatsky", ZDMG 92, 1938, 494-498

GB312 G.C.Lounsbery, "Anatta in the light of science", MB 46, 1938, 517-532

GB313 Maung Ba, "Illusive nature of our knowledge", MB 46, 1938, 210-215

GB314 Narada, "Karmic descent and kammic ascent", MB 46, 1938, 291-295

GB315 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Buddhica", HJAS 3, 1938, 137-160

GB316 Jean Przyluski and Maryla Falk, "Aspects d'une ancienne psychophysiologie dans l'Inde et en Extrème-Orient", BSOAS 1938, 623-728

GB317 Johannes Rahder, "Daijo: Sk. Mahayana", ActOD 17, 1938, 1-16

GB318 Stanislas Schayer, "Remarques sur le problème du temps dans le bouddhisme primitif", CIDO 1938 (Brussels) 40; (Louvain) 227

GB319 Beatrice L. Suzuki, Mahayana Buddhism. Kyoto 1938; New York 1959

GB320 Two Latvian Buddhist Priests, "Problem of time and space", MB 46, 1938, 193-201

GB321 G.C.Lounsbery, "La personalité dans le bouddhisme. La science et la doctrine d'anatta", LPB 1939, l4-23

GB321.5 Dwight Goddard, Women in Buddhism. Thetford, Vt. 1939

GB322 Maung Ba, "Do I exist? Is 'I am' true?", MB 47, 1939, 112-117

GB322.5 Paul Mus, "La notion de temps réversible dnas la mythologie bouddhique", Annuaire de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes-Études, section des sciences religioeuses 19-20, 1939, 5-38

GB323 P.T.Raju, "The Buddhistic and the Advaitic viewpoints", PAIOC 10, 1939, 255-263. Also NIA 4, 1941-42, 86-92

GB324 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "The will in Buddhism", HJ 38, 1939-40, 251-260

GB325 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "A dynamic conception of man", IC 6, 1939, 235-239

GB326 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Nirvana in the negative", AP 10, 1939, 239 ff.

GB327 R.C.Abhicary, "Buddhism and Kant", MB 48, 1940, 359-365

GB328 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Place of faith in Buddhism", IHQ 16, 1940, 639-646

GB329 Maryla Falk, "Nairatmya and karman (the life-long problem of Louis de la Vallée Poussin's thought)", IHQ 16, 1940, 429-464

GB330 N.L.Kundu, "The concept of freedom", MB 48, 1940, 277-283

GB330.1 B.C.Law, "Reincarnation in Buddhism", AP 11, 1940, 569

GB331 C.L.A.de Silva, "Four-fold kamma", MB 49, 1941: 122, 382

GB332 V.Fatone, Il buddhismo 'nihilisto'. Biblioteca Humanidades (Argentina) 28, 1941

GB333 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Buddhismus und Gottesidee", Scientia 67, 1941, 77-83

GB334 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Das Gottesproblem bei Schopenhauer und in den metaphysischen Systemen der Inder", JSC 28, 1941, 151-195

GB335 Maung Ba, "Anatta--how it may be realized", MB 49, 1941, 339-344

GB336 Satkari Mookerjee, "The ego in Buddhist philosophy", MB 49, 1941, 80-86

GB337 P.T.Raju, "Buddhistic conception of negation", PAIOC 11, Summaries 1941, 112-113. Also HirComVol 162-170

GB338 C.V.S.Rao, "Doctrine of pratityasamutpada", JSVRI 2, 1941,46

GB339 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, Wayfarers Words. Three volumes. London 1941

GB340 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Basis and ideal in Buddhism", PVKF 370-375

GB341 T.R.Sundararaman, "The doctrine of momentariness", PQ 17, 1941-42, 118-124

GB342 U Tha Zan U, "Brief explanation of the law of impermanence", MB 49, 1941, 1-9

GB343 P. Vajiranana, "Importance of thought in Buddhism", MB 49, 1941, 164-l72

GB344 Alan W.Watts, "The problem of faith and works in Buddhism", RevRel, 1942, 385-402

GB345 A. Banerjee-Sastri, "Resemblance of Manichaeism to Buddhism", JBRS 28, 1942, 296-306

GB346 S.B.Dasgupta, "Bodhicitta in Tantric Buddhism", IC 9, 1942-43, 149-158

GB347 Betty Heimann, "The philosophy of flux", ABORI 23, 1942, l77-186

GB348 S.K.Maitra, "The Buddhistic conception of the Absolute", VK 29, 1942-43: 103, 139

GB349 K.C.Varadachari, "Buddhist and Yoga psychology", JSVRI 3, 1942, 77-86

GB350 S.K.Hasnabis, "The 'anatta' theory and Western metaphysics", MB 51, 1943, 93-96

GB351 P.S.Lakshminarasu, "Soul in Buddhism", MB 51, 1943, 96-98

GB352 Bimal Charan Law, "Buddhist conception of perfection", AP 11.4, 1943, 396 ff.

GB353 E.R.de S.Sarathcandra, "Bhavanga and the Buddhist psychology of perception", UCR 1, 1943, 94-102

GB354 J.A., C.S.D., D.M., "The fundamental principles of Buddhism", MW 19, 1944, 77-80

GB355 P.V.Bapat, "Buddhist studies 1918-1943", ABORI 25, 1944-45, 1-35

GB356 Herbert Guenther, "Die buddhistische Kosmogonie", ZDMG 98, 1944, 44-83

GB357 H.D.Ratnatunga, "Atta (soul) theory and Buddhism", MB 52, 1944: 135, 222

GB358 Gunaseela Vitanage, "Is Buddhism agnostic?", MW 19, 1944, 88-90

GB359 S.K.Chatterji, "Buddhist survivals in Bengal",BCLV I, 75-87

GB360 B.M.Barua, "Pratityasamutpada", BCLV I, 574-589

GB361 Edward Conze, "On omniscience and the goal", MW 20, 1945, 62-63

GB362 R.L.Soni, "The wheel of life", MW 20, 1945, 128-129

GB363 Narada, "Kamma, or the Buddhist law of causation", BCLV II, 1158-175

GB364 Nyanaponika Thera, "Why should we end suffering?", MW 20, 1945, 82-83

GB365 Francis Story, "The foundations of Buddhism", MW 20, 1945, 77-81

GB366 Gunaseela Vitanage, "The problem of personality in Buddhism", MW 20, 1945, 53-56

GB367 B.M.Barua, "Role of Buddhism in Indian life and thought", IC 13, 1946, 97-109

GB368 K. Pal, "Comparative study of psychotherapeutic technique and Yoga", VK 33, 1946-47: 122, 162

GB369 Helmut von Glasenapp, Die Weisheit des Buddha. Baden-Baden 1946

GB370 Tayman d'Epernon, Les Paradoxes du Bouddhisme. Bruxelles 1947

GB371 Shrinivas Dixit, "A note on Buddhism and Bertrand Russell", JUBo 16, 1947, 128-129

GB371.5 Ronald Fussell, The Buddhist Path to Self-Enlightenment. London 1947, 1955

GB372 Anagarika Govinda, "Problem of illusion", MB 55, 1947, 89-93

GB372.5 Etienne Lamotte, "La critique d'authenticite dans le bouddhisme", Ind Ant 213-222

GB373 G.R.Malkani, "Buddhism and Vedanta", AP 18, 1947, 403 ff.

GB374 Giuseppe Tucci, "Minor Sanskrit texts on the Prajnaparamita", JRAS 1947, 53-75. Reprinted GTOM, part 2, Rome 1971

GB374.1 Giuseppe Tucci, "The value of Tibetan hidstorical tradition", IndAnt 309-322

GB375 J.Takakusu, Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy. Honolulu 1947, 1949; Delhi 1979

GB375.1 J.N.Banerjree, "Schools of Buddhism in early Indian inscriptions", IHQ 24, 1948, 251-258

GB375.9 BeniMadhab Barua, Philosophy of Progress. Calcutta 1948

GB376 M.K.Barua, "God in Buddhist philosophy", MB 56, 1948, 244-246

GB377 J.G.Jennings, Vedantic Buddhism of the Buddha. Oxford 1948; Delhi 1974.

GB378 K. Schmidt, Buddhistisches Wörterbuch. Constanz 1948

GB379 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The problem of self in Buddhism and Vedanta", VK 35, 1948-49, 350-352

GB380 W.Stede, "The self and its complications", BSOAS 12, 1948, 652-658. Also MW 25, 1950-51, 71-77

GB381 D.T.Suzuki, The Essence of Buddhism. Kyoto 1948

GB382 B.Watanabe, History of Thoughts in Mahayana Buddhism. Tokyo 1948

GB383 M.Dambuyant, "La dialectique bouddhique", RP 139, 1949, 307-318

GB384 Alexandra David-Neel, "Quelques mots concernant le pratityasamutpada", PenB 3, 1949, 11-12

GB384.1 Etienne Lamotte, "La critique d'interpretation dans la bouddhisme", Annuaires de l'Institut de Philologies d'Histoire Orientales et Salves 11 (Melanges Henri Gregorie), 1949, 341-361

GB385 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Buddhism and Christianity" (in German), Universitas (Stuttgart) 4.1, 1949. Translated into English in UCR 16.1. English translation reprinted Wheel 16, 1-21

GB386 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Buddhism and the vital problems of our time" (in German). Universitas (Stuttgart) 5.3, 1950. Translated into English UCR 16.2, 1958. Reprinted Wheel 16, 22-42

GB387 Herbert Guenther, Das Seelenproblem in Altern Buddhismus. Konstanz 1949

GB388 Etienne Lamotte, "Critique d'interprétation dans le bouddhisme", AIPHO 9, 1949, 341-361

GB389 Nyanatiloka, Fundamentals of Buddhism. Colombo 1949

GB390 Shashi Bhushan Dasgupta, An Introduction to Tantric Buddhism. Calcutta 1950, 1958, 1974

GB391 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Vedanta und Buddhismus", WAW 11, 1950, 1013-1028

GB392 Herbert Guenther, "Buddhist psychology", PB 55, 1950: 210, 245

GB393 Clarence H. Hamilton, "The idea of compassion in Mahayana Buddhism", JAOS 70, 1950, 145-151

GB394 Christmas Humphreys, "Buddhism and Western psychology", MW 25, 1950-51, 101-108

GB395 G.P.Malalasekara, "Quelques aspects d'anatta", PenB 3, 1950, 5-10

GB396 H.G.Narahari, "Buddhist explanation of the cause of experience", SB 2, 68-72

GB397 Nyanatiloka, "Les origines dépendants (paticcasamuppada)", PenB 3, 1950, 19-20

GB398 Nyanatiloka, A Buddhist Dictionary. Colombo 1950

GB399 Constantin Regamey, Buddhistische Philosophie. Bibliographie Einfuhrungen in des Studium der Philosophie 20/21. Berlin 1950

GB400 S.Sangharaksita, "A note on anatta", VK 37, 1950-51, 23

GB401 Andre Bareau, L'absolu en philosophie bouddhique. Évolution de la notion d'asamskrta. Paris 1951

GB402 Herbert Guenther, "Rebirth viewed as transformation of energy", PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 107-108

GB403 Shinsho Hanayama, "Buddhism of the One Great Vehicle (Mahayana)". EEWP 196-210

GB404 Seishin Kato, "Mahayana Buddhism, its origin and development" (summary), JSR 2, 1951, 153-155

GB405 Bimal Charan Law, "Buddhist philosophy", Mahendra 113-135

GB406 Maung Maung, "Is nirvana a state of mind?", MB 59, 1951, 402-403

GB407 Shoson Miyamoto, "Freedom, independence and peace in Buddhism", PEW 1, 1951 - 2, 1952

GB408 R.L.Slater, Paradox and Nirvana. Chicago 1951

GB409 D.T.Suzuki, "Intuition and reason as expounded in Buddhist philosophy", Divine Life 13, 1951, 54-55

GB410 D.T.Suzuki, "Reason and intuition in Buddhist philosophy", EEWP 17-48

GB411 Giuseppe Tucci, "Buddhist notes", MCB 9, 1951, 193-220. Reprinted GTOM, part 1, Roma 1971

GB412 B.B.Bhattacharya, "The background of Buddhist philosophy", IAC 1, 1952, 63-69

GB413 E.Barbarin, "Le bouddhisme et l'existentialisme", PenB 5, 1952, 6-11

GB414 H.D.Bhattacharya, "Early Buddhism", HPE 152-172

GB415 Y. Krishan, "The Buddhist doctrine of karma", MW 27, 1952, 28-32

GB416 Y.Krishan, "The kaya doctrine in Buddhism", MB 60, 1952, 320-326

GB417 Etienne Lamotte, "La bienviellance bouddhique", BCLS 1952, 381-403

GB418 Bimal Charan Law, "Buddhist view of karma", AP 23, 1952, 124 ff.

GB419 T.R.V.Murti, "The metaphysical schools of Buddhism", HPE 190-218. Reprinted StIndT 260-296

GB420 John B. Noss, "Mutual love in Mahayana Buddhism", JBR 20, 1952, 84-89

GB421 Troy Wilson Organ, "Reason and experience in Mahayana Buddhism", JBR 20, 1952, 77-83

GB422 C.D.Sharma, Dialectic in Buddhism and Vedanta. Banaras 1952

GB423 Shyuki Yashimura, "Tibetan Buddhistology", RDR 345, 1952, 1-23

GB423.1 Sibadas Chaudhury, "Contributions to a Buddhist bibliography", JOI 3, 1953-54, 40-49; 29, 1960, 311; 37, 1960, 299

GB424 Edward Conze, "The ontology of the Prajnaparamita", PEW 3, 1953, 117-129

GB425 Edward Conze, "The way of wisdom. The five faculties", MW 28, 1953: 11, 58, 95. Reprinted Wheel 65/66, 1964, 53 pp.

GB426 A. Elenjimittam, "Consciousness in Buddhistic philosophy", MB 61, 1953: 164, 393

GB427 K. Kawada, "Nous and prajna", JIBSt 1.2, 1953, 308-314

GB428 Bimal Charan Law, "The Buddhist view of nirvana", AP 24, 1953, 485 ff.

GB429 Nanavira, "Nibbana and anatta", MB 61, 1953 - 62, 1954

GB430 T.R.V.Murti, "Radhakrishnan and Buddhism", PSR 565-606

GB431 Y.Sakamoto, "One aspect of the nature of citta", JIBSt 2.1, 1953, 20-29

GB432 Sangharaksita, "The nature of Buddhist tolerance", IAC 2, 1953-54, 154-163

GB433 Genjun Sasaki, "The concept of jnana and prajna" (summary). ARROU 6, 1953, 5-7

GB434 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "Buddhism and Vedanta", IHQ 29, 1953, 35-49

GB435 Gi-ming Shien, "The epistemology of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism", Ph 28, 1953, 260-264

GB436 D.Sinha, "The place of atman in Buddhism and Vedanta", IAC 2, 1953, 58-65

GB437 W.H.Bates, "Impermanence", MB 62, 1954, 35-39

GB438 Edward Conze, "Conditions and the unconditioned", MB 62, 1954, 159-163

GB439 N.N.Das Gupta, "Bengal's contribution to Mahayana literature", IHQ 30, 1954, 327-331

GB440 Bryan de Kretser, Man in Buddhism and Christianity. Calcutta 1954

GB441 Ryogon Fukuhara, "A study of doubt (vicikitsa)" (summary). RDR 347, 1954, 5-6

GB442 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Der Buddhismus in der Vorstellungswelt der Hindus", Asiatica 174-183

GB443 Etienne Lamotte, "Sur la formation du Mahayana", Asiatica 387 ff.

GB444 R.C.Mitra, The Decline of Buddhism in India. Calcutta 1954

GB445 Sangharaksita, "Le bouddhisme et le problème d'ahimsa", PenB 5.1, 1954, 16-18

GB446 A.K.Sarkar, "Changing phases of Buddhist thought", ProcIPC 29.2, 1954, 39-45. Also PQ 27, 1955, 223-230

GB447 Devabrata Sinha, "Buddhist outlook on human personality", IAC 3, 1954-55, 349-357

GB448 Francis Story, "Samsara and the universe", MB 62, 1954, 462-467

GB449 Francis Story, "L'approache scientifique du bouddhisme", PenB 5.1, 1954, 8-13

GB450 Andre Bareau, "The concept of responsibility in ancient Buddhism", EAW 6, 1955, 216-223

GB451 Andre Bareau, "L'absolu dans le Bouddhisme", Ent 1955, 37-43

GB452 R.Barua, "Paticcasamuppada", MB 63, 1955, 11-19

GB453 R.van Brakell Buys, "Di ontwikkelingsgang der boeddictische philosophi", TWP 47, 1955, 240-251

GB454 Heramba Chatterjee, "A critical study of the theory of pratityasamutpada", PB 60, 1955, 485-488. Also JASBo 1955, 66-70

GB455 R.P.Chowdhury, "Interpretation of the anatta doctrine of Buddhism: a new approach", IHQ 31, 1955, 52-67

GB456 U Dhammaratna, "Kammic ascent and descent of man", MB 63, 1955, 44-46

GB457 Jean Filliozat, "Psychological discoveries of Buddhism", UCR 13, 1955, 69-82

GB458 E. Franc-Prat, "Étude sur la conception bouddhique de la transmigration des facultés", PenB 5.5, 1955, 6-9

GB458.5 Erich Frauwallner, "Die anthropologie des Buddhismus", Numen 2, Supplement (Leiden 1955), 120-132. Also E. Frauwallner, Kleine Schriften (Wiesbaden 1982), 690-702. Translated into Spanish by F. Tola and C. Dragonetti in REB 10, 1995-96, 115-128

GB459 Ryogon Fukuhara, "Time theory in the philosophy of phenomena and noumena in Buddhism" (summary). RDR 350, 1955, 3-5

GB460 Anagarika Govinda, "Time and space and the problem of free will", MB 63, 1955, 180-186. Translated into French in PenB 6, 1957, 4-11

GB461 Anagarika Govinda, "Hierarchy of order, causality and freedom", MB 63, 1955, 277-285

GB462 Brahmachari Govinda, "The functions of consciousness and the process of perception from the standpoint of Buddhist psychology", MB 43, 1955, 152-162

GB463 Christmas Humphreys, "Karma and rebirth", MW 30, 1955,8-15

GB464 A.Kropatsch, "'Thirst' and the question of free will", MB 63, 1955, 325-332

GB465 Shoson Miyamoto, "A re-appraisal of pratityasamutpada", SIBSY 152-164

GB466 Shoson Miyamoto, "The meaning of Buddhist karma", Religion East and West 1, 1955, 46-66

GB467 L.J.Rosan, "Desirelessness and the good", PEW 5, 1955, 57-60

GB468 Lilian Silburn, Instant et Cause. Le discontinu dans le pensée philosophique de l'Inde. Paris 1955

GB470 K.Venkataramanan, "Did the Buddha deny the self?", ProcIPC 30, 1955, 221-228

GB471 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Pratityasamutpada", IHQ 32, 1956, 261-264

GB472 A.A.G.Bennett, "Sanskrit Buddhist literature", MB 64, 1956: 383, 393. French version PenB 5, 1956, 11-18

GB473 Heramba Chatterjee, "The problem of truth in Buddhist philosophy", PB 61, 1956, 146-148

GB474 Roma Chaudhury, "Buddhist and pre-Buddhist ethics", VK 43, 1956-57, 109-112

GB475 J.W.de Jong, "The study of Buddhism" in his De Studie van het Bodhisme. Problemen en Perspectiven. The Hague 1956. Portion reprinted JDJBS 15-28

GB476 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Place of Buddhism in Indian thought", IHQ 32, 1956, 223-248

GB477 N.N.Dutt and K.D.Bajpai, Development of Buddhism in Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow 1956

GB477.5 Louis Finot, Le bouddhisme, son origion, son evolution. Phnomh-Penh 1956, 1957

GB478 J.N.Ganhar and P.N.Ganhar, Buddhism in Kashmir and Ladakh. New Delhi 1956

GB479 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Buddhism and other philosophies", IAC 5, 1956-57, 365-373

GB480 Helmut von Glasenapp, Der Pfad zur Erleuchtung. Grundtexte der buddhistischen Heilslehre in deutscher Übersetzung. Dusseldorf-Koln 1956

GB481 Anagarika Govinda, "Conception of space in ancient Buddhist art and thought", MB 64, 1956: 193, 287

GB482 Herbert V. Guenther, "Concept of mind in Buddhist Tantrism", JOS 3.2, 1956, 261-277

GB482.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Buddhist studies in recent times: some eminent buddhist scholars in India and Europe", 2500 Years 382-397. Reprinted CPBS 29-44

GB483 Y. Krishan, "Buddhism and ethics", EAW 6, 1956, 329-331

GB484 A.Kropatsch, "Body-soul problem in modern psychology and in Buddhism", MB 64, 1956, 198-204

GB485 Satkari Mookerjee, "The influence of Buddhism on Indian life and thought", BRMIC 7, 1956, 248-256

GB486 T.R.V.Murti, "Buddhism and contemporary Indian thought", RIP 37, 1956, 299-314. Reprinted in StIndT 162-176

GB487 Hajime Nakamura, "University and diversity in Buddhism", Morgan 364-400

GB488 Sangharaksita, "The place of faith in Buddhism", IAC 4, 1956, 299-314

GB489 Genjun Sasaki, "The concept of karma in Buddhist philosophy", Oriens Extremus 3, 1956, 185-204

GB490 P.S.Sastri, "Some Buddhist thinkers of Andhra", IHQ 32, 1956, 163-167

GB491 Anima Sengupta, "The central core of Buddhist philosophy", IAC 5, 1956-57, 312-322

GB492 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "Buddhist psychology", IHQ 32, 1956, 265-269

GB493 Susumu Yamaguchi, "Development of Mahayana Buddhist beliefs", Morgan 153-181

GB494 P.V.Bapat, "Buddhist literature", MB 65, 1957, 185-193

GB495 Edgerton C. Baptist, "The Buddhist doctrine of rebirth", MB 65, 1957, 106-116

GB496 Andre Bareau, "The notion of time in early Buddhism", EAW 7, 1957, 353-364. Reprinted ETB1-12

GB497 A.A.G.Bennett, "Translations of Sanskrit Buddhist literature in Chinese previous to the 6th c. C.E.", MB 65, 1957, 66-82

GB498 Edward Conze, "On 'perverted' views", EAW 7, 1957, 313-318

GB499 Thubtan Chhokyi, "Some aspects of the development of the Buddhist doctrine", MB 65, 1957, 453-461

GB500 J.Evola, "Spiritual virility in Buddhism", EAW 7, 1957, 319-327

GB500.5 Erich Frauwallner, "Zu den buddhistischen Texten in der Zeit Khri-sron-lde-btsan's", WZKSOA 1, 1957, 95-103

GB501 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Le contribution du Bouddhisme à la philosophie", PenB 6.2, 1957, 14-17

GB502 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Vedanta and Buddhism", MW 31, 1957, 152-156

GB502.1 H. von Glasenapp, "Buddhism and comparative religion", SIS 5.3-4, 1957, 47-52. Also in Glasenapp's (?) From Buddhi to Gandhi (Wiesbaden 1962), 152-158. Translated into Spanish by F.Tola and C.Dragonetti in REB 2, 1991-92, 139-148

GB503 Anagarika Govinda, "L'expérience de l'espace dans le bouddhisme Mahayana", PenB 6.1, 1957, 8-10

GB504 Kenneth K. Inada, "An aspect of Buddhism--sunyata" (summary). TICOJ 2, 1957, 33-34

GB505 Kumataro Kawada, "Prajna and its principal truth", JSR 3, 1957, 35-38

GB506 G.M.Nagao, "An interpretation of the term samvrti (convention)", in Silver Jubilee Volume of the Institute of Humanistic Studies, Kyoto University (Soritsu Nijugoshunen Kinen Ronbonshu) 1, 1957

GB507 Hajime Nakamura, "Historical studies of the coming into existence of Mahayana studies", Bulletin of the Okurayama Oriental Research Institute 2, 1957

GB508 Amalia Pezzali, "Samatha and vipasyana in Buddhist Sanskrit literature", PAIOC 19.2, 1957, 68-74

GB509 P.T.Raju, "Buddhism and the Vedanta", IAC 6, 1957-58, 24-48

GB510 P.M.Rao, "Buddhism and mysticism", MB 65, 1957, 83-88

GB511 P.M.Rao, "Causation, karma and rebirth", MB 65, 1957: 239, 282

GB512 W.Stede, "Angulimala and liberation", BSOAS 20, 1957, 533-536

GB513 Luang Suriyabongs, "The law of karma and rebirth", The Light of Buddha 2.10, 1957, 5-8

GB514 D.T.Suzuki, "La philosophie et la religion de la Prajnaparamita" in D.T.Suzuki (ed.), Essais sur le bouddhisme Zen, volume 3 (Paris 1957), 1204-1307

GB515 Nathmal Tatia, "Paticcasamuppada", NNMRP I, 177-239

GB516 Alex Wayman, "The concept of poison in Buddhism", O 10, 1957, 107-109

GB517 R.Yamada, "A bibliography of studies on Sanskrit Buddhism" (summary). ARTU 8, 1957, 9-10

GB518 Massimo Scaligero, "What the eight-fold path may still mean to mankind", EAW 7, 1957, 365-372

GB519 A.A.G.Bennett, "Chinese translation of Sanskrit Buddhist literature during the 5th and 6th centuries", MB 66, 1958, 2-9

GB520 Vidhusekhara Bhattacarya, "Buddhism in relation to Vedanta", CHI 1, 1958, (second edition) 559-574

GB521 Edward Conze, "The Buddhist 'personalities'", MB 67, 1959, 118-126

GB522 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism", CHI 1, 1958, (second edition) 503-517

GB523 Erich Frauwallner, Die Philosophie des Buddhismus. Philosophische Studientexte 2, 1958

GB524 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Buddhism and Vedanta", MW 33, 1958, 22-24

GB525 G.Grimm, The Doctrine of the Buddha. Berlin 1958

GB526 Herbert Guenther, "The levels of understanding in Buddhism", JAOS 78, 1958, 19-28

GB527 Herbert Guenther, "Buddhism and Vedanta", MW 32, 1958, 142-147

GB528 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Der Buddhismus und seine geschichtliche Probleme", Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Untericht 2, 1958, 65-77

GB529 Hrshikes Guha, "Indriyas in Buddhism", MB 66, 1958, 331-333

GB530 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Buddha's prolongation of life", BSOAS 21, 1958, 546-552. Reprinted CPBS 191-200

GB531 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Buddhism and the scientific revolution", Wheel 3, 1958, 1-11

GB532 Kumataro Kawada, "Prajna and the fundamental truth of Buddhism" (summary). JSR 9, 1958, 99-102

GB533 P.G.Kulkarni, "Buddhist view of mind", JPA 5, 1958, 39-45

GB534 K.Kino, "The problem of sin in Indian Buddhism", JIBSt 6.1, 1958, 62-72

GB535 Etienne Lamotte, Histoire du Bouddhisme Indien. Louvain 1958. Translated into English by Sara Boin. Louvain 1988

GB536 Bimal Charan Law, "Karma", CHI 1 (2d ed.) 1958, 537-546

GB537 Bimal Charan Law, "Nirvana", CHI 1 (2d ed.) 1958, 547-558

GB538 Walter Liebenthal, "Nirvana in new attire", MB 66, 1958, 265-269

GB539 Satkari Mookerjee, "Buddhism in Indian life and thought", CHI (2d ed.) 1958, 575-600

GB540 Nyanatiloka Mahathera, "Karma and rebirth", Wheel 9, 1958, 23 pp.

GB541 Paul Oltramare, "Psychologies religieuse et bouddhisme", ICHR 3.2, 1958, 67-69

GB542 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Faith and reason in Buddhism", ICHR 3.2, 1958, 32-43

GB543 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Knowledge and intuition in Buddhism", ICHR 3.2, 1958, 43-44

GB544 N.K.Sahu, Buddhism in Orissa. Utkal University 1958

GB544.1 E.R.Sarathchandra, Buddhist Psychology of Perception. Colombo 1958

GB545 Urmila Rani Sharma, "The influence of theism on Buddhism", IPC 3, 1958, 83-89

GB546 Upasaka Wu Shu (Loo Yung Tsung), "Science and Buddhism", Wheel 3, 1958, 17-21

GB547 Upasaka Wu Shu (Loo Yung Tsung), "Atom and anatta", Wheel 3, 1958, 22-28

GB548 Robert F. Spencer, "Buddhism and the scientific revolution", Wheel 3, 1958, 12-16

GB549 D. Ueda, "Basic doctrines of Buddhism and modern science", JIBSt 7.1, 1958, 54-61

GB550 H.Vedantasastri, "Buddhism--recast (a philosophical analysis)", ABORI 39, 1958, 110-114

GB551 R.C.Zaehner, "Nirvana", HJ 57, 1958-59, 117-125

GB551.1 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Mahayana Buddhism", JAssamRS 13, 1959, 37-39

GB551.2 A.C.Banerji, "Bhumis in Mahayana Buddhism", PAIOC 20.2, 1959, 87-92

GB552 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "A critique on the antitheistic position of the Buddhist", PAIOC 20.2, 1959

GB553 S.Bhattacharya, "Maya and avidya in the Buddhist philosophy", PB 64, 1959, 331-334

GB553.1 Oscar Botto, Il Buddhismo. Milano 1959

GB554 Edward Conze, "Recent progress in Buddhist studies", MW 34, 1959 - 35, 1960. Reprinted 30YBS 1-32

GB555 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The fundamental principles of Mahayanism", PDB 319-335

GB556 Franklin Edgerton, "Did the Buddha have a system of metaphysics?", JAOS 79, 1959, 81-84

GB557 Pio Filippani-Ronconi, Avviamento allo studio del pensiero orientale. Volume 2: Buddhism. Naples 1959

GB558 Herbert V. Guenther, "Philosophical background of Buddhist Tantrism", JOS 5, 1959-62, 45-64

GB559 Sramanera Jivaka, "Dukkha", IAC 8, 1959-60, 68-74

GB560 Sramanera Jivaka, "A Buddhist appproach to free will", AP 30, 1959, 311 ff.

GB561 G.C.Lal, Buddha Dharma: A Higher Affirmation. Allahabad 1959

GB562 G.Constant Lounsbery, "Anatta in the light of science", PDB 463-471

GB563 G.M.Nagao, "Buddhist subjectivity", RSJ 257-262

GB564 Hajime Nakamura, "A new way of approach in Buddhist studies: in the light of comparative philosophy", RSJ 263-284

GB565 Giyu Nishi, "The truth of the original purity of mind", RSJ 300-307

GB566 Piyadassi Thera, "Dependent origination paticcasamuppada", Wheel 15, 1959, 45 pp.

GB567 Sangharaksita, A Survey of Buddhism. Second edition. Bangalore 1959

GB568 N.Aiyasvami Sastri, "Approach to Hinduism" in 2500 Years

GB569 Yoshifumi Ueda, "The fundamental structure of thought of Mahayana Buddhism" (summary). JSR 10, 1959, 57-61

GB570 V.P.Varma, "The philosophy of nirvana in early Buddhism", JBRS 45, 1959, 226-243

GB571 Ryujo Yamada, "A bibliographical survey on Buddhist Sanskrit texts" (summary). JSR 10, 1959, 126-129

GB572 A.Ayyappan and P.R.Srinivasa, Story of Buddhism with special reference to South India. Madras 1960

GB572.5 H. W. Bailey, Saka Documents. London 1960, 1968

GB573 Edward Conze, A Short History of Buddhism. Volume Three: Religion, Philosophy and Science. Bombay 1960

GB574 Edward Conze, "The development of Prajnaparamita thought" in Buddhism and Culture: Suzuki Commemoration Volume (Kyoto 1960), 24-25. Reprinted in 30YBS 123-147

GB575 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Het Buddha un metaphysische System gelehrt?", Paideuma 7.4-6, 1960, 235-240

GB576 Clarence H. Hamilton, "Universal elements in Mahayanist thought", ICHR 1960, 624-634

GB576.5 Sramanera Jivaka, Growing Up into Buddhism. Calcutta 1960

GB576.7 Etienne lamotte, Lo spirito del Buddhismo antico. Venice 1960. Translated into English in 1961

GB577 Charles A. Moore, "Buddhism and science", SYBC 89-125

GB578 Hajime Nakamura, "A brief survey of Japanese studies on the philosophical schools of the Mahayana", Acta Asiatica 1, 1960, 56-88

GB579 Sangharaksita, "The trikaya or three bodies of the Buddha", MB 68, 1960, 236-242

GB580 Sangharaksita, "Karma and the wheel of life", MB 68, 1960, 331-339

GB581 Luang Suriyabongs, "Controversial questions about karma and rebirth", The Light of Buddha 6.4, 1960, 12-17

GB582 K. Tamaki, "Jaspers' Auffassung über den Buddhismus", JIBSt 8.2, 1960, 10-20

GB583 R.Yuki, "The construction of fundamental evil in Mahayana", ICHR 1960, 463-466

GB583.5 Heinz Bechert, Bruchstücke buddhistischer Verssammlungen aus zentral-asiatischen Sanskrithandschriften. Berlin 1961

GB584 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of self in Buddhism", PQ 34, 1961

GB585 Edward Conze, "The three doors to deliverance", MW 36, 1961: 10, 17

GB586 Sita Devi, "Doctrinal differences or ethical unities", MB 69, 1961, 242-248

GB587 Ronald Fussell, "Vedanta and Buddhism", MW 35, 1961, 157-160

GB588 Richard A. Gard (ed.), Buddhism. New York 1961

GB589 Betty Heimann, "Within the framework of Indian religion: the main dogma of Buddhism", Numen 8, 1961, 1-11

GB590 Shunkyo Katsumata, "Concerning various views of human nature", TUAA 1, 1961, 33-46

GB591 K.Kawada, "Fundamental difference between Buddhistic and Vedantic philosophies", JIBSt 9, 1961, 403-410

GB592 Winston L. King, "Myth in Buddhism: essential or peripheral?", JBR 29, 1961, 211-218

GB593 Kalipada Mitra, "Nirvana", JBRS 47, 1961, 56-64

GB594 Giyu Nishi, "On bodhisattva: his vows and practices", TUAA 1, 1961, 57-72

GB595 N. Ramesan, Glimpses of Buddhism. Secunderabad 1961

GB596 Sramanera Sujiva, "Some modern mithya drishti", MB 69, 1961, 168-181

GB597 H.Wolfgang Schumann, "Kamma and rebirth in Buddhism", MB 69, 1961, 230-232

GB598 Jikido Takasaki, "Description of the ultimate reality by means of the six categories in Mahayana Buddhism", JIBSt 9.2, 1961, 24-33

GB599 Koshiro Tamaki, "The development of the thought of tathagatagarbha from India to China", JIBSt 9.1, 1961, 25-33

GB600 Giuseppe Tucci, The Theory and Practice of the Mandala. Translated from Italian by A.H.Brodrick. London 1961

GB601 Mahesh Tiwari, An Examination of the Concept of Personality in Buddhist Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Bihar 1961

GB602 K.C.Varadachari, "Buddhism and its influence on the Indian philosophical systems", The Mother 4, 1961

GB603 Alex Wayman, "The Buddhist 'not this, not this'", PEW 11, 1961, 99-114

GB604 Henri Arvon, Buddhism. Translated by D.Scott. New York 1962

GB604.5 Heinz Bechert, Sanskrittexte aus Ceylon. Munchen 1962

GB605 Edward Conze, Buddhist Thought in India. London 1962

GB606 Edward Conze, "Dharmas and the self", MW 37, 1962, 186-192

GB607 Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India. London 1962

GB608 David J. Kalupahana, "The philosophy of relations in Buddhism", UCR 20, 1962: 19, 188

GB609 Ananda Kausalyayana, "Fundamentals of Buddhist psychology", MB 70, 1962, 115-119

GB610 Nanasampanno, "Wisdom develops samadhi", MW 37, 1962: 53, 97

GB611 Nyanaponika Thera, "Buddhism and the God-idea: selected texts", Wheel 47, 1962, 32 pp.

GB612 Sangharaksita, "The centrality of man", MB 70, 1962, 2-8

GB613 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Pariyaya and nipariyaya", WZKSOA 7, 1962, 47-59

GB614 Peter Schlinghoff, Die Religion des Buddhismus. Two volumes. Berlin 1962-63

GB615 Joachim Friedrich Sprockhoff, "Zur idee der Erlösung bei Lebzeiten im Buddhismus", Numen 9, 1962, 201-227

GB616 Paravahara Vajiranama Mahathera, Buddhist Meditation in Theory and Practice. Colombo 1962

GB617 E. Zurcher, Buddhism. London 1962

GB617.1 T. J. J. Altizer, "Nirvana and kingdom of God", Journal of Religion 43, 1963, 105-117

GB618 R.G.Basak, "The contribution of Buddhism to Indian thought", BRMIC 14, 1963, 333-341

GB619 A.A.G.Bennett, "The rise of the Mahayana in India", MB 71, 1963, 123-132

GB621 J.C.Chatterji, "The Buddha and the atman", PB 63, 1963, 91-98

GB621.1 Sibadas Chaudhuri (ed.), Contributions t a Buddhistic Bibliography, series 2. JASBe 5.3-4, 1963

GB622 Edward Conze, "Buddhist philosophy and its European parallels", PEW 13, 1963, 9-24. Reprinted in 30YBS 105-115

GB623 Edward Conze, "Spurious parallels to Buddhist philosophy", PEW 13, 105-116

GB624 H.S.Cooray, "Abhisannanirodha", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 122-125

GB625 Akira Hirakawa, "Nairatmya and the agent of action--an interpretation of the atman idea from the Pratityasamutpada philosophy", Jigo to Muga 381-421

GB625.1 Akira Hirakawa, "The rise of Mahayana Buddhism and its relationship to the worship of stupa", MRTB 22, 1963, 57-106

GB626 Akio Inoue, "A comparative study in Buddhism and existentialism", TJR 5.1, 1963, 55-69

GB627 K.N.Jayatilleke, Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge. London 1963

GB628 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The Buddhist concept of truth", Wheel 50, 1963, 25-41. Also Ceylon Today 14.5, 1965, 18-24. Also MB 76, 1968, 259-266. Also Wheel 162-164, 1971, 47-61

GB629 David J. Kalupahyana, "Adhipati-phala", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 206

GB630 S. Kanaoka, "Acittaka", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 183

GB631 S.Kanaoka, "Adhimukticarya-bhumi", EnBud 1.2, 1963,202-203

GB632 S.Kanaoka, "Adhivacana-pravesa", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 208-209

GB633 S.Kanaoka, "Adhyasaya", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 211-212

GB634 S.Kanaoka, "Ajnendriya", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 334-335

GB635 Y. and S. Kanaoka, "Adhipati-paccaya", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 205-206

GB636 Kumataro Kawamura, "A comparative study of the self in the Western philosophy and the atman idea in India--from ancient times to the medieval ages", Jigo to Muga 585-616

GB637 B.D.Kretser, Man in Buddhism and Christianity. Calcutta 1963

GB637.5 Anton Kropatsch, Wieder geburt und Erlosung in der lehre des Buddha. Geinhausen 1963

GB638 Etienne Lamotte, "Un festiv d'Immortalité dans le Bouddhisme", BCLS 1963, 173-182

GB639 Robert J. Miller, "The mathematical truth and the Buddhadhamma", MB 71, 1963: 213, 251

GB640 G.S.P.Misra, "The problem of moral responsibility in Buddhism", JBRS 49, 1963, 54-59

GB641 Kyosho Hayashima, "Abhisamaya", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 105-114

GB642 Nanamoli Thera, "Buddhism, a religion or a philosophy?", Wheel 52/53, 1963, 1-10

GB643 Nanamoli Thera, "Does saddha mean faith?", Wheel 52/53, 1963, 11-31

GB644 Koshiro Tamaki, "The subject in comparative philosophy--seeking for the subject in Buddhism", JIBSt 11.1, 1963, 1-11

GB645 Yoshiro Tamura, "Absolute: development of the concept", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 144-148

GB646 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Abhinna", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 97-102

GB647 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Absolute: meaning and nature", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 140-144

GB648 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Absolute as the unconditioned", EnBud 1.1, 1963, 148-151

GB649 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Acinnakamma", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 179-180

GB650 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Action", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 184-185

GB651 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Actuality", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 186-188

GB652 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Adhicitta", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 196

GB653 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Adhimokkha", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 201-202

GB654 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Adhipanna", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 204

GB655 H.G.A.Van Zeyst and S.Kanaoka, "Adhipateyya", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 204-205

GB656 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Adhitthana", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 207-208

GB657 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Advaita", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 235-236

GB658 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "After-image", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 240-241

GB659 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Aggregates", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 267

GB660 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Agnosticism and Buddhism", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 272-276

GB661 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Ahamkara", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 279-280

GB662 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Ahara", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 280-283

GB663 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Ahetuvada", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 284-285

GB664 V.P.Varma, "The origins and sociology of the early Buddhist philosophy of moral determinism", PEW 13, 1963, 25-47

GB665 Alex Wayman, "Conze on Buddhism and European parallels", PEW 13, 1963, 361-364

GB666 O.H.de A.Wijesekara, "Buddhist ethics", Wheel 50, 1963, 1-24

GB666.1 Wit Wisadevet, Sartre and the Buddhist's Concept of Man. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Indiana 1963

GB666.2 H. Bechert, "Zur Früh geschichte des Mahayana-Buddhismus", ZDMG 113, 1964, 530

GB667 N.N.Bhattacharya, "Buddhism as viewed by non-Buddhist philosophers", Journal of the Varendra Research Museum 3, 1974, 61-68

GB668 Rastrapal Bhiksu, "The Buddhist doctrine of kamma", ME 72, 1964, 59-64

GB669 Nalinaksha Dutt, "Nirvana; sunyata; vijnaptimatrata", Bulletin of Tibetology 1.1, 1964, 12-20

GB670 Anagarika Govinda, "Die Bedeutung des Gebetes in Buddhismus", Kairos 6, 1964, 195-201

GB671 Anagarika Govinda, "Bhakti marga in Buddhism", MP 1, 1964, 215-222

GB672 R.N.Kak, "Religious growth in the Mahayana", MB 72, 1964, 59-64

GB673 David J. Kalupahana, "Alambana-pratyaya", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 376

GB674 David J. Kalupahana, "Alatacakra", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 379

GB675 Upali Karunaratne, "Akusala", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 369

GB676 S. Kanaoka, "Akasa school", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 347-348

GB677 Hajime Nakamura, "A critical survey of Mahayana and Esoteric Buddhism chiefly based upon Japanese studies", Acta Asiatica 6, 1964 - 7, 1964

GB678 David Seyfort Ruegg, "Rapports entre le bouddhisme et le substrat religieux indien et tibètain", JA 252, 1964, 77-96

GB679 Sangharaksita, "The stages of the path in Buddhism", AP 35, 1964, 154-158

GB680 Karunesha Shukla, "Atman in Buddhist philosophy: viewpoint of the Buddha", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 235-236

GB681 Koshiro Tamaki, "Comparative research into human consciousness", TUAA 2, 1964, 65-82

GB682 Koyo Tamura, "Anabhilapya", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 503-504

GB683 Yoshifumi Ueda, "The world and the individual in Mahayana Buddhist philosophy", PEW 14, 1964, 157-166

GB684 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Akasa", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 340-342

GB685 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Akincannayatana", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 350-351

GB686 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Akriyavada", EnBud 1.3, 1964, 352-353

GB687 Shoko Watanabe, "On Vara-cakravartin and Balacakravartin", TUAA 2, 1964, 83-88

GB688 Masao Abe, "The idea of purity in Mahayana Buddhism", Numen 12, 1965, 183-189

GB688.5 Douglas M. Burns, Buddhism, Science and Atheism. Bangkok 1965, 1971

GB689 David J. Kalupahana, "Anantara-paccaya", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 551-552

GB690 David J. Kalupahana, "Anna", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 693-696

GB691 David J. Kalupahana, "Annamanna-paccaya", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 701

GB692 David J. Kalupahana and K.Tamura, "Antarabhava", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 730-733

GB693 David J. Kalupahana, "Antarayika-dhamma", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 735-737

GB694 Upali Karunaratne, "Anusaya", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 775-777

GB695 Kumataro Kawada, "Pratyatmadharmata-methodischer Tranzendentalismus", JIBSt 14.1, 1965, 1-9

GB696 Anton Kropatsch, "The Buddhist rebirth as a neither-conscious-nor-unconscious activity" (translated by A.A.G.Bennett), MB 73, 1965, 64-69

GB697 G.P.Malalasekara, "Anatta". EnBud 1.4, 1965, 576

GB698 Nanamoli, "Anicca", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 657-663

GB699 Ichijo Ogawa, "The concept of tathagatagarbha (Buddhadhatu) in Indian Mahayana Buddhism" (in Japanese with English summary). ToG 30, 1965, 102-157

GB700 Sujib Punyanubhab, Some Prominent Characteristics of Buddhism. Thailand 1965

GB701 Bhikshu Rastrapal, "The Buddhist doctrine of rebirth", WB 14.3, 1965, 3-5

GB702 Richard H. Robinson, "The ethic of the house-holder bodhisattva", Bh 9.2, 1965-66, 25-56

GB703 K.Tamura, "Anagata", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 514

GB704 K.Tamura, "Anantarya-marga", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 554-555

GB705 K.Tamura, "Animitta", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 675-676

GB706 K.Tamura, "Anutpattika-dharma-ksanti", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 779-780

GB707 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Annihilation", EnBud 1.4, 1965,705-709

GB708 C.Witanachchi, "Anantarika-kamma", EnBud 1.4, 1965, 552-554

GB709 James Allen, "The illusion of the ego", MB 74, 1966, 119-124

GB710 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Mahayana Buddhism", CR 180, 1966, 145-149. Also JASP 14, 1969, 241-252

GB711 Egerton C. Baptist, "Rebirth and the doctrine of anatta (no-soul)", Buddhist (Colombo) 37.3, 1966, 68-72

GB712 Egerton C. Baptist, "The Buddhist law of dependent origination (paticcasamuppada)", Buddhist 37.3, 1966, 100-103

GB713 P.R.Barua, "The doctrine of impermanence", in Muhammad Emanuel Haq (ed.), MSFV 57-68

GB714 John P. Driscoll, "Concepts of reality in Buddhist thought", AsSt 4, 1966, 236-239

GB715 Gnaneswarananda, "Buddhism and Vedanta", VATW 180, 1966, 7-16

GB716 V.F.Gunaratne, Buddhist Reflections on Death. Wheel 102-103, 1966

GB717 Shoyo Hanayama, "A summary of various research on the Prajnaparamita literature", Acta Asiatica 10, 1966, 16-93

GB718 Lal Mani Joshi, "Buddhist principle on non-egoity", MB 74, 1966, 258-260

GB718.1 R.N.Kak, "Buddhism and stoicism". AP 37, 1966, 153-159

GB718.2 K.S.Kakichi, "Ways of knowing: a Buddhist Thomist dialogue", IndPQ 6.4, 1966, 574-595

GB719 David J. Kalupahana, "Arammana", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 60-61

GB720 David J. Kalupahana, "Arammana-paccaya", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 61-62

GB721 Trevor Ling, "Buddhist mysticism", Religious Studies 1, 1966, 163-176

GB722 G.P.Malalasekara, "The unique doctrine of Buddhism", MB 74, 1966, 63-69

GB723 Taishun Mibu, "On the thought 'krtajna' in Buddhism", JIBSt 14.2, 1966, 36-46

GB724 Saddhatissa, "Impermanence", MB 74, 1966, 231-255

GB725 Jikido Takasaki, "Dharmata, dharmadhatu, dharmakaya and buddhadhatu--structure of the ultimate value in Mahayana Buddhism", JIBSt 14.2, 1966, 78-94

GB726 K. Tamura, "Apratisamkhya-nirodha", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 37

GB727 K.N.Upadhyaya, "The Buddhist doctrine of anatta (soullessness)", PQ 39, 1966, 119-128

GB728 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Appana", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 31-32

GB729 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Appearance and reality", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 33-34

GB730 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Arupa", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 103

GB731 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Arupaloka", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 103-104

GB732 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Arupavacara", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 104

GB733 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Asamkhata", EnBud 2.1, 1966, 150

GB734 Anamik, "Buddha's philosophy of change", Shakti 4.1, 1967, 14-19

GB735 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Buddhist views on causation: an Advaitic study", PB 72, 1967, 304-313

GB736 C.D.Bijelwan, "On the Buddhist laws of identity and causality", Smrtigrantha 20-29

GB737 Douglas M. Burns, "Buddhist meditation and depth psychology", Wheel 88/89, 1967, revised 1973, 82 pp.

GB738 Edward Conze, Materials for a Dictionary of the Prajnaparamita Literature. Tokyo 1967, 1973

GB739 Manijju W.P. DeSilva, A Study of Motivational Theory in Early Buddhism with reference to the Psychology of Freud. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1967

GB740 Dorothy C. Donath, "'Destiny'--as understood in Buddhism", MP 4, 1967, 119-121

GB741 V.V.Gokhale, "Buddhist studies", RIR75 659-672

GB742 Minoru Hara, "Transfer of merit", ALB 31-32, 1967-68, 382-411

GB743 Kyosho Hayashima, "Asubha", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 270-281

GB744 Gyokusan Hosaka, "Asrava", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 202-214

GB745 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Avijja", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 454-459

GB746 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The logic of four alternatives", PEW 17, 1967, 69-84

GB747 Lalmani Joshi, "The concept of dharma in Buddhism", MB 75, 1967, 342-349

GB748 Lalmani Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture during the 7th and 8th Centuries A.D. Delhi 1967

GB749 David J. Kalupahana, "Authority", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 387-390

GB750 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Asvabhava", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 292

GB752 Upali Karunaratne, "Attha-Patisambhida", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 364-365

GB753 W.S.Karunatilleke, "Avatamsaka school", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 432-435

GB754 Shozen Kumoi, "Atman", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 3l6-320

GB755 Trevor Ling, "Mysticism and nibbana", MW 41, 1967, 163-169

GB756 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Asraya", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 214

GB757 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Avijnapti", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 460-461

GB758 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Modern physics and Buddhist epistemology", VJP 4.1, 1967, 84-90

GB759 S.S.Roy, "Vedanta and Buddhism", AUS 1967, 1-26

GB760 Saddhatissa, "The enigma of the theory of anatta", MB 75, 1967, 171-175

GB761 Sthavira Sangharakshita, "The stages of the path", MB 75, 1967, 2-15

GB762 Sri Nivasa Shastri, "The conception of nirvana from the viewpoint of anatmavada in Buddhist philosophy", KUJ 1.1, 1967, 174-180

GB763 Junjiro Takakusu, "Buddhism as a philosophy of 'thusness'", TIM 86-117

GB764 H.Thipperudrawamy, "Virasaivism and Buddhism",SBECCV 379-399

GB765 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Association", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 227-228

GB766 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Asubha-bhavana", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 281

GB767 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Attavada", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 328-330

GB768 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Atheism", EnBud 2.2, 1967, 304-308

GB769 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Atthi-paccaya", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 370-371

GB770 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Attributes", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 372-373

GB771 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Avacara", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 392-395

GB772 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Avigata-paccaya", EnBud 2.3, 1967,453-454

GB773 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Avyakata", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 464-466

GB774 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Ayatana", EnBud 2.3, 1967, 469-471

GB775 V.P.Varma, "The origins of the Samkhya and its relation to Buddhism", VK 54, 1967-68: 75, 133, 176, 218, 271

GB776 M.O'C.Walshe, "The truth of rebirth", MW 42, 1967, 11-16

GB776.1 F. Berard, "Zur interpretation des pratityasamutpada formal", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 53-64

GB777 Guy Bugault, La notion de 'prajna' ou le sapience selon le perspectives du 'Mahayana'. PICI 32, 1968

GB778 Douglas M. Burns, "Nirvana, nihilism and satori", Wheel 117/119, 1968, 95 pp.

GB779 George Chemparathy, "Two early Buddhist refutations of the existence of isvara as the creator of the universe', WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 85-100

GB780 Edward Conze, Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies. Oxford 1968.

GB781 Dorothy C. Donath, "What is reincarnated?", MB 76, 1968, 321-324

GB781.1 O. Hansen, "Die buddhistische Literatur der Chotansaken", Handbuch der Orientalistik Literatur IV.Band, 2. Abschnitt, Leiden-Koln 1968, 77- 83

GB782 Paul Horsch, "Buddhismus und Upanisaden", Pratidanam 462-477

GB783 Kenneth K. Inada, "The ultimate ground of Buddhist purification", PEW 18, 1968, 41-54

GB784 Nolan P. Jacobson, The Religion of Analysis: Buddhism. London 1968

GB784.1 Bhagchandra Jain, "The concept of omniscience in Buddhism", VSMV 1968, 172-180

GB785 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The Buddhist attitude to revelation", MB 76, 1968, 274-280. Also Wheel 162/164, 1971, 33-46

GB786 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The Buddhist doctrine of karma", MB 76, 1968, 314-320

GB787 Jagdish Kashyapa, The Buddhist Outlook: Special Lectures. Mysore 1968

GB788 Toshio Kazama, "Some problems in the historical development of the atman thought", JIBSt 34, 1968, 564-568

GB789 Bimal Charan Law, "A brief survey of Buddhist doctrine and philosophy", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 203-218

GB789.5 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedanta and Buddhism", VandB 13-24

GB790 G.S.P.Misra, "Logical and scientific method in early Buddhist texts", JRAS 1968, 54-64

GB791 T.R.V.Murti, "Vedanta and Buddhism", Seminar Papers, Centre for Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University 1968. Reprinted in StIndT 197-216; also in VandB 63-82

GB792 S.K.Nayakkara, "Bhakti", EnBud 2.4, 1968, 678-684

GB793 Marco Pallis, "Is there room for 'grace' in Buddhism", SCR 2, 1968, 194-210

GB794 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Metaphysical foundations of the Buddhist theory of knowledge", ProcIPC 1968, 147-165. Reprinted in RPISP 28-49

GB795 Israel Queles, S.J., Filosofia Budista. Buenos Aires 1968

GB796 Richard H. Robinson, The Buddhist Religion. Madison, Wis. 1968

GB797 H.Saddhatissa, "Salient features of Buddhist metaphysics", MB 76, 1968, 324-327

GB798 N.H.Samtani, "On some Buddhist terms beginning with Brahma-", Bh 12-14, 1968-71, 158-164

GB799 Anil Kumar Sarkar, Changing Phases of Buddhist Thought. Patna 1968

GB799.1 Frithjof Schuon, In the Tracks of Buddhism. London 1968

GB800 Francis Story, "The Buddhist doctrine of rebirth in subhuman realms", MB 76, 1968: 28, 58

GB801 D.T.Suzuki, On Indian Mahayana Buddhism. Edited by Edward Conze. New York 1968

GB802 Taranatha, History of Buddhism in India, translated from Tibetan by Lama Chimpa and Alaka Chattopadhyaya, and edited by Debiprasad Bhattopadhyaya. ISPP 10, 1968: 45,131

GB803 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Being", EnBud 2.4, 1968, 608-609

GB804 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Karma and rebirth as a solution to the mysteries of life and death", MB 76, 1968, 75-82

GB805 Guy R. Welbon, The Buddhist Nirvana and its Western Interpreters. Chicago 1968

GB805.5 Andre Bareau, "Les positions du Bouddhisme ancien devant les theses de l'origine de l'universe et de la creation du monde par dieu", Studia Missionalia 18, 1969, 75-85

GB806 Nalinaksha Dutt, "The Buddhist theory of flux or becoming", MB 77, 1969, 119-121

GB807 S.Dutt, "How India dealt with Buddhism", IAC 18.1, 1969, 4-9

GB808 Hugh L'Anson Fausset, The Flame and the Light: Meanings in Vedanta and Buddhism. New York 1969; Wheaton, Ill. 1976

GB809 Bhajagovinda Ghosh, "Upanishadic terms in Buddhism", Bulletin of Tibetology 6.3, 1969, 5-18

GB809.5 Shoyu Hanayama, Buddhist Handbook for Shin-shu Followers. Tokyo 1969

GB810 Kenneth K. Inada, "Some basic misconceptions of Buddhism", IPQ 9, 1969, 101-119

GB811 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The conditioned genesis of the individual or the doctrine of paticcasamuppada", MB 77, 1969, 246-251

GB812 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The case for the Buddhist theory of survival and kamma", MB 77, 1969 - 78, 1970

GB813 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The Buddhist theory of causality", MB 77, 1969, 2-9

GB814 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Survival and karma in Buddhist perspective", Wheel 141/143, 1969, 93 pp.

GB815 Rune E.A.Johansson, The Psychology of Nirvana. London 1969

GB816 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Meditation and philosophy in Buddhism" (summary). TK 44.6, 1969, 2

GB816.1 R.N.Kak, "Emptiness and the other doors to deliverance", AP 40, 1969, 112-117

GB817 Bernulf Kanitscheider, Grundfragen des buddhistischen Philosophie. Innsbruck 1969

GB818 Y.Karunadasa, "The Buddhists' doctrine of impermanence", MB 77, 1969, 213-219

GB819 Y.Karunadasa, "The Buddhist theory of matter", MB 77, 1969: 11, 36

GB820 Jikaku Kashi, "Der Grundgedanke der Ichlehre in alteren Buddhismus", MatR 3, 1969, 67-86

GB821 A.Matsunage, The Buddhist Philosophy of Assimilation. Tokyo 1969

GB822 G.C.Pande, "Buddhist philosophy" in Lalmani Joshi et al. (eds.), Buddhism (Patiala 1969)

GB823 Viswanath Pandey, "Early Buddhist conception of consciousness", BhV 29, 1969, 49-70

GB824 Richard H. Robinson, "Early Buddhist theory of knowledge", JAS 28, 1969, 380-390

GB825 H.Saddhatissa, "Concept of rebirth in Buddhism", MB 77, 1969, 135-138

GB826 Richard Taylor, "The anatta doctrine and personal identity", PEW 19, 1969, 359-366

GB827 Alex Wayman, "No time, great time, and profane time in Buddhism", in Myths and Symbols: Studies in Honor of Mircea Eliade (1969). Reprinted AWBI 49-62

GB827.5 E. W. Adikaram, Buddhism and the Doctrine of Hate. Colombo 1970

GB828 Y.Balaramamoorty, "Buddhist philosophy" in Rahul Sankrtyayana et al. (eds.), Buddhism: The Marxist Approach (Delhi 1970)

GB829 Srimati Apurna Banerji, Traces of Buddhism in South India (c. 700-1600 A.D.). Calcutta 1970

GB830 Diren K. Dohanian, "Mahayana cult in ancient Ceylon", ICWTC 423-436

GB831 Nalinaksha Dutt, Buddhist Sects in India. Calcutta 1970

GB832 V.F.Gunaratne, "Buddhist view of mind", in H.P.Weerasekara and L.D.de S. Ubhayatne (eds.), Dahan Suwanda Vesak Number. Colombo 1970

GB833 A.S.Hanson, "Buddhism and logic", MW 45, 1970, 70-74

GB834 Kenneth K. Inada, "Buddhist naturalism and the myth of rebirth", IJPR 1, 1970, 46-53

GB836 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Buddhist conception of evil", MB 78, 1970, 82-88

GB837 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Criteria of right and wrong", MB 78, 1970, 114-120

GB838 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Ethical theory of Buddhism", MB 78, 1970, 192-197

GB839 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Buddhist analysis of mind", MB 78, 1970, 234-241. Also Wheel 162/164, 1971, 76-91

GB840 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Buddhist ethical ideal or the ultimate good", MB 78, 1970, 262-267

GB841 K.N.Jayatilleke, "Nirvana", MW 45, 1970, 112-118. Also MB 79, 1971, 2-7

GB841.1 Colin Johnson, "Buddhism and the Bhagavadgita", WB 19.5, 1970, 127-129

GB842 L.M.Joshi, Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism. Kandy 1970

GB842.1 R.N.Kak, "What dharma means in Buddhism", AP 61.1, 1970, 19-22

GB843 David J. Kalupahana, "Causality--the central tenet in Buddhism", MB 78, 1970, 242-248

GB844 Chitrarekha Kher, Buddhism as Presented by the Brahmanical Systems. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Poona 1970

GB845 R.Mano, "On the 'three jnatas'", JIBSt 36, 1970, 1036-1042

GB846 Haruhiko Masaki, "On the concept of sattva and its development", JIBSt 36, 1970, 983-993

GB847 A.J.Prince, "The concept of Buddhahood in earlier and later Buddhism". JOSA 7.1-2, 1970, 87-118

GB848 Huyen-vi Thich, "Right way to freedom from bondage", WB 18, 1970 - 19, 1970

GB849 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Karma and rebirth", MB 78, 1970, 198-206

GB850 Henry Van Zeyst, Problems Bared (Essay on Buddhism). Colombo 1970

GB851 A.K.Warder, Indian Buddhism. Delhi 1970

GB852 Fumimaro Watanabe, "The principles of reasoning and forms of argument in the early Buddhist canon", JIBSt 37, 1970, 469-476

GB853 Alex Wayman, "The Buddhist theory of vision", Anjali 27-32. Reprinted AWBI 153-162

GB854 Alex Wayman, "Buddhist dependent origination", HistR 10, 1970, 185-203

GB855 H.P.Weerasekara and L.D.de S. Ubhayaratne (eds.), Dahan Suwanda Vesak Number. Colombo 1970

GB856 A.C.Banerjee and S.K.Nanayakkara, "Bhumi", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 74-81

GB856.1 S. S. Barlingay, Significance of Pratityasamutpada, Samanyalaksan and Apoha. Poona 1971

GB857 L.Stafford Betty, "The Buddhist-Humean parallels: postmortem", PEW 21, 1971, 237-254

GB857.1 Buddhadasa, Anapanasati--Mindfulness of Breathing. three Volumes. Bangkok 1971, 1976, 1980, 1988

GB858 Ashok Kumar Chatterjee, "Pratityasamutpada in Buddhist philosophy", OH 19, 1971, 1-17. Reprinted in his Facets of Buddhist Thought (Calcutta 1975)

GB859 Dorothy C. Donath, Buddhism for the West. New York 1971

GB59.5 Chandra Kanta Dutt, Nature of Reality in Buddhist Realism: a Comarative Study. 1971. Sumarized in RBS pp. 16-17

GB860 Erich Frauwallner, Die Entstehung der buddhistischen Systeme. Gottingen 1971

GB861 Anagarika Govinda, "The significance of meditation in Buddhism", MP 8, 1971, 229-235

GB862 Herbert V. Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice. Baltimore 1972

GB863 Neville Gunaratna, "A philosophical approach to the doctrine of kamma", MB 79, 1971, 8-13

GB864 V.F.Gunaratna, "Rebirth explained", Wheel 167/169, 1971, 95 pp.

GB865 H.Hudson, "Buddhist teaching about illusion", Religious Studies 7, 1971, 41-52

GB867 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Bhoga", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 60-62

GB868 Upali Karunaratne, "Bija", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 105-108

GB869 Upali Karunaratne, "Bhavanga", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 17-20

GB870 Gadjin M. Nagao, "On the theory of the Buddha-body (Buddha-kaya)" (summary). TK 45.3, 1971, 1-2. In full at EB 6, 1973, 25-53

GB871 Bhikkhu Nanamoli (Osbert Moore), A Thinker's Notebook: Posthumous Papers of a Buddhist Monk. Kandy 1971, 1980

GB871.5 Sunthorn Na-Rangs, "Karma", WFBR 8.4, 1971, 12-20

GB872 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Bhutatathata", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 97-101

GB873 Phra Maha Singhathon Narasabha, Buddhism. A Guide to a Happy Life. Bangkok 1971

GB874 V.Pandey, "What is nirvana?", JYI 17, 1971-72, 5-10

GB874.1 Richard E. Peterson, "The primacy of non-duality", MW 45.4, 1971,

GB875 R.Puligandla, "Buddhist analysis of identity and its psychological implications", MB 79, 1971, 144-157

GB876 K.Bhaskara Rao, Taoism and Buddhism. Vijayawada 1971

GB877 George Rupp, "The relationships between nirvana and samsara: an essay on the evolution of Buddhist ethics", PEW 21, 1971, 55-68

GB878 H.Saddhatissa, "Process of rebirth in Buddhism", MB 79, 1971, 334-338

GB879 Melford E. Spiro, Buddhism and Society. London 1971

GB880 Th.Stcherbatsky, "Philosophical doctrine of Buddhism", TSFP 9-34

GB881 Francis Story, "Nibbana", Wheel 165/166, 1971, 33-49

GB882 Ledy Sayadaw, The Requisites of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dipani). Translated by Sein Nyo Tun. Wheel 171/174, 1971, 126 pp.

GB883 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The place of atman in Buddhist thought", Darshana 41, 1971, 70-76

GB884 P.Vajirana, "The Buddhist doctrine of nibbana", Wheel 165/166, 1971, 1-32

GB884.1 Vajirananvarorasa, "Dispassionateness (viraga)", WFBR 8.4, 1971, 6-11

GB885 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Bhava", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 10-11

GB886 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Bhavana", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 14-15

GB887 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Bhaya", 'EnBud 3.1, 1971, 23-24

GB888 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Bhuta", EnBud 3.1, 1971, 89-92

GB889 Alex Wayman, "Buddhism", HRHHR 372-464

GB890 Osamu Yoshida, "The idea of atman--on neti neti atma" (in Japanese with English summary). ToG 41, 1971, 114-131

GB891 Sumitrosankar Banerjee, "The development of the Buddhist and Advaita ethics", IPC 17, 1972, 116-124

GB891.5 Egerton C. Baptist, The Buddhist Doctrine of Kamma. Colombo 1972

GB892 Mervyn Fernando, "Self, reality and salvation in Christianity and Buddhism", IPQ 12, 1972, 116-124

GB894 Lalmani Joshi, "Truth--a Buddhist perspective", JRS 4, 1972, 65-76

GB895 Yuichi Kajiyama, "The body", EnBud 3.2, 1972, 255-262

GB896 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Professor Hiriyanna on Buddhism", MO 5, 1972, 166-172

GB897 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Bodhisattva", EnBud 3.2,1972, 224-233

GB898 Chitrarekha Khar, "Some aspects of the concept of omniscience (sarvajnata)", ABORI 53, 1972, 175-182

GB899 S. Khosla, History of Buddhism in Kashmir. New Delhi 1972

GB900 Etienne Lamotte, "Perspective chrétiennes et bouddhiques sur l'acte humain", BCLS 1972, 355-369

GB901 Hideo Mineshima, "Die Existenz philosophie Karl Jaspers' und die buddhistische Mystik", JIBSt 21.1, 1972, l-6

GB902 G.S.P.Misra, "The Buddhist theory of karman and some related problems", VJP 8.2, 1972, 34-44

GB903 A.S.Mourya, "Critique of Buddhism and Vedanta", MB 80, 1972, 526-533

GB904 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Bodhicitta", EnBud 3.2, 1972, 184-189

GB905 Kunihiko Nishiyama, "Justification of the recognition of Mahayana Buddhism in the Maitreya tradition" (in Japanese with English summary). KDTDR 4.1, 1972, 17-70

GB906 Birendra Kumar Singh, The Buddhist Theory of Perception. Ph.D.Thesis, Darbhanga University 1972

GB907 Nirmala Chandra Sinha, "Vedanta and Buddhism", BRMIC 24, 1973, 355-369

GB908 Donald K. Swearer, "Two types of saving knowledge in the Pali suttas", PEW 22, 1972, 355-372

GB909 Daniel Thomas, "The concept of soul in Buddhism", Religion and Society 19.4, 1972, 33-42

GB910 Fumimaro Watanabe, "Logical arguments in the Dialogues (suttas)", JIBSt 20.2, 1972, 43-55

GB911 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Karma, rebirth and memories of previous lives", MB 80, 1972, 350-356

GB912 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Evidence for karma and rebirth", MB 80, 1972, 416-419

GB913 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, Buddhism in India and Abroad. Calcutta 1973

GB913.1 Andre Bareau, "La notion de personne dans le bouddhisme indien", Problemes de la personne, sous la direction de Ignace Meyerson, Paris 1973, 83-99

GB914 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, L'atman-brahman dans le bouddhisme ancien. Publications de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient 90, Paris 1973

GB915 H. Bechert, "Notes on the formation of Buddhist sects and the origins of Mahayana", GSI 6-18

GB916 Caramutto Bhikkhu, "What is reborn--and why?", MW 48, 1973, 71-75

GB918 L.S.Cousins, "Buddhist jhana: its nature and attainment according to the Pali sources", Religion 3, 1973, 115-131

GB919 K. Dhammananda, "Buddhism is neither a theory nor a mere philosophy", MB 81, 1973, 197-198

GB920 M.W.Padmasiri de Silva, Buddhist and Freudian Psychology. Colombo 1973

GB921 Douglas A. Fox, The Vagrant Lotus: An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy. Philadelphia 1973

GB922 Neville Gunaratne, "The moral sense (Kant and the Lord Buddha)", Buddhist 43, 1973, 107-111

GB923 F.M.Hassnain, Buddhist Kashmir. New Delhi 1973

GB924 Isaline B. Horner, "Atta and anatta", StudCompR 7, 1973, 31-34

GB925 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Three kinds of affirmation and two kinds of negation in Buddhist philosophy", WZKSOA 17, 1973, 161-176. (Same as MB110)

GBGB926 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Buddha-Nature", EnBud 3.3, 1973, 435-444

GB926.1 Kazumitsu Kato, "A reflection on the question as a philosophy of assimilation in Buddhism', JAOS 92.3, 1973, 328-334

GB927 G.P.Malalasekara, "Buddha", EnBud 3.3, 1973, 357-380

GB928 Phiroz Mehta, "Buddhism and Yoga", MW 48, 1973, 30-38

GB929 G.C.Nayak, "The problem of suffering: the Buddhist approach", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 191-200

GB930 Enichi Ocho, "Buddha-kaya", EnBud 3.3, 1973, 423-426

GB931 Vishwanath Pandey, "Buddhism and psychotherapy", JYI 19, 1973-74, 99-104

GB932 C.S.Ranasinghe, "Influence of Buddhism in Schopenhauer and his contribution to Buddhism", Buddhist 32, 1973, 62-66

GB933 H.Saddhatissa, "The root-causes of karma", MB 81, 1973, 175-180

GB934 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "The rise and the decline of Buddhism in India", MB 81, 1973, 338-348

GB935 H.Wolfgang Schumann, Buddhism. An Outline of its Teaching and Schools. Translated by Georg Feuerstein. London 1973; Wheaton 1974

GB936 Sushanta Sen, "The Buddhist doctrine of no-soul (nairatmya- vada)", VJP 10.1, 1973, 62-77

GB937 Silacara, "The doctrine of anatta", MB 81, 1973, 262-265

GB938 Donald K. Swearer, "Control and freedom: the structure of Buddhist meditation in the Pali suttas", PEW 23, 1973, 445-456

GB939 Koshiro Tamaki, "The fundamental aspect of dhamma in primitive Buddhism", JIBSt 21.2, 1973, 1-9

GB940 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Buddhi", EnBud 3.3, 1973, 467-468

GB941 Vishwanath Prasad Varma, Early Buddhism and Its Origins. New Delhi 1973

GB942 Ian Watson, "Hindu cosmology and modern science: some remarks", StudCompR 7, 1973, 174-177

GB943 Amarasiri Weeraratne, "Reincarnation in Buddhist and Christian thought", Buddhist 43, 1973, 149-151

GB944 Cyril H. Wilson, "Re-birth--fact or fiction?", MW 48, 1973, 66-71

GB945 Benimadhab Barua, Prolegomena to a History of Buddhist Philosophy. Second edition. New Delhi 1974

GB946 Beni Madhab Barua, Studies in Buddhism. Calcutta 1974

GB947 Wendell C. Beane, "Buddhist causality and compassion", Religious Studies 10, 1974, 441-456

GB948 Stephen Beyer (ed. and tr.), The Buddhist Experience: Sources and Interpretations. Encino, Calif. 1974

GB949 Edward Conze, "The intermediate world", EB 7, 1974, 22-31

GB950 Oscar Botto, Buddha il Buddhismo. Fossano 1974

GB952 J.W.de Jong, "A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America", EB 7, 1974. Published as monograph, Varanasi 1976

GB953 David R. Griffin, "Buddhist thought and Whitehead's philosophy", IPQ 14, 1974, 261-284

GB954 C. Gudmunsen, "On the Mahayana and Wittgenstein", Religion 4, 1974, 96-103

GB955 Neville Gunaratne, "Karma and ethical problems", Buddhist 45.3-4, 1974, 24-27

GB956 Christmas Humphreys, Exploring Buddhism. London 1974

GB957 Kenneth K. Inada, "Time and temporality--a Buddhist approach", PEW 24, 1974, 171-180. Reprinted ETB 469-478

GB957.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "On the sarvajnatva (omniscience) of Mahavira and the Buddha", BSIBH 71-90. Reprinted CPBS 97-121

GB958 David J. Kalupahana, "The Buddhist conception of time and temporality", PEW 24, 1974, 181-192. Reprinted ETB 479-490

GB959 John M. Koller, "On Buddhist views of devouring time", PEW 24, 1974, 201-208. Reprinted ETB 491-498

GB959.5 Lewis Lancaster, "Discussion of time in Mahayana texts", PEW 24, 1974, 209-214. Reprinted ETB 499-504

GB960 Daigan and Alicia Matsunaga, "The concept of upaya in Mahayana Buddhist philosophy", JJRS 1, 1974, 51-72

GB961 Nanananda, The Magic of the Mind. An Exposition of the Kalakarama Sutta. Kandey 1974

GB962 Nyanaponika Thera (ed.), The Three Basic Facts in Existence III. Egolessness (anatta). Kandy 1974

GB963 Sanjivan Prasad. "Concept of Godhead in Buddhism", IPC 19, 1974, 40-50

GB964 N.H.Samtani, "Buddhist nirvana and Upanisadic brahmanirvana", PAIOC 27, 1974, 345-351

GB965 Ramakant Sinari, "The experience of nothingness in Buddhism and existentialism", ContIP 273-293

GB966 Bhikkhu Sumangala, Buddhist Meditation. Lalitpur, Nepal 1974

GB967 James Doyle Thomas, The Self between East and West: Concepts of Self in Mead, Jung and Mahayana Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Claremont University 1974

GB968 K.Venkata Ramanan, "Theory and practice in the Buddhist philosophy of Mahayana", PTP 439-446

GB969 Alex Wayman, "The indeterminate-state dispute in Buddhism", in BSIBH. Reprinted in AWBI 251-267

GB970 Alex Wayman, The Buddhist Tantras: Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism. London 1974

GB971 David M. Williams, "The translation and interpretation of the twelve terms in the paticcasamuppada", Numen 21, 1974, 35-63

GB972 Solomon Abhayasekara, "Process of sense-perception in Buddhism", WB 1975, 31-37

GB972.1 Masao Abe, "Mahayana Buddhism and Whitehead: a view by a lay student of Buddhism", PEW 25, 1975, 415-428

GB973 Robert E. Allinson, "The Buddhist theory of instantaneous beings: the Ur-concept of Buddhism", EB 8.1, 1975, 133-148

GB974 P.V.Bapat, "Vohara: vyahara: vyavahara", VRFV 27-33

GB975 S.S.Barlingay, "Buddhism and change", RPBSI 71-81

GB976 Stephen V. Beyer, "The doctrine of meditation", BAMP 148-158

GB977 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "On the Brahman in Buddhist literature", SVUOJ 18, 1975, 1-8

GB978 Donald H. Bishop, "Buddhism", ITAI 115-142

GB979 Leonard A. Bullen, "Action and reaction in Buddhist teachings", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 51-66

GB980 A.K.Chatterjee, Facets of Buddhist Thought. CalSktColRS 107, 1975

GB981 Edward J.D.Conze, "Buddhist prajna and Greek sophia", Religion 5, 1975, 160-167

GB982 Francis H. Cook, "Nirvana", BAMP 133-136

GB983 K.C.Das, "The Buddhist soul-theory as an intermediary between Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta", JUG 26-27, 1975-76, 1-6

GB984 Douglas D. Daye, "Reflexivity and metalanguage games in Buddhist causality", PEW 25, 1975, 95-100

GB985 Douglas D. Daye, "Cosmology", BAMP 123-126

GB986 Lynn A. De Silva, The Problem of Self in Buddhism and Christianity. Colombo 1975; New York 1978

GB987 R.C.Dwivedi, "Buddhist mysticism", RPBSI 100-120

GB988 Ryotai Fukuhara, "On svabhavavada", RPBSI 92-90

GB989 A.B.G., "The functions of consciousness and the process of perception from the standpoint of Buddhist psychology", MB 83, 1975, 394-399

GB990 Luis O. Gomez, "Some aspects of the free-will question in the Nikayas", PEW 25, 1975, 81-90

GB991 Nina van Gorkom, "Questions and answers about kamma result", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 67-98

GB992 H.V.Guenther, "Mahamudra--the method of self-realization", TJ 1.1, 1975, 5-23

GB993 V.F.Gunaratne, "The Buddhist philosophy of change", WB 1975, 11-13

GB993.1 Bina Gupta, The Conception of the Self in Hume and Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Southern Illinois University 1975

GB994 Amanda W.P.Guruge, Buddhism: The Religion and Its Culture. Madras 1975

GB995 G.G.Gyatso, "A study of the non-soul doctrine", JDBSDU 2, 1975, 3-7

GB996 Kenneth K. Inada, "Munitz' concept of the world--a Buddhist response", PEW 25, 1975: 309, 351

GB997 Kenneth K. Inada, "The metaphysics of Buddhist experience and the Whiteheadian encounter", PEW 25, 1975, 465-488

GB998 David J. Kalupahana, Causality: The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. Honolulu 1975

GB999 Y. Karunadasa, "The philosophical basis of early Buddhist thought", BQ 8.1, 1975, 10-17

GB1000 Nathan Katz, "Kant, Nyaya, the absurd and Buddhism", MB 83, 1975, 358-359

GB1001 Lewis R. Lancaster, "The rise of the Mahayana", BAMP 65-68

GB1002 Lewis R. Lancaster, "The Prajnaparamita literature", BAMP 69-71

GB1003 Lewis R. Lancaster, "Doctrines of the Mahayana", BAMP 72-75

GB1004 Lewis R. Lancaster, "The oldest Mahayana sutra: its significance for the study of Buddhist development", EB 18.1, 1975, 30-41

GB1005 Joseph Masson, Le bouddhisme: chemin de liberation", Declue de Brouwer 1975

GB1006 Donald W. Mitchell, "Buddhist theories of causation-- commentary", PEW 25, 1975, 101-106

GB1007 G.S.P.Misra, "Reflections on the Buddhist doctrine of karma", JOI 25, 1975, 47-56

GB1008 K.K.Mittal, "Reason and authority in Buddhism as a philosophy", JDBSDU 2, 1975, 21-23

GB1009 Bhikkhu Nanasivaka, "Karma--the ripening fruit", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 24-50

GB1010 Narada, "Rebirth is a tenet of Buddhism", WB 1975, 18-21

GB1011 Nyanaponika Thera, "Reflections on kamma and its fruit", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 111-120

GB1012 Piyadassi, "Compassion is the heart of Buddhism", WB 1975, 29-30

GB1013 Dickwela Piyananda, "The Buddhist analysis of the living being", MB 83, 1975, 230-233

GB1014 J.Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, Buddhism in India and Sri Lanka. New Delhi 1975

GB1015 Sudha Sengupta, "Fragments from Buddhist texts", RPBSI 197-208

GB1016 S.M.Shah, "On the etymology of puggala or poggala", Sambodhi 4.3-4, 1975-76, 11-16

GB1017 Francis Story, "Action", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 1-10

GB1018 Francis Story, "Kamma and causality", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 10

GB1019 Francis Story, "Karma and freedom", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 99-105

GB1020 Francis Story, "'Collective karma'", Wheel 221/224, 1975, 106-110

GB1021 Frederick Streng, "Reflections on the attention given to mental construction in the Indian Buddhist analysis of causality", PEW 25, 1975, 71-80

GB1022 Doboom Tulku, "What is nirvana?", translated by G.Kilty and B.Beresford. TJ 1.1, 1975, 87-94

GB1022.1 Alex Wayman, "Purification of sin in Buddhism by vision and confession" in G.H.Sastri (ed.), A Study of Klesa (Tokyo 1975). Reprinted UTK 395-416

GB1023 Amarasiri Weeraratne, "Indian philosophy and Buddhism", WB 1975, 61-63

GB1023.1 Amarasiri Weerate, "Pre-existence, karma and rebirth", WFBR 12.2-3, 1975, 8-36

GB1024 Masao Abe, "Non-being and MU in the metaphysical nature of negativity in the East and the West", BandJ 2, 52-60

GB1025 Masao Abe, "Buddhist nirvana: its significance in contemporary thought and life", BandJ 2, 61-67

GB1026 Solomon Abeysekera, "Thought process preceding death", WB 1976, 53-56

GB1027 Cassim R. Agere, "Dharma in Buddhism", MB 84, 1976, 32-39

GB1027.1 A.C.Banerjee, "Nibbana: the goal of life in Buddhism", BhM 1, 1976, 55-59

GB1027.2 B.D.Bhikshu, Emancipation from the World. Kandy 1976

GB1028 Buddharakkheta, "Law of karma and rebirth: a Buddhist perspective", BandJ 2, 95-117

GB1028.5 Leonard A. Bu llen, A Technique of Living: based on Buddhist psyhchological principles. Kandy 1976

GB1029 Sukumal Chaudhuri, "To practice meditation--why and how?", BandJ 2, 169-173

GB1030 C.K.Datta, "The Buddhist theory of causation", QFT 143-149

GB1031 Padmasiri de Silva, Tangles and Webs: Comparative Studies in Existentialism, Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Colombo 1976

GB1032 Padmasiri de Silva, "The psychology of emotions in Buddhist perspective", Wheel 237, 1976, 32 pp.

GB1032.1 M.J.Dresden, "Khotanese (Saka) manuscripts, a provisional handlist", Varia 1976 (=Acta Iranica 16), Leiden 1977, 27-85

GB1033 Michael Edwardes, In the Blowing Out of a Flame. London 1976

GB1034 Helmut Eimer, Skizzen des Erlösungsweges in buddhistischen Begriffsreiden. Eine Untersüchung. Bonn 1976

GB1035 Balkrishna Govind Gokhale, Buddhism in Maharashtra. A History. Bombay 1976

GB1037 Herbert V. Guenther, "The Buddhist path", MandS 85-92

GB1038 L.M.Joshi, "Prolegomena on Buddhology", BandJ 2, 121-124

GB1039 A.D.P.Kalansuriya, "Wittgenstein, meaning-model and Buddhism", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 381-392

GB1040 David J. Kalupahana, Buddhist Philosophy: A Historical Analysis. Honolulu 1976

GB1041 D.J.Kalupahana, "Causality: the central tenet in Buddhism", BQ 9.1, 1976, 3-12

GB1042 Bhadant Anand Kausalyayana, "Different schools of Buddhist philosophy", BandJ 2, 217-226

GB1042.1 Snoinjo Kawasaki, Indian Buddhism. Tokyo 1976, 1977

GB1043 Anoma Mahinde, "Kamma and rebirth", MB 84, 1976, 40-41

GB1044 Marjorie C. Miller, "The concept of identity in Justus Buechler and Mahayana Buddhism", IPQ 16, 1976, 87-108

GB1045 G.Misra, "Buddhist philosophy of language and its doctrine of apoha", BandJ 2, 13-17

GB1046 Krishna Prasad Mishra, "An existentialist approach to Buddhism", BandJ 2, 135-139

GB1047 Hajime Nakamura, "A survey of Mahayana Buddhism with bibiliographical notes", JICS 3, 1976: 60-145; 4, 1977, 77-135

GB1048 Sunthorn Na-Rangsi, The Buddhist Concepts of Karma and Rebirth. Bangkok 1976

GB1049 G.C.Nayak, "Some implications of the noble truths: a philosophical analysis", BandJ 2, 83-90

GB1050 K.R.Norman, "Kriyavada and the existence of the soul", BandJ 2, 13-17

GB1051 N.C.Padhi, "Nirvana: a problem", BandJ 2, 118-120

GB1052 Piyadassi, "Place of meditation in Buddhism", WB 1976, 32-34

GB1053 Pradharmamahaviranuvair, "Samadhi", BandJ 2, 125-132

GB1054 Vijay Rani, "Law of rebirth in the Buddhist philosophy of no-soul", KUJ 10, 1976, 344-347

GB1055 Alec Robertson, "How does the mind function?", WB 1976, 37-42

GB1056 Dhaneshwar Sahoo, "Orthodox authority and Buddhism", BandJ 2, 133-134

GB1057 Lambert Schmithausen, "On the problem of the relation between spiritual practice and philosophical theory in Buddhism", GSI 2, 235-250

GB1058 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the use of the word 'Hinayana' in the teaching of Buddhism", EB 9.2, 1976, 129-133

GB1058.1 Mark Siderits, The Formlessness of the Good: Toward a Buddhist Theory of Value. Ph.D.Thesis, Yale University 1976

GB1059 Beohar Rajendra Simha, "Buddhism and social responsibility", ICQ 31.3, 1976, 6-11

GB1059.1 Rina Shayamacharan Sircar, Psycho-Ethical Aspects of Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, California Institute of Integral Studies 1976

GB1060 J.Frits Staal, "Making sense of the Buddhist tetralemma", PhilEW 122-131

GB1061 Upendra Thakur, "The last phase of Buddhism in northeastern India", BandJ 1, 83-88

GB1062 Alex Wayman, "Aspects of Hindu and Buddhist tantra", TJ 1.3-4, 1976, 32-44

GB1063 Paul Younger, "Buddhism and the Indian religious tradition", BandJ 1, 47-52

GB1063.5 Andre Bareau, "Caityika (school of Buddhism)", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 566-568

GB1064 S.S.Barlingay, "Buddhism and change", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 459-467

GB1064.1 Mireille Benista, "A propos du triratna", BEFEO 64, 1977, 43-82

GB1065 R.W.Brockway and R.E.Florida, "Dukkha: a discussion of the Buddhist concept of suffering", BQ 9.4, 1977, 7-15

GB1065.1 Buddharaksita, What Meditation Implies. Kandy 1977

GB1066 Ashok Kumar Chatterjee, "Insight and paradox in Buddhist thought", RIT 141-152

GB1066.7 Jyotira Dhirasekhara, "Catuparisuddhisila", GB1066.7

GB1066.8 Jyotira Dhirasekhara, "Calmness", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 607

GB1067 Sieglinde Dietz, "Die epistemolographische Literature des indischen Buddhismus", ZDMG Supplement 19, 1977, 818-830

GB1068 David Evans, "More on sunnata", PBR 2, 1977, 109-113

GB1069 V.F.Gunaratne, "The Buddhist law of karma", MB 85, 1977, 137-140

GB1069.1 Anagarika Govinda, "From Theravada to Zen", Bulletin of Tibetology 1977.1, 24-34

GB1070 Bina Gupta, "Buddha and Hume: a popular comparison", IPQ 17, 1977, 135-146

GB1071 Bina Gupta, "Another look at the Buddha-Hume 'connection'", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 371-386

GB1072 Rita Gupta, "Certain aspects of the causal theories of the Buddhist, Hume and Mill: a comparative study", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 319-336. Revised and reprinted EDOM 1990, 7-22

GB1073 Rita Gupta, "Twelve-membered dependent origination: an attempted reappraisal", JIP 5, 1977, 163-186. Revised and reprinted EDOM 23-32

GB1073.5 Ratna Handurakande, "Caturviparyaya(parihara)katha", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 720

GB1074 I.B.Horner, "The way to nibbana", MB 85, 1977, 88-90

GB1075 Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism, the First Millennium. Translated by Burton Watson. Tokyo 1977

GB1076 U. Jagarabhiwamsa, "What is nibbana?", MB 85, 1977, 20-24

GB1077 Bandula Jayawardhane, "Causality", EnBud 4.1, 1979, 1-11

GB1078 David J. Kalupahana, "The notion of suffering in early Buddhism compared with some reflections of early Wittgenstein", PEW 27, 1977, 423-431

GB1079 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Carana", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 669

GB1080 Upali Karunaratne, "Cariya", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 671-672

GB1080.1 Upali Karunaratne, "Cariya", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 673-674

GB1080.2 Upali Karunaratne, "Cakkhu", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 572-574

GB1081 Leslie Kawamura and Keith Scott, Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilization. Emeryville, California 1977

GB1081.1 Walter Randolph Kloetzli, The Teaching of Light. Toward a Mahayanist Cosmology and its Place in Buddhist, Indian and Extra-Indian Perspectives. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Chicago 1977

GB1082 Thomasine Kushner, "Two bundle theories: a comparison of Hume's idea of the self with the Buddhist doctrine of anatta", Insight 2.2, 1977-78, 41-46

GB1083 Etienne Lamotte, "Die bedingte Entstehung und die hochste Erleuchtung", BIEW 279-298

GB1084 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The enigma of Buddhism: duhkha and nirvana", JD 2, 1977, 302-306

GB1085 Charlene McDermott, "A comparative investigation of the awareness of duhkha", PEW 27, 1977, 443-448

GB1086 John Calhoun Merrill, "Korzybskian semantics and Buddhism: some philosophical parallels", Asian Profile 5, 1977, 453-462

GB1087 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Buddhist view of omniscience", JDBSDU 4, 1977, 20-26

GB1088 E.Nandissara Nayaka, "Consciousness in Buddhism", BCWCC 62-66

GB1089 Hajime Nakamura, "The problem of self in Buddhist philosophy", RIT 99-118

GB1089.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Cakra", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 576-579

GB1089.6 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Cakravartin", EnBud 3.4, 1977, 591-596

GB1090 G.C.Nayak, "Some implications of the noble truths", MB 85, 1977, 2-9

GB1091 Viswanath Pandey, "The Buddhist view of self", BCWCC 52-61

GB1092 R.K.Raval, "Some misconceptions about Buddha and their refutation", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 441-458

GB1093 Noble Ross Reat, "Karma and rebirth in the Upanisads and Buddhism", Numen 24, 1977, 163-185

GB1094 Alec Robertson, "The realities of life", WB 1977, 19-23

GB1095 Satyaprakash, Buddhism: A Select Bibliography. Haryana 1977

GB1096 Lambert Schmithausen, "Zur buddhistischen Lehre von der dreifachen Leidhaftigkeit", ZDMG Supplement 19, 1977, 918-931

GB1096.5 Gregory Schopen, "Sukhavati as a generalized religious goal in Sanskrit Mahayana sutra literature", IIJ 19, 1977, 177-201. Reprinted FFMBI 154-189

GB1097 H. Saddhatissa, "Anatta, the crux of Buddhism", MB 85, 1977, 84-87

GB1098 Anima Sengupta, "The central core of Buddhist philosophy", ESOSIP 53-60

GB1099 Arvind Sharma, "Buddhism and dialogue in ancient India", BQ 10.1, 1977, 15-22

GB1100 R.P.Sharma, "The problem of evil in Buddhism", JD 2, 1977, 307-311

GB1101 Nemi Chandra Shastri, "Bhakti cult in Mahayana", PhilR 96-101

GB1102 Lilian Silburn (tr.), Le bouddhisme. Librarie Antheme Fayard 1977

GB1103 K.P.Sinha, "The theory of momentariness and its defence", JUG 28-29, 1977-78, 45-59

GB1104 Ninian Smart, "Nirvana and timelessness", BQ 10.1,1977, 9-14

GB1104.1 Anantalal Thakur, "Chala, jati and nigrahasthana and the Buddhist philosophers", JBRS 63-64, 1977-78, 779-787

GB1105 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "La doctrine del dharma en il budismo", BAEO 13, 1977, 105-132

GB1106 A.K.Warder, "Feudalism and Mahayana Buddhism", in R.S.Sharma and Vivekanand Jha (eds.), Indian Society: Historical Probings. In Memory of D.D.Kosambi (New Delhi 1977), 156-174

GB1107 Alex Wayman, "Who understands the four alternatives in the Buddhist texts?", PEW 27, 1977, 3-21. Reprinted in AWBI 225-250; also BWP 450-472

GB1108 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Antarabhava--the intermediate state between death and rebirth", MB 85, 1977, 111-116

GB1109 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Mahayana Buddhism in Ceylon", WB 1977, 39-43

GB1110 W.G.Weeratne, Individual and Society in Buddhism. Colombo 1977

GB1111 K.D.P.Wickremasinghe, "The Buddhist view of self", BCWCC 47-51

GB1112 N.V.Banerjee, Buddhism and Marxism. New Delhi 1978

GB1113 Andre Bareau, "Sufrimiento y condicion humaine en el budismo", Concilium 136, 1978, 307-315

GB1114 Heinz Bechert, "Central Asian manuscripts and Buddhist studies", AIFBS 15-16

GB1115 N.N.Bhattacharya, "A survey of the studies on Buddhist sects", JDBSDU 5, 1978, 12-19

GB1116 Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, "Three universal characteristics", MB 86, 1978, 2-8

GB1117 J.W.Boyd, "El sendero de la liberacion de dolor en el budismo", Concilium 136, 1978, 316-328

GB1118 John Ross Carter, Dhamma, Western Academic and Sinhalese Buddhist Interpretations. A Study of Religious Concepts. Tokyo 1978

GB1119 Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, Reflections on the Tantras. Delhi 1978

GB1120 Deo Brat Chaube, "Mind-body relationship in Buddhist philosophy", BhM 4, 1978-79, 44-46

GB1121 R.Corless, "La liberacion budista das de la perspective cristiana", Concilium 136, 1978, 390-407

GB1122 D.Dubarle, "Espitirualidad budista y sentido cristiano de Dias", Concilium 136, 1978, 378-389

GB1123 H.Dumoulin, "La liberacion en el budismo. Reflexiones sobre la doctrina budista antiqua", Concilium 136, 1978, 329-339

GB1123.5 Heinrich Dumoulin, Begenung mit dem Buddhismus. Freiburg im Breslau 1978, 1982, 1991

GB1124 Robert Duquenne, "The cosmic elements in Buddhist meditation", TICOJ 23, 1978, 32-48

GB1125 Robert Duquenne, "Heterodox views on the elements according to Buddhist testimonies", JIBSt 26.2, 1978, 9-14

GB1126 Luis O. Gomez, "Karunabhavani: notes on the meaning of Buddhist compassion", TJ 3.2, 1978, 33-59

GB1127 George Grimm, Buddhist Wisdom: The Mystery of the Self. Translated by Carroll Aikins, edited by M. Keller-Grimm. Delhi 1978

GB1128 G.G.Gyatso, "The origin and development of the Buddhist philosophical schools", JDBSDU 5, 1978, 20-24

GB1129 Roderick Hindery, Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions. Delhi 1978

GB1130 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The conditioned genesis of the individual", BQ 11.1, 1978 - 11.2-3, 1978-9, 49-64

GB1131 K.N.Jayatilleke, "The contemporary relevance of Buddhist philosophy", Wheel 258, 1978, 1-32

GB1132 Elvin W. Jones, "Buddhist theories of existents: the systems of two truths", MBMTP 3-45

GB1133 Lalmani Joshi, "The meaning of nirvana", JRS 6, 1978, 68-74

GB1134 W.S.Karunaratna, "Man in society: the Buddhist view", MB 86, 1978, 9-18

GB1135 B.V.Kishan, "Some aspects of Buddhism", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 89-98

GB1136 G.P.Malalasekara, "Philosophical implications of Panca Sila", MB 86, 1978, 156-166

GB1137 G.S.P.Misra, "The Buddhist conception of social change and the Buddhist social ethics", Indica 15, 1978, 69-82

GB1138 Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyay, "Being and being known", CPP 91-101

GB1139 Hajime Nakamura, "A survey of Mahayana Buddhism with Bibliographical notes II-IV", JICS 4-5, 1978

GB1140 Ashin Nandavumsa, "Significance of insight meditation", CBWTC 56-60

GB1141 G.C.Pande, "Reflections on aesthetics from a Buddhist point of view", KCV 3, 113-126

GB1142 Raimundo Panikkar, "Sunyata and pleroma: the Buddhist and Christian response to the human predicament", JRS 6, 1978, 16-34

GB1143 Walpola Rahula, Zen and the Taming of the Bull. Towards the Definition of Buddhist Thought. London 1978

GB1144 Shanta Ratnayaka, "The religious interpretation of nirvana", BQ 11.1, 1978, 20-30

GB1144.1 Glyn Richards, "Conceptions of self in Wittgenstein, Hume, and Buddhism: an analysis and comparison", Mon 61.1, 1978, 42-55

GB1145 Alec Robertson, "Can one attain nirvana?", Buddhist 48, 1978, 71-74

GB1146 M.S.Sangharakshita, "Dialogo entre budismo y critianismo", Concilium 136, 1978, 367-377

GB1147 L. Schmithausen, "Zur Struktur des erlosenden Erfahrung in Buddhismus", TVH 121-134

GB1148 Tan-Yun Shan, "The fundamental doctrines of Buddhism and meditation", MB 86, 1978, 116-121

GB1149 Arvind Sharma, "Tilakkhana: a note", MB 86, 1978, 167-170

GB1150 J.L.Shaw, "Negation and the Buddhist theory of meaning", JIP 6, 1978, 59-77

GB1151 Karunesha Shukla, "Problems and perspectives in Buddhist research", AIFBS 27-30

GB1152 Sanghasen Singh, "A critical note on nirvana", Glory of India 2.2, 1978, 20-23

GB1153 Atul N. Sinha, "Buddhist studies in India", AIFBS 12-14

GB1154 Geshe Sopa, "Samathavipasyanayuganaddha: the two leading principles of Buddhist meditation", MBMTP 46-65

GB1155 E.Steinkellner, "Yogische Erkenntnis als Problem in Buddhismus", TVH 121-134

GB1156 Francis Story, "Buddhist mental therapy", MB 86, 1978, 219-228

GB1157 Robert A.F.Thurman, "Buddhist hermeneutics", JAAR 46, 1978, 19-40

GB1158 Alex Wayman, "Indian Buddhism", JIP 6, 1978, 415-427

GB1159 R.G.de S.Wettimuny, The Buddhist Teaching and the Ambiguity of Existence. Kandy 1978

GB1160 Osamu Yoshida, "Dependent origination. Central theory of Buddhism", JICS 5, 1978, 23-47

GB1160.1 H.W.Bailey, Dictionary of Khotan Saka. Cambridge 1979

GB1161 Andre Bareau, "Benares et le Bouddhisme antique", LSFV 471-476

GB1162 H. Bechert, "Buddhistische literatur", EIDI 66-79

GB1163 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Notes bouddhiques", ITaur 7, 1979, 107-114

GB1163.1 Buddharakkhita, "Karma and rebirth", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 14-18

GB1165 Padmasiri de Silva, An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology. London 1979

GB1166 Gary Doore, "The 'radically empiricist' interpretation of early Buddhist nirvana", Religious Studies 15, 1979, 65-70

GB1167 R.E.Emmerick, A Guide to the Literature of Khotan. SPBOR 3, 1979. Second edition, revised and enlarged, Tokyo 1992

GB1168 Arthur L. Herman, "A solution to the paradox of desire in Buddhism", PEW 29, 1979, 91-94

GB1169 Shohei Ichimura and B.P.Kirthisinghe, "Human rights and the Buddhist concept of law and norm", MB 87, 1979, 182-197

GB1170 Kenneth K. Inada, "Problematics of the Buddhist nature of self", PEW 29, 1979, 141-148

GB1171 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Mahayana Buddhism and the philosophy of prajna", StudPB 197-206. Reprinted StudBudPhilos 89-98

GB1172 W.S.Karunaratne, "Change", EnBud 4.1, 1979, 115-123

GB1173 W.S.Karunaratyne, "Citta", EnBud 4.1, 1979, 169-180

GB1174 C.R.Lama, "Two truths in the Mahayana and meditation", MB 87, 1979, 25-30

GB1175 Esho Mikogami, "Some remarks on the concept of arthakriya", JIP 7, 1979, 79-94

GB1176 Narada Thera, La doctrine bouddhique de la renaissance. Translated by A.Migot. Paris 1979

GB1177 Susmita Pande, "Conceptual background of development of bhakti in Mahayana Buddhism", JDBSDU 6, 1979, 74-85

GB1178 Juan Perez-Remon, "The simile of the pith (sara) in the Nikayas and its becoming the anattavada", BAEO 15, 1979, 71-94

GB1179 Ismael Quiles, "Nirvana and metaphysical experience", JIABS 2.1, 1979, 91-98

GB1180 T.N.Vasudeva Rao, Buddhism in the Tamil Country. Annamalainagar 1979

GB1180.1 N. Aiyaswami Sasatri, "Four schools of Buddhism", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 131-138

GB1181 J.-P. Schnetzler, Le Meditation Bouddhique. Bases théoriques et techniques. Paris 1979

GB1182 Gregory Schopen, "Mahayana in Indian inscriptions", IIJ 21, 1979, 1-20. Reprinted FFMBI 223-246

GB1183 Mark Siderits, "A note on the early Buddhist theory of truth", PEW 29, 1979, 491-500

GB1184 Francis Story, "Kamma and causality", MB 87, 1979, 11-17

GB1185 A.L.Thakur, "Chala, jati and nigrahasthanas and the Buddhist philosophers", Prajnaloka 47-52

GB1185.5 Lobsang Therchen, The Logic and Debate Tradition of India, Tibet, and Mongolia: History, Reader, Resources. Howell, N.J. 1979

GB1186 Gishin Tokiwa, "On the tathagata-garbha-paryaya", JIBSt 28.l, 1979, 21-66

GB1186.5 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "Samsara, anaditva y nirvana", BAEO 15, 1979, 95-114

GB1187 A.K.Warder, "The ghosts' view of nirvana", BK 8, 1979, 169-179

GB1188 Alex Wayman, "The twenty reifying views", in StudPB. Reprinted in AWBI 215-224

GB1189 Wayne Alt, "There is no paradox of desire in Buddhism", PEW 30, 1980, 521-528

GB1189.1 B. Bhikshu, Transcendental Dependent Arising. Kandy 1980

GB1190 Donald H. Bishop, "Is there a Buddhist economic philosophy?", MB 88, 1980, 47-55

GB1191 S.K.Chakre, "The place of Buddhism in world thought and culture", CBWTC 111-117

GB1192 Radhakrishna Choudhury, "Aspects of Buddhist thought", CBWTC 196-201

GB1193 Edward Conze, "Contributions in Buddhist thought", IEB 41-52

GB1194 U.Dhammaratne, "The mental world in the Buddhist perspective", CBWTC 34-40

GB1195 Peter Fenner, The Path of Knowledge (jnanayoga) in Mahayana Buddhism. Durham, England 1980

GB1195.5 Mitchell Ginsberg, The Far Shore: Vipassana, the practice of Insight. London 1980; New Delhi 1996

GB1196 Chinmoy Goswami, "Time, change and causality: a comparative study between von Wright and Buddhism", Philosophica 9, 1980, 51-62

GB1196.1 Rita Gupta, "The Buddhist doctrine of momentariness and its presuppositions", JIP 8, 1980, 47-68; also EDOM 1990, 116-141

GB1197 Masaaki Hattori, "Apoha and pratibha", SISDI 61-74

GB1198 A.L.Herman, "Ah, but there is no paradox of desire in Buddhism", PEW 30, 1980, 529-532

GB1199 Yoel Hoffmann, The Idea of Self--East and West. A Comparison between Buddhist Philosophy and the Philosophy of David Hume. Calcutta 1980

GB1199.5 Roger R. Jackson, "Matching concepts", JAAR 57, 1980, 567-589. Translated into Spanish by F. Tola and C. Dragonetti in REB 3, 1992, 57-95

GB1200 D.J.Kalupahana, "Causality--the central tenet in Buddhism", Buddhist 51.1, 1980, 5-9

GB1201 J.W.Kamstra, "Skilful means as a 'germinative principle'. Some remarks on a concept in Mahayana Buddhism", Numen 27, 1980, 270-277

GB1202 Yensho Kanakura, Hindu-Buddhist Thought in India. Translated by Shotaro Iida and Neal Donner. Yokohama 1980

GB1202.1 Ananda Kausalyayana, An Intelligent Man's Guide to Buddhism. New Delhi 1980; Nagpur 1992

GB1203 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Philosophical basis of Buddhism", Buddhist 51.7, 1980, 3-4, 15

GB1204 Dickwela Piyananda Mahathera, "A new interpretation of the doctrine of dependent origination", MB 88, 1980, 58-62

GB1205 M.J.Marasingha, "The Buddhist doctrine of karma", Buddhist 51.1, 1980, 13-15

GB1206 James P. McDermott, "Karma and rebirth in early Buddhism", KRCIT 165-192

GB1207 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Scientific temper as the Buddhist contribution to world culture", CBWTC 106-110

GB1207.5 Jean Nadou, Buddhists of Kasmir. Translated from French byJ.Brereton and Claudine Pieran. Delhi 1980

GB1208 Gadjin M. Nagao, "Tranquil flow of mind: an interpretation of upeksa", IEB 245-258

GB1209 Ingrid Naiman, "Past karma in the horoscope", AB 101, 1980, 542-546

GB1210 Ashin Nanadavumsa, "Significance of insight meditation", CBWTC 56-60

GB1211 Seetha Neelaskantam, "Seminar on Mahayana Buddhism", AB 101, 1980, 196-199

GB1212 Puspa Niyogi, Buddhism in Ancient Bengal. Calcutta 1980

GB1213 Gerhard Oberhammer and Hans Waldenfels, Überlieferungs-struktur und Offenbarung. Publications of the de Nobili Research Library, Occasional Papers 1. Wien 1980

GB1214 Gananath Obeyesekere, "The rebirth eschatology and its transformations: a contribution to the sociology of early Buddhism", KRCIT 137-164

GB1215 Viswanath Pandey, "Some problems in Buddhist philosophy", MB 88, 1980, 104-105

GB1216 W.Rahula, "Psychology of Buddhist meditation", IEB 267-280

GB1216.1 Pabitrakumar Roy, "The logic of Buddhist moral discourse", VJR 5, 1980, 29-38

GB1217 Frank Reynolds, "Contrasting modes of action: a comparative study of Buddhist and Christian ethics", HistR 20, 1980, 128-146

GB1218 Joseph F. Roccasalvo, "Greek and Buddhist wisdom: an encounter between East and West", IPQ 20, 1980, 73-86

GB1219 D.Seyfort Ruegg, "Ahimsa and vegetarianism in the history of Buddhism", BSWR 234-241

GB1220 Ulrich Schneider, Einführung in den Buddhismus. Dharmstadt 1980

GB1221 K.M.Shrivastava, "Contribution of Buddhism to Indian religious systems", CBWTC 202-213

GB1222 William Stablein, "The medical soteriology of karma in the Buddhist Tantric tradition", KRCIT 193-216

GB1223 P. Amara Thera, "The tangible way to nibbana", MB 88, 1980, 2-9

GB1224 Robert A.F. Thurman, "Transcendence and the sacred in the Mahayana middle way", JRS 8.1, 1980, 32-50

GB1225 John Visvader, "Reply to Wayne Alt's 'There is no paradox of desire in Buddhism'", PEW 30, 1980, 533-534

GB1226 K.N.Upadhyaya, "The impact of the bhakti movement on the development of Mahayana Buddhism", SHB 349-358

GB1227 Alex Wayman, "The sixteen aspects of the four noble truths and their opposites", JIABS 3.2, 1980, 67-76. Reprinted AWBI 117-129

GB1228 Alex Wayman, "Dependent origination--the Indo-Tibetan tradition", Journal of Chinese Philosophy 7, 1980, 275-300. Reprinted in AWBI 163-192

GB1229 Alex Wayman, "Notes on metaphoric transfer", ALB 44-45, 1980-81, 275-285

GB1230 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Indian philosophy and Buddhism", Buddhist 50.10, 1980, 10-12

GB1231 Amarasiri Weeratne, "Evidence for survival", Buddhist 50.10, 1980, 12-41; 50.11, 1980, 17-19; 50.12, 1980, 13-15; 51.5, 1980, 13-16

GB1232 Isshi Yamada, "Premises and implications of 'interdependence' (pratityasamutpada)", SHB 373-400

GB1233 Solomon Abeyesekera, "The process of sense-cognition in Buddhism", Buddhist 52.1, 1981, 39-47

GB1233.1 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Mahayana Buddhism: its modifications", MB 89, 1981, 109-110

GB1234 Arthur L. Basham, "The evolution of the concept of the bodhisattva", BSDB 19-60

GB1235 Narendra Nath Bhattacharya, History of Researches on Indian Buddhism. New Delhi 1981

GB1236 Maria Boxberg, Ein Grundproblem Menschlicher Existenz. Zur buddhistische Erlösungslehre. Albenberge 1981

GB1237 Douglas Dunsmore Daye, "Aspects of the Indian and Western traditions of formal logic and their comparisons", BWP 54-79

GB1238 V.N.Deshpande, "Impact of Buddhism on Indian culture", PTG 15.4, 1981, 48-57

GB1239 M.W.Padmasiri De Silva, "The conflict between analytic philosophy and existantialism in Buddhist perspective", BWP 121-133

GB1240 Paul J. Griffiths, "Buddhist hybrid English: some notes on philology and hermeneutics for Buddhologists", JIABS 4.2, 1981, 17-32

GB1240.5 Paul Sheldon Groner, Saicho and the Bodhisattva Precepts. Ph.D.Thesis, Yale University 1979; Ann Arbor 1981

GB1241 William Grosnick, "Nonorigination and nirvana in the early Tathagatagarbha", JIABS 4.2, 1981, 33-43

GB1242 H.V.Guenther, "Preliminaries for spiritual growth. Psychological implications of the preparatory stage in Buddhism", StIndPh 257-266

GB1243 Aruna Haldar, "Buddhism--its rise and development", PBh 1, 1981, 62-75

GB1244 Steven Heine, "Dionysus against the Buddha: Nietzche's 'yes' and the Buddhist 'no'", BWP 244-266

GB1245 Shohei Ichimura, "Buddhist dialectical methods and their structural identity", JBRS 67-68, 1981-83, 271-282

GB1246 Kenneth K. Inada, "Problematics of the Buddhist nature of self", BWP 267-286

GB1246.1 Padmanabha S. Jaini, "Tirthamkara-prakrti and the Bodhisattva path", JPTS 9, 1981, 96-104

GB1247 A.D.P.Kalansuriya, "On the notion of verification in Buddhism and in logical positivism: a brief philosophical study", BWP 287-305

GB1248 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Buddhist view of biological conception", Buddhist 52.1, 1981, 55-56

GB1249 Khantipala, Calm and Insight. A Buddhist Manual for Meditators. London 1981

GB1250 Karen Christian Lang, "Via Negativa in Mahayana Buddhism and gnosticism", EB 14.1, 1981, 43-60

GB1250.5 Trevor Oswald ling, A Dictionary of Buddhism: Indian and South-East Asian. Calcutta 1981

GB1250.6 Trevor Ling, The Buddha's Philosophy of Man: Early Indian Buddhist Dialogues. London 1981, 1993

GB1251 Lokeshwarananda, "Buddhism and Vedanta", Bulletin of Tibetology 1981.2, 1-33

GB1252 Graeme MacQueen, "Inspired speech in early Mahayana Buddhism", Religion 1.1, 1981 - 1.2, 1982.

GB1253 N.G.Mahadevappa, "Buddhism and God", PTG 15.4, 1981, 24-29

GB1254 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Temporality and timelessness of Buddhist philosophy", BCW 66-70

GB1255 Gadjin M. Nagao, "The bodhisattva returns to this world", BSDB 61-80

GB1256 Nanajivaka, "Buddhism and modern philosophies of existence", BWP 328-378

GB1257 Steve Odin, "Fantasy variation and the horizon of openness: a phenomenological interpretation of Tantric Buddhist enlightenment", IPQ 21, 1981, 419-436

GB1257.1 R. Sri Pathmanatham, "The Buddhist doctrine of kamma", MB 89, 1981, 185-190

GB1257.2 Geshe Rabten, The Mind and Its Functions. Edited by Stephen Batchelor. Switzerland 1981, 1992

GB1258 Walpola Rahula, "Psychology of Buddhist meditation", Buddhist 52.2, 1981, 6-9; 52.3, 1981, 3-6

GB1259 D.Seyfort Ruegg, "On the supramundane and the divine in Buddhism", BWP 421-424

GB1260 H. Saddhatissa Maha Thera, "Nibbana", Buddhist 52.1, 1981, 9-21

GB1260.1 N.H.Samtani, "Nirvana and akasa: significance of analogy", MB 89, 1981, 83-86

GB1261 L. Schmithausen, "On some aspects of descriptions or theories of 'liberating insight' and 'enlightenment' in early Buddhism", SzumJB 199-250

GB1262 Sushanta Sen, "Is Buddhism a radical departure from Upanisadic Hinduism?", VQ 47.1-2, 1981, 48-72

GB1263 Arvind Sharma, "Rune E.A.Johansson's analysis of citta", JIABS 4.1, 1981, 101-107

GB1264 Om Prakash Singh, "Buddhism in the age of Samkara", BCW 160-168

GB1264.1 K.P.Sinha, The concept of nirvana in Buddhism", JAssamRS 26, 1981-82, 27-32

GB1265 A.Sola-Leris, "Vipassana--Buddhist meditation and insight into the nature of existence", BQ 13.1-2, 1981, 3-9

GB1266 Vijay Kumar Thakur, "Significance of the middle way and the noble eightfold path in a changing world", BCW 116-127

GB1267 Gishin Tokiwa, "The tathagata entering the womb (garbha)", JIBSt 30.1, 1981, 1-5

GB1268 Ringo Tulki, "The Mahayana concept of dharani", TandT 134-137

GB1269 Alfonso Verdu, The Philosophy of Buddhism: A 'Totalistic' Synthesis. The Hague 1981

GB1271 Karel Werner, "Bodhi and arahattaphala: from early Buddhism to early Mahayana", JIABS 4.1, 1981, 70-86. Reprinted BSAM 167-181

GB1272 Hiroshi Abika, "The aspect of great joy", TPW 1.1, 1982, 8

GB1272.1 H.W.Bailey, "A survey of excepted texts of Khotanese literature", in The Culture of the Sakas in Ancient Iranian Khotan (New York 1982), Chapter 4

GB1273 Heinz Bechert, "A collection of 'minor' texts from the Buddhist Sanskrit canon", RSSI 89-94

GB1273.1 H. Bechert, "Étude de Bouddhisme", Annuaire du College de France 1982-1983, Résumé de Cours et Travaux (Paris 1982), 573-575

GB1274 Bela Bhattacharya, "Dependent origination in Buddhism", Bulletin of Tibetology 1982.4, 4-13

GB1275 John B. Cobb, Jr., Beyond Dialogue. Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism. Philadelphia 1982

GB1276 Gayatri Dasgupta, "Buddhism during the Pala period", Indian Dissertation Abstracts 11.1-2, 1982, 119-121

GB1276.5 Jeremy H.C.S. Davidson, An Shyhgan: the Man and His Translations. 1982. Summarized in RBS pp. 53-55

GB1277 Paul J. Griffiths, "Notes towards a critique of Buddhist karmic theory", Religious Studies 18, 1982, 277-292. Reprinted IPE 4, 253-268

GB1278 C.H.Gunasekere, Sense in Buddhism. 1982

GB1279 Anand W.P. Guruge, The Miracle of Instruction. Further Facets of Buddhism. Colombo 1982

GB1279.1 John Handley, Buddhism versus Brahmanism. Ph.D.Thesis, New York University 1982

GB1280 A.L.Herman, "Two dogmas of Buddhism", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 87-108

GB1281 F.J.Hoffmann, "Rationality in early Buddhist four-fold logic", JIP 10, 1982, 309-337

GB1282 Frank J. Hoffmann, "The Buddhist empiricism thesis", Religious Studies 18, 1982, 151-158

GB1283 Yuichi Kajiyama, "On the meanings of the words bodhisattva and mahasattva in Prajnaparamita literature", IBSDJ 271-286. Reprinted StudBudPhilos 71-88

GB1284 David Loy, "Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta: are nirvana and moksa the same?", IPQ 22, 1982, 65-74

GB1284.1 John Howard Marks, Dispassion and the Ethical Life: An Investigation of Causal and Conceptual Connections among Belief, Desire, Emotion, and the Good (with Frequent Reference to Buddhism). Ph.D.Thesis, University of Connecticut 1982

GB1285 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Concept of man: the Buddhist view", IPA 15, 1982-83, 88-95

GB1285.0 Sodo Mori, "The Vitandavadins (sophists) as seen in the Pali Atthakathas", Pali Bukkyo Bunka Kenkyu (Kyoto 1987). Reprinted StPaliCom 207-226

GB1285.1 Kumato Morita, Lotze's Conception of the Soul Compared with that of Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Yale University 1982

GB1286 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "A Buddhist doubt on the discovery of atman in nistai or meditation", SaivS 17, 1982, 10-15

GB1287 Steve Odin, "Alchemical imagination and psychic transformation in Jungian depth psychology and the Buddhist Tantras", IPQ 22, 1982, 265-274

GB1288 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, The Way to Nirvana. Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation. BIBS 3, 1982

GB1289 Hari Shankar Prasad, The Concept of Time in Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Australian National University, 1982

GB1290 Sheo Kumar Singh, History and Philosophy of Buddhism. Patna 1982

GB1291 Nirmal C. Sinha, "Buddhism: life and science", BRMIC 33, 1982, 99-103

GB1292 Ernst Steinkellner, "The spiritual place of the epistemological tradition in Buddhism", NanB 49, 1982, 1-15

GB1293 Biraja K. Tripathi, "Pessimism in Indian philosophy", PTG 17.1, 1982, 1-8

GB1294 Keisho Tsukamoto, "A history of northwest India and its Buddhism" (in Japanese with English summary), HBTK 267-368

GB1295 Shizuteru Ueda, "Emptiness and fullness in Mahayana Buddhism", EB 15.1, 1982, 9-37

GB1296 A.K.Warder, "A strategy for Buddhist research", PBBK 1, 149-170

GB1297 Jeffrey D. Watts, "Necessity and sufficiency in the Buddha's causal schema", PEW 32, 1982, 407-424

GB1298 Alex Wayman, "The thought of enlightenment and the Bodhisattva path", Dreloma Drepung Loseling Magazine 9-10, 1982-83, 28-36

GB1298.1 Alex Wayman, "The meaning of death in Buddhism", Studia Missionalia 31, 1982. Reprinted UTK 311-332

GB1299 Susumu Yamaguchi, Mahayana Way to Buddhahood--Theology of Enlightenment. Los Angeles 1982

GB1300 Katherine K. Young, "The issue of Buddha as Vedagu, with reference to the formation of the dhamma and the dialectic with the Brahmins", JIABS 5.2, 1982, 110-120

GB1301 Zahiruddin Ahmad, "The womb of the Tathagata or Buddhist monism", JOSA 15-16, 1983-84, 27-44

GB1301.1 H.W.Bailey, "Khotanese Saka literature", The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 3.2 (Cambridge 1983), 1230-1243

GB1302 Stephen Batchelor, Alone With Others: an Existential Approach to Buddhism. New York 1983

GB1303 Angraj Chaudhury, "Elements of Mahayana in the Sutta-Nipata", Prajna-Bharati 3, 1983, 45-52

GB1304 Henry Cruise, "Early Buddhism: some recent misconceptions", PEW 33, 1983, 149-166

GB1304.1 Bimala Das, "Anote on the Buddhist concept of causality in the light of some views of Western philosophers", JAssamRS 27, 1983, 47-51

GB1305 Satchidananda Dhar, "The impact of Buddhism on Indian life", BRMIC 34, 1983: 99, 123, 155

GB1305.1 S.H.Divatia, "Some remarks about Buddhist philosophy:, GRSJ 45.2, 1983, 24-34

GB1306 R.C.Dutt, Buddhism and Buddhist Civilization in India. Delhi 1983

GB1306.1 Philip M. Eden, "The early development of Mahayana Buddhism", MB 57, 1983, 77-82

GB1307 Mirko Fryba, "Focusing der Achtsamkeit and sati meditation", Bodhi Baum 8.1, 1983, 13-16

GB1308 Swati Ganguli, "A study on pratityasamutpada", JDBSDU 7, 1983, 21-26

GB1309 Henpitigedera Gnanawasa, "Causes and conditions of survival-- the dhamma way", YB 1983, 179-182

GB1310 Anagarika Govinda, Buddhistische Reflexionen. Wege der Befreiung ohne Verleugnung der eignenen Wurzeln. 1983

GB1311 Paul John Griffiths, Indian Buddhist Meditation Theory. History, Development and Systematization. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Wisconsin 1983

GB1312 Victor A. Gunasekere, "Pre-existence, re-incarnation, and re-birth", YB 1983, 45-48

GB1313 Ananda W.P. Guruge, "Buddhist approach to survival and development", YB 1983, 87-96

GB1314 Peter Harvey, "Developing a self without boundaries", BudSR 1, 1983-84, 115-126

GB1314.1 A. L. Herman, "Two dogmas of Buddhism", Darshana 23.1, 1983, 43-59. Reprinted PaliBud 1996, 159-174

GB1315 Akira Hirakawa, "Manjusri and the rise of Mahayana Buddhism", Journal of Asian Studies (Madras) 1.1, 1983, 12-33

GB1316 Paul Hoornaert, "Vikalpa and nirvikalpa--the Bodhisattva's search for truth" (in Japanese with English summary), TISGR 10, 1983, 59-77

GB1317 Nolan Pliny Jacobson, Buddhism and the Contemporary World. Carbondale 1983

GB1318 Lal Mani Joshi, Discerning the Buddha. A Study of Buddhism and the Brahmanical Hindu Attitude to It. New Delhi 1983

GB1319 Nathan Katz, "Buddhism and Marxism on alienation and suffering", IndPQ 10, 1983, 255-262

GB1319.1 Sister Khema, Meditating on No Self. Kandy 1983

GB1320 Winston L. King, "The existential nature of Buddhist ultimates", PEW 33, 1983, 263-272

GB1321 Randy Kloetzli, Buddhist Cosmology. Delhi 1983

GB1322 Etienne Lamotte, "The assessment of textual authority in Buddhism", BudSR 1, 1983-84 - 2, 1985

GB1323 David Loy, "The difference between samsara and nirvana", PEW 33, 1983, 355-366

GB1324 Gayatri Sen Majumdar, Buddhism in Ancient Bengal. Calcutta 1983

GB1325 M.J. Marasinghae, "Buddhist theory of knowledge of the 'invisible world'", Buddhist 54.1, 1983, 24-26

GB1326 Bruce Matthews, Craving and Salvation. A Study in Buddhist Soteriology. SR Supplement 13 (Canada) 1983

GB1326.1 K.N.Mishra, "Advaya (-non-dual) in Buddhist Sanskrit", TJ 13.2, 1983, 3-11

GB1327 Prabhakar Mishra, "The meaning of the word tathagata (in Buddhism)", PBh 3.2, 1983, 77-84

GB1327.5 Sodo Mori, "Attakacariyas and Atthakathikas", JIBS 31.2, 1983. Reprinted StPaliCom 237-252

GB1328 Gadjin Nagao, "The Buddhist world-view as elucidated in the three-nature theory and its similes", EB 16.1, 1983, 1-18

GB1329 Narada, "The importance of compassion", YB 1983, 113-114

GB1330 Philip Olson, "Prajnaparamita and intellectual intuition", JBP 1, 1983, 347-368

GB1331 Sung Bae Park, Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment. Albany 1983

GB1332 Diwakar Pathak, "An examination of the unspeakable: Buddhism versus logical positivism", PBh 3.2, 1983, 37-44

GB1333 A.Piatigorsky, "Some remarks on 'other stream'", BSAM 124-152

GB1334 Reginald Ray, "Yoga-typologie und die Frage des Buddhismus bei Eliade", SNDU 433-456

GB1335 Gregory Schopen, "The generalization of an old yogic attainment in medieval Mahayana Sutra literature: some notes on jatismara", JIABS 6.1, 1983, 109-147. Reprinted FFMBI 190-222

GB1336 Kakusho Ujike, "On the penetration of dharmakaya and dharmadesana--based on the different ideas of dharani and tathagatagarbha", JIBSt 32.1, 1983, 1-7

GB1337 Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology (from the eleventh to the thirteenth century). Wiesbaden 1983

GB1338 R.J.Zwi Werblowsky, "The non-self in its Absoluteness", YB 1983, 57-58

GB1339 J.E.White, "Is Buddhist karma theory false?", Religious Studies 19, 1983, 223-228

GB1340 K.D.P.Wickremasinghe, "The Buddhist view of life", CBWCC 218-222

GB1341 Biswanath Banerjee, "The concept of bodhicitta", Rtam 16-18, 1984-86, 413-418

GB1341.1 B. N. Banerjee, "Study of some aspects of later Buddhism", Bodhi-Rasmi 94-98

GB1342 P.V.Bapat, "Self and the ineffable in early Buddhism", Amrtadhara 473-474

GB1343 S.S.Barlingay, "Dialectics: Buddhist and Marxist", RPRP 21-34

GB1343.1 P.R.Barua, "The noble eight-fold path and the Buddhist layman", JASP 29.2, 1984, 61-72

GB1343.2 Stephen Batchelor, Flight: An Existential Conception of Buddhism. Kandy 1984

GB1344 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Rationality, argumentation and embarrassment: a study of four logical alternatives (catuskoti) in Buddhist logic", PEW 34, 1984, 303-320

GB1345 S.R.Bhatt, "Sarupya as pramana in Buddhist epistemology", RandP 191-198

GB1345.1 S.R.Bhatt, "The Buddhist theory of inference", Bodhi-Rasmi 74-80

GB1346 John Blofeld, "The doctrine of one mind", YB 1984, 93-96

GB1347 Thera Bodhi, "Merit and spiritual growth", YB 1984, 149-154

GB1348 Thera Bodhi, "The development of wisdom", YB 1983, 41-64

GB1349 Claudia Braun, Buddhistische Erziehung. 1984

GB1349.5 Michael von Bruck, The Emerging Holisltic Paradigm in te Light of Buddhist Sunyavada and the Christian Trinity. East-Wewst Religionsi n Enconter 1984

GB1350 Buddhadasa, "Die wahre Natur aller Dinge", Bodhi Baum 9.4, 1984, 239-242

GB1350.1 Colette Caillat, "Notes bibliographiques: quelques publications récentes consacrées aux traditions manuscrites du bouddhisme indien", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes 2, 1984, 61-71

GB1351 John Ross Carter, "Beyond 'beyond good and evil'", BSHHS 41-55

GB1352 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of sarupya", ASBP l-17

GB1352.1 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of sarupya in Buddhist philosophy", Bharati n.s. 2, 1984, 43-51

GB1352.2 Heramba Chatterji (Shastri), "The altruistic concept of Mahayanism as reflected kin the doctrine of Bodhisattva", JDPaliUC 2, 1984-85, 59-66

GB1352.3 K.N.Chatterji, "Law of causation in Buddhism", Bodhi-Rasmi 81-84

GB1353 S.K.Chattopadhyay, "Some incongruities and inadequacies of Buddhist enlightenment", ASBP 18-22

GB1354 John B. Cobb, Jr., "Can a Buddhist be a Christian, too?", DGTS 1-20

GB1355 L.S.Cousins, "Samatha-yana and vipassana-yana", BSHHS 56-68

GB1356 Lily de Silva, "Self-identification and associated problems", BSHHS 69-76

GB1356.1 Padmasiri de Silva, "Conflict", EnBud 4, 1984, 227-232

GB1356.2 J.D.Dhirasekhera, "Concentration", EnBud 4, 1984, 206-208

GB1356.3 J.D.Dhirasekhera, "Craving", EnBud 4, 1984, 261-262

GB1356.4 J.D.Dhirasekhera, "Dandakamma", EnBud 4, 1984, 310-312

GB1356.5 J.D.Dhirasekhera, "Dasakammapatha", EnBud 4, 1984, 322-323

GB1356.6 J.D.Dhirasekhera, "Defilements", EnBud 4, 1984, 353-355

GB1357 Sieglinde Dietz, Die buddhistische Briefliteratur Indiens. Asiatische Forschungen 84. Wiesbaden 1984

GB1358 S.H.Divatia, "Buddhist philosophy", PTG 17.4, 1984, 32-45

GB1359 R.C.Dwivedi, "Buddhist mysticism", PSA 152-171; also Rtam 16-18, 1984-86, 97-114

GB1359.9 Stephen C. Berkowitz, "What the Buddhologist taught: a review essay", MTSR 13, 2001, 310-333

GB1360 S.N.Goenka, "This is the way to end dukkha", MB 92, 1984, 111-113

GB1361 B.G.Gokhale, "On the Buddhist concept of attha", RSAI 47-59

GB1362 Gunter Gronbold, Der Buddhistische Kanon: Eine Bibliographie. Wiesbaden 1984

GB1363 H. Gunaratana, "Understanding through meditational experiences", MB 92, 1984, 156-162

GB1364 Victor A. Gunasekere, "The essentials of Buddhism", YB 1984, 85-92

GB1365 Richard P. Hayes, "The question of doctrinalism in the Buddhist epistemology", JAAR 52, 1983-84, 645-670. Reprinted IPE 4, 187-212

GB1366 Hiranmayananda, "Dhamma in Buddhism", VK 71, 1984, 421-424

GB1366.1 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Conditionality", EnBud 4, 1984, 219-221

GB1366.2 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Correlations", EnBud 4, 1984, 255-257

GB1366.3 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Cosmology", EnBud 4, 1984, 257-259

GB1366.4 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Creation, theory of", EnBud 4, 1984, 262-263

GB1367 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Stupa, the mother of Buddhas and Dharma body" in NPBR 9-16. Reprinted StudBudPhilos 45-52

GB1367.1 D.J.Kalupahana, "Consciousness", EnBud 4, 1984, 233-242

GB1368 B. Kar, "Anatma and karma in Buddhist philosophy", ASBP 23-36

GB1368.1 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Cuti-citta", EnBud 4, 1984, 273-274

GB1368.2 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Dasabala", EnBud 4, 1984, 314-318

GB1368.3 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Death", EnBud 4, 1984, 331-335

GB1368.4 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Contentment", EnBud 4, 1984, 243-244

GB1368.5 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Continuity", EnBud 4, 1984, 244-246

GB1368.6 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Conception", EnBud 4, 1984, 218-219

GB1368.7 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Compassion", EnBud 4, 1984, 201-205

GB1368.8 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Concept", EnBud 4, 1984, 208-218

GB1368.9 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Debate", EnBud 4, 1984, 336-344

GB1368.10 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Delight", EnBud 4, 1984, 358-359

GB1369 U. Kariyawasan, "Concept of nirvana", MB 92, 1984, 23-24

GB1369.1 Indumatie Karunaratne, "Courage", EnBud 4, 1984, 259-261

GB1369.2 Upali Karunaratne, "Conscience", EnBud 4, 1984, 232-233

GB1370 Nathan Katz, "Prasanga and deconstruction: Tibetan hermeneutics and the yana controversy", PEW 34, 1984, 185-204

GB1370.5 Leslie S. Kawamura, A Buddhism Primer: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha. Calgary 1984

GB1371 Sallie B. King, "The Buddha nature: true self as action". Religious Studies 20, 1984, 255-268

GB1372 Y. Krishan, "Buddhism and belief in atma", JIABS 7.2, 1984, 117-132

GB1372.1 Y. Krishan, "Anatmavada and the doctrines of karma, punarbhava and bhumis", Bodhi-Rasmi 70-71

GB1372.5 Hans Kung, Josef van Ess, Heinrich von Scietencron, Heinz Bechert, "Buddhist perspectives" in Christentum und Weltreligionen. Hinführung zum Dialog mit Islam, Hinduismus und Buddhismus (Munich 1984), 415-434, 465-478, 508-525, 560-576, 615-616. Buddhism sections reprinted Munich/Zurich 1995, pp. 22-421, 72-85, 115-132, 167-183

GB1373 Etienne Lamotte, "Mahayana Buddhism" in Heinz Bechert and Richard Gombrich (eds.), The World of Buddhism. Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture. (London 1984), 90-93

GB1374 G.P.Malalasekera, "The law of karma", BCON 19-26

GB1375 Jay McDaniel, "Mahayana enlightenment in process perspective", BAT 50-69

GB1376 N.K.G.Mendis, "How to react to our suffering", YB 1984, 147-148

GB1377 Katsumi Mimaki, "Sadhyasama, a problem in Indo-Tibetan logics" (in Japanese with English summary). TK 47.8, 1984, 567-592

GB1378 G.Misra, "Buddhist philosophy of language and its doctrine of apoha", ASBP 70-80

GB1379 G.Misra, "Buddha, Buddhist philosophy and how we teach Buddhist philosophy", ASBP 81-87

GB1380 G.S.P.Misra, Development of Buddhist Ethics. Delhi 1984

GB1380.5 K.K.Mittal, "Buddhist view of relation", Bodhi-Rasmi 85-88

GB1381 E.Nandisvara and Thera Nayaka, "Birth, enlightenment, parinirvana", MB 92, 1984, 40-47

GB1381.1 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Confidence", EnBud 4, 1984, 223-226

GB1381.2 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Controversies", EnBud 4, 1984, 248-251

GB1381.3 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Conviction", EnBud 4, 1984, 253-255

GB1381.4 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Crime and punishment", EnBud 4, 1984, 264-267

GB1381.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Deathlessness", EnBud 4, 1984, 335-336

GB1381.6 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Decay", EnBud 4, 1984, 344

GB1381.7 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Deliverance", EnBud 4, 1984, 359-362

GB1382 Narayan Chandra Padhi, "Karma doctrine in Buddhism", with comments by Saroj Kumar Mohanty. ASBP 88-101

GB1383 Raghavendra Pandeya, Major Hetvabhasas: A Formal Analysis (with reference to Nyaya and Buddhism). Delhi 1984

GB1384 Om Prakash Pathak, "Eight persons in the path of nibbana" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 217-217

GB1384.1 H.R.Perera, "Cutupapata-Nana", EnBud 4, 1984, 274-275

GB1384.2 L.P.N.Perera, "Conceit", EnBud 4, 1984, 205-206

GB1384.3 L.P.N.Perera, "Control", EnBud 4, 1984, 247-248

GB1385 Alexander Piatigorsky, The Buddhist Philosophy of Thought. London 1984

GB1386 Prahlad Pradhan, "Duhkha samudaya or orgination of suffering", ASBP 102-104

GB1387 Sudarshan Pujari, "Understanding Buddhism with special reference to dhamma", ASBP 124-136

GB1388 Shanta Ratnayaka, "Is Whitehead a neo-Buddhist?", BSHHS 219-227

GB1389 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "The origin of Mahayana", RSSE 148-159

GB1389.5 Shanti Bhikshu Shastri, "The law of karma in Buddhism", Bodhi-Rasmi 72-73

GB1390 Gregory Schopen, "Two problems in the history of Indian Buddhism: the layman/monk distinction and the doctrine of the transference of merit", SII 9-48

GB1391 Nils Simonsson, "Reflections on the grammatical tradition in Tibet and its connection with Indian Buddhist speculation on language", ITaur 12, 1984, 185-190

GB1391.1 K.D.Somaratne, "Contemplation", EnBud 4, 1984, 242-243

GB1392 Jikido Takasaki, "On Buddha-nature", YE 10.1, 1984, 21-24

GB1393 Tadashi Tani, "A conflict between logical indicators in the negative inference (svabhavanupalabdhivadin vs. vyapakanupalabdhi-vadin)", JIBSt 32.2, 1984, 18-24

GB1393.5 Lobzang Tharchin, King Udayana and the Wheel of Life: the History and Meaning of the Buddhist Teaching of Dependent Origination. Howell, N.J. 1984

GB1393.7 Mahesh Tiwary, "Parinibbana", Bodhi-Rasmi 89-93

GB1394 Gishin Tokiwa, "The tathagatagarbha as the fundamental subject of the four satyas", JIBSt 33.1, 1984, 13-18

GB1394.5 L.T.Duboom Tulku, "Atman: the basis of debate between the Buddhists and the Hindus", Bodhi-Rasmi 65-69

GB1394.7 J. N. Upadhyaya, "Relevance of God: a Buddhist view", Bodhi-Rasmi 99-101

GB1395 M. Vajiranana, "Buddhism on the nature of existence", MB 92, 1984, 175-179

GB1395.0 Alex Wayman, "No time, great time, and profane time in Buddhism", AWBI 269-285. Reprinted ETB 689-706

GB1395.1 W.G.Weeratne, "Dana", EnBud 4, 1984, 307-310

GB1395.2 Senarat Wijayasundara, "Darsana", EnBud 4, 1984, 312-314

GB1395.2.5 Shingyo Yoshimoto, "The convertible terms of nirodha-satya", ARROU 37, 1984, 8-9

GB1395.3 P.R.Barua, "An introduction to Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism", JASP 30.2, 1985, 13-16

GB1395.4 Fillita Bharuche, "Pratityasamutpada and its implications in terms of a logico-empiricalk representation", Darshana 25.1, 1985, 35-53

GB1396 K. Bhattacharya, "Notes bouddhiques", JA 274, 1985-86, 291-300

GB1397 Jens Braarvig, "Dharani and pratibhana: memory and eloquence of the Bodhisattvas", JIABS 8.1, 1985, 17-30

GB1398 H.N.Chatterjee, "Notes on the Buddhist concept of ahimsa", JDPaliUC 3, 1985-86, 29-34

GB1399 Bruno de Jesse, "Buddhism and the Vedanta--two surfaces of the mirror", StudCompR 17, 1985, 82-89

GB1400 Malcolm David Eckel, "Gratitude to an empty savior: a study of the concept of gratitude in Mahayana Buddhist philosophy", HistR 25, 1985, 57-75

GB1400.5 Heinrich Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism: A History. Volume I: India and China. In German, Bern 1985. In English New York 1988, 1994

GB1401 Ruben L.F. Habita, "On dharmakaya as ultimate reality: prolegomenon for a Buddhist-Christian dialogue", JJR 12, 1985, 207-232

GB1401.1 M. Hahn, "Vorläufe Überlegungen zur Schulzugehörigkeit einiger buddhistischen Dichter", ZSEBD 239-257

GB1402 Shu Hikosaka, "Buddhism in Tamil natu: some introductory remarks", JAsSt 2.2, 1985, 45-90

GB1403 Frank J. Hoffman, "Buddhist belief 'in'", Religious Studies 21, 1985, 381-388

GB1403.5 Daisaku Ikeda, Le bouddhisme, le premier millenaire. Translated by Rene de Berval. Monaco 1985

GB1404 Kenneth K. Inada (ed.), Guide to Buddhist Philosophy. Boston 1985

GB1405 Alex Kennedy (Dharmachari Subhuti), The Buddhist View. London 1985

GB1405.5 Sensho Kimura, "Kumarajiva's translation of Buddhist texts", ARROU 38, 1985, 3-5

GB1406 Minoru Kiyota, "Tathagatagarbha thought: a basis of Buddhist devotionalism in East Asia", JJRS 12, 1985, 207-232

GB1406.1 Tai-Wo Kwan, A Study of the Teaching Regarding the Pure Land of Aksobhya Buddha in Early Mahayana. Ph.D.Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles 1985

GB1407 S.V.Limaye, "Concept of trikaya in Buddhism", PTG 20.1, 1985, 44-52

GB1408 Trevor Ling, "Buddhist social ethics", BRMIC 36, 1985: 221, 247, 271

GB1409 Bandu Madanayake, "Is there consciousness in nibbana?", NPBR 17-25

GB1410 M.S.Moray, History of Buddhism in Gujarat. Ahmedabad 1985

GB1410.5 Sodo Mori, "Review of Friedgaard Lottermoser, Quoted Verse Passages in the Works of Buddhaghosa", Bukkyo Kenkhu 15, 1985. Reprinted StPaliCom 157-178

GB1411 Hajime Nakamura, "Intuitive awareness: issues in early mysticism", JJRS 12, 1985, 119-140

GB1412 V.S.Naravane, "The Buddhist element in modern Indian thought and culture", IAC 34.1-2, 1985, 11-39

GB1412.0 Amalia Pezzali, "Le legge del pratityasamutpada nel budismo indiano: karma e samsara", SOL 2, 1984-85, 87-102

GB1412.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "Buddhism and Uttaramimamsa", TL 8.4, 1985. 40-45

GB1412.2 L. Sander and E. Waldschmidt, Sanskrithandschriften auf den Turfan funden V. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 10.5 (Stuttgart 1985)

GB1413 Sangharaksita, The Eternal Legacy. An Introduction to the Canonical Literature of Buddhism. London 1985

GB1414 Sudha Sengupta, Buddhism in the Classical Age (c. 400-750 A.D.). Delhi 1985

GB1415 Arvind Sharma, Spokes of the Wheel. Studies in Buddha's Dharma. New Delhi 1985

GB1416 P.S.Sastri, T.S.Eliot, Vedanta and Buddhism. Vancouver, B.C. 1985

GB1417 Kenneth K. Tanaka, "Simultaneous relation (sahabhuhetu): a study in Buddhist theory of causation", JIABS 8.1, 1985, 91-111

GB1417.0 Phuntsok Tshering, A S tudy of the (Rise of) Sects of Buddhism in Tibet, 800 to 1600 A.D. 1985. Su0mmarized in RBS pp. 67-69

GB1417.1 Alan Webber, Philosophy and Liberation. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Classical Buddhism and Platonic Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, University of California at Irvine 1985

GB1417.2 Atmarupananda, "Ascending the bodhisattva's altar of cosmic sacrifice", PB 91, 1986, 464-472

GB1417.5 Rene de Berval, Presence du bouddhisme. Paris 1986

GB1417.6 Roderick S. Bucknell and Martin Stuart-Fox, Twilight Language: explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism. London 1986

GB1418 Andre Bareau, "Étude du bouddhisme" in Annuaire du College de France 1986-1987. Résumé du Cours et Travaux (Paris 1986-87), 535-546

GB1418.5 Jens Braarvig, "Development of mental complexity as suffering in Samkhya and Buddhism", Kalyanamitraraganam 49-56

GB1419 Fritz Buri, "A comparison of Buddhism and Christianity according to a history of problems", BCD 15-34

GB1420 K.N.Chatterjee, "Pratitya-samutpada", Pratityasamutpada 284-288

GB1421 K.N.Chatterjee, "Pratitya-samutpada and other schools of philosophy", Pratityasamutpada 337-346

GB1422 Angraj Chaudhury, "Buddhism and pragmatism", VIRB 5, 1986, 250-254

GB1422.1 Eric Cheetham, "The bodhicitta in Indian Mahayana", 60, 1985-86, 5-10

GB1422.2 S. R. Goyal, Harsha and Buddhism. Meerut 1986

GB1423 Mangala Chinchore, "Some epistemological and social implications of ksanikata", ABORI 67, 1986, 57-76

GB1424 J.C.Cleary, "Trikaya and trinity: the mediation of the absolute", Buddhist-Christian Studies 6, 1986, 63-78

GB1425 Roger J. Corless, "The mutual fulfillment of Buddhism and Christianity in co-inherent superconsciousness", BCD 115-138

GB1425.00 Pio Filippani-Roncani, La vie del Buddhismo. Roma 1986

GB1425.01 Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber, Lexikon des ostlichen Weisheitlehren: Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Taoismus, Zen. Bern 1986, 1992. Translated into English as The Rider Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. London 1989, Boston 1994

GB1425.0 John Frederick, "'Does the Tathagata exist after death?'", MW 61, 1986-87, 241-246

GB1425.0.5 Jesus Lopez Gay, "El Bodhisattva en las sutras de Mahayana", BAEO 22, 1986, 257-284

GB1425.1 Paul J. Griffiths, On Being Mindless: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem. La Salle, Ill. 1986

GB1426 Ruben L.F. Habito, "On the notion of dharmakaya: a study in the Buddhist Absolute", JD 11, 1986, 348-378

GB1426.1 Kazi Nurul Islam, "Some observations on the Buddhist view of salvation", DUS 43.2, 1986, 23-30

GB1427 Roger Jackson, "Dependent origination and emptiness: a Westerner's response", Pratityasamutpada 289-298

GB1427.5 Nolan Pliny Jacobsen, Understanding Buddhism. Carbondale 1986

GB1428 L.M.Joshi, "Significance of pratityasamutpada", Pratityasamutpada 257-264

GB1429 B.V.Kishan, "The Buddhist theory of pratityasamutpada: some reflections", Pratityasamutpada 279-283

GB1430 David Loy, "The Mahayana deconstruction of time", PEW 36, 1986, 13-24

GB1431 John C. Maraldo, "Hermenutics and historicity in the study of Buddhism", EB 19, 1986, 17-43

GB1432 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Non-soul theory of Buddhism: its meaning and significance", JDBSDU 10, 1986, 75-86

GB1433 Harsh Narain, "Pratitya-samutpada as pre-established harmony", Pratityasamutpada 299-305

GB1434 Hajime Nakamura, "The goal of meditation", JJR 13, 1986, 63-80

GB1435 Nanajivako, "The ethos of knowledge in Kantian and in Buddhist philosophy. Remarks on some theories from the standpoint of European philosophy", KS 77, 1986, 59-83

GB1436 Roy W. Perrett, "The Bodhisattva paradox", PEW 36, 1986, 55-60

GB1437 H.S.Prasad, "Buddhism and Marxism: some points of differences ", JDBSDU 10, 1986, 41-46

GB1438 Rajendra J.P.Priyadarshi, "Philosophical developments of modern physics and the Buddha's theory of pratityasamutpada", Pratityasamutpada 265-278

GB1439 Reginton Rajapakse, "Buddhism as religion and philosophy", Religion 16, 1986, 51-56

GB1440 Pavitra Kumar Roy, "Two anthropologies: Buddhism and Marxism", VJP 23.1, 1986, 52-59

GB1440.1 Hammavala Saddhatissa, "Buddhist ethics and its philosophy", MB 94, 1986, 65-71

GB1441 N.H.Samtani, "The conditioned and unconditioned mind: relevance of some pratyayas", Pratityasamutpada 321-329

GB1442 Lambert Schmithausen, "Critical response to papers on The Buddhist Context", KRPCD 203-230

GB1443 Amar Singh, "Difference between Buddhist and Vedantic idealism", JDBSDU 10, 1986, 87-104

GB1444 Ninian Smart, "Numen, nirvana and the definition of religion", NSCE 40-48

GB1445 Ninian Smart, "Living, liberation, jivanmukti and nirvana", NSCE 89-97

GB1446 Ninian Smart, "Nirvana and timelessness", NSCE 119-124

GB1447 Nathmal Tatia, "The essence of pratitya-samutpada", Pratityasamutpada 363-368

GB1449 Marcel Van Velthen, Issaskhar et les degrés extremes de la Communication. La lettre commen du Duhkha bouddhique et des Apocalypses. Thanh-long 1986

GB1450 Basao Abe, "Transformation in Buddhism", Buddhist-Christian Studies 7, 1987, 5-24

GB1451 Biswanath Banerjee, "Sacrifice (yajna) and Buddhism", SICE 143-151

GB1451.1 Sukumal Barua, "The concept of rebirth in Buddhism: a theoretical primer", DUS 44.2, 1987, 73-84

GB1453 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "The anatman concept in Buddhism", MGKCV 213-224. Reprinted Navonmesa 1987, 213-224

GB1454Jose Ignacio Cabezon, Upaya (Skillful Means): a Model for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. Typescript. East-West Religions in Encounter 1987

GB1455.1 S.R.Goyal, A History of Indian Buddhism. Meerut 1987

GB1456 Peter Harvey, "The Buddhist perspective on respect for persons", BSR 4.1, 1987, 31-46. Also (with David Evans) BSR 4.2, 1987, 97-104

GB1456.0 Shohei Ichimura, "Sunyata and paradigm-shift: dialogue between Buddhism and science", SramV 81-100

GB1456.1 Kenneth K. Inada, "Environmental problematics in the Buddhist context", PEW 37, 1987, 135-149

GB1457 A.D.P.Kalansuriya, A Philosophical Analysis of Buddhist Notions. The Buddha and Wittgenstein. New Delhi 1987

GB1458 David J. Kalupahana, "Dependent arising and the renunciation of mystery", BudPhilCult 23-36

GB1459 David J. Kalupahana, The Principles of Buddhist Psychology. Albany, N.Y. 1987

GB1459.5 Matthew Kapstein, Self and Personal Identity in Buddhist Scholasticism: a Philosophical investigation. Ph.D.Thesis, Brown University 1987; Ann Arbor 1987

GB1460 J. Kasyapa, "The problem of anatta", SKGIB 89-96

GB1462 Thomas Kochumuttam, "Complementarity of Buddhist denominations", JD 12, 1987, 24-35

GB1463 Kamala Kumari, Notion of Truth in Buddhism and Pragmatism. New Delhi 1987

GB1464 A.C.March, A Glossary of Buddhist Terms. BIBS 25, 1987

GB1465 N.D.Mehta, "How modern Hinduism is moulded by Buddhism?", SKGIB 21-32

GB1465.1 Kameshwaranath Mishra, 'God in Tibetan Buddhist Sanskrit sources", Navonmesa 1987, 231-240

GB1466 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "'Ontological commitment' in the context of the Buddhist thought", JICPR 5.1, 1987-88, 103-110

GB1467 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Personal identity in Buddhist perspective", HSAJIS 93-98

GB1467.5 Sodo Mori, "Some minor sources for the Pali Atthakathas: with reference to Lottermoser's study" ion Indological and Buddhist Studies in Honor of J. Takasaki (Tokyo 1987). Reprinted StPaliCom 179-192

GB1468 Narada, "Anatta or no-soul", SKGIB 81-88

GB1469 Harsh Narain, "Suffering in Mahayana Buddhism", SIP 163-174

GB1469.1 G. C. Nayak, "The noble truths", GCNPR 1, 1987, 35-47. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 43-57

GB1469.3 K. R. Norman, "An epithet of nibbana", SramV 23-32

GB1469.7 S. K. Pathak, "Prajna and karuna in Buddha-yana", SramV 349-358

GB1471 Ayodhya Prasad Pradhan, Buddha's System of Meditation. Four volumes. New Delhi 1986

GB1471.5 H. S. Prasad, "A critique of the samskrtalaksanas", SramV

GB1472 N. Ross Reat, "Some fundamental concepts of Buddhist psychology", Religion 17, 1987, 15-28

GB1473 Sangharaksita, Crossing the Stream. Glasgow 1987

GB1474 G.H.Sasaki, Linguistic Approach to Buddhist Thought. 1986

GB1475 Lambert Schmithausen, "Beiträge zum Schulzugehörigkeit und Textgeschichte Kanonischer und postkanonischer buddhistischer Materialen", ZSWH, part 2, 304-434

GB1475.5 Gregory Schopen, "The inscription on the Kusan image of Amitabha and the character of realy Mahayana in India", JIABS 10.2, 1987, 99-134. Reprinted FFMBI 247-277

GB1476 Arvind Sharma, "Emile Durkheim on suicide in Buddhism", BSR 4.2, 1987, 119-126

GB1477 David Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors. London 1987

GB1478 James D. Steadman, "Pure Land Buddhism and the Buddhist historical tradition", Religious Studies 23, 1987, 407-421

GB1479 Jikido Takasaki, An Introduction to Buddhism. Translated by Roff W. Giebel. Tokyo 1987

GB1479.00 Migmar Tsering, "An analysis of the two truths in Paramitayana and Vajrayana", SramV 335-348

GB1479.0 Alex Wayman, "The guru in Buddhism", Studia Missionalia 36, 1987. Reprinted UTK 205-222

GB1479.2 D. Amarasiri Weeratne, "Anatta doctrine and sectarian interpretations", MB 95, 1987, 19-21

GB1480 Yoginayi, "Outline of Buddhist yoga", SKGIB 47-52

GB1481 Phra Acharn Thawee Baladhamma, "The development of purification and insight", BudSR 1988, 3-20

GB1482 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "An appraisal of I-consciousness in the context of the controversies centering around the no-self doctrine of Buddhism", JIP 16, 1988, 167-176. Summarized in ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 631

GB1483 David Barstow, "An example of self-change: the Buddhist path", Religious Studies 24, 1988, 157-188

GB1484 Pierre Basso, "Language for a causal conditional logic: foundations and objectives", JIP 16, 1988, 123-166

GB1484.5 Kerry Brown, The Essential Teaching of Buddhism. London 1988, 1989, 1990

GB1485 Paul Carus, Buddhism and Its Christian Critics. Reprinted Delhi 1988

GB1485.0 Shorad Chandra, "Buddhism, Upanisads et Albert Camus", RAL 17.3-4, 1988, 41-57

GB1485.1 Eric Cheetham, "Seeds of Indian Mahayana", MW 63, 1988, 23-30

GB1485.2 Eric Cheetham, The Path and the Three Ways. London 1988

GB1486 Peter della Santina, "An Introduction to Buddhist higher teaching", The Buddhist Union Newsletter 36.3, 1988, 14-17; 36.4, 1989, 11-13

GB1486.7 Mirko Fryba, "Sunnata--experience of void in Buddhist mind training", SLJBS 2, 1988, 1-19

GB1491 Matthew Kapstein, "Reply to Jeffrey Hopkins", PEW 37, 1987, 434-436

GB1492 Y. Karunadasa, "Anatta as via media", SLJBS 1, 1987, 1-9

GB1497 David J. Kalupahana, "The Buddhist conceptions of 'subject' and 'object' and their moral implications", PEW 38, 1988, 290-306

GB1499 Etienne Lamotte, "Assessment of textual interpretation in Buddhism", BHerm 11-28

GB1500 Donald S. Lopez, Jr., "Buddhist hermeneutics: a conference report", PEW 37, 1988, 3-23

GB1501 Donald S. Lopez, Jr., "On the interpretation of the Mahayanasutras", BHerm 47-70

GB1501.1.Donald S. Lopez, Jr., "Sanctification on the Bodhisattva path", Sainthood 172-217

GB1502 David Loy, "A cloture of deconstruction: a Mahayana critique of Derrida", IPQ 27, 1987, 59-80

GB1503 Donald W. Mitchell, "Karma in Buddhist thought", DK 66-93

GB1504 Hajime Nakamura, "The significance of 'harmony' in Buddhist thought", in R. Shu-hsien Liu and Robert E., Allison, ed., Harmony and Strife (Hong Kong, 1988), 91-112. Partially translated into Spanish in REB 9, 1995, 42-59

GB1505 Roy W. Perrett, "Egoism, altruism and intentionalism in Buddhist ethics", JIP 15, 1987, 71-86

GB1506 Edwina Pio, Buddhist Psychology: A Modern Perspective. Abhinav 1988

GB1507 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Language and reality: a Buddhist approach", RCT 39-46

GB1508 A.K.Sarkar, "Indian Buddhism and Chinese mysticism", BRMIC 39, 1988, 99-107

GB1509 Arvind Sharma, "A third way of spirituality beyond faith and reason in Buddhism", JD 13, 1988, 282-290

GB1509.0 Sibnath Sarma, "Pratityasamutpada: the Buddhist theory of causality", JUG 34, 1988, 180-187

GB1509.01 Karunesa Shukla (ed.), Nature of Bondage and Liberation in Buddhist Systems. Proceedings of Seminar held in 1984. Gorakhpur 1988

GB1509.02 Kaum Kim Soon, The Concept of Causality in Buddhism (especially in the field of Indian Buddhism and Won Buddhism of Korea). 1988. Summarized in RBS pp. 102-104

GB1509.1 J. Takasaki, "On upadana, upadaya prajnapti", Orientalie Iosphi Tucci Memoriae Dictata (Volume III), SerOR LVI,3 (Rome 1988), 1459-1464

GB1510 Rani Thanickachalam, "The concept of 'driad' in Heidegger's philosophy and of 'suffering' in Buddhism", VidBh 9, 1988, 43-47

GB1510.1 Biswanath Banerjee, "Karman--rebirth: Buddhism", FTI 1988, 116-123

GB1511 J.E.Carpenter, Buddhism and Christianity. Calcutta 1988

GB1511.1 Jotiya Dhirasekhara, "Detachment", EnBud 4, 1988, 391

GB1511.2 Indu Mala Ghosh, Ahimsa, Buddhist and Gandhian. Delhi 1988

GB1512 Richard P. Hayes, "Principled atheism in the Buddhist scholastic tradition", JIP 16, 1988, 5-28. Reprinted IPE 4, 107-131

GB1513 Dharmasamgraha. Edited Jnalachene Namadola. Sarnath 1988

GB1513.1 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Dependent origination", EnBud 4, 1988, 375-377

GB1513.1.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of non-soul", FTI 1988, 85-104

GB1513.2 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Destiny", EnBud 4, 1988, 387-389

GB1513.3 Bandhula Jayawardhana, "Determinism and indeterminism", EnBud 4, 1988, 393-412

GB1513.4 D.J.Kalupahana, "Dhamma (I)", EnBud 4, 1988, 438-453

GB1513.5 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Delusion", EnBud 4, 1988, 362-363

GB1513.6 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Destruction", EnBud 4, 1988, 389-391

GB1513.7 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Deva", EnBud 4, 1988, 413-418

GB1513.8 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Devata", EnBud 4, 1988, 431-434

GB1513.9 Indumatie Karunaratne, "Devotion", EnBud 4, 1988, 435-437

GB1513.10 Upali Karunaratne, "Devatanussati", EnBud 4, 1988, 434-435

GB1513.11 Upali Karunaratne, "Dhamma (2)", EnBud 4, 1988, 453-459

GB1513.11.5 Sodo Mori, "Sihalacatthuppakarana and Pali Atthakatha literature", Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies 1, 1988. Reprinted StPaliCom 287-314

GB1513.11.6 Sodo Mori, "Uttwaraviharatthakatha and Sarasamasa: some unattributed non-Mahavihara sources for the Pali commentaries", JPTS 12, 1988. Reprinted StPaliCom 107-156

GB1513.12 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Depth psychology", EnBud 4, 1988, 377-383

GB1513.13 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Desire", EnBud 4, 1988, 385-387

GB1513.14 Harsh Narain, "Nibbana, nirvana and moksa", NBLBS 75-82

GB1514 N.N.Pathak, Human Life and the Teaching of Buddha. Calcutta 1988

GB1516 Diana St. Ruth, comp., An Introduction to Buddhism. Lancaster 1988

GB1516.1 L.T.Dooboom Tulku, "The meaning of nirvana", NBLBS 17-24

GB1516.05 Debabrata Sinha, "The atman model and the question of human person", FTI 1988, 73-84

GB1517 Jagannath Upadhyaya, "Vajrayana: system, perception, and practice", TJ 13.4, 1988, 3-12

GB1518 Atmarupananda, "The six flames of the Bodhisattva's cosmic sacrifice", PB 94, 1989, 217-225

GB1519 D.C.Ahir, Heritage of Buddhism. Delhi 1989

GB1519.1 D.C.Ahir, Buddhism in North India. Delhi 1989

GB1519.1 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Indian teachers: their role in the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet", Amala Prajna 223-228

GB1520 N.N.Bhattacharya, "A comparative study of a common point of Buddhism and Marxism", Praci-Prabha 157-162

GB1520.0 Roderick S. Bucknell, Buddhist Meditation and the Study of Mystical Experience. South Yarra, Victoria 1989

GB1520.0.5 Garma C. C. Cheng, Die buddhistische Lehre von der Ganzheitles Seins: das holistische Weltbild der buddhistischer philosophie. Translated b Ernst Schonwiese. Berlnl 1989

GB1520.1 Eric Cheetham, "The doctrine of the two truths", MW 64, 1989, 17-22

GB1521 Roger J. Corliss, The Vision of Buddhism. New York 1989

GB1521.1 R. K. Deswal, "The concept of dhamma in Buddhism", KUJ 23, 1989, 139-144

GB1522 Jotiya Dhirasekere and A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Dharmatabuddha", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 564-565

GB1523 Fumio Enomoto, "On the annihilation of karman in early Buddhism", TICOJ 34, 1989, 43-55

GB1524 Frederick Franck, "A Buddhist trinity", Parabola 14.4, 1989, 49-59

GB1524.1 Hira Paul Gangnegi, "Ethical value of sunyata", PBE 1989, 94-107

GB1524. 5 Paul J. Griffiths, "Buddha and God: a contrastive study in ideas about maximal greatness", Journal of Religion 69, 1989, 502-529. Reprinted IPE 4, 132-160

GB1525 R.D.Gunaratne, "Dialectic(s)", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 592-594

GB1525.1 Arthur L. Herman, "Religions as failed theodicies: atheism in Hinduism and Buddhism", IndPhRel 35-60

GB1525.2 Akira Hirakawa, "The meaning of 'dharma' in the concept of the 'jewel of the dharma' (dharmaratna)", Amala Prajna 235-249

GB1525.3.Christopher Ives, "Emptiness: soteriology and ethics in Mahayana Buddhism: (with comments by Francis H. Cook and Stephen T. Davis), ConUlt 113-135

GB1526 Roger R. Jackson, "Matching concepts: deconstructive foundationalist tendencies in Buddhist thought", JAAR 57, 1989, 561-590

GB1527 Hargrave Jennings, Buddhism and Other Indian Religions. New Delhi 1989

GB1527.5 Yuichi Kajiyama, Studies in Buddhist Philosophy. Kyoto 1989

GB1528 A.D.P.Kalansuria, "The dhamma and the notion of 'perception': a conceptual technique made explicit", IndPQ 16, 1989, 291-302

GB1528.1 David J, Kalupahana, "The concepts of self and freedom in Buddhism", IndPhRel 93-114

GB1528.1.1 S. G. Kantawala, "Dr. Radhakrishnan on Buddhism--a glance", Sambodhi 16, 1989, 120-127

GB1529 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Dharani", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 515-520

GB1530 Upali Karunaratna, "Dharmakaya", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 528-530

GB1531 Upali Karunaratna, "Dharmanairatmya", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 536-539

GB1532 Upali Karunaratna, "Dhatu 1-3", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 566-573

GB1533 Khantipada, "Kamkma", BudDig 22, 1989, 34-37

GB1534 Winston L. King, "Buddhist self-world theory and Buddhist ethics", EB 22.2, 1989, 14-26

GB1535 Thomas A. Kochumuttam, A Buddhist Denial of Experience. Delhi 1989

GB1535.0 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma in Buddhism: a study", Amala Prajna 119-137

GB1535.1 Bimlendra Kumar, "Ethical value in the theory of relations", JDBSDU 13, 1989, 48-59. Reprinted PBE 1989, 48-59

GB1536 Rajah Kuruppa, "Consciousness in Buddhism", Buddhist 59.1, 1988, 1-3

GB1537 Gerald James Larson, "An old problem revisited: the relation between Samkhya, Yoga and Buddhism", SII 15, 1989, 129-146

GB1538 David Loy, "The nonduality of life and death: a Buddhist view of repression", PEW 39, 1989, 151-174

GB1538.00 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of non-soul:, JIP 17, 1989, 61-79. Reprinted in Augustine Thottakara (ed.), Self and Consciousness: Indian Interpretations (Rome 1989), 173-92. Reprinted CEBKM 213-229

GB1538.0 Michael Mettam, "The arahant and the Bodhisattva", MW 64, 1989, 23-31, 81-91

GB1538.1 K.K.Mittal, "Buddhist ethics--a brief approach", JDBSDU 13, 1989, 1-8

GB1538.2 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Personal-identity in the Buddhist perspective:, Amala Prajna 349-361

GB1538.2.5 Sodo Mori, "Ariyavamsa and Ariyacamsa-katha", Bulletin of Josai University 13, 1989. Reprinted StPaliCom 193-206

GB1538.3 K. Satchidananda Murty, "Andhra contribution to Buddhist thought", Amala Prajna 349-361

GB1539 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Dharmadhatu-1", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 523-524

GB1540 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Dukkha", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 696-702

GB1540.1 Alexander T. Naughton, The Buddhist Path to Omniscience. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Wisconsin at Madison 1989

GB1541 Yochio Nishi, "Common factors between Theravada and Mahayana", BudDig 22, 1989, 30-33

GB1541.1 R.C.Pandeya, "Metaphysical foundation of the unity of man: a study in Buddhist and Vedantic social thought", Amala Prajna 263-275

GB1542 Raj Kumar Pathak, Historical Survey of Indian Buddhism. Delhi 1989

GB1543 R.P.Peerenboom, "Buddhist process ethics: dissolving the dilemma of substantialist metaphysics", IndPQ 16, 1989, 247-268

GB1543.1 H.S.Prasad, "Understanding Buddhist epistemology", Amala Prajna 277-297

GB1544 P.D.Premasiri, "Dogmatism", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 655-662

GB1545 David Seyfort Ruegg, Buddha-Nature, Mind and the Problem of Gradualism in a Comparative Perspective. On the Transmission and Reception of Buddhism in India and Tibet. London 1989

GB1546 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "The Buddhist notion of an 'immanent Absolute' (tathagatagarbha) as a problem in hermeneutics", TBH 229-246

GB1546.1 N.H.Samtani, "Ethics of a bodhisattva and universal welfare", JDBSDU 13, 1989, 18-26

GB1547 K.T.S.Sarao, The Origin and Nature of Ancient Indian Buddhism. Delhi 1989

GB1547.2 Karunesh Shukla, "Problems and perspectives in Buddhist research", Amala Prajna 517-521

GB1547.3 Sanghasen Singh, "The Buddhist sutra literature: a survey", Amala Prajna 111-117

GB1548 D.L.Snellgrove, "Multiple features of the Buddhist heritage", TBH 7-18

GB1548.1 Mahesh Tiwary, "Sila", JDBSDU 13, 1989, 60-79. Reprinted PBE 1989

GB1548.2 Niranjan Trivedi and Rasesh Jaminder, "The basis of Buddhist ethics as reflected in Parajika rules of patimokkha", JDBSDU 13, 1989, 27-33

GB1548.5 Michael von Brück, "Aspects of sunyata and consciousness in Mahayana Buddhism", SelfandC 104-131

GB1549 Alan Wallace, "Rebirth and Western Buddhism", TJ 14.2, 1989, 31-37

GB1550 M.O.C. Walshe, "Is there free will in Buddhism?", BudDig 22, 1989, 12-16

GB1551 Chandra Wickemagamage, "Dharmadhatu-2", EnBud 4.4, 1989, 524-526

GB1551.1 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, "Hinayana and Mahayana--a broad outline", Bulletin of Tibetology 1990, 23-26

GB1551.1.3 Sitansu Bikasa Barua, Buddhism in Bangladesh. Chittagong 1990

GB1551.1.5 Stephen Batchelor, The Faith to Doubt: Glimpses of Buddhist Uncertainty. Berkeley 1990

GB1551.2 Heinz Bechert (ed.), Abkurzugsverzeichnis zur buddhistischen Literatur in Indien und Sudöstasien. Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfen-Funden. Beiheft 3. Gottingen 1990

GB1551.3 M.C.Bharatiya, "Karma and rebirth: the scientific basis", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 106-111

GB1551.4 K.N.Chatterjee, "A variety of views on karma and rebirth", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 85-88

GB1551.5 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "N.V.Banerjee on Buddha and Marx", PNVB 140-167

GB1552 Mangala R. Chinchore, "Lost Buddhist texts: the rationale of their reconstruction in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 17, 1990, 285-312

GB1552.00 Roger Corless, "How is the study of Buddhism possible?", MTSR 2.1, 1990, 27-41

GB1552.0 Lily de Silva, "Experience", EnBud 5, 1990, 189-191

GB1552.01 Jyotiya Dhirasekera, "Effect", EnBud 5, 1990, 35-37

GB1552.02 Jyotiys Dhirasekera, "Egoism", EnBud 5, 1990, 42-43

GB1552.03 Jyotiya Dhirasekera, "Enlightenment", EnBud 5, 1990, 80-81

GB1552.1 S.N.Dube, "Genesis and development of pudgalavada", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 93-97

GB1552.2 R.E.Emmerick and P.O.Skjaervo, "Buddhism among Iranian peoples. III. Buddhist literature in Khotanese and Tumshuqese", Encyclopedia Iranica 4, 1990, 499-505

GB1554 Robert E. Florida, "What does comparative religion compare? The Buddhist-Christian example", StudinR 19, 1990, 163-172

GB1554.0 Nina van Goriom, Introduction to Buddhism. London 1990

GB1554.1 R.D.Gunaratne, "Evolution", EmBud 5, 1990, 175-182

GB1555 Peter Harvey, An Introduction to Buddhism. Delhi 1990

GB1555.3 Richard p. Hayes, "Towards a Buddhist view of nature", ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 18, 1990, 11-24

GB1556 Akira Hirakawa, A History of Indian Buddhism from Sakyamuni to Early Mahayana. Translated and edited by Paul Groner. Hawaii 1990

GB1556.0 David J. Kalupahana, "Empiricism", EnBud 5, 1990, 64-70

GB1556.05 A. T. Hopkinson, "Some aspects of Buddhist ethics", Darshana 30.3, 1990, 4-20

GB1556.06 David J. Kalupahana, "Empiricism", EnBud 5, 1990, 64-70

GB1556.1 Bijayananda Kar, "Karma in Bauddha darsana", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 135-140. Reprinted VPIP 77-83

GB1556.1.1 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Eternity", EnBud 5, 1990, 142-144

GB1556.1.2 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Equipoise", EnBud 5, 1990, 118

GB1556.1.3 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Etiology", EnBud 5, 1990, 165-167

GB1556.1.4 A.G.S(ed. Hanada Akira)(Kyoto 1990), 167-174

GB1556.1.5 Kariyawasan, "Exertion", EnBud 5, 1990, 186-188

GB1556.2 Y. Karunadasa, "Buddhism's contribution to the religion and intellectual thought of mankind through a view of its doctrine of anatta", Ananda 378-393

GB1556.2.5 Kwang-won Kim, Zur Theologie des Negation. Bonn/Seoul 1990

GB1556.3 Yuvraj Krishan, "The doctrine of karma and its postulates", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 33-40

GB1556.4 Y. Krishan, "Doctrines of karma, of moksa, of niskama karma and the ideal of bodhisattva", ABORI 70, 1990, 163-180

GB1557 K. Krishnamurthy, Buddhism in South Asia. Delhi 1990

GB1557.1 Bimalendra Kumar, "Law of karma-vipaka", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 52-59

GB1557.1.5 Kogi Kundara, "Pelliot ouighour 218: its significance", in Documents et archives provenant de l'Asie Centrae. Actes du Colloque Franco-Japonais (ed. Hanada Akira)(Kyoto 1990), 167-174

GB1557.2 Tony Kurberschoek-Scherft, "Is Buddhism pessimistic?", Ananda 108-111

GB1558 G. Mangrungh, Buddhism in Western India. Meerut 1990

GB1559 Joanna R. Macy, Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory. Ithaca, N.Y. 1990

GB1559.1 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Various perspectives on karma and rebirth", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 1-16

GB1560 Edward G. Muzika, "Object, relations theory, Buddhism, and the self: synthesis of Eastern and Western approaches", IPQ 30, 1990, 59-74

GB1560.0 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Ecstacy", EnBud 5, 1990, 10-12

GB1560.01 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Emancipation", EnBud 5, 1990, 55-56

GB1560.02 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Enjoyment", EnBud 5, 1990, 78-79

GB1560.03 S.K.Nanaykkara, "Entity", EnBud 5, 1990, 83-84

GB1560.04 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Expediency", EnBud 5, 1990, 188-189

GB1560.1 K.R.Norman, "Why are the four noble truths called noble?", Ananda 11-13. Reprinted KRNCP 4, 171-174

GB1560.2 Sangam Lal Pandey, "The law of karma: a comparative view", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 26-32

GB1560.3 Suniti Kumar Pathak, "Karma may cause rebirth", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 41-51

GB1560.3.1 P.D.Premasiri, "Emotion", EnBud 5, 1990, 57-64

GB1560.3.2 P.D.Premasiri, "Epistemology", EnBud 5, 1990, 95-112

GB1560.3.3 P.D.Premasiri, "Ethics", EnBud 5, 1990, 144-165

GB1560.3.4 P.D.Premasiri, "The ultimate goal of Buddhism and the doctrine of no-self", GSN 1990, 171-184

GB1560.4 Nandasena Ratnapala, "Crime and punishment in the Buddhist tradition", Ananda 190-200

GB1560.4.1 Geoffrey P. Redmon, "The conceptual multiplicity of anatta", IIJBS 2.1, 1990, 28-38

GB1560.5 Sanjit Kumar Sadhukar, "The conflict between the Buddhist and the Naiyayika philosophers--a brief survey", Bulletin of Tibetology 1990, 39-54

GB1561 Sangharaksita, A Guide to the Buddhist Path. Glasgow 1990

GB1561.1 N.H.Samtani, "On Buddhist concept of antarabhava", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 112-134

GB1562 Prabal Kumar Sen, "The Buddhist theory of pramana and pramanaphala", Tulku 75-78

GB1562.0 Malati J. Shendge, "The union of wisdom and means", IIJBS 2.1, 1990, 39-48

GB1562.1 Harisachandra Lal Singh, Buddhism in Nepal (A Brief Historical Introduction). Lalitpur 1990

GB1562.2 Pritipal Singh, "Introduction to the doctrine of karma", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 17-25

GB1563 Joan Stambaugh, Impermanence in Buddha Nature: Understanding of Temporality. Honolulu 1990

GB1564 Ngawan Tsering, "A brief survey of the development of Buddhist pramana in India and Tibet", Tulku 55-62

GB1564.1 C.S.Upasak, History of Buddhism in Afghanistan. Sarnath 1990

GB1564.1.1 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Emptiness", EnBud 5, 1990, 74-75

GB1564.1.2 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Equanimity", EnBud 5, 1990, 117-118

GB1564.1.3 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Essence", EnBud 5, 1990, 135-137

GB1564.1.4 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Eternalism", EnBud 5, 1990, 141-142

GB1564.2 V.P.Varma, "Buddhist philosophy of karma", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 68-84

GB1564.2.1 Alex Wayman and Elizabeth Rosen, "The rise of Mahayana Buddhism and inscriptional evidence at Nagarjunikonda", IJBS 2.1, 1990, 49-65

GB1564.2.2 W.G.Weeratne, "Endeavour", EnBud 5, 1990, 75-76

GB1564.2.3 W.G.Weeratne, "Endurance". EnBud 5, 1990, 76-78

GB1564.2.4 W.G.Weeratne, "Envy", EnBud 5, 1990, 85-86

GB1564.3 Chandime Wijebandara, "Ananda Coomaraswamy and Buddha's refutation of atmavada", Ananda 317-322

GB1565 Chikyo Yamamoto, Introduction to Buddhist Studies. Delhi 1990

GB1565.1 D.W.Abeysinghe, "Rebirth--points of view", Buddhist 62.3, 1991, 16-17

GB1566 Anukul Chandra Banerjee, The Splendour of Buddhism. New Delhi 1991

GB1566.0 Heinz Bechert and Richard Francis Gombrich, eds., The World of Buddhism. London 1991

GB1566.1 Pratap Chandra, "The Buddhist concept of man", CMP 146-154

GB1566.2 V.K.Chari, "Language and reality: Buddhist argument and Mimamsa refutation", ALB 55, 1991, 40-57

GB1566.3 Madhumita Chattopadhyay, "Pratityasamutpada, sunyata and human actions", JJP 3.2, 1991, 59-68

GB1566.7 Eric Cheetham, The Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. London 1991

GB1567 Mangala R. Chinchore, "Krtapranasa and akrtabhyagama: an analysis, defense and rationale of the Buddhist theory of action", IndPQ 18, 1991, 231-270

GB1568 Douglas D. Daye, "On whether the Buddhist 'syllogism' (pararthanumana) is a sui generis inference", AsPOxford 1, 1991, 175-184

GB1568.1 Lily de Silva, "Faith", EnBud 5, 1991, 214-217

GB1568.2 Lily de Silva, "Freedom", EnBud 5, 1991, 272-277

GB1568.3 Gunapala Dharmasri and Jonathan S. Walters, "God", EnBud 5, 1991, 343-347

GB1568.7 Carmen Dragonetti, "Tres aspettas de Budismo Mahayana", REB 1, 1991, 13-44

GB1569 N.S.Dravid, "Some observations on the so-called 'Buddhist process ethics'", IndPQ 18, 1991, 623-630

GB1570 Heinrich Dumoulin, Begegnung mit dem Buddhismus. Freiburg 1991

GB1570.1 Mavis L. Fenn, "Unjustified poverty and karma (Pali kamma), RelST 11.1, 1991, 20-26

GB1570.2 R.D.Gunaratna, "Four-fold alternatives", EnBud 5, 1991, 255-262

GB1571 Ian Harris, "How environmentalist is Buddhism?", Religion 21, 1991, 51-72

GB1572 Frank J. Hoffman, "Towards a philosophy of Buddhist religion", AsPOxford 1.1, 1991, 21-28

GB1573 Shotaro Iida, "Re-turning Gautama's wheel", FacB 9-31

GB1573.1 Shotaro Iida, "Toward a second look at visual mode in Buddhist tradition", FacB 43-64

GB1573.2 Shotaro Iida, "Notes on Buddhist causation and tolerance", FacB 32-42

GB1574 Lal Mani Joshi, "Religious changes in late Indian Buddhist history (I)", BudSR 8, 1991, 97-130; 9, 1992: 45, 151

GB1574.1 Matthew Kapstein, "The trouble with truth: Heidegger on aletheia, Buddhist thinkers on satya", JICPR 9.2, 1992, 69-86

GB1574.2 A.G.S.Kariyawasn, "Female principle", EnBud 5, 1991, 225-228

GB1574.3 Indumatie Karunaratne, "Feer", EnBud 5, 1991, 222-225

GB1574.4 Upali Karunaratne, "Gandhabba (1)", EnBud 5, 1991, 293-295

GB1574.5 Upali Karunaratne, "Gantha", EnBud 5, 1991, 308-309

GB1574.6 Upalil Karunaratner, "Gati", EnBud 5, 1991, 313-314

GB1575 Klaus Klostermaier, "The nature of Buddhism", AsPOxford 1.1, 1991, 29-38

GB1576 David Loy, "Buddhism and money", TICOJ 36, 1991, 121-122

GB1576.0 Victoria Lysenko, "On certain intellectual stereotypes in Buddhist studies as exemplified in Th. Stcherbatsky's works", JICPR 9.2, 1992, 87-94

GB1576.1 Deegalle Mahinda, "The origins of Mahayana Buddhism", Buddhist 61.1, 1991, 12-21

GB1576.1.5 C.V.L.Y.Mani, "The concept of tathata in Mahayana philosophical literature", BudP 186-190

GB1576.2 M.M.J.Marasinghe, "Gods", EnBud 5, 1991, 349-356

GB1577 Philip A. Mellor, "Self and suffering: deconstruction and reflexive definition in Buddhism and Christianity", Religious Studies 27, 1991, 49-64

GB1578 K.Krishna Murthy, A Dictionary of Buddhist Terms and Terminologies. New Delhi 1991

GB1578.1 K. Krishna Murthy, Mirrors of Indian Buddhism. New Delhi 1991

GB1579 Ronald Y. Nakasone, "What can Buddhism offer biomedical ethics?", BGK 47, 1991, 1-16

GB1579.1 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Extra-sensory perception", EnBud 5, 1991, 191-194

GB1579.2 S.K.Nanayakkara, "False speech", EnBud 5, 1991, 217-218

GB1579.3 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Four Noble Truths", EnBud 5, 1991, 262-264

GB1579.4 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Free will", EnBud 5, 1991, 277-280

GB1579.5 S.K.Nanaykkara, "Friendship", EnBud 5, 1991, 280-282

GB1579.6 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Gandha", EnBud 5, 1991, 293

GB1580 Alex Naughton, "Buddhist omniscience", EB 24.1, 1991, 28-51

GB1581 H.S.Prasad, Essays on Time in Buddhism. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica No. 78. Delhi 1991

GB1581.2 Sunanad Putuwar, "The Buddhist concepts of mental phenomena", WTBR 28.1, 1991, 7-20; 28.2, 1991, 21-26

GB1581.5 Vijita Rajapakse, "Some considerations on the ahimsa doctrine", SLJBS 3, 1991, 47-70

GB1582 Kamala Rohatgi, Buddhism and Sarnath. Delhi 1991

GB1582.5 V.V.S.Saibaba, "The concept of 'peace' in Buddhist literature", BudP 138-141

GB1583 Anil Kumar Sarkar, Buddhism and Whitehead's Process Philosophy. Delhi 1991

GB1584 Lambert Schmithausen, Buddhism and Nature. Studia Philologica Buddhica Occasional Paper Series 7, Tokyo 1991

GB1584.1 Lambert Schmithausen, "Budisme y Natuarlize", REB 1, 1991, 63-86

GB1585 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Conception of reality in Mahayana Buddhism", YSS 101-112

GB1585.1 John Snelling, The Buddhist Handbook. Rochester, Vt. 1991

GB1585.1.00 Mahesh Tiwary, "A note on the pratisamkhya-nirodha and apratisamkhyanirodha", SAT 62-68

GB1585.1.000 Fernando Tola, "Fines y critelos de las Estudias Budista", REB 1, 1991, 87-96

GB1585.1.0 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Fetters", EnBud 5, 1991, 234-237

GB1585.1.01 D. Amarasiri Weeratne, "Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism", Buddhist 62.1, 1991, 45-48

GB1585.1.02 W.G.Weeratna, "Generosity", EnBud 5, 1991, 322-324

GB1585.1.03 Yatadolawatte Dhammavisuddhi Thera, "Fa-Hsien", EnBud 5, 1991, 203-211

GB1585.1.07 D.C.Ahir, Buddhsm in South India. Delhi 1992

GB1585.1.1.Filita Bharucha, Buddhist Theory of Causation and Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Delhi 1992

GB1585.1.5 Leonard A. Bullen, Buddhismus: Metade cviceni mysli. Praha 1992

GB1585.2 Robert E. Buswell, Jr. and Robert M. Gimello, "Introduction", PathsLib 1-36

GB1585.3 Edward S. Casey, "Remembering resumed: pursuing Buddhism and phenomenology in practice", IMM 269-298

GB1585.4 Sukomal Chaudhury, "The ideal of service in Buddhism", VK 79, 1992, 431-437

GB1585.5 Sukomal Chaudhury, "India's spiritual tradition: Buddhism", BRMIC 43: 143, 184, 216

GB1586 Steven Collins, "Nirvana, time, and narrative", HistR 31, 1992, 215-246

GB1586.1 Harold Coward, "The role of scripture in the self-definition of Hinduism and Buddhism in India", StudinR 21, 1992, 129-144

GB1586.2 L.S.Cousins, "Vitakka/vitarka and vicara: the stages of samadhi in Buddhism and Yoga", IIJ 35, 1992, 137-155

GB1586.3 Collett Cox, "Mindfulness and memory: the scope of smrti from early Buddhism to the Sarvastivadin Abhidharma", IMM 67-108

GB1587 Rana D. Datta, "Hume and Buddhism: an East-West dialogue", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 641-642

GB1587.1 Ronald M. Davidson, "An introduction to the standards of scriptural authenticity in Indian Buddhism", in Robert Buswell, ed. Buddhist Apocrypha in East Asia and Tibet (Berkeley, Cal. 1992), 291-326

GB1588 Florin Deleanu, "Mindfulness of breathing in the Dhyana Sutras", TICOJ 37, 1992, 42-57

GB1588.0 Han F. de Wit, "Transmitting the Buddhist view of experience", OSRE 189-202

GB1588.1 Bhikkhu Dhammarahari, "Happiness", EnBud 5, 1992, 408-410

GB1588.2 Yatadolawatte Dhammavisuddhi, "Hsuan-Tsang", EnBud 5, 1992, 472-479

GB1588.2.5 George Doherty Bond, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka: Religious Tradition, Reinterpretation and Response. Deli 1992

GB1588.3 Georges Dreyfus, "Universals in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism", Tibetan Studies 5.1, 1992, 29-46

GB1589.0 Rita Gupta, "Actions, reasons and causes with special reference to the Buddhist-Naiyayika controversy", RBJ 3, 1992, 1-16

GB1589 Paul Harrison, "Is the dharma-kaya the real 'phantom body' of the Buddha?", JIABS 15, 1992, 44-93

GB1589.1 Paul Harrison, "Commemoration and identification in buddhanusmrti", IMM 215-238

GB1589.2 David J. Kalupahana, "Hetu", EnBud 5, 1992, 438-445

GB1590 Matthew Kapstein, "The trouble with truth: Heidegger on aletheia, Buddhist thinkers on satya", JICPR 9, 1992, 69-86

GB1590.0 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Honesty", EnBud 5, 1992, 465

GB1590.01 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Gotra Bhumi", EnBud 5, 1992, 381

GB1590.02 Damien Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics. London 1992

GB1590.1 David Ross Komito, "Eco-bodhicitta and artful conduct", TJ 17.2, 1992, 45-51

GB1591 Chitrarekha V. Kher, Buddhism as Presented by the Brahmanical Systems. Delhi 1992

GB1591.1 Donald S. Lopez Jr., "Paths terminable and interminable", PathsLib 147-192

GB1591.1.5 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Individual and social identity: the Buddhist approach", SSV 197-202

GB1592.2 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Gotra", EnBud 5, 1992, 378-380

GB1592.3 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Gotra-bhu", EnBud 5, 1992, 380-381

GB1592.4 Harsh Narain, "Nibbana: extinction or emancipation?", PGI 1992, 259-267

GB1593 J.K.Nariman, Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism (from Winternitz, Sylvain Levi, Hinuber). Delhi 1992

 GB1594 John Newman, "Buddhist siddhanta in the Kalacakra Tantra", WZKSOA 36, 1992, 227-234

GB1594.1 W. Pachow, "Gunavarman", EnBud 5, 1992, 393-395

GB1595 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Language and reality: a Buddhist approach", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 173

GB1595.1 P.D.Premasiri, "Good and evil", EnBud 5, 1992, 359-364

GB1596 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "Some reflections on translating Buddhist philosophical terms from Sanskrit and Tibetan", AS 46.1, 1992, 367-391

GB1596.5 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "On the Tibetan historiography and doxography of the 'Great Debate of bSam yas", Tibetan Studies 5.1, 1992, 237-244

GB1597 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "Some observations on the present and future of Buddhist studies", JIABS 15, 1992, 104-117; also BSPF 193-205

GB1597.1 Anil K. Sarkar, "Personal identity in Buddhist and Whiteheadian thought", Darshana 32.2, 1992, 17-23

GB1598 Arvind Sharma, "Are there two Buddhist doctrines of karma?", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 159

GB1599 Norio Sekido, "Bhakti and sraddha", JIBSt 41.1, 1992, 8-13

GB1600 Gareth Sparham, "Indian altruism: a study of the terms bodhicitta and bodhicittotpada", JIABS 15, 1992, 224-242

GB1600.1 Avinash Kumar Srivastava, "Adaptive nature of Buddhism", PBh 6, 1992, 11-19

GB1601 Ernst Steinkellner, "Lamotte and the concept of anupalabdhi", AS 46.1, 1992, 398-410

GB1601.05 Bhavana Trivedi, "The concept of change as treated in Buddhism", Sambodhi 17, 1990-91, 68-80; 18, 1992-93, 61-70

GB1601.06 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Hedonism", EnBud 5, 1992, 432-433

GB1601.1 Alex Wayman, "Buddhist terms for recollection and other types of memory", IMM 133-148

GB1601.2.Alex Wayman, "The Buddhist theory of virtue consignment", IJBS 4.1, 1992, 1-25

GB1601.3 W.G.Weeratne, "Gratitude", EnBud 5, 1992, 382

GB1601.4 W.G.Weeratne, "Hope", EnBud 5, 1992, 466-467

GB1601.5 W.G.Weeratne, "Humility", EnBud 5, 1992, 496-497

GB1602 Karel Werner, "Love and devotion in Buddhism", BudSR 9, 1992, 5-29

GB1602.1 C. Witanachchi, "Heaven and hell", EnBud 5, 1992, 421-432

GB1603 Peter Abelsen, "Schopenhauer and Buddhism", PEW 43, 1993, 255-278

GB1603.00 Anandamaitreya, Introducing Buddhism. London 1993

GB1603.0 Bishwanath Banerjee, "Trends in the development of Buddhism", AsBud 1993, 80-86

GB1603.1.S.J.Chakraborty, "Release and reality in Mahayana and Advaita", VJP 29.2, 1993, 1-16

GB1603.2.Madhumita Chattopadhyay, "Philosophical approach to the Buddhist theory of ksanikatva", AsBud 120-131

GB1603.2.5 Eric Cheetham, The Main Mahayana Schools. London 1993

GB1603.3 Francois Chenet, "Le délivrance, même", L'Herme 79-130

GB1603.4 Francois Chenet, Nirvana. Paris 1993

GB1604 Mangala R. Chinchore, "Duhkha: an analysis of Buddhist clue to understand human nature", IndPQ 20, 1993, 37-84

 GB1605 James Duerlinger, "Reductionist and nonreductionist theories of persons in Indian Buddhist philosophy", JIP 21, 1993, 79-102

GB1605.1 George R. Elder, "Dependent origination in Buddhist tantra", RIBP 143-162

GB1606 James Giles, "The no-self theory: Hume, Buddhism, and personal identity", PEW 43, 1993, 175-200

GB1606.0 Paul J. Griffiths, "Indian Buddhist meditation", BudSp 34-66

GB1606.0.5 Rita M. Gross, Buddhism after Patriarchy: a Feminist History, Analysis and Reconstruciton of Buddhism. Albany, N.Y. 1993; Delhi 1995; Boulder, Colo. 1999

GB1606.1 Paul Harrison, "The earliest Chinese translations of Mahayana Buddhist sutras: some notes on the works of Lokaksema", BSR 10.2, 1993, 135-178

GB1606.1.1 Akira Hirakawa, "The meaning of 'dharma'. The Buddhist theory of existence", PCEL 1993, 17-23

GB1606.2.Christmas Humphreys, Concentration and Meditation: A Manual of Mind Development. Dorset 1993

GB1606.2.1 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Prajnaparamita and the rise of Mahayana", BudSp 137-154

GB1606.2.1.00 David J. Kalupahana, "Idealism", EnBud 5.4, 1993

GB1606.2.1.01 David J. Kaluhana, "Inference", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 575-578

GB1606.2.1.0 Lakshmi Kapani, "Mourir à l'heure de se mort", L'Herme 242-256

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Ill-will", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 517-518

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Immortality", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 535-537

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Impurity", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 539-541

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Individual", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 542-545

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Infinity", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 578-580

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Instincts", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 584-585

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Introspection", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 585

GB1606. A.G.S.Kariywasan, "Intuition", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 585-587

GB1606. Indumathie Karunaratne, "Isi", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 589-591

GB1606. Upali Karunaratne, "Indriya", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 560-563

GB1606. Upali Karunaratne, "Indriyaparopariyattanana", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 565-566

GB1606. Upali Karunaratne, "Indriya-samatta", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 566-567

GB1606. Upali karunaratne, "Indriya-samara", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 567-568

GB1606.2.1.1 Shoryu Katsura, "Tetralemma (catuskoti) explained by Venn diagrams", Watanabe Fumimare Hakase Tsuitø Ronshu (Tokyo 1993), 91-110

GB1606.2.2 Sean Kelly, "The Hindu Atmavada and Buddhist anatmavada. Dialectic in modern transpersonal psychology", HBISS 188-199

GB1606.3.Madhusudan Malik, "The problem of dukkha in Buddhism", AsBud 144-146

GB1607 Hisashi Matsumura, "Marginalia to the Sanskrit fragments of some Buddhist texts", CAJ 37, 1993, 120-149

GB1607.0.1 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Iddhi", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 508-510

GB1607.0.2 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Iddhipada", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 510-511

GB1607.0.3 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Impermanence", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 537-539

GB1607.0.4 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Indolence", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 549

GB1607.0.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Insight", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 580-584

GB1607.0.6 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Instant awakening", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 584

GB1607.0.7 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Ista-devata", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 598-599

GB1607.0.8 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Isvara", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 599-600

GB1607.0.9 S.K.Nanayakkara, "I-tsing", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 605-607

GB1607.1.G.C.Pande, Studies in Mahayana. Varanasi 1993

GB1607.0 G.C.Pande, "Time in Buddhism", RandT 182-207

GB1607.1.1 G.C.Pande, "The message of Gautama Buddha and its earliest interpretation", BudSp 3-31

GB1607.1.2 A.D.T.E.Perera, "Jagaddala", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 607-608

GB1608 B.N.Puri, Buddhism in Central Asia. Delhi 1993

GB1608.0.Heramba Chatterjee, Shastry, "Importance of the study of Mahayana and Tibetology", AsBud 54-74

GB1608.01 Bishwanath Banerjee, "Trends in the development of Buddhism", AsBud 80-86

GB1608.1 Dagpo Rimpoche, "Le Vajrayana", L'Herme, 1993, 263-269

GB 1608.2 Heramba Chatterjee Shastry, "Importance of the study of Mahayana and Tibetology", AsBud 54-74

GB1608.3 V.V.Krishna Sastry, "Buddhism in Andhra, its arrival, spread and decline", Triveni 62.3, 1993, 31-48

GB1608.4 Sanghsen Singh, "Relevance of Buddhism in the modern world", RIPMC 122-125

GB1608.5 John S. Strong, "Buddha bhakti and the absence of the Blessed One", PCEL, 1993, 131-140. (Same as SV29.1)

GB1608.6 Asanga Tilakaratna, "The development of 'sacred language' in the Buddhist tradition", PCEL, 1993, 115-121

GB1608.6.5 Asanga Tilakaratna, "Ineffability", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 568-575

GB1608.7 Francis V. Tiso, "The bodhisattva as a Buddhist saint", PCEL, 1993, 141-148

GB1608.8 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Illusion", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 517

GB1608.9 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Image-formation", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 534-535

GB1608.9.5 W.G.Weeratne, "Indriya", EnBud 5, 1993, 560-563

GB1608.10 Senarat Wijesundara, "Indriya-paccaya", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 564-565

GB1608.11 Senarat Wijesundara, "Indriyapatha", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 588

GB1609 Akira Yuyama, "An appraisal of the history of Buddhist Sanskrit studies in East Asia", SBWarder 194-203

GB1609.1.Mark L. Blum, "Pure Land Buddhism as an alternative marga", EB 27.1, 1994, 30-77

GB1609.3 Roy Brabant-Smith, "In samsara exists nibbana", MW 68, 1994, 201-206

GB1609.4 Kerry Brown, Buddhism and Ecology. Loondon 1992; Delhi 1994

GB1610 Jose Ignacio Cabezon, Buddhism and Language. Ithaca, N.Y. 1994

GB1610.0 Nishithnath Chakravarty, "Realism-phenomenalism controversy in Indian thought (with special reference to the Nyaya-Vaisesika and Buddhist schools)", VJP 31.1, 1994

GB1610.1 Angraj Chaudhury, "Buddhism and pragmatism", EBPL 1994, 33-37

GB1610.2 Angraj Chaudhury, "Causes of variety in Buddhist thought", EBPL 1994, 61-67

GB1610.5 Eric Cheetham, Fundamentals of Mainstream Buddhism. Boston 1994; Enfield 1996

GB1610.8 Heinrich Dumoulin, Understanding Buddhism: Key Themes. New York 1994

GB1611 Hubert Durt, Problems of Chronology and Eschatology: Four Lectures on the Essay on Buddhism by Tominaga Nakamoto. Kyoto 1994

GB1612 Paul J. Griffiths, On Being Buddha. Albany, N.Y. 1994

GB1612.1 Gavin Harrison, In the Lap of the Buddha. Boston 1994

GB1612.5 Oskar von Hinuber, Untersuchungen zur Mundlichkeit fruher mittelindischer Texte der Buddhisten. Mainz 1994

GB1613 Kenneth K. Inada, "The Buddhist aesthetic nature: a challenge to rationalism and empiricism", AsPOxford 4, 1994, 139-150

GB1613.0 K. P. Jayaswal, "Lost Sanskrit works uncovered from Tibet (1881-1937)", MRSBC 16-22

GB1613.1 David J. Kalupahana, A History of Buddhist Philosophy. Delhi 1994

GB1613.2 Y. Karunadasa", The Buddhist doctrine of non-self", MW 68, 1994, 107-118

GB1613.5 Anant Kumar, "Famous panditas of the Buddhist universities of early India", HIPP 511-526

GB1614 G.C.Nayak, "Pratitya-Samutpada and anti-essentialism: some theoretical and practical implications", JPS 2.1, 1994, 23-28

GB1614.0 Reginald A. Ray, Buddhist Saints in India: A Study in Buddhist Values and Orientations. New York) 1994

GB1614.1.Noble Ross Reat, Buddhism. California 1994

GB1614.1.0 Ki-young Rhi, "Mahayana, one mind, which is to be k nown, which is to be realized", WFBR 31.4, 1994, 23-27

GB1614.1.1 Rahula Sankrtyayana, "Buddhist dialectics", MRSBC 11-15

GB1614.2.Gregory Schopen, "The monastic ownership of servants and slaves: local and legal factors in the redactional history of two vinayas", JIABS 17.2, 1994, 145-174

GB1614.2.0.5 Bhra Sconthorndhammatheda, "The concept of karuna in Buddhism--a note", CultInd 241-246

GB1614.2.0 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Substance and qualities: the Nyaya and Buddhist views", VJP 31.1, 1994

GB1614.2.1 T.R.Sharma, "Sunyata: some new dimensions", AIBP 73-89

GB1614.2.2 T.R.Sharma, "The relation between pratityasamutpada and sunyata", AIBP 98-105

GB1614.2.3 T.R.Sharma, "Doctrine of svabhava in Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophical systems", AIBP 106-115

GB1614.2.3.5 Shin-Ichi Takahara, "An analysis of mind: comparison between Indian Buddhism and Greek philosophy", BDCRI 54-55, 1994-95, 293-298

GB1614.3.Tilmann Vetter, "On the origin of Mahayana Buddhism and the subsequent introduction of prajnaparamita", AS 48, 1994, 1241-1282

GB1614.3.00 Alex Wayman, "The Buddhist theory of the King's forbearance (ksanti) as peace-making", JNIBS 17, 1994, 355-369. Translated into Spanish in REB 12, 1996-98, 23-41

GB1614.3.0 D. Amerasiri Weeratne, "Karma, rebirth and detractors", Buddhist 65, 1994, 29-35

GB1614.3.01 Palita Weerman, "Misconceptions of some dharma terms", Buddhist 65, 1994, 25-28

GB1614.3.1 O.H. de Wijesekera, "The Buddha and metaphysics", BVSAM 3-12

GB1614.3.2 O.H.de Wijesekere, "Buddhism and the moral problem", BVSAM 23-42

GB1614.3.3 O.H.de Wijesekere, "The three signata", BVSAM 71-84

GB1614.3.4 O.H.de Wijesekere, "The Buddhist concept of mind", BVSAM 85-92

GB1614.3.4.5 J.K.P.Ariyaratna, "Buddhism-science interface: a brief consideration of tanha", SLJBS 4, 1995, 37-48

GB1614.3.4.8 Jose Igancio Cabezon, "Comparison as a principle of knowledge and its application to the translation of buddhist texts", BTPP 1995, 59-74

GB1614.3.5 Lama Chimpa, "The methodology of translations from classical Tibetan", BTPP 1995, 14-19

GB1614.3.6.Mangala R. Chinchore, Aniccata/Anityata. Delhi 1995

GB1614.3.6.1 Mangala Chinchore, "Lost Buddhist texts: the rationale of their reconstruction in Sanskrit", BTPP 1995, 97-118

GB1614.3.8 Sungtaek Cho, The Rise of Mahayana Buddhism. Ph.D.Thesis, Unversity of California at Berkeley , 1995

GB1614.4.Richard S. Cohen, "Discontented categories: Hinayana and Mahayana in Indian Buddhist history", JAAR 63, 1995, 1-26

GB1614.05 Peter della Santina, "Liberation and language: the Buddhist-dharma in translation", BTPP, 1995, 97-118

GB1614.06 Padmasiri de Silva, ".....", RelSt 13-14.2-3, 1995, 55-65

GB1614.4.1 N.S.Dravid, "Buddhist conception of selfless self-identity: a critique", JICPR 12.3, 1995, 31-38

GB1416.4.2 Georges Dreyfus, "Upon translating philosophical terminology", BTPP 1995, 168-176

GB1614.4.3 Heinrich Dumoulin, Spiritualitat des Buddhismus: Einheit in lebendigkeit Vielfelt. Mainz 1995

GB1614.5.Newman Robert Glass, "Splits and gaps in Buddhism and postmodern thrology", JAAR 63, 1995, 303-320

GB1614.5.1 Newman Robert Glass, Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading of Emptiness in Buddhism and Post-Modern Thought. Atlanta 1995

GB1614.6.Luis O. Gomez, "Unspoken paradigms:meanderings thru the metaphors of a field", JIABS 18.2, 1995, 183-200

GB1614.6.1.Paul Harrison, "Searching for the origins of the Mahayana: what are we looking for?", EB 28.1, 1995, 48-69

GB1614.6.1.5 Richard P. Hayes, "Did Buddhism anticipate pragmatism?", ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 23, 1995, 78-88

GB1614.6.2.Kanai Lal Hazra, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India. New Delhi 1995

GB1614.7.C.W.Huntington, Jr., "A way of reading", JIABS 18.2, 1995,

GB1614.7.06 Tilak Kariyawasan;, "The concept of buddhaksetra as depicted in early Mahayana Buddhism", SLJBS 4, 1995, 175-195

GB1614.7.07 Damien Keown, Buddhism and Bioethics. New York 1995

GB1614.7.1.Richard King, Early Advaita and Buddhism. Ithaca, N.Y. 1995

GB1614.7.2.Donald Lopez, Jr., "Authority and orality in the Mahayana", Numen 42, 1995, 21-47

GB1614.7.2.01 Graeme Lyall, "The rise of the Mahayana", WFBR 32.1, 1995, 31-34

GB1614.7.2.05 Elizabeth Napper, "Styles and principles of translation", BTPP 1995, 35-42

GB1614.7.2.08 G.C.Nayak, "Are jivanmukta and Bodhisattva ideals asymmetrical?", IndPQ 22, 1995, 215-224

GB1614.7.2.1 B. Wimalaratna Nayaka Thera, "The Buddhist attitude of tolerance", BRMIC 46, 1995, 204-205

GB1614.7.2.2 H. S. S. Nissanka, Buddhist Psychotherapy: An Eastern Therapeutical Approach to Mental Problems. New Delhi 1995

GB1614.7.2.3.K.R.Norman, "Translation problem with Buddhist Texts", Dharma World 22, 1995

GB1614.7.2.4 S. K. Pathak, "Some formulae for translating Buddhist texts from Tibetan", BTPP 1995, 43-58

GB1614.7.3.Bruce Petzold, The Classification of Buddhism. Wiesbaden 1995

GB1614.7.4.John Pickering, :Buddhism and cognitivism: a postmodern appraisal", AsPOxford 5.1, 1995, 23-38

GB1614.8.D.Seyfort Ruegg, "Some reflections on the place of philosophy in the study of Buddhism", JIABS 18.2, 1995, 145-182

GB1614.8.1 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "On translating Tibetan philosophical texts", BTPP 1995, 75-86

GB1615 K.T.S. Sarao, "Advent of Buddhism in Sri Lanka", TBHTB 1995, 125-174

GB1615.1 K. T. S. Sarao, "Decline of Buddhism", TBHTB 1995, 115-124

GB1616.David Scott, "Buddhist functionalism--instrumentality reaffirmed", AsPOxford 5.2, 1995, 109-126

GB1617 Arvind Sharma, The Philosophy of Religion: a Buddhist Perspective. Delhi 1995

GB1617.03 N. Singh, "Buddhist translations: problems and perspectives", BTPP, 1995, 20-34

GB1617.04 Priyasen Singh, "Decline of Buddhism in India", SSJ 394-401

GB1617.05 Sanghasen Singh, "Existence and nonexistence in Buddhism", IIT 86-110

GB1617.07 Chogkhen Thubtan Tandhar, "An opinion on translating Buddhist terminologies (focussing on the term pratityasamutpada)", BTPP 1995, 177-180

GB1617.1 Tom Tillemans, "Remarks on philology", JIABS 18.2, 1995, 269-278

GB1617.1.0 Fernando Tola, "Budismo y humanismo", REB 9, 1995, 60-67

GB1617.1.1 Hugo Vitalis, "Don Cupitt's attraction to Buddhism and in contrast to Keith Ward's attraction to Vedanta: an analysis", Sophia 34.2, 1995, 74-87

GB1617.2 Alexander von Rospatt, The Buddhist Doctrine of Momentariness: a Survey of the Origins and Early Phase of This Doctrine up to Vasubandhu. Stuttgart 1995

GB1617.3 Joe Bransford Wilson, "Problems and methods in translation of Buddhist texts from Tibetan", BTPP 1995, 145-167

GB1617.3.2 Karma Gelak Yuthok, "The five precepts and the Vajrayana", WFBR 32.3, 1995, 45-56

GB1617.3.5 Ruwan Bandara Adhikari, "Kalpa", EnBud 6, 1996, 90-92

GB1617.4 Bhikkhu Ananda, "The Buddhist approach to the scriptures", JD 21, 1996, 364-377

GB1618 Ashok Kumar Anand, "Buddhism in India: from the 6th Century B.C. to the 3rd Century A.D. New Delhi 1996

GB1618.T. Ariyadhamma, "Kalyanamitta", EnBud 6, 1996, 92-93

GB1618.3 S. R. Bhatt, A Buddhist critique of relation with special reference to samavaya", JICPR 13.3, 1996, 103-110

GB618.4 Daniel Boudher, Buddhist Translation Procedures in Third-Century China: a Study of Dharmaraksha and his Translation Idiom.Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Pennsylvania 1996; Ann Arbor 1998

GB1618.4.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Sanskrit and reality: the buddhist contribution", ISS 109-136

GB1618.5 Angraj Chaudhury, "Buddhism: where philosophy and religion converge", BudIA 1996, 54-62

GB1619 Mangala R. Chinchore, Santana and Santanantara. Delhi 1996

GB1622 Bryan Jare Cuevas, "Predecessors and prototypes: towards a conceptual history of the Buddhist antarabhava", Numen 63, 1996,263-302

GB1622.3 Jotiya Dhirasekera, "Die individual und soziale Dimension der Erlösung im Buddhismus", ECB 73-87

GB1622.7 Heinrich Dumoulin, "Christentum und Buddhismus in der Begegnung", ECB 32-51

GB1623 Brian Galloway, "The Buddhist conditional in set-theoretic terms", JIP 24, 1996, 649-658

GB1623.05 Rupert Gethin, "Cosmology and meditation: from the Agannasutta to the Mahayana", HistR 36, 1996-97, 183-217

GB1623.06 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "Essentialism, eternalism and Buddhism", BudIA 1996, 199-210

GB1623.06.0 Richard Francis Gombrich, How Buddhism Began: the Conditional Genesis of the Early Teachings. London 1996; New Delhi 1997

GB1623.06.1 Phyllis Granoff, "The ambiguity of miracles: Buddhist understanding of supernatural powers", EAW 46.1-2, 1996, 79-96

GB1623.06.2 Godfrey Gunasekara, "Life and realms of existence", Buddhist 67.2, 1996, 10-13

GB1623.07 John J. Haldar, "The early Buddhist theory of truth" a contextualist pragmatic interpretation:, IPQ 36, 1996, 443-460

GB1623.07.5 Richard P. Hayes, "Ritual, self-deception and make-believe: a classical Buddhist perspective", Self and Deception: a Cross-Cultural Philosophical Inquiry (ed. Roger T. Ames)(Albany, N.Y. 19886), Chapter 16

GB1623.08.1 Frank J. Hoffman, "Orientalism in Buddhology", PaliBud 1996, 207-225

GB1623.08.1.5 Roger R. Jackson, "How mystical is Buddhism?", AsPOxford 6.2, 1996, 147-154

GB1623.08.2 Subhadra A. Joshi, "Buddhist mysticism: a comparative study", BudIA 1996,104-113

GB1623.08.3 A. D. P. Kalansuriya, "The logical grammar of the word 'rebirth' in the Buddhist paradigm", PaliBud 1996, 133-140

GB1623.08.4 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Jnanakaya", EnBud 6, 1996, 60

GB1623.08.6 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Jnana", EnBud 6, 1996, 58-59

GB1623.08.7 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Karmavarana", EnBud 6, 1996, 143-144

GB1623.08.8 A.G.S.Kariyawasn, "Jara", EnBud 6, 1996, 1-2

GB1623.08.9 Upali Karunaratne, "Kasina", EnBud 6, 1996, 145-147

GB1623.08.91 Upali Karunaratne, "Karma-bhava", EnBud 6, 1996, 104-105

GB1623.08.92 Upali Karunaratne, "Jivita", EnBud 6, 1996, 56-57

GB1623.08.95 Damien Keown, Buddhism. Oxford 1996, 2000. In Polish, Warsaw 1997

GB1623.08.98 Baidyanath Labh, "Saddha in Buddhism: a cardinal virtue of life", VIJ 33-34, 1995-96, 155-164

GB1623.08.99 Robert C. Lester, Buddhism. Long Grove, I.. 1996 (?)

GB1623.09 David Loy, "Beyond good and evil? A Buddhist critique of Nietzsche", AsPOxford 6.1, 1996, 37-58

GB1623.010 Deegalle Mahinda, "The moral significance of Buddhist nirvana", PaliBud 1996, 105-116

GB1623.1 Michitoshi Manda, "On sassatavada in comparison with ucchedavada", JIBSt 44.2, 1996, 93-109

GB1623.1.5 John Magnus Michelson, "The place of Buddhism in Santayana's moral philosophy", MSAP 70-81

GB1623.2 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Philosophic roots of the concept of tolerance", ABSGB 1996, 93-109

GB1624 Kogen Mizuno, Essentials of Buddhism. Tokyo 1996

GB1625 Krishna Murthy and K. Padmanabha, The Buddha: His Nirvana and Mahaparinirvana. New Delhi 1996

GB1626 K. Krishna Murthy, Studies in Buddhism. New Delhi 1996

GB1626.3 Hajime Nakamura, "Der Erlösungs prozess in Buddhismus", ECB 88-111

GB1626.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Kama", EnBud 6, 1996, 102-104

GB1626.6.6 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Kamacchanda", EnBud 6, 1996, 105-106

GB1627 G.C.Nayak, "Freedom and equality in Vedantic and Buddhist tradition with special reference to a certain asymmetry in the jivanmukti and bodhisattva ideal", ABORI 76, 1996, 129-135

GB1627.000 B. Sree Padma and John Clifford Holt, "Buddhism in Andhra and its influence on Buddhism in Sri Lanka", IHR 23.1-2, 1996-97, 10-18

GB1627.00 Narasinghe Charan Pande, "Concept of bhumi in Buddhist literature", JOI 46, 1996, 31-46

GB1627.0 B. N. Pandit, "Buddhism and Kashmir Saivism", Srijnanamrtam 370-379

GB1627.0.5 Wolfart Pannenbeg, "Auf der Suche nach dem wahren Selbst: anthropologie als Ort der Begegnung zwischen christlichen und buddhistischen Denken", ECB 128-146

GB1627.1 L. P. N. Perera, "Universalism in the Buddhist perspective", SLJBS 5, 1996, 70-83

GB1627.2 P. D. Premasiri, "Buddhist philosophy as a way of life", SLJBS 5, 1996, 42-56

GB1627.3 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Pratityasamutpada and creativity", BEWC 1996, 125-137

GB1627.4 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "What is the status of the doctrine of dependent origination?", PaliBud 1996, 175-183

GB1627.4.1 S. Rinpoche, "'Time' in the Buddhist tradition", CTAM 1996, 61-65

GB1627.4.2 Sibnath Sarma, "The concept of good-life' in Buddhism", MMSFV 123-126

GB1627.5 David Scott, "Buddhist responses to Manichaeism: Mahayana reaffirmation of the 'Middle Path'", HistR 35, 1996, 148-162

GB1627.6 Jitendra B. Shah, "Reference to Buddhist philosophical problems in Jain anga agamas", JainA 49, 1996, 1-9

GB1627.7 D. Saddhasena, "Jivita-navaka-kalapa", EnBud 6, 1996, 57

GB1627.7.5 D. Saddhasena, "Javana", EnBud 6, 1996, 33-35

GB1627.8 Priyasen Singh, "Buddhism in India", ABSGB 1996, 161-170

GB1627.8.5 Shingo Suguro and A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Jati", EnBud 6, 1996, 25-29

GB1627.9 Charles S. Terry and Richard L. Gage, Basic Buddhist Concepts. Tokyo 1996

GB1628 Amarnath Thakur, Buddha and Buddhist Synods in India and Abroad. New Delhi 1996

GB1629 Asanga Tilakaratna, Nature and Ineffability: A Study of the Buddhist Theory of Reality and Language (Kelaniya 1993)

GB1630 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "Buddhist conception of reality", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 35-64

GB1631 C. L. Tripathi, "The Buddhist doctrine of trinity (trikayavada)", Srijnanamrtam 423-432

GB1636 W.G.Weeratne, "Kaurna", EnBud 6, 1996, 144-145

GB1638 Takeuchi Yoshimori, "Die Bedutung der 'anderen Kraft' in buddhistischen Heilspfad", ECB 175-192

GB1640 Kapila Abhayawamsa, "Buddhist and Kantian critique of metaphysics", RRBS 16-46

GB1641 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "Buddhist treatment of pararthanumana", EssInP 313-354

GB1642 David Bastow, "Rationality in Buddhist thought", CWP 1997, 410-419

GB1642.5 Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism without Beliefs: a Contemporary Guide to Awakening. London, New York 1997, 1998

GB1643 S.R.Bhatt, "Logic and language in Buddhism", CEAP 414-434

GB1646 C.D.Bijelwan, "The nature of tantrayana tradition of yoga and its subsequent forms", WFBR 34.4, 1997, 45-46

GB1650 John Ross Carter, "Reflections on social and political ideals in Buddhist philosophy", CWP 1997, 360-369

GB1651 Sukomal Chaudhuri, "Buddhist concept of liberation", EssInP 121-129

GB1657 Richard Gombrich, "The Buddhist attitude to thaumaturgy", BVSK 165-184

GB1658 Rita M. Gross, "Towards a Buddhist environmental ethics", JAAR 65, 1997, 333-354

GB1659 Sue Hamilton, "The dependent nature of the phenomenal world", RRBS 276-291

GB1660 Masaaki Hattori, "The Buddhist theory concerning the truth and falsity of cognition", RSB 1997, 261-371

GB1666 Frank J. Hoffman, "Contemporary Buddhist philosophy", CEAP 468-489

GB1667 Kenneth K. Inada, "Buddhist reality and divinity", CWP 1997,468-469

GB1668 Kenneth K. Inada, "The nature of Buddhist compassion", RRBS367-377

GB1669 Miciko Ishigami-Iagolnitza, "The self and the person as treated in some Buddhist texts", AsPOxford 7.1, 1997, 37-46

GB1675 Roger R. Jackson, "Buddhism in India", CEAP 318-348

GB1676 Knut A. Jacobsen, "Humankind and nature in Buddhism", CWP 1997, 468-469

GB1681 Matthew Kapstein, "Buddhist perspectives on ontological truth", CWP 1997, 420-435

GB1682 Thomas P. Kasulis, "The Buddhist concept of self", CWP 1997, 400-409

GB1683 Damien Keown, "Buddhism and the dilemmas of death: a bibliographical introduction", BudSR 14.2, 1997, 169-184

GB1687 Sallie B. King, "The doctrine of Buddha-nature is impeccably Buddhist", PBT 1997, 174-192

GB1687.5 Bimalendra Kumar, "A study of the term bodhicary5vatara", JDPaliUC 7, 1997, 93-95

GB1688 Pramod Kumar, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika and the Buddhist controversy over the problem of universals", EAW 47, 1997, 95-104

GB1688.5 Baidyanath Labh, "Mara and Buddhism, a study in the Buddhist approach to materialism", WFBR 34.1-2, 1997, 38-41

GB1689 Christian Lindtner, "Cittamatra in Indian Mahayana until Kamalasila", WZKSOA 41, 1997, 159-206

GB1689.1 Christian Lindtner, "Buddhism as sadhatuvada", ALB 61, 1997, 45-68

GB1694 Donald S. Lopez Jr., "Buddhism in Tibet", CEAP 361-393

GB1695 Shiro Matsumoto, "The doctrine of tathagata-garbha is not Buddhist", PBT 1997, 165-173

GB1696 Stewart McFarlane, "Morals and society in Buddhism", CEAP 452-467

GB1700 J. N. Mohanty, "The Hindu philosopher's criticism of Buddhist philosophy", EssInP 171-184. Reprinted ExinP 114-125

GB1701 Robert G. Morrison, Nietzsche and Buddhism: a Study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities. Oxford 1997

GB1701.5 Chisho Mamoru Namai, "On bodhicittabhavana in the esoteric Buddhist tradition", Tibetan Studies 7.2, 1997, 657-668

GB1702 Hajime Nakamura, "Knowledge and reality in Buddhism", CEAP 435-451. Translated by Grant A. Olson. Albany, N.Y. 1995

GB1706 Chisho Mamoru Namai, "On bodhicittabhavana in the esoteric Buddhist tradition", TibSt 657-668

GB1707 Eva K. Neumaier-Dargyay, "Buddhism", LADWR 1997, 87-104

GB1707.5 K.R.Norman, A Philological Approach to Buddhism. The Bukyo Dendo Kyokai Lectures 1994. BF 5, 1997

GB1708 Harry Oldmeadow, "Delivering the Last Blade of Grass: aspects of the bodhisattva ideal in the Mahayana", AsPOxford 7, 1997, 181-194

GB1709 Joseph O'Leary, "The significance of John Keenan's Mahayana theology", EB 30.1, 1997, 114-132

GB1710 G.C.Pande, "Causality in Buddhist philosophy", CWP 1997, 370-380

GB1713 Martin Perenchio, "The Indian Mahayana background of Tibetan Budhism", WFBR 34.1-2, 1997, 17-22

GB1716 P. D. Premasiri, "Idea of the good in Buddhist philosophy", CWP 1997, 370-380

GB1717 Raja Ramanna, "Scientific philosophy with reference to Buddhist Thought", Prakrti4, 1997, 29-44

GB1717.5 Vijaya Rani, "Theory of apoha--its changing concepts in the Buddhist philosophy", JOI 47, 1997, 49-54

GB1718 Akira Sadakata, Buddhist Cosmology: Philosophy and Origins. Tokyo 1997

GB1720 Ajay Mitra Shastri, "Buddhism in the Deccan during the Satavahana age", QJMS 88.1, 1997, 89-112

GB1723 Hans Wolfgang Schumann, Buddhismus Schriften, Schulen und Systeme. Munchen 1997

GB1723.5 B. Seelowimala, "The Buddhist attitude towards death", WFBR 34.1-2, 1997, 44-47

GB1724 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Anti-theistic arguments in Buddhism", EssInP 145-170

GB1725 Shisaki Shizuki, "A study on the origins of Mahayana Buddhism", EB 30.1, 1997, 79-112

GB1730 Mark Siderits, "Buddhist reductionism", PEW 47, 1997, 455-478

GB1730.5 K. P. Sinha, "The theory of momentariness and its defence", JUG 39, 1997, 45-59

GB1731 Ninian Smart, "A survey of Buddhist thought", CWP 1997, 78-98

GB1732 Jikido Takasaki, "Thoughts on dhatu-vada and recent trends in Buddhist studies", PBT 1997, 314-320

GB1733 Khenjo Migmar Tsering, "Philosophy of liberation according to Buddhism", JD 22, 1997, 86-96

GB1738 Bangwei Wang, "Mahayana and Hinayana: a reconsideration of the yana affiliation of An Shigao and his school", BVSK 689-697

GB1739 Alex Wayman, "The 'no-self' of Buddhism within Indian culture", UTK 629-549

GB1740 Alec Wayman, "The three worlds, Vedic and Buddhist", UTK 447-463

GB1741 Alex Wayman, "The Buddhist theory of virtue consignment", UTK 417-444

GB1742 Alex Wayman, "Core teachings: suffering, karma, seed consciousness, dharma", UTK 244-276

GB1743 Alex Wayman, "Prophecy for persons in Buddhism", UTK 223-240

GB1748 Henry Weerasinghe, "Fear: a Buddhist interpretation', RRBS 612-629

GB1749 Bellanwile Wimalaratana, "Buddhism and the Brahma concept" RRBS 637-642

GB1754 Zuiho Yamaguchi, 'The core-elements of Indian Buddhism introduced into Tibet: a contrast with Japanese Buddhism", PBT 1997, 220-241

GB1755 Keith Yandell, "Persons (real and alleged) in enlightenment traditions: a partial look at Jainism and Buddhism", IJPR

GB1756 D.C.Ahir, Buddhism in North India and Pakistan. Delhi 1998

GB1757 Atmarupananda, "Concern for the poor in Buddhism", VK 85, 1998, 452-455

GB1758 Sumangal Barua, "Buddhism and its philosophy", WFBR 35.3, 1998, 20-24

GB1759 Heinz Bechert, "Remarks on the Buddhist Sanskrit literature in Sri Lanka from the 9th century until the end of the Dambadeniya period", Suvarnacandraya 1-8

GB1761 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Did the Buddha believe in karma and rebirth?", JIABS 21.1, 1998, 1-20

GB1762 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Self and meditation in Indian Buddhism", International Conference on Korean Son Buddhis, Kobulch'onquin Paekyang-sa Buddhist Monastery 1998

GB1764 Michael von Bruck, Buddhismus Grundlagen--Geschichte Praxis. Gutersloh 1998

GB1765 Steven Collins, Nirvana and Other Felicities. Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions 12, Cambridge 1998

GB1766 Soman Gyatso Dokhamn, "The three fundamental yanas (the symbol of ultimate goal)", Bulletin of Tibetology 1998.1, 45-48

GB1767 Rupert Gethin, The Foundations of Buddhism. New York 1998

GB1768 Richard Gombrich, Kindness and Compassion as Means to Nirvana. Amsterdam 1998

GB1768.1 Godfery Gunasekere, "Life continuum" the Buddhist principle of re-existence (commonly called rebirth)", WFBR 35.3, 1998, 34-45

GB1768.2 Richard P. Hayes, Land of No Buddha. Reflections of a Skeptical Buddhist. Birmingham, England 1998

GB1768.3 Richard P. Haytes, "Buddhist philosophy", Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2, 1998, 92-99

GB1768.4 P. Jeffrey Hopkins, "Death, sleep and orgasm: gateways to the mind of clear light", LDBC 76-92

GB1768.5 Yuichi Kajiyama, "Buddhist eschatology, miracles, and power other than self", A Comprehensive Review of the Pure Land Buddhism of Honan, International Symposium, Bukkyo University-L.A.Extension 1998, 16-21

GB1769 Damien Keown, Buddhism and Abortion. Honolulu 1998; London 1999

GB1769.5 Anne Klein, "Death, love and rebirth", LDBC 64-75

GB1770 Klaus K. Klostermaier, Buddhism: a Short Introduction. Oxford 1999

GB1771 Robert Kritzer, "An atman by any other name: two non-Buddhist parallels to antarabhava", JIBSt 47.1, 1998, 5-11

GB1772 Bimalendra Kumar, "Concept and practice of satya (truth) in Buddhism", JDPaliUC 8, 1998, 51-54

GB1781 David McMahan, "Orality , writing, and authority in South Asian Buddhism: visionary literature and the struggle for legitimacy in the Mahayana", HistR 38, 1998, 249-274

GB1784 Narada Mahathera, "Buddhistm in a nutshell, Chapter 7: Rebirth", WFBR 35.1, 1998, 42-44

GB1787 Satkari Mukhopadhyaya, "Buddhism vis-a-vis Vedic traditions", BRMIC 49, 1998, 205-216

GB1790 Moti Lal Pandit, Sunyata: The Essence of Mahayana Spirituality. New Delhi 1998

GB1795 Bhikkhu Pasadika, "Zur Entfaltung volkommen Bewusstheit (smrtyupasthana) in Theravada and Vajrayana", Welten des Bewusstseins 8-9: Religion-Mystik-Schamanismus. Berlin 1998, 45-60

GB1795.0 P. A. Payutta, Dictionary of Buddhism. Seoul 1998

GB1795.05 Hans-Georg Pöhlmann, Begegnung mit dem Buddhisme. Frnakfut-am-Main 1998

GB1795.1 Dharmendra Prasad, "Spirituality as responses and reactions to the environs of this world, based on pratityasamutpada", STEVL 115-124

GB1795.2 Charles S. Prebish, "Text and tradition ion the study of Buddhist ethics", WFBR 35.4, 1998, 37-49

GB1795.3 Sasanrakkhit, "Buddhist yoga (Buddhist meditation)", JDPaliUC 8, 1998, 68-73

GB1795.3.5 Helmut Täuscher, "Die Bu ddha Wirkllichkeit in der späteren Formen des mahayanistische Buddhismus", WerB 93-118

GB1795.4 Sanjay Pati Tripathi, "Buddhism in Khotan", PBh 9, 1998, 134-161

GB1795.5 Alexander Von Rospatt, "Einige Beruhrung spunkte zwischen der buddhistischen Augenblichkeitlehre und der Vostellung von der Momentarenheit der Akzhenzien (<arad, a<rad) in der islamischen Scholastik", ZDMG 11, 1998, 523-530

GB1796 C.D.Ahir (ed.), Vipassana: a Universal Buddhist Meditation. Delhi 1999

GB1798 Stephen Batchelor, The Psychology of Awakening. London 1999; York Beach, Maine 2000

GB1799 Aparna Bhattacharya, "Journey of Buddhism to Tibet", BudCompL 319-333

GB1799.5 Phra Bodhinyanathera, "Dangers of samadhi", WFBR 36.2, 1999, 78-79

GB1800 Torkel Brekke, "The role of fear in Indian religious thought with special reference to Buddhism", JIP 27, 1999, 439-467

GB1802 Jason W. Brown, "Microgenesis and Buddhism" the concept of momentariness", PEW 49, 1999, 261-277

GB1803 Roderick S. Bucknell, "Conditioned arising evolves: variation and change in textual accounts of the paticca-samuppada doctrine", JIABS 22.1, 1999, 311-342

GB1804 Jose Ignacio Cabezon, "Reincarnation: a Buddhist view", FPh 16, 1999, 449-471

GB1805 Ronald M. Davidson, "Masquerading as pramana: esoteric Buddhism and epistemological nomenclature", DTI 25-35

GB1805.3 Florian Deleanu, "A preliminary study on meditation and the beginnings of Mahayana Buddhism", ARIRSU 11, 1999, 65-114

GB1805.5 Peter della Santina, "Beyond self and not-self: the Mahayana vision of multidimensional being", CandC 32, 1999, 149ff.

GB1805.7 Bart Dessein (ed.), "The notion of 'self' in Buddhism", CandC 32.1-2, 1999, 127-148

GB1805.8 Phra Dhammapitaka (Bhikkhu P.A.Payutto), "Samadhi in Buddhism", Manushya 2.1, 1999, 48-67

GB1805.9 Luis O. Gomez, "The elusive Buddhist self: preliminary reflections on its denial", CandC 32, 1999, 21-52

GB1806 Paul J. Griffiths, "What do Buddhists hope for from antitheistic argument?", FPh 17, 1999, 506-522

GB1808 Michael Hahn, The Poetic and Didactic Literatures of Indian Buddhism. Handbuch des Orientalistik, Abt. 2: Indien. Leiden 1999

GB1809 Bradley K. Hawkins, Buddhism. London 1999

GB1809.1 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Laziness", EnBud 6, 1999, 313-314

GB1809.2 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Krtavi-bhumi", EnBud 6, 1999, 249

GB1809.2.5 Upali Karunaratne, "Kayagatasati", EnBud 6, 1999, 168-169

GB1809.3 Upali Karunaratne, "Kayanupassana", EnBud 6, 1999, 170

GB1809.4 Upali Karunaratne, "Kayasakkhi", EnBud 6, 1999, 170-171

GB1809.4.1 Upali Karunaratne, "Kayavinnatti", EnBud 6, 1999, 170-171

GB1809.4.2 Upali Karunaratna, "Khana (Skt. Ksana)", EnBud 6, 1999, 182-192

GB1809.5 Thomas P. Kasulis, "Under the Bodhi tree: an idealized paradigm of Buddhist transformation and liberation", SoundLT 207-219

GB1810 Christoine Konttler, Les voies de la sagesse: bouddhisme et religions d'Asie. Arles 1999

GB1810.1 Bimalendra Kumar and Swati Ganguly, "The Buddhas of Mahayana school", TJ 24.3, 1999, 21-27

GB1810.3 C. Lindtner, "Buddhism as Brahmanism", ITaur 23-24, 1998-99, 217-246

GB1810.5 Rajnish Kumar Mishra, Buddhist Theory of Meaning and Literary Analysis. New Delhi 1999

GB1811 David Montalvo, "The Buddhist empiricism thesis: an extensive critique", AsPOxford 9.1, 1999, 51-70

GB1812 Sodo Mori, Mahayana Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Nisshin-shi 1999

GB1812.5 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Kusala", EnBud 6, 1999, 258-259

GB1812.7 Narada Mahathera, "Buddhism in a nutshell: Ch. 10: Nibbana", WFBR 36.1, 1999, 46-47

GB1812.8 Narada Mahathera, "Buddhism in a nutshell: Ch. 11: The path to nirvana", WFBR 36.2, 1999, 44-47

GB1813 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Time in buddhism: some reflections", BudCompL 87-94

GB1813.5 R.K.Raval, "The concept of self in Buddhism" some reflections", PQJNMU 5, 1999, 23-44

GB1814 Francesco Sferra, "The concept of purification in some texts of late Indian Buddhism", JIP 27, 1999, 83-103

GB1815 Karunesha Shukla, "Turning points in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition", TPIST 69-91

GB1816 Alan Sponberg, "The buddhist conception of an ecological self", SoundLT 107-127. Response by Paula M. Cooey 128-132

GB1817 Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, "Bodhicitta", BGG 171-184

GB1817.5 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Kasyapiya", EnBud 6, 1999, 155

GB1818 Alex Wayman, "Some theories of Buddhist dates", ITaur 23-24, 1998-99, 205-216

GB1818.00 W.,G.Weeratne, "Kaya", EnBud 6, 1999, 167-168

GB1818.0 P.G.Yogio, "Universal suffering (duhkha)", Bulletin of Tibetology 1999.2, 14-23

GB1818.1 Bibhuti Baruah, Buddhist Sects and Sectarianism. New Delhi 2000

GB1818.1.5 S. R. Bhatt and Anu Mehrotra, Buddhistr Epistemology. London 2000

GB1818.1.8 Bhikkhu Bodhi, the Noble Eight-Fold Path: Way to the End of Suffering. Seattle 2000

GB1818.2 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Die buddhistische Lehre", DB1 23-200

GB1818.3 Andreas Bsteh (ed.), Der Buddhismus als Anfege an christliche Theologie und Philosophie. Studien zur Religious Theology 5, Modling 2000

GB1818.4 Sukomal Chaudhuri, "Saddarsana with special reference to the Bauddha darsana at a glance", JDPaliUC 10, 2000, 2-8

GB1818.5 Richard S. Cohen, "Kinsmen of the son: Sakyabhiksus and the institutionalization of the Bodhisattva ideal", HistR 40.1, 2000, 1-31

GB1819 Florin Deleanu, "A preliminary study on meditation and the beginnings of Mahayana Buddhism", IRIABSU 65-114

GB1819.5 'Caste" et philosophie bouddhique. WZTB 47, Wien 2000

GB1820 Ellison Banks Findly, Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's Women: Traditions, Revision, Renewal. Boston 2000

GB1821 Peter della Santina, "The sakara-nirakara controversy", JIPR 5, 2000, 26-36

GB1822 Luis O. Gomez, "Buddhism as a religion of hope: observations on the 'logic' of a doctrine and its foundational myth", EB 32.1, 2000, 1-21

GB1822.5 Bart Gruzalski, On the Buddha. Belmont, California 2000

GB1823 Geshs Kelsang Gyatso, Ocean of Nectar: Wisdom and Compassion in Mahayana Buddhism. Delhi 2000

GB1824 Geshs Kelsan Gyatso, Meaningful to Behold: the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. Delhi 2000

GB1825 Peter D. Hershock, "Dramatic intervention: human rights from a Buddhist perspective", PEW 50, 2000, 9-33

GB1826 Shohei Ichimura, "Budha's love and human love", CHBJ 13.2, 2000, 195-254

GB1827 Kenneth K. Inada, "The nature of emptiness and Buddhist ethics", CHBJ 13.2, 2000, 255-274

GB1828 Matthew Kapstein, The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism: Conversion, Contestation, and Memory. New York 2000

GB1828.5 Vladimir Korobov, "Structure of knowledge in the early texts of Prajnaparamita", (in Polish) AOV 1, 2000, 93-99

GB1828.9 Semniang Leurmsai, "The metaphysical ethics according to the Bhagavadgita and the Suttanta Pitaka", Manushya 3.2, 2000, 45-60

GB1829 Marvin Levine, The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga. Mahwah, N.J. 2000

GB1829.5 Todd Lorentz, "Replanting the bodhi tree: new paradigms for Buddhism from quantum physics", ContB 1, 2000, 227-242

GB1830 David R. Loy, "Freedom: a Buddhist critique", IntStudPh 32.2, 2000, 29-52

GB1830.1 David R. Loy, "Serving time: a Buddhist perspective on the end", ContB 1, 2000, 35-52

GB1834 Tokunaga Michio, "Mahayana essence as seen in the concept of 'return to this world'", WFBR 37.2, 2000, 28-34

GB1836 Reiko Ohnume, "Internal and external opposition to the Bodhisattva's gift of his body", JIP 28, 2000, 43-75

GB1838 Roy W. Perrett, "Buddhism, abortion and the middle way", AsPOxford 10, 2000, 101-114

GB1839 H. S. Prasad, "Dreamless sleep: controversy between Vedanta and Buddhism", AsPOxford 10, 2000, 71-74

GB1842 Lambert Schmithausen, "Buddhism and the ethics of nature--some remarks", EB 32.2, 2000, 26-78

GB1844 Gregory Schopen, "The Mahayana and the middle period in Indian Buddhism" through a Chinese looking-glass", EB 32.2, 2000, 1-25. Reprinted FFMBI 3-24

GB1847 John Schroeder, "Nirvana and the doctrine of 'skillful means'", PEW 50, 2000, 559-583

GB1850 David Scott, "Wm. James and Buddhism: American pragmatism and the Orient", Religion 30, 2000, 337-352

GB1851 N.K.Singh, Buddhism in Kashmir. Srinagar 2000


GB1851.5 Pataraporn Sirikanchana, "The problem of nirvana in Buddhism", WFBR 37.1, 2000, 44-57

GB1852 Andrew Skilton, "The letter of the Law and the lore of letters: the role of textual criticism in the transmission of Buddhist scripture", ContB 1, 2000, 9-34

GB1854 Ernst Steinkellner, "Manuscript fragments, texts, and inscriptions in the temple of Tabo: an interim report with bibliography", WCSU 315-332

GB1857 Jikido Takasaki, "The Tathagatagarbha theory reconsidered: reflections on some recent issue iln Japanese Buddhist studies", JJRS 27.1-2, 2000, 73-84

GB1857.5 Nitin Trasi, "What is enlightenment?", PV 1.2, 2000, 81-99

GB1858 Willliam S. Waldron, "Beyond nature/nurture. Buddhism and biology, in interdependence", ContB 1, 2000, 199-226

GB1859 Paul Williams with Anthony Tribe, Buddhist Thought: a Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition. London 2000

GB1859.4 P.G.Yogi, "The doctrine of kaya", Bulletin of Tibetology 2000.1, 14-37

GB1859.5 P.G.Yogi, "The Vedic and Buddhist concept of dharma", Bulletin of Tibetology 2000.1, 38-56

GB1859.6 P.G.Yogi, "The paramitas", Bulletin of Tibetology 2000.2, 1-16

GB1859.7 P. G. Yogi, "The attainment of Buddhahood and Bodhisattvas", Bulletin of Tibetology 2000.3, 1-13

GB1859.8 Carol S. Anderson, "Duhkha (suffering)", EnB 1, 2001, 239-240

GB1859.9 Carol S. Anderson, "Four noble truths", EnB 1, 2001, 295-298

GB1859.9.1 Carol S. Anderson, "Anitya (impermanence)", EnB 1, 2001, 23-24

GB1859.9.5 Dan Arnold, "Instrinsic validlity reconsidered: a sympathetic study of the Mimamsaka inversion of Buddhist epistemology", JIP 29, 2001, 589-675

GB1859.9.8 C. Panduranga Bhatta, "Inclusivism in religio-philosophical systems", PV 2.2, 2001, 3-19

GB1860 Bela Bhattacharyya, "Buddhist learning and literature at Nalanda", NBWGJ 143-173

GB1860.1 Mark L. Blum, "Death", EnB 1, 2001, 203-210

GB1860.5 George D. Bond, "Arhat", EnB 1, 2001, 28-30

GB1860.6 George D. Bond, "Buddhavacana (word of the Buddha)", EnB 1, 2001, 93-94

GB1860.2 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Karma (action)", EnB 1, 2001, 415-417

GB1860.2.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Hinduism and Buddhism", EnB 1, 2001, 328-332

GB1960.3 Robert E. Buswell, Jr., "Icchantika", EnB 1, 2001, 351

GB1960.3.1 Robert E. Buswell, Jr., "Doubt", EnB 1, 2001, 257-258

GB1860.4 Bryan J. Cueves, "Intermediate state", EnB 1, 2001, 377-380

GB1860.5 Ronald M. Davidson, "Initiation", EnB 1, 2001, 375-377

GB1860.5.5 Karen Derris, "Dhyana (trance state)", EnB 1, 2001, 226-227

GB1860.6 John Dunne, "Logic", EnB 1, 2001, 469-471

GB1861 Malcolm David Eckel with John J. Thatamanil, "Cooking the last fruit of nihilism: Buddhist approaches to ultimate reality", UR 125-150

GB1861.1 Malcolmn David Eckerl with John J. Thatamanil, "Beginningless ignorance: a Buddhist view of the human condition", THC

GB1862 Jay L. Garfield, Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation. New York 2001

GB1862.1 Jay L. Garfield, "Buddhism and democracy", P20WCP 12, 157-172

GB1862.2 Rupert Gethin, "Heavens", EnB 1, 2001, 315-316

GB1862.2.1 Rupert Gethin, "Cosmology", EnB 1, 2001, 183-187

GB1862.3 Harjeet Singh Gill, Signification in Buddhist and French Traditions. New Delhi 2001

GB1862.3.1 Robert M. Gimello, "Bodhi (awakening)", EnB 1, 2001, 50-53

GB1862.3.3 Luis O. Gomez, "Faith", EnB 2001, 277-279

GB1862.3.4 Luis O. Gomez, "Bodhicitta (thought of awakening)", EnB 1, 2001, 54-56

GB1862.3.5 Luis O. Gomez, "Desire", EnB 1, 2001, 213-214

GB1862.4 Syaram Mishra Haldhar, Buddhism in India and Sri Lanka, c. 300 B.C. - c. 600 A.D.: a Comparative Study. New Delhi 2001

GB1862.4.5 Paul Harrison, "Buddhanusmrti (recollection of the Buddha)", EnB 1, 2001, 93

GB1862.4.6 Paul M. Harrison, "Manjusri and the cult of the celestial Bodhisattva" (reference lost)

GB1862.5 Peter Harvey, "Buddhist visions of the human predicament and its resolution", Buddhism 2001, 64-94

GB1862.6 Peter Harvey, "Portrayals of ultimate reality and of holy and divine beings", Buddhism 2001, 95-124

GB1862.7 Richard P. Hayes, "Language, Buddhist philosophy of", EnB 1, 2001, 451-452

GB1862.8 Maria Heim, "Dana (giving)", EnB 1, 2001, 196

GB1862.8.5 Chi-ciang Huang, "Dharmadhatu", EnB 1, 2001, 224-225

GB1862.9 Roger R. Jackson, "Compassion", EnB 1, 201, 419-421

GB1862.9.1 Richard L. Johnson, "On modern-day karmayogins and bodhisattvas: Gandhi's spiritual politics and engaged Buddhism", GH 23, 2001, 29-44

GB1862.9.2 Kei Kataoka, "Validity of cognition and authority of scripture", JIBSt 50.2, 2001, 11-15

GB1862.9.5 Leslie S. Kawamura, "Bodhisattva(s)". EnB 1, 2001, 58-60

GB1863 Damien Keown, Buddhism and Bioethics. New York 2001

GB1864 Damien Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics. New York 2001

GB1864.5 Yong Pyo Kim, "The ideal of Bodhisattva-education: a Mahayanist view",. PV 2.2, 2001, 97-114

GB1865 Jacob N. Kinnard, Imaging Wisdom: Seeing and Knowing in the Art of Indian Buddhism. New Delhi2001

GB1865.2 John J. Makransky, "Buddhahood and Buddha bodies", EnB 1, 2001, 76-79

GB1865.3 Alexander L. Mayer, "Dreams", EnB 1, 2001, 238-239

GB1865.4 Richard D. McBride II, "Dharani", EnB 1, 2001, 217

GB1865.4.5 Mettanando, "Applied Buddhist philosophy in academic research', PV 2/1. 2001, 23-48

GB1865.5 Donald W. Mitchell, Buddhism. Introducing the Buddhist Experience. Oxford 2001

GB1865.6 Jan Nattier, "Decline of the dharma", EnB 1, 2001, 210-213

GB1865.7 Nobuyushi Nawabe, "Consciousness, theories of", EnB 1, 2001, 175-178

GB1866 Yamabe Nobuyoshi, "Internal desire and the external world: an approach to environmental problems from a Buddhist perspective", EB 33.1, 2001, 128-143

GB1866.5 Reiko Ohnuma, "Gender", EnB 1, 2001, 302-306

GB1867 Motilal Pandit, Buddhism in Perspective. New Delhi 2001

GB1867.1 Pasadika, "The origins of Mahayana", LTC 722-739

GB1867.2 Corrado Pensa, "A Buddhist view of ecology, interdependence, emptiness and compassion", JD 26, 2001, 36-46

GB1867.3 John Powrs, "Hermeneutics", EnB 1, 2001, 320-321

GB1867.3.5 Jonathan A. Silk,"Buddhist studies", EnB 1, 2001, 94-101

GB1867.4 Khinchen Thrangu Rinpoche, The Development of Buddhism in India. Oral translation from Tibetan by Ken and Katia Holmes, retranslated by Cornelia Weishara Gunter. Delhi 2001

GB1867.4.5 Richard Salomon, "Gandhari, Buddhist literature in", EnB 1, 2001, 299-301

GB1867.5 Anand Prakash Saraswat, "The turning point of Buddhism in India", MRK 2001, 97-105

GB1867.6 Ajay Mitra Sastri, "Buddhist schools in early Andhra", Indica 38, 2001, 31-38; IHR 28,1-2, 2002, 1-17

GB1867.7 John W. Schroeder, Skilful Means: The Heart of Buddhist Compassion. Honolulu 2001

GB1868 Mark Siderits, "Buddhism and techno-physicalism: is the eightfold path a program?", PEW 51, 2001, 307-314

GB1869 Jonathan A. Silk, "Contributions for the study of the philosophical vocabulary of Mahayana Buddhism", EB 33.1, 2001, 144-168

GB1869.1 Henry Simoni-Wastila, "Buddhist thought and particularity: Thurman and Abe on a nondualistic middle way", EB 33.1, 2001, 80-105

GB1869.1.5 Stephen F. Teiser, "Hells", EnB 1, 2001, 316-318

GB1869.1.7 Peter Verhagen, "Studies in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist hermeneutics (2): Notes a propos of the role of hermeneutics in Buddhist sectarianism in India and Tibet", IIJBS 2, 2001, 121-134

GB1869.2 Tilmann Vetter, "Once again on the origin of Mahayana Buddhism", WZKSOA 45, 2001, 59-90

GB1869.2.2 Russell Webb, "Contemporary European scholarship on Buddhism", IIJBS 2, 2001, 135-162

GB1869.2.4 Charles Willemen, "Dharma and dharmas", EnB 1, 2001, 217-224

GB1869.2.6 Liz Wilson, "Body, perspectives on the", EnB 1, 2001, 63-66

GB1869.3 Youxuan Wang, Buddhism and Deconstruction: Towards a Comparative Semiotics. Richmond, Surrey 2001

GB1869.3.5 Kala Acharya, Buddhanusmrti (A Glossary of Buddhist Terms). Mumbai 2002

GB1869.4 Miri Albahari, "Against no-atman theories of anatta", AsPOxford 12.1, 2002, 5-20

GB1869.4.5 Anindita S. Balslev, "The idea of karuna in the Upanisadic and the Buddhist traditions, with comments on the urgency for an encounter of world religions today", ITaur 28, 2002, 29-40

GB1869.5 Sarbani Banerjee, "The Bauddha view of savikalpaka pratyaksa", JJP 13.1, 2002, 59-66

GB1869.5.5 Jens Braarvig (ed.), Buddhist Manuscripts, Volume II (Manuscripts in the Schoyen Collection, Volume III). Oslo 2002

GB1869.6 David Brazier, The New Buddhism. New York 2002

GB1869.7 David Brazier, The Feeling Buddha: A Buddhist Psychology of Character, Adversity and Passion. New York 2002

GB1869.7.5 Torkel Brekke, Religious Motivaiton and the Origins of Buddhism. London 2002

GB1869.8 David Burton, "Knowledge and liberation. Philosophical ruminations on a Buddhist conundrum", PEW 52, 2002, 326-345

GB1869.8.3 Piyali Chakraborty, "The transitional period of Hinayana to Mahayana", JDPUC 11, 2002, 68-73

GB1869.8.5 Binod Kumar Choudhury, "Nalanda: a great centre of Mahayana philosophy", NNMRP 8, 2002, 39-45

GB1869.9 Sungtaek Cho, "The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship", PEW 52, 2002, 426-440

GB1869.9.5 Lily de Silva, "Mahakaruna", EnBud 6, 2002, 431-435

GB1869.9.8 Shyamdeo Dwivedi, "Ancient University Nalanda and its famous teachers", NNMRP 8, 2002, 1-11

GB1869.9.9 Michael B. Dy, "The religious experience of suffering: Buddhism and Christian", PV 3.1, 2002, 159-169

GB1870 Malcolm David Eckel, Buddhism. Oxford 2002

GB1871 Colin Edwards, "Non-self nonsense", BudSR 19, 2002, 147-158

GB1871.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Why truth? The Snake sutra", CB 3.2, 2002, 127-139

GB1872 Sarbani Ganguli, A Critique of Causality with special reference to Nyaya-Vaisesika, Mimamsaka and Buddhist Theories. Kolkata 2002

GB1872.1 Swati Ganguly, Perspective on Evolution of Buddhism: an Analysis of Chinese Buddhist Texts. Delhi 2002

GB1873 Paul Harvey, "Buddhism: mistranslations, misconceptions and neglected territory", ContB 2, 2001, 19-38

GB1873.00 Jinabodhi, "Concept of nama and rupa", JDPUC 11, 2002, 43-46

GB1873.0 David J. Kalupahana, "Madhyama Pratipad", EnBud 6, 2002, 366-378

GB1873.1 A.G.S. Kariywasan, "Lobha", EnBud 6, 2002, 316-317

GB1873.2 Y. Karunadasa, "Mahabhuta", EnBud 6, 2002, 392-398

GB1873.3 Suvimala Karunaratne, "Maya (I)", EnBud 6, 2002, 657-660

GB1873.4 Upali Karunaratne, "Mala", EnBud 6, 2002, 581-582

GB1873.4.1 Upali Karunaratne, "Manopavicara", EnBud 6, 2002, 623-624

GB1873.5 Jacob N. Kinnard, "On Buddhist 'bibliolaters' representing and worshiping the book in medieval Indian Buddhism", EB 34.2, 2002, 94-116

GB1873.5.5 Randy Kloetzli, "Nous and nirvana: converstions with Plotinus–an essay in Buddhist cosmology", PEW 57, 2002

GB1873.6 Vladimir Korobov, "Terms of intentionalilty in early Prajnaparamita texts: "phenomenal reality" (dnigs pa), "abiding" (gnas pa), and "practice" (spyod)",AOV 3, 2002, 112-118

GB1873.6.5 Christian Lindtner, "Buddhist Bhagavatism", ALB 66, 2002, 15-66

GB1873.7 M.J.Marasinghe, "Loka", EnBud 6, 2002, 340-345

GB1873.8 M.J.Marasinghe, "Mahayana", EnBud 6, 2002, 516-550

GB1873.9 M.J.Marasinghe, "Mangala", EnBud 6, 2002, 600-604

GB1874 David L. McMahan, Empty Vision. Metaphor and Visionary Images in Mahayana Buddhism. London 2002

GB1874.5 Sawsat Mutsuddy, "Pancasila and its application in bio-ethics", JDPUC 11, 2002, 36-42

GB1875 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Mahasukha", EnBud 6, 2002, 480-481

GB1875.5 N. Narangoda, "Manasikara", EnBud 6, 2002, 597-598

GB1876 Gananath Obeyesekere, Imagining Karma. Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist and Greek Rebirth. Berkeley 2002

GB1878 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Paul Williams and Anthony Tribe on Buddhist thought", JRS 33, 2002, 127-140

GB1879. P.D.Premasiri, "Logical positivism", EnBud 6, 2002, 329-333

GB1879.1 P.D.Premasiri, "Meditation", EnBud 6, 2002, 660-668

GB1879.2 Vijaya Rani, "World peace and the Buddhist theory of middle-path", KUJ 36, 2002, 214-219

GB1879.4 David Seyfort Ruegg, Studies in Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka Thought. Part Two. Wien 2002

GB1879.7 D. Saddhasena, "Mana", EnBud 6, 2002, 596-597

GB1879.8 D. Saddhasena, "Mada", EnBud 6, 2002, 348-354

GB1879.9 Kshanika Saha, "Buddhism in India as seen by the Chinese pilgrims", JDPUC 11, 2002, 21-29

GB1879.9.5 Sadhan Chandra Sarkar, "Somce Mahayana traits in the early biographical accounts of Buddha", JDPUC 11, 2002, 30-35

GB1880 Jonathan A. Silk, "What, if anything, is Mahayana Buddhism? Problems of definition and classifications", Numen 49, 2002, 355-405

GB1880.5 Harjeet Singh, "De le signification dans les traditions bouddhistes et francaises", HEL 24.2, 2002, 113-146

GB1881 Andrew Skilton, "An early Mahayana transformation of the story of Ksantivadin-'the teacher of forbearance'", BudSR 19, 2002, 115-136

GB1881.1 Andrew Skilton, "State or statement? Samadhi in some early Mahayana sutras", EB 34.2, 2002, 51-93

GB1882 Avinash Kumar Srivastava, "What is living and what is dead in Buddhist philosophy", NNMRP 8, 2002, 242-275

GB1883 Asanga Tilakaratne, "Logic", EnBud 6, 2002, 317-329

GB1884 Asanga Tilaratna, "Is nirvana ineffable?", BSHPLD 65-83

GB1885 William F. Vallicella, "No self? A look at a Buddhist argument", IPQ 42, 2002, 453-466

GB1885.5 H.G.A.Van Zeyst, "Materialism", EnBud 6, 2002, 647-658

GB1886 William S. Waldron, "Buddhist steps to an ecology of mind: thinking about thought 'without a thinker'", EB 34.1, 2002, 1-52

GB1886.0 M.D.H.W(eeratne), "Love", EnBud 6, 2002, 348-354

GB1886.2 Chandra Weber, Die Lichtmetaphysik in fruhen Mahayuana Buddhismus. Wiesbaden 2002

GB1886.0.5 Ballanile Wimalaratana, "Mahapurusa", EnBud 6, 2002, 467-470

GB1886.0.7 Akira Yuyama, "Some remarks on the canonical texts quoted by Madhyamaka masters", IIJBS 3, 2002, 197-205

GB1886.0.8 Mohan Wijayaratne, Le renoncement du monde dans le bouddhisme et dans la christianisme. Paris 2002

GB1886.0.9 Masaru Akimoto, "Buddhist definition of existence: karitra to arthakriya", TMSR 107-116

GB1886.0.9.5 Anand Amaladass, Indian Exegesis: Hindu-Buddhist Hermeneutics. Chennai 2003

GB1886.1 Noritoshi Aramaki, "Toward a new working hypothesis on the origins of Mahayana Buddhism: an attempted criticism of some eight misconceptions" (summary). TICOJ 48, 2003, 90-92

GB1886.3 Johannes Bronkhorst, "A note on the Caraka Samhita and Buddhism", EBAT 115-121

GB1886.4 Anoop Chandola, "Contactism: a human contact philosophy and Buddhism", CRPCSS 47-55

GB1886.5 Mangala Chinchore, "Buddhist conception of brahma-vihara's direction to emancipation", BTCIK 275-291

GB1887 Yong-ki Cho, "Early Buddhism and the essence of Mahayana Buddhism", BTCIK 67-77

GB1887.2 Ronald Davidson, Indian Esoteric Buddhism. A Social History of the Tantric Movement. New York 2003

GB1887.5 Roger Paul Droit, The Cult of Nothingness. The Philosophers and the Buddha. Translated by David Streight and Pamala Vohnsen. Chapel Hill, N.C. 2003

GB1888 Eli Franco, "The oldest philosophical manuscript in Sanskrit", JIP 31, 2003, 21-31

GB1888.5 Volmey P. Gay, "Response passionate about Buddhism" contesting theories of emotion", JAAR 71, 2003, 605-614

GB1888.5.5 Nicholas F. Gier, "Gandhi and Mahayana Buddhism", GM 25, 2003, 155-178

GB1888.6 S. R. Goyal, Indian Buddhism after the Buddha. Jodhpur 2003

GB1888.8 Rita Gupta, "A brief summary of the critiques of Nyaya and Buddhist epistemology", IIJBS 4, 2003, 123-137

GB1888.9 Janet Gyasto, "One plus one makes three: Buddhist gender, monasticism, and the law of the non-excluded middle", HistR 43, 2003, 89-115

GB1889 Paul M. Harrison, "Relying on the dharma and not on the person's reflections on authority and transmission in Buddhism and Buddhist studies", JIABS 26.1, 2003, 9-24

GB1889.0 Paul Harrison, "Medium and message: reflections on the production of Mahayana Sutras" EB 35.1-2, 2003, 115-151. Summarized in TICOJ 48, 2003, 86-87

GB1889.0.5 Richard P. Hayes, "Classical Buddhist model of a healthy mind", in Psychology and Buddhism: from Individual to Global Community (ed. Kathleen H. Dockett, G. Rita Dudley-Grant and C. Peter Bankart). New York 2003

GB1889.0.6 Richard p. Hayes, "Language, Buddhist philosophy of" in EnB.

GB1889.1 Peter D. Herschock, "Renegade emotion: Buddhist precedents for returning rationality to the heart", PEW 53, 2003, 231-271

GB1889.3 Frank J. Hoffman, "Rethinking experience in Buddhism: conversion and miracle sas 'family resemblance' features of Buddhist experience", BrB 125-148

GB1889.5 Stephen Jenkins, "Do bodhisattvas relieve poverty?", AD 38-49

GB1889.5.5 Cheng Jianhua, "Is Buddhism related to Brahmanism and Hinduism?", IIJBS 4, 2003, 1-7

GB1889.6 Rhi Juhyung, "Early Mahayana and Gandharan Buddhism: an assessment of the visual evidence", EB 35.1-2, 2003, 152-202. Summarized in TICOJ 48, 2003, 89-90

GB1889.7 Bijayananda Kar, "Buddhism in the third millennium", BTCIK 209-220

GB1889.8 Bijayananda Kar, "The mahima dharma: a confluence of Vedantism and Buddhism", CRPCSS 37-46

GB1890 Kataoka Kei, "Dialogue of Mimamsa and Buddhism on the Buddha's compassion and authority" (summary). TBKK 142, 2003, vi-vii

GB1890.5 Justin Beise Kiblinger, "Identifying incljsivism in Buddhist contexts", CB 4, 2003, 79-97

GB1890.7 John M. Koller, "Buddhist and psychoanalytilc insights into the self and self-awareness", BrB 107-124

GB1891 Peter Kügler, "The logic and language of nirvana: a contemporary interpretation", IJPR 53, 2003, 93-110

GB1892 Prabhas Kumar, The Problem of Existence in Nyaya and Buddhism. Delhi 2003

GB1893 Shimoda Masahira, "The debate about the origin(s) of Mahayana and the transformation of the methodology of Buddhist studies", TICOJ 48, 2003, 87-88 (summary)

GB1894 Keiichi Miyamoto, "Bodhisattvas and true words (satya): a note on the origin of Mahayana Buddhism", TMSR 65-72

GB1895 Aramaki Noritoshi, "Towards a new working hypothesis on the origins of Mahayana Buddhism", EB 35.1-2, 2003, 203-218. Summarized in TICOJ 48, 2003, 90-92

GB1895.5 Giacomella Orofino, "Eros and death in esoteric Indo-Tibetan Buddhism", BudA 1 103-122

GB1896 O.P.Pathak, "Three characteristics: anicca, dukkha and anatta", VarPl 241-247

GB1897 John Pickering, "On the interaction of Buddhism and psychology", BudSR 20.1, 2003, 49-66

GB1897.5 C.L.Prabhakar, "Vedanta and Buddhism", QJMS 94, 2003, 24-30

GB1898 Juhyung Rhi, "Gandharan art and Mahayana Buddhism: evidence old and new" (summary). TICOJ 48, 2003, 89-90

GB1899 Andy Rotman, "The erotics of practice: objects and agency in Buddhist avadana literature", JAAR 71, 2003, 531-578

GB1899.1 V.V.S. Saibaba, "Buddhist biological perspective on life", JDPUC 12, 2003, 115-117

GB1899.2 Akira Saito, "Recent controversy over the origins and reality of Mahayana Buddhism" (summary). TICOJ 48, 2003, 85

GB1899.3 Akira Saito, "Mahayana Buddhism: its origin and reality--on the basis of recent controversy and achievements", TICOJ 48, 2003, 129-133

GB1899.5 Shizuki Sasaki, "What constitutes the origin of Mahayana Buddhism?" (summary). TICOJ 48, 2003, 88-89

GB1899.6 Francesco Sferra, "Some consideratins on the relationship between Hindu and Buiddhist tantras", BudA 1 57-84

GB1899.7 Masahiro Shimoda, "The debate about the origins of Mahayana and the transformation of the methodology of Buddhists sutras", (sumary). TICOJ 48, 2003, 87-88

GB1899.8 Saski Shizuke, "What constitutes the origins of Mahayana Buddhism?", TICOJ 48, 2003, 88-89 (summary)

GB1900 Frithjof Schuon, The Treasure of Buddhism. New Delhi 2003

GB1903 Karunesha Shukla, "A view of the Buddhit anatman doctrine", BTCIK 262-274

GB1903.5 Mark Siderits, Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy. Burlington, Vt. 2003

GB1904 Jonathan A. Silk, "Dressed for success: the monk Kasyapa and strategies of legitimation in earlier Mah5yana scriptures", JA 291, 2003, 173-219

GB1906 Jonathan A. Silk, "The fruits of paradox: on the religious architecture of the Buddha's life story", JAAR 71, 2003, 863-881

GB1908 J.Sitarammamma, "The contrivution of the Saila schools of Andhradesa to the rise of Mahayana thought", IIJBS 4, 2003, 123-137

GB1910 Inamalueva Nandaratnta Theo, "A study of dhyana in India and seon in Korea", BTCIK 78-95

GB1913 Kevin Trainor, "Seeing, feeling, doing ethics and emotions in South Asian Buddhism", JAAR 71, 2003, 523-530

GB1915 Gay Watson, "Buddhism and the feminine voice", CB 4, 2003, 25-32

GB1915.5 Kala Acharya, "Buddhism", IndPT 200-218; glossary 515-654

GB1916 Giulio Agostini, "Buddhist sources on feticide as distrinct from homicide", JIABS 27.1, 2004, 63-96

GB1918 James Apple, "Twenty varieties of the Sangha: a typology of noble beings (arya). Indo-Tibetan scholasticism (Part II): An Assembly of Irreversible Bodhisattvas. JIP 32, 2004, 211-279

GB1918.5 Biswanath Banerjee, "Buddhism and syncretism", JASBe 46.1, 2004, 1-16

GB1919 Matthieu Boisvert, "Pratityasamutpada (dependent origination)", EnB 2, 2004, 669-670

GB1919.1 Matthieu Boisvert, "Skandha (aggregate)", EnB 2, 2004, 779

GB1919.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Mindfulness", EnB 2, 2004, 540-541

GB1919.6 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Hinduism and Buddhism", EnB 1, 2004, 328-332

GB1919.7 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Karma (action)", EnB 1, 2004, 415-417

GB1920 David Burton, Buddhism, Knowledge and Liberation. Burlington, Vermont 2004

GB1921 Jose Ignacio Cabezon, "Prayer", EnB 2, 2004, 671-673

GB1921.1 Jose Ignacio Cabezon, "Scripture", EnB 2, 2004, 755-758

GB1922 David W. Chappell, "Repentance and confession", EnB 2, 2004, 721-723

GB1922.4 Monima Chadha, "Perceiving particulars-as-such is incoherent: a reply to Mark Siderits", PEW 54, 2004, 389-403

GB1922.5 William Chu, "Path", EnB 2, 2004, 635-640

GB1923 Collett Cox, "Mainstream Buddhist schools", EnB 2, 2004, 501-507

GB1924 Brian J. Cuevas, "Samsara", EnB 2, 2004, 738-739

GB1924.1 Brian J. Cuevas, "Rebirth", EnB 2, 2004, 612-714

GB1924.2 Eli Franco, "Did the Buddha have desires?", GJWDJ 39-48

GB1924.2.1 Eli Franco, "The Spitzer manuscipt (SHT 810)–a philosophical manuscript from the Kusana period", in Turfan Revisisted–the First Century of Reseach into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road (ed. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Simon-Chrisiane Raschmann, Jens Wilkens, Marianne Yaldiz and Peter Zieme (Berlin 2004), pp. 92-94

GB1924.2.5 Oliver Freiberger, "The Buddhist canon and the canon of Buddhist studies", JIABS 27, 2004, 261-284

GB1924.2.5.5 David N. Gellner, Himalayan conundrum? A puzzling absence in Ronald M. Davidson's Indian Esoteric Buddhism", JIABS 27, 2004, 411-417

GB1924.3 Rupert Gethin, "Realms of existence", EnB 2, 2004, 711-712

GB1924.5 Daniel A. Getz, "Precepts", EnB 2, 2004, 673-675

GB1924.5.1 Daniel A. Getz, "Sentient beings", EnB 2, 2004, 760-761

GB1924.6 Lynken Ghose, "A study in Buddhist psychology: is Buddhism...pre-detachment and anti-attachment?", ContB 5, 2004, 105-124

GB1924.7 Luis O. Gomez, "Psychology", EnB 2, 2004, 678-692

GB1924.7.1 Luis O. Gomez, "Nirvana", EnB 2, 2004, 600-605

GB1924.7.2 Luis O. Gomez, "Meditation", EnB 2, 2004, 524-530

GB1924.7.5 Shankar Goyal, "Buddhism in early South Asian history", SVUOJ 47, 2004, 1-10

GB1924.8 William H. Grosnick, "Tathagatagarbha", EnB 2, 2004, 826-828

GB1925 Gioi Huong, Bodhisattva and Sunyata (in the early and developed Buddhist traditions). Delhi 2004

GB1925 Junkichi Imanishi, "Jetsuro Watsuji's study of pratityasamutpada", JICABS 8, 2004, 1-52

GB1926 Roger R. Jackson, "Prajna (wisdom)", EnB 2, 2004, 664-666

GB1926.1 Roger R. Jackson, "Upaya", EnB 2, 2004, 871-872

GB1927 Leslie S. Kawamura, "Paramita (perfection)", EnB 2, 2004, 631-632

GB1927.3 John Kieschnik, "Monks", EnB 2, 2004, 565-568

GB1927.6 Jacob N. Kinnard, "Worship", EnB 2, 2004, 905-907

GB1927.8 Ria Kloppenborg, "Pratyekabuddha", EnB 2, 2004, 670-671

GB1927.9 Richard D. McBride II, "Is there really 'esoteric' Buddhism", JIABS 27, 2004, 329-356

GB1928 Justin McDaniel, "Paritta and raksa texts", EnB 2, 2004, 634-635

GB1928.1 John R. McRae, "Ordination", EnB 2, 2004, 614-618

GB1928.4 Richard K. Payne, "Ritual", EnB 2, 2004, 723-726

GB1928.7 Patrick A. Pranke, "Abhijna (higher knowledge):, EnB 1, 2004, 8-9

GB1928.8 Patrick A. Pranke, "Vipassana (Skt., vipasyana)", EnB 2, 2004, 889-890

GB1928.9 Tavivat Puntarsigvivat, "A buddhist Christian dialogue on liberaiton",m WFBR 41.2, 2004, 6-11

GB1930 D. Seyfort Ruegg, "The Indian and the Indic in Tibetan cultural history, and Tson Kha Pa's achievement as a scholar and thinker: an essay on the concepts of Buddhism in Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism", JIP 32, 2004, 321-343

GB1930.1 David Seyfort Ruegg, "Aspects of the investigation of the (earliest) Indian Mahayana", JIABS 26.1, 2004, 3-62

GB1931 Jeffrey Samuels, "Toward an action-oriented pedagogy: Buddhist texts and monastic education in contemporary Sri Lanka", JAAR 72, 2004, 955-972

GB1931.5 K.T.S.Sarao, "Anatman/atman (no self/self)", EnB 1, 2004, 18-20

GB1932 Naomi Sato, "Some aspects of the cult of Aksobhya in Mahayana scriptures", JIBSt 52.2, 2004, 18-23

GB1933 Gregory Schopen, "Mahayana", EnB 2, 2004, 492-499

GB1934 John W. Schroeder, Skilful Means: the Heart of Buddhist Compassion. Edited by Alex Wayman. Delhi 2004

GB1935 Mark Siderits, "Perceiving particulars: a Buddhist defense", PEW 54, 2004, 367-388

GB1936 Peter Skilling, "Jambudvipa pracaramanah: the circulation of Mahayana Sutras in India", JICABS 7, 2004, 73-87

GB1937 Andrew Skilton, "Buddhist literature in Sanskrit", EnB 2, 2004, 745-749

GB1938 Gareth Sparham, "Sangha", EnB 2, 2004, 740-744

GB1938.5 John S. Strong, Tathagata", EnB 2, 2004, 826

GB1939 Karma Laksha Tomo, "Nuns", EnB 2, 2004, 606-611

GB1939.3 Karma Leslie Tomo, "Pratimoksa", EnB 2, 2004, 667-669

GB1939.5 Holm von Egidy, Beobachtung der Wirklichkeit: Differenztheorie und die zwei Wahrheiten in der buddhistische Madhyamaka-philosophie. Heidelberg 2004

GB1939.7 Dale S. Wright, "Philosophy", EnB 2, 2004, 647-650

GB1940 Buddhism: The Illustrated Guide. Edited by Kevin Trainor. Oxford 2004

GB1040.3 Ryuichi Abe, "Word", CTSFB 291-310

GB1940.5 Dan Arnold, "Are the Vedas intrinsically true? Prima facie justification of the Mimamsaka critique of Buddhist foundationalism", BBB 89-114

GB1940.6 Dan Arnold, "The problem with Buddhist foundationalism", BBB 32-56

GB1940.7 Harvey B. Aronson, Buddhist practi e on Western Ground: Reconciling Eastern Ideals and Western Psychology. Boston 2005

GB1940.9 Carl Bielefeldt, "Practice", CTSFB 229-244

GB1941 David Burton, "Unconscious beliefs in Buddhist philosophy", ContB 6, 2005, 117-130

GB1942 Asim Kumar Chatterjee, A Comprehensive History of Indian Buddhism. Kolkata 2005

GB1942.5 S. S. De, "Cosmology in Mahayana school of Buddhistm", JASBe 47.1, 2005, 147-154

GB1943 Lee Der-Huey, Indian Buddhist Literature and Chinese Moral Books. Delhi 2005

GB1944 J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Unregarded Buddhist-Christian parallels", AO 73, 2005, 91-110

GB1944.7 Richard Gombrich, "Fifty years of Buddhist studies", BudSR 22, 2005, 141-154

GB1945 David Loy and Linda Goodhew, "The Karma of the Rings: a myth for modern Buddhism", WFBR 41.4-42.1, 2004-2005, 14-22

GB1945.5 Jeffrey Grupp, "The R-theory of time, a replacement presentation: the Buddhist philosophy of time", IIJBS 6, 2005, 51-122

GB1946 Shinsho Hanayama, Bibliography on Buddhism. New Delhi 2005

GB1950 Shin'ichiro Hori, "Additional notes on the unidentified Sanskrit fragments in the Otani Collection at Ryokoku University Library", JICABS 9, 2005, 91-98

GB1955 Matthew T. Kapstein, "The Buddhist refusal of theism", Diogenes 205, 2005, 61-65

GB1956 Kristin Beise Kiblinger, Buddhist Inclusivism. Attitudes Towards Religious Others. Burllington, Vt. 2005

GB1956.5 Pisit Kobbun, "The significance of pucchavissajjana in the Buddhist literature", Manushya 8.2, 2005, 30-43

GB1956.9 Chang Kuan, Tapping the Inconceivable.Taipei 2005

GB1957 Tse-Fu Kuan, "Clarification of feelings in Buddhist dhyana/jnana meditation", JIP 33, 2005, 285-319

GB1959 Donald S. Lopez, Jr., "Impressions of the Buddha", CTSB 1-12

GB1959.1 Donald S. Lopez Jr., "Buddha", CTSB 13-36

GB1959.5 Jan Nattier, "The names of Amitabha/Amitayus in early Chinese traslations", ARIRSU 2005, 193-200

GB1959.6 Jan Nattier, "The proto-history of the Buddhavatamsaka, the Pusa benye jing and the Dousha jing", ARIRSU 16, 2005, 323-360

GB1959.8 Suniti Kumar Pathak, "Sunyata in the Sahaja practice of Buddhism", VFBHC 187-200

GB1959.9 William Pietz, "Person", CTSFB 188-210


GB1959.9.5 Kaisa Puhakka, "Philosophy as a vehicle or a;n obstacle to liberaiton? Advaitic and Buddhist considerations", BrB 275-286

GB1960 David Seyfort Ruegg, "The Kalawan copper-plate inscription: early evidence for Mahayana-type thinking", JIABS 28, 2005, 3-10

GB1961 Ngawong Samten, "Emptiness philosophy and spirituality", VFBHC 83-100

GB1961.5 Gregory Schopen, "On sending the monks back to their books: cult and conservatism in early Mahayana Buddhism", FFMBI 108-153

GB1961.8 C.D.Sebastian, "Buddhist philosophy: its three distinct phases and the basic thematic unity", IIJBS 6, 2005, 1-16

GB1962 Mark Siderits, "Freedom, caring and Buddhist philosophy", ContB 6, 2005, 87-116

GB1962.5 Pramod Kumar Singh, "Some observations on Buddhist mysticism", JICPR 22.1, 2005, 129-140

GB1962.6 Sanghasen Singh, "The doctrine of anicca orimpermanence in Buddhism", JRS 36, 2005, 105-118

GB1963 J. Sitaramamma, Mahayana Buddhism in Andhradesa. Delhi 2005

GB1965 Peter Skilling, "Cutting across categories: the ideology of relics in Buddhism", ARIRSU 16, 2005, 269-322

GB1965.1 Peter Skilling, "Unsettled boundaries: verses shared by Sravaka and Mahayana texts", JICABS 9, 2005, 99-112

GB1965.3 Dipankar Srijnana, "The practice of universal love in the light of Buddhism", JDPUC 13, 2005, 43-46

GB1965.5 Jacqueline I. Stone, "Death", CTSFB 56-76

GB1966 Nalin Swaris, "Karma: the creativel ife-force of h uman beings", WFBR 41.4-42.1, 2004-2005, 23-26

GB1967 Ireke van Put, "Some notes on intermediate existence and Sukhavati", IIJBS 6, 2005, 37-50

GB1968 Margarita I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya (tr. Jan Nattier), "The Central Asian manuscript collection of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences", ARIRSU 2005, 61-78

GB1970 Klaus Wille, "Some recently identified Sanskrit fragments from the Stein and Hoernle collections in the British Library, London (1)", ARIRSU 16, 2005, 47-80

GB1972 Alexander Wynne, "The historical authenticity of early Buddhist literature: a critical evaluation", WZKSOA 49, 2005, 35-70

GB1975 Michael Zimmerman, "On the origin of Buddha-nature thought in India", BDK Fellowship Newsletter No. 8, Tokyo 2005

GB1975.5 Biswabandhu Bhattacharya, "Definition (laksana)", PCRSIT 1, 47-50

GB1976 Michael S. Brummond, "Western science meets Eastern wisdom to experience bodily feelings", BTAPR 285-301

GB1978 Clare Carlisle, "Becoming and un-becoming: the theory and practice of anatta", ContB 7.1, 2006, 75-90

GB1979 Mangala Chinchore, "Concept of ahimsa in Buddhism: a critical note", ABORI 86, 2006, 103-109

GB1980 Ewing Y. Chinn, "John Dewey and the Buddhist philosophy of the Middle Way", AsPOxford 16, 2006, 87-98

GB1981 Guy Claxton, "Nirvana and neuroscience" the self-liberating brain", BTAPR 93-111

GB1982 J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Versatility, angels and space: the meaning of Buddhist and non-Buddhist parallels", JRAS 16, 2006, 231-242

GB1983 Wendy Donner, "The Boddhisattva code and compassion: Mahayana Buddhist perspective on violence and nonviolence", CPR 123-138

GB1984 Owen Flanagan Jr., "The bodhisattva's brain: neuroscience and happiness", BTAPR 149-174

GB1985 Eli Franco, "A new era in the study of Buddhist philosophy", JIP 34, 2006, 221-227

GB1986 Christopher W. Gowans, "Standing up to terrorists: Buddhism, human rights, and self-respect", CPR 101-122

GB1987 Jay Garfield, "Why did buddhadharma go to the East? Buddhism's struggle with the mind in the world", Sophia 45.2, 2006, 61-80

GB1988 Ron Geaves, Key Words in Buddhism. Georgetown 2006 (?)

GB1990 Simon Glynn, "Sartre, phenomenology and the Buddhist no-self theory", BandD 197-210

GB2005 Richard P. Hayes, "Nirvana", EnP 6, 620-623

GB2008 Frank J. Hoffman, "Mind and mental states in Buddhist philosophy", EnP 6, 253-258

GB2009 Foonil Hwang, Metaphor and Literalism in Buddhism: The Doctrinal History of Nirvana. London 2006

GB2009.1 Roger R. Jackson, "Deconstructive and foundationalist tendencies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism", BandD 89-109

GB2009.3 D.K.Nauriyal, Michael S. Drummond, and Y. B. Lal (Yogesh Bihari), Buddhist Ghouth as Applied Psychological Research: Transcending the Boundaries. London 2006

GB2009.5 Andrew Olendzki, "The transformative impact of non-self", BTAPR 250-261

GB2010 Jin Y. Park, Buddhism and Deconstrucitons. 2006

GB2010.1 Jin Y. Park, "Naming the unnameable dependent origination and différence", BandD 3-20

GB2010.1.5 Tavivat Puntarigvivat, "Mahayana Buddhism: the peaceful co-existence of its transmission and message", WFBR 43.2-3, 2006, 59-68

GB2010.2 V.V.S.Saibaba, Discourses on Buddhist Classics. New Delhi 2006

GB2010.4 Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Understanding Buddhism. Edinburgh 2006

GB2010.5 Sashi Sekhar, The Wheel and its Tracks: a History of Buddhism in early Andhra. 2006

GB2011 Masahira Shimoda, "An essay in the formation process of Buddhist scritpures in ancient India", CTCIP 23-36

GB2012 Pramod Kumar Singh, "Buddhist mysticism: a few observations", IndPQ 33, 2006, 221-230

GB2104 Willialm S. Waldron, "The co-arising of self and object, world, and society: Buddhist and scientific approaches", BTAPR 175-208

GB2015 Susunaga Weeraperuma, Nirvana. The Highest Happiness. Meditation on Bu ddhist Issues.Delhi 2006

GB2018 Fuchuan Yao, "There are no degrees in a Bodhisattva's compassion", AsPOxford 16, 2006, 189-198

GB2018.5 Zahiruddin Ahmad, An Introductio to Buddhist philosophy in India and Tibet. New Delhi 2007

GB2018.8 Ratna Basu, Buddhist Literary Heritage in India: Text and Context. New Delhi 2007

GB2019 Mrunal V. Bhatt, "Meditation as conceived in Buddhism", BCP2, 72-83

GB2020 Brahmali Bhikkhu, "Jnana and lokuttara-jhana", BudSR 24.1, 2007, 75-90

GB2020.5 Thosten Botz-Bernstein, "Dreams in Buddhism and Western aesthetics: some thoughts on play, style, and space", AsPOxford 17, 2007, 65-82

GB2020.6 Michael von Bruck, Einfahrung in den Buddhismus. Frankfurt-am-Main 2007

GB2020.6.5 Madhumita Chatto, Walking Along the Paths of Buddhist Epistemology. New Delhi 20087

GB2020.7 Mangala R. Chinchore, Buddhist Conception of Man and Human Emancipation: a Contermporary Investigation. Delhi 2007

GB2020.8 Mangala R. Chinchoe, Studies in Buddhism. Delhi 2007

GB2020.9 Jay L. Garfield, "Buddhism and democracy", IECTC 269-282

GB2021 Nicholas F. Gier and Johnson Petta, "Hebrew and Bu ddhist selves" a constructive postmodern study", AsPOxford 17, 2007, 49-64

GB2021.0 Ruben L. F. Habito, "Environment or Earth Sangha: Buddhist perspectives on our global ecological well-being", ContB 8, 2007, 131-148

GB2021.1 Richard P. Hayes, "Anatmavada", EnBuddhism 28-29

GB2021.2 Richard P. Hayes, "Buddhism in India", EnBuddhism 410-418

GB2021.3 Richard P. Hayes, "Nirvana", EnBuddhism 558-559

GB2021.4 Richard P. Hayes, "Tathagatagarbha in Indian Buddhism", EnBuddhism 724-726

GB2021.5 V. N. Jha, "Some issues in Buddhist epistemology", BGP2, 451-455

GB2021.7 S. N. Kandaswamy, "Paramitas for human perfection", BGP2, 17-33

GB2022 Seishi Karashima, "Who were the icchantikas?", ARIRSU 18, 2007, 67-80

GB2022.1 Seishi Karashima and Margaret I. Veroyova-Desyatoskaya", Some Buddhist Sanskrit fragments from the collection of the St. Petersurg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russiaon Academy of Sciences", ARIRSU 18, 2007, 45-56

GB2022.4 Damien Keown, "Cosmology and rebirth", EnBuddhism 245-250

GB2022.5 Damien Keown, "Dependent origination", EnBuddhism 268-271

GB2022.6 Damien Keown, "Dharma", EnBuddhism 271-280

GB2022.7 Damien Keown, "Karma", EnBuddhism 437-439

GB2022.8 Damien Keown, "Buddhism and ecology: a virtue ethics approach", ContB 8, 2007, 97-112

GB2022.8.1 Damien Keown, "Are there 'human rights' in Buddhism?", IECTC 247-268

GB2022.9 W. Randolph Kloetzli, "'Nous' and 'nirvana': conversations with Plotinus–an essay in Buddhist cosmology", PEW 57, 2007, 140-177

GB2023 Christian Thomas Kohl, Buddhism and quantum physics: a strange parallelism of two concepts of reality", ContB 8.1, 2007, 69-82

GB2023.3 David L. McMahan, "Dhyanas", EnBuddhism 284-285

GB2023.4 David L. McMahan, "Meditation, visualization", EnBuddhism 505-507

GB2023.5 David L. McMahan, "Meditational systems", EnBuddhism 514-523

GB2023.6 David L. McMahan, "Sadhana", EnBuddhism 642-643

GB2023.7 David L. McMahan, "Samatha", EnBuddhism 648-649

GB2023.8 Ethan Mills, "Buddhism, knowledge and liberaiton: a philosophiscal study", PEW 57, 2007, 543-596

GB2024 Richard Nance, "On what do we rely when we rely on reasoning?", JIP 35, 2007, 149-168

GB2025 Reiko Ohnuma, Head, Eyes, Flesh, and Blood: Giving Away the Body in Indian Buddhist Literature. New York, 2007

GB2027 David Seyfort Ruegg, "La traduction de la terminologie technique de la pensee indienne et bouddhique depuis Sylvain Levi", SylLevi 145-172

GB2029 Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, "E lui don't les 'Tres oceans ont des leurs flots abreve les mantures': tout ce que l'historie du bouddhism don't a l'oeuvre de Sylvain Levi", SylLevi 173-191

GB2030 Lambert Schmithausen, "Problem with the Golden Rule in Buddhist texts", Pramanakirti 795-824

GB2031 Lambert Schmithausen, "Zur frage sein Bodhisattva unter bestimmter Voraussatzungen in einer nautrale Geisteshaltung (avyakrta-citta) töten durf", IETMH 423-440

GB2033 Daishin Shimamura, "An epistemological interpretation of 'when a monk obtains enlightenment, all living creatures obtain it at the same time'", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 204

GB2034 Mark Siderits, "Buddhist reductioniosm as the structure of Buddhist ethics", IECTC 283-296

GB2034.1 Mark Siderits, Buddhism as Philosophy. Indianapolis 2007

GB2035 Johnathan A. Silk, "Buddhavacanam: notes on Buddhist vocabulary: ARIRSU 18, 2007, 171-180

GB2035.1 Jonathan A. Silk, "Good and evil in Indian Buddhism" the five sins of immediate retribution", JIP 35, 2007, 253-287

GB2036 Padmasiri de Silva, "Buddhits ethical theory", IECTC 229-246

GB2036.2 Ram Nandan Singh, "Decline of Buddhism in India", JOI 56, 2006-2007, 41-48

GB2036.3 Harischandra Lal Singh, In the Footsteps of the Buddhs. Random Thoughts on Fifteen Buddhist Thinkers and Seekers of Truth. Katmandu 2007

GB2036.5 Peter Skilling "Dharma, dharani, abhidharma, avadhana: what was taught in Trayastimsa?", ARIRSU 19, 2007, 37-60

GB2037 Alan Sponberg, "Buddha-nature and tathagatagarbha", EnBuddhism 158-160

GB2037.1 Alan Sponberg, "Bodhisattva path", EnBuddhism 87-90

GB2037.2 Alan Sponberg, "Mahayana Buddhism", EnBuddhism 486-495

GB20375.3 Alan Sponberg, "Perfection of Wisdom literature", EnBuddhism 587-589

GB2040 Yoshihiko Takaoka, "On enlightenment and the structure of mind", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 211-212

GB2042 Anil Kumar Tewai, "The problem of personal identity in Buddhism", JICPR 24.1, 2007, 93-118

GB2044 Toru Yagi, "Satyadhisthana reconsidered", EMH 603-612

GB2044.1 K. Abhishankar, "Continuance of awareness and appreciation of Buddhist heritage in India", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 186-194

GB2044.3 Dipak Kumar Barua, "Fundamental concepts and values in the Baudha tradition", PRSIT 2, 339-376

GB2044.4 B.N.Chandriah, "Buddhism and Virasaivism: a comparative study", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 155-167

GB2044.5 Buddhist Doctrine and Components of Existence. Edited by Ravindra Brahmachari Chidananda. RBCERE 8, 2008

GB2044.6 M. Chidanandamurthy, "Buddhism and Virasiaivms: an analytical study", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 170-180

GB2044.8 Y.V.Dahiya, Hinduism and Buddhism in Perspective. New Delhi 2008

GB2045 Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield and Graham Priest, "The weay of the Dialethicsts: contradictions in Buddhsm", PEW 58, 2008, 395-402

GB2050 Charles Goodman, "Consequentialism, agent-neutrality and Mahayana ethics", PEW 58, 2008, 17-35

GB2052 Ananda W. P. Guruge, "The place of Buddhism in Indian thought", ITaur 34, 2008, 153-182

GB2052 Jim Hansen, "Searching for the power-I: Nietzsche and nirvana", AsPOxford 18, 2008, 231-244

GB2053 David Higgins, "On the development of the non-mentation (amanasikara) doctrine in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism", JIABS 29, 2006-2008, 255-304

GB2054 Michel Hulin, "Comment le philosophie indienne s'est-elle dévelopée? Le querelle brahmanas-buddhisties", IIJ 51, 2008, 187-193

GB2054.5 Stephen J. Laumakis, An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy, Cambridge, U.K. 2008

GB2055 Matthew Mackenzie, "Self-awareness without a self: Buddhism and the reflexivity of awareness", AsPOxford 18, 2008, 245-266

GB2055.5 K.T. Pandurangi, "Buddhism and Dvaita Vedanta", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 137-142

GB2055.6 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Dreamless sleep and soul: a controversy between Vedanta and Buddhism", Dhammadesana 214-231

GB2055.7 S.S.Raghavachar, "Buddhism and Uttaramimamsa" QJMS 99.3-4, 2098, 129-136

GB2055.8 T.R.Ramarao, "The concept of liberation ino Buddhism and Saivism", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 143-154

GB2056 Alfred Scheepers, A Sutrvey of Buddhist Thought. Delhi 2008

GB2056.4 T.G.Prabhu Shankar, "Buddhism and later Siddha and Natha cults and their literary development", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 181-188

GB2056.5 Richardf Shankran, The Experience of Samadhi. /an In-Depth Exploration of Buddhist Meditation. Boston 2008

GB2057 Bhikkhu Sujato, "The date and cause of the first schism", BudSR 25, 2008, 210-231

GB2060 Peter J. Vermezze, "Moderation in the Middle Way: two approaches to anger", PEW 58, 2008, 2-15

GB2063 Fuchuan Yao, "The compatibility between bodhisattva compassion and 'no-self'", AsPOxford 18, 2008, 267-278

GB2066 Jens Braarvig, "The Buddhist hell: an early instance of the idea", Numen 61, 2009, 254-281

GB2068 Christian Coseru, "Buddhist 'formalism' and the phenomenology of perception", PEW 59, 2009, 409-439

GB2070 Asef Federman, "Literal means and higher magic" new analysis of Skillful Means", PEW 59, 2009, 125-141

GB2075 Pier Luigi Luisi, Mind and Life. Discussions with the Dalai Lama on the Nature of Reality. New York 2009

GB2070 Graham Priest, "The structure of emptiness", PEW 59, 2009, 467-480

GB2083 Yamini Sahay, A Critical Appraisal of Truth: Buddhism and Pragmatism. Patna 2009

GB2085 Shizuku Sasaki, "A basic approach for research on the origins of Mahayana Buddhism", Acta Asiatica 96, 20-09, 25-46

GB2087 Broke, Schedneck, "Western Buddhist perspective of monasticism", BudSRR 26.1, 2009, 229-246

GB2088 Masahiro Shimoda, "The state of research on Mahayana Buddhism: the Mahayana as seen in the developments in the study of Mahayana Sutras", Acta Asiatica 96, 2009, 1-23

GB2090 Vidyatma Singh, Basic Concepts of Buddhism. Delhi 2009

GB2095 Shego Watanabe, The role of 'destruction of the dharma' and 'prediciton' in Mahayana Sutras with a focus on the Prajnaparamita Sutras", Acta Asiatica 96, 2009, 77-97

GB2100 Nobuyoshi Yamada, "Thepoaths of sravakas and bodhisattvas in meditative practices", Acta Asiatica 96, 2009, 47-75

GB2105 Manohar Bharadwaj, Philosophy of Buddhism. New Delhi 2010

GB2110 Asaf Federman, "What kind of free will did the Buddha treach?", PEW 60, 2010, 1-19

GB2120 Hans-Dieter Mathes, "The principle of true nature (dharmata-yukti) as a justification for positive presumptions of reality in Mahayana Buddhism", LBIP 593-604

GB2125 Hiroshi Nemoto, "Tsong kha pa on the three times: new light on the Buddhist theory of time", LBIP 605-614

GB2135 Shigeru Saito, "The Gandhara disturbanc in the late fourth century C.E. and a context: a new viewpoint of Bandharan Buddhism", IPTS 59-74

GB2140 Masahiro Shimoda, "Some reflections on the history of Buddhist canons in ancient India", IPTS 33-58

GB2150 Suraj Vashisth, Ethics in Buddhism. New Delhi 2010












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