Index of Topics

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             Lower-case letters indicate the type of work, such as article (a), book (b), dissertation (d), felicitation volume (f), or translation(t) [see Abbreviations for a complete list.]

          Numerical references not preceded by upper-case letters are found in Part I.

          Numerical references preceded by the upper-case letters DU (Dates Unknown) and ADU (Author and Date Unknown) are found in Part II and Part III respectively.

          Numerical references preceded by any other upper-case letters (such as AV, or combinations such as Ac] are found in the sections of Part IV.


Example: absence - a135.1.1, 560.8.6; NV248; H1266, 2632. bNV361, 387.

[The word "absence" occurs in articles 135.1.1 and 560.8.6 in Part I; in article 248 in the NV section of Part IV and in articles 1266 and 2632 in the H section; and in 2 books in the NV section of Part IV with the numbers 361 and 387.]


          Some cross-referencing among topics has been attempted, but readers should use their imagination and patience in consulting this index. Topics are generally derived directly from the titles of the publications cited and may not fully or accurately reflect the contents of the publications.


abandonment - aSV28

abha - aMB78

abhasa - aAV808

  , paksa- - a268.10.180

  , pratyaksa- , see pratyaksa-abhasa

-vada - a379.67.610.0; KS26.5

abhava, see absence

  -pramana - a363.5.65

abhavavimarsa - bNV311.5

Abhayagirivihara, -viharins - a123.1:3, 10; AB442.1

abheda, see nondifference

abhedaikatvasamkhya - a221.1.220

abhidha - aH4219.2

abhidhana - aPM60

Abhidharma (school), see AB section of Part IV

, meaning of the word - aAB26; GB2036.5

works - aAB26

abhihitanvaya(vada) - aPM60, 121; G187; H4059.4.5, 4213

abhijna(s) - aGB646, 1928.7. bYB20

abhijnana - aKS56

Abhinava - a221.1.294

abhinna (P.), see abhijna

abhisamaya - aGB641

abhisannanirodha, see nirodha, abhisamjna-

abhutaparikalpa - aYB35

abhutvabhava - aAB262

abhyasa - aAB162

abhyudayanissreyas - a221.1.192; H3153

abilities, limits of human - aY83; H1047.5

abode of the blest - aGB188

abortion - aGB1838; H3508.1. bGB1769

absence (abhava) - a560.8.6; NV248, 280, 324, 440.6, 574.6, 612.1; PM56; AV1479.6; G122; KS62; H1266, 2632, 4111. bNV361, 387

, anyatara- - aNV280

, anyonya-(mutual) - aBL86; NV232,451

, ubhaya- - aNV280

  -vada - aKS62

, visista- - aNV280

, vyadhikarana- - aNV204

Absolute (see also Being; Ultimate) - bSANV; 379.67.398; GB401;VV98; 401; AV355.5, 532; VV98; H1099, 2881,3331, 3604.1, 3605. a137.1.56.1; 221.1.149; 379.67:597.2, 890; 379.67:73, 378; 406.3.6; 751.31.27; 956.1.79; 1011.13.5; 1036.14.10; GB25, 32, 55, 86, 124, 231, 348, 451, 647, 648, 1424, 1426; G52; AV63, 277,297, 537, 573, 592, 603, 672, 759, 781, 1021, 1176, 1247.2, 1269.5; SS136.5, 143; KS28; Ac8; H751.31.27; H1036, 1037, 1323, 1422, 1449, 1596, 1842, 1900, 2678, 2920, 3600.00, 4120

as pure consciousness - aAV1314

experience - a379.67.117

of creation - aH1946

of experience - aH1945

of human reason - a877

, immanent, see tathagatagarbha

, monistic - a224.1.22

, personal - a379.67.795

, the, in neo-Vedanta - aH1900, 1948

absolutism - bPJAIP. a47.16:26, 134; 317.1:44, 68.5; 379.67:54, 213, 320, 616.9; 1026.13.20; J322, 545.6.7; YB63, 66, 113, 322; AV208, 346; H1010, 2495, 3205, 3473.1

vs. relativism - aJ498.1.3

, non- , s.v.

absorption, yogic - aH4294

abstention, mutual - aH1809

abstract thought - aJ262

abstraction - bY232. aNV330, 338; G30

absurd, the - aGB1000

acarya (see teacher) - a411.1.1; 455.2.52; MB233; AV1494; KS141; H2266

accounting - aS349

accusative, case - a221.1.260; G135.1; NV525; H3579.6

, double - a1133.4.13

acetana - aS104

acikh - a210.9.34

Acintyabhedabhedavada, see Ac section of Part IV

acit - a637.7.50

acittaka - aGB630

acoustics - aS281.1

act, action (see also kriya, karma, arthakriya, pravrtti) - bPSA;321.4.18; 1026.4.6; NV257; V257; AV667; Ac52.5; H3027. a47.16:73, 153; 304.3.2.6; 363.4.25; 368.1.48; 637.7.23; J290, 346, 630.2; AB359, 441.1.0, 530; BL132; MB5, 9; GB29, 650, 900, 979, 1017, 1372, 1566.3, 1567; NV374, 374.1, 385, 396,533.5, 1589.0; PM108, 186, 201, 202; G31, 140, 141; AV738 , 934; SS160; H162, 579, 1230, 1313, 2510, 2909.5, 2936, 3168, 3182, 3505, 3584.1, 3590.1, 3600:0-1, 4035.1, 4223.5

, cognitive, see cognition

of a liberated person - aH1801

, miraculous course of (atyadbhutavrtti) - a221.1.92

, selfless - aH1428

action-organs (karmendriya) - a48.1.55

activism - a47.16.97; 379.67.202; PM42, 135; H438, 465, 1170, 1374

activity, psychic - aSV29

actualism - aY246

actuality - aGB651

acupuncture - aY443

adanavijnana - aYB40

adaptibility - a687.3.14; J514.0

adarsajnana - aYB41

adarsanamatra - a268.10.34

adharma, see evil

adhi - aY577.4

adhikara - aNV473.5; H3593

adhikarin - aH4055.2

adhicitta - aGB652

adhigama - aJ187

adhimoksa, adhmukti - a103.1.87; GB653

-caryabhumi - aGB631

adhipanna - aGB654

adhipapti - aGB655

-phala - aGB629

-pratyaya - aGB635

adhisthana - aGB656

adhivacanapravesa - a632

adhvan - aSS164

adhyasa, see superimposition

adhyayana - aPM102

adjective - aG77

administration - a309.1.1.5

  , democratic - bAV1491.5

adoration - a131.1.264; J564.9.5

adornment - 404.1.3

adrsta - a29.1.64; NV164, 234.1, 624; H3586

adrsyanupalabdhi - a417A.2.5.5

Advaita Vedanta, see AV section of Part IV. See also Vedanta.

advaya - aYB101; GB1326.1

aesthetics - b582.27:7-8, 55; H1032. a379.67.610.3; 441.1.17; 582.27:10, 12, 17, 23, 27, 30, 33; 637.7.148; AB597.5; GB1141. 1613, 1899; AV340, 1278; KS86.2, 170; H766, 2803.1, 2895.1, 3015.1, 3017, 3117, 3383, 3580.3, 3583, 3587.1, 3593.12, 3672, 4086.8, 4035.1.5

aetiology - aAB679.6

affirmation - aBL33

Afghanistan - bGB1564.1

afterimage - aGB658

agama (see also authority)- a174.10.68; 221.1.2; 294.5:9,17; DV43; H2638

, an- - see nonreturn

agamas - aAB257,418, 504, 604, 675, 678.2.9; GB67; SS102, 126, 140, 146, 160, 163; KS34, 39.1, 60, 74.1; SS209; VS8, 85.4.5; GS45.5; H2689.4.6; 3083

  angagama - aGB1627.6

agent, agency (kartr, kartrtva)(see also self) - aGB1899; NV413; H3634.2

, moral - aH3391, 3420

  -neutrality - aGB2050

, subject - aH4075.5

aggregate, see skandha

agnostic(ism) - aC21; GB185, 358, 660

aham, see ego

  -brahmasmi - AV1515

ahamartha - aAV1198, H3594.1

ahamkara - bH2796. a163.1:87.1, 130; 369.7.17, 378.67.528.1; GB661; S213.5, 308, 352; KS73; H273

ahampratiti, see pratiti, aham

ahara - aGB662

aharya cognition - aNV445.7

ahetuvada - a404.8.6; GB663

ahimsa (nonviolence) - a131.1.191; 473.4.6; J42, 85, 150, 229, 464.1, 465, 486.1, 494: 0.1, 2, 500, 570, 590.8, 597, 598, 619, 629, 631; GB445,1219, 1398, 1581.5, 1983; J42, 85, 150, 229, 447.5, 465, 494.0.1, 524, 543, 545.5, 563.5, 570, 586.2, 590.8, 597, 598, 620.6; H318, 742, 978, 3101.1, 3614, 3628. bJ594.1; GB1511.2; 1581.5. dH2330.1, 3040.1, 3361.1, 3593.1.0.3, 4072.9

ajati(vada) - a47.16.134;; 317.1:51, 81, 103; GB1241

ajita - a22.1.92.1

ajiva, see matter (in Jainism)

Ajivika, see Aj section of Part IV

ajna - aGB690; S104

-manaprayatyaya - GB691

-indriya - aGB634

ajnana, see ignorance

akamksa - a973.13.8; NV420.2.1; G48; AV972

akara - a175.5.1; 595.6.1

  -niyama - aJ630.2

akasa (see space) - a616.1..4; 681.1.207; J39; GB676, 684, 1260.1; NV2, 401, 413.0, 446, 466.1; S91, 103; H3590.2

-kasina - aAB661

akhanda mahayoga, see yoga, akhandamaha

akhandavakyartha - a701.8.1

akhyati - a788.1.121

aklistajnana - aYB126.8

akriyavada - aJ146; AB686; GB686

akrtabhyagama - aGB1567

akrti, see configuration

aksara - bH343,1388,2986

-brahman - a406.1.2.5. b1395.3.54.

-purusottama - a1395.3.57; SUD18.5

aksepa - aH3602.0.8

Aksobhya Buddha - bSRP. dGB1406.1. aMB322

akusala, see evil

alambana - a224.1.6; GB719

-pratyaya - aGB673, 720

alamkara - a687.4.6.3; KS58

Alamkarasastra - aBL16; NV534.5, 578; PM196

alamkarika - a379.67.815.1

alatacakra - aGB674, 121. 135.1.4;174.7.2; 174.10:26, 35;15.9.1; YB8, 17, 25, 45, 47, 67, 73, 107, 111, 118, 120, 121, 122

alatasanti - b317.1.94

alaukikasannikarsa, see perception, extraordinary

alayavijnana - bYB111, 118, 158; GB1877. a135.1.4; 174.7.2; 174.10:26,31.1, 35; 175.9.1; 302A.2.4; 344.4.42; 402.4.6; YB8, 17, 25, 45, 47, 63, 73, 82, 91, 107, 120, 121,122, 123; GB1742. dYB95.1, 115.1

alchemy - b809.17:21.5, 22.5. aGB1287; Y534

aletheia (truth) - aGB1574.1, 1590; AV1516.7

alienation - aMB232.1; GB1319; AV1389; H2428

alikakara - a418.16.5; 448.1.8

"all" (sarva) - aSV48

allusion - a374.6.2

alphabet, see vyanjana

alternation, logic of - aH2561

altruism - bFTASG; 368.1:51,52. a368.1:45, 51.9, 53, 69; AB459.02; GB1352.2, 1505, 1600; Y132; KS175H1104,1116. t368.1.59

Alvars - aVV30; SS92; H1299, 4208

ama - aMB81

amalavijnana - a302A.2.12; YB25, 46

amansikara - aGB2053

Ambhiyas - aC43

ambiguity - a655.1.28.2; 1047.26.6; H2587

America - bBAT

Amitabha/Amitayus - aGB1959.5

amity - aGB271

amrta - a49A.1.47' H3707

amsa, the word - a379.12.58; H2777

amsavada - a175.24.23; VV69

amurta - a278.1.39

anabhilapya, see ineffability

anaditva, see begininglessness

anadisakti - aKS137.5

anagama, see nonreturn

anaikantika, see fallacy

analogy (see also example) - a175.1.48; 379.; 379.65.12.5; 698.1.48.1; AB285.2; NV432.4; S138; AV166

analysis (vicara) (see also rationalism; reason) - b48.1.96; H2978. a221.1.160; 294.5.30; 321.2.11; 379.67.546; GB1586; NV330, 194.5; AV1102, 1103.1, 1127, 1128, 1135; H2713, 2789, 3594.1.5

, discourse - aH3980

, linguistic - a1324.6.8; 379.67.539; MB232; GB138;G138; AV954, 1103.1; 1127, 1128; H2803.2, 2992, 3592.1.1. bG129

, literary - bGB1810.5, 1832

, philosophical - b1119.5.25; 1324.6.8; H2229, 2230, 2891, 3242, 3254. a103.1.81; AB156, 1135, 1141; BL84; AV1158, H3592.1.1, 4086.8.2. dAB256.2

  , structural - a161.1.66

analytical method, s.v.

ananda, see bliss

anandamaya Brahman, see Brahman, anandamaya

anantarapaccaya - aGB689

anantaryamarga - aGB704

ananvitabhidhana - aG187

ananyatva, see identity

anapanasati, see breathing

anaphora - a788.1.110

anatman, anatta - b321.2.7. a21.1:35, 43; 168.1.2; 169A.1.5;; 210.7.23; 321.9.6; 379.67.613.1; AB60, 142, 168, 188, 191, 209, 264, 328, 387, 449; MB199; GB131, 213, 242.1, 350, 352, 357, 379, 395, 400, 429, 436, 455, 470, 484562, 584, 625, 697, 711, 718, 727, 754, 760, 762, 767, 788, 826, 924, 936, 937, 995, 1082, 1097, 1338, 1368, 1432, 1453, 1460, 1468, 1479.1, 1482, 1492, 1606.2.2, 1869.4, 1896, 1978; AV847; H1417, 3579. dAB441.1

anatomy, psychologic - bN841.5

anava - aSS204

anavastha - a39.1.13; H1586

Andhaka school of Buddhism - aAB123

Andhra(desh or) Pradesh - bVS56. a451.2.0; AB451.2.0; GB490, 1538.3, 1608.3, 1867.6, 1908,

androgyny - aGS35

anecdotes, literary - aNV39

anekantavada - bJTMFRT; J112, 379, 407, 562, 594.1. a196A.7:19, 32; J29.01, 64, 90, 91, 132, 137.5, 142, 163.5, 182.1, 188, 200, 208, 229, 295, 331,345, 379, 387, 407, 440.1, 445, 469, 482.2,3, 482.2, 488.8, 494:0-1, 497, 500.1, 501, 502.00, 503.3.5, 504, 504.0, 515.5, 520, 521, 523, 526, 527, 527.5, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 545.5.5, 545.6, 547, 551.7, 561, 564.3,570,574.5, 586.1, 587, 588, 590, 591, 597, 599, 615.6-7, 631, 640, 641, 649; AB135.3, 547.4

anga - aAB464

  -agama, see agama(s)

  , yoga- - aY409; VV73. bY489

angel(s) - aGB1982

anger - a131.1.269. b368.1.50.3

angulimala - aGB512

anima, see self, anima

animal - aH3532.3, 3601:0, 5. bH3593.1.0.3

animitta - aGB705

anirvacaniya, -khyati, see ineffability

anitya (P. anicca), -ta, -tva, see impermanence

anityaspotavadin - aG15

annihilation - aGB707; NV191; AV1180

annotation - aH4283

anomaly - a48.1.120

antahkarana - aAV247, 293

antarabhava - aAB269, 388, 442.3.02, 544.9, 550; GB692, 949, 969, 1108, 1561.1, 1620, 1622, 1771, 1860.4, 1967; Y621

antaryaga - aGS45

antarvyapti, see vyapti, antar-

antaryamin - a793.53.19; SUD18.5

anthropic principle - a4087.3

anthropocentrism - aJ500; S314.1, 315

anthropology - bH3108. aGB458, 1440, 1627.0.5.5; H1278, 1930, 2719

, philosophical - b1091.7.2; SS157. aAV1221; H1419, 3599.1

anti-essentialism - aGB1614

antinomy - a379.67.203

anti-realism - a47.16.132; AV442-3, 496, 555; H2818

anti-skepticism - a321.9.14

anti-theism (see also atheism) - aJ230; GB552; H1335, 3156

anu, see atom

anubhava - a379.67:581,613.04.1; AV1158.1; H3618.7.0.5

  as a pramana - a379.67:34, 605

  -mandapa - aVS35

anulaksana - a39.1.3

anumana, see inference

, poetic - aH2674

anumeya - a268.7.18

anupalabdhi(vada) - a268.10.34; 344.1.3; 344.9.106; 418.8.1; 472.1.17; 779.1.11; GB1601; PM56; AV1479.6; H2847

  as a pramana - aH2401, 3063

  , svabhava- - a410.26.10; GB988

  , vyapaka- - aGB1393

anupalambhika - aNV634.6


, anyatha- aH3933

anupasamharin - aH1969

Anuradhapura - e53.1.11

anusasana - a687.4.6

anusaya - a175.1.41; GB694

anusmrti, anussati - aAB293, 631.5

anuvekkha - aJ497.1.5

anuvyavasaya - aNV375

anuyogi - aNV611.4

anvarthasamjna - aG212

anvaya and vyatireka - a47.16.133.5; G81; AV973; H4223

anviksiki - aNV254, 473.5; S316.8, 382; H300, 1320, 2785

anvitabhidana - a373.3.4; PM121; G187; H4059.4.5, 4213

anyathanupapatti, see inexplicable otherwise

anyakhyativada - a1047.24.4; AnyaV

anyatarabhava, see absence

anyathasiddha - aNV574.0

anyathati - a1026.13.10

anyonyabhava, see absence, mutual

apabhramsa - a221.1:60, 131. e527A.1.1

apadana - a175.1.90; 1069.3.5

apaddhara - a221.1.134

apana, see breath, apana

aparigraha - aC60.1; J184

apasudradhikarana - aNV513

apauruseya - aH3040, 3488.1

apavada - aYB175; H1163

apavarga - bS305. a716.2.4; NV273, 432.5

apeksa - aNV447

Apocalypse - bGB1449

apoddhara - a221.1:165.4, 167.4

apoha - d268.7.21. a47.16.163;; 268.10:18, 22, 30.1, 31, 37. 195; 334.1.10.1; 334.1.11; 344.4.31.8; 344.9:50, 105.5; 363.4.26; 378.1.5; 455.2.50; 472.1.17; 588.19.5; 611.2.5; 611.17:4, 9; BL26, 30, 30.5, 32, 54, 64, 67, 70.2, 85, 95, 98, 130,138, 10.5; GB1045, 1197, 1378, 1717.5; H3298, 3570.6.2. bGB855.1, 856.1

apologetics - a103.1.131; 369.3.6

apophatism - a379.59.22; 379.67.217; H1163

appana - aGB728

appearance - d379.67.189; a221.1.205.5; 379.67:32, 346, 371, 545, 613.2; 1069.8.10; GB729; NV445; AV115, 425, 665, 937, 1104, 1138, 1288; H549, 1197, 1757, 2319, 2843, 3118, 3608.6. b379.67.554.1; AV1545; H3946

  , false, see error, perceptual

apperception - aH4083.5

application - aAV1418

appropriation - a751.31.155

aprama, apramanya, apramana - aNV349; S160; H4188.1. bYB130

aprapti - aSV25.5

apratisamkhyanirodha, see nirodha, apratisamkhya-

apratisthanavada - a617A.7.1

a priori - aAV508; H3588

apta - aJ503.5; NV483; H3364.5, 4188.1

apurva - a198.1.23; PM110; H2921, 3586, 3931

ara - a293.1.15

Arabic - aC70.3

aradhya - aVS108

arambha - a793.35.12

  vada - aNV574

Arapanca or Arapacana - a52.1:6, 7

arca - a793.53.19

archaeology - aAB442.3; H3116. bPrasadam

architecture - bPrasadam

  , temple - a379.67.564

Ardhamagadhi - a312.4.6; J75

arghatta - a210.9.22

argument - bH1708. a379.17.21; 379.; 379.65.12.5; GB852, 910; NV211; H1608, 3154. d472.5.2.5

, moral - a379.67.400

, ontological - aNV422, 426; H4036

, provocative - a182.1.2

vs. scripture - aAB446.0.1

  , sopistical - aH4050.5

, structure of - d47.4.67.2

  , transcendental - bKS108

-unit (yukti) - aH3895

argumentation - a8.1.24; NV522

arha(n)t - a404.8.9; J381; AB81, 237, 241, 329, 341, 366, 395, 418.0, 447, 597.7; YB126.8; GB1538.0, 1860.5

-hood - aAB418.0

-phala - aGB1271

-'s ignorance - aAB447

arista - aY581.1

Aristotelian - aNV519

  , non- - a582.27.23

  -s, post- aJ588.5

art - bEWVCT, JPASIC, Nilabodha, PKRMS, Prasadam; Y35; VV110; H3061, 3186, 3505.1. a88.1.17.3; 582.27.22; GB481; H1811, 2363, 3587.1, H4140.7

, Chinese - b46.1.20.1, 103.1.32, 128A.1.5

, Gandharan - aGB1898

artha (see also purpose; object) - aNV366, 378; G17; KS76

aham- -, see ahamartha

-grahana (object-consciousness) - aAB97

, mulika - aS287.1

, purusa- , see purusartha

-sarupya - aBL87; GB1345

-sastra - a202.1.1; C70

-vada - a379.67.527.5; PM34, 61, 131, 325. bPM116.1

, the word - a344.5.13

arthakriya (see act) - a344.4.31.5; 344.9:35, 57; BL24, 43, 141; GB686, 1175. 1886.0.5

arthapatti - a363.5.62; 779.1.8; PM107.3, 123.6, 124.2, 165; AV226, 299, 1234.1, 1482; H698, 3162, 3188, 3426, 3602.0.8, 3629.5. bPM121.1

  as a pramana - aNV256; H3477

, sruta- a363.4.18

artificial intelligence, see intelligence, artificial

Aruni - a379.67.376

arupa - aGB730

-avacara - aGB732

-loka - aGB731

arya, see person, noble

aryasatyas, see truth(-s, 4 noble)

asadharananaikantika - a344.9.64

asallaksananpravesopaya - aYB123.8

asambhuti - aH607, 1181


  -samadhi - aH4078.1

  -yoga - aY520.2

asampramosa - aY571.5

asamskrta, see dharma(s), (a)samskrta

asana - bY49, 155, 292, 381, 782. a131.1.200.5; 379.67.61.1; Y170, 392, 422, 442, 444, 484, 518, 577.5, 583.4.2, 585.1; H2910.1

, padma- -aY396

, vajra- -aY408

asat, see nonbeing

asatkaryavada/satkaryavada, see satkaryavada/asatkaryavada

asatti - a1119.5.23; H2910.1

asava - aAB433.2

ascent, spiritual - aJ431, 493.2, 559.7

ascetic(ism) - b379.67:395, 606.1; H4114.1; Aj12; AB39.1; H3568.0.5, 3650.1. a88.1.17.3; H3930

ascetic - aJ430; H4012.5. dAV1060.1

asparsa, see yoga, asparsa

aspirate - a196A.4.10

aspiration - aH2257

, collective - aSS137

, human - bH926. aH2330

asrama - aH4062

asrava - aGB744

asraya - a174.8.7; GB756

-asiddhi - aH3569

-paravrtti - a344.9.141; 595.7.1; YB34. b174.10.41. dYB107.1

Assam - a379.67.96; AV600; GS29; H4086.7.1

-ese language - aH2888

assertion - a47.16.95; MB230

assimilation - bGB821. aGB926.1; AV1487

association - aGB765

astamagga - aY577.6

asti - aJ524.5

astitva, see existence; orthodoxy

astrobiology - aH381

astrology - aPM90; H1506

asubha (see also evil) - aGB743, S152

-bhavana - aGB766

  -samjna - aNV443

asvabhava, see nihsvabhava

asya(mukha) - aH3460.1

asymptotism - aH3338

Atharvaveda, see Veda

atheism (or nontheism; see also anti-theism) - bGB688.5; H1288, 2072, 2911.5. a29.1:37, 52; 163.1.120; 175.1.61; 822.1.28; AB451.06; J36, 470; BL78; GB187, 768, 1512, 1525.1; S106, 117, 208.5, 219; H889, 1335, 1826, 3048.1

atmabodha - aAV1170.1

atmadarsana - aH4113

atmahita - aH736

atmajnana - aH1671

atmamaya - aAV772

atman, see self

atmanism - aH378

atmanivedana - aSUD14; a637.3.18

atmavidya - aH300, 445, 2866, 2987

atom, atomism, atomic theory - bNV5, 338.1; H2917. a29.1.75; 30.1.7; 47.16.147; 175.1.38; 379.67.609.0; 948.11.4; J412, 415, 488.8; AB127, 446; NV15, 23, 101, 258, 374, 406:0-1, 419.1, 420.4, 423.1, 429, 435.5; AV422; H1408, 2206, 2518, 4136.6, 4200, 4244, 4262.7

attachment - aAB470.0; SV70

  , anti- - aGB1924.6; PM208

attadipa - aAB227.2

attainment, yogic - aGB1335

attention - a379.59.13; H716, 4275

attha - aAB348; GB1361

-kavagga - aAB354

-patisambhida - aGB752

atthipratyaya - aGB769

Atthakathacariyas - aAB319. bAB355.1

attitude - aH1224

, social - a23.1.234

atyadbhutavrtti, see act, miraculous course of

attribute, see property

audition - aH3582

authenticity - a47.12.4.5; 173.1.2; GB372.5, 1587.1, 1972

authority - a50., 379.61.36; 421A.3.1; DU756A.1.1; BL20, 83; GB67, 167, 749, 1008, 1056, 1322, 1614.7.2, 1781, 1889, 1890; NV424, 634.5; PM138; AV191, 804, 1107; Ac73; SS146, 163; H236, 469, 915, 1550, 2507, 3190, 3601.4.5. bBL75

of the Buddha - aBL103

agama (in Dvaita) - aDV43

of dharma - aAV101, PM32

  , religious - d421A.1.17

, scriptural - a294.5.9; 379.16.37; 379.67.599; AV1217.1

, Vedic - bNV298

authorless - aPM138

author(ship) - b793.53:3, 6, 8. d379.67:397, 524. a23.1:100, 102, 117, 237; 47.7.18; 47.8.16; 47.10.10; 174.6.6; 174.10.24; 169A.1.9; 221.1:85, 95; 209.1.3; 294.1.1; 294.5.14; 300.1:3, 7; 308.1.4; 344.3:2, 4; 368.3.1; 379.11.4; 379.12:32, 43, 44, 50; 379.23.2; 379.30.18; 379.50.3; 379.51.2; 379.61.19; 379.64.38; 379.67, 113; 417.7.7; 425.1.5; 455.2.1; 565.3.1; 582.1.4; 582.27:4, 20; 588.19:2-3; 611.17.1; 614.5.1; 716.3.1; 716.4.6; 752.1.4; 784.3.1; 791.5.1; 805.10.1; 809.17.15; 809.22.4; 870.7.1; 912.1.5; 962.9.1; 1179.1:40, 41; 1344.2.2; J398

autonomy - a1251.39.4; G205; H292, 3358

autpattika - aPM129

avacara - aGB771


  -ka(ta) - aNV81, 86, 341, 372.2

  -vada - a379.67.610.0

avadana - aAB679.4

avadhana - aGB2036.5

avadhi jnana, see jnana, avadhi

avaktavya - aJ209

Avalokitesvara - a255.1:1, 118

avarana - aH175.8.1

, Bodhisattva's - a175.8.7

, jneya- -aYB105

avastha - aSS204.1

  -traya - aAV120, 356, 403

Avatamsaka school - aMB42; GB753

avatara - b956.1:71.8, 78; H2173, 3671. aS330; H2056, 2784, 2844, 3093, 3267, 3628.5

avayava, see inference, member of an

avayavin (whole) - bH3266. d560.8.5. aNV161, 190; H2108

  , perception of - aNV115

, the word - aH2777

avidya, see ignorance

  -asraya - a716.4.6.1

  , bhavarupa- , s.v.

-lesa - aAV1189.1; H4019

  -karanatavada - aH4262.1.4

  -mula- - a379.67.925

-nivrtti - 369.7.22.1; 369.7.24

, the word - a379.67.161

avigata pratyaya - aGB772

avijnapti - aGB757

-karman - aAB110

avinabhava - a344.4.93; 363.1.25

avinivartaniya - aMB75

avipranasa - a47.4.70

avirbhava - aSUD21

avisesa - aS192

avita - aNV28; H3933

avita - aBL135; S347; H3933

avyakrta (indeterminable; neutral; unmanifest) - a175.1.114; 321.9.1; GB773, 2031; MB231.0; H1230, 4292.5

avyapadesya, see perception, avyapadesyatva of

awakening (bodhi) - a 174.8.28; b368.1.6.5; MB172.5; GB1642.5, 1798, 1862.3.1. dAB404.1

, instant - aGB1607.0.6

to oneself - a103.1.121.5

  , thought of, see bodhicitta

awareness (see citta; buddhi; cognition)- bMB289; H3641.7.5. aSV30; NV584; AV387; H2606, 4275

  , cosmic - aH4294

  , continuance of - aGB2044.1

, direct (see also nirvikalpaka -jnana) - aBL100; H1133, 2021, 2025

, intuitive - aGB1411

and meaning - aNV332

  , non-conceptual - a174.7.2.1

, non-dual - a161.1.55

  , reflexivity of - aGB2055

, self-, see self-consciousness

, self-luminous (svatahprakasa) - bAV997. a344.4.17; MB167; AV391; H2080, 2118, H2628.0, 3009

, yogic - a344.9.23

axiology, see values, theory of

axiom - aNV406.3

axiomatic - aH1957

axionoetics - bH1593. aAV1177; H1410, 2305, 2722

ayatana - aGB774

, akincanna- -aGB685

ayonimanaskara - a175.1.93; 224.1.17

ayurveda - bY699. aNV286.5, 585; S144; Y34, 434, 582.1, 783.5; H3378, 4252.3

backsliding - a47.16.125; 159.1.4; 175.1.49

bad, see evil

bahirdesaka - aAB564.5

bahirvyapti, see vyapti, bahir-

Bahyakas - aGB184

Banaras - bAB420. a1036.14.1; GB1161.

Government Sanskrit Library - aPM11

bandhas in Yoga (see also bondage) - bY381. aY367, 381, 396, 475, 567

Bangladesh: bGB1551.1.3. aAB173.2

baton - a198.1.21.1

Bauddhavacana - aGB2010

beauty - bSaundarya; AV663, 2884; KS137.5

becoming - b302.1.1; NV125.5. aAB563; GB134, 1978; NV593; AV1479.5. 1562; H507, 1167, 1857

beginninglessness (anaditva) - aGB1186.5- aH2899, 2974


change - aAB446.03

behaviorism - aH533

Being, being (sat) - bSAOCB; 175.19.12, 221.1:200,132; 302.1.1; 379.67.910; 599.9.5; NV409.; Y252.5, 747.3 a71.1.6.1; 221.1:174, 176.5, 201; 379.67:215, 806; 768.16.2; BL37; GB803, 1138, 1138, 1805.5; NV208, 330.1, 593; Y127; AV424, 563, 688, 759, 890, 1041.5, 1044, 1479.5, 1509, 1562; SS166.5; KS73; H89, 228, 565, 773, 967, 1112, 1226, 1383, 1533, 1857, 1860, 2071, 2440, 2444, 2463, 2607, 2664, 2733, 2749, 3288, 3496, 3630.1, 3652.05. d47.16.50.3; 379.67.378. t809.14.77

, Absolute, see Absolute

beings - a174.8.28; J292, 472; GB1013, 1862.6, 1918, 1924.5.1; H3652.05

belief - aAV30; H446, 579. dGB1284.1. bBBB

, logic of - bH3056

, religious - bH3056

  -s, truth-changing - aH4136

-sentence - aNV511

  , unconscious - aGB1941

benedictive middle - a174.3.29

Bengal - b1011.7.2; GB1212, 1324; G96; AV870; VS81; H369, 1845, 3223, 3667.5. a53.1.3; 596.23.3.1, 751.31.6; 788.1.48, 921.5.1; 956.1:1,44,76,82, 969.2.3, 1011.3.3, 1411.4.1, 1448.16.1; GB359, 439; NV13, 65; S416; AV1439.2; H287, 800, 1993, 2855, 4059.8

, Acintyabhedabheda school of, see Ac section of Part IV

Bhagavata system, see Pancaratra

Bhagavatism - aGB1873.6.5

bhakti - bBandP; BhakStud; LDSBDM; 131.1.303; 444.1.1; 637.7.22; 637.7.88; 962.36:24, 25; AV616; VV65, 73; GS541; H278.5, 1242, 1673, 2048, 3061, 3165, 3406, 3507, 3514, 3648.9.5, 3803.5,4011, 4018. d637.7.42; 957.1.2; 962.36.21; AB422.1, AV284, 335; SS65; Ac21; SUD17.0; H1878. a22.1.67; 379.67:6, 145, 238,258, 337, 350, 550, 594, 603, 608.5, 801.0, 815.5.5; 833, 842; 637.2:22. 27; 637.5.20; 637.7:54, 80, 144, 170.5, 177, 210; 751.31:67, 78, 92,120, 145; 909.1.1; 956.1.72; 969.8.3; 959.2.1; 1026.5:4; 1026.13:19, 25, 40; 956.1:39, 42, 45; 1395.3:8, 37, 38; J467, 497:0, 2, 559.8, 564.7; AB274, 415, 632.5; GB671, 792, 1101, 1177, 1513.9, 1599, 1602; AV309, 588, 666, 673, 748, 798, 835, 880, 902, 1083, 1115, 1143, 1227, 1228.1.5, 1236.0, 1273.7, 1424.3; BD10.5, 7; Ac16, 18, 31.3, 35, 39.0.5, 53; DV86, 93.3; SS137, 138; SV29.1; VS61, 69, 79, 85; GS14, 30; SUD17.00, 20.5, 26, 30; H114, 410, 532, 540, 721, 763, 778, 861, 886.5, 1092, 1274, 1355S, 1395, 1601, 1970, 2174, 2478, 2524, 2650, 2671, 2753, 2827, 2882, 2909.5, 2981.1, 2989.1, 3003, 3084, 3147, 3230, 3259.3, 3341, 3389, 3408.5, 3425, 3433, 3501.1, 3552, 3578.1.1, 4, 3587.2.5, 3594.2, 3595.8, 3602:00, 0.1, 3605.0, 3637.5, 3680, 3708.5, 3813.7, 3897, 4035.5.1, 4058, 4059:1, 3, 4088.3, 4125.6, 4131.5, 4135.5,, 4251.5. et379.34.15; 379.54.10; 1073.1.2

, madhura - aH2196

, movements or schools of - bMBMI, TMBM; a637.7.160, 663.7.165; GB1226; H4015.5, 4230.5

, raganuga- - a969.2.17. b956.1.69.5

-rasa - a969.8.5; 1026.5.6

  , Vivada - aH4262.2

-yoga/marga - bAc13, Y123. a1330.24.18; Ac22; Y471, 561; H3200, 3552

Bhamati school of Advaita - d744.1.2

bhanga - aAB460

bharacaryavidhi - a368.4A.9

Bhatta school of Mimamsa, see PM section of Part IV

bhava - aGB885

-advaita - a369.2.5

-mukta - aAV1264.4; H3484.05

-pratyaya in Yoga - a1036.13.2

-s in Samkhya - a163.1.50

bhava - a47.16.149; G122; H2601

-katva - aH2908

-s - aH3022

  -rupavidya - aAV1485

bhavana - a369.1.2; 637.3.6; 172, 886; AB316; Y81, 570; PM33, 107.2, 207.6; AV1479; G34; H4074.8

, bodhicitta- , see bodhicitta-bhavana

, pratipaksa- - aNV429, 443

, trilaksana - aAB138

bhavanga - aGB353, 869

bhavya - aJ504

-tva - aJ505.1

bhaya, see fear

bheda, see difference

-s, astadasa - aVV2

bhedabheda, see difference and nondifference

, svabhavika- -a729.8.27

Bhedabhedavada school, see BD section of Part IV

bhoga - aGB867; Y537

bhojakatva - aH2908

bhoktrbhava- aS257

bhrama, bhranti, see error

bhumi - a555.1.2; GB856, 1372.1, 1590.01, 1627.00

-s - a81.1.6; YB32; GB551.2

-kas - aY264

bhuta - aGB888

-dravya - a948.9.6

-tathata, see tathata

-worship - a379.12.71

Bible - aVV117

bibliographical imperative - aAB535

bibliography - bAB599; YB119; GB399, 571, 1095, 1273, 1362, 1404; S10; G102; AV966; VV102; VS84. a21.1.32; 179.1.2; 196B.1.66; 221.1.293; 1011.13.18.' MB8; GB60, 70, 423.1, 517, 1047, 1139; NV20; S78

bibliolater - aGB1873.5

bibliotherapy - aAB305

bija - a344.9.43.4; 379.67.585; BL18; GB868

bindu - aG24

biochemistry - aY21

bioethics - bGB1614.7.07, 1863, 1874.5

biography - b379.67.210; 596.5.8, 1011.13.18. a47.16.143; 299.6.2; 379.67:426, 534; 410.26.7; 596.5.12

biology - aGB1858, 1899.1; J265, 435. b196B.1.67; J525

birth - b46.1:29, 33. a597.7.3; AB361; AB567; MB83; GB194, 1381; H2412, 4059.1.8

  -place - a344.9.57.5

-s, previous - aH30; GB1335

blame - aNV648

blessedness - aAV1070

blind - a344.9.52

bliss (ananda) - b103.1.149; 434.5; AV1517; H2406, 3086.9. a367.2.30; 379.67:552, 604.1, 790; 637.7.99; 870.1; NV372.1; AV219; SS167.5; SS304.2; KS88.3; H3580.3, 3708,4023.8, 4065

anandamaya, see Brahman, anandamaya-

blood - bGB2025

blue, awareness of - a344.9.45

bodhamaya - aAV862

bodhi, see enlightenment

bodhicaryavatara, the term - aGB1687.5

bodhicitta - a175.4.2; 368.1.42; 368.4A.10; YB67, 122.3, 144; MB101; GB346, 904, 1341, 1422.1, 1590.1, 1600, 1817, 1862.3.4. b368.1.19; 398A.1.2

  bhavana - aGB1701.5, 1706

bodhidharma - aGB1987

bodhipakkiya - bGB882. dAB404.1

bodhisattva - bBSDB;; 368.1: 45.5, 50, 368.4A.3; GB240, 830, 1925. a34.1.5;42.1:2, 10; 46.1.5; 49A.1.48; 50.2.16; 53.1.9; 81.1.9; 103.1:46, 99.2, 103; 161.1.42; 175.8:5.1, 7; 182.1.2; 224.1.21; 368.5.5; 596.5.5; AB157, 351, 375, 459.02, 520, 605.6; YB57; MB155, 230.5; GB189, 594, 897, 1234, 1246.1, 1255, 1283, 1298, 1316, 1397, 1417.2, 1425.05, 1436, 1501.1, 1538.0, 1546.1, 1556.4, 1608.7, 1614.2.08, 1627, 1708, 1824, 1836, 1859.7, 1862.4.6; 1862.9: 1,5, 1864.5; 1889.5, 1894, 1984; 2031, 2037.1, 2100; H3605.1. t50.2.16. d368.4A.2.8

-'s avarana, see avarana, Bodhisattva's

-'s body , see body, Bodhisattva's

, householder - aGB702

body (deha, kaya) - a48.1.75; 103.1:115, 124.9.8; 366.1.22; 379.67:219, 899.5; 582.27.61637.7.33; J373; AB46, 471; GB179, 181, 202, 416, 484, 895,1120, 1164, 1818.00, 1859.4, 1869.2.6; NV585, 602; Y71, 784.5; AV1268.5, DU2; KS80, 147.5; H3427.07, 3585.1, 3621.5, 3648., 4031.5, 4261.8. bDCH; GB2025; KS7; H3567.5. d368.4A.6

, Bodhisattva's - aGB1836

, Buddha's - a103.1.85; 174.3:27,28; YB79; MB52; GB870, 930, 1865.2

, dharmakaya - a103.1.85; 174.3:24, 38; 224.1.19; AB446.2, 589; GB725, 1336, 1367, 1401, 1426, 1530, 1589

, manomayakaya - a137.1.56

, nirmanakaya - a560.4.27; GB309

  , perfected - aAc30.5

, renunciation of the - aAB547

, subtle - aS80, 85.1, 238; H2560.5

, three (trikaya) - a174.3.4; GB81, 107, 142, 1631

bondage (bandha) - b196A.6.15; GB1509.01; SS43; Y381; H3413; NBNLBS. d47.4.49.1, 956.1.37; J474.1. a196A.5.12, 379.67.611.05.5; 751.31.168; 1036.14.9; J319, 360, 475; YB99; GB848; S37, 372.5, 375; AV44; H2130, 2389, 2485, 2865

, triple - aVV83

bones - a249B.1.1

book, cult of the - a161.1.43; GB1873.5

Borobudur - a46.1.8

boundaries, unsettled or shifting - a344.9.124GB1965.1

brahma, see brahman

, purna - bDV33

, satyam jnanam anantam - a379.67.451.1, 1608.5, 1614.3.1

, terms beginning with - aGB798

brahmabandhu aH4055.2

brahmacintana - a1350.175

brahmacarya - aH3044.7

brahmadrsti - aAV970

brahmajnana - a23.1.158; 379.67:537, 581; AV1062, 1203

brahmakaranavada - aAV538; H4279.4

brahmalaksana - aAV1148

brahmamimamsa - a751.31.64; DV8; H1082

brahman - bGB218, 914; H52, 105, 805, 2269, 3283. d379.67:195, 275; 729.8.9; H3062.1, 3703. a23.1:178, 189, 228;47.16.57; 279.1.2; 221.1.79; 379.12.47; 379.67:31, 135, 175, 192, 323, 408, 491, 525,589, 603.2, 613.7, 815.7, 816.9. 799, 799.6; 406.2.3; 592.3.12; 592.4.5; 637.7.75; 698.1.99; 729.8.14; 751.31.140; 715A.3.2; 6, 7804A.1.3; 890; 962.36.48; 1026.13.18; AV432.1, 1350.05; MB29; GB977, 1749; AV5, 71, 125, 163, 176, 258, 282, 345, 352, 369, 377, 446, 499, 584, 702, 751, 756, 911, 923, 928, 971, 1033, 1059, 1066, 1082, 1096, 1152, 1165, 1172, 1216, 1373, 1441.6, 1451, 1483, 1513.5; SUD16; YS10, 12; H99. 126, 408, 481, 536, 772, 816, 839, 999, 1004, 1095, 1225, 1437, 1362.1, 1505, 1647, 1656,2265, 2283, 3160, 3330.5, 3577.0, 3594.1.9, 4001.1, 4038.2; 4094 et701.1.1

, aksara-, s.v.

  , anandamaya- - aAV769

-ism - aH96

-knowledge - b379.67.9.5

, nirguna-, s.v.

, nirvisesa- - aAV930, 1033

-realization - aAV1325

  , sabda-, see sabda -brahman

saccidananda - bAV778. a809.22.28; AV369, 445, 682, 702, 1055, 1264.3; H2001

, saguna-, s.v.

, the word - aH814

-vihara - aAB663

  -world illusion - aAV1479.7

brahmanas, Yajnavalkya - aPM260

brahmanirvana - aGB964

Brahmanism - b379.67.407; GB842, 1889.5.5; Aj12; AU432. dGB1279.1

Brahmanism and Buddhism - aGB273

brahmavicara - aAV1032

brahmavidya - aH242

brahmavihara - aAB239, 286, 337, 393; GB1886.5

Brahmin - aH4055.2. bBBB

Brahmi script - a161.1.20

brain and mind, see mind-body relationship

breath, breathing (see prana) - aH55, 3923. bAB382.5Y81.5. dS298.5; H59.5

apana - aGB1588; H145, 1318. bGB857.1

pranayama (breath-control), s.v.

brokenness - a751.31.168

bronze - a174.3.10

brotherhood - bGB264.1

Buddha (see also tathagata) - b47.13.8; GB218, 1869.7. a21.1.50; 265.1.1; 279.1.2; 321.9.8; 344.4.34; 379.67.461; 472, 551; J498.1.4; AB184, 280, 307, 329; BL73; YB113.1; GB1551.3; 1607.1.1; 1608.5; 1514.3.1; 1859.7, 1865.2, 1959, 1959.1

  , authority of the - a421A.3.1

-'s birth - b21.1.14

-'s body (buddhakaya), see body, Buddha's

-'s death, see parinirvana

-'s deeds - aa173.1.5

-dharma - aAB469, 485; GB1614.4.05

-dhatu - a224.1.7; YB53; GB699, 725

, epithets of the - aSB7

-field - aAB444

  , recollection of the (buddhanusmrti) - aGB1589.1, 1862.4.5

-s, former - aAB255

-'s karma - aAB438

-kaya, see body, Buddha's

-ksetra - aGB300, 1614.7.06

  –Land - tDU79.1.1

-'s life-pattern - a81.1.6; GB530

-s, mother of - aGB1367

-'s nature (see also tathagatagarbha) - b184.1.1; YB118; GB1545. a108A.1.5; 243.2.5; GB926, 1371, 1392, 1687, 1975, 2037. et115.1.8

, pratyeka, s.v.

as refuge - aAB294

as Vedagu - aGB1300

-vacana - b103.1.102. aAB225; BL20

buddhi (see also intellect) - a461.1.1; GB940; H2965

  in the Gita - aH3918.5

  in Samkhya (=mahat) - aS71, 93, 185; H1544, 1567, 2682

  -kaya - aAB594.6

buddhiviparinama - a369.7.10

Buddhism, see GB section of Part IV; also sections AB, SV, BL, YB, and MB

, Advaitayana - bH3050

canonical literature - b200.1.1, 414.3.3; GB1413, 1924.2.5; J243, 439. a174.12.11; J198, 199; GB1475; AV644

, Chinese, see China

, crypto- - a379.67.191

, decline of - aGB1617.04

  , engaged - a1862.9.1

  , esoteric - aGB1927.9

, gentry - a49A.1.13

, Nepalese, see Nepal

, neo-, see neo-Buddhism

, precanonical - aGB289, 295, 308

, primitive - bAB144. aGB318; S57

, progressive - aGB93, 96

Buddhist Logic school, see BL section of Part IV

buddhiviparinama, the word - a369.7.10

Buddhologist - aGB1359.9

Burma - a210.9.3; 262C.1.4

caitanya (see consciousness)- aS361; AV107, 1179

, saksi-, s.v.

caitta - a210.1.14; 697.1.75

Caityika - aGB1063.5

cakkhu - (see also eye) aGB1080.2

cakra (see also wheel) - bY122, 344. aGB1089.5

-s - a666.26.1; Y576, 669; VV17

  meditation - aY737

-vartin - aGB687, 1089.6

caksurvijnana - aAB515

calm, see peace

Cambodia - a379.67.122

Canada - aAB196

Candra system of grammar - bG96

Cankam - aS284

canon, Buddhist - see Buddhism

canon, Jain, see Jain

canon, Pali, see Pali

carana - aGB1079

caring - aGB1962

cariya - aAB597.8; GB1080

cariya - aGB1080.1

Carvaka, see C section of Part IV. (See also materialism)

carya - a49A.1.16

case-ending - bG2055

  , accusative - aG135.1; H3579.6

caste - bGB1819.5; H2554.5, 2861. a1740.3.4; VS85.6

cat - aVV160

category (padartha, tattva)(see also lists) - b29.1.63; a48.1.86; 353.5.32.5; 712.3.3; 751.31.21; J564.5; AB1614.4; SV50; GB598; NV80, 95, 107, 159, 203, 262, 302,378.1, 409, 465.1, 479, 555, 568, 1965; PM44; AV788; H1584, 1783, 1969, 2486, 3869.5, 4197.5, 4228

, Aristotelian - aAV596

, grammatical - a1133.4.8

mistake - aNV302

  , physical - aH4055.7

Catholicism - a956.1.20; SS79; Ac46, 47. d1140.1.9

caturbhadra - aAB543

catuskoti - a47.4.64; 47.16:66, 116, 166, 167; J131; MB97.1, 140, 141, 152, 154, 185, 231:01; 230.2, 236, 240; GB746, 1060, 1107, 1281, 1344, 1570.2, 1606.2.1.1; H551, 1075

catuspad - dAV999

causation, causality (see also cause; (a)satkaryavada) - bAB87, 141, 218, 325, 423; GB468, 998, 1559, 1585.1.1; AV444; H140, 2399, 1107, 1281, 1344, 2071.5. dH722; BL55. a47.16:165.5, 183, 477; 48.1.97; 49B.1.8; 163.1.115; 192.1.5; 221.1.234; 278.1.40; 302A.2.4; 344.4:70, 85; 344.9:16, 58, 61, 123; 379.16.30; 379.67:244, 246, 257, 319, 466, 502, 798; 418.18.6; 552.2, 560.4:18, 20, 29; 588.8.1; 637.7.51; 655.1.29, 30; 779.1.9; 799.1.9; J92, 181, 604; AB87, 141, 218, 325, 428.1, 650; BL79; YB129; MB70, 230.6, 323; GB1072, 1304.1; 1509.02, 1573.2, 1710, 1872; NV152, 209, 271, 416.1, 1352.3; PM55; S31, 202, 276; S309.1; AV212, 214, 253, 262, 698, 701, 721, 901, 909; H3, 188, 341, 395, 639, 727, 885, 1022, 1152, 1346, 1517, 1594, 1981, 2009, 2035, 2574, 2600, 2654, 2793, 3189, 3460, 3518, 3581.1, 3562.3, 3602.3, 3604.1.1, 3606, 3885, 4032.3, 4187, 4258.5

in Christianity - aAV1901

, moral, see karma

, reverse - a421A.1.15

, triple (triputi) - aNV216

cause (karana) - a131.1.234; 379.67.317; GB88, 1589.0; NV192.5; G91; H2208

causal efficacy, see sakti; arthakriya

causal links - a47.6.4

, definition of- a210.9.18

  -effect relation - aH4189.3.1. bNV650.2

, inherence (samavayikarana) - aH2237

, locative - a1036.2.2

, material - aH2600, 3521.0

-s, natural - aH2921

, noninherence (asamavayikarana) - aNV155, 403:1-2, 432.1; H2022

pre-exists effect - a379.67.317

-s, twelve, in Buddhism, see pratityasamutpada

, the supreme - aH1107

, universal - aAV213; H2054

  , world- - a379.67.817.0; AV1451.5

Central Asia (see also Khotan) - b124.1.1; GB1608. . a54.1.2; MB216; GB1114

centrality - a410.29.8.8

ceremonies - a210.9.34. b180B.1.11.1

, funeral - b43.1.19.2

certainty in knowledge, critique of - aBL80.1; C57

cessation (see also nirodha, nivrtti) - Y588, 610, 785

, abandonment of - a175.1.52

of the world, see liberation

cetana - aAB367.2, 479.6; GB1079; H4059.1.8. bAB678.2.5

cetasika - bAB545. aGB1030

Ceylon, see Sri Lanka

chala - aBL50.1(=GB1185); GB1104.1; NV428.5, 440.7

Chan - b190.1.3

change - bSRC; AB212; AV1228.0; H2158, 2815, 2832.0. a103.1.113.6; 344.9:134, 153; AB11, 141, 438.1; BL67.5; GB122, 734, 975, 1064, 1144.1, 1172, 1196, 1601.05; S266.1, 290, 309.1; AV52, 922; H238, 633, 1578, 3216, 4087.4

, illusory - a369.7.10

  , religious - b196A.5.12

, social - bVV158; H3217.5, 3500.5 aH3062

chanting the holy name, see japa

character - a135.1.1; 698.1.70; GB1869.7; H2966

charisma - bCCERHI

charity - aH705.5

chaya - aJ385


combination - aNV143

theory - aNV150

Chih-I - a47.4.25

childhood - a379.67.803

China, Chinese - bLee; Robinson; 21.1.39, 25.1.3, 38A.1.2,, 47.5.5, 53.1.16; 103.1.108,, 180B.1:25, 26.5; 190.1.3; 223.1.0; 302A.2.3.1; H53, 2234, 4005. a2.1.8; 21.1:7, 27; 42B.1.3; 45.1.31; 47.4.64; 47.16:6, 55.5, 160, 234; 49A.1.38; 88.1.12;; 302A.2.4; AB6, 450.05; YB124.5MB281.5; SV45, 46; GB599, 1844, 1879.9, 1959.5; S198, 246; AV1413, 1435, 1440.3; H23, 2927, 4072.4. d49A.1.23; t196.1.1

  , Abhidharma in - aAB664.3

  , art, see art, Chinese

  commentators - a268.7.52

  , Lokayata in - aC58

  , Madhyamaka in - bMB95, 178. aMB151, 187, 212, 225

  moral books - bGB1943

, mysticism in - aGB1508

philosophy - bDe Bary; H3279. aH688

sources - a47.16.6

texts - a29A.1.1; AB442.3.1, 691, 1872.1

translations - b38A.1.1.5, 45.1:3,11; GB618.4. a17.1.9, 21.1:7, 12, 17, 20.1; 37C.1.1;; 103.1:112.2; 137; 175.23C.1; GB497, 519, 1606.1. dt26.1:15, 16.

Christ, see Jesus Christ

Christianity - bBCD; CCIP; ECB; EDH; Buddhist-Christian Studies; CIDB; GSSVIC; TVH; VFBHC; SAOBC; 103.1:64, 102; 1269.7.5; AB400, 555.5; GB45.5, 54.5, 440, 637, 986, 1275, 1485, 1511, 2010.4.1; Y375, 387, 557.2; AV415.5; 778, 1380, 1456; SS139; VS74; H7, 308, 921, 1208, 1464, 1538, 2066.5, 2079.6, 2420, 3562, 4015.6.5, 4133.5. d47.16.106;; H1801.5, 1243.5, 3002, 3067, 3278.5. a210.7.34; 224.1.19; 379.67.373; 793.13A.1; 1395.3:21, 32, 47; AB551; MB45; GB143.5, 385, 892, 900, 943, 1121, 1122, 1142, 1146, 1217, 1354, 1372.5, 1401, 1554, 1567, 1622.7, 1627.0.5, 1869.9, 1928.9; Y496; AV370, 399, 573.7, 638, 639, 728, 901, 1129,1157, 1265.2, 1440.1; VS54, 85.4, 89; Ac46; H72, 1223, 1274, 1624, 1848, 2441, 2854, 3603.1. 3618.6, 3632.7, 4123, 4140.8

, Protestant - dAB283. aAB442.3; H4109

chronology, see dating

circle - aH4108

circularity in induction - aJ349

cidvilasa - a761.1.18

cit (see consciousness) - aAV1264.3. bH4086.7.5. dH3067

-sakti, see consciousness, power of

Citpavan Brahmins - a1036.14.1

citta (see consciousness; mind) - bH3291. dY162. a174.7.7; 210.1.14; AB126, 224(=AB264) 364.1, 442.7, 546; SV31; GB431, 1173, 1263, 2031; S287.2; Y101, 237, 238, 271, 276; H4055.1

-abhasa - a809.14.67

-bhavana - aAB316, 672.7

-mala prasangana - a235.1.13

-matra - bTulku; YB115. a174.12.18; 277A.1.0; YB98, 116, 117, 125.1, 133; GB1689. dYB106.1

-nirodha, see nirodha, citta-

-visuddhi - aH4176

-vrthi (course of) - aAB331, 661.5

  -vrttinirodha - a101.1.280; AB678.1

cittaprakrti - a224.1.17

cittavarana - a160.1:25, 58

cittavrtti - a131.1: 115.1, 163

, svacittamatra - a137.1:33, 49

civilization - aH1334, 2031, 2618; 3618

, problems of - aAV337

classification - aGB1880

clarity - aNV205

clergy - a196B.7.17.5

cloud - aH4059.4.4

cocreativity - aSS170

codana - a131.1.109; 363.5.32.3; PM218

codification - a532.15.14

cognition (see jnana)(see also awareness) - a192.1.2; 221.1:174,176.5; 278.1.40; 363.1.7, 373.1.5, 379.61.36; J191; AB411; GB1660; NV269, 449; G141; KS162; H1344, 1478, 4033. bH1351

, course of, see citta-vrtti

  , discriminative - aSV48

-ive act - aYB77

  -ive priority - aNV515

  -ive relations - a1251.39.6; NV233

, paranormal - aAV423

, pure - aYB140

, qualificative - aNV416.1

, sensuous, see matijnana

, theory of - a125.1.5, 268.10.12; aY539.5

, true/valid, see truth

, varieties of - aAB411

, verbal - a530.3.8; G34; H3151, 3530.5-6; NV619; H4262.1.1

cognitivism - aGB1614.7.4; 1615

Colombo - bAB420

coloniualism - aH4262.4

color - bH2784.5. aJ556; H1980, 3889

of air - aPM83

, variegated - a560.8.8

combination, law of - aJ363

coming - t321.2.4.1

to be, see becoming

commemoration - aGB1589.1

commitment, social - aH2669

communication - bH2234. a221.1:137, 150, 206; 379.59.13; H3610.8.5

  , linguistic - aNV618

, mystical - a404.4.25

communion - aAV639

communism - aAV287

community - a762.1.10; H4032.7

comparative religion, see religion, comparative

comparison, comparative philosophy - bBrB23.1.229.1; H186, 1598, 2689.1, 2868, 3279, 3444. dH2087. a185.1.4; 637.3.24; GB564; H426, 642, 912, 948, 1070, 1121, 1393, 1612, 1696, 2003, 2090, 2163, 2166,2341, 2622, 2979, 2980, 3079, 3236, 3254, 3442, 3451, 3471, 3594.2, 3595.1.3, 3624.1, 3629.1, 3629.7, 3646.6, 4227, 4249

comparison, see upamana

compassion (karuna) - bWCSU; GB1768, 1823, 1867.7, 1934. dAB283. a173.5174.8.24; 224.1.18; 321.2.5; 368.3.3; 368.4A.7; 637.7.190; J598; BL103; AB641; YB146; MB37, 300.5; GB393, 947, 1012, 1126, 1329, 1368.7, 1469.7, 1614.2.0.5, 1668, 1862.9, 1867.2, 1869.4.5, 1890, 1983. 2018, 2063; H3651. t677.1.7

  mahakaruna - aGB1869.9.5

compatibility, see yogyata

competence, linguistic - aG136

complementarity - bH2405.5. aJ498.5, 561

completeness - aS400; AV1383

complexity, mental - aGB1418.5

composition, musical - aAV1516.5

compound(s) - bG105. a53.1.12; H3268

, dvandva - a221.1.108

-ing - a221.1.98

, negative - a221.1.109

, nominal - aG132.1

comprehension - a20.1.4; G135.2

computationality - aS379

conceit - aGB1384.2

concentration (dharana) - b38A.1.7, 131.1.202; GB1606.2; Y121, 156, 203, 399; H2227.5. a125.1.1; 131.1.109; AB256.3, 275, 362; GB1356.2; Y24, 47, 226, 390, 391, 392, 495.1, 529, 583.2; H907, 1595, 1943

, steps to - a379.67.471

concept - bNSCE, SICE. a588.19.4; AB151, 408; YB185; GB1199.5, 1368.8, 2044.3; AV152; H1591

conception, biological - aGB1248, 1368.6

conceptualism - a344.9.116

conceptuality - aYB140

conceptualization - aH3642

concomitance, universal, see vyapti (pervasion)

concordance - aJ326.5; GB10

condition, see also pratyaya (in Buddhism)

-al, counterfactual (see also tarka) - aH2609

-al relation, see relation, conditional

-ality - aGB1366.1

-ed entities, see dharma(s), (a)samskrta

  , human - bTHC. a379.64.54


, mutual - a175.1.193

conduct - bH289. aJ73, 179; H2469.5

, ideal of - a379.67.194

of life, see life, conduct of

confession - a368.1.24; GB1022.1, 1922

confidence - aGB1381.1

configuration (akrti) - aG164

conflict - a103.1.113.6; GB1356.1

, religious - aH1887

resolution - aJ521, 535; AV1426

conformity - aAV1479.1

Confucianism - aGB435; Y587, 589

confusion of subjective functions - aAV529

connotation of words - aNV58; H1246

conqueror - bJ595

conscience - aGB1369.2

conscientious objection to war - aH2534

consciousness (see vijnana, caitanya, cit, citta)(see also awareness) - bConsciousness; KISSC; PerspC; SelfandC;; 131.1.290; 175.19.12; J112.1; GB1367.1; AV948, 1480, 1500.5; KS156; H700, 1903, 3211, 3213, 3269, 3574, 3595.5, 3604.1, 3605.5, 3703, 3903, 4073.2.5, 4134: 1, 6.5, 4185.4. 4298. d637.7.86; AV897.5. a175.1.52; 221.1.35, 301, 302A.2.2, 310.0.2; 379.67:244, 687.7, 823, 895;196; 816.6; 550.8.4, 564.2; 582.27:15, 16, 48; 637.7:106, 107, 160.0, 174.3, 225; 1026.2.18; J349.1; AB47, 215, 287, 364.1; YB115.2, 128.5, 185; GB302, 426, 681, 823, 1088, 1367.1, 1409, 1425; S86, 304.1, 310.0.2; NV181, 574.7, 581.1; S303.6; Y431, 454, 494, 533, 525, AV44, 140, 334, 491, 725, 781, 855, 876, 928, 947, 1139, 1179.1.5; 1228, 1267.7, 1314, 1323, 1468.2, 1490.5, 1492.5, 1500, 1500.8. 1525, 1573, 1606; VV19; SS89; DV57; KS45, 68.5, 71, 84, 146, 155, 155.1; BD10; H393, 683, 899, 916, 1035, 1711, 2045, 2156, 2255.5, 2287, 2620, 2634, 2662-4, 2874, 2982.5, 3028, 3133, 3160, 3270.1, 3345, 3532, 3542, 3551, 3592.001, 3595.5, 3568.2.5; 3605.1.1, 3623, 3627.5, 3633.8, 3813.2, 4024, 4050, 4055, 4059.7, 4081.5, 4086.8.5, 4087.3, 4091.2, 4096, 4099, 4129, 4113.1, 4133.8, 4134.8, 4241, 4248, 4252.6. d809.14.57.5

, abode- , see alayavijnana

  , altered states of - aY737

, attributive, see jnana, dharmabhuta-

, existential, see jnana, svarupa-

-field - aS304.1

, functions of - aGB462,989

, integral view of - aH2139

, integration of, see integration

  , mere - t175.18.22.5

  , modes of, three (trisvabhava) - aYB131.5

, momentary - aBL82

neither-conscious-nor-unconscious - aGB696

  , object-, see arthagrahana

, object of, see object of consciousness

-only, philosophy of, see Yogacara Buddhism section of Part IV

, phenomenological, see jnana, dharmabhuta-

, power of (citsakti) - aH3133

  , pure - aH4-87.4.5

, religious - aAB561.5; H3574.1

, seat of - aAB465, 471

, seed-, see alayavijnana

, self-, see self-consciousness

, states of - bAV1224. a698.1.103; Y677.5; AV1579.1; H684, 3256

, store, see alayavijnana

  , techology of - aY732

  , theories of - a1865.7

, transcendental - a379.67.254; AV523; H571

, witnessing, s.v.

conseqence, consequentialism - aGB2050; NV645

conservatism - a235.1.17; GB1961.5

consistency - aAB1383

consolation - aH577


, logical - b221.1.53

, mental or conceptual (vikalpa, kalpana) - a369.2.19, 379.67.821, 582.27.31.7, 588.7.1, 1036.13.3; MB158; GB1021, 1316; G126; AV220; H4032.1, 4189.3

, terminological - a196A.7.21

constructivism - a302A.2.6

contact, see samyoga

-ism - aGB1886.4

contaminants - aSV73

contemplation - bPC; AB630.5; Y399, AV667; H3601:2, 7. a379.67.716; 809.14.51; J632; AB660.5, 1608; GB1391.1; Y87; GS56, 83; H1313, 2510, 4221.3, 4228, 4252.5

contemporary, see modern


of consciousness, see consciousness, object of

, linguistic - a221.1.106; 268.2.1; AB419; G88;

  , perceptual - aNV582

contention - a196B.1.80

contentment - bY333.5. aGB1368.4; AV1136

contestation - bGB1828

context - a221.1.303; 363.2.6; 698.1.53.0; 788.1.130; H4185.5, 4315. bIKK

-principle of meaning - aPM105

contextualism, contextualist - aMB210; GB1623.07; NV584.5; VV114; H4262.6

contiguity (asatti) - aH4030.4

contingency, universal - a47.16.120

contiguism - aNV581.7.3

continence - aY116.5

continuity - a302.4.6; 1740.3.5.; MB238, 328; GB1368.5; AV217; H639. bICCD, MVIC; H29892.5. dAV1228.0

, divine - a637.7.155.1

contradiction - a472.5.3; BL86; GB2045; NV445; S88.9.2; G67; AV475, 972.1; H357, 1382, 1484, 1562, 2321, 3422, 3505, 3843

contraposition in logic - a220.1.32; H1563, 1581, 23491

contrast - a47.16.148.0

control - aGB1384.3

in meditation - aGB938

controversy, see also argument - aGB1381.2. b174.3.29.1

  , dialectical - bVV184.5

, points of - b8.1.5

  , sakara-nirakara - aGB1821

convention - a344.4.100; H4189.3

in communication - a221.1.150

, literary - aH3563.2

samvrti, s.v.

convergence - bAV1380; H3517. a47.16.161; YB121.2; GB1618.5; PM72; AV1260;

conversation, philosophical - aH3595.1.4

conversational point of view - aH1332

conversion - bGB1828. aGB1889.3

conviction - aGB1381.3

Coochbehar - aSS128

correction - aH1362

correlation - aGB1366.2; H4262.0

correspondence theory of truth, see truth, correspondence

cosmogony - bH653, 2216. aJ2.5; GB163, 356; J321; KS90; H22, 217, 3665

cosmology - bDHCCR, GB1321, 1618; 262C.1.4.5; KS79. a174.10.46; 379.67:147, 416, 417; J57, 437, 458; GB163, 942, 985, 1366.3,1620, 1623.05, 1862.2.1, 1942.5, 2022:4, 9; AV1164, 1424.0, 1490.5, 1500, 1525; KS129; VV13; H217, 2465, 3908, 4088.5. dGB108.1. et262C.1.9

cosmos - aJ202; S221; H841, 4087.3, 4223

Councils, Buddhist - a169A.1.1.0; 210.9.12; AB7, 468.6

counterpositiveness - aNV342

counting - aS349

courage - aGB1369.1. b596.5.18

, enlightened - b596.5.18

covers, painted - b248.1.9

cow - bAV1267.5.1. aJ515.4

craving, see desire

creation of the world - bGB2010.4.1; H2459, 3270. d379.67.209; H250. a23.1.192; 363.5:31, 38; 379.67:171, 348; 637.7.158; GB805.5, 1366.3; S207, 232; AV91, 206, 721, 769, 1049, 1066, 1216.1; SS41, 42; KS47, 64; H650, 1031, 1140, 1427, 1547, 1555,1946,2028, 2190, 2493, 2614, 2973, 3586.1, 3618.5, 4032.2

creationism - aH2511

creativity - bH3287, 3574. a47.16.65; 221.1.240; GB1627.3.; Y570; AV946; GS33; H1524

cremation - aSS155

ground - bJ80

crime (see also krime) - aGB1381.4, 1560.4; H2852

criteriology - d379.67.120. aH1616

criticism - bH2834. a637.7.129; 762.1.10; H2292

cross - ba350.5

cultivation, spiritual - a417.7.26

cultural studies - aGB61.2; H4244.1

culture - bCRPCSS, NKPDRC, PNDFV, PKSCH, PNEIPR, SLC,SPC, StudIHC2, StudIHC4SYBC, TBIC, PKRSMS; VS85.1.1; H1041, 2234, 3445. a174.8.32; 317.1.92; C64.1; AB459.03; AV1435; H2618, 2736, 2810, 3141, 3424, 3592.1.0, 3601.4

, Buddhist - bBudPhilCult

, cross- - bBor; EMH. GB1870; H4221

, Greco-European - aH3599

, Indian - a379.67.576; J61; H2233, 2736, 3599, 4070.1.10.7

  , intellectual - aH4262.6

, Jain - bPJPC; J22, 220, 329

, relativism of, see relativism

, spiritual - bH1898

, world - bCBWCC, CBWTC, DMDV. aMB231.0.2; AV630

cuticitta - aGB1368.1

cutupapata-nana - aGB1384.1

daiva - a698.1.95.8; PM27; H3179

daksinamurti - a379.19.20

dana, see giving

dance, dancing - a956.1.65; SS206

dandakamma - aGB1356.4

darkness - aJ489.0, 494, 589; H4229

darsana (see also schools of philosophy) - a560.4.24; J170, 264; AB260, 515; H210, 1509, 2785, 2835, 2856, 3582

, the term - aJ492.3

Darstantika Buddhism - a192.1.6; AB419; SV4, 50.7; BL5

dasabala - aGB1368.2

dasabhumi - aAB632.5

Dasabhumi doctrine - a46.1.22

dasakarmapatha (-kammapatha, P.) - aGB1356.5

Dasanami order - aAV1236.0

Dasavatara - a793.6.1

data, see given

dating of texts, authors - b196B.1.55; 175.24.18; 379.67:19, 264, 496, 500; 809.22.16; 956.1.6; GB1611. d956.1.17. a8.1:6, 13; 9.1.2; 22.1.54; 48.1:53, 71; 196A.7:7, 12, 12.2; 131.1:70, 72; 175.1.9; 175.24:2, 5, 8, 10-12, 14, 20, 31; 198.1.12; 213A:5.2-3,5; 220.1.7; 221.1:26, 28, 135; 235.1.1; 295.1:2, 13; 302A.2.3; 344.2.1; 344.9.47.1; 363.4.21; 366.1.10; 409A.2.5; 417A.11.1; 369.7:3, 4, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21.1; 374.3:13, 17; 379.12.92; 379.61.22; 379.67:2-4, 12, 18, 22, 24, 49,55, 58, 83, 113, 184, 250, 263, 278, 296, 357, 492, 534, 549, 606.1.5, 613.6; 397.1.1; 410.26.1; 417.7:1-3, 17; 423.1.1; 450.1.2; 455.2.14; 492.10.1; 522.1:4, 6; 530.8:1-3, 7, 13; 554.4.1-3; 557.1.8; 560.4.4; 560.8.3; 565.8.9; 592.4:1-2; 614.5.1; 631.4.2; 658.4.2; 673.5.1; 681.8.2.1; 698.1:1011, 18; 672A.3.1; 672A4:1, 6; 717.1.27; 829.8.8; 681A.8.1; 751.31.59; 776.1.8; 793.53:2, 11; 805.10:1, 2; 816.23.1; 822.1:34, 35; 840.1.8; 841.3.1; 912.1:6, 8, 9; 953.2.1; 953.7:1, 2; 956.36.8; 988.2.1; 1026.12.2; 1026.13:1, 2, 6, 8, 9; 1030.16:1, 3; 1047.26:1, 2; 1069.8.2; 1084.6.1; 1107.10.1; 1118.6.1; 1162.5.1; 1164.5.1; 1203.1.3; 1223.1.1; 1236.7.1; 1239.1.1; 1307.5.2; 1318.52.1; 1352.4.1; 1444.1; 1505.2.1; DU22A.1; C38; S27; H95, 1508, 2576

dawn - aH4072.3.5

death - bDET; LDBG; 46.1:29, 33; J489.1; AB357, 441, 465.1; GB716; H2327.5, 3532.5, 4125.5. a698.1.42; AB361, 413.5, 437, 450, 472, 539.5.5, 544.4, 563 587.6-7, 605.5; GB81.1, 194, 1298.1, 1368.3, 1538, 1606.2.1.0, 1723.5, 1768.4, 1769.5, 1895.5, 1965.5, 1860.1; AV1150, 1452; KS24.1, 25.1; DV91; H26, 1986, 2627, 3485, 3861, 4059.1.8, 4113.4.5; 4182, 4222.5, 4262.1.3. eKS82.5. iGB1683

-lessness - aGB138.5

, meditation on - a210.7.21; 210.9.11; AB252

, thoughts before - aGB1026

, voluntary, see suicide

debate - b8.1.19; 793.53.18.5; GB1185.5; H2897. a8.1:14, 18; 48.1.73; 174.10.14; 268.10.95; GB1368.9, 1893; NV186; AV1515, 1575. H1018, 1328, 2084, 3326, 4018.2, 4227.3.9

decay (see also old age) - aGB1381.6

Deccan - aDV11; AB561.5

decline - b142.1. aGB1617.04, 2063.2

deconstruction (see also postmodernism) - a47.16:52-154, 160.5, 232; 321.5.16; MB230, 230.6.5, 231, 343; GB1370, 1502, 1560, 1869.3, 2009.1; PM116, 129; H3602.1. bGB2010; H4058.5

deduction - aH4101

  , transcendental - aMB108

deeds, see works

defilement, see impurity

definition (see also laksana) - a751.31.19; GB1880, 1975.5; NV127, 165, 340, 369.1, 370; DV22; H1250, 1501, 1984, 2221. bNV426. bNV439

, operational - aH3396

, reflexive - aGB1577

, theory of - a592.4.9

deflationism - aMB367

degree(s) - aGB2018

deha, see body

deity, see god(s)

delight - aGB1368.10; H577

deliverance (see also liberation) - aGB1381.7; G135.3.5; Ac26

delusion (moha) - aMB320; GB1513.5; Y256; H1752, 2508, 3457. b210.6.8; H3457

democracy - aGB1862.1, 2020.9

denotation - bH3648.9.1; a1046.26.15

, primary - a1069.8.5

, verbal - a363.5.63; PM71; G110; H2560

deontology - aAV464; H4039

dependence - a637.7.20; YB121.2; H1542

dependent (paratantra) - a135.1.25

dependent origination, see pratityasamutpada

depths, structural - aH3351.5

descent - bH2422.5. a131.1.295

describer - aNV383, 406.1

description - aNV478

  , temporal - a196A.7.30

desiderative - aNV525

design argument - a

designation, related - a373.1.8

desire (kama, trsna) - bAB441, 634; GB1326; H2549. aAB444.1, 566; GB464, 1168, 1356.3, 1513.13, 1623.08.91, 1626.5, 1862.3.5; 1869.7, 1924.2; Y571; AV1516.5; KS80; H46. dGB1284.1

-lessness - aGB467

, paradox of - aAB449; GB1168, 1189, 1198, 1225

despisers - a174.8.32

destiny (see also fate) - bH323, 3291. a379.67.521. GB740, 1513.2; VV24; VS4.5; H2308, 2359, 2375, 3069, 3113, 3501.2, 3485, 4004.8, 4031.5. dKS15

destruction (see also annihilation) - a598.19.10; 682.1.2; GB1513.6; NV191

detachment - aGB1511.1, 1924.6; H1003, 1068, 1329, 3391, 3540.2

determinism - aJ469; GB105, 664, 1513.3; AV873; H1462, 1949, 2010, 2046, 2470, 3376. dAB290.1

deva, see god(s)

devata - aGB1513.8

-anussati - aGB1513.10

devayana - aH211


, cosmic - aJ535

, human - bPHDEU. aY81; GS15; H608. dH3595.4.5.5

, moral - a698.1.70; AV1479

  paradigm - aAV1507.5

  , spiritual - aJ498.2.0.5

devotion, see bhakti

devotionalism - aGB1406; VV141. dAB166.1

devotional songs, see songs, devotional

dhamma - a21.1.56; AB431.3, 629.5, 663.5, 678.2.4, 689

dhammakaya - aAB589

dharana, see concentration (in Yoga)

dharavahikapratyaksa - aPM142.8

dharani - a180B.1.27.0; GB1268, 1336, 1397, 1530, 1865.4, 2036.5; H4294.6

dharma (see also merit) - bDCI; DGTS; DandA; 175.1.7; J582.5; AB13, 469; GB27, 561, 1118, 1415; H2707, 3291, 3628.6. d379.12.55.1; AB158.5; H1355.6.5; 3278.5. a21.1.52.7; 22.1.84; 47.16.34; 50.6.11; 103.1:110.8, 124.9.3; 137.1.28; 163.1:63, 66; 174.2.14; 175.1: 112.1, 118; 379.67.214; 1046.26.12; J35, 436, 507.1; J567, 591.8, 644; 632.1.112.5; AB29, 30, 38, 43, 45, 77, 103, 130, 136, 158, 175, 186, 214, 292, 296, 436.2, 444, 525, 543, 662, 663.6, 664.1; SV50; MB99, 281.5; GB78, 280, 561, 606, 747, 842.1, 939, 1027, 1105, 1300, 1309, 1366, 1387, 1513:4, 11, 1521.1, 1525.2, 1528, 1606.1.1, 1614.3.01, 1742, 1859.5, 1865.6; 1869.2.4; 1889, 2022.6, 2036.5; NV164, 480; PM32, 73, 97.2, 122,123.5, 242, 259.7; G195; VV15; AV446.5, 950, 1600; GS40, 78; H476, 510, 5553, 702, 723, 846, 1028,1267, 1298, 1332, 1455, 1766, 1907, 1932, 2055, 2219, 2231, 2290, 2318, 2448, 2597, 2723, 2849, 2879, 3094, 3248, 3372, 3647.6, 4016, 4034.3.9, 4038, 4038.1, 4070.2, 4113.7, 4133.2, 4146, 4172, 4174.5, 4249.5, 4251

  -abhivyaktivada - aPM184.5

, akalika- - aAB472.6

, antarayika - aGB693

-bhutajnana - a637.7.77; AV1154

-desana - a47.16.236; GB1336

, Dev - bH1749

  , destruction of the - aGB2095

  -dhatu - t47.3.5

  evaluation - a180B.1.38

-kaya, see body, dharmakaya

  literature - aH4342

  -mahima- - aGB1889.8

, Raja- a174.10.37

  , sanatana- - aH4163

-sastra - a353.2.2; NV432.2; PM118.2

  -ta-yukti - aGB2120

, trimurti of - aH2321

dharma(s)(factors) - b174.1.7; 175.1:7, 27; a47.4.69, 47.16.34, 192.1:5.5, 6.1, 210.9:21, 26.5; AB29, 103, 130, 136, 139, 158, 448.1, 450.1, 479.6, 525; SV30, 50; GB78, 606, 1606.1, 1869.2.4; NV480. d192.3.3. t175.1.27; 418.8.6.

, (a)samskrta- - bGB401. a47.4.69,; AB5, 139; MB55; GB438; H904.

, cittasamprayukta - aSV29, 30; bAB450.1

, kusula- a47.13.4

-nairatmya - a175.23A.5; GB1531

, pure - a174.7.9

-rupa - bAB48

, saiksa- - aAB474

-sanatana - dH1261. aH1201

dharmadhatu - aAB451.05; YB42, 53; GB725, 1539, 1551, 1862.8.5

Dharmaguptaka sect of Buddhism - aAB407; BL102; SV47

dharmakaya, see body, dharmakaya

dharmata - aYB53; GB725

-buddha - aGB1522

pratyatma- aGB1522

Dharmottariya - aAB416

dhatu- a175.1.57.01; C49; AB451.05, 525; GB1125, 1532; H3613.2

  , asamkhata- - a1.

-vada - aYB126.5

dhvani - a221.1:68, 291, 194.5; G111, 133.05, 208

dhyana (P. jhana)(see also meditation) - a196B.1.50; 174.10.12; 175.1.42; J494, 500; AB109, 275.1, 312, 421,434, 451.01, 473.0, 473.00, 535.5, 593, 638, 678.3.5; SV45, 50.3; GB154, 197, 918, 1588, 1860.5.5; 1910; Y395; H3267

  , lokottara- - aGB2020

-yoga, see yoga, dhyana

diagrams, Venn - aGB1606.2.1

dialectic(s) - bRDPPIWP; 8.1.19; 47.4:25, 51; 47.12.3; 47.16:58, 122, 135; C36; J482; YB83; GB422; AV182; DV75; H2158, 2192. dH917. a47.16:122.1, 157, 160.5; 169A.1.8; 182.1.2; 379.67:29, 50, 303, 592.2; J119; MB24, 53, 70, 80, 133, 173, 186, 187, 192.1, 212.1, 227, 350; GB383, 099, 1245, 1300,1343, 1525, 1606.2.2, 1614.1.1; NV4, 229, 254, 336; S201, 226; G13; AV439; DV70; H725, 1026, 1191, 1198, 1277, 1729, 2449, 2812, 3176.5, 3475.5.

, negative - bH2192. aPM56; H2610

dialectical contests, see debate

dialectical materialism, see materialism, dialectical

dialectician - a793.53.29

Dailethist - aGB2045

dialogue (samvada) - bNV398; H2170, 3570B. a8.1.24, 582.27.32; J593; MB231.02.5; S382; H2076.5

, interfaith - a379.67.818; J570; SS164.7.3; H3503

diamond - a161.1.50.5

dictionary - bMB91; GB398, 1568; Y168; AV1236.1; H1716, 1852, 2641, 2767, 2806, 3199, 3438, 3469. a379.59.13; AB46, 793; G64; AV906; VV99;

differance - a751.31.132

difference (bheda) - a135.1.26; 344.4.70; 369.2.6; 522.1.12; 751.31:5, 132, 151; 948.9.3; 1005.5.2; MB291; GB586, 591, 1939.5, 2010.1; NV319; AV260, 439, 471, 621, 1060, 1137, 1160, 1203.2, 1213.1; VV2; DV10, 78, 84, 163; H1371,1061, 2875. bSPD

(and) nondifference (bhedabheda)(See also BD section of Part IV) - a406.3.3, 729.8.18; Ac12, AV471, H3030

in-identity - a1036.14.6; 1036.2.4

Digambara - aJ648

neo - aJ627.1

dik - aH4285

diksa (see also lingadiksa) - a582.21.5; 689.2.11

dilemma - aH2991

dimensions, social - aAV1509.5

  , syncretic - a405.8.30

dis, see space

disambiguation - aAV1439.1 G166

disappearance - a379.67.616.1

disbelief - bH353.1.10. aH1215

discernment - t379.62.31

disciple - aSS105; H2910, 4268.5

discipline - aH3568.3

  , spiritual - a1395.3.65

discontinuity - bICCD. a1740.3.5

discourse - a137.1:31, 45; 762.1.10; AV1370, 1438; H2646, 3980, 4085.8

, rules of - aH3963

discovery - aH22028

discrimination - a379.64.38; H2705

, freedom from - a174.7.12.1

, path of - b7.1.4

disease - a

disjunction - a344.4.56;

dispassion - dGB1284.1. aAB596; GB884.1

displacement - a809.22.26.7

disputation, see debate

dissent - bOHDI. aH3206

dissimilarity, see difference

dissolution of the world - a363.5:31, 38

dissonance, religious - a410.26.14

distance - aG135.1; H3579.6

distinctions, beyond - aAV1617

distortion - a344.4.46

dittha - aAB250

ditthi, see drsti

diversity - aH4218.5

  , scriptural - aH4006.5

divide, conceptual - aAV1497

divination - aH2927

divine (see also god(s); God; beings)

command - a962.36.43

  ecstacy, see ecstacy, divine

  grace, see grace, divine

intervention - aH3518

love, see love, sacred

manifestation, see manifestation, divine

purpose, see purpose, divine

recognition, see recognition, divine

divinity, see god

divisibility - a221.1.187.5

docetism - aGB155

doctrinalism - aGB1365

doctrine - bH1708. a108A.1.5. t225.1.6.5

documents, Central Asian - b88.1.13.2

dogmatism - aGB1544; AV495. etADU17.2

domain, sacred - aAB663.6

Don Juan - bMB193

dosa - aJ641

  , tri- aAB240

doubt (see also perplexity) - bGB1551.1.5 a220.1.19; 560.4.26; J267; AB219; NV109, 127.5, 139, 141, 395.1; GB1860.3.1; NV627; AV226; SS101; DV40; H446, 2047, 2110, 3593.10, 3608.1, 3636, 3641.5, 4198

doxography - a410.26.9.6; 439.1.8; GB1596.5; H488

drama - aH1889, 3247, 3293 . e70.1.0

Dravidian - a363.4.19; SS192

Dravida Vedantia - a637.7.171.1

dravya, see substance

  -gunasamgraha - a608.1.2

in Jainism - aJ514.2

dream - bAV783.5; H3543; H142.5. a21.1.47; 317.1.81.1; 363.1.16; 379.67.542.2, 421A.3.6; 608; 637.7:24, 104; 751.31.74; J192; YB97, 121.1.5; GB1865.3, 2020.5; NV339, 604; AV192, 224, 1071, 1087, 1127.1, 1290.001, 1500.7; DV40, 64; H293, 684, 1355, 1974, 2404, 2424.3, 3939, 4019.5

, argument from - a363.1.16

driad - aGB1510

drstanta (example), the term - a169A.1.8, 300.1.17; 344.9.34.5; BL68; NV337, 395.2, 567; H1510

-abhasa - a344.3.25

, maya- - aMB212

drsti - a379.17:20, 20.1; AB253.5, 678.2.4.5; AV1270.3SV23.5. bAB626

-srsti, see srstidrsti

drsyanupalabdhi - a344.9.122; 419.7.3

drumbeats - et998.2.5

dualism (see also mind-body) - bH12, 3584.3, 3595.1.1. a196A.7.30; 131.1:187, 257; 632.3.6; 751.31.106; 1036.14.27; NV393; S119, 208; GS61; AV1321H715, 1220, 1331, 2989, 3258.3

dualities, -y - a175.24.55; H3114

, subjective/objective - aH4108.5

duhkha, see suffering

duty (see also dharma) - a1395.3.33; PM78.1

Dvaita Vedanta, see DV section of Part IV

Dvaitadvaita school, see BD section of Part IV

dying - aAV1452; H4059.2

earth - a1047.24.2, bHindEc; H3593.1.0.3

ease - bt103.1.149

ecology (see also environment) - bHindEc; GB1609.4 aJ494.0.1, 568, 630; GB1816, 1867.2, 1886, 2022.8; S235; Y355; AV680, 1232, 1449; H3611.5, 3850.5, 4000.8, 4004.9.3, 4222.7. ybH3601.5

economics - aGB1190; H4127.3.8

economy - aH4135

ecstacy - bVS75,5; H2411. a956.1:40, 68; GB205,1560.0

, archaic - bY212

, divine - aH3224

, sudden - aG55

education - bH2613.5 a1046.26.17; GB1864.5; H3601:0,4, 3592.1.0 , 4072.6

, epistemological - bNV584.4

, integral - aH1355K

  , monastic - aGB1931

, philosophy of - aAV1177; H964. dAB139.1

  , transformative - a379.67.854.5

educational life - aH817

effect (see also cause) - GB1552.01

-s pre-exist cause - a379.67.317

efficiency, causal, see arthakriya

effort - a637.7.98; NV90; H46

self- aH813

egg, peacock's - a221.1.194

ego (aham)(see also self) - b163.1.95; 379.67:325, 528.1; Y551; KS3127. AV527; H47.16.28; 379.67.548; 2796, 2987, 3449. a29.1.71; 698.1.98; GB322, 336, 709, 820, 1552.02; S179, 214; AV1111, 197, 198, 1516.5, 1564; H2866, 2958, 3127, 3529.1, 3594.1

, awareness of - aGB1482; AV3421.5; H2036, 2860, 3421.5, 3562.2. b379.7.39

-centricity - aAV1486

, empirical- aH595

I-this relation - aH3204

, metaphysical, mystical - aH595

-sense, see ahamkara

, transcendental - a379.67.193

egoism - aGB1505,1552.02

egometry - bAV1460

eight-limbed yoga, see yoga, astanga

eka, see one

ekabboharika - aAB435.1

ekabhagavada - a175.24.23

ekabiji - aAB435.2

ekagrata, see one-pointedness

ekarthabhava - aH3299

ekasesa - aG135.3

ekavakyata - aPM82

Ekavyavaharika school of Buddhism - aAB166

Eknatha - a762.1.12

ekothibhava - aAB436.01; GB42.1

Ekottarikagama - a368.2.1

electronic text - a174.10.51

element (see also mahabhuta; dhatu) - aAB436:01-02; S40, 297.1; H1882, 3634.1, 3922, 4018.7

  , common - a47.8.19

eliatics - aMB109

eligibility for study of Vedanta - aAV961

elision, luk- - a221.1.102

ellipsis - a788.1.110

eloquence, see pratibhana

emanation (see also parinama) - aS126; VV16

emanationism - aH2511

emancipation, see liberation

embarrassment - aH3154

embodiment, human - aAV1089

embryology - a83.1.1

emergence - aH447, 1786

, dependent, see pratityasamutpada

emergentism - a698.1.78

emotion - bH2660.5. aAB465.3, 472.3; GB1032, 1560.3.1, 1888.5, 1889.1, 1913; H2508, 3064.1.3, 3610, 4124.5, 3821.7. dGB1284.1

, celebration of - a962.36.41

-s, cessation of - aAB237

empathy - bNSCE

empire - a809.14.80H4185.5.1

empiricism - dH1588, 1718. aC60.1, 62.1; GB1282, 1395.3, 1556:0, 06, 1613, 1811; AV931; H1558, 1789, 2972

, logical - aC23

emptiness, see sunya, -ta

encyclopedia - bJ649.5; Y430, 585; 3500; AV1237

endeavor - aGB1564.2.2

end, the - aGB1830.1

ends - aGB1585.1.00

  and means, see means and ends

endurance - aGB1564.2.3

energy - bY440.5; AV65; H3217. aNV602.3Y233; H3521:0, 2

, transformation of - aGB402

  , sense - a582.27.61

enjoyment - aGB1560.02

enlightenment (see also liberation) - b131.1.170.1, 137.1.51; GB882, 1299, 1331, 1575,1381,1552.0.3; H2660.5, 3501. a131.1.217; 344.4.23. a26.1.15; 81.1.12; 131.1; 174.7.8; 208.1.6; 379.67.546; 398.1.3; 698.1.37; AB258, 327, 432.2; MB370; GB149, 1257, 1261, 1284, 1298, 1353, 1552.03, 1755, 1862.3.1, 1857.5, 2033, 2040; VV108.1; H3409.4, 3501, 3610.8.5, 4310. dAB139.1

ethics, see ethics, enlightenment

, realm of - a175.18.25

, self- - bGB371.5

, spiritual - e409A.2.7

, sudden - a174.3.23; YB210; H2972

enstasy - nY747.3

entailment - aNV225, 352

entity - aGB1560.03

, negative, see absence

environment (see also ecology) - aJ527, 564, 610; MB232.1, 234; GB488, 1614.4.06, 1658, 2021.0; AV1366.9; VV149; H3120

environmentalism - aGB1561, 1571

envy - aGB1564.2.4

epics - b295.1.5.2

epigraphy - a196B.3.2

epistemography - aGB1067

epistemology - bBLE, SILLE, StBudEp; 221.1.59; 366.1.18; 379.67:259, 267, 370; 455.2.24; 522.1.8; 637.7:28, 119; 816.14.4; 948.10.12; 1026.2.15; 1119.5.29; J157, 97.1, 403, 497.17, 550, 564.4; AB451.06.1; BL2, 75; MB17, 233; GB627, 1337, 1818.1.5; 2020.6.5 NV49, 360, 388.1, 579.5, 584.4; PM48, 59; S234, 288, 26; G72; AV375, 1212, 1232.0, 1439, 1468.5, 1570; VV207; SS26; DV59, 146; H2229, 2981.1, 3313, 3394, 3440, 3526.0, 3562. dYB56; MB292.5. a47.8.19; 47.16.42; 131.1.176; 196B.1.51; 221.1.188; 268.5.7; 302A.2.6; 317.1.86; 344, .4.20; 344.9:53.1, 147; 363.1.14; 417A.2.5; 369.7.33; 419.5.2; 440: 6, 6.6; 455.2: 19.1, 33; 492.10.2; 494.4.3.5; 637.7:9, 176.5; 751.31:19, 94; 783.3.3; 788.1:48, 85; 107, 1133.4.9; C71; J101, 139, 186, 190, 357, 441, 470.1, 509, 511, 515.3, 528.1, 545.5, 552, 554, 643; AB436.0.5 669; BL13, 14, 29, 39, 63, 74, 82; YB19, 48, 81, 122, 126.8; MB132, 144, 156, 233, 276, 342; GB74, 277, 435, 758, 794, 824, 1292, 1325, 1345, 1365, 1423, 1543.1,1560.3.2, 1859.9.5, 1888.8, 2021.5, 2033; NV46, 65,154, 163, 335, 348, 424, 543.5, 571, 596, 635; PM56, 114, 183, 215, 245; S44, 107, 135, 153, 230, 234, 236, 313; Y23, 499; AV412, 760, 1190, 1229, 1230, 1366.3; SS103, 106, 110, 111; DV101, 132, 155; H634, 791, 884, 1044, 1108, 1147, 1193, 1232.0, 1355C, 1487, 1628, 1690, 1910, 2037, 2113, 2255.5, 2264, 2517, 2538, 2759, 2811, 2846, 2910.2, 2977, 2989.1, 3034, 3055, 3116, 3134, 3161.7, 3584.1, 3284, 3422, 3526.0, 3563.0.2, 3570.7, 3592:4, 6, 3623.5, 3650.5, 3652.05, 4009.4, 4011.5, 4091, 4141, 4190, 4217, 4325 et298.1.5; 363.1.22. iBL84.1. t418.8.6; 788.1.119.5

Epistle, Holden - a224.1.20.5

epoche - aMB222

equality - aMB238; GB1627; AV1254; H4001.2

equanimity - aJ500; GB1564.1.2

equilibrium system - aH2637

equipoise - aGB1556.1.2

eros - aGB1895.5

erotic(s) - aGB1899

  mysticism - a956.1.51

eroticism, auto- - aAV1095

error (bhranti; see also illusion) - bAV1009; H2797.1.5, 3457; dH2122. a47.16:70, 90; 363.5.65; 369.7:11, 33; 373.1:1, 4; 379.67.410; 401.9.3; 406.3.4; 530.1.3J77; 582.27.29; 637.7.45; 672A.4.3; 729.8.24; 1020. 143.1; 1026.2.15.1; DU93.1; ADU45.1; J564.7.3; YB109; MB298; NV33; PM10, 85, 207.5; S45, 63, 188, 274; G130; AV270, 1034; H203, 316, 367, 421, 423, 1155, 1160, 1174, 1175, 1355R, 1383, 1461, 1639, 2042, 2082, 2329, 2558, 2764, 3005, 3302, 3605.0.5, 4003, 4210.6

, perceptual - a268.7.241; NV17,304; S188; VV14; H421,3660. yH3889.5

escape - aAV967

eschatology - bGB1611; H2405.5, 3532.5. dH3002. aGB1214, 1768.5; H514, 932, 2103

esoterism - bGB239, 970, 1887.2. aAB307; YB22; GB677; DV145

essence (see svabhava) - a321.9.26; AB473.4; MB65; GB1564.1.3, 1623.06; H479

essentialism - aMB150; H3519

estrangement, human - a379.67.505; AV1231

eternal, eternality, eternity - bAB139.1; H3601.1.1, a47.4.24;; GB1556.1.1; PM96.5; S361; AV134, 460, 635, 1233; H1276, 1786. dAB139.1

eternalism (P. sassatabhava) - aGB1564.1.4, 1623:06, 1

ethics - bEITCH 27; HindEth; 1.1.2;; 174.10.38; 210.7.37; 163.1.100; 322A.3.3; 368.4A.12; 379.67.401.1; 379.67.551.1; 568.1.1; 1026.4.6; 1395.1.2; J9, 191.1, 197; GB111.5, 137, 1129, 1216.1, 1379.1, 1380, 2044.5, 2150; VS102; AV949, 1220.5t, 1227, 1233.21; H191, 202, 407, 468, 1084, 1212, 1221, 1466, 1700, 2482, 2602, 2707, 2832.1, 2871, 3207, 3526.0, 3541.1, 3573.7, 4001.2, 4112.8, 4252.8, 4282, 4297. d174.2.15.5; 175.51.5; 284.1; 368.4A: 2. 6, 6.5, 8; AB283; GB1059.1, 284.1; AV784; H1355.6.5. a21.1.36; 22.1.159; 29.1.90; 47.4.48; 47.16.200; 131.1.212; 196A.7.12.3, 286; 202.1.1; 210.7.33; 368.1:51.9, 69; 379.67:208, 368, 428, 913; 582.27.22; 637.7.11; 742.2.13; 934.4.58; 473.4.6; 1395.1:3, 7, 15, 21-23, 26, 30, 32, 35, 41, 47, 1827; J22, 31, 50, 93, 129, 138, 172, 183, 184,195, 248, 255, 270, 277, 290, 292.1, 452; 474.1, 489.1, 566.5; J591.5.2, 630, 630.2; AB520, 544:4,6, 594.8; YB130; MB219.1; AV107, 118, 128, 202, 234, 265, 125.1, 219.1, 1414.5; GB12, 88, 114, 56,474, 483, 586, 666, 702, 838, 840, 877, 891, 893, 955, 1217, 1408, 1525.3, 1534, 1535.1,1538.1-2, 1543, 1546.1, 1548.2, 1560.3.3, 1569, 1614.3.2, 1623.1.5, 1634, 1795.2, 1828.9, 1842, 1913, 2034, 2036, 2050; PM95, 100; S140, 183, 445; AV26, 28, 38, 46, 47, 76,244, 266, 370, 575,785, 820, 1125, 1275.8, 1510.5; VV50; H5, 111, 161, 162, 218, 219, 285, 315,321, 354, 359, 509, 512, 539, 628, 742, 756, 867, 894, 918, 972, 1020, 1054, 1080,1094, 1105, 1114, 1321, 1364, 1474, 1559, 1569, 1589, 1595, 1635, 1681, 1766,1776, 1822, 1876, 1871 1909, 1932, 1933, 1964, 2102, 2105, 2120, 2150, 2290, 2303,2316, 2363, 2367, 2395, 2460, 2481, 2495, 2516, 2589, 2709, 2752, 2849, 3056, 3064.1.3, 3274, 3275, 3501.1.5,3532.2, 3579.4, 3585, 3601.5; 3618, 4174.5, 4221.7, 4223.5, 4233.1.

  , animal - aH4222.7

, biomedical - aGB1569

, comparative - bH2795; aAB283; H2723

  , development - aH4074.8

  , enlightenment - a47.16.192

, environmental - aAB667; GB1614.4.06, 1658; H3379. dAV1366.9

  , meta- - aH4262.2

  , retributive - aH3885

, social - aGB1175.1; H3618

, virtue - aGB2022.8; DV120


consciousness, see consciousness

knowledge - aAB412

  perception, see perception, ethical

  relativism, see relativism, ethical

  transformation, see transformation

ethnology - bJ2.5

etiology - aGB1556.1.3; AV1010

etymology - a379.67:438, 815.6; 698.1.34; AB642; H3594.1.9

Europe - bH3439. aH1429.9

-an philosophy - aAV1074

  -an scholarship - aGB1869.2.2

euthanasia - aJ505; H3562.3

eva - a344.9:26, 52, 53

evaluation, moral - aAB178. dAB256.2

, theological - aH2891

evidence - aNV410; H3532.1

, scriptural, see scripture

, visual - aGB1889.6

evil (akusala; adharma; see also asubha) - bAB221, 1508; H586, 3573, 3595.2, 3841, 3899. a163.1.66; J40, 234; AB130; GB583, 675, 836, 1100, 1595.1, 2010.1; S22,152; AV123, 180, 189, 242, 303, 325; H160, 322, 325, 504, 794, 983, 1237, 1481, 2167, 2297, 2443.5, 2608, 2772, 2879, 3365, 4197

, criteria of - aH965

, degrees of - aH965

, problem of - dH2912. a637.7.158.2; PM259.7; AV1479.0; SS202; H160, 322, 325, 794, 983, 1481, 2297, 2608, 2772, 3604.1.2, 3609, 3630.3, 3662, 4140, 4224, 4242.

, scale of - aH4059.6

and retribution - bH3592.2

evolution - bH825, 1861, 2053, 3600.1. dS127, 151; H252.5, 1998. a196A.7.13; 131.1:190, 208; 163.1.69; 379.67.284; GB1554.1; NV574; S11, 32, 58, 62, 73, 92; S296.5; Y414; AV863, 1324; SUD 17.00; KS51; H1442, 2238, 2276, 2285, 2286, 2296, 2306, 2308, 2322, 2330, 2342, 2353, 2355, 2359, 2370, 2373,2386,2387, 2410, 2412, 3012, 3600.1, 3618.8, 4075.8

, social - aH3001

example - b379.17.19. a23.1.209; 169A.1.8; 1036.14.6; NV567, 652

drstanta, s.v.

udaharana - a23.1.209

excellence - aH3704

excess - aAB597.5; H4086.8

exegesis, method of - a23.1.118; 344.4.77

, Pali, see Pali exegesis

, Vedic, see Vedas, exegesis of

exegetical terminology - aJ492.3

exertion - aGB1556.1.4; GB1556.1.4

existence - b137.1.51; 611.9.2; GB1159, 1617.05; 1892; NV581; H27.0, 805, 1360, 1750, 1767, 3902. a47.16.79; 332.1.230.5; 410.1.5; 655.1.29; 934.4.6.5; J486; AB476; BL23; GB901, 1395, 1606.1.1, 1886.0.5; NV158, 170, 251.5, 670; AV1447; H227, 498, 836, 1226, 1438, 3177, 3496, 3894, 4140.4, 4212.1

  , human - a751.31.168

, intermediate (antarabhava), see intermediate state

, realms of, see realms of existence

existentialism - bGB1031, 1302, 1343.2; H1966. a379.67.307; 379.67.596.1;GB413, 626, 1256; AV749.1, 964, 1514; H965, 1046, 1239, 1536, 1604, 2331, 2599, 3339

existential situation of man - aY325.1; AV749.1. bGB1343.2; H3054.2

expediency - aGB1560.04

experience (see bhoga; anubhava) - bAB472.8Y118; H3636.7, 3902, . a47.16.99; 317.1:47, 113; 530.4.5; J597.5; AB403, 404; GB421, 1536, 1552.0, 1560.04, 1588.0; S159; S435; Y621; AV88, 598, 779, 876, 1431; SS137; DV98; H574, 862, 916, 945, 1354, 2021, 2025, 2239, 2376, 2620, 2743, 3522, 3573.3, 3634.0.1, 4220.8

  , Christian - aAV1269.6

, integral - dH1391.1. aH3516.2

  , religious, see religious experience

, veridical - a175.24.53

expiration - aY697

explanation, causal - aNV274

, religious - bOSRE

exposition, method of - a294.1.5; 363.5.67

expressibility - aMB105

expression - a13.1.146; 363.5.67; H2664

extensionality - aNV157, 158

external world - aAV104. b302.4.8

, language and - aG138

, reality of - a379.67.715; YB120.1; AV1245.2

extinction - aH3587.1.1

expression - a221.1.174

extra-sensory cognition, see perception, extra-sensory

extremism - aH774

eye(s) - bGB2025; AV1015.5

fabrication - aLFDP

fact - aH1247, 1307

factor, see dharma(s)

faculty - aAB441.3; GB425, 529

, higher, see abhijna

Fa-hsiang - dYB124.5

faith (see also sraddha) - bAB199, 632.5; GB1331; AV805, 1234.2; Ac58; H289, 3027., 4059.1.9.5. a224.1.19.5; 379.67.594; 637.7:127, 157; 655.1.14; J52; AB293; GB85, 328, 344, 488, 542, 1509, 1568.1, 1623.08.98, 1862.3.3; AV1129, 1145, 1157; VS112; H3634.0., 443, 578, 721, 1274, 1385, 2583, 2753

fallacy (hetvabhasa) - a47.4.71; 47.16.209; 268.10.3; 278.1.17; 334.1.16; 404.8.5; 1014.7.59; J104, 466.1; NV120, 133, 173, 195, 357, 412, 476, 561.5, 576, 634; S243; H143, 1748, 4185.4.1. b788.1.72; GB1383; H3582

, anaikantika - aNV120

false(-hood, -ity)(see mithya)(see also unreality) - bAV396, 611.; H4059.1.5. a317.1.65; 363.5.63; 402.5.9; 551.1.2; 716.4.3; J68; AV204, 395, 574, 1213.2, 1497.2, 1516; H329, 1190, 4203

  and yogyata - aNV338.1

  of the world, see unreality of the world

speech - aGB1579.2

falsifiability - aH1847

fantasy - aAB570

variation - aGB1257

Far East - aH486, 764

fasting - a177B.1.10

fatalism - aGB252; AV254, 864; H2488, 3036, 3604.1.1.2, 4105. b3608

fate (niyati) - aJ276; GB159; H220, 298, 1868, 2586, 4105. bH4125.5

Faxiang - aYB188

fear (bhaya) - bAB404.2 aGB887, 1574.3, 1748, 1800; Y256

, conquest of - bY205

feeling(s) - bAB324; GB1869.7, 1913, 1976. a969.2:13, 15; J69; S64; AV185; H393, 459

  , bodily - aAB584

felicity - bAV505.5

fellowship, human - aGS32

female principle (see sakti) - aGB1574.2, 1915; S316. bVS92


  , eternal - aH4253

  in grammar - a221.1.168.1

feminism - aH3146; H4086.9

feticide - aGB1916

fetter - a210.9.24; AB544.9; GB1585.1.0

feudalism - aGB1106

fiction - a379.67.799.8; MB160; H590. bH4129.0

finite - a379.67.133; YB39; H665

fire - b137.1.20.5; Y758

flesh - bGB2025

flux, see momentariness

folk-lore - bH2767. aH2179

food - aJ420

forbearance (ksanti) - a41.1.8; AB539.7; GB1614.3.00, 1881

force, cosmic - aH364

forgivenness - aH141

form - bH3530.1.5

formalism, formalization, see logic, formal

formation - aGB2011

forms in cognition - aYB89

fortune, good - a180B.1.50

foundationalism - a321.4.13; GB1940.6, 2009.1. 2068

fourfold logic, see catuskoti

fragmentation - aPM265; AV1507.5

France, French - bPDB. aBL99.5; H1667

freedom (see also liberation) - bFPS, SKF; 131.1.158; 379.67.910; Y135; AV505.5; H1311, 1606, 1767, 2431.5, 2437.5, 3601.1.1, 3608, 3635.5, 3847, 4059.5, 4134.6.5. a47.7.27; 131.1: 219.1, 222; 379.27.40; 379.67.791, 810; 637.7.156.2, 169; J542.1; AB100, 363; GB330, 407, 461, 938, 1019, 1528.1. 1568.2, 1627, 1830, 1962; NV243; AV170, 253, 326, 473, 870.3, 914, 927, 1233.2.0, 1237.0, 1254, 1392, 1400, 1530.3, 1570.0; SS93; VS62; H167, 181, 457, 485, 503, 664, 760, 832, 895, 897, 941, 1006, 1164, 1426, 1642, 1720, 1949, 1978, 2089, 2134, 2143, 2213, 2290, 2470, 2533, 2776, 2778, 2885, 2920, 3376, 3384.1, 3396, 3435, 3436, 3526, 3562.3, 3570.8, 3602.3, 3615.5, 4001.2, 4004.8, 4019.7, 4185.2, 41919.6. dAB290.1

  , economic - aMB350

, moral - aH2046

of mind - aS718

of the will - a379.67:414, 609.8; 698.1:15, 59.0; GB105, 460, 464, 560, 990, 1550, 1579.4, 2110; dV21; H81, 298, 342, 957, 2492, 2586, 3113, 3592:0.5, 01, 4055.1.5, 4098

friend(liness) - a103.1.157.5; H4007

friendship - aGB1579:4-5

frustration, see suffering

fulfilment, human - aSS131

fullness (purnatva) - bVFBHC. aKS150; H4139.2, 4167, 4174

fulguration, see emanation

functionalism - aGB1616, 1617

functionality, see arthakriya

functions, confusion of subjective - aH423

futile rejoinder, see jati

future - a1395.3.11; AV1428; H1309

games - aH1224

ganacara - a689.2:9-10

gandha - aGB1579.6

ayatana - aGB1579.6

Gandhara(n), -i - a88.1.21; GB1867.4.5, 1889.6, 2135

gandharva - aGB1574.4

gantha - aGB1574.5

garden - b368.1.70

gati - a47.4.57; GB1574.6

gaunivrtti - aH4219.1

Gaudiya movement - a1011.11.4.5; 1448.16.10

gender - a221.1.52; GB1866.5, 1888.9, G25

, grammatical - aBL98

geneology - a103.1.124.99

generalization - a560.4.26; NV139; GB1335

  in Jainism (samanyalaksanapratyasatti) - aNV516

generation-processes - bNV294

generosity - aGB1585.1.02

genome - a317.1.92

genre - aH4060

Germany - bIIG; H3292. aNV277; H1300

, scholars of - bGSI. aH1667

gerund(s) - a221.1.270

getting - bAB597.3

ghost - aGB1187

gift - aH4153

Gilgit manuscripts - bGilgitM; 103.1:60, 86. a160.1.29; 175.1.57; AB368, 377

given, the - a344.9.52; 404.8.11; H1141, 1156

giving (dana) - a410.8.2; AB686; GB1395.1, 1862.8; H3843, 4231. bAB585, 597.3. t47.7.18.2

glossary - bGB378, 1464; AV557; H631

gnosis, gnosticism - bAV1092. dPM58. a103.1.113.8; S259; AV1499.5

, ultimate - aGS47

goal, supreme (see also liberation) - a637.7:19, 31

  of life - b&43

goblet - a363.2.6

god(s)(deva) - b956.1.78; AV777; VS92H2442. dH2131. a29.1.4; 637.7.26; 751.31:65, 133; J210, 312; AB288; GB1259, 1513.7, 1576.2, 1667, 1862.6; PM65, 104, 123.0; VV32; GS64; SS165.5; Ac31.3; KS75; H271, 2784, 2844, 3666.5, 3696, 4243

God - b379.12.66; 528.1.8; 637.7:18, 35, 58, 110, 126; 793.19.13; 793.53.18; J29.001; Y107, 137, 439; AV696.5, 889, 951, 1187; SS31, 77; VV210; KS108; Ac30; DV88; H182, 864, 2374, 2359, 2420.5, 2837.5, 3096, 3167, 3289.5, 3415.5, 3594.1.8, 3636.8, 4135.3, 4310. d131.1:145; 1140.1.9; S222; H2326, 3002. a48.1.97; 131.1:153, 164, 194; 173.1.4; 308.1.5; 344.9.60; 366.1:5.22; 379.12.47; 379.16.36; 379.39.18; 379.67:31, 136, 208, 273, 353, 382, 560, 593.1; 450.1.1; 455.2.15; 560.4:25, 31, 33; 560.4.31; 560.8.13; 565.1:2, 4; 582.27.52; 637.7:8, 39, 40, 84, 111, 127.4, 138, 146, 149, 159, 160.2, 230;717.1.26; 751.3.6; 751.31:57, 76, 116, 131.2, 131.4, 132; 793.19.9; 809.14.42; 956.1:38, 58; 962.36.67; 1011.13.6; 1026.13.19; 1046.26.17; 1047.17.8; C28; J56, 97.5, 206, 287, 395, 456, 501; AB544.3; GB333, 334, 376, 611, 963, 1253, 1394.7, 1524.5, 1570.1, 1607.0.8, 1806; NV56, 90, 177, 249.1, 253.1, 424.2, 431, 514, 534.7; PM97.1, 107.2.2, 116, 117; S24, 56, 98, 138, 183, 233, 279, 289, 315, 315.0; Y219, 247, 503, 514, 519, 531.5, 572, 578.1, 783.9; AV98, 125, 167, 168, 171, 303, 361, 448, 477, 490, 518, 528, 560, 642, 760, 924, 994, 1123.1, 1147, 1168, 1176, 1192, 1210, 1398, 1563.5, 1579, 1587, 1605; VV29, 34, 36, 37, 41, 97, 101; SS20, 34, 47, 76, 78, 82, 88, 95, 164.5; VV110.1; GS39.1; Ac64; DV53, 90; H16, 68, 160, 181, 192, 212, 387, 430, 523, 693, 841, 952, 1033, 1148, 1237, 1264, 1369, 1405, 1406, 1422, 1467, 1656, 1676, 1725, 1730,1765, 1831, 1884, 1948, 1991, 2061, 2075, 2215, 2485, 2535, 2826, 2850, 3039.5, 3082, 3100, 3124, 3155, 3258.2, 3490, 3529.2, 3568.2, 3592:.0, 5; 3593, 3630.1, 3850.6, 4004.9, 4011.4, 4015.6, 4015.7.13, 4071.3, 4210. t131.1.85. e687.1.5.1. d1140.1.9

arguments for (non)existence of - a47.16.63; 173.1.4; 344.7.6; 344.9.18; 494.2.5; 560.4.30; 788.1.80; GB779; H1193, 1709

as author of the Vedas - a560.4.25

-realization - a379.67.447.5; H1599, 1779

's body - aH1100

's causality - a48.1.93

's existence - a47.16.63; 173.1.4

's omnipotence - a608.1.2, 841.1.6; H3057, 3609

's omniscience - aNV162

's qualities - aNV177

's word - bGWAM

goddess - aVV120; VS98

going - a312.2.4.1

Gokulika - aAB442.3.0

good - bAB221, 441; H3207. a47.13.4; 210.1.13; 379.67:31, 390; 962.36.11; J234, 256; GB467, 840, 1812.5, 2035.1; PM53; S152; AV51, 782; GS45.3; H3633.7. dGB1058.1, 1284.1

and evil - aGB23.09, 1351, 1595.1; H1080

-ness, degrees of - aH965

, idea of the - aGB1716; H3701

life, see life, good

, social - aDV73

summum bonum - aVV64

gospel - bDGTS

-s in Bible - bH1365; a21.1.41; H1584

Gostana Desa - a103.1.49

gotra - a174.8.28; 224.1:15, 23, 23.1; 301.1.2; 448.1.5; 588.1; YB194; GB1590.01; 1592.2; SS180; H4060

  -bhu - aAB285.1,449.1; GB1592.3

-bhumi - aGB1590.01

-karman - aH4000.5

grace (see also sakti-pata) - bSS148.5. a582.27.47

, divine - b379.67: 809, 816.5; 783.9.5.1; GSSVIC; SS13, 85, 86, 158; H4015.6.5. a379.67.808; 637.7:98, 157; 689.2.11; 751.31.82; GB793; S277; AV816, 1002; SS43, 83-85, 87, 117, 118, 124, 163.1; KS52; Ac75; DV30; H125, 691, 755, 759, 813,1405, 1465, 1975, 1979, 3068, 3080, 3158, 3499

gradation, synthetic - aH229

gradualism - a418.18.4. bGB1545


, artha-, see artha-grahana

-niscita, see niscitagrahana

grahyagrahaka - a103.1.94; 175.1.23

grammar - b1069.8.6; G145; H2229. a22.1.60; 47.4.45; 47.16:83, 84, 152; 68A.2.1; 221.1:.123, 157, 168.1, 171; 308.1.5.5; 379.67.135;442.1.1; 698.1.23; 1069.8.12; AB380.5, 465.5; MB233, 330; GB1623.08.3; NV106; G7, 10, 11, 45, 94, 117, 134.0, 180.5, 180.7, 210.8, 215, 230; AV436, 1262.6, 1294.4; H1361, 3412, 3505.5, 3608.1, 3634.4, 3636, 4113.6

Grammarian philosophy (Vyakarana), see G section of Part IV

grammaticality - aNV317

grantha - aGB1574.5

prakrta - a379.67.450

gratitude - aAB597; GB1400, 1601:3-4

greatness, maximal - aGB1524.5

Greece, Greek - a21.1.41; GB34, 981, 1218; H1591, 3599, 4055.7, 4185. bH4070.10.5

thought - aMB163; S574; H29, 26, 309, 1101, 1475, 2654, 2685, 2854, 4135.3

grief - bAB404.2

grin, catless - a174.10.26

ground - aAV435

, intentional - a458.1.1

group - bH566. aGB19; H2276

growth - a687.3.14; J514.0

guide - aH1791

Gujarat - bJ118; GB1410. aH4086.6. yJ464.1

-i language - aH2904. d407.1.1.1

guna - a174.2.7; J488; AB29; NV79, 91, 113, 116, 265, 532, 649.4; S17, 29, 49, 74,

90, 112, 139, 164, 229, 252; S369; Y237; G20; H1441, 2477

-sthana - aJ156; VS36

Guptas, age of the - aH1258

guru - bY50.1; H2468.5. a379.67.898; 698.1.105; GB1479.0. S306.1; AV1012; H2730, 2910, 3317, 4032.7. bY583.4.1' Ac64

, finding one's - a762.1.9

, jagad - a379.67.816.4.8

-sisya relationship - a379.67.531.1; H4072.3

  -tattva - a689.2.11

hagiography - bCHMI. a47.16:49, 67, 155.1; J434; AV1072, 1430.3; VV117; H4032.7

Haimavata - aAB450.0

Hanuman - a751.31.154

happiness - bAB404.0; GB2015; AV686, 1498.3; H3618.7.5. aGB1588.1; AV1453. t368.1.62.5

Hare Krishna movement - a751.31.66

Haridasa movement - b1000.1.1

harmony - aGB1504. dH1549, bH3561.5. aH4135.6

, religious - aAV900

hasituppada citta - aAB442.7

hate - bGB827.5

Hatha yoga, see yoga, hatha-

healing, see medicine

health - aY631 bY746

  , mental , see psychology

hearing - aH3593.12

heart - a582.27:51, 61; Y481; t441.2.17. b441.2.17; H2066.5

heaven - bGB160. a218.1.1; 363.5.40; GB1602.1, 1862.2; NV240; AV1110. 1479; H3123

Hebrew thought - aH1273

hedon? - aH2853

hedonism - aC45; GB1601:0, 06; H296, 726, 1172, 2991

hell - bGB160. aGB1602.1, 1869.1.5; 2066; NV240

heresy, heretic(al) - aJ506.4, 518; AB645

heritage - bAV25.5. aGB2044.1

heroes - t268.1.44.3

hermeneutics - bBHerm; HEVT; ITH;; 317.1.85; PM87, 116.1; AV1132; H3292. a22.1.94;; 175.23A: 4, 8; 182.21.29; 344.4.21; 363.5.50; 379.67:476, 501.1, 533, 565, 780, 820; 458.1.1; 737.7.166; 1393.3.4; AB693; GB1157, 1240, 1370, 1431, 1500, 1546, 1867.3, 1886.0.9.5; PM123.1, 138; G1869.1.7; AV1107. H3575.2, 3586, 4090.5, 4212.0.1, 4340

heterodoxy - bOHDI. a295.1.16; H1485, 2469, 3233, 3824

hetu - a268.7.30, 344.9.42; J372, 583; SV25.1.1; BL140; GB1589.2; NV136, 379, 395.2, 411.0. dNV406.02

-abhasa, see fallacy

, abhinivrtti- - aAB461

, adrsyanupalabdhi - - a344.9.51

, aksepa- - aAB461

, karya- - a344.5.5.1

, sahabhu - a192.1.5; GB1417

, svabhava - a344.4.29; 344.5.5.1; 344.8.2.2; 344.9:17, 20, 34, 52.7, 120

, threefold (trairupya-, trividha-, trilaksana) - a268.10.25; 344.5.5.1; 344.9.4; 560.8.25; BL61, 135; NV411.0; H405. bBL81

, validity of - aH3540

hibiscus - aH3290.7

hierarchy - a962.36.68

Himalaya - a379.67.460

Hinayana, see AB section of Part IV

Hindi language - aH2895

hindrance (nivarana), mental - aAB601

Hinduism, see H section of Part IV

, neo- , see neo-Hinduism

hiranyagarbha - a379.67.383

historian - aH2754

historical notices - aC18

historicism - aH4164

historicity - a379.67.519; 956.1:44, 66; GB1431

historiography - aAB693; MB296; GB1596.5; H1393

history - bAGP; CHMI; EWVCT; HSENR; PBDFV; 23.1.234; Aj9; J6, 22, 72; H2026, 3445, 3639, 4252.8. a47.16.154.1; C38; J194; AB87.1, 125. 597; SV25.05, 25.3; GB1608, 1924.7.5; PM112; AV814, 1237.3, 1430.3; VV111, 117; H1177, 1340, 1498, 2375, 2509, 2628.1, 2699, 2715, 2736, 2757, 2873, 3368, 3503, 3587.1.0, 3608.4, 3945, 4134.5,

, cultural - a637.7.90

, integral view of - aH2704

  , intellectual - aH4262.8, 4260

of ideas - bH3406

, philosophy of - bCIPH; SHIP. aAV411; H1166, 1176, 1413, 1633, 2136, 2684, 2696, 2709, 2722, 2732

, religious - bCCERHI

, social - bAB420. aH4123.3

Hooke - a103.1.124

holiness - aGB1862.6; Y586.1, 587.1; H2349, 3097

holism - bAV1230.5. a221.1.207; 379.67.781; GB1349.5, 1520.0.5; Y587, 631.2; H2136, 3101, 3459

holography - b317.1.85; AV1132. dAV983. aAV1023; H4120

homicide - aGB1916

homogeneity - aJ515.4; MB328

homology - aY73

homonym - aG40

homophone - aG40

honesty - aGB1590.0

hope - aGB1601:4-5, 1822

horizon - bEMH

horoscope - aGB1209

householder - bWZKHR. aH237

hrdaya treatises - a1331.6; SV73; BL106

Hua-yen school - a47.4.64


-flesh offering - aH3851

nature - a379.67.521; GB590, 1604; H1021

types, designation of - b5.1.5

humanism - bH3431, 3911. a410.10.4; 751.31.60; 368.5.6; 1395.3:28, 44, 48; GB1617.1.0; VV95.1. H223, 482, 802, 910,1457, 1535, 1632, 1715, 2781, 3498, 4019.8, 4032.1, 4243

humanity - bVS25; aGB1676; H2636, 3687, 4032.2

humility - aGB1601:5-6

hybridity, see samkara

hymns -b793.53.18. d472.4.1. a379.67:536, 577; 596.5.21

hypnotism - aY204

I, see ego

icchantika - a88.1.5; GB1860.3, 2022

I-Ching - aH2927

iconography - bH2641; aMB16

iddhi - aAB200, 457.7; GB1607.0.1

-pada - aGB1607.0.2

idea - dH541. aH177, 199, 332

-s, history of, see history of ideas

ideal - bH869, 2271. aH414, 843

as Absolute - aH302

, approaches to - aH550

life, see life, ideal

  -s, Eastern - bGB1940.7

-s, human - a131.1.94; H1054

-s, political, see political ideals

-s, social - dH1830

, spiritual - aH461

idealism - b317.1.85; YB5, 7, 26, 38, 83; AV571, 1132; H2514, 2590, 3361, 3602:00-01 d560.1.14.5; 671.2.8; AB139.1. a48.1.46; 175.23.3; 175.24:36, 37;; 9.4; 277A.2.2; 379.67:49.1, 51, 105, 109, 121, 142, 174.1, 499; 530.7.1; 698.1.38.1; YB5, 7, 26, 51, 64-66, 103, 106, 120.1, 133, 165; GB1443, 1606.2.1.00; NV441, 442.05, 445.1, 545.5, 548, 561, 565, 565.3 ; S209; AV453.1, 1222; H54, 347, 362, 443, 762, 856, 902, 940, 1055, 1076, 1129, 1171, 1199, 1235, 1345.1; 1376, 1425, 1492, 1531, 1706, 1953, 2049, 2617, 2649, 2785.2, 2989, 3206, 3225, 3554, 3573.2, 3604.1.1.1, 3607, 3610:5-6, 4134.4, 4210.5

  , absolute - aYB185

  , Buddhist, see Yogacara

ideality - aH903

identification - aGB1589.1

identity (see also nondifference) - b131.1.290; AB472.8; H2815, 2832.0. a166.1.1; 379.18.30; 379.44.11; 441.1.7; 809.; BL64, 66; MB291; GB190, 736, 875, 1044, 1591.1.5; NV451; AV543, 1086, 1438; H204, 799, 3569.2, 4008, 4087.4

ananyatva - aH365

-in-difference - dBD8. a637.7.30; VV39; H573

, personal - a268.10.45; MB295; GB826, 1356, 1459.5, 1467, 1538.2, 1597.1, 1606, 1614.4.1, 2042; SS156; NV358; H937, 1146, 3172, 3350, 3420, 3615.5, 4001.5.. d220.1.19.5 b220.1.19.5; GB1903.5

  , religious - aSS183

  , ultimate - bAV1499.5

statements, see mahavakya

tadatmya-sambandha (relation of identity) - bNV389, 440.7.5. aNV409.2, 546.1; H3570.2, 4006.1

texts, see mahavakya

ideology - b190.1.3; H3596.0. aY760

ignorance (avidya)(see also maya) - bAV998; H2114, 3605.0.5. dH2122, 2328; AV400. a23.1.245; 163.1.66; 174.10.32; 221.1.245; 275, 317.1.64; 369.2:11, 18; 379.27.34; 379.67:173, 360, 515, 610.1; 417.7.19, 911; 592.4.3; 637.3:9, 10; 637.7:52; 698.1.90; 715A.16.6, 716.4.6.1, 60; 768.10.11.5;128.1; 809.14.69; J171; AB259, 447, 596.7-8; ; GB98, 149, 238, 553, 745, 1861.1; S308; Y318, 558.1; AV41, 146, 151, 162, 173, 173, 205, 256, 342, 363, 383, 416, 428, 504,570, 609, 749, 763, 800, 806, 826, 830, 839, 841, 849, 841, 849, 925, 941, 942, 1037, 1054, 1090, 1208.1, 1233.8, 1247.5, 1264, 1350.06, 1445, 1456.5, 1465, 1488.6, 1561, 1571; H695, 1301, 1896, 1917, 1181, 2385, 2567, 2787, 2824, 2840, 2930, 4014

ajnana - bNV278. aAV114, 154-5, 222, 343, 581; H27, 4073.1

maya-avidya, concept of - aAV1263

, mula- - a379.16.40; 379.67.443; AV1335

, tula- aAV1335

Ikkeri, rulers of - a1069.8.3

Iksvakus : aAB111.1

illumination - a221.1.240; AB432.3; MB207.5; AV1102, 1141

, simultaneous - aH4120

illusion (see also error; maya) - b321.1.4; H3605.0.5 a327.1.94; 363.1.17; 379.67.609.7; YB62, 192; GB313,372,865,1608.8; NV445.7, 445.8; PM94,100.5, 107.0; AV91,374.1, 463, 492, 529, 614, 707, 1009, 1157.5; S414; H356, 423, 610, 1752, 2122, 2172, 2542, 3311, 3587.1, 4191.4.5. d379.67.406.5

, argument from - a175.24.53; 402.9.4; H4106

  , beyond - aAV1511

world-, see maya

illusionism - a379.67:183, 336; AV1245; H2172, 3311

illusoriness, see maya

illustration (see also example) - b46.1.20.1

ill-will - aGB1606.

image - a224.1.20.5; 379.67.854; J510; AV976; VV149; H440. d404.4.25

-formation - aGB1608.9

  , soul - bH4117

-world - a21.1.49.1

-worship - aH2882, 4032.8

imagery - bGB1874. aAB432.3; AV293; H3416.

imagination, see pratibha

immanence - aAV572, 901

immaterialism - a268.2.9

immediacy - bH1750. aAV362

immortality - bY135, 252.5; H85, 384, 543. a47.7.27; 47.16.238; GB41, 638, 1606.; NV71; S282.5; Y539.7; AV93, 1150;GS21; H35, 648, 855, 1117, 1144, 1245, 2141, 2165, 2417, 3258.3, 3707, 4070.06

imperative - aH4251

  , categorical - a530.6.1; PM132. bDCI

imperceptibility - a419.7.3

impermanence (anityatva) - bGB1563, 1614.3.6. a137.1.29; AB124, 243, 678.2.3; MB357; GB259, 283, 342, 437, 698, 713, 724, 818, 1607.0.3, 1859.9.1, 1896, 1962.6, 2026; H4135.4

impetus - aNV144

implication, see logical implication

impression - aY539.5; AV1415

impurity - bGSSK. a210.7.36; SV28, 70; YB86; GB1356.6, 1606.

incarnation, see avatara

inclination - aH4041

inclusivism - bInklusivismus; GB1956. aGB1890.5, 1859.9.8; H3102, 3103, 3122, 3245

incommensurability - a47.16.149.1; J650

incompatibility - aBL86

inconceivability - bGB19569.9

inconsistency - a23.1.295317.1.92

indefinite - aH153

independence - aGB407; DV56

indescribability - aMB97.1, 140; H4059.1.9

indeterminable, see avyakrta

indeterminate perception, see perception, direct

indeterminism - aJ469; GB1513.3; AV332

indexicals - aNV434.5

India - b410.26.8; GB1519.1; 1756

, Eastern - bAc39.00

  , South - aH3258.8. bGB1585.1.07

Indikatusaya copper plaques - a53.1.10

indiscipline - aAV407

individual, individuality - bSIEW; GB1110; H566. dAV427. a379.67.95; AB119; GB284, 683, 1130, 1606.; S201; NV421.3; AV63, 64, 407, 542, 592, 913; H197, 566, 979, 1649, 1909, 1968, 2276, 3101

individualism - aAV1455.5

individualization - aPM265

individuation - a379.17.20.1; H1205

individuator, see visesa

indivisibity - a221.1.187.5

indolence - aGB1607.0.4

Indology - aH3592.2, 3697.5, 4032. bKrsna Pratibha, Sarupa-Saurabham

indriya (see also sense) - aAB448.3; GB1606.; 1608.9.5; H2985, 3460.1; H4262.7.5

ajna- , s.v.

-s in Buddhism, see faculties in Buddhism

-paccaya - aAB458.5; GB1608.10

-paropariyattanana - aAB451.06.04; GB1606.

-sammatta - aAB451.06.02; GB1606.

-samvara - aAB451.06.03; GB1606.

induction - bNV426, 439; H1017. a3344.4.31.3; J349; NV88, 132; H3192, 4101

ineffability - b1622; GB1629; H3185. a47.16.58; YB132; GB1342, 1608.6.5, 1884; H1207, 2564, 2800, 2801, 3946

, in Advaita (anirvacaniya, -khyati) - aAV126, 847, 1048.1, 1184, 1516.2; H3018

, in Buddhsm (anabhilapya) - aGB682

inexplicability - aH597, 4081

inexpressibility, see ineffability

infatuation (mada) - aGB1879.8

inference (anumana) - b278.1.18; 344.9.117; 311; 372.1.5; 388; 455.2.48; 540; 948.10.12; H2607.5, 2611, 3582. d975.2.3; NV184. a29.1:49.5, 65, 66; 48.1:33, 72, 74, 91; 163.1:65, 115; 221.1.181, 251; 268.7.30; 300.1.16; 334.1.13; 344.4:21, 30, 35, 57, 85; 344.9:29, 44, 66, 123, 125; 366.1.6; 379.67.112; 394.1.11.2; 450.1.7; 494.1.11.2; 530.4.2; 560.7.7; 565.8.11; 637.7.130; 681.8.2; 771.1.3; 816.14.6; 927.2.1; 948.10.7; 1047.7.62; 1119, 5, 26;1161.2.1; 1236.5.7; C48; J358; BL27, 60, 73.2, 78; YB64; GB852, 1345.1, 1393, 1606.2.1.01; NV236.1, 259, 268, 272, 289, 296, 326, 331, 347.2, 380, 409.2, 417, 420, 424, 432, 432.4, 611; S69, 170, 205, 307; PM259.5; AV186, 417, 1091; SS164.8; H413, 594, 1345, 1997, 2132, 2210, 2628.0, 3555, 3859, 4031, 4192

  , autonomous - a321.9.21

  , members of an (avayava) - aNV611.1

, only-positive (kevalanvayi-) - a788.1.92.1

, only-negative (kevalavyatireki-) - a; NV465.2. t788.1.129

, parartha- (inference for another) - a300.1.16; 344.4:21, 344.5.13; 344.9.32.1; 30; BL60, 78; GB1568, 1641; NV34, 270; H3590

, prasanga- - aH3648.8.1

, samayatodrsta- - aNV432; DU430AA

  , sattva- - a344.4.77

, svartha-(inference for oneself) - a268.7.20; 344.4.30; 344.9.32.1; NV34

infinite, the - bH339. a379.67:77, 133, 188; AV746, 1096; H665, 1143

regress, see anavastha

infinity - a103.; GB1606.; AV746

inherence (samavaya) - bNV83, 420.2, 424.5, 598. a379.67.523; 778.1:101:0, 101.1, 111; GB1618.3; NV27, 145, 258.1, 320, 333, 391.2, 407.2; PM103.0, 104.1; H3570.6.2

inherent characteristic - aAB473.4

initiation - a582.17.65; GB1860.5

in itself - aH2265

injunction - b369.6.5. a198.1.15; 369.1.2; 369.6.3; BL64.1; NV241; PM108; Y539, 221; H2911, 3506

innovation - a1069.8.10

inquiry - bH2170. et560.4.42. aH4136

, philosophical - a163.1.88; 379.67.282

, self- bAV1514.8; H1537

inscription - bJ630.5; GS34; Tabo2. a46.2.39, 160.1.14, 196A.7.1; J120.5, 482.4; GB375.1, 1182

inside - aY711

insight (see also vipasyana) a418.18.10; J610

, linguistic - a221.1.145

meditation, see vipasyana

  text - a379.67.818

inspiration - aY698

instincts - aGB1606.

instrument - aG91; H2208

instrumental theory of knowledge, see epistemology, instrumental

instrumentality - aGB1616

integralism (see also yoga, integral; Aurobindo in Persons Index)- bY252.5; Y224,5; H1096, 1804, 2561.5, 3600.1, 3617. aH1030, 1336, 1396, 1397, 1413, 1415, 1416, 1419, 1429.10, 1703, 2284, 2451, 3516.2, 3519.1. dH2140, 2561.5

integrality - aH1225

integration - b131.1.165. a959.2.1; Y588, 592, 610; AV1487; VV103.7H1429.1, 3516.2

, cosmic - a1429.3

, human - aSS131

, national - aAV1183, 1430.4.1, 1485.1

of consciousness - aGB211

, social - aAV908

integrity - bY658,692

intellect (buddhi) - a379.67.82; S203; H2965. bH3032.5

, and intuition - aGB1330; AV327; H307

-will - aH2361

intellectuals - aH1992

intelligence, artificial - bNV394; H3568.1

intensionality - aNV127, 157, 158

intention - a137.1.43; 175.1.56; 344.9.152.5; PM105.5; H2803.3, 3184

, speaker's or author's (tatparya) - a221.1.206; NV710; G131.6

intentionalism - aGB1505

intentionality - aBL150; GB1873.6; AV671; H3563, 4279.1

interaction - BHISS, MVIC

interdependence - aAB270; YB121.2; GB1232, 1858, 1867.2, 4197

interdisciplinary study - aJ650

interest, center of - a809.22.26.7

interiority, interiorization - aH2289, 3674.7

intermediate state, see antarabhava

internalist - aH4073.7

interpolation - a840.1.13

interpretation - a13.1.10; 1324.9.3; NV563, 603; PM193, 262; H3815. dAB158.1. bH4298

, histodiamat - aC68.2

, logic of - a13.1.8; 18.1.6

, method of - a22.1:59, 169

, modern - aJ497.0; AB467

, nontranscendental - aAB460.1

, politics of - a308.2.1

, principles of, see paribhasa

, textual - aGB1499; PM31, 64; G73; H4139.5

intervention, divine, see divine intervention

intolerance - aJ543

introspection - aGB1606.

intuition (see also pratibha) - bNV533.1; Y232; AV770, 1097.0, 1121; H2178. a131.1.211.0;; 379.67.82, 323; GB86, 409, 410, 543, 1330, 1411, 1606.; S349; AV79, 190, 255, 327; DV87; H226,307, 436,647, 654, 663, 724, 770, 796, 858, 935, 988, 1772, 1912, 2244, 2621, 2653,2692, 3370, 3385, 3450, 3506.1, 3517.1, 3579.0, 3595.1, 3618.7.0.5

, rational - aH1159

invalidity, see error

invariable concomitance, see vyapti (pervasion)

investigation, limits of - a809.21.5

involution - aS296.5; KS51l; H3012

inwardness - aH754

Iran, Iranian - bCVVGP; SIIWG; VIISR;

iriyapatha - aAB458.6; GB1608.11

irony - bGB1701

irrational - aPM107.2.3; H3595.1.1

isi - aAB451.06.01; GB1606.

Islam - bGSSVIC; H3458. a379.67.267; 1395.3.15; Ac14; H2854, 4088.1

ista - a344.9.152.5

  -devata - aGB1607.0.7

isteh - a344.5.18

isvara (see also God)

-pranidhana - aH4135.5

-prasada - aDV82

, the term - a379.67.161; H433

itihasa - a637.7.121; H2711, 4279.9

itthi - aJ590.5

Jagannatha - bStudCJag. a956.1.95; AV1053; H3570.4

jagat, see world

Jain, Jainism, see J section of Part IV

canonical literature - bJ99, 439, 453. a293.1.15; AV469

writers on Nyaya - aNV102

Jambudvipa - aGB1936

japa (continuous recitation) - a131.1.117; 956.1.56; KS47.1

Japan - b180B.1.11.1; RSJ; H53, 3010. a43.1.2; 45.1.2; AB278, 321; MB117; GB578, 677, 1754; NV6; KS47.1; H1607, 3511, 3571, 3595.1.2. t196.1.1

jara - aGB1623.08.8

Jaradgava - aC46

jati, (see also birth; caste; universal) - a48.1.140

, a fallacy - aBL50.1(=GB1185); GB1104.1; NV272.1, 440.7; H4091.3

-badhaka - a560.8.13.1

-mat - H8641.8

-samkara, see universal-hood, impediments to

-smara, see birth, previous

, the word - aGB1627.8.5

javana - aGB1627.7.5

Jesus Christ - a379.67.396; AV448; VS85.5; H1369, 1564, y962.36.3.1

jhana, see dhyana

jiva , see self

jivanmukti - bAV1222.2, 1228; AV1310; SS112; GH1603.3. a369.2.10; 379.67:589, 717; 406.3.10; 530.1.16; 637.3.21; 637.7:159.3, 235; 698.1:50, 94; 751.31:129, 163; 762.1.6; 809.8:12.1, 13; 809.14.72; 809.22:20, 26; 809.22.26; 822.1.60; DU862.2; AB241; GB615, 1445, 1614.7.2.08, 1627; NV389.02, 533.6; PM185.7; S313.5, 315.5, 460; AV237, 301, 385, 458, 486, 488.5, 539, 708.5, 796, 991, 1143.1, 1151, 1189.1, 1194, 1207, 1264.4, 1277.5, 1413.1; SS138, 166; KS85; H252, 515, 695, 1130, 1662, 1682, 1851, 1893, 2356, 2381, 2962, 3086, 3097, 3144, 3570A, 3573.1, 3603.3, 3605.1, 3621, 3646.6.3955, 4019.5.1, 4173, 4260. d379.67.538.1; 809.8.18. t809.8.12.5

jivita - aGB1623.08.92, 1627.7

jnana (see awareness; cognition) - bH1355V. a268.10.12, 373.1.5, 379.67.606.2; AB131; YB126.8; MB90; GB433, 1623.08.4-5, 2020; NV85, 108, 278; G126; DV86; H27, 1185, 1251, 2014, 2671, 2937, 3433, 3577, 4188.1

, adarsa-, see adarsajnana

, avadhi- - aJ506, 564.9.7; Y546

, course of, see cittavithi

, dharmabhuta (attributive) - a637.7.77; AV1154

-karmasamuccaya, see path to liberation, combined

, knowledge and - aH2536, 2690, 3220

-laksana - aAV1404

, kevala-, see omniscience (in Jainism)

, nirguna- , see nirguna -jnana

, nirvikalpaka- , see nirvikalpaka -jnana

-nistha - a379.67.897.5

, svarupa - a637.7.77; Y549, 573.1; AV1077

- svarupa - a637.3.18

, sabda- , see sabdajnana

-sakti - a614.5.2

, vijnana and - aGB311;H363, 3535, 3564.1

, vrtti-, see vrtti -jnana

-yoga, -marga - a317.1.46, 379.12.39, 379.64.44; 379.67:286,309, 579; 698.1.53.1, 762.1.5, 860; GB1195; Y520.2, 557.1, 569; AV329, 969, 985; H240, 1560, 1741, 1961, 3259, 3399, 3705.1. bY86, 369.5, 438

jnapyajnapaka relation - aNV408.1-2

jnata, see known

jouissance - bAV1517

journey - aY43

joy - a522.1.7; GB1272; NV372.1; H577. t368.1.59.5; 809.14.77. dAB173.5

Judaism - a1395.3.22

judgment - a472.5.2; J238; NV182

, moral - aH297

, negative - aH1553

, perceptual, see perception, savikalpaka

, theory of - aNV36,108

-theory of knowledge - aH1326

, truth value of - aH3210

, verbal - aPM60

jurisprudence - aJ529, 533

just world, see world

justice - aAV910; H553

, karmic - aH4032.3

, retributive - aH2148

, social - aH2916, 3523.1

justification - aNV362, 430, 432.2, 592; H3589.1, 3602.5, 4073.7. dMB292.5

jyoti, the word - a235.1.5

jyotisa, phalita - aH3110

Kagyu - bt368.1.6.1

kaivalya, aS224

kakataliya - a221.1.99

kala, see time

Kalacakra school of Buddhism - aAB183

Kaladi - b379, 67, 532, a1069.8.3

kala - a196B.7.21; G24

Kalamukha school - bGS20. aGS19

Kalawan inscription - aGB1960

Kali - aKS21

kalpa - aGB1617.3.5

kalpana, see construction, conceptual

kalpanapodha - a404.4.20.7

kalyanamitta - aAB402.1; GB1618.1

kama, see desire

kamacchanda - aAB456, 483.1.3; GB1626.6.6

Kamakoti Pitha - b379.67.23

Kamarupa, See Assam

Kamasutra - aC70

kamma, see karma

kancuka - aAV793

kanada - a29.1.62.1

Kanjur - bFeer. a1012.1" 153, 153.2

Kannada - aH2905

Kannon - a175.1.28

Kapalikas - bGS20. aC9

karaka - a221.1.260; NV366; G139, 165, 176.5, 182, 186, 209; H2816, 3426.1, 3484.5, 3580

karana - a175.8.7; 455.2.35.1; 1014.7.61; NV106; G60; H1361

karana (see also cause) - aH4261.8

karika - a221.1.203

  kara - aKS13

karitra - a192.3.3.5; GB1886.0.5

karma (see also act) - bDK; KRPCD; 196A.6.15; AB2, 353, 371, 585; GB891.5, 1048, 1876; J11, 15, 660. H36, 37, 44, 60, 79.5, 86, 92, 234, 275, 323, 391, 586, 827, 1238, 1355Q, 2152, 2313, 2437, 2442, 3032, 3108, 3241, 3287, 3575A, 3604, 3618.7.0, 3641.7.5, 3688, 3847, 3923, 4004.4.1, 4125.5, 4136.7, 4185.4. dAB155; NV234,1; H1363, 2912, 4006.7, 4125.8, 4134.1. a21.1:42, 44; 21.1.49;; 22.1.91;47.16.141; 81.1.14; 131.1:78, 150, 184; 175.1.55; 175.24:31.0, 38.5; 235.1:3, 9; 379.12.85; 379.67:214, 542, 606.2, 625, 903, 911; 402.8.1; 417.4.6; 455.2.23; 530.1.6; 637.7.168; 751.31.67; 11395.3.65; 505.14.2; DU658.1.1, 867.1; J56, 71, 95, 96, 106, 122, 145, 175, 177, 232, 247, 251, 263, 273, 362,367, 374, 375, 381, 389, 450, 451, 496.1, 542.1, 581, 617.7.5, 626.1; AB65, 102, 110, 135, 159, 205, 208,231, 299, 336.1, 367.2, 376.1, 391, 438; 444, 473.2, 474.4; YB121.1; GB19, 39, 42, 120, 121, 314, 329, 331, 363, 415, 435.3, 456,463, 466, 489, 511, 513, 536, 540, 580, 581, 597, 649, 668, 708, 786, 804, 812, 814, 849, 863, 871.13; 902, 911, 912, 933, 955, 991, 1007, 1009, 1011, 1018, 1020, 1023.1, 1028,1043, 1069, 1093, 1163.1, 1184, 1205, 1206, 1209, 1222, 1257.1, 1277, 1339, 1368, 1372.1, 1374,1382, 1389.5, 1503, 1510.1, 1523, 1535.0, 1551:3-4, 1556:1, 3, 4; 1559.1, 1560:23, 1562.2, 1564.2, 1570.1, 1588, 1598, 1601.2, 1614.3.0, 1623.08.7, 1742, 1761, 1860.2, 1919.7, 1966, 1945, 2022.7; PM100.3, 123.2, 124.1, 124.3, 140-142; S247; AV254, 283, 479, 564, 620, 690, 775, 874, 886, 891, 946,1105, 1138, 1153, 1215; SS124; Ac40, 41; DV91; H34, 39, 43, 66, 70, 78, 81, 125, 141,157, 165, 169, 172, 198, 253, 301, 321, 326, 327, 340, 472, 504, 510, 607, 709,759, 892, 957, 963, 1006, 1007, 1094, 1146, 1251, 1355J, 1377, 1465, 1658,1675, 1688, 1731, 1755, 1760, 1792, 1795, 1798, 1800, 1818, 1823, 1825,1841, 1847, 1868, 1869, 1895, 1907, 1924, 1925, 1952, 1975, 1982, 2010,2029, 2033, 20546, 2073, 2092, 2148, 2216.7, 2219.5, 2232.3, 2247,2272, 2297, 2311, 2312, 2340,2341, 2371, 2424.7, 2452, 2460, 2488, 2528, 2533, 2582, 2587, 2640, 2727, 2739,2742, 2744, 2750, 2762, 2769, 2774, 2775, 2791, 2797:1-2, 2817, 2822, 252, 2876,2877, 2889, 2894, 2898, 2921, 2927, 2929, 2934, 2935, 2937, 2939, 2943, 2945, 2949, 2950, 2953, 2960, 2966, 2976.1, 2990, 2998, 3045, 3053,3054, 3073, 3080, 3089, 3098, 3109-11, 3158, 3172, 3179, 3230,3247, 3258, 3258.3.5, 3290, 3297, 3307, 3309, 3317, 3318, 3337, 3362, 3365, 3367,3372-74.1, 3386, 3390, 3392, 3394-96, 3400, 3403, 3405, 3410, 3436, 3460,3505, 3518, 3530.2, 3573.8, 3562.3, 3570.5, 3571.5, 3573.51, 3577.1, 3585.2, 3588, 3590.1.1, 3593.1.0.5, 3593.10.2, 3602: 0.1.1, 3, 3604:1.2, 5; 3609, 3610.7, 3611.5, 3612, 3618.8, 3650, 3823.5, 3850.5, 3873, 3885, 3948, 4001.2, 4004.4.2, 4004.8, 4045, 4070.7-8, 4076, 4081.7, 4140, 4122.0.5, 4135.9, 4183.5, 4193.3, 4196, 4214, 4222.8: 1-24224, 4242, 4261, . t367.10.2. d174.2.15.5. . t47.4.15

, avijnapti- , s.v.

-bhumi - aH3374.1

, the Buddha's, s.v.

, collective - aH3504.1

, dharmamatra- - a22.1.88.2

  -jnanasamuccaya - a379.12.85; 1267.3.1

, kamya- - aPM132.1

-marga, see karmayoga

-mimamsa (see also Mimamsa) - aPM19

, niskama- - aGB1556.4; H427, 918, 1679, 2869, 2988, 3212, 3932.5, 3944, 4039, 4048, 4079

, nitya and naimittaka - aPM124.2, 132.1, 140

-phalapariksa - a47.16.151.1

, prarabdha- a379.; H1979, 3570.5.1, 3573.4.1

  -pratyogi - aH4196

-samnyasa - a379.67:550.1, 551.2; H3930. bH3420.5

, transfer of, see merit, transfer of

-vipaka - aGB1557.1; H3111

-yoga- b637.7.53. a379.67.286; AB371; GB1862.9.1; Y116, 152, 193, 230, 370, 435, 512; VV79; Y739; H259, 567, 949,1559, 2255, 2268, 2603, 2963, 2994, 3042, 3260, 3404, 3573.7(=H3590.1.05), 3860, 3891, 4076, 4195, 4302

-yoni - a776.1.11

karmendriya, see action-organs

karmology - b417A.10.3

Karnataka - bTGKJKC; J302; AV767; VS38, 79, 83; DV34. a196A.7.10; 751.31.60; 930.6.1; 1030.16.12; J471.0; H3259.3

kartrtva, see agency

karuna, see compassion

kasaya - aJ491

Kashmir - b472.4.3; 637.7.153; GB478, 899, 923; G230; AV134. d472.4.1. a455.2:6, 16; AV1134; H2584, 2864

Kashmir Saivism, see KS section of Part IV

, Trika system of, see Trika

kasina - aGB1623.08.9

Kaula, see Trika system of Kashmir Saivism

Kasyapa - aAB691; GB1904

Kasyapiya - aGB1817.5

kavya - a751.31.84

kaya, see body

  -gata sect - aGB1809.2.5

  -anupassana - aGB1809.3

  -sakkini - aGB1809.4

  -vinnatti - aGB1809.4.1

Kerala - a379.67:355, 519; NV649; PM1415; AV1051, 1267.6

kevalajnana, see omniscience (in Jainism)

kevalanvayin - a334.1.13; 788.1.61; 778.1.92.1

kevalavyatireka - a334.1.13; NV465.2

kevalin - aJ420

khandha (P.), see skandha

khanna (P.), see ksana

Kharosthi document - a52.1.7; 88.1.21; AB679.4

Khotan(ese) - bBailey; 38A.1.8; GB1167. a45.1.33; 49A.1.26.1; 52.1.3; 160.1.45; 180B.12.27.2; 248.1: 7-9426.1.3; 588.11.1; GB781.1, 1032.1, 1552.2, 1795.4. et45.1.32. iGB1160.1. dt180B.1.27

khyati - aH1528

, anyatha- aDV54

-vada, see error, theories of

  -vijnana - a137.1.178

kindness, - bAB465.4; GB1768

, loving - b210.7.39

kirtana(s) - a1330.24:7, 8, 17

klesa (see also impurity) - bGB1022.1. a235.1.12; AB542.6H2554; Y246, 580. et174.10.53

  -parinibbana - aAB539.8

-uccheda yoga, see yoga, klesoccheda

klistamanas, see manas, klista

knowable - a174.2.14

knowability - aMB105; NV251.5, 518

knower(hood) - a637.7.174.3; S378; AV1065; VV178.1

knowledge (see vidya)(see also awareness) - bBL81; HMJKV; KKBLKO; SKF; 26.1.7; 47.16.119; 344.5.6; 353.110; 368.1.61; 379.67:177, 437.5, 512, 559; 404.4.25; 637.7.126; 655.1.28; 687.2.3; J24; YB69, 106H, 1355V; AB199; BL44; YB74; GB1920, 2024.8; NV533.1; AV686, 1455, 1570; SS17;26; DV59; H263.5, 289, 3027, 3158.5, 4051, 4059.5, 4139.6, 4252.7. 4258.5. dAB132; H3499.1. a29.1.45; 47.16.188; 196B.1.51;; 294.1.16; 344.9:9, 13; 365.5.61; 379.67:546.1, 903; 582.27.54; 637.7.139; 788.1.94; 809.8.16; 1014.7:70, 71.5; 1119.5.40; J73, 82, 187, 344, 426, 448.1, 585; AB412; SB199; BL23; YB70; GB86, 98, 214, 311, 543, 908, 1155, 1635, 1702, 1828.5, 1869.8; NV31, 87, 362, 399, 407.3, 425.2, 430, 432.2, 437, 498, 537, 609; PM186; S265, 465; Y294; G126, 138.2; AV30, 221, 223, 297, 387, 440, 510, 712, 754, 985, 1035, 1048, 1093, 1133, 1202, 1265.7, 1441.8; KS50; SV21; DV86; H393, 478, 456, 478, 546, 587, 638, 745, 810, 851, 1093, 1185, 1269, 1290, 1291, 1306, 1445, 1579, 1778, 2536, 2648, 2690, 2762.5, 2874, 2876, 2887, 2910.2, 3430, 3433, 3522, 3535, 3567.5, 3577, 3591, 3601.5.6, 3602.5, 3610.0, 3620, 3705.1, 3940.5, 3945, 4002, 4014, 4073.8, 4127.4, 4191. t131.1.104

, acquired through language, see sabdajnana

, akhandartha - aAV218, 508, 797

a priori - a379.67.395.5

, darsanika - aH3020

, direct - a48.1.49, 268.7.11, 751.31.129

, empirical - a379.67:61, 66

, ethical, see ethical knowledge

, ethos of - aGB1435

, existential bases of - aH2228

, freedom through, see freedom through knowledge

, false, see error

, grades of - aH1256 , higher - aH671

, instrument of/source of/means of acquiring, see pramana

, integral - aH1438, 2445

, intrinsic - aH3949

, intuitive, see pratibha

-justification - aH3151.8

of knowledge - a788.1.53; NV87, 318

levels of - d379.67.488; a379.67.489

, mental, see pratyaksa, mental (manasa)

, methods of - bH1784

, negative - a344.9.122

of negation - aNV315

, path of, see jnanayoga

, perceptual, see perception

, perfection of - aAB271.1

of previous lives, see memory-of previous lives

, philosophical - aH528, 2596, 4220.8

-representation - aNV367, 400; H3584

, relational/nonrelational - aH1312

-s, three - a31.1.1; 174.3.18; GB845

, sacred/profane - a379.67.137

, self- - a698.1.85; H3848.5, 4009, 4113.9.4.5

, spiritual - aH3551, 3573.5.2.5; H4220.8

, supersensuous, see jnana, avadhi-

, supreme - aKS85.1

, theory of, see epistemology

, transcendental - a379.67.66

, verbal, see sabdajnana

, yogic - aGB1155

known - a23.1.246; AV1065

-ness - aNV68; H478, 1019, 2733

Kongoji manuscript - a42B1: 0,3

Korea(n) - d190.1.1. bt190.1.3. aGB1509.02

kosa, see dictionary

koti - aNV395.1; KS83.1

krama - a131.1.133

-mukti, see liberation

system of Kashmir Saivism, see Trika system

krime - aH1924

Krishna, see Krsna

kriya (see also motion; act, action) - aNV386; Y389; G31, 141; SS160; H4122.0.5, 4290

, definition of - a221.1.158

-yoga, see karmayoga

kriyavada - aJ260; GB1050; NV386

krodapatra - aNV557, 565.2

Krsna - b962.36.32; SUD20. a379.12:58, 258

, games of - b962.36.32

, love of - aAc22


  -vibhumi - aGB1809.2

  -jna - aGB723

ksana, see moment

-bhanga - a611.17.6; BL3. d560.1.12.1

ksanika(tva), see momentariness

ksanti, see forbearance

, anutpattikadharma- aAB131; GB706

ksatriya - aH4034.3.5

Kula - b582.27.42

kundalini - bY54, 128, 187, 325, 379, 380, 398, 427, 480, 583.4; H3544. a762.1.20; Y47, 53,148, 306, 426, 470, 476, 509. dH2493.5

kusala, see good; see also dharma(s), kusala

Kusana period - aAB605.7

kutastha - a809.14.67

Ladakh - bGB478

laity - a196B.7.17.5

laksana (see also definition) - a174.10.48; 379.59.22; NV340, 407.4

-artha - a379.67.135

, samskrta- - aGB1471.5

, tri- aAB245

  -vrtti - aH4219.1

laksana (see also meaning) - a157.1.4, 379.59.22, 379.67.451.1, 788.1.101.5; J582; GB132.2; NV565.6; PM124.4, 130.1, 142.6.5, ; G92, 131.0, 189; H3198, 3602.0.8

-vrtti - a1324.9.4; NV512

Lakshmi - a751.31.154

Land, Pure, see Pure Land

language - b221.1:189, 200; 3920; GB1622; NV403.1; BLE; KKBLKO; LandR; LIPR; PRSK; SILLE; SLC;; 221.1.165; 788.1.98.1; GB1610; G65, 120, 121, 135; AV1225; KS18; H1574, 1724, 2020, 3253, 3532.4.5; 3546, 4135.7, 4262. d47.16.96. a33.1.28; 47.4.73; 47.16: 194, 195;, 221.1:117, 141, 141.156, 176.5, 197, 201;, 185, 187.5, 194; 268.10:43, 177; 294.5.10; 321.9.2; 344.4.31.6; 344.9.43.3; 379.61.36; 379.67:177, 567, 815; 1251.39.7; J586.1; AB440; SV64; MB320; GB1595, 1566.2, 1630, 1862.7, 1891; S203; NV389.1, 505, 605; G5, 32, 36, 86, 101, 106, 116, 123, 137.1, 138.5, 176, 200; PM88.1, 185; AV577, 598, 678, 919, 1093, 1165, 1217, 1254.3; SS159.1; KS162; H237, 1247, 1444, 1561, 1641, 1806, 2030, 2115, 2232.2, 2626, 3276, 3277, 3301, 3536, 3540.1, 3573.3, 3654.3, 4088.0

-acquisition - a221.1.117

and Buddhism - bGB1610. aGB1643

and liberation, see liberation-and language

and logic - aH3653

and the world, see external world

, body - b88.1.145

comprehension - aG135.2

consciousness - aG136.0

-game - d47.16.96. a597.5.0

, non-cognitive - aMB148

, origin of - a221.1.141

, philosophy of (see also meaning) - bPLCIT; 221.1.232; 1179.1.56; J617.6.1; NV403.1; PM75, 87, 106. 200; G183, 185, 198; H4073, 4273.5. a121.1.168.0; 221.1:152.2,159,175.4, 227, 261, 263, 281, 289; 302A.2.1; 962.36.49; 379.67.429.5; 1393.3.5; YB154; MB102, 148, 158; GB1045, 1378, 1391, 1507, 1577; NV437.5, 581.2, 628; G134.1, 135.2, 136.0, 138, 140.5, 218; PM88.1, 99; H2505, 2687, 3407.7, 3540.1.5, 3570C, 3578.0.5; 3608.1, 3636, 4066, 4129.1, 4186, 4212.0.5. dNV185.5

, private - a321.9.2

, religious/sacred, see religious language

, symbolic, see symbolism

  , Vedic - a751.29.3

Latin - aH19, 1591

law - a22.1.75; GB1169; PM63, 70, 185.5, 269; H3054

  , inferential, see logic

, letter of the - aGB1852

, natural - bAB469. aAB464

lay person, see person, ordinary

laya yoga, see yoga, laya

laziness - aGB1809.1

learning - aGB1860; H3058, 3059

legends - a47.16.154.1

legitimation - aH4055.1

lesya - aJ62, 354, 581

letters, lore of - aGB1852

lexicology - b255.1.3.5

lexicon, see dictionary

li - aH2219

Liar paradox, see paradox, liar

liberation (moksa, nirvana)(see apavarga) - bWL; ECB; 21.1.4; 47.4.12; 196B.1.56; 174.10.23;; 321.4.20; 809.8:110, 11; 809.14.40; 1047.17.5; 1854A.1.1; J408, 512.5; AB116.1, 118, 379, 643; GB13, 26, 46.5, 161, 264, 408, 637.5, 805, 815, 1027.2, 1236, 1288, 1326, 1603.4, 1622, 1765, 1920, 2009, 2015; S8; Y105, 654, 130, 169, 387, 582; AV419, 505, 1100; H36, 1745, 1931, 2154, 2411, 2420, 2549, 2737, 3181, 3342, 3587.4, 3593., 3594.1.5, 3596.0, 3604.4, 3615, 4051, 4310. d582.27.9; 956.1.37; J141; AB308; GB1417.1; AV1119; H1109, 1109.5, 2437.5. a21.1.42; 22.1.181; 39.1.2; 47.4:40, 77.3; 47.16:37, 70, 101, 138, 146, 198;; 50.5.1; 50.6.2; 88.1.17;; 125.1.1; 131.1.187; 174.7.16; 174.8.2;174.10.34; 174.12:15, 19, 20; 181.1.2286; 196A.7:9.1,16; 210.7.23, 27; 210.9:20, 24; 297.1.7; 379.8.54.1; 379.12.36; 379.16.27; 379.67:25, 80, 145, 268, 338, 365, 430, 531, 542, 611.1, 803, 815, 912; 363.5.27; 410.26.17; 414.4.1; 417.4.6; 473.1.0; 494.1.11.1; 494.4.3; 582.27.14; 614.5.2; 637.7:12, 117, 123, 180; 698.1.59.1; 672A.2.3; 679.8.14.5, 751.31:36, 40, 53, 70, 107, 109, 128.1; 793.21.3; 805.10.4; 809.8:10, 11; 962.36.42; 1036.14.9; 1091.7.3; 1395.3.5; J29.1, 38, 65, 159, 278, 291, 319, 325, 330.5, 382, 420, 471; J29.1, 471.1, 503.2.5, 561.9; J464.00; AB9, 27, 36, 169, 192, 233, 237, 238, 272.1, 311, 373.3, 403, 419.1; 460.1, 462.2, 538, 617.7.5, 663, 692; SV26.1, 73; YB92, 99, 105, 113.1, 150; MB19, 104, 191.1, 211, 370; GB35, 140, 171, 299, 361, 512, 615, 848, 1027.1, 1186.5, 1260.1, 1264.1, 1284, 1426:1-2, 1445, 1469.3, 1513.14, 1516.1, 1560.01, 1509.01; 1586, 1603.1, 1608.1, 1609.3, 1622.2.3, 1625, 1626.3, 1651, 1733, 1809.5, 1812:7-8, 1847, 1851.5, 1869.8, 1873.5.5; 1884, 1886.5, 1924.7.1, 1928.9, 1959.5, 2005, 2020.7, 2021.3, 2022.9, 2052, 2055.8; NV12, 69, 35, 381.1, 422.1, 427, 440.6.5, 569, 579, 591, 643; PM47, 81; S37, 240, 260, 262, 287, 290.1, 318, 375; Y227, 485, 562.1, 682; S287.3; AV93, 183, 198, 308, 525, 633, 657, 674, 700, 799, 860, 884, 903, 915, 926, 960,1062, 1085, 1097, 1103.1, 1133, 1138, 1153, 1180.7, 1197, 1203.3, 1204, 1237.0, 1286.5, 1290.0001, 1379, 1499.1; VV83, 104, 170, 172; SS80, 119, 121,129, 155, 167; KS81.1, 82,138; VS72, 120; GS43; Ac39.1, 42; BD9; SUD11; DV82; H25, 47, 106, 172, 256, 376, 483, 508, 510, 732, 815, 977, 1071, 1097, 1187, 1267, 1271, 1298, 1332,1392, 1418, 1429.6, 1450, 1516, 1597, 1601, 1764, 1908, 1922, 1977, 2007, 2070, 2077, 2083, 2089, 2091, 2176, 2184, 2194, 2232.5, 2246, 2381, 2396, 2400, 2412.3, 2414.5, 2467, 2479, 2541, 613, 2682, 2693, 2775, 2784, 2844, 2865,2899, 2916.5, 2918, 2964, 2991, 3094, 3095, 3120, 3147, 3180, 3200, 3205, 3281, 3332, 3399, 3408, 3409.5, 3442.5, 3473.1, 3506.2, 3540.2, 3567.1, 3579:1.1, 5; 3587.4, 3590.1.1, 3593:1.0.2, 4, 10.1, 3598:1, 10.0; 3600:0-1; 3601.2.5, 3808.3, 3932, 3949.5, 4033.7, 4038.1, 4069.1, 4081.7, 4089, 4146, 4176, 4193.5, 4220. dJ464.1. etb344.4.39.1. t49A.1.9; 379. yNBLBS

, begining of, see abhyudayanissreyas

both ways (ubhatobhaga) - aAB213(=AB272.1), 595

kramamukti , see krama, mukti-

and language - a221.1.171; 379.67.780, 614.5.3; GB1614.4.05, 1891

living, see jivanmukti

paths or means to, see path

sarvamukti , s.v.

, spiritual - bH2737

, vyakarana as a means of attaining, see grammar

libido - aH1929

licence, poetic - a154.1.3

life - b379.12.88; 379.67.789; J214; GB1028.5, 1514, 1886.2, 2075; Y224.5; H270, 641, 1079, 1672, 3397, 4305. a294.2.14; 379.67:617.5, 897.3; 698.1:22, 42; 752.31.35; J211.1, 265, 349.1; GB298, 362, 417, 1094, 1340, 1538, 1899.1; NV363; Y146; AV426, 566, 1320.7, 1509.8; VV67; H526, 545, 636, 1728, 1757, 2408, 3639.7, 4087.3. t368.1.59

after death, see rebirth

, daily - bAB154.1, 256.3, 420.1, 930.5

  -continuum - aGB1768.1

Divine, The - bH580, 1317, 1820, 1919. aH584, 1232, 1919, 3258.4

, future, see rebirth

  , goal of - aH4140: 5-6

, good - aGB1627:1, 4.2

, ideal - a698.1.22; GB96

, length of - a210.9.32

  -negating - aAV1523

, past, see past lives

, philosophy of - bY712.5

, public - aH4070.1.5

, quality of - aGB236

, religious, see religious life

, right - t379.1.2

science - aJ591.5

  , social - aH4174.5

, spiritual - aKS67; H497, 3592.002. bH35463.1.5

, way of - bJ482.2, 628.2, 630.4

light - a472.1.18; H3261. dGB1081.1. t180B.1.49. bAV1015.5

lightning - b368.1.45.5

lila - a637.7.158.3; VV12; KS79.5.5; H685, 1427, 2608, 3602.0.4.5. dH2070.3. bGatP

limit(ation)s of thought - a47.16.197; DV146

lin - aNV263

lineage, see gotra

linearity - bH4113.5

linga (see also hetu = linga) - a22.1.67; 221.1.298; GB1479.1; VS19, 90; H2531, 3418, 4261.8

-diksa - aVS85.2

Lingayats, see VS section of Part IV

linguaphobia - aH4091

linguist, cognitive - a221.1.272

linguistic analysis, see analysis

linguistic tradition, s.v.

linguistics (see also language) - bILSGC, NV394, 403.1; G9, 131. a687.4.4; MB147; G33, 50, 163; SS159.1; H2335, 2905.5, 2985.5

lists, see matrka

literacy - aH4059.4.1, 4083

literalism - bAB643; GB2009

literature (see also Nepalese; Pali; Prakrt; Sanskrit; Tamil) - bEWVCT, SILH; IndBeyond. a196A.7.15; J120.5, 511.1, 293.1.2, 1860; H3638.1, 4086.9. 4287. aNV389.01; AV742, 1038, 1464

, Buddhist, see also Buddhism, canonical literature - bGB201.8.8

  , history of - bGS45.4

literary analysis, see analysis

living - aGB1445; AV697. bLDBC

, art of - a47.16.60, 1530.6

, and nonliving, distinction - aJ468

  , living - aAB678.2

lobha - aGB1873.1

locus, inferential - b948.10.12

logic - bAJSP, BL, BLE, GMBNN, HIL, ILMS, SILLE, SILM, EITCH Vol. 27; 300.1.11; 687.2.5, 788.1.46; 1236.1.16.5; 1236.5.8; J63, 418, 497.1; J564.9; AB451.06.1; BL95.6; MB178; BL2, 75; GB1185.5; NV15, 32, 99, 106, 132, 153, 257, 360, 388.1, 581, 598; H53, 91, 168, 379.5, 1017,1039, 1052, 1053, 1189, 1211, 1457.5, 1719, 1724, 2229, 2553.5, 2607.5, 2897, 3077, 3253, 3417, 3584.1, 3563.0.2, 3880, 4086.5, 4121.6, 4297. dH144, 3047.1. a8.1:11, 19; 47.4:63, 66;; 47.16: 26, 27, 30, 98, 155.3, 185, 210; 48.1.80; 161.1:48, 52; 209.1:8. 254; 221.1; 247.4. 301:25, 47, 52; 268.10.19, 27, 28, 185; 294.3:6, 8;; 300.1:13-17; 334.1.12; 344.4.58; 344.9:48, 104; 349.9.139; 374.3.11; 379.67:133,340, 544, 558; 439.1.2; 404.4.25; 531.1.1; 564.6.3; 564.18.1; 687.2.6; 751.31:23, 94; 1133.4.14; J32, 190.1, 198, 245, 81, 370, 402, 406, 497.1, 503.3.5, 506.5, 511, 537.5; AB140, 167, 314; BL4.1, 6.1, 37, 41, 42; MB58, 114, 159, 162, 219; GB192, 790, 833, 1216.1, 1484, 1602, 1643, 1822, 1860.6, 1883, 1891; NV84, 81, 194, 207, 218, 259.1, 301, 407.3.5, 480, 543, 575, 584.5.1, 645, 700; PM51; S50, 122, 167,245; G63, 71; AV67,457, 486, 533.9, 558, 1515; DV66. H5.6, 41, 56, 131,133, 134, 142, 143, 153, 249, 272, 316, 350, 362, 593, 898, 1149.1, 1444, 1473, 1501, 1609, 1655, 1774, 2009, 2244, 2262, 2517, 2538, 2985.5, 3106,3107, 3125.5, 3255, 3321.1, 3422, 3473.7, 3505.5, 3529, 3601.1, 3608.1, 3610, 3610.2, 3613, 3636, 3648, 3653,4033.9, 4034, 4050.5, 4067, 4067.1, 4086.7.3, 4087.5, 4094, 4130, 4192, 4223, 4227.3.9, 4327. d300.1.10.0

-al implications - bH3129. aNV225, 230, 352, 603; AV438; H2695

, Buddhist, see BL section of Part IV

, comparative - aNV411

  , epistemic - aNV615

, formal - dBL19; aBL68; MB117; GB1237; NV207, 217; H1443, 2023, 2622

, four-fold, see catuskoti

  , intuitionistic - a588.19.10

, many-valued - aJ343; MB230.2; H1729

, mathematical - aAV1350.01, 1383

  , propositional - a334.1.18

, seven-valued, see saptabhangi

, symbolic - a47.16:29, 123; 268.5.4

logicians - aH561

logistics - aNV522

logos - dH3067

loka - aGB1873.7

  -samgraha - aH2337

  -vyavahara - a560.4.44

Lokayana - aH2880

Lokayata, see C section of Part IV

lotus, see cakra, padma)

love - bLDSBDM;; 956.1:8, 28, 34, 48, 77; AB248; VS75.5; H3904. a1011.13.8; GB420, 1769.5, 1826, 1886.0; AV121, 330; Ac34, 44, 46, 47; H3258.2, 4178, 4223

, games of Krsna, see Krsna, games of

, sacred - aDV140


  , universal - aGB1965.3

luminous - bH4123

Madhava - a751.31.65

madhyamapratipad, see middle way

Madhyamaka, Madhyamika, see MB section of Part IV

in China, see China, Madhyamaka in

, Prasangika - b321.9:11, 35; dMB169. a47.16.122.1; 294.2.11; 294.5.3; 368.1.30; MB149, 149.1, 168, 192, 209, 213.1, 226, 236, 240, 317.

, Svatantrika - d294.5.5; MB149.1, 169; MB93, 149, 168, 169. aMB205

Madhyaninda - a379.67.782.5

madness - aH3943, 4121.8

Magadhisms - a8.1.19.1

maggamaggananadassanavisuddhi - aAB587.9

magic - aGB2070; H1405. nH1355.1

mahabhutas - aAB117, 240; GB1873.2. bH3618.7.1; 3634.1

mahakaruna, see compassion

mahamudra sadhana - aMB231.01; GB992

Mahanubhava sect - aH4035.1

mahaparinirvana, see parinirvana

mahapurusa - aGB1886.0.5

Maharaja - dSUD17.0

Maharashtra - b762.1.11; GB1035. a762.1.8; 1511.2.1

Mahasanghika school - a8.1.7; 88.1.18; AB16, 34, 68, 70, 79, 177, 207, 227.1, 401, 474, 508, 588, 627; SB22; BL115

mahasattva - aGB1283

Mahasmasana - bJ80

mahamudra sadhana - aMB231.01

mahasukha - aGB1875

mahavakya - a379.67.233, 417.7.22; 751.31.34; 934.4.38; 14122.5.6; AV328, 885, 1073, 1224, 1269.3, 1368, 1379, 1395, 1409, 1439.8,1440, 1473, 1520, 1584, 1622; VV92

aham brahmasmi - a417.1.4

tat tvam asi - a379.67.475, 806; 417.4.22; 637.7:108, 159.4, 177.5; 940.1.9; 1522.18.1; AV251, 866, 1047, 1205.1, 1233.2.1, 1237, 1269.9.6, 1290, 1305, 1315, 1355, 1368, 1467; DU4; DV74, 77; H1552, 1940

mahavrata - aJ576

Mahayana Buddhism (see also GB, YB and MB sections of Part IV) - bBMT; 317.1.91; AB600; GB215, 319, 382,801, 1195, 1299, 1607.1. a46.1.5; 81.1.13; 88.1.18;103.1:12, 88; 103.81, 106.106.1; 174.12.14; 175.23A.1;; 295.1.17, 418.16.6; AB10, 19, 28, 109, 111, 184, 214, 313, 327, 402.3, 470; SB26; BL59; YB121.2; GB63, 123, 128, 178, 191, 318, 403, 404, 443, 493, 507, 22, 555, 569, 576, 619, 672, 677, 683, 710, 905, 915, 954, 1001, 1003, 1047,1171, 1182, 1211, 1233.1, 1303, 1306.1, 1315, 1373, 1389, 1485.1, 1541, 1564.2, 1585.1.01; 1576.1, 1603.1, 1606:1, 2.1, 1607.1, 1608:1-2, 1614: 3-4, 6.1, 7.06, 7.2; 1618, 1627.5, 1708, 1709, 1725, 1869, 1869.2, 1886:0, 1889.0; 1893, 1895, 1898, 1899.2-3, 1899.5, 1899.7, 1942.5, 1960, 2085, 2088.

Mahayana Sutras - aMB34, 142; GB1004, 1904, 1936

Mahayoga, akhanda, see yoga, akhanda-maha

Mahisasaka school - aAB165, 194, 587.4, 605.1

Maitrayaniya school - a198.1.10

maitri, see friendliness

make-believe ; aGB1623.07.5

mala - a525A.8A.1; GB1873.4; KS120

Malayalam language - aH2878

man - bCMP; WeB; GB440, 637, 1250.6; AV420; GS44.5; H837, 1606, 1788, 2142, 2443, 2520, 2807, 3038.5, 3043.0, 3291, 3549, 3600.1, 3646, 4135.3. dGB666.1, KS15; H1359, 1446, 3957. a175.1.95; 363.5.40; 379.67.352; 637.7.159.5; J361; AB539, 472.2.5, 612; GB325, 612, 1134, 1285, 1566.1; NV418.1; S431; AV485, 814, 1049, 1237.3, 1579, VV70; SS38, 66; KS65; Y579.2; H430, 517, 841, 964, 1173, 1432, 1780, 1976, 2050, 2211, 2286, 2357, 2485, 2585, 2639, 3069, 3164.5, 3335, 3568.2, 3569.3, 3593.1.4, 3601:1-2, 6, 3646, 3664, 4072.9.5. 4188.1.5

, concept of - aH3652.1

, ideal of, see ideals, human

, integral - bY125

  in the street - a344.4.90

, purpose of - aH3634.0

's nature, see human nature

-woman relationship - aH3935

management - bH4081.3

manas - a137.1.41; 174.7.7, 948.9.6; 948.11.5; AB126, 214.1; S286; AV1046; H585, 1544, 1567, 2682, 3517.05, 4055.1, 4261.9

klista- a174.10.35, 344.4.42

manasikara - aGB1875.5

mandala - b164.8.12; GB600; KS574.1; H4252.9

mangala - aGB1873.9; NV125; H4279

Manichaeism - aGB94, 345, 1618, 1627.5

manifestation - aH1230

, divine - aAV38

Manipravala literature - bVV88

Mannheim collection - a53.1.20

manomayakaya, see body

manojalpa, see mind-talk

manopavicara - aGB1873.4.1

mantra - a198.1.5.1;; 379.52.16; 582.21.12; 793.53.35; Y392, 543, 554; VV102.0; KS147.5; GS41.5; H2565, 4183. bUnM; Y520.8; PM116.1; H4262.1

  -alaya - a1176.35.15

-yoga - a221.1.105, Y543, 544. bY22.

manuscript - b52.1.4.5; 67A.2.0;;; 508.1.3; Tabo2; J630.5 a26.1.4.0; 247.7.17; 161.1.4; 174.3.10; 174.7.7; 564.9.1; ADU36.4-542; AB656; GB1854, 1869.5.5; 1924.2.1, 1968; H4129.0.5. d49.1.13.5

catalogues - iAD, B, Baroda, Ben, Bhr, BP, Burnell, CatPun, FK, GilglitM, Gu, GVD, HDV, Hoenle, Hpr, IO, IOL, JPT, K, Kh, Khn, L, Lahore, MD, MT, Mysore, NP, NW, Opp(ert), Oudh, Oudh 1876, 1877; Paris, Poona, SSPC, Sucipatra, TD, W; GB1888

  , Spitzer - aNV680

many, and one, see one and many

Mara - aGB1688.5

marana, see death

Marathi language - aH2863

marga, see path

  -jnata - a174.3.90

mark, threefold or triple, see inference

Marxism - bMonV; C36; GB1112; H2911.5. aGB1319, 1343, 1437, 1440,1520; AV393, 832, 845, 854, 860, 1127.2; H2616, 2618, 2696, 2797.1, 3601.1

mastery - bH3611.8

, positions of - a210.9.20

materialism (see also Carvaka) - a295.1.15.5; 353.1.12; J537.3, 586.7; GB134, 1688.5, 1885.5; S106, 301; AV397; H525 1198, 1399, 1575, 2605.5, 4061.8, 4134

, dialectical - aH2649

mathematics - bAV321, 1460. a29.1.51; 46.1.16; 1179.1.47; J524: 2,3; MB147; GB639;

AV300, 317, 320, 1082; DV126

mati - a196B.1.63

-jnana - a196B.1.60

  -kas - aAB442.4

matrka - aAB594.5; KS72

, samadhi- - a71.1.5

matter (see also prakriti) - b379.67.500.9; GB751; NV44; S430; H354.5, 1892, 3096; VV207. a278.1.12; 379.67.501; 632.3.6; 1036.14.6; AB117, 339, 449.0, 459; GB102, 819, 835; J46, 53, 416; S432; H328, 714, 952, 1059, 2210, 2245, 2473, 3270.1, 3409, 3542, 3563.0, 3592.0.1, 3604.1.1, 3606, 3666.3

maya (see also illusion; ignorance) - b379.67.478; AV15, 33, 43, 99, 209, 331, 386, 515, 896, 998,1022, 1042, 1232.1, 1466, 1592; H473, 640, 4113.4.3, 4155. d379.16.29; 379.67:363, 399; AV710, 983; H640. a47.7.16; 73.1.102; 174.8.11; 174.12.17; 218.1.3; 294.2.7; 317.1:18, 64; 379.16.20; 379.67:43, 70, 84, 104, 158, 161, 221, 301, 306, 392, 440, 515, 552.1, 604.0, 792, 799.2, 799.4, 800.2-4, 822.4, 897.5; 467.1.5; 625A.8A.1; 637.3.12; 637.7:60, 87; 783.5.1; 809.14.69; 1395.2.6; J645; AB677; GB553, 1873.3; AV6, 22, 34, 40, 48, 50, 55, 58, 61, 92, 95, 112, 119, 126, 128, 148, 150, 184, 195, 199, 235, 249, 269, 275, 276, 280, 307, 333, 352, 354, 380, 382, 402, 428, 458, 474, 484, 490, 516, 531, 533, 544, 547, 566, 578, 579, 581, 583, 584, 589, 596, 602, 610, 629, 646, 647, 689, 697, 710, 710.5, 711, 744, 751, 753, 772, 780, 789, 791, 813, 833, 848, 882, 899, 925, 979, 980, 992, 1003, 1013, 1022.1, 1023, 1082, 1098, 1124, 1140, 1141.1, 1168, 1195, 1198.1, 1211, 1233.05, 1233.3.1, 1247.5, 1253, 1265, 1269.8.5, 1282, 1290.5, 1302, 1303, 1350.06, 1424, 1441.6, 1476, 1572.3; VV116.5; KS25; DV65, 67; H241, 854, 1012, 1409, 1427, 1500, 1856, 1862, 1886, 1888, 1896, 2297, 2591, 2679, 2797, 2837, 3174, 3429, 3593.1, 4147

, atma- - aAV772

-avidya, see ignorance

-drstanta, see drstanta-maya

meaning - bIndBeyond; 103.1.143; 221.1:43, 132; 460.1.2; 611.2.3; 582.27.3; 637.7.155; 1237.4.8; BL15, 46, 67; GB1810.5. 1862.3; NV403.2, 533.1, 580; PM107, 133; G65, 68, 69; H1574, 3478, 3576, 3652.34191.4. a103.1:65.1, 124.9.7; 221.1:202, 228; 294.5.24; 363.2.6; 582.2.7; 788.1.96.2; 1119.5.31; 1187.4; J440.1, 445, 504.2; BL99.5; MB229.8; GB1150, 1880.5; NV213, 332, 370.1, 394.1, 405, 406.2, 408.3, 414, 419.0, 446.5, 466.1, 533.4; PM45, 60, 79, 88b, 133; G4, 38, 44, 58, 90, 95, 136.1, 138, 198.5; AV498, 1155, 1427, 1428.5, 1454; H237, 1142, 1234, 1916, 2780, 2968, 3157, 3218, 3471, 3570.31, 3595.1.0, 3601.2, 3609, 3610.4, 3611, 3640. d1237.4.6.5. et411.1.2


, context-principle of - aPM105, 120, 125

, laksana, s.v.

-lessness - a198.1.5.1; NV317, 500

, metaphysics of, see metaphysics-of meaning

, phenomenology of - a268.10.55

, primary/secondary - bNV512. a221.1.72

, pronoun- - a1237.8.15; 127.16.1

of a sentence, see sentence-meaning

, theory of - bGB1832. a783.3.5; AB465.5; BL70.2, 140.5; NV382.1, 406.2, 408.3, 431; G139; VV116.6.5; H3613.8

, transfer of - a304.1.12; 788.1.95

, of a word, see word-meaning

means - aGB1562.0

and ends - aH1041

  , LITERAL - Agb2070

of knowing - b1237.4.8

  , means, skillful, see skill in means

measurement - aJ444

mechanism in knowledge - a379.67.253

medicine, medical - bY224, 357; H3593.1. d285.1.6. a47.16.206; 285.1.3; 366.1.11.5; 366.1.12.5; H364, 1358, 1864, 2324, 4252.3. et180B.1.14.5

meditation (see also dhyana) - bEITCH vol. 29; GB1249, 1417.6, 1471; MBMTP; Muralt;; 131.1.162; 174.10.29;; 321.2.7; 379.67:5437.5, 88.1; 583.4.1; 596.2.8; AB26.2, 108, 382.5, 397, 431, 448.2; GB616, 966, 1065.1, 1319.1, 1520.0, 1606.2, 1606.2, 2056.2; Y50.1, 63, 121, 131.2, 156, 212, 220.2, 253, 268, 399, 436, 459, 463, 482; Y436.5, 520.8, 713.2; AV684, 784.5, 1203.1, 1411, 1514.5; H2227.5, 3286, 3544, 3358.1, 3601.7, 3602.1, 3903. dAB255.1, 277, 311.0; GB1311. a42B.1.2; 43.1:17, 35; 123.1.10; 131.1:123, 142, 174, 193; 174.10.34; 175.7.4; 175.17.3; 210.7:16, 39; 379.39.18; 379.67:204, 464; 418.3.10; 637.2.27; 698.1.40; J323, 493.1, 499, 500, 502; ADU16.1; J633; AB150, 174, 194, 230, 244, 261, 275, 275.1, 290, 293, 302, 315, 326, 334, 345, 350, 362, 387, 448, 472, 505, 571, 631.9; 661, 664.8; SV64; GB181, 282, 737, 816, 861, 938, 976, 1029, 1052, 1124, 1140, 1148, 1154, 1181, 1210, 1216, 1258, 1265, 1286, 1307, 1363, 1434, 1606.0, 1620, 1623.05, 1762, 1795.3,1805.3, 1819, 1879.1, 1924.7.2, 1957, 2015, 2019; 2023.3-7, 2100; S2432; Y146, 159, 209, 301, 313, 362, 395, 465.1, 513, 585.1, 531.5, 780; AV738, 817, 933, 934, 1043, 1260, 1468.4; Ac30.5, 75; GS41.5; H907, 1943, 2613, 2694, 2705, 2710, 3221, 3409.4, 3602.1, 3653.7, 3667.8, 3674.6, 3681.6, 3823.7-8, 3830, 4019.6.2, 4145, 4189, 4220.5, 4252.9. et418.3.8. t418.3.7

on death, see death, meditation on

, preksa- - aJ498.2.1

, samatha-, see samatha

, vipasyana (insight), see vipasyana

medium - aGB1889.0

meliorism - aJ307

Melkote - a637.7.6

memory (smrti) - bGB1828; NV196; H3592.1. a23.1.157; 131.1.28; 268.10.45, 379.16.42, 379.67.797; 455.2:27, 35; 472.1a.4; 582.8.6; 599.5.2; 637.2.27; AB442.4, 448.1, 678.5; YB118.1; GB1397, 1586.3, 1601.1; NV38, 122; Y571.5; VV195; H548, 2783, 2858, 3006, 3134, 3334, 3595, 3611.3, 3939, 4291

as a pramana - aJ388, 448; H1254, 3649

of previous lives - aAB22, 448; GB911. bH117

"tad iti" - a788.1.107

mendicant - a131.1.214

mental - a268.10.32; YB52; AV397

perception, see perception, mental

  phenomena - aGB1581.2

  states, see mind

world - aGB1194

meostasis - aY544

mereology - d21.1.63

merit - dAB145. a416.1.2; J617.7.5; AB181, 575; H2982, 4012

, transfer of - a47.16.117; J565; AB444; MB213; GB742, 1390, 1601.2-3

mescaline - aH2588

metalanguage - a47.16.135.1, 379.59.13; MB348; GB984; G114; H2594

metanym - aH3198

metaphilosophy - aJ482.1.5

metaphor - bGB1874; AV1267.5.1, 1295. a294.5.11, 379.67.568.1; AB630; MB293; GB1229; AV601, 1237; H2976, 3198, 3455, 3633.7.5, 4006. dAV1212.2

metaphysics (see also ontology) - bSILM; 20.1.3; 22.1.159; 175.24.16; 196A.7.4; 224.1.35, 637.7:18.5,155,183, 687.2.5, 717.1.34, 930.6.2; J9, 22, 182; AB212; MB18; NV57; S2, 435; Y133, 772; AV65, 322.497, 904, 965, 1036, 1468.5; SS185; H97, 705.7, 1211, 1606, 1830, 1903, 2107, 2823, 3187, 3605.2, 3624, 3985. d379.67:201, 394; 637.7:246; 1026.13.13; AV68; SS141.5; H3595.4.5.5. a47.16:58,128.5; 131.1:171, 187, 233; 221.1:70, 141.3, 230.5; 317.1.133; 344.9.47.3; 379.62.20, 379.67:153, 180, 207, 359, 368, 613.03; 530.4.5; 637.7:127, 156.2; 698.1.78; 1395.3.52; J28, 48, 79, 93, 152, 167, 187; 474.2, 506.4, 509, 516, 545.6, 564.8, 590.5; AB280, 632, 678.2; YB152; MB115, 230.5, 315; GB12, 334, 348, 350, 419, 556, 575, 794, 797, 997, 1024; 1179; 1541.1, 1543; 1614:3.1,6; 1640; NV136.5, 391; S125, 352; AV10, 193, 310, 352, 374.1, 398, 451, 475, 508, 570, 723, 787.5, 917, 921, 1003,1038, 1110, 1209, 1237.0, 1257, 1262, 1273.3, 1454, 1468.5; PM244; AV1508.5, 1573.4; VV58, 80; SS8, 111; SS156.2; KS21, 76; VS18; DV101, 134; H2, 295, 309, 358, 400, 429, 669, 768, 793, 908, 969, 972, 1089, 1098, 1382, 1398, 1468, 1533, 1806, 1821, 1822, 1872, 1938, 1955, 1956, 2016, 2065, 2086, 2124, 2162, 2233, 2255.5, 2280, 2316, 2453, 2472, 2523, 2557, 2649, 2727, 2761, 2771, 2820, 2821.1, 2835, 3516.2, 3526.0, 3570.7, 3573.4, 3652.05, 3873, 4059, 4072.3.8, 4114.7, 4252.5. et298.1.5; 379.7.8

, Jain, see also anekantavada

of error - bH3457

of knowledge, see adhigama

of meaning - aNV162.5; H1916

of morals - aH3601.5.5

of value, see value, metaphysics of

metapsychology, see parapsychology

metempsychosis - aVS6; H337, 2179

Method, analytic - aH4090.6

methodology - a379.67:242, 848.6; 783.11.1; NV533.8; H499, 1881, 2323, 2517, 3295, 3475.5, 3601.1

metrics - a22.1.43; 221.1.115

metta - aAB473.1, 587.8, 641

microgenesis - aGB1802

middle way (see also Madhyamaka) - a47.16:47, 159.2; 210.2,; J208, 501.2. 545.5; YB44; MB14, 288, 291, 292; GB1266, 1492, 1618, 1869.1, 1873.0, 2060. b47.4.81; 404.8.17. t47.4.82; 174.6.21.

(non)-excluded - aGB1888.9

(Purva)Mimamsa, see PM section of Part IV

mind - b131.1.290; 300.1.21; 379.67.429; 596.5.18; 632.3.6; AB406, 450.1, 579; MB250; GB1257.2, 1606.2, 2075; Y104; AV1260.5; H1511, 1874, 2155, 2519, 2535.5, 3208, 3214. dS120; AV983; H2493.5. a48.1.105; 131.1.189; 175.11.5; 175.24.28; 379.67: 484, 832; 698.1.93.5; 809.8.15; J83, 373, 462, 482.1.1; DU596.5; AB135.2, 242, 334, 346, 358, 414, 436.3, 442.3.01, 631.8, 664.8, 679.6; YB58, 114; GB1055, 1120, 1164, 1346, 1614: 1.0, 2.3.5, 3.4, 1886, 1987, 2008, 2040; NV54, 310.0.2, 441.1, 602; S379; Y71, 233, 573, 581; G1119.5; AV1270.9.5, 1314, 1564, 1572.5; SUD5; H533, 714, 942, 952, 995,1035, 1074, 1370, 1396, 1401, 1534, 1548, 1636, 1637, 1666, 1732, 1950,2135, 2350, 2958, 3601.5.2; 3605.1.1.1, 3641.5.1, 3654.7, 3856, 4004.3, 4034.3, 4031.5, 4090.7, 4113.4.5, 4129.5. e1001.1.2

-body relationship - bGB1425.1; H3615, 3655. a38A.1:12,18; AB446.3, 451.04, 462, 547.5; NV407.1; S299.5, 310.0.2; H1401, 3567.6, 3623, 4082.5.

, calming the - b174.10.29; Y586.2

-consciousness dualism - a310.0.2

, dissolution of - aAV1415

-fulness - a47.7.4; 678.3; AB382.5, 414, 442.4, 457, 592; GB857.1, 1586.3, 1588, 1919.5, 8; GH3822.3

  , healthy - aGB1889.0.5

-less(ness) - bGB1425.1. a175.1.52; DU596.5

-only, see citta-matra

-s, other - a344.7:5, 12; 421A.3.5

, philosophy of - aY588.5, 671. b302A.2.3.1

, purification of - aAB478; Y351

, purity of - a131.1.205.1; GB565

, states of - aAB135.2

-talk (manojalpa) - a174.7.19; 175.24.68

training - aGB1486.7. b596.5.18

, tranquil flow of, see upeksa

, transformation of the - aY591

minimalism - aMB295

miracles - a956.1.60; J510; GB1889.3

misconception (see also error) - aAB259; GB1873

mistranslation - aGB1873

misogyny - a687.4.6.1

Mithila - bNV94. a530.8.10; NV13, 60

mithya (see also false)

-drsti - a1026.2.15.1; J68; GB596; AB495, 582; AV1465.1

, etymology of - aH2570

  , jagan- - aAV1497.5

-tva - a1026.2.15.1; AV1465.1, 1497.2

modality, cross- - aH4004.9.5

model - dAV1212.2

moderation - aGB2060

modern, -ity, -izing - bH3054.2; TMBM. a379.67.613.03,784, 379.67.7.58; J497.0; AB467; KS65; GB1606.2.2, 1608.4, 1666; H3217.5., 3262, 3263, 3540.2, 3590.8, 3594.3, 3595.4.5, 3618.9.1, 3629.8, 3814, 4019.3, 4086.3, 4086.7.1

moha, see delusion

moksa, see liberation

, the word - aH2828

molecule (in Jainism), see skandha (in Jainism)

moment (ksana) - a131.1.133; GB235, 1809.4.2

momentariness (ksanikatva)- b611.9.4; GB286,1614.3.1, 1617.2. a48.1.46;; 294.2.17; 344.1:2.5,7; 344.9:15, 68, 123.7; 344.9.43.3; 404.4.20.5; 410.26.20; 560.1.15; 560.8.13.2, 588.9.3, 611.17.5; AB121,542.7, 470.00; BL85.1; MB357; GB341, 347, 806, 973, 1103, 1196.1, 1423, 1603.2, 1730.5, 1797.5, 1802, 2026; H3540.05. dAB542.7. et568.2.1

monachism - bJ125. aJ120.5

monad - aH1796

monarch - aC95

monastery - bGB607

monasticism, see monk

money - aGB1566; H1573A

Mongolia(n) - b180B.1.13.5; GB1185.5; H2897. a33.1:9.1, 10.3; 175.1.21; 180B.1.25.1; 368.1:22, 23. H3648.5

monism - b379.67.540. a196A.7.30; 221.1.71; 224.1.22; 368.1.75; 369.7:22, 146, 487; 379.67.528.5; 4; GB1301; AV279, 567, 1232.0; VV109.1; GS45.3, 61; H715, 3500.1, 3602.1

, linguistic - b221.1.125

monk - bGB607; AV4515; H1243.5, 2079.6. a88.1.16.2; 103.1.120; 131.1.214; 249B.1.1; 265.1.1; DU170A.1C95; J510, 565; YB140.5; GB1390, 1614.2, 1888.9, 1904, 1927.3, 2033, 2057; H3680. d368.4A.6

monkey - aVV160

monotheism - aH3555.1

(non)monotonic - aH4130

morals, morality, see ethics

morphology - b956.1.69. n956.1.69

mother of Buddhas, see Buddha-s, mother of

-worship - bGS539

motion - dH493. a47.4:16, 32, 55, 63.1, 200; 47.16:61, 83, 100, 145; G206.1; H3472

motivation, religious - bGB1869.7.5

motivational theory - dGB739

mudra - bY381. aY335.1; GS36

Mughal - dSUD17.0

mukti, see liberation

Mulasarvastivada - aSV41, 51. dSV22

-Vinaya - bAB279. aAB356

mulavidya, see ignorance

multiplicity - aAV1290.0

related - bH966

murder - a47.16.74

museum - iDSCSIP

murta - a278.1.39

musicology - bSSJ, SSV

Muslim, see Islam

muta - aAB250

mutilation of text - a23.1.146

mutualism - aH2755

mystic, mysticism - bLDSBDM, MandS; 294.3.8; 368.5.3; 379.67:503, 504; 637.7:58, 74, 100, 131, 171.2; 666.26.4; 698.1.4; 762.1.11; GB1520.0, 1608.1; Y31, 67, 150, 242, 664, 667; AV537.5; KS55; VS28, 29, 82; GS55; H265, 346, 467, 921, 1047, 1402.5, 1496, 2502, 2514, 2659, 2689.4.6, 2728, 2889, 2983, 3209, 3363, 3683, 4004.4, 4123.4. dAB256.1; NV67; H1127, 1875, 3618.7.5. a47.16:15, 30, 98, 137; 131.1:88, 123, 173; 161.1.48; 210.9.34; 302A.2.6; 368.1.51.8; 368.5.2; 379.67:74, 183, 311, 316, 408, 561, 816.9, 817; 404.4.25; 582.27:18, 33.5, 65; 637.7.123.1; 666.26.4; 728.2.1;751.31:33, 89; 793.12.6; 930.6.1; 956.1:21, 22, 51, 62; 1263.6.5; 1322.1.1; 1330.24.15; DU674B.1J176, 299, 330, 429; AB286.1; YB21, 154; MB23, 58; GB164, 204, 510, 721, 755, 987, 1359, 1411, 1601.1, 2012; 1623., 1962.5; NV418; Y24, 91, 374, 505, 582.5; AV133, 147, 486, 638, 685, 824, 881, 1096, 1479, 1567.2; S82.27.60; VV50, 88, 98.1, 103, 114.5, 156; GS28, 33, 35; SS163.2, 167.5, 170, 185, 193; KS86.2, 125, 153; Ac44; VS116; H138, 224,243, 527, 532, 575, 588, 635, 716, 820, 933, 934, 1002, 1219, 1290, 1299, 1321, 1364, 1385,1650, 1729,1835, 1947, 1988, 2097, 2102, 2126, 295, 2423, 2555, 2564, 2588, 2714, 2859, 3029, 3175, 3183, 3250, 3251, 3327, 3350.5, 3371, 3509, 3522, 3525, 3541.2, 3585, 3604.1.4, 3605.2.1, 3610.1, 3611, 3625, 4073.4, 4125.6, 4140.8, 4154, 4256. t398A.1.0; DU741A.1.1. e527A.1.1. d398A.1.0

erotic - a956.1.51

in China, see China, mysticism in

myth - bGB827; H4114; CHMI; 751.31.135; H1616. aGB592, 834, 1508, 1822; AV1272, 1316; VV117; H743, 1821, 1830.5, 1911, 3375,3568.2.7, 3596, 3647.1

mythology - bH1414, 2767, 3178. a43.1.35; AB508; GB322.5; KS100; H3374

nacre, see shell

nada - aG24; GS8

-yoga, see yoga, nada-

Nadayoga - bY154

Nagarjunikonda: aAB111.1; GB1564.2.1

Nalanda - a26.1.4; AB468.5.5

-sangharama - a550.10.1

namarupa - bAB48. a379.67.161; AB304; GB1873.00

name - a175.1.24

  , divine - bH3579.00

-s, proper - b21.1.20.1. a210.9.30; GB2010.1; NV336, 421.3, 425, 572.5; G177.5, 180.5

, theology of the - a956.1:40, 56, 68

, Vedic - b751.2.4.5

nameability - aNV158, 251.5, 518

nan, see negation

Narada-Pancaratra - a969.2.16

Naraka - a379.67.511

Narayana - a751.31.140

narcissism - aAV1095

narrative - a793.53.38; GB1586

nataka - a196A.6.16

Natha Yoga - bGS45.4; H3601.5.3. a762.1.20; GB2056.4; Y30, 37, 274, 559, 583

nationalism (see also integration, national) - aH1353, 2491

naturalism - bS8; H1495, 1827. a157.1.2; J426; BL150; GB834, 1584.1; S81; H291, 878, 982, 993, 1101, 1231, 1263, 1668, 1688, 2033, 2781, 4032.1

nature - bGB1584, 1629; H1616; a379.67:235, 525; J432; GB155.3, 1676, 1842, 1858; S36; AV127, 1232, 1322; H1186, 2024, 2948, 3687 4032.2, 4188.1.5

, essential, see svabhava

-s, three, see trisvabhava

Navadvipa - aNV242

naya - bJ407. a196A.7:6, 8; J85, 116, 147, 252, 343, 368, 392, 413, 559, 574, 582

, saptabhangi, s.v.

Nayanmars - a379.67.536

necessity - aNV192, 547

negation (see also absence) - b788.1.62; BL95.6; GB1556.2.5; NV395; H2698, 3874. d379.67.506. a47.4:40, 66; 47.16:25.1, 151; 81.1.13; 344.3.32; 344.9.106; 368.1.47.5; 698.1.75; 809., 33, 42, 46; MB236; GB337, 1150; NV50, 52, 96, 269, 276, 610; PM24, 119; G67; Y558.1; AV169, 453.1, 877, 1004; H154, 250, 477, 547, 565, 569, 707, 779, 967, 1216, 1345.1, 1562, 1723, 1928, 2002, 2121, 2199, 2279, 2770, 3025, 3063, 3328, 3475, 3604.2, 3613, 3650.6, 3673, 4121.74193

, double - a161.1; H3563:0, 3.0

, object of, see object -of negation

, triple - aNV407.0

, fourfold, see catuskoti


  entity, see absence

, the - bH599. aGB153

facts - aNV324

judgment - aH1553

principle - aH2468

negativism, negativity - a47.16.10; GB195, 1024; H844; G11.17.8

neglect - aGB1873; H4262.9

nekhamma (renunciation; restraint) - aAB51

neo-Buddhism - bGB1869.6. aGB1388

neo-Hinduism - aH3595.1.1, 3955, 4173. bH2292.5, 3600.1

neo-Naiyayika - aNV502, 517.2

neo-Platonism - b379.67.500.9; AV503. aAV66.1, 683, 1122; H660, 3414

neo-Samkhya - aS356

neo-Vedanta, see Vedanta, neo-

Nepal(ese) - b174.8.20.06; AB382.3; GB1562.1; H3570.6.5. a379.67.419.5; ADU36.6; AB318

literature - b49.1.1, 103.1.65; GB1, 21

manuscripts - b103.1.65. a26.1:4, 11; 103.1.122, 174.3.10, 255.1.4, 321.4.20, 596.23.5.5

nervous system - aY595

nescience, see ignorance

net - aH4197.5

neti neti - a637.7.160.3; GB890

netti - a18.1.4

neuroscience - aGB1981, 1984; AV1612. b131.1.290

neutral, see avyakrta

neyartha - aG211.3

nibbana (P)( =nirvana, see liberation)

nidana - aGB55

nididhyasana - a23.1:110, 304

nidra, see sleep

night - b368.1.45.5

nigrahasthana - a48.1.83;; 344.9.31; 560.8.26; BL50.1 (=GB1185); GB1104.1; NV440.7

nihilism (see also nothing) - bMB235, 239; GB332, 1701. aMB92, 107; GB39, 165, 778, 1861; AV60, 935, 1233.6

nihsreyasa, see liberation

nihsvabhava(tva) - a135.1.1; AB665.3; MB118; GB750. dAB404.1

nikayas, Pali - bWatanabe. a103.;; 161.1.75; AB257, 328, 376, 386, 413.5, 450.05, 451, 467, 568, 597.8, 601, 605.6, 679.9, 692. GB990

niksepa - bJ482. aJ244

Nimbarka school - aBD1,9,10.5, 10.7; SUD19

nimitta - a174.8.41; 174.10.66; 175.11.10; G104; H2489

-darsanabhaga - a103.1.94

nipariyaya - aGB613

nir-, the prefix - aH1294

nirakara/sakara, see sakara/nirakara

-brahman - aAV499

nirgranthas, see Ajivikas (Aj section of Part IV))

nirguna(tva) - a742.2.12; AV756; H2423, 2836

Brahman - aAc32

jnana - aH2006

nirjara - aJ634

nirmanakaya, see body

nirodha - a131.1.220

, abhisamjna- - aGB624

,(a)pratisamkhya - a175.1.34; AB50, 88; SV26.1; GB726, 1585.1.00

, citta- - aY573,642

-samapatti - a175.24.33; YB85

-satya - aAB82; GB1395.2.5

nirukta - a198.1.5.1, 751.29.3

nirupaka, see describer

nirvana, see liberation

nirvedabhagiya (aids to penetration) - aSV32


awareness, see awareness direct

-jnana - a174.7.12.1; J518.4; GB1316; NV535; DV39; H1178,2348. bH4088

knowledge, see knowledge, direct

perception, see perception, direct

- samadhi, see samadhi, nirvikalpaka

nirvisesa, see Brahman, nirvisesa

niscitagrahana - a344.9.39.1

niskala - aSS141.8

nistara, see deliverance

nitartha - aG211.3

nitya, -ta (see also eternal; permanence) - aPM210

karma, see karma

, the word - aH1355P

nivarana, see hindrance

nivrtti - aAV968; H867, 3072

, avidya- , see avidya-nivrtti

niyama - a131.1.260; 344.4.93; PM136; Y347, 350, 448

, sahopalambha- - a344.5.11; BL50.2

niyati, see fate. See also determinism

niyoga - aPM28, 67, 207.6. d373.1.10.5. et373.1.11

noble being (arya), see person, noble

noetic - aAB661.5

nominalism - aJ55; BL54.1, 95; H3329

nominalization - aG76

nonabsolutism - bJ94; H1219. aJ223, 289, 408.5, 497.0, 561.5, 539.7

nonaction, see akriyavada

nonattachment, see vairagya

nonbeing (asat)(see also absence; non-existence) - aGB1024; SS166.5; H89, 773, 3288, 4111

non-case relationship - b1133.4.14

noncognition - aH4033

non-conformism - aVV103.6

noncontradiction - bAV453

nondifference (abheda)- a369.4.6, 729.8.7; AV471, 737, 1086; H1371, 4135.9.5

of effect from cause, see satkaryavada

nondiscrimination - a47.16.45

nondualism, nonduality - bGS11; KS576; H3258.3, 3444. a221.1.141.3; 379.67: 522.5, 816; 962.36.47; 1036.14.27; YB101; GB874.1, 1326.1, 1870; AV1275, 1321, 1420.4, 1455.5; KS163. d49A.1.8

, integral - b1036.14:10, 12

nonegocentrism - a321.9.2

nonentity - a655.1.13

nonessentialism - aMB296

noneternal (anitya), see impermanence

nonexist(ence) (see also absence; non-being) - a221.1.230.5; 410.1.5; AB476; GB1617.05; H4114.8

  -ent object, see object

noninvolvement - aMB166

non-living - b196B.1.69

non-mind, non-mentation - aMB199; GB2053

nonnaturalism - a582.27.23; J426

nonorigination, see ajativada

nonorthodoxy, see heterodoxy

non-other - a597.7.3

nonperception - aAV177

non-realism - bAV1468.5

nonreturn (anagama) - aAB129; GB703

nonsense - a47.4.40; 47.16.64; GB1871

nonviolence, see ahimsa

norms - aGB1169. bIDDG

North-Aryan - bLaumann. a588.11.1

nose-ornament - a379.67.113

no-self or -soul, see self, no-

nothing(ness)(see also sunyata) - bB1887.5; AV59. a379.67.563.1; MB168.5, 235; GB1486.7; NV445; H3529.2, 3558.2

, experience of - aGB965

, pure - aH904

noumenon - aAB490; AV418; H480


  phrases - aNV620

  , proper - aNV413.0

nous - aGB27, 873.5.5, 2022.9; AV683, 999

no-view, see positionless

nuclear age - aAV1477

number - d47.16.96. a47.7.9; 221.1:205.1, 220; 494.2.11; J444, 627.5; NV183, 227, 332.1, 334, 423.1, 429, 446.1, 614; G210; H518, 1759, 4033.9

  , infinite - a103.1.103.7

numen, numinous - aGB1444; Y785; H739

nun - aAB678.4

nurture - aGB1959. b368.1.70

Nyaya school, see NV section of Part IV

  , neo-, see neo-Naiyayikas

  , the term - aH4342

nyayabhasa - a220.1.9; J85, 466.1

nyayaprasthana - aAV311

nyayas - a379.16.14, 455.2.51; 582.27.26; J339; H4189.5

obedience - a712.2.2; AV191; H469

object (see also artha) - a293.1.10; 302.4.4; 344.9:144, 145 379.67.56; 404.4.12; 655.1.17; AB160, 179; YB123.8; GB1497, 1560, 1899, 2014; NV76, 420.3, 446.1, 637; PM184; S128; G88; AV523, 524, 550, 1493; H392, 549, 830, 938, 1579, 2044, 2125, 2188, 2738

-consciousness - a175.1.23, 268.2.1; AB97; AV651;

, nonexistent (see also absence) - a192.1.6; AB419

of consciousness - a196B.1.80; 192.1.6

  of negation - a368.1.47.1

objection, conscientious, see conscientious objection


referent - aMB146

relation - a1251.39.6

, the - aH833, 1141

objectivism - aH840

objectivity - bH2039. a302.4.4; 321.2.17; AV863; H1253, 1575, H4033.9

obligation - aAV1161; H3190, 4041, 4087.2.5

observation - aY621

obversion - a220.1.32

occidentalislml - aH4065.5.5

ocean - a278.1.30

om (see also japa)- aY583.1;H121, 1634; H4073.3

  manipadma hum - b255.1.10

omnipotence - aKS100; H2938, 4070.3

, divine, see God -s omnipotence

omniscience (kevalajnana, sarvajnatva) - bJ268. a174.3.50; 196A.7.18; 294.10.5; 363.5.8; 393, 417; 466.1.7; 687.2.14. J205, 269, 292, 304, 472, 473; J174.8.20; 564.7.9; AB31, 87.5, 435.2; GB361, 784.1, 898, 1087, 1580; S68; PM50; GB957.5; AV1398; H419, 1011, 1301, 1420, 2123, 2593, 2893. d421A.1.17; 448.1.9, 611.12.2; GB1540.1

, divine, see God -s omniscience

one - aH1350

-ness - a530.8.15

, the, and the many - a221.1.229.1; 637.7.198; 1395.3.29; J561; YB96; AV878, 1247.3, 1573.5; H196, 513, 626, 730, 1061, 1337,1453, 1744

-pointedness - aAB436.0

ontology (see also metaphysics) - bKKBLKO; 321.2.14; 956.1.69; GB1553; AV139, 546; DV55; H2549, 2724. a174.6.13; 192.1.3; 317.1.82; 344.9:20, 124, 147; 363.5.35; 439.1.3; 751.24.13; ADU45.1; J316, 351, 410, 644; AB291; BL27; MB41, 291; GB44, 45, 116, 424, 1466, 1489, 1681; NV426, 649.4; S406; PM244; AV494, 692, 757, 1083.5, 1245.2; H5.5, 1147, 1263, 1364, 2332, 2791, 2875, 3423, 3511.1. d344.4.58

, social - a47.16.204

opacity, referential - aBL64

openness - b47.4:19.5, 70.2. aAB679.3

opposites - aH1475

optimism - aNV7; H682. b137.1.20.5

oral(ity) - aAB457.1; GB1614.7.2, 1781. t47.4.15


  , social - a29.1.90

  , universal - aH2318

organism - bt373.1.11

, psychical - aS118

organismic approach to reality - a637.7.82

organization - a379.67.562

orgasm - aGB1768.4

orientalism - aGB1623.08.1; AV1498; H3629.7, 3936, 4065.5.5, 4069.5, 4070.1, 4075.5, 4079.8

origin(s) - bVS85.4.3; H3547.5. aMB312.5

origination, dependent, see pratityasamutpada

Orissa - b956.1.49; 956.1.60; 1339.1.1; GB544; Ac36; H3165, 3570.4. a637.7.177; H4015.5, 4086.3

Oriya language - a1339.3.1; H2872

Orphism - aH4033.7

orthodoxy - bOHDI; 344.4.75. aNV473.5; J447.3; PM88; VV141. bt344.4.75

others, see heterodoxy

otherness - a379.67:781, 854; Y707; KS165. b131.1.247; GB1956

otherworldly - aGB1259; AV421; H3060

ought-sentences - aH3608.5

oxymoron - aG212

paccaya (P.), see pratyaya

paccekabuddha, see pratyekabuddha

pada, see word

padartha, see category

padma (symbolism) - aMB83

, asana- , s.v.

pain, see suffering

paintings - b161.1.51

pajjaya - aJ564.8

pakajotpatti - aNV210

Pakistan - bGB1756

paksa - a175.24.34; 788.1.98; BL140; NV395.2; H2383

-abhasa - aBL73.1

, purva - aPM124.3

paksata - a268.7.27; 788.1.98; GB1616; NV48, 147, 193, 397, 442.1.11.2. b788.1.124.5; 948.10.12

Pala period - aGB1276

Pali - a21.1.54; 550.10.6; J188; AB6, 13, 25, 135.3, 290.0, 373, 410.5; 419.0, 433.0, 463.1, 468.5, 509, 547.4; YB126.3; GB1327.5, 1467.5, 1513.11:5-6, 1538.2.5; H3641.6. bAB26.1, 323, 478.1

Buddhism, see AB section of Part IV

canon - a210.9.13; 278C.1.2; AB432.1, 589; GB908, 910, 918, 938, 1547.3. bAB441.2

  commentaries - aAB678.2.8

exegesis- aAB419.0

language - bStudPB; 21.1.24; AB460.2; GB1613.1. a43.1.15; AB56, 311.1, 355.1, 628.5; MB6

literature - bAB26.1, 323, 460.2, 478.1, 634. a21.1.54; 550.10.6; 623.8.5; J188; AB6, 13, 25, 135.3, 290.0, 373, 410.5. 419.0, 433.0, 463.1, 468.5, 509, 547.4; YB126.3; GB1327.5, 1467.5, 1513.11:5-6, 1538.2.5; H3641.6

  Nikayas, s.v.

Tikas - aAB468

pancamahabhuta, see mahabhuta

Pancaratra (see also GS section of Part IV) - b580.8:8, 12; 809.17.7. a23.1.208; 379.16.32; 637.7.67; 956.1.13; DU483.1.1; AV634; S98.5, 417; VV1, 22, 62, 102.1; SUD7; H2523, 2524, 3117.1, 3593.2, 3600.00

pancasila - aAB465.4, 467.5; GB1874.5

pandit - aGB1613.5; H5.3

panentheism - a637.7: 36, 112

Paninian, see Grammarian philosophy (section G of Part IV)

Panjabi language - aH2892

panna (P.), see prajna

pantheism - b809.14.9; 934.4.12; H12, 27.5. a379.67;76, 320; 637.7.112; AV17, 35; H100, 2636.1, 3630.1

parabhava - a321.4.15

parables - b23.1.24. a103.1.113.8

paradigms, unspoken - aGB1614.6

paradox - bGB370, 408. d379.67.506. a47.16.108; 221.1:169, 197; 379.67.553; AB444.1; MB187; GB1066; PM128; AV230; H1553, 1586, 2321, 2336, 2991, 3628

, Liar - a47.13.18; 221.1.169

, self-referential - a47.16.147.3

parakiya - aH1566

-pravesa - a379.67.782.8

parallels - aGB1944, 1982

parallelism - aAV1440.2

paralokasadhana, -siddhi - a344.4.31.8; BL73.3

paramanu, see atom

paramarsa, trtitalinga - aNV601, 611.3; AV455

paramartha - a47.16.161;;; 294.2.10, 321.4.15; AB672.7; YB76; MB113, 164, 217.5; AV1206.5

-sat(ya), see truths, two

paramatman - aAV252; H1656, 2283

paramita , see perfection

  , the word - aAB642

parampara - aAc41

paraphrase - aG108

parapsychology - bY325. a131.1:159, 160, 184; J178, 515.3; AB282; Y445, 464.1, 491, 557.0; H2273

paratantrasvabhava, see trisvabhava

paravrtti - aYB14

, asraya- , see asraya-paravrtti

, the word - a174.8.4

paribhasas - a973.4.6; NV432; PM64, 78, 230, 233; G189.5;

paribhasiki terms - aNV446

parikalpitasvabhava, see trisvabhava

parimandala - aNV297

parinama - dJ111; S127. a26.1.15; 131.1.33; 406.3.6; 689.2.7; J201; S102, 126, 228, 276; S372; AV1000; SUD15; KS170. bS415

parinirvana (see also liberation) - bGB1625. a88.1:9, 130;; J497.4; AB238, 361.1, 633; GB1381, 1393.7.

, maha- - bGB1625

parinispannasvabhava, see trisvabhava

parisad - aAB377

parisamkhyana - a379.67.592; AV1328.1

pariskara-prakriya - NVDU4

paritta - aGB1928

part and whole - bH3266. a334.1.10.0, 523.1.11

particles, grammatical - aG93.10.1, 210.1; PM259.5

particular(s) - aNV386.5, 548.8; H345

, bare - a321.9.25

, perception of - aGB1935, 1922.4; NV581.8, 590, 592.5

particularity - aGB1869.1; AV1476

parvana - a582.21.16

Parvati - bKS87

paryapti - aNV290, 332.1, 423, 425, 490.3

-pravesa - aNV121

paryaya - a196A.7.22; J137, 419, 488, 561.6; MB217.5; GB613

pasa - a783.6.5; SS119, 127

passivity - aGB209

past - aAB678.5

lives - aAB452

, memory of, see memory of previous lives

karma - GB1209; H2935, 2945

pasu - a717.1.32; 783.6.5; SS70, 119, 164.0, 205

Pasupata (see also GS section of Part IV) - a131.1.230, 366.1.5; S141. t809.17.26

Pataliputra - a213A.5.4

path (to liberation) (marga)- b42.1.9; 210.7.28; 253.1.8; AB463.5, 542, 596.5; GB156.1, 882, 1034, 1485.2, 1561; Y387; H60. a47.4.57; 196A.7.9.1; 379.67:286, 365, 553, 903; 637.7.80; AB342, 371, 422; GB19, 679, 761, 1037, 1074, 1147, 1266, 1591.1, 1609.1, 1922.5; Y603; AV895; H3602.0.6. d175.1.69; 637.7.68

, combined, of knowledge and action - a297.1.5, 379.12.85, 417.7.20

, eightfold - bAB340; aAB678.2.2; GB518, 1343.1

, middle, see Madhyamaka

of action, see karma-yoga

of devotion, see bhakti-yoga

of knowledge, see jnana-yoga

of yoga, see yoga, astanga/raja

, pusti-, see pustimarga

pati - a717.1.31; SS70, 166

paticcasamuppada, see pratityasamutpada

patience - b368.1.50.3

Patna congress - aGB207

Patvardhan Sardars - a1511.2.1

pauruseya paradigm - a698.1.46

peace - bGB1249; AV1498.3; H61. aJ229; AB246; GB407, 1066.8, 1582.5; AV215; SS150

-making - aGB1614.3.00

  , world - aGB1879.2

pearl - t940.1.13

pedagogy - a344.4.77; GB1931; H4178.1

penetration, aids to, see nirvedabhagiya

percept - aH199, 440

perceptibility - a419.7.3

perception (pratyaksa)(see also awareness) - bSaundarya; 344.4.36; 344.5.37; 399.2.4;530.3.8.51119.5.29; J294, 306, 461, 502.1; GB544.1; NV306. d404.4.25; 975.2.3; AB161; NV389.0. a29.1.68; 30.1.19; 48.1.107; 163.1.108;; 44; 268.7:11, 13-15, 26, 27.5, 40.5; 268.10:7, 172, 265; 294.2.25; 294.5.27; 334.1.9; 344.3:10, 28; 344.4.31; 344.9:52, 53.1, 152.5; 404.8.18; 418.16.8; 455.2.35.2; 530.3.6; 530.4.11; 637.7.55; 788.1.109; 1014.7.62; 1119.5.21; C85; J236, 261, 502.1; AB54, 204, 515, 631.6, ; BL25; YB119.5; GB462, 972, 989, 1233, 1528, 2068; NV17, 40, 77, 85, 148, 347.1, 420.3, 534, 544, 579.5, 581.8, 608; S114.1, 266, 316.2; G33; AV247, 348, 351, 640, 722, 802, 887, 944, 1064, 1202, 1203.2, 1474, 1493, 1575; VV14; SS16, 108; H383, 392, 404, 413, 828, 1133, 1379, 1380, 1812, 1983, 2113, 2906, 3289, 3313, 3591, 3595.4.9, 3630.4, 3642, 3648.3, 3916, 4071.5, 4083.5, 4189.3. t788.1.119.5

and the given - a344.9.52

, avyapadesyatva of - a48.1:54, 60, 95

, definition of - a48.1.49; 174.2.10; 268.10.20; 445.2.35.05; NV178; H3008

, direct (nirvikalpaka) (see also awareness, direct) - b788.1:98.0, 101. a39.1.12;; 404.4.20.7; NV146, 347.1, 354, 530, 534, 550; PM180; DV39; H783, 1133, 1295, 1630, 2169, 2197, 2708, 3454, 4071.5

, ethical - aAV1430

, extraordinary or extra-sensory (see also abhijna) - b344.9.103; NV364. aJ114, 585; GB1579.1; NV37, 110, 114, 517, 534

  , false or pseudo, see error, perceptual

, the given and, see given, the

  , indeterminate (nirvikalpaka) - a788.1.122

, mental (manasa)- aBL53; H2566

  , nonconceptuality of - a404.8.13

, non-propositional, see perception, direct

of composite objects - aNV420.3

  of particulars, see particulars, perception of

of the whole, see avayavin, perception of

, psychology of - aGB544.1

as samjna skandha - aAB92

, savikalpaka - bH4088. a163.1.98.1; BL34; GB1869.5; NV85; DV39; H783, 1178, 1379; 1630, 2708, 3454

, the word - aH3268

, yogic - a344.9:23,66,129, 150; 363.1.18, 404.5.2; 418.18.6; 530.6.3; BL31; YB210; NV345, 419; PM198

perennial philosophy, see philosophy, perennial

perfection (paramita)(see also liberation) - bQAP; 210.7.30; H2171. aAB597.7, 632.5; MB6, 22; GB168, 352, 1927, 2021.7; Y587; H619, 620

, moral - a368.1.28

-s - a103.1.100.0; AB441.1.3

permanence - b568.2.1; 611.9.4. a50.2.12, 50.6.9, 344.5.15, 344.9.68; J338

perplexity - aAB74; H3441

Persian philosophy - aAB303; H2808

persistence - aH614

person - bJ498.2.1; AB298; H1574. a47.4.48.1; 196A.6.14; 175.24.42; 302A.2.5; 321.2.10; 582.17.9; J501, 507; GB913.1, 1516.05, 1605, 1669, 1743, 1755, 1959.9; AV526, 694, 735, 1269.5, 1476; KS31, 58; H843, 1315, 1405, 1545, 2483, 3538, 3572, 3607.1, 3631, 3648.8.2, 3648.9.2, 3709, 4030.5, 4125, 4160. t175.1.96

-al identity, see identity, personal

, noble - bAB542. aGB1918

, ordinary - aGB1343.1; H3628.5

as skandhas - aAB475

, theory of - a175.1:77, 96;; 175.24.40

personalism - aAB187; S36; H471, 1255. bAB541

personality - bH2613.5, 3631.5. a88.1.147; J537; Y619; AV1572; H1429.7, 3578.2, 3614. 3652

perspective, -ism - a221.1: 111.1, 148.5, 177.1, 197; 379.67.815.3; 6678.3; J593; NV574.7; PM247; AV1412.8, 1479.4; H4012.9, 4032.2.1.5, 4125. bBGP

pervader - a47.16.209

pervasion, see vyapti

perverted views - aGB498

pessimism - a379.67.405; GB1293, 1557.2; H216, 777, 3081, 3292

petitio principii, see question-begging

(N.F.) Petrosky collection - a103.1.50

phenomena - aAV289, 418, 490

phenomenalism - aGB1610.0; H1620

phenomenal world, see world, phenomenal

phenomenality - a379.67.848

phenomenology - bPhenomEW; 175.24.40; 302.4; 379.32.1.5; AB457; YB148, 155; NV388.1. d379.16.29. a31.1.93; 379.67.443.1; J261, 536; AB287, 457, 672.1; YB98; GB1257, 1585.3, 1990, 2068; NV375; Y113, 301, 697; AV351, 441, 465, 624, 747, 1036, 1089, 1233.2.0, 1366.3.5, 1458, 1488.6, 1513.5; H3563.1, 3562.1-2; 3573.0, 3592.0.2, 4080.0.1, 4091.7. d379.32.1.5

philology - bGB1707.5; aAB542.2; GB1240, 1617.1

[hilosopher - a1330.24.15

philosophia perennis, see philosophy, perennial

philosophy - bH1979.5; 3472.5. aGB1627.2, 1939.7; NV376.2; H3258.8, 3262, 3555.2, 3595.1.0, 3601.1, 3648.9.5, 4059.4.

, analytic, see analysis, philosophical

and religion - bJ494.000, 502.3. a474.1, 494.1; YB112.1; GB1618.5; H1688.5, 3595.4, 3601.1

, comparative, see comparative philosophy

, constructive - aH3310

, natural - aNV422.1

, perennial - aH788, 3595.1.0, 3597.1, 3618.9. 2, 1429.10, 2720, 4086.8.5, 4262.4

, positive - bGB1829

  , religious - a344.4.100

  , social - a637.7.212

, the term - aH3387, 3447

, terminology of - aGB1614.4.2

texts - aH3648.9

, world - aH3697

phonetic texture - a582.27.28

phonology - d379.57.4

phraseology - aH3416

physicalism - a344.9.126; H4050

physics (see also quantum mechanics) - b29.1.23; AV1232.1; H59.5, 2914; 3629. a29.1.51; 47.1.95; 278.1:12, 13; J167, 437, 518.6, 542.5; MB223, 268; GB758, 1438, 1585.1.1, 2023; NV547.7;Y293; Y752; AV752, 1013, 1054.1, 1142, 1162, 1287, 1493; GS40.7; H793, 1138, 3261, 3666.3

physiology - aY12, 407, 441

picture - aAB660

piety - s43.1.21.1. aH4088.5

pilgrimage - aH4087.7. b131.1.303

pindapitryajna - aPM123.2

pith - aGB1178

pitha - a379.67.278

, Sarada- s.v.

plaque or plate, copper - a36.1.16.1; 379.67.364

Platonism - a776.1.12; AV1501. dGB1417.1

, neo-, see neo-Platonism

play - aGB2020.5; H2493

pleasure (see bliss; joy) - bDCH; H3593. aAB392.5; H3704

, aesthetic - aH2803.1

  , sense- - aAB551

pleroma - aGB1142

pluralism, plurality - bJ20, 545.9; H335. a196B.7.30; 174.7.10; J564.7.7, 593, 597; MB15; NV160; G84; AV1058, 1265; H488, 570, 1413, 1429.5, 1482, 3227.5, 3532.4, 3611.3

, radical - aH3532.4

, religious, see religious pluralism

poet, poetry - b677.1.3, 681.5.1, 762.1.11; GB1808; NV506-507; Y258; VV107.1; H778.5. a154.1.3; 257.5.2; 368.4A.13; 379.67.568; 455.2.16; 531.1.1; 637.2.22; 698.1.32; 728.2.1; 762.1.2; 791.53.29, 793.7.1, 793.53.29, 956.1.1, 1330.24.15; 1622.18.3; H132, 2628, 2674, 2999, 3054.1

poison - aGB516

polarity - aH488, 2655

polemics - a137.1.39, 254E.1.1,, 344.1.7, 379.67.567.5; DU608A.1, J107; MB217; PM117; DV20, 23

Polish - aH4087.5

politics, polity - bAsPI; H613, 2026, 3610.1.02; AV740. a47.7.27; 47.16:192, 238; 687.4.15; GB1862.9.1; AV323; H1183, 1503, 1839, 2419

-cal ideals - aGB1650; H3690

-cal liberation - bH2737

polymathy - a582.27.21

poor - aJ513.1; GB1757; H3863

positionlessness - aMB237

positiveness - a103.1.115.5

positivism - a404.8.4; 611.17.8; GB64; H2692

, logical - aGB1247, 1332, 1379

possibility - bH1414

postcolonial - aH4020

postmodernism (see also deconstruction) - bRDPPIWP; GB1614.5.1. a47.16.186; MB227; GB1614: 5, 7.4, 2021; AV1440.5; H3484.05, 3595.1.4, 3604.3, 3614, 4072

potential, the - aH797

potentiality - aH3863.6

poverty - aGB1570.1, 1889.5

power (see also sakti)- a131.1.275; 221.1.284; J610; H4088.5, 4165

, expressive - aNV573.7

  -possession - a582.27.65

, quest for - aH823

, world as - bH1717. aGB132

, supernormal or yogic (see also siddhi) - a131.1.132; Y440; GB1623.06.1; H2008, 3592:002, 03

Prabhakara school of Mimamsa, see PM section of Part IV

prabhavita - a175.8.10

prabheda - a174.2.16

prachanna Advaita - a560.8:15,16

practice, - bSaundarya, AV805, IDDG. a159.1:2-4; 379.67:326, 553; 417.4.24; J469.5; AB303.1, 631; YB195; GB1873.6, 1899, 1940.9; H1959, 3258.6, 3605.03, 4058, 4135

, religious, s.v.

, spiritual, s.v.

, theory and - bAB472.5. aAB303.1, 472.2; GS40.9; H2259, 2494, 3620. d174.7.18

pradha na - aS434

pragmatics - bH3657. a221.1.143.1; BL83; GB1623.07; H4090.5

pragmatism - bGB1463. a344.6.99; 344.9.50.1; J217; GB1422, 1610.1, 1611.1, 1614.6.1.5, 1850; PM208; H4133.6

praise - a175.17.5; NV648

prajna (panna, P.)(see also wisdom) - b210.7.35; AB72, 153, 442; GB777. dAB283. a49A.1.16;; 131.1:160, 195, 268.5;; 321.2.11; SV23.5, 45; AB678.4; MB90, 122; GB427, 433, 505, 532, 981, 1171

prajnakara - aMB77

Prajnaparamita - bPRS;; 174.3.8; 278B.1.1; MB17, 63, 91, 207. d294.5.12. a47.4.38, 174.3.9 234.1.8; 368.1.46; YB29; MB16, 38, 39, 41, 52, 74, 87, 77, 90, 101, 127, 15, 239.5, 319; GB215, 258, 374, 424, 514, 574, 717, 1002, 1283, 1330, 1614.3, 1606.2.1, 1614.3, 2015.3

prajnapti - aAB408

prakara - a637.7.8; NV180, 409.3.5

  -ta - aY4059.4.5


-sama - aNV576

prakasa, svatah, see awareness, self-luminous

prakasana - a344.5.13


language - a196A.5.4; 196A.7.11; J207; KS14; H2058

Brahmins - bVS7

literature - bJ482.0. aH1841

prakrti (see also matter) - b314.5; S354; H3605.000, 3617. dY117. a131.1:233, 283; 163.1:76, 90; 235.1.7; 637.7.102; S65, 108, 117, 139, 162, 207, 278, 296.5, 306.1, 308.0, 315, 316, 385; Y261, 713

-laya or -lina - aS181, 278

  -karanavada - aH4279.5

-nirvana - a368.1.44

, tirthankara- - aGB1246.1

pralaya - a441.2.14; S278; H4185.4.4

prama (see also truth) - b788.1.96. a455.2.34; 655.1.24.5; 788.1.44; 1119.5.34; J348; BL47; NV362, 399, 459; PM142.8; AV1367; KS90; H349, 3151.8, 3220, 3823, 4004. et788.1.99

-laksana - a788.1:96,104

pramana - b174.8.31816.14.3; NV303; AV142; H3562, 3890. dBL28; a40.1.4; 221.1.140; 268.10:14, 36, 177; 344.4.31.1; 344.9:52.5, 107, 122, 147; 455.2:25, 27.1, 29, 34, 38, 40, 41; 494.4.4; 522.1.12; 530.4.1; 655.1.28; 751.20.4; 751.31.63; 816.14.3; 827A.1.6; 962.9.14; 1036.14.11; 1105.1.6; 1133.4.11; 1839.1.2; C51, 64.2; J103, 254, 339, 348, 406, 615.6; BL7, 39, 47, 53, 71, 83, 85.2; MB221.1; GB1584, 1805; NV9, 16, 24, 25, 42, 231, 328, 362, 410, 680, 700; PM80.1, 82.1, 178, 194, 207, 259.3; S128, 259.1; S351; Y684; AV363.5, 972.1, 1217.1; VV105.0; SS164.7.5; H520, 718, 761, 991, 1114.1, 1617, 1897, 1901, 1902, 1945, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2256, 2484, 2487, 2569, 2629, 2762.5, 2910.2, 3071, 3105, 3151.8, 3522.1, 3592.4, 3647, 3649, 4023, 4070.2, 4037, 4090, 4121.3, 4197.7

  , sadhaka - a418.8.8

-bhuta, Buddha as - a344.9.107; BL69, 83; MB233

-s, judicial - aH2005

-phala - a268.10.36; BL99; GB1562

-purusa - aBL83; MB233

-samplava - a455.2.31; BL35; H3821

  -sastra - aNV650

-vyavastha - aBL35; YB115; H3821

Pramanika movement- aBL145

pramanya - a788.1.84, 1251.39.5; GB67; NV42, 119, 219; S160; G132, 167; AV709; SS146, 163; H1327, 2842, 3071, 3584.2, 3589

, paratah - aNV560; H3589.1, 4177

, svatah- dPM57. a363.1.4; 363.5:12, 32, 61;379.67.395.5; PM197; AV709, 1228.1; H1355T, 3589.1

prameya - a48.1.86; S128; NV606; H1327

prana (see breath) - aS191, 98.5; Y467, 472; H4261.7

-gati - aY577.4

  and libido - aH1929

  and universe - aH3592.3.1

-yama (breath-control) - a131.1.178.2-3; Y9, 366, 386, 393, 396, 475, 749.5. bY7, 50, 321, 327, 337, 381.

pranava, see om

prapanca - a522.1.12

-yavilalyavada - aH267

prapatti - bVV65, 210. d637.7:42, 210. a637.1.14; 637.7.61, 79, 83, 144, 173; ADU44.1; VV7, 10, 28, 33.1, 43, 45, 60, 61, 68, 90, 91, 93, 96. t793.15.4

-yoga - aVV60, 90

prapti - aSV25:4-5

prapyakaritva - a788.1.96.1; H3484.1

prasamkhyana - a235.1; 379.61.30; 379.67.592; 417.4.24; AV1328.1

prasanga - a321.4.5; 344.9.43.3; MB230; GB1370; NV645; PM98; H3286.1.b344.9.48.5


, cittamala-, s.v.

  viparyaya - a421A.1.3

Prasangika, see Madhyamaka, Prasangika

prasati - a196B.1.53

prasiddha - a344.9.56

prasthanatrayi - a369.2.24; 379.12.92; G75; AV617, 874, 1316, 1935; H3446.1

pratibha -bG208. a131.1.195; 221.1:23, 117, 142, 154, 188.8, 240; 369.2.9; 455.235.2; 687.4.12; AB162; GB1197; NV130, 335; G19; H184, 1470, 1782, 2848, 2969, 3555.0, 4013.5

-jnana - a455.2.35.2

pratibhana (eloquence)- aGB1397

pratibimba - a379.67.610.0; 1005.1.4; H2391

pratibodhaviditam - aAV1441.2.5

pratikarmavyavastha - aH3202

pratimoksa - aGB1548.2, 1939.3

pratisamkhyanirodha, see nirodha, pratisamkhya-

pratisedha - aBL64.1

-vada - aBL64.1

pratiti - a294.2.25

, aham- - aAV145

, visista- - a788.1.101.0

pratityasamutpada - b175,12,2; GB90, 115, 855.1, 1189.1, 1393.5; AB375.1. a47.4.44; 47.16:52, 150; 47.16:159.1, 180; 81.1.15; 174.2:7, 9; 175.12.4; 175.24:29, 170; 192.3.2; 421A.1.15; 677.1.4; AB80, 135, 143, 256, 258, 281, 310, 352, 380.5, 398, 428.1, 441.1.0; 451:02, 05, 07; 462, 540.5, 559. 645, 650, 676, 678, 685; SV39; BL30; YB185; MB7, 108, 192, 200, 229.9, 300, 362; GB61, 77, 108, 109, 216, 267, 306, 338, 360, 384, 397, 452, 454, 465, 471, 515, 566, 625, 712, 776.1, 811, 854, 858, 971, 1073, 1160, 1204, 1228, 1232, 1274, 1308, 1412.0, 1420, 1421, 1427-29, 1433, 1438, 1447, 1458, 1509.0, 1513.1, 1566.3, 1605.1, 1614, 1614.2.2, 1795.1, 1803, 1919, 1925, 2022.5; H2492. d174.2.17.1; AB375.1. t47.4.15

pratiyogin - aNV215, 611.4

pratyabhijna (see recognition) - bKS22. d472.1.6. a472.5.7; J81, 522.5; KS55, 65, 75.1, 86.5, 149

Pratyabhijna system - bKS22. dKS29, 30. a582.11.1; BL132.5; AV654; KS17, 31, 36, 38, 41

pratyagatman - a29.1.67

pratyahara (sense withdrawal) - aY389; G199.5

pratyaksa, see perception

, the word - aH3268

-abhasa - a268.10.39, 344.3.18, 344.9.33

, nirvikalpika-, see perception, direct

, savikalpaka-, see perception, savikalpaka

, triputi- - aPM107.1

pratyasatti, samanyalaksana - aNV577

pratyavamarsa - a221.1.294

pratyaya - a131.1:73, 98; 595.8.1; AB479.7; SV25.1; GB438, 1441

pratyayasarga - a163.1.73, 366.1.9; S180, 184

pratyekabuddha - aJ411, 434; AB317, 428, 459.01; GB1329.1, 1927.8. dAB6.1

pravrtti (see act) - a221.1:196.6, 214.7; BL93; NV592; H867, 3072, 4080.0

praxis - a47.16.196.5; Y642; AV946

prayer - bPC; 637.7.157; 1339.2.1; J163. dY100. a637.7.127.1; GB670, 1921; Y783.9; AV1001, 1205; H3221. t1339.2.1

prayojana - a403.1.2; NV261

preachdf - aH4292

precept - aGB1924.5

predestination (see also fatalism) - aJ505.1; H4055.1.5, 4098

predetermination, see predestination

predicament, human - aJ514.1; GB1862.5

predicate(s)- aH2701

, subject, see subject and predicate

predication - bNV403.2, 468; H1983, 3576. aJ427.0; NV623; AV207

, false - aAV136

, levels of, in reality - aAB407

, seven-fold, see saptabhangi

prediction - aGB2095

pre-existence - aGB71, 1023.1, 1312; NV71; H35, 2032


linguistic - bG47; H888

negative - aH3561.1

prejudice - aAV1080

preposition - b221.1.132

prema - aAc29

presence - aH3929.5

peresent (time), see time, present

presentation, mode of - aBL119

presumption - aH3823.3

presuppositions - bH1610. aDV115; H1739

, cultural - aH4001

, doctrinal - aGB1196.1

preta - aAB425

pretending - a637.7.235; H4059.4.4

pride (mana) - aGB1879.7

priest - d1140.1.9.


, feminine, see female

, fundamental - bAB465

, ultimate - bUAITD. aNV397.1

prism-house - aAV1486

probability - aC57.1; J119

process - a379.67.376; H596

, meta- - aAB477

philosophy - bGB1583. a47.16.103; AB474.1, 678; GB1375. dAB446.1

and reality - aH3529

prodigy - a49A.1.28

progress - bFPS; GB137.5, 375.9; H763.5; 869. aJ3; H319, 505, 620, 699, 1770, 2696.

, spiritual - dAB198.1

, moral - aH978

, social - aAV584, 635; H702, 2136

projection - b317.1.85

pronoun - a655.1.25

proof, see logic

and counter-proof - aH4018.2

, doctrinal - a175.1.98

  , ontological - a221.1.297

  passage - aH4343

propaganda - aH3596

properties - a344.9.44; GB770; SS12

  , contextual - aNV584.5

  , natural - aNV584.5

, primary - aAB8

prophecy - aGB1743

proposition, see sentence

prose - a379.67.404; H4164

protest - aVV103.6H3026

Protestantism, see Christianity

prthaktva - aNV66; PM81

psyche - aJ584; Y90

psychiatry- bH3593.4. aY131


being - aH2634

condensate phase - b131.1.224

elements - dS217

entity- bH1820

psychical organism - aS118

psychism - bLFDP

psychoanalysis - bGB1031; Y28, 241. a131.1.59; GB1890.7; S308; Y19, 82, 89, 94, 157, 189,

323, 521; AV161, 512, 810

psychocentric - aDU108.1

psycho-ethics - bAB544.6

psychogenesis - dH3665

psychologism - aH3255

psychology - b175.1.47; 210.1.14; 379.67.251; 632.1.3; 1740.1.2; J124; AB89, 106, 107.1, 116.2, 175.1, 228, 232, 450.1, 465.3, 472.4.5, 479.05; MB18; GB24.5, 113, 137, 210, 287, 353, 815, 921, 1165, 1459, 1506, 1798; 39, 51, 105, 249, 251, 305, 382, 425, 436, 453, 456, 500, 535; Y112, 190.5, 206.5, 218.5, 547.5, 578.6, 661, 772; H163, 404, 557, 703, 720, 761.5, 867.5, 1351, 1546, 1616, 1715, 2602.5, 2665, 2881, 2895, 3078, 3211, 3248.5, 3427, 3547.5, 3568.1, 3580.6.5, 3626, 3631.5, 4019.6. dJ143; AB277, 349; GB739; NV105; Y515; H4081.3. a175.1.46; J164, 192, 222, 274, 326; AB33, 54, 63, 116.2, 147, 221.5, 364, 392, 581; YB4; MB180; GB20, 97, 106.392, 457, 462, 492, 541, 609, 875, 989, 1216,1258, 1472, 1606.2.2, 1869.7, 1897, 1924.7; S6, 148, 163, 268; Y27, 59, 88, 90, 97, 114, 160, 164, 209, 243, 254, 302; AV173, 541, 553; VV89.2; 95; SS017, 164.7; DV48; H1066, 1073, 1201, 1355K, 1390, 1394, 1411, 1435, 1632, 1665, 1665, 1701, 1711, 2156, 2254, 2294.5, 2797.4, 2895.1, 2934, 3303, 3395, 3459.0, 3595.8, 3813.4, 3940.5, 4059.0. et131.1: 203.1, 208.8

, depth - bY425. aYB122; GB737, 1287, 1513.12; Y318, 747.5; H936

, para- , s.v.

, transpersonal - aGB1606.2.2

psychophyics - aJ347; GB316; H486. dH59.5

psychosis, see vrtti

psychosynthesis - aAV558

psychotherapy - bAB441.1.2; GB1614.7.2.2; Y43, 111, 198.438.5. aAB347; MB173; GB368, 931, 1614.7.2.2; Y180, 369, 498; H3516

pucchavissajana - aGB1956.5

pudgala - bAB544.2. a16.1.1; 175.1.37; 418.16.1; AB154, 333, 344, 402, 560; GB1016, 1552.1

-vada - aAB480, 513. bAB544.2

punarbhava - aGB1372.1

punishment - bH586, 3044. aGB1381.4, 1560.4; H1925

purana(s) - a363.5.32.1.; 637.6.12; DV81; H2711, 2950, 3091

Pure Land - d175.17.2. a43.1: 11, 16, 21, 22.1; 45.1:30,31; 47.16:42,117; 103.1: 83, 89; 132.1.3; MB75, 83, 84, 142; GB1096.5, 1461, 1478, 1609:1-2, 1967. t43.1.20.2

purgation - aJ630

purification(s) - a47.16.45; 131.1.223; 210.7.34; J211, 296; AB271.1, 417, 478; GB783, 1022.1, 1481, 1814; Y280, 351, 641

purity - a129.1.1; 131.1:207, 275; AB247; YB100; GB688; Y276; H4091.3

, eternal - a174.6.14

, original - a129.1.1; YB100

, of mind, see mind, purity of

purnadvaitavada - aAV341

purnahamta - aKS46

Purna Yoga - bY446

purpose - aG98; H1119, 2393, 3016, 3152

, divine - aAV171

of man, see man, purpose of

  of philosophical investigation - a809.21.5

, unfolding - bH2095. aH1771

purusa - b379.12.66. dY117. a30.1.15; 131.1.233; 163.1:76,90; 404.8.3; 530.4.10; S25, 65, 84, 111, 117, 121, 134, 185, 186, 206, 211, 215, 227, 257; NV483; S308.0; Y261; H1564, 1971, 3023

-kara - a698.1.95.8VV101.1, 107

-madhyama- - a221.1.196

  , siddha - a1339,24,16

purusartha - bH3070. a22.1.94; 1026.13.25; C68; PM27; S319; AV250, 1365.1, 1413.4, 1485.2; H560, 1907, 2011, 2106, 2462, 2711, 2813, 2883, 3015, 3179, 3354, 3375, 3567.1, 3602.0: 2,4, 3646.4, 4059.1, 4113.9.5, 4121.5, 4243, 4261.4

purusottama - aSUD18.5; H1195

, aksara-, s.v.

-ksetra - a379.67.600

purva, the - aJ364

Purva Mimamsa, see PM section of Part IV

puryastaka - aH3618.2

pustimarga - - a962.36:4,17,40

in Vallabha - aSUD8, 17

Pyrrhonism - aMB170, 356

qualifier, see visesana

quality (see also guna) - a278.1.33; GB1614.2.0; G100

of life, see life, quality of

quantification, logical - a344.9.26; NV434.5

quantum mechanics (see also physics) - bJ493. aAB442.2.2; MB220, 229; GB1829.5; H1138.1

quest - a47.4.85

question-begging - aNV195

quiescence - t196B.

Qizil - aY263

quotation - a418.16.4; 788.1.124; G76

  theory - a278.1.38

radiance - bPresLight

radicalism - bAV1156

raga - aAB451.3

-bhava - aH4087.4

rahasyatraya - aAV89.4

rainbow - aDV60

rajas - a163.1.89; S17, 247

Rajasthan - aJ482.4, 505

Rajayoga, see yoga, astanga-/raja-

Raksa texts - aGB1928

Ramayana - a137.1.70; 751.31.154

rapture, orgasmic - aH3708

rasa - a582.18.1; 582.27: 12, 19, 31.5, 34; 687.4.6.3; 969.2.15; 969.8.2; PM109; KS5; H3336, 3389.1, 3708.5, 4035.1.5. bH3648.9.5

Rastrakutas - aJ503.4

ratiocination - aAV1370

rational, rationality - bRandP; AB406. aJ167, 262, 640; AB439; BL132; GB1281, 1889.1; PM107.2.1; S351; DV73; H3154, 3459, 3468, 3670, 3943, 4032, 4070.2, 4073, 4249.5

rationalism - a47.16.137; 379.16.16; 379.67.316; 530.4.1; MB117; GB1613, 1642, 1869.9; AV1261.1; H564, 575, 3656, 4059.4

vs. intuitionism - aH2803.3, 3506.1, 3517.1, 3579.0, 3595.1.0, 3595.1.3, 3611

ratna, tri- - a596.2.13; 3468, 3670

rddhi - aY365, 560

reaction - aGB979

reading - a1614.7

realism - bRRIP; 637.7.193; 751.31.25.5; NV110, 129, 424.5; AV135; DV15. d560.1.14.5; NV67, 185.5. a308.1.5.5; 379.16.51; 379.67:44, 49.1, 51, 185, 259; 399.2.4; 609.5; 751.31:17,20; J223; YB112; GB1610.0; SV24; NV45, 100, 197, 425.3, 427.1, 436, 438, 440.4, 441, 442.05, 445.1, 445.9, 544.8, 561, 564, 565, 565.3; S97; AV516, 715; DV6; H377, 403, 422, 506, 940, 968, 1055, 1213, 1424A, 1835, 1942, 2012, 2175, 2818, 3329, 3573.2, 3607.9.2, 4025

reality - bLandR; Offenbarung; UR; 47.16:51,76;; 174.10.31; 221.1.200; 344.9:53, 105; 368.1.51; 522.1.15; 926A.1.1; 1212.1.3; J157, 182, 403, 487; YB147;MB233.5; BL44; GB1622; AV565, 653, 656, 770, 1233.8, 1242, 1234.3, 1499.5; H366, 522, 599, 1268, 1457.5, 1903, 2020, 2059, 2107, 2114, 2978, 3253, 3920, 4004.4, 4061.3. d379.67.406.5; 397.67.189; 637.7.86; H2074, 2157. a47.4.69; 47.16:51, 76;; 174.10.31; 175.24.55, 192.3.3; 221.1:194, 197; 224.1.19; 268.10.188; 294.5.9; 297.1.6; 344.4.16; 221.1.156; 368.1.17; 369.2.7; 379.16.20; 379.67:175, 312, 346, 376, 437, 441, 516, 535, 553.1, 613.2, 799.2, 815.3, 821, 848; 410.29.8.8; 522.1.7; 637.7:82, 220; 793.19.9; 1011.13.4; 1069.8.10; 1330.18.1; J29, 237, 266, 384, 400, 460, 478, 515.5; AB62, 133, 409; MB56, 105; YB61, 75, 120.1, 121.1.5; GB 169, 598, 714, 729, 892, 1507, 1585, 1587, 1566.1; 1603.1, 1618.4.5; 1630, 1667, 1702, 1861, 1862.6, 2120; NV445; AV53, 94, 115, 129, 149, 152, 223, 261, 288, 290, 463, 467, 509, 577, 598, 655, 788, 937, 982, 1138, 1202, 1217, 1234.3, 1236.5, 1413.3, 1513.5, 1516, 1516.3, 1579: 2, 4, 1618; VV46; KS26; VS67; Ac4, 24; DV76; H602, 627, 704, 741, 836, 903, 920, 1042, 1060, 1106, 1141, 1192, 1226, 1421, 1542, 1757, 1806, 2043, 2232.2, 2486, 2535, 2564, 2626, 2763, 2818, 3016, 3293, 3301, 3536, 3573.6, 3623.7, 3654.3, 3696, 3710, 4073.4, 4122, 4185.1

, absolute, in Advaita, see Brahman

  , discernment of - a418.18.10

, human construction of - aH3601.5.2

, levels of - a379.67.535; AV355, 1186

, phenomenal - a1873.6

-s, alternative - aH3599

, two (paramarthasat(ya), samvrtisat(ya), see truths, two

realization - b253.1.8. aKS125; H576, 1742, 2382, 4004.5

in Buddhism, see abhiusamaya

, self- - bH4143, 4294.4. a698.1.94.3; GB992; H629, 2475, 2605. d379.32.1.5

, spiritual - aJ123

realms of existence - aGB1623.06.2; 1924.3

reason - b294.3.8; AV468; H1572, 1750, 2178. d379.67:318, 599; 755.1.3; MB172.5. a47.7.27;; 238,; 379.67:60, 499; 398.4.2; 417.7.17; 404.8.15; GB85, 409, 410, 421, 542, 1509, 1589.0; NV391.1, 514; S292; AV158, 190, 273, 466, 472, 488, 489, 773, 8097, 1131; H733, 935, 1480, 1689, 1772, 1912, 2384, 2418, 2426, 2430, 2580, 2621, 2653, 2862, 3183.5, 3244, 3399, 3542, 3634.0.1, 4086.7.2, 4091.3, 4114.5, 4121.8

  for being - aH3595.4.9

=hetu, fallacy of, see fallacy

, pure, in Kant - a379.67.40

, and revelation - bAV1121. a317.1.54; 379.67.20; AV955, 1112; H578, 944

reasoning (see also inference) - a135.1.26; 163.1.115; 564.18.1; J640; GB2024; NV695DV100.5; H2484, 4342

, analogical - aNV432.4

, case-based - aH4086.7.3

, constructive - aH2291

, default - a278.1.19.1

rebirth (samsara) - bYB129; H789.5, 3604, 3641.75, 4006.7, 4125.5, 4125.8, 4127, 4222.5. a174.7.16; AB367.1, 442.3.02460, 473.2; YB150; GB42.1, 330.1, 804, 825, 834, 849, 864, 877, 878, 911, 912, 916, 943, 944, 1010, 1023.1, 1028, 1043, 1054, 1093, 1163.1, 1186.5, 1206, 1214, 1312, 1323, 1412.0, 1451.1; 1510.1, 1549, 1551.1, 1551.2, 1559.1, 1565.1, 1609.3, 1614.3.0, 1768.1, 1784, 1804, 1834, 1924, 1924.1, 2022.4; AV28, 136, 308; DV91; H90, 159, 315, 450, 454, 472, 531, 668, 709, 712, 789.7, 977, 1007, 1117, 1504, 1643, 1731, 1762, 1764, 1798, 1825, 1869, 2224, 2225, 2248, 2273, 2314, 2371, 2446, 2490, 2598, 2640, 2700, 2739, 2762, 2804, 2876, 2899, 2922, 2936, 2939, 2950, 2960, 3098, 3290, 3317, 33128, 3343, 3377, 3393, 3394, 3420, 3506, 3577A, 3600:0-1, 3604.5, 3611, 3636.1, 3648.8, 3649, 3650, 3669, 3818, 3913, 4030, 4052, 4083.7, 4140, 4125, 4242. etb344.4.39.1

recognition, (see pratyabhijna) - aNV544.8; H4113.9. d472.5.2.5. t472.1.20

, divine - aKS86.5

, self- - aKS101

recollection, see memory

reconception, philosophical - aH2501

reconciliation of viewpoints - aJ443, 593; H701, 3072


of Lokayata - aC68.1

of lost texts - aGB1614.3.6.1

, social - bH2149

, systematic - a1119.5.28

redemption - bH86. a774.11.2; H2168

reductio ad absurdum, see tarka

reduction - a698.1.78; Y228

reductionism - aGB1730, 2034

reference - aJ504.2; NV170, 419.0, 533.4, 648.5; H3601, 3609, 3636, 3640, 3408.8, 3949.8

reflection - a582.27.53; 455, 2044, 2280; J589

, double - a1036.13.6; 1036.14: 7, 8

reflexivity - aGV984. bMB289

refuge - b 3-FoldR. et321.7.1 a379.67.593.1; AB293, 296, 297, 301

refutation - aJ519

method of - a8.1.16; MB162

, self- - aH3193

regress, infinite, see anavastha

reification - aG76

reincarnation, see rebirth

re-integration - bY98

rejoinder - aH4091.3

  , futile - aH4050.5

relation (sambandha) - b12.1.5.1;; 344.9.105; 379.67.800; AB424; GB498; NV394; H2698, 3173. a12.1.8.1; 344.9.27; 379.67: 396, 476; 962.36.43; AB448, 479.7, 672; GB170, 608, 1535.1, 1560; NV35, 55, 381, 408.1, 633; AV109, 437; VV51; H1310, 2133, 2697, 2712, 2782, 2788

, causal, see causation

, conditional - b9.1:7,8

, occurrence-exacting - aNV313

of identity, see identity (tadatmya-sambandha)

-s, interpersonal - aH2877

-s, internal - aH686

, samyoga- - aNV409.4

-seam - aNV466.0

, svabhavika- - a489.1.4; NV128, 247

, svarupa- - aNV220, 264, 341, 413.1, 533.7

, simultaneous - a192.1.5

, temporal - aNV343

, theory of - aAB451.07; GB1535.1, 1618.3

relational knowledge, see knowledge, relational

relationship - aAV1530; G118; H3570.8.5

relativism - bMB28. a363.5.42; J217, 454; AV1181

, cultural - aH3599

, ethical - aH3610.1.0, 3644

, Jaina - aJ496, 498.1.3, 5, 526

relativity - bJ545.9; GB1585.1.1. a47.16:54, 72, 156.1; J151, 167, J369, 374.1, 440, 494.0, 526, 545.6.7; MB64, 223; S72; AV1459; H523, 2239, 2916.5, 3174, 3356

relaxation - bY372

release, see liberation

relevance - a379.67.609.7.5; 788.1.105; J605; H2419, 3595.4.5

reliability - aH4135.2

relic - a88.1.16.2; GB1965


NKDPRC; NSCE; OSRE; PIRKW; Religious Hinduism; DET; GSSK; RMI; RSAI; RSJ; RSMSPR; SPR; SRC; TVH; WFMRQ; YWW, DHCCR, NTWR; 103.1.45; 221.1.32; 637.7.118, 193; 962.36.20; 1011.13.1; 1217.1.3; J2.5, 329, 476, 551.5, 564.6, 589.5, 649; GB614, 111.5, 127.7, 1588.2.5; S385; Y3.5, 29, 516.5; AV669, 713, 949, 1099, 1220.5, 1227; KS7; VS20, 21, 85.1.1, 92.1; Ac37; H2.5, 8, 46.5, 50, 79.7, 84, 152, 268, 308, 373, 398, 535, 613, 617, 623, 926.5, 961, 1222, 1499, 1502, 1558, 1571, 1607, 1613, 1621, 1735, 2015, 2160, 2241, 2252, 2542.5, 2612.5, 2659, 2741, 3043.0, 3061, 3115, 3142, 3161.3, 3171, 3239, 3424, 3479, 3492, 3495, 3508, 3519, 3537, 3539, 3560, 3562.1.5, 3568.2.7, 3600, 3608.5.5, 3610.9.7, 3619, 3634.0.5, 3886, 4073.2, 4092, 4113.9.4, 4208, 4294.4. d175.6.1.1; 295.1.11; AB158.5; AV285; VS65; H1814. a22.1.94;; 175.24.37;; 295.1.7; 344.9.140; 368.1.51.8; 379.67:208, 245, 266, 271, 311, 363, 462; 404.4.19; 404.4.21; 410.22.5; 582.27.12; 751.31:61, 62, 96, 105, 122; 809.22.15; 1395.3.22; J488.1, 471.0, 503.0, 559.5, 564.7, 586, 591.8, 616.5; Aj11; J0, 2, 72, 102, 194, 203, 204, 284, 482, 501, 502.2, 503; AB167, 540, 542.3; MB296; GB642, 1372.5, 1380.5,1562, 1564, 1572, 1617.0, 1906; NV72; Y295, 424; S314.1; Y579.0; AV304, 451, 785, 894, 978, 1225, 1231.1, 1264.1; VV175; VS66, 78, 85.1, 130; DV11, 35, 110; H32, 95, 103, 166, 239, 245, 348, 397, 624, 635, 661, 746, 787, 8534, 959, 960, 970, 1008, 1195, 1258, 1288, 1334, 1373, 1402, 1416, 1420, 1589, 1718, 1822, 1885, 1951, 1954, 2078, 2104, 2127, 2128, 2345, 2346, 2360, 2419, 2491, 2495, 2508, 2580, 2583, 2636, 2653, 2677, 2714, 2725, 2748, 2792, 2797, 2819, 2862, 2928, 2957, 3109, 3130, 3134, 3244, 3351, 3142, 3171, 3227.5, 3239, 3424, 3479, 3492, 3508, 3519, 3537, 3539, 3560, 3573.5.5, 3580.5, 3601.1, 3608.0, 3627.5, 3631.3, 3648.9.5, 3680.5, 3893, 3936, 4036, 4054, 4069.5, 4070.1, 4075.5, 4079.8, 4082, 4083.1, 4109, 4163:5, 7, 4222.7, 4250

, and philosophy, see philosophy and religion

, comparative - bH2456. aGB502.1; H2751

, critique of - aH3645

, definition of - aAB470.1; GB1444; H3447

, history of - bHRHHR; New Essays

, philosophy of - aAB442.2.1; GB1617; AV1273; H3618.7, 4004.2. bGB2044.5; H3513.0; 3513.00, 4135.7, 4300

  -s, world - aJ655

, temple-oriented - a379.67.41

religious - bOSRE. a174.6.13, 379.67.206, 410.26.14; AB561.5; J588; H1887, 3056, 3574.1; AV900

action - aAB530

change - b196A.6.15

language/discourse - bAV1255. a379.67.366, 655.1.25; GB1608.6; AV818, 1265.5 1366.6, 1370; VS118

diversity - aH3607.9.1, 3635

experience (see also ecstacy) - bH4123. a762.1.2; GB1869.9; AV122

images - aJ456

life - a379.67.249

philosophy - d174.

pluralism - aMB198; SS153; H3421, 3489, 3567.0, 3635, 4087

  studies - aH4124

  texts - bH4128

thought - aS315; H3601.1

remembrance, see memory

renunciation (see also nekhamma) - bWLKHR;; 379.67.810; 1306.1.1; GB1886.0.8; AV857. a221.1:41; 379.12.64.1; 379.67.551.2, 793; AB284; J60; AV36, 102, 858, 1185; VV106; H213, 314, 2261, 2525, 3117, 3512, 3570, 4070.8, 4237

repentance - aGB1922

representation - a221.1.186; H3929.5, 4060

repression - aGB1538; Y70

research - bVanmayi, aGB2085, 2088; NV582.5

resemblance - aBL95

  , family - a

resolution, conflict - aJ649

respect- aGB1456

, self- - aGB1986

responsibility - bH3847. a379.67.424; AB100; GB242, 251, 450, 640, 1059; AV170, H1282, 2290, 2492, 2877, 3420, 3602.0.1.1

rest - a47.4.16

restriction, spatio-temporal - aBL141

result - b321.4.18

resurrection - aH855

retribution - aGB2035.1; NV533.5; AV1040; H340, 3592.2

retrogression, see backsliding

revelation - bRIT, SAOCB; AB390; GB1213; AV468. dH3593.1.5. a221.1.107; 379.17.21; 379.67.499; 494.2.3; 592.3.13; 962.36.37; 1395.3.42; GB785; NV391.1, 514; PM107.2.1; AV489, 1041.5; SS136.5, 143; H791, 2765, 2786, 3040, 3189.5, 3411, 3488.1. et582.12.3

and reason, see reason and revelation

, authorless - aPM107.2.1. bH2949.5

revolution - aVS93

-ary - a379.67.816.4

social - aH2696

Rgveda (see also Veda) - a198.1.5.2-3

rhetoric - a103.1.106

riddles, grammatical - aJ585.5

right action - aJ290; GB837

rights, human - a379.67.820; 962.36.43; GB1169, 1825, 1986, 2022.8.1; AV1365.9; H3593

righteousness - aGB177; H222

rites, ritual - bAJSP; DWD; IKK; IndBeyond; 22.1.92; 579.5; 582.21:12, 18; 582.27.42; 751.31.135. a180B.1.44; 368.1: 51.8,51.9.1; 410.22.5; 582.21.11; J537.5; GB1623.5. 1928.4; PM95, 133; Y578; VV50; H239, 2012, 4060, 4114.5, 4175

sutras - bH2717

ritualism - aVS81.5

rivers - b255.1.4.5

rk - a379.67.403

rna - aAV1600

romance, Alexander - a21.1.41

romanticism - b379.67.598


, good - aAB445

, unwholesome - aAB445

, verbal - a1133.4.13

rsi, see sage

rta - aAV1600; H4188.2

Rule, Golden - aGB2030

rupa (see also namarupa) - bAB137. a175.1.54; 210.7.15; AB61, 338, 358, 550

, avijnapti - aAB39

, dharma-, see dharmarupa

  -khanda - a210.8.5

-samutthana - aAB537

Russia - bGAISE

sabda, see testimony, verbal; word-meaning; sound

-bodha (see also meaning) - a417.7.20; 1179.1.49.1; NV367, 383.1, 400, 409.3.5, 412.1, 515, 565.5, 572, 635.5; G28, 110, 128, 180.8, 181; H2560, 2747, 2905.5, 3300, 3530.5, 3552.1, 3579.1.1, 4059.4.2

-brahman - dH3067. a221.1:64, 175.4; 369.2.13; 379.16.34; 455.2.4; G61, 75, 82; AV1233.4

-jati - a221.1173

-jnana - bKW; PM113. d268.7.21. a494.2.1; NV407; H364.8.3

  -paroksa - aAV1254.6, 1516.4

-prabhavatva - a379.16.34

-pramana - bSPIP; 1119.5.27; H3440. a220.1.5; 1133.4.11; 1251.39.8; 1395.3.9; J544; NV347, 376.1, 411.1, 416.2, 459, 617; PM123; S387; H2572, 2578, 3092, 4212.0.3

-pramanya - d363.1.5. a363.1.6; S387; PM123

-samanya - a268.7.25

-visesa - bG78. a268.7.25

-vrtti - a565.1.7; 845.1.5

saccidananda, see brahman

sacramental aspects - aAB433

sacred, the - aGB1224

sacredness - aH2730

sacrifice - bSICE. a22.1.88; 363.5.60; J452.5; AB418.1; GB1417.2, 1451, 1518; PM210; GS33; AV1148.5; H3851, 4195

sadasadvilaksana - aAV1573.4

sadhana (see also mahamudra; paraloka; siddhi); - bEITCH vol. 29379.; Y77, 181, 193, 198, 352, 565; AV803; VV48; Ac52.5; KS49; H330, 4034.1. a530.1:6,7, 637.7.128, 128.2; 751.31:39,75,109; S229; Y747:1,5; AV952, 1114, 1622; VV90, 94; H795, 1858, 2129, 2947, 3112, 3237, 4294.8. t317.1.73.0

sadhanacatustthaya - a934.4.44; AV1507.9

sadharanikarana - aH3912

sadharmya - aH1994

saddhatuvada - aGB1689.1

sadhutva - aH3570.3

sadhya - aNV395.2

sadhyasama, see fallacy

sadrsya - a363.1.9; H1994

Sadvaisnavism - aVS57

sadvidya - aAV1262.2

sage (rsi) - aMB233; H3610.8

saguna - a742.2.12; DV28; H2836

sahaja - aY286; H4060

Sahaj Marg - bH1892, 2201, 2267. aH2200

Sahajayana school of Yoga - aH148

Sahajiya movement - dAc6. aAC43

sahakaritva - a530.8.16

saiksadharma - aAB466

Saila school of Buddhism - aAB104, 403.5, 665.7; GB1908

saint - b1000.1.5; YB85; GB88.5, 1614.0; SS156; H2686. a637.7.176; AB418.0; GB206, 1501.1; VS58; H3476.1. y1140.1.9

-hood - bSainthood

Saint Petersburg: a18-B.1.27.2

Saivagama(s) - a582.27.32; SS126,140,146,160,163; VS8,9,85.4.5; GS45.5; H2689.4.6. bKS60

Saiva Siddhanta, see SS section of Part IV

Saivism, see GS section of Part IV. See also sections SS, KS, and VS.

sakala - aSS141.8

sakara/nirakara - a404.1.5; BL80; YB50; GB1821

brahman - aAV499

Sakaravijnanavada - a421A.1.2

sakka - aAB691

saksatkrta - aMB233

saksin - a318.1.89.1; 751.31:31, 160; AV368, 392, 414, 764, 996, 1045, 1103, 1196, 1243, 1376, 1459.7, 1474; H1239, 3138, 4139.4

-caitanya - a379.67.817.8; AV1366.0, 1441.2.5

Sakta philosophy - bY41; GS11, 90; H1877. aGS16; H2431, 2631, 4260.5

sakti (power)(see also female principle) - bY41, 678; VS13; SS145; GS4.5; H386, 584.5. d582.27.9; VS60. a192.3.3.5; 221.1:121.1, 167.4, 187; 379.67:548.1, 582.27.10, 816.4.5; 956.1.16; 1237.4.6; GB132; NV574.4; PM256; G150; AV55; SS119; KS65.1, 170; VS84.1, 88; GS16, 40.7; H911, 2147, 3065, 3352

, avayava- - aNV374.1.1

, cit-, see consciousness, power of

, jnana-, see jnana-sakti

, kundalini, s.v.

-maya - aAV862

- parisad - aGS19

-pata (grace) - aKS87.5

, samudaya- - a374.1.1

, siva- - bGB236. aSS163.2.6; KS38

sakya- - bGB236

sallekhana - aJ423, 490, 492, 503.2, 505; H3628

salvation (see also liberation) - a103.1.103.3; 751.31.131.7; AV1479; H4035.1. bAc52.5

sama - a48.12.140

Sama yoga - bY288

samadhi - bY36, 358, 565; H2461. a49.1.22, 71.1.5, 131.1:151, 178.1, 181, 208.2, 218; 1036.14.25; AB73, 153, 275.1, 285, 587.9.5; 593; GB610, 1053, 1586.2, 1799.5, 1805.8, 1881.1, 2056.5; Y84, 204, 226, 286, 310, 317, 418, 494, 577.3; AV1236; KS153; H230, 571, 2076. t37.1.2, 160.1.26

, asamprajnata - aH4048.1

, dharmamega- - a131.1:198, 200, 268.6

, karma- - aH1914

-matrka, see matrka, samadhi

, nirbija- - aH4078.1

, nirvikalpaka- - aAV1579.3; H1740

, samprajnata-, s.v.

samanadhikaranya - a221.1:56, 69;; NV515.5

samanatantrata - aH3163

samanya (-laksana), see universal(s)

samanyabhava - a788.1.54

samanyalaksanapratyasatti - aNV516; H3926

samanyatodrsta - a494.1.18

samanyavacana - a221.1.63

samapatti - aY317

, nirodha-, see nirodhasamapatti

samaropa - aYB175

samasa - aG209

  -sakti - aH3915

samasisin - aAB434.0, 435

samatha (see also peace) - aAB73, 152, 248.1, 429, 454, 458, 561; GB508, 1154, 1355

meditation - aAB302.1, 561

samavaya, see inherence

samaya (word-meaning relationship) - a221.1.148; NV394.1

samavesa - aKS159

samayika - aJ296, 500

sambandha, see relation

sambhava - aKS38

sambhaopaya - aKS89

sambhuti - aH607

samdhinirmocana - a135.1.8.4

samgati - aH4219

samgha - aAB451; GB1918, 1938

samgraha - a221.1:165.4, 167.4

samjna (sanna) - aAB214.1, 448.3, 679.8; NV428, 442; H1590

, asubha- - aNV443

-skandha - aAB92

samkalpa, anukulya - aH2227

samkara, see universal-hood, impediments to

samketa - a221.1.148; BL130

  -kala - a344.4.100

Samkhya, see S section of Part IV

, neo-, see neo-Samkhya

Sammitiya school - a8.1.8; AB42, 154

sammurti - aH2691

samnyasa - bY214; H2675. a379.12:38, 143, 155; 379.67.541; 962.36.19; AV153, 157; H1760, 2392, 3013, 3219

sampradaya - a751.31.90; 956.1.35


-samadhi - aY552, 552.1

samsara, see rebirth

or false predication - aAV136

samsargamaryada - aNV260, 423.5, 466.0

samsargata - aH4059.4.5

samsaya, see doubt

samskara - bH3584.4; 3585.3. a131.1.90; 133.1.1; AB98; GB19; Y126, 754; G119; H3629.7.3, 4291

, cittaviprayukta- - a225.1.5; AB462; SV31

samskrta, see dharma(s), (a)samskrta-

samtana, see santana

samuha - aJ627.5

samvada, see dialogue

samvara - aJ149

samvarga vidya - aH1139

samvrti - a47.16.161;; YB76; MB113, 164; GB506; H2691, 2942.10

-sat(ya), see truths, two

samyagdarsana, samyak drsti - aAB495; J545

samyaktva - aJ598, 637

samyama - bY473. a131.1.121; Y340; H4284. d131.1.213.2

samyoga (contact) - a530.7.2; NV258.1

sambandha, see relation

samyogaprthaktvanyaya - aPM81

sandhi - aY577.3; H3593.1.0.1

sangha, see samgha

sankhara - aAB77, 352

Sanskrit - bISS; SSJ. a 103.1.137; J502.9

literature - bDBGIP; GB604.5; H3035. a49.1.1, 379.67.613.1.6; H2718

lost texts - aGB1613.0


, atma-indriya-mano-artha- - aNV381

santana - bGB1619. aGB72

-antara - bGB1619

santarasa - b582.27.8. aAV734

santiyoga - bY401

sapaksa - aBL77

sapeksa - a294.3.30

saptabhangi - b321.2.6; J20, 341, 378. a293.1.6; J131,338.1,427.0,545.1; MB133

Sarada Pitha - b379.67.349

sarana (see also prapatti; refuge) - dVS65. a637.7.83

-agati - a379.67.611.07; GS80

sarasamasa - aAB426.1

sardarsan - a956.1.56

sarira, see body

sarirasariribhava - a637.7.132; VV35

Sarnath - bGB1582

sarovar - aH3822

sarupya - a363.1.9; BL58; GB1345, 1352

as a pramana - aBL87; GB1345

, artha- , s.v.

sarvajna, see omniscience

sarvalokapriyadarsana - a178.1.5

sarvamukti - a379.67.91; AV159; H1241, 1926

sarvasabdavacyatva - aDV99

Sarvastivada school, see SV section of Part IV

Sarvastivada Vinaya - aAB356

sassatavada, see eternalism

sastr - a344.9.140; H4292

sastra - aG223; NV623.5; H3229, 4115; 4251.3

  -arambha - bSastrarambha. a379.67.918

as a pramana - aAV363.5; H991

sat, see being

satkarma - aY547

sataimira - a268.7.241

Satavahana age - aGB1720

satkaryavada/asatkaryavada - b404.4.6. d317.1.103. a47.16.18; 530.4.13; S42, 225, 309.1; H1527, 2563, 3921

satkayadrsti - a39.1.4

satkhyativada - aH2195

satori - aGB778

satpaksa - aNV23899

satsthala - dVS52. aJ156; VS16, 36

satta - aH4185.4.7

-sambandha - a523.1.6; NV376

-traividhyavada - aAV1174.05

sattarka - aKS166

sattva - aGB846

-anumana - a344.5.15

satya, see truth

, etymology of - aH2570

-in-duplication - a47.4.25

, nirodha- , see nirodha-satya

satyadvaya - a125.1.12, 321.2.6

satyamjnanan anatam brahma, see brahma

Sautrantika, see BL section of Part IV

sceptic(ism) - bDKM; H1261, 2842.5, 3348. a47.16: 20, 68, 86, 130, 147, 156, 165. 196; 379.67.101; 494.2.7; 655.1.14; C21; MB197; NV406.2; H1385, 2577, 2702, 3161.7, 3250, 3251, 3652.2, 3941, 4188.1.2

schism - aGB2057

scholar - bMandS

scholarship, Biblica - aVV117

scholasticism - aH2436, 2576, 3850.1. bScholasticism

Schoyen collection - bMonSC

schools of philosophy (see also darsana) - b200.1.5; J279; AB20, 23, 76, 383; GB688.5, 831; VS87; H2071.5, 2138, 2364, 2409, 2439, 3140, 4004.7. dH2503. a8.1.2; 39.1.10; 200.1:2-4,6,8; 268.10.11; 379.67.262; 962.36.68; Aj13; J51; AB1, 12, 14, 15, 21, 53, 55, 67, 90, 95, 96, 148, 149, 177, 271, 376, 378, 380, 381, 402; SV9; GB375.1, 419, 915, 935, 1042, 1115, 1128, 1475; AV1262.2; VV27, 30; SS122; H1065, 1214, 1341, 1486. 1497, 2407, 2522, 2568, 3176, 3960

science - bSICSL; SPC, JPASIC; PCRSIT; 632.1.13.1; ADU0.2; C52; J475.1, 492.0; GB101; Y125, 593.2; AV705, 761, 1232.2, 1255.5, 1256; SS69; H120, 837, 1811, 3517, 3607.9.5; 3683, 4134.6.5, 4211. a47.16.93.6; 131.1.144; 224.1.22; 379.67:129, 234, 360, 432, 442, 799.9, 816.6; J154, 374, 503.1, 561.7; AB140, 462.1, 597.3.5; BL22; MB172; GB124, 269.1, 312, 321, 449, 531, 546, 548, 549, 562, 577, 790, 942, 1207, 1291, 1614.3.4.5, 1717: NV0.4, 365, 406.01; PM150; S93.1, 386, 396; Y182, 437, 507.5, 589.5, 732; AV119, 150, 203, 245, 265, 313, 316, 357, 397, 429, 482, 493, 511, 622, 789, 811, 863, 977, 1050, 1206, 1270: 5, 8, 1490.5, 1500, 1500.9.5, 1510, 1525, 1528; SS59, 60; VS90; DV93; H146, 205, 206, 395, 602, 617, 876, 990, 1203, 1288, 1300, 1324, 1463, 1667, 1778, 2034, 2117, 2465, 2517, 2532, 2562, 3020, 3357, 3442.5, 3468, 3547, 3551, 3594.0, 3607, 3623.5, 3630, 3648.6, 3821.3, 3967, 4015.4, 4079.8, 4081.7, 4189.3.2, 4193.3, 4212.0.4, 4342

, cognitive - t131.1.200.6

, moral, see ethics

, philosophy of - bH4170, 4173

  , physical - aH4262.1.7

  , social - aH4288

scripture (see also agama) - d379.67.508. a344.4.57; 363.5:40, 45, 50; 379.67.617.5; 417.7.17; 637.7.155.1; 962.36.47; AB446.0.1, 561.6; GB1617.4, 1852, 2011; PM107.2.2, 128, 259.4.6; S166; AV488, 1217.1, 1233.0, 1425.1; H3453, 3573.5.2; 4006.5, 4009.7, 4087, 4340. d379.61.41. bH3608.5.5, 4129.2.5

-al authority, see authority, scriptural

  -al testimony, s.v.

, Tantric, see Tantra

sea-shell - bAV1530.1

seclusion - a175.24.41.5

sects (see also schools, secularism) - bGB1818.1. aGB1417.0; AV1183; H3251A

sectarian(ism) - aG1869.1.7

secularism - aAV1485.1; H4163.5

seed - b368.1.70; SV70

  -consciousness, see alayavijnana

seeing - aGB1913; NV582. bAV1545

seeing as - a379.67.613:04, 3-4

seen - bH2905.8

seer, seeing, see vision

self (atman; jiva) (and no-self (anatman) - bSelf; SelfandC; SelfSV; SKF; 23.1.110; 163.1.70; 175.1.4; 406.2.1; 637.7:13, 126; 926A.1.1; 1000.1.2; J112.1, 161, 340, 926.5; AB212, 26, 464.63; GB914, 461, 986, 1127, 1199, 1319.1, 1459.5; 1805,7; S182; S430; Y353, 662; AV42, 396, 505.5, 750, 795, 1224; H21.5, 278, 516, 672, 801, 1576, 1671, 1684, 1745, 1815, 1863, 2269, 24376, 2438, 2520, 2543, 2672, 2689.3, 2881, 2955, 3096, 3532.1.1, 35787.3, 3593.1.0.3, 3605, 4059.0.5, 4114.1, 4135.8, 4191.4.1, 4216, 4262. d220.1.19.5; 321.2.12; 729.8.9; J144; AB277; GB967; NV187; H3604.1, 4140.5. a21.1.35; 29.1.71; 30.1.15; 47.4.39; 48.1.59; 131.1.274; 175.1.96; 196A.7.26; 169A.1.7; 174.10:7, 18; 174.12.10; 175.1.58;; 198.1.17; 220.1.6; 234.1.8; 294.3.4; 334.1.10; 353.1.2; 363.4.10; 368.1.69; 379.16.19; 379.67:159, 163, 193, 219, 280, 329, 334, 389, 548, 561.1, 564.2, 613:0, 03, 794, 797, 806; 406.2.1; 417.7.18; 472.1.8; 472.5.3; 530.1.15; 565.1.1; 613.1; 582.15.11; 637.7:8, 160.0, 800, 843, 13, 14, 33, 47, 69, 81, 91, 127.5, 169; 643.9.1; 582.27.51; 660A1.1; 698.1:94.6, 97, 99; 717.1:14, 34; 729.8:6,14; 751.31:45, 46,132; 804A.1.13; 809.14:42,52; 1005.1.2; 1036.8.9; C62; J2.1, 47, 48, 82, 89, 108, 113, 126, 171, 199, 257, 282, 311, 349.1, 350, 352, 360, 417, 424, 446, 455, 464.00, 487.2,496.1, 545.7, 556, 563; AB60, 160, 168, 224, 242.1, 306, 432.1.1, 436.1, 452, 455.0, 462.1, 496.1, 506.4, 507, 553, 584, 631, 655; SB23; BL76.1; YB3, 191; MB9, 124; GB41, 69, 76, 95, 104, 117, 172, 173, 213, 265, 266, 606, 621, 625, 680, 883, 890, 892, 909, 924, 983, 1050, 1089, 1091, 1111, 1144, 1170, 1246, 1286, 1342, 1361, 1372, 1394.5, 1483, 1528.1, 1556.2, 1560, 1560.4.11564.3, 1567, 1606.2.2, 1613.2, 1614.4.1, 1669, 1762, 1768.5, 1771, 1813.5, 1800.7, 1890.7, 1931.5, 2014, 2055.6; NV41, 97, 126, 138, 155, 212, 224, 355.1, 377, 420.1, 421.1, 427, 440, 534.7, 596.1; PM13; S149, 155, 303:1, 6, 388, 405; AV88, 96, 127, 133, 197, 239, 253, 277, 281, 339, 360, 361, 410, 549, 562, 579.5, 582, 585, 764, 787.5, 819, 995, 1059, 1146, 1179.1.5, 1200, 1233.2.0, 1264:3, 8, 1269.7, 1275.5, 1290.002, 1423, 1430.5, 1441.3, 1479.2.1, 14831, 1492.8, 1497.1, 1526, 1530.9, 1535, 1563.5; VV77, 89.2, 101.2, 105.1, 171; S40, 46, 63, 95, 135, 178.1, 410; KS24; SS166.5; DV60, 69; H118, 263, 286, 414, 456, 465, 470, 533, 578.0, 581, 658, 673, 683, 743, 752, 797, 840, 865, 868, 937, 1064, 1093, 1117, 1239, 1303, 1315, 1417, 1437, 1551, 1657, 1667, 1729, 1793, 1824, 1828, 1833, 1840, 1843, 1881, 1967, 1980, 2022, 2028, 2112, 2191, 2212, 2228, 2294, 2417.5, 2573, 2814, 2833, 2860, 2941, 2943, 2993, 3345, 3398, 3441, 3476, 3551, 3570.5, 3569.3, 3578: 0,.4, 3599.1, 3604.3, 3614, 3633.8, 3674.7, 3681.5, 3709, 3878, 3883,4000.1, 4004:3, 9.5, 4008, 4031.5, 4050, 4055.2.5, 4082.5, 4125, 4112.2, 4113.9.4.5, 4197, 4212, 4252, 4252.6, 4279.1, 4293. t379.8.55.3; 840.1.12.2. et417A.9.4. d220.1.19.5. et417A.9.4

  analysis - b379.8.54.2

and the 'I'-idea (see also ego) - a29.1.71

and the other - aH3647.2

anima - aH1315

as an individual - a530.1.15; NV420

as sunyata - a169A.1.4

  -awareness - aGB1890.7, 2055; KS154; H4248

-(re)-cognition (svasamvedana; svasamvitti)- b379.7.36. a404.4.13; 404.8.22; BL75.5; MB249; NV100.1; H881, 1131, 1357, 3546.1

-criticism - aBD10

-deception - aGB1623.07.5; H3878

-definition - aGB1586.1

-discipline - a131.1.208:1, 7

, dreams of - t131.1.208..9

, ecological - aGB1816

-enquiry - a697.1.30; AV1514.8

  , harmless - b196A.5.12

-identity, see identity, personal

-intimation - a268.10.45

-knowledge - b379.8.54.2; KS73. a23.1.110; 379.67:547, 599; J309; Y573.1; AV97, 536, 861, 884, 886, 1077; SS156.1; H533, 581, 851, 1539, 2635, 2885, 2927, 3128, 4113.4.5. . t379.8.55.3

-liberated - a23.1.242

  -loathing - aH4295

-luminosity, see awareness, self-luminous

-manifesting - a373.1.7

, modifications (paryaya) of the - a196A.7.22

, motion of the - aNV422

-nature - a174.6.16; YB175

, no (anatman) - bGB1319.1. a47.16.147.4; 175.1.81; 169A.1:2,5; 368.4A.7; 79.67:561.1, 613.1; 510.1.2; 643.9.1; AB449, 466, 477.3, 505, 582.5; GB1453, 1479.1, 1513.1.1, 1560.3.4, 1560.4.1, 1606.2.2, 1613.2, 1682, 1739, 1805, 1805.9, 1869.4, 1871, 1885, 1903, 1931.5, 1990; 2009.6, 2020.1; 2063; NV367.1; AV1269.9; H2417.5, 3616.1, 3878 etb344.4.39.1

  , object-, see arthagrahana

-realization - bY758; KS80.6. a131.1.208:1, 7; 698.1.97.5; H3527.1, 4055.2.5. t379.1.2. d379.32.1.5

, supreme - b379.12.70.1

, transcendental - aH4070.1.3

-transformation - bH3880. aMB232.1, 234

semantics (see also meaning) - b582.21.8, 1237.4.8; BL95.6NV403.2; H3874. a221.1.143.1; 221.8.7; 344.4.52, 706A.1.1; J615; BL64.1, 130; GB1086; NV308.5, 403.2.1, 605.5; PM87. 129, 243; Y116.5; G6, 53, 80, 85, 89, 115, 182.5, 206, 234; H1879, 3045, 3055.5, 4073.0, 4172

, Fregean - a706A.1.1

semiotics - bGB1869.3; H4058.5

sensa, see the given

sensation - a344.9.35; H1973. d404.4.25

sense(s) - bGB1278. a751.31.7; GB685, 774; NV392; S203; G21; AV271; H834, 3238, 3949.8

, common - bY92. a47.16.64; J390; MB320; H1324. bt161.1.48.1

, inner - aH4096

, moral - aGB922

-object contact - aNV517

-organ - a278.1.20; H4261.9

-recognition - aAB382

  and/vs.reference - aNV446.5, 648.5; H3408.8

sensibility - aH398

sentence - bG87. a221.1.173.1; 268.7.48; 402.4.20; NV424.1, 618.1; PM78, 115; G168, 205.5; AV1165; H4059.4.2

analysis - aNV508; G108

-cognition or comprehension - a1119.5.23; 1133.4.9; AV972

, elliptical - aPM41; G51; H1333

-meaning (see also anvitabhidhana; abhihitanvaya)- a221.1:138, 175.5, 191, 209, 229.3; 363.4.24; 373.1.6; 582.27.50; 614.5.3; PM37, 60, 78, 88B, 132, 134, 200.2; G19, 79, 134, 141.5, 181, 183; NV475.5, 531.5, 536, 538; PM207.5; G180.8; AV103, 870.5, 1065.1; H1179.2, 1292, 1712; H657, 2414, 2908, 2954, 2969, 3368, 3563.0.2, 4057, 4203

  , prasamsita - aH4212.0

  , truth of a, see truth

types - aAV1069.1

sentience - aGB1924.5.1; H2348, 3532.3, 3601.0.1

sentiment, aesthetic - aH3425

seon - aGB1910

separation - aG107

serenity - bAB370. a321.4.12

service - aJ490.1; GB1585.1; AV1421; H3580.2

, social - aAV1286.5

sesa - a221.1.306; VV20

sesvara Samkhya, see theism

set-theory - aGB1621, 1623

sex - aH4138

shadow - aJ589; H3848

shamanism - aH3648.5

Shantong - b224.1.24

sh?l? - b88.1.145

shell-silver (suktirupa) - aH996. bAV1530.1

Shin sect - bShinsuSeiten

Shinran - a47.16.211

shoke - aY256

siddha - a47.16.9; DU9; GB2056.4; Y30; AV1498.5; H283

siddhi(s) - bYB20. a131.1:132, 146, 182, 183, 213.2; Y365, 464.1, 560; SS123; H3143

-sadhana - aY572.3

signata, three - aGB1614.3.3

signs, interpretation of - b286.7.24


  religious - a379.67.206

  , social - aAV1500.6.5

signification - bSLC. a221.1.205.5

signifier - a221.1.141.1

Sihalatthakatha literature - b210.9.23

Sikh(ism) - b956.1.57; H3239. a1395.3:7, 26; J232; Y725; H2048

Sikkim - a596.5.10

siksa - b174.10.48.5

sila - aAB153, 472.1; GB1136, 1548.1

silabhatta - aAB441.1.1

silence - b131.1.247; Y707. aAB605.5; Y626; KS144; H2530, 3610.8.5

silver, shell, see shell-silver

simhavyaghralaksana - a788.1.106

similarity - a131.1.26; 363.1.9; H3033, 3443

simile - a163.1.125; 379.4.22; 379.12.45; 379.36.13; 379.67:235, 260; 1036.12.4; H3048, 3633.7.5

simsapavrksa - aH3298

sin - aGB534, 1022.1; AV888; H221, 1652, 2824, 2982, 3386, 3602.0.1.1

, original - dH2912. aH2214

Sindhi language - aH2846

singers of Karnataka - a751.31.60

Sinhala - b47.8.16.2. aAB198

Sinhalese language - aAB186. dAB158.5

Sino-Japanese literature - bYB83

sista - a221.1.265

sisya, see disciple

Sita - a751.31.154

Siva - bESEHD; VV112. d472.5.2.5; VS44. a472.5.3; 494.2.5; 582.27.16; 956.1.16; 1330.20.3; BD10; SS73, 119, 128, 163.1, 213; BD10; SS164.7.5; KS20, 38, 87, 144; H2256

-sakti, see sakti, siva-

skandha (aggregate) - b175.11.4; J474; AB465.3. d175.1.51. a793.19.2; AB9, 35, 41, 46, 52, 185, 386, 475, 525, 542.5, 674.7; GB659, 1919.1

-bha - a175.1.56

skepticism, see scepticism

skill in means (see also upaya) - b103.1.80, 209.1.4; GB1454, 1867.7, 1934. a47.16.170; GB1847, 2070

sky, see akasa

, sunlit - b368.1.6.1

sleep - a131.1.163; 956.1.55; GB1768.4; NV573; Y235, 417, 695; AV140, 837, 1127.1, 1197, 1264.5, ; H2424.3. bY717; AV1500.5

, deep, see susupti


-antara or -samgraha - aBL51

Smarta, lay - b379.67.606.1

Yoga - bY298. aAV1060.1

smell - a1030.13.7; H3091

smrti, see memory

, buddhanu-, see Buddha, recollection of

-s - aAV804; H2783

-(y)upasthana - aAB584; GB1795

snake - aAV1439.5; H4023.3

social - a196A.7.19, 687.4.15; AV1329. bNV581.5

conditions - a379.67.357

concerns - aH4038

identity - aGB1591.1.5

  life - aJ590

philosophy - aAV1161

relevance - a379.67.603.1; AV1481; H4087.2. bSRP

service - aAV936

vision - aVS85.3, 85.5, 89

socialism - a379.67.2004

society - bFPS; HSENP; KISSC; PSA; RSAI; 637.7.165; GB879, 1110; VS73, 92.1; H926.5, 2142, 4140.5. a637.7.29; 1395.3.24; C70; J158, 300, 361, 397, 617; GB1134, 1175.1, 1650, 1696; NV222; S123; AV814, 1237.3; VS38, 72, 85.1,3,5, 89; DV95; H656, 1455, 1839, 1890, 2104, 2923, 3109, 3405. dH2515.

sociology - bH2498. a3367

of knowledge - aH2934

Sogdian - a49A1.5. t49A1.22

solecism - a379.67.13

solid(ity) - aAV1441.2

solidarity - aJ617.6

solipsism - a809.22.17; H1034, 3353

somatism - aH2013

son, prodigal - a103.1.135

songs, devotional - b472.4.3

sophia, see wisdom

sophists, -ism - a344.4.33.1; AB300; GB1285.0

sorrow - a379.67.611.05.5

sotapanna, see stream-enterer

soteriology - b379.67:809,816.5; AB465.3; GB1326. a47.4.60; 103.1.158; 174.3.21; 321.2.9; 379.67.853; 637.7.210; J357, 491; AB267, 444.1, 453, 463; BL132; MB186, 313; GB1222, 1525.3; NV432.5; S306.1; SS109; H4233.1. d304.12.2.1, 317.1.73.01; AB542

soul, see self

-marking - bH3325

sound - a221.1.211; 366.1.20; J241; AB465.5.; NV89, 549; PM1, 269.4.5; G3; H251, 3261

South India - bSouthIS

Southeast Asia - bAB473; GB1551. a9.1.2

space (akasa) - bH2018. dH493, 1532. a221.1:39, 172; 278.1.13; 379.67.319; J336, 421; MB217; GB320, 460, 481, 503, 1982, 2020.5; NV432; SS207; H358, 481, 1230, 1355L, 2018, 2079.8, 3579.2, 3587.1.0, 4112.2

-time - aJ167; H3587.1.0; bJ493

spanda - bKS59. dKS48. a698.1.80; KS67, 81

Spanda school of Saivism, see Trika system

sparrow - a175.1.114

spatial direction (dik) - aNV466.1

spectrum, visible - aJ308

speculation - aGB205; H2295

speculative paradigm - a582.27.33

speech - a221.1.179

-acts - aNV335; H2175

, inspired - aGB1252

, parts of - aG77

vs. writing - a221.1.143

, false - aGB1579.2

spheres - d175.1.51

sphota - bG125, 208. a221.1:126, 147, 162, 175.4; 221.1, 229; 165.5, 170; 344.9:10, 115; 379.16.34; 379.67:300, 419, 482; 530.1.4; 565.1.6; 809.17.13; 1178.7.3; BL85; G2, 8, 13, 15-17, 23, 42, 43, 45, 61, 66, 70.1, 74, 109, 133:06, 1, 135.4, 180, 210.9, 220, 234; AV1233.4; H2913, 3245

spirit (see also purusa) - bGB144.1; H320. a379.67.584; 582.27.60; J493.2; NV602; H462, 534, 976, 1186, 1336, 2447, 2473, 2853, 3012, 3563.0, 3630.4, 3638.7, 3648.9.5, 4061


abilities - aGB93

ascent - a175.1.68; j493.2

consciousness, awakening of - aAV1269.7

experience, see religious experience

growth - bFTASG. aGB1242, 1347

heritage - bH1611. aGB1585.2

-ism - aH1883, 2263, 3652.1.5

-ity - bGB1614.4.3; HSPCM. a379.67.566; 793.53.35; J464; GB1122, 1509, 1795.1, 1963; NV322; AV1440.5; VV165; SS166.6; H1428A, 1674, 1942, 2435, 2493, 2516, 2714.5, 3652.1.5, 4081.8, 4140.8, 4154, 4220.8, 4221.7

life, see life, spiritual

practice - b379.12.70.2. a103.1.61; GB1057; AV717, 1365.3

reality - aGB93

regeneration - a379.67:434,453

renaissance - b956.1.59

  significance - aAV1576

struggle - a175.7.3

Spitzer manuscript - aAB587, 605.7. bAB605.8

spontaneity - aYB114

sprout - aSV70

sraddha (P. saddha) - a49A1.1.16; 379.12.78; AB405, 530, 648.4; GB643, 1599; H1522, 2750

sramana - aJ190.1, 507, 514.1, 558.5; AB542.3; H1341, 3648.9.2, 4012.5

sravaka - a34.1.5; AB520; GB2100

Sravakas - bJ162. aAB376; MB214

Sravana Belgola - a196A.7.1

Sri - aBB163

Sri Lanka - bEWVCT; 210.9.9; AB473; GB1118. dAB422.1. a53.1.11.05; 210.9.3; AB87.1, 149, 188.1, 435.3, 451; GB144, 1015, 1109, 1615; SS114, 163.1

Srisaila - aVS108

Srivaisnavism - bVV9, 82, 88. a637.7:67, 83, 97, 219; S417; VV8, 47, 101, 105, 163, 179, 183, 183, 190; H3147

Srngeri - b379.67:349, 606.1. a1330.24.3

srotrapanna - aAB558

srotriya - aAV1012

srstidrsti (and drstisrsti) - a379.67.474; S200; AV365, 869, 872, 1029, 1284.1; H3148

srstipariksa - a367.8.1

sruti - a317.1:37, 41; 379.17.21; 379.67:537, 581, 591, 602.1, 611.1, 815.5, 897; 962.9:14, .33; NV249; PM141, 259.3; AV804, 1234.1; KS3; VV195; H2464, 2783, 2835, 3040, 4185.4.4

-prajna - a379.67.817.3

stability - a687.3.14; J514.0

statement - a49.1.22

statistics - aJ119, 281

stereotype - aGB1576.0

stirasiddhi-dusana, see permanence

sthanasambandha - aG184

sthitaprajna - a379.64.30; Y745.3H4019.5.1

sthula - a

stoicism - aGB718.1

store-consciousness, see alayavijnana

stories - b295.1.14. a161.1.46

stotra - bVV107.1, 111, 112. d379.67.397. a379.67:354, 425, 492, 514

strategy - aJ514.0


entrant - aAB289, 474.0

, other - aGB1333

stress - aH3321.0

student - a379.67.854.5

stupa - a180B.1.38; 596.5.5.5; GB625.1, 1367

style - aGB2020.5

subaltern - aH4082

subconscious - aH708

subha - aS152

subhasita - aAB343

Subhumi - aJ512


and object - aYB123.8; GB1497; AV524, 550

and predicate - aNV228; H2706

as freedom - bH1311. aH1873

, empirical - aNV373, 597

subjective, the - aH329, 833

subjectivism - a467.1.2; S266.1; AV156; H848

subjectivity - bH130, 3331. aGB563; AV610, 733, 1233.1, 1563; H1206, 1967, 3423, 3601.4.6, 4103

sublation - aAV238, 1220; H2195

sublime - t47.4.64

sublimation - bY133. aGB224

submission, devotional - aY471

subordinate - aH3183.5

substance - bJ14. d379.67.275. a29.1.56; 278.1.16; 379.67.525; J189, 213, 266, 308, 297, 308, 359, 455:1, 3, 486, 488; MB217; GB1543; NV221, 649.3; Y538, 581.0; G11, 100, 200; AV124, 1502; SS12; H563, 2830, 3601, 4015.8, 4038.6

substantiality - d174.8.17.5

substantives - aG77

substitution - aH635

subtle(ty) - a103.; AB671; AV1441.2

success - bH3593.

suchness, see tathata

Suddhadvaita Vedanta, see SUD section of Part IV

Sudhanvan - a379.67.364

sudra - a23.1.295; 379.67.565.1

suffering (duhkha) - bSIP; AB598; GB1349.5, 1449. a174.2.18; 379.67.611.05.5; J380, 433; AB350, 359, 384, 441.1.5; 539.5; 556, 667, 679.6, 680.1; GB182, 364, 559, 929, 1065, 1078, 1084, 1085, 1113, 1319, 1360, 1376, 1418.5, 1469, 1510, 1540, 1567, 1604, 1606.3, 1742, 1818.0, 1859.8, 1869.9.9, 1896; NV372.1; S231, 240; Y315, 555, 783; PM259.7; AV227, 9986, 1108, 1166, 1471; H719, 2128, 2232, 2474, 2644, 2729, 3119, 3168, 3258.3.5, 3272, 3296, 3312, 3314, 3323, 3330, 3332, 3532.3, 3601:0, 5, 3604.1.2, 3609, 3950, 4070.4-55, 4113.9.3


, potential - aNV448.0

, verbal - a788.1.125; NV132

Sufism - bAV278.5. a1395.3.16; AV279, 703, 1268; H2650, 3585.1

sugata - a344.9.140

suggestion (see vyanjana) - a175.1.56; G39, 83, 112

suicide - aJ489.1, AB336, 410, 472.3; GB1476

, spiritual, see sallekhana

sukha - a196B.1.78; GB269

Sukhavati, see Pure Land

suksma - aH4261.8

suktirupas - aH996

summum bonum, see good

sunya - b47.4.28; 47.13.14; 47.16:15,57,105,109. d47.16.106. a125.1.8; 321.9.26; 374A.1.13; DU83A.1; AB604; MB29, 194.1; GB1453.1.1; VS45, 46, 64; KS144; H536, 4139.2, 4167

-sampadana - aVS116

sunyata - b47.12.6; 47.16:163.5, 190; 294.2.15;;; 160.1.64; 294.2.15; 294.3.8; 1.2.13; 418.8.6; AB544; YB128, 136; MB21, 207, 227, 326; GB1525.3, 1614.5.1, 1790, 1925. d47.16:35, 96. a26.1.25; 29.1.17;; 47.4: 75, 87, 110; 47.9.15; 47.16:78-90, 87, 92, 93, 112, 124, 134, 136, 147.2, 148.1, 173, 220, 222; 49.1, 155; 53.1.1; 103.1:115.3, 5.5; 160.1:50, 60; 161.1.70; 174.12.9; 169A.1: 2, 4; 224.1.20; 236.1.4; 294.3.6; 294.5:15.7, 35; 321.9.26; 368.1:28, 51.6.5; 379.67:192, 854.7; J300; AB99, 222, 276, 441.1.0, 604, 605.6, 670, 674; YB71, 90; MB14, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 57, 60, 65-69, 79, 94, 106, 107, 111, 118, 119, 129, 146, 147, 219.1, 229.9, 230.4, 231.0, 231.00, 231.01, 231.02.5, 234, 237, 265, 293, 300, 311, 323; GB126, 136, 157, 167, 174, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 198, 199, 203, 213, 214, 222, 504, 669, 816.1, 1068, 1142, 1295, 1427, 1457.0, 1486.7, 1524.1, 1525.3, 1548.5, 1564.1.1, 1566.3, 1614.2:1-2, 1827, 1959.8, 1963, 1867.2, 2070; AV1216; H4087.4.5

-vada - a48.1.61; 198.1.6

superconscious - bH3211. aH708

superimposition - bAV1075; H3903.67.310. a23.1.145; 379.16:18, 28, 35; 379.67:293, 375, 439, 448, 502.1, 529, 591.0; 404.8.20; 592.3.4.1; AB475; GB633; G207; AV108, 231, 256, 552, 576, 593, 601, 639.8, 763, 809, 954, 1159, 1217.2, 1464, 1574.7

superman - bH824. aH2310, 3085

supermind - bH928. aH933, 1396, 2315, 2358, 3255

supernatural - aAV1072; H3326.1

supernaturalism - aH1231

superstition - bJ579.5

supramundane, see otherworldly

supremacy, supreme - a1251.39.4, H3183.5

surrender, see prapatti

, self- - aAV450

survival (see also transmigration) - bH398. a687.3.14; GB1309, 1313; J514.0; H3861

susupti - aGB1839, 2055.6; AV211, 286, 783.5, 1087, 1442, 1492.5, 1500.7. H4099, 4261.3

suta - aAB250

sutra - b180B.1.11.1; J447, 453; AB355; H1615. a1046.26.17; AB691

  literature - aGB1096.5

  , lost - a175.23A.10

  mahamudra - a617A.7.1

, Pali, see Pali canon

Suvarnadipa - a368.1.34; 596.5.16

suya - aJ87

svabhava (see also essence) - a47.16.209; 135.1.1; 175.1.110; 321.9.3; 344.1.7; 344.9.39; C2.1; J601; AB473.4; MB15, 51, 218, 234, 345, 360; GB1614.2.3; H291,1456, 3521.1

-anupalabdhivada, see anupalabdhi

  bhutacintakah - aH4222

-hetu, see hetu, svabhava-

-pratibandha- a344.4.38, 344.5.4, 344.9:32,43.2

s, three, see trisvabhava

-vada - a410.26.10; C87; GB988

svacittamatra, see cittavrtti

svadharma - aJ447.5; H355, 950, 1085, 2595, 3579.5

svadharmin - a268.7.28

svalaksana - a268.7.38.5; 344.9.137; BL132.5

svapna - aH4261.3

svaprakasa(tva) - a293.1.10; 363.4.12; 379.67.495; 715A.10.12; 768.16.5; AV1196; H632, 792, 850

svaraja - aH2689.4, 3170

svarga - a637.7:156.5, 162

svarupa - a268.10.180

  --bheda - a373.1.7.5

  -jnana, see jnana, svarupa

, laksanavrtti- - aNV440.8

svarupasambandha, see relation, svarupa

svasamvitti, -samvedana, see self-consciousness

svatahgrahyatva - aS160

svatahprakasa, see awareness, self-luminous

svatahpramanya, see pramanya, svatah

svasvmisambandha - aNV588

svatantra, svatantrya - b321.9.11; DV25. a751.31:26, 86; MB209; KS11; DV80

Svatantrika, see Madhyamaka

Svetambara Jains - aJ503, 648

Svetasvatara - dJ464.1

Swaminarayan sect - b1395.3:1, 53

syadvada - bJ407, 493. a379.67.427; J75, 85, 105, 119, 151, 160, 168, 238, 246, 253.5, 261, 275, 300, 301, 313, 314, 331, 332, 334, 369.5, 374.1, 405, 409, 427, 427.0, 438, 459, 463.1, 498.5, 502.0, 503.3:3, 7, 504.0, 515, 524, 524.5, 538, 540, 544.6, 544.6.5, 545.5, 553, 578

syllabary - a76.1.6

syllogism (see also anumana) - bNV432.1. dBL19. a294.5.3.5; 605.1.4; 719.2.2; BL6, 78; GB1568; NV51, 274, 410.1, 519, 575; H142, 195, 1024, 3480, 3610, 3641, 3932.8. tH350.

symbol - aAV817; KS68.5. bAJSP

-ic logic, see logic, symbolic

-ism - bGB1417.6. a379.67.564; GB1918.5; PM88.1

-ization - aH1325

sympathy - bAB248

symposium - aNV186

syncretic, syncretism - a698.1.59; 1014.7.63; PM142.6; H4159

synod - bGB1628

synonymity - aPM79

syntax - a1069.3.4; KS100

synthesis - a1395.3.19;J615.6; H1631, 1769, 3384.2

systems of philosophy, see schools of philosophy

systems theory - bMB233.5; GB1559

systematics - a418.16.6

tadatmya, see identity

taddhita formations - a221.1:69, 96; 698.1.43

tad iti, see memory

tahagaya - aGB290

tamas - aJ385; H1972

Tamil - bPHT,; VV210. a363.4.2; 379.67.519; 1332.1.1; C10; Aj8; AV1413.2; VV101; SS81, 105, 164.0, 165220; ; H2179, 2870, 2922,3932.8

epic - a295.1.16

literature - bH4009.4, H4034.3.5. aJ396; AV787; SS30, 56, 122

-nad - bGB1180; VV82. aJ471.0; GB1402; Ac35; H2604, 3259.3

Saivas - aSS7, 15

Tangut: a180B.1.23

tanmatra - a221.1.182; S154, 213.5, 263, 295

tanha - aAB473.2; GB1614.3.4.5

tantra - b528.1.8; Y574, 650, 747.3; KS18, 44, 46.5, 60, 110; GS4:3, 7, 27.5, 39.1; VV200; H2339.5, 3007, 3282, 3380, 3568.1, 3619, 4000. dH1573. a103.1.56;; 368.4A.10; 379.67.381; 404.8.10; 472.5.6, 582.21.3.1; 582.27.54; 596.5:9.1, 16.5; 698.1.61; J487.1; AB677; GB1605.1; PM98; S315, 316; AV1088, 1127.2, 1516.3; KS47.1, 58.2, 78, 85, 146, 148, 153.4; H1512, 2112, 2129, 3058, 3059, 3112, 3583, 38340, 4183. t441.2.17

, Buddhist - bGB390, 970, 1062; KS19. a103.1.93; 596.5.14; GB346, 558, 1119, 1222, 1257, 1287, 1887.2, 1899.6

scripture - aGS45.5, 46

  -yana - aGB1646

yoga - bY154, 508, 574, 586, 650, 667. a221.1.105; AV706; H3380

-yukti - aH1944


  Buddhism - aKS146.8

  Hinduism - bGS44.5

  -ism - bH4019.9

  mysticism - a582.27.48

  yoga - bY93, 154, 508. aY470, 527; AV706

tao - bJ492.0

Taoism - bH3500. a25.1.3; 1395.3.45; MB54; GB435, 876; S198, 246; Y99, 277; AV143

tapas - aNV374.2

taratamyananda - aDV71

tarka (reduction to absurdity) - b751.31.38; H1017. a294.3.10; 379.17.21; 379.67.897; J349, 371; NV149, 230, 259, 272, 372, 374.2, 533, 642; H2609, 2695

tathagata (see also Buddha) - b224.1.24. a448.1.4; AB426, 500; YB113; MB233; GB157, 226, 290, 301, 1327, 1425.0, 1938.5

-garbha - b224.1.24. a108A.1.5; 137.1.20; 224.1:7, 21; 302A.2:4,5; AB226; YB8, 31; 126.5; GB599, 699, 1241, 1267, 1301, 1336, 1394, 1406, 1546, 1695, 1857, 1924.8. d108A.1.2.1

tathata - a294.1.3; AB276; MB21; GB221, 763, 872, 1576.1.5

tathya - aH4188.2

tatparya - a455.2.45; 1179.1.51.1; NV402, 479.5, 574.4, 635.5; G56, 111; PM207.2; AV1065.1; H2954, 4192.2

-linga, -phala - a379.67.609; AV1234.2

tattva - aH1534, 1865, 1960; H4188.2

  -anumana - aBL133

-s - aS296, 344, 4006; DV93

-jnana - bH3213. aH2189

-traya - a637.2.20

tat tvam asi, see mahavakya

tattvatrayavimarsa - aKS86

tautology - a47.16.88; NV517.1, 545.6; AV1047

teacher (see acarya) - aMB191; GB1519.1,1869.9.8, 1881; S343; AV1398; DV47,120; H281, 2289, 3613.7, 4145, 4292

teaching - a279.67.590; AB679.9H5.3

technology - aY732; H4032.2

tejas - aNV2, 602.3

teleology - bH4004.4.1. aH1685, 3570.6.1, 4039

telling - aH3601.5.6

telos - aH3578.2

Telugu language - a1047.26.7; H2901

temporality, see time

Tendai - a103.1.99

tendency, see vasana

Tengalai - aVV2-4

tense revolution - aBL38

tension - aVV141

-reduction - aY189

term - bCTSFB. aH4185.4.3

, convertible - aGB1395.2.5

, empty - a268.7.52611.9.3; BL40; NV323

-s, technical - b379.67.730

terminology - aGB2027; H417, 1469. d174.8.23

terror(ism) - aJ596. bCPR

testimony, verbal (sabda) (see also scripture)- a353.1.11.1; NV424, 617; AV1516.4; H3532.1, 3601.4.5, 4121.3. d379.61.41

  , neglect of - aH4262.9

tetralemma, see catuskoti

text - bIKK; 363.1.16.5; VV115.2; H4139.5. a221.1.303; 547.7.3; 788.1.130; GB1795.2; G177; NV710; H3587.3, 3942.5, 4212.0.1; 4283

, canonical - aGB1886.0.7

Chinese Buddhist - aAB442.3.1

-s, lost - aGB1614.3.6.1

text and context - aAB366

textualism - a47.16.149.1

thanatology - aJ393

thaumaturgy - aGB1657

theism - bBJAIP; 23.1.273; 379.67.616.9; 956.1.15; NV59, 112, 416; S156; AV1118; H155, 3178. d671.2.8. a29.1.51; 48.1.34; 344.4.26; 379.67.107, 840; 637.7:90, 93; 751.31.14; 1036.14.11; J504.1; AB1270.9; GB545, 19551, 252, 541; S117, 150, 254, 264, 316.8; Y526; AV113, 1268.1; SS147; H123, 185, 1010, 1050, 1221, 1335, 2274, 3021, 3156, 3330, 3401, 3358, 3427.05, 4082.2

theodicy - a379.16.24; 379.67.604; GB1525.1; H2452, 2822. dH3618.9.1.5

theology - bHTR; VandV; 379.67:1, 490, 575, 590; 560.4.32; 637.7:88, 95, 110; 793.53.18.5; AV1235.2; VV107.1, 110; SS139, 186; GS46; H3594.1.5; 3596.0, 3607.9.7, 4208. d379.67:172, 387. a23.1.268; 379.67:490, 575, 590; 472.5.2; 618.1.7.1;

582.27.65; 751.29.3; 751.31.38; 793.53.35; YB112.1; MB231; GB1614.5, 1818.3; NV514; PM99, 104; AV57, 404, 483, 728, 1018, 1093; VV90, 115, 149; KS115, 153; VS17, 91; Ac2; DV26-38; H2289, 2300, 2335, 2658, 3147, 3196, 3342, 4039, 4005.8.. d175.1.51.5

theory - aGB1610.0. d174.7.18

  , optic - a440.6.12

vs. practice, see practice

theosophy - bGB147; Y32; H67, 215

Therapanthi sect of Jainism - aJ109, 395.1

therapy - bMB233.5; Y211, 234, 364, 563. a678.3; AB584; GB1156; Y447

Theravada, see AB section of Part IV

thesis - a47.16.95; 344:5.18, 9.152.5; MB312

thinking, see thought

thirst, see desire

Thomism - aGB718.2; AV615; H1261

thought - bJ29.0; GB1385; H506, 4135.5.7. a47.16.89; 137.1.48; 221.1:137, 197, 287, 301; 637.7.23; GB343; S349; H479, 796, 943, 1283, 2581, 2626, 2890, 3613.5, 3821.7

, modes of - aH3648.7

thusness, see tathata

Tibet, Tibetan - bCPCB; CTBRP; ETML; IETMH; 33.1.5; 47.16.6; 221.1.33; 223.1.0.; 240, 268.7.25; 321.9.35; 322A.3.3; 344.9.53; 596.3.1.5; 596.5.4.1; 596.23.16.1; MB125; GB1, 1337, 1470, 1477, 1545, 2018.5. a32.1.4; 33.1.5; 46.1.20; 47.6.11; 47.16:6, 17; 103.1.137;; 135.1.20; 174.3:24, 29.1; 175.1.113; 175.23A.4; 180B.1.25.5; 175.23A.4; 268.7.43; 344.3.3.5; 344.4.19; 344.5.7.1; 344.9.51; 404.8.2.1; 418.2.2; 458.1.1; 596.5:5, 7, 9; 715.1.5; 1249.1.1; AB66, 376, 542.8; SV50.5; YB39, 84; BL64; MB19, 125, 172, 176, 180, 209, 303; GB23, 268, 304, 312, 678, 1391, 14187.0; 1465.1, 1564, 1608, 1613.0, 1633.1, 1694, 1754, 1799, 1930; S12; Y785; AV1260; GS39.2; H3863.5, 4072.4. e175.7.5.5

language - aGB1596

T'ien-t'ai Buddhism - a47.4.25

time - bLSLT;; 55.1.15; 142.1.1; 192.1.4; 379.23.9; H4294.2 dGB1289; H493. a8.1.22; 16.1.1; 28.1:1, 1.7; 47.4:24, 36; 47.16:93, 114, 115; 131.1.185, 150.1.5; 192.1:2, 5.5, 24, 30, 31, 42, 139.5; 221.1:121.3, 268; 304.1.4; 321.1.2; 379.67.319; 655.1:12, 15; 809.; J39, 97, 336, 421; 580, 625; AB68, 287, 372, 389, 427, 664.5, 1563, 1581; SB27; BL38; MB231.02, 268; GB318, 320, 459, 460, 496, 827, 957, 958, 959, 1196, 1254, 1395.0, 1429, 1586, 1607.0, 1627.4.1, 1813, 1830.1, 1945.5, 2125; NV19, 325, 232; S91, 168, 187, 290; Y48; G127, 135.1, 160, 190; AV134, 225, 390, 432, 460, 635, 639, 664, 790, 1300; VV115.5; KS84, 146.8; H21, 357, 361, 382, 413.6.5, 481, 537, 598, 828, 1176, 1230, 1323, 1355L, 1456, 1520, 1592, 1622, 1722, 1845.5, 1930, 2018, 2079.8, 2416, 2509, 2683, 2726, 3087, 3149, 3150, 3345, 3368, 3372, 3501.3, 3502, 3540.05, 3564, 3579.6, 3587.1.0, 3592.0.2.5, 3601.5.2, 3633.8, 3647.5, 3648.5, 3945, 4059.7, 4279.8, 4285

, future, see future

-lessness - bAV390. aAB192; ; GB1104, 1254; AV639; H2683, 2726

  (momentariness), s.v.

, present - aNV19, 255; H284, 3195

-s, three - a268.8.2

tirtha - aH2976

tirobhava - aSUD21

Tirthankara - aJ626

Tocharian - aAB260; SV7

tolerance - bTIC; H3579.3.1. a698.1.59; J422, 448.2, 543, 574.5; GB432, 1573.2, 1614.2.1; 1614.7.2.1, 1623.2; AV1233.7; H1386, 2984, 3103, 3344, 3580.9, 3583, 3590.6, 3623.6, 4113: 2, 9.2

  , religious - aJ588

totality, -ies - aMB157; H4006.4

touch (sparsa) - a379.67.613.04.1; 532.27.61; 582.21.29; S349

trace - a321.8.2

tradition (aitihya) - bTMBM; 135.1.10; 654.1.11; AB419.00; GB1213; Y693; H2689.4.5, 3217.5, 3532.1; 4127.5, 4208. dH1998. a221.1:110, 256; 344.9.116; 379.67.758; GB1795.2; PM130.2, 138; VV180; H1009, 1170, 3216, 3262, 3532.1, 3705, 4018.2, 4071.4, 4133.9, 4135.2, 4251, 4252.2

, commentarial - dH3041

  , historical - Agb374.1

  , intellectural - a4034.3.9.5

  , linguistic - bLTK

  text - aH4011.5

traditionalism - a588.5.4; 379.16.16; H574

training, physical, see yoga, hatha

Trairasika - aNV201

traigunya - aH4032.9

trairupya, see hetu, threefold

tranquility - bAB397

transcendence - b220.1.17; NV322; Y582. a22.1.8; 163.1.97; 379.67.613.7; AB221.5, 395, 418.1, 452.1, 453; YB39, 106; MB231.000, 281.5; GB1224; NV293, 424.2; S299; AV264, 463, 572, 637, 758, 901, 971, 1328; S320; H1660, 2282, 3122.1, 3276, 3312.1, 3578.1, 3605.3, 3626, 3648.9.4, 3953, 3601.4.6. et701.1.1. t131.1.201.1


argument - bKS108

-ism - bTVH. a379.67.385; AV236; H1027, 1535, 1751, 3050

  philosophy - aAV1524

transformation - bY269, 693, 758; AV1310; H3904. a47.16.77; GB1809.5; NV405; VS76; H3084, 3575. et379.57.4

  , bodily - aH4199

, ethical - bGB1876

transformative philosophy - b379.67.522

translation - bTTTIW. a33.1.22.5; 131.1.118; 214A.1.1; 221.209.1; 597.3; GB1450, 1614.4.2;1614.7.2:05, .1; H1243, 1985, 2240, 2933, 4252.2

of Buddhist texts - aGB1614.3.4.8; 1614.4.05; 1614.7.2.3; 1614.7.2.4; 1617.03; 1617.07, 2027

from Tibetan - aGB1614.3.5, 1614.7.2.4, 1614.8.1, 1617.3

transmigrant, one and only - aH687

transmigration (see also rebirth) - b21.1.14; SS3; H64, 85, 93, 107, 3485. a47.; J514; AB231, 325; BL95.5; YB63; GB42.1, 158, 330.1, 458, 812, 814, 1231; H4, 69, 208, 278, 494, 3842

transmission - aGB1889

translation - a788.1.110

travel - a175.24.41.5

treasure - bY748

trends, moral - aH2923

trick - aMB363

Trent, Council of - d1140.1.9

Trika system of Kashmir Saivism - bKS49, 137.6. dKS15. a582.27.61698.1.19; KS24, 28, 39, 46, 58.1, 64, 74, 79, 79.5.5, 90

Krama - bKS44. aKS21

Kaula - bKS60

Spanda - aKS81, 84.5

-yoga - bY579

trikalyasiddhi - a47.16.208

trikaya(vada), see body

trilaksana - a135.1.23

trilemma - a47.16.208


, Buddhist - aGB1524

, Christian - aGB1424; AV445, 448, 555.5, 1441.5.5, 1456

, in Saktism (see also Trika system) - aH2631

Tripitaka - aAB555

triratna - aGB1064.1; J455.2

trisvabhava - a174.10.48; 175.8.3; YB126.2, 160; GB1328

  , paratantrasvabhava - a135.1.25; YB54

  , parikalpitasvabhava - a174.8.41

trustworthiness - aDV121

truth (satya; see prama, aletheia)- bQFT, VSIPT, Relt, JTMFRT;; 220.1.17; 379.67.910; 403.2; 455.2.12; 539.5; 788.1.59; 934.4.6.5; AB210; GB264.1, 1939.5, 2083; NV185, 311, 322; Y267; AV940, 1242; H2114, 2271, 2396.5, 2397.5, 3576, 3530.1.5, 4059.1.5, 4191.4.1. d655.1.8. a47.16.151.1; 48.1.52;; 278.1.10; 294.3.25; 294.5.30; 344.4.77; 344.6.99; 344.9.24; 363.4.13; 363.5:18.1, 30; 369.7.33; 379.67:27, 28, 34, 102, 454, 518, 535, 814; 440.6.7; 440.8.1; 455.2.19; 551.1. 5; 560.8.28; 637.7.143.1; 788.1:77, 84, 85, 100.1; 846.1.1; J29, 41; AB272, 433.1, 526; YB48, 69, 141, 154; BL83, 95.7; MB159, 172, 237.7, 310, 325; GB473, 628, 894, 1183, 1560.1, 1574.1, 1623.07, 1660, 1681, 1772, 1859:9, 9.5, 1860.5.5, 1862.9, 1871.5, 1894, 1940.5; NV33, 111, 118, 339.1, 420.3.1, 491, 612, 616, 620, 634.5; PM190; S158, 210, 274, 420.3.1, 366; AV204, 270, 517, 519, 693, 709, 1068, 1109, 1182, 1243.1, 1265.7, 1365.3, 1413.3; SS9; DV76; H200, 446, 449, 453, 530, 664, 810, 849, 1086, 1115, 1160, 1217, 1226, 1248, 1257, 1306, 1356, 1371, 1381, 1478, 1507, 1989, 2042, 2051, 2181, 2210, 2317, 2329, 2530, 2559, 2648, 2846, 2920, 2925, 2944, 3005, 3075, 3159, 3210, 3423, 3589, 3594.1:1,9, 3600.01, 3649.5, 3661, 3888, 4004, 4006, 4017, 4032.5, 4073.7, 4121.8, 4133.6, 4136.5, 4188.2, 4203, 4218, 4223.7. et379.44.11

, correspondence - aH662, 2051

-s, four noble (aryasatya)- b344.4.34; AB320, 448.4, 451.2; GB216. a175.24.32; 379.65.4; AB268, 473.4; GB1090, 1227, 1394, 1469.1, 1560.1, 1579.3

-gaps - aH1628, 3210

  , intrinsic - a377.3.5

, mathematical, see mathematical truth

, means to, see pramana

-s, two (see also samvrti; paramartha) - bPTT; AB628. dAB295; MB161. a47.9.1; 47.15.3; 47.16:52, 55; 125.1.12; 196A.7.10.1; 268.2.7; 294.2.10; 294.3.7; 317.1.84.1; 321.2:6, 9; 368.1.30; 379.67.755; 404.3.1; 405.8.30; 421A.3.6; 560.8.26; 596.3.1; YB76; MB55, 73, 113, 114, 164, 247, 279, 280, 281; GB1132, 1174, 1479.00, 1520.1, 1772; AV1206.5; H2570, 3675

-value - aH1628, 3210

tulavidya, see ignorance

Tun-huang - a160.1.27; YB34

Turfan - bEWVCT; GB1551. a160.1.28; AB377, 546

turiya - dAV1020

Turkestan, Turkey, Turkish - bSV12. be180B.1.29. iHoernle. a52.1.3; e180B.1:27.0, 27.1.

tyaga - aPM124, 124.4; H3219

typology - aGB1918

ubhayabhava, see absence

ubhayavadin - aH4055.1.6

ucchedavada - aGB1623.1

udaharana, see example

udaya - a441.2.14

uddhara, see deliverance (in Acintyabhedabheda)

Uddi - a410.9.34

Uighur:- a180B.1:26, 27.0, 27.0.5, 27.0.9, 27.1

Ujjain legends - aAB368

Ultimate, ultimate reality (see also Absolute; paramartha) - bConUlt. a135.1.8.3,; J498.1.1.1; MB219.1; 263; GB598, 320,1401,1861,1862.6; NV397.1; PM118.1;S297.1,308.1; Y581.2, 583.2.1; G134.0; AV243, 467, 971,1205.2, 1228.2; GS43.1; VS67; H1421, 2043, 2763, 2978, 3269, 3529.2, 3563.0.1, 3568.3

unbecoming - aGB1978

unborn - aH3508.1

unconditionality - aJ160

unconditioned, see dharma(s), asamskrta-

unconscious - aS163; YB115.1, 153; Y82; H804, 1526, 3362, 4126, 3568.2.5. bYB158

, collective - a137.1.20; YB107

understanding - bIndW; JLMIW; GB526; H1302, 3650.2. a221.1.202.5; NV430, 432.2; H3602.5, 4154.5

undertaking - a793.35.12

undeveloped, see avyakrta

union - bH278.5

United Kingdom - aAB195

United States - a739

unity - a379.67.128; 472.5.3; J503.3; AV1290.0; H488, 1452, 2257

and difference, see one, and the many, the

  , thematic - aGB1961.8

universal (jati; samanya) - bUandU; GB856.1; G142; H2293, 2825. dNV103. a221.1:147, 278; 278.1.45; 294.5.16; 363.1.9; 379.67.620; 404.4.18; 948.10.6; BL8, 30, 50.1; GB1116, 1588.3; NV58, 110, 131, 169, 198, 206, 250, 265, 279, 292, 295, 330, 386.5, 440.7, 546, 548.8, 640; PM54; S358, 367; H345, 605, 860, 909, 1128, 1293, 1984, 2060, 3305, 3369, 3610.9, 3925, 4185.4.64198

-hood, impediments to - aNV78, 127, 314

universalism - bH2202. aSS169

universality - aH2805

universe - b632.7.10; GB805.5; H2689.3, 3623.4. a175.1.65.1; 962.36.9; DU13.1; J79, 98, 100; AB253.5; GB448, 866, 1627.1; S310.0.1; NV418.1; S373; Y753; AV587, 136.4; SUD1; H1124, 3437, 3592.3, 3605

university - aH4124

  , Buddhist - aGB1613.5

unknowing, see ignorance

unknown, the - a23.1.246; H448

unmanifest, see avyakrta; avijnapti

unnameable - a221.1.285

unrealistic, see anti-realism

unreality of the world - a379.67.298; AV62, 241, 463, 555, 1516, 1574.3; H189, 2454, 2818

unseen - bH2905.8

unspeakable - aGB1332; H2771

untenables, seven great - b637.3.20

untouchable - a379.33.16; VS85.6

unworldliness - aAV421

upadana, upadisesa - aAB4; YB122; GB1509.1

upadesa - b169A.1.1.2

upadhi - b788.1:66,112. a379.67.162; 788.1.66.1; NV135, 168; H2946

upagraha - aG37

upakrama-upasamhara - aG73

upama - aG1; H1994

upamana (comparison) - bH2689.1, 2931. dH541. a221.1:58, 63; 560.8.27; GB1614.3.4.8; NV53, 82, 305, 376.3, 652; PM80, 97, 104; S157; AV1083.5, 1237.1.05; H1447

as a pramana - aNV305; PM80, 100.4; S157

upameya - a221.1:58, 63

upamiti - aNV53

Upanisads - b751.31.121.1 a174.8.20.05;; 317.1.89.1; 637.7.156.4; GB1869.4.5; AV1420.1; H4212.0.1, 4292.5

neo- - bH1355

upasaka - aAB596.4

upasamhara - aPM130

upasana - a417.1.8; AV69.1; H324, 2694

upasarga, samadhi - aBL70.1

upamsunya - a198.1.35

upaya (see also skill in means) - a49A.1.27; GB960, 1926.1; KS86.3

-kausalya - b209.1.4.1. a26.1.24.

-pratyaya - a1036.13.2

upayoga - a196A.7.35; J455.1.5

upeksa - aGB12208

Urdu, philosophy in - aH2900

utsutra - a175.1.8

Uttar Pradesh - bGB477

vac, vak - a332.1.294; 582.27.32; KS79; G22, 124

vacana - a22.1.67; 689.2.13

  literature - aVS95

vada, see argument

Vadagalai - aVV2-4

vah - a698.1.75

Vaibhasika Buddhism, see SV section of Part IV

vairagya - bH3031. a131.1.141; 698.1.94.9; DV83; H906, 2127, 2666

vaisaradhya - a125.1.3

Vaisesika, see NV section of Part IV

Vaisnavism - bG39, 53; H83, 150, 268, 369, 600, 1845, 1927, 2907, 2926, 3049, 3083, 3167, 3223, 3248, 3619, 4019.9, 4079.4, 4128.24132. dH3002. a379.67:190, 580; 560.8.11; 637.7:43, 94, 105; 1395.3.14; AV542, 568; VV63; VS38; GS5; DV47, 97; H1297, 1400, 1529, 1624, 1644, 1962, 2153, 2266, 2339, 2676, 3022, 3132, 3146, 3307, 3570.4, 3601.3.

, Bengal, see Acintyabhedabhedavada (Ac section of Part IV)

vaitanda - aMB120

Vajrayana - aGB1517, 1617.3.2

vak, see vac

vakya - aNV266; G103; AV1365

  -artha - aNV238

-bheda - a198.1.24

-dosa - aH4019.5.5

validity, see truth

value(s) - bHMJKV, VPIP; AB441; GB1614.0; H1457.5, 2556, 2794, 3139, 3191, 4009.5. dH2074. a379.67.167; AB464; GB2044.3; S379; NV599.5; Y775; AV473, 586, 662, 907, 1183, 1242, 1413.3, 1441.5, 1485.1, 1515; H306, 475, 521, 562, 575, 582, 604, 758, 981, 1051, 1057, 1105, 1112-14, 1308, 1343, 1503, 1505, 1515, 1525, 2057, 2144, 2302, 2304, 2920, 3099, 3251, 3510, 4000.8, 4038.1, 4164

, four (artha) - aH630, 2182

  , logical - aNV625

metaphysics of - bH644. aVS24.

, perennial - aAV1499

-s, social - aH894, 1933. bH4140.5

-s, spiritual - aAV1067, 1188, 1489.5; H505, 894, 1373, 1513, 1514, 1523, 1556, 1557, 1565, 1612, 1933, 1954

, theory of - aPM96; AV1200.5, 1219, 1445; VS24; H452, 1263, 1269

vamalokayatika - a103.1.110.3

vanaprastha - aH4062

variety, see difference

varna - a344.9.63; 379.65.6.; PM137; H2477

vasana - a809.8.20; YB126.8; H3241.1

vastu - a174.10:49, 66

  -pratikalpavijnana - a137.1.74

Vatsiputriya school - a175.1.77; 175.24.40; AB70, 431.5

vayu - aNV2; PM83; H4261.7

Vayu - a751.31.147

Veda, Vedic - b369.6.5; 751.31.135; NV298; S98.5; Y257, 593.5, 749; AV904, 1212.2; 1274, 1500.2; H2269, 2741, 2961, 2970, H3607.5.0, 3617, 3868. a137.1.44;; 220.1.12; 221.1:129, 177, 253; 363.5.60, 67; 379.67:60, 148, 196; 612.1.5, 780; 404.4.10; 455.2.9; 560.4:24, 25; 793.53.25; 1011.13.15; 1251.39.4-5; 1395.3.52; J318; GB1787, 1859.5; NV186, DU6; PM96.5, 99, 143.5, 161, 218, 236, 259.5; S55, 123, 226; AV1028, 1264.5, 1479.1, 1507.8, 1519; VV111, 175; SS71, 102; H82, 364, 1223, 1392, 2269, 2421, 2651, 2783, 2810, 2950, 3246, 3584, 3593.3, 3610.9.5, 3633.7, 4071.3

Atharva - a455.2.5

  , authorship of - aPM215

Ayurveda, s.v.

exegesis - aPM143.5; H3593.3 (=H3584)

, neo - aH3681.5

Rgveda - a22.1.59; 198.1:5.2-3, 8; 379.52.16, 379.67.403, 988.1.4; PM31, 96.5, 99, 161; AV294; H1543

Yajurveda - a988.1.6

vedananupassana - aAB399

Vedanta (see also AV, VV, BD, Ac, and DV sections of Part IV) - bAOTV; 698.1.4; GB40, 377, 422, 808; Y106, 167, 459; H406, 641, 675, 1427A, 2019, 2180, 2409, 2543, 2686, 3355, 3389. a47.16.114; 294.2.9; 363.4.9; 414.3.3; 455.2.14; 1395.3.18; J88; MB50; GB57, 92, 127, 241, 275, 373, 379, 391, 434, 436, 502, 509, 520, 524, 527, 587, 591, 715, 759, 791, 903, 907, 1251, 1399, 1416, 1443; PM104; S5, 6, 16, 35, 57, 111; Y275, 491, 509, 533; G49; H209, 231, 267, 304, 351, 469, 670, 717, 746, 766, 794, 802, 931, 1091, 1137, 1179, 1214, 1705, 1759, 1832, 1884, 2031, 2092, 2203, 2347, 2351, 2380, 3194, 3356, 3529.1, 3580.5

, later - aH3667

, neo- - bAV1319. a379.67.609.7; AV261, 1014, 1247, 1265.7, 1286.5, 1389; H1727, 1818.5, 1839, 1850, 1900, 1947-48, 3081.5, 3482, 3486, 3579.3, 3590.3

, original - aH3681

, The Universe of (=book)- aAV821, 827, 829, 831, 832, 834, 836, 842, 844-46, 851, 853, 854

vegetarian - a137.1.15; 410.18.4; GB1219; Y736

vehicle (yana) - a103.1: 68, 96, 109; AB402.3, 687; GB1738, 1766, 1959.5

, Hina-, see Theravada

, Maha-, see Mahayana

, three - a103.1.68; 132.1.3


  , meaning of a - aG210.2

  , prepositional - a698.1.28


cognition, see sabda-bodha; sabda-jnana

endings - a698.1.39

knowledge, see meaning

roots - aNV134

temporality - aG62

testimony - bNV369. a353.1.11.1; J185, 478.1; YB88; NV315, 421.2; PM30; AV887; DV12; H1581, 3532.1

verification - aGB1247; H1142

principle - aAB211.1

versatility - aGB1982

via negativa - a47.16.278; MB146; GB1250; AV1473

vibhajyavada - aJ422; AB163, 164, 562, 664

vibhakti - aG209

vibhanga - aAB105

vibhasa - aJ492.3

vibhuti - a131.; Y457, 577.1

vibration, see spanda

vicara, see analysis

vicikitsa - aH1103

videha - aS181

vidhi, see injunction

-vada - aBL64.1

vidya (see knowledge) - a379.27.34; 582.27.35; AV182, 353, 806, 826, 839, 841, 849, 1561, 1571; H2227, 2876, 4079.3

, brahma- , s.v.

, sri, see tantra

view (drsti) - aAB495, 606

, reifying - aGB1188

universal - a379.67.528

vigraha - a47.4.75.5

vijaya - a22.1.92.1

Vijayalaya line of Chola kings - aSS30

Vijayanagara empire - a809.14.80; VS39

vijnana - a174.7.7, 175.11.3, 175.23.9, 368.4.1; AB122, 126, 214.1, 250, 267, 464.5, 565; YB9, 108, 123; GB311; H363, 2014, 3535, 3564.1

, laya- - see alayavijnana

  -parinama - a175.18.35

-vada, see Yogacara Buddhism (YB section of Part IV)

Vijnanavada, see YB section of Part IV

vijnapti - a174.7.6; 175.11.3; 175.24.28; YB180

-matra(ta) - a135.1.15174.7.9; 174.8.14; 174.12.9; 175.23:6,9; 175.24.19; 595.6.1; YB37, 57, 72, 112; MB51; GB669

-tathata - a135.1.15

vijneya - a174.2.14

vikalpa, see conceptual construction; doubt

vimukti, ceto, panna-, ubhatobhaga - aAB272.1

vimutti - aAB377

vinasa, see annihilation

Vinaya - aAB377, 458., 464.11; GB1614.2

violence - a368.1.43.1; GB1983

vipasyana (P. vipassana)(insight) - bAB370, 397, 417, 451.4, 472.5, 602; MB265; GB1195.5, 1249, 1796. dAB311.0; MB172.5. a5.1.7;, 174.10.32; AB152, 220, 227, 248.1, 271.1, 275, 385, 459.03, 561, 631.9, 635, 662.1, 678.3.5; MB232; GB508, 1066, 1140, 1154, 1210, 1261, 1265, 1355, 1481, 1607.0.5, 1928.6; H3093.5, 3637, 3653.3

Virasaivism, see VS section of Part IV

virodha - aBL86; NV695

virtue(s) - aJ630; GB1601.2; AV1562. b368.4A.12

, consignment - aGB1741

viruddhavyaptopalabdhi - a344.9.123.7

visaya - aNV366

-ta - a560.8.14; NV76, 312

visesa - a268.10.180; 751.31.81; NV300, 408.4; S192, 220; DV85

visesana - a788.1.79; NV371

visesya - aNV180

vision - bDGTS. a175.1.76; AB515; GB853, 1022.1, 1573.1; NV381; S237; H2714.5

integral, see integralism

visistabhava, see absence

Visistadvaita, see VV section of Part IV

, Sakti- , see Virasaiva

visistapratiti, see pratiti

Visnu - bDV88. a751.31.140. H3577.0

visranti - a582.27.51

Visuddhadvaita, see Suddhadvaita (SUD section of Part IV)

visuddhapada thought - a223.1.3

vita - aNV28

vitalism - bH3580.5.1. a404.8.5

vitality - aAB433.1

vitanda - a655.1.28.1; AV188; H1936

vitarka - a131.1.135; GB1586; Y319

vivaksa - a221.1.163

Vivarana school - d744.1.2

vivarta - bAV372, 998. a321.; 369.2:13, 20; 379.67:67, 466; G82; AV912, 1000

viveka, drgdrsya- - aAV431

vocabulary - a698.1.41; GB1869. bH4081.1

void, see sunyata

, transcendent - aAV971

volition, see will

voluntarism - a131.1:96, 187; KS11

vow - bDWD. aJ617.7.5

Vrndavana - a956.1.65; 1339.1.2

vrtti - a235.1.12; 809.14.67; 1119.5.36; G56; AV409, 852; H3577

-jnana - aAV1077; Y549, 573.1

-kara - aKS13

, laksana- , see meaning

, vrttisvarupa, see word-meaning

vyabhicara - a304.12.3

vyadhi - aY290, 577.3-4

vyadhikarana, see absence

vyaghralaksana - a188.10.5

Vyakarana school, see Grammarians (G section of Part IV)

vyakarana, prayojana of - a363.5.29

vyanjana - a175.1.24; G46, 112, 131.0, 206; H2674, 3674

-vrtti - aNV444

vyapakanulabdhavada - aGB1393

vyapeksa - aH329

vyapti (pervasion)- b788.1.60; NV167, 390. a268.7.30; 268.10.2; 368.5.62654.1.5.1; 779.1.10; 788.1:69, 70, 74, 93.1, 97, 103, 106, 108; 1179.1.33; 1188.10.5; J495, 497.3, 497.5, 615.7, 617.5; BL17, 36, 140; NV61, 124, 189, 192, 223, 245, 246, 308, 329, 374.2, 611.5, 622, 636; PM86

, antar- - a344.9.40.1, 595.1.2; J596.5; BL61; H3682

, bahir- - a588.9.3; BL61

-pancaka - a788.1.43, 948.10.5, 1188.10.1

vyatireka, see anvaya and vyatireka

-hetu - a334.1.12

vyavahara - a71.1.6.1; GB974; AV1206.5

  -satya - a294.3.28

vyavaharika - bAV668. dAV500. aAV1570.5

vyutpatti - aAB162

vyutthana - a131.1.220

wakefulness - a174.10.55

waking state - b783.5. a317.1.81.1; AV192

war - aJ590.8

water - a278.1.30; 962.12.7. bHindEc

weed - b368.1.70

welfare - aH3573.2.5

  , universal - aGB1546.1

wheel - bGB2010.5

  of fire, see alatacakra

  of life - aGB51, 580

whole, see avayavin

  and part, see part and whole

will (see also cetana)bAB678.2.5. a1033.1.117; GB52, 58, 174, 196, 324; S193; AV30, 244, 544; SS55; H248, 393, 1355H, 2017. d698.1.41.1

, freedom of the, see freedom of the will

wisdom (see prajna) - b47.4.8; Thomas; H63.5, 2431. d132.1.2. a224.1.18; 418.3.10; AB134; YB132; MB122; GB610, 981, 1348, 1823, 1926; Y572.1H1595, 2496, 4185.1, 4189.5. d553.2.4

and means - aGB1562.0

, moral - d368.4A.2.8

, perfection of - bt26.1.27.5. aGB2037.3

, transcendental - b379.67.321. a160.1.50

, word- - aH2300

witness, see saksin

consciousness - aAV1441.1

-self - aDU862.1; AV942

womb - aAB548

women - bPaul; 295.1.14; GB321.5, 1820. a33.1.20; 47.7.25; 972.2.1; VV115; H3698, 3707

Won Buddhism - aGB1509.02

woodcut - b677.1.1.04

word (see also sabda) - b221.1:43, 59. dG38. a22.1.57; 137.1.31; 175.1.24; 221.1:101, 152.1, 167:2, 6, 7, 268; 173.1; 268.10.43; 366.1.6; 582.9.3; 728.2.1; C85.5; AB640, 660; YB132; MB229.8; GB1040.3; NV93, 166, 266, 394.1, 419.0.5, 428.1, 466.1, 572.5, 618.1, 619; 136.1, 138.2, 163; PM200.2; G188; AV271, 1453, 1568; SS163.2.6; H332, 1234, 1294, 1963, 2738, 2765, 3641.8, 3929, 4133, 4240

authorless - aPM138

  , corrpt - aG199

, empty - bGB1862, 1870

-meaning - bNV166. a137.1.31; 221.1:165:2, 7, 168, 185.6, 231; 369.7.14;

  788.1.123; G206; NV428; PM184; H1384, 3488

-order - a344.4.31.4

, self-referential - a788.1:102, 103

work, see karma

works - aGB344; PM5; H80, 943

world, worldly - bAB454. dH2074. a163.1.62; 174.12.30; 221.1.193; 379.67:32, 95, 100, 179, 279, 298, 420, 422, 782.7;; 379.16.55; 379.67.715; 406.2.1; 406.3.6; 637.7:39, 149; 698.95.5; 804A.1.3; C85.5; AB148; YB11; GB31, 683, 835, 996; S297.1, 306, 396; PM35.1; AV64, 164, 176, 272, 277, 514, 994, 1192, 1208, 1311, 1441.3; VV36, 41; SS95; H408, 875, 1062, 1467, 1647, 1690, 3578.1, 4, 3602.1, 3906

-affirming - a103.

, cessation of, see liberation

, creation of, s.v.

-culture, see culture, world

, dissolution of, s.v.

, external, s.v.

-illusion, see maya

, just - aH3616, 4059.0

-order - aH3423.5

, phenomenal - aAB673.3; GB1659; AV1500.9

  -philosophy - aH3579.9

, provisional - a655.1.29

, structure of the - aNV425.1, 436

-s, the three - aGB1740

worship, divine - a368.5.7; 687.4.7; 698.1.21; GB1927.6

, mother - bGS39

, temple- - b637.7.172

writing - a221.1.144; GB1781

wrong, see evil

, criteria of - aGB837

yajna - aGB1451; H3505, 4035

Yajnika - aPM141

Yajurveda, see Veda

yaksa - b146.1.0. a146.1:2-3; Y304, 347, 350, 448

yama - a131.1.260S404

yana, see vehicle

controversy - aGB1370

, deva-, pitr- - aH2876

yapaniya sangha - aJ62.1

yathabhuta - aAB56

yathartha - aNV600; H4150

yathavadbhavikara - a174.2.15

yavabhavkara - a174.2.15

Yoga school, see Y section of Part IV

yoga (see also Yoga school) - b135.1.8.7; 206.5; 379.; 410.26.6; 5822.12.6; 698.1.81; 410.26.13; 1395.3.46; 379.12.70.2; J162; AB448.2; GB1818.1.8; Y521.5, 557.0.5; AV604; H930, 1148.5, 1016, 1148.5, 1319, 1439, 1616, 1803, 2253, 3432. dVS44 a29.1:58, 76; 131.1:208.1.6, 214, 222, 271;; 235.1.14; 344.9.66; 379.16.43; 379.65.8; 410.22.3; 409A.3.3; 530.16.19; 637.2.16; 637.7:117, 208; 969.2.1; 1036.14.21, 1263.6.3; 1329.11.1; 1395.3.46; J60, 148, 166, 222, 274, 299, 326, 397, 425, 499, 502; AB678:0, 8; YB123.8; GB62, 349, 368, 928, 1334, 1480, 1646, 1795.3; NV26, 307; Y753, 783.5; AV969, 985, 1222.1, 1527, 1574; VV59, 97.1; SS116; KS58.2, 61, 75; GS45, 45.5; H108, 148, 407.5, 529, 762, 1289, 1664, 1746, 2093, 2398, 2471, 2755, 2797.1, 3055, 3125, 3131, 3221, 3308, 4077, 4113, 4220.5

, akhanda-maha (Vishuddhananda lieage of Shakti tantra) - aKS58.1.5; H3407

, asamprajnata- , s.v.

, asparsa- (Gaudapadan non-contact) - b317.1:46,79. a317.1:46, 86; YB23. t50.2.16

, astanga-/raja- (Patanjala eight-limbed) - bCRYP; 131.1.248, 539.16.19; Y14, 66, 108, 145, 176, 193, 282, 308, 423, 429, 784.7; H3587.2. dY100. a131.1:178, 201, 205.2; 1766.8.4; Y407, 438, 455, 473, 490.1, 497, 513, 553, 577.6, 713.1; AV1106; H1915, 2063, 2200. t131.1.209.1

, bhakti-, s.v.

, dhyana- - AV985, H2710

, hatha- - bY11, 102, 104, 119, 143, 173, 183, 184, 283, 303, 371, 555.5, 584, 679, 746. a777.1.1, 840.1.4; Y55, 170, 191, 259, 354, 366, 367, 384, 392, 419, 421, 438, 561, 583.2.0; H4294.8. t840.1:2, 14; 886.1.2.

, integral (Aurobindo lineage; see also integralism) - b379.67.597; H762, 930, 1013, 1016, 1439, 1852, 1921, 2223, 2422.5, 3389.5, 3568.0, 3587.5, 3595.4.8, 3631.5, 3910. a131.1:180, 201; Y468, 516; H1030, 1396-7, 1413, 1430, 1560, 1838, 2288, 2307, 2320, 2327, 2344, 2378, 2627, 2661, 2714, 2753, 2932, 2952, 3014, 3068, 4134.8

, jnana- , s.v.

, karma-, s.v.

, kama-sukhallikanu- (pleasure satiation) - aAB479.5

, klesaccheda- - aY572.2

, kriya- - b131.1.154.1; Y144, 154, 188, 506, 647; H3618.7.0. a131.1:126, 208.3; H3891

  -ksema - aY747.3

, kundalini- , see kundalini; tantra

, laya- - bY45. aH3024

, mantra- , see mantrayoga

, nada- - bY154

, natha- - aY559, 583.1

, prapatti- , see prapatti-yoga

, purna- , see purna yoga

, raja-, see yoga, astanga/raja

, renunciation of, see renunciation

  -rudha - aY745.3

, sabda- , see mantra-yoga

, sadanga- - bY363. aGS47; H3046

, samadhi- - aY561

, samrambha- (way of negative emotions) - aH1429.2

-siddhi, see siddhi

, Trika- , see Trika-yoga

  , Siva- - a1330.20.3

Yogacara, see YB section of Part IV

yogajapratyaksa, see perception, yogic

yogaksema - aH371

yogarudhi - d788.1.98.2. a779. 1.7

yogi - a131.1.214

, human self of - a1322.1.1

pratyaksa, see perception, yogic

yogini - a379.12.71

yogyata - a221.1.168; 344.9.56; 1179.1.57; NV338.1; G150; Y642; H2910.1, 3668

yukti, see argument-unit

yusmatsamvatsamanvaya - a379.67.705

Zen - a131.1.215; GB1069.1; AV1275

zero - bAV1466; H7072.7

Zoroastrianism - aS384












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