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H1 Friedrich Schlegel, Über die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier. Heidelberg 1808. Translated into French as Essai sur la langue et la philosophie des indiens. Paris 1837 H2 Anon., "Hindu metaphysics (no. 1)--dialogue between a Brahmin and an European", AJMR n.s. 11, 1833 - 12, 1833 H2.5 Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus. First published in TRAS 1, 1824; reprinted London 1837, 1858; Delhi 1972; New Delhi 1976. Translated into French by Guillaume Pauthier as Essais sur la philosophie des hindoues (Paris 1833). H3 Anon., "On the Hindu and European notions of cause and effect", AJMR n.s. 19, 1836, 141-148 H4 Daniel John Gogerly, "On transmigration", The Friend 2, 1838 H5 Vans Kennedy, "The philosophy of the Hindus", AJMR n.s. 28, 1839: 7, 141 H5.3 H.T.Colebrooke, "The pandits and their manner of teaching", BM 2, 1849, 355-362; 3, 1850, 213-221; 4, 1850, 432-440 H5.4 H.T.Colebrooke, "The gist of Vedanta as a philosophy", BM 4, 1850, 325-333 H5.5 H.T.Colebroke, "On the ontology of the Vedanta", BM6, 1851, 94ff. H5.6 Max Muller, "Indian logic:, Appendix to W. Thomson, An Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought. Third edition. (London 1853). Reprinted ILAR 26-58 H6 B. von Eckstein, "Über die Grundlagen der Indischen philosophie", IS 2, 1853, 369-388 H7 J.R.Ballantyne, Christianity contrasted with Hindu Philosophy. London 1859 H8 Joseph Mullens, The Religious Aspects of Hindu Philosophy. London 1860; New Delhi 1990 H9 K.M.Banerjea, Dialogues on the Hindu Philosophy. London 1861 H10 N.N.S.Ghore, A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems. Calcutta 1862 H11 Samuel Johnson, Oriental Religion: India. Boston 1873 H12 W.Kennedy-Moore, Oriental Pantheism and Dualism. Liverpool 1874 H13 M.Monier-Williams, Indian Wisdom. London 1876 H14 P.Regnaud, Materiaux pour servir à l'histoire de la philosophie de l'Inde. Paris 1876-78 H15 P.Regnaud, "La philosophie de l'Inde ancienne", RP 1, 1876 - 7, 1878 H16 Hermann Jacobi, "Die Gottesidee in der indischen Philosophie", Philosophische Monetshefte 11, 1877, 417-438. Reprinted in HJKS H17 M.Amador, "La filosofia an la India", Revue de Espanola 1882, 454 H18 F.Max Muller, India: What Can It Teach Us? London 1883, 1910 H19 P.Rengaud, "De l'evolution de l'idée de 'briller' en sanscrit, en grec et en latin", RP 17, 1883, 121-168 H20 Ram Chandra Bose, Hindu Philosophy. Lahore 1884, 1887; New Delhi 1986 H20.5 Michael Haberlandt, Zur Geschichte des Pancatantra. Wien 1884 H21 P. Regnaud, "L'idée du temps dans les langues indo-européennes", RP 19, 1884, 280-287 H21.5 Adolf Bastian, Die Seele indischer und hellenischer philosophie in den gespenstern moderner Geistescherei. Berlin 1886 H22 Ch.Schoebel, "Doctrine cosmogoniques et philosophiques de l'Inde", LM 5, 1886, 280-287 H23 M.Straszewski, "Über die Entwicklung der philosophischen Ideen bei den Indern und Chinesen", CIDO 7, 1886 (Arische section) 79-93 H24 Michael Haberlandt, Der Altindische Geist. Leipzig 1887 H25 D.Datta, "Moksa or the Vedantic release", JRAS (2d series) 20, 1888, 513-540 H26 Henri Leon Feer. "Le sejour des morts selon les Indiens et selons les Grecs", RHR 18, 1888, 297-319 H27 Hubbe-Schleiden, "Jnana und ajnana: Schopenhauers Weltanschauung im Vergleich zur Indischen", Sphinx 1888, 87-95 H27.0 Nandalal Dhole, Fundamental Truths on the Problem of Existence. Calcutta 1890 H27.5 Charles Rockwell Lanman, The Beginnings of Hindu Pantheon. Cambridge, Mass. 1890 H27.1 Samuel Lynch Beiler, The Darsanas, or Hindu Schools of Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Boston University 1891 H28 M.Monier-Williams, Brahmanism and Hinduism. London 1891 H29 Ernst Windisch, "Satz der denkenden Seele", Beitrage Leipzig 1891, 55 ff. H30 Charles Johnston, "Indian belief in pre-natal existence", Academy, March 5, 1892, 233 ff. H31 Richard Garbe, "Hindu monism", Mon 3, 1892-93, 51 ff. H32 L.Baijnath, "Modern Hindu religion and philosophy", CIDO 9, 1893: 1, 141 H33 Richard Garbe, "Outlines of a history of Indian philosophy", Mon 4, 1893-94, 580 ff. H34 Paul Carus, "Karma. A tale with a moral", OC 8, 1894, 4217-4221 H35 Paul Carus, "Pre-existence and immortality", OC 8, 1894, 4315-4317 H36 Aug. Niemann, Karma und Nirvana. Berlin 1894 H37 Annie Besant, Karma. London 1895 H38 S.N.Gupta, "Nature of inference in Hindu logic", Mi n.s. 4, 1895, 159-175 H39 Ernst Diestel. "Gedanken über des karma", Sphinx 21, 1896, 117-120 H40 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "A brief survey of the doctrines of salvation", JBTSI 4.1, 1896, 1-5 H41 Rajaram Bodas, "A historical survey of Indian logic", JASBo 19, 1897, 306-347 H42 Richard Garbe, The Philosophy of Ancient India, 1897 H43 Franz Hartman, "Karma", Lotus Bluthen 1897:194, 277, 333, 440 H44 Franz Hartman, Karma oder Wissen, Wirken und Werden. Leipzig 1897 H45 Max F. Hecker, Schopenhauer und die indische Philosophie. Koln 1897 H46 B.V.Kamesvara Aiyar, "Karma and effort", SJ 3, 1898, 108-110 H46.5 Edmund Hardy, Indische Religionsgeschichte. Leipzig 1898, 1904 H47 Ganganatha Jha, "Mukti or liberation", BV 3, 1898, 321-329 H48 Oscar Valentin, Shaddarshaneshu. Ein Religionsstudie. I. Prolegomena til den Indisk Ortodoxas Filosofien. Stockholm 1899 H49 Paul Deussen, "Outlines of Indian philosophy", IA 29, 1900: 365, 393 H50 Alfred S. Geden, Studies in Eastern Religions. London 1900; Delhi 1983 H51 Gomat, "Indian systems of philosophy", BV 5, 1900: 399, 475, 512, 759 H52 H.D.Griswold, Brahman. New York 1900 H53 Sadajiro Sugiura, Hindu Logic as Preserved in China and Japan. Philadelphia 1900 H54 J.Dahlmann, Der Idealismus der indischen Religions-philosophie im Zeitalter der Opfermystik. Freiburg-im-Breisgau 1901 H55 Arthur H. Ewing, "The Hindu conception of the functions of breath", JAOS 22, 1901, 249-308 H56 Hermann Jacobi, "Die indische logik", NKGWG 1901, 460-485. Reprinted in HJKS H57 M.Monier-Williams, Hinduism. London 1901 H58 Jadunath Sinha, "Classifications of Indian philosophies", BV 6, 1901: 49, 171, 228, 290 H58.3 Abhedananda, Vedanta Philosophy. New York 1902 H58.7 Joseph Estlin Carpenter, Oriental Philosophy and Religion. Oxford 1902 H59 F.Otto Schrader, Über den Stand der Indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und Buddha. Strassburg 1902 H59.5 Arthur Henry Ewing, The Hindu Conception of the Functions of Breath: a Study in Early Hindu Psycho-physics. Ph.D.Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 1901 (part 1). Published in two parts, Allahabad 1903 H60 Mabel Collins, Light on the Path and Karma. New York 1904 H61 Bhagavan Das, The Science of Peace. Banaras 1904 H62 Otto Franke, "Kant und die altindische philosophie", in Zur Erinnerung an Immanuel Kant (Halle 1904), 107-141 H63 Annie Besant, Reincarnation. London 1905 H63.5 William Walker Atkinson, A Series of Lessons ion Gnani Yoga (the Yoga of Wisdom). Chicago 1906; London 1907, 1917 H63.8 Lionel D. Barnett, Hinduism. London 1906 H64 Alfred Bertholet, Seelenwanderung. Tubingen 1906 H65 S.A.Desai, Study of the Indian Philosophy. London, Bombay 1906 H66 E.Washburn Hopkins, "Modifications of the karma doctrine", JRAS 1906, 581-594 H67 Paul Oltramare, Histoire des idées théosophiques dans l'Inde. Volume I: Brahmanism. Paris 1906 H68 W.T.Seeger, "Vital value in the Hindu God-idea", HJ 5, 1906-07, 74-84 H69 T.E.Slater, "Transmigration", TEATW 4, 1906, 259-277 H70 The Maharaja of Bohhili, "There is no modification in the karma doctrine", JRAS 1907, 397-400 H71 Paul Deussen, Outlines of Indian Philosophy. Berlin 1907 H72 R.B.Douglas, "Some aspects of the Christian and Hindu doctrines of salvation", GUOS 6, 1907, 2-3 H78 E.Washburn Hopkins, "More about the modifications of karma doctrine", JRAS 1907, 665-671 H79 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Indian logic as preserved in Tibet", JASBe n.s. 3, 1907: 95, 241, 541 H79.5 William Walker Atkinson, Reincarnation and the Law of Karma: a Study of the Old-New Wod-Dopctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect. Chicago 1908, 1936, 2003 H79.7 Lionel D. Barnett, The Heart of India: Sketches in the history of Hindu religion and morals. London 1908 H80 George A. Grierson, "The modern Hindu doctrine of works", JRAS 1908, 337-362 H81 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Karma and free will", MR 3, 1908, 424-428 H82 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Indian philosophy--the Vedas and the six systems", Madras Christian College Magazine n.s. 8, 1908, 22-35 H83 T. Rajagopalachariar, The Vaishnavite Reformers of India: Critical Sketches of Their Lives and Writings. 1909. Third edition Delhi 1982 H84 W.W.Atkinson, The Philosophy and Religion of India. 1909. Translated into Italian by E. Zanotti, Milano 1952 H85 Julius Baumann, Unsterblichkeit und Seelenwanderung. Leipzig 1909 H86 A.C.Hogg, Karma and Redemption. Madras 1909 H87 P.T.S.Iyengar, Outlines of Indian Philosophy. Banaras 1909 H88 Hermann Jacobi, "Atomic theory (Indian)", ERE 2, 1909, 199-202. Reprinted in HJKS H89 V.J.Kirtikar, "Sat and asat (being and non-being)", IR 10,1909, 344-349 H90 Bhola Nauth, "The mystery of rebirth", BR 1, 1909, 89-99 H91 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, History of the Medieval School of Indian Logic. Calcutta 1909 H92 Atisha (W.S.Bowes-Taylor), Exposition of the Doctrine of Karma. London 1910 H93 W. Dilger, Der indischer Seelenwanderungsglaube. Basler Missionsstudien 37, Basel 1910 H94 Hermann Jacobi, "Dates of the philosophical sutras of the Brahmans", JAOS 31, 1910, 1-29 H95 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The relation of morality and religion", HR 22, 1910, 1-29 H96 T.Rajagopalachariar, "Philosophy of Brahmaism", IR 11, 1910, 517-518 H97 Manmatha Nath Shastri, Outline of Hindu Metaphysics. Second edition. Calcutta 1910 H98 Max Walleser, Der Ältere Vedanta. Heidelberg 1910 H99 S.A.Desai, "Brahma", HJ 10, 1911-12, 561-580 H100 E.Greaves, "Is Hinduism pantheistic?", TEATW 9, 1911, 198-195 H101 G.A.Jacob, "Scraps from the Saddarsana", JRAS 1911: 509, 1127 H102 Hermann Jacobi, "Zur Frühgeschichte der indischen philosophie", Sitzungsberichte der Kgl. Preussischen Ak. d. Wissenschaft 1911, 732-743. Translated into English by V.A.Sukhthankar in IA 47, 1918, 101-109. German reprinted in HJKS H103 M.T.Narasimhiangar, "Brahmanic systems of religion and philosophy", QJMS 2, 1911, 83-107 H104 Charu Chandra Sinha, The Problems of Hindu Philosophy. Calcutta 1912 H105 Rabindranath Tagore, The Realization of Brahma", Qu 4, 1912-13, 601-613 H105.5 Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar, Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems. Strasbourg 1913, 1975; Poona 1929, 1982; Varanasi 1965, 1966; New york 1980, 2001; New Delhi 1987, 2002 H106 A.David and H. Sinha, "A Hindu view of nirvana", BR 5, 1913: 133, 294 H107 Robert Falke, Die Seelenwanderung. Lerlange 1913 H108 Paul Masson-Oursel, "Sur la signification du mot yoga", RHR 1913, 1-5 H109 Hermann Oldenberg, "Die indische philosophie", AGP (Second edition), Leipzig 1913 H110 Luigi Suali, Introduzione allo Studio della Filosofia Indiana (La Logica Indiana). Pavia 1913 H111 W.S.Urqhart, "Ethical values in Indian thought", CR 1, 1913, 437-463 H112 J.N.Farqhar, A Primer of Hinduism. Oxford (Second edition) 1914 H113 Aurobindo Ghose, Views and Reviews. Madras 1914 H114 L.J.Sedgwick, "Bhakti", JASBo 23, 1914, 109-134 H115 F.Belloni-Filippi, I maggiori sistemi filosifici indiani. Palermo 1915 H116 R.W.Frazer, Indian Thought, Past and Present. London 1915 H117 C.Jinarajadas, How We Remember Our Past Lives, and Other Essays in Reincarnation. Adyar 1915 H118 N.Ramanujacarya, "Existence of the soul", ME 4, 1915, 71-77 H119 N.Ramanujacarya, "Some essential features of Indian thought", VK 2, 1915-16, 203 ff. H120 B.N.Seal, Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus. London 1915; Banaras 1958 H121 N.D.Mehta, "Evolution of the conception of pranava or om", SR 1.3-4, 1916, 213-240 H122 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore", Qu 8, 1916-17: 457, 592 H123 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Misconceptions about Indian theism", VK 3, 1916-17: 19, 51, 81 H125 Prabhulal, "Grace of God and the theory of karma", VK 3, 1916-17, 13 ff. H126 L.C.Robertson, "The conception of Brahma", Mon 26, 1916, 232 ff. H127 Ananda Acharya, Brahmadarsanam, an Introduction to the Study of Hindu Philosophy. New York 1917 H128 J.C.Chatterji, La philosophie ésoterique de l'Inde. Paris 1917 H129 J.C.Chatterji, La vision de la sages de l'Inde. Paris 1917 H130 Ethel M. Kitch, Origin of Subjectivity in Indian Thought. Chicago 1917 H131 Paul Masson-Orsel, "Études de logique comparées. Évolution de la logique indienne", RP 83, 1917, 453-469 H132 N.McNicol, "The Indian poetry of devotion", HJ 16, 1917-18, 74-88 H133 G.K.Sane, "A short review of Indian logic", SR 2, 1917, 269-276 H134 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "The ancient Indian school of logic: an outline", CERGB 155-166 H135 Arthur Avalon, "Alleged conflict of sastras", IPR 2, 1918-19, 290-303 H136 G.C.Bhate, "Indian logic", IPR 2, 1918-19, 3-16 H137 G.R.Malkani, "A short history of the Indian Institute of Philosophy", JIIP 1, 1918, 3-7 H138 G.R.Malkani, "Mysticism", JIIP 1, 1918, 206-223 H139 Paul Masson-Oursel, "Études de logique comparée: Confrontations et analyse comparative", RP 85, 1918, 148-166 H140 Frieda Paul, Die Kausalbegriffe in der indischen Philosophie. Wien 1918 H141 Sister Rhoda, "Forgivenness versus karma", TEATW 16, 1918, 60-67 H142 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Influence of Aristotle on the development of the syllogism in Indian logic", JRAS 1918, 469-488 H142.5 Emil Abegg, Indische Traumtheorien. Zurich 1919 H143 G.C.Bhate, "Fallacies in Indian logic", PAIOC 1, 1919, 87-88 H144 P.W.French, Indian Logic in the Light of Western Thought. M.A.Thesis, University of London 1919 H145 G.W.Brown, "Prana and apana", JAOS 39, 1919, 104-112 H146 Ganganatha Jha, "Eastern philosophy and Western science", HR 39, 1919, 32-39 H147 Ganganatha Jha, "Indian philosophical systems: a comparative study", HR 39, 1919, 199-211 H148 G.R.S.Mead, "A word on yoga", Qu 11, 1919-20, 380-394 H149 F.Max Muller, Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. London 1919. Reprinted ChSSt 16, 1968, 1998 H150 S.Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Early History of Vaishnavism in South India. London 1920 H151 G.W.Brown, "The sources of Indian philosophical ideas" in Studies in honor of Maurice Bloomfield (New Haven 1920), 75-88 H152 J.N.Farqhar, Outlines of the Religious Literature of India. Oxford 1920; Delhi 1967 H152.5 Beni Madhab Barua, A History of Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1921; Delhi 1970, 1981. Translated into Spanish, Barcelona 1981 H153 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Place of the indefinite in logic", JDL 7, 1-26. Also KCBSP 2, 221-242 H154 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of negation", JDL 7, 1921, 199-216. Also KCBSP 2, 205-220 H155 J.E.Carpenter, Theism in Medieval India. London 1921 H156 Charles Eliot, Hinduism and Buddhism. London 1921 H157 J.N.Farqhar, "Karma: its value as a doctrine of life", HJ 20, 1921-22, 20-34 H158 Rene Guenon, Introduction générale à l'étude des doctrine hindoues. Paris 1921. Translated into English as Introduction to the General Study of Hindu Doctrines. London 1945 H159 T.C.Hodson, "The doctrine of rebirth in various areas in India", Man in India 1.2, 1921, l-17 H160 K.S.Iyer, "Isvara and the problem of evil", VK 8, 1921-22, 295 ff. H161 Susil Kumar Maitra, "The moral standards in Hindu ethics", JDL 7, 1921, 139-172 H162 Susil Kumar Maitra, "The springs of action in Hindu ethics", JDL 7, 1921, 283-305 H163 P. Masson-Oursel, Doctrines et methodes psychologiques de l'Inde. Paris 1921 H164 N.Narasimhamoorthy, "Platonism and Indian thought", JMysoreU 5, 1921, 57-62 H165 C.H.Ozanne, "Karma", HJ 20, 1921-22, 354-368 H166 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Religion and philosophy", HJ 20, 1921-22, 35-45 H167 P.D.Shastri, "Conception of freedom", JDL 7, 1921, 113-138 H168 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, History of Indian Logic. Calcutta 1921; Delhi 1971, 1978 H169 C.B.Welland, "Karma", HJ 20, 1921-22, 362-364 H170 Brahmachari Yogesh, "Root-problem and its solution", VK 8, 1921-22, 118 ff. H171 Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy. Five volumes. Cambridge, England 1922-1955. Reprinted Delhi 1975. Abridged version Allahabad 1969 H172 Charles Johnston, "Karma and liberation", HJ 21, 1922-23, 95-106 H173 M.Kern, Licht des Ostens. Stuttgart 1922 H174 John Mckenzie, Hindu Ethics. London 1922 H175 H.W.Schomerus, Die Anthroposophie Steiners und Indien. Leipzig 1922 H176 Helmut von Glasenapp, Der Hinduismus. Munchen 1922 H177 P.S.V.S.Alankar, "A parallel to Plato's 'theory of ideas' in the Indian philosophy", VMGS 20, 1923, 633-634 H178 A.Bennett, The Wisdom of the Aryans. London 1923 H179 Rene Grousset, Histoire de la philosophie orientale. Paris 1923 H180 Betty Heimann, "Die Lehre der Upanishaden als Grundlage der Späteren indische Systeme", ZBVG 5, 1923-24, 143-157 H181 K.S.Iyer, "Isvara and human freedom", VK 10, 1923-24, 801 ff. H182 Hermann Jacobi, Entwicklung der Gottesidee bei den Indern. Bonn 1923 H183 Hermann Jacobi, "Die indische philosophie", in his Das Licht des Ostens (ed. Maximilian Kern), Leipzig 1923, 142-166. Reprinted in HJKS H184 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The doctrine of pratibha in Indian philosophy", ABORI 5, 1923-24: l, 113 H185 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Theism in ancient India", POWSBSt 2, 1923 - 3, 1924. Reprinted in AOIT H186 Paul Masson-Oursel, La philosophie comparée. Paris 1923. Translated as Comparative Philosophy, London 1926 H187 Devendranath Tagore, "Musings of a Vedantist", VQ 1, 1923, 101-102 H188 Otto Strauss, "Vom Kausalitätsproblem in der indischen Philosophie", ActOD I-III, 1923-24, 114-123 H189 Suddhananda, "Is the world real or false?", VK 10, 1923-24, 574 ff. H190 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Indian philosophy in relation to contemporary Indian thought", PICP 5, 1924, 1154-1176 H191 E.Washburn Hopkins, Ethics of India. New Haven 1924 H192 K.S.Iyer, "Isvara and the need of a mediator", VK 11, 1924-25, 281 ff. H193 S.V.Ramamurti, "Indian philosophy as a live proposition", PAIOC 3, 1924, 517-522 H194 R.D.Ranade, "Indian philosophy", CR 12, 1924, 465-471 H195 Henry N. Randle, "A note on the Indian syllogism", Mi n.s. 33, 1924, 398-414. Reprinted IPACR 2, 14-31; ILAR 75-92 H196 P.B.Adhikari, "One or many?", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 225-237 H197 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The concept of individuality", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 317-331 H198 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of karma", VQ 3, 1925-26, 257-268. Also PQ 3, 1927, 226-257 H199 Harisatya Bhattacharya, "Percept and idea", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 182-186. Also JainG 22, 1926, 204-210 H200 J.Chakravarty, "The quest of truth", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 261-275 H201 William Crooke, "Hinduism", ERE 6, 1925, 686-715 H202 G.A.Chandavarka, A Manual of Hindu Ethics. POS 38, 1925 H203 Rasvihary Das, "Some theories of error in Indian philosophy", PQ 1, 1925: 1, 58-67; 2, 23-31. Reprinted JIAP 41, 2002, 1-17 H204 Rasvihary Das, "Identity", PQ 1, 1925, 228-246 H205 E.Enc, "Hindu philosophy oriented to modern science", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 359-368 H206 Carlo Formichi, "A point of agreement between Indian philosophy and Western science", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 28-33 H207 Richard Garbe, Indische Reiseskizzen. Munchen-Neubiberg 1925 H208 Richard Garbe, "Transmigration (India)", ERE 11, 1925, 434-435 H209 Richard Garbe, "Vedanta", ERE 11, 1925, 597-598 H210 Alfred S. Geden, "Darsana", ERE 4, 1925, 402 H211 Alfred S. Geden, "Devayana", ERE 4, 1925, 677-679 H212 Alfred S. Geden, "God (Buddhist, Hindu)", ERE 6, 1925: 269, 282 H213 Alfred S. Geden, "Renunciation (Hindu)", ERE 10, 1925, 729-730 H214 Alfred S. Geden, "Salvation (Hindu)", ERE 11, 1925, 132-137 H215 H.Gomperz, Die Indische Theosophie. Jena 1925 H216 Hervey Dewitt Griswold, "Pessimism (India)", ERE 9, 1925, 811-814 H217 Hermann Jacobi, "Cosmogony and cosmology (India)", ERE 4, 1925, 155-166 H218 Ganganatha Jha, "Hindu ethics through American eyes", HR 49, 1925, 43-52 H219 Julius Jolly, "Ethics and morality (Hindu)", ERE 5, 1925, 496-498 H220 Julius Jolly, "Fate (Hindu)", ERE 5, 1925, 790-792 H221 Arthur Berriedale Keith, "Sin (Hindu)", ERE 11, 1925, 560-562 H222 Arthur Berriedale Keith, "Righteousness (Hindu)", ERE 10, 1925, 805-807 H223 Sylvain Levi, "Modern humanism", DUB 4, 1925 H224 Nicol Macnicol, "Mysticism (Hindu)", ERE 9, 1925, 113-117 H225 G.R.Malkani, "The problem of truth", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 238-246 H226 G.R.Malkani, "Intuition", PQ 1, 1925, 179-189 H227 G.R.Malkani, "Existence", PQ 1, 1925, 32-40 H228 G.R.Malkani, "Being", PQ 1, 1925, 68-77 H229 Umesh Mishra, "Synthetic gradation in Indian thought", AUS 1, 1925, 77-97 H230 Caroline A.F. Rhys Davids, "Samadhi", ERE 11, 1925,160-161 H231 R.Krishnaswami Sastri, "Vedanta and Buddhism", VK 12, 1925-26, 401 ff. H233 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "A synthetic study of the Vedanta", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 93-104 H234 Rudolf Steiner, Manifestations of Karma. London 1925 H235 Otto Strauss, Indische Philosophie. Munchen 1925, 1971-72 H236 W.S.Urqhart, "The principle of authority", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 380-384 H237 Siddheswar Varma, "Analysis of meaning in the Indian philosophy of language", JRAS 1925, 21-36. Also JDL 13, 1926, l-38 H238 A.R.Wadia, "Is change ultimate?", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 332-340 H239 J.Woodroffe, "The psychology of Hindu religious ritual", IAL 1, 1925, 68-84 H240 John Allan, "Jnana-marga", ERE 7, 1926, 564-566 H241 John Allan, "Maya", ERE 8, 1926, 503-505 H242 Umesh Chandra Bhattacharjee, "The Gita literature and its relation with Brahma-vidya", IHQ 2, 1926 - 3, 1927 H243 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Eastern and Western mysticism", PICP 6, 1926, 94-101 H244 Aurobindo Ghose, Essays on the Gita. First Series, Calcutta 1926. Second Series, Calcutta 1928. Pondicherry 1949; New York 1950 H245 Helmuth von Glasenapp, "Pragmatische tendenzen in der religion und philosophie der Inder", PICP 6, 1926,102-107 H246 Betty Heimann, "Vergleich der Antithesen europäischen und indischen Denkens", KS 31, 1926, 549-562 H247 Betty Heimann, "Indische philosophie", OL 1926, 898-903 H248 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Analysis of volition in Hindu philosophy", JDL 13, 1926, 39-90 H249 G.R.Malkani, "Problem of proof", PQ 2, 1926, 33-41 H250 G.R.Malkani, "Negation", PQ 3, 1928, 273-284 H251 Umesh Mishra, "Physical theory of sound and its origin in Indian thought", AUS 2, 1926, 239-291 H252 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Jivanmukta", ERE 7, 1926, 563-564 H253 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Karma", ERE 7, 1926, 673-676 H254 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Role of philosophy in civilization", CR 21,1926, 321-331. Also PICP 6, 1926, 543-550 H255 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "'Indian philosophy'--some problems", Mi n.s. 35, 1926, 154-180 H256 Caroline A.F.Rhys Davids, "Moksa", ERE 8, 1926, 770-774 H257 Walter Ruben, "Zur Frühgeschichte der indischen Philosophie", BZLGI 346-357 H258 Badri Nath Sastri, "What were the methods adopted by the ancient Indian thinkers to arrive at the truth?", PAIOC 4.l, Summaries 1926, 90-91 H259 Ralph Lilley Turner, "Karma-marga", ERE 7, 1926, 676-678 H260 Poul Tuxen, "Zur Darstellung der indischen Philosophe", ActOD 4, 1926, 118-123 H261 N.P.Utqikar, "Notes on the Moksadharma section of the Santiparvan of the Mahabharata", PAIOC 4, 1926, 107-132 H262 Yatiswarananda, "Essentials of Hindu philosophy", VK 13, 1926-27, 290 ff. H263 Ernst Arbman, "Altindische Seelenglaube, sein Ursprung und seine Entwicklung", Monde Oriental 21, 1927, 1-185 H263.5 Ponnambalam Arunachalam, Light from the East, being Letters in Gnanm, the Divine Knowledge. London 1927 H264 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The concept of salvation", PQ 3, 1927, 1-45 H265 Surendranath Dasgupta, Hindu Mysticism. Chicago 1927, 1959 H266 Betty Heimann, "Die Bewegungsvorstellung im indischen Denken", AIK 95-101 H267 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Prapancavilayavada--a doctrine of pre-Samkara Vedanta", JOR 1, 1927. Also IPS 2, 28-35 H267.5 Sten Konow, Hindouismen: det religiose linati indian. Two volumes. Stockholm 1927 H268 Girindra Narayan Mallik, The Philosophy of Vaisnava Religion. Lahore 1927 H269 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy. Two volumes. London 1927; New York 1971. Translated into German by R. Jochel, Darmstadt 1955 H270 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, The Hindu View of Life. London 1927, 1960. Translated into German by H. W. Schomerus, Leipzig 1928 H271 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Hindu conception of deity", Jignyasa 1.4, 1927, 1-3 H272 A.S.K.Rao, "Inference in Indian logic", JOR 1, 1927, 375-379 H273 M.Steiner, "Der ahamkara in den älteren Upanisaden", AIK 109-114 H274 Otto Strauss, "Mahabhasya ad Panini 4.1.13 und seine Bedeutung für die Geschichte der indischen Logik", AIK 84-94 H275 P.Yevtis, Karma and Reincarnation. London 1927 H276 L. Adams Beck, The Story of Oriental Philosophy. New York 1928 H277 U.C.Bhattacharya, "Two Mimamsas", IHQ 4, 1928, 612-629 H278 E. de Henseler, L'ame et le dogme de la transmigration dans les livres sacrées de l'Inde ancienne. Paris 1928 H278.5 Jnanananda Deva, The Philosophy of Union by Devotion. Translated by Nityapadananda. Calcutta 1928 H279 Ganganath Jha, The Philosophical Discipline: The Kamala Lectures. Calcutta 1928 H280 Paul Masson-Oursel, "Les traits essentiels de la psychologie Indienne", RP 105, 1928, 418-429 H281 G.Hanumantha Rao, "Prof. M. Hiriyanna as a teacher of philosophy", JMysoreU 12, 1928, 8-12 H282 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "On the study of Indian philosophy", JMU 1, 1928, 135-152. Also CPSSS 1-19 H283 P.D.Shastri, The Essentials of Eastern Philosophy. New York 1928 H284 Stanislas Schayer, "Indische Philosophie als Problem der Gegenwart", JSG 15, 1928, 46-69 H285 Otto Strauss, "Indische Ethik", JSG 15, 1928, 133-152 H286 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, "On atman and non-atman", VQ 6, 1929, 393-400 H287 C.Chakravarti, "Bengal's contribution to philosophical literature in Sanskrit", IA 48, 1929 - 49, 1930 H287.5 Jagdish Chandra Ghose, Sri Aurobindo. Calcutta 1929 H288 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The aim of Indian philosophy", New Era (Madras) 1929. Also PEIP 108-114 H289 C.R.Jain, Faith, Knowledge and Conduct. Allahabad 1929 H289.5 Charlotte Krause, Lectures on Indian Philosophy. Bhavnagar 1929, 1930 H290 Etienne Lamotte, Notes sur le Bhagavadgita. Paris 1929 H291 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Svabhavavada or Indian naturalism", ProcIPC 5, 1929. Also IPS 1, 71-78 H292 Paul Masson-Oursel, "L'autonomie spirituelle selon la pensée indienne", ISCRL 141-144 H293 Umesh Mishra, "Dream theory in Indian thought", AUS 5, 1929, 269-321 H294 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The six darsanas", VK 16, 1929-30, 228 ff. H295 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Indian metaphysics", VK 16, 1929-30: 20, 64, 110 H296 C.C.Sinha, "Hedonism in ancient India", JBRS 14.2, 1929, 183 ff. H297 C.C.Sinha, "The Hindu conception of the moral judgment", JBRS 15, 1929, 14-46 H298 K.R.Srinivasiengar, "Fate or free will: the Indian solution", PQ 5, 1929-30, 106-125 H299 Helmut von Glasenapp, Die Literaturen Indiens von Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Potsdam 1929 H300 Moriz Winternitz, "Anviksiki und atmavidya", in Indologica Pragensia I (Prague 1929) H301 Adolph Constable, "Karma", Hawaiian Buddhist Annual 1930, 55-58 H302 Rasvihary Das, "The ideal as Absolute", PQ 5, 1930, 245-261 H303 Betty Heimann, Studien zur Eignart des Indischen Denkens. Tubingen 1930 H304 P.V.Kane, "Vedanta commentators before Samkaracarya", PAIOC 5, 1930, 937-952 H305 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Theories of validity in Indian philosophy", PQ 5.4, 1930, 301-312. Also SPR 151-163 H306 Susil Kumar Maitra, "The problem of value", RPR 1.2, 1930 - 2.2, 1931 H307 G.R.Malkani, "Intellect and intuition", PQ 5, 1930, 262-269 H308 Rudolf Otto, Die Gnaden religion Indiens und das Christentum. Gotha 1930 H309 Walter Ruben, "Indische und griechische Metaphysik", ZII 8, 1930, 147-227 H310 T.N.Sanyal, "Indian philosophy", POWSBSt 8, 1930, 1-96 H311 F.Otto Schrader, Der Hinduismus. Tubingen 1930 H312 Heinrich Zimmer, Ewiges Indien. Potsdam, Zurich 1930 H313 Ashokananda, Influences of Indian Thought on the Thought of the West. Almora 1931 H314 B.M., "Renunciation--true and false", AP 2, 1931, 827-829 H315 J.D.Beresford, "The moral aspect of reincarnation", AP 2, 1931, 679 ff. H316 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Correction of error as a logical process", CR 39, 1931, 144-155. Also KCBSP II, 193-204 H317 Rene Grousset, Les philosophies indiennes: Les systèmes. Two volumes. Paris 1931 H318 Betty Heimann, "Philosophical aspect of ahimsa", ABORI 13, 1931, 331-334 H319 G.R.Malkani, "The concept of progress", AP 2, 1931, 72 ff. H320 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, The Spirit in Man: Principal Miller Lectures. Madras 1931 H321 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Doctrine of karma and Kant's postulate of morality", AP 2, 1931, 315-320 H322 Walter Ruben, "The problem of evil in Indian philosophy", PQ 8, 1932-33, 42-253 H323 Rudolf Steiner, Destiny or Karma. Translated by Henry Collison. London 1931 H324 P. Trivedi, "The psychology of upasana", BP 46, 1931, 166 ff. H325 B.L.Atreya, "The problem of evil in Indian philosophy", PQ 8, 1932-33, 242-253 H326 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Was there a unitary karma doctrine?", VK 19, 1932-33: 20, 100, 143, 251, 291 H327 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Vicissitudes of the karma doctrine", VK 19, 1932-33, 179 ff. H328 Harisatya Bhattacharya, "Ancient concepts of matter", RPR 3.1, 1932, 20-32 H329 K.C.Bhattacharya, "The False and the Subjective", CR 45, 1932, 1-9 H330 N.K.Brahma, The Philosophy of Hindu Sadhana. London 1932; Delhi 1988, 1999 H330.5 Jarl Charpentier, Brahman: ein sprachwissenschaftlich-exetisch-religous geschichtliche Untersughung. Uppsala 1932 H331 S.K.Das, "Spirit of Indian philosophy", CR 42, 1932, 11-38 H332 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "The doctrine of words as the doctrine of ideas", PQ 8, 1932, 200-208 H333 Govind Chandra Dev, "A study of Indian philosophy", VK 19, 1932-33, 153 ff. H334 Follet, "Quelques sommets de la pensée indienne", Archives e Philosophie 9, 1932 H335 Max H. Harrison, Indian Monism and Pluralism. London 1932 H336 Mysore Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy. London 1932, 1951, 1956 H337 J.H.Hutton, "Metempsychosis", Man in India 12, 1932, 73-76 H338 C.E.M.Joad, "The puzzle of Indian philosophy", AP 3, 1932, 552 ff. H339 Arthur Berriedale Keith, "Some problems of Indian philosophy", IHQ 8, 1932, 426-441 H340 J.M.Kumarappa, "Karma as a theory of retribution", AP 3, 1932, 729 ff. H341 J.M.Kumarappa, "Karma as a theory of causation", AP 3, 1932, 181 ff. H342 G.R.Malkani, "Free will in Indian philosophy", AP 3, 1932, 387 ff. H343 P.M.Modi, Aksara. Baroda 1932 H344 C.V.S.Murthy, "Nature of philosophical endeavor", VK 19, 1932-33, 221-242 H345 T.R.V.Murti, "The universal and the particular", PQ 8, 1932-33. Reprinted StIndT 44-48 H346 Rudolf Otto, West-östliche mystik. Gotha 1929. Translated as Mysticism East and West (New York 1932) H347 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, An Idealist View of Life. New York 1932; London 1951 H348 K.Ramvarma Raja, "Hindu philosophy and religion", QJMS 23, 1932, 315-322 H349 J.N.Sinha, "The nature of prama", PQ 8, 1932-33, 192-199 H350 Stanislas Schayer, "Studien zur indischen Logik", BIAPSL 1932, 98-102; 1933, 1-6; 90-96. Translated by Joberg Tuske in ILAR93-101 H351 T.P.Veeraraghava Sarma, "The sastras are component parts of Vedanta", TSV 1, 1932-33, 175-178 H352 A.R.Wadia, "The study of philosophy in India today", AP 3, 1932, 10 ff. H353 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The fundamentals of Indian philosophy", HMBSP 41-51 H354 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The ethical basis of philosophy", HMBSP 52-61 H354.5 Harisatya Bhattacharya, Ancient Concepts of Matter. 1933 H355 U.C.Bhattacharya, "Concept of svadharma in the Gita", CR 47, 1933, 187-195 H356 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Theories of illusion in Indian philosophy", CR 46, 1933, 303-315 H357 J.N.Chubb, "Time and the significance of contradiction", JUBo 1, 1933, 178-202 H358 A.K.Coomaraswamy, "Kha and other words denoting 'zero' in connection with the metaphysics of space", BSOAS 7, 1933-35, 498 ff. H359 S.K.Das, "The ethical value of the doctrine of reincarnation", AP 4, 1933, 180 ff. H360 S.K.Das, "The puzzle of Indian philosophy", AP 4, 1933, 434 ff. H361 S.R.Das, "Notion of time in Indian philosophy", IHQ 9, 1933, 149-153 H362 Surendranath Dasgupta, Indian Idealism. Cambridge 1933, 1962 H363 Franklin Edgerton, "Jnana and vijnana", FMW 217-220 H364 Jean Filliozat, "La force cosmique dans la philosophie medicale de l'Inde et dans le Veda", RP 116, 1933, 410-429 H365 Mysore Hiriyanna, "What is ananyatvam?", FMW 221-224. Also IPS 2, 60-64 H366 Edmond Holmes, The Headquarters of Reality. London 1933 H367 S.S.Jalota, "On the problem of error", CR 48, 1933, 81-91 H368 B.K.Mallik, "Sir Herbert Samuel and Sir S. Radhakrishnan", AP 4, 1933, 648 ff. H369 Bipin Chandra Pal, Bengal Vaishnavism. Calcutta 1933 H370 J.B.Pratt, "Recent developments in Indian thought", JP 30, 1933, 505-517 H371 R.B.A.Roya, "Yogaksema", BSOAS 7, 1933-35, 133-136 H372 Lillian M. Russell, "Albert Schweitzer on Indian thought", AP 4, 1933, 375 ff. H373 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, East and West in Religion. London 1933 H374 Stanislas Schayer, "Über die methode der Nyaya-Forschung", FMW 247-257. Reprinted in ILAR pp. 102-109 H375 F.Otto Schrader, "Ancient Gita commentaries", IHQ 9, 1933, 348-357 H376 Mahendranath Sircar, "Moksa", AP 4, 1933, 755 ff. H377 Mahendranath Sircar, "Reality in Indian thought", PR 42, 1933, 249-271 H378 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Atmanism", PQ 9, 1933-34, 1-23 H379 N.Venkataraman, "The practical outlook of Indian philosophy", PQ 9, 1933-34, 262-269 H379.5 B. L. Atreya, The Elements of Indian Logic. Benares 1934; Bombay 1948; Moradabad 1962 H380 A.S.Ayyub, "Why is philosophy stagnant?", CR 49, 1934, 325-351 H381 R.Berthelot, "L'astrobiologie et la pensée de l'Asie" (reference lost) H382 U.C.Bhattacharya, "Problem of time in Indian thought", CR 52, 1934, 302-309. Also PQ 10, 1934, 189-198 H383 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The theory of perception in Indian philosophy", COJ 2, 1934, 1-13 H384 Walter E. Clark, Indian Conceptions of Immortality. Cambridge, Mass. 1934 H385 Paul Cohen-Portheim, The Message of Asia. London 1934 H386 Sudhendu Kumar Das, Sakti or Divine Power. Calcutta 1934 H387 Dayananda, "Concept of God in the various schools of Hindu philosophy", KK 1, 1934, 128-142 H388 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Types of Indian thought", AP 5, 1934, 547 ff. Also PEIP 25-29 H390 G.R.Malkani, "The Absolute", PQ 10, 1934: 199, 351 H391 A.Micha, La reincarnation. Le karma. Deux conferences. Bruxelles 1934 H392 T.R.V.Murti, "Perception and its object", PQ 10, 1934-35, 93-103 H393 T.R.V.Murti, "Knowing, feeling and willing as functions of consciousness", PQ 10, 1934-35. Reprinted StIndT 17-32 H394 P.T.Raju, "Need for re-orientation of Indian philosophy", AP 5, 1934, 356 ff. H395 M.V.V.K.Rangachari, "Causality in modern science and Indian philosophy", PQ 10, 1934, 159-170 H396 J.N.Rawson, The Katha Upanisad. Oxford 1934 H397 Caroline A.F. Rhys Davids, "Religiöse Übungen in Indian und der Religios Mensch", EJ 1933, 95-134 H398 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, Indian Religion and Survival. London 1934 H399 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Indian misrepresentations of Indian philosophy", AP 5, 1934, 30 ff. H400 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Indian metaphysics today", VK 21, 1934-35, 135 ff. H401 F. Harold Smith, Outline of Hinduism. London 1934 H402 Otto Stein, "New contributions to Indian philosophy", JIH 13, 1934, 87-99 H403 S.Subba Rau, "The Indian philosophy on the realistic side", KBPCV 166-176 H404 Jadunath Sinha, Indian Psychology (Perception). London 1934 H405 Hakuju Ui, "Der Ursprung der Trairupyalinga Théorie in der indischen Logik", ACV 343-345 H406 K.C.Varadachari, Living Teaching of the Vedanta. 1934 H407 P.S.S.Aiyar, Evolution of Hindu Moral Ideals. Calcutta 1935 H407.5 Suddhananda Bharati, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Pondichery 1935 H408 Ashoknath Bhattacharya, "Brahman and the world", JDL 28, 1935, 100 pp. H409 B.H.Bon Swami, Gedanken über den Hinduismus. Berlin 1935 H410 Prabhatchandra Chakravarti, "Analysis of bhakti", JDL 28, 1935, 1-13 H411 S.C.Bharati, Khyativada. POWSBT 58, 1935 H412 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Theories of knowledge in Indian and Western philosophy", CR 57, 1935, 161-167 H413 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The dividing line between perception and inference", CR 57, 1935, 140-148 H414 Rasvihary Das, "The self and the ideal", JDL 27, 1935, 1-251 H415 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Contemporary Indian philosophy", AP 6, 1935: 197, 718 H416 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Two Indian philosophers", AP 6, 1935, 394 ff. H417 Betty Heimann, "Deutung und Bedeutung indischer Terminologie", CIDO 19, Roma 1935, 284-297 H418 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The twofold way of life", PAIOC 8, 1935, 303-312. Also PEIP 35-42 H419 C.R.Jain, Omniscience. Bijnore 1935 H420 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Harris and Indian philosophy", Mon 46, 1935, 112 ff. H421 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Theories of false appearance, CR 53, 1935, 51-58. Also SPR 236-264 H422 T.R.V.Murti, "Types of Indian realism", PQ 11, 1935 - 13, 1937. Reprinted StIndT 127-153 H423 T.R.V.Murti, "Illusion as confusion of subjective functions", PQ 11, 1935. Reprinted StIndT 33-43 H424 T.R.V.Murti, "The conception of body", PQ 11, 1935. Reprinted StIndT 49-56 H425 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Contemporary Indian philosophy", AP 6, 1935, 330 ff. H426 P.T.Raju, "The outcry against comparative philosophy", AP 6, 1935, 97 ff. H427 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Niskama karma in its social application", RPR 6.1, 1935, 1-56 H428 B.N.Krishnamurti Sarma, "Ancient Gita commentaries--a rejoinder", IHQ 11, 1935, 169-179 H429 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Future of Indian metaphysics", VK 22, 1935-36, 508 ff. H430 D.S.Sarma, "God and man in Hinduism", AP 6, 1935, 420 ff. H431 Stanislas Schayer, "On philosophical speculations of the Indians" (in Polish). Przeglad Wspolczesny 161, 1935, 289-311 H432 Albert Schweitzer, Indian Thought and its Development. Published in German (Munchen 1935); in Dutch (Haarlem 1935); in English (London 1930; Boston 1952); in Spanish (1952, 1958); in Danish (1956); in Japanese (1957) H433 M.D.Shastri, "History of the word isvara and its idea", PAIOC 7, 1935, 487-503. Also POWSBSt 10, 1938, 35-36 H434 S.Srikantha Sastri, "The age of Samkara", PAIOC 8, 1935, 563-572 H434.5 Brahmananda Sivayogi, Anandadarsanam: a little mirror to see the eternal bliss in us. Translated b T. Narayanan Nambiar. Alathur, Palghat 1935 H435 Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Srimad Bhagavadgita Rahasya. Translated from Marathi by Bhalcandra Sitaram Sukhthankar. Poona 1935 H436 K.C.Varadachari, "What is intuition according to Tagore, Radhakrishnan, Aurobindo?", AP 6, 1935, 496 ff. H437 Abhedananda, "Hindu philosophy in India", CIP 49-56 H438 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The principles of activism", CIP 67-104 H439 K.C.Bhattacharya, "The concept of philosophy", CIP 105-128. Also KCBSP II, 95-120 H440 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Objective interpretation of percept and image", PQ 12, 1936, i-vii. Also KCBSP II, 261-270 H441 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, "The art of Indian philosophy", CR 58, 1936, 23-42 H442 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "On the pertinence of philosophy", CIP 151-174 H443 N.G.Damle, "The faith of an idealist", CIP 175-196 H444 P.R.Damle, "Study of Indian philosophy", JUBo 4, 1936, 139-148 H445 Bhagavan Das, "Atmavidya, or the science of the Self", CIP 197-230 H446 Rasvihary Das, "Pursuit of truth through doubt and belief", CIP 231-250 H447 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Philosophy of dependent emergence", CIP 289-316 H448 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Knowledge, reality and the unknown", CIP 289-316 H448.5 Gnaneswarananda, Ramakrishna: the Man and the Power. Chicago 1936 H449 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The problem of truth", CIP 335-356. Also IPS 1, 1-17 H450 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Reincarnation: some Indian views", AP 7, 1936, 350 ff. Also PEIP 43-48 H451 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Man's interest in philosophy: an Indian view", CIP 593-622 H452 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "Outlines of an emergence theory of values", CIP 379-408 H453 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Nature of truth", RPR 7.1, 1936, 11-18 H454 G.R.Malkani, "The Hindu conception of rebirth", AP 7, 1936, 551 ff. H455 G.R.Malkani, "The nature of philosophical reflection", PB 41, 1936, 546-553 H456 G.R.Malkani, "Relation of self to knowledge", PB 41, 1936 H457 G.R.Malkani, "Freedom through knowledge", CIP 409-430 H458 R. Mookerji, "Integrating influences in India: Tagore, Gandhiji, Aurobindo", AP 7, 1936, 325 ff. H459 T.R.V.Murti, "The place of feeling in conduct", PQ 12, 1936, 204-213 H460 T.R.V.Murti, "The spirit of philosophy", CIP 457-474 H461 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The supreme spiritual ideal--the Hindu view", HJ 35, 1936-37, 26-39 H462 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The spirit in man", CIP 475-508 H463 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, The Heart of Hindusthan. Madras 1936 H464 P.T.Raju, "Philosophy in India", HR 69, 1936-37, 229-234 H465 P.T.Raju, "The inward Absolute and the activism of the finite self", CIP 509-538 H466 R.D.Ranade, "The evolution of my own thought", CIP 539-564 H467 Kshiti Mohan Sen, Medieval Mysticism of India, London 1936 H468 Brij Lal Sharma, "Ethical action and its fruit", CR 61, 1936, 329-338 H469 Brij Lal Sharma, "Authority and obedience in Vedanta", IJE 46, 1936, 350-363 H470 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The problem of Self", NUJ 2, 1936, 93-l19 H471 H.J.Smith, "The personal basis of Indian thought", Personality 17, 1936, 37-47 H472 A.G.Widgery, "Reincarnation and karma: their value to the individual and the State", AP 7, 1936, 451 ff. H473 Heinrich Zimmer, Maya (in German). Stuttgart 1936 H474 Ad. Attenhofer, "Die Anfänge der Indischen philosophie", Philosophia 2, 1937-38, 116-131 H475 Aurobindo Ghose, "Life-value of Indian philosophy", CR 63, 1937, 198-204 H475.1 Complete Catalogue of Sri Aurobindo's Works. Calcutta 1937 H476 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The meaning of dharma", PAIOC 9, 1937, 640-657. Also RPR 7.2, 1938, 33-46 H477 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Negation as a fact", PQ 13, 1937, 202-210 H478 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Knowledge as knowing and knownness", CR 64, 1937, 300-314 H479 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Essence=Universal Thought", PQ 13, 1937, 270-291 H480 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The idea of noumenon", CR 63, 1937, 327-337 H481 Umesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Space, time and Brahma", POS 39, 1937, 69-85 H482 A.Chakravarti, "Humanism and Indian thought", JMU 9, 1937, 1-29 H483 C.D.Deshmukh, "Concept of liberation", PQ 13, 1937, 155-162 H484 P.Romero Diaz, Filosofia de la India. Caracas 1937 H485 Prahlad C. Divanji, "The problem of freedom in Indian philosophy", PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 41 H486 Maryla Falk and Jean Przyluski, "Aspects d'une ancienne psychophysiologie dans l'Inde et en Estrème Orient", BSOAS 9, 1937-39, 723-728 H487 Betty Heimann, Indian and Western Philosophy. London 1937 H488 Betty Heimann, "Plurality, polarity, and unity in Hindu thought: a doxographical study", BSOAS 9, 1937-39, 1015-1022. Also CIDO 1940, 180-182 H489 Jean Herbert, Quelques Grands Penseurs de l'Inde Moderne. Paris 1937 H490 V.S.Iyer, "Pure philosophy in India", PICP 9.9, 1937, 162-170. Also VSIPT 177-187 H491 K.P.Jayaswal, "Lost Sanskrit works recovered from Tibet", MR 61, 1937. Also MB 45.3, 1937. Reprinted in RSSE i-xix H492 C.E.M.Joad, "The testimony of Indian philosophy", AP 8, 1937, 80 ff. H493 N.S.Junankar, The Conceptions of Time, Space and Motion in Early Indian Philosophy. D.Phil. Dissertation, Oxford University 1937 H494 Sylvain Levi, "La tranmigration des ames dans les croyances hindoues", AMG, Bibliotheque de vulgarisation XVI. Reprinted MSylLevi 24-38 H495 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Present tendencies in Indian philosophy", VK 24, 1937-38, 69 ff. H496 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The nature of reality", KK 4, 1937, 516-519 H497 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "The spiritual life and its realization", CR 62, 1937, 65-71 H498 G.R.Malkani, "Existence", PQ 13, 1937, 168-178 H499 Paul Masson-Oursel, "La notion indienne de méthode", Congres Descartes V, 1937, 74-76 H500 Paul Masson-Oursel, "L'Inde à-t-elle fait une psychologie?", Scientia 61, 1937, 222-225 H501 Paul Masson-Oursel, "La psychologie contemporaine occidentale et les conditions d'intelligence de la pensée indienne", Journal de Psychologie normale et pathologique 34, 1937, 152-153 H502 Paul Masson-Oursel, "Die indische Auffassung der psychologischen Gegebenheiten", EJ 5, 1937-38, 79-91 H503 R.R.Natu, "The climax of freedom", JUBo 6, 1937, 73-85 H504 N.A.Nikam, "Evil and karma in 'Contemporary Indian Philosophy'", Triveni 9.12, 1937, 52-57 H505 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Progress and spiritual values", Ph 12, 1937, 259-275 H506 P.T.Raju, Thought and Reality. London 1937 H507 Caroline A.F. Rhys Davids, To Become or Not To Become (That is the Question!): Episodes in the History of an Indian Word. London 1937 H508 R.Shamasastry, "The concept of mukti in Indian philosophy", POS 39, 1937, 349-358 H509 C.C.Sinha, "Hindu conception of moral science", JBRS 23, 1937, 58-81 H510 Otto Strauss, "A contribution to the problem of the relation between karma, jnana and moksa", KSCV 159-166 H511 E.Techoueyres, À la recherche de l'unité. Paris 1937 H512 Poul Tuxen, "Die Grundlegung der Moral nach indischer Auffassung", ActOD 15, 1937, 1-25 H513 K.C.Varadachari, "The one and the many", JBHU 1, 1937, 243-286 H514 Fr. Zacharias, "Indian eschatologies", PAIOC 9, 1937, 630-639 H515 S.N.Bhattacharya, "The behavior of a jivanmukta", PB 43, 1938, 70-73 H516 Bhagavan Das, The Science of the Self. 1938 H517 F.S.Hammett, "The ideas of the ancient Hindus concerning man", Isis 28, 1938, 57-72 H518 Betty Heimann, "Significance of numbers in Hindu philosophical texts", Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Arts 6, 1938, 88-93 H519 Jean Herbert, Quelques Tendances de la Philosophie Hindoue Moderne. Paris 1938 H520 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Pramana", JOR 12, 1938, 1-5. Also IPS 1, 65-70 H521 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Indian conception of values", ABORI 19, 1938-39, 10-24. Also QAP 21-35 H522 R.J.Jackson, India's Quest for Reality. London 1938 H523 Jnaneswarananda, "Relativity and the Hindu conception of God", PB 43, 1938, 378-381 H524 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Josiah Royce and Indian thought", CR 69, 1938, 1-8 H525 R.Mahadevan, "The conception of personality in Indian materialism", PQ 14, 1938, 221-227 H526 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "Philosophy and life", PB 43, 1938, 235-237 H527 G.R.Malkani, "Mysticism", PQ 14, 1938, 1-13 H528 G.R.Malkani, "Philosophical knowledge", PQ 14, 1938, 239-237 H529 S.K.Prem, "Initiation into yoga", RPR 7.2, 1938, 21-32 H530 S.K.Prem, "The search for truth", RPR 7.1, 1938, 19-28 H531 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Future life", PB 43, 1938, 113-118 H532 C.Rajagopalachariar (of Chattoor), "Mysticism and bhakti", Triveni 10.9, 1938, 46-51 H533 N.V.Raman, "The nature of mind and its relation to the soul: an Indian justification for behaviorism", PQ 14, 1938, 29-39 H534 R.D.Ranade, "A philosophy of spirit", RPR 7.2, 1938, 7-12 H535 S.Santinatha, Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Religion. Two volumes. Amalner 1938 H536 Ashokanath Shastri, "Sunya and Brahman", IC 5, 1938-39, 271-278 H537 Stanislas Schayer, Contributions to the Problem of Time in Indian Philosophy. Cracovie 1938. Reprinted ETB 147-298 H538 Jadunath Sinha, Indian Realism. London 1938; Delhi 1972 H539 C.C.Sinha, "Hindu conception of moral science", JBRS 23.1, 1938, 58 ff. H540 Mahendranath Sircar, "The essentials of bhakti", PB 43, 1938, 290-293 H541 Dorothy A.L. Stede, The Concrete Expression of Abstract Ideas in Indian Philosophy, with special reference to Comparisons as Means of Evidence. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1938 H542 K.C.Varadachari, "W.T.Stace on Indian philosophy", Lingaraja College Miscellany 1938 H543 Helmut von Glasenapp, Unsterblichkeit und Erlösung in den indischen Religionen. Schriften der Konigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse 14 (Hall, 1938). Translated by E.J.F.Payne as Immortality and Salvation in Indian Religions (Calcutta 1963) H544 P.B.Adhikary, "A philosophy the age requires", VQ 5.2, 1939, 167-174 H545 R.C.Adhikary, "Philosophy and life from the Indian standpoint", Scientia 65, 1939, 1-9 H546 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Knowledge and reality", PB 44, 1939, 610-615 H547 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "Theory of negation", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 55 H548 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The memory of knowledge", PQ 14, 1939, 267-280 H549 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Object and appearance", PQ 15, 1939, 71-80 H550 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Approaches to the ideal", PB 44, 1939, 372-380 H551 Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya, "Catuskoti", POS 37, 1939: II, 85-91 H552 Paul Brunton, Indian Philosophy and Modern Culture. New York 1939 H553 Bool Chand, "Platonic concept of justice compared with the Hindu concept of dharma", BhV 1, 1939-40, 162-168 H554 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Indian conception of philosophy", CR 70, 1939, 11-28 H555 Rasvihary Das, "Indian philosophy", PQ 15, 1939, 217-226 H556 Rasvihary Das, "Self-knowledge", PQ 15, 1939, 97-104 H557 Maryla Falk, Il mito psicologico nell'India antica. Roma 1939 H558 Erich Frauwallner, "Der arische Anteil an der indischen Philosophie", WZKM 46, 1939, 267-291 H559 C.Hunter, "Les grands penseurs de l'Inde", Revue d'histoire de la philosophie religieuse (Strasbourg) 19, 1939, 172-178 H560 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The idea of purusartha", PB 44, 1939, 76-79. Also PEIP 65-68 H561 C.E.M.Joad, "Indian logicians: a study in Eastern and Western philosophizing", AP 10, 1939, 495 ff. H562 G.R.Malkani, "Nature of value--Indian view", AP 10, 1939, 424 ff. H563 G.R.Malkani, "The ultimate indivisibility of substance", PQ 15, 1939, 117-124 H564 G.R.Malkani, "Rationalism in philosophy", PQ 14, 1939, 281-290 H565 G.R.Malkani, "Being and negation", PQ 15, 1939, 208-216 H566 B.K.Mallik, The Individual and the Group. London 1939 H567 P.M.Modi, "Karmayoga (a historical study)", RPR 8.2, 1939, 17-24 H568 T.R.V.Murti, "The concept of body", PQ 15, 1939, 1-11 H569 P.S.Naidu, "On negation", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 55-56 H570 N.A.Nikam, "The basis of pluralism", RPR 8.2, 1939, 43-48 H571 Prabhavananda, "Samadhi or transcendental consciousness", VATW 2.5, 1939, 3-10 H572 Sarvepalli Readhakrishnan, Eastern Religions and Western Thought. Oxford 1939, 1940, 1959 H573 P.T.Raju, "Identity in difference in some Vedantic systems", NIA 2, 1939. Also VIISR 241-255 H574 P.T.Raju, "Traditionalism and interpretation of experience", VQ n.s. 4, 1939, 291-304 H575 P.Ramamurthy, "Mysticism, rationalism and life values", RPR 8.2, 1939 H576 Anilbaran Roy, "Realization and its method", PB 44, 1939, 352 ff. H577 N.N.Sengupta, "'Joy', 'delight' and 'consolation'", RPR 8.l, 1939, 13-26 H578 Mahendranath Sircar, "Reason, revelation and faith", PB 44, 1939, 380 ff. H579 D.Venkataramiah, "Belief and action", QJMS 30, 1939-40, 122-127 H580 Aurobindo Ghose, The Life Divine. Calcutta 1940; Pondicherry 1955 H581 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The apparent and the real self", PB 45, 1940, 408-412 H582 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The problem of value in Indian philosophy", PQ 16, 1940-41, 29-48 H584 Veluri Chandrasekharan, "Sri Aurobindo's 'Life Divine'", Triveni 13, 1940: 1-4 H584.5 Prabhat Charan Chakravarti, Doctrine of Sakti in Indian Literature. Calcutta 1940 H585 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "Manas", WoolCV 43-60 H586 G.Dandoy, Karma, Evil and Punishment. Ranchi 1940 H587 Rasvihary Das, "On knowledge", PQ 15, 1940, 245-261 H588 Surendranath Dasgupta, "La pensée hindoue et le mysticisme", LPB 3, 1940, 12-14 H589 J.Grenier, "Reflexions sur la pensée indienne", La nouvelle revue francaise 28, 1940, 247-254 H590 Betty Heimann, "Reality of fiction in Hindu thought", DRBV 97-102 H591 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "An appeal to philosophic thinkers in India", RPR 9.1, 1940, 9-18 H592 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Has India any philosophy?", Triveni 12.7-8, 1940, 25-35 H593 N.S.Junankar, "The principles and systems of Indian logic", CIDO 1940, 217-218 H594 Arnold Kunst, "An overlooked type of inference", BSOAS 10, 1940-42, 976-991 H595 R.M.Loomba, "Empirical ego, metaphysical ego and mystical ego", PB 45, 1940, 514-518 H596 G.R.Malkani, "Reality and process", PQ 15, 1940, 269-282 H597 G.R.Malkani, "The principle of inexplicability in philosophy", PQ 16, 1940-41, 49-60 H598 G.R.Malkani, "Reality of time", PQ 16, 1940-41, 208-217 H599 B.K.Mallik, The Real and the Negative. London 1940 H600 Prabhat Mukherjee, The History of Medieval Vaishnavism in Orissa. Calcutta 1940; New Delhi 1981 H601 P.S.Naidu, "Foundation and sketch plan for a new treatise on Indian philosophy", JSVRI l.2, 1940, 129-136 H602 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Science and reality", JOR 14, 1940, 1-9 H603 V.Raghavan, "The Surapuram chiefs and some Sanskrit writers patronized by them", QJAHRS 13.1, 1940, 11-33 H604 S.S.Raghavachar, "The basis of ultimate values", CR 75, 1940, 41-50 H605 P.T.Raju, "Our knowledge of the universal", Ramalinga Reddy Sastyabdapurti Commemoration Volume (Waltair 1940). Part II, 271-283 H606 Anilbaran Roy, "The law of karma", VK 27, 1940, 185-189 H607 Babu Ram Saksena, "Sambhuti and asambhuti: an interpretation", WoolCV 209-211 H608 Jaidev Singh, "Role of bhavana in moral and spiritual development", RPR 9.1, 1940, 43-48 H609 Dorothy A.L. Stede, "The role of alamkara in Indian philosophy", DRBV 131-140 H610 I.K.Taimni, "Some illusions in our life", RPR 9.2, 1940, 45-52 H611 Helmut von Glasenapp, Entwicklungsstufen des indischen Denkens. Halle 1940 H612 Aurobindo Ghose, Isa Upanishad. Calcutta 1941; Pondicherry 1951 H613 F.Benedetti, I tre volti dell'India: religioni, filosofia, politica. Verona 1941 H614 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Personal and impersonal persistence", PQ 17, 1941-42, 184-197 H615 E.H.Brewster, "The philosophy of Aurobindo Ghose", RPR 10.2, 1941, 63-71 H616 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The methods of philosophy", CR 80, 1941, 223-248 H617 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Philosophy, science and religion", VK 28, 1941-42, 163-171 H618 Surendranath Dasgupta, Philosophical Essays. Calcutta 1941 H619 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The quest after perfection", JMU 13.2, 1941, 28 page Supplement. Also QAP 43-79 H620 K.R.S.Iyengar, "Progress or perfection?", PQ 17, 1941-42, 298-313 H621 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", PB 46, 1941: 113, 210, 261 H622 Sisir Kumar Maitra, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Calcutta 1941; Banaras 1945 H623 Susil Kumar Maitra, Studies in Philosophy and Religion. Calcutta 1941, 1956 H624 G.R.Malkani, "Religion and philosophy", VK 27, 1941-42, 49-55 H625 G.R.Malkani, "Are we philosophically progressing?", PQ 17, 1941-42, 37-42 H626 G.R.Malkani, "The one and the many", PQ 17,1941-42, 151-156 H627 F.Melzer, "Was ist Wirklichkeit? Zur Frage nach den indischen Denkformen", Evangelische Missionzeitschrift 1941, 9 H628 K.Pal, "Philosophy in modern India", PB 46, 1941, 35 ff. H629 P.T.Raju, "Morality and self-realization", PVKF 362-369 H630 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The four values in Hindu thought", QJMS 32, 1941, 192-197 H631 C.V.S.Rau, A Glossary of Philosophical Terms. SSVOI 3, 1941 H632 R.R.Sarma, "Self-luminosity of consciousness", PAIOC 11, Summaries 1941, 118-119 H633 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The problem of change in ancient and modern philosophy", VK 28, 1941-42, 407-414 H634 V.S.Talasikar, "Hindu epistemology and modern thought", AP 12, 1941, 113 ff. H635 K.C.Varadachari, "The doctrine of substitution in religion and mysticism", JSVRI 2, 1941, 9-16 H636 K.C.Varadachari, "Philosophy and life", RPR 10.3, 1941, 41-54 H637 K.C.Varadachari, "Sri Aurobindo and his philosophy", VK 28, 1941-42, 339-343 H637.5 H638 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The nature of knowledge", VK 29, 1942-43, 339-343 H639 K.Das, "Causality and continuity", VK 29, 1942-43, 336-341 H639.5 Vicente Fatone, Introduction al conocimiento de la filosofia en la India. Buenos Aires 1942 H640 B.Hager, Die Entwicklung des Maya-Begriffes im Indo-arischen. Dissertation, Tubingen 1942 H641 Jean Herbert, Vedantisme et vie pratique. Paris 1942 H642 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Comparative philosophy", AP 13, 1942, 519 ff. H643 C.L.Holden, "The philosophy of Krishnamurti", RPR 11.2, 1942 H644 K.R.S.Iyengar, The Metaphysics of Value. MUSIP 2, 1942 H645 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Philosophy as such in India: a misapprehension", AP 13, 1942, 6 ff. H646 M.Ledrus, "Theme et tendance de la philosophie indienne", Gregorianum 23, 1942, 7-34 H647 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "Sri Aurobindo's conception of intuition", PB 47, 1942, 332 ff. H648 G.R.Malkani, "Immortality", VK 29, 1942-43, 178-182 H649 G.R.Malkani, "Philosophical knowledge", PQ 18, 1942-43, 111-117 H650 G.R.Malkani, "Sri Aurobindo's theory of creation", PQ 18, 1942-43, 60-267 H651 Ramdas, Pensées. Paris 1942 H652 S.K.Saksena, "Indian and Western idealism", RPR 11.4, 1942, 46-50 H653 Sampurnanand, Cosmogony in Indian Thought. Banaras 1942 H654 Sharvananda, "Intuition, mental and supramental", PB 47, 942, 462 ff. H655 M.H.Syed, "The Aryan view of life", RPR 11.4, 1942, 5-13 H656 V.S.Talasikar, "Social implications of Indian philosophy", PB 47, 1942, 568 ff. H657 D.T.Tatacarya, "Theories of sentence-significance", JSVRI 3, 1942, 215-228 H658 K.C.Varadachari, "Sri Aurobindo and his philosophy of individual self", PQ 18, 1942-43, 170-174 H659 A.U.Vasavda, "Modern thought and S. Radhakrishnan", BhV 4, 1942-43, 41-51 H660 A. Banerji-Sastri, "Neoplatonists and Indian philosophers", JBRS 29, 1943, 74-86 H661 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Indian philosophy and religion", VK 30, 1943-44, 244-247 H662 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The correspondence theory of truth and error", CR 88, 1943, 127-147 H663 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The intuitionist theory of truth and error", VK 30, 1943-44, 64-68 H664 J.N.Chubb, "Freedom and truth", PQ 19, 1943-44, 179-191 H665 K.Das, "The finite and the infinite", VK 30, 1943-44, 102-106 H666 Rasvihary Das, "The Falsity of the world", PQ 19, 1943-44, 80-90 H667 D.G.Londhey, "The philosophical background of Indian culture", PB 48, 1943: 142, 183, 245 H668 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Life after death--in modern times", VK 30, 1943-44, 220-223 H669 G.R.Malkani, "Is metaphysical knowledge possible?", PQ 19, 1943-44, 100-116 H670 G.R.Malkani, "Sri Aurobindo's synthesis of the Vedantic schools of thought", PQ 19, 1943-44, 67-79 H671 G.R.Malkani, "The higher knowledge according to Sri Aurobindo", PQ 19, 1943-44, 1-15 H672 A.C.Mukerji, The Nature of Self. Allahabad 1943 H673 Jwala Prasad, "A dialogue on the nature of the individual self", NUJ 9, 1943, 41-54 H674 P.T.Raju, "The Absolute", VK 30, 1943-44, 317-320 H675 P.Nagaraja Rao, Schools of Vedanta. Bombay 1943 H676 P.Nagaraja Rao, "A bird's-eye view of Indian philosophy", PB 48, 1943, 347 ff. H677 Alexander Aitken Rattray, The Fundamental Unity of Indian Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Chicago 1943 H678 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Facts--positive and negative", AP 14, 1943, 464 ff. H679 Lucian Scherman, "Indische Weisheit", JAOS 63, 1943, 241-261 H680 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Philosophy as a way of life", VK 30, 1943-44, 37-41 H681 Susanne Sommerfeld, Indienschau und Indiendeutung romantischer Philosophen. Zurich 1943 H682 M.Hafiz Syed, "Element of optimism in Indian thought", RPR 12.3-4, 1943, 53-64 H683 P.Trivedi, "Consciousness and the self", PQ 19, 1943-44, 38-44 H684 P.Trivedi, "States of consciousness--waking, dream and sleep", PQ 19, 1943-44, 91-99 H685 A.K.Banerjee, "The philosophy of divine lila", PB 49, 1944: 275, 311 H686 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Theory of internal relations", CR 92, 1944, 152-159 H687 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "On the one and only transmigrant", JAOS 64, 1944, Supplement H688 Alfred Forke, "Chinesische und indische Philosophie", ZDMG 98, 1944, 195-237 H689 Carlo Formichi, India: Pensiero e azione. Milano 1944 H690 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Hinduism and Buddhism", AP 15, 1944, 76 ff. H691 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "Self-effort of grace", VK 31, 1944-45, 8 ff. H692 G.R.Malkani, "Can Indian philosophy be made progressive?", AP 15, 1944, 441 ff H693 P.S.Naidu, "God is all: but all are not in God", VK 31, 1944-45, 137 ff. H694 Nirvedananda, Hinduism at a Glance. Calcutta 1944 H695 Prajnananda, "Is a jivanmukta subject to ignorance?", PB 49, 1944, 330 ff. H696 P.T.Raju, "Interpretation of Indian philosophy", AP 15, 1944, 254 ff. H697 P.T.Raju, "Indian philosophy: its attitude to the world", VK 31, 1944-45, 148-163 H698 P.T.Raju, "Arthapatti, its logical significance", PAIOC 12.2, 1944, 398-414 H699 P.T.Raju, "Progress and Indian philosophy", ABORI 25, 1944-45, 88-98 H700 S.K.Saksena, Nature of Consciousness in Hindu Philosophy. Banaras 1944; Delhi 1971 H701 R.G.Shahani, "A philosopher of reconciliation: a portrait of Aurobindo", IAL 18, 1944, 31-37 H701.1 Arwind U. Vasavda, "Constructive elements in the philosophy of Radhakrishnan", JBHU 9, 1944-45, 1-11 H702 M.Yamunacharya, "Dharma and social progress", JMysoreU 5, 1944, 1-17 H703 Ernst Abegg, Indische Psychologie. Zurich 1945. Translated into Spanish as Fuentes de psicologie hindu., Buenos Aires 1960 H704 Ernst Abegg, "Die Problem der Realität in des indischen Philosophie", Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Philosophische Gesellschaft (Basel) 5, 1945, 1-25 H705 Theos Bernard, Philosophical Foundations of India. London 1945 H705.5 J. Filliozat, "Le charité dans le monde indien", Cahiers de la vie spirituelle, L'Amour du prochain (Paris 1945), 327-345. Translated by M. Shukla as "Charity in Indian thought", RofY 3-17 H705.5 Rene Guenon, Introduction General al Estudio de las Doctrines Hindoues. Buenos Aires 1945; Paris 1949. Published in English as introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines (London 1945). H705.7 Rene Guenon, La metaphysique orientale. Paris 1945, 1970, 1997 H706 Betty Heimann, "The basic ideas of India and the West", IAL 19, 1945 H707 Betty Heimann, "Significance of negation in Hindu philosophical thought", BCLV II, 408-412 H707.5 K.R.Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo. Calcutta 1945 H708 Jnaneswarananda, "The subconscious and the superconscious", VATW 8, 1945, 165-174 H709 Jnaneswarananda, "Reincarnation and karma", VATW 8, 1945, 78-88 H710 D.P.Lingwood, "Ideas toward a history of Indian philosophy", VK 32, 1945-46, 197 ff. H711 Sisir Kumar Maitra, Studies in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy. Banaras 1945 H712 H.G.Narahari, "The Nirukta and the theory of transmigration", IHQ 21, 1945, 118-123 H713 J.B.Pratt, "Study of Indian philosophy", VATW 8,1945, 89-90 H714 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Relation between matter and mind: a Hindu view", AP 16, 1945, 252 ff. H715 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Monism, qualified monism, and dualism: a re-synthesis", PB 50, 1945, 66-69 H716 N.N.Sengupta, "Attention and mystical discipline: a psychological approach", BharKau II, 779-816 H717 Siddheswarananda, Quelques aspects de la philosophie vedantique. Paris 1945 H718 S.Simonsson, "The categories of proof in Indian logic", PPR 6, 1945-46, 400-407 H719 Jaidev Singh, "The concept of duhkha in Indian philosophy", JGJRI 2, 1945, 357-369 H720 Akhilananda, Hindu Psychology. New York 1946 H721 A.K.Banerjee, "The practice of bhakti and faith", VK 33, 1946-47, 445-448 H722 C.P.Brahmo, Theories of Causation in Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1946 H722.5 Veluri Chandrasekhara, Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': a Brief Sketch.Pondicherry 1946 H723 M.Chatterjee, "Dharma", VATW 9, 1946, 91-93 H724 A.C.Das, "Bergson and Sri Aurobindo on grades of intuition", CR 100, 1946, 170-174 H725 B.N.Dasgupta, "The dialectics of Hindu thought", The Marxian Way 1.4, 1946, 328-348 H726 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Indian philosophy and hedonism", IHQ 22, 1946, 263-268. Also IPS 1, 127-134 H727 Jagadiswarananda, "The concept of causality in Indian philosophy", AP 17, 1946, 332 ff. H728 Susil Kuimar Maitra, "The spirit of Indian philosophy", PB 51, 1946, 258-267 H729 G.R.Malkani, "Is Indian philosophy marking time?", AP 17, 1946, 285 ff. H730 G.R.Malkani, "The problem of the one and the many", PQ 20, 1946-47 - 21, 1947 H731 F.S.C.Northrop, Meeting of East and West. New York 1946 H732 K.Pal, "Concept of moksa", VK 33, 1946-47: 237, 279 H733 P.T.Raju, "Reason in a despairing world", IR 47, 1946, 417-419 H734 B.G.Ray, "The spirit of contemporary Indian philosophy", AP 17, 1946, 381 ff. H735 Dorothy A.L. Stede, "Two standard symbols in Indian philosophy: jar and cloth", IC 12, 1946, 199-206 H736 P.W.Thomas, "Atma-hita", DCKRPV 518-522 H737 A.U.Vasavda, "Radhakrishnan, the great reconciler", PAIOC 12, 1946, 392-397 H738 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Was konnen wir von der Philosophie der Inder lernen?", ZPF 1, 1946, 118-122 H739 M.Yamunacharya, "Prof. Rudolf Otto's concept of the 'numinous' and its relation to Indian thought", JMysoreU 1946, 115-127. Also PQ 21, 1948, 96-106 H740 Theos Bernard, Hindu Philosophy. New York 1947, 1968; Bombay 1958 H741 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Criterion of reality", ProcIPC 22, 1947, 36-47 H742 P.J.Chaudhury, "Non-violence in Hindu ethics", IR 48, 1947, 289-290 H743 S. Al-George, "La mythe de l'atman et le genèse de l'absolu dans la pensée indienne", Revue des etudes indoeuropeennes (Bucharest) 4, 1947, 227-246 H744 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "An argument for the unknown" PQ 21, 1947, 1-7 H745 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Knowledge and devotion", AP 18, 1947, 242-245. Also PEIP 96-100 H746 P.Johanns, "La philosophie religieuse du Vedanta", Nouvelle Revue Theologique 69.7, 1947, 666-688 H747 Arnold Kunst, "Na pogrieniesu psychologii i filozofi Hindusiw", Problemy 3.3, 1947, 174-179 H748 G.H.Langley, Sri Aurobindo. London 1947 H749 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Introduction to the study of the Hindu doctrines", Review of Religion 3, 1947, 293-297 H750 D.P.Lingwood, "Attavada and anattavada", VK 34, 1947-48, 15-17 H751 Sisir Kumar Maitra, Spirit of Indian Philosophy. Banaras 1947 H752 Paul Masson-Oursel, "L'ame selon les Hindoues modernes", Psyche II.3, 1947, 29-32 H753 P.T.Raju, "The Western and the Indian philosophical tradition", PR 56, 1947, 127-155 H754 P.T.Raju, "The inwardness of Indian philosophy", VK 34, 1947-48, 260-267 H755 S.Saraswati, "Divine grace and human experience", VK 34, 1947-48, 143-145 H756 D.S.Sarma, "Hindu ethics", VK 34, 1947-48, 399-404 H757 K.Satchidanandamurty, The Rhythm of the Real. Waltair 1947 H758 H.L.Sharma, "Functional approach to the problem of values", JGJRI 4, 1947, 316-366 H759 M.Hafiz Syed, "Grace and the law of karma", VK 34, 1947-48, 89-90 H760 J.H. van der Hoop, "Freedom in the philosophy of East and West", Ph 8, 1947-48, 557-572 H761 K.C.Varadachari, "Critique of the pramanas", JGJRI 5, 1947-48, 93-121 H761.5 Akhilananda, Hinodu Psychology, Its Meaninf for the West. New York 1948, 1979, 1999, 2002. Translated into Dutch, Amsterdam 1949; into Spanish Buenos Aires 1959, 1964; into Swedish, Stockholm 1957 H762 Aurobindo Ghose, Synthesis of Yoga. Madras 1948; Pondicherry 1953 H763 A.K.Banerjee, "The practice of bhakti and its nine forms", PB 53, 1948: 24, 85 H763.5 Beni Madhab Barua, Philosophy of Progress. Calcutta 1948 H764 Edwin A. Burtt, "Philosophy and philosophers in the Far East", Ph 9, 1948-49, 203-210 H765 Edwin A. Burtt, "How can the philosophies of East and West meet?", PR 57, 1948, 590-604 H766 P.J.Chaudhury, "From aesthetics to Vedanta", PB 53, 1948, 352-355 H767 J.N.Chubb, "The philosophic mind", PB 53, 1948, 38-42 H768 J.N.Chubb, "The value of metaphysics", AP 19, 1948, 21 ff. H769 P.R.Damle, "The limits of philosophy", JUBo 17, 1948, 92-100 H770 A.C.Das, "Sri Aurobindo's theory of intuition", CR 107, 1948, 59-67 H771 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "The contribution of modern Indian philosophy to world philosophy", PR 57, 1948, 550-573 H772 P.C.Diwanji, "Brahma-akasa equation: its origin and development", BhV 9, 1948, 148-173 H773 Maryla Falk, "Sat and asat", PAIOC 14.1, Summaries 1948, 117-120 H774 V.Fatone, "The extremism of Eastern philosophy", Ph 9, 1948-49, 370-377 H775 Jan Gonda, "Het indische denken en de huidige wereld", TVP 10, 1948, 717-725 H776 Jan Gonda, Inliding to het Indische Denken. Antwerp 1948 H777 Jan Gonda, "A note on Indian pessimism" in Studia varia C. V. Vollgraff oblata (Amsterdam 1948) H778 Jan Gonda, "Het begrip bhakti", TVP 10, 1948, 607-660 H778.5 G.H.Langley, Sri Aurobindo: Indian Poet, Philosopher and Mystic. London 1948, 1949 H779 G.R.Malkani, S.K.Chattopadhyaya and A.C.Das, "Philosophical significance of negation", ProcIPC 23, 1948, 1-38 H780 R.Mody, "A survey of the philosophy of India", YMHA Annual (Bombay) 1948, 83-105 H781 Hajime Nakamura, Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples. In Japanese, Tokyo 1948. In English, Tokyo 1950; Honolulu 1964 H782 H.G.Marahari, "The Hindu ideal of devotion", Triveni 20, 1948-49, 481-484 H783 J.J.Pandya, "Nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka pratyaksa", PAIOC 14.1, Summaries 1948, 115-117 H784 A. Preau, "A.K.Coomaraswami et la pensée de l'Inde", Cahiers Sud 192, 1948, 562-564 H785 P.T.Raju, "Indian thought: past and future", VK 35, 1948-49, 300-312 H785.5 T.V.Kapali Sastry, Sri Aurobindo: Lights on the Teachings. Madras 1948, 1966 H786 H. van Oyen, Philosophia. Volume I: Inde-Renaissance. Utrecht 1948 H787 K.C.Varadachari, "East and west; religion and philosophy", JSVRI 9, 1948, 53-62 H788 K.C.Varadachari, "Perennial philosophy", JSVRI 9, 1948, 81-87 H789 Helmut von Glasenapp, Die Philosophie der Inder. Stuttgart 1948. Translated into French by Anne-Marie Esnoul as La Philosophie Indienne (Paris 1951) H789.5 Ajarananda, The Problem of Reincarnation. Bangkok 1949, 1954 H790 B.L.Atreya, "Distinctive features of Indian philosophy", PICP 10, 1949, 256-260 H791 D.K.Bedekar, "Revelatory character of Hindu epistemology", ABORI 28, 1949, 64-84 H792 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "The notion of svaprakasa", PQ 22, 1949, 83-98 H793 P.J.Chaudhury, "Physics and metaphysics: a Vedantic approach", PB 54, 1949, 35-38 H794 P.J.Chaudhury, "The problem of moral evil: a Vedantic approach", PB 54, 1949, 277-279 H795 J.N.Chubb, "Philosophy and sadhana", ProcIPC 24,1949, 1-21 H796 J.N.Chubb, "Thought and intuition", AP 20, 1949, 109 ff. H797 J.N.Chubb, "The potential and the self to be realized", PQ 22, 1949, 149-156 H798 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Hinduism and Buddhism. New York, n.d. Translated into French, Paris 1949 H799 A.C.Das, "Knowledge by identity", CR 113, 1949, 87-92 H800 Nalini Nath Dasgupta, "Early Bengal's contributions to Brahmanical philosophy", IC 15, 1949, 82-90 H801 J. Delaire, The Story of the Soul in East and West. London 1949 H802 A.Elenjimittam, "Vedantic humanism", VK 36, 1949-50, 343-349 H803 Jean Filliozat, "Interprétation occidentale de la pensée indienne", Education 3.15, 1949, 1-16 . Translated by M. Shukla as "The Western interpretation of Indian thought", RofY 311-325 H804 Jean Filliozat, "L'inconscient dans la psychologie indienne", PICP 10, 1949, 267-269 H805 L.Gabriel, Von Brahma zur Existenz. Wien 1949 H806 Mysore Hiriyanna, Essentials of Indian Philosophy. London 1949 H807 H.R.Rangaswamy Iyengar, "Philosophic concepts in the Mahabharata", JMysoreU 10.1, 1949, 29-79 H808 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Philosophy and philosophers", AP 2, 1949, 387 ff. H809 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Indian philosophy and the West", PQ 22, 1949, 137-148 H810 G.R.Malkani, "Knowledge and truth", PQ 22, 1949, 71-82 H811 G.R.Malkani, "Our knowledge of nature", PQ 22, 1949, 111-123 H812 Paul Masson-Oursel, La pensée en Orient. Paris 1949 H813 Prabhavananda, "Grace and self-effort", VATW 11, 1949, 61-64 H814 Buddha Prakash, "A study of the word Brahman", VK 35, 1949, 93-96 H815 N.Ramachandra, "Concept of mukti in Indian philosophy", PQ 22, 1949, 43-56 H816 Louis Renou and Lilian Silburn, "Sur la notion de brahman", JA 237, 1949, 7-46 H817 Indra Sen, "Ideals of Indian philosophy and educational life", VK 36, 1949-50, 180-186 H818 Jadunath Sinha, Introduction to Indian Philosophy. Agra 1949 H819 K.C.Varadachari, "Beyond good and evil", VK 36, 1949-50, 55-56 H820 K.C.Varadachari, "Time and mysticism", JGJRI 7, 1949-50, 167-181 H821 S.Vayssac, Sagesse orientale et science occidentale. Paris 1949 H822 M.Yamunacharya, "Types of personality according to Indian thought", JMysoreU 9, 1949, 43-63 H823 Ashokananda, "The quest for power", VATW 13, 1950, 176-186 H824 Aurobindo Ghose, The Superman. Fourth edition. Pondicherry 1950 H825 Aurobindo Ghose, Evolution. Fifth edition. Pondicherry 1950 H826 Aurobindo Ghose, Thoughts and Glimpses. Fifth edition. Pondicherry 1950 H826.5 Kalidas Bhattacharya, Object, Content and Relation. Calcutta 1950, 1959 H827 N.N.Bhide, The Karma Philosophy. Mysore 1950 H828 A.R.Biswas, "Critique of Sri Aurobindo's pure actions of the sense-mind", CR 116, 1950, 175-180 H829 Satischandra Chatterjee, Fundamentals of Hinduism. Calcutta 1950 H830 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The identity of an object", PQ 22, 1950, 229-238 H831 Satischandra Chatterjee and Dhirendra Mohan Datta, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1950, 1968 H832 J.N.Chubb, "Freedom", PQ 23, 1950-51, 119-124 H833 P.R.Damle, "The subjective and the objective", PQ 23, 1950-51, 155-162 H834 A.C.Das, "Sri Aurobindo's theory of the sixth sense", HJ 49, 1950-51, 171-175 H835 A.M.Dell'Oro, I grandi pensatori dell'India. Milano 1950 H836 Srinivas Dixit, "The existent and the real", PQ 23, 1950-51, 213-218 H837 J.Duboost, La science et l'homme. Paris, Adyar 1950 H838 W.Eidlitz, "Nyare indisk religionsfilosofi", Prisma 4, 1950, 4-12 H839 Jan Gonda, "Brahman: Indische traditie en westerse methode", TVP 12, 1950, 655-667 H840 Betty Heimann, "Subjectivism and objectivism in Hindu philosophy: the problem of atman", SB 2, 1950, 36-43 H841 Betty Heimann, "God and man in India: cosmos and person", HJ 53, 1950, 230-237 H841.5 Jean Herbert, L'anatomie psychologique de l'homme selon Shri Aurobindo. Lyon 1950, 1960 H842 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Six points of view", AP 1950, 244-249. Also PEIP 101-107 H843 Mysore Hiriyanna, "A neglected ideal of life", Silver Jubilee Volume of the Indian Philosophical Congress, 1950. Also QAP 94-100 H844 Kwang-won Kim, "The meaning of negativism in Oriental religions", JBR 18, 1950, 29-33 H845 Olivier Lacombe, "Note sur Plotin et la pensée indienne", Ecole pratique des hautes etudes: Section des sciences religieuses, Annuaire 1950-51 (Paris 1950) H846 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The concept of dharma in the Mahabharata", VK 37, 1950, 19-23 H847 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Interpreting Indian thought to America", IR 51, 1950, 53-56 H848 G.R.Malkani, "Some points in K.C.Bhattacharya's 'Concept of philosophy'", PQ 23, 1950, 41-60 H849 G.R.Malkani, "Philosophical truth", PQ 23, 1950, 197-228 H850 G.R.Malkani, "The notion of self-evidence or svaprakasa", SB 2, 55-62 H851 A.K.Mazumdar, "Knowledge and self-knowledge", PQ 22, 1950, 239-243 H852 G.Misch, The Dawn of Philosophy. London 1950 H853 J.de Munter, "Het Hindoueisme en de Indische relieuze wijsbegeerte", Bijdragen Nederlandische Jez.1950, 272-283 H854 N.A.Nikam, "Has Sri Aurobindo refuted mayavada?", Silver Jubilee Volume of the Indian Philosophical Congress, 1950 H855 Prabhavananda, "Resurrection and immortality", VATW 13, 1950, 59-64 H856 P.T.Raju, "The idealism of Prof. Sir S. Radhakrishnan", CR 76, 1950, 168-185 H857 S.Ramaswami, "Indian philosophy today", IR 51,1950, 213-216 H858 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Logic and intuition in Indian philosophy", AP 21, 1950, 511 ff. H859 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Evolution of philosophy in India", PB 55, 1950, 332-335 H860 S.Sahu, "The universal and its instances--an Indian interpretation", PQ 23, 1950, 61-68 H861 N.S.Sastri, "Analysis of bhakti", JSVRI 11, 1950, 168-181 H862 P.S.Sastri, "The nature of experience", PB 55, 1950, 294-296 H863 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Idea of personality", ALB 14, 1950 - 15, 1951. Reprinted Adyar 1951 H864 K.C.Varadachari, Idea of God. Tirupati 1950 H865 K.C.Varadachari, "Discovery of the soul", JSVRI 11, 1950, 12-16 H866 K.C.Varadachari, "Approach to philosophy", JSVRI 11, 1950, 6-11 H867 M.Yamunacharya, "The ethics of pravrtti and nivrtti", SB 129-131 H875.5 Akhilananda, Mental Health and Hindu Psychology. Boston 1951 H868 R.K.Aiyar, "The nature of the self", KK 17, 1951-52, 568-575 H869 Aurobindo Ghose, Ideals and Progress. Pondicherry 1951 H870 Aurobindo Ghose, Riddle of This World. Fourth edition. Pondicherry 1951 H871 A.K.Banerjee, "The conception of the sportive Absolute", PB 56, 1951: 170, 216, 258, 290 H871.5 F. Belloni-Filippi, Brahmanismo induismo. Milano 1951 H872 Abhoy Chandra Bhattacharya, "(Sri) Aurobindo--a mystic or philosopher?", Mahendra H873 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "The method of philosophy", CR 118-119, 1951 H874 R. Chand, "Sri Aurobindo's philosophy", IR 52, 1951,326-330 H875 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Hindu theory of the world", Mahendra 36-51 H876 M. Chayappa, "Science and the six systems of philosophy", KK 17, 1951-52, 603-607 H877 P. Colaso, "The absolute of human reason in the philosophy of Aurobindo", MS 29, 1951-52, 29-41 H878 George Perrigo Conger, "A naturalistic garland for Radhakrishnan", RadhCompStud 304-314 H879 A.C.Das, "Similarities in Eastern and Western philosophy", RM 5, 1951-52, 631-638 H880 A.C.Das, "Disciples in defence of Sri Aurobindo", CR 119, 1951, 1-10 H881 Rasvihary Das, "The problem of self-consciousness", JUS 1951-52, 83-92 H882 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Eastern and Western philosophy", VBQ 17, 1951, 124-132 H883 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Philosophy of the body", RadhCompStud 315-321 H884 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Epistemological methods in Indian philosophy", EEWP 73-88 H885 Surama Dasgupta, "Some aspects of the concept of causality", PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 241-243 H886 J. de Marquette, L'avenir de l'ame dans la pensée orientale. Paris 1951 H886.5 Walther Eidlitz, Bhakta, eine indische odysee. Hamburg 1951 H887 A.C.Ewing, "Philosophy in India", Ph 26, 1951, 63-264 H888 Betty Heimann, The Significance of Prefixes in Sanskrit Philosophical Terminology. Royal Asiatic Society Monograph 25, London 1951 H889 L.R.Joshi. "Spiritual atheism in Indian philosophy", URS 1951, 145-155 H890 S.L.Kaul, "Sri Aurobindo: a study", VQ 17, 1951, 9-18 H891 Olivier Lacombe, "La mystique naturelle dans l'Inde", RT 51, 1951, 134-153 H892 H.Leandre, "Le probleme du kamma", LPB 4, 1951, 8-23 H893 R.Linssen, "La pensée de Sri Aurobindo", Synthese (Belgium) 5, 1951, 86-91 H894 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The basis of social, ethical and spiritual values in Indian philosophy", EEWP 317-335 H895 Susil Kumar Maitra, "The Gita's conception of freedom as compared with that of Kant", RadhCompStud 348-361 H896 B.K.Mallik, "Radhakrishnan and Indian civilization", RadhCompStud 231-257 H897 G.R.Malkani, "A note on freedom", PQ 24, 1951, 125-136 H898 G.R.Malkani, "Limitations of logic", PQ 24, 1951, 137-146 H899 G.R.Malkani, "Comparative study of consciousness", RadhCompStud 231-257 H900 A.N.Marlowe, "Some aspects of Indian philosophy", PB 56, 1951, 330-336 H901 N.Mishra, "An examination of Prof. Northrop's 'Meeting of East and West' from the Indian point of view", PQ 24, 1951, 177-188 H902 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Husserl's phenomenology and Indian idealism", PQ 24, 1951, 147-156 H903 A.C.Mukerji, "Reality and ideality in the Western and the Indian idealistic thought", RadhCompStud 216-230 H904 A.C.Mukerji, "The unconditioned and pure nothing", AUS 1951 (Philos), 1-21 H905 P.S.Naidu and S.Chennakesavan, "Current philosophical thinking in India", VK 38, 1951-52, 342, 418 H906 Nikilananda, "Philosophy of nonattachment", VQ 17, 1951, 101-116 H907 Nikhilananda, "Concentration and meditation as methods in Indian philosophy", EEWP 89-102 H908 P.T.Raju, "Metaphysical theories in Indian philosophy", EEWP 211-233 H909 P.T.Raju, "The universal in the Western and the Indian philosophy", RadhCompStud 379-408 H910 P.T.Raju, "Critical humanism", PQ 24, 1951, 1-12 H911 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Sakti", KK 17, 1951-52: 427, 466, 498, 524, 550, 586, 620 H912 Constantin Regamey, "Tendances et methodes de la philosophie indienne comparées à celles de la philosophie occidentale", RTP 31, 1951, 246-252 H913 Louis Renou, "La philosophie indienne", Vie spirituelle 18, 1951, Supplement 353-356 H914 Anilbaran Roy, "Great synthesis of Sri Aurobindo", IR 52, 1951, 1-3 H915 S.K.Saksena, "Authority in Indian philosophy", PEW 1, 1951, 38-49. Reprinted SSEIP 24-36 H916 P.S.Sastri, "Experience and consciousness", PB 56, 1951, 337-340 H917 C.D.Sharma, Reign of Dialectic in Philosophy -- Eastern and Western. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1951 H918 T.R.Venkatarama Sastri, "Bhagavadgita--niskama-karma-morality", VK 38, 1951: 254, 294 H919 Mahendranath Sircar, "Life and thought of Sri Aurobindo", BRMIC 2.1, 1951, 8-10 H920 Veermani P. Upadhyaya, "The problem of reality in Indian philosophy", PAIOC 13, 1951, 276-286 H921 V.Vezzani, Il misticismo indiano e cristiano. Milano 1961 H922 H.H. von Veltheim-Ostrau, "Indische Seelenhaltung in indisches Denken", Universitas 6.2, 1951, 159-166 H923 A.R.Wadia, "The philosophical outlook in India and Europe", RadhCompStud 87-103 H924 Heinrich Zimmer, Philosophies of India. New York 1951. Translated into French, Paris 1953. Translated into German by Lucy Heyer-Grote as Philosophie und Religion Indiens, Zurich 1961 H925.B.Adhikari, "The spirit of Indian philosophy", MCV 481-490 H926 K. Balasubrahmanya Aiyar, The Fundamental Aspirations of Man according to Indian Thought. JOR 20. Reprinted Mysore 1952 H926.5 Aprabuddha (Anna Sahab Patwardhan), The Brahmarshi's Gospel, or, The Transcendental Bases of Vaidik Religion and Society.Hyderabad 1952 H927 Aurobindo Ghose, Kena Upanishad. Pondicherry 1952 H928 Aurobindo Ghose, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth. Pondicherry 1952 H929 Aurobindo Ghose, The Problem of Rebirth. Pondicherry 1952 H930 Aurobindo Ghose, The Yoga and Its Objects. Sixth edition. Pondicherry 1952 H931 Agehananda Bharati, "Radhakrishnan and the other Vedanta", PSR 459-480 H932 Siddheswara Bhattacharya, "Eschatological concepts in Indian thought", VQ 17, 1952, 191-207 H933 R. van Brakell Buys, "Het begrip van de super-mind in de mystieke wijsbegeerte van Aurobindo Ghose", TWP 45, 1952, 14-22 H934 E.S.Brighton, "Radhakrishnan and mysticism", PSR 391-416 H935 Robert W. Browning, "Reason and intuition in Radhakrishnan's philosophy", PSR 173-278 H936 C.T.K.Chari, "Ancient Indian depth psychology and the West", VK 38, 1952, 451-454 H937 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Identity of the self", PQ 24, 1952, 217-224 H938 S.K.Chattopadhyay, "The object and sensibility", PQ 24, 1952, 225-232 H939 S.K.Chatterji, "Dynamic Hinduism and Radhakrishnan", PSR 481-512 H940 P.J.Chaudhury, "Idealism versus realism", PQ 24, 1952, 233-238 H941 P.J.Chaudhury, "The idea of freedom", PB 57, 1952, 144-147 H942 S.K.R.Chaudhury, "The creative power of the mind", PB 57, 1952, 429-430 H943 S.K.R.Chaudhury, "The power of thoughts and deeds", PB 57, 1952, 191-192 H944 J.N.Chubb, "Reason and revelation", PQ 24, 1952, 239-246 H945 P.Colaso, "The Absolute of experience in the philosophy of Aurobindo", MS 29, 1952, 99-l18 H946 P.Colaso, "The Absolute of creation in the philosophy of Aurobindo", MS 29, 1952, 211-236 H947 George P. Conger, "Radhakrishnan's world", PSR 83-112 H948 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Radhakrishnan and comparative philosophy", PSR 659-686 H949 Prahlad C. Divanji, "Karma yoga tradition", JOI 1, 1952, 329-337 H950 J.Evola, "The svadharma doctrine and existentialism", EAW 3, 1952, 168--171 H951 C.W.M.Gell, "Schweitzer and Radhakrishnan: a comparison", HJ 51, 1952-53: 234, 355 H952 Charles Hartshorne, "Radhakrishnan on mind, matter and God", SPR 313-322 H954 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Indian philosophy", PEIP 108-114 H955 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The message of Indian philosophy", QAP 36-47 H956 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The world and the individual", PEIP 49-50 H957 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Karma and free will", PEIP 30-34 H958 Daniel H.H. Ingalls, "Comparison of Indian and Western philosophy", JOR 22, 1952-53, 12-19 H959 W.Ralph Inge, "Radhakrishnan and the religion of the spirit", PSR 323-332 H960 Lawrence Hyde, "Radhakrishnan's contribution to universal religion", PSR 367-382 H961 P. Johanns, La Pensée Religieuse de l'Inde (translated by L.M.Gauthier). Paris 1952 H962 B.Kuppuswamy, "Nature of mind in Indian psychology", HirComVol 82-86 H963 Bimal Charan Law, "Doctrine of karma", HirComVol 87-95 H964 Susil Kumar Maitra, "The concept of man and the philosophy of education in the East and the West", PB 57, 1952, 244-249 H965 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Degrees of goodness and badness", PQ 25, 1952,139-152. Also SPR 106-123 H966 B.L.Mallik, Related Multiplicity. Oxford 1952 H967 G.R.Malkani, "Being and negation", HirComVol 109-114 H968 G.R.Malkani, "Examination of the main realistic argument", PQ 24, 1952, 253-260 H969 G.R.Malkani, "Types of metaphysical thinking", PQ 25, 1952, 123-134 H970 A.N.Marlowe, "Spiritual religion and the philosophy of Radhakrishnan", SPR 333-366 H971 J.Masui, "Linéaments d'une somme future", Synthese (Belgium) 6, 1952, 143-153 H972 Charles A. Moore, "Metaphysics and ethics in Radhakrishnan's philosophy", PSR 279-312 H973 K. Satchidananda Murty, Evolution of Philosophy in India. Waltair 1952; Delhi 1962, 2007 H974 T.R.V.Murti, "Radhakrishnan and Buddhism", PSR 565-606 H975 T.R.V.Murti, "Two traditions in Indian philosophy", UCR 10, 1952, 221-242 H976 T.R.V.Murti, "The philosophy of spirit", CIP (Second ed.) 1952, 377-391 H976.5 Prthwi Singh Nahar (ed.), A Glossary of Sanskrit Terms in The Life Divine, with two Appendices. Pondicherry 1952 H977 H.G.Narahari, "Rebirth and release in the Adhyatmaramayana", BDCRI 14, 1952-53, 106-108 H978 N.A.Nikam, "Moral progress and the idea of non-violence", HirComVol 133-144 H979 N.A.Nikam, "Note on the individual and his status in Indian thought", PEW 2, 1952, 254-258 H980 F.S.C.Northrop, "Radhakrishnan's conception of the relation between Eastern and Western cultural values", PSR 633-658 H981 N.Pearson, Sri Aurobindo and the Soul Quest of Man. London 1952 H982 Bernard Phillips, "Radhakrishnan's critique of naturalism", PSR 113-172 H983 Prabhavananda, "The problem of evil", VATW 15, 1952, 1-8 H984 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Reply to critics", PSR 787-842 H985 Radhakrishnan--an Anthology. Edited by A.N. Marlowe. London 1952 H986 P.T.Raju, "Contemporary Indian thought", HPE 526-536 H987 P.T.Raju, "Radhakrishnan's influence on Indian thought", PSR 513-540 H988 P.T.Raju, "Intuition as a philosophical method in India", PEW 2, 1952, 187-207 H989 P.T.Raju, "The development of Indian thought", JHI 13, 1952, 528-550 H990 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Indian concept of philosophy as a science of sciences", PB 57, 1952, 376-381 H991 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Sastra--an independent pramana", BDCRI 12, 1952, 437-442 H992 Louis Renou and Jean Filliozat, L'inde classique. Volume Two. Hanoi 1952 H993 Dale Riepe, "Indian philosophical naturalism", PQ 25, 1952, 63-80 H993.5 Dilip Kumar Roy, Sri Aurobindo Came to Me. Pondicherry 1952 H994 M.N.Roy, "Radhakrishnan in the perspective of Indian philosophy", PSR 541-564 H995 Indra Sen and A.C.Das, "Sri Aurobindo's theory of the mind", PEW 1, 1952, 45-52 H996 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "The problem of nacre-silver (suktirupa) in Indian philosophy", IHQ 28, 1952, 157-176 H997 P.S.Sastri, "The study of philosophy", PB 57, 1952: 459, 496 H998 C.D.Sharma, Indian Philosophy. Banaras 1952. Reprinted as A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy (London 1960; New York 1962). Reprinted Delhi 1997 H999 Mohan Singh, "Brahman in the Bhagavadgita", VK 38, 1952: 340, 414 H1000 Jadunath Sinha, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume Two (Calcutta 1952). Volume One (Calcutta 1956) H1001 R.Morton Smith, "Contrasts in Indian and Western ways of thought", IAL 26(2), 1952, 93-101 H1002 K.J.Spalding, "Mystical religion and the mysticism of Radhakrishnan", PSR 417-442 H1003 Walter T. Stace, "Oriental conceptions of detachment and enlightenment", PEW 2, 1952, 20-30. Also MW 27, 1952, 84-88 H1004 Paul Thieme, "Brahman", ZDMG 102, 1952, 91-129 H1006 K.C.Varadachari, "Freedom and karma", PB 42, 1952, 446-451 H1007 S.N.Vyas, "Karma and transmigration in the Ramayana", JOI 2, 1952, 23-29 H1008 Joachim Wach, "Radhakrishnan and the comparative study of religion", PSR 443-458 H1009 A.R.Wadia, "Tradition in philosophy", HirComVol 242-257 H1010 Clement C.J.Webb, "Theism and absolutism in Radhakrishnan's philosophy", PSR 383-390 H1011 M.Yamunacharya, "Sarvajna", HirComVol 258-272 H1012 K.S.Varma, "Doctrine of maya", AUJR 1, 1952, 33-41 H1013 Aurobindo Ghose, More Lights on Yoga. Pondicherry 1953 H1014 Aurobindo Ghose, Eight Upanishads. Pondicherry 1953 H1015 Aurobindo Ghose, The Mind of Light. Pondicherry 1953 H1016 Aurobindo Ghose, Elements of Yoga. Pondicherry 1953 H1017 Sitansusekhar Bagchi, Inductive Reasoning: A Study of Tarka and Its Role in Indian Logic. Calcutta 1953 H1018 Y.Bagchi, "The art of philosophical disputation", CHI 3, 562-580 H1019 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of knownness", CR 126, 1953, 220-234 H1020 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Indian ethics", CHI 3, 620-644 H1021 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "Types of human nature", CHI 3, 608-619 H1022 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Concept of cause as in India and the West", OH 1, 1953 - 2, 1954 H1023 Kalidas Bhattacharya, Alternative Standpoints in Philosophy. Calcutta 1953 H1023.5 John Broough, "Some Indian theories of meaning", Transactions of the Philological Society (1953), 161-176. Reprinted IPACR 215-230 H1024 Robert S. Brumbaugh, "Logic and longitude: the syllogism, East and West", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 141-147 H1025 Edwin A. Burtt, "East and West", Kenyon Review 15, 1953, 141-147 H1026 C.T.K.Chari, "On the dialectical affinities between East and West", PEW 3, 1953-54: 199, 321 H1027 V.K.Chari, "The influence of Hindu philosophic thought on American transcendentalist literature", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 115 H1028 Tripurari Chakravarti, "Dharma in the Mahabharata", BRMIC 4, 1953, 268-270 H1029 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The basis of world philosophy", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 1-21 H1030 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The integralism of Sri Aurobindo", PEW 3, 1953, 131-136 H1031 P.J.Chaudhury, "The idea of creation", PB 58, 1953, 248-251 H1032 P.J.Chaudhury, Studies in Comparative Aesthetics. VBS 18, 1953 H1033 P.J.Chaudhury, "God: a rational approach", PB 58, 1953: 411, 454 H1034 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vindication of solipsism", RM 6, 1953, 381-386 H1035 Sarasvati Chennakesavan, "Mind and consciousness: a comparison of Indian and Western views", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 187-192 H1036 P.Colaso, "A critical estimate of Aurobindo's being-coming Absolute", MS 30, 1953, 123-140 H1037 P.Colaso, "Final evaluation of Aurobindo's theory of the Absolute", MS 30, 1953, 279-295 H1038 P.Colaso, "Some consequences of the fundamental error of Aurobindo', MS 30, 1953, 217-233 H1039 Benedetto Croce, "On Indian logic", EAW 4, 1953, 30 H1040 P.R.Damle, "The standpoint of philosophy", PQ 26, 1953, 35-42 H1041 P.R.Damle, "On means and ends", PQ 25, 1953, 225-232 H1042 Rasvihary Das, "The search for the real", PQ 25, 1953, 219-224 H1043 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Modern Indian philosophy", VQ 19, 1953, 108-125 H1044 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Indian epistemology", CHI 3, 548-561 H1045 M.S.Deshpande, "The problem of problems", PB 58, 1953, 207-210 H1046 F. de Vreede, Short Introduction to the Essentials of Living Hindu Philosophy. Oxford 1953 H1047 W. Eidlitz, Indisk mystik. Stockholm 1953 H1047 J. Filliozat, "Les limites des pouvoirs humans dans l'Inde", Limites d'human (Paris 1953, 23-38. Translated by M. Shukla as "The limits of human powers in India", RofY 341-359 H1048 Erich Frauwallner, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie. Two volumes. Salzburg 1953, 1956. Translated into English as History of Indian Philosophy by V.M.Bedekar. Two volumes. Delhi 1973 H1049 Betty Heimann, "Facets of Hindu thought", JOR 23, 1953-54, 1-18 H1050 Hiranmayananda, "Indian theism", CHI 3, 535-547 H1051 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Philosophy of values", CHI 3, 645-656. Also QAP 101-112 H1052 A.G.Javadekar, "Comprehensive conception of logic", PQ 25, 1953, 213-218 H1053 Hidenori Kitagawa, "A note on comparative study of Indian logic", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 249-259 H1054 N.Kimura, "Four human ideals and the characteristic of Indian ethics", JIBSt 2.1, 1953, 1-11 H1055 Y.Krishan, "Indian schools of realism in relation to idealism", VK 40, 1953-54, 419 ff. H1056 Olivier Lacombe, "Plotino y el pensiamento hindu", NEF 4 (14), 1953, 102-121 H1057 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Indian philosophy of values", VK 40, 1953-54, 63-68 H1058 H.O.Mascarenhas, "The Indian method in philosophy", Indian Historical Research Institute Silver Jubilee Volume (1953), 242-249 H1059 J.Masui, "Note sur la matiére cosmique dans le doctrines hindoues", Revue metapsychologique 21, 1953, 49-54 H1060 G.R.Malkani, "The conception of reality as dynamic", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 179-186 H1061 G.R.Malkani, "Unity and difference", PQ 25, 1953, 195-202 H1062 Umesh Mishra, "Nature of the physical world", CHI 3, 494-506 H1063 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Phenomenology in Indian philosophy", PICP 11.13, 1953, 253-260 H1064 A.C.Mukerji, "Nature of the soul", CHI 3, 475-493 H1065 T.R.V.Murti, "Rise of the philosophical schools", CHI 3, 27-40. Reprinted StIndT 1-16 H1066 P.S.Naidu, "Mental health and Hindu psychology", PB 58, 1953, 119-121 H1067 N.A.Nikam, "Indian philosophy: a note on some characteristics", RM 6, 1953, 665-678. Translated into Spanish by D. Lagmanovich, NEF 4, 1953, 221-231 H1068 N.A.Nikam, "Detachment", PEW 3, 1953, 167-175 H1069 P. Cyrillus B. Papali, Hinduismus. Two volumes. Rome 1953, 1960 H1070 Karl H. Potter, "Comparative philosophy", AP 24, 1953: 166, 202 H1071 C.Kunhan Raja, "Moksa", PB 58, 1953, 491-492 H1072 C.Rajagopalachari, "Value of Hindu philosophy in a modern state", IR 54, 1953, 241-247 H1073 P.T.Raju, "Indian psychology", CHI 3, 581-607 H1074 P.T.Raju, "Nature of mind and its activities", CHI 3, 507-519 H1075 P.T.Raju, "The principle of four-cornered negation in Indian philosophy", RM 7, 1953-54, 694-713 H1076 P.T.Raju, Idealistic Thought of India. London 1953; New York 1973. Translated into German by H. Hoffmann as Das idealistische Denken Indiens. Meisneheim 1969 H1077 Louis Renou, "Les débuts de la spéculation indienne", RP 143, 1953, 334-341 H1078 Rishabchand, "The message of Sri Aurobindo", IAC 2, 1953, 134-138 H1079 F.H.Ross, The Meaning of Life in Hinduism and Buddhism. London 1953 H1080 J.Sahai, "Good and evil and a basis for morality", PB 58, 1953: 290, 330 H1081 S.N.Saksena, "Indian philosophy and the Western mind", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 262-263 H1082 Anantakrishna Shastri, "Brahma-mimamsa", CHI 3, 187-210 H1083 K.Satchidananda Murty, "Towards a new philosophy", PICP 11.8, 1953, 144-148 H1084 Roland W. Scott, Social Ethics in Modern Hinduism. Calcutta 1953 H1085 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Svadharma", PB 58, 1953, 178-180 H1086 Esther A. Solomon, "Theories of truth", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 234-235 H1087 N.V.Thadani, Secret of the Sacred Books of the Hindus. Delhi 1953 H1088 K.C.Varadachari, "Some problems of Indian logic", JSVRI 14, 1953, 143-148 H1089 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Parallels and contrasts in Indian and Western metaphysics", PEW 3, 1953, 223-232 H1090 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Der Buddhismus in der Vorstellungswelt der Hindus", Asiatica 174-183 H1091 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The Svetasvatara Upanisad and the Vedantic schools", ProcIPC 28, 1953, 261-270 H1092 K.D.Bharadwaj, "The cult of bhakti", KK 19, 1954-55 - 20, 1955-56 H1093 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Indian concepts of knowledge and self", OH 2, 1954 - 4, 1956. Section II reprinted IPE 1, 173-208 H1094 Haridas Bhattacharya, "The Brahmanical concept of karma (karma in the ethical sense)", ARWEP 29-49 H1095 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The concept of Brahman in Hindu philosophy", PEW 4, 1954, 47-66 H1096 Haridas Chaudhuri, The Philosophy of Integralism. Calcutta 1954; Pondicherry 1967 H1097 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The concept of liberation in Indian philosophy", ARWEP 73-88 H1098 P.J.Chaudhury, "Is metaphysics possible?", PB 59, 1954, 337-341 H1099 P.Colaso, The Absolute in the Philosophy of Aurobindo Ghose. Rome 1954 H1100 Shashi Bhushan Dasgupta, "The Indian conception of the divine body", BRMIC 5, 1954, 128-136 H1101 Prahlad C. Divanji, "Naturalism in Greek and Indian philosophies", JOI 4, 1954-55, 162-175 H1101.5 Ranganath Ramachandra Diwaker, Mahayogi: Life, Sadhana and Teachings of Aurobindo. Bombay 1954, 1976 H1102 J.Ensink, Over de verlossende kennis in het Indische denken. Groningen 1954 H1103 Ryogon Fukuhara, "A study of doubt (vicikitsa)" (summary). RDR 347, 1954, 5-6 H1104 E.Clinton Gardner, "Altruism in classical Hinduism and Christianity", JBR 22, 1954: 172, 184 H1105 William F. Goodwin, "Ethics and value in Indian philosophy", PEW 4, 1954, 321-344 H1106 T.K.Ghosh, "In search of reality", PB 59, 1954, 465-467 H1107 K.Iyer, "The supreme cause", KK 19, 1954, 432-435 H1108 A.G.Javadekar, "Ethical theory of knowledge", ProcIPC 29, 1954: 2, 47-54. Also PQ 27, 1955, 231-238 H1109 Gajanan N. Joshi, The Evolution of the Concepts of Atman and Moksa in different Systems of Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Gujarat University 1954 H1109.5 Pramod Kumar, Moksa, the Ultimate Goal of Indian Philosophy. Ghaziabad 1954 H1110 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Approach to philosophy: pleasure", PB 59, 1954, 20-22 H1111 G.R.Malkani, "Two different traditions of pure philosophy", ProcIPC 29, 1954: 2, 47-54 H1112 G.R.Malkani, "Being and value", PQ 27, 1954, 1-14 H1113 G.R.Malkani, "Analysis of value", PQ 27, 1954, 67-78 H1114 G.R.Malkani, "Moral values", PQ 27, 1954, 113-132 H1114.1 G.R.Malkani, "Methods of knowledge or pramana", JPA 1.3-4, 1954, 1-10 H1114.5 Nirodbaran, Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo. Pondicherry 1954, 1959 H1115 S.L.Pandey, "Perceptual validity", AUS (Philos.) 1954, 1-35 H1116 Raymond F. Piper, "In support of altruism in Hinduism", JBR 22, 1954, 178-183 H1117 Prabhavananda, "Reincarnation and immortality", VATW 108, 1954, 53-59 H1118 A.B.Purani, "Sri Aurobindo's philosophy", JAU 19, 1954, 173-178 H1119 C.Kunhan Raja, "'Purpose' in Indian philosophy" (reference lost) H1120 P.T.Raju, "The concept of the spiritual in Indian thought", PEW 4, 1954, 195-214 H1121 P.T.Raju, "American and Indian philosophers: reciprocal interest", AP 25, 1954, 20 ff. H1122 Louis Renou, "Travaux récents sur la philosophie indienne", Diogene 7, 1954, 133-141 H1123 Walter Ruben, "Hegel über die Philosophie der Inder", Asiatica 553-569 H1124 J.Sahai, "What is this universe?", PB 59, 1954, 342-348 H1125 Jehanri E. Sanjane, Dogma of Reincarnation. Bombay 1954 H1126 Indra Sen, "The new lead in philosophy", PQ 27, 1954, 93-102 H1127 Dale M. Riepe, Early Indian Philosophical Mysticism. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Michigan 1954 H1128 P.S.Sastri, "The concrete universal", CR 132, 1954, 197-212 H1129 Herbert W. Schneider, "Idealism--East and West", PEW 4, 1954, 265-269 H1130 H.P.Shastri, "Liberation (jivanmukti)", SK 5, 1954, 73-75 H1131 Devabrata Sinha, "An inquiry into self-consciousness", CR 133, 1954, 105-114 H1132 D.D.Vadekar, "Studies in Western and Eastern philosophy", JUP 3, 1954, 151-158 H1133 Kali Krishna Banerjee. "Perception and direct awareness", PQ 28, 1955, 41-48 H1134 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The business of philosophy", ProcIPC 30, 1955, 175-187. Also PQ 28, 1956, 227-240 H1135 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Daniel H.H. Ingalls on Indian logic", PEW 5, 1955, 155-162 H1136 V.V.Brodov, "The philosophy of India" (in Russian). VF 5, 1955, 187-190 H1137 George B.Burch, "Contemporary Vedanta philosophy", RM 9, 1955-56: 485, 662 H1138 Edwin A. Burtt, "What can Western philosophy learn from India?", PEW 5, 1955, 195-210 H1138.1 C.T.K.Chari, "Quantum physics and East-West rapprochement", PEW 5, 1955, 61-68 H1139 Satischandra Chatterji, "The samvarga vidya", PB 60, 1955, 448-450 H1140 Satischandra Chatterji, "Les théories hindoues de la création du monde", LB 60, 1955, 142-153 H1141 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "The real, the given, and the objective", PQ 28, 1955, 1-6 H1142 P.J.Chaudhury, "Meaning and verification of knowledge", PQ 28, 1955, 37-40 H1143 J.N.Chubb, "The logic of the infinite", PQ 27, 1955, 247-258 H1144 Rasvihary Das, "The immortality of the self", PQ 27, 1955, 195-200 H1145 Daya Krishna, The Nature of Philosophy. Calcutta 1955 H1146 S.Datta, "Personal identity and the law of karma", AUS (Philos.) 1955, 1-8 H1147 David Friedman, "Aspects of Indian epistemology, logic and ontology", Philosophia reformata (Netherlands) 20, 1955, 49-58 H1148 J.M.Ganguli, "God or no God", PB 60, 1955, 443-447 H1148.5 Nalini kanta Gupta, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Three volumes. Pondicherry 1955, 1968 H1149 Daniel H.H. Ingalls, "A reply to Bhattacharya", PEW 5, 1955, 163-166 H1149.1 Daniel H.H.Ingalls, "Logic in India", Encyclopedia Britannica(14th Edition), Volume 8, pp. 311-312. Reprinted in ILAR 110-116 H1150 V.S.Iyer, "One of India's contributions to philosophic thought", VSIPT 202-220 H1151 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Indian philosophy", VSIPT 188-201 H1152 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "On causality", VSIPT 78-98 H1153 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Has India at present any 'philosophy', as such, of her own?", VSIPT 142-176 H1154 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Sri Ramakrishna and the modern outlook", VSIPT 441-460 H1155 A.G.Javadekar, "The nature of error", ProcIPC 27, 1955, 99-108 H1156 A.G.Javadekar, "Data and the method of philosophy", JUB 4, 1955, 51-58 H1157 Bimal Charan Law, "The Indian conception of soul", AP 26, 1955, 201 ff. H1158 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The re-discovery of man", ProcIPC 27, 1955, 1-22 H1159 G.R.Malkani, "Rational intuition", PQ 28, 1955, 107-122 H1160 G.R.Malkani, "Validity and invalidity in knowledge", PQ 28, 1955, 163-168 H1161 G.R.Malkani, "Two different traditions of pure philosophy", PQ 27, 1955, 230-246 H1162 J.Masui, "Sri Aurobindo et l'universalisation de la pensée indienne", SerOR 7, 1955, 155-171 H1163 Jules Monchanin, "Apophatisme et apavada", Ent 1955, 24-34 H1164 P.S.Naidu, "The concept of freedom", PB 60, 1955, 402-405 H1165 Nisreyasananda, "Mahabharata as philosophy", VK 42, 1955-56, 345-347 H1166 Buddha Prakash, "The Hindu philosophy of history", JHI 16, 1955, 494-505 H1167 B. Pruche, "Existants et acte d'etre devant les philosophes orientales", Rev. Univ. Ottawa (Section Special) 25, 1955, 220*-265* H1168 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, East and West, Some Reflections. London 1955 H1169 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "India's spiritual vision of man", EAW 6, 1955, 5-8 H1170 P.T.Raju, "Activist tendency in Indian thought", VK 42, 1955-56 H1171 P.T.Raju, "Idealisms: Eastern and Western", PEW 5, 1955, 211-234 H1172 Dale Riepe, "Early Indian hedonism", PPR 16, 1955-56, 551-555 H1173 J.Sahai, "What is man?", PB 60, 1955: 337, 369 H1174 A.K.Sarkar, "The nature of error", ProcIPC 27, 1955, 77-86 H1175 P.S.Sastri, "The nature of error", ProcIPC 27, 1955, 87-98 H1176 P.S.Sastri, "Time and the philosophy of history", PB 60, 1955, 420-423 H1177 P.S.Sastri, "The process of history", PB 60, 1955, 440-442 H1178 D.N.Shastri, "Distinction between nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka in Indian philosophy", PAIOC 16, 1955, 320-325 H1179 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Synoptic view of Vedanta", VK 42, 1955-56, 214 ff. H1180 J.Frits Staal, "Parmenides and Indian thought", PQ 28, 1955, 81-106 H1181 D.T.Tatacarya, "Avidya and asambhuti", JTSML 10.l, 1955, 6-12 H1182 K.C.Varadachari, "Reconstruction in Indian philosophy", JSVRI 16, 1955, 1-9 H1183 V.P.Varma, "East and West in Aurobindo's political philosophy", PEW 5, 1955, 235-244 H1184 A.R.Wadia, "Can Indian and Western philosophy be synthesized?", PEW 4, 1955, 291-293 H1185 Alex Wayman, "Note on the Sanskrit term jnana", JAOS 75, 1955, 253-268 H1186 Ernst Abegg, "Geist und Natur in der indischen Philosophie", AS 10, 1956, 70-78 H1186.5 Siddheshwar Banerjee, A Short Treatise on 'The Life Divine'. Pondicherry 1956, 1959 H1187 A.Basu, "Hindu conception of mukti and the Christian idea of salvation", BRMIC 7, 1956, 25-29 H1188 B.Bissoondayal, "Les six systèmes de la philosophie indienne", LB 61, 1956, 169-192 H1189 I.M.Bochenski, Formale Logik. Freiburg 1956. Translated as A History of Formal Logic by Ivo Thomas. Notre Dame 1961; New York 1970. Pp. 416-447 of the 1961 edition reprinted in ILARpp. 117-150 H1190 N.B.Chakraborti, "The concept of falsity", CR 138, 1956, 291-294 H1191 C.T.K.Chari, "On the dialectic of Swami Vivekananda and Soren Kierkegaard: an 'existential' approach to Indian philosophy", RIP 37, 1956, 315-331 H1192 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Reality and the real", PQ 29, 1956, 29-34 H1193 P.J.Chaudury, "Epistemological proof of God", PB 61, 1956: 464, 492 H1194 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "India's debt to the West in philosophy", PEW 6, 1956, 195-212 H1195 Shashi Bhushan Dasgupta, "Conception of purusottama in Indian philosophy and religion", BRMIC 7, 1956, 272-280 H1196 Daya Krishna, "The invariants of the human situation--valuations and limitations", PB 61, 1956, 185-188 H1197 Daya Krishna, "Two types of appearance and two types of reality", RIP 37, 1956, 332-339 H1198 A.Deborin, "Materialism and dialectic in ancient Indian philosophy" (in Russian). VF 1, 1956, 91-103 H1199 Govind Chandra Deva, "Synthetic idealism and the future of man", PB 61, 1956, 410-415 H1200 B.Dhingra, "Die Grundlagen des indischen Denkens", Internationales Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Unterricht 5, 1956, 121-151 H1201 A. Elenjimittam, "Psychology of sanatana dharma", EAW 6, 1956, 295-298 H1202 Anne-Marie Esnoul, "Le courant affectif à l'interieur du brahmanisme ancien", BEFEO 48, 1956-57, 141-209 H1203 Jean Filliozat, Les éléments scientifiques dans la philosophie indienne. Polytyped. Paris 1956 H1204 T.W.Gervais, "Some new thoughts on India and the West", HJ 55, 1956-57, 323-329 H1205 Paul Horsch, "Le principe d'individuation dans la philosophie indienne", AS 10, 1956 - 11, 1957 H1206 D.S.Jakatey, "Professor K.C.Bhattacharya's notion of subjectivity", JPA 3.11-12, 1956 - 4, 1957 H1207 A.G.Javadekar, "Ineffabilism", JUB 5, 1956, 67-74 H1208 Olivier Lacombe, Chemins de l'Inde et philosophie chrétienne. Paris 1956 H1209 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Outlines of Hinduism. Bombay 1956 H1210 Sisir Kumar Maitra, Meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy. Pondicherry 1956 H1211 Susil Kumar Maitra, Fundamental Questions of Metaphysics and Logic. Calcutta 1956, 1974 H1212 Susil Kumar Maitra, Ethics of the Hindus. Second edition. Calcutta 1956 H1213 Susil Kumar Maitra, "A critical estimate of realism", IPC 1.4, 1956 - 1.5, 1957 H1214 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Schools of Vedanta philosophy", SPR 265-272 H1215 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Disbelief", SPR 218-224 H1216 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Negation", SPR 225-235 H1217 G.R.Malkani, "Meaning and truth", PQ 29, 1956, 241-246 H1218 G.R.Malkani, "Mysticism", PQ 29, 1956, 39-46 H1219 Basanta Kumar Mallik, Non-Absolutes. London 1956 H1220 Gikai Matsuo, "The philosophy of dualism in India", MK 55-76 H1221 Jay R. McCullough, "Indian theism and the importance of moral acts", RevRel 21, 1956, 5-16 H1222 P.D.Mehta, Early Indian Religious Thought. London 1956 H1223 J.J.Navone, "Christianity and the Vedic tradition", PPR 18, 1956-57, 558-559 H1224 Karl H. Potter, "Attitudes, games and Indian philosophy", PEW 6, 1956, 239-246 H1225 P.T.Raju, "The problem of the integrality and attributes of Brahman", PB 61, 1956, 34-39 H1226 P.T.Raju, "Being, existence, reality and truth", PPR 17, 1956-57, 291-315 H1227 P.T.Raju, "Philosophical trends and activities in twentieth-century India", RIP 37, 1956, 266-284 H1228 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Spirit and substance of Indian philosophy", AP 27, 1956: 503, 556 H1229 S.K.Ramchandra Rao, "Foundations of Indian logic", BhV 16.1, 1956, 41-51 H1230 S.N.Rao, "The manifest and the unmanifest: time, space, activity", PB 61, 1956, 290-293 H1231 Robert Rein'l, "Naturalism and supernaturalism in East and West", PEW 6, 1956, 49-68 H1232 Rishabchand, "Sri Aurobindo and the divine life", IAC 4, 1956, 311-315 H1233 P.S.Sastri, "Trends in contemporary Indian thought", RIP 37, 1956, 285-294 H1234 P.S.Sastri, "Meaning and the word", OT 2, 1956, 99-130 H1235 P.S.Sastri, "Evolution of the doctrines of Indian idealism", BhV 16.1, 1956, 13-34 H1236 Albert Schweitzer, Les grands penseurs de l'Inde. Paris 1956 H1237 S.Sengupta, "God and evil", VQ 21, 1956, 340-351 H1238 Bhikkhu Silacara, Kamma (Karma). Edited by Bhikkhu Kassappa. Colombo 1956 H1239 Devabrata Sinha, "The concept of self as saksin", CR 138, 1956, 64-76 H1240 Rudolf Steiner, Die Offenbarungen des Karma. Ein Zyklus von elf Vortragen. Dornach 1956 H1241 K.C.Varadachari, "The sarvamukti ideal", PB 61, 1956, 101-104 H1242 K.C.Varadachari, Aspects of Bhakti. MUSIP 4, 1956 H1243 David White, "Translation and oriental philosophy: an introductory study", PEW 6, 1956, 247-256 H1243.5 Abhishiktananda, Ermites du Saccidananda: un essai d'integration chretienne de la tradition monastique de l'Inde", 1957; Salzburg 1962 H1244 Agehananda Bharati, "Indian thought viewed from a Western standpoint", TK 38-39, 1957 H1245 Aseshananda, "Hindu view of immortality", PB 62, 1957, 51-56 H1246 Bishnupada Bhattacharya, "Connotation of words", OH 5, 1957, 147-168 H1247 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Language, logic and fact", PQ 30, 1957, 145-158 H1248 Vinoba Bhave, "Truth: the first condition of spiritual progress", GM 1, 1957, 279-286 H1249 Madeleine Biardeau, "Le role d'exemple dans l'inference indienne", JA 1957, 233-240 H1250 Madeleine Biardeau, "La definition dans la pensée indienne", JA 1957, 371-384 H1251 D.Mackenzie Brown, "The philosophy of Bal Gangadhar Tilak: karma vs. jnana in the Gita Rahasya", JAS 17, 1957-58, 197-206 H1252 F.Challaye, Les philosophes de l'Inde. Paris 1957. Translated into Italian by Vitaghane. Torino 1959 H1253 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The notion of objectivity", PQ 29, 1957, 193-202 H1254 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Does memory yield true and valid knowledge?", JASBe 23, 1957, 27-34 H1255 P.J.Chaudhury, "Indian personalism", Personalist 38, 1957, 260-265 H1256 P.J.Chaudhury, "Grades of knowledge", PB 62, 1957, 82-93 H1257 P.J.Chaudhury, "The meaning and verification of truth", PQ 29, 1957, 211-218 H1258 R.N.Dandekar, "Religion and philosophy in the age of the Guptas (circa 200-700)", RO 21, 1957, 85-107 H1259 Rasvihary Das, "What is philosophy?", IAC 6, 1957-58, 349-366 H1260 Richard V. de Smet, "Towards re-orienting Indian philosophy--hints from a Thomist", PQ 29, 1957, 237-244 H1261 A.M.Frenkian, Scepticismul grec si filozofia indiana. Bucharest 1957 H1262 A.M.Frenkian, "Sextus Empiricus and Indian logic", Pq 30, 1957, 115-126 H1263 William F. Goodwin, "Santayana's naturalistic reading of Indian ontology and axiology", PPR 18, 1957-58,147-168 H1264 F.Heiler, "The idea of God in Indian and Western mysticism", IAC 9, 1960, 15-41. Also OH 5, 1957, 1-12 H1265 Betty Heimann, "Contrasts in fundamental postulates", FVSKB 219-227 H1266 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Abhava", IPS 1, 138-144 H1267 Daniel H.H. Ingalls, "Dharma and moksa", PEW 7, 1957, 41-48. Reprinted IPE , 33-40 H1268 A.G.Javadekar, Approach to Reality. UBRS 1, 1957 H1269 A.G.Javadekar, "Axiology of knowledge", PQ 29, 1957, 229-236 H1270 I.H.Jhaveri, "Concept of akasa in Indian philosophy", ABORI 37, 1957, 300-307 H1271 G.N.Joshi, "Evolution of the concepts of atman and moksa in the different systems of Indian philosophy", Vid 2, 1957, 20-28 H1272 R.D.Karmarkar, "Hindu philosophical literature known to Alberuni", ABORI 38, 1957, 245-248 H1273 C.A.Keller, "Pensée hindoue et pensée hébraique", RTP 7, 1957, 266-277 H1274 S.B.Kulandran, "Christian faith and Hindu bhakti",IJT 6, 1957, 118 ff. H1275 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Indian philosophy", JMU 28, 1957, 131-140 H1275.5 Sisir Kumar Maitra, Sri Auroboindo and the New World. Pondicherry 1957 H1276 G.R.Malkani, "The temporal and the eternal", PQ 30, 1957, 11-18 H1277 G.R.Malkani, "Dialectical consciousness", PQ 30, 1957, 77-86 H1278 K.C.Mathew, "Radhakrishnan's and Brunner's anthropologies", IJT 6, 1957: 29, 67 H1279 Umesh Mishra, A History of Indian Philosophy. Volume One, Allahabad 1957. Volume Two, Allahabad 1966 H1280 U.Mohite, Atheism in Indian Philosophy. Amaravati 1957 H1281 N.Narain, "Does Indian philosophy need re-orientation?", PQ 29, 1957, 245-252 H1282 N.A.Nikam, "Indian thought and the philosophic basis of responsibility of man", RIP 1957 H1283 N.A.Nikam, "Thought and action", Proceedings of the Warsaw Conference, 1957 H1284 R.Conde Obregon, "La filosofia india contemporanea", Convivium 2, 1957, 136-143 H1285 Raimundo Panikkar, "Does Indian philosophy need re-orientation?", EAW 8.1, 1957, 23-28 H1286 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore (eds.), A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Princeton, New Jersey 1957 H1287 P.T.Raju, "The four basic principles of Gandhi's philosophy", GM 1, 1957, 316-322 H1288 J.Ram, "Science and religion", PB 62, 1957, 129-131 H1289 Anilbaran Ray, "Sri Aurobindo's yoga", IAC 6, 1957-58, 60-62 H1290 P.S.Sastri, "Knowledge and mystic experience", PB 62, 1957, 219-223 H1291 P.S.Sastri, "Knowledge of reality", BhV 17.3-4, 1957, 1-21 H1292 P.S.Sastri, "Ideal content of a sentence", CR 143, 1957, 239-265 H1293 P.S.Sastri, "The nature of the universal", CR 142, 1957 - 146, 1958 H1294 Genjun Sasaki, "Changes of words and development of a thought--an inquiry into the negative nir in ancient India", KG 5.3-4, 1957, 229-244 H1295 D.P.Sen, "Indeterminate perception", JPA 4, 1957, 117-122 H1296 Indra Sen, "Sri Aurobindo as a world philosopher":, PEW 7, 1957-58, 131-142 H1297 Suryakant, "The essence of Vaisnavism", IPC 2,1957, 73-78 H1298 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "Dharma and moksa", PEW 7, 1957, 33-40. Reprinted IPE 5, 25-32 H1299 K.C.Varadachari, "A little known chapter in the mystic experience of the Alvars", FVSKB 236-242 H1300 Helmut von Glasenapp, "The influence of Indian thought on German science, philosophy and literature", JASBe 23, 1957, 1-10 H1301 Alex Wayman, "The meaning of unwisdom (avidya)", PEW 7, 1957, 21-26. Reprinted as "Nescience and omniscience", UTK 551-572 H1302 N.V.Banerjee, Concerning Human Understanding. London 1958 H1303 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Self and others", PQ 31, 1958, 143-156 H1304 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Classical philosophies of India and the West", PEW 8, 1958, 17-36 H1305 K.C.Bhattacharya, "The concept of the Absolute and its alternative forms", KCBSP II, 121-146. Also RIndPh 303-330 H1306 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Knowledge and truth", KCBSP II, 147-166. Also RIndPh 40-57 H1307 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Fact and thought of fact", KCBSP II, 167-180 H1308 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Concept of value", KCBSP II, 281-300 H1309 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Reality of the future", KCBSP II, 271-280 H1310 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Definition of relation as a category of existence", KCBSP II, 243-260 H1311 K.C.Bhattacharya, The Subject As Freedom. KCBSP II, 3-94 H1312 M.Chakravarty, "Relational and non-relational knowledge", PQ 31, 1958, 203-210 H1312.5 Sibadas Chaudhuri, Bibliography of Indological Studies in 1953: a Survey of periodical Publications. Calcutta 1958 H1313 Daya Krishna, "Action and contemplation", VQ 24, 1958-59, 231-241 H1314 Daya Krishna, "K.C.Bhattacharya on Indian phi]osophy", VQ 24, 1958-59, 151-157 H1315 Richard V. de Smet, "Persona, anima, atman", PQ 30, 1958, 251-260 H1316 Richard V. de Smet, "Language and philosophy in India", PICP 12.10, 1958, 47-54 H1317 M.Donnelly, Founding the Life Divine. Bombay 1958 H1318 Franklin Edgerton (with P.-E. Dumont), "Prana and apana", JAOS 78, 1958, 51-57 H1319 Nalini Kanta Gupta, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Pondicherry 1958 H1320 Paul Hacker, "Anviksiki", WZKSOA 2, 1958, 54-83 H1321 Milton D. Hunnex, "Mysticism and ethics: Radhakrishnan and Schweitzer", PEW 8, 1958-59, 121-136 H1322 Olivier Lacombe, "Réflexions sur la philosophie indienne", Diogene 24, 1958, 40-50 H1323 G.R.Malkani, "Time and the Absolute", JPA 5, 1958, 1-7 H1324 G.R.Malkani, "Matter for science, common-sense and philosophy", PQ 30, 1958, 273-280 H1325 G.R.Malkani, "Knowledge by symbolization", PQ 31, 1958, 95-102 H1326 G.R.Malkani, "Judgment-theory of knowledge", PQ 31, 1958, 173-180 H1327 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Nature of the pramanya theory", OH 6, 1958 - 8, 1960 H1328 V.B.Mokashi, "Dialectic contests in ancient India", Bhavan's University Journal 12-1-58, 23-26 H1329 N.A.Nikam, "Detachment", PEW 8, 1958, 167-176 H1330 W.Nolle, "Indisches Denken", KS 50, 1958-59, 191-205 H1331 Robert L. Patterson, "Absolute dualism in Hindu philosophy and its significance for Western thought", PICP 12.10, 1958, 161-166 H1332 Karl H. Potter, "Dharma and moksa from a conversational point of view", PEW 8.1-2, 1958, 49-64. Reprinted IPE 5, 41-56 H1333 K.Kunjunni Raja, "The elliptical sentence--Indian theories", ALB 22.1-2, 1958, 25-31 H1334 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "Indian religious thought and modern civilization", IAC 7, 1958-59, 5-30 H1335 C.Kunhan Raja, "Theism, atheism and anti-theism", Half Way 36-47 H1336 P.S.Ramanathan, "An integral view of reality as infinite spirit", JPA 5, 1958, 123-135 H1337 S.N.Rao, "One and many", PB 63, 1958, 357-359 H1338 Samaren Ray, Indian Thought: A Critical Study. Calcutta 1958 H1339 A.P.Roy, The Quest of the Infinite. Calcutta 1958 H1340 S.K.Saksena, "Are there any basic tenets of Indian philosophy?", PQ 31, 1958, 19-24 H1341 N.Aiyasvami Sastri, "Sramana or non-Brahmanical sects", CHI (Second edition) 1, 1958, 389-399 H1342 N.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Hindu philosophy--its essential features", SVUOJ 1.1-2, 1958, 64-74 H1343 P.S.Sastri, "Dr. Radhakrishnan's philosophy of values", CR 148, 1958, 7-16 H1344 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of cognition in Indian philosophy", BhV 18.1, 1958, 1-21 H1345 P.S.Sastri, "Theory of inference in Indian philosophy", BhV 18.3-4, 1958, 1-23 H1345.1 P.S.Sastri, "Negation in Indian idealism", SUJ 7, 1958, 55-69 H1346 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Four theories on causality in Indian philosophy", JMU 30, 1958, 113-120 H1347 K.Satchidananda Murty, "La pensée philosophique indienne", Diogene 24, 1958, 21-39 H1348 U.Schneider, "Indisches Denken und sein Verhältnis zur Geschichte", Saeculum 9, 1958, 156-162 H1350 Nils Simonsson, "Beobachtungen über die Bedeutung von eka in einigen philosophischen Texten", OS 7, 1958, 159-178 H1351 Jadunath Sinha, Indian Psychology (Cognition).Calcutta 1958 H1352 K.C.Varadachari, "Does Indian philosophy require re-orientation?", ProcIPC 1958 H1353 Vishwanath Prasad Varma, "Sri Aurobindo's theory of nationalism", PatUJ 12, 1958, 50-72 H1354 B.Venkatesachar, "The place of experience in Tattva-vada", IPC 3, 1958, 136-142 H1355 Emil Abegg, "Indische Traumtheorie und Traumdeutung", AS 12, 1959, 6-34 H1355.1 Emil Abegg, As magische Weltbild der Inder. Basel 1959 H1355A G.F.Aleksandrov, Ocherk istorii sotsial nykh idei v dreunei Indii. Moscow 1959 H1355B S.Bandyopadhyay, A Short Treatise on 'The Life Divine': Volume 2, Part 2. Pondicherry 1959 H1355C D.K.Bedekar, "Some concepts based on revelatory epistemology", ABORI 39, 1959, 47-67 H1355D Vinoba Bhave, "The steadfast wisdom", GM 3.1-2, 1959 H1355E George Bosworth Burch, "Ranade, R.D. (1886-1957)", AP 30, 1959, 340 ff. H1355F C.T.K.Chari, "Philosophy in India", in R. Klibansky (ed.), Philosophy in the Mid-Century: A Survey (Firenze 1959), 279-301 H1355G P.J.Chaudhury, "The business of philosophy", AP 30, 1959, 56 ff. H1355G.5 Austin B. Creel, Reforulating Dharma in Contemporary Hindu Ethics. Ph.D.Thesis, Yale University 1959 H1355H M.Dambuyant, "Approches de la notion de volonté dans l'Inde ancienne", RP 84, 1959, 1-20 H1355J Rasvihary Das, "The theory of karma and its difficulties", Q 22, 1959, 15-18 H1355K Narendra Kumar Das Gupta, "The psychology of integral education of Sri Aurobindo", JVSC 1, 1959, 124-129 H1355L N.M.De, "Categories of time and space", IPC 4.3, 1959, 160-163 H1355M M.Donnelly, "Sri Aurobindo--an appreciation", ALIPC 32, 1959, 38-41 H1355N K.Gajendragadkar, Neo-Upanishadic Philosophy. Bombay 1959 H1355P Minoru Hara, "A note on the Sanskrit word ni-tya", JAOS 79, 1959, 90-95 H1355Q Christmas Humphreys, Karma and Rebirth. Fifth edition. London 1959 H1355QA Arnold Dudley Hunt, The Nature of Human Existence: a Comparative Study of the Doctrine of Man as found in Reinhold Niebuhr and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation 1959 H1355R R.D.Immanuel, "Some theories of error in Indian philosophy", ICQ 17, 1959, 61-64 H1355S K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Bhakti: its philosophical basis and importance", KK 23, 1959, 178-184 H1355T A.G.Javadekar, "Limitations and implications of the doctrine of self-validity of knowledge", JUB 8, 1959, 21-26 H1355V I. Jnanaprakasam, Dr. Radhakrishnan and Jnana. Tiruchirapalli 1959 H1355W Solange Lamaitre, Hinduism. New York 1959 H1356 S.K.Malhotra, "Die indische philosophies und die Phänomenologie Husserls: Der Begriff der 'Wahrnehmung' in den birden Denkrichtungen", ZPF 13, 1959, 339-346 H1357 G.R.Malkani, "Self-consciousness and consciousness of other self", PQ 31, 1959, 235-258 H1358 R.F.G.Muller, "Bemerkungen zu einigen Erkenntnisgrundsatzen indischer Ärzte", WZKSOA 3, 1959, 12-33 H1359 Arnold D. Hunt, The Nature of Human Existence: A Comparative Study of the Doctrine of Man as found in Reinhold Niebuhr and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Hartford Seminary 1959 H1360 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Ramana Maharshi and his Philosophy of Existence. Tiruvannamalai 1959, 1967, 1976 H1361 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The doctrine of karana in grammar and logic", PAIOC 29, 1959, Volume II, 303-308 H1362 J.C.Mookerjee, "Correction as a logical process", IPC 4.3, 1959, 140-143 H1363 H.G.Narahari, Karma and Rebirth. Ph.D.Thesis, Madras University 1959 H1364 N.A.Nikam, "Some aspects of ontological and ethical mysticism in Indian thought", in Stiernotte (ed.), Mysticism and the Modern Mind (New York 1959) H1365 Eva Olsson, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo in the Light of the Gospel. Madras 1959 H1366 Troy Organ, "The philosophy of India", Ohio University Review 1, 1959, 59-72 H1367 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Perceptual validity", Journal of the Bihar Darshana Parishad 1959. Reprinted WIP 409-450 H1368 M.P.Pandit, The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo. Madras 1959 H1369 R. Panikkar, "Isvara and Christ as a philosophical problem", Religion and Society 6.3, 1959, 8-16 H1370 Prabhavananda, "Mind--its power and uses", VATW 138, 1959, 40-49 H1371 A.Narasingha Rao, "The reality of bheda and abheda and of truth", VK 46, 1959, 297-305 H1372 C.Rajagopalachari, Hinduism. Bombay 1959, 1964, 1970 H1373 P.T.Raju, "Religion and spiritual values in Indian thought", ABORI 40.3-4, 1959 H1374 P.T.Raju, "Activism in Indian thought", ABORI 39, 1959, 185-226 H1375 P.T.Raju, "The task of the Indian philosopher--present and future", VK 46, 1959, 185 ff. H1376 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Dr. Radhakrishnan and idealism", JGJRI 16, 1959 H1377 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The doctrine of karma", AP 30, 1959, 23 ff. H1378 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Concept of philosophy East and West", BhV 19, 1959, 1-13 H1379 P.S.Sastri, "Perceptual judgment", BhV 19, 1959, 55-59. Also CR 153, 1959, 247-272 H1380 P.S.Sastri, "Perceptual apprehension", CR 153, 1959, 87-107 H1381 P.S.Sastri, "Truth", PB 64, 1959 H1382 P.S.Sastri, "Contradiction and metaphysics", PB 64, 1959 H1383 P.S.Sastri, "The being of the erroneous object", CR 150, 1959, 277-296 H1384 P.S.Sastri, "Meaning of a word", CR 151, 1959, 1-24 H1385 Esther Solomon, "Scepticism on faith and mysticism", JOI 8, 1959: 219, 349 H1386 J.Frits Staal, "Über die Idee der Toleranz im Hindouismus", Kairos 1, 1959, 215-218 H1387 M.H.Syed, "Indian philosophy", KK 23, 1959, 272-274 H1388 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "Aksara", JAOS 79, 1959, 176-187 H1389 K.C.Varadachari, "Prajna", PB 64, 1959, 389-391 H1390 K.C.Varadachari, "Indian philosophy and modern psychology", Sahaj Marga (Shahjahanpur) 1959 H1391 Icilio Vecchiotti, Pensatori dell'India contemporanea. Roma 1959 H1391.1 John Geeverghese Arapura, Radhakrishnan and Integral Experience. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1960 H1392 B.B.Banerjee, "The concept of liberation in the Vedas and the Upanishads", CR 157, 1960, 110-118 H1393 P.Beonio-Bocchieri, "Problems of philosophical historiography. Validity and limits of a comparative philosophy", EAW 11, 1950, 21-27 H1394 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Modern psychology and Hindu thought", PQ 33, 1960, 1-12 H1395 Kees Bolle, "Remarks on bhakti", ALB 24, 1960, 111-124 H1396 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Mind and supermind in Sri Aurobindo's integralism", IPSA 35-46 H1397 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", IPSA 17-34 H1398 Chavatsky, "Metaphysische Vorstellungen in der indischen Philosophie", Universitas 15, 1960, 747-752 H1399 M. Dambuyant, "Le materialisme dans l'Inde ancienne", Pensee 92, 1960, 89-98 H1400 S.B.Dasgupta, "The Vaisnava view of life", Religion and Society 7.2, 1960, 30-37 H1401 S.R.Dasgupta, "The relationship between brain and mind: the Hindu concept", MR 107, 1960, 205-212 H1402 Daya Krishna, "The philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharya", VQ 26, 1960 H1402.5 Eliot Sandler Deutsch, Approaches to Mysticism: a Study of the Interpretations of Rudolph Otto, Evelyn Underhill, Sri Aurobindo. Dissertation. New York 1960 H1403 E.Gauthier, La pensée hindoue. Paris 1960 H1404 Helmut von Glasenapp, Das Indienbild Deutscher Denker. Stuttgart 1960. Translated by S.Ambika as Image of India. New Delhi, n.d. H1405 Paul Hacker, "Magic, Gott, Person und Gnade im Hinduismus", Kairos 2, 1960, 226-233 H1406 Friedrich Heiler, "The idea of God in Indian and Western mysticism", P 5, 1960, 75-91 H1407 Mysore Hiriyanna, The Mission of Philosophy. Mysore 1960 H1408 R.A.Horne, "Atomism in ancient Greece and India", Ambix 8, 1960, 98-10 H1409 R.D.Immanuel, "Some historical refutations of the mayavada", ICQ 18, 1960, 119-122 H1410 A.G.Javadekar, "Axionoetics or a valuational theory of knowledge', JUB 9, 1960, 67-76 H1411 K.Krishnamurthy, "Sanskrit psychological terminology", POS 93, 1960, 225-233 H1412 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Contribution of the south to the heritage of Indian thought and philosophy", VK 46, 1960 H1413 Sisir Kumar Maitra, "Sri Aurobindo and Spengler: comparison between the integral and the pluralistic philosophies of history", IPSA 192-204 H1414 Basanta Kumar Mallik, Mythology and Possibility. London 1960 H1415 R.P.Marsh, "The organismic psychology of Andras Angyal in relation to Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of integral nondualism", IPA 192-204 H1416 Jay R. McCullough, "The integral approach in Sri Aurobindo and Jacob Boehme", IPSA 239-256 H1417 Kedar Nath Mishra, "Anatmavada or atmavada?", AnnualJP 2-3, 1960-62, 39-55 H1418 Shoson Miyamoto, "Studies on moksa and nirvana", BGDWU 6, 1960, 1-42 H1419 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Integralism and modern philosophical anthropology", IPSA 155-166 H1420 Satkari Mookerjee, "The omniscient as the founder of a religion", NNMRP II, 1-44 H1421 Satkari Mookerjee, "The nature of ultimate reality", NNMRP II, 45-74 H1422 S. Mookerjee, "God and the Absolute in the philosophy of Radhakrishnan", Religion and Society 7.2, 1960, 20-29 H1423 Charles A. Moore, "Sri Aurobindo on East and West", IPSA 81-110 H1424 A.J.Moreno, "Logica hindu", Sapientia 15, 1960, 217-220 H1425 A.C.Mukerji, "Idealistic trends of contemporary India", PQ 33, 1960, 111-121 H1426 N.A.Nikam, "Sein und Freiheit in der indischen Philosophie" in R. Wisser (ed.), Sinn und Sein (Tubingen 1960) H1427 N.A.Nikam, "The problem of creation: concepts of maya and lila", IPSA 143-148 H1428 Hajime Nakamura, "Practice of selfless action", IPSA 223-230 H1429 Nikhilananda, "The Hindu systems of thought", MR 107, 1960, 189-196 H1429.1 Raimundo Panikkar, "La integracion del pensiamento filosofico y religioso de la India", Orbis catholicus 3, 1960, 1-7 H1429.2 K.Raghavan Pillai, "The concept of samrambhayoga in Hindu thought", JKUOML 10, 1960 H1429.3 R.F.Piper, "Cosmic integration", IPSA 124-132 H1429.4 Harold Barry Phillips, "The six systems of Hindu philosophy", PB 65, 1960, 137-142. Reprinted SRV 11.2, 1988, 57-64 H1429.5 S.S.Raghavachar, "Pluralism and realism", VK 46, 1960 H1429.6 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of moksa", JKU 4, 1960, 7-13. Also PB 66, 1961, 23-26 H1429.7 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The doctrine of personality as a Hindu theist understands it", Religion and Society 7.3-4, 38-50 H1429.8 P.Nagaraja Rao, Introduction to Vedanta. Bombay 1960, 1966 H1429.9 Constantin Regamey, "The meaning and significance of spirituality in Europe and in India", PEW 10, 1960-61, 105-134 H1429.10 Ruth Reyna, "Integralism: a philosophia perennis", IPSA 149-154 H1430 Rishabchand, "The philosophical basis of integral Yoga", IPSA 213-222 H1431 J.R.Riviere, El pensiamento filosofico de Asia. Madrid 1960 H1432 P.Sankaranarayanan, "The nature and destiny of man from the Hindu point of view", Religion and Society 7.3-4, 1960, 61-73 H1433 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of the soul in Indian thought", BhV 20-21, 1960-61, 126-151 H1434 Ulrich Schneider, "Der individualistisch Zug in indischen Denken", ITag 244-251 H1435 Indra Sen, "The Indian approach to psychology", IPSA 184-191 H1436 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Fundamental characteristics of Indian philosophy", AnnualJP 2-3, 1960-62, 56-69 H1437 T.G.Siddapparadhya, "Jiva in relation to Brahman", JMysoreU 20, 1960 - 21.2, 1962 H1438 Ninian Smart, "Integral knowledge and the four theories of existence", IPSA 167-173 H1439 Pitirim A. Sorokin, "The integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo", IPSA 202-212 H1440 F.Spiegelberg, "Sri Aurobindo and existentialism", IPSA 47-59 H1441 Philip Spratt, "The gunas: a psychoanalytic interpretation", Triveni 30.1, 1960, 27-32 H1442 R.S.Srivastava, "The integralist theory of evolution", IPSA 133-142 H1443 J.Frits Staal, "Formal structure in Indian logic", Synthese 12, 1960, 279-286 H1444 J.Frits Staal, "Correlations between language and logic in Indian thought", BSOAS 23.1, 1960, 109-122 H1445 H.P.Sullivan, "The integration of knowledge", IPSA 174-183 H1446 H.P.Sullivan, The Concept of Man in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Durham University 1960-61 H1447 K.C.Varadachari, "Upanisad and upamana", JPA 7, 1960, 53-56 H1448 K.C.Varadachari, "Sri Aurobindo and the future of philosophical studies", IPSA 111-119 H1449 Icilio Vecchiotti, "La genesi della problematica dell'assoluto nella filosofia indiana antica", Pensiero 5, 1960, 74-108 H1450 David White, "Moksa as value and experience", PEW 9, 1960, 145-162 H1451 David B. White, Philosophy of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Ph.D.Thesis, Pacific University 1960 H1452 Ernest Wood, "The concept of integral unity", IPSA 120-123 H1453 B.S.Agnihotra, "Is reality one or many?", JOI 10, 1961, 308-316 H1454 B.L.Atreya, "The philosophy of late Dr. Bhagavan Das (in a nutshell)", Darshana 1.4, 1961, 103-106 H1455 Jyotirmoyee Basu, "The concept of dharma and Hindu society", JBRS 47, 1961, 201-210 H1456 V.M.Bedekar, "The doctrines of svabhava and kala in the Mahabharata and other old Sanskrit works", JUP (Humanities) 13, 1961, 17-28 H1457 Thomas Berry, "Oriental philosophy and world humanism", IPQ 1.1, 1961, 5-34 H1457.5 Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya, Logic, Value and Reality: an Inquiry into the Foundations of Logic. Calcutta 1961 H1458 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "An aspect of Mallik's philosophy", BKM 89-105 H1459 Siddhesvara Bhattacharya, The Philosophy of the Srimad-Bhagavata. Two volumes. Santiniketan 1961-62 H1460 J.Boulier-Frassinet, La philosophie indienne. Paris 1961 H1461 Balaram Chakravarti, "Can knowledge be false?", JPA 8.29-30, 1961, 32-40 H14 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Is Indian philosophy deterministic?", PQ 34, 1961, 49-55 H1463 P.J.Chaudhury, "Science and philosophy", JVSC 2, 1961, 65-72 H1464 R.M.Clark, "The Christian approach to the Hindu through literature: problems of terminology", IJT 12, 1963, 139-146 H1465 Shashi Bhushan Dasgupta, "Divine grace and the law of karma", PB 66, 1961, 104-113 H1466 Surama Dasgupta, Development of Moral Philosophy in India. Calcutta 1961 H1467 Richard V. de Smet, "God and the world", JVSC 2, 1961, 21-38 H1468 Richard V. de Smet, "Indiens Beitrag zur allgemeinen Metaphysik" (translated from English by Emil Karl Pohl). Kairos 3, 1963, 161-182 H1469 P.D.Devanandan, "Changing content of Hindu religious terminology", IJT 10, 1961, 58-63 H1470 K.Guru Dutt, "Pratibha (intuition) in Indian thought", QJMS 52, 1961 - 54, 1963 H1471 G.R.Franci, "Rapporti tra Eractito e il pensiero indiano", Quaderni dell' Istituto di glottologia (Bologna University) 6, 1961, 17-22 H1472 G.R.Franci, "La tradizione di pensiero indu ha un futuro?", Quaderni dell' Istituto di glottologia (Bologna University) 6, 1961, 23-31 H1473 Erich Frauwallner, "Landmarks in the history of Indian logic", WZKSOA 5, 1961, 125-148 H1474 Paul Hacker, "Schopenhauer und die Ethik des Hinduismus", Saeculum 12.4, 1961, 366-399. Translated by Dermot Killingley, PhilCom 273-318 H1475 Betty Heimann, "Opposites: contrasts or complements in early Greek and Indian philosophy?", ALB 25, 1961, 216-228 H1476 Betty Heimann, "The philosophy of the 'It'", Purana 3, 1961, 297-308 H1477 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Existentialism and Indian thought", PB 66, 1961, 63-68 H1478 D.S.Jakatey, "Cognitions--their truth and falsity", JPA 8, 1961, 135-150 H1479 V.S.Kostiuchenko, "K kritike niglisticheskikh vzgliadov na prinody indiiskoi filosofii", Akademia nauk SSSR Institute narodov Azii. Kratkie soobschcheniia 57, 1961, 46-59 H1480 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Reason in Hindu philosophy--classical and contemporary", PEW 11, 1961, 125-142 H1481 Amiya Kumar Mazumdar, "The problem of evil in modern Indian thought", BRMIC 12, 1961, 15-22 H1482 Charles A. Moore, "Pluralistic aspects of Indian philosophy", Darshana 1.3, 1961, 87-98 H1483 Charles A. Moore, "Philosophy as distinct from religion in India", PEW 11, 1961, 3-26 H1484 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A discourse on the self-contradictory terms", CR 158, 1961, 10-16 H1485 Hajime Nakamura, "Indian heterodoxies in comparative light", ALB 25, 1961, 550-581 H1486 Karl H. Potter, "A fresh classification of India's philosophical systems", JAS 21, 1961, 25-32 H1487 Henry H. Price, "Mallik's theory of knowledge", BKM 111-132 H1488 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "A new vision", BKM 87-89 H1489 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. Baroda 1961 H1490 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Meine Suche nach Wahrheit. Gutersloh 1961 H1491 C.Kunhan Raja, Some Fundamental Problems in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1961, 1975 H1492 P.T.Raju, Indian Idealism and Modern Challenges. Chandigarh 1961 H1493 Ramraj, Evolution of Thought. Hyderabad 1961 H1494 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Conception of philosophy through the ages", JKU 5, 1961, 3-16 H1495 Dale Riepe, Naturalistic Tradition in Indian Thought. Seattle 1961 H1496 S.R.Sharma, Ranade: A Modern Mystic. Poona 1961 H1497 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "The darsanas--bird's-eye view", CPSSS 114-117 H1498 Ninian Smart, "Sri Aurobindo and history", ALIPC 34, 1961, 3-8 H1499 R.S.Srivastava, "The chief currents of contemporary philosophy", in L.P.Vidyarthi (ed.), Aspects of Religion in Indian Society (Ranchi 1961), 26-37 H1500 Benal Gopal Roy, "Sri Aurobindo's refutation of mayavada", Darshana 1.2, 1961, 94-103 H1501 J.Frits Staal, "The theory of definition in Indian logic", JAOS 81, 1961, 122-126 H1502 P.K.Sundaram, "Impact of the West on Indian philosophical tradition and religion", BITC 1961, 222-240 H1503 V.P.Varma, "The element of values in ancient Hindu political thought", JBRS 47, 1961, 336-367 H1504 V.P.Varma, "Philosophy of rebirth in ancient Indian thought", VK 47, 1961, 462-466 H1505 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "Brahman as value", ALB 25, 1961, 47-504 H1506 B.S.Agnihotri, "The concordance of philosophic reality and the science of astrology", JUBo 31, 1962, 81-87 H1507 Atmananda, "The ultimate truth and the life of the world", Religion and Society 9.3, 1962, 36-40 H1508 Albert E. Avey, "The chronology of Indian philosophy", Darshana 6, 1962, 65-75 H1509 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of philosophy--an analysis of the concept of darsana", Proceedings of the Delhi Philosophical Colloquium Oct. 10-19, 1962, 89-95 H1510 S.S.Barlingay, "The significance of drstanta in Indian logic", EPM 163-175 H1511 Father Bernard, Indian Mind. Mangalore 1962 H1512 Kees W. Bolle, "Tantric elements in Sri Aurobindo", Numen 9, 1962, 128-142 H1513 B.H.Bon Maharaj, Western and Eastern Spiritual Values of Life. Vrndavana 1962 H1514 Basanta Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "Western and Eastern spiritual values in life", IPC 7, 1962, 44-50 H1515 Basanta Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "Comment on R.S.Jayaswal, 'Traditional values in America and India'", IPC 7, 1962, 186-193 H1516 D.Y.Deshpande and N.S.Dravid, "A difficulty in the philosophies of moksa", JPA 9, 1962, 23-26 H1517 R.V. de Smet, "Patterns and theories of causality", EPM 347-367 H1518 R.V. de Smet, "Some governing principles in Indian philosophy", PQ 35, 1962, 249-258 H1519 N.K.Devaraja, "The task before Indian philosophers", Q 35, 1962, 38-42 H1520 V.A.Devasenapathi, Towards Conquest of Time. Madras 1962 H1521 Helmut von Glasenapp, Von Buddha zu Gandhi. Wiesbaden 1962 H1522 Paul Hacker, "Sraddha", WZKSOA 7, 1962, 151-189 H1523 Y.Jagannathan, "Western and Eastern spiritual values in life", IPC 7, 1962, 76-96 H1524 A.G.Javadekar, "Analysis of creativity", PQ 34, 1962, 233-238 H1525 R.S.Jayaswal, "Traditional values in America and India", IPC 7, 1962, 186-193 H1526 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The unconscious in Indian philosophy", JKU 6, 1962, 35-44 H1527 Bijayanand Kar, "Satkaryavada and asatkaryavada", JPA 9, 1962, 113-117 H1528 C.T.Kenghe, "The problem of khyati", OT 6.2, 1962, 32-35 H1529 A.K.Majumdar, "Early history of the Vaishnava faith", IAC 11, 1962-63, 249-254 H1530 M.K.Malhotra, "Karl Jaspers and Indian philosophy", ZPF 15, 1961, 363-373. Reprinted in Philosophy Today 6.1/4, 1962, 52-59 H1531 G.R.Malkani, "Has Indian idealism failed us?", PQ 35, 1962, 1-8 H1532 Kumar Kishore Mandal, The Concept of Space and Time with special reference to Indian Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, Patna University 1962 H1533 Wayne McEvilly, "Aurobindo's metaphysics as realization of Being by man", Darshana 8, 1962, 86-94 H1534 T.P.Minakshisundaram, "The Agamic tattvas and the Agamic conception of mind", EPM 289-294 H1535 Charles A. Moore, "Tagore: humanist or transcendentalist?", EPM 226-239 H1536 A.C.Mukerji, "Existentialism and Indian philosophy", PQ 35, 1962, 259-264 H1537 N.R.Narayana Aiyer, The Technique of Maha Yogi, Self Inquiry; Culled from the Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Tiruvannamali 1962 H1538 Josef Neuner, Hinduismus und Christentum. Eine Einführung. Wien 1962 H1539 Troy Wilson Organ, "The quest for self-knowledge in the West and in India", Darshana 5, 1962, 80-88 H1540 A.M.Piatigorskii, Materialy po istorii indiskoi filosofi. Moscow 1962 H1541 Radhunath Phukan, The Theory of Rebirth. Calcutta 1962 H1542 Karl H. Potter, "Reality and dependence in the Indian darsanas", EPM 155-162 H1543 C. Kunhan Raja, "The Rgvedic sources of the six systems of Indian philosophy", PQ 35, 1962, 179-194 H1544 N.S.Ram, "Manas et bouddhi", LB 67.3, 1962, 65-75 H1545 Gunther Reger, "Der Personbegriff bei Sri Aurobindo", Kairos 4, 1962, 227-237 H1546 S.K.Ramachandra Rao, Development of Psychological Thought in India. Mysore 1962 H1547 V.C.Samuel, "Doctrine of creation", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 1-10 H1548 Dinesh Chandra Sastri, "The concept of mind in ancient India", OH 10.2, 1962, 137-144 H1549 Gauri Shankar Sastri, Underlying Harmony of Thoughts in the Systems of Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1962 H1550 I.C.Sastri, "Authority as a source of knowledge", OT 6, 1962, 27-34 H1551 S.Rajagopala Sastri, "Atmavada", EPM 310-325 H1552 Anima Sen Gupta, "The meanings of 'that thou art'", PEW 12, 1962, 125-134 H1553 Dhirendra Sharma, "The paradox of negative judgment and Indian logic", VIJ 2, 1962, 96-100 H1554 Herbert Jai Singh, Sri Aurobindo. Bangalore 1962 H1555 Herbert Jai Singh, "The doctrine of creation in Aurobindo's philosophy", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 30-41 H1556 Tej Singh, "The spiritual values of life in the East and the West", IPC 7, 1962, 156-158 H1557 Ajit Kumar Sinha, "Western and Eastern spiritual values of life and modern science", IPC 7, 1962, 116-140 H1558 Ninian Smart, "Empiricism and religions", EPM 181-197 H1559 R.S.Srivastava, "Karmayoga or the ethical path for salvation", Darshana 2, 1962, 88-93; 11, 1971, 43-48 H1560 R.S.Srivastava, "Jnanayoga and Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga", IPQ 2.3, 1962, 394-403 H1561 J.Frits Staal, "Philosophy and language", EPM 10-25 H1562 J.Frits Staal, "Negation and the law of contradiction in Indian thought: a comparative study", BSOAS 25.1, 1962, 52-71. Reprinted IPACR 2, 44-64 H1563 J.Frits Staal, "Contraposition in Indian logic", in Nagel and Suppes (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Palo Alto 1962), 632-649 H1564 N.Subrahmaniam, "The purusakara theme and the role of the Christ", EPM 284-288 H1565 V.V.Suryanarayana, "Western and Eastern spiritual values of life", IPC 7, 1962, 141-146 H1566 K.C.Varadachari, "The doctrine of parakiya", Darshana 7, 1962, 89-95 H1567 K.C.Varadachari, "Manas and buddhi", Dvarka Oriental Research Institute Journal 1962 H1568 K.C.Varadachari, "My philosophy", in K. Satchidananda Murty (ed.), Contemporary Indian Philosophy (1962) H1569 V.Varadachari, "Foundations of ethics in Hindu religion", IPC 7, 1962, 169-174 H1570 O. Wolff, Radhakrishnan. Gottingen 1962 H1571 William Walker Atkinson (Yogi Ramacharaka), The Inner Teachings of the Philosophies and Religions of India. Bombay 1963 H1571.5 Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Sree Atmananda (of Trivandrum), 1950-1959. Trivandrum 1963. H1572 Aurobindo Ghose, Reason and Beyond Reason (compiled by Rishabchand). Bombay 1963 H1573 Cornelius W. Bolle, Tantrism and Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Chicago 1963 H1574 N.V.Banerjee, Language, Meaning and Persons. London 1963 H1575 Deviprasad Bhattacharya, "Notes on objectivity and materiality", CR 167, 1963, 161-182 H1576 B.H.Bon Maharaj, Finite Self. Vrndavan 1963 H1577 Satischandra Chatterji, Classical Indian Philosophies: Their Synthesis in the Philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna. Calcutta 1963 H1577.5 Alain Danielou, Les Quatres Sens de la Vie. Buchet-Chestal 1963, 1976, 1992 H1578 J.N.Chubb, "Change", RIndPh 331-340 H1579 Rasvihary Das, "Knowledge and its object", RIndPh 80-88 H1580 Rasvihary Das, "Acharya Krishnachandra's conception of philosophy", JIAP 2, 1963, 1-13 H1581 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Verbal testimony as a source of valid cognition", RIndPh 201-211 H1582 Dhirendra Mohan Datta,"On philosophical synthesis", PEW 13, 1963, 195-200 H1583 M.S.Deshpande, Dr. Ranade's Life of Light. Bombay 1963 H1584 R.V. de Smet, "Categories of Indian philosophy and communication of the Gospel", Religion and Society 10.3, 1963, 20-26 H1585 G.C.Dev, "An ABC of a new philosophy", DUS 11.1, 1963, 1-8 H1586 David Friedman, "Infinite regress (anavastha) and paradoxes of the infinite in Indian philosophy", CIDO 25.4, Moscow 1963, 87 H1588 C.D.Dwivedi, A Critical Estimate of Empiricism in Indian and Western Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1963 H1589 Balbir Singh Gauchwal, "The sphere and significance of ethics, morality, and religion in Hindu tradition", PEW 13, 1963, 339-360 H1590 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Samjna", Jnanamuktavali 59-61 H1591 Betty Heimann, "Graeco-Latin terms and Indian 'concepts'--contrast exemplified", CIDO 25.4, Moscow 1963, 76-78 H1592 G.S.Herbert, "Time in Indian philosophy", SVUOJ 6, 1963, 22-31 H1593 A.G.Javadekar, Axionoetics. Bombay 1963 H1594 Winston L. King, "Causality: eternal or momentary?", PEW 13, 1963, 117-135 H1595 Olivier Lacombe, "Moralité, concentration, sagesse", in Hinduism 9-17 H1596 Olivier Lacombe, "Approches negatives de l'absolu dans la pensée indienne", Table ronde 182, 1963, 46-50 H1597 A.K.Lad, "The concept of liberation in Indian philosophy", UJP 2, 1963, 45-56 H1598 Anadikumar Lahiri, Comparative Studies in Philosophy. Calcutta 1963 H1599 M. Lederle, "R.D.Ranade's philosophy of God-realization", Hinduism 64-84 H1600 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Ramana Maharshi and the path of knowledge", JMU 35, 1963-64, 1-16 H1601 Sushil Kumar Maitra, "Mukti and bhakti as highest values", JIAP 2, 1963, 14-28 H1602 G.R.Malkani, "Philosophical explanation", RIndPh 223-228 H1603 G.R.Malkani, "On philosophical synthesis", PEW 13, 1963, 99-104 H1604 Margaret Wiley Marshall, "Existentialism: suspension bridge to Indian thought", VQ 28, 1963, 116-138 H1605 Radhakamal Mukherjee, The Philosophy of Personality. Bombay 1963 H1606 K.Satchidananda Murty, Metaphysics, Man and Freedom. New York 1963 H1607 Hajime Nakamura, "A critical survey of Indian religions and philosophy chiefly based on Japanese studies", Acta Asiatics 5, 1963, 1-75 H1607.5 Nataraja Guru, Unitive Philosophy. Vallues Magazine 1963-1966. Reprinted new Delhi 1986, 2005 H1608 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Ein Beitrag zu den Vada-Traditionen Indiens", WZKSOA 7, 1963, 63-103 H1609 G.Pipitone, "La logica indiana nel suo testo piu antico", Vidya 2, 1963, 27-39 H1610 Karl H. Potter, Presuppositions of India's Philosophies. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1963; Delhi 1965; Westport, Conn. 1973, 1976; New Delhi 1991. Portion reprinted in IWP 1997 H1611 Prabhavananda, Spiritual Heritage of India. New York 1963 H1612 P.T.Raju, "Comparative philosophy and spiritual values: East and West", PEW 13, 1963, 211-226 H1613 Yogi Ramacharaka, The Philosophies and Religions of India. Bombay 1963 H1614 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The philosophy of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan", IAC 11.3, 1963, 255-259 H1615 Louis Renou, "Sur le genre du sutra", JA 251, 1963, 165-216 H1616 Edmund Rochedieu, La pensée occidentale face à la sagesse de l'Orient. Nature-Mythe-Psychologie-Yoga. Paris 1963 H1617 S.S.Roy, "Pramana: a study in Indian criteriology", AUS (Philos.) 1963-64, 1-40 H1618 Ram Nath Sharma, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Second edition. Meerut 1963 H1619 Srikrishna Sarma, "Controversies over sabda", Jnanamuktavali 182-193 H1620 P.S.Sastri, "The phenomenalistic principle", PB 68, 1963, 410-416 H1621 K.A.Nilakantha Sastri, Development of Religion in South India. Bombay 1963 H1622 Satya Vrat Sastri, "Conception of time in post-Vedic Sanskrit literature", EOI 149-204 H1623 Jadunath Sinha, Outlines of Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1963 H1624 A.B.Sivaji, "The concept of salvation in Christianity and Vaisnavism", V 7.2, 1963, 51-55 H1625 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The rapprochement of Eastern and Western philosophers (II)", AP 34, 1963, 398-404 H1626 B.G.Tiwari, "Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya--a modern rsi", UJP 2, 1963, 13-26 H1627 Atisukhshankar Kamalshankar Trivedi, The Glorious Darsana Bombay 1963 H1628 Atsushi Uno, "Truth value in Indian epistemology" (summary). TK 42.4, 1963, 3-4 H1629 K.C.Varadachari, "Yogyata", ProcIPC 1963 H1630 V.Varadachari, "A note on the nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka perception in Indian philosophy", SVUOJ 6, 1963, 11-21. Also CIDO 26, 1969, 498-503 H1631 A.R.Wadia, "On philosophical synthesis", PEW 13, 1963, 291-294 H1632 Henry Winthrop, "Indian thought and humanistic psychology: contrasts and parallels between East and West", PEW 13, 1963, 137-154 H1633 Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar, "Puranas as the vehicles of India's philosophy of history", Purana 5, 1963, 6-10 H1634 B.S.Agnihotri, "The implication of om in philosophy", JOI 14, 1964-65, 70-74 H1635 R. Antoine, "Hindu ethics" in Religious Hinduism H1636 J.P.Atreya, "The concept of mind in Indian psychology", RSV 580-587 H1637 Amalendu Bagchi, "The Indian definition of mind", MRJ 1.2, 1964, 135-175 H1638 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "The philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharya in the light of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology", PQ 37, 1964, 35-42 H1639 R.Balasubramanian, "Is there not erroneous cognition?", JAU 25, 1964, 30-56 H1640 Archie J. Bahm, "Radhakrishnan: from an American perspective", RSV 31-33 H1641 S.S.Barlingay, "Theories of language in Indian philosophy", IPQ 4.1, 19643, 94-107 H1642 S.S.Barlingay, "The concept of freedom as emerging from Indian philosophy", PQ 37, 1964, 185-192 H1643 H.H.Banerjee, "The concept of rebirth in the Indian tradition", Indian Journal of Parapsychology 6.3, 1964-65, 49-71 H1644 P.Banerjee, "Early history of Vaishnavism", IAC 13, 1964, 120-129 H1645 Agehananda Bharati, A Functional Analysis of Indian Thought and its Social Margins. ChSSt 37, 1964 H1646 Deviprasad Bhattacharya, Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1964 H1647 Deviprasad Bhattacharya, "Brahman and the world", CR 172, 1964, 242-274 H1648 Deviprasad Bhattacharya, "Some questions and some answers", CR 173, 1964, 231-252 H1649 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The status of the individual in Indian philosophy", PEW 14, 1964, 131-144. Also TIM 299-319. Also SIEW 47-64 H1650 C.T.K.Chari, "The mystical horizons of personality", RSV 558-563 H1650.5 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Indian Philosophy: a Popular Introduction. New Delhi 1964, 1975, 1986 H1651 R.V.de Smet, "The rise of the systems", in Religious Hinduism H1652 R.V. de Smet, "Sin and its removal", in Religious Hinduism H1653 Eliot Deutsch, "Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of spiritual experience: a critique", IPQ 4.4, 1964, 581-594 H1654 N.K.Devaraja, "India and Western scholars", Q 43, 1964, 36-45 H1655 K.K.Dixit, "The history and the historical significance of Indian logic", Enq 1.3, 1964, 77-113 H1656 P.Fallon, "God in Hinduism: Brahman, paramatman and Bhagavan", in Religious Hinduism H1657 Gnaneswarananda, "Nature of the soul", VK 51, 1964, 253-257 H1658 S.K.Handa, "Freedom through karma", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 116-117 H1659 Betty Heimann, Facets of Indian Thought. New York 1964 H1660 William Horosz, "The concept of self-transcendence in Radhakrishnan and Niebuhr", RSV 161-165 H1661 Iswarananda, Does the Soul Reincarnate? Puranattukara 1964 H1662 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Jivanmukti--the case for and against it", VK 51, 1964, 153-157 H1663 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The nature of release--a comparative study", VK 51, 1964, 429-432 H1664 J.Jordens, "Jung and yoga", JIAP 3, 1964, 1-21 H1665 Harsiddh M. Joshi, "Indian approach to psychology", Darshana 14, 1964, 59-69 H1666 Harsiddh M. Joshi, "Nature of mind in Indian psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1964, 121-129 H1667 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Indian philosophy and French and German thinkers", Darshana 13, 1964, 1-8 H1668 S.P.Kanal, "Naturalism in recent Indian philosophy", RSV 188-197 H1669 Claudia Lars, "Algo sobre el India y el pensiamento hinduista", Cultura (San Salvador) 22, 1964, 116-140 H1671 Vyas Devji Maharaj, Science of Soul. A Practical Exposition of Ancient Method of Visualization of Soul (Atmavijnana). Bharat 1964 H1672 S.K.Maitra, "Indian conception of absolute life", in his Religious Essays (Calcutta 1964), 71-96 H1673 A.K.Majumdar, Bhakti Renaissance. BhV 24, 1964. Supplement, 84 pp. H1674 G.R.Malkani, "Spirituality--Eastern and Western", PQ 37, 1964, 103-l10 H1675 G.R.Malkani, "The rationale of the law of karma", PQ 37, 1964, 257-266 H1676 G.R.Malkani, "Ontological reflections--IV (Absolute reality of God)", PQ 37, 1964, 21-34 H1677 G.R.Malkani, "The self as intelligent substance", RSV 210-216 H1678 D.Marin, "Indianistica e pensiero occidentale", Acta Philosophica et Theologica 2, 1964, 210-211 H1679 Dinesh Chandra Mathur, "Doctrine of niskama karma", Q 42, 1964, 23-25 H1680 P.M.Modi, "Indian philosophy: some corrections", JUB 13, 1964, 1-5 H1681 Charles A. Moore, "The 'spirit' of oriental ethical philosophy--its emphasis" in D.J.Bronstein et al. (eds.), Basic Problems of Philosophy (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1964), 131-138 H1682 S.S.Murdeshwar, "Jivanmukta", VK 51, 1964, 396-398 H1683 V.S.Naravane, Modern Indian Thought. Bombay 1964 H1684 Troy W. Organ, The Self in Indian Philosophy. The Hague 1964 H1685 Troy W. Organ, "Radhakrishnan and teleology", RSV 323-330 H1686 M.P.Pandit, The Teachings of Sri Aurobindo. Bombay 1964 H1687 B.A.Parikha, "Personality in Indian psychology", MRJ 1, 1964, 176-187 H1688 Karl H. Potter, "The naturalistic principle of karma", PEW 14, 1964, 39-50. Reprinted IPE 4, 231-242 H1688.5 V. Raghavan, "Philosophy and Religion", in Oriental Studies in India (eds. R.N. Dandekar and V. Raghavan). New Delhi 1964, 103-113 H1689 P.T.Raju, "What is reason?", IPQ 4.2, 1964, 173-182 H1690 P.T.Raju, "Indian epistemology and the world and the individual", PEW 14, 1964, 321-332. Also SIEW 121-140 H1691 R.D.Ranade, Essays and Reflections (compiled by B.R.Kulkarni). Bombay 1964 H1692 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Radhakrishnan: the man and his message", RSV 376-379 H1693 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The nature and function of philosophy--the two views", VK 51, 1964, 220-226 H1694 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The trends in contemporary Indian philosophy: an outline", AP 35, 1964, 555-560 H1695 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and his contribution to philosophy", Triveni 33.3, 1964, 50-55 H1696 Dale Riepe, "Reflections on comparative philosophy", RSV 380-384 H1697 S.J.Samartha, Introduction to Radhakrishnan.New York 1964 H1698 P.S.Sastri, "The foundational principle in man and the universe", PB 69, 1964, 269-275 H1699 S.Rajagopala Sastry, "The two Mimamsa systems", VK 51, 1964, 113-118 H1700 Ishwar Chandra Sharma, Ethical Philosophies of India. Jullundur 1964; Lincoln, Nebraska 1965 H1701 Ram Nath Sharma, "Indian psychology: retrospect and prospect", MRJ 1, 1964, 211-223 H1702 William A. Shimer, "Dr. Radhakrishnan, man, and the universe", RSV 428-430 H1703 Behar Rajendra Singh, "Integral philosophy of Aurobindo", UJP 3, 1964, 1-3 H1704 Lalmani Prasad Singh, "Facets in Indian philosophy", Herald of Library Science 3, 1964, 48-51 H1705 R.L.Singh, "Buddhism and Vedanta", PQ 37, 1964, 137-140 H1706 R.P.Singh, "The religious idealism of Berkeley and Radhakrishnan", Darshana 13, 1964, 96-102 H1707 L.P.N.Sinha, "The Indian contact theory of perception", PatUJ 19, 1964, 254-260 H1708 Ninian Smart, Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy. London 1964. Pp. 125-145 reprinted IPE 4, 347-368 H1709 Ninian Smart, "Indian arguments about the existence of God", RSV 412-420 H1710 Jagdish Sahai Srivastava, Types of Empiricism in Philosophy: Western and Eastern. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1964 H1711 N.V.Subbanachar, "The problem of consciousness: modern psychology and Sri Aurobindo", MRJ 1, 1964, 102-120 H1712 Vachaspati Upadhyaya, "Determination of import of proposition", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 255-256 H1713 K.C.Varadachari, "Philosophical studies in India during the period of crisis", RSV 492-498 H1714 A.U.Vasavda, "Does Prof. Radhakrishnan propound any philosophy?", RSV 499-503 H1715 Henry Winthrop, "Indian thought and humanistic psychology", RSV 542-557 H1716 Ernest Wood, Vedanta Dictionary. New York 1964 H1717 Sir John Woodroffe (with Pramatha Natha Mukhopadhyaya), Mahamaya: The World as Power. Madras 1964 H1718 M.A.Allendes, "Relacion entre religion y filosofia en el pensiamiento hindu", An. Univ. Chile 123 (135), 1965, 131-152 H1719 S.S.Barlingay, A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic. Delhi 1965 H1720 S.S.Barlingay, "Concept of freedom from Indian point of view", IACV 14, 1965, 205-214 H1721 S.S.Barlingay, "Indian philosophers and their problems", Shakti 2.2, 1965, 24-27 H1722 Deviprasad Bhattacharya, "A short note on time", CR 175, 1965, 45-46 H1723 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "Negation", ISPP 6, 1965, 321-422. Reprinted Calcutta 1965 H1724 Kalidas Bhattacharya, Philosophy, Logic and Language. Bombay 1965 H1725 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of God in Indian thought", BRMIC 16, 1965, 122-132 H1726 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "An outline of Indian philosophy", BRMIC 16, 1965, 92-100 H1727 George B.Burch, "The neo-Vedanta of K.C.Bhattacharya", IPQ 5.2, 1965, 304-310 H1728 John F. Butler, "Philosophy of life: a Western reply", PQ 38, 1965, 207-210 H1729 C.T.K.Chari, "Mysticism of the Self, multivalued logic and dialectic", VK 52, 1965-66, 34-39 H1730 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The concept of God in Indian thought", PB 70, 1965, 170-177 H1731 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Karma and rebirth: a critique", ProcIPC 1965-66, 25-30 H1732 K.P.S.Choudhury, "The import of mind in Indian thought", VK 52, 1965-66, 365-368 H1733 Prabhakar Ramkrishna Damle, "Reflections on Oriental philosophy", OPTOE 58-63 H1734 Prabhakar Ramkrishna Damle, "Indian and Western philosophy", OPTOE 75-79 H1735 Sudhi Ranjan Dasgupta, Some Problems of the Philosophy of Religion. Serampore 1965 H1736 Daya Krishna, "Three views regarding Indian philosophy", DT 11.3, 1965, 147-160 H1737 Daya Krishna, "Three conceptions of Indian philosophy", PEW 15, 1965, 37-52 H1738 M.Dhavamony, "Reflections on the 37th Indian Philosophical Congress", IPQ 5.1, 1965, 130-147 H1739 Tuvia Gelblum, "India's philosophies--whose presuppositions?", BSOAS 28, 1965, 308-318 H1740 Gnaneswarananda, "Nirvikalpasamadhi: its nature and attainment", VK 52, 1965-66, 109-111 H1741 Gnaneswarananda, "Goal of human life according to jnanayoga", VK 52, 1965-66, 149-151 H1742 Gnaneswarananda, "What happens when realization comes?", VK 52, 1965-66, 205-207 H1743 Kalyan Chandra Gupta, Studies in Philosophy. Revised edition, Calcutta 1965 H1744 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The one and the many", PB 70, 1965, 501-508 H1745 G.N.Joshi, The Evolution of the Concepts of Atman and Moksa in the Different Systems of Indian Philosophy. Ahmedabad 1965 H1746 K.S.Joshi, "On the meaning of yoga", PEW 15, 1965, 53-64 H1747 Lal Mani Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India during the 7th and 8th centuries A.D. Ph.D.Thesis, Gorakhpur University 1965 H1748 R.V.Joshi, "Treatment of fallacy in Indian logic", VVMFV 270-301 H1749 S.Kanal, An Introduction to Dev Dharma. Moga 1965 H1750 R.N.Kaul, Immediacy, Reason and Existence. Allahabad 1965 H1751 Kumataro Kawada, "Pratyatmadharmata--methodical transcendentalism", JIBSt 27, 1965, 446-454 H1751.5 Klaus K. Klostermaier, Hinduismus. Koln 1965 H1752 Charles F. Knight, "Illusion and delusion", Metta 7, 1965, 7-12 H1752.5 Daya Krishna, "Three conceptions of Indian philosophy", PEW 1965; reprinted IPACP 38-65 H1753 Franco Lombardi, "La 'filosofia occidentali' e il pensiero indiano", Filosofia 16, 1965, 251-266 H1754 G.R.Malkani, "Concept of philosophy", PQ 38, 1955, 75-82 H1755 G.R.Malkani, "Some criticisms of the karmic law by Professor Warren E. Steinkraus answered", PQ 38, 1965, 155-162 H1756 G.R.Malkani, "Prof. J.F.Butler's comments on 'Philosophy of life'--a reply", PQ 38, 1965, 269-278 H1757 Dinesh Chandra Mathur, "The persistent problem of appearance and reality: a reappraisal", PQ 38, 1965, 41-46 H1758 J.C.Mazumdar, "Bradley, Vedanta and Ramakrishna: a comparative study", BRMIC 16, 1965, 256-263 H1759 M.S.Narayana Murti, "Philosophy of number", SVUOJ 8, 1965, 81-94 H1760 S.R.Mukherji, "Karma and samnyasa--a linguistic analysis", PQ 38, 1965, 37-40 H1761 K.Satchidananda Murty, The Indian Spirit. Waltair 1965 H1762 S.K.Nandi, "Rebirth in ancient Indian thought", JIH 43, 1965, 119-142 H1763 Vishwanath S. Naravane, The Elephant and the Lotus: Essays in Philosophy and Culture. Bombay 1965 H1764 Nikhilananda, "Rebirth and liberation", VK 52, 1965-66, 384-387 H1765 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Zum Problem des Gottesbeweises in der Indischen Philosophie", Numen 12, 1965, 1-34 H1766 Gokul Chandra Pande, "On ethical notions--Western and Indian", Conspectus 1.2, 1965, 23-31 H1767 Sangam Lal Pandey, Existence, Devotion and Freedom: The Philosophy of Ravidasa. Allahabad 1965 H1767.5 Madhav Pundalik Pandit, Gems from Sri Aurobindo. first series, Pondicherry 1965, 1967. Fourth series Pondicherry 1969 H1768 Joseph Politella, "Meister Eckhart and Eastern wisdom", PEW 15, 1965, 117-133 H1769 Rajendra Prasad, "On philosophical synthesis", PQ 38, 1965, 219-226 H1770 Rajendra Prasad, "Tradition, progress and contemporary Indian philosophy", PEW 15, 1965, 251-258 H1771 S.S.Raghavachar, "The unfolding purpose", JMU 37,1965-66, 169-194 H1772 N.Raghunatha Iyer, "Reason and intuition in Indian culture", JMU 37, 1965-66, 39-124 H1773 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Reflections on the concept of philosophy, East and West", IAC 14, 1965, 297-312 H1774 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Logic in Indian philosophy", VK 51, 1965, 499-501 H1775 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Some reflections on Indian philosophy", PB 70, 1965, 187-191 H1776 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Dharma as understood in India from an ethical background", The Gaudiya 10.1, 1965, 20-24 H1776.1 Raja Rao, "The writer and the word", The Literary Criticism 7.1, 1965. Reprinted in M.K.Naik, S.K.Desai, G.S.Amur (eds.), Critical Essays in Indian Writings in English (New York 1977) H1777 M.P.Rege, "The Indian philosophical tradition", Q 44, 1965, 9-24 H1778 I.C.Sharma, "Significance of the terms 'knowledge' and 'science' from the Indian point of view (Indian methods of linguistic analysis)", Darshana 5, 1965, 98-103 H1779 M.L.Sharma, "Dr. Ranade's philosophy of God-realization",VK 51, 1965, 585-590 H1780 Nilima Sharma, "Dr. S. Radhakrishnan's conception of nature and destiny of man", Bh 9.l, 1965-66, 63-70. H1781 Ram Nath Sharma, Essentials of Indian Philosophy. Kanpur 1965 H1782 Dinesh Chandra Shastri, "Pratibhajnana or intuitive knowledge in Indian philosophy", ProcIPC 1965-66, 12-16 H1783 P.S.Sastri, "Validity of categories", PB 70, 1965, 47-56 H1784 Satprakashananda, Methods of Knowledge. London 1965 H1785 Nani Lal Sen, A Critique of the Theories of Viparyaya. Calcutta 1965 H1786 K.Seshadri, "Emergence in the eternal", JMU 37, 1965-66, 227-247 H1787 Ramakant Sinari, "Some reflections on philosophy in India", PPR 26, 1965-66, 438-448 H1788 N.Sivashankar, Man Rediscovered: A New Approach to the Nature of Man. Trivandrum 1965 H1789 Jagdish Sahaya Srivastava, "Types of empiricism in philosophy: Western and Eastern", BHUab 4, 1965, 77-82 H1790 Rama Shanker Srivastava, Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1965 H1791 S.P.Srivastava, "Place and function of guide in the field of Indian psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1965, 188-194 H1792 K.Subrahmanyam, "Transcendence of karma", MP 2, 1965, 14-18 H1793 S.Rajagopala Sastry, "The Self in the realist schools", VK 52, 1965-66, 40-42 H1794 N.Satyanarayana, "Definition and function of philosophy", VK 52, 1965-66, 289-292 H1795 Warren E. Steinkraus, "Some problems in karma", PQ 38, 1965, 145-154 H1796 I.K.Taimni, "The monad and his shadows", Theosophist 86, 1965, 115-129 H1797 Ramchandra Dvivedi, "Sri Aurobindo's conception of philosophy", ProcIPC 1965-66, 111-123 H1798 K.C.Varadachari, "Karma and rebirth", JGJRI 22, 1965-66, 1-12 H1799 K.C.Varadachari, "A plea for creative re-thinking in Indian philosophy", PAIOC 22, 1965: I, 246-254 H1800 A.R.Wadia, "Philosophical implications of the doctrine of karma", PEW 15, 1965, 145-152 H1801 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "Action of the liberated man (muktasya karma)", VIJ 3, 1965, 69-79. H1801.5 Abhishiktananda, Le contre de l'hindouisme et de christianisme. Paris 1966 H1802 Robert S. Anderson, "This thing could go that way", PEW 16, 1966, 5-32 H1803 Atmananda, The Four Yogas. Bombay 1966 H1804 John G. Arapura, Radhakrishnan and Integral Experience. Bombay 1966 H1805 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya: a prisoner of Indian renaissance", VQ 32, 1966-67, 37-49 H1806 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Language and reality (a metaphysical essay)", Anviksha 1, 1966, 13-23 H1809 Hiramony Ghoshal, "Basanta Kumar Mallik and his philosophy of mutual abstention", Shakti 3.7, 1966, 14-18 H1810 George B. Burch. "The Hindu concept of existence", Mon 50, 1966, 44-54 H1811 Prabas Jivan Chaudhury, Reflections on Science, Philosophy and Art. Calcutta 1966 H1812 Saraswati Chennakesavan (ed.), Perception. A Seminar Conducted by the Philosophy Department of Sri Venkatesvara University, 1964. Bombay 1966 H1813 L.Chincholkar, A Critical Study of Aurobindo. Nagpur 1966 H1814 Wilhelm Cremer, Die Universale Religion des Geistes: Religion und Religione bei Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Munich 1966 H1815 Edavana Damodaran, Critique of Self. Bombay 1966 H1816 K.C.Das, Psychological Concept of Personality in Some Branches of Hindu Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Gauhati 1966 H1817 Rasvihary Das, "My master as I saw him (reminiscences of Acharya Brajendranath Seal)", JIAP 5, 1966, 1-16 H1818 R.V.de Smet, "The law of karma: a critical examination", IPA 2, 1966, 328-331 H1818.5 G.C. Dev, "Neo-Vedantism of Ramakrsna and Vivekananda and its historical background," in Nalini Kanta Bhattasali Commemorative Volume (ed. A.B.M. Habibullah) Dacca 1966, 274-295 H1819 T.S.Devadass, "Contemporary Indian philosophers, and their contribution to social thought", IPA 2, 1966, 131-144 H1820 Roque Ferriols, The Psychic Entity in Aurobindo's The Life Divine. Manila 1966 H1821 James M. Freeman, "Myth and metaphysics in Indian thought", Mon 50, 1966, 517-529 H1822 Balbir Singh Gauchwal, "The metaphysical foundations of Hindu ethics and religion", PEW 16, 1966, 143-160 H1823 Gnaneswarananda, "Karma--its many aspects", VK 53, 1966-67, 398-403 H1824 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The finite self: its nature and destiny", PB 71, 1966, 140-147 H1825 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The Hindu doctrine of karma and reincarnation", P 3, 1966, 230-234 H1826 L.R.Joshi, "A new interpretation of Indian atheism", PEW 16, 1966, 189-206 H1827 Satewab Parsram Kanal, Naturalism in Modern Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1966 H1828 B.Kanitscheider, "Zum Problem des 'Selbst'", Wissenschaft und Weltbild (Vienna) 19.4, 1966, 295-306 H1829 Gopinath Kaviraj, Aspects of Indian Thought. Burdwan 1966 H1830 John M. Koller, The Metaphysical Bases and Implications of Indian Social Ideals in Traditional India, Gandhi, and Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1966 H1830.5 Daya Krishna, "Three myths about Indian philosophy", Diogenes 55, 1966, 89-103. Reprinted IPE 4, 369-384; IPACP 18-37 H1831 Shozen Kumoi, "On the isvaravada--its assertion and criticism", JIBSt 28, 1966, 935-942 H1833 Georg Landmann, "Seele, Selbst und Atman", Kairos 8, 1966, 44-49 H1834 Alexei D. Litman, Philophskaya misl Nezavisimoi Indii. Moscow 1966. H1835 Quinter M. Lyon, "Mystical realism in the thought of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan", PEW 16, 1966, 221-234 H1836 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Philosophical trends vs. history of sources of India--orthodox systems", IPA 2, 1966, 237-252 H1837 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Indian philosophy and the West", W.E.Hocking Felicitation Volume (The Hague 1966), 369-380 H1838 Maheshwari, "An outline of the yoga of Sri Aurobindo", IPC 11.3, 1966, 24-29 H1839 Shadi Lal Malhotra, "The social and political orientations of neo-Vedantism", PEW 16, 1966, 67-80 H1840 Umesh Mishra, "Jiva, its movement and uplift", JOI 15, 1966, 302-306 H1841 V.B.Mishra, "The retribution of karma in the prakrta and samskrta literature of the early medieval India", SKBCV 136-141 H1842 Satkari Mookerjee, "Some difficulties in the concept of the non-relational Absolute", JPA 10 (37), 1966, 44-50 H1843 P.M.Bhaskaran Nambudiripad, "The destiny of the human soul", PB 71, 1966, 31-35 H1844 J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty, "Radhakrishnan and his philosophy", Triveni 35.1, 1966, 50-58 H1845 S.C.Mukherji, A Study of Vaisnavism in Ancient and Medieval Bengal up to the Advent of Chaitanya. Calcutta 1966 H1845.5 Hajime Nakamura, "Time in Indian and Japanese thought", The Voices of Time (ed. J.T.Fraser)(New York 1966), 77-85. Reprinted in ETB 707-721 H1846 Gokul Chand Narang, Glorious Hinduism. New Delhi 1966 H1847 G.C.Nayak, "The doctrine of karma and the criterion of falsifiability", CR 180, 1966, 117-120 H1848 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Die Begegnung Indiens mit dem Christentum", Kairos 8, 1966, 33-43 H1849 Garabed H. Paelian, "Hindu philosophy", IPC 11.2,1966, 9-16 H1850 S.N.Pande, "The spirit of the neo-Vedantism", IPC 11.4, 1966, 29-35 H1851 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Jivanmukti and social concerns", IPA 2, 1966, 119-124 H1852 M.P.Pandit (comp.), Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. Pondicherry 1966 H1853 J.Politella, Hinduism. Iowa City 1966 H1854 Ambalal Balkrishna Purani, Sri Aurobindo: Some Aspects of His Vision. Bombay 1966 H1855 Ambalal Balkrishna Purani, Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine. Pondicherry 1966 H1856 S.S.Raghavachar, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 179-188 H1857 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Being and becoming--an ontological interpretation", VK 53, 1966-67, 432-435 H1858 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Sadhana in Indian philosophy", VK 53, 1966-67, 367-370 H1859 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Indian philosophy: a preliminary approach", AP 37, 1966, 403-408 H1860 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "The concept of Being in existentialism and Sri Aurobindo", Journal of Osmania University 4, 1966, 1-14 H1861 V.Madhusudana Reddy, Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy of Evolution. Hyderabad 1966 H1862 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Maya, the divine creatrix--Aurobindo's standpoint", IPA 2, 1966, 259-265 H1863 Kamala Roy, The Concept of Self. Calcutta 1966 H1864 Mahesh D. Sharma, "Theory of personality types in Indian systems of medicine", P 12, 1966, 176-184 H1865 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The conception of tattva in Indian philosophy: a study", VIJ 4, 1966, 204-208 H1866 Ram Nath Sharma, "Philosophy: as Sri Aurobindo views it", IPC 11.1, 1966, 37-40 H1867 S.S.Sharma, "Some misunderstandings about Indian philosophy", Darshana 21, 1966, 87-91 H1868 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Karma and fate", IAC 15, 1966, 271-281 H1869 S.Rajagopala Sastri, "Karma and rebirth", IPA 2, 1966, 336-342 H1870 Indra Sen, "Reconstruction of Indian thought", IPA 2, 1966, 36-42 H1871 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Indian philosophy and social ethics", IPA 2, 1966, 19-27 H1872 Anima Sen Gupta, "Metaphysical basis of Indian thought", IPA 2, 1966, 28-35 H1873 Mark Shapiro, "The subject as freedom", PEW 16, 1966, 239-248 H1874 J.P.Shukla, The Nature of Mind. Jabalpur 1966 H1875 Christ Kumar Paul Singh, Die Mystik bei Radhakrishnan und die Offenbarungs-theologie. Ph.D.Thesis, Kirchliche Hochschule (Belin) 1966 H1876 J.P.Singhal, "Indian philosophy and social ethics", IPA 2, 1966, 15-18 H1877 Jadunath Sinha, Shakta Monism, the Cult of Shakti. Calcutta 1966 H1878 Theodore J. Solomon, The Origin and Development of Early Indian Bhakti: The Autochthonous Heritage of Vaishnavism. Ph.D.Thesis, Chicago 1966 H1879 J.Frits Staal, "Indian semantics, I", JAOS 86, 1966, 304-310 H1880 J.Frits Staal, "My approach to Indian philosophy", IPA 2, 1966, 289-302 H1881 N.V.Subbanachar, "The problem of self: a critique of methodology", MRJ 2.2, 1966, 30-71 H1882 B.V.Subbarayappa, "The Indian doctrine of five elements", IJHS 1, 1966, 60-67 H1883 Nathmal Tatia, "Materialism vs. spiritualism", BKBCV 54-56 H1884 Tapasyananda, "Hindu (Vedantic) idea of God", VK 53, 1966-67, 227-233 H1885 S.M.Tewari, "Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's view of the nature of religion", Darshana 23, 1966, 76-99 H1886 Agnihotram Ramanuja Thathacariar, "Maya--a wonderful conception", IPA 2, 1966, 156-160 H1887 B.G.Tiwari, "Dr. S. Radhakrishnan's solution of the problem of religious conflict", Darshana 24, 1966, 101-106 H1888 R.K.Tripathi, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 189-195 H1889 Usha, "Some philosophical interludes in contemporary Sanskrit dramas", JOI 16, 1966, 344-348 H1890 K.C.Varadachari, "Indian philosophical systems and social problems", IPA 2, 1966, 99-104 H1891 K.C.Varadachari, Sahaj Marg: Sri Ram Chandra's New Darsana. Shahjahanpur 1966 H1892 Vankeepuram Varadachari, Concept of Matter. Tiruchirapalli 1966 H1893 N.Veezhinathan and T.P.Ramachandran, "The social concern for the jivanmukta", IPA 2, 1966, 125-130 H1894 Chedonil Velyacich, "My approach to Indian philosophy", IPA 2, 1966, 303-315 H1895 Donald Walhout, "A critical note on Potter's interpretation of karma", PEW 16, 1966, 235-238 H1896 M.Yamunacharya, "The concept of maya as avidya", IPA 2, 1966, 226-232 H1897 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "Notion of pramana in Indian philosophy", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 55-58 H1898 A.K.Banerjee, Discourse on Hindu Spiritual Culture. Delhi 1967 H1899 George B. Burch, "A footnote to K.C.Bhattacharya's philosophy", ALB 31-32, 1967-68, 211-215 H1900 George B. Burch, "Search for the Absolute in neo-Vedanta: the philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharya", IPQ 7, 1967, 661-667. Also SANV H1901 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti, "The doctrine of pramana in philosophy", VJP 3.2, 1967, 9-14 H1902 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of pramana in philosophy", VJP 3.2, 1967, 9-14 H1902.5 Sibdas Chaudhuri, Bibliography of Indological Studies in 1965: a Survey of Periodical Publications. Calcutta 1967 H1903 John B. Chethimattam, Consciousness and Reality: An Indian Approach to Metaphysics. Bangalore 1967 H1904 L.G.Chincholkar, "Is philosophy impractical?", Darshana 28, 1967, 15-19 H1905 Shulman Samuel Cohen, Guru Ramana: Memories and Notes. Third edition, Tiruvannamalai 1967 H1906 K.Damodaran, Indian Thought: A Critical Survey. Bombay 1967 H1907 Bhagavan Das, "Karma, dharma and purusartha", MP 4, 1967, 106-110 H1908 Bhagavan Das, "From dharma to moksa", MP 4, 1967, 273-275 H1909 Surama Dasgupta, "The individual in Indian ethics", TIM 341-358. Also SIEW 285-300 H1910 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Epistemological methods in Indian philosophy", TIM 118-135 H1911 Daya Krishna, "Three myths about Indian philosophy", Q 53, 1967, 9-16 H1912 Dhareshwari, "Reason and intuition in philosophy", PB 72, 1967, 29-33 H1913 Nalini Devdas, "The concept of personality in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Religion and Society 14.3, 1967, 15-30 H1914 R.R.Diwakar, "Karma-samadhi", PB 72, 1967, 350-352 H1915 Eknath Easwaran, "Raja Yoga--the royal path", MP 4, 1967, 189-194 H1916 Hemanta Kumar Ganguly, "Metaphysics of meaning", Anviksa 2.1, 1967 - 3.2-4.1, 1969 H1917 J.M.Ganguli, "The illumination of unknowing", AP 38, 1967, 74-79 H1918 William Gerber, The Mind of India. New York 1967 H1919 Sisir Kumar Ghose, "Sri Aurobindo's conception of the Life Divine", BRMIC 18, 1967, 77-83 H1920 S.Gopalan, "The social philosophy of Dr. Radhakrishnan", BITC 1967, 230-235 H1921 Nalini Kanta Gupta, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Pondicherry 1967 H1922 Venu C. Gupta, "Hindu idea of liberation (moksa)", CIDO 27, Anna Arbor 1967, 308-309 H1923 Henry G. Hadley, "Hindu philosophy and the Einstein theory", Darshana 26, 1967, 39-43. In German, Philosophica Naturalis (Meisen-heim-amblan) 10.1, 1967, 107-111 H1924 G.C.Hallen, "Karma and krime", VK 54, 1967-68, 24-29 H1925 G.C.Hallen, "Karma and punishment", VK 54, 1967, 220-227 H1926 M.K.Vankatarama Iyer, "Sarva-mukti", PB 72, 1967, 455-460 H1927 Suvira Jaiswal, The Origin and Development of Vaisnavism from 200 B.C. to A.D. 500. Delhi 1967 H1928 D.S.Jakatey and S.H.Dixit, "Negation in Indian logic", JPA 10 (38), 1967, 202-211 H1929 J.Jordens, "Prana and libido", JIAP 6.1, 1967, 32-44 H1930 R.S.Khare, "Concept of time and time-reckoning among the Hindus: an anthropological viewpoint", Eastern Anthropologist 20, 1967, 47-53 H1931 Ashok Kumar Lad, A Comparative Study of the Concept of Liberation in Indian Philosophy. Burhanpur 1967 H1932 Ija Lazari Pawlowska, "Professional ethics as dharma", Darshana 15.2, 1973, 49-56 H1933 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Social, ethical, spiritual values in Indian philosophy", TIN 152-171 H1934 Gustav Mensching, "Verwandte Probleme im philosophischen Denken Europas und Indiens", E.Benz Felicitation Volume (1967) H1935 P.M.Modi, "The doctrine of prasthanatrayi--is it valid?", JOI 17, 1967, 53-58 H1936 Jatilcoomar Mookerjee, "Vitanda or wrangling", KAG 146-150 H1937 Charles A. Moore, "The comprehensive Indian mind", TIM 1-18 H1938 S.K.Mukerjee, "Metaphysics, metaphysics and philosophy", AP 38, 1967, 65-69 H1939 T.R.V.Murti, "The world and the individual in Indian religious thought", TIM 320-340. Also SIEW 47-64. Also StIndT 328-349 H1940 B.K.Nema, "That thou art", PB 72, 1967, 352-357 H1941 Narayanarao Appura Nikam, Some Concepts of Indian Culture. Simla 1967 H1942 Nikhilananda, "The realistic aspect of Indian spirituality", TIM 216-247 H1943 Nikhilananda, "Concentration and meditation as methods in Indian philosophy", TIM 136-151 H1944 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Notes on the tantrayuktis", ALB 31-32, 1967-68, 100-166 H1945 G.C.Pande, "The concept of pramana in philosophy", VJP 3.2, 1967, 15-24 H1946 Ram Prasad Pandeya, "Modern Indian thought", Educational Review (Madras) 73, 1967, 229-232 H1947 S.N.Pande, "Mystic tendency in the neo-Vedantism", IPC 12.4, 1967, 22-35 H1948 S.N.Pande, "God and the Absolute in the neo-Vedantism", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 44-53 H1949 Karl H. Potter, "Freedom and determinism from an Indian perspective", PEW 17, 1967, 113-124 H1950 Robert Powell, "The free mind", AP 38, 1967, 246-250 H1951 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Indian approach to the religious problem", TIM 173-182 H1952 W.Radhakrishnayya, "The intricacies of karma", MP 4, 1967, 100-104 H1953 M.Rafique, "Sri Aurobindo's critique of materialism and idealism", Darshana 28, 1967, 10-14 H1954 P.T.Raju, "Religion and spiritual values in Indian philosophy", TIM 183-215 H1955 P.T.Raju, "Metaphysical theories in Indian philosophy", TIM 41-65 H1956 R.Ramanujachari, "The role of metaphysics according to the Vedanta", IPA 3, 1967, 200-214 H1957 Richard H. Robinson, "The classical Indian axiomatic", PEW 17, 1967, 139-154 H1958 D.Seyfort Ruegg, The Study of Indian and Tibetan Thought. Leiden 1967 H1959 S.K.Saksena, "Relations of philosophical theories to the practical affairs of men", TIM 19-40 H1960 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, "The concept of tattva--a study", KAG 198-201 H1961 H.L.Sharma, "Jnana-yoga", PB 72, 1967, 292-297 H1962 Ajay Mitra Shastri, "Vaisnavism", RIR75 597-623 H1963 Satprakasananda, "The creation from the word", PB 72, 1967, 91-102 H1963.5 Satyananda, Abhedananda, the Messiah of Vedanta. Calcutta 1967 H1964 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Indian philosophy and social ethics", JIAP 6, 1967, 63-74 H1965 L.P.N.Sinha, "The conceptual error", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 23-27 H1966 G.Srinivasan, The Existentialist Concepts and the Hindu Philosophical Systems. Allahabad 1967 H1967 G.Srinivasan, "The subjectivity of the self", AP 38, 1967, 487-491 H1968 R.P.Srivastava, "Sri Aurobindo's contribution to the concept of the individual", Darshana 27, 1967, 49-56 H1969 N.Subba Reddiar, "Is the transcendental application of categories in Kant's pure reason a case of anupasamharin?', SVUOJ 10, 1967, 7-9 H1970 P.Thirugnanasambandham, "The concept of bhakti", JMU 39, 1967-68, 33-74 H1971 K.C.Varadachari, "Purusa", KAG 237-241 H1972 V.Varadachari, "Concept of tamas (darkness) in the schools of Indian philosophy", SIUM 79-86 H1973 Siddheshwar Varma, "Sensation in Indian philosophy", KAG 241-254 H1974 Alex Wayman, "Significance of dreams in India and Tibet", HistR 7, 1967, 1-12 H1975 Brahma Yogiesiv, "Karma and grace", MP 4, 1967, 111-112 H1976 C.N.Zutshi, "Man in Hindu philosophy", PB 72, 1967, 288-292 H1977 Abhedanand, "Attainment of moksa", Darshana 30, 1968, 37-40 H1978 Ananyananda, "The concept of freedom", BRMIC 19, 1968, 181-192 H1979 M.Arunachalam, "Prarabdha karma and grace", SaivS 3, 1968, 132-136 H1979.5 N. V. Banerjee, The Concept of Philosophy. Calcutta 1968 H1980 V.M.Bedekar,' "The doctrine of the colors of souls in the Mahabharata: its characteristics and implications", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 329-338 H1981 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Causality: an analysis", PB 73, 1968, 132-136 H1982 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "An examination of karmavada", CR n.s. 1, 1969, 105-122 H1983 Sailajakumar Bhattacharya, Perception and Predication. Calcutta 1968 H1984 Madeleine Biardeau, "Jati et laksana", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 75-84 H1985 A.R.Chakraborthy, "Linguistic and philosophical sources of Indian translation theory", Shakti 5.4, 1968, 22-34 H1986 Sudhamoy Chatterji, Death and After. Calcutta 1968 H1987 H.K.De Chaudhuri, "Indian philosophy and Martin Heidegger", BRMIC 19, 1968, 75-88 H1988 K.P.S.Choudhary, "The mystical union", IPC 13.1, 1968, 12-25 H1989 J.N.Chubb, "The problem of truth", DMDV 71-80 H1990 J.N.Chubb, "Indian philosophy and social concern", AP 39, 1968, 304-310 H1991 R.N.Dandekar, "God in Hindu thought", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 433-465 H1992 R.N.Dandekar, "Hindu intellectuals under recent impacts of modern culture", IAHRC 1, 73-91 H1993 Bhabatosh Datta, "Philosophy of 19th century Bengal", BRMIC 19, 1968, 162-170 H1994 Madhav Deshpande, "Sadharmya, sadrsya and upama", Bh 12-14, 1968-71, 1-20 H1995 R.V.de Smet, "The Indian renaissance: Hindu philosophy in English", IPQ 8, 1968, 5-37 H1996 Govind Chandra Dev, "Philosophy and the future of man", DUS 16, 1968, 129-139 H1997 N.K.Devaraja, "Pramanas and the modes of philosophical reasoning in Indian thought", IPA 4, 1968, 103-111 H1998 Kurt Dockhorn, Tradition und Evolution: Untersüchungen zu Sri Aurobindo's Auslegung Autovisieten Sanskritschriften mit einer Einführung in Sein Leben und Werk. P.D.Thesis, University of Heidelberg 1968 H1999 R.R.Dravid, "Pramanas and the modes of philosophical reasoning in Indian thought: a critical review", IPA 4, 1968, 112-116 H2000 Srinivas Dixit, "The Indian philosophical tradition", JSU 1, 1968, 49-54 H2001 R.K.Garg, "A discourse on saccidananda", JGJRI 24, 1968, 65-80 H2002 Brahmananda Gupta, "Story of the evolution of the concept of negation", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 115-118 H2003 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Indian and Western philosophy: preliminary remarks on a method of comparison", JBRS 54, 1968, 359-364 H2004 R. Hall, Law of Karma. Australia 1968 H2005 R.C.Hazra, "The judicial pramanas (means of proof) known to or mentioned in the extant dharmasutras of Gautama and others", OH 16, 1968, 1-56 H2006 Masaaki Hattori, "Two types of non-qualificative perception", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-6,9, 161-170 H2006.5 Friedrich Heiler, Indische Geisteswelt: Einheit in der Vielfelt. Zum verstandnis des Hinduismus und seiner Bedeutung fur das Abenland. Frankfurt am Hessen 1968 H2007 K.S.Joshi, "Liberation: the avowed goal of Indian philosophy", PEW 18, 1968, 77-81 H2008 K.S.Joshi, "On the possibility of yogic powers", IPQ 8, 1968, 579-585 H2009 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "The role of Indian logic in the doctrine of causality", MIMLR 403-414. Also SILM 77-89 H2010 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Determinism and karma theory", IPA 4, 1968, 21-27 H2011 John M. Koller, "Purusarthas as human aims", PEW 18, 1968, 315-319 H2012 Eva Konrich, "Realism and mature perspective: India's philosophical superiority", Darshana 32, 1968, 1-10 H2013 Arnold Kunst, "Somatism: a basic concept in India's philosophical speculations", PEW 18, 1968, 261-276 H2014 Olivier Lacombe, "Jnanam savijnanam", MIMLR 439-434 H2015 Trevor Ling, A History of Religion East and West. London 1968 H2016 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Die Metaphysik des Hinduismus", Kairos 10, 1968, 82-87 H2017 G.R.Malkani, "Philosophy of the will", DMDV 195-204 H2018 Kumar Kishore Mandal, A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Space and Time in Indian Thought. Varanasi 1968 H2019 J.L.Mehta, Vedanta and Buddhism. Varanasi 1968 H2020 J.L.Mehta (ed.), Language and Reality. Varanasi 1968 H2021 Kamalakar Mishra, "The role of direct experience in the context of Indian philosophy", IPA 4, 1968, 144-146 H2022 Narayana Mishra, "Non-inherent causality and the special qualities of the soul", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 5-8 H2023 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Basis for purely formal logic in Western and Indian thought", ProcIPC 1968, 50-57 H2024 Jitendranath Mohanty, "The concept of nature in Indian and Western philosophy", JDHUB 1, 1968, 1-7 H2025 R.N.Mukerji, "The role of direct experience in the context of Indian philosophy", IPA 4, 1968, 132-143 H2026 K.Satchidananda Murty, Readings in Indian History, Politics and Philosophy. New York 1968 H2027 T.R.V.Murti (ed.), The Concept of Philosophy. Varanasi 1968 H2028 Troy Organ, "The Self as discovery and creation in Western and Indian philosophy", Self 163-176 H2029 Marco Pallis, "Sein karma leben", Kairos 10, 1968, 98-102 H2030 Rewati Raman Pandey, "Language and philosophy", Darshana 32, 1968, 81-85 H2031 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Civilization and Vedanta", AP 39, 1968, 28-34 H2032 Karl H. Potter, "Pre-existence", Self 193-207 H2033 Karl H. Potter, "Naturalism and karma: a reply", PEW 18, 1968, 82-84 H2034 Karl H. Potter, "Attitudes of Indian philosophers toward science", in Ward Morehouse (ed.), Understanding Science and Technology in India and Pakistan. New York State Education Dept., Foreign Area Materials Center Occasional Publications 8, 1968, 43-48 H2035 Karl H. Potter, "The logical character of the causal relation in Indian philosophy", DMDV 279-287 H2036 P.T.Raju, "Approaches to the I-consciousness: its depths, normal and abnormal", Self 208-261 H2037 P.T.Raju, "Indian epistemology and the world and the individual", SIEW 121-140 H2038 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Trends in contemporary Indian philosophy", DMDV 291-298 H2039 Walter Ruben, Über die Frage der Objectivität in der Erforschung des altern Indien. Berlin 1968 H2040 J.Rudrappa, "The theory of reflection", AP 38, 1968, 390-392 H2041 Robert Sailley, La Doctrine d'Aurobindo Ghose: Philosophe Indien d'Expression Anglaise. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Paris 1968 H2042 A.Sankaran, "Truth and error in Indian philosophical systems", BDCRI 29, 1968-69, 135-152 H2043 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "Three conceptions of ultimate reality", VK 55, 1968-69, 72-74 H2044 K.L.Sharma, "K.C.Bhattacharya on object", Darshana 31, 1968, 42-47 H2045 P.S.Sastri, "Consciousness: phenomenal and noumenal", PB 73, 1968, 168-175 H2046 K.Seshadri, "Determinism and moral freedom", AP 39, 1968, 515-520 H2047 D.P.Sen, "Nature and function of doubt in Indian philosophy", ProcIPC 1968, 33-40 H2048 Darshan Singh, Indian Bhakti Tradition and Sikh Gurus. Bhopal 1968 H2049 R.P.Singh, "The structure of Radhakrishnan's idealism", Darshana 30, 1968, 41-52 H2050 Debabrata Sinha, "The concept of man in modern thought: the Indian perspective", BRMIC 19, 1968, 344-352 H2051 K. Sivaraman, "Truth and correspondence. An analysis in Indian thought", LandR 142-163 H2052 C.Srinivasan, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ramalinga Swami. Tiruchi 1968 H2053 Rama Shanker Srivastava, Sri Aurobindo and the Theories of Evolution. 1968 H2054 P.C.Subbamma, "Cause of the universe", PB 73, 1968, 24-29 H2055 Kamala Subramaniam, "The teaching of dharma in the Mahabharata", MP 5, 1968, 30-34 H2056 K.R.Sundararajan, "Karma and avatara--a new direction to the doctrine of incarnation in Hinduism", SaivS 3, 1968, 146-148 H2057 Unto Tahtinen, Indian Philosophy of Value. Turku (Finland) 1968 H2058 Nathmal Tatia, "Prakrit as a vehicle of philosophic thought", JUG 19.2, 1968, 1-27 H2059 Bhoomananda Tirtha, Brahma Vidya Abhyasa; or, Reality and the Method to Trace It. Paralam (Kerala) 1968 H2060 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The problem of universal in Indian philosophy", AUS 1968, 39-52 H2061 R.K.Tripathi, "Concept of isvara in Indian philosophy", LandR 124-141 H2062 Ramchandra Triveni, "Sri Aurobindo's conception of philosophy", EAW 18, 1968, 178-190 H2063 K.C.Varadachari, "Rajayoga--a new interpretation and practice", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 283-288 H2064 Icilio Vecchiotti, Che Cosa e La Filosofia Indiana. Roma 1968 H2065 Tilmann Vetter, "Das Problem des metaphysischen Beweises in der logisch-erkenntnistheoritischen Periode der indischen philosophie", ZDMG 118, 1968, 351-356 H2066 Eulogia Wurz, "Abendland und indische Weisheit", Kairos 10, 1968, 103-114 H2066.5 Abhishiktananda, Hihndu-Christian Meeting Point, within the cave of the heart. Delhi 1969, 1976. ranslated into French as Le montee au fond du coeur. Paris 1986 H2067 N.P.Anikeev, Modern Ideological Struggle for the Philosophical Heritage of Ancient India. Soviet Indology Series No. l. Calcutta 1969 H2068 B.L.Atreya, "Some ideas of Indian philosophy which Western philosophy needs", Darshana 34, 1969, 1-2 H2069 Amalendu Bagchi, "Indian definition of mind", OH 17.1, 1969 - 18, 1970 H2070 S.Basu, "Liberation in Hindu philosophy", IPA 5, 1969, 76-80 H2070.3 Bettin Baumer, Schopfung als Spiel: der Begriff lila in Hinduismus, seine philosophische und theologische Bedeutung. Doctoral thesis, U. of Munich 1969 H2070.5 Wallace Duncan Bazemore, The Elimination of the Hiatus between the Divine and the Non-divine in the Philosophy of Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Stanford University 1969 H2071 Ramdat Bharadwaj, "The meaning of sat or Being", IPC 14.1, 1969, 1-7 H2071.5 Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya, Causality in Science and Philosophy, a Historicaland Critical Survey. Calcutta 1969 H2072 Debiprasad Bhattacharya, Indian Atheism. Calcutta 1969 H2073 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "An examination of karmavada", CR n.s. 1, 1969, 105-122 H2074 Beatrice Bruneau, The Reality and Value of the World in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Fordham University 1969 H2075 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "God in Indian philosophy", Mainstream 8.21-22, 1969, 43-45 H2076 H.K.De Chaudhuri, "Samadhi: a psychological study", BRMIC 20, 1969, 339-352 H2076.5 John B. Chetthimattam, Dialogue in Indian Tradition. Bangalore 1969 H2077 J.N.Chubb, "The concept of liberation", IPA 5, 1969, 12-21 H2078 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Hinduism and other religions", Hind 106-128 H2079 K.K.Dikshit, "A perspective for the study of Indian philosophy", SMFV 541-544 H2079.3 Kurt Dockham, Tradition und Evolution: Untersuchungen zur Sri Aurobindos Auslegung autoritativer Sanskritschriften mit einer Einfuhrungen in sein Leben um. Gutersloh 1969 H2079.6 Anthony Elenjimittam, Monasticism: Christian and Hindu-Buddhist. Bombay 1969 H2079.8 J. Filliozat, "Le temps et l'espace dans la coceptions du monde indien", Revue synthese 90, 1969, 281-295. Translated by M. Shukla as "The conception of time and space in the Indian world", RofY 415-427 H2080 Sitanath Goswami, "Self-luminosity", SMFV 545-559. Reprinted IndTrad II, 91-101 H2081 Aruna Haldar, "Common assumptions of Indian systems", SMFV 655-662 H2082 O.P.Jaiswal, "The problem of error", SMFV 639-642 H2083 A.G.Javadekar, "The concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy", IPA 5, 1969, 87-94 H2084 J.S.Jetly, "Debate in ancient logic", SPP 9, 1969 H2085 Rhoda P. LeCocq, The Radical Thinkers: Martin Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, California Institute of Asian Studies (San Francisco) 1969 H2086 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Hindu metaphysics", Hind 18-29 H2087 Robert A. McDermott, Radhakrishnan's Comparative Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Boston University 1969 H2088 Jatil Coomar Mookerjee, "The nature and classification of philosophical enquiry", SMFV 520-523 H2089 C.P.M.Namboodiry, "Freedom and liberation", IPA 5, 1969, 48-55 H2090 J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty, "Is comparative philosophy possible?", Darshana 35, 1969, 160-164 (?) H2091 A.S.Narayana Pillai, "Concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy", IPA 5, 1969, 26-28 H2092 K.E.Parthasarathy, "The law of karma in Vedanta", AP 40, 1969, 160-164 H2093 Corrado Pensa, "Interdipenza di purificazione, conscenza e potere nello yoga in rapporto alla continuita della tradizione indiana", Annali dell'Istituto Orientale, Sezione linguistica (Napoli) 19, 1969, 217-259 H2094 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Radhakrishnan Reader: An Anthology (ed. P.Nagaraja Rao, K. Gopalaswami and S. Ramakrishnan). Bombay 1969 H2095 S.S.Raghavachar, The Unfolding Purpose. Madras 1969 H2096 S.S.Raghavachar, "Concept of liberation", IPA 5, 1969, 29-33 H2097 S.S.Raghavachar, "Hindu mysticism", Hind 67-86 H2098 A.Lakshmana Rao, "Does Indian philosophy rest on a mistake? Concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy", IPA 5, 1969, 42-47 H2099 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy", IPA 5, 1969, 34-41 H2100 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "Modern Hindu movements", Hind 87-105 H2102 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Mysticism, ritual and ethics in Indian philosophy", AP 40, 1969, 331-334 H2103 Samuel Rayan, "Die eschatologische Hoffnung des Hinduismus", Concilium 5, 1969, 50-54 H2104 A.K.Saran, "Religion and society: the Hindu view", Internationales Jahrbuch fur Religions Soziolologie (Cologne) 5, 1969, 41-67 H2105 Ram Nath Sharma, "Moral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Darshana 34, 1969, 20-25 H2106 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "Is moksa a purusartha (human value)?", VIJ 7, 1969, 95-99 H2107 Ganga Sahai, Metaphysical Approach to Reality. New Delhi 1969 H2108 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of the integral whole", PB 74, 1969, 465-474 H2109 V.Subrahmanya Sastri, Sabdatarangini. Madras 1969 H2110 Debiprasad Sen, "Nature and function of doubt in Indian philosophy", JDHUB 2, 1969, 1-8 H2111 Debiprasad Sen, "The concept of liberation", ProcIPC 1969, 82-88 H2112 H.S.Sinha, "Nature of 'self' and its realisation in Tantras", KUJ 3, 1969, 272-290 H2113 Jadunath Sinha, Indian Epistemology of Perception. Calcutta 1969 H2114 Esther A. Solomon, Avidya--A Problem of Truth and Reality. Ahmedabad 1969 H2115 J.Frits Staal, "Sanskrit philosophy of language", Current Trends in Linguistics 5, 1969, 499-531. reprinted IPACR 2, 181-214 H2116 Th. Stcherbatsky, Papers (translated by H.C.Gupta). Calcutta 1969 H2117 Th. Stcherbatsky, "Scientific achievements of ancient India", translated from Russian by Harish C. Gupta. ISPP 10, 1969, 317-331 H2118 P.C.Subbamma, "Self-luminosity of the self", BV 4, 1969, 96-105 H2119 K.R.Sundararajan, "Historical survey", Hind 1-17 H2120 K.R.Sundararajan, "Hindu ethics", Hind 40-66 H2121 Nathmal Tatia, "Negation in Indian philosophy", CIDO 26, 1969, 489-493 H2122 Jean-Michel Terdjmann, Erreur, Ignorance, et Illusion d'après Spinoza et Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Paris 1969 H2123 Ramakant Tripathi, "Omniscience (sarvajnatva)", BDCV 252-260 H2124 Ramakant Tripathi, "The central problem of Indian metaphysics", PEW 19, 1969, 39-44 H2125 Siddheswar Varma, "Object--philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit tradition", SVUOJ 12, 1969, 38-44 H2126 P.B.Vidyarthi, "Personality in Hindu mysticism", ProcIPC 1969, 170-178 H2127 M.Yamunacharya, "The concept of vairagya and its implications in Indian religious thought", BV 4, 1969, 39-47 H2128 Paul Younger, "The concept of duhkha and the Indian religious tradition", JAAR 37, 1969, 141-152 H2129 Anandamurtiji, "Tantra and sadhana", Cosmic Society 8.3, 1970, 7-13 H2130 Shobha Rani Basu, "The concepts of bondage and liberation in ancient Hindu thought", Darshana 37, 1970, 59-66 H2131 Wallace Duncan Bazemore, The Elimination of the Hiatus between the Divine and the Non-divine in the Philosophy of Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Stanford University 1970 H2132 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of philosophical reasoning in Indian thought", Anviksiki 1970; reprinted KKBLKO 107-142 H2133 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Relation in Indian philosophy", VJP 6.2, 1970, 80-90. Also IPA 6, 1970, 44-53 H2134 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Freedom", IPA 6, 1970, 13-29 H2135 Buddhananda, "The mind and its control", PB 75, 1970: 502, 548 H2136 Grace E. Cairns, "Social progress and holism in T.M.P. Mahadevan's philosophy of history", PEW 20, 1970, 73-82 H2137 Pratap Chandra, "Materialistic tendencies in pre-Buddhistic Indian philosophy", JUS 18.l, 1970, 63-67 H2138 Sudhakara Chattopadhyaya, Evolution of Hindu Sects up to the Time of Samkaracarya. New Delhi 1970 H2139 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The integral view of consciousness", IPQ 10, 1970, 204-219 H2140 John Edward Collins, The Integral Vision of Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Princeton University 1970 H2141 S.Croatto, "L'ésperance de l'immortalité dans les grandes cosmovisions de l'Orient", Concilium 60, 1970, 21-31 H2142 K.Damodaran, Man and Society in Indian Philosophy . New Delhi 1970 H2143 Eliot Deutsch, "On freedom", IPA 6, 1970, 3-5 H2144 N.K.Devaraja, "Indian value", IPA 6, 1970, 54-55 H2145 Virchand Raghavji Gandhi, The Systems of Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1970 H2146 Aurobindo Ghose, Complete Works. In 30 volumes. Pondicherry 1970 H2147 Raghunath Giri, "Sakti (the power) is the philosophy of the Puranas", Purana 12, 1970, 231-251 H2148 J. Gonda, "Karman and retributive justice in ancient India", JOR 40-41, 1970-72, l-14 H2149 S.Gopalan, The Hindu Philosophy of Social Reconstruction. Madras 1970 H2150 S.Gopalan, "Concept of moksa: its significance for Hindu ethics", IPA 6, 1970, 160-165 H2150.5 C. L. Hamblin, "The Indian tradition" in Fallacies (London 1970), pp. 177-189. Reprinted IPACR 2, 1-13 H2151 Mysore Hiriyanna, Reviews. Mysore 1970 H2153 Jagannathan, "Sri Aurobindo's teachings: a Vaisnava view", IPC 15.3, 1970, 5-17 H2154 Chacko A. Joseph, Hinduism: Salvation and the Future Life. Grace Theological Seminary 1970 H2155 H.M.Joshi, Nature of Mind: A Philosophic-Psychological Study. Rajkot 1970 H2156 M.S.Kalanidhi, "Consciousness--in the psychology of Sri Aurobindo", BITC 1970, 57-66 H2157 Sunita Khanna, Concept of Reality in Different Systems of Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Kurukshetra University 1970 H2158 Madhava S. Kirloskar, Dialectics: The Philosophy of Change. Dharwar 1970 H2159 John M. Koller, Oriental Philosophies. New York 1970. Reprinted as Asian Philosophy, 1998 H2159.5 Vladislav Sergeevich Kostiuchenko, Integralnaia vedanta kriticheski analiz filosofia Aurobindo Ghosha. Moscow 1970 H2160 Krishnananda, A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India. Sivanandanagar 1970 H2161 Delmar N. Langbauer, Sanatana Dharma and Modern Philosophy: A Study of Indian and Whiteheadian Thought. Claremont Graduate School 1970 H2162 G.Marulasiddhaiah, "The mind and Indian metaphysics", MO 3, 1970, 127-130 H2163 Robert A. McDermott, "Radhakrishnan's contribution to comparative philosophy", IPQ 10, 1970, 420-440 H2164 Robert A. McDermott (ed.), Basic Writings of S. Radhakrishnan. New York 1970; Bombay 1972 H2165 H.Maheshwari, "Immortality: the basic inspiration of Hindu philosophy", IPC 15.1, 1970, 26-37 H2166 J.L.Mehta, "Heidegger and the comparison of Indian and Western philosophy", PEW 20, 1970, 303-318 H2167 S.G.Mudgal, "'Evil' in the systems of Indian philosophy", IPC 15.2, 1970, 39-46 H2168 T.R.V.Murti, "The concept of freedom as redemption", Numen 18, 1970. Reprinted StIndT 317-327 H2169 G.C.Nayak, "Can there be any indeterminate perception?", Darshana 38, 1970, 41-49 H2170 N.A.Nikam, Inquiry and Dialogue. Kolhapur 1970 H2171 Troy W. Organ, The Hindu Quest for the Perfection of Man. Athens, Ohio 1970 H2172 S.N.Pande, "Sri Aurobindo's criticism of illusionism", IPC 15.1, 1970, 42-45 H2173 Geoffrey Parrinder, Avatar and Reincarnation. London 1970 H2174 K.E.Parthasarathy, "The philosophical bases of bhakti", AP 41, 1970, 108-113 H2175 Karl H. Potter, "Realism, speech-acts, and truth-gaps in Indian and Western philosophy", JIP 1, 1970-71, 13-21 H2176 Rajendra Prasad, "The concept of moksa", PPR 31, 1970-71, 381-393. Reprinted IPE 5, 57-71 H2177 S.S.Raghavachar, "Scope for research in Indian philosophy", MO 3, 1970, 118-123 H2178 N.Raghunathan, Reason and Intuition in Indian Culture. Madras 1970 H2179 V.Ramasubramaniam (Aundy), "Metempsychosis--a study of Tamilian traditions, folk-lore and philosophy", BITC 1970, 1-38 H2180 R.D.Ranade, Vedanta: The Culmination of Indian Thought. Bombay 1970 H2181 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "On truth: a Hindu perspective", PEW 20, 1970, 377-382 H2182 P.Nagaraja Rao, The Four Values of Indian Philosophy. Mysore 1970 H2183 P.Nagaraja Rao, Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1970 H2184 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of moksa", AP 41, 1970, 233-236 H2185 P. Rajeswara Rao, "The panorama of Indian philosophy", MR 124-126, 1970, 23-27 H2186 P. Rajeswara Rao, "Les traditions philosophiques indiennes", Synthese 26 (295-296), 1971, 14-16 H2187 Sri Krishna Saksena, "Hinduism and Hindu philosophy", SSEIP 51-53 H2188 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of object", JGJRI 26.4, 1970, 13-40 H2189 Anima Sen Gupta, "Tattvajnana as a means to liberation", VK 57, 1970-71, 70-73 H2190 Anima Sen Gupta, "The creation of the world", VK 57, 1970-71, 277-281 H2191 Santosh C. Sengupta, "Some reflections of the Hindu view of the Self", IPA 6, 1970, 56-61 H2192 Dhirendra Sharma, The Negative Dialectics of India. Leiden 1970 H2193 Ramakant A. Sinari, The Structure of Indian Thought. Springfield, Illinois 1970 H2194 G.Srinivasan, "The logic of moksa", PB 75, 1970, 230-233 H2195 P.K.Sundaram, "The impossibility of sublation of the illusion in the satkhyativada", JOR 40-41, 1970-72, 117-124 H2196 S.N.Tipnis, "The concept of madhura bhakti in Indian philosophy", IA 4, 1970, 235-237. H2197 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The problem of 'indeterminate perception' in Indian philosophy", BDCRI 31-32, 1970-72, 31-34 H2198 Ramakant Tripathi, "Freedom", IPA 6, 1970, 30-35 H2199 Ramakant Tripathi, "Negation in Indian philosophy", IPA 6, 1970, 62-71 H2200 K.C.Varadachari, "Sahaj Marg system of Raj Yoga", Darshana 40, 1970, 77-82 H2201 K.C.Varadachari, Talks on Sr³ Ramachandra's 'The Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg'. Shahjahanpur 1970 H2202 Ram Narayan Vyas, The Universalistic Thought of India. Bombay 1970 H2203 S.E.Waldo, "The essence of the Vedanta", BV 5, 1970, 118-124 H2204 A.K.Warder, "The description of Indian philosophy", JIP 1, 1970-71, 4-12 H2205 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The teaching of philosophy in ancient India", MO 3, 1970, 111-117 H2206 Shigaki Watanabe, "Einige materialen zum paramanuvada", JIBSt 36, 1970, 978-982 H2207 Esho Yamaguchi, "The conception of samsara", JIBSt 367, 1970, 1055-1062 H2208 Ramananda Acharya, "A peep into the concepts of cause and instrument", Anviksa 5.2, 1971, 88-92 H2209 Ramananda Bharati, "The story of Hindu philosophy", AP 42, 1971, 292-297 H2210 B.K.Bhattacharya, "Nature and validity of inference", TBIC 261-296 H2211 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Indian concept of man and matter", BRMIC 22, 1971: 219, 257 H2212 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Indian concept of self", BRMIC 22, 1971, 304-313 H2213 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Indian concept of freedom", BRMIC 22, 1971, 348-360 H2214 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Is man originally a sinner?", BRMIC 22, 1971, 5-15 H2215 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Does God suffer?", BRMIC 22, 1971, 53-64 H2216 Narendra Nath Bhattacharya, History of Indian Cosmogonical Ideas. Delhi 1971 H2216.2 Madeleine Biardeau, Clefs pour la pensee hindoue. Paris 1972 H2216.5 Beatrice Bruteau, Worthy is the World: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Rutherford 1971, 1972 H2216.7 S. K. Chattopadhyaya, "The doctrine of karma", PAOPA 3, 1971, 29-33 H2217 John B. Chettimatham, Patterns of Indian Thought. London 1971 H2218 R.N.Dandekar, "Hinduism", HRHHR 237-345 H2219 Arthur C. Danto, "Role and rule in Oriental thought: some metareflections on dharma and li", PEW 21, 1971, 213-220 H2219.5 K. M. Das, "The ethics and philosophy of karmavada: the conflicting viewpoionts", PAOPA 3, 1971, 49-53 H2220 Ganesh Tryambak Deshpande, "Some thoughts on the six systems of Indian philosophy", in his Indological Papers, Volume I, Nagpur 1971 H2221 R.V.de Smet, "Some key definitions in Indian thought", ICQ 27, 1971, 19-23 H2222 V.F.Gunaratne, Rebirth Explained. Wheel 167-169, 1971 H2223 Nalinikanta Gupta, The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Pondicherry 1971 H2224 John Hick, "Reincarnation: a critical examination of one form of reincarnation theory", JRS 3.l, 1971, 56-69 H2225 Paul Horsch, "Vorstufen der indischen Seelenwanderungslehre", AS 25, 1971, 99-157 H2226 Junkichi Imanishi, "Philosophical thoughts of the Carakasamhita" (in Japanese with English summary). HDBK 19.4, 1971, 1-22 H2227 T.Gopalaswami Iyengar, "Nyasa vidya and the role of anukulya sankalpa in it", FRSD 183-191 H2227.5 Jyotirmayananda, Concentration and Meditation. Miami 1971 H2228 John T. Marcus, "East and West phenomenologies of the Self and the existential bases of knowledge", IPQ 11, 1971, 5-48 H2229 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis. The Hague 1971; 2nd revised edition Oxford, 2005 H2230 Ganeswar Misra, Analytical Studies in Indian Philosophical Problems. Bhubaneshwar 1971 H2231 Ram Shankra Mishra, "The meaning of dharma", Bharati. Reprinted in RSMSPR H2232 Ram Shankar Mishra, "Concept of suffering" in RSMSPR H2232.2 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Language and reality", ASBP; reprinted LRA 1-6 H2232.3 S. K. Mohanty, "The doctrine of karma" PAOPA 3, 1971, 34-38 H2232.5 B. K. Mohapatra, "A note on the concept of liberation", PAOPA 3, 1971, 44-45 H2233 N.A.Nikam, "Philosophy of Indian culture: a metaphysics of the idea of history", AP 40, 1971: 156, 221 H2234 Robert T. Oliver, Communication and Culture in Ancient India and China. Syracuse 1971 H2235 Sadhu Om, The Path of Shri Ramana. Kanpur 1971 H2235.1 Prajnananada, The Philosophical Ideas of Swami Abhedananda: a Critical Guide to the Complete Works of Swami Abhedananda. Calcutta 1971 H2236 P.T.Raju, The Philosophical Traditions of India. London 1971 H2237 C. Ramaiah, "The inherent cause (samavayikarana)", IPC 16.3, 1971, 193-206 H2238 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Sri Aurobindo's concept of evolution and Indian tradition", JMysoreU 31-34, 1971-74, 56-58 H2239 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Relativity and spiritual experience", IPA 7, 1971, 50-59 H2240 N.S.S.Raman, "The problem of philosophical translation", IPA 7, 1971, 60-75 H2241 P.Nagaraja Rao, Religion in the Changing World (The Predicament of Man). Belgaum 1971 H2242 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Indian philosophy: a preliminary approach", PNREIPR 14-21 H2243 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The spirit and substance of Indian philosophy", PNREIPR 22-31 H2244 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Logic and intuition in Indian philosophy", PNREIPR 38-42 H2245 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The relation between matter and mind: the Hindu view", PNREIPR 43-47 H2246 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of moksa", PNREIPR 72-78 H2247 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The doctrine of karma", PNREIPR 79-82 H2248 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The value of reincarnation", PNREIPR 83-86 H2249 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Influence of the West on Indian philosophy", PNREIPR 174-177 H2250 Ruth Reyna, Introduction to Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1971 H2251 Ruth Reyna, "The spirit of Indian philosophy", TBIC 38-42 H2252 Walter Ruben, Die Entwicklung der Religion im Alten Indien. Three parts. VDIFO 67, 1970 H2253 Sarvari (Vasilli Ramakrsna Sarma), The Discovery of Master Yoga. Madras 1971 H2254 Dinesh Chandra Shastri, "A study of Indian psychology", TBIC 249-260 H2255 O.P.Sachdeva, "Yoga as efficiency in action (psychology of karmayoga)", Darshana 11, 1971, 87-93 H2255.5 S. Satapathi, "A study on consciousness--epistemological and metaphysical", PAOPA 3, 1971, 77-86 H2256 Debiprasad Sen, "Pramanam sivah", ProcIPC 1971, 51-64 H2257 K.Seshadri, "Aspiration and the ascending unity", IPA 8, 1971, 42-48 H2258 Balbir Singh, Foundations of Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1971 H2259 Debabrata Sinha, "Theory and practice in Indian thought: Husserl's observations", PEW 21, 1971, 255-264 H2260 Jadunath Sinha, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume Three. Calcutta 1971 H2261 Erling Skopen, "The philosophy of renunciation East and West", PEW 21, 1971, 283-302 H2262 Th. Stcherbatsky, "Logic in ancient India", TSFP 35-60 H2263 Nathmal Tatia, "Materialism versus spiritualism", VIRB 253-255 H2264 Ramchandra Trivedi, "The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: its epistemological and conceptive significance", EAW 21, 1971, 137-154 H2265 Maryvonne Vailhen, "The in-itself and the Brahman", VQ 37, 1971-72, 99-111 H2266 Lalitananda Vana, "The Vaisnava acaryas", IPC 16, 1971, 218-223 H2267 K.C.Varadachari, Talks on Sahaj Marg Philosophy of Sri Ramacandraji H2268 Satya Pal Verma, "Karma yoga", Darshana 42, 1971, 83-86 H2269 Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar, Atman and Brahman in Vedic Religion. Bombay 1971 H2270 Esho Yamaguchi, "Some notes on samsara", JIBSt 38, 1971, 1007-1014 H2271 Akhandananda, Ideal and Truth. Bombay 1972 H2272 Usharbudh Arya, "Hindu contradictions of the doctrine of karma", EAW 22, 1972, 93-100 H2273 B.L.Atreya, "Parapsychology and Hindu idea of reincarnation", Darshana 12.4, 1972, 1-4 H2274 Hiranmay Banerjee, "Theism in Indian philosophy", SKMDV 206-211 H2275 Nikunja Vihari Banerjee, Glimpses of Indian Wisdom New Delhi 1972 H2276 Sanat Kumar Banerji, "The group and the individual in human evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 27-32 H2277 Arabindu Basu (ed.), Sri Aurobindo: A Garland of Tributes. Pondicherry 1972 H2278 A.C.Bhattacharya, Sri Aurobindo and Bergson: A Synthetic Study. Varanasi 1972 H2279 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of negation in Indian philosophy", MHBCV 177-205 H2280 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The nature of reflection in metaphysics", CRIP 37-64 H2281 Madeleine Biardeau, Clefs pour la Pensée Hindoue. Paris 1972 H2282 Donald H. Bishop, "Concept of transcendence in Eastern and Western thought", IPC 17.1, 1972, 22-33 H2283 B.H.Bon Maharaj, "Conception of Brahman, paramatman and Bhagavan", IPC 17, 1972, 245-254 H2284 J.A.Chakalamattam, "Integrative approach of Aurobindo Ghosh", UandU 125-134 H2285 C.T.K.Chari, "Some issues about Sri Aurobindo's evolution and modern knowledge", IPA 8, 1972, 20-26 H2286 Pritibhusan Chatterji, "The place of man in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 9-19 H2287 D.B.Chaturvedi, "Nature of consciousness in Aurobindo's philosophy", P 18.1, 1972, 179-182 H2288 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The philosophy and yoga of Sri Aurobindo", PEW 22, 1972, 5-14 H2289 John B. Chethimattam, "Theology as human interiority: search for the one teacher", UandU 183-196 H2290 Austin B. Creel, "Dharma as an ethical category relating to freedom and responsibility", PEW 22, 1972, 155-168 H2291 N.K.Devaraja, "Constructive reasoning in philosophy", BRMIC 23, 1972: 21, 47, 87 H2292 N.K.Devaraja, "Philosophical criticism", BRMIC 23, 1972: 127, 161, 219, 255 H2292.5 Kurt Dockham, Neo-Hinduismus; Indiens Aureinander setzung mit dem 20. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart 1972 H2293 Raja Ram Dravid, The Problem of Universals in Indian Philosophy. Varanasi 1972 H2294 S.P.Dubey, "The concept of soul in Hinduism", Religion and Society 19.4, 1972, 16-32 H2294.5 Vicente Fatone, Ensayos sobre hinduismo y budismo. Buenos Aires 1972 H2294.5 J. Filliozat, "Les théories psychologiques de l'Inde", Bulletin de la Societe frqancaise de philosophie, Jly-Sept. 1972, 73-96. Translated by M. Shukla as "The psychological theories of India", RofY 439-449 H2295 J.Feys, "Speculative framework and mystical categories in the Essays on the Gita", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 36-52 H2296 T.N.Ganapathy, "A critical appreciation of Sri Aurobindo's doctrine of evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 129-138 H2297 Ram Chandra Gandhi, "The philosophies of karma and maya and the problem of evil", Radical Humanist (Calcutta) 35.25, 1972, 20-24 H2298 Arthur L. Herman, "The doctrine of stages in Indian thought: with special reference to K.C.Bhattacharya", PEW 22, 1972, 97-104 H2299 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The study of Indian philosophy", IPS 2, 112-118 H2300 Ignatius Hirudayam, "Theology as vag vidya or word-wisdom", UandU 209-217 H2301 K.R.Srinivasa Iyengar, "Aurobindo's place in Indian philosophical thought", Triveni 41.2, 1972, 11-16 H2302 S.Venkatasubramania Iyer, "Hiriyanna on the philosophy of values", MO 5, 1972, 135-139 H2303 G.A.Jalihal, "Prof. Hiriyanna's contribution to ethical thought", MO 5, 1972, 159-165 H2304 A.G.Javadekar, "Prof. M. Hiriyanna's philosophy of values", MO 5, 1972, 140-145 H2305 A.G.Javadekar, "The concept of axionoetics", CRIP 139-151 H2306 N.Jayashanmukham, "Evolution: vertical and horizontal", IPA 8, 1972, 68-77 H2307 G.N.Joshi, "The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 68-77 H2308 Kireet Joshi, "Conscious evolution and the destiny of man", IPA 8, 1972, 40-53 H2309 N.V.Joshi, The Three Fountainheads of Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1972 H2310 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Sri Aurobindo and the Supermen", IPA 8, 1972, 78-83 H2311 T.G.Kalghatgi, "In the vestibules of karma", Sambodhi 1.1, 1972, 41-62 H2312 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Karma--its operation and appraisal", Sambodhi 1.2, 1972, 1-22 H2313 T.G.Kalghatgi, Karma and Rebirth. LDS 38, 1972 H2314 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Rebirth--a philosophical study", Sambodhi 1.3, 1972, 1-32 H2315 S.Kandaswami, "Sri Aurobindo's concept of supermind", TO 1.2, 1972, 5-8 H2316 Sneha Khosla, "Metaphysical basis of Indian ethics", IPC 17.1, 1972 H2317 B.V.Kishan, "Concept of truth in Indian philosophy", PTG 7.1, 1972, 69-73 H2318 John M. Koller, "Dharma: an expression of universal order", PEW 22, 1972, 131-144 H2319 Daya Krishna, "Appearance and reality", CRIP 158-178 H2320 B.N.Kulkarni, "Sri Aurobindo and integral yoga", PTG 7.1, 1972, 12-15 H2321 Gerald J. Larson, "The trimurti of dharma in Indian thought: paradox or contradiction", PEW 22, 1972, 145-154 H2322 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Sri Aurobindo and the concept of evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 1-5 H2323 S.N.Mahajan, "A note on Sri Aurobindo's method and empirical-scientific method", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 80-89 H2324 S.Mahdihassan, "An approach between Indian medicine and Indian philosophy", JASBo 47-48, 1972-73, 65-70 H2325 Dinesh Chandra Mathur, "On understanding Indian philosophical thinking", Philosophical Exchange 1.3, 1972, 193-200 H2326 Shiv Ram Maurya, Concept of Isvara in the Six Orthodox Systems of Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1972 H2327 Robert A. McDermott, "The experiential basis of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga", PEW 22, 1972, 15-24 H2327.5 Rohit Mehta, the Dialogue with Death: Shri Aurobindo Savitri, a Mystical Approach. Ahmedabad 1972; Delhi 1994 H2328 C.N.Mishra, Problem of Nescience in Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Darbhanga University 1972 H2329 S.K.Mitra, "Truth and error", CRIP 179-190 H2330 R.S.Misra, "The human aspiration and evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 149-155 H2330.1 Krishna Mohan, Gandhi's Idea of Non-Violence. Ph.D.Thesis, Southern Illinois 1972 H2331 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Phenomenology and existentialism: encounter with Indian philosophy", IPQ 12, 1972, 488-511 H2332 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Phenomenology and ontology", CRIP 205-217 H2333 R.S.Mugali, "Tagore and Aurobindo", PTG 6.2, 1972, 9-13 H2334 K. Satchidananda Murty, "Introduction: modern India and philosophy", CRIP xi-xlvii H2335 Albert Nambiaparambil, "Linguistic philosophy and Indian theology", UandU 44-52 H2336 Harsh Narain, "Ascent through descent in Aurobindo: a paradox", P 18.1, 1972, 214-222 H2337 N.A.Nikam, "Lokasamgraha", MHBCV 206-208 H2338 K.C.Pandey, "Select bibliography on Sri Aurobindo's thought", P 18.1, 1972, 229-240 H2339 S.N.Pande, "Philosophical foundation of the Vaisnava schools", IPC 17, 1972, 231-240 H2339.5 M.P.Pandit (cp.), Sri Aurobindo on the Tantra. Pondicherry 1972 H2340 Raymond Panikkar, "The law of karman and the historical dimension of man", PEW 22, 1972, 25-44 H2341 Raimundo Panikkar, "Comparative philosophy and the theory of karma", JGJRI 28.l-2, 1972, 475-486 H2342 Aster B. Patel, "Sri Aurobindo and the concept of evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 121-128 H2343 Aster B. Patel, "Sri Aurobindo and Henri Bergson: two views on evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 164-172 H2344 Aster B. Patel, "The philosophy and yoga of Sri Aurobindo: an appreciation in terms of contemporary understanding", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 89-95 H2345 Corrado Pensa, "Some internal and comparative problems in the field of Indian religions", in U.Bianchi, C.J.Bleeker and A.Bausani (eds.), Problems and Methods of the History of Religions (Leiden 1972), 102-122 H2346 Karl H. Potter, "Indian philosophy's alleged religious orientation", Philosophic Exchange 1.3, 1972, 159-176 H2347 R.C.Pradhan, "Vedantic view of man and Aurobindo", P 18.1, 1972, 173-178 H2348 Brij Kishore Prasad, "Nirvikalpaka jnana and Bradley's sentience", IPC 17, 1972, 221-230 H2349 R.Puligandla and K.Puhakka, "Holiness in Indian and Western traditions", IJPR 2, 1972, 161-175 H2350 S.S.Raghavachar, "The Indian mind in the library of Western philosophy", MHBCV 209-222 H2351 V.Raghavan, "On the meaning of the term ubhaya vedanta", JGJRI 28.1-2, 1972, 487-490 H2352 K.Bhaskara Rao, Lecture on Indian Philosophy. Tirupati 1972 H2353 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Sri Aurobindo and the concept of evolution--the absolute point of view", IPA 8, 1972, 33-41 H2354 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Prof. M.Hiriyanna's contribution to the study of Indian philosophy", MO 5, 1972, 82-86 H2355 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Sri Aurobindo and evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 84-90 H2356 S.K.Ramachandra Rao, "Prof. M.Hiriyanna and jivanmukti", MO 6-8, 1972-75, 1-7 H2357 P.J.Sanjeeva Raj and Margaret Raj, "Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin: on the unification of mankind", IPA 8, 1972, 91-97 H2358 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "The vision of supermind", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 14-24 H2359 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Evolution and human destiny in Sri Aurobindo", IPA 8, 1972, 106-120 H2360 Dale Riepe, "On the proper interpretation of Indian religion and philosophy", Philosophic Exchange 1.3, 1972, 177-192 H2361 Richard H. Robinson, "Some Buddhist and Hindu concepts of intellect-will", PEW 22, 1972, 299-308 H2362 Benoy Gopal Roy, "Some basic concepts of Hinduism", IPC 17, 1972, 262-268 H2363 E.R.Sreekrishna Sarma, "Prof. Hiriyanna on art and morality", MO 5, 1972, 156-163 H2364 E.R.Sreekrishna Sarma, Indian Philosophical Systems. An Attempt at Synthesis. Dharwar 1973 H2365 Nilima Sharma, Twentieth Century Indian Philosophy. Varanasi 1972 H2366 Ram Nath Sharma, Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1972 H2367 Ram Nath Sharma, "Moral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 39-45 H2369 P.S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "A synopsis of the Indian systems of philosophy", Vimarsah 1, 1972, 52-72 H2370 S.Rajagopala Sastri, "Sri Aurobindo's evolution and Indian thought", IPA 8, 1972, 156-163 H2371 Anima Sen Gupta, "Rebirth and karma", Darshana 12.3, 1972, 46-54 H2372 K.D.Sethna, Teilhard de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo. Varanasi 1973 H2373 Karan Singh, "Sri Aurobindo and the concept of evolution", IPA 8, 1972, 6-8 H2374 S.P.Singh, Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the Nature of God. Aligarh 1972 H2375 R.C.Sinha, "Radhakrishnan's interpretation of history and of human destiny", P 17.2, 1972, 43-50 H2376 R.C.Sinha, "Religious experiences: Rudolf Otto and Sri Aurobindo", P 18.1, 1972, 71-77 H2377 L.K.L.Srivastava, "Sri Aurobindo: life and thought", P 18.l, 1972, 103-120 H2378 L.K.L.Srivastava, "Sri Aurobindo and yoga", P 18.l, 1972, 223-228 H2379 Rameschandra Srivastava, "Professor Krishnachandra Bhattacharya and his colleague S. Radhakrishnan", IPC 17.1, 1972, 46-55 H2380 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The Gita and the schools of Vedanta", PTG 6.2, 1972, 34-49 H2381 Ninian Smart, "Living liberation: jivanmukti and nirvana", S.G.F.Brandon Commemoration Volume (Manchester 1972) H2382 Warren L. Steinkraus, "Immediate realisation or inferred realisation?", IPC 17, 1972, 296-303 H2383 J.Frits Staal, "The concept of paksa in Indian logic", JIP 2, 1973, 156-166. Reprinted IPACR 2, 32-43; ILAR 151-161 H2384 Sudha Srivastava, "Role of reason in life according to Sri Aurobindo", P 18.1, 1972, 167-172 H2385 P.K.Sundaram, "Is nescience one?", BITC 1972 (July-Dec.) 55-62 H2386 P.K.Sundaram, "Sri Aurobindo's concept of evolution with reference to the Gita", IPA 8, 1972, 60-67 H2387 K.Sundaresan, "Theory of evolution: Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin or 'A meeting of the East and West'", IPA 8, 1972, 139-148 H2388 Muneo Tokunaga, "Historical development of the concept of prapatti" (in Japanese with English summary). Shink 45.4, 1972, 77-99 H2389 B.N.Tripathi, "Concept of human bondage and Sri Aurobindo", P 18.1, 1972, 152-160 H2390 Ramakant Tripathi, "Some features of Sri Aurobindo's thought", P 18.1, 1972, 31-35 H2391 K.C.Varadachari, "Concept of pratibimba", JGJRI 28.1-2, 1972, 709-712 H2392 Lalitananda Vana, "Tridanda Samnyasa", IPC 17, 1972,109-115 H2393 Siddheshwar Varma, "Purpose--philosophical and grammatical--in Indian tradition", SVUOJ 15, 1972, 11-16 H2395 P.B.Vidyarthi, "Hiriyanna's contribution to Indian ethical thought", MO 5, 1972, 150-158 H2396 Esho Yamaguchi, "Thoughts on moksa", JIBSt 20.2, 1972, 23-29 H2396.5 Atmanandatattvasamhita: The Direct Approach to Truth. Austin, tX 1973, 1991 H2397 J.P.Atreya, "The future of Indian philosophy", PICP 15.4, 1973, 389-392 H2397.5 Nikunjan Vihari Banerjee, Indian Experiments with Truth. New Delhi 1973 H2398 R.S.Bhadauria, "Yoga: its meaning, aims and means", IPC 18.3, 1973, 230-234 H2399 Mahesh Chandra Bhartiya, Causation in Indian Philosophy. Ghaziabad 1973 H2400 G.C.Baruah, "The Indian concept of liberation", Darshana 13.l (49), 1973, 75-81 H2401 Bhaswati Bhattacharya, "On the pramana anupalabdhi", IPA 9, 1973-74, 161-171 H2402 Debiprasad Bhattacharya, "The old and the new in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", BRMIC 24, 1973: 45, 79 H2403 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The fundamentals of K.C.Bhattacharya's philosophy", BRMIC 24, 1973: 345, 399 H2404 Sudhirkumar Bose, "Our understanding of dreams through the ages", BRMIC 24, 1973, 248-257 H2405 Brian Bowne, The Wisdom of the Hindus. Delhi 1973 H2405.5 David M. Brookman, The Eschatological visions of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose: a Stud in Religious Complementarity. M.A.Thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundationo 1973 H2406 Amulyapada Chattopadhyaya, Eternal Bliss and Its Realization. Calcutta 1973 H2407 Basanta Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "The various schools of Indian philosophy", Hindutva 4.1, 1973, 6-8 H2408 H.K.De Chaudhuri, "The Indian attitude to life", BRMIC 24, 1973, 137-142 H2409 Roma Chaudhuri, Ten Schools of the Vedanta. Two volumes. Calcutta 1975, 1975 H2410 L.G.Chincholkar, "Sri Aurobindo's evolutionary concept of man", Darshana 13.4 (52), 1973, 27-34 H2411 Robert Crookal, Ecstasy--The Release of the Soul from the Body. Moradabad 1973 H2412 K.C.Das, "Sri Aurobindo's theories of evolution and incarnation", JUG 24-25, 1973-74, 48-52 H2412.3 K. M. Das, "Concept of liberation", PAOPA 4, 1973, 21-27 H2413 N.S.Dravid, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 61-72 H2414 Rita Dube, "Sentential meaning", JIAP 12.2, 1973, 59-68 H2414.5 R. Durzie, "The place of liberation in Indian philosophy", PAOPA 4, 1973, 13-20 H2415 A.M.Ghose, "The future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 9-19 H2416 S.K.Gupta, "Concept of time--East and West", JIAP 12.2, 1973, 29-40 H2417 John H. Hick, "Eastern and Western conceptions of immortality", PICP 15.5, 1973, 301-304 H2417.5 Isaline B. Horner, "Atta and anatta", SCR 7, 1973, 31-34 H2418 A.G.Javadekar, "The nature and function of reason", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 1-8 H2419 David L. Johnson, "The task of relevance: Aurobindo's synthesis of religion and politics", PEW 23, 1973, 507-516 H2420 Klaus Klostermaier, Liberation-Salvation-Self-Realization. A Comparative Study of Hindu, Buddhist and Christian Ideas. Madras 1973 H2420.5 Lingananda, Emblem of God. Translated by S.N.Angadi. Dharwar 1973 H2421 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of the Vedas and the Upanisads", PB 78, 1973, 127-132 H2422 Robert A. McDermott (ed.), The Essential Aurobindo. New York 1973 H2422.5 Rohit Mehta, The Miracle of Descent: Reflections on Sri Auroboindo's Integral Yoga. Ahmedabad 1973 H2423 Laxman Prasad Mishra, "Note e riflessioni sui mistici nirguna dell'India settentionale", ITaur l, 1973, 109-126 H2424 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 46-51 H2424.3 S. K. Mohanty, "The concept of dream and dreamless sleep", PAOPA 4, 1973, 28-34 H2424.7 S. R. Mukherji, "The doctrine of karma according to Sri Aurobindo", PAOPA 4, 1973, 35-41 H2425 R.N.Mukerji, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 73-74 H2426 R.N.Mukherji, "The nature and function of reason", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 132-146 H2427 Albert Nambiaparambil, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 27-32 H2428 Harsh Narain, "Indian philosophy today and tomorrow: self-renewal or self-alienation?", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 75-106 H2429 Harsh Narain, "Indian philosophy: reason and beyond reason", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 123-151 H2430 Nataraja Guru, Wisdom's Frame of Reference and Other Essays. Kerala 1973 H2431 Srijiva Nyayatirtha, "Sakta-Vedanta philosophy", RBJ 6, 1973, 2-6 H2431.5 June E. O'Connor, Freedom in the Thought of Sri Auroboindo: an Ethical Study. Ph.D.Thesis, Temple University 1973; Ann Arbor 1974 H2432 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 123-131 H2433 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Indian philosophy movement and its prospects", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 9-19 H2434 Yogesh Pandey, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 124-133 H2435 Cyrus R. Pangborn, "Analysis of a cliché: Eastern spirituality and Western materialism", CAS 3, 1973, 109-119 H2436 Raimundo Panikkar, "Common patterns of Eastern and Western scholasticism", Diogenes 83, 1973, 109-119 H2437 P.Parameswara, Soul, Karma and Rebirth. Bangalore 1973 H2437.5 Jill Elizabeth Parker, Freedom as "Moksa": a Study of the conical philosophy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the conical frustrum of Sri Aurobindo. M.A.Thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation 1973 H2438 Geoffrey Parrinder, The Indestructible Soul. London 1973 H2439 Prajnananda, Schools of Indian Philosophical Thought. Calcutta 1973 H2440 S.S.Raghavachar, "The concept of Being", IPA 9, 1973-74, 7-11 H2441 A.Ramamurty, "Christian and Hindu world views", VJP 10.1, 1973, 33-52 H2442 Benoy Gopal Ray, Gods and Karma in Indian Religions. Santiniketan 1973 H2443 V.Narayanakaran Reddy, The Concept of Man in Rabindranath Tagore and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Bangalore 1973 H2443.5 D. Sahoo, "Place of evil according to Tagore and Sri Aurobindo", PAOPA 4, 1973, 67-75 H2444 S.Rajagopala Sastri, "The problem of Being", IPA 2, 1973-74, 43-50 H2445 Anima Sen Gupta, "Aurobindo's conception of integral knowledge", Darshana 13.2 (50), 1973, 26-29 H2446 Anima Sen Gupta, "Aurobindo on rebirth", Darshana 13.4 (52), 1973, 56-64 H2447 K.Seshadri, "Radhakrishnan's philosophy and religion of the spirit", BV 8, 1973, 20-33 H2448 K.J.Shah, "The concept of dharma", JIAP 12.1, 1973, 35-45 H2449 D.N.Shanbhag, "Dialectics and its place in Indian thought", JKU 17, 1973, 17-23 H2450 I.C.Sharma, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 107-114 H2451 Ram Nath Sharma, "Integral approach in contemporary Indian philosophy", MRJ 1973, 1-7 H2452 Ursula Sharma, "Theodicy and the doctrine of karma", Man 8, 1973, 347-364 H2453 Ramakant Sinari, "Metaphysical insights and Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 52-60 H2454 Ram Jee Singh, "The concept of unreality", Darshana 13.4 (52), 1973, 41-45 H2455 Jadunath Sinha, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume Four. Calcutta 1973 H2456 Ram Shankar Srivastava, Comparative Religion. New Delhi 1973 H2457 R.S.Srivastava, "Future course of Indian philosophy", Anviksiki 6.1, 1973, 107-114 H2458 Kenneth R. Stundel, "The meeting of East and West in Coomaraswamy and Radhakrishnan", PEW 23, 1973, 517-524 H2459 P.S.Subrahmanyam, God and Creation. Madras 1973 H2460 Padma Sudhi, "The law of karma and the Indian ethical outlook", IPC 18, 1973, 272-276 H2461 Surath, Samadhi and Beyond. Calcutta 1973 H2462 S.R.Talghatgi, "The concept of purusartha", PTG 7.2, 1973, 41-51 H2463 Ramakant Tripathi, "The concept of Being", IPA 9, 1973-74, 12-16 H2464 Ramakant Tripathi, "What is sruti?", IndPQ 1, 1973-74, 295-303 H2465 Ian P. Watson, "Hindu cosmology and modern science: some remarks", SCR 7, 1973, 174-177 H2466 Robert C. Whittemore, "The philosophic office of the Purana", Darshana 13.2, 1973, 54-58 H2467 Esho Yamaguchi, "On the problem of moksa", JIBSt 21.2, 1973, 25-29 H2468 Masao Abe, "Some comments on the role of the negative principle in Western and Eastern philosophies and religions", IPC 19, 1974, 16-29 H2468.5 Abhishiktananda, Guru and Disciple. London 1974 H2469 Roy C. Amore, "The heterodox philosophical systems", DET 114-153 H2469.5 Anandamurti, Jivaniveda. Translated as A Guide to Human Conduct. Puralia 1974; Denver 1980; Calcutta 1982. Translated into German as Ein Fuhrer zu menschlichen Handeln. Mainz 1975 H2470 J.P.Atreya, "Freedom and determinism in Indian thought", Darshana 14.1 (53), 1974, 11-14 H2470.5 Nikunja Vihari Banerjee, The Spirit of Indian Philosophy. London 1974 H2471 Suddhananda Bharati, "All about yoga", BITC 1974 (July-Dec.) 17-44 H2472 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Metaphysics and life" (with comments by H.D.Lewis and Herbert Herring), PTP 121-l17 H2473 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Spirit and matter in man", VJP 11.1, 1974-75, 1-21 H2474 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Causes of duhkha", CSFV 348-353 H2475 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Philosophy as self-realization", PTP 478-493 H2476 Donald H. Bishop, "The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", BV 9, 1974, 7-18 H2477 Donald H. Bishop, "The guna theory and the varna system", IndPQ 2, 1974-75, 185-188 H2478 Krishan Datta Bharadwaj, "The cult of bhakti", JDSUD 3, 1974, 6-13 H2479 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Significance of the concept of liberation", JIP 13.2, 1974, 45-61 H2480 Saraswati Chennakesavan, A Critical Study of Hinduism. New York 1974 H2481 S.Cromwell Crawford, "Ethical aspects of the six systems of Hindu philosophy", IPC 19, 1974 - 20, 1975 H2482 S.Cromwell Crawford, Evolution of Hindu Ethical Ideals. Calcutta 1974 H2483 Richard De Smet, S.J., "Towards an Indian view of the person", ContIP 51-75 H2484 Nand Kishor Devaraja, "Pramanas and the modes of philosophical reasoning in Indian thought", NKDPRC 54-63 H2485 V.A.Devasenapathi, "God, man and bondage", ContIP 93-108 H2486 N.S.Dravid, "Reality and the categories of thought", IPA 10, 1974-75, 13-20 H2487 R.C.Dwivedi, "Defining the pramana", VIRB 48-58 H2488 R.K.Garg, "The doctrine of karma and the alleged fatalism", VK 61, 1974-75: 14, 50 H2489 Jan Gonda, "Nimitta", CDSFV 233-240 H2490 L.P.Gupta, "Studies on punarjanma or rebirth", IPC 19, 1974, 209-228 H2491 Bijayananda Kar, "Sri Aurobindo on nationalism and religion--an appraisal", VJP 11.1, 1974-75, 80-87 H2492 Nathan Katz, "Dependent origination, free will, and moral responsibility", CDSFV 365-372 H2493 David R. Kinsley, "Creation as play in Hindu spirituality", StudinR 4, 1974-75, 108-119 H2493.5 David Ross Komito, Models of the Mind as Religious Forms: Kundalini Yoga and the Tao Alchemy. M.A.Thesis, Indiana University 1974 H2494 Daya Krishna, "Philosophy: influence of theory on practice" (with comments by Fernand Brunner and Kalidas Bhattacharya), PTP 307-323 H2495 B.G.Kulkarni, "Ethical and religious aspects of absolutistic philosophy", CDSFV 365-372 H2496 Olivier Lacombe, "Wisdom", PTP 324-332 H2497 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Invitation to Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1974 H2498 Ram Adhar Mall, Studie zur indischen philosophie und soziologie. Meisenheim am Glan 1974 H2498.5 M.P.Marathe, "Some perspectives of research in Indian philosophy", JUP 39, 1974, 11-18 H2499 Robert A. McDermott and V.S.Naravane (eds.), The Spirit of Modern India. New York 1974 H2500 Robert A. McDermott (ed.), Six Pillars. Introductions to the Major Works of Sri Aurobindo. Chambersburg. Pa. 1974 H2501 J.L.Mehta, "The problem of philosophical reconception in the thought of K.C.Bhattacharya", PEW 24, 1974, 59-70. Reprinted IndW 160-178 H2502 Aubrey Menon, The New Mystics and the True Indian Tradition. London 1974 H2503 Rudra Kant Mishra, Theory of Creation in the Main Orthodox Schools of Indian Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1974 H2504 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Philosophy in India, 1967-73", RM 28, 1974, 54-84 H2505 T.R.V.Murti, "Some comments on the philosophy of language in the Indian context", JIP 2, 1974, 321-331 H2506 James Norton, "The challenge of Gandhi to the classical philosophical tradition", PTP 347-354 H2507 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Die Überlieferungsautorität im Hinduismus", Offenbarung 41-92 H2508 D.Prithipaul, "Moha: the study of a human emotion in Hindu religious thought", StudinR 357-366 H2509 R.Puligandla, "Time and history in the Indian tradition", PEW 24, 1974, 165-170 H2510 S.S.Raghavachar, "Integration of contemplation and action" (with comments by Ramakant Tripathi). PTP 264-277 H2511 Leroy S. Rouner, "Creationism and emanationism: a problem in Radhakrishnan's philosophy", PEW 24, 1974, 227-238 H2512 S.K.Saksena, "Philosophical theories and practice" (with comments by Louis Gardet and R.V.de Smet). PTP 447-461 H2512.0 Sukhlalji Sanghvi. Fundamental Problems of Indian Philosophy. Translated by I. H. Jhaveri. New Delhi 1974 H2512.1 K. Helen Seubert, The Problem of Vision in Heidegger and Ancient Hindu Thought. Ph.D.Thesis , Pennsylvania State University 1974 H2513 Arvind Sharma, "The notion of cyclical time in Hinduism", CAS 5, 1974, 26-35 H2514 M.L.Sharma, From Idealism to Mysticism. Jodhpur 1974 H2515 Ram Nath Sharma, Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, Meerut University 1974 H2516 K.J.Shah, "Morality and spirituality: some models" (with comments by J.Frits Staal). PTP 519-530 H2517 V.Shekhawat, "Epistemology, methodology, and logic of science--Western and Indian tradition", JIAP 13.1, 1974, 28-43 H2518 J.C.Sikdar, "Indian atomism", IPC 19, 1974, 138-153 H2519 Sivananda, Mind: Its Mysteries and Control. Shivanandanagar 1974 H2519.1 E.A.Solomon, "The spirit of Indian thought", BCGV 18, 1974, 58-76 H2520 Narendra V. Soosania, Dialogues on the Atman. Conversations with Contemporary Hindu Monks on the Nature and the Experience of Man. Lund 1974 H2521 Claude Alan Stark, "Swami Akhilananda and William James", JSR 5, 1974, 54-82 H2522 K.R.Sundararajan, "The orthodox philosophical systems", DET 97-l13 H2523 Tapasyananda, "The metaphysics of the Bhagavata", VK 61, 1974-75, 334-336 H2524 Tapasyananda, "Bhakti in the Bhagavata", VK 61, 1974-75 - 62, 1975-76 H2525 Kapil N. Tiwari, "Renunciation--a Hindu-Buddhist approach", IPC 19, 1974, 30-39 H2526 Syed Vahiduddin, "Future of philosophy in India", Indian and Foreign Review 12.2, 1974, 9-10 H2528 M. Vereno, "Karman", PTP 376-400 H2529 R.N.Vyas, "Has devotion come to India from the outside?", Darshana 14.3 (55), 1974, 11-24 H2530 Alex Wayman, "Two traditions of India--truth and silence", PEW 24, 1974, 389-404 H2531 Cassian R. Agera, "Linga: an enquiry into its nature", AP 46, 1975, 106-110 H2532 Claude Alvares, "Aurobindo and science", CR 96, 1975, 71-75 H2533 G.F.Penn Anthony, "Freedom or karma?", Dilip 2, 1975, 22-25 H2534 Usharbudh Arya, "Hinduism and conscientious objection to war", SCR 9, 1975, 146-153 H2535 Ashokananda, "Reality as the supreme person", VK 62, 1975-76, 81-86 H2535.5 Amalendu Bagchi, Indian Definition of Mind. Calcutta 1975 H2536 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Knowledge and jnana", Philosophica 1977-78; reprinted in KKBLKO 167-219 H2537 Nikunja Vihari Banerjee, The Spirit of Indian Philosophy. London 1975 H2538 S.S.Barlingay, "Indian epistemology and logic", ITAI 148-175 H2539 A.L.Basham (ed.), A Cultural History of India. Oxford 1975 H2540 G.S.Bhatt, "Social philosophy", ITAI 197-230 H2541 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of moksa--an analysis", PPR 36, 1975-76, 564-570 H2542 Chandrodaya Bhattacharya, "Some theories of illusion", JIAP 14.1, 1975, 1-22 H2542.5 Kalidas Bhattahcarya, Possibility of Different Types of Religion. Calcutta 1975 H2542.7 Kalidas Bhattacharya, The Fundamentals of K.C.Bhattacharya's Philosophy. Calcutta 1975 H2543 William Beidler, The Vision of Self in Early Vedanta. Delhi 1975 H2544 Donald H. Bishop, "The philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan", BV 10, 1975, 82-106 H2545 Donald H. Bishop (ed.), Indian Thought: An Introduction. New York 1975 H2546 R.T.Blackwood and A.L.Herman (eds.), Problems in Philosophy East and West. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1975 H2547 Helene Brunner, "Importance de la littérature agamique pour l'étude des religions vivantes de l'Inde", ITaur 3-4, 1975-76, 107-124 H2549 Yaddera Chandidas, Desire and Liberation (The Fundamentals of Cosmic Ontology). Tirupati 1975 H2550 N.B.Chakraborty, "The philosophy of Radhakrishnan", JIAP 14.1, 1975, 52-58 H2551 S.Chandra, "The misunderstanding of Hinduism", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 113-126 H2552 N.K.Devaraja (ed.), Indian Philosophy Today. Delhi 1975 H2553 R.R.Diwakar, "Aurobindo", ITAI 324-336 H2553.5 krishna Kumar Dixit, Indian Logic: its problems as Treated by its Schools. Muzaffarpur 1975 H2554 V.V.Gokhale, "Klesa--its place and meaning in Indian philosophy", GSSK H2554.5 Wilhelm Halbfass, Zur Theorie der kastenordnung in der indischen Philosophie. Nachrichten der Ak. der Wiss. in Gottingen, phil-Hist. Kl. 1975, nr. 9, pp. 278-316 H2555 J.H.Hattiangadi, "Why is Indian philosophy mystical? Comments on Professor Matilal's 'Mysticism and reality: ineffability'", JIP 3, 1975, 253-258 H2556 Mysore Hiriyanna, Indian Conception of Values. Mysore 1975. Section on "Indian philosophy of values" reprinted IPE 5, 1-10 H2557 G.N.Joshi, "Metaphysics", ITAI 176-196 H2558 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Studies in the problem of error", Rtam 2-6, 1975, 249-264. Reprinted SILM 23-41 H2559 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Validity of knowledge in Indian logic", VRFV 175-191. Reprinted SILM 3-19 H2560 S.D.Joshi, "Sabdabodha and theories of verbal denotation", SVUOJ 18, 1975, 21-32 H2560.5 Shinjo Kawasaki, "The concept of the subtle body (lingasarira) in Brahmanism", Studies 1975, Institute of Philosophy, U. of Tsukube H2561 Daya Krishna, "Kalidas Bhattacharya and the logic of alternation", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 195-208 H2561.5 Michael Joseph Leyden, The philosophy of Integralism in the Philosophy of Sri Auroboindo Ghose. M.A.Thesis, Washington State University 1975 H2562 S.Lokanathan, "Science and Aurobindo", Q 95, 1975, 67-69 H2563 Aditya Kumar Mahanty, "A study of satkaryavada and asatkarya-vada", PAOPA 5, 1975, 65-68 H2564 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Mysticism and reality: ineffability", JIP 3, 1975, 217-252. Reprinted CEBKM 3-37 H2565 A.Charlene S. McDermott, "Towards a pragmatics of mantra recitation", JIP 3, 1975, 283-298. Reprinted IPE 4, 309-325 H2566 Ram Nandan Mishra, "Sri Aurobindo on mental knowledge and its limitations", IPC 20, 1975, 283-298 H2567 Ram Nandan Mishra, "Sri Aurobindo on knowledge and ignorance", JBRS 61, 1975, 211-221 H2568 Jatil Coomar Mookerjee, "Rise of the Indian philosophical schools: its impact on culture", BRMIC 26, 1975, 176-181 H2569 K.Vajravel Mudaliar, "The significance of the term pramanam", SaivS 10, 1975, 103-108. Reprinted SaivS 34.3, 1999, 25-32 H2570 Satya Swarup Mishra, "Etymology of Sanskrit satya and mithya", Bharata Manisha 1.2, 1975, 59-61 H2571 Nanajivako, "Hegel and Indian philosophy", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 295-324 H2572 N.C.Panda, "Sabdapramana", PAOPA 5, 1975, 33-42 H2573 G.C.Pande, "The concept of self in philosophy", JijJHI 2.1, 1975, 13-19 H2574 G.C.Pande, "The concept of causality in Indian philosophy", JijJHI 2.2, 1975, 1-8 H2575 Raimundo Panikkar, "Common patterns of Eastern and Western scholasticism", SCR 9, 1975, 154-163 H2576 V.G.Paranjpe, "A relative chronology of the six Brahmanical systems and early Buddhism", VRFV 291-299 H2577 Karl H. Potter, "The background of skepticism, East and West", JIP 3, 1975, 299-314 H2578 Durga Madhav Praharaj, "The meaning of sabda pramana in Indian philosophy", PAOPA 5, 1975, 43-51 H2579 R. Puligandla, Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy. New York 1975. Reprinted New Delhi 1997 H2580 C.R.Prasad Rao, "Sri Aurobindo on reason and religion", Triveni 44.2, 1975, 61-66 H2581 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Thinking of/and reality", VK 62, 1975-76, 213-218 H2582 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Synthesis of mind conditioned by karma", Dilip 2.2, 1975, 25-28 H2583 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Faith, philosophy and religion of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan", Triveni 44.3, 1975, 9-13 H2584 Navjivan Rastogi, "Contribution of Kashmir to philosophy, thought and culture", ABORI 56, 1975, 27-43 H2585 V.N.K.Reddy, "Concepts of man", ITAI 252-270 H2586 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Fate and free will", Hindutva 6.1, 1975, 1-4 H2586.5 Satprem, Sri Aurobindo, ou, l'aventure de la conscience. Paris 1975. Translated into Italian by Mario Montameri, Imola 1968. Translated into German, Weilheim, Obb. 1970. Translated into Russian, St. Petersburg 1993. Translated into Englisih, Mt. Vernon, Washington 1993, 1996 H2587 Arvind Sharma, "Ambiguity in the law of karma", Q 93, 1975, 85-88 H2588 Arvind Sharma, "Mescaline and Hindu mystical experience", StudinR 5, 1975-76, 171-176 H2589 Ishwara Chandra Sharma, "Indian ethics", ITAI 235-250 H2590 P.S.Sastri, Indian Idealism. Two volumes. Delhi 1975, 1976 H2591 T.V.G.Sastri, "General concept of maya and its applications", JOI 24, 1975, 343-356 H2591.1 Surabhi Sheth, "Philosophical data from the Brahma-Purana", BhV 35, 1975, 42-61 H2592 B.P.Singh, "Commentary on (Podgorski) and (Larson)", PEW 25, 1975, 59-64 H2593 Ramjee Singh, "The Hindu view of omniscience", Bharata Manisha 1.2, 1975, 43-54 H2594 Frits Staal, "The concept of metalanguage and its Indian background", JIP 3, 1975, 315-354 H2595 S.R.Talghatti, "Svadharma", PTG 10.1, 1975, 35-42 H2596 Ramakant Tripathi, "The nature of philosophic knowledge", PAOPA 5, 1975, 3-6 H2597 Satya Pal Verma, "The Indian concept of dharma", KUJ 9, 1975, 152-155 H2598 Vishadananda, "Life after death", BV 10, 1975, 6-22 H2599 Charles Winckelmans, "On the fundamental affinity between existentialism and Indian philosophy", JDPUC 1, 1975,52-61 H2600 Yutaka Yuda, "The problem of causality--in search of the Indian causa materialis" (summary). ToG 49, 1975, 4 H2601 Abhedananda, "Bhava", AISC 94-97. H2602 P.S.Sivaswamy Aiyar, Evolution of Hindu Moral Ideals. Delhi 1976 H2602.5 Ajaya, Psycholog, East and West. Glenview, Ill. 1976 H2603 L.K.Aravkar, "Swami Vivekananda and the message of karma yoga", QFT 454-460 H2604 M. Arunachalam, "A leaf from the history of Saivism in Tamil Naidu in the 16th century", BITC 1976 (Jan.-June) l-10 H2605 S.P.Atreya, "Different paths of self-realization", Darshana 16.4, 1976, 72-81 H2605.5 Thomas A. Ayykara, Cosmic Consciousness: a Comparative Study in the Spiritual Materialisms of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo. D. Phil. Dissertation, U. of Oxford 1976 H2606 S.S.Barlingay, "Awareness", IPA 11, 1976, 9-22 H2607 Ramdatt Bharadwaj, "The meaning of sat or being", QFT 53-61 H2608 L.Stafford Betty, "Aurobindo's concept of lila and the problem of evil",IPQ 16, 1976, 315-330 H2609 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Tarka as counterfactual conditional", KCV II, 559-562 H2610 V.K.Bharadwaj, "An appraisal of 'The Negative Dialectics: A Study of the Negative Dialecticism in Indian Philosophy' by Dhirendra Sharma", JDBSDU 3, 1976, 51-57 H2611 Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya, Inference in Indian and Western Logic. Calcutta 1976 H2612 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Traditional Indian philosophy", VJP 13, 1976-77, 13-17 H2612.2 Giuseppine Scalabirno Borsani, Filosofia indiana. Milano 1976 H2612.5 Pratima Bowes, The Hindu Religious Tradition: a Philosophical Approach. Bombay 1976, 1977, 1978 H2613 Mohamad Cassim, "Liberation through meditation", AISC 172-174 H2613.5 William Cenkner, The Hindu personality in Education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo. New Delhi 1976, 1994 H2614 Usharanjan Chakrabarti, "Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of creation", JDPUC 2, 1976, 50-63 H2615 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, What is Living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1976, 1977 H2616 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Anti-Marxist falsification of Indian philosophy", MonV 7-39 H2617 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Sources of Indian idealism", HSENR 239-270 H2618 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Sri Aurobindo and the Marxist on civilisation and culture", HSENR 239-270 H2619 Sarasvati Chennakesavan, Concepts of Indian Philosophy. Bombay 1976 H2620 S. Chennakesavan, "Consciousness and experience", IPA 11, 1976, 23-36 H2621 John B. Chettimattam, "Intuition and reason: an Indian approach", JD 1, 1976, 391-402 H2622 D.D.Daye, "Some comparative aspects of the Indian and Western traditions of formal logic", PPQ3 197-217 H2623 Surendra Kumar De, "Sri Aurobindo and his vision", JGJRI 32, 1976, 261-273 H2624 N.K.Devaraja, "What is living and what is dead in Indian philosophy", PEW 26, 1976, 427-444 H2625 V.A.Devasenapathi, "'Come early to praise and serve the Lord", QFT 440-444 H2626 R.R.Dravid, "Language, thought and reality (some aspects of Indian thought)", KCV II, 447-454 H2627 N.D.Ghosh, "Concept of death in Sri Aurobindo's yoga", PY 43-52 H2628 V.K.Gokak, "Sri Aurobindo's view of spirituality in Indian poetry", KUJ 20, 1976, 247-25 H2628.0 Sitanath Goswami, "Inference of self-luminosity", Anviksa 6, 1976. Reprinted IndTrad II, 102-106 H2628.1 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Indien und die Geschichtsschreibung der Philosophie", Philosophische Rundschau 23, 1976, 104-141 H2629 R.D.Hegde, "Caraka's concept of pramana", MO 9, 1976, 17-21 H2630 Arthur L. Herman, An Introduction to Indian Thought. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1976 H2631 A.N.Jani, "The concept of trinity in the Sakta philosophy", JUB 25-26, 1976-77, 43-52 H2632 A.G.Javadekar, "Abhava", JUB 25-26, 1976-77 H2633 G.N.Joshi, "The basic in Indian philosophy", KCV I, 247-254 H2634 H.M.Joshi, "Mind, psychic-being and consciousness in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy", QFT 390-401 H2635 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Knowledge of self", TGKJAS 19-29 H2636 Bijayananda Kar, "Sri Aurobindo on spiritual religion of humanity", QFT 412-418 H2636.1 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, "Is Hinduism pantheistic?", Sophia 15.2, 1976, 26-36 H2637 Jan Kieniewicz, "Indian philosophy as the philosophy of an equilibrium system", PPQ3 233-243 H2638 Toshiko Kimura, "The development of the agamic theories in logical texts" (in Japanese with English summary), BukKenk 5, 1976, 26-40 (reference problematic) H2639 Arnold Kunst, "Man--the creator", JIP 4, 1976, 51-68 H2640 B.Kuppuswamy, "Karma and punarjanma", BV 11, 1976, 241-254 H2641 Gosta Liebert (comp.), Iconographic Dictionary of the Indian Religions: Hinduism-Buddhism-Jainism. Studies in South Asian Culture, Volume 5. Leiden 1976 H2642 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Prof. Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya: his adventures in Advaita", BRMIC 27, 1976: 123, 147 H2643 K. Meenakshi, "Development of Indian thought", AISC 117-128 H2644 Mahesh Mehta, "The concept of suffering in Indian thought", Bharata Manisha 2.2-3, 1976-77, 73-81 H2645 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Indian philosophy: between tradition and modernity", Bharata Manisha 2.4, 1976-77, 5-12. Reprinted ExinP 56-74 H2646 Jatil Coomar Mookerjee, "Philosophical discourse in ancient India: its forms", BRMIC 27, 1976, 27-34 H2647 Hiren Mukherjee, "A mischievous book", MonV 128-135 H2648 T.R.V.Murti, "Knowledge and truth", PICP 1976. Reprinted StIndT 112-119. Also KCV I, l-8 H2649 Y. Balarama Murty, "Metaphysical idealism twisted and presented as dialectical materialism", MonV 156-164 H2650 Noor Nabi, "Bhakti and Sufism in India", QFT 461-476 H2651 Sita Krishna Nambiar, "An outline of the development of philosophical thought in India from the Vedic times to the present", AISC 104-116 H2652 V.S.Naravane, "The perennial philosophy of Ananda Coomaraswamy", IAC 26-27.3, 1976, 17-29 H2653 George Nordgulen, "Intuition and reason in religion", JD 1, 1976, 378-390 H2654 Troy Organ, "Causality--Indian and Greek", PhilEW 48-67 H2655 Troy Organ, "Polarity, a neglected insight in Indian philosophy", PEW 26, 1976, 33-40 H2656 Ram Prasad Pandeya, Hindu Thought. New Delhi 1976 H2657 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Two recent traditions of Indian philosophy", QFT 80-89. Reprinted WIP 289-302 H2658 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Indian views of theological statements", Bharata Manisha 1.4, 1976. Reprinted WIP 178-194 H2659 Geoffrey Parrinder, Mysticism in the World's Religions. New York 1976 H2660 John C. Plott, Global History of Philosophy. Volume 1. Delhi 1976 H2660.5 Swami Rama and Swami Ajaya, Emotion to Enlilghtenment. Glenview, Ill. 1976 H2661 A.S.Ramachandran, "Sri Aurobindo's yoga of the supreme and the Sri Vidya", Dilip 1.3, 1976 - 4.l, 1977 H2662 A. Ramamurti, "The nature of consciousness", IPA 11, 1976, 109-118 H2663 Ch. Sreenivasa Rao, "The concept of consciousness in contemporary India", IPA 11, 1976, 101-108 H2664 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Consciousness as being and expression", IPA 11, 1976, 57-64 H2665 Raghunath Sahaya, Indian Psychology. Delhi 1976 H2666 Kamal Kumar Sanyal, "The Hindu doctrine of vairagya", Hindutva 7.1, 1976, 28-31 H2667 A.K.Sarkar, "Aurobindo and Whitehead: a quest for general ideas", KCV II, 517-524 H2668 Arvind Sharma, "Comparison of medieval and modern Hindu interpretations of Chandogya Upanisad", BITC 1976 (Jan.-June) 17-22 H2669 Dhirendra Sharma, "Social commitment and Indian philosophers", PPQ3 245-250 H2670 Santosh Chandra Sengupta, "The relevance of Sri Aurobindo to modern India", QFT 402-411 H2671 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Jnana and bhakti", AP 47, 1976, 58-61 H2672 Pratap Chandra Shukla, Concept of Soul in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1976 H2673 Balbir Singh, The Conceptual Framework of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1976 H2674 Maan Singh, "Poetic anumana and vyanjana", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 333-348 H2675 Joachim Fridrich Sprockhoff, Samnyasa. Quellen Studien zur Askese im Hinduismus. I: Untersüchungen über die Samnyasa-Upanisads. Wiesbaden 1976 H2676 Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatachariar, "Vaisnava tradition", BITC 1976 (July-Dec.) 43-62. Reprinted Dilip 22.3, 1996, 15-20; 22.4, 1996, 22-28 H2677 Anantalal Thakur, "Religion and philosophy", JOI 26, 1976, 68-76 H2678 Ramakant Tripathi, "Alternative conceptions of the Absolute", JIAP 15.2, 1976, 19 H2679 Donald Richard Tuck, "The doctrine of maya: Radhakrishnan", Darshana 16.4, 1976, 51-62 H2681 S.P.Verma, "Intra-disciplinary approach (an apology from the standpoint of Indian philosophy)", KUJ 10, 1976, 228-231 H2682 Ian K. Watson, "Buddhi, manas, deha and moksa", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 151-164 H2682.5 Willis Edward Wyant, The parallels in Christian Thought and Integrated Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis,California Institute of Asian Studies 1976 H2683 Bibhuti S. Yadav, "The question of time and the timeless", JD 1, 1976, 345-362 H2684 Adiswarananda, "Philosophy of history, the Hindu view", CIPH 21-58 H2685 Francisco R. Adrados, "Indian and Greek philosophy", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 1-8 H2685.5 Ajaya, Foundations of Eastern and Western Psychology. Glenview, Ill. 1977 H2686 Anand, Path of Saints, as the Fulfilment of Vedanta. Bombay 1977 H2687 J.G.Arapura, "Some perspectives on Indian philosophy of language", RIT 15-44 H2688 The Philosophy of Dr. B.L.Atreya (ed. R.S.Srivastava et al.), New Delhi 1977 H2689 K. Bagchi, "'Traditional Indian Philosophy' by Prof. Kalidas Bhattacharya", VJP 14, 1977-78, 67-70 H2689.1 Archie J. Bahm, Comparative Philosophy. Albuquerque, N.M. 1977, 1995 H2689.3 Ramananda Bharati, Self, Supreme Self, and the Universe. Machlipatnam 1977 H2689.4 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Swaraj in ideas", in Four Indian Critical Essays (Calcutta 1977). H2689.4.5 Pratima Bowes, Hindu Intellectual Tradition. New Delhi 1977 H2689.4.6 Helene Brunner, La mysticisme dans les agama sivaites. Rome 1977 H2689.4.7 Pratibhushan Chatterji, Toward Supermanhood: the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Calcutta 1977 H2689.4.8 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Two Trends in Indian Philosophy. Mysore 1977 H2689.5 A.N. Dwivedi, Essentials of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. New Delhi 1978 H2690 K.K.Banerjee, "Knowledge and jnana", Philosophica 6.1, 1977, 6.1, 1977 - 7.3; 1978 H2691 P.V.Bapat, "Sammurti: sammati: samvrti", CVVGP 5-8 H2692 Girish Chandra Baruah, "Radhakrishnan and empirico-positivists on intuition", IPA 12, 1977-78, 67-86 H2693 Arabindu Basu, "Historical perspectives of liberation in Hinduism", JD 2, 1977, 82-98 H2694 Bhajananda, "Hindu upasana vis-à-vis Christian meditation", JD 2, 1977, 217-230 H2695 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Tarka and implication", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 91-102 H2696 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The meaning and significance of social revolution and the idea of progress in Hegelian, Marxian and Indian philosophies of history", CIPH 59-92 H2697 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Relation in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 53-64 H2698 Kalidas Bhattacharya, On the Concepts of Relation and Negation in Indian Philosophy. CalSktColRS 109, 1977 H2699 Grace E. Cairns, "Aurobindo's conception of the nature and meaning of history", CIPH l-20 H2700 C.T.K.Chari, "Radhakrishnan's interpretation of rebirth", IPA 12, 1977-78, 131-140 H2701 A.K.Chatterjee, "Predicates", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 549-558 H2702 Dipankar Chatterjee, "Skepticism and Indian philosophy", PEW 27, 1977, 195-210 H2704 Haridas Chaudhuri, "The integral view of the meaning of history", CIPH 93-114 H2705 John B. Chethimattam, "Meditation: a discriminating realization", JD 2, 1977, 164-172 H2706 Yogendra Chopra, "Two Indian approaches to the subject-predicate distinction", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 249-260 H2707 Austin B. Creel, Dharma in Hindu Ethics. Calcutta 1977 H2708 G.P.Das, "The dichotomy of nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka pratyaksa", VJP 14, 1977-78, 44-50 H2709 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "My philosophy of history: the significance of moral values in human history", CIPH 115-134 H2710 M.S.Deshpande, "Dhyana yoga--yoga of meditation", PTG 11.3, 1977, 39-44 H2711 V.V.Deshpande, "Itihasa and purana in Hindu purusartha vidyas", CIPH 135-166 H2712 N.S.Dravid, "The problem of relation in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 39-52 H2713 N.S.Dravid, "Analysis in the perspective of Indian philosophy", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 261-270 H2714 J.Feys, "Sri Aurobindo: yoga, religion, mysticism", JMU 49.1.1, 1977, 1-60 H2714.5 J. Filliozat, "Les vivions chez les spirituels indiens", Nouvelles de lInstitut Catoloque de Paris 1976-77, pp. 145-155. Translated by M. Shukla as "Visions of the spiritual seeker of India", RofY 451-460 H2715 B.G.Gokhale, "Toward a pattern of Indian history", CIPH 167-185 H2716 Theodore Goldstucker, Inspired Writings on Indology. Two volumes. New Delhi 1977 H2717 Jan Gonda, The Ritual Sutras. A History of Indian Literature, Volume I, Fascicule 2. Wiesbaden 1977 H2718 Jan Gonda, Medieval Religious Literature in Sanskrit. A History of Indian Literature, Volume II, Fascicule 1. Wiesbaden 1977 H2719 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Anthropological problems in classical Indian philosophy", BIEW 225-236 H2720 Herbert Herring, "Philosophia perennis or on the ecumenical statement in Radhakrishnan's thought", IPA 12, 1977-78, 9-16 H2722 A.G.Javadekar, "Axionoetic philosophy of history", CIPH 187-200 H2723 P.M.John, "Hindu dharma as an occasion for comparative ethics", Religion and Society 24, 1977, 38-51 H2724 N.V.Joshi, Indian Philosophy from the Ontological Point of View. Bombay 1977 H2725 Klaus K. Klostermaier, "The relevance of Radhakrishnan's religion of the spirit", IPA 12, 1977-78, 17-22 H2726 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Time and the timeless", CIPH 201-232 H2727 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Karma--a metaphysical hypothesis of moral causation in history", CIPH 233-247 H2728 Bimal Krishna Matilal, The Logical Illumination of Indian Mysticism. Delhi 1977 H2729 A.Charlene S. McDermott, "A comparative investigation of the awareness of duhkha", PEW 27, 1977, 433-448 H2730 David Miller, "The guru as the center of sacredness", StudinR 6, 1976-77, 527-534 H2731 R.S.Mishra, "Revelation: its meaning, modes, and polarity", PhilR 38-42 H2732 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Philosophy of history and its presuppositions", CIPH 249-262 H2733 P.K.Mukhopadhyaya, "Being and being known", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 287-298. Reprinted CPP 91-101 H2734 K.Satchidananda Murty, "Sanskrit and philosophical thought in the Vasco de Gama epoch", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78,785-798 H2735 K.Satchidananda Murty, "Indian philosophical thought in the Vasco de Gama epoch", JIH 55, 1977, 87-102 H2736 N.A.Nikam, "Philosophy of Indian culture: a metaphysic of the idea of history", CIPH 263-271 H2737 June O'Connor, The Quest for Political and Spiritual Liberation: A Study in the Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose. Rutherford, N.J. 1977 H2738 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Word and object", RPISP 156-165 H2739 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "Karma and rebirth", RPISP 208-213 H2740 Raimundo Panikkar, "The vitality and role of Indian philosophy today", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 673-692 H2741 Cyril Papali, Hinduism. Religion and Philosophy. Volume One: Vedic Religion. Philosophical Schools from Vedism to Hinduism. Alwaye 1977 H2742 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Philosophy of karma in prasthanatrayi", PTG 11.3, 1977, 49-55 H2743 A.S.Narayana Pillai, "Philosophy and spiritual experience", IPA 12, 1977-78, 23-29 H2744 Dinesh Prasad, "The law of karma", PhilR 272-277 H2745 S.S.Raghavachar, "Radhakrishnan, a philosopher with a difference", IPA 12, 1977-78, 1-8 H2746 V.Raghavan, "The spectrum of Indian thought", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 829-834 H2747 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Indian theories of sabdabodha", Studies in Early Dravidian Grammars (Annamalai University 1977), 319-326 H2748 R.Ramanujachari, "Radhakrishnan on religion", IPA 12, 1977-78, 39-45 H2749 G.S.S.Sreenivasa Rao, "Concept of being in Radhakrishnan and Tillich", IPA 12, 1977-78, 87-108 H2750 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Role of sraddha in the catalysis of karma", Dilip 4.4, 1977, 6-9 H2751 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Radhakrishnan's contributions to Indian philosophy and comparative religion", IPA 12,1977-78,30-38 H2752 Ruth Reyna, "Hindu literature and the darsanas on human ethical ideals", Religious Studies 8.7, 1977, 2-4 H2753 V.V.S.Saibaba, "The concept of bhakti or spiritual faith in Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga", YL 8.4, 1977, 3-9 H2754 S.K.Saksena, "The historian", CIPH 279-294 H2755 Arvind Sharma, "Mutualism within the yogas of Hinduism", PTG 11.3, 1977, 1-5 H2756 Arvind Sharma, "The logic of Ramakrishna and the apologica of Max Muller", IAC 26-27.4, 1977, 22-24 H2757 Dhirendra Sharma, "Some reflections on history and its process", CIPH 295-311 H2758 Ram Nath Sharma, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Meerut 1977 H2759 G.N.Shastri, "Epistemology in Sanskrit", Rtam 8,1977, 51-56 H2760 Anima Sengupta, "History of Indian philosophy--its re-orientations", ESOSIP 96-105 H2761 Anima Sengupta, "Metaphysical basis of Indian social thought", ESOSIP 239-247 H2762 Anima Sengupta, "Rebirth and karma", ESOSIP 252-263 H2762.5 Nils Simonsson, "Knowledge and means of knowledge", Studia Orientalia 47, 1977, 207-218 H2763 Ramakant Sinari, "Sri Aurobindo's vision of the ultimate reality", AP 48, 1977, 13-78 H2764 S.P.Singh, "The concept of error", PhilR 196-199 H2765 Krishna Sivaraman, "The word as a category of revelation", RIT 45-64 H2766 Rama Shankar Srivastava, "The future course of Indian philosophy", PhilR 216-220 H2767 Margaret and James Stutley, A Dictionary of Hinduism, Its Mythology, Folklore and Development (1500 B.C. - A.D. 1500). London 1977 H2768 Sukhlalji (Sanghvi), Indian Philosophy. Translated by K.K.Dixit. LDS 58, Ahmedabad 1977 H2769 S.R.Talghatti, "The concept of karma", PTG 11.2,1977,45-56 H2770 Chhote Lal Tripathi, "The problem of 'negation' in Indian philosophy", EAW 27, 1977, 345-356 H2771 Ramakant Tripathi, "The unspeakable in metaphysics", RIT 171-184 H2772 Ramakant Tripathi, "Two approaches to the problem of evil", JD 2, 1977, 312-317 H2773 Ramakant Tripathi, "The eternal quest", PhilR 51-57 H2774 S.P.Verma, "The Indian doctrine of karma: a scientific theory", KUJ 11, 1977, 173-178 H2775 Ian Kesarcodi Watson, "From karma to moksa", JD 2, 1977, 7-21 H2776 Ananyananda, "The concept of freedom", VK 65, 1978, 379-384 H2776.5 Atulananda, Atman Alone Abides: Conversations with Swami Atulananda. Madras 1978 H2777 Shailaja S. Bapat, "The terms avayavin and amsa in Indian philosophy", PAIOC 28, 1978, 457-464 H2778 S.S.Barlingay, "The concept of freedom", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 75-88 H2779 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "A characteristic of Hindu philosophies and its interpretation", Man and Nature (ed. G.F.McLean), 1978; reprinted in KKBLKO 292-299 H2780 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Some problems concerning meaning", VJP 15, 1978-79, 92-108 H2781 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Humanism as against naturalism, as the culture of active social life", BRMIC 30, 1979: 175, 200, 224, 252 H2782 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Relation in Indian philosophy", CPP 53-64 H2783 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Sruti and smrti--the non-Vedic demarcation", JD 3, 1978, 268-273 H2784 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Devas and avataras: does moksa apply to devas too?", VK 66, 1979, 368-371 H2784.1 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Schools of Vedanta--a plea from a Vedantic viewpoint", Darshana 18.1, 1978, 36-34 H2784.5 Tapo Nath Chakravarti, The Universe of Colour: Modern Western and Ancient Indian Perspectives. Calcutta 1978 H2785 Madhumati Chatterjee, "Notes on philosophy, darsana and anviksiki", CR 4.1-2, 1978, 135-138 H2785.2 Debiprasad Chattopadhyay, "Sources of Indian idealism", HandS 239-270 H2785.5 Sibadas Chaudhuri, Bibliography of Indological Studies in 1956: a Survey of Periodical Publications. Calcutta 1978 H2786 A.B.Creel, "The concept of revelation in Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and H.Richard Niebuhr", JD 3, 1978, 253-267 H2787 Eliot Deutsch, "Vidya and avidya", KCV3 63-72 H2788 N.S.Dravid, "The problem of relation in Indian philosophy", CPP 39-52 H2789 N.S.Dravid, "Analysis in the perspective of Indian philosophy", CPP 15-24 H2790 Chandra Bhal Dwivedi, "Indian conception of personality: an overview", P 23.2-24.1, 1978, 175-182 H2791 Ashok Gangadean, "Comparative ontology and the interpretation of karma", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 203-256 H2792 Alfred Graham, "Can we learn from Eastern religions?", The Ampleforth Journal 83.2, 1978, 12-23 H2793 Sarita Gupta, "Causation as a relation", JGJRI 34.1-2, 1978, 91-102 H2794 Shanti Nath Gupta, The Indian Concept of Values. New Delhi 1978 H2795 Roderick Hindery, Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions. Delhi 1978 H2796 Michael Hulin, Le Principe de l'Ego dans le Pensée Indienne Classique. La Notion d'Ahamkara. Paris 1978 H2797 S.N.Iyer, "The concept of maya in Hindu religious thought", Dilip 5.4, 1978, 27-29 H2797.1 K.D.Kanev, "An attempt for a philosophical-Marxist interpretation of the term 'yoga", Darshana 18.3, 1978, 1-6 H2797.1.5 Bijayananda Kar, Indian Theories of Error. Delhi 1978, 1990 H2797.2 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, "Karma", MW 53, 1978, 124-127 H2797.4 T. R. Kulkarni, "Psychology: the Indian point of view", JIndPsych 1, 1978, 22-39 H2799 Basant Kumar Lal (ed.), Contemporary Indian Philosophy. Second revised edition. Delhi 1978 H2800 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The ineffable", LIPR 55-62. Reprinted CEBKM I, 65-71 H201 Mahesh Mehta, "Ineffability reconsidered", LIPR 63-82 H2802 Rohit Mehta, The Science of Meditation. Delhi 1978 H2803 Robert Neil Minor, Sri Aurobindo: the Perfect and the Good. Calcutta 1978 H2803.1 Jayamanta Mishra, "Process of experiencing aesthetic pleasure", JBRS 63-64, 1977-78, 794-796 H2803.2 K. P. Mishra, "Linguistic analysis and Indian philosophical tradition", Darshana 18.3, 1978, 67-73 H2803.3 Ram Nanda Mishra, "An analytical and critical study of Radhakrishnan's concept of intuition", Darshana 18.2, 1978, 26-34 H2804 A.K.Mukherjee, "Theory of re-incarnation in the Bhagavad- Gita", CR 3.4, 1978, 16-23 H2805 Harsh Narain, "Universality without a universal", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 611-624 H2806 St. Elmo Naumann, Jr., Dictionary of Asian Philosophies. 1978 H2806.1 G.C.Nayak, "Suksma Sarira--a conceptual exploration of survival", Darshana 18.1, 1978, 34-40 H2807 R.R.Pandey, Man and the Universe (in the Orthodox Systems of Indian Philosophy). Delhi 1978 H2808 Sangam Lal Pandey, "A comparative study of Indian and Persian philosophy", WIP H2809 V.Patanjali, Thoughts on Indian Mysticism. New Delhi 1978 H2810 Chintamani Pathak, "Culture and hermeneutics: a constructive study in Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of the Veda", BhM 4, 1978-79, 15-31 H2811 Karl H. Potter, "Toward a conceptual scheme for Indian epistemologies", SKF 17-30 H2812 Chhaya Rai, "Forms of dialectic", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 487-492 H2813 R. Sundara Rajan, "The purusarthas in the light of critical theory", IndPQ 7, 1979-80, 339-350 H2814 P.T.Raju, "Self and body: how known and differentiated", Mon 61.1, 1978, 135-155 H2815 C. Ramaiah, The Problem of Change and Identity in Indian Philosophy. Tirupati 1978 H2816 B.Kutumba Rao, "Karaka--a brief study", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 141-154 H2817 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Karma and human choice", VK 65, 1978, 270-274 H2818 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Real-unreal tangle", Dilip 5.6, 1978, 13-15 H2819 R.Raph&#ael, "Radhakrishnan and the religion of man", IAC 24.2-3, 1978, 41-49 H2820 Sunanda Sanyal, "The function and limitation of metaphysics. (A brief analysis of K.C.Bhattacharya's conception of metaphysics)", Philosophica 7.2, 1978, 1-9 H2821 Arvind Sharma, "What is nirvana?", OH 26.1, 1978 - 30.2, 1981 H2821.1 I.C.Sharma, "Ethico-metaphysical aspect of Indian philosophy", Darshana 18.2, 1978, 56-65 H2822 Ursula Sharma, "Theodicy and the doctrine of karma", WFMRQ 22-45 H2823 Manmath Nath Shastri, Hindu Metaphysics: an Outline. New Delhi 1978 H2824 Sabujkoli Sen, "The Christian concept of sin and Hindu concept of ignorance (avidya): a comparative study", VJP 15, 1978-79, 61-75 H2825 Sushanta Sen, A Study of Universals. Santiniketan 1978 H2826 Sushanta Sen, "The concept of God in the religious thought of Hinduism", VJP 15, 1978-79, 76-91 H2827 Shaktidhara, "Bhakti", BVa 13, 1978, 129-141 H2828 K. Shivaraman, "The meaning of moksa in contemporary Hindu thought and life", WFMRQ 132-141 H2829 B.M.Singhi, "Pandit Sukhlalji: the blind seer", JainJ 13, 1978, 1-6 H2830 Kali Prasad Sinha, "Relation between substance and attributes in Indian philosophy", BhM 4.1, 1978, 32-46 H2831 (Sangitaprem) David Teplitz, "Why study the terms of Sanskrit philosophy?", MP 15, 1978, 98-99 H2832 K. Thiagarajan, "Sri Aurobindo: the synthesis of the east and the west", Dilip 5.5, 1978, 24-26 H2832.0 C. Ramiah Tirupati, The Problem of Change and Identity in Indian Philosophy. Tirupati 1978 H2832.1 K.N.Tiwari, "The ethical philosophy of Sri Aurobindo:, Darshana 18.2, 1978, 31-37 H2832.1.1 K. N. Tiwari, "The ethical philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Darshana 18.2, 1978, 24-26 H2833 L.T.Doboom Tulku, "The atman controversy between the Buddhist and the Brahmanical Hindus", JRS 6.2, 1978, 13-23 H2834 A.K.Warder, The Science of Critism in India. Madras 1978 H2835 Ian Kesarcodi Watson, "Hindu metaphysics and its philosophies: sruti and darsana", IPQ 18, 1978, 413-432 H2836 Subash Anand, "Saguna or nirguna", Purana 21,1979, 40-63 H2837 Rajkumar Arora, "The concept of maya in the Adi Granth", IndPQ 7, 1979-80, 527-530 H2837.5 Ushabudh Arya (Swami Veda Bharati), God. Honesdale, Pa. 1979 H2838 Archie J. Bahm, "Indian philosophy and world philosophy", Philosophica 8.1-2, 1979, 1-6 H2839 S.Balasundaran, Reflections on Philosophy. Bombay 1979 H2840 Gauri Banerjee, "The concept of avidya", JGJRI 35.3-4, 1979, 35-48 H2841 Victor Ben-Tata, "Indian philosophies--a Western view", IAC 28.3, 1979, 5-16 H2842 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Some questions concerning pramanya", Philosophica 8.3-4, 1979, 15-19 H2843 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "Appearance", JIAP 18.1, 1979, 38-46 H2844 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Devas and avataras: does moksa apply to devas too?", VK 66, 1979, 368-371 H2845 H.L.Bhutani, "Philosophy in Sindhi", P15ML 264-269 H2846 Bhuwan Chandel, "The ontological basis of truth in Svami Dayananda's epistemology", VIJ 17, 1979, 102-106 H2847 M.R.Chinchore, "Anupalabdhi", IndPQ 6.2 (Supplement) 1979, 7-12 H2848 Elizabeth Christie, "Indian philosophers on poetic imagination (pratibha)", JIP 4, 1976, 153-207 H2849 Soman Das, "The concept of dharma: a methodological tool in contemporary Hindu ethics", Religion and Society 26.3, 1979, 55-71 H2850 Richard de Smet, "The Indian ascertainment of the Godhead", Indica 16, 1979, 59-74 H2851 R.V.de Smet, "Philosophy in English (in India", P15ML 39-73 H2852 Greta Eedle, "Karma and crime", AB 100, 1979, 20-21 H2853 G.Gispert-Sauch, "Ananda, hédoné and the holy spirit", Indica 16, 1979, 83-102 H2854 Vijai Govind, "Al-Beruni's observations on Indian philosophical concepts with reference to their Christian, Greek and Islamic parallels", BhM 4.3-4 - 5.1, 1979 H2855 K.C.Gupta and A.K.Mazumdar, "Philosophy in Bengali", P15ML 18-38 H2856 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Observations on darsana", WZKSOA 23, 1979, 195-204 H2857 W. Halbfass, "Philosophie", EIDI 138-158 H2858 R.D.Hegde, "Problem of memory", MO 12, 1979, 19-26 H2859 Richard Hubert Jones, "A philosophical analysis of mystical utterances", PEW 29, 1955, 255-274 H2860 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Identity of I-cognition and self", SILM 127-164 H2861 B.R.Kamble, Caste and Philosophy in Pre-Buddhist India. Maharashtra 1979 H2862 Bijayananda Kar, "Sri Aurobindo on reason and religion: a reappraisal", Philosophica 8.3-4, 1979, 31-38 H2863 V.R.Karandikar and M.R.Lederle, "Philosophy in Marathi", P15ML 186-229 H2864 R.K.Kaw and M.M.J.L.K.Jalali, "Philosophy in Kashmir", P15ML 159-174 H2865 Walter A. Keers, "The ultimate truth on bondage and liberation", MP 16, 1979, 159-161 H2866 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, "Atma-vidya and 'ego'", PPR 40, 1979-80, 130-134 H2867 Nando Lall Kundu (Kulacarya Srimat Virananda Giri), Constructive Philosophy of India. Volume II: Tantra. Calcutta 1979 H2868 Olivier Lacombe, Indianité. Études historiques et comparatives sur la pensée indienne. Paris 1979 H2869 Y. Masih, "The contemporary significance of niskama karma: is it possible?", JBRS 65-66, 1981-82, 271-282 H2870 T.P.Meenakshisundaram, "Philosophy in Tamil", P15ML 270-290 H2871 Aloysius Michael, Radhakrishnan on Hindu Moral Life and Action. New Delhi 1979 H2872 G. Misra, "Philosophy in Oriya", P15ML 230-247 H2873 G.S.P.Misra, "Beliefs underlying the ancient Indian conception of history", JIH 57, 1979, l-11 H2874 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Consciousness and knowledge in Indian philosophy", PEW 29, 1979, 3-10 H2875 J.N.Mohanty, "Understanding some ontological differences in Indian philosophy", JIP 7, 1979, 205-217 H2876 Shinkan Murakami, "Work (karman) and knowledge in relation to the future life after death--pancagnividya and deva- and pitryana" (in Japanese with English summary). Bunka 43.l.2, 1979, 30-48 H2877 B.G.Krishna Murthy, "Karma, interpersonal relations and responsibility", VidBh 5.1, 1979, 64-66 H2878 G. Sukumaran Nair, "Philosophy in Malayalam", P15ML 175-185 H2879 Suzuko Ohira, "Dharma-adharma", Sambodhi 8, 1979-80, 110-112 H2880 S.L.Pandey, "Lokayana--a new social philosophy", IndPQ 7, 1949-50, 143-158 H2881 Prajnananda, An Enquiry into Psychology, Soul and Absolute. Calcutta 1979 H2882 S.S.Raghavachar, "The philosophy of bhakti and the significance of Hindu image-worship", BRMIC 30, 1979: 110, 133, 154, 179, 208 H2883 R. Sundara Rajan, "The purusarthas in the light of critical theory", IndPQ 7, 1979-80, 339-350 H2884 T.P.Ramachandran, The Indian Philosophy of Beauty (Part I: Perspective; Part II: Special Concepts). Madras 1979 H2885 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Self-knowledge and freedom", MP 20, 1983, 10-16 H2886 Dale Riepe, Indian Philosophy Since Independence. Calcutta 1979 H2887 E.R.Sandvoss, "Über das Verhältnis der Philosophie zur Wissenschaft im indischen und in abendlandischen Denken", ZDMG 129, 1979, 129-148 H2888 Mukund Mahadevi Sharma, "Philosophy in Assamese",P15ML 1-17 H2889 P.K.Sasidharan, "Karma and rebirth", JMKU 8.2, 1979, 45-48 H2890 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Thinking and speaking (in the philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharya)", JIAP 18.2, 1979, 22-32. Also IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 329-340 H2891 Daniel P. Sheridan, "India: from philosophical analysis to theological evaluation", JD 4, 1979, 178-185 H2892 Ram Singh, "Philosophy in Panjabi", P15ML 248-263 H2893 Ramjee Singh, The Concept of Omniscience in Ancient Hindu Thought. New Delhi 1979 H2894 Peter Skilling, "Discourse on the four kinds of karma", JRS 7.1, 1979, 86-91 H2895 S.P.Srivastava, "Philosophy in Hindi", P15ML 104-139 H2895.0 Frits Staal, "The meaninglessness of ritual", Numen 26, 1979, 2-22. Reprinted IPE 4, 326-346 H2895.1 Padma Sudhi, "The role of psychology in Indian aesthetics", SLJH 5, 1979, 74-88 H2896 R. Thangaswami, Darsana Manjari. AOR 28.1, 1979 - 31.1, 1982 H2897 Lobsang Tharchin, The Logic and Debate Tradition of India, Tibet, and Mongolia. History, Reader, Resources. Howell, N.J. 1979 H2898 Allen W. Thrasher, "Some Sanskrit works on karmas and their results", LSFV 721-724 H2899 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "Samsara, anaditva, nirvana", BAEO 15, 1979, 95-l14 H2900 S. Vahiduddin and S. Siddiqui, "Philosophy in Urdu", P15ML 306-316 H2901 K.C.Varadachari, "Philosophy in Telugu", P15ML 291-305 H2903 Frank Whaling, "Sri Aurobindo--a critique", JRS 7.2, 1979, 86-103 H2904 J.A.Yajnik, "Philosophy in Gujarati", P15ML 74-103 H2905 M. Yamunacharya, "Philosophy in Kannada", P15ML 140-158 H2905.5 R.N.Aralikutti, "Dialogue between traditional scholars and modern linguists on sabadbodha", CIS H2905.8 Krishna Prakash Bahadur, The Seen and the Unseen. Lucknow 1980 H2906 R. Balasubramanian, "On the nature and evidence of perception", IPA 14, 1980-81, 215-236 H2907 Urmila Bhagowalia, Vaisnavism and Society in Northern India. New Delhi 1980 H2908 G.K.Bhat, "The role of bhavakatva and bhojakatva in understanding sentence-meaning", PWIAI 113-128 H2909 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Some philosophical issues in Kathopanisad", VJP 16-18, 1980-82 - 21.1, 1984 H2909.5 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Ways of action and devotion (karma-marga and bhakti-marga", PhilThA 199-219 H2910 Purusottama Bilimoria, "The spiritual guide (guru) and the disciple (sisya) in Indian tradition", JD 5, 1980, 270-278 H2910.1 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Asatti and yogyata in sentantial comprehension", JIP 8, 1980, 393-399 H2910.2 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Pramanavada: towards an Indian theory of knowledge", Darshana 1980, 72-77 H2911 K.N.Chatterjee, "Vidhi and its meaning", PWIAI 143-148 H2911.5 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Indian Atheism: a Marxist Analysis. New Delhi 1980 H2912 Antony K. Chirappanath, Karma and Original Sin with reference to the Problem of Evil. Ph.D.Thesis, Karnatak University 1980 H2913 Sadashiv A. Dange, "Sphota--a reappraisal", PWIAI 69-78 H2914 T.U.S.Dasu, Veda Vijnanam or Physics in Philosophy. Hyderabad 1980 H2915 Uma S. Deshpande, "Aurobindo on the Gita", JUB 29, 1980, 65-70 H2916 Kanak Dwivedi, "The concept of social justice in traditional Hindu thought", Religion and Society 27.3, 1980, 5-12 H2916.5 Ashok K. Gangadean, "Ontological relativity and spiritual liberation", PhilThA 145-154 H2917 Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya, Indian Atomism. History and Sources. Calcutta 1980 H2918 S.N.Ghoshal, "The kinds of experiences leading to emancipation as propagated by the Uttaradhyayanasutra", JASBe 22.l-2, 1980, 39-42 H2920 Bina Gupta, "Alternate forms of the Absolute: truth, freedom and value in K.C.Bhattacharya", IPQ 20, 1980, 291-306 H2921 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Karma, apurva, and 'natural' causes: observations on the growth and limits of the theory of samsara", KRCIT 268-302 H2922 George L Hart III, "The theory of reincarnation among the Tamils", KRCIT 116-133 H2923 R.D.Hegde, "Moral and social trends in Indian philosophy", MO 13, 1980, 53-58 H2924 A.L.Herman, "Three dogmas of Buddhism", Philosophica 9, 1980, 1-25 H2925 V. Subrahmanya Iyer, "The meaning of truth or of philosophy in India", VSIPT 15-16 H2926 Suvira Jaiswal, The Origin and Development of Vaisnavism. Vaisnavism from 200 B.C. to A.D.500. New Delhi 1980 H2927 Audrey Joseph, "Karman, self-knowledge and I-Ching divination", PEW 30, 1980, 65-76 H2928 Ursula King, "Who is the real karmayogin? The meaning of a Hindureligious symbol", Religion 10, 1980, 31-40 H2929 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma in the early Upanishads", BITC 1980 (Jan.-June) 101-108 H2930 K.Krishnamoorthy, "The idea of avidya: a historical survey", PTG 14.3, 1980, 7-12 H2931 Shiv Kumar, Upamana in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1980 H2932 G.N.Kundargi, "Sri Aurobindo and his integral yoga", PTG 15.1, 1980, 19-31 H2933 Gerald James Larson, "The format of technical philosophical writing in ancient India: inadequacies of conventional translations", PEW 30, 1980, 375-380 H2934 Gerald James Larson, "Karma as a 'sociology of knowledge' or 'social psychology' of process/praxis", KRCIT 303-316 H2935 Alan Leo, "Past karma in a present horoscope" (first published in 1917). AB 101, 1980, 180-181 H2936 J. Bruce Long, "The concepts of human action and rebirth in the Mahabharata", KRCIT 38-60 H2937 Bhuteshanandaji Maharaj, "Jnana and karma are complementary", PB 85, 1980, 430-454 H2938 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On omnipotence", ALB 28.1, 1980, 1-20. H2939 James W. McDermott, "Karma and rebirth in early Buddhism", KRCIT 165-192 H2940 Robert N. Minor, "The Gita's way as the only way", PEW 30, 1980, 339-354 H2941 Jeannine Miller, "Meditation on the atman", AB 101, 1980, 176-183 H2942 G.S.P.Misra, "Some key concepts of Indian thought and their relevance in historical understanding", ABORI 61, 1980, 73-85 H2943 A.P.Mukundam, "The changing roles of self in body in relation to qualitative progress in karma", VK 67, 1980, 254-257 H2944 J.N.Mohanty, "Indian theories of truth: thoughts on their common framework", PEW 30, 1980, 439-452 H2945 Ingrid Naiman, "Past karma in the horoscope", AB 101, 1980, 542-546 H2946 Harsh Narain, "Evolution of upadhi as an ontological concept", PAIOC 29, 1980, 430-454 H2947 S.Sankara Narayanan, "Sri Aurobindo on sadhanam", VK 67, 1980, 427-431 H2948 J. Naudou, "L'analyse ternaire de la nature dans la pensée indienne", RHR 197, 1980, 7-26 H2949 Loris Nordstrom, "Zen and karman", PEW 30, 1980, 77-86 H2949.5 Gerhard Oberhammer and Hans Waldenfels, Überlieferungstruktur und Offenbarung. Wien 1980 H2950 Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, "Karma and rebirth in the Vedas and Puranas", KRCIT 3-37 H2951 R.C.Pandeya, "Why study Indian philosophy?", AICL 3-6 H2952 M.P.Pandit, "Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo", PB 85, 1980: 254, 298, 341, 373 H2953 Karl H. Potter, "The karma theory and its interpretation in some Indian philosophical systems", KRCIT 241-267 H2954 K.Kunjunni Raja, "The role of tatparya in understanding sentence-meaning", PWIAI 95-100 H2955 G. Sundara Ramaiah, Nature and Destiny of Soul in Indian Philosophy. Waltair 1980 H2956 A. Ranganathan, "The relevance of Sri Aurobindo's thought to our times", BVa 15.3, 1980, 37-44 H2957 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "Religions or philosophy?', MP 17, 1980, 150-152 H2958 M. Sadashiva Rao, "Mind and ego", MP 17, 1980, 141-143 H2959 V.N.K.Reddy, Eastern and Western Philosophy (An Introduction). Delhi 1980 H2960 Ludo Rocher, "Karma and rebirth in the Dharmasastras", KRCIT 61-89 H2961 Anil Kumar Sarkar, Dynamic Facets of Indian Thought. Volume 1: Vedas to the Auxiliary Scriptures. New Delhi 1980 H2962 Arvind Sharma, "The concept of jivanmukti", MO 13, 1980, 20-24 H2963 Arvind Sharma, "Is karma yoga an autonomous yoga?", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 465-472 H2964 Ram Murti Sharma, "Liberation (mukti) ", Bhanam 354-357 H2965 P.K.Sasidharan, "Buddhi (intellect) and its manifestations", JGJRI 36, 1980, 69-76 H2966 Satyarupananda, "Karma and character", PB 85, 1980, 462-467 H2968 K.L.Sharma, "The problem of meaning and K.C.Bhattacharya", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 457-464 H2969 P. Shriramamurti, "The meaning of a sentence in pratibha", PWIAI 9-16 H2970 Satyavrata Siddhantalankar, Exposition of Vedic Thought. New Delhi 1980 H2971 Karan Singh, "Sri Aurobindo--the two phases", IICQ 7, 1970, 243-262 H2972 Ivan Strensky, "Gradual enlightenment, sudden enlightenment and empiricism", PEW 30, 1980, 3-20 H2973 Tathagatananda, "Theory of creation--Hindu view", BVa 15.4, 1980, 35-40 H2974 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "Anaditva or beginninglessness in Indian philosophy", ABORI 61, 1980, 1-20 H2975 R. Vaidyanathaswamy, "Sri Aurobindo's Kalidasa", Triveni 48.4, 1980, 5-11 H2976 Katherine K. Young, "Tirtha and the metaphor of crossing over", StudinR 9, 1980, 61-68 H2976.1 C. Sethu Bai, "Karma in Vedanta and Bhagavadgita", TL 14.5, 1981, 15-25 H2977 Shankar Basu, "Indian epistemology--a synthetic study", Philosophica 9-10, 1981 H2978 Ashok Kumar Bhattacharya, Analytical Solution to the Problem of Finding Ultimate Reality. Calcutta 1981 H2979 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "An idea of comparative Indian philosophy", JSP3 52-70 H2980 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Studies in comparative Indian philosophy", BRMIC 32, 1981: 7, 27, 59, 83, 107, 133, 152, 174, 200, 230 H2981 Madeleine Biardeau, L'Hindouisme. Paris 1981 H2981.5 Shlomo Biderman, "Imperatives and religion in India", Religious Traditions 4, 19981, 59-70. Reprinted IPE 4, 183-194 H2982 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Approaches to Indian philosophy--some sins and merits", IndPQ 9, 1981, 275-284 H2982.5 Pratima Bowes, "Differeing views of consciousness. Western and Indian thought and their implications", JIndPsych 3, 1981, 23-30 H2983 K.P.S.Choudhury, Modern Indian Mysticism. Delhi 1981 H2984 Austin B. Creel, "The Hindu view of tolerance", JRS 9, 1981, 22-31 H2985 Ganesh Prasad Das, "An analytical study of the concept of indriya", IndPQ 9, 1981, 153-166 H2985.5 Prabal Dasgupta, "Modern Indian work at the logic-linguistics boundary", JIP 9, 1981, 217-225 H2986 Ramesh M. Dave, "Is aksara an unsolved riddle?", NDVP 1.1, 132-151 H2987 Tom F. Digby, "Kesarcodi-Watson on atma-vidya and 'ego'", PPR 42, 1981-82, 123-124 H2988 S.H.Divatia, "Niskama karma: an analysis", PTG 15.3, 1981, 9-13 H2989 K.K.Dixit, "Materialism, idealism and dualism in Indian philosophy", StIndPh 31-38 H2989.1 Lakshasahira Gogoi-Chutia, "On the term bhakti used in the field of epistemology", JAssamRS 26, 1981-82, 53-62 H2990 Vern Haddick, "Facing karma--the obligatory scene", AB 102, 1981, 358-365 H2991 A.L.Herman, "Hedonism and nirvana-paradoxes, dilemmas, and solutions", Philosophica 10, 1981, 1-10 H2992 Hari Mohan Jha, Trends of Linguistic Analysis in Indian Philosophy. Chaukhamba Oriental Research Studies 22, Varanasi 1981 H2993 Saral Jhingram, "Some observations on the soul-centric character of Brahmanical thought", JRS 9.1-2, 1981, 85-98 H2994 C.K.Joshi, "On karmayoga", PTG 15.4, 1981, 1-9 H2995 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, "Kesarcodi-Watson on Digby on Kesarcodi-Watson", PPR 42, 1981-82, 125-127 H2996 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, "An ancient Indian argument for what I am", JIP 9, 1981, 259-272 H2997 Ian Kesarcodi-Watson, Studies in Hindu Wisdom. New Delhi 1981 H2998 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma", IAC 30.4, 1981, 29-38 H2999 V.M.Kulkarni, "Sanskrit thinkers on logic in relation to poetry", StIndPh 225-230 H3001 C. Kuppuswamy, "Social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo--stages of social evolution", BITC 1981, 19-28 H3002 Gary Herbert Leazer, Communion with God in Eschatological Perspective according to Vaishnavism: A Study in Hindu-Christian Parallels. Ph.D.Thesis, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 1981 H3003 Jayant Lele, "The bhakti movement in India: a critical introduction", TMBM 1-15 H3004 T.M.P.Mahadevan and G.V.Saroja, Contemporary Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1981 H3005 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Error and truth--classical Indian theories", PEW 31, 1981, 215-224 H3006 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Memory", StIndPh 125-134 H3007 Kamalakar Mishra, Significance of the Tantric Tradition. Varanasi 1981 H3008 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, "Alternative definitions of pratyaksa", JSP3 19-51 H3009 T.R.V.Murti, "Self-luminosity", JMU 53.1-2, 1981. Reprinted StIndT 101-111 H3010 H. Nakamura, Japan and Indian Asia. Calcutta 1981 H3011 M.V.Nalini, "The central philosophy in the Narayaniya", BVa 16.3, 1981, 26-31 H3012 Steve Odin, "Sri Aurobindo and Hegel on the involution-evolution of absolute spirit", PEW 31, 1981, 179-192 H3013 Patrick Olivelle, "Contributions to the semantic history of samnyasa", JAOS 101, 1981, 265-274 H3014 M.P.Pandit, "Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga", MP 18, 1981, 228-230 H3015 Rajendra Prasad, "The theory of purusarthas: revaluation and reconstruction", JIP 9, 1981, 49-76 H3015.1 S. Rama Swamy, "Hiriyanna's Indian aesthetics", TL 4.5, 1981, 40-45 H3016 K.S.Ramakrishna Rao, "Reality and purpose", VIJ 19, 1981, 136-139 H3017 Pabitrakumar Roy, "Notes on the aesthetic philosophy of Krishnachandra Bhattacharya", VQ 47, 1981-82, 200-213 H3018 Sukharanjan Saha, "The case for anirvacaniyakhyati", JSP3, 71-134 H3019 Christine Scherrer-Schaub, "Le term yukti: première étude", AS 35.2, 1981, 185-200 H3020 Virendra Shekhawat, "Two techniques of theorisation: scientific versus darstantika knowledge", Diogenes 116, 1981, 107-126 H3022 Arvind Sharma, "Bhavas in Vashnavism and Saivism", Triveni 50.3, 1981, 23-25 H3023 Ram Murti Sharma, "Concept of purusa in Indian philosophy", JOI 30, 1981, 165-171 H3024 Shraddhananda, "Laya yoga", VK 68, 1981, 444-449 H3025 J.L.Shaw, "Negation: some Indian theories", StIndPh 57-78 H3026 Romila Thapar, "Dissent and protest in the early Indian tradition", Diogenes 113-114, 1981, 31-54 H3027 Ramanand Tiwari, Spiritualistic Philosophy of Knowledge, Action and Faith. Allahabad 1981 H3028 R.K.Tripathi, "The nature of consciousness", BVa 16.1, 1981, 13-16 H3029 Karel Werner, "Mysticism and Indian spirituality", StIndPh 241-256 H3030 Madan Mohan Agarwal, "Origin and development of the doctrine of difference and non-difference", EAW 32,1982, 46-64 H3031 M.M.Agarwal, The Philosophy of Nonattachment. Delhi 1982 H3032 Kewal Krishna Anand, Indian Philosophy (The Concept of Karma). Delhi 1982 H3032.5 Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar), The Liberation of Intellect Neo-Humanism. Calcutta 1982 H3033 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "The concept of similarity in Indian philosophy", JIP 10, 1982, 239-275 H3034 Shankar Basu, "Indian epistemology--a synthetic study", Philosophica 11-14, 1982-85, 131-135 H3035 Dayanand Bhargava, Glimpses of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Literature. Delhi 1981 H3036 Sukumari Bhattacharji, "Fatalism--its roots and effects", JIP 10, 1982, 135-154 H3037 Kalidas Bhatacharya, "K.C.Bhattacharya", TIR 286-327 H3038 Kalidas Bhattacharya, Gopinath Kaviraj's Thoughts--Towards a Systematic Study. Calcutta 1982 H3038.5 Kalidas Bhattacharya, The Indian Conception of Man. Calcutta 1982 H3039 Vivek Bhattacharya, Famous Indian Sages: Their Immortal Messages. New Delhi 1982 H3039.5 Shlomo Biderman, "A 'constative' God--an Indian suggestion", PEW 32, 1982, 425-437. Reprinted IPE 4, 19-32 H3040 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Sruti and apauruseya: an approach to religious scriptures and revelation", JD 7, 1982, 275-291 H3040.1 William Alan Borman, A Critical Investigation of Mahatma Gandhi's Philosophy of Non-Violence. Ph.D.Thesis, City University of New York 1982 H3041 Donald MacDonald Brookman, Radhakrishnan and the Indian Commentarial Tradition. Ph.D.Thesis, Pennsylvania State University 1982 H3042 Shuddha Chaitanya, "The three kinds of karmayoga", VK 69, 1982, 332-336 H3043 Pritibhushan Chatterji, "Plotinus and Sri Aurobindo", NIT 257-272 H3043.0 Fred W. Clothey, Images of Man: Religion and Historical Process in South Asia. Madras 1982 H3043.1 Gregory Joseph Darling, An Evaluation of the Vedantic Critique of Buddhism in Three Commentaries to the Brahmasutras. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1982 H3044 Terence P. Day, The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature. SR 2, Waterloo, Ontario 1982 H3044.7 Ramchandra Gandhi, "Brahmacarya", WLKHY 205-222 H3045 Edwin Gerow, "What is karma (kim karmeti)? An exercise in philosophical semantics", ITaur 10, 1982, 87-116 H3046 G. Gronbold, "Materialen zur Geschichte des Sadanga-yoga", IIJ 24, 1982; CAJ 28, 1984, 43-56 H3047 B. Gupta, "Sri Aurobindo", TIR 191-206 H3047.1 Radhika Herzberger, The Development of Logic in Fifth and Sixth Century India. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Toronto 1982 H3048 Shoun Hino, "Simile in philosophical writing (l)", JOI 32, 1982, 230-236 H3048.1 Ernest Horton, Jr., "Varieties of atheistic thought in ancient India", MB 90, 1982, 244-252 H3049 Pranabananda Jash, History and Evolution of Vaisnavism in Eastern India. Calcutta 1982 H3050 Da Free John, Nirvanasara. Radical Transcendentalism and the Introduction of Advaitayana Buddhism. Clearlake, Calif. 1982 H3051 Jean Klein, "Neither this nor that I am", MP 19, 1982, 28-32 H3052 John M. Koller, The Indian Way. New York 1982 H3053 Y. Krishan, "The Svetasvatara-Upanisad and the doctrine of karma in Indian philosophy", VIJ 20, 1982, 25-28 H3054 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma and Hindu law", VIJ 20, 1982, 141-147 H3054.1 K. Krishnamoorthy, "Experience of poetry in eyes of Vedantins", TL 5.3, 1982, 26-30 H3054.2 Basant Kumar Lal, Man: A Study in Contemporary Indian Philosophy from an Existentialist Standpoint. Patna 1982 H3055 Kenneth Liberman, "Epistemology east and west: yoga and phenomenology", YL 13.2, 1982, 3-12 H3055.5 Charles Malamoud, "On the rhetoric and semantics of purusartha", WLKHR 33-54 H3056 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Logical and Ethical Issues of Religious Belief. Calcutta 1982 H3057 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On God's omnipotence", BRMIC 33, 1982, 3-7 H3058 K. Laghunatha Muttarayan, "The Tantric theory of learning", SaivS 17, 1982, 1, 51 H3059 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Some comments on the Tantric theory of learning", SaivS 17, 1982, 203-208 H3060 S. Nagarajan, "Is Indian view of life basically other-worldly?", BVa 17.2, 1982, 27-35 H3061 Susmita Pande, Birth of Bhakti in Indian Religions and Art. New Delhi 1982 H3062 Rewati Raman Pandey, "Philosophy and social change", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 217-228 H3062.1 Stephen Hall Phillips, Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1982 H3063 Brij Kishore Prasad, "Negation and anupalabdhi-pramana", Philosophica 11-14, 1982-85, 101-105 H3064 S.S.Raghavachar, "Indian thought and the West", PB 87, 1982, 347-353 H3065 A. Ranganathan, "The concept of sakti in Indian thought", Dilip 8.3, 1982, 24-26 H3066 Glyn Richards, The Philosophy of Gandhi. London 1982 H3067 V. Roberts, Indian Christian Interpretations of Logos as Cit and Sabdabrahman. Ph.D.Thesis, Hull University 1982 H3068 S. Sankaranarayanam, "Divine grace in Sri Aurobindo's yoga", VK 69, 1982, 463-463 H3069 K. Saratchandra, "Man and his destiny in the philosophy of Radhakrishnan", IPA 15, 1982, 63-71 H3070 Arvind Sharma, The Purusarthas: A Study in Hindu Axiology. South Asia Series, Occasional Papers 32, East Lansing 1982 H3071 Arvind Sharma, "What are we to understand by sruti pramanya?", VK 69, 1982, 228-230 H3072 Arvind Sharma, "Patterns of reconciliation between pravrtti and nivrtti in Eastern spirituality", PB 87, 1982, 229-232 H3073 Arvind Sharma, "Your karma or mine?", ICQ 37.1, 1982, 51-54 H3073.1 Arvind Sharma, "Radhakrishnan from a Buddhological viewpoint", JASP 27.2, 1982, 126-129 H3074 I.C.Sharma, "Some critical conclusions", NIT 323-344 H3075 R. Gopalan Shastri, "The vision of truth in Sri Aurobindo and Subrahmanya Bharati", BVa 17.2, 1982, 1-5 H3076 Mark Siderits, "More things in heaven and earth", JIP 10, 1982, 187-208 H3077 B.N.Singh, Indian Logic. Varanasi 1982 H3078 A.K.Sinha, The Concept of Mental Health in Indian and Western Psychologies. Kurukshetra 1982 H3079 G. Srinivasan, "Aspects of comparative philosophy", IPA 15, 1982-83, 179-185 H3080 Suvahananda, "The doctrine of grace and karma", VK 69, 1982, 430-433 H3081 Biraja K. Tripathi, "Pessimism in Indian philosophy", PTG 17.1, 1982, 1-8 H3082 R.K.Tripathi, "Concept of isvara in Hindu thought", PhOR 17-32 H3083 V. Varadachari, Agamas and South Indian Vaisnavism. Triplicane 1982 H3084 Glenn E. Yocum, "Personal transformation through bhakti", SaivS 17, 1982: 107, 159 H3085 Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, "Sri Aurobindo and Nietzsche on superman", BVa 18.2, 1983, 25-32 H3086 J.G.Arapura, "The problem of jivanmukti: a historical note", StudinR 12, 1983, 381-388 H3087 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy. Wiesbaden 1983 H3088 S.S.Barlingay, Beliefs, Reasons and Reflections. Poona 1983 H3089 Annie Besant, "Karma, once more", originally published in 1909; reprinted AB 105, 1983, 14-20 H3090 G.R.Bhatt, "On the validity of inferential knowledge in Indian logic", IndPQ 10, 1983, 323-328 H3091 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "A Puranic objective division of smell (gandha) not found in the works on philosophy", Puranam 25, 1983, 246-253 H3092 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Sabdapramana--an argument for the thesis that sabda ('word') is a means of knowing", VK 70, 1983, 55-58 H3093 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Avataras and the new era", VK 70, 1983, 319-323 H3093.5 Roderick S. Bucknell, "Experiments in insight meditation", Austalian Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 3, 1983, 96-112. Reprinted in TMW 244-263 H3094 Grace E. Cairns, "Dharma and moksa: the highest values of the great tradition in modernizing India", RMI 3-39 H3095 A. Chakraborti, "Is liberation (moksa) pleasant?", PEW 33, 1983, 167-182. Reprinted IPEc5, 72-87 H3096 B.K.Jagdish Chander, Eternal Drama of Souls, Matter and God. Three volumes. Mt. Abu 1983 H3097 Caterina Conio, "Jivanmukti as holiness in Hinduism", JD 8, 1983, 205-216 H3098 David Cowen, "Thoughts on reincarnation and karma", AB 105, 1983, 230 H3099 Austin B. Creel, "Value theory in Radhakrishnan", JRS 11, 1983, 12-19 H3100 R.N.Dandekar, "God in Hindu thought", Kalakshetra 5.1, 1983, 3-8 H3101 Marvin Davis, "The individual in holistic India", RMI 49-80 H3101.1 Graicicla de la Lama, "The theory of ahimsa in the world context", TL 6.2, 1983, 29-34 H3102 P. Hacker, "Inklusivismus", Inkusivmus 11-28 H3103 W. Halbfass, "'Inklusivmus' und 'toleranz' im Kontext der indo-europäsischen-Begegnung", Inklusivmus 29-60 H3104 Harshananda, "Contribution of the Gita to Indian philosophic thought", VK 70, 1983, 380-383 H3105 R.D.Hegde, "Number of pramanas", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 105-112 H3106 Govind A. Jalihal, "An examination of some criticisms levelled against the Indian logical perspective by Albert Schweitzer", PTG 17.3, 1983, 17-21 H3107 H.M.Joshi, "Some fragments of Indian logic", JOI 23, 1983, 265-272 H3108 Charles F. Keyes and E. Valentine Daniel (eds.), Karma. An Anthropological Inquiry. Berkeley 1983 H3109 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma as a formative and innovative factor in Indian society and religion", SRC 15-22 H3110 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma and phalita jyotisa", VIJ 21, 1983, 53-67 H3111 Y. Krishan, "Karma vipaka", Numen 30, 1983, 199-214 H3112 Lalit Kumar, "Tripura tantra (Sri Vidya): its philosophy and path of sadhana", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 57-78 H3113 M.P.Lakhani, "Free-will and destiny", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 5-10 H3114 David Loy, "How many dualities are there?", JIP 11, 1983, 413-426 H3115 Yakub Masih, The Hindu Religious Thought (3000 B.C. - 200 A.D). Delhi 1983 H3116 R.N.Mehta, "Archaeology and epistemology", JOI 23, 1983, 299-308 H3117 Shinkan Murakami, "Renunciation of the world--its vindication and criticism" (in Japanese with English summary). Bunka 47.1, 1983, 1-18 H3117.1 K. Krishna murthy, "Impact of Bhagavata cult on Indian aesthetics", TL 6.4, 1983, 22-35 H3117.2 K. Satchidananda Murty, "Some tasks for philosophers", TL 6.3, 1983, 11-15 H3118 T.R.V.Murti, "The concept of appearance", StIndT 88-100 H3119 T.R.V.Murti, "Suffering and its conquest", StIndT 350-356 H3120 S. Nagarajan, "Environmental hostile forces and self-realization--Sri Aurobindo's teachings", BVa 18.2, 1983,6-12 H3121 Harsh Narain, Facets of Indian Religio-Philosophic Identity. Delhi 1983 H3122 G. Oberhammer, "Der Inklusivismus-Begriff P. Hackers. Versuch eines Nachwortes", Inklusivismus 93-113 H3122.1 Gerhard Oberhammer, "L'expérience de la transcendence dans l'hindouisme", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennces 1, 1983, 17-37 H3123 Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, "Die Wolkenstadt im Himmel", SNDU 406-421 H3124 Troy Organ, "Is God a what?", BRMIC 34, 1983, 219-222 H3125 Geoffrey Parrinder, "Theistischer Yoga", SNDU 422-432 H3125.5 H. M. Poshi, "Some fragments of Indian logic", Darshana 23.2, 1983, 72-78 H3126 S.S.Raghavachar, "Gospel for higher life", Sri Ramanuja Vani 7.1, 1983, 5-33 H3127 S.S.Raghavachar, "The ego, its nature, function and nullification", TL 6.4, 1983, 6-8 H3128 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Self-knowledge and freedom", MP 20, 1983, 10-16 H3129 Maharaj Narain Rastogi, The Theories of Implication in Indian and Western Philosophy. Delhi 1983 H3130 V. Rathinasabapathy, "Philosophical and religious ideas in the Sangam period", JMU 55.2.1, 1983, 107-130 H3131 Reginald Ray, "Yoga-typologie und die Frage des Buddhismus bei Eliade", SNDU 433-456 H3132 N. Subu Reddiar, "Vaisnava philosophy in South India", PHT 167-176 H3133 John Sahedat, "Towards an organic view of society: reflections on Sri Aurobindo's application of citsakti", Religion and Society 30.1, 1983, 28-56 H3134 Arvind Sharma, "The role of memory in Hindu epistemology and its religious implications", IndPQ 10, 1983, 485-492 H3135 Arvind Sharma, "What is Hinduism?: a sociological approach", RMI 40-48 H3136 G.B.Ravinder Singh, Indian Philosophical Tradition and Guru Nanak: A Study Based on the Conceptual Terminology used in Guru Nanak Bani. Patiala 1983 H3137 Debabrata Sinha, "The phenomenological perspective and the Indian philosophical tradition", IndPQ 10, 1983, 277-294 H3138 P.K.Sundaram, "The concept of the saksin", TL 6.l, 1983, 11-21 H3139 Unto Tahtinen, Indian Traditional Values. New Delhi 1983 H3140 Rajmani Trigunait, Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy. Honesdale 1983 H3140.5 K. N. Upadhyaya, "Some misunderstandings about Indian philosophy", Darshana 23.3, 1983, 30-44 H3141 P. Venkataramanan, "Sri Aurobindo on Indian culture", Triveni 52.1, 1983, 77-80 H3142 Ignatius Viyagappa, G.W.F.Hegel's Critique of Indian Religion and Philosophy. JMU 55.1, 1983. 124 pp. H3143 Kenneth B. Wakelem, "Realizing the powers latent in man. The quest for siddhi", AB 105, 1983, 30-35 H3144 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The jivanmukta according to the Gita", VK 70, 1983, 423-427 H3145 A. Wezler, "Bemerkungen zum Inklusivismusbegriff Paul Hackers", Inklusivismus 61-92 H3146 Katherine Young, "Vaisnava feminism: intent or effect?", StudinR 12, 1983, 183-190 H3147 Katherine Young, "Dying for bhakti and mukti: the Srivaisnava theology of liberation as a triumph over death", StudinR 12, 1983, 389-396 H3148 Madan Mohan Agrawal, "A note on drsti-srsti-vada", PAIOC 31, 1984, 497-504 H3148.5 Anandamurti, The Faculty of Knowledge. Calcutta 1984 H3149 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "The problem of time in Indian philosophy: a survey", BRMIC 35, 1984, 151-154 H3150 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "An over-all view of the problem of time in Indian philosophy", ITaur 12, 1984, 39-48 H3151 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "Compatibility (yogyata) and verbal cognition" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 331-332 H3151.8 K. K. Banerjee, "Prama-pramana and knowledge-justification", RBP 31-48 H3152 S.P.Banerjee, "Purpose of man in the tradition of orthodoxy", JICPR 1.2, 1984, 61-92 H3153 S.S.Barlingay, "Abhyudaya-nissreyasa", PSA 87-95 H3154 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Rationality, argumentation and embarrassment", RPRP 59-80 H3155 Agehananda Bharati, "The notion of God: a cross-cultural perspective", JRS 12.1, 1984, 1-19 H3156 Gopinath Bhattacharya, "Theism and antitheistic theories in Indian philosophy", BRMIC 35, 1984: 219, 251 H3157 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some Indian theories of meaning", JIAP 23.2, 1984, 25-41 H3158 Michael C. Brannigan, "A forum for inter-religious understanding: on the incompatibility of grace and karma", PB 89, 1984, 296-300 H3158.0 V.V.Brodov, Indian Philosophy in Modern Times. Translated b Sergei Syrovatkin, Moscow 1984 H3158.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India. Stuttgart 1986 H3158.5 Therese Brosse, Sri Aurobinde–Mere, Shiva-Shakti, ou le labaratoire de l'homme de demain. Paris 1984 H3159 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, "Some remarks on Indian theories of truth", JIP 12, 1984, 339-355 H3160 Meera Chakravorty, "On the definition of Brahman or consciousness" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 335 H3161 V.C.Channe, Hinduism. New Delhi 1984 H3161.3 Margaret Chatterjee, The Religious Spectrum: Studies in an Indian Context. New Delhi 1984 H3161.5 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Tagore and Indian Philosophical Heritage. Mysore 1984 H3161.7 Uma Chattopadhyay, "Skepticism and Indian epistemology", RBP 107-124 H3162 Mangala Chinchore, "Arthapatti", ABORI 65, 1984-85,101-113 H3162.1 Michael Comans, "A definition of Brahman", TL 7.3, 1984, 26-29 H3162.5 Caterina Conio, Der Hinduismus. Munchen 1984; Aschaffenburg 1987 H3163 Dipak Ghosh, "Samanatantrata in Indian philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 344-345 H3164 Roger Gregory-Tashi Corless, "Decologis De Numine Non Pleno", DGTS 21-34 H3164.5 R.N.Dandekar, "Der Mencsh im Denken des Hinduismus", SAOCB 139-180 H3165 Achintya Kumar Deb, The Bhakti Movement in Orissa--A Comprehensive Study. Calcutta 1984 H3167 Manju Dube, Conceptions of God in Vaisnava Philosophical Systems. Varanasi 1984 H3168 Herbert Fingarette, "Action and suffering in the Bhagavad Gita", PEW 34, 1984, 357-370 H3169 Erich Frauwallner, "Geschichte der Indischer Philosophie, IV. Band--Nachgelassen Skizzen", EFNW 63-133 H3170 Ram Chandra Gandhi, "The svaraj of India", PSA 77-86 H3171 S.R.Goyal, A Religious History of Ancient India (up to c.1200 A.D.). Two volumes. Meerut 1984, 1986 H3172 Paul Griffiths, "Karma and personal identity: a response to Professor White", Religious Studies 20, 1984, 481-486 H3173 Sarita Gupta, Problems of Relations in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1984 H3174 Jitatmananda, "Relativity and maya", PB 89, 1984, 225-232 H3175 Richard H. Jones, "Must enlightened mystics be moral?", PEW 34, 1984, 273-294 H3176 A.D.P.Kalansuriya, "The Buddha and philosophical schools", SLJH 10, 1984, 164-169 H3176.5 K. D. Kanev, "Spontaneous-dialectical aspect of Indian philosophy", Darshana 24.4, 1984, 33-40 H3177 Anand Kaushalyananda, "Does this world really exist or not?", ASBP 37-51 H3178 Klaus W. Klostermaier, Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic Traditions of India. Waterloo, Ontario 1984 H3179 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karman, daiva and purusartha", ALB 48, 1984, 119-134 H3180 Daya Krishna, "Indian philosophy and moksa: revisiting an old controversy", JICPR 2.1, 1984, 49-68. Reprinted DKIP 35-62; IPACP 66-102 H3181 Pramod Kumar, Moksa. The Ultimate Goal of Indian Philosophy. Ghaziabad 1984 H3182 Gerald James Larson, "The relation between 'action' and 'suffering' in Indian philosophy", PEW 34, 1984, 351-356 H3183 Mahesh M. Mehta, "Foundations and types of Indian mysticism", IPA 17, 1984-85, 98-134 H3183.5 Kewal Krishan Mittal and Lama Jamspal, A Tibetan Eye-view of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1984 H3183.7 John Moffitt, Glimpses of a Great Soul. A Portrait of Swami Saradananada by Swami Aseshananda. Hollywoord 1984 H3184 J.N.Mohanty, "Communication, interpretation and intention", JICPR 2.1, 1984, 69-82 H3185 Anulya Ranjan Mohapatra, Idea of the Inexpressible: A Philosophical Analysis. New Delhi 1984 H3186 Shefali Moitra, "Kalidas Bhattacharyya on freedom and art: some reflections", JICPR 1.2, 1984, 1-8 H3187 Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Indian Realism. A Rigorous Descriptive Metaphysics. Calcutta 1984 H3188 Harsh Narain, "The nature of arthapatti", Rtam 16-18, 1984-86, 235-250 H3188.1 Harsh Narain, "The structure of Hindu thought", Bharati 15, 1971-84, 29-72 H3189 Yagini Nighoskar, "Causation in Indian philosophy", PTG 19.1, 1984, 6-20 H3189.5 Gerhard oberhammer, "Der Mensch als Ort des Offenbarung", SAOCP 17-36 H3190 S.S.Rama Rao Pappu, "Authority and obligation in Indian thought", RSAI 311-326 H3191 D.L.Patil, Correlation Between Knowledge and Human Values in Indian Philosophy. Mysore 1984 H3192 Roy W. Perrett, "The problem of induction in Indian philosophy", PEW 34, 1984, 161-174 H3193 Roy W. Perrett, "Self-refutation in Indian philosophy", JIP 12, 1984, 237-263 H3194 Stephen H. Phillips, "Is Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Vedanta?", ALB 48, 1984, 1-27 H3195 H.S.Prasad, "Nature and duration of present time: an Indian philosophical perspective", IndPQ 11, 1984-85, 87-94 H3196 C.R.Prasad Rao, "Philosophical and theological thought and life in India", JRS 12.2, 1984, 83-93 H3197 Roma Ray, ""Gettier-like problem in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 12, 1984-85, 381-402 H3198 Krishna Rayan, "Laksana--metaphoric and metanymic", ALB 48, 1984, 28-36 H3199 Ruth Reyna, Dictionary of Oriental Philosophy. Volumes I-II. New Delhi 1984 H3200 K.K.Sankaran, "The importance of bhakti marga or the path of devotion in attaining moksa", TL 7.4-6, 1984-85, 61-67 H3201 Sunil Kumar Sarkar, "Radhakrishnan and Masaryk: a search for the identity between two careers and two philosophies", NVUR 5.2, 1984, 223-228 H3202 V.A.Sarma, "Pratikarmavyavastha" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 360-361 H3203 Debabrata Sen, The Concept of Knowledge. Calcutta 1984 H3204 K.L.Sharma, "On I-this relation", PSA 56-62 H3205 Karunesh Shukla, "Indian Absolutist tradition and the problem of release" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 364 H3206 David Shulman, "The enemy within: idealism and dissension in South Indian Hinduism", OHDI 11-56 H3207 Balbir Singh, Hindu Ethics. An Exposition of Concept of Good. New Delhi 1984 H3208 Jyoti and Prem Sobal (compilers), Hierarchy of Minds: The Mind Levels. A Compilation from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Pondicherry 1984 H3209 Shankar Gopal Tulpule, Mysticism in Medieval India.Wiesbaden 1984 H3210 Atsushi Uno, "The determination of the truth-valuer of a judgment" (in Japanese with English summary). HDBK 44, 1984, 20-42 H3211 R.N.Vyas, From Consciousness to Superconsciousness: Fundamentals of Indian Philosophical Psychology. New Delhi 1984 H3212 Amrtananda, "Niskama karma", PB 90, 1985, 332-339 H3213 Ananda Acharya, Tattvajnana or the Quest of Cosmic Consciousness. Hoshiarpur 1985 H3213.5 Anandamurti, Tattvakaumludi: Questions and Answers on Anandamaya Philosophy. Translated from Bengali by Kirit Dave. Calcutta 1985 H3214 Jagat Prakash Atreya, Mind and Its Function in Indian Thought. New Delhi 1985 H3215 K. Bagchi, "Criticism of Kant and 'spiritual philosophy' of K.C.Bhattacharya", VJP 21.2, 1985, 27-42 H3216 K. Bagchi, "Tradition and change in Indian philosophy", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 185-194 H3217 Autar Narain Bakshi, Concept of Energy in Hinduism. Second edition. Bombay 1985 H3217.5 R. Balasubramanian, Hindu Tradition, Social Change and Modernization. Singapore 1985 H3218 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Some problems concerning meaning", APCP 173-188 H3219 Bhutesananda, "Tyaga and samnyasa", PB 90, 185, 462-467 H3220 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Jnana and prama: the logic of knowing--a critical appraisal", JIP 13, 1985, 73-102 H3221 Michael von Bruck, "Prayer--yoga--meditation: ways to experience", JD 10, 1985, 280-292 H3222 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Plato's Indian barbers", APCP 299-326 H3223 Ramakanta Chakrabarty, Vaishnavism in Bengal 1486-1900. Calcutta 1985 H3224 Bhuwan Chandel, "The concept of divine ecstasy in Sri Aurobindo", PURB 16.l, 1985, 89-94 H3225 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Idealism in Indian philosophy", KISSC 164-193 H3226 Prabhakar Ramkrishna Damle, "Reflections on Oriental philosophy", OPTOE 58-63 H3227 Prabhakar Ramkrishna Damle, "Indian and Western philosophy", OPTOE 75-79 H3227.5 R. de Smet, "Notes on Hinduism versus the plurality of religious traditions", BAEO 21, 1985, 289-300 H3228 M.L.Dhawan, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan: An Introduction. Delhi 1985 H3229 R.C.Dwivedi, "Concept of the sastra", ITaur 13, 1985-86, 43-60 H3230 Peter Gaeffke, "Karma in North Indian bhakti traditions", JAOS 105, 1985, 265-276 H3231 T.N.Ganapathy, "The 'Indianness' of Indian philosophy--a critical survey", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 185-194 H3232 Ram Chandra Gandhi, I Am Thou: Meditations on the Truth of India. Pune 1985 H3233 R. Gopalakrishan, "The emergence of heterodox systems in Indian philosophy", JMU 57, 1985, 73-79 H3234 R. Gopalakrishnan, "Reflections on some aspects of Indian philosophy", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 255-264 H3235 Paul Hacker, Grundlagen Indischer Dichtung und Indischen Denkens. Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 12, Wien 1985 H3236 Wilhelm Halbfass, "India and the comparative method", PEW 35, 1985, 3-16 H3237 K.R.Srinivasa Iyengar, "Ramana Maharshi and his sadhana of silence", Triveni 54, 1985-86, 32-41 H3238 S.R.Sundaram Iyengar, "Control of the senses", VK 72, 1985, 218-220 H3239 S.C.Jain, Panorama of Sikh Religion and Philosophy. Delhi 1985 H3240 A.C.Javadekar, "Values in general with special reference to dharma", IPA 18, 1985-86, 75-88 H3241 Nirmala Jha, Law of Karma as Perceived by Mahatma Gandhi, Aurobindo, Vivekananda and Radhakrishnan. Delhi 1985 H3241.1 Lakshmi Kapani, "Remarques sur la notion de vasana", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes 3, 1985, 79-102 H3242 Bijayananda Kar, Indian Philosophy: An Analytical Study. Delhi 1985 H3243 Bijayananda Kar, "A look on Indian philosophy: past and present", IPA 18, 1985-86, 134-149. Reprinted VPIP 1-16 H3244 Bijayananda Kar, "An examination of Sri Aurobindo's views on reason and religion", RKV 67-74 H3245 Mahanama Karunaratne, "Empirical significance of the sphota doctrine", Vidyodaya 13.2, 1985, 53-70 H3246 Daya Krishna, "The Vedic corpus: some questions", JICPR 3.1, 1985, 103-128. Reprinted DKIP 63-95 H3247 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma and Sanskrit drama", VIJ 23, 1985, 204-208 H3248 Rabindra Kumer, Vaishnavism through the Ages. New Delhi 1985 H3248.5 B. Kuppuswamy, Elements of Ancient Indian Psychology. New Delhi 1985 H3249 H. Maheshwari, "The meeting of the ancient and the modern in Indian philosophy today", IPA 18, 1985-86, 156-160 H3250 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Skepticism and mysticism", JAOS 105, 1985, 479-484. Reprinted CPBKM I, 72-83 H3251 Bimal K. Matilal, "Skepticism and mysticism in Indian philosophy", SIAS H3253 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Logic, Language and Reality. An Introduction to Indian Philosophical Studies. New Delhi 1985 H3255 J.N.Mohanty, "Psychologism in Indian logical theory", APCP 203-212. Reprinted IPACR 2, 143-152 H3256 Saumendra Nath Mukhopadhyay, "The four states of consciousness", PB 90, 1985, 462-467 H3257 K. Satchidananda Murty, Philosophy in India: Traditions, Teaching and Research. Delhi 1985 H3258 N. Muthuswamy, "Karma and its use for man", AP 106, 1985, 223-227 H3258.1 G.C.Nayak, "Transcendental secularism--a study in one characteristic aspect of the Hindu system of values", RKV 113-118 H3258.2 Susmita Pande, "Philosophical background of God as lover", Prachya Pratibha 13.1-2, 1985-87, 143-149 H3258.2.5 Madhav Pundalik Pandit, Legends in The Life Divine. Pondicherry 1985 H3258.3 Roy W. Perrett, "Dualistic and nondualistic problems of immortality", PEW 35, 1985, 333-350 H3258.3.5 Roy W. Perrett, "Karma and the problem of suffering", Sophia 24, 1985, 4-10 H3258.4 Stephen H. Phillips, "The central argument of Aurobindo's The Life Divine", PEW 35, 1985, 271-284 H3258.5 Stephen H. Phillips, "Aurobindo's concept of supermind", IPQ 25, 1985, 403-418 H3258.6 Sheldon Pollock, "The philosophy of practice and the practice of philosophy in Indian intellectual history", JAOS 105, 1985, 499-520 H3258.7 Karl H. Potter, "Are all Indian philosophers Indian philosophers?", JICPR 2.2, 1985, 145-149 H3258.8 Karl H. Potter, "Philosophy today in South India: an evaluation", in Robert E. Frykenberg and Pauline Kolenda (eds.), Studies of South India: An Anthology of Recent Research and Scholarship (New Delhi 1985), 339-348 H3259 Ramakrishna Puligandla, Jnana-Yoga: The Way of Knowledge (An Analytical Interpretation). Lanham, Md. 1985 H3259.3 S. Ramamari, "Some important characteristics of the Saiva and Vaisnava bhakti movements of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka: a comparative estimate", JTS 27, 1985, 93-104 H3260 Anantanand Rambachand, "Is karmayoga a direct and independent means to moksa? An evaluation of Vivekananda's arguments", Religion 15, 1985, 53-66 H3261 Vijaya Rani and V.K.Goyal, "A study of the wave theory of sound and light (on the basis of ancient Indian thought and modern physics)", JOI 35, 1985, 83-88 H3262 S.S.Raghavachar, "Tradition and modernity in Indian philosophy today", IPA 18, 1985-86, 161-168 H3263 Srinivasa Rao, 'On modernising Indian philosophy", IPA 12, 1985-86, 125-133 H3264 Glyn Richards (ed.), A Source-Book on Modern Hinduism. London 1985 H3265 K. Saratchandran, "Contemporary approaches to Indian philosophy", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 218-228 H3266 Biswanath Sen, The Concept of Part and Whole (avayava and avayavi). Calcutta 1985 H3267 Arvind Sharma, "On the comparability of dhyana (meditation) and avatara (incarnation)", PTG 20.1, 1985, 9-12 H3268 Peri Sarveswara Sharma, "What kind of compound is the word pratyaksa?", ALB 49, 1985, 14-29 H3269 Santokh Singh, Consciousness as the Ultimate Principle. New Delhi 1985 H3270 K.P.Sinha, Indian Theories of Creation: Synthesis. Chaukhamba Oriental Research Studies 34. Varanasi 1985 H3270.1 K.P.Sinha, "Matter as a form of consciousness", SVUOJ 28, 1985, 109-122 H3271 K.R.Sundararajan, "In search of a philosopher's identity", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 181-184 H3272 S.R.Talghatti, "The Hindu view of suffering", PTG 19.2, 1985, 1-9 H3273 Ram Sharan Vasishta, Philosophy of Yogyas. New Delhi 1985 H3274 R.T.Vyas, "Theory of ethics: Indian perspectives", VIJ 23, 1985, 163-175 H3275 Keith E. Yandell, "On classifying Indian ethical systems", JICPR 2.2, 1985, 61-66 H3276 J.G.Arapura, "Language and transcendence", HEVT 162-178 H3277 J.G.Arapura, "The mystery of language", HEVT 141-161 H3278 J.G.Arapura, "The problem of jivanmukti", Studies in Religion/Studie Religieux 12.4. Reprinted as "The question as to the jivan-mukti ideal", HEVT 124-134 H3278.5 Soosai Arokiasamy, Dharma, Hindu and Christian according to Roberto de Nobili: Analysis of its Meaning and its Use in HInduism and Christianity. Ph.D.Thesis, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome 1986 H3279 Archie J. Bahm, Comparative Philosophy: Western, Indian and Chinese Philosophies Compared. Albuquerque 1986 H3280 R. Balasubramanian, "Neither the known nor the unknown", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 226-237 H3281 R. Balasubramaniam, "Philosophy for liberation", FPS 22-44 H3281.5 Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, A Critical Survey of Completed Research Work in Philosophy in Indian Universities up to 1980. Poona 1986 H3282 Manoranjan Basu, Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Tantras. Calcutta 1986 H3283 S.P.Basu, Concept of Brahma: Its Origin and Development. Delhi 1986 H3284 Shankar Basu, "Indian epistemology--a synthetic study", Philosophica 15-16, 1986-87, 173-175 H3285 Ann C. Boger and Joellen K. DeOreo, Sacred India: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Bloomington, Ind. H3285.5 William Alan Borman, Gandhi and Non-violence. Albany, 1986 H3286 Johannes Bronkhorst, Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India. Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien 28. Stuttgart 1986 H3286.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Tantra and prasanga", AJOS 3.2, 1986, 77-80 H3287 Christopher Chapple, Karma and Creativity. Albany, N.Y. 1986 H3288 Kaushitaki Charan, "A short note on being and non-being", JIAP 25.1, 1986, 54-61 H3289 Suresh Chandra, "Philosophy of perception: Eastern and Western", JICPR 3.2, 1986, 39-54 H3289.5 George Chemparathy, God en het lijden: een Indische theodicee. Leiden 1986 H3290 Austin B. Creel, "Contemporary philosophical treatments of karma and rebirth", KRPCD 1-14 H3290.5 Niranjan Dhar, Aurobindo, Gandhi and Roy: a Yogi, a Mahatma, and a Rationalist. Calcutta 1986 H3290.7 Erik af Eckholm, "The crystal and the hibiscus flower", Kalyanamitraraganam 57-78 H3291 Jan Ergardt, Man and His Destiny. A Study of Citta in Relation to Dhamma in Some Ancient Indian Texts. Studia Orientalia Lundensia 3. Leiden 1986 H3292 Johann J. Gestering, German Pessimism and Indian Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Reading. New Delhi 1986 H3293 Robert P. Goldman, "The serpent and the rope on stage: popular, literary and philosophical representations of reality in traditional India", JIP 14.3-4, 1986, 349-376 H3293.5 Gunilla Gran-Ecklund, "'The cats are crying'", Kalyanamitraraganam 179-188 H3294 Badlu Ram Gupta, Hinduism: The Gospel of Humanity (The Celestial Song of Life). New Delhi 1986 H3295 Suman Gupta, "Some aspects of methodology in the context of Indian philosophy", StudIndCult 159-164 H3296 A.L.Herman, "The problem of suffering in the Bhagavadgita", SIP 61-107 H3297 A.L.Herman, "An economic model for the law of karma", JGJRI 42, 1986, 1-36 H3298 Radhika Herzbergaer, "Apoha and simsapavrksa", BLE 143-170 H3299 V.N.Jha, "On ekarthibhava and vyapeksa", SILLE 54-69 H3300 V.N.Jha, "The structure of a sabdabodha", SILLE 70-76 H3301 V.N.Jha, "Language and reality", SILLE 5-25 H3302 H.M.Joshi, "Nature of error", HMJKV 96-106 H3303 H.M.Joshi, "Indian approach to psychology", HMJKV 174-197 H3304 Jyotirmayananda (ed.), Vivekananda: His Gospel of Man-Making. Madras 1986 H3305 Sukla Kanungo, "Some Indian theories of universals", JIAP 25.2, 1986, 47-64 H3306 L. Kapani and Chenat, "India and the risk of psychoanalysis", Diogenes 135, 1986, 63-78 H3307 Klaus K. Klostermaier, "Contemporary conceptions of karma and rebirth among North Indian Vaisnavas", KRPCD 83-108 H3308 N.V.Koppal, "Yoga--in the principal Upanishads", KUJ 30, 1986, 168-176 H3309 Y. Krishan, "Karma in the Bhagavadgita", JAsSt 3.2, 1986, 59-70 H3310 Daya Krishna, "Constructive philosophy: what it is and what it ought to be", Darshana 136, 1986, 58-69. Also IAB 71-83 H3310.5 Ramchandra Dattatreya Ranade, Studies in Indian Philosophy. Edited by B. R. Kulkarni. Bombay 1986 H3311 B. Kumarappa, Realism and Illusionism in Hinduism. 1986 H3312 Basant Kumar Lal, "Suffering in contemporary Indian religious thought", SIP 201-209 H3312.0 Kesar Lall, A Brief Biography of Ven. Bhikhu Amritananda. Kathmandu 1986 H3312.1 Eric J. Lott, "Evaluating Vedantic types of transcendence", SRV 9.2-3, 1986 H3313 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge. Oxford 1986 H3314 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On the universality of suffering", SIP 12-22 H3315 James D. McMichael, "Spiritual master in the path of knowledge in Indian tradition", JD 11, 1986, 17-28 H3317 David Miller, "Karma, rebirth and the contemporary guru", KRPCD 61-82 H3318 Robert N. Minor, "In defense of karma and rebirth--evolutionary karma", KRPCD 15-40 H3319 Robert N. Minor, "Sri Aurobindo as a Gita-yogin", in Robert N. Minor (ed.), Modern Indian Interpreters of the Bhagavadgita (Albany, N.Y., 1986), 61-87 H3320 Heinz Mode, "Ancient Indian thought", Deyadharma 137-146 H3321 G.C.Nayak, "Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", JICPR 3.2, 1986, 67-80 H3321.0 M. N. Palsane, S.N.Bhavsar, R.P.Goswami and G. W. Evans, "The concept of stress in the Indian tradition", JIndPsych 5, 1986, 1-12 H3321.1 K. L. Poddar, "The Indian way of proving the validity of an inference of Western logic", DM 3-4, 1986-87, 57-60 H3322 Karl H. Potter, "Critical response (to the papers on 'The Hindu context')", KRPCD 109-120 H3323 Karl H. Potter, "Suffering in the orthodox philosophical systems: is there any?", SIP 1-11 H3324 N.D.Rajadhyaksha, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1986 H3325 Som P. Ranchan, Soul-Making with Aurobindo. New Delhi 1986 H3326 Bishan Swarup Rustogi, "A style of writing for debate in Indian philosophy" (summary). TICOJ 31, 1986, 107-109 H3326.1 V. V. S. Saibaba, "The conception of 'supernatural' in the non-theistic philosophies of pre-Buddhist India", DM 3-4, 1986-87, 65-68 H3327 Prasanna Salshingika, "The mystic philosophy of Gurudeva Dr. R.D.Ranade", PTG 20.3, 1986, 1-9 H3327.5 Anil K. Sarkar, Sri Aurobindo and Haridas Chaudhuri: A Glimpse of a Dynamic Prospect to Mankind. San Francisco 1986 H3328 Padmaya Sen, "K.C.Bhattacharya's concept of negation: an appraisal", VJP 23.1, 1986, 52-59 H3329 Sushanta Sen, "Aspects of the realists' critique of Buddhist nominalism", VJP 23.1, 1986, 25-38 H3330 Arvind Sharma, "Suffering in Indian theism", SIP 23-37 H3331 K.L.Sharma, Subjectivity and Absolute: A Study of K.C.Bhattacharya's Philosophy. Jaipur 1986 H3332 Ramakant Sinari, "The way toward moksa", FPS 45-60 H3333 Jaideva Singh, "The concept of duhkha in Indian philosophy", DhP 15.12, 1986, 21-32 H3334 N.J.Sjoman, "The memory eye: an examination of memory in traditional knowledge systems", JIP 14, 1986, 195-213 H3335 Fernando Tola, "Tres concepciones del hombre de la filosofia de la India", Pensiamento 42, 1986, 29-46 H3336 Teraciichi Toru, "The theory of rasa and its philosophical background", JIBSt 68, 1986, 949-982 H3337 Biraja Kumar Tripathi, "Basic implications of 'karma'", PTG 21.1, 1986, 32-39 H3338 S.G.Tulpule, "Ranade's predecessors in the theory of asymptotism", PTG 20.2, 1986, 39-42 H3339 Vijayshree, "Existential trends in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy", VIRB 5, 1986, 255-260 H3340 Wayne Whillier, "Why study Indian philosophy?', StudinR 15, 1986, 473-484 H3341 Subhas Anand, "Bhakti as man's final fulfilment", Purana 29, 1987, 70-91 H3342 S. Arokiasamy and G. Gisbert-Sauch, Liberation in Asia: Theological Perspectives. Anand (Gujarat) 1987 H3343 Reeta Bagchi, "The transmigration of soul in Hinduism", PTG 21.3, 1987, 21-2 H3344 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "Religious tolerance or acceptance?", BRMIC 38, 1987: 139, 170 H3345 Anindita Balslev, "Time, self and consciousness: some conceptual patterns in the context of Indian thought", JICPR 5.1, 1987-88, 111-120 H3346 Rabindranath Bandyopadhyaya, "Sri Ramakrishna's religious and philosophical views:, JIAP 26.2, 1987, 23-26 H3347 Amitabha Banerjee, "On Shri Ramakrishna's philosophy", JIAP 26.2, 1987, 1-9 H3348 Bhaswati Bhattacharya, Absolute Skepticism, Eastern and Western. Calcutta 1987 H3349 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Two notes on the interpretation of Indian philosophy", ABORI 68, 1987, 305-308 H3350 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Self-identity and self-knowledge: some Indian themes and theories", IPA 20, 1987-88, 1-23, with comments by Vidya Subramanian, 24-28 H3350.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Mysticism in Indian philosophy", Navonmesa 1987, 372-388 H3351 Nirod Baran Chakravarti, "Ramakrishna's religion and philosophy of religion", JIAP 26.2, 1987, 10-19 H3351.5 Sibapada Chakravarti, "Structural depths of Indian thought", RBJPS 2, 1987, 92-98 H3352 Anita Chatterjee, "Power and sakti: a comparative study", JIP 15, 1987, 209-230 H3353 F. Chenet, "L'unicité de l'univers et le probleme du solipsisme dans pensée indienne", WZKSOA 32, 1988, 149-188 H3354 R.N.Dandekar, "The philosophy of purusarthas: a rethinking", ABORI 68, 1987, 661-671 H3355 Gregory J. Darling, An Evaluation of the Vedantic Critique of Buddhism. Delhi 1987 H3356 A. Das, "Vedanta and the theory of relativity", BRMIC 38, 1987, 259-261 H3357 Maya Das, "The scientific temper in Indian philosophical tradition", VJP 23.2, 1987, 94-98 H3358 Koyali Ghosh Dastidar, "Individual autonomy in traditional Indian thought", JIP 15, 1987, 99-108 H3359 T.S.Devadass, "Radhakrishnan's perspective on social philosophy", JRS 15.2, 1987, 38-43 H3360 Nagendra Kumar Dey, "On the philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna", JIAP 26.2, 1987, 27-32 H3361 S.P.Dubey, Idealism: East and West. Delhi 1987 H3361.0 Toshiichi Endo, Dana, the Development of its concept and practice. Colombo 1987 H3361.1 Annette Eisenmann, Voluntary Suffering and Nonviolence in the Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Belfast 1987 H3362 Herbert Fingarette, "Karma and the unconscious", DK 365-400 H3363 Sisir Kumar Ghose, Mysticism: Views and Reviews. New Delhi 1987 H3364 Sisirkumar Ghose, "Mysticism in Sri Aurobindo", IAC 36.3-4, 1987, 27-34 H3364.5 A. K. Goswami, "On the terms apta(purusa), aptopadesa and aptavakya", BSCV 33-35 H3365 A.L.Herman, "Karmadicy: karma and evil in Indian thought", DK 198-220 H3366 Thomas J. Hopkins, "How to study Hinduism", Religion and Public Education 14.1, 1987, 43-48 H3367 Srirama Indradeva, "The doctrine of karma: towards a sociological perspective", Diogenes 140, 1987, 141-154 H3368 Roda Ivekovic, "Le temps dans la tradition indienne et la conception post-moderne de l'histoire", SynP 2.3, 1987, 261-273 H3369 Shukla Kanungo, "Some Indian theories of universals", JIAP 26.1, 1987, 1-16 H3370 P.K.Khar, "Intuitive apprehension in the philosophy of Dr. Radhakrishnan", PTG 21.3, 1987, 41-44 H3371 Sallie B. King, "Two epistemological models for the interpretation of mysticism", JAAR 56, 1988, 257-280 H3372 John M. Koller, "Karma and dharma", DK 244-266. H3373 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma in the Puranas", HSAJIS 2, 1987, 135-144 H3374 Y. Krishan, "Doctrine of karma and 'Hindu' mythology", JOI 37, 1987-88, 1-20 H3374.1 Y. Krishan, "Karma-bhumi", JASBe 29.1, 1987, 24-28 H3375 Daya Krishna, "The myth of the purusarthas", JICPR 4, 1987, 1-14. Reprinted DKIP 189-206; also IPE 5, 11-24 H3376 P.H.Kulkarni, "Human freedom and divine determinism", PTG 21.2, 1987, 55-58 H3377 M.P.Lakhani, "Why re-incarnation?", PTG 21.2, 1987, 16-47 H3378 Gerald James Larson, "Ayurveda and the Hindu philosophical systems", PEW 37, 1987, 245-259 H3379 Gerald James Larson, "'Conceptual resources' in South Asia and 'environmental ethics' or the fly is still alive and well in the bottle", PEW 37, 1987, 150-159 H3379.5 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On the concept of philosophy in India", in Philosophical Essays: Anantlal Thakur Felicitation Volume (Calcutta 1987), 190-198. Reprinted CEBKM 358-369 H3380 Rohit Mehta, The Secret of Self-Transformation: A Synthesis of Tantra and Yoga. Delhi 1987 H3380.5 J.N.Mohanty, "Sense, reference and the ineffable in Indian philosophy", Journal of Chinese Philosophy 14, 1987, 401-418. Reprinted ExinP 148-163 H3381 Sri Niranjan Mohanty, The Philosophy of Thakur Sri Abhiram Paramahamsa. Puri 1987 H3382 B. Nanajivako (C. Veljacic), "Hegel and Indian philosophy", SynP 2.3, 1987, 203-224 H3383 S.K.Nandi, "Aesthetics in Indian philosophy", BRMIC 38, 1987: 235, 262 H3384 G.C.Nayak, Philosophical Reflections. New Delhi 1987. Revised and enlarged edition 2002 (=GCNPR 1) H3384.1 G. C. Nayak, "Freedom in Indian thought: some highlights", GCNPR 1, 73-78. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 91-97 H3384.2 G. C. Nayak, "Can there be a synthesis of Eastern and Western thought?", GCNPR 1, 1987, 154-162. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 235-244 H3385 Troy Organ, "Aurobindo's theory of intuition", POV 62-77 H3386 Troy Organ, "Karma and sin", DK 317-345 H3387 Dushan Pajin, "The legitimacy of the term 'philosophy' in an Asian context: the beginnings of Indian philosophy", JIP 15, 1987, 349-362. Also SynP 2.3, 1987, 225-236 H3388 S.L.Pande, "Ranade: contemporary assessments", PTG 21.3, 1987, l-7 H3389 Sheojee Pandey, Sri Aurobindo and Vedanta Philosophy. Calcutta 1987 H3389.1 Susmita Pande, "Bhakti and rasa--a note on their historical connection and philosophical meaning", JBRS 71-73, 1985-87, 81-86 H3389.5 Madhav Pundalik Pandit, Sri Aurobindo and his Yoga. Wilmot, Wis. 1987 H3390 S.S.Rama Rao Pappu, "Introduction (to The Dimensions of Karma)", DK 1-31 H3391 S.S.Rama Rao Pappu, "Detachment and moral agency in the Bhagavad Gita", POV 148-157 H3392 S.S.Rama Rao Pappu, "Karma: individual and collective", DK 292-315 H3393 Roy W. Perrett, "Rebirth", Religious Studies 23, 1987, 41-58. Reprinted IPE 4, 213-220 H3394 Karl H. Potter, "Karma and rebirth: traditional Indian arguments", DK 139-165 H3394.5 Jwala Prasad, History of Indian Epistemology. New Delhi 1987 H3395 Kaisa Puhakka, "The doctrine of karma and contemporary Western psychology", DK 401-433 H3396 R. Puligandla, "Karma, operational definitions and freedom", DK 121-138 H3397 M. Rafique, Sri Aurobindo's Ideal of Human Life. New Delhi 1987 H3398 Vijithe Rajapakse, "The critique of the soul theory: a comparative study", SLJBS 1, 1987, 10-28 H3399 Anantanand Rambachan, "The place of reason in the quest for moksa--problems in Vivekananda's conceptualization of jnanayoga", Religious Studies 23, 1987, 279-288 H3400 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "Karma in Hindu thought", DK 32-36 H3401 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The doctrine of personality as a Hindu theist understands it", DhP 16.11-12, 1987, 17-33 H3402 Vetury Ramakrishna Rao, Selected Doctrines from Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1987 H3403 Saradananda, "The two aspects of karma", VK 74, 1987, 353-356 H3403.5 Krishna Sarma, Bhakti and the Bhakti Movement: A New Perspective. New Delhi 1987 H3404 Satyarupananda, "Karma yoga: the panacea for the modern man", VK 74, 1987, 168-173 H3405 Arvind Sharma, "The social implications of karma", DK 267-291 H3406 Krishna Sharma, Bhakti and Bhakti movement--A New Perspective: A Study in the History of Ideas. Delhi 1987 H3407 Ashok Chatterji Sastri, "The akhanda Mahayoga vis-à-vis orthodox systems of Indian philosophical thought", SII 13-14, 177-184 H3408 Indra Sen, "What is moksa? Moksa as a dogma and moksa as a pervasive urge of life", JICPR 4, 1987, 15-22 H3408.5 D.N.Shanbhag, "Bhakti and bhakta", JKU 31, 1987, 71-89 H3408.8 Mark Siderits, "The sense-reference distinction in Indian philosophy of language", Journal of Chinese Philosophy 14, 1987, 331-355 H3409 J.C.Sikdar, "Indian concepts of matter", JainJ 22, 1987, 75-86 H3409.4 Jai Prasad Sipngh, Meditation: a Way to Enlightenment. 1987. Summarized in RBS pp. 88-89 H3409.5 Jadunath Sinha, "Means to liberation", Navonmesa 1987, 425-433 H3410 Debabrata Sinha, "Karma: a phenomenological approach", DK 346-364 H3411 K. Sivaraman, "The concept of trans-personal revelation in Hindu philosophical thinking", POV 132-147 H3412 Raffaele Torella, "Examples of the influence of Sanskrit grammar on Indian philosophy", EAW 37, 1987, 151-164 H3413 Bashishtha Narain Tripathi, Indian View of Spiritual Bondage. Varanasi 1987 H3414 C.L.Tripathi, "The influence of Indian philosophy on Neoplatonism", NIT 273-292 H3415 K.N.Upadhyaya, "Karma in Hindu thought--II.The Bhagavad Gita", DK 37-65 H3415.5 George M. Vedakkekara, Absolute, Sachchidananda and Supermind: The Concept of God in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Th.D, Berkeley , Cal. 1987 H3416 Richard T. Wallis, "Phraseology and imagery in Plotinus and Indian thought", NIT 101-120 H3417 Alex Wayman, Delving in Logic. Poona 1987 H3418 Alex Wayman, "O, that linga!", ABORI 68, 1987, 15-54 H3419 Albert M. Wolters, "A survey of modern scholarly opinion on Plotinus and Indian thought", NIT 293-308 H3420 J.A.Yajnik, "Moral agency, responsibility, and identity of a person with special reference to the doctrine of rebirth", IPA 20, 1987-88, 85-99 H3420.5 Anandamlujrti, Ananda Maya Karma-Samnyasa. Calcutta 2988 H3421 J.G.Arapura, "Indian's philosophical response to religious pluralism", MIRRP 171-193 H3421.5 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "Analyses of I-consciousness in Indian thought--a review", Bharati 16-17, 1985-88, 277-286 H3422 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "The concept of contradiction in Indian logic and epistemology", JIP 16, 1988, 225-246 H3423 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Truth, ontology and subjectivity", KKBLKO 265-291 H3423.5 S. P. Banerjee, "Radhakrishnan's ideas about the emerging world-order", CR n.s. 6, 1988-89, 28-30 H3424 S.S.Barlingay, "Some thoughts on the beginnings of religion, philosophy and culture in the Indian context", RCT 1-8 H3425 Nrsimha P. Bhaduri, "Bhakti (devotion) as an aesthetic sentiment", JIP 16, 1988, 377-410 H3426 V.K.Bharadwaj, "The concept of arthapatti", IndPQ 15, 1988, 113-136 H3426.1 N.P.Bhatta, "Theory of karaka", BDCRI 47-48, 1988-89, 15-22 H3427 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, Aspects of Indian Psychology. Narendrapur 1988 H3427.05 Gopinath Bhattavcharya, "Theism and anti-theistic theories in Indian philosophy", CR n.s. 6, 1988-89, 42-59 H3427.07 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some Indian theories of the body", FTI 1988, 176-212 H3427.1 H. L. Chandrasekhar, "An analysis of the philosophy of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan", JMysoreU 50, 1988, 57-64 H3428 Kerry Brown (ed.), The Essential Teachings of Hinduism. London 1988 H3429 Lisa A. Cochran, "Maya: the great veil", IndPQ 15.2, 1988, Student Supplement 1-12 H3430 Eliot Deutsch, "Knowledge and the tradition text in Indian philosophy", IAB 165-173 H3431 N.K.Devaraja, Humanism in Indian Thought. New Delhi 1988 H3432 J.F.C.Fuller, Yoga. A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists. SGDOS 63, 1988 H3433 Gambhiranandaji Maharaj, "Jnana and bhakti", PB 193, 1988, 329-330 H3434 Pralay Kanti Ghosh, "The concept of liberation in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 16.3, 1988, Student Supplement 1-10 H3435 Raghunath Ghosh, "Some reflections on Kalidas Bhattacharyya's 'The Indian concept of freedom'", IndPQ 15, 1988, 217-226 H3436 P.P.Gokhale, "Karma-doctrine and freedom", IndPQ 15.3, 1988, 529-545 H3437 Plamen Gradinarov, "Anthropic web of the universe: atom and atman", PEW 39, 1989, 27-46 H3438 John Grimes, A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy. Ithaca, N.Y. 1988 H3439 Wilhelm Halbfass, India and Europe: An Essay in Understanding. Albany, N.Y. 1988. H3440 R. Ingalalli, Sabda Pramana--An Epistemological Analysis. SGDOS 58, 1988. H3441 Matthew Kapstein, "Indra's search for the self and the beginnings of philosophical perplexity in India", Religious Studies 24, 1988, 239-256 H3442 Daya Krishna, "Comparative philosophy: what it is and what it ought to be", IAB 71-83 H3442.5 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "Moksa and science", FTI 1988, 105-115 H3443 Gerald James Larson, "Introduction: the 'age-old distinction between the same and the other'", IAB 3-18 H3444 David Loy, Nonduality. A Study in Comparative Philosophy. New Haven 1988 H3445 Rattan Mann, Critique of Indian Philosophy, History and Culture. Delhi 1988 H3446 J.N.Mohanty, "A fragment of the Indian philosophical tradition", PEW 38, 1988, 251-260. Reprinted IPE 1, 1-10 H3446.1 R.S.Shivaganesa Murthy, "Dr. Radhakrishnan and prasthanatrayi", JMysoreU 50, 1988, 32-39 H3446.5 Shefali Moitra, "Alternative standpoints: at the foundation of culmination of Kalidas Bhattacharya's philosophy", FTI 1-14 H3447 Hajime Nakamura, "The meaning of the terms 'philosophy' and 'religion' in various traditions", IAB 137-151 H3448 Prema Nandakumar, Sri Aurobindo: A Critical Introduction. New Delhi 1988 H3449 Claus Oetke, 'Ich' und das Ich. Analytische Untersüchungen zur buddhistisch-brahmanischen Atmankontroverse. Stuttgart 1988 H3450 Troy Organ, "Aurobindo's theory of intuition", PonV 62-77 H3451 Raimundo Panikkar, "What is comparative philosophy comparing?", IAB 116-136 H3452 S.S.Rama Rao Pappu, "Professor P.T.Raju: evolution of his philosophical thought", PonV l-7 H3453 Mahesh D. Parikh, "Relevance of scriptures in modern times", Dilip 14.1, 1988, 5-9; 14.2, 1988, 9-14; 14.3, 1988, 5-10; 14.4, 1988, 6-12 H3454 Brundaban Patra, "Logic behind postulating indeterminate perception", JOI 38, 1988-89, 261-268 H3455 Karl H. Potter, "Metaphor as key to understanding the thought of other speech communities", IAB 19-35 H3456 K.H.Potter (with Austin B. Creel and Edwin Gerow), Guide to Indian Philosophy. Boston 1988 H3457 K.D.Prithipaul, Moha: A Study in the Metaphysics of Error in the Brahmanical Tradition. Calcutta, Madras 1988. H3458 M. Rafique, Indian and Muslim Philosophy: A Comparative Study. New Delhi 1988 H3459 Raja Ramanna, "Indian holistic experience and analytic rationality. PB 193, 1988, 436-438 H3459.0 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "What is Indian psychology?", JIndPsych 7, 1988, 37-57 H3459.1 V.N.Seshagiri Rao, "Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: life, works and philosophy", JMysoreU 50, 1988, 1-15 H3460 Bruce R. Reichenbach, "The law of karma and the principle of causation", PEW 38, 1988, 399-410 H3460.1 V.A.Sarma, "Cannot Asya(mukha) be an indriya(karana)?", LP 2, 1988, 127-132 H3468 Virendra Shekhawat, "Alternative models of scientific rationality: theorisation in classical Indian sciences", Diogenes l14, 1988, 32-51 H3469 B.N.Singh, Dictionary of Indian Philosophical Concepts. Varanasi 1988 H3471 Ninian Smart, "The analogy of meaning and the tasks of comparative philosophy", IAB 174-183 H3472 R. Morton Smith, "Time in India: the paradox of state and motion", EAW 38, 1988, 93-104 H3472.5 G. Srinivasan, Philosophical Perspectives East and West. Mysore 1988 H3473 Frits Staal, "Is there philosophy in Asia?", IAB 203-229 H3473.1 Karunesha Shukla, "Indian Absolutist systems and the problem of release", NBLBS 1-16 H3473.7 A. L. Thakur, "Lost treasures in the field of Indian logic and their recovery", SutIHC2 83-101 H3474 E.W.F.Tomlin, Philosophers of East and West. Calcutta 1988 H3475 K.N.Upadhyaya, "Indian tradition and negation", PEW 38, 1988, 281-289 H3475.5 V. P. Varma, "The dialectical methodology: a critique", StudIHC2 102-132 H3476 Karel Werner, "Indian concepts of human personality in relation to the doctrine of the soul", JRAS 1988.1, 73-97 H3476.1 Charles S.J. White, "Indian developments: sainthood in Hinduism", Sainthood 98-139 H3477 Manasvini Madhubhashini Yogi, "Arthapatti as a pramana", IndPQ 15, 1988, Student's Supplement 21-29 H3478 David B. Zilberman, The Birth of Meaning in Hindu Thought. Ed. Robert S. Cohen. Dordrecht 1988 H3479 Abhedananda, Thoughts on Philosophy and Religion. Calcutta 1989 H3480 Cassian R. Agera, "Cut the syllogism to its size! Some reflections on Indian syllogism", IndPQ 16, 1989, 465-477 H3481 K.V.Apte, "Methods of self-realization", Bharatiya Vidya 49, 1989 H3482 Amitabha Banerjee, "Vivekananda's neo-Vedanta and its practice", JIAP 28.1, 1989, 30-38 H3483 S.S.Barlingay, "Re-understanding Indian philosophy", JICPR 6, 1989, 109-126 H3484 A.L.Basham, The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism. Ed. by Kenneth G. Zysk. Boston 1989 H3484.1 Bijan Biswas, "Indian theory of prapyakaritva: a critical appraisal", OH 37.2, 1989, 1-24 H3484.5 V.P.Bhatta, "Theory of karaka", DCRIB 47-48, 1988-89, 15-22 H3485 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Indian philosophy in the context of world philosophy", JICPR 6, 1989, 1-16 H3486 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Swami Vivekananda and neo-Vedantism", BRMIC 40, 1989, 3-5 H3487 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Indian intellectual tradition and modern challenges", BRMIC 40, 1989, 239-246 H3488 Tapan Shankar Bhattacharyya, "On the relationship between a word and its meaning", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 39-43 H3488.1 Purusottama Bilimoria, "On the idea of authorless revelation (apauruseya)", IndPhRel 143-166 H3488.2 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Hindu-Mimamsa against scriptural evidence on God",Sophia 28.1, 1989, 20-31 H3489 Donald H. Bishop, "Radhakrishnan's religious pluralism", IAC 38.1-2, 1989, 19-34 H3489.0 Klaus Bruhn, Magdalene Duckwitz and Albrecht Wezler, eds, Ludwig Alsdorf and Indian Studies. Delhi 1989, 1990 H3489.1 Arindam Chakrabarti, "From the fabric to the weaver?", IndPhRel 21-34 H3490 Bhaswati Chakrabarti, "Discussion: Radhakrishnan on God", JIAP 28.1, 1989, 57-60 H3491 Kisor K. Chakrabarti, "Contraposition in European and Indian philosophy", IPQ 29, 1989, 121-127 H3492 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The concept of mukti in Hindu religion", BRMIC 40, 1989: 98, 121, 150, 169 H3493 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The philosophy of Vivekananda", JIAP 28.2, 1989, 18-24 H3494 Nilima Chakravarty, Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1989 H3495 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Radhakrishnan's concept of religion", RadhCentVol 41-52 H3496 Fred Dallmayr, "On being and existence: a Western view", RadhCentVol 217-245 H3497 Uma Deshpande, The Glimpses of Indological Heritage. Baroda 1989 H3498 N.K.Devaraja, "The humanistic approach to Hindu religio-philosophical thought", NKDPR 91-107 H3499 Nalini Devdas, "Sri Aurobindo's view of the dynamics of divine grace", Religion and Society 36.4, 1989, 53-73 H3499.1 Erik Edholm, Jnanacaksus. On Vision and Knowledge in Indian Religious Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, Uppsala University 1989 H3500 Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen. Ed. Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber, Karl Ehrhard Franz, Kurt Friedrich and Michael S. Dienen. Boston 1989 H3500.1 Peter Forrest, "Some varieties of monism", IndPhRel 75-92 H3500.5 Dharmendra Goel, Philosophy and Social Change. Delhi 1989 H3501 Paulus M. Gregorius, Enlightenment: East and West. Delhi 1989 H3501.0 A.G.Javadekar, "Radhakrishnan as I understand him", P 34, 1989, 15-22 H3501.1 Pranavananda Jash, "Concept of bhakti (devotion) in Vaisnavism", JBRS 74-75, 1988: 89, 189-193 H8501.1.5 Saral Jhingram, Aspects of Hindu Morality. Delhi 1989 H3501.2 H.M.Joshi, "Nature of human destiny according to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan", P 34, 1989, 129-140 H3501.3 S. G. Kantawala, "Nature of time in Indian philosophy: some aspects", Dharma-Niranjana 1989, 315-321 H3501.5 Biujayananda Kar, Major Trend in Orissan Philosophy. Cuttack 1989 H3501.7 Klaus K. Klostermaier, A Survey of Hinduism. Albany, N.Y. 1989, 1994; New Delhi 1990; Boulder, Colo. 1999 H3503 John M. Koller, "History, time and interfaith dialogue", RadhCentVol 167-180 H3504 Y. Krishan, "The evolution of the ideal of moksa or nirvana in Indian religion", ABORI 69, 1989, 195-204 H3504.1 Y.Krishan, "Collective karma", EAW 39, 1989-90, 179-194 H3505 Daya Krishna, "Yajna and the doctrine of karma: a contradiction in Indian thought about action", JICPR 6, 1989, 61-74. Reprinted DKIP 172-188; IPACP 224-249 H3505.1 Daya Krishna, The Art of the Conceptual. New Delhi 1989 H3505.5 Arvind Kumar, "On kartr-karaka in grammar and logic", Dharma-Niranjana 1989, 441-464 H3506 Rajah Kuruppa, "Rebirth and its critics", Buddhist 60.1, 1989, 31-37 H3506.1 Basant Kumar Lal, "'The rational' and 'the intuitive' in 'Creative Thinking', an anlysis of Radhakrishnan's views", P 34, 1987, 73-82 H3506.2 Y. Krishan, The evolution of the ideal of moksa or nirvana in Indian religion", ABORI 69, 1989, 195-204 H3507 Chhaganlal Lata, Philosophy of Bhakti. Delhi 1989 H3508 Julius J. Lipner, "Religion and religions", RadhCentVol 135-152 H3508.1 Julius J. Lipner, "The classical Hindu view on abortion and the moral status of the unborn", HindEth 41-70 H3509 Ashok Kumar Malhotra, "Mysticism in the Hindu tradition", ATS 14.40, 1989, 31-46 H3510 B.K.Matilal, "Ideas and values in Radhakrishnan's philosophy", RadhCentVol 20-29. Reprinted CEBKM 377-385 H3511 Sengaku Mayeda and Junzo Tanizawa, "Studies on Indian philosophy in Japan 1963-1987", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 65-100 H3511.1 G.N.Mishra, "Dr. Radhakrishnan's ontology", P 34, 1989, 65-72 H3512 Godavarisha Mishra, "Renunciation: a sure means to liberation", TVOS 14.1-2, 1989, 85-94 H3513 J.N.Mohanty, "Radhakrishnan in the light of modern thought", RadhCentVol 13-19 H3513.00 Gerhard Oberhammer, Philosophy of Religion in Hindu Thought. Translated by Anand Amaladass. Delhi 1989 H3513.0 Bibhu and Minakshi Padhi, Indian Philosophy and Religion: A Reader's Guide. New York 1989, 2005 H3513.1 G.C.Pande, Mahamopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj. New Delhi 1989 H3514 Susmita Pande, Medieval Bhakti Movement (Its History and Philosophy). Delhi 1989 H3514.1 Ramesh Kumar Pandey, "The liberal philosophy of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan", P 34, 1987, 123-128 H3515 G.L.Pandit, "Rediscovering Indian philosophy: a review", JICPR 6, 1989, 147-154 H3516 M.D.Parikh, "Psychotherapy based upon Hindu philosophy", Dilip 15.6, 1989, 13-18 H3516.1 Roy W. Perrett, "Omniscience in Indian philosophy of religion", IndPhRel 125-142 H3516.2 R.C.Pradhan, "Radhakrishnan's metaphysics of integral experience", P 34, 1989, 115-122 H3517 N.S.Prasad, Convergence of Science and Hindu Philosophy. Delhi 1989 H3517.05 Shakuntala Punjani, "Manas: a critique", Dharma-Niranjana 1989, 362-370 H3517.1 C.D.Raval, :Resaon and intuition in Dr. Radhakrishnan's philosophy:, Sambodhi 16, 1989, 30-40 H3518 Bruce R. Reichenbach, "Karma, causation, and divine intervention", PEW 39, 1989, 135-150 H3519 Glyn Richards, "Radhakrishnan's essentialist view of the nature of religion", RadhCentVol 153-166 H3519.1 Ramnath Sharma, "Integral approach in S. Radhakrishnan's philosophy", P 34, 1989, 7-14 H3520 Gopal Singh, "Radhakrishnan as a philosopher", RadhCentVol 30-33 H3520.5 R. L. Singh, "An axiological view of avidya", POSankara (1989); reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 39-55 H3521 Debabrata Sinha, "At the crossroads of philosophical cultures", RadhCentVol 205-216 H3521.0 K.P.Sinha, "Energy as the material cause of the world", JAssamRS 31, 1989-90, 17-24 H3521.1 T.R.Sharma, "Doctrine of svabhava in Buddhist and nonBuddhist philosophical systems", Amala Prajna 363-370 H3522 Krishna Sivaraman, "Knowledge and experience in mystical spirituality", RadhCentVol 189-203 H3522.1 Ninian Smart, "Reflections on the sources of knowledge in the Indian tradition", IndPhRel 115-124 H3523 Donald K. Swearer (ed.), Me and Mine. Selected Essays of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa. Buffalo 1989 H3523.1 Sivesh C. Thakur, "Salvation and the pursuit of social justice", IndPhRel 183-192 H3524 R. Venkataramanan', "Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan", RadhCentVol 3-12 H3525 Karel Werner, "Mysticism and Indian spirituality", Yogi and Mystic 20-32 H3526 Merild Westphal, "Hegel, Hinduism, and freedom", The Owl of Minerva 20, 1989, 193-204 H3526.0 J.A.Yajnik, "Compatibility of Radhakrishnan's metaphysics with his epistemology and ethics", Sambodhi 16, 1989, 128-143 H3526.1 Keith E. Yandell, "Some varieties of Indian theological dualism", IndPhRel 5-19 H3526.3 Katherine Young, "Euthanasia–traditional views and the contemporary debate", HindEth 71-130 H3527 Tanaji Acharya, Relevance of Indian Philosophy of Modern Society. Latur 1990 H3527.1 K.V.Apte, "Methods of self-realization in Indian philosophy", BhV 50, 1990, 1-49 H3528 Atmapriyananda, "What did Vivekananda teach?", VK 77, 1990: 263, 311, 349 H3529 Balraj, "Logic in relation to process and reality", Glory of Knowledge 222-225 H3529.1 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "The notion 'I' in the different schools of Vedanta: a philosophical approach", ITaur 15-16, 1989-90, 59-66 H3529.2 S. P. Banerjee, "God, nothing, and the ultimate", GSN 1990, 139-152 H3530 M.K.Bandopadhyaya, Philosophy in India. Bangalore 1990 H3530.1 S.S.Barlingay, "Indian philosophy today--the dual focus", HHF 70-85 H3530.1.5 Vijay K. Bharadwaja, Form and Validity in Indian Logic. Simla 1990 H3530.2 S.R.Bhatt, "The theory of karma--a philosophical analysis", JDBSDU 14, 1990, 141-149 H3530.5 Vinayak P. Bhatta, "Theory of verbal cognition (sabdabodha)", DCRIB 49, 1990, 59-74 H3530.6 V.P.Bhatta, "Two kinds of verbal cognition", DCRIB 50, 1990, 141-156 H3531 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The Indian philosophical systems: their basic unity and relevance today", BRMIC 41, 1990: 75, 107 H3532 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The nature of consciousness", BRMIC 41, 1990: 267, 305 H3532.1 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Evidence in testimony and tradition", JICPR 9.1, 1991, 73-84 H3532.1.1 Purusottama Bilimoria, The Self and its Destiny n Hinduism. Stony Brook, N.Y. 1990, 2005 H3532.2 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Indian ethics (philosophical and religious), in Peter Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics (Oxford 1991), 43-57 H3532.3 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Of suffering and sentience: the case of animals", Kalyanamittam 241-245 H3532.4 Purusottama Bilimoria, "A problem for radical (onto-theos) pluralism", Sophia 30, 1991, 21-33 H3532.4.5 Umrao Singh Bist, The Concept of Language. Delhi 1990 H3532.5 William Alan Borman, The Other Side of Death: Upanishadic Eschatology. Studies in Indian Traditions Series No. 2, New Delhi 1990 H3533 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Varttika", WZKSOA 34, 1990, 123-146 H3534 David M. Brookman, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (In the Commentarial Tradition of India). Bhubaneshwar 1990 H3535 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "Sri Ramakrishna: jnana and vijnana", BRMIC 41, 1990: 27, 58 H3535.1 H.L.Chandrasekhar, Shri Annamacharya: A Philosophical Study. Mysore 1990 H3536 N.K.Devaraj, "Language, logic and reality", IndPQ 17, 1990, 325-347 H3537 Ram Chandra Dwivedi, "Remarks on the nature of Indian religion and philosophy", Glory of Knowledge 123-127 H3538 Stuart Elkman, "The Hindu concept of the 'person'", VK 77, 1990, 268-275 H3539 Gary J. Foulk, "A philosopher's response to Johnson's reasoned look at Asian religions", ATS 15 (43), 1990, 98-100 H3540 Eli Franco, "Valid reason, true sign", WZKSOA 34, 1990, 199-208 H3540.05 Rita Gupta, "The concept of time and the doctrine of momentariness", EDOM, 1990, 227-242 H3540.5 V.N.Jha, "Ancient Indian theories on language comprehension", MO 16, 1990, 15-19 H3540.1.5 V. N. Jha, "Philosophy of language: an Indian perspective", Sambodhi 17, 1990-91, 60-67 H3540.2 H. M. Joshi, "Detachment and liberation in Indian philosophy and its impact on modern times--its relevance", Sambodhi 17, 1990-91, 1-16 H3541 Kiyohito Kitagawa, "Aurobindo's notion of Buddhism", JIBSt 38.2, 1990, 22-25 H3541.1 G.N.Kundargi, "The philosophy of Prof. M. Hiriyanna", QJMS 81, 1990, 324-332 H3541.2 G.N.Kundargi, "Nature and validity of mysticism", PTG 25.1, 1990, 1-32 H3541.3 C. Kuppuswamy, "Indian moral philosophy", BITCSSEA 1992-1993, 189-196 H3542 Gerald James Larson, "Reason in early Indian philosophy: matter and consciousness in early Indian philosophy", BRMIC 41, 1990: 171, 206, 235 H3543 Satyajit Layek, An Analysis of Dream in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1990 H3544 Arjun Dass Malik, Kundalini and Meditation. Delhi 1990 H3546 Bimal Krishna Matilal, The Word and the World: Contribution to the Study of Language. Delhi 1990 H3546.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Self-awareness (sva-samvitti)", VBA n.s. 2-3, 1990, 21-29 H3547 Anantanand Rambachan, "Swami Vivekananda's use of science as an analogy for the attainment of moksa", PEW 40, 1990, 331-342 H3547.5 Noble Ross Reat, The Origions of Indian Psychology. berkeley 1990 H3548 Indian Philosophical Systems. Calcutta 1990 H3549 Jugal Kishore Mukherjee, From Man Human to Man Divine: Sri Aurobindo's Vision of the Evolutionary Destiny of Man. Pondicherry 1990 H3551 Chetna Mandavia, "Understanding soul or consciousness in the light of science and spiritual knowledge", PB 95, 1990, 108-111 H3551.5 Bibhu Padhi and Minakshi Padhi, Indian Philosophy and Religion: A Reader's Guide. Jefferson, N.C and London 1990 H3552 A.S.Narayana Pillai, "The bhakti tradition in Hinduism--bhaktiyoga an overview", JD 15, 1990, 223-231 H3552.1 H.V.Nagaraja Rao, "What is sabdabodha?", MO 16, 1990, 57-59 H3554 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and idealism", PB 95, 1990, 455-457 H3555 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The place of reasoning in Indian thought", DhP 19.12, 1990, 34-40 H3555.0 Mridala Roy, "Pratibha: views of East and West", VBA n.s. 3, 1990, 352-357 H3555.2 Hiltrud Rüstau, "On the beginning of philosophy in India", VBA n.s. 2, 1990, 51-62 H3555.1 Rajinder Kaur Rohi, "Major elements of monotheism in the Indian tradition", JRS 18.2, 1990, 33-44 H3558 Arvind Sharma, "What represents final salvation in Hindu theism?", Dilip 16.6, 1990, 20-22 H3558.1 Jai Singh, Verbal Testimony in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1990 H3558.2 Krishna Sivaraman, "God-language and the language of nothingness", GSN 1990, 153-170 H3559 S.Srinivasachar, "Sri Ramakrsna--a saint or prophet?", JD 15, 1990, 55-70 H3560 Tapasyananda, "Sri Ramakrishna's conception of religion", VK 77, 1990,1.168-169 H3561 Fernando Tola and Carman Dragonetti, "Indian philosophy", Glory of Knowledge 79-83 H3561.1 Alex Wayman, "The negative a-/an prefix in Sanskrit", SktRelSt 15-24 H3561.5 Karma. Rhythmic Return to Harmony (1990). Translated into German as Karma. Wie unser Tun zum Schickel wird (Berlin 1992) H3562 Kalarikkal Poulouse Aleaz, The Role of Pramanas in Hindu Christian Epistemology. Calcutta 1991 H3562.1 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "An Indian interaction with phenomenology: perspectives on the philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharyya", PhIP 94-102 H3562.1.5 Subramnya Bala Krishnan, Introduction of Hindu Religion. New Delhi 1991 H3562.2 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "Analysis of I-consciousness in the transcendental phenomenology and Indian philosophy", PhIP 133-140 H3562.3 Archana Barua, "Freedom, causality and the law of karma", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 31-36 H3563 Mrinal Kanti Bhadra, "On Mohanty's conception of intentionality", JNMP 1-10 H3563.0 D.R.Bhandari, "Aurobindo's critique of the doctrine of double negation of matter and spirit", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 21-30 H3563.0.1 S.M.Bhatkande, "The ultimate in the schools of the Vedanta philosophy", UAITD 241-246 H3563.0.2 V.P.Bhatta, Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar in the Analysis of Sentence-meaning. Two volumes. Delhi 1991 H3563.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Phenomenology and Indian philosophy", PhIP 44-76 H3563.1.5 Bhutesananda, Thoughts on Spiritual Life. Calcutta 1991 H3563.2 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Two literary conventions of classical India", AS 45, 1991, 210-227 H3564 George Cardona, "A path still taken: some early Indian arguments concerning time", JAOS 111, 1991, 445-464 H3564.1 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "Sri Rama Krishna on jnana and vijnana", Triveni 60.1, 1991, 23-25 H3565 Satyajyoti Chakravarty, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. New Delhi 1991 H3566 Sri Chandra, "The Indian conception of philosophy", IndPQ 18, 1991, 621-622 H3567 Asoka Chatterjee, Spiritual Thought of Ancient India. Delhi 1991 H3567.0 Margaret Chatterjee, "Reflections on religious pluralism in the Indian context", CultMod 385-400 H3567.1 Tara Chatterjee, "Moksa, the parama purusartha", JICPR 9.1, 1991, 85-108. Reprinted KFIP 89-110 H3567.5 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "When knowing the world makes men happy", KRH 1-9 H3567.6 Deo Brat Chaube, Mind-Body Relation in Indian Philosophy. Varanasi 1991 H3568 Alfred Collins, "From Brahma to a blade of grass", JIP 19, 1991, 143-190 H3568.0 A.S.Dalal, Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga. Essays of Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought Implications of Yoga for Mental Health. Pondicherry 1991 H3568.0.5 Jean Dantinne, Les qualitie de l'ascete (dhutaguna): etude semantique et doctrinale. Bruxelles 1991 H3568.1 Kesavacandra Das, Relations in Knowledge Representation: An Interdisciplinary Study in Nyaya, Mimamsa, Vyakarana, Modern Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence in Computer Application. Delhi 1991 H3568.2 Abhaya Das Gupta, "God and man in Swami Vivekananda's philosophy", BRMIC 42, 1991, 168 ff. Reprinted VK 80, 1993, 486-491 H3568.2.5 S. Dube, "The structure of consciousness: an emerging view of the unconscious", KRH 105-110 H3568.2.7 Pio Filippani-Roncini, Miti e religions dell' Inde. Roma 1992 H3568.3 S.K.Gupta, "Ultimate in ancient Indian thought and discipline", UAITD 1-18 H3569 Toru Funayama, "On asrayasiddhi", JIBSt 39.2, 1991, 28-34 H3569.1 Wilhelm Halbfass, Tradition and Reflection. Explorations in Indian Thought. Albany, N.Y. 1991 H3569.2 Wilhelm Halbfass, "The therapeutic paradigm and the search for identity in Indian thought", Kalyananimittam 23-34 H3569.3 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Mensch und selbst im traditionellen indischen Denken" (tr. Ruth Achland), in Samuel N. Eisenstadt (ed.), Kulturen der Achsenzeit II. Teil 2. Indien (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1992, 129-152 H3569.5 Harshananda, Philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna. Bangalore 1991 H3570 A.L.Herman, "The rational and the anti-rational. Indian perspectives on renunciation", ATS 16 (47), 1991, 114-118 H3570.1 A.L.Herman, "Jivacide, Zombies and jivanmuktas", AsPOxford 1.1, 1991, 5-14 H3570.2 "Tadatmya-sambandha (relation of identity)", Kalyananimittam 127-136 H3570.3 V.N.Jha, "Towards defining sadhutva and asadhutva", Kalyananimittam 257-264 H3570.31 V.N.Jha, "Meaning and referent: an Indian perspective", ABORI 72-73, 1991-92, 589-598 H3570.4 Bijayananda Kar, "Orissan Vaisnavism: a philosophical appraisal of the cult of Jagannatha", StudCJag 79-85 H3570.5 Y. Krishan, "On the nature of sancita karma and anatmavada", Kalyananimittam 183-186 H3570.5.1 Y. Krishan, "Prarabdha karmas, ripening accumulated karma", JICPR 8.3, 1991, 93-100 H3570.6 Daya Krishna et al., Samvada. Delhi 1991 H3570.6.1 Daya Krishna, "Is Indian philosophical 'teleological' in character?", IPACP 1-17 H35706.2 Daya Krishna, "Apoha and samavaya in Kantian perspective", IPACP 250-261 H3570.6.5 Siegfried Lienhard, Zur Fruhgeschichte des Visnuismus in Nepal. Gottingen 1991 H3570.7 G.N.Kundargi, "The epistemological and metaphysical aspects of Ranade's philosophy", PTG 25.4, 1991, 1-32 H3570.8 S.N.Mahajan, "Freedom: an Indian perspective", CMP 112-123 H3570.8.5 G.P.Mahulikar, "Macro-micro-cosmic relationship in Vedanta philosophy", VIJ 30, 1992, 77-82 H3570.9 Hiroshi Marui, "The meaning of injunctions and the problem of truth in Indian philosophy of language"(summary). TICOJ 36, 1991, 137-138 H3571 Sengaku Mayeda and Junzo Tanizawa, "Studies in Indian philosophy in Japan, 1963-1987", PEW 41, 1991, 529-536 H3571.5 Arya Mettayo, "Some different concepts of the word 'karma'", WFBR 28.1, 1991, 14-18 H3572 Sujata Miri, "Prof. Mohanty on the concept of person in Indian philosophy", JNMP 67-72 H3573 Madhuri Mishra, Problem of Evil: with special reference to Sri Aurobindo. Delhi 1991 H3573.0 J.N.Mohanty, "Phenomenology and Indian philosophy: the concept of rationality", PhIP 8-19 H3573.0.5 P.K.Mohaputra and S.C.Panigrahi (eds.), Religion and Social Change. Cuttack 1991 H3573.1 C. Muralikrsna, "Vivekananda's concept of jnana", PRVV 154-159 H3573.2 K. Maheswaran Nair, "On counterpositing realism and idealism", Kalyananimittam 187-194 H3573.3 Rama Nair, "Ramakrishna on the nature of language and mystical experience", PRVV 17-23 H3573.4 R.D.Nirakari, "Metaphysical problems in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", JRS 19.2, 1991, 55-67 H3573.5 Gerhard Oberhammer, Ernst Prets and Joachim Prandstetter, Terminologie der Frühen Philosophischen Scholastik in Indien. Vol. I. OAWV 223, Wien 1991 H3573.5.5 G.C.Pande, "Two dimensions of religious reflection based on Indian spiritual experience and philosophical tradition", CultMod 430-453 H3573.6 Rajendra Prasad, "Aurobindo on reality as value", JICPR 9.1, 1991, 33-44 H3573.51 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Doctrine of karma and rebirth in the Visnu Purana and the Markandeya Purana", JOI 41, 1991, 239-246 H3573.5.1 R.C.Pandeya, "The Indian philosophical systems", Kalyananimittam 279-282 H3573.5.2 K.T.Pandurangi, "A note on the concept of prarabdha karma", JICPR 8.3, 1991, 101-102 H3573.5.2.5 S.A.Paramhans, "Spiritual knowledge in scriptures and its role in human welfare", KRH 24-28 H3573.5.3 Karl H. Potter, "Four attitudes toward money", Parabola 16.1, 1991, 87-92 H3573.5.4 Karl H. Potter, "The commensurability of Indian epistemological theories," in Eliot Deutsch (ed.), Culture and Modernity. East West Philosophic Perspectives (Honolulu 1991), 123-137 H3573.6 Rajendra Prasad, "Aurobindo on reality as value", JICPR 9.1, 1991, 33-44 H3573.7 P. Srinivasa Rao, "The place of morality in karma yoga", Darshana 32.4, 1992, 45-50 H3573.8 Phorn Ratanasuwan, "The law of karma", WFBR 28.1, 1991, 1-10 H3574 Sumita Ray, Consciousness and Creativity: A Study of Sri Aurobindo, T.S.Eliot and Aldous Huxley. New Delhi 1991 H3574.1 Sumita Roy, "Ramakrishna and the nature of religious consciousness", PRVV 12-16 H3575 V. Ananda Reddy, "Sri Aurobindo and the process of physical transformation", IndPQ 18, 1991, 315-344 H3575.1 Bruce Reichenbach, The Law of Karma. Honolulu 1991 H3575.2 Krishna Roy, "Hermeneutics in Indian philosophy", PhIP 290-302 H3576 Sukharanjan Saha, Meaning, Truth and Predication. Calcutta 1991 H3577 Hiroyuki Sato, "Vrtti and jnana", JIBSt 39.1, 1991, 14-16 H3577.0 D.N.Shanbhag, "Brahman=Visnu (Visnu, the Supreme God)", JKU 34, 1990-91, 118-130 H3577.1 Arvind Sharma, "Karma and rebirth in Alberuni's India", AsPOxford 1.1, 1991, 77-92 H3577.5 Terminologie der fruhen philosophischen Scholastik in India. Band I (1991), II (1996), III (2005) H3578 Ram Nath Sharma, Contemporary Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1991 H3578.0 Y.S.Shastri, "Reconciliation of Buddhist and Vedantic notion of self", AspJ 3, 140-152 H3578.0.5 Mark Siderits, Indian Philosophy of Language. Studies in Selected Issues. Dordrecht 1991 H3578.1 Ramakant Sinari, "The worldly and the transcendental in Indian philosophy", BRMIC 42, 1991: 325, 368 H3578.1.1 Ravindra Raj Singh, "The pivotal role of bhakti in Indian world-views", Diogenes 156, 1991, 65-82 H3578.2 A.K.Sinha, "The telic concept of human personality", CMP 100-111 H3578.3 Kaliprasada Sinha, The Self in Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1991 H3578.4 Ravindra Raj Singh, "The pivotal role of bhakti in Indian world views", Diogenes 156, 1991, 65-82 H3578.5 Smarananda, "Jiva and jagat according to the Buddha and Sri Ramakrishna", VK 78, 1991, 211-217 H3579 Muneo Tokunaga, "Anatman in the Brahmanical literature of ancient India", TJ 36, 1991, 121 H3579.00 S. G. Tulpule, Divine Name in the Indian Tradition. New Delhi 1991 H3579.0 C.P.Vilas, "Philosophy and intuition--a study of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan's views", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 82-87 H3579.1 Melitta Waligora, "Bhattacharyya's concept of philosophy and its discussion in modern Indian philosoophy", JIP 28.1, 1991, 77-90 H3579. 1.0 M. M. Agarwal, Essence of Vaisnavism. Philosophy of Bhedabheda. Delhi 1992 H3579.1.1 R.N.Aralikutti, "Dialogue between traditional scholars and modern linguists on sabdabodha", Corpus 24-26 H3579.2 K. Bagchi, "'Felt' body and 'interiority' of space in the thought of Professor Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya", VJP 29.1, 1992, 90-99 H3579.3 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "The neo-Vedanta of Professor K.C.Bhattacharyya", VJP 28.2, 1992, 42-55 H3579.3.1 R. Balasubramanian (ed.), Tolerance in Indian Culture. New Delhi 1992 H3579.4 S.S.Barlingay, "The grammar of (Indian) moral concepts", PGI 21-36 H3579.5 Vijay Bharadwaj, "Svadharma and moksa: a critique", PGI 95-102 H3579.6 V.P.Bhatta, "Accusative case endings after words standing for time and distance", DCRIB 51-52, 1991-92, 115-124 H3579.9 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Indina philosophy in the context of world-philosophy", TIC 52-65 H3580 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Note sur le base technique de la philosophie indienne", AS 46.1, 1992, 26-36 H3580.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Hinduism", BRMIC 43, 1992, 303-307 H3580.2 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The ideal of service in Hinduism", VK 79, 1992, 416-421 H3580.3 Manjulika Chakraborty, "Ananda: the key concept in Indian aesthetics", VJP 29.1, 1992, 31-39 H3580.4 Nilima Chakravarty, Indian Philosophy: The Pathfinders and the System Builders (700 B.C. to 100 A.D.). New Delhi 1992 H3580.4.5 Eric Cheetham, The Great Way Unfolds. London 1992 H3580.5 Francis X. Clooney, "Hearing and seeing in early Vedanta: an exegetical debate and its implications for the study of religion", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 213-226 H3580.5.1 Peter Connolly, Vitalistic Thought in India. Delhi 1992 H3580.6 Harold G. Coward and Leslie Kawamura, "Aesthetic theory in the Indian tradition: a comparison of Hindu and Buddhist approaches", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 51-64 H3580.6.5 A.S.Ghose Dalal (ed.), Growing Within the Psychology of Inner Development: Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Ojai, Cal. 1992 H3580.7 Achyutananda Dash, "Karaka-theory for knowledge representation", Sambhasa 13, 1992, 43-63 H3580.8 Raju Umapathi Datta and keshav Dev Sharma (eds.), The Saint and the Scientist: Life, Writings, and Teachings of Prof. Swami Jnananada. Washington, D.C. 1992 H3580.9 N.S.Dravid, "Tolerancein Indian cu lture and its philosophical basis", TIC 41-51 H3581 N.S.Dravid, "Reply to Chakrabarti: some comments on contraposition in European and Indian logic", IPQ 32, 1992, 515-517 H3581.1 M.K.Gangopadhyay, "Causality in Indian philosophy", RelationsIP 121-140 H3582 Pradeep P. Gokhale, Inference and Fallacies discussed in Ancient Indian Logic. Delhi 1992 H3583 Phyllis Granoff, "Tolerance in the Tantras: its form and function", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 283-302 H3584 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Observations on the relationship between Vedic exegesis and philosophical reflection", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 19-30 H3584.1 Rachappa Irappa Ingalali, Knowledge of Action: Logico-epistemological Analysis. Delhi 1992 H3584.2 R.I.Ingalalli, "Pramanya (validity of knowledge)", PGI 143-156 H3584.3 Shivnarayan Joshi, A Critique of Indian Dualism. Jodhpur 1992 H3584.4 Lakshmi Kapani, La notion de samskara dans l'Inde brahmanique et bouddhique. I (Paris 1992), II (Paris 1993) H3585 Steven T. Katz, "Ethics and mysticism in Eastern mystical traditions", Religious Studies 28, 1992, 253-268 H3585.1 Syada Fiurdowsi Khatun, "The human body, a mystery: from the point of view of Sufism and Vaisnavism", VJP 29.1, 1992, 52-57 H3585.2 Y. Krishan, "The doctrine of karma and the law of causation", ALB 56, 1992, 116-127 H3585.3 Kapani Lakshmi, Le notion de samskara. Volume I. PICI 59.1, Paris 1992 H3586 Godabarisha Mishra, "Apurva and adrsta--a hermeneutical study", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 399-408 H3586.1 Rudrakanta Mishra, Theory of Creation in Main Orthodox Schools of Indian Philosophy. Allahabad 1992 H3587 J.N.Mohanty, "On Matilal's understanding of Indian philosophy", PEW 42, 1992, 397-406 H3587.0 P.K.Malhotra and S.C.Panigraha (eds.), Religion and Social Change. Cuttack 1992 H3587.1 Kalpika Mukherjee, "Art and illusion from the point of view of Indian aesthetics", Corpus 370-381 H3587.1.0 Mukhyananda, "The unique space-time and historical sense of the Hindus", PB 97, 1992: 101, 152, 170 H3587.1.01 S.K.Nanayakkara, "Hinduism", EnBud 5, 1992, 456-458 H3587.1.1 Harsh Narain, "Nibbana: extinction or emancipation?", PGI 259-267 H3587.2 Bryan J. Osborne, Say I Am with Raja Yoga. Avon 1992 H3587.2.5 H.S.Pandey, "Some reflections on the origin of the cult of bhakti", JHR 21-22, 1992, 117-121 H3587.3 G.L.Pandit, "Rediscovering Indian philosophy: out of text and into text", PGI 41-52 H3587.5 M.P.Pandit, Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. Twin Lakes, Wis. 1992 H3588 Karl H. Potter, "The karmic a priori in Indian philosophy", PEW 42, 1992, 407-420 H3589 Karl H. Potter, "Does pramanya mean truth?", AS 46.1, 1992, 352-366 H3589.1 Deepkant Prasad, "The concept of justification and svatahpramanya-paratahpramanya debate", PGI 103-142 H3590 Ernest Prets, "On the development of the concept of pararthanumana", WZKSOA 36, 1992, 195-202 H3590.1 A. Raghavendra Rao, "The philosophy of action in Hinduism", DhP 21.6-8, 1992, 31-37 H3590.1.05 P. Srinivasa Rao, "The place of morality in karma yoga", Darshana 32.4, 1992, 45-50 H3590.1.1 V.K.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Liberation is not the result of karma",TVOS 17, 1992, 113-120 H3590.1.5 Joachim Schickel, Indische Philosoophie und Europaische Rezeption. Koln 1992 H3590.2 Brinda Sen, "Is akasa a proper ame?", JJP 4.1, 1992, 43-58 H3590.2.5 Kaikhusru Dunjibhoy Sethne, The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo. Second edition. Pondicherry 1992. H3590.3 Shri Niwas Sharma, A Critical and Comparative Re-evaluation of Ethics of the Neo-Vedanta. Moradabad 1992 H3590.5 Prem Sobel, The Life Divine Concordance. Pondicherry 1992 H3590.6 N.Subramanian, "Concept and role of tolerancei n Indian cu lture", TIC 89-120 H3590.8 Melitta Waligore, "The impact of modernity on modern Indian philosophy", VQ 3, 1992, 1-15 H3591 Karel Werner, "Pratyaksa and darsana. Indian theories of perception and knowledge", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 483-484 H3592 Albrecht Wezler, "Paralipomena zum Sarvasarvatmakatvavada II. On the Sarvasarvatmakatvavada and its relation to the Vrksayurveda", SII 16-17, 1992, 287-316 H3592.0 B. Tanji Acharya, "Relevance of God in modern context", RIPMC 142-148 H3592.0.1 Maheshwari Arulchelvan, "The eternal eve: matter in Hindu philosophical thought", SLJH 19.1-2, 1993, 34-45 H3592.0.2 Anindita Niyogi Balslev, "The influence of phenomenology on J.N.Mohanty's understanding of 'consciousness' in Indian philosophy", PhenomEW 245-254 H3592.0.2.5 Anindita N. Balselv, "Time and the Indian experience", RandT 163-181 H3592.0.3 D.K.Banerjee, "Significance of supernormal powers in spiritual life", AsBud 87-91 H3592.0.4 S.S.Barlingay, "Vedantic thought and the practical Vedanta of Swami Vivekananda", JRS 22.1, 1993, 24-33 H3592.0.5 R.S.Betai, "Free-will in Indian perspective", Samamnaya 2, 1993, 9-22 H3592.1 Shaila Bhandare, Memory in Indian Epistemology: Its Nature and Status. Delhi 1993 H3592.1.0 S.R.Bhatt, "Philosophy, culture and education", RIPMC 108-121 H3592.1.1 Bhaswati Bhattacharya, "Is philosophy linguistic analysis?", PPIBPS 157-165 H3592.2 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Approach to Indology", BRMIC 41, 1993, 384-387 H3592.3.1 S.N.Bhavasar", Prana and universe:, PPIBPS 205-216 H3592.3.5 Saroj Bhutani, "L'Hindouisme: un apersu", RAL 22.1-2, 1993, 38-52 H3592.4 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Pramana epistemology: some recent developments", AP 7, 1993, 137-154 H3593 Purushottama Bilimora, "Is adhikara good enough for 'rights'", AsPOxford 3.1, 1993, 3-14 H3593.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India. Delhi 1993 H3593.1.0.1 Klaus Butzenberger, "Der Zeifel (samsaya, sandhi) in der indischer Philosophie:, BIS 7, 1993, 59-78 H3593.1.0.2 Nalini Chapekar, "Indian conception of liberation", PPIBPS 317-328 H3593.1.0.3 Christopher Key Chapple, Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions. Albany, N.Y. 1993 H3593. Alain Danielou, Virtue, Success, Pleasure and Liberation: the Four Aims of Life in the Tradition of Ancient India. Rochester, Vt., 1993 H3593.1.0.4 Maya Das, "Sarva-mukti: a new dimension in the philosophy of Vivekananda", VJP 29.2, 1993, 31-41 H3593.1.0.5 Maya Das, "The karma theory: in view of recent criticism", VJP 30.1, 1993, A24-31 H3593.1.1 Shiv Das, Flash Light from Sri Aurobindo. New Delhi 1993 H3593.1.2 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "The concept of maya and Dr. Radhakrishnan", PB 98, 1993, 473-476 H3593.1.5 Jeffrey R. First-Harding, The Concept of Revelation in the Works of Sri Aurobindo and Karl Rahmer. Ph.D.Thesis, Catholic University of America 1993 H3593.2 Gavin D. Flood, "The body of Vasudeva and visualization in the Pancaratra", JVaisS 1.3, 1993, 125-133 H3593.2.5 Erich Frauwallner's Posthumous Essays (ed. Jayendra Soni). New Delhi 1994 H3593.3 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Observations on the relationship between Vedic exegesis and philosophical reflection", JOR 56-62, 1986-92, 31-40 H3593.4 Erna M. Hoch, Source and Resources: A Western Psychiatrist's Search for meaning in the Ancient Indian Scriptures. Delhi 1993 H3594 Knut A. Jacobsen, "Ordinary nature: Pakati in the Pali scriptures", AsPOxford 3, 1993, 75-88 H3594.0 H. M. Joshi, "Science and philosophy in K.C.Bhattacharya's thought", JOI 63, 1993, 225-232 H3594.1 R.V.Joshi, "The doctrine of 'aham-artha'", RIBP 247-280 H3594.1.1 R.V.Joshi, "Validity of knowledge: Indian theories", PPIBPS 117-129 H3594.1.3 Kapil Kapoor, "Theorie du romani point de vue Indien", RAL 22.3-4, 1993, 15-24 H3594.1.5 Thomas Kochuthara, Theology of Liberation and Ideology Critique: A study on the Praxis of liberation in the Light of Critical Theory. New Delhi 1993 H3594.1.6 Vladixlov Kostyuchenko, "The modernization of Vedanta", HIndPh 131-153 H3594.1.7 Daya Krishna, "Emerging new approaches in the study of classical Indian philosophy:, in Guttrom Floestad (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy. Vol. 7: Asiatic Philosophy (Dordrecht 1993), 69-82 H3594.1.8 Goswami Kriyananda, Pathway to God-Consciousness. Chicago 1993 H3594.1.9 Marta Kudalska, "Etymology of the word satyam in the light of the concept of Brahman", CracowIS 1 (1992-1993), 179-188 H3594.2 G. N. Kundargi, "The contributions of R. D. Ranade to a correlative study of Eastern and Western philosophy", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 77-92 H3594.3 Lalita Kuppuswami, :Relevance of bhakti in modern age", RIPMC 149-155 H3595 Gerald James Larson, "The trimurti of smrti in classical Indian thought", PEW 43, 1993, 373-388 H3595.1 Christian Lindtner, "The central philosophy of ancient India", AsPOxford 3, 1993, 89-94 H3595.1.0 Alexei Litman, "Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's philosophy", HIndPh 1993, 214-233 H3595.1.1 Vladimir Malikov, "Neo-Hinduism: a continual duality", HIndPh 214-233 H3595.1.2 Sengaku Mayeda and Junzo Tanizawa, "Studies on Indian philosophy in Japan: 1963-87", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 93-100 H3595.1.3 J.N.Mohanty, "Role of 'intuition' in philosophy: does the distinction between Indian and Western philosophy lie here?", PPRAMC 83-92 H3595.1.4 J. N. Mohanty, "Continuing the conversation", PhenomEW 269-288 H3595.1.7 Gerard Mourque, Sri Aurobindo et Teilhard de Chardin. Paris 1993 H3595.2 G.C.Nayak, Evil and the Retributive Hypothesis. Delhi 1993 H3595.4 Claus Oetke, "Controverting the Atman--controversy and the query of segregating philolological and non-philolological issues in studies on Eastern philosophies and religions: comments on some remarks of J. Bronkhorst", SII 18, 1993, 191-212 H3595.4.1 Andre Padoux, "Parole et délivrance. Une mystique à base phonématique", L'Herme 196-204 H3595.4.5 Shakuntale Panjabi, "Relevance of Indian philosophy in modern times", RIPMC 156-159 H3595.4.5.5 T.R.Raghunath, Metaphysics and Human Development: a Study of Aurobindo's Theory of Human Development. Ph.D.Dissertation, McMaster University 1993 H3595.4.6 L. V. Rajagopal, A Critique of Vedanta. New Delhi 1993 H3595.4.8 Som P. Ranchan, Aurobindonian Yoga: a Revisioning. Delhi 1993 H3595.4.9 Dhir Sarangi, "Lw perception sensuelle et sa raison d'etre", RAL 22.3-4, 1993, 69-74 H3595.5 Paramahamsa Omkarnanda Saraswati (tr.), Methods for the Attainment of the Supreme Consciousness. Sivanandanagar 1993 H3595.8 T. R. Sharma, "Psychological analysis of bhakti", LDSBDM 85-94 H3596 Narasinghe P. Sil, "Vivekananda's Ramakrishna: an untold story of mythmaking and propaganda", Numen 40, 1993, 38-62 H3599 V.Shekhawat, "Specific cultures and the coexistence of alternative rationalities: a case study of the contact of Indian and Greco-European cultures", JICPR 9.2, 1993, 121-134 H3599.1 Ramakant Sinari, "The quest for atman: an essay in philosophical anthropology", PPRAMC 92-107 H3600 Harendra Prasad Sinha, Religious Philosophy of Tagore and Radhakrishnan: A Comparative and Analytical Study. Delhi 1993 H3600.00 K.P.Sinha, "The Absolute in the philosophy of Pancaratra", JAssamRS 32.1, 1993, 15-22 H3600.01 Renate Sohnen-Thieme, "On the concept and function of satya (truth)" in ancient Indian literature." CracowIS 1 (1992-1993), 235-252 H3600.0 R.P.Srivastava, "Indian conception of liberation, action and rebirth", PPIBPS 311-316 H3600.1 Amalraj Susai, The Neo-Hindu Concept of Man: In the Light of Sri Aurobindo's Evolutionary Vision. New Delhi 1993 H3601 J. Tanizawa, "Dravyas as referents of pronouns", JIBSt 41.2, 1993, 14-18 H3601.1 Andrei Terentiev, "Logical and methodological schemes of Indian religious philosophy and their interpretation", HIndPh 16-32 H3601.1.1 ViswanathPrasad Varma, Eternality and Freedom. Patna 1993 H3601.2 Vilasini, "Nature and destiny of man in the philosophy of Dr. Radhakrishnan", PB 98, 1993, 313-314 H3601.2.5 Mahaprajna Yuvacharya, "Is moksa santa or ananta?", JICPR 10.3, 1993, 129-136 H3601.3 R.K.Acharjee, "Vaishnavism in retrospect", PB 99, 1994, 498-501 H3601.3.5 Sundndra Sheodas Barlinagy, Confessions and Commitments. New Delhi 1994 H3601.4 S.R.Bhatt, "Philosophy, culture and education", RIPMC 108-121 H3601.4.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Epistemology of testimony and authority: some Indian themes and theories", KW 69-98 H3601.4.6 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Subjectivity, inwardness and transcendence", JIAP 33.1-2, 1994, 1-20 H3601.5 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Of suffering and sentience: the case of animals (revised)", in H. Odera Oruka (ed.), Philosophy, Humanity and Ecology: Philosophy of Nature and Environmental Ethics (Kenya 1994), 329-344 H3601.5.2 Kurethara Sukumaran Bose, "Time, mind and the human construction of reality", JRS 24, 1994, 47-60 H3601.5.3 Christian Bouy, Les Natha-yogin et les Upanishads. Paris 1994 H3601.5.4 Guy Bougault, L'inde pense-t-elle? Paris 1994 H3601.5.5 Arindam Chakraborti, "The Dark Mother Flying Kites: Sri Ramakrishna's metaphysics of morals",Sophia 33.1, 1994, 14-29 H3601.5.6 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Telling as letting know", KW 99-124 H3601.6 Satindranath Chakravart, "Vivekananda's philosophy of man and Marxism", BRBIC 45, 1994, 225-229 H3601.7 Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle, The Origin and Development of Early Indian Contemplative Practices. Studies in Oriental Religions 29. Wiesbaden 1994 H3602 Fred Dallmayr, "Western thought and Indian thought: comments on Ramanujan", PEW 44, 1994, 527-542 H3602.0 Suchita C. Divatia, Idealistic Thought in Indian Philosophy. Contemporary Researches in Hindu Philosophy and Religion Series, No. 1. New Delhi 1994 H3602.0.1 S.P.Dubey, "The concept of bhakti (devotion)", PB 99, 1994, 463-468 H3602.0.1.1 Peter Forrest, "Inherited responsibility, karma, and original sin", Sophia 33.1, 1994, 1-13. Reprinted IPE 4, 269-282 H3602.0.4 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Menschsein und Lebensziehe. Beobachtungen zu den purusarthas", HermE 123-136 H3602.0.4.5 Norvin oHein, "Lila", GatP 13-20 H3602.0.5 H.M.Joshi, "Integral monism of Sri Aurobindo", JPS 2.1, 1994, 39-54 H3602.0.6 N. Kanthasamy, "The means of liberation", JTS 46, 1994, 77-90 H3602.0.8 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Aksepta, arthapatti and laksana", CultInd 103-106 H3602.1 Karen Lang, "Meditation as a tool for deconstructing the phenomenal world", BF 3, 1994, 143-160 H3602.3 N. Malle, "Karma, causality and freedom", IndPQ 21, 1994, 237-248 H3602.5 Bimal Matilal, "Understanding, knowing, and justification", KW 347-366 H3602.3.1 K. K. Misra and N. Radhakrishnan Bhat, eds., Darsana Bharati. Sanskrit Reader for the Post-Graduate Student of Indian Philosophy. Mysore 1994 H3602.3.5 P. K. Mukhopadhyay, "Indian theories of sabdabodha and knowledge reprsentation in AI", IndS 9-51 H3603 A.R.Natarajan (cp.), Sayings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Bangalore 1994 H3603.1 Prema Nandakumar, "Christian contribution to Indian philosophy", JICPR 11.3, 1994, 137-142 H3603.1.5 G. C. Nayak, "Some reflections on problems of language, comptational model, and Sanskrit", IndS 1-8 H3603.2 Gerhard Oberhammer, Offenbarungsgeschichte als Text. Vienna 1994 H3603.3 Gerhard Oberhammer, La déliverance, dés cette vie (jivanmukti). PICI 61, Paris 1994 H3604 Swami Muni Narayana Prasad, Karma and Reincarnation. New Delhi 1994 H3604.5 Arvind Sharma, "Karma and rebirth in Gandhi's tought", GM 16, 1994, 92-99 H3605 Padmaja Sen, Absolute, Self and Consciousness: a Study in K.C.Bhattacharya's Philosophy. Calcutta 1994 H3605.0 C.A.Shaila, "The concept of bhakti. VIJ 31, 1993-194, 139-144 H3605.0.5 Jean-Michel Terdjman, Erreur, ignorance et illusion: d'ares spinoza et Sri Aurobindo. Paris 1994 H3605.1 R. K. Tripathi, "The nature and significance of spirituality", TVOS 19, 1994, 123-135 H3606 R.C.Verma, "Concepts of matter and causality in ancient Indian thought", PURB 35, 1994, 173-195 H3607 C.P.Vilasini, "The modern Indian idealism of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan", PB 99, 1994, 145-148 H3607.5 O.H.de A. Wijesekere, Buddhist and Vedic Studies: A Miscellany. Delhi 1994 H3607.7 Wadhwani-Shah Yashodhara, "Modern-day relevance of certain ideas in ancient Indian philosophy", Sruticintamani 169-178 H3607.9.1 J. G. Arapura, "Radhakrishnan's approach to religious diversity", NEPSR 1995, 187-210 H3607.9.1.5 Krishna Prakash Bahadur, A Source Book of Hindu Philosophy. new Delhi 1995 H3607.9.2 R. Balasubramanian, "The ramifications of the real in the philosophy of inclusiveness", PKSM 1995, 1-34 H3607.9.3 S. S. Barlingay, "Murty's concept of the Indian spirit", PKSM 1995, 241-253 H3607.9.4 S. S. Barlingay, "Some thoughts on concepts in philosophy of Indian origin", PQ n.s. 1.1, 1995, 19-29 H3607.9.5 Prajit K. Basu et al., Some Aspects of India's Philosophical and Scientific Heritage. New Delhi 1995 H3607.9.7 Guy L. Beck, Sonic theology. Hinduism and Sacred Sound. Delhi 1995 H3608 Sukumari Bhattacharji, Fatalism in Ancient India. Calcutta 1995 H3608.4 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Analysis of ought-sentences in Indian philosophy", MMM 177-184 H3608.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "The philosophy of K. Satchidananda Murty", PKSM 1995, 35-77 H3608.5.5 Shlomo Biderman, Scripture and Knowledge: an Essay in Religious Epistemology. London 1995 H3608.6 Purusottama Bilimoria, "'Saving the appearances' in Plato's Academy", NEPSR 1995, 327-344 H3609 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Duhkha and karma: problem of evil and God's omnipotence", Sophia 34.1, 1995, 92-120 H3610 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Ethics of emotion: some Indian reflections", in Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy (ed. Roger Ames and Joel Marks). Albany, N.Y. 1995 H3610.2 Michael C. Brannigan, The Pulse of Wisdom. Belmont, Cal. 1995, 1999, 2000 H3610.4 David M. Brookman, "Radhakrishnan and the development of a global paradigm of meaning", NEPSR 1995, 143-162 H3610.5 B. David Burke, "The idealist tradition: Radhakrishnan and Berkeley", NEPSR 1995, 461-474 H3610.6 Arindam Chakravarti, "The third sense of idealism", NEPSR 1995, 423-442 H3610.7 Narayan Champawat, "Radhakrishnan and the doctrine of karma", NEPSR 1995, 163-173 H3610.8 Christopher Chapple, "Kavis or rsis: the legacy of Radhakrishnan and the discipline of Hindu studies", NEPSR 65-74 H3610.8.5 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Enlightenment, communication and silence", MMM 1-76 H3610.9 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "A bird's eye view on universals", CR 8, 1995, 1-12 H3610.9.5 George Chemparathy, "Radhakrishnana's conception of the Vedas", NEPSR 1995, 103-128 H3610.9.6 John B. Chettimattham, "My encounter with Indian philosophy", CCIP 17-38 H3610.9.7 Vedanta, Science and Religion. Essays by Swami Chinmayananda et al. Napa, Cal. 1995 H3611 Yogendra Chopra, "The significance of Professor Matilal's Logical Illumination of Mysticism in his studies of Indian philosophy", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 79-106 H3611.3 Francis Xavier Clooney, "Religious memory and the pluralism of readings: reflections on Robert de Nobili and the Taittiriya Upanishad", Sophia 34.1, 1995, 204-255 H3611.5 Harold Coward, "The ecological implications of karma theory", RelST 13-14.2-3, 1995, 48-54 H3611.8 A.S.Dalal, Looking from Within: a Seeker's Guide to Attitudes for Mastery and Inner Growth. Ojai, Cal. 1995 H3612 R.N.Dandekar, "Early Indian philosophy: some reflections", JASBe 37.1, 1995, 1-10 H3613 N.S.Dravid, "Negation and negative fact in Western and Indian logic", IndPQ 22, 1995, 197-206 H3613.3 Erik af Edholm, "Dhatuprasada 91", Sauhrdayamangalam 91-116 H3613.5 Girogio Renato Franci, "Contraperspective sul pensiero indiano", SOL 5, 1994-95, 279-288 H3613.7 Dipak Ghosh, "'Tat tvam asi' as viewed by Vedanta teachers", CR n.s. 8, 1995, 49-54 H3613.8 Raghunath Ghose, "Some observations on the views of B.K.Matilal and P.K.Sen on 'The context principle and some Indian controversies over meaning'", JICPR 13.1, 1995, 83-90 H3614 Nicholas F. Gier, "Ahimsa, the self, and postmodernism: Jain, Vedantist and Buddhist perspectives", IPQ 35, 1995, 71-86 H3615 Nirmal Singh Gill, Moksha (Salvation): as Interpreted in Guru Nanak's Bani and Ancient Indian Thought. Chandigarh 1995 H3615.5 Dharmendra Goel, "The concept of karma, freedom and personal identity", MMM 196-205 H3616 A.L.Herman, "Materials for an analysis of a just universe", AsPOxford 5.1, 1995, 3-22 H3616.1 M. Hiriyanna, "Subjective self-less-ness: the message of Indian philosophy", TVOS 20.2, 1995, 42-58 H3617 Sampat Narayan, ed. Prakrti, the Integral Vision. Volume Two:Vedic, Buddhist and Jain Traditions. New Delhi 1995 H3618 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Salvation, civilization and social ethos: an issue in historic Buddhism/Jainism vis-a-vis Brahmanism", JD 20, 1995, 137-153 H3618.2 A. N. Jani, "The concept of puryastaka and its development", SSJ 202-210 H3618.5 Roibert Kleinman, "The mystery of creation in the thought of Radhakrishnan and Sri Aurobindo", NEPSR 1995, 485-496 H3618.6 Vivaldis V. Klive, "Radhakrishnan's Lutheran connection", NEPSR 1995, 15-28 H3618.7 John M. Koller, "Radhakrishnan's philosophy of religion", NEPSR 1995, 309-323 H3618.7.0 Kriyananda, The Laws of Karma: Deeper Insight into the Esoteric Teachings of Kriya Yoga. Chicago 1995 H3618.7.0.5 Pratap Kumar, "Anubhava (intuition): an undeclared epistemological category in Indian philosophy", JISSA 2-3, 1994-95, 43-52 H3618.7.1 P.G.Lalye, "The Panca Mahabhutas", Prakrti4 97-114 H3618.7.5 Henri Le Saux (Abhishiktananda), Wege der Glückseligkeit: Begegnung indischer und christliche Mystik. Munich 1995 H3618.8 Leta Jane Lewis, "Karmic evolution", PB 100, 1995, 357-363 H3618.9 Krishna Mallick, "Radhakrishnan's contributions to philosophy", NEPSR 1995, 89-100 H3618.9.1 B. K. Matilal, "Radhakrishnan and the problems of modernity in Indian thought", NEPSR 1995, 55-64. Reprinted CEBKM 433-440 H3618.9.1.5 Michael McDonald, Towards a Contemporary Theodicy based on a Critical Review of John Hick, David Griffin and Sri Aurobindo. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Hawaii at Manoa 1995 H3618.9.2 Robert N. Minor, "Perennial issues in Radhakrishnan scholarship", NEPSR 1995, 24-42 H3619 Ramprasad Mishra, Fragments of Indian Culture: A Study on Mattamayura Saivism, Vaistavism, Saktaism, Yogini cult, Tantric Buddhism and Minor Religions of Rainpur Jharial. Calcutta 1995 H3620 J.N.Mohanty, "Theory and practice in Indian philosophy", AJP 73, 1995, 1-12. Reprinted EssInP 19-34 H3621 G.C.Nayak, "Are jivanmukta and Bodhisattva ideals asymmetrical?", IndPQ 22, 1995, 215-224 H3621.5 Carl Olson, "Radhakrishnan's understanding of the human body", NEPSR 1995, 367-382 H3622 T.K.Oomman, Alien Concepts and South Asian Reality. New Delhi 1995 H3622.5 Troy Organ, "Radhakrishnan's contributions to Western thought", NEPSR 1995, 75-88 H3623 Dipti Pal, :"The mind and consciousness", BRMIC 46, 1995, 343-351, 413-419 H3623.5 S. L. Pandey, "Scientific thrust of Indian epistemology", PQ n.s. 1.1, 1995, 39-47 H3623.6 S. S. Rama Rao Pappu, "Radhakrishnan and tolerance in Hinduism", NEPSR 1995, 299-308 H3623.7 Kalpana M. Paranjpe, "Nature of physical reality: ancient Indian theories", PURB 26.1-2, 1995, 5-30 H3624 Stephen H. Phillips, Classical Indian Metaphysics. Chicago 1995 H3624.1 Stephen H. Phillips, "The ideal of philosophy as globally informed", PKSM 1995, 110-120 H3625 C.Ram Prasad, "Indian philosophy, mysticism and Matilal", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 105-123 H3626 Kelley Ann Raab, "Is there anything transcendent about transcendence? A philosophical and psychological study of Sri Ramakrishna", JAAR 63, 1995, 321-342 H3627 B.L.Raina, Vedanta: What Can It Teach? Delhi 1995 H3627.5 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "Some reflections on religion and anomalies of consciousness", JIndPsych 13, 1995, 1-15 H3628 Mikal Austria Redford, "Sallekhana, ahimsa, and the Western paradox", Jinamanjari 11, 1995, 23-39 H3628.5 Judy Saltzman, "The individual and the avatara in the thought of Radhakrishnan", NEPSR 1995, 405-422 H3628.6 Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, Hindu Dharma: the Universal Way of Life. Bombay 1995 H3629 Anil Kumar Sarkar, Triadic Avenues of India's Cultural Prospects. Philosophy, Physics, and Politics. New Delhi 1995 H3629.1 Anil Sarkar, "Radhakrishnan and Whitehead" their philosophic methods from East-West perspective", NEPSR 1995, 507-522 H3629.5 V. Kutumba Sastry, "Arthapatti--as a distinct source of knowledge", MO 17, 1995, 16-23 H3629.7 Paul Arthur Schilpp, "Sarvepalli Radhkrishnan: the philosophical bridge between Orient and Occident", NEPSR 1995, 3-14 H3629.7.3 Renu Sharma, "A note on samskara", JIndPsych 13.1, 1995, 51-53 H3629.7.5 Nikky Guninder Kaur Singh, "Crossing the razor's edge. Somerset Maugham and Hindu philosophy", JRS 26.1-2, 1995, 50-70 H3629.8 William Cantwell Smith, "Vedanta and the modern age", RelST 13-14.1, 1995, 12-20 H3630 Frits Staal, "The Sanskrit of science", JIP 23, 1995, 73-126 H3630.1 Richard Stadelman, "Radhakrishnan's pantheism: internal relations to God's mode of being", NEPSR 1995, 345-366 H3630.3 Kevin Sullivan, "The problem of evil in Radhakrishnan and Aurobindo", NEPSR 1995, 497-506 H3631 Alok Tandon, "Devaraja's theory of person: some reflections", JICPR 12.2, 1995, 124-127 H3631.3 Donald Tuck, "Radhakrishnan's eternal religion (sanatana dharma) and the religious", NEPSR 1995, 245-264 H3631.5 Joseph Vrinte, The Concept of personality in Sri Aurobindo's integral Yoga Psychology and A. Maslow's Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology. New Delhi 1995 H3632 Alex Wayman, "Remarks on three Radhakrishnan introductions", NEPSR 1995, 43-54 H3632.7 Boyd Wilson, "Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's use of Christian scripture", NEPSR 1995, 265-298 H3633 Bibhuti S. Yadav and William C. Allen, "Between Vasubandhu and Kumarila", JD 20, 1995, 154-177 H3633.4 Yogeshananda, Six Lighted Windows: memories of the Swamis of the West. Atlanta, Ga. 1995 H3633.7 Kala Acharya, "Interpretation of the word kusala in Vedic and Buddhist traditions", BudIA 1996, 114-126 H3633.7.5 M. Aruchelvan, "Common similes and metaphors in Hindu philosophical literature", SLJH 22, 1996, 28-36 H3633.8 Anindita N. Balslev, "Time, self and consciousness in the Brahmanical tradition: an over-all view", ALB 60, 1996, 149-166 H3634 Sures Candra Banerji, A Companion to Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1996 H3634.0 S. P. Banerjee, "The purpose of man in the tradition of Indian philosophy", BRMIC 47, 1996: 425, 482 H3634.0.1 S.P.Banerjee, "Faith and reason: the Indian science and experience", JUG 38, 1996, 1-6 H3634.0.5 Archana Barua, The Tradition of Religion in Assam: a philosophical Study. Calcutta 1996 H3634.1 Bettina Bäumer, ed. Kalatattvakasa (Primal Elements-Mah H3634.2 Vinayak P. Bhatt, "Analysis of the agency (kartrtva)", BDCRI 56-57, 1996-97, 279-286 H3634.4 Kamaleshwar Bhattacharya, "Sur la base grammaticale de la pensee indienne", LSS 171-186 H3635 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Plurality of religions", BRMIC 47, 1996, 223-230 H3635.5 Arno Bohler, Das Gedachtnis der Zukunft: Ansatze zu einer Fundamentalontologie der Freiheit bei Martin Heidegger und Aurobindo Ghose. Wien 1996 H3636 Klaus Butzenbarger, "On doubting what there is not: the doctrine of doubt and the referents of terms in Indian grammar, logic and philosophy of language, "JIP 24, 1996, 363-406 H3636.1 Klaus Butzenbarger, "Ancient Indian conception of man's destiny after death. The beginnings and the early development of transmigration", BIS 8-10, 1996, 55-118 H3636.5 Pratap Chandra, "Daya Krishna on Indian thought: some unanalysed assumptions", PDK, 1996, 113-121 H3636.7 John B. Chettimattam, Experience and Philosophy. Bangalore 1996 H3636.8 Francis Xavier Clooney, Peering into the Mouth of God: Reflections on the Dangerous Possibility of Really Taking Religions Seriously. Santa Clara, Ca. 1996 H3637 L. S. Cousins, "The origin of insight meditation", BF 4, 1996, 35-58 H3637.5 Fred Dallmayr, "Heidegger, bhakri and Vedanta--a tribute to J. L. Mehta", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 117-144 H3638 R. N. Dandekar, "Beginnings of Indian philosophy: some casual impressions", NNSFV 77-80 H3638.1 R. K. Dasgupta, Swami Vivekananda on Indian Philosophy and Literature. Calcutta 1996 H3638.5 John Dobson, "The equations of maya", VK 83, 1996, 47-109 H3639.6 S.P.Dubey, Indian Philosophy and History. New Delhi 1996 H3639.7 S.P.Dubey, "The Indian view of life", JRS 17.1-2, 1996, 50-58 H3639.4 Gavin Flood, An Introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge 1996 H3640 Jonardon Ganeri, "Meaning and reference in classical India", JIP 24, 1996, 1-19 H3641 Jonardon Ganeri, "The Hindu syllogism: nineteenth century perceptions of Indian logical thought", PEW 46, 1996, 1-16 H3641.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "Rasvihary Das on 'value of doubt': some reflections", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 97-106 H3641.5.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of mind in modern Indian thought with special reference to Sri Surobindo, Rabindranath and K.C.Bhattacharya", Darshana 36.3, 1996, 49-56 H3641.6 Santikumar Ghosh, "Universal values as reflected in literature", BRMIC 47, 1996: 431, 488 H3641.7 Bart Gruzalski, "The possibility of nonattachment", BEWC, 1996, 3-14 H3641.7.5 Robert E. Gussner, Ending the Enslaving Power of Karma Doctrine: Oshe Rajneesh's Teachings on Awareness, Karma and Rebirth. Bundoora, Victoria 1996 H3641.8 Masaaki Hattori, "Discussions on jatimat as the meaning of a word", Srijnanamrtam 387-394 H3642 R.I.Ingalalli, "Perceptual knowledge", PTG 30.3, 1996, 9-25 H3643 N. Jayashanmukhan, "Some elusive mantra-s of the Isavasya Upanisad", ALB 60, 1996, 167-180 H3644 Saral Jhingram, "An inquiry into ethical relativism in Hindu thought", IndPQ 23, 1996, 363-378 H3645 Laksman Sastri Joshi, Critique of Hinduism and Other Religions. Translated by Suman Oak. Bombay 1996 H3646 Daya Krishna, The Problematic and Conceptual Structure of Classical Indian Thought about Man, Society and Polity. New Delhi 1996 H3646.1 Daya Krishna, "Indian philosophy in the first millenium A.D.: fact or fiction?", JICPR 13.3, 1996, 127-136 (comments by K. Satchidananda Murty, p. 150). Reprinted under a somewhat different title, DDIP 71-80, with comments H3646.2 Daya Krishna, "Response to my critics", PDK, 1996, 1261-1329 H3646.3 Daya Krishna, "Potter's new Bibliography of Indian Philosophy: one step forward and three steps backward", JICPR 13.3, 1996, 162-168 H3646.4 Daya Krishna, "The myth of the purusarthas", JICPR 4.1, 1986. Reprinted IPACP 381-406 H3647 J. N. Mohanty, "Nature of Indian philosophy: the pramana theory (I)", BRMIC 47, 1996, 191-196, 243-299. Reprinted ExinP 3-18 H3647.1 J. N. Mohanty, "Some thoughts on Daya Krishna's 'three myths'", PDK, 1996, 68-80 H3647.2 J. N. Mohanty, "Self and other: inter-cultural understanding", BRMIC 47, 1996: 473, 523 H3647.5 P. K. Mukhopadhyaya, "Time: a reality or a construct?", CTAM, 1996, 52-60 H3647.6 K. Krishna Murthy, "Dharma--its etymology", TJ 22.1, 1996, 84-87 H3647.7 G. C. Nayak, "Approach of Hinduism to its scriptures", JD 21, 1996, 307-319 H3648 Claus Oetke, "Ancient Indian logic as a theory of nonmetonomic reasoning", JIP 24, 1996, 447-539 H3648.5 G. C. Pande, "Time--concept and content (reflections in the light of spiritual phenomenology"", CTAM, 1996, 35-38 H3648.6 Kalpana H. Pranjpe, Ancient Indian Insights and Modern Science, Pune 1996 H3648.7 Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, "On talk of modes of thought", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 1-18 H3648.8 Ramakrishnananda, "Is a belief in transmigration consistent with reasoning?", Dilip 21.3, 1995, 37-40; 21.4, 1995, 33-36; 22.1, 1996, 33-36 H3648.8.1 Vijaya Rani, "Prasanganumana: an analysis", Srijnanamrtam 433-441 H3648.8.2 Srinivasa Rao, "The human person: a short note on the Vedantic perspective", JD 21, 1996, 17-23 H3648.3 S.Revathy, "On the perceptuality of verbal knowledge", TVOS 21.2, 1996, 63-77 H3648.5 Rinchen, "Influence of Indian philosophy on Mongaolian shamanism", ICWTC 409-412 H3648.9 Ambika Datta Sarma, "A response to 'What exactly is meant when we talk of different types of philosophical texts in the Indian tradition' by Daya Krishna", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 181-184 H3648.9.5 Raghu Nath Shama, Bhakti in the Vaisnava Rasa-Sastra. Delhi 1996 H3648.9.0 Satprem, La tragedie de la terre de Sophocle a Sri Aurobindo. Paris 1996, 1998 H3648.9.1 Peter M. Scharf, The Denotation of Generic Terms in Ancient Indian Philosophy: Grammar, Nyaya and Mimamsa. Philadelphia 1996 H3648.9.2 Vincent Sekhar, "The human person from sramana perspective", JD 21, 1996, 24-38 H3648.9.2.5 Prabal Kumar Sen, "The concept of body in classical Indian philosophy", JJP 8.2, 1996, 35-48 H3648.9.3 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Philosophy as critical reflection: the philosophy of Rasvihary Das", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 107-116 H3648.9.4 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence", BRMIC 47, 1996: 289, 350, 389 H3648.9.5 K. J. Shah, "Philosophy, religion, morality, and spirituality: some issues", PDK, 1996, 97-112 H3649 Arvind Sharma, "The issue of memory as a pramana and its implication for the confirmation of reincarnation in Hinduism", JIP 24, 1996, 21-36 H3649.5 Arvind Sharma, "Hindu contribution to the discussion of truth in the cross-cultural philosophy of religion", CV 1, 1995-96, 19-25 H3650 Arvind Sharma, "On the distinction between karma and rebirth in Hinduism", AsPOxford 6.1, 1996, 29-36 H3650.1 Ryokai Shiraishi, Asceticism in Buddhism and Brahmanism. A Comparative Study. Buddhica Britannica Series Contina VI. Tring, U.K. 1996 H3650.2 Debabrata Sinha, Understanding in Human Context. New York 1996 H3650.5 Venkatalakshmi, "Epistemology of Sri Aurobindo", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 111-136 H3650.6 Mary M. Walker, "Basanta Kumar Mallik and the negation", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 95-110 H3651 Patricia Walsh-Frank, "Compassion: an East-West comparison", AsPOxford 6.1, 1996, 5-16 H3652 Karel Werner, "Indian conceptions of human personality", AsPOxford 6.2, 1996, 93-108 H3652.0 Aurobindo, Complete Works. Pondicherry 1997, 1998 H3652.05 R. Balasubramanian, "Being and beings: some epistemological and metaphysical considerations", TVOS 22.2, 1997, 97-131 H3652.1 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "The concept of man in Indian philosophy", BRMIC 48, 1997: 16, 142, 191 H3652.1.5 Girish Baruah, "Spirituality without spiritualism: a reply to Radhakrishnan", Darshana 27.4, 1997, 14-18 H3652.2 Bhaswati Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of skeptical arguments: a note", EssInP 185-196 H3652.3 Chandidas Bhattacharya, Bearers of Meaning: a Traditional Approach. Calcutta 1997 H3653 Vijay Bhattacharya, "Logic and language in Indian philosophy", CEAP 230-250 H3653.3 Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, "Insight by the nature method", TMW 106-112 H3653.7 Dhammika Bhikhu, "A spectrum of meditative practice",TMW 85-96 H3654 John Brockington, "The origins of Indian philosophy", CEAP 97-113 H3654.3 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Langage et realite: sur une episode de la pensee indienne", Annuaire EPHE 105, 1996-97, 179-183 H3654.7 Achaan Chah, "Observing your mind", TMW 97-105 H3655 Arindam Chakraborty, Mind-Body Dualism: A Philosophical Investigation. New Delhi 1997 H3656 Arindam Chakraborty, "Rationality in Indian philosophy", CWP 1997, 259-278 H3657 Arindam Chakrabarti, Denying Existence: the Logic, Epistemology, and Pragmatics of Negative Existentials and Fictional Discourse. Dordrecht 1997 H3660 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, "The truth about perceptual error", EssInP 297-312 H3661 Amita Chatterjee, "Truth in Indian philosophy", CWP 1997, 334-338 H3662 Margaret Chatterjee, "Some Indian strands of thought relating to the problem of evil", RSB 1997, 319-335 H3664 George Chemparathy, "Der Mensch im Wesen Kreislauf", CIDB 179-288 H3665 Francis Chenab, Psychogenese et cosmogonie dans certain textes philosophique indiens. Doctoral thesis, Paris-Sorbonne 1997 H3666 Sarasvati Chennakesavan and K. Vasudeva Reddy, "Morals and society in Indian philosophy", CEAP 266-280 H3666.3 Lopamudra Choudhury, "Concept of matter in physics and philosophy", JIAP 36, 1997, 77-87 H3666.5 Francis X. Clooney, "What's a god? The quest for the right understanding of devata in the Brahmanical ritual theory (mimamsa)", IJHS 1, 1997, 337-385 H3667 Michael Comans, "Later Vedanta", CEAP 211-229 H3667.5 Rachel Peter Das, Essays on Vaisnavism in Bengal. Calcutta 1997 H3667.8 Dhiravamsa, "The meditative mind", TMW 123-135 H3668 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyaya, "Compatibility and sentence-meaning", EssInP 439-450 H3669 Jayadal Goyandkar, "Transmigration of soul", Dilip 23, 1997: 2.24; 3.16 H3671 N. V. George, The Doctrine of Incarnation: Vaishnavism and Christianity. Delhi 1997 H3672 Edwin Gerow, "Indian aesthetics: a philosophical summary", CWP 304-323 H3673 Brendan S. Gillon, "Negative facts and knowledge of negative facts", RSB 1997, 128-149 H3674 Vijaya Goswami, "Laksana vs. vyanjana", EssInP 461-490 H3674.5 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Research and reflection: responses to my respondents:, BOr 1-25, 141-159, 297-315, 471-486, 587-596 H3674.6 Jane Hamilton-Merritt, "From a meditator's diary", TMW 208-218 H3674.7 Jan C. Heesterman, "Die Interiorisierung der Opfers und der Aufstieg des Selbst (atman)", CIDB 289-328 H3675 Radhika Herzberger and Hans G. Herzberger, "Two truths, or one?", RSB 1997, 278-300 H3680 Monika Horstmann, "Bhakti and monasticism", HindRec 228-245 H3680.5 H. C. Jain, "Religion and science are complementary", MDAA 198-201 H3681 N. Jayashanmukhan, "The mission of the original Vedanta", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 65-74 H3681.5 S.N.Kandaswamy, "The concept of soul in the neo-Vedic systems", JAsSt 15.1, 1997, 111-125 H3681.6 Chris Kang, "Experiences in meditation", TMW 197-207 H3682 N. M. Kansara, "The concept of antarvyapti: sources, development, and implications", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 121-140 H3683 H. K. Kesava, Science and Mysticism. New Delhi 1997 H3686 Catharine Kiehnle, "The Lotus of the Heart", SII 21, 1997, 91-104 H3687 John M. Koller, "Humankind and nature in Indian philosophy", CWP 1997, 279-289 H3688 Yuvraj Krishan, The Doctrine of Karman (Its Origin and Development in Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Jaina Traditions). Delhi 1997 H3689 Daya Krishna, "Potter's clarification--does it change the situation?", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 123 H3690 Daya Krishna, "Socio-political thought in classical India", CWP 1997, 237-247 H3691 Daya Krishna, Indian Philosophy: A New Approach. Delhi 1997 H3691.5 F.B.J. Kuiper, "The Interpretation of Chandogya Upanisad III.1.2", in F.B.J. Kuiper, Selected Writings of Indian Linguistics and Philology (eds A. Lubotsky, M.S. Oort and M. Witzel), Amsterdam, Atlanta, 1997, 377-380 H3696 Gerald James Larson, "Indian conceptions of reality and divinity", CWP 1997, 248-258 H3697 Gerald James Larson, "India's contribution to world philosophy", BRMIC 48, 1997, 555-564 H3697.4 Sengaku Mayeda, "What lies at the basis of Indian philosophy", IndBeyond 348-360 H3697.5 Jitendra Nath Mohanty, "Between Indology and Indian philosophy", BOr 163-170 H3698 Shefali Moitra, "Women and Indian philosophy: Indian women and philosophy", EssInP 585-600 H3699 Amiya Kumar Mazumdar, "Swami Vivekananda's interpretation of Indian philosophy", BRMIC 48, 1997, 181 H3700 J. N. Mohanty, "A history of Indian philosophy", CWP 1997, 24-48. Reprinted ExinP 75-82 H3701 J. N. Mohanty, 'The idea of the good in Indian thought", CWP 1997, 290-303 H3702 J. N. Mohanty, "The Hindu philosopher's criticisms of Buddhist philosophy", EssInP 171-184. Reprinted ExinP 114-125 H3703 A. P. Mukundan, Unto Brahma Consciousness. Faridabad 1997 H3704 K. Satchidananda Murty, "On 'here' (iha) and 'there' (amitra) and 'the excellent' (sreyas) and 'the pleasant' (sukha)", TMIJ 3-16 H3705 G. Oberhammer, "Bemerkungen zu Phänomen religiöser Tradition in Hinduismus", SHVH 9-42 H3705.1 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Der Weg der Erkenntnis", CIDB 373-428 H3705.2 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Offenbarung in Hindouismus", CIDB 121-178 H3706 Joseph S. O'Leary, "Heidegger and Indian philosophy", BOr 171-204 H3707 Patrick Olivelle, "Amrta: woman and Indian technologies of immortality", JIP 25, 1997, 427-449 H3708 Patrick Olivelle, "Orgasmic rapture and divine ecstacy: the semantic history of ananda", JIP 25, 1997, 153-180 H3708.3 Andre Padoux, "Indische Heilsstreben zwischen Emancipation und Einswerdung", CIDB 329-372 H3708.5 Sushmita Pandey, "Bhakti and rasa: their historical connection and philosophical meaning", Bharati 22-23, 1995-97, 27-32 H3708.7 Roy W. Perrett, "Religion and politics in India: some philosophical perspectives", Religious Studies 33, 1997, 1-14. Reprinted IPE 4, 255-308 H3709 Stephen H. Phillips, "The self and person in Indian philosophy", CWP 1997, 251-265 H3710 Karl H. Potter, "Knowledge and reality in Indian philosophy", CEAP 251-265 H3711 Karl H. Potter, "Reply to Daya Krishna's review of Bibliography of Indian Philosophies (Third Edition)", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 120-122 H3712 Anatanand Rambachan, "Hinduism", LADWR 1997, 66-86 H3813 D. Venkat Rao, "The outpoured idiom of Dallmayr, Matilal, and Ramanujan's 'way of thinking'", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 99-122 H3813.2 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "Two faces of consciousness–a look at eastern and western perspectives", JIndPsych 15, 1997, 1-24 H3813.4 P. V. Krishna Rao, "Indian philosophical psychology in the context of contemporary psychology: a general appraisal", JIndPsych 15, 1997, 25-30 H3813.5 Srinivasa Rao, "'Subordinate' or 'supreme'? The nature of reason in India and the West", BOr 205-220 H3813.7 P. Rathinasabarapathi, "The different types of bhaktias found in Indian philosophy", JAU 39, 1997, 171-178 H3814 A. Roy, "Contemporary Indian philosophy", CEAP 281-301 H3815 Krishna Roy, "The role of interpretation in Indian tradition", EssInP 601-604 H3818 Hammalawa Saddhatissa, "The enigma of life after death", WFBR 34.1-2, 1997, 9-12 H3821 A.D.Sharma and S.K.Shukla, "Pramana samplava and pramana vyavastha", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 83-98 H3821.3 J.L.Sharma, "The science of philosophy: the philosophy of science", BhV 57, 1997, 1-20 H3821.7 Godwin Sarmararatna, "Watching thojghtsd and emotions", TMW 136-145 H3822 K. Srinivasa Sastry, The Sarovar and the Swan. Hyderabad 1997 H3822.3 Mahasi Sayadaw, "Insight through mindfulness",TMW 113-122 H3822.5 Ben-Ami Scharfstein, "The three philosophical traditions", BOr 235-296 H3823 Pranab Kumar Sen, "The concept of prama", EssInP 249-260 H3823.3 Shambhu Prasad Singh, "Analysis of presumption", Darshana 27.4, 1997, 61-66 H3823.7 Donald K. Swearer, "A student's response to meditation", TMW 219=227 H3823.4 Georges van Vrekham, Beyond Man: Life and Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. New Delhi 1997 H3823.5 T. Venkatacayra, "Sarvadharma paritajya (BG XVVV.66): applicability to the three types of karmans", Alb 61, 1997, 69-92 H3823.8 Roger Walsh, "Initial meditative experiences", TMW 228-243 H3824 Karel Werner, "Non-orthodox Indian philosophers", CEAP 114-131 H3830 Lama Yeshe, "Meditation in Tantra", TMW 175-193 H3838 R. Balasubramanian, T.M.P.Mahadevan. New Delhi 1998 H3840 Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy: Some Glimpses. New Delhi 1998 H3841 S.S.Barlingay, A Modern Introduction to Indian Ethics. Delhi 1998 H3842 H. Bodewitz, "The Hindu doctrine of transmigration. Its origin and background", ITaur 23-24, 1998-99, 583-606 H3843 Torkel Brekke, "Contradiction and the merit of giving in Indian religions", Numen 45, 1998, 287-320 H3845 Klaus Butzenberger, "Ancient conceptions on man's destiny after death. The beginnings and the early development of the doctrine of transmigration II:, BIS 11-12, 1998, 1-84 H3847 Aparna Chakraborty, Karma, Freedom, and Responsibility. New Delhi 1998 H3848 Arindam Chakraborty, "Shadows: the ontology of contoured darkness", JICPR 16.1, 1998, 19-42 H3848.5 B. Chandrika, "The relevance of atmabodha or self-knowledge in this century", VIJ 35-36, 1997-98, 158-164 H3849 Francois Chenet, La philosophie indienne. Paris 1998 H3850 Fancis Xavier Clooney, Hindu Wisdom for All God's Children. Maryknoll, N.Y. 1998 H3850.1 Francis X. Clooney, "Scholasticism in encounter: working through a Hindu example", Scholasticism 177-200 H3850.5 Harold Coward, "The ecological implications of karma theory", PEBG 39-50 H3850.6 Dharmavir, "Concept of God in Indian philosophy", VIJ 35-36, 1997-98, 148-152 H3851 Hubert Durt, "Two interpretations of human-flesh offering: misdeed or supreme sacrifice?", JIACABS 1, 1998, 236-253 H3852 R.K.Das Gupta, "The philosophy of Swami Vivekananda", BRMIC 49, 1998: 353, 409, 454, 521, 552; 49-50, 1999, 5-13 H3854 Christine Devin (ed.), LInde et la renaissance de la terre: extraits des oevres, conversations et discours de Sri Aurobindo. Paris 1998 H3856 P.D.Dharwarker, "The human mind in Indian philosophy", PTG 33.1, 1998, 22-30 H3859 Raghunath Ghosh, "Methodology in Indian philosophical research", ResIn 19-25 H3860 Raghunath Giri, "The karmayoga (path of action) in the philosophy of the Puranas", Purana 40, 1998, 102-119 H3861 Amit Goswami, "Death and the quantum: a new science of survival and reincarnation", VQ 7.2, 1998, 1-24; 7.3, 1998, 17-48 H3862 N.L.Gupta, Encyclopedic Survey of Oriental Thought. New Delhi 1998 H3863 Harshananda, "Concern for the poor in Hinduism", VK 85, 1998, 462-463 H3863.5 Richard P. Hayes, "Indian and Tibetan philosophy", Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 4, 1998, 736-740 H3863.6 Richard P. Hayes, "Potentiality, Indian theories of", Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 7, 1998, 604-608 H3865 Peter Heehs (ed.), The Essential Writings of Sri Aurobindo. Delhi 1998 H3868 N. Jayashanmugam, Veda and Vedanta: New Interpretations. Delhi 1998 H3869 V. N. Jha, "The philosophy of creation and appreciation of a literary art-form", JASBo 73, 1998, 50-60 H3869.5 K. Kapoor, "Le concept de padartha dans le langue et dans la philosophie" (tr. Latika Sahyal), RAL 27.2-3, 1998, 43-84 H3870 Klaus K. Klostermaier, A Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Oxford 1998 H3871 Bernhard Kolver, Der Hinduismus: Denken und Weltbild. Munich 1998 H3872 Daya Krishna, "Towards a field theory of Indian philosophy: suggestions for a new way of looking at Indian philosophy", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 81-88 H3873 Y. Krishna, "The nature of karma: is it material and physical or immaterial and metapysical?", CV 3, 1997-98, 121-124 H3874 Pramod Kumar, Negation, Logic and Semantics. Patna 1998 H3876 Gerald James Larson, "Indian philosophy: its relevance today", BRMIC 49, 1998, 310-317 H3878 Michael P. Levine, "No-self, real self, ignorance and self-deception: does self-deception require a self?", AsPOxford 8, 1998, 103-110 H3880 Bimal Krishna Matilal, The Character of Logic in India (ed. Jonardon Ganeri and Heeraman Tiwari). Albany, N.Y. 1998. Chapter One: "Introducing Indian logic" reprinted ILAR 183-215 H3882 Ramacandra Misra, The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo. Delhi 1998 H3883 Vidhata Mishra, "Concept of self (atman)", VIJ 35-36, 1997-98, 141-147 H3884 J.N.Mohanty, "What the East and the West can learn from each other in philosophy", BRMIC 49, 1998, 15-19. Reprinted ExinP 83-90 H3885 G.C.Nayak, "Karma, causality and retributive morality: a review", PQJNMU 4, 1998, 87-102 H3886 Bibhu Padi and Minakshi Padhi, Indian Philosophy and Religion: a Reader's Guide. New Delhi 1998 H3888 Roy W. Perrett, "Truth, relativism and Western conceptions of Indian philosophy", AsPOxford 8, 1998, 19-30 H3889 K.V.Rajagopal, "The five colors (panca varnam)", FacIC 522-525 H3889.5 Srinivasa Rao, Perceptual Error. The Indian Theories. Honolulu 1998 H3890 Veluri Subba Rao, Theories of Knowledge: Its Validity and Its Sources. Three volumes. Delhi 1998 H3891 D. Satyanarayana, "Kriyayoga", SVUOJ 41, 1996, 89-106 H3892 N. J. Shah, Essays in Indian Philosophical Sanskrit. Sanskriti Granthamala 6. 1998 H3893 Arvind Sharma, "A Hindu philosophical perspective on the study of religion", Dilip 24.2, 1998, 23-24 H3894 J.L.Shaw, "Concepts of existence in contemporary Western philosophy and classical Indian philosophy", BRMIC 49, 1998, 266-275 H3895 V. Shekhawat, "Theory of yukti or argument-unit, JICPR 15.3, 1998, 33-46 H3897 Frederick M. Smith, "Notes on the development of bhakti", JVaisS 6.1, 1998, 17-36 H3899 Kedar Nath Tiwari, Classical Indian Ethical Thought (A Philosophical Study of Hindu, Jaina and Bauddha Morals), Delhi 1998 H3902 R.N.Vyas, God, Existence, Experience and Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1998 H3903 J. Donald Waters, Superconsciousness: a Guide to Meditation. New Delhi 1998 H3904 David Gordon White, "Transformations in the art of love: Kamakala practices in Hindu Tantric and Kaula traditions", HistR 38, 1998, 192-198 H3906 Yatishwarananda, "The unreality of the world", VK 85, 1998, 15-20 H3908 S.S.Antarkar, "Hinduism and some of its major cosmologies", DHCCR 137-148 H3910 Aroarindam, Attempt: the Journal of a Spiritual Journey in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Victoria, B.C. 1999 H3911 D.D.Bandiste, HUmanist Values: a Source Book. Delhi 1999 H3912 S.S.Barlingay, "The concept of sadhanikarana", WIT 310-314 H3913 N.J.Baxi, "rebirth", BhV 59, 1999, 51-56 H3914 Debiprasad Bhattacharya, "Vaishnavism", BRMIC 49-50. 1999, 77-83, 117-125 H3915 Banamali Biswas, "Turning points in the concept of samasasakti", TPIST 102-130 H3916 Bijan Biswas, "Pratyaksa and its two dimensions", IndPQ 26, 1999, 37-58 H3918 Rudolf Bradner, "Should we try to understand Indian philosophy on the Western model? A fundamental defect in Daya Krishna's approach to the understanding of Indian philosophy", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 141-145 H3918.5 Francis Brassard, "The concept of buddhi in the Bhagavadgita", CaT 91-98 H3919 Johannes Bronkhorst, Why Is There Philosophy in India? Amsterdam 1999 H3920 Johannes Bronkhorst, Langage et Realite: Sur un episode de la pensee indienne. Turnhout 1999? H3921 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Satkaryavada and asatkaryavada", CandI 43-56 H3922 Maya Burger and Peter Schreiner (eds.), The Perception of the Elements in the Hindu Tradition. Studia Relligiosa Helvetia Jahrbuch 4/5, Bern 1999 H3923 T. Chellaswami, Karma Theory. Channai 1999 H3925 Bhupendra Chandra Das, "Some problems concerning samanyalaksana pratyaksa", Darshana 39.4, 1999, 62-74 H3926 Nilakantha Dash, "On the meaning of samanyalaksanapratyasatti", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 109-120 H3929 Gunilla Grem-Ecklund, "The meanings of word are the categories of things--Indian and Aristotelian", OS 68, 1999, 43-48 H3929.5 WilhelmHalbfass, "Prasenz und reprasentation des Absoluten im Vedanta", RZVT 37-62 H3930 Shaman Hatley and Syoheil Inayatullah, "Karma samnyasa: Sarkar's reconceptualization of Indian asceticism", JAAS 34, 1999, 139-151 H3931 J.C.Heestermann, "Zum Begriff des apurva", RZVT 115-130 H3932 Shoun Hino, "Hindu types of liberaiton", WIT 176-184 H3932.5 Jagatpal, "Does the idea of niskama karma rest on a mistake?", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 129-140 H3932.8 S. N. Kandasamy, "The tyes of syllogism in Indian logic with special reference to Tamil", JAsSt 17.1, 1999, 19-44 H3933 Kyo Kano, "On anyathanupapatti and avita/avita", DTI 173-184 H3935 Meena A. Kelkar, "Man-woman relationship in Indian philosophy", IndPQ 26, 1999, 71-88 H3936 Richard King, Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India, and the Mystic East.London 1999 H3937 Richard King, Indian Philosophy. Washington, D.C. 1999 H3938 Shashi Prabha Kumar, Facets of Indian Philosophical Thought. Delhi 1999 H3939 Satyajit Layak, "Is dream remembrance? Philosophical query", JUJI 5, 1999, 111-117 H3940 Christian Lindtner, "From Brahmanism to Buddhism", AsPOxford 9.1, 1999, 5-38 H3940.5 Girishwar Misra, "Toward an indigenous psychology of cognition: knowing in the Indian tradition", JIndPsych 17.1, 1999, 1-22 H3941 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, Cognitive Scepticism and Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1999 H3942 J.N.Mohanty, Classical Indian Philosophy. Lanham, Md. 1999 H3942.5 Claus Oetke, "Anmerkungen zu einer kurzlich propagierten Auffassung von philologischer Textinterpretation", SII 22, 1999, 81-88 H3943 Carl Olson, "Rationality and madness: the post-modern embrace on Dionysius and the neo-Vedanta response of Radhakrishnan", AsPOxford 9.1, 1999, 39-50 H3944 Jagat Pal, "Does the idea of niskama karmarest on a mistake?", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 129-140 H3945 Roy W. Perrett, "History, time and knowledge in ancient India", in History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History 38, 1999, 307-321 H3946 Robert Powell, Discovering the Life Beyond Appearance: Pointers to the Inexpressible. San Diego, Cal. 1999 H3947 Karin Preisedanz, "Zu einer zentralen philosophischen Kontroverse mit den 'orthodoxen' philosophen", BGG 185-206 H3948 Sumitra Purkayastha, "G.R.Malkani on the law of karma", PQJNMU 5.3-4, 1999, 131-140 H3948.5 S.K. Ramachandra Rao, Darsanodaya. Early Indian Thought. Bangalore 1999 H3949 S. Revaty, "Validity of knowledge; intrinsic or extrinsic?", ALB 63, 1999, 23-38 H3949.5 Paul Richardson, "Moksa and its limitations", Darshana 39.4, 1999, 7-13 H3949.8 A. C. Sarangi, "An Indian approach to sense and reference", JUJI 5, 1999, 124-140 H3950 Sanat Kumar Sen, "The problem of suffering", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 126-133 H3951 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Philosophy--theory and practice", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 70-76 H3953 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence: Swami Vivekananda", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 155; 219 H3955 Arvind Sharma, "Jivanmukti in neo-hinduism: the case of Ramana Maharsi", AsPOxford 9, 1999, 93-106 H3957 Nillima Sharma, Twentieth Century Indian Philosophy (Nature and Destiny of Man). Delhi 1999 H3960 Gopal R. Shavig, "How many systems of Indian philosophy are there?", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 87-92 H3963 V. Shekhawat, "Samvad niyama,or rules of discourse", JICPR 16.3, 1999, 53-68 H3967 Samporran Singh, "Exploring the traditions of India's cultural heritage in the light of modern science", Dilip 25.4, 1999, 27-34 H3968 Ninian Smart, World Philosophies. London 1999 H3980 Korada Subrahmanyam, "Dimensions of discourse analysis", TPIST 143-150 H3985 Supramuniya, Merging with Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics. Kapaa, Hawaii 1999 H4000 Hugh B. Urban, "The extreme Orient: the construction of 'Tantrism' as a category in the Orientalist imagination", Religion 29.2, 1999, 123-146 H4000.5 Kristi L. Wiley, "Gotrakarma", AJSP 113-137 H4000.8 Anil Agarwal, "Can Hindu beliefs and values help India meet its ecological crisi?", HindEc 165-181 H4001 Atmarupananda, "Cultural presuppositions as determinants in experience: a comparison of some basic Indian and Western concepts", ConK 20-42 H4001.1 Girish Baruah, "The concept of Brahma in Hinduism", Darshana 40, 2000, 1-5 H4001.2 S.R.Bhatt, "Freedom, equality and doctrine of karma", JIAP 39, 2000, 48-55 H4001.4 Amarnath Bhattacharya, "Indian philosophy during the past millennium: a survey", PB 105, 2000, 36-39 H4001.5 Joy Bhattacharya, "The self-sense identity theory", BRMIC 51, 2000, 30-32 H4002 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Some remarks on the definition of knowledge", ConK 74-82 H4003 Sukhumaya Bhattcharya, "Theories of error in Indian philosophy on five types of khyati" (tr. J.L.Shaw). ConK 93-106 H4004 Visvabandhu Bhattacharya, "Valid cognition (prama) and the truth (satyata) of its object" (tr. J.L.Shaw). ConK 107-118 H4004.2 Purusottama Bilimoria, "A subaltern/postcolonial critique of the comparative philosophy of religion", Sophia 39.1, 2000, 171-207 H4004.3 Kurethara Sukumaran Bose, "Mind and the destiny of the self", JRS 31, 2000, 47-85 H4004.4 F. Samuel Brainard, Reality and Mystical Experience. University Park, Pennsylvania 2000 H4004.4.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, Karma and Teleology. Studia Philologica Buddhica Mongraph Series. Tokyo 2000 H4004.4.2 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Keep trying: Potter on freedom within karma", BRMIC 53, 2000, 270-277 H4004.5 Margaret Chatterjee, "The concept of 'realization' re-examined", ConK 119-131 H4004.7 Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, Evolution of Hindu Sects--up to the Time of Samkaracarya. New Delhi 2000 H4004.8 M.P.Chaurasia, "Relevance of karma, freedom and human destiny", JASACFV 59-77 H4004.8.5 K. C. Das, "Intentionality in knowledge representation", JUJI 6, 2000, 193-198 H4004.9 Amal Kumar De, "The concept of God", BRMIC 51, 2000, 21-29 H4004.9.3 O. P.Dwivedi, "Dharmic economy", HindEc 3-22 H4004.9.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Cross-modality and the self", PPR 61, 2000, 639-658 H4005 Nicholas F. Geer, Spiritual Titanism: Indian, Chinese, and Western Perspectives. Albany, N.Y. 2000 H4006 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concepts of metaphor and truth; an Indian perspective", IndPQ 27, 2000, 247-258 H4006.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "A note on identity relation", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 170-171 H4006.4 Christian Godion, "The notion of totality in Indian thought", Diogenes 189, 2000, 58-67 H4006.5 Daniel Gold, "Experiencing scriptural diversity: words and stories in Hindu tradition", MySS 210-231 H4006.7 Wilhelm Halbfass, Karma und Wiedergeburt im indischer Denken. Munchen 2000 H4006.8 Sue Hamilton, Indian Philosophy. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford 2000 H4007 Minoru Hara, "The power of maitri" (summary). JICABS 3, 2000, 46-47 H4008 Sasheej Hegde, "Self, identity and (Indian) philosophy: cross-currents", EEE 83-104 H4009 R.I.Ingalalli, "The nature of self-knowledge", PTG 34.2, 2000, 26-31 H4009.4 S.N.Kandaswamy, Indian Epistemology as expounded in the Tamil Classics. Chennai 2000 H4009.5 Bijayananda Kar, Value Perspective in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2000 H4009.7 Steven T. Katz, "Mysticism and the interpretation of sacred scripture", MySS 7-67 H4010 Klaus K. Klostermaier, Hinduism: a Short History. Oxford 2000 H4011 Daya Krishna, "'Shock-proof', 'evidence-proof', 'argument-proof' world of sampradayaka scholarship on Indian philosophy", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 143-158/ Reprinted in DDIP 139-161 H4011.1 Daya Krishna, Mukund Lath and F.E.Krsna (eds.), Bhakti. A Contemporary Discussion. New Delhi 2000 H4011.4 Anindra Kumar, "The existence of God in Indian philosophies", NPVAIC 261-267 H4011.5 Rajjan Kumar, "Theory of knowledge", JainJ 34, 1999-2000, 73-83 H4011.5 Gerald J. Larson, "The 'tradition text' in Indian philosophy for doinog history of philosophy in India", in Roger T. Ames, ed., The Aesthetic Turn: Reading Eliot Deutsch on Comparative Philosophy (Chicago 2000), 54-69 H4012 Tommi Lehtonen, "The notion of merit in Indian religions", AsPOxford 10, 2000, 189-204 H4012.5 Paul LeValley, "Naked philosopher-ascetics: some observations on the Shramana religious spectrum", Sophia 39.2, 2000, 143-158 H4012.8 Sengaku Mayeda, "What lies at the basis of Indian philosophy?", WL 33-46 H4012.9 Girishwar Misra, C. Suvasioni, A.K.Srivastava, "Psychology of wisdom: western and eastern perspectives", JIndPsych 18, 2000, 1-32 H4013 Nityanand Mishra, "Comments on the note of Prof. Rudolf Brandner", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 171-173 H4014 J. N. Mohanty, "Knowledge and ignorance", ConK 212-222. Reprinted ExinP 136-147 H4014.1 J. N. Mohanty, Classical Indian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.; Oxford 2000 H4014.5 J.N.Mohanty, "Western scholars' reservations about Indian philosophy", BRMIC 51, 2000, 116-120 H4014.7 J.N.Mohanty, Classical Indian Philosophy. Lanham, Md. 2000 H4015 J. N. Mohanty, Explorations in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 2000 H4015.4 G. C. Nayak, "Scientific pursuit and philosophical enterprise", JUJI 6, 2000, 11-48 H4015.5 Siba Prasad Nayak, "Bhakti movement: its development in Orissa", OHRJ 44, 2000, 6-13 H4016 Jagat Pal, "Dilemma of dharma", IndPQ 27, 2000, 105-120 H4015.5 Rabindra Kumar Pande, Studies in Sanskrit Sastras. Delhi 2000 H4015.6 Rewati Raman Pandey, "The concept of isvara (God) in Indian philosophy: a critical analysis", NPVAIC 249-260 H4015.6.5 Isaac Mar Phjiloxenos, Grace in Vaisnavism and Christianity. New Delhi 2000 H4015.7 Pitambarananda, "On the philosophy of God", VK 87, 2000, 277-279 H4017 Karl Potter, "Truth vs. workability rehashed", ConK 223-233 H4018 Karen Pechihs Prentiss, The Embodiment of bhakti. Oxford 2000 H4018.2 Ernts Prets, "Theories of debate: proof and counter-proof in the early Indian dialectical tradition', StudInd 7, 2000, 369-382 H4018.5 E.R.Rama Bai, "Visvagunadarsanacampu in some schools of philosophy", JOR 68-70, 1997-2000, 103-110 H4018.7 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "The five great elements (pancamahabhuta)", HindEc 23-38 H4019 R. Saraswati, "Anantakrsnasastri's defense of avidyalesa", ALB 64, 2000, 211-216 H4019.3 K. Saratchandran, "Contemporary Approaches to Indian Philosophy", FIC 105-118 H4019.5 Arvind Sharma, "Evidence on dreams in relation to reincarnation", Dilip 26, 2000, 21-23 H4019.5.1 Arvind Sharma, "Is the sthitaprajna a jivanmukta?", JGJRI 54-55, 1999-2000, 37-40 H4019.5.5 Ratna Dutta Sharma, "Vakya dosa", JJP 12, 2000, 89-106 H4019.6 Rechana Sharma, Hindu Techniques of Mental Health. Delhi 2000 H4019.6.2 Shashi Prabha Sharma, "Meditation in the Indian tradition", NPVAIC 396-405 H4019.7 J.L.Shaw, "Man and freedom: a comparative study", BRMIC 51, 2000: 353, 407 H4019.8 Sunita Sinha, "Humanistic approach to Indian philosophy", Darshana 40, 2000, 68-74 H4019.9 M. N. Sircar, Studies in Vaisnavism and Tanricism. Revised edition. Delhi 2000 H4020 Kenneth Surin, "On not being sure about the 'post' in 'post-colonial': afterthoughts on postcolonial religious studies", Sophia 39.1, 2000, 208-226 H4022 J. Thachil, An Initiation to Indian Philosophy. Alwaye 2000 H4023 N.V.P.Unithiri, "Some problems of pramanas in ancient Indian philosophy", SICSL 53-56 H4023.3 P. M. Upadhye, A serpent symbol in India: cultural and philosophical perspective", ITaur 26, 2000, 187-192 H4023.8 Vodya, "Search for true bliss", JASACFV 37-42 H4024 Bhaskar Vyas, "Evolution of consciousness: Sri Aurobindo's philosophical concept", VK 87, 2000, 69-72 H4025 Toshihiro Wada, "The action of the subject towards the outer world in Indian realism", ConK 310-321 H4030 Ashok Aklujkar, "Reincarnation revisited rationally", JIP 29.1-2, 2001, 3-15 H4030.4 V. P. Bhatt, "Theory of contiguity ( asatti)", BDCRI 60-61, 200-2001, 419-422 H4030.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The emergence of the person: some Indian themes and theories", Sandhan 1.1, 2001 H4031 S.M.Bhave, "The anumana reconsidered", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 169-180 H4031.5 Kurethara Sukumaran Bose, "Mind and the destiny of the self: body and mind, matter and spirit", JRS 32.1-2, 2001, 1-25 H4032 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Indology and rationality", AS 55, 2001, 917-942 H4032.1 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Naturalism and humanism in creation and construction in Hinduism", NTWR 83-98 H4032.2.1.5 D. P. Chattopadhyaya, "One, two and many: many prespectives", RDSPPIWP 37-66 H4032.2 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "An attempt to synthesize from a Hindu perspective the received view of creation, the relationship between humans and nature, and the role of technology", NTWR 125-139 H4032.3 Vibha Chaturvedi, "Causality of karmic justice", JICPR 18.4, 2001, 129-156 H4032.5 Francis X. Clooney with Hugh Nicholson, "From truth to religious truth in Hindu philosophical theology", RelT 43-63 H4032.7 Vasudha Dalmia, "Forging community: the guru in a seventeenth-century Vaisnava hagiography", CCERHI 129-154 H4032.8 R.H.Davis, "Indian image-worship and its discontents", RinR 107-132 H4032.9 P. M. Dinesh and Subray M. Bhat, "Principle of traigunya", JKU 42, 1999-2001, 70-75 H4033 N.S.Dravid, "Non-cognition as an instrument of cognition", IndPQ 28, 2001, 409-420 H4033.7 Isha Gamlath, "Moksa and Brahman in Orphic religion", PTG 37.2, 2001, 43-45 H4033.9 Jonardon Ganeri, "Objectivity and proof in a classical Indian theory of number", Synthese 129.3, 2002, 213-437 H4034 Jonardon Ganeri, ed., Indian Logic: A Reader. Richmond 2001 H4034.0 Jonardon Ganeri, Philosophy in Classical India: The Proper Work of Reason. London 2001 H4034.1 David L. Haberman, Acting as a Way of Salvation: A Study of Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana. New Delhi 2001 H4034.3 Harshananda, "Mind according to Hindu philosophical systems", VK 88, 2001, 329-330 H4034.3.1 Harshananda, The Prasthanatrayi (An Introduction). Bangalore 2001 H4034.3.5 S. Jena, "Contribution of ksatriyas to Indian philosophy", JOI 50, 2001, 163-171 H4034.3.7 S.N. Kandaswamy, Tamil Literature and Indian Philosophy. Taramani, Chennai, 2001 H4034.3.9 Krishna Kant, "The concept of dharma in the Indian tradition with special reference to Swami Vivekananda", Sandhan 1.1, 2001, 81-92 H4034.3.9.5 Kapil Kapoor, "The intellectual tradition of India", RDPPIWP 31-36 H4034.4 Satish K. Kapoor, "Hinduism during the previous millennium", PB 105, 2001, 53-69 H4034.5 Subodh Kapooor, Companion Encyclopedia of Hindu Philosophy. New Delhi 2001 H4035 Y. Krishan, 'Coments on the article entitled 'Yajna and the doctrine of karma: a contradiction in Indian thought and action", published in the JICPR Vol. VI, No. 2", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 227-234 H4035.1 P.G.Lalya, "Contribtion of Mahanubhava sect to medieval bhakti movement", JAIRI 3, 2000-2001, 15-20 H4035.1.5 Vidya Niwas Mishra, "Conceptual premises of Indian aesthetics: vak and rasa", CV 6, 2000-2001, 1-14 H4035.2 J. N. Mohanty, "Practical rationality in Indian thought", ExinP 91-104 H4035.3 J.N.Mohanty, "Buddhism and phenomenology", ExinP 164-168 H4035.4 J.N.Mohanty, "Does sunyata explain anything? Commentary on Abe, Barnhart and Dallmayr", ExinP 171-175 H4036 R.N.Mukerji, "Ontological argument and Indian religious thinking", JICPR 18.4, 2001, 185-190 H4037 P.K.Mukhopadhyaya, "The development of the concept of pramana", LTC 281-308 H4038 G.C.Nayak, "Indian philosophy and its social concerns: with special reference to the concept of dharma", JD 26, 2001, 252-267 H4038.1 G.C.Nayak, "Dharma and moksa as humanistic values in Indian thought", SVUOJ 44.1-2, 2001, 1-18 H4038.2 G.C.Nayak, "Visuddhadvaita Brahmavada of Vishwanatha Baba–an evaluation", QJMS 92.3-4, 2001, 25-29 H4039 Jagat Pal, "The concept of niskama karma: teleological or deontological?", IndPQ 28, 2001, 215-226 H4041 S. L. Pandey, "Obligation and inclination", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 76-87 H8043 Bhagyalata Pataskar, "Crossing the border: bhakti traditions", CTB 192-195 H4045 Karl Potter, "How many karma theories are there?", JIP 29.1-2, 2001, 231-239 H4047 R.C.Pradhan, Philosophy of Wittgenstein--Indian Responses. New Delhi 2001 H4048 Rajendra Prasad, "Can a niskama karma have really no effects?", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 242 H4049 T. P. Ramachandra, M. Hiriyanna. New Delhi 2001 H4050 C. Ram-Prasad, "Saving the self? Classical Hindu theories of consciousness and contemporary physicalism", PEW 51, 2001, 378-392 H4050.5 Ernst Prets, "Futile and false rejoinders, sophistical arguments and early Indian logic", JIP 29, 2001, 545-558 H4051 Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Knowledge and Liberation in Classical Indian Thought. Basingstoke, Hampshire 2001 H4052 Ranganathananda, "On reincarnation", PB 105, 2001, 152-154 H4053 C. V. Raval, "Charges leveled against Indian philosophy", PKRSMS 135-149 H4054 Candrasekhara Sarasvati, "On religion and religious practices", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 8-21 H4055 Satswarupananda, "Consciousness", VK 88, 2001: 325, 370 H4055.1 Nagin J. Shah, "Atman, citta and manas in Indian philosophy", PKRSMS 123-134 H4055.1.5 Arvind Sharma, "Predetermination and free will in the teaching of Ramana Maharsi (1879-1950): a critical reappraisal", JOI 50, 2001, 305-317 H4055.1.6 Arvind Sharma, "Professor Wilfred Cantwell Smith as an ubhayavadin", JAIRI 3, 2000-2001, 69-72 H4055.2 Deepak Sarma, "When is a Brahmin a brahmabandu, an unworthy or wicked Brahmin? or when is the adhikarin, eligible one, anadhikarin, ineligible?", MTSR 13, 2001, 82-90 H4055.2.5 Renu Sharma, "Self-concept to self-realization: Indian perspective", JIndPsych 19, 2001, 25-32 H4055.3 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Common characteristics of Indian philosophy", PKRSMS 150-172 H4055.5 V. Shekhawat, "Emergence of the idea of darsana sastra", JICPRSpI (2001). 131-144 H4055.7 Paulius Silakis, "The principle of physical categories in the early Greek and Indian atomism" (in Polish). AOV 2, 2001, 149-162 H4056 K. Srinivas, P.T.Raju. New Delhi 2001 H4057 N. S. Ramanuja Tatacharya, "Vakyavayarthavicarah: an inquiry into sentence and sentence-meaning", LSLT 149-172 H4058 T. Venkatacharya, "Bhakti in theory and practice", ALB 65, 2001, 111-120 H4058.5 Youxwan Wang, Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward Comparative Semantics. Richmond 2001 H4059 Keith E. Yandell, "Some reflections on Indian metaphysics", IJPR 50.1-3, 2001, 171-190 H4059.0 Agnivesh, "Enabling a just world", FaithAU 174-181 H4059.0.5 M. .M. Agrawal, Freedom of the Soul. A Post-Modern Understanding of Hinduism. New Delhi 2002 H4059.0 Shanti Aucluck, "Psychology in Indianphilosophical thought", JIndPsych 20.1, 2002, 13-22 H4059.1 S. Balakrishnan, "Bhakti: the fifth purusartha", VK 89, 2002, 394-397 H4059.1.3Marc Ballanfot, Introduction aux philosophies de l'Inde. Paris 2002 H4059.1.5 Narbenarayan Bandyopadhyaya (ed., Ancient Indian Views on Truth and Falsity. Calcutta 2002 H4059.1.7 S.S.Barlingay, Reunderstanding Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2002 H4059.1.8 Subhra Barua, "Cetana in the cycle of birth and death", JDPUC 11, 2002, 51-53 H4059.1.9 Susmita Bhattacharya, "The concept of indescribability", CV 7, 2001-2002, 93-97 H4059.1.9.5 Meena Borah, The Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam, 1449 A.D. - 1826 A.D. New Delhi 2002 H4059.2 Brahmaprana, "Vedanta: death and the art of dying", PB 107, 2002, 605-610 H4059.3 Brahmesananda, "Is bhakti so easy?", VK 89, 2002, 257-260 H4059.4 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Perché esiste la filosofia in India?", in Federico Squarcini (ed.), Verso l'India, Oltre l'India (Milan 2002), 131-152 H4059.4.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Literacy and rationality in ancient India", AS 56, 2002, 797-831 H4059.4.2 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Yaska and the sentence: the beginning of sabdabodha?", Subhasini 44-62 H4059.4.4 Arindam Chakrabarti, "The cloud of pretending", FaithAU 111-119 H4059.4.5 D. Prahlada Char, "Anvitabhidhanavada vs. abhihitanvayavada and prakarata vs. samsargatavada", DIPECO 182-187 H4059.6 William A. Conrad, "God and the sacle of evil", FaithAU 192-196 H4059.7 Debabrata Das, "Time-experience and human consciousness", BRMIC 53, 2002, 420-423 H4059.8 R.K.Dasgupta, "Vedanta in Bengal (10)", BRMIC 53, 2002, 21-27, 54-58, 153-158 H4059.9 Subhas Chandra Dash, "Philosophical works of Orissa", Nilabdhi 258-265 H4060 Ronald M. Davidson, "Reframing sahaja: genre, representation, ritual and lineage", JIP 30, 2002, 45-83 H4061 Donald Eichert, "Diminishing spirit", FaithAU 120-132 H4061.3 Janeane Fowler, Perspectives of Reality. An Introduction to the philosophy of Hinduism. Brighton 2002 H4061.8 Lars Göhler, :Materialism vs. idealism in Indian philosophy–an obsolete question?", ICCD 77-84 H4062 Jitendra Veer Gupta, "The asrama system of life and vanaprastha", VK 89, 2002, 263-265 H4065 B.N.Hebber, "On the issue of whether salvific bliss is one and equal or many and hierarchical: The Ramanujit and the Madhvite persepctives", JVaisS 10.2, 2002, 123-143 H4066 V. N. Jha, "Language and realty: some reflections from Indian philosophy of language", PLCIT 13-22 H4067 A. Kanthamani, "Prof. B.K.Matilal on 'Indian logic'", PQJNMU 8, 2002, 39-48 H4067.1 A. Kanthamani, "Reinventing B.K.Matilal's philosophical logic", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 85-100 H4068 Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophers. Edited by Subodh Kapoor. Nine volumes. New Delhi 2002 H4069 Bijayananda Kar, "The current trends in Indian Philosophy", PQJNMU 8.3-4, 2002, 125-132 H4069.1 Bijayananda Kar, "Moksa, theistic Vedanta and Visuddhadvaita darsana", JICPRSpI 2002, 95-110 H4069.5 Richard King, "Response to reviews of Orientalism and Religion", MTSR 14, 2002, 279-292 H4070 Daya Krishna, Developments in Indian Philosophy from 18th Century Onwards, in Classical and Western History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization.(ed. D.P.Chattopadhyaya). Volume 10, Part 1. Delhi 2002 H4070.1 J. E. Llewell;yn, "(Foot)notes on Orientalism and Religion", MTSR 14, 2002, 234-248 H4070.1.3 Paul Y.F. Loke, "The transcendental Self", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 130-147 H4070.1.5 Varghese Manimale, "Liberation and the public life", SRP 177-190 H4070.2 B.K.Matilal, "Rationality, dharma and the pramana theory", BKMPCR 72-82 H4070.3 B.K.Matilal, "On omnipotence", BKMPCR 355-368 H4070.4 B.K.Matilal, "Duhkha, nirvana and holy men", BKMPCR 369-380 H4070.5 B.K.Matilal, "On the universality of suffering", BKMPCR 381-389 H4070.6 B.K.Matilal, "The quest for immortality", BKMPCR 390-404 H4070.7 B.K.Matilal, "Karma and the moral order", BKMPCR 405-420 H4070.8 B.K.Matilal, "Karma and renunciation", BKMPCR 123-135 H4070.9 B.K.Matilal, "Skepticism, mysticism and Sri Aurobindo's optimism", CEBKM 84-94 H4070.10 B.K.Matilal, "Indian philosophy: Is there a problem today?", CEBKM 351-357 H4070.10.5 Thomas McEvillley, The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies. New York 2002 H4070.10.7 Vidya Niwas Mishra, "L'essence de la culture indienne", RAL 31.3, 2002, 1-8 H4071 J. N. Mohanty, Between Two Worlds East and West: An Autobiography. New Delhi 2002 H4071.3 Mukhyananda, "Vedic concept of God in all its aspects", PB 107, 2002: 5009, 556 H4071.4 Govindagopal Mukhopadhyaya, "Indian intellectual tradition: modern challenges", BRMIC 53, 2002, 453-454 H4071.5 G. C. Nayak, "Can there be any indeterminate perception (nirvikalpaka pratyaksa)?", GCNPR 2, 204-218 H4072 Carl Olson, Indian Philosophers and Postmodern Thinkers. Dialogues on the Margins of Culture. New Delhi 2002 H4072.3 Paul Palatty, "The Indian guru-sisya tradition: a model for tomorrow", JD 27, 2002, 232-249 H4072.3.5 Alok Pandey, "To a greater dawn", FaithAU 133-139 H4072.3.7 Prafulla Kumar Panigrahi, The Theory of Zero Existence. New Delhi 2002 H4072.3.8 George Panthanmackel, "Being as tadekam: Western neo-scholastic and Indian approaches to metaphysics", WEIP 21-37 H4072.4 Suniti Kumar Pathak, "Chinese and Tibetan materials for Indological studies (as explained by Professor Giuseppe Tucci)", PBSGT 132-142 H4072.6 Pitambarananda, "Education according to Vedanta", PB 107, 2002: 446, 499, 546 H4072.9 Prabuddhananda, "Non-violence: a spiritual perspective", PB 107, 2002, 316-318 H4072.9.5 B. Sambasiva Prasad, "Radhakrishnan's conception of man: some reflections", TVOS 27.2, 2002, 96-107m H4073 K.S.Prasad, The Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition. New Delhi 2002 H4073.0 K. S. Prasad, "In search of a sound theory in Indian semantics", PLCIT 201-230 H4073.1 Sunita Purkayastha, "G.R.Malkani's view of ajnana", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 101-108 H4073.2 A. Ramamurty, Indian Philosophy of Religion. Hyderabad Studies in Philosophy 3. New Delhi 2002 H4073.2.3 C. Upendra Rao, "A critical study of Makkhali Gosala and his philosophy", IndicSt1, 89-96 H4073.2.5 K.Ramakrishna Rao, Consciousness Studies: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Jefferson, N.C. 2002 H4073.3 Philip Rosoff-Horne, "There's no place like om", VK 89, 2002: 103, 142, 174 H4073.5 Gayatri Roth, "Pratibha: a semantic concept", VIJ 39-40, 2001-2002, 104-109 H4073.7 Manidipa Sen, "Internalist vs. externalist theories of justification: a relook into Indian theories of pramanya", SLC 363-370 H4073.4 Arvind Sharma, "The mystic's claim to apprehend reality", VK 89, 2002, 187-190 H4073.5 D.R.Sharma, "Non-violence, the philosophy and science of life", JPASIC 193-203 H4073.8 L.C.Shastri, Indian Philosophy of Knowledge: a Comparative Study. Delhi 2002 H4074.8 Jaideva Singh, "Role of bhavana in moraland spiritual development", PB 107, 2002, 309-312 H4074 Karan Singh, "Some thoughts on Vedanta", IICQ 24.2, 2002, 100-108 H4075 Marietta Sepaniants, Introduction to Eastern Thought.Edited by James Behuniak, translated by Rommala Kohanovskaya. Honolulu 2002 H4075.5 Federico Settler, "'Orientalism and Religion': the question of subject agency", MTSR 14, 2002, 249-264 H4076 Sridharananda, "Karma yoga", PB 107, 2002, 108-112 H4077 Sunirmalananda, "The four yogas: a brief introduction", VK 89, 2002, 378-382 H4078 Gordon R. Stavig, "Plotinus and Indian philosophy", BRMIC 53, 202: 313, 360 H4078.5 Tathagatananda, "The concept of evolution in Hinduism", BRMIC 53, 2002, 184-186 H4079 D.N.Tiwari, "On notes by Prof. Rajendra Prasad: Can a niskamakarman have really no effect?", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 199-202. Replies by Ramakant Sinari, 203-205 by G.P.Ramachandra 206-217 H4079.3 Uma Vaidya, "The concept of vidya and the graph of its evolution", VIJ 39-40, 2001-2002, 51-65 H4079.4 K. Vaidyanathan, History of Vasishnavism in South India before Samkara. Tirupati 2002 H4079.5 D. Varghese, "Courses on Indian philosophy: an evaluation", JD 27, 2002, 488-503 H4079.6 J.M.Verpoortan, "Quelques tournures pejoratives dans le debut philosophique en Sanskrit", ITaur 28, 2002, 267-280 H4079.8 Donald Wiebe, "Modern Western science, the study of religion, and Orientalism and Religion", MTSR 14, 2002, 265-278 H4080 K.P.Aleaz, A Christian Response to the Hindu Philosophical Systems by Nehemiah Nilakantha Sastri Goreh. Kolkata 2003 H4080.0 Greg Bailey, "The pravrtti/nivrtti project at La Trobe University with notes on the meaning of vrt in the Bhagavadgita", ITaur 29, 2003, 9-28 H4080.0.1 R. Balasubramanian, "A day of every day: a phenomenological exploration", BrB 79-105 H4081 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Is 'inexplicabililty otherwise' (anyathanupapatti) otherwise inexplicable?", JIP 31, 2003, 343-380 H4081.1 Marc Ballanfat, Le vocabulaire des philosophies de l'Inde. Paris 2003 H4081.3 Ipshita Bansal, Manageent Concepts in Ancient India Psychology–Philosophic Thought and Their Significance for Present-Day Organization. Jaipur 2003 H4081.5 Arabinda Basu, "Consciousness–a psychological approach", PhilandS 160-171 H4081.7 D.S.Baya 'Sreyas", "Doctrine of karma: a scientific view. Its importance in practical life and its contribution to the attainment of spiritual emancipation", Sambodhi 26, 2003, 31-38 H4081.8 S. R. Bhatt, "Understanding spirituality in the Indian context", BrB 211-219 H4082 Purushottama Bilimoria, "What is the 'subaltern' of the comparative philosophy of religion?", PEW 53, 2003, 340-366 H4082.2 Banamala Biswal, "Theism and its multi-faced sources", JGJRI 48-49, 2002-2003, 221-228 H4082.5 Kurethara S. Bose, "Mind and the destiny of the self", JRS 34, 2003, 35-42 H4083 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Literacy and rationality in ancient India", AS 56, 2003, 797-832 H4083.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "L'expression du moi dans les religions de l'Inde", RHR 229,1, 2003, 82-105 H4083.5 Arindam Chakravarti, "Perception, apperception and non-conceptual content", PerspC 89-107 H4083.7 Sharad Chandra, "La reconnaissance de la philosophie indienne", RAL 32.1, 2003, 19-37 H4085 Amita Chatterjee, "Introduction", PerspC ix-xxxi H4085.3 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "East-West cultural relationships: some Indian aspects", Diogenes 200 (50.4), 2003, 83-94 H4085.8 Francis Clooney SJ, "Restoring 'Hindu theology' as a category in Indian intellectual discourse", BCH 447-477 H4086 Gerard Colas, "History of Vaisnava tradition: an esquisse", BCH 229-270 H4086.2 Harold Coward, T.R.V.Murti. New Delhi 2003 H4086.3 Subhash Chandra Dash, "Sanskrit Philosophical Works of Orissa in Independent India, SWIII 264- 272 H4086.5 Srilekha Datta and Amita Chatterjee, Foundations of Logic and Language: Some Philosophical Issues in Indian Logic. Jadavpura Studies in Philosophy, Third Series. Calcutta 2003 H4086.5.5 Max Deeg, "Wer eine keent, kennt keine–zur Notwendigkeit der Unterscheidung im Orientalismus und Okzidentalilsmus in der Asiatische Religionsgeschichte", RelimS 11-26 H4086.6 Uma S. Deshpande, "Philosophical Writings in Gujarat", SWIII 45-60 H4086.7 Vinod Mani Diwakar, Presuppositions of India's Philosophy. Delhi 2003 H4086.7.0 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, "On keeping alive the Indian philosophical tradition", FutI 86-93 H4086.7.1 Ashok Kumar Goswami, "Philosophical Writings in Sanskrit in Assam after Independence", SWIII 282-286 H4086.7.2 Johnardon Ganeri, "Hinduism and the proper work of reason", BCH 411-446 H4086.7.3 Jonardon Ganeri, "Ancient Indian logic as a theory of case-based reasoning", JIP 31, 2003, 33-45 H4086.7.4 Raghunath Ghosh, "Can there be any knowledge without content (avisayaka)", JUJI 8, 2003, 29-34 H4086.7.4.5 Subeena Grover, "Le place de la phklosophie indienne dans les oeuvres de Diderot", RAL 32.3, 2003, 69-80 H4086.7.5 Bina Gupta, Cit. Consciousness. Oxford 2003 H4086.8 Maria Heim, "The aesthetics of excess", JAAR 71, 2003, 531-554 H4086.8.2 V.N.Jha, "Universal Indian model of philosoophcal analysis", FutI 74-85 H4086.8.3 J. V. Joshi, "Rediscovery of Indian thought" connecting and missing links", Pramodasindhu 191-201 H4086.8.5 Menas Kafatops, "Monistic Iondian perennial philosophies and consciousness", PhilandS 399-406 H4086.9 Ashmita Khasnabish, Jouissance as Ananda. Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and Literature. Lanham, Maryland 2003 H4087 Yong-Pyo Kim, "The problem of scriptural plurality and religious pluralism", BTCIK 183-193 H4087.1 K. Krishnaphani, "Asamprajnata and nirbija samadhi : are they one and the same?", Pramodasindhu 177-179 H4087.2 Rajjan Kumar, "Atman: sociophilosophical relevance", JOI 49, 2003-2004, 305-312 H4087.2.5 Shashi Prabha Kumar, "Obligation towards man: the Indian perspective", BrB 219-226 H4087.3 Gerald James Larson, "the anthropic principle: life, cosmos and consciousness", PhilandS 173-188 H4087.4 Mukund Lath, "Identity through necessary change: thinking about ragabhava", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 85-114 H4087.4.5 Stephen W. Laycock, "Emptiness and pure consciousness: a tribute to Rama Puligandla", BrB 149-156 H4087.5 Marek Mejor, "Contribution of Polish scholars to the study of Indian logic", JIP 31, 2003, 9-20 H4087.7 Godabarisha Mishra, "R. Balasubramanian's philosophical pilgrimage", Parampara 311-340 H4088 Swarnaprava Mohapatra, The Stature of Nirvikalpa and Savikalpaka in Indian Philosophy. Meerut 2003 h4088.0 M. Srimannarayana Murti, "Role of language inj Indian philosophical inquiry", Pramodasindhu 302-313 H4088.1 Klaus Mylius, Geschichte des altindischen Literature. Die 3000 jahrige Entwicklung des religios-philosophischen, belle-tristischen und wissenschaftlichen Literatur Indiens von der Veden bis sur Etablierung des Islam. Wiesbaden 2003 H4088.3 Prema Nandakumar, "The bhakti movement in South India", ThV 790-868 H4088.5 Vasudha Narayanan, "Embodied cosmologies: sights of piety, sites of power", JAAR 71, 2003, 495-520 H4089 G.C.Nayak, "R. Balasubramanian on philosophy for liberation", Parampara 114-129 H4090 Clauys Oetke, "Limitations of theories of pramana", JIP 31, 2003, 119-227 H4090.4 Rewati Raman Pandey, "Future of Indological philosophy", FutI 63-734 H4090.5 S. Panneerselvam, "From philosophy to hermeneutics and pragmatics", Parampara 101-113 H4090.6 S. Panneerselvam, "Advaita: Puligandla's analytical interpretation", BrB 51-64 H4090.7 Anand Paranjpe, "Conceptions of mind: traditional views in modern context", BDCRI 62-63, 2002-2003, 231-248 H4091 Karl H. Potter, "Linguaphobic epistemology in India: an appraisal", Parampara 24-42 H4091.2 Prabhananda (ed.), Philosophy and Science: an Explorative Approach to Consciousness. Calcutta 2003 H4091.3 Ernst Prets, "Purity, reason and rejoinder", JIP 31, 2003, 271-283 H4091.7 Ramkrishna Puligandla, "R. Balasubramanian's views on India and Western phenomenologies: some reflections", Parampara 292-310 H4092 T. Rangarajan, Dictionary on Indian Religions. Delhi 2003 H4094 S. Revathy, "Brahman: the logical significance of the Upanisads", Pramodasindhu 43-51 H4096 Sukharanjan Saha, "Inner sense and 'higher order consciousness': an Indian perspective", PerspC 73-88 H4096.5 S. Sankaranarayana, "Future of Indolog: philosophy", FutI 54-62 H4097 V. Shekhawat, "Samvada Ganita or Pratika Anviksiki II", JICPR 20.1, 2003, 67-84 H4098 Arvind Sharma, "Predetermination and free will in the teachings of Ramana Maharsi: a critical appraisal", Parampara 43-58 H4099 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "A reply to A. Kanthamuni's comments on my views concerning consciousness vs. dreamless sleep", JICPR 20, 2003, 208-212 H4101 Mark Siderits, "Deduction, induction, both or neither?", JIP 31, 2003, 302-321 H4103 Ramakant Sinari, "The mystery of subjectivity", Parampara 229-247 H4104 Debabrata Sinha, Kalidas Bhattacharya. New Delhi 2003 H4105 Robert C. Solomon, "On fate and fatalism", PEW 42, 2003, 435-454 H4106 K. Srinivas, "The argument from illusion", IndPQ 30, 2003, 237-250 H4108 Ernst Steinkellner, "Once more on circles", JIP 31, 2003, 323-341 H4108.5 Vijaya Subramani, "Transcending the subjective/objective duality in Indian philosophy and aesthetics", Saundarya 24-34 H4109 Will Sweetman, "'Hedonism' and the history of 'religion'. Protestant presuppositions in the critique of the concept of Hinduism", MTSR 15, 2003, 329-353 H4111 D.N.Tiwari, "Ontological non-being (abhava) vs. logical being (Indian context)", IndPQ 30, 2003, 411-442 H4112 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "What Indian philosophy owes Hegel?", ABORI 83, 2003, 1-36 H4112.2 D. G. Vedia, "Space travel of the soul", Sambodhi 26, 2003, 54-62 H4112.5 Kala Acharya et al. (eds.), Indian Philosophical Terms: Glossary and Sources. Mumbai 2004 H4112.8 Anandamurti, Yama et Niyama: die Zehn Moralischen Prinzipien. Mainz 2004 H4113 Gensai Asano, "A study on the relation between atmadarsana and yogic practice", TMSR 771-788 H4113.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Consciousness: foundational and functional", ES3WB 521-561 H4113.2 Biswanath Banerjee, "Fundamentalism: tolerance and India's heritage", JASBe 46.4, 2004, 3-20 H4113.2.5 Shankar Prasad Banerjee, Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. Jaipur 2004 H4113.3 Shailaja Bapat, "A critical review of the Vedanta schools", SBVLB 233-273 H4113.4 J. K. Barthakur, General Theory of Time. New Delhi 2004 H4113.4.3 Douglas Berger, "'The Veil of Maya'. Schopenhauer's System and Early Indian Thought. Binghamton 2004 H4113.4.5 Kurethra Bose, "Mind and the estiny of the self: analytic vs. holistic thought, death vs. reincarnation", JRS 35, 2004, 128-141 H4113.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, From Panini to Patanjali. The Search for Linearity. Poona 2004 H4113.6 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Le gramaire et les debuts de la philosophia indienne", AS 58, 2004, 791-866 H4113.7 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Some uses of dharma in classical Indian philosophy", JIP 32, 2004, 733-750 H4113.9 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Seeing without recognizing? More on denuding perceptual content", PEW 54, 2004 H4113.9.2 Ranekanta Chakraborty, "Hinduism and tolerance", JASBe 46.1, 2004, 39-52 H4113.9.3 George Chemparathy, "Is the Hindu answer to the problem of suffering satisfying from a purely ratioal perspective?", DCH 643-660 H4113.9.4 Fred W. Clothey, Religion in India: a Historical Introduction. London 2004, 2006 H4113.9.4.5 Srilekha Datta, "The self and self-knowledge in Indian tradition", RBJ 10, 2004, 1-12 H4113.9.5 Donald R. Davis, Jr., "Being Hindu or being human: a reappraisal of the purusarthas", IJHS 8, 2004, 1-28 H4114 Carmen Dragonetti and Fernando Tola, On the Myth of the Opposition between Indian Thought and Western Philosophy. Hidesheim 2004 H4114.1 Gavin Flood, The Ascetic Self. Subjective Memory and Tradition. Cambridge, U.K. 2004 H4114.3 Jonardon Ganeri, chapter on Indian logic in Greek, Indian and Arabic Logic, Vol. 1: Handbook of the History of Logic, eds. D.M. Gabbay and J. Woods. 2004, 255-3332 H4114.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "The Ritual Roots of Moral Reason", in Thinking Through Rituals: Philosophical Perspectives, ed. by Kevin Schilbrack. London 2004 H4114.6 Sarbani Ganguli, "Valid knowledge and its forms", Anviksa 25, 2004, 33-41 H4114.6.5 R. Gopalakrishnan, "Practical Vedanta as envisaged by Sri Ramana Maharshi", JIAP 43.1-2, 2004, 59-66 H4114.7 Jeffrey Grupp, "Western analytic metaphysics reduces to philosophy of Brahman", JICPR 21.2, 2004, 1-5; 21.3, 2004, 1-42 H4114.8 Nirmalys Guha, "Non-existence: a conceptual analysis", JICPR 21.3, 2004, 161-171 H4115 Minoru Hara, "Sastra versus sastra", GJWDJ 49-64 H4117 William J. Jackson, Soul Images in Hindu Tradition: Patterns East and West. Delhi 2004 H4118 A. M. Jalihal, "Philosophical perspective: not 'this or that' but 'this and that'", PTG 41, 2005 H4120 Stephan Kaplan, "Revisiting K. C. Bhattacharya's concept of the Absolute and its alternating froms: a holographic model for simultaneous illumination", AsPOxford 14, 2004, 99-116 H4121 Subodh Kapoor, The Systems of Indian Philosophy. Two volumes. New Delhi 2004 H4121.3 A. Kanthamani, "Is testimony a sui-generis source of knowledge?", JICPR 21.4, 2004, 79-84 H4121.5 Bijayananda Kar, "Sundara Rajan on purusarthas", JICPR 21.1, 2004, 131-147 H4121.6 Tsultrum Kelsang Khangkar, The Development of Logic and Epistemology in india, and the History of Logic and Epistemology. Kyoto 2004 H4121.7 Daya Krishna, "Negation" can philosophy ever recover from it?", JICPR 21.2, 2004, 179-191 H4121.8 Daya Krishna, "Madness, reason and truth", JICPR 21.1, 2004, 89-100 H4122 O. N. Krishnan, In Search of Reality. A Layman's Journey through Indian Philosophy. Delhi 2004 H4122.0.5 Y. Krishan, "Significance of the term karma and its cognate terms kriya and karman", JICPR 21.3, 2004, 171-182 H4123 Hose Kurucihara, Religious Experience: Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu. A Critical Study of Ninian Smart's Philosophical Interpretation of the Luminous and the Mystical.New Delhi 2004 H4124 Gerald James Larson, "'A beautiful sunset, mistaken for a dawn': some reflections on religious studies, India studies, and the modern university", JAAR 72, 2004, 1003-1020 H4124.5 Girishwar Mishra, "Emotion in modern psychology and Indian thought", CIPY 314-331 H4125 Frank Gaetano Morales, "The nature of a person: a comparative analysis of the Thomist and Vedantic perspectives on the ontology of the self", JVaisS 13.1, 2004, 29-40 H4125.4 Ajita Mukherjee, "The concept of niskama karma and Swami Vivekananda", BRMIC 55, 2004, 56-60 H4125.5 Jugal Kishore Mukherjee, Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth. Pondichery 2004 H4125.6 James Muttickel, "Mysit path of bhakti movement", JD 29, 2004, 337-350 H4125.8 Nagapriya, Exploring Karma and Rebirth. Birmingham 2004 H4126 Leo Nareaho, "Unconscious forces: a survey of some concepts in Indian philosophy", AsPOxford 14, 2004, 117-130 H4127 Salila Nayak, Concept of Rebirth. Delhi 2004 H4127.3 Hugh R.Nicholson, "Specifying the nature of substance in Aristotle and in Indian philosophy", PEW 54, 2004 H4127.3.5 Piyali Palit, Basic Principles of Indian Philosophy of Language. Kolkata 2004 H4127.3.8 Narayan Prasad, "Incompatibility between economics and Indian philosophy", GM 26, 2004, 325-332 H4127.3.9 Ernst Prets, "Theories of debate, proof and counter-proof iln the early Indian dialectical tradition", EIPRL 435-448 H4127.4 Nityashtananda, "Reflections on knowledge", PB 109, 2004, 538-542 H4127.5 C. Rajendran, Understanding Translation. Inter-Disciplinary Studies on Sanskrit. Calicuta 2004 H4128 N.S.S.Raman, Problems of Interpretation and Translation of Philosophical and Religious Texts. Simla 2004 H4128.2 T. Rangarajan, Dictionary of Vaishnavism. Delhi 2004 H4128.5 C. Upendra Rao, "A critical study of Makkhali Gosala and his philosophy", IndicSt1, 89-96 H4129 K. Ramakrishna Rao, "Centrality of consciousness in Indian psychology", CIPY 53-75 H4129.0 Medha Sachdev, Fictionalizatio of Indian Philosophy in the Novels of Raja Rao. Delhi 2005 H4129.0.5 Fancesco Sfarra, "Sanskrit manuscripts and photos of Sanskrit manuscripts in Giuseppe Tucci's collection: a preliminary report", EIPRL 451-452 H4129.1 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language to contemporary Western philosophy (continued(", JIAP 43.1-2, 2004, 17-32 H4129.2 J. L. Shaw, Swami Vivekananda, the Philosopher. Calcutta 2004 H4129.2.5 N:irbhal Singh, Philosophical Interpretation of Sacred Scripture. Sarnath 2004 H4129.3 B. G. Sreelakshmi, "S. Srikantha Sastr's contribution to Sanskrit studies", QJMS 95.4, 2004, 62-81 H4129.5 K. Srinivas and K. Krishna Mohan, "The concept of mind in orthodox Indian thought: its implications for modern psychology", CIPY 296-306 H4130 John Taber, "Is Indian logic nonmonotonic?", PEW 54, 2004, 143-170 H4131 D. N. Tiwari and N. M. Kansara, "Notes and queries: a; reply to queries raised by Professor Daya Krishna", JICPR 21.2, 2004, 217-221 H4131.5 T. Venkatalakshmi, "Bhakti–an analysis", TVOS 29, 2004, 94-120 H4132 Charles S.J.White, A Catalogue of Vaisnava Literature on Microfilms in the Adyar Library, the Bodleian Library and the American University Library. Delhi 2004 H4133 Ryuichi Abe, "Word", CTSB 291-310 H4133.2 Aditya Adarkar, "The untested dharma not worth living", IJHS 9, 2005 H4133.5 K. P. Aleaz, Christian Responses to Indian Philosophy. Kolkata 2005 H4133.6 Dan Arnold, "Conclusion: justification and truth, relativism and pragmatism: some lessons for religious studies", BBB 205-217 H4133.8 Shashi Bala, "Consciousness nature and dimensions–the Indian prespective", UPEWP 231-237 H4133.9 S. N. Balagangadhara, "How to speak for the Indian tradition: an agenda for the future", JAAR 23, 2005, 987-1014 H4134 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Monks, monarchs and materialists", JIP 33, 2005, 571-582 H4134.1 Bodo Balys, Karma and the Rebirth of Consciousness. New Delhi 2006 H4134.3 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Sanskrit philosophical texts as a source of the social history of ancient India", Anviksa 26, 2005, 86-91 H4134.4 Rabindranath Banerjee, "Rasvihary Das's practical idealism: a belief network", JIAP 44.1-2, 2005, 63-97 H4134.5 Tomothy Barrett, "History", CTSB 124-142 H4134.6 C. J. Bartley, Indian Philosophy A-Z. New York 2005 H4134.6.5 Manoranjan Basu, Science, Consciousness, Freedom. Varanasi 2005 H4134.7 Gustave Benevides, "Economy", CTSB 77-102 H4134.8 Gopa Bhattacharya, "Concept of consciousness in Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga", UPEWP 151-156 H4135 Carl Bielefeldt", Practice", CTSB 229-246 H4135.2 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The reliability of tradition", in Boundaries, Dynamics and Consturction of Traditions in South Asia (ed. Federico Squarcini). (Florence, Delhi 2005), 63-76 H4135.3 Werner Chakkalakal, Where Will East and West Meet? A Contemporary Reflection on the Fundamental Concept of Early Indian and Greek Philosophies of World, God and Man. Trichur 2005 H4135.4 Bhaswati Bhattacharya Chakraborty, "Are all things non-eternal?", UPEWP 200-202 H4135.5 Christopher Chapple, "Isvara-pranidhana and bhakti", JvaisS 14.1, 2005, 29-42 H4135.5.5 Margaret Chatterjee, Lifeworlds, Philosophy, and India Today. Shimla 2005 H4135.5.7 Francois Chenet, Categories de langue et cateogies de pensee, en Inde et en occident. Paris 2005 H4135.6 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Practical Vedanta of Vivekananda: a philosophy of harmony", JIAP 44.1-2, 2005, 98-107 H413.6.5 Maitrayee Datta, "The controversy regarding the existence of 'present time' in classical India", JICPR 22.3, 2005, 27-48 H4135.7 Dayanand, The Philosophy of Religion in India. Delhi 2005 H4135.8 Kiran Desai-Breun, Selbstbezeichungen des indischer Denkens in Komparativen Betrachtung.. Nordhusen 2005 H4135.9 Manjula Devi, "The teachings of karma: a Vedic study", JOI 54, 2004-2005, 9-15 H4135.9.5 Usha Devi, "Reply to the query on othe meaning of 'identity' or abheda ij JICPR vol. no. xix.3", JICPR 22.4, 2005, 259-261 H4136 Jonardon Ganeri, "Traditions of truth–changing beliefs and the nature of inquiry", JIP 33, 2005, 43-54 H4136.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "A dynamic tradition of truth-telling: moral innovation in the Mahabharata", in Frederic Squarcini (ed.), Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia. Florence 2005 H4136.6 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyaya, "Uddalaka Aruni and the atomic hypothesis", FacInd 229-236 H4136.7 William Garett, Bad Karma. Lanham, Md., 2005 H4137 Aruna Goel, Ancient Sanskrit Wisdom. Two volumes. Delhi 2005 H4137.5 Asha Goswami, "The concept of yogamaya and Krsna legend", EnIW2 137-141 H4138 Janet Gyatso, "Sex", CTSB 171-190 H4139 Mailyn Ivy, "Modernity", CTSB 311-333 H4139.1 Nandini Iyer, "'It ain't necessarily so'", TPY 79-128 H4139.2 Anthony Kalliath, "Purna-sunya-plethora as communion of beings", VFBHC 213-224 H4139.4 A. Kanthamani, "Saksi unbound", UPEWP 103-108 H4139.5 Kapil Kapoor, Text and Interpretation: The Indian Tradition. New Delhi 2005 H4139.6 Kapil Kapoor and Avadhash Kumar Singh, eds., Indian Knowledge Systems. Two volumes. Simla 2005 H4140 Whitley P. Kaufman, "Karma, rebirth, and the problem of evil", PEW 55, 2005, 15-32 H4140.4 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Nature of human existence", SelfSV 1-17 H4140.5 Shashiprabha Kumarm, "The ultimate goal of life", SelfSV 18-25 H4140.6 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Indian philosophy: a quest for the ultimate goal of life", UPEWP 145-150 H4140.7 Charles Lachman, "Art", CTSB 37-55 H4140.8 Gerald James Larson, "Mysticism in Hindu and Christian spirituality", BRMIC 56, 2003: 413, 479 H4141 Bruno Lo Turca, "Some questions posed by a recent epistemological approach to Indian thought", ZDMG 155, 2005, 189-197 H4143 Vijaykumar Malkalpatte, Urdhvamula: a Path to Self-Realization. Bombay 2005 H4145 Stuart McLeod, "The benefits and pitfalls of the teacher-mediator relationship", ContB 6.1, 2005, 64-78 H4146 Mahesh M. Mehta, "Dharma and moksa: conflict, continouity, and identity ", DGI 88-102 H4147 Nityanand Mishra, "Noticing the illusoriness of the illusion of 'I'-centrality", JICPR 22.1, 2005, 162-170 H4148 J. N. Mohanty, "An Indian philosopher in the West", BRMIC 56, 2005, 301-307 H4150 Patrick Nyman, "On the meaning of yathartha", JIP 33, 2005, 553-570 H4153 Reiko Ohnuma, "Gift", CTSB 103-123 H4154 Sebastian Painadath, "Mysticism, the depth-dimension of spirituality", JD 30, 2005, 395-410 H4154.5 Hemlata Pandey, "Factors required for the process of verbal understanding in Indian philosophy", JDPUC 13, 2005, 72-84 H4155 N.C.Pande, Maya in Physics. Revised edition, Delhi 2005 H4160 William Pietz, "Person", CTSB 188-210 H4159 Ramakrishnananda, "The three systems of Vedanta philosophy and the syncretic philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna", VK 92, 2005: 52, 91 H4163 K. Sundara Raman, "Sanatanadharma and human values", BRMIC 56, 2005, 99-102 H4163.5 Srinivasa Rao, "Philosophy, religion, and secularism: the Indian context", DCI 23-51 H4163.7 V. N. Seshagiri Rao, "Vedanta as religion", PTG 41.2, 2006, 11-15 H4164 Sunita Ray, "Indian philosophical prose in English: a new historicist perspective", PB 110, 2005, 332-333 H4165 Craig J. Reynolds, "Power", CTSB 211-218 H4167 Sandheng Rinpoche, "Sunya and purna", VFBHC 19-32 H4170 Sundor Sanukkar, Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science. Bangalore 2005 H4171 Sundar Saruklkai, Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science. New Delhi 2005 H4172 V. Kutumba Sastry, "Semantics of dharma", DCI 74-87 H4173 Arvind Sharma, "Jivanmukti in neo-Hinduism in the case of Ramana Maharsi", AsPOxford 15, 2005, 207-220 H4174 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, "Concept of fullness or purnatva in Indian philosophy", VFBHC 33-48 H4174.5 Dharmanand Sharma, "Dharma as the philosophy of India: some implicatios for a new theory of morality and social life", PURB 32.1-2, 2005, 71-76 H4175 Robert H. Sharf, "Ritual", CTSB 245-270 H4176 Karunesh Shukla, "Cittavisuddhi as the way to emancipation", EnIW2, 97-102 H4177 Sanjay Kumar Shukla, "The ontological dimensions of pramanyavada", UPEWP 399-404 H4178 Raj Singh, "Eastern concept of love: a philosophical reading of Narada Bhakti Sutra", AsPOxford 15, 2005, 221-230 H4178.1 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, "Pedagogy", CTSB 162-187 H4182 Jacqueline I. Stone, "Death", CTSB 56-76 H4183 Sthaneshwar Timalsina, "Moderating mantras: meaning and visualization in Tantric literature", TPY 213-236 H4183.5 Raj Kumari Trikha, "Karma-theory ion the Mahabharata and its relevance to modern society", JOI 54, 2004-2005, 19-25 H4184 Arun Kumar Upadhyay, "Classification of philosophy", FacInd 196-213 H4185 Demetrius Th. Vassiliades, "India and Greece: early philosophical understanding", IHR 32.1, 2005 H4185.2 V. F. Vineeth, "Meaning and mystery of reality: my search for wisdom 'in' and 'beyond' reason", JD 30, 2005, 411-422 H4185.2.3 Abhishikananda, Essential Writings. Edited by Shirley Du Boulay. Maryknoll, N.Y. 2006 H4185.2.8 Bagchi, "The enworlded subject: freedom in bondage", ES3WB H4185.3 R. Balasubramanian, "Introduction", ES3WB xxxi-lxxxix H4185.4 Bodo Balsys, Karma and the Rebirth of Consciousness. New Delhi 2006 H4185.4.1 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "Hetvabhasa in Indian philosophical systems other than Nyaya", PCRSIT 1, 507-522 H4185.4.3 Saroja Bhate, "Classificaiton of terms", PCRSIT 1, 609-630 H4185.4.4 Amarnath Bhattacharya, "The concept of srsti and pralaya: an Indian approach", PCRSIT 1, 117-134 H4185.4.6 Biswabandhu Bhattacharya, "Universals (jati)", PCRSIT 1, 69-84 H4185.4.7 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Satta", PCRSIT 1, 57-68 H4185.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The context of Indian philosophy", CTCIP 9-22 H5185.5.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Systematic philosophy between the empires", BTE 287-313 H4186 George Cardona, "Philosophy of language in India", EnP 7, 412-417 H4187 Brian Carr, "Causation ion Indian philosophy", EnP 2, 109-113 H4188 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Universal properties in Indian philosophical traditions", EnP 9, 580-587 H4188.1 Arindam Chakrabarti, "The concept of jnana, prama and aprama", PCRSIT 1, 145-182 H4188.1 Bhasvati Bhattacharya Chakrabarti, "'Apta'-some skeptical questions", SPIP 160-164 H4188.1.1 Bhaswati Bhattacharya Chakrabarti, "Indian skepticism and its refutation", PCRSIT 1, 157-262 H4188.1.5 Koyali Chakravarti, "Man in nature, man against nature", JIAP 45, 2006, 23-35 H4188.2 Samiran Charitra Chakraborti, "Rta, satya, tattva, tathya", PCRSIT 1, 17-28 H4188.5 B.M.Chamke, Shaktivishishtadvaita and Systems of Indian Philosophy. Pune 2006 H4189 Christopher Key Chapple, "Meditation in Indian philosophy", EnP 6, 107-110 H4189.3 Amita Chatterjee, "Perception", PCRSIT 1, 263-288 H4189.3.1 Amita Chatterjee, "Karya-karana-bhava", PCRSIT 1, 97-116 H4189.3.2 Amita Chatterjee, "Philosophical concepts relevant to science–an overview", PCRSIT 1, 3-16 H4189.3.3 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay, "Empty words conventionally used: vikalpa", CR 12, 2006, 119-120 H4189.5 Francis Chenet, "':Le sagesse est l'Oeil-du-Monde': reflexions sur la litterature sapientiale de l'Inde ancienne en general et sur la genre des 'maximes illustries par une analogie' (nyaya) en particulies", JA 294, 2006, 143-154 H4190 John D. Dunne, "Buddhist epistemology", EnP 1, 753-758 H4191 Eli Franco, "Knowledge in Indian philosophy", EnP 5, 115-123 H4191.4 Jonardon Ganeri, Artha: Meaning. Oxford 2006 H4919.4.1 Jonardon Ganeri, The Concealed Art of the Sou l: Theories of Self and Practice of Truth in Indian Ethics and Epistemology. New Y ork 2007 H4191.4.5 Sarbani Ganguli, "Theories of illusion (khyativada)", Anviksa 27, 2006, 84-89 H4191.5 Ron Geaves, Key Words in Hinduism., Georgetown 2006 (?) H4191.5 Manjulika Ghosh, (ed.), Sabdapramana in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2006 H4191.6 Raghunath Ghosh, "Krishna Chandra Bhattacharyya on 'The Subject as Freedom'", BRMIC 57, 2006, 452-457 H4192 Brendan S. Gillon, "Logic and inference in Indian philosophy", EnP 5, 410-414 H4192.2 Sitanath Goswami, "Tatparya and tatparyagahakalingas", PCRSIT 1, 775-788 H4192.3 S. M. Gupta, "The essence of Hinduism and J. L. Shaw", CPJLS 152-162 H4193 Birgit Kellner, "Negation in Indian philosophy", EnP 6, 530-534 H4193.3 Y. Krishan, "Is the doctrine of karma, generally known as the 'Law of Karma", scientific?", JICPR 23.3, 2006, 198-209 H4193.5 Rajjan Kumar, "Liberation: assumption, solution and application", SIPSR 463-470 H4194 Joel Kupperman, Classic Asian philosophy. A Guide to the Essential Texts.Oxford 2006 H4195 Irine Kuznetseva, "Karma-yoga as sacrifice: tracing the continuity of ideas from the Vedas to the Mahabharata", JVaisS 14.2, 2006, 115-128 H4197 Mukunda Lath, "Karma-pratiyogi", JICPR 23.3, 2006, 214-215 H4197 Jeffrey D. Long, "Eliminating the root of all evil: interdependence and the de-reification of the self", CPR 165-170 H4197.5 David R. Loy, "India's postmodern net", BandD 63-81 H4197.7 Shyamapada Misra, "Pramana: its nature and classification", PCRSIT 1, 183-208 H4198 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Rasvihary Das on the value of doubt", IndPQ 33, 2006, 85-92 H4198.5 J. N. Mohanty, "Categories (padartha-s) in Indian philosophy", PCRSIT 1, 29-46 H4199 Karen Pechilis, "Introduction: bodily transformations across Indian religions: IJHS 10, 2006, 169-172 H4200 Roy W. Perrett, "Atomic theory in Indian philosophy", EnP 1, 380-383 H4203 Stephen H. Phillips, "Truth and falsity in Indian philosophy", EnP 9, 542-546 H4205 Karl H. Potter, "Indian philosophy", EnP 623-634 H4203 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Vakyarthavicara", PCRSIT 1, 737-756 H4204 K.V.Ramakrishnamacharya, "Response to the query publishedin the JICPR Vol. 23.1", JICPR 23.2, 2006, 213-215 H4208 S. Roberston, Bhakti Tradition of Vaisnava Alvars and Theology of Religions. Kolkata 20-08 H4210 T. S. Rukmani, "God/Isvara in Indian philosophy", EnP 4, 132-135 H4210.5 Sukharanjan Saha, "Knowledge of identity; an Indian perspective", SPIP 23-29 H4210.6 Sukharanjan Saha, "Theories about bhrama", PCRSIT 1, 223-242 H4211 Baidyanath Saraswati, ed., Voice of Life. Traditional Thought and Modern Science. New Delhi 2006 H4212 Arvind Sharma, "Self in Indian philosophy", EnP 717-720 H4212.0 Ratna Dutta Sharma, "Prasamsita vakya", SPIP 98-107 H4212.0.1 Yoshitsugur Sawai, "Texts and their creative interpretations: reflections on the Vedanta philosophy as the hermeneutics of Upanisads", TRJ 34, 2006, 145-154 H4212.0.3 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Some alternative definitions of sabdapramana", SPIP 53-79 H4212.0.4 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Introductio to concepts relevant to formal sciences", PDCRSIT 1, 349-382 H4212.0.5 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language to contemporary Western philosophy", JIAP 45, 2006, 58-76 H4212.0.7 Siddheswarananda, "The development of Hindu thought", VK 93, 2006, 172-177 H4212.1 Siddheswarananda, "Facets of existence", VK 93, 2006, 331-334 H4213 Satyapal Singh, "Anvitabhidhanavada and abhihitanvayavada: two mutual complementary theories", VIJ 43-44, 2005-2006, 120-134 H4214 Ninian Smart, "Karma", EnP 5, 41-42 H4215 Ninian Smart, "Reincarnation", EnP 8, 331-333 H4216 Fred M. Smith, The Self Possessed. New york 2006 H4217 K. Srinivas, "Contemporary Indian approaches to epistemology with special reference to B. K. Matilal", PV 7.2, 2006, 124-140 H4218 N. S. Ramanujan Tatacarya, "Theories of truth: a comparative analaysis", PCRSIT 1, 209-222 H4218.5 Fernando Tola and Carmen Dragonetti, "Unity in diversity: Indian and Western philosophical tradition", ABORI 86, 2006, 63-80 H4219 N. Veezhinathan, "Sangati", PCRSIT 1, 793-798 H4219.1 N. Veezhinathan, "Laksana-vrtti and gauni-vrtti", PCRSIT 1, 685-688 H4219.2 N. Veezhinathan, "Abhidha: a critique", PCRSIT 1, 651-660 H4220 Karel Werner, "Liberation in Indian philosophy", EnP 5, 326-331 H4220.5 Adiswarananda, "Meditation and the way of yoga", PB 112.1, 2007, 39-44 H4220. 8 R. Balasubrahmanian, "Primal spirituality, philosophical knowledge and primary experience", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 1-34; 24.4, 2007, 25-68 H4221 Douglas L. Berger, "India and cross-cultural philosophy in the works of Ramakrishna Puligandla", PEW 57, 2007, 263-268 H4221.3 Bhaskarananda, "Fruits of contemplation: some reflectoins", PB 112.1, 200-7, 83-86 H4221.7 S. R. Bhatt, "Ethics and spirituality in Indian thought", PV 8.2, 2007, 16-24 H4222 Ramkrishan Bhattacharya, "What is meant by svabhava bhutacintakah?", EMH 275-284 H4222.7 Purusottama Bilimoria and M. K. Sridhar, "Animal ethics and ecology in classical India–reflections on a moral tradition", IECTC 297-327 H4222.8 Brahmesananda, "Fruits of contemplation", PB 112.7, 2007, 417-420 H4222.8.1 Brahmesananda, "Understanding the law of karma", VK 94, 2007, 195 H4222.8.2 Brahmesananda, "Law of karma and rebirth", VK 94, 2007, 235-236 H4222.7 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Science and religion in classical India", ITaur 33, 2007, 183-196 H4222.9.5 Michael von Bruck, Ewiges Leben oder Widergeburt?–Sterben, Tod und Jenseitoffnung in euripaischen und asiatische Kulturen. Freibug-im-Breslau 2007 H4223 Timothy Cahill, "Logic, love and the complementary concepts of anvaya and vyatireka", EMH 721-728 H4223.5 Christopher Key Chapple, "Acton oriented morality in Hinduism", IECTC 351-362 H4223.7 Madhumita Chattopadhyay, "Are logical truths informative?", Anviksa 28, 2007, 74-95 H4224 Mohini Chaudha, "Karma and the problem of evil", PEW 57, 2007, 512-532 H4222.5 George Chemparathy, "Some problems in determining the number and the names of the Vedic Upanisads", EMH 587-602 H4223 Durgananda, "The cosmos in Western and Indian thought", PB 112.8, 2007, 483-487; 112.9, 2007, 536-540 H4224 Thomas A. Forsthoeffel, Knowing Beyond Knowledge. Epistemology of Religious Experience in Classical and Modern Advaitas. New Delhi 2007 H4225 Eli Franco, "The Macmillan Encyclopedia 40 years later", JIP 35, 2007, 287-297 H4226 Eli Franco, "Sylvain levi's contribution to the study of Indian philosophy" in Sylvain Levi (1863-1935). Etudes Indienne, Histoire Sociale. Edited by L yne Bansat-Boudon and Roland Larinois. Belgium 2007 (?) H4227 Edwin Gerow, "Sylvain Levi et la compariosn des cultures", SylLevi 91-102 H4228 Gerdi Gerschheimer, "Les 'six doctrines d speculation (sattarki)–sur le categorisation variable des systemes philosophique dans l'Inde classique", EMH 239-358 H4229 Purnima Ghosh, "Status of darkness in Indian philosophy", Anviksa 28, 2007, 63-73 H4230 Brian A. Hatcher, "Bourgeois Vedanta: the colonial roots of middle-class Hinduigm", JAAR 75, 2007, 298-323 H4230.5 John Stratton Hawley, "The bhakti movement–since when?", JICPR 24.4, 2007, 69-90 H4231 Maria Hiem, "Dana as a moral category?, IECTC 191-209 H4233 Michael Hulin, "Interpretation of karman in contemporary Western societies", CIPR 83-112 H4233.1 Michael Hulin, "Morals and soteriology", CIPR 113-126 H4233.2 Michael Hulin, "Karman in medieval literature", CIPR 117-138 H4237 Pankaj Jain, "Householders and renouncers: the holistic combionation in Indian thought", PappuSV 165-180 H4240 Seishi Karashima, "Miscellaneous notes on middle Indic words (2)", ARIRSU 18, 2007, 81-92 H4241 Rajesh Kasturirangan, "Consciousness across cultures: a response to Bina Gupta's Cit: Consciousness", PEW 57, 2007, 567-575 H4242 Whitley Kaufman, "Karma, rebirth and the problem of evil: a reply to critics", PEW 57, 2007, 556-560 H4243 Daya Krishna, "The myth of the ethics of purusartha or humanity's life-goals", IECTC 103-116 H4244 Victoria Lysenko, "Atomistic formulation in Indian thought", CIPR 9-26 H4244.1 Victoria Lysenko, "Classical Indian philosophy in the perspective of cultural studies: sketching a new approach", CIPR 139-150 H4248 Matthew D. Mackenzie, "The illumination of consciousness: approaches to self-awareness in the Indian and Western traditions", PEW 57, 2007. 14=39 H4249 Ram Adhar Mall, "Das Projekt 'Interkulturelle Philosophie': Wilhelm Halbfass–ein Glucksfall zwischen Indologie und Philosophie", EMH 23-40 H4249.5 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Dharma and ratinality", IECTC 79-102 H4250 John McHugh, "The classification of smells and the order of the senses in Indian religious traditions", Numen 54, 2007, 374-419 H4251 J. N. Mohanty, "Dharma, imperatives, and traditrion: toward an Indian theory of moral action", IECTC 57-78 H4251.1 J. N. Mohanty, "Philosophy in the 21st century", PB 112.8, 2007, 459-462 H4251.3 Sharda Narayanan, "The significance of temporal sequence in language : study in sastra", JICPR 24.1, 2007, 119-130 H4251.5 Christian Lee Novetske, "Bhakti and its public", IJHS 11.3, 2007, 255-272 H4252 Claus Oetke, "About the assessment of views on the self in the Indian philosophical tradition", Pramanakirti 567-586 H4252.1 Harry Oldmeadow, "The comparative study of Eastern and Western metaphysics: a perennialist perspective", Sophia 46, 2007, 49-64 H4252.2 Priyadarshi Patnaik, "Looking at translation through Indian tradition", VQ 15.3-4-16.1-2, 2006-2007, 23-32 H4252.3 Karen Preisedanz, "The initiation of the medical student in early classical Ayurveda: Caraka's treatment in context", Pramanakirti 629-668 H4252.5 Purnananda, "The Vaisnava contemplative tradition", PB 112.1, 2007, 87-94 H4252.6 Geeta Raman, "The self and the quale of consciousness", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 87-100 H4252.7 Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Indian Philosophy and the Consequences or Knowledge. Burlington, Vt. 2007 H4252.8 Shyam Ranganathan, Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 2007 H4252.9 K. Pranakrisha Rao, "Meditatin on the mandala of Indian identity", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 33-66 H4253 Patricia Reynaud, "The eternal feminine in traditional Hinduism", PappuSV 230-250 H4256 Arvind Sharma, "Mysticism in the Indian religious tradition", ARC: The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 35, 2007 H4258 R. Raj Singh, Bhakti and Philosophy. Blue Ridge Summit, Penna. 2007 H4258.5 Jamgön Kongtrul Lotrö Kayé, The Treasury of Knowledge. Volume 6, Part 3: Frameworks of Buddhist Philosophy. A Systematic Presentaiton of the Cause-Based Philosophical Vehicle. Tr. Elizabeth M. Callahan. Ithaca, N. Y. 2007 H4260 P. George Victor, "Jivanmukti and spiritual awakening in Radhakrishnan", PappuSV 266-277 H4260.5 Vimalatmananda, "The Sakta contemplative tradition", PB 112.1, 2007, 95-101 H4261 Hsung Yun, "Karma", WVBR 44.4, 2007, 12-17 H4261.3 Rupa Bandyopadhyaya, "Jagrat, svapna and susupti", PCRSIT 2, 257-271 H4261.4 Sures Candra Banerjee, "Purusartha", PCRSIT 301-338 H4261.5 Christopher Bartley, Indian Philosophy A-Z. Delhi 2008 H4261.7 Amarnath Bhattacharya;, "The concept of prana-vayu (breath)", PCRSIT 2, 179-184 H4261.8 Amarnath Bhattacharya, "The concept of sarira: sthula, suksma,linga, karana", PCRSIT 2, 163-178 H4261.9 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Jnanendriyas, karmendriyas and mnana in Indian philosophies (aprapuakaritva and prapuyakaritva of the jnanendiryas)", PCRSIT 2, 185-210 H4262 Shlomo Biderman, Crossing Horizons: World, Self, and Language in Indian and Western Thought. Translated b Oman Ratan. New York 2008 H4262.0 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Is there correlation in Indian philosophy?", JA 296, 2008, 9-22 H4262.0.1 C. Mackenzie Brown, "The design argukent in classical Hindu thought:, IJHS 12, 2008, 103-151 H4262.1 Pattan E. Burchett, "The 'magical' language of mantra", JAAR 76, 2008, 807-843 H4262.1.1 George Cardona, "Inquiry into Indian thories of verbal cognition", JAOS 128.1, 2008, 105-112 H4262.1.3 Arindam Chakrakborti, "Death in classical Indian thought", PCRSIT 2, 217-232 H4262.1.4 Tapan Kumar Chakrabarti, "Avidyakaranatavada", PCRSIT 2, 47-60 H4262.1.5 Nirod Baran Chakrabarty, "Hindu belief: formations and justification", BRMIC 59, 2008, 141-148 H4262.1.7 Srilekha Datta and Amita Chtterjee, "Philosophical concepts relevant to the physical senses", PCRSIT 2, 3-18 H4262.2 Thomas B. Elllis, "The meta-ethics of Viraha Bhakti: the philosophical writings of J. L. Mehta", JVaisS 16.2, 2008, 71-82 H4262.4 Jason D. Fuller, "Bhaktivinoda Thakura, colonialism, and the philosophia perennis", JVaisS 16.2, 2008, 119-136 H4262.6 Jonardon Ganeri, "Contextualism in the study of Indian intellectual cultures", JIP 36, 2008, 551-562 H4262.7 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, "Paramanukaranavada", PCRSIT 2, 19-32 H4262.7.5 Brahmananda Gupta, "The concept of 'indriya' in Ayurvedic texts with special reference to karmendriyas", PCRSIT 2m 2110216 H4262.8 Jan E. M. Houben and Sheldon Pollock, "Theory and method in Indian intellectual history", JIP 36, 2008, 531-532 H4262.9 Biswanath jena, "Is neglect of testimony justified?", JOI 57, 2007-2008, 57-68 H4270 Matthew S. Lapresti, "The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore", PEW 57, 2008, 147-152 H4271 Gerald James Larson, "In memoriam: Ram Shankar Bhattacharya", EnInPh 12, 2008, 13-16 H4275 David Loy, "Awareness bound and unbound: realizing the nature of attention", PEW 58, 2008, 223-243 H4277 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, ed., EITCH Volume 16: Great Indian Philosophy; Volume 17: Vedic Philosophy; Volume 19, Six Systems of Philosophy; Volume 24, Vaishnava Philosophy; Volume 27, Indian Logic and Ethics; Volume 29: Meditation, Yoga and Sadhana. 2008 H4279 Christopher Minkowski, "Why should we read the mangala verses?", Sastrarambha 1-24 H4279.1 J. N. Mohanty, "Intentinality and theory of the qualities of the soul", PCRSIT 2, 241-252 H4279.2 P.B.Mukherji, "A shamelessm ovement for India and the world", Dilip 34.2, 2008, 24-29 H4279.4 G. C. Nayak, "Brahmakaranavada", PCRSIT 2, 61-66 H4279.5 G. C. Nayak, "Prakrtikaranavada", PCRSIT 2, 33-46 H4279.8 G. C. Pande, "Time", PCRSIT 2, 295-300 H4279.9 G. C. Pande, "Itihasas", PCRSIT 289-294 H4280 Sheldon Pollock, "Is there an Indian intellectual history? Introduction to 'Theory and method ion Indian intellectual history'", JIP 36, 2008, 533-542 H4282 Rajendra Prasad, A Conceptual-Analytic Study of Classical Indian Philosophy of Morals. New Delhi 2008 H4283 Karin Preisedanz, "Text, commentary, annotation: some reflections on the philosophical genre", JIP 36, 2008, 599-618 H4284 K.V.Raghupati, "Samyama and its three aspects", VK 35, 2008, 312-314 H4285 C. K. Raja, "Kala and dik", PCRSIT 2, 67-92 H4286 Barsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr., "Opening the door to Indian philosophy", IICQ 35, 2008, 70-80 H4288 Sundar Sarukkai, "Introduction: concepts from Indian traditions relevant to social sciences", PCRSIT 2, 273-288 H4287 S. Ramaswamly, Indian Philosophical Ideas and Western Literature. Bangalore 2008 H4290 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Kriya", PCRSIT 2. 149-162 H4291 Baliram Shukla, "Smrti and samskara", PCRSIT 2, 253-256 H4291.5 Raffaele Torella, Il pensiero dell'Inde, Un introduzione. Roma 2008 H4292 Peter Skilling, "Seeing the preacher as the Teacher: a note on "sastrsamjna", ARIRSU 20, 2008, 73-100 H4292.5 B. R. Subrahmanyan, "Some reflectoins on the abyaktas (avyakrtas) and Upanisadic thought", Dhammadesana 2087-213 H4293 N.S. Ramanuja Tatacarya, "The essential nature of self", PCRSIT 2, 233-240 H4294 Sthaneshwar Timalsina, "Cosmic awareness and yogic absorption in the Nath literature", SIT 25, 2008, 137-168 H4294.2 Anindita Niyogi Balselv, A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 H4294.4 Ravindra Brahmachari Chidanandjee, Hindu Religion and Self-Realization. New Delhi 2009 H4294.6 Ronald M. Davidson, "Studies in dharani literature 1: revising themeaning of the term dharani", JIP 37, 2009, 97-147 H4294.8 Ellen Goldberg, "Medieval hathayoga sadhana: an indigenous South Asian bio-therapeutic model for health, healing and longevity", ActOD 70, 209, 93-110 H4295 Maria Heim, "The conceit of self-loathing", JIP 37, 2009, 61-74 H4297 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Indian Logic and Ethics. New Delhi 2009 H4297.1 Chidatman Jhee Maharaj, Great Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 H4298 J.N.Mohanty, Lectures on Consciousness and Interpretation. New Delhi 2009 H4299 Makarand Paranjpe, Another Canon: Indian Texts and Traditions in English. New Delhi 2009 H4300 U. S. Shaji, An Introduction to Hindu Philosophy of Religion. Delhi 2009 H4302 Sridharananda, "Concept of karma-yoga", BRMIC 60, 2009, 61-67 H4305 Satya Prakash Tiwary, An Insight into Hndu Philosophy: Life and Beyond. New Delhi 2009 H4310 Nitin Trasi, The Science of Enlightenment: Enlightenment, Liberation and God. Third Editiopn. New Delhi 2009 H4315 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The contextof Indian philosophy", IPTS 9-30 H4316, Johannes Bronkhorst, "What did Indian philosophers believe?"< LBIP 13-38 H4325 Raghunath Ghosh, "Can there be unbiased epistemology in Indian philosophy", LVIP 65-78 H4327 Brendan S. Gillon, "Logic in early classical India: an overview", LECI 1-26 H4340 Parimal G. Patil, "Consuming scripture: philosophical hermeneutics in classical India", IPTS 77-100 H4342 Karin Preisedanz, "Reasoning as a science, its role in early dharma literature, and the emergence of the tem nyaya", LECI 27-66 H4343 Ernst Prets, "On the proof passage of the Carakasmhita: ediitons, manuscripts and commearies", LECI 67-86 H4350 Nirbhai Singh, Philosophical Contributions of Bhaktas and Gurus to Indian Culture. New Delhn 2010 |