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J0 J. Bird, "Historical researches on the origin and principles of the Bauddha and Jaina religions", JASBe 2, 1844, 71-107 J1 L. de Milloue et E.S.W.S.Raja, "Essai sur le Jainisme pour un Jaini", CIDO 6.1, 1885, 565-582 J2 S.J.Warren, "Les idées philosophiques et religieuses des Jainas", AMG 10, 1887, 321-412 J2.5 Adolf Bastian, Kosmogonien und Theogonien indischer Religionsphilosophie (vornehmllich der jainistischen) zur Beantwortung etnologischer Fragestellungen. Berlin 1892 J3 V.R.Gandhi, "Contribution of Jainism to philosophy, history and progress", ARL 3d series 10, 1900, 140-153 J3.5 F. O. Schrader, Über den Stand der indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und Buddhas. Leipzig 1902. Reprinted ETB 597-603 J4 J.G.Buhler and J. Burgess, On the Indian Sect of the Jainas. London 1903 J5 A.B.Lathe, An Introduction to Jainism. Delhi 1905 J6 U.D.Baroda, History and Literature of Jainism. Bombay 1909 J7 H.L.Jhaveri, The First Principles of Jain Philosophy. London 1910, 1915 J8 Virchand R. Gandhi, The Jain Philosophy. Bombay 1911, 1924 J9 Hermann Jacobi, Metaphysics and Ethics of the Jains. Banaras 1912. Reprinted ICHR 3.2, 1958 J10 Virchand R. Gandhi and Herbert Warren, Jainism. Arrah 1912 J11 Virchand R. Gandhi, The Karma philosophy. Bombay 1913 J12 G.K.Nariman, "References to Buddhist authors in Jain literature", IA 42, 1913, 241-242 J13 Hermann Jacobi, "Some aspects of Jainism", MB 22, 1914, 83-90 J14 F.K.Lalane, The Six Dravyas of the Jain Philosophy. Bombay 1914 J15 Helmut von Glasenapp, Die Lehre von Karman in der Philosophie der Jainas. Leipzig 1915. Translated by G.B.Gifford as The Doctrine of Karman in Jaina Philosophy. Bombay 1942 J16 (Mrs.) Sinclair Stevenson, The Heart of Jainism. London 1915 J17 Jagmandarlal Jaini, Outlines of Jainism. Cambridge 1916 J18 S.K.Belvalkar, "The undercurrents of Jainism", IPR 1, 1917, 32-36 J19 Champat Rai Jain, The Practical Path: Philosophy of Jainism. Arrah 1917 J20 Lal Kannoomal, The Saptabhangi Naya or the Pluralistic Argument of the Jain Dialectic. Agra 1917 J21 Lala Kannoomal, The Study of Jainism. Agra 1917 J22 Puran Chand Nahar and Krishnachandra Ghosh, An Epitome of Jainism, being a Critical Study of its Metaphysics, Ethics, and History and Culture in Relation to Modern Thought. Calcutta 1917 J22.1 An Encyclopedia of Jainism (ed. Puran Chand Ghosh and Krishnachandra Ghosh). Delhi 1917, 1988 J23 V.D.Suri, "Jaina philosophy", CERGB 139-152. Also IPR 3, 1919-20, 129-148 J24 Champat Rai Jain, The Key of Knowledge. Allahabad 1919, 1928 J25 A. Chakravarti, "The undercurrents of Jainism", IPR 3, 1920, 68-73 J26 Champat Rai Jain, "The Jaina theory of karma", IPR 3, 1920, 149-164 J27 M.S.Ramaswami Ayyangar and B. Seshagiri Rao, Studies in South Indian Jainism. Part I: South Indian Jainism. Part II: Andhra Karnatak Jainism. Madras 1922; Delhi 1982, 1988 J28 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Die philosophie der Jainas und ihre Verhaltnis zu den metaphysischen Systemen des Hinduismus", PICP 5, 1924, 295-297 J29 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The Jaina conception of truth and reality", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 153-165. Also HMBSP 26-40 J29.0 Harisatya Bhattacarya, A Comparative Study of the Indian Science of Thought from the Jaina Standpoint. Madras 1925; Delhi 1926 J29.001 Harisatya Bhattacharya, Divinity in Jainism. Madras 1925 J29.01 K.C.Bhattacharya, "Theory of anekantavada", PQ 1.1, 1925. Reprinted AandS 58-70; JTMFRT 17-32 J29.1 Dharmasagarji, "Soul and its liberation", JainG 21, 1925, 57 J30 Helmut von Glasenapp, Der Jainismus. Berlin 1925 J31 Banarsi Das Jain, "The goal of Jaina ethics", JainG 21, 1925, 227-232. J32 Champat Rai Jain, "Logic simplified", JainG 21, 1925, 242-243 J33 G.H.Rao, "The Jaina instrumental theory of knowledge", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 129-135. Also RIndPH 193-200 J33.1 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Footsteps of philosophy", JainG 21, 1925, 22-27 J34 B.C.Bhattacharya, "Some original aspects of Jainism", JainG 22, 1926, 145-153 J35 H.Bhattacharya, "Dharma", JainG 22, 1926, 242-248 J36 Hermann Jacobi, "Atheism (Jain)", ERE 2, 1926, 186-187 J37 Hermann Jacobi, "Jainism", ERE 7, 1926, 465-475 J38 C.S.Mallinath, "The Jaina conception of moksa", JainG 22, 1926, 1-11 J39 H. Bhattacharya, "The theory of time in Jaina philosophy", JainG 23, 1927, 33-43 J40 H.Bhattacharya, "Adharma", JainG 23, 1927, 285-290 J41 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The Jaina conception of truth", PQ 3, 1927, 201-216 J42 R.Dass, "Jain ahimsa and its metaphysical basis", JainG 23, 1927, 129-133 J43 Champat Rai Jain, "The Jaina doctrine", JainG 3, 1927, 273-280 J44 Kanta Prasad Jain, "The Jaina references in the Buddhist literature", IHQ 3, 1927, 698-709 J45 Walther Schubring, Die Jainas. Tubingen 1927 J46 H. Bhattacharya, "Ajiva", JainG 24, 1928, 96-103 J47 H. Bhattacharya, "Jiva", JainG 24, 1928: 125, 182, 203 J48 H. Bhattacharya, "The Jaina doctrine of soul", JainG 25, 1929: 73, 172 J49 H. Bhattacharya, "The Jaina theory of space (akasa)", JainG 25, 1929, 25-31 J50 C.Krause, An Introduction to Jain Ethics. 1929 J51 A.Sen, "Schools and sects in Jaina literature", VQ 7, 1929 - 8, 1930-31. Also VBS 3, 1931 J52 A.N.Upadhye, "Right faith", JainG 25, 1929: 1, 35, 56, 99 J53 H.Bhattacharya, "The Jaina theory of matter", JainG 26, 1930: 45, 97, 119, 235. J54 Herbert Warren, Jainism. Sheoganj, Rajputana 1930 J55 Jadunath Sinha, "The modified nominalism of the Jaina", PQ 6, 1931, 249-261 J56 Champat Rai Jain, "The idea of God in Jainism", JainG 28, 1932, 169-171 J57 A.Sen, "Cosmological ideas of the Jainas", IHQ 8, 1932, 43-48 J58 Chimanlal J. Shah, Jainism in North India. 800 B.C.- A.D. 526. London 1932 J59 Brahmachari Sital Prashad, A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 7. Delhi 1932, 1982 J60 Champat Rai Jain, "Renunciation of yoga", JainG 29, 1933, 17-23 J61 C.L.Kala, "The Jaina contribution to Indian culture, thought and philosophy", JainG 29, 1933, 2-5 J62 A.N.Upadhye, "The lesya doctrine", PAIOC 7, 1933, 391-398 J62.1 A.N.Upadhye, "Yapaniya Sangha--a Jaina sect", JUBo 1.6, 1933, 224-231 J63 Champat Rai Jain, Jain Logic or Nyaya. Bijnor, U.P. 1934 J64 J.C.Jain, "The development of the doctrine of anekantavada", RPR 5.2, 1934, 179-186 J65 A.N.Upadhye, "Nirvana in Buddhism and Jainism", JainG 31, 1934, 102-104 J66 S.Srikantha Sastri, "Jain epistemology", PAIOC 8, Summaries 1935, 49 J67 Walther Schubring, Die Lehre der Jainas. Berlin 1935. Translated as The Doctrine of the Jains. Banaras 1960; Delhi 1972, 1978 J68 Herbert Warren, "Mithyatva", JainG 32, 1935, 230-233 J69 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The place of feeling in conduct in Bauddha and Jaina philosophy", PQ 12, 1936, 177-192 J70 Jagat Prasad, "The Jaina theory of salvation", JainG 33, 1936 - 34, 1937 J71 A.N.Upadhye, "Jainism and karma doctrine", JainA 2, 1936, 1-28 J72 Hiralal Jain, "Jainism: its history, philosophy and religion", CHI 1, 220-236 J73 K. Mitra, "Knowledge and conduct in Jaina scriptures", JainA 3, 1937, 67-73 J74 K.A.Nilakantha Sastri, "Advaita Vedanta and Jainism", KSCV 83-87 J75 A.N.Upadhye, "References to syadvada in the Ardhamagadhi canon", PAIOC 9, 1937, 669-672. Reprinted FJPRC 291-294 J76 A.N.Upadhye, "Mystic elements in Jainism", PAIOC 9, 1937, 673-677 J77 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "Jaina theory of knowledge and error", JainA 4, 1938, 23-32. Also PQ 14, 1938, 120-130 J78 Herbert Warren, "The universe", JainG 35, 1938, 201-205 J79 Herbert Warren, "Jaina metaphysics", JainG 35, 1938: 268, 278 J80 Elizabeth Sharpe, The Great Cremation Ground (Mahasmasana). A Critical Dissertation on Indian Philosophy.....Part II.The Philosophy of the Jains. London 1938 J81 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The Jaina theory of pratyabhijna", PQ 14, 1939, 322-330 J82 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "Jaina critique of the Samkhya and the Mimamsa theories of the self in relation to knowledge", JainA 5, 1939, 21-25 J83 S.C.Ghoshal, "Mind in Jain philosophy", JainA 5, 1939, 75-79 J84 Prabhavananda, "Jainism", VATW 2.4, 1939, 5-10. Also VK 30, 1943-44, 94-99 J85 Herbert Warren, "Ahimsa, syadvada, naya, nayabhasa", JainG 36, 1939, 57-58 J86 P.K.Gode, "The Bhagavadgita in the pre-Samkaracarya Jain sources", ABORI 9, 1940, 669-672 J87 Amulyachandra Sen, "The meaning of suya among the Jains", IC 7, 1940-41, 391-395 J88 T.K.V.N.Sudarsanacharya, "Some parallel concepts of Jainism and Vedanta", JSVRI 2, 1941, 57-64 J89 T.K.V.N.Sudarsanacharya, "Nature of the pure soul from Jaina standpoint", JSVRI 2, 1941, 371-374 J90 G.Hanumantha Rao, "Anekantavada or the Jain philosophy", JMysoreU 2, 1942, 79-93 J91 K.C.Bhattacharya, "The Jain theory of anekantavada", JainA 9, 1943, 1-14. Also KCBSP 1, 329-346. Also FJPRC 58-70 J92 C.B.Brahmo, "The Jaina view of causation", PQ 20, 1944, 60-67 J93 Hermann Jacobi, "The metaphysics and ethics of the Jainas", JainA 10, 1944, 32-40 J94 Satkari Mookerjee, The Jaina Philosophy of Non-Absolutism. Calcutta 1944; Delhi 1978. Portion reprinted FJPRC 183-259 J95 Bimal Churn Law, "Jain view of karma", BhV 6, 1945, 145-147 J96 Bimal Churn Law, "Doctrine of karma in Jainism", IC 14, 1946, 134-138 J97 Y.J.Padmarajiah, "The theory of time in Jainism", JMysoreU 7, 1946-47, 111-115 J98 A.Prasada, "The riddle of the universe", JainA 12, 1946, 62-67 J99 H.R.Kapadia, History of the Canonical Literature of the Jains. Bombay 1947 J100 J.L.Jaini, The Jaina Universe. SBJ 12, 1948 J101 R.Prasad, "A critical study of the Jain epistemology", JainA 14, 1948, 63-77 J102 S.K.Saksena, "The Jain religion" in V.Fenn (ed.), A History of Philosophical Systems (New York 1950). Reprinted in SSEIP 3-17 J103 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The Jaina critique of the Buddhist theories of pramana", JainA 15, 1949: 7, 54 J104 R.Prasad, "The Jaina conception of fallacies", PQ 23, 1950, 69-74 J105 Prabhu Datta Shastri, "The Jain doctrine of syadvada with a new pragmatic background", SB 2, 93-101 J106 A.Chakravarti, "Law of karma in Jainism", AP 22, 1951, 315 ff. J107 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Die Polemik der Buddhisten und Brahmanen gegen die Jainas", FWS 74-83 J107.1 Anant Prasad Jain, The Three Jewels. A.Liganj 1951 J108 A.S.V.Pant, "Concept of jiva in Jain darsanas", PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 110 J109 I.C.S.Sharma, "Therapanthi sect of Jainism", PQ 24, 1951, 115-124 J110 Nathmal Tatia, Studies in Jain Philosophy. Banaras 1951 J111 Indukala H. Jhaveri, The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jain Theories of Parinama. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Gujarat 1952 J112 Harisatya Bhattacharya, Anekantavada. Bhavnagar 1953 J112.1 Anant Prasad Jain, Soul, Consciousness, Life. Patna 1953 J113 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Nature of soul in Jainism", JUP 1, 1953, 89-93 J114 Mohanlal Mehta, "Extra-sensory perception", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 63 J115 A.G.Sen, Elements of Jainism. Calcutta 1953 J116 Nathmal Tatia, "Nayas--ways of approach and observation", PQ 25, 1953, 251-258 J117 A.N.Upadhye, "The Jainas", IAC 2, 1953-54, 164-169 J118 Chimalal Bhailal Sheth, Jainism in Gujarat (A.D. ll00 to 1600). Poona 1953 J119 P.C.Mahalanobis, "The foundations of statistics. Part I: The Indian-Jaina dialectic of syadvada in relation to probability", Dialectica 8, 1954, 95-111 J120 Mohan Lal Mehta, Outlines of Jaina Philosophy. Bangalore 1954 J120.5 S. Deo, "History of Jaina monachism (from inscriptions and literature)", DCRIB 16, 1954-55, 1-608 J121 P.R.Jain, "Fundamentals of Jainism", AP 26, 1955: 16, 70 J122 H.G.Narahari, "The doctrine of karma in popular Jainism", BDCRI 17, 1955-56, 122-125 J123 I.C.Shastri, "Jainism and the way to spiritual realization", AP 26, 1955: 215, 251 J124 Mohan Lal Mehta, Jaina Psychology. Amritsar 1955 J125 S.B.Deo, History of Jaina Monachism. Poona 1956 J126 P.G.Kulkarni, "The Jain concept of soul", JPA 3.11-12, 1956, 63-68 J127 Bimal Churn Law, "Three gems in Jainism", JGJRI 13, 1956, 63-68 J128 A.N.Upadhye, "The literature and philosophy of the Jainas", IAC 4, 1956, 440-449 J129 A.N.Upadhye, "The ethics of the Jainas", IAC 5, 1956-57, 183-191 J130 Durga Prasad Jain, Jainism--the Road to Salvation. Gurgaon 1956, 1960 J131 Archie J. Bahm, "Does seven-fold predication equal four-cornered negation reversed?", PEW 7, 1957-58, 127-130 J132 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The anekantavada of the Jainas", IAC 6, 1957-58, 310-318. Reprinted FJPRC 51-57 J133 Harisatya Bhattacharya, "The philosophy of the Jains", EAW 8, 1957-58, 371-379. Reprinted Bombay 1958 J134 R. Choudhury, "Jaina and Buddhist philosophy (a comparative study)", PB 62, 1957, 456-462 J135 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Jain-Buddhist parallels as an auxiliary to the elucidation of early Buddhism", FVSKB 196-201 J136 C.K.Handoo, "Jainism", VATW 128, 1957, 39-51 J137 Indukala Jhaveri, "Agurulaghu-guna-paryaya in Jain philosophy", Vid 2, 1957, 10-12 J138 A.Chakravarti, "Jainism, its philosophy and ethics", CHI 1, 1958, 414-433 J139 Indra Chandra, "Jain theory of knowledge", IPC 3.2, 1958, 83-89 J140 K.B.Jindal, The Prefaces. Calcutta 1958 J141 B.B.Rayanade, Jain Conception of Moksa. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras 1958 J142 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Anekantavada", JKU 3, 1959, 8-18 J143 T.G.Kalghatgi, Jain Psychology. Ph.D.Thesis, Karnatak University 1959 J144 Sumati Chand Jain, The Structure and Functions of the Soul in Jainism. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Agra 1960 J145 Atsushi Uno, "Theory of karma in Jainism", NB(G)KN 25, 1960, 1-16 J146 Naren Bhattacharya, "Akriyavada or the doctrine of non-action mentioned in Jaina and Buddhist literature", MR 110, 1961, 315-318 J147 R.D.Immanual, "The doctrine of nayas", ICQ 19, 1961, 1-4 J148 H.L.Jain, "The Jain and the Sahajayana schools of Yoga philosophy", PAIOC 21, 1961, Part II, 105-119 J149 I.H.Jhaveri, "The Jain concept of samvara and the Patanjala concept of yoga", JOI 10, 1961, 297-300 J150 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The Jaina doctrine of ahimsa--a critique", JKU 5, 1961, 17-28 J151 Z.V.Kothari, "Syadvada and relativity", Vidya 4, 1961, 74-93. Reprinted FJPRC 358-373 J152 Z.V.Kothari, "Jaina metaphysics", Vidya 4, 1961, 61-68 J153 B.C.Law, "A few thoughts on Jainism", JHI 39, 1961, 225-248 J154 George Bosworth Burch, "Jain philosophy and modern science", AP 34, 1963, 57-60 J155 A.Chakravarty, "The Jaina philosophy", HPE 139-151 J156 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Satsthala and gunasthana--a comparative study", PQ 36, 1963, 101-110 J157 Y.J.Padmarajiah, A Comparative Study of the Jaina Theories of Reality and Knowledge. Bombay 1963. Portion reprinted in Jinamanjari 3.2, 1991, 1-18. Portion reprinted FJPRC 83-150 J158 Amalia Pezzali, "Il jainismo nel contesto della societa indiana e le sue principali prerogative", Hinduism 18-29 J159 Ramjee Singh, "Jain moksa in the perspective of Indian philosophy", PQ 36, 1963, 55-66 J160 Ramjee Singh, "The nature of unconditionality in syadvada", JainA 22.1 1963 - 23.1, 1964 J161 Vijaya Laxmansurishwarji Maharaj, Atma Tattva Vichar or Philosophy of Soul. Translated by Ghanashyam Joshi. Bombay 1963 J162 R.Williams, Jaina Yoga: A Survey of the Medieval Sravakacaras. London 1963 J162.5 Die Religionen Indiens III: Buddhismus, Jinismus, Primitivvölker. By André Breau, Walther Schubring and Chritoph Führer-Haimendorf. Stuttgart 1964 J163 Harisatya Bhattacharya, The Jaina Prayer. Calcutta 1964 J163.5 Jagdish Chandra Jain, "The development of the doctrine of anekantavada", Review of Philosophy and Religion 5.2, 1964. Reprinted FJPRC 269-275 J164 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Some problems in Jaina psychology", MRJ 1, 1964, 41-46 J165 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Synoptic philosophy", RSV 181-187 J166 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Yoga in Jainism and Virasaivism", JKU 8, 1964, 1-12 J167 Mahendra Kumar, "Rationality and relativity of space and time in Jain metaphysics and modern physics", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 154-156 J168 Rakesh Kumar, "The theory of syadvada", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 201-202 J169 L. Pereira, "Jainism" in Religious Hinduism J170 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Concept of samyagdarsana in Jainism", JOI 14, 1964-65, 171-181 J171 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Concept of avidya and the characteristics of the converted and perverted souls according to the Upanisads, the Gita and Jainism", IPC 9.1, 1964, 33-36 J172 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Comparative study of the expressions of the ethical ideal according to the Upanisads, the Gita and Jainism", VIJ 2, 1964, 101-109 J173 Upendra Thakur, Studies in Jainism and Buddhism in Mithila. Varanasi 1964 J174 G.C.Diwakar, Glimpses of Jainism. Delhi 1964 J174.1 Bhagchandra Jain, "The Jaina conception of kevalajnana in Buddhist literature", VSMV 1965, 203-213 J175 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The doctrine of karma in Jaina philosophy", PEW 15, 1965, 229-242 J176 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Jaina mysticism", ProcIPC 1965-66, 51-59 J177 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "The Jaina view of karma", Bulletin of the Institute of Post-Graduate (Evening) Studies (Delhi) 1965, 102-106 J178 Ramjee Singh, "Parapsychology and Jainism", RJPSS 1.2, 1965, 47-72 J179 Kamal Chand Sogani, "The negative and positive sides of conduct according to the Upanisads, the Gita, and Jainism", VIJ 3, 1965, 80-92 J180 Ludwig Alsdorf, Les Études Jaina. État Present et Taches Futures. College de France 1965. Translated as Jaina Studies: Their Present State and Future Tasks. Mumbai 2006 J180.1 Ludwig Alsdorf, The Arya Stanzas of the Uttajjhaya: contributions to the history and interpretation of a canonical Jain text. Mainz 1966 J181 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Jain views on causation: an Advaitic approach", PB 71, 1966, 462-466 J182 Harisatya Bhattacharya, Reals in the Jaina Metaphysics. Delhi 1966 J182.1 Bhagchandra Jain, "Anekantavada and Buddhist philosophers", VSMV 1966, 152-165 J183 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Jaina social ethics", IPA 2, 1966, 113-118 J184 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Aparigraha in Jaina ethics", BV n.s. 1, 1966, 113-116 J185 Nagin J. Shah, "Jainas on testimony", VIJ 4, 1966, 209-227 J186 Atsushi Uno, "A study of Jaina epistemology", JIBSt 29, 1966, 451-457 J187 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "Omniscience (sarvajnatva) and metaphysics of knowledge (adhigama) in Jainism", KAG 76-79 J188 Bhagchandra Jain, "Rudiments of anekantavada in early Pali literature", NUJ 18, 1967, 209-223. Reprinted FJPRC 276-290 J189 Bhagchandra Jain, "The six dravyas and Buddhist literature", NUJ 18, 1967, 121-139 J190 Bhagchandra Jain, "Evolution of epistemology in Jain philosophy", JainJ 2, 1967, 6-10 J190.1 Bhagchandra Jain, "Evolution of logical discussion in sramana cult", VSMV 1967, 144-155 J191 Pradyumna Kumar Jain, "Cognition--a Jain viewpoint", JainA 24.1, 1967, 45-48 J191.1 Dayanand Bhargava, Jaina Ethics. Delhi 1968 J192 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Dreams in Jaina psychology", ProcIPC 1967, 43-49. Also Darshana 32, 1968, 38-43 J193 B.S.Kulkarni, "Virasaivism and Jainism", SBECCV 399-408 J194 N.C.Shastri, "History of Jaina religion and Jain philosophy (270 B.C. - 300 A.D.)", JainA 24.1, 1967, 12-41 J195 Kamal Chand Sogani, Ethical Doctrines in Jainism. JJG 19, 1967 J196 A.N.Upadhye, "Jaina studies", RIR75 673-688 J197 Dayanand Bhargava, Jaina Ethics. Delhi 1968 J198 K.K.Dixit, "The logical and the historical significance of the Jaina philosophical tradition", SMJVGJ 21-29 J199 Bhagchandra Jain, "The Jain conception of soul in Buddhist literature", JainA 24.2, 1968, 33-43 J200 Bhagchandra Jain, "Anekantavada and the Buddhist philosophers", JainJ 3, 1968, 76-84 J201 Indukala H. Jhaveri, "A comparative study of the Jaina and the Samkhya-Yoga theories of parinama", SMJVGJ 1-6 J202 T.Kastur Chand Lalwani, "A Jaina view of cosmos", JainJ 3, 1968: 20, 85, 131 J203 B.C.Law, "The essence of Jain religion and philosophy", AP 39, 1968: 255, 310 J204 Nemi Chandra Sastri, "Jain religion and philosophy during 500 A.D. to 1200 A.D.", JainA 24.2, 1968, 44-56 J205 Ramjee Singh, "Some reflections on the problem of omniscience", JainA 24.2, 1968, 28-32 J206 S.P.Singh, "Concept of God and Jain philosophy", JainA 24.2, 1968, 1-9 J207 Nathmal Tatia, "Prakrit as a vehicle of philosophical thought", JUG 19, 1968, 1-27 J208 Nathmal Tatia, "Anekanta and madhyama-pratipad", SMJVGJ 7-9. Also VIRB 1, 1971, 256-257 J209 R.K.Tripathi, "The concept of avaktavya in Jainism", PEW 18, 1968, 151-162 J210 A.N.Upadhye, "The Jaina conception of divinity", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 389-394 J211 Nathmal Tatia, "Purification in Jainism", IAHRC II, 130-132 J211.1 P.V.Bapat, "The Buddhist and Jain idea of abnormal conception of a living being", PAIOC 25, 1969, 279-310 J212 S.Gajapathi, "A mechanistic view of the Jain omniscience (kevalajnana)", JainJ 4, 1969-70: 6, 56 J213 Bhagchandra Jain, "The Jaina theory of substance", JainJ 4, 1969-70: 14, 79 J214 T.G.Kalghatgi, Jaina View of Life. JJG 20, 1969 J215 Kastur Chand Lalwani, "A Jain view of cosmos", JainJ 3.3, 1969, 131-137 J216 B.C.Law, "Some problems of Jain philosophy", SMFV 471-486 J217 Ramakant Sinari, "A pragmatist critique of Jaina relativism", PEW 19, 1969, 59-64 J218 Nathmal Tatia, "Jaina logic and logicians", SMFV 504-515 J219 "Jainism", Encyclopedia Britannica 1969, 73-76 J220 Mohan Lal Mehta, Jaina Culture. Varanasi 1969 J221 Pushpa Bothra, "An introduction to Jaina logicians and their logic", JainJ 5, 1970, 15-19 J222 Chandra Bal Dwivedi, "A neglected field of Indian psychology--the Jaina yoga", JOI 20, 1970-71, 27-32 J223 J.S.Zaveri, "Non-absolutist realism of the Jainas", JainJ 5, 1970, 64-75 J224 Jinendra Varni, Jainendra Siddhanta Kosa. JMJG Sanskrit Books No. 38. Four volumes. 1970 J225 Krishna Kumar Dixit, Jaina Ontology. LDS 31, 1971 J227 K.B.Jindal, "The doctrines of Jainism", JainJ 6, 1971-72, 153-174 J228 Mohan Lal Mehta, Jaina Philosophy. Varanasi 1971 J229 Satkari Mookerjee, "Foundations of world peace: ahimsa and anekanta", VIRB 1, 1971, 225-239 J230 Brij Kishore Pandey, "Is Jain philosophy an antitheistic philosophy?", JainA 25.2, 1971, 7-12 J231 D.S.Pramraj, Light of Jain Teaching. Kolhapur 1971 J232 B.G.Ray, "The law of karma in Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism", VJP 8.1, 1971, 71-80 J234 Nathmal Tatia, "The Jaina view of good and evil", VIRB 1, 1971, 288-289 J235 N.R.Guseva, Jainism. Translated by Y.S.Redkar.Bombay 1971 J236 Pushpa Bothra, "An examination of the Jaina theory of perception", JainJ 7, 1972, 95-97 J236.1 Bhagchandra Jain, Jainism in Buddhist Literature. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Ceylon 1966. Published Nagpur 1972 (=J243) J237 K.B.Jindal, "Reals in Jainism", JainJ 7, 1972, 77-82. Reprinted Jainthology 122-128 J238 Brij Kishore Prasad, "Jainas' syadvada and Bradley's view of judgment", IPC 17, 1972, 102-108. Reprinted FJPRC 345-350 J239 Nagin J. Shah, "Jainism and Samkhya", Sambodhi 1.3, 1972, 102-108 J240 Elizabeth Sharpe, "The philosophy of the Jainas", JainJ 7, 1972, 19-26 J241 J.C.Sikdar, "Jain theory of sound (sabda)", Sambodhi 1.2, 1972, 23-32 J242 Balchandra Siddhanta Sastri, Jaina Laksanavali (An Authentic and Descriptive Dictionary of Jaina Philosophical Terms). Volume One, Delhi 1972; Two, 1973; Three, 1979 J243 Bhagchandra Jain, Jainism in Buddhist Literature. Nagpur 1972 J244 L. Alsdorf, "Niksepa--a Jaina contribution to scholastic methodology", JOI 22, 1973, 455-463 J245 G.L.Almer, "Jain logic: five questions discussed", JainA 25.1, 1973, 53-56 J246 S.C.Diwaker, "The doctrine of syadvada", JainJ 8, 1973, 54-59 J247 S.C.Diwaker, "The philosophy of karma", JainJ 7, 1973, 133-141 J248 K.K.Dixit, "Evolution of the Jaina treatment of ethical problems", Sambodhi 1.4, 1973, 19-38 J249 S.Gajapathi, "Key principles of Jainism", JainJ 8, 1973, 11-20 J250 S.Gopalan, Outlines of Jainism. New Delhi 1973 J251 Namita Kar, "A study in the Jaina doctrine of karma", BUUJH 7, 1973, 51-54 J252 Ajit Shuk Deo Sharma, "Exposition of naya in Jaina philosophy", VJP 10.1, 1973, 93-102 J253 Collette Caillat, "Jainism", Jainism 1-48 J253.5 S.H.Divatia, "Syadvada", JUB 21.1, 1973. Reprinted FJPRC 307-313 J254 R.G.Dwivedi, "Defining the pramana", VIRB 2, 1974, 48-58 J255 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Jaina ethics", IndPQ 2, 1974-75, 77-86 J256 B.S.Kulkarni, "Summum bonum of life. Jain view", PTG 9.1, 1974, 81-86. Also SBL 1-9 J257 R.M.Kasliwal, "Concept of soul in Jain philosophy and its scientific interpretation", Jijnasa 1.3-4, 1974, 29-31 J258 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Contribution of Jainism to Indian philosophy", ALB 38, 1974, 19-26 J259 Hojun Nagasaki, "Kevala (transcendental perception) in Jaina logic" (in Japanese with English summary). ODKN 26, 1974, 1-34 J260 G.C.Pande, "The role of the idea of kriyavada in Jaina logic", Jijnasa 1.3-4, 1974, 1-3 J261 Rajendra Prasad Pandey, "Syadvada and the Jaina phenomenology of perception", VJP 10.2, 1974, 1-16 J262 Chandrakant G. Rajurkar, "Emergence of rational and abstract thought in the Jain tradition", Jijnasa 1.3-4, 1974, 16-23 J263 M.S.Ranadive, "Doctrine of karma in Jainism", JSU 17, 1974, 107-110 J264 Nagin J. Shah, "Some reflections on the problem of jnanadarsana", JOI 24, 1974, 41-68 J265 J.C.Sikdar, "Fabric of life as conceived in Jaina biology", Sambodhi 3.1, 1974, 1-10 J266 J.C.Sikdar, "Jaina conception of reality, i.e., dravya", VIRB 2, 1974, 59-71 J267 Bashishta Narayana Sinha, "Theory of doubt in Jainism and rationalism", VIRB 2, 1974, 72-74 J268 Ramjee Singh, The Jaina Concept of Omniscience. LDS 43, 1974 J269 Ramjee Singh, "The concept of omniscience: some misconceptions and clarifications", JainA 26.1, 1974, 8-19 J270 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Jaina ethical theory", IndPQ 2, 1974-75, 177-184 J271 Nathmal Tatia, "Jaina philosophy through the ages", BRMIC 25, 1974, 87-94 J272 A.N.Upadhye, "Jainas and Jainism", Jainism 49-78 J273 N. Veezhinathan, "Concept of karma in Jainism and Buddhism", BITC 1974 (Jan-June), 95-105 J273.5 Colette Caillat, Atonement in the Ancient Ritual of the Jaina Monks. Allahabad 1975 J274 A.S.Dharanendriah, "Jaina yoga: a psychological analysis", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 37-42 J275 Sumar Chand Diwaker, "The doctrine of syadvada", Prachya-Pratibha 3, 1975, 35-41 J276 S.C.Diwaker, "Fate in Jainism", Prachya-Pratibha 3, 1975, 42-49 J277 R.C.Dwivedi, "Social significance of Jaina ethics", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 9-18 J278 Prem Chand Jain, "Moksa in Jainism", JainJ 9, 1975, 113-119 J279 Uttam Kamal Jain, Jaina Sects and Schools. New Delhi 1975 J280 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Fundamental Jaina concepts and modern society", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 3-8 J281 K.V.Mardia, "Jain logic and statistical concepts", JainA 27.1, 1975, 33-37 J282 Ram Nanda Mishra, "A critical and comparative account of the Jaina concept of soul", JainA 27.1, 1975, 25-30 J283 Suzuko Ohira, "Jaina concept of siddhas", Sambodhi 4.3-4, 1975-76, 17-21 J284 Vishwanath Pandey, "Jaina philosophy and religion", TO 4, 1975, 3-36 J285 Brij Kishore Prasad, Anekantavada as seen in the light of some Western views", IndPA 3, 1975-76, 65-74 J286 K.S.Ramakrishna Rao, "Jainism", ITAI 83-10 J287 M.L.Sharma, "Concepts of God in Jaina philosophy", RJPSS 175, 13-15 J288 Ramakant Sinari, "The Jaina Weltanschauung", AP 47, 1975, 58-61 J289 Ramjee Singh, "The non-absolutistic attitude and their relevance in Jainism and Buddhism", JainA 27.1, 1975, 25-30 J290 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Rightness of action and Jaina ethics", IndPQ 3, 1975-76, 29-36 J291 S.P.Bondyopadhyaya, "Theory of moksa in Jainism", JainJ 11, 1976, 13-20. Also IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 161-172 J292 Harisatya Bhattacharya, "Omniscient beings", JainJ 11, 1976: 64, 91 J292.1 Harisatya Bhattacharya, Jain Moral Doctrines. bombay 1976 J293 Narendra Nath Bhattacharya, Jain Philosophy: Historical Outline. Delhi 1976 J294 Pushpa Bothra, Jaina Theory of Perception.Varanasi 1976. Reprinted Delhi 1996 J295 Uttam Kamal Jain, Jain Sects and Schools. Delhi 1975 J296 P.S.Jaini, "Samayika--a Jain path of purification", in GSSK. Reprinted in CPJS 219-228 J297 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A note on the Jaina concept of substance", Sambodhi 5.2-3, 1976-77, 3-12 J298 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Contribution of the Jaina thought to the stream of Indian philosophy", QFT 100-104 J299 Rai Ashwini Kumar, "Jain yoga and mysticism", GSTJ 78-95 J300 Kewal Krishna Mittal, "Social significance of sunyata and syat", BandJ 2, 285-287 J301 Ram Chandra Pandeya, "The Jain conception of syadvada", RPISP 114-123 J302 Ram Bhushan Prasad Singh, Jainism in Early Medieval Karnatak (c. A.D. 500-1200). Delhi 1975 J303 Nathmal Tatia, "Jaina philosophy", GSTJ 13-39 J304 Bhagachandra Bhaskar, "Conception of omniscience in Jainism and Buddhism", BandJ 2, 242-248 J305 Narendra Nath Bhattacharya, Jain Philosophy. A Historical Outline. Delhi 1976 J306 Pushpa Bothra, The Jaina Theory of Perception. Delhi 1976 J307 M.G.Dhadphale, "Jainism, a spiritual meliorism", BandJ 2, 18-22 J308 M.R.Gelra, "Dravya-lesa--a comparison with visible spectrum", BandJ 2, 255-257 J309 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Knowledge of self", TGKJAS 19-29 J310 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Contribution of the Jaina thought to the stream of Indian philosophy", QFT 100-104 J311 B.V.Kishan, "Concept of jiva in Jainism--some observations", SVUOJ 19, 1976, 45-52 J312 K.Bhushan Lokahdne, "Nature of divinity in Jainism", BandJ 2, 23-24 J313 M.P.Marathe, "An analysis of 'syat' in syadvada", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 409-422. Also Journal of Pratap Centre of Philosophy, Amalner/Poona 5.1, 1977. Reprinted FJPRC 295-306 J314 N.G.Mahadevappa, "Some difficulties about anekantavada and syadvada", TGKJKC 110-114 J315 G. Marulasiddaiah, "Trends common between Jainism and Veerasaivism", TGKJAS 53-59 J316 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Ontological problems in Nyaya, Buddhism and Jainism. A comparative study", JIP 5, 1977, 91-106 J317 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Affinity between Jainism and Samkhya", BhM 3, 1977, 5-10 J318 C.L.Prabhakar, "Vedism and Jainism", PTG 10.2, 1976, 15-22 J319 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Bondage and freedom in Jaina philosophy", TGKJAS 1-7 J319.1 Sukhlalji Sanghi, Essence of Jainism. Translated by Ramesh Betai. 1976 J320 Narendra Kumar Sastri, "Fundamentals of Jainism", BandJ 2, 227-232 J321 Damodar Shastri, "Jain cosmogony--a comparative study", BandJ 2, 202-216 J322 Ramjee Singh, "The absolutistic attitudes and their relevance in Jainism and Buddhism", BandJ 2, 162-165 J323 Pratapkumar J. Toliya, "Meditation and Jainism", BandJ 2, 68-79. J324 Atsushi Uno, "Some relationships between Buddhism and Jainism", BandJ 1, 44-46 J325 S.P.Banerji, "Philosophy of moksa in Jainism", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 161-172 J326 A.S.Dharanendriah, "Jaina yoga--a psychological analysis", TGKJKC 120-126 J326.5 K. Bruhn and C. B. Tripathi, "Jain concordance and Bhasya concordance" (reference lost) J327 Ramesh M. Dhave, "Jain doctrine of karma", JUBo 46, 1977, 45-50 J328 S.Gopalan, "Radhakrishnan's views on Jainism: a review", IPA 12, 1977-78, 280-291 J329 Joti Prasad Jain, Religion and Culture of the Jains. Second edition. New Delhi 1977 J330 Shanta Jain, "Characteristics of Jaina mysticism", TGKJKC 99-109 J330.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Bhavyatva and abhavyatva: a Jaina doctrine of 'predestination'", Bhagavan Mahavira and His Teachings:2,500 Nirvana Anniversary Volume (Bombay 1977), 95-111. Reprinted CPJS 95-109 J330.7 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Samskara-duhkhata and the jaina concept of suffering", RIT 152-157. Reprinted CPBS 133-138 J331 N.G.Mahadevappa, "Some difficulties about anekantavada and syadvada", TGKJKC 110-114 J332 M.P.Marathe, "An analysis of 'syat' in syadvada", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 409-422. Reprinted FJPRC 295-306 J333 D.C.Mehta, "The Jain answer to the three questions", Sambodhi 6.3-4, 1977-78, 62-73 J334 R.N.Mishra, "The Jaina theory of syadvada", JainA 30.2, 1977, 18-24 J335 S.V.Patel, "The contribution of Jaina thought to the modern world", TGKJKC 90-98 J336 Nagin J. Shah, "Jaina conception of space and time", Sambodhi 6.3-4, 1977-78, 12-31 J337 J.C.Sikdar, "Relevance of Jaina thought today", TGKJKC 67-83 J338 J.C.Sikdar, "Principle of permanence-in-change in Jaina philosophy", Sambodhi 6.3-4, 1977-78, 47-61 J338.1 K.V.Apte, "First two bhangas of saptabhangi", BhV 38, 1978, 1-13 J339 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Pramana and nyaya in Jaina logic", Philosophica 7.2, 1978, 1-9 J339.5 Asim Kumar Chatterjee, A Comprehensive History of Jainism. Calcutta 1978, 19984 J340 S.C.Jain, Structure and Function of Soul in Jainism. New Delhi 1978 J341 B.K.Matilal, "Saptabhangi", SKF 159-172 J342 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Contribution of Jaina philosophy to Indian thought", JainJ 13, 1978, 7-15 J343 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Nayavada and many-valued logics", WIP 49-62 J344 Amal Mazumdar, "The nature and forms of knowledge--Jaina view", JainJ 1978, 16-22 J345 Sukhlalji Sanghvi, "Anekantavada: the principal Jaina contribution to logic", SHIP 3, 12-33 J346 R.C.Sethi, "Accounting of our actions in Jainism", AB 99, 1978, 150-151 J347 S.P.Verma, "Psycho-physical parallelism of the Jainas", KUJ 12, 1978, 111-115 J348 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "The Buddhist theory of relation between prama and pramana. A comparative estimate in relation to the Samkhya-Yoga, the Advaita, the Mimamsaka and the Jaina theories", JIP 7, 1979, 43-78 J348.1 Colette Caillat, Les etudes bouddhiques et jaina. Paris 1979 J349 Douglas Dunsmore Daye, "Circularity in the inductive justification of formal arguments (tarka) in the 12th century Indian Jaina logic", PEW 29, 1979, 177-188. Also StIndPh 105-124 J349.1 Anant Prasad Jain, "Soul, consciousness and life: the Jaina viewpoint", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 139-148 J350 R.M.Kasliwal, "Concept of soul in Jain philosophy", JTC 29-31 J351 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Development of Jaina ontological ideas", JainJ 13, 1979, 103-111 J352 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Development of the Jaina concept of soul", JainJ 14, 1979, 9-11 J353 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Contribution of Jaina philosophy to Indian thought", IndPQ 17, 1980, 453-462. Reprinted Jainthology 193-201 J354 Suzuko Ohira, "Evolution of the Jaina theory of lesya", JainJ 13, 1979, 119-126 J355 G.C.Pande, "The role of the idea of kriyavada in Jaina logic", JTC 1-3 J356 C.G.Rajurkar, "Emergence of rational and abstract thought in the Jain tradition", JTC 16-23 J357 Arvind Sharma, "The relationship of Jain epistemology and soteriology", JainJ 14, 1979, 64-67 J358 Gour Hazra, "A brief account of the Jaina view of inference", JainJ 15, 1980, 101-106 J359 Bhagchandra Jain, "The nature of substance in Buddhism and Jainism", JainJ 15, 1980, 85-94 J360 Jyoti Prasad Jain, "Is bondage the intrinsic nature of soul?", JainA 33.1, 1980, 1-14 J361 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "The Buddhist and Jaina conception of man and society as revealed in their religious literature", Sambodhi 19, 1980-81, 40-51 J361.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Tirthankara-prakrti and the bodhisattva path", JPTS 9 (Centenary Volume), 1981, 96-104. Reprinted CPJS 111-119 J362 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Karma and the problem of rebirth in Jainism", KRCIT 217-238. Reprinted CPJS 121-145 J362.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "The disappearance of Buddhism and the survival of Jainism in India: a study in contrast", SHB 81-91. Reprinted CPBS 139-153 J363 Sajjan Singh Lishk, "On application of the law of combination in early Jaina philosophy", JainJ 15, 1981, 71-73 J364 Suzuko Ohira, "Problems of the purva", JainJ 15, 1980, 41-55 J365 Arvind Sharma, "An Advaitic criticism of Jainism--a countercriticism", JainJ 15, 1980, 81-84 J366 Arvind Sharma, "Some special aspects of Jaina philosophy as a school of Indian philosophy", Sambodhi 9, 1980-81, 92-95 J367 J.C.Sikdar, "The Jaina concept of karma", JainJ 15, 1980: 29, 74, 107 J368 S.B.P.Sinha, "The Jaina doctrine of naya: its implications and importance", JainJ 15, 1980, 22-28 J369 T.K.Turkal, Compendium of Jainism. Dharwad 1980 J369.5 Shanti Prakash Atreya, "Syadvada and the modern scientific theory of relativity", Vedic Path 33, 1981. Reprinted FJPRC 351-357 J370 V.K.Bharadwaj, "The Jaina concept of logic", IndPQ 9, 1981-82, 363-3 J371 V.K.Bharadwaj, "The Jaina conception of tarka", PEW 3l, 1981, 501-506 J372 Dayanand Bhargava, "The classification of varieties of hetu in Jain logic", DBGIP 72-84 J373 Dayanand Bhargava, "The Jain view regarding predominance of mind over body", DBGIP 103-105 J374 Duli Chandra Jain, "How karma theory relates to modern science", JainJ 16, 1981, 104-118 J374.1 Z.V.Kothari, "Syadvada and relativity", Vidya 41, 1981. Reprinted FJPRC 358-373 J375 Y.Krishan, "The unique Jaina doctrine of karma and its contribution", StIndPh 145-154 J376 B.B.Kundu, "Jainism", JainJ 16, 1981, 63-84 J377 D.D. Malvania, "Beginnings of Jaina philosophy in the Acaranga", SzumJB 151-154 J378 M.P.Marathe, "A note on 'bhanga' in saptabhangi", IndPQ 9, 1981-82, 201-210 J379 Bimal Krishna Matilal, The Central Philosophy of Jainism (Anekantavada). LDS 79, 1981 J380 M.L.Mehta, "Jaina concept of suffering", JainJ 16, 1981, 43-46 J381 Arvind Sharma, "Karma and the arhant in Jainism", JainJ 16, 1981, 95-99 J382 Arvind Sharma, "Why did Jainism not develop the view that samsara = nirvana?", Sambodhi 10, 1981-82, 50-52 J383 Y.S.Shastri, "Refutation of Advaita Vedanta in major Jaina works" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 242 J384 J.C. Sikdar, "Criterion of reality in Jaina philosophy", JRS 9, 1981, 106-125 J385 E.A.Solomon, "Tamas and chaya in the Jaina view", StIndPh 39-56 J386 B.P.Bhatt, "Jainism--status nascendi", PAIOC 30, 1982, 395-398 J387 Gour Hazra, "Anekantavada in the light of some other modern views", JainJ 17, 1982, 46-51 J388 Gour Hazra, "Memory as a pramana--Jaina view", IndPQ 9.3, 1982 (Students' Supplement) 16-19 J388.5 Chhotelal Jain, Jaina Bibliography. Edited and expanded b Satya Ranjan Banerjee. New Delhi 1982 J389 Y.Krishan, "The doctrine of karma in Jainism", JainJ 17, 1982, 22-33. Reprinted Jainthology 81-93 J390 Yugal Kishore Mishra, "Commonsense elements in Jain philosophy", VIRB 3, 1982, 72-75 J391 Brahmachari Sital Prashad, A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 7, Delhi 1982 J392 Arvind Sharma, "The Jain doctrine of nayavada in relation to the various schools of Indian philosophy", JainA 35, 1982, 13-18 J393 Arvind Sharma, "The Jaina concept of kevalajnana in the light of modern researches in thanatology", JainJ 17, 1982, 9-16. Reprinted Jainthology 43-50 J394 Arvind Sharma, "Is there a popular Jainism?", JainJ 17, 1982, 112-118 J395 Damodar Shastri, "Jain concept of God", VIRB 3, 1982, 108-116 J395.1 Nalini Balbir, "Observations sur la secte jaina des Terapanthin", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes 1, 1983, 39-45 J395.2 Colette Caillat, Le cosmologie jaina. paris 1981. Translated into English by Ravi Kumar, Basel, Bombay 1981 J396 V.P.Devadatta, "Jainism and its philosophical impact on Tamil literature", PHT 257-268 J397 Gokul Chandra Jain, "Yoga and society: the Jain view", VIRB 4, 1983, 42-45 J398 Jyoti Prasad Jain, "Jaina authors and their works', JainA 36, 1983 - 38, 1985 J399 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The Jaina Weltanschauung", VIRB 4, 1983, 28-36 J399.1 K.R.Norman, "The pratyeka-Buddha in Buddhism and Jainism", BSAM 92-106. Reprinted KRNCP 2, 233-249 J400 Y.S.Shastri, "Reappraisal of degrees of reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 193-216 J401 Devendra Muni Shastri, A Source-Book in Jaina Philosophy. Translated by T.G.Kalghatgi, edited by T.S.Devadass. Udaipur 1983 J402 V.K.Bharadwaj, "The Jain concept of logic", StinJ 116-129 J403 Umrao Singh Bist, Jaina Theories of Reality and Knowledge. Delhi 1984 J405 Filita Bharuchi and R.V.Kamat, "Syadvada theory of Jainism in terms of a deviant logic", IndPQ 11, 1984-85, 181-188. Reprinted FJPRC 339-344 J406 R.C.Dwivedi, "Jaina definitions of the pramana", Amrtadhara 115-124 J406.1 Prem Suman Jain, Essentials of Jainism. Wellesley, Mass. 1984 J407 T.G.Kalghatgi, Jaina Logic: Anekanta, Naya and Syadvada. New Delhi 1984 J408 Shiv Kumar, Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion with special reference to Jainism. New Delhi 1984 J408.5 Acharya Mahaprajna, "The axioms of non-absolutism", in New Dimensions of Jaina Logic (New Delhi 1984). Portion reprinted FJPRC 1-32 J409 M.P.Marathe, "An analysis of syat in syadvada", StinJ 141-155 J410 Mohanlal Mehta, "A note on the development of some concepts in Jaina ontology", StinJ 3-7 J411 K.R.Norman, "The pratyeka-buddha in Buddhism and Jainism", BSAM 92-106 J412 Suzuko Ohira, "Jaina concept of atomic combination", StinJ 37-48 J413 S.L.Pandey, "Nayavada and many-valued logic", StinJ 156-166 J414 Ashim Kumar Roy, A History of the Jainas. New Delhi 1984 J415 Nagin J. Shah, "Jaina concept of atomic combination", StinJ 56-76 J416 J.C.Sikdar, "Concept of matter in Jaina philosophy", StinJ 8-36 J417 Ramjee Singh, "The Jaina concept of jiva and sarvajnata", StinJ 77-82 J418 Nathmal Tatia, New Dimensions in Jaina Logic. Translated by Yuvacharya Mahaprajna. Rajasthan 1984 J419 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of paryaya--a singular contribution of Jainism", PJPC 1-3 J420 Paul Dundas, "Food and freedom: the Jaina sectarian debate on the nature of the kevalin", Religion 15, 1985, 161-198 J421 G.R.Jain, "Space, time and the universe", PJPC 7-18 J422 Sagarmal Jain, "The concept of vibhajjavada and its impact on philosophical and religious tolerance in Buddhism and Jainism", JainJ 19, 1985, 61-65. Reprinted Jainthology 129-133 J423 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The Jain theory of sallekhana: a critique", JainJ 20, 1985-86, 40-46 J423.1 Lakshmi Kappani, "Remarques sur la notion de vasana", Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes 3, 1985, 79-102 J424 R.M.Kasliwal, "Concept of soul in Jaina philosophy and its scientific interpretation", PJPC 4-6. Also JTC 29-31 J425 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Jaina yoga", PJPC 19-22 J426 Kewal Krishan Mittal, "Jaina view of knowledge: naturalistic or non-naturalistic?", RKV 93-96 J427 Dilipkumar Mohanta, "What is syadvada?", JainJ 20, 1985-86, 2-7 J427.0 Arvind Sharma, "Does the syadvada of the Jains really involve a 9-fold rather than a 7-fold system of predication?", IJPS 5, 1985, 3-8 J427.1 N. Shanta, La voie jaina. Histoire, spiritualité, vie des ascètes pélerines d l'Inde. Paris 1985 J428 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Refutation of Advaita Vedanta in major Jain works", Sambodhi 13, 1985, 1-13 J429 Kamal Chand Sogani, "Fundamentals of Jaina mysticism", PJPC 23-27 J430 Dilip Kumar Banerjee, "The supernormal powers of the Jain ascetics: a study", VIRB 5, 1986, 255-260 J431 Brahmesananda, "The ladder of spiritual ascent according to Jainism", PB 91, 1986, 350-358 J432 D. Nirmala Devi, "Concept of nature in Jainism", PB 91, 1986, 230-232 J433 S. Gopalan, "Suffering: the Jaina perspective", SIP 126-144 J434 Phyllis Granoff, "The miracle of a hagiography without miracles: some comments on the Jain lives of the pratyekabuddha karakanda", JIP 14, 1986, 389-404 J435 T.G.Kalghatgi, "The Jaina way", PIRKW 229-238 J436 Bijayananda Kar, "The dharma in Jainism", IPQ 26, 1986, 161-168. Reprinted VPIP 65-76 J437 Anurudha Khanna and Navjyoti Singh, "Physical and biological notions in Jain cosmology", AligarhJOS 3, 1986, 111-122 J438 Sunil Kumar, "The doctrine of syadvada: the basis of Jain philosophy", VIRB 5, 1986, 342-346 J438.1 Dalsukh D. Malvania, Jainism: Some Essays. Jaipur 1986 J439 Muni Sri Nagarajji, A Critical Study of the Jaina and the Buddhist Canonical Literature. Volume I: History and Tradition. New Delhi 1986 J440 Kokila H. Shah, "Some misconception about Jaina theory of relativity", JainA 39.2, 1986, 22-34 J440.1 S.M.Shah, "Anekanta and the problem of meaning", ABORI 67, 1986, 139-145. Reprinted FJPRC 260-268 J441 Indra Chandra Shastri, "Jain theory of knowledge", JICPR 4, 1986, 73-86 J442 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Refutation of Advaita Vedanta in major Jain works", JainJ 20, 1986-87, 77-88 J443 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Reconciliation of different philosophical viewpoints: an attempt made by Jaina philosophers", JainJ 21, 1986-87, 71-85 J444 Navjyoti Singh, "Jaina theory of measurement and theory of transfinite numbers", VIRB 5, 1986, 291-326 J445 S.M.Shaha, "Anekanta and the problem of meaning", ABORI 67, 1986, 139-145 J446 J.C.Sikdar, "Concept of the jiva (soul) in Jaina philosophy in comparison with concepts of soul of Samkya-Yoga and Nyaya-Vaisesika systems of philosophy ", VIRB 5, 1986, 225-242 J447 Nalini Balbir, "The perfect sutra as defined by the Jains", BerlinIndStud 3, 1987, 3-22 J447.3 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "The criterion of orthodoxy in India and the case of Jainism and Buddhism", SramV 101-110 J447.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Values in comparative perspective: svadharma versus ahimsa", SramV 111-122. Reprinted CPBS 155-166 J448 Shin Fujinaga, "Recollection as pramana", JIBSt 36.1, 1987, 19-22 J448.1.Goura Hajra, "Jaina theory of paroksa jnana", AspJ 1, 36-42 J448.2.Sagarmal Jain, "The philosophical foundation of religious tolerance in Jainism", AspJ 1, 43-56 J449 Sagarmal Jain, "The relevance of Jainism in the present world", JainJ 22, 1987-88, 12-19 J450 N.L.Jain, "The Jaina theory of karma and current scientific view", JainJ 22, 1987, 121-139 J451 T.G.Kalghatgi, "Karma in Jaina thought", DK 94-120 J452 P. Krishnan, "Jaina ethics", JMU 59.1, 1987, 66-72 J452.5 V. M. Kulkarni, "Sacrifice in the Jain tradition", SICE 133-142 J453 B.C.Law, Some Jaina Canonical Sutras. Delhi 1988 J454 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Jaina philosophy of relativism", JainJ 22, 1987-88, 1-5 J455 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Jaina view of soul: an introduction", JainJ 22, 1987, 53-56 J455.0 Govindagopal Mukhopadhyaya, "The Jaina concept of self", MGKCV, 1987, 225-230 J455.1.N.K.Singh, "Jaina's concept of substance", AspJ 1, 30-35 J455.1.5 K. P. Sinha, "The Jain concept of upayoga", BSCV 26-32 J455.2.L.K.L.Srivastava, "Contemporary relevance of triratna ideal of Jainism", AspJ 1, 25-29 J456 Gokul Chandra Jain, "God: the Jaina view and Jaina religious images", VIRB 6, 1988, 4-11 J457 Sunita Jain, "Some common features of Buddhism and Jainism", VIRB 6, 1988, 35-39 J458 K.B.Jindal, "Cosmology old and new", EpJ 224-232 J459 Arvind Sharma, "The Jaina doctrine of syadvada: a critical examination of some modern presentations", RCT 9-22 J460 J.C.Sikdar, "Nature of reality as conceived in Jaina philosophy", VIRB 6, 1988, 62-76 J461 Lalita Chakraborty, "The Jaina concept of perception", JainJ 23.1, 1988, 19-22 J462 Gour Hazra, "The concept of mind in Indian thought with special reference to the Jaina system", JainJ 23, 1988, 125-129 J462.5 N. L. Jain, "The Jaina theory of karma and currenct scientific views", JainJ 1988, 121-139. Reprinted Nandanavana 88-108 J463 B.H.Kapadia, "Salient common features between Jainism and Buddhism", JainJ 23, 1988, 49-59 J463.1 K.P.Sinha, "On the Jaina theory of syadvada", JUG 34, 1988, 97-103 J464 Vincent Sekhar, "The way of the spirit--a Jain journey: studies in Jaina spirituality", JD 13, 1988, 217-237 J464.00 Bansidhar Bhatt, "The concept of self and liberation in early Jain Agamas", SelfandC 132-172 J464.0 Purushottama Bilimoria, "The Jaina spirit in Salmon Rushdie", South Asia Bulletin 9.2, 1989, 57-64 J464.1 John Edward Cort, Liberation and Well-Being: A Study of the Svetambara Murtipujak Jains of North Gujarat. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1989 J465 Narendra Kumar Dash, "The Jaina concept of ahimsa: an introduction", JainA 42.2, 1989, 11-16 J466 Virchand R. Gandhi, "Jainism", JainJ 24, 1989-90, 165-175 J466.1 Pradeep Gokhale, "The Jaina doctrine of nayabhasa", Sambhasa 11, 1989, 11-22 J467 Jagdishchandra Jain, "The medieval bhakti movement: its influence on Jainism", MBMI 62-73 J468 J.L.Jaini, "Distinction between living and non-living", JainJ 24, 1989-90, 117-123 J468.5 L.C.Jain, "System Theory in Jaina School of Mathematics-II", IJHS, 24 (3), 1989, 163-180 J469 S.C.Jain, "Determinism and indeterminism in anekanta philosophy", JainJ 24, 1989-90, 93-99 J469.5 M. Narasimhachary, "Philosophical tenets and practices common between Jainism and Vaishnavism:, FJ 188-230 J470 Subodh Kumar Pal, "A note on Jaina atheism", JainJ 24, 1989-90, 48-53 J470.1 Indra Chandra Shastri, "Jaina theory of knowledge", Dharma-Niranjana 1989, 218-232 J471 Ram Jee Singh, "Jain moksa in the perspective of Indian philosophy", JainJ 24, 1989-90, 70-82 J471.0 N. Vasupal, "Early Jaina religious contact between Karnataka and Tamilnadu", FJ62-72 J471.1 Kumar Anand, "The concept of moksa in Jainism", VIRB 7, 1990, 15-22 J472 Harisatya Bhattacharya, "Omniscient beings", JainJ 25, 1990, 16-29 J472.1 Paul de Breuil, Les jains de l'Inde. Aubier 1990 J472.1.5 John E. Cort, "Models of and for study of the Jains", MTSR 2, 1990, 42-71 J472.2 Duli Chandra Jain, Studies in Jainism: Reader: Primer. Flushing, N.Y.1990, 1997 J473 G.R.Jain, "Omniscience is fiction or a fact", JainJ 25, 1990, 30-35 J474 N.L.Jain, "Jain theory of skandhas or molecules", JainJ 25, 1990, 59-76. Also VIRB 7, 1990, 34-49 J474.1 William John Johnson, The Problem of Bondage in Selected Early Jaina Texts. Ph.D.Thesis, Oxford University 1990 J474.2 H.M.Joshi, "Reflections on Jain metaphysics and ethics", JOI 40, 1990, 11-30 J475 Kamala Joshi, "Beginning of bandha with special reference to Jain philosophy", JainJ 25, 1990, 36-39 J475.1 K. V. Mardia, The Scientific Foundation of Jainism. Delhi 1990 J476 Vilas A. Sangave, Aspects of Jaina Religion. New Delhi 1990 J477 Indra Chandra Shastri, Jaina Epistemology. Varanasi 1990 J478 Bhakti Shrivastava, "Reality--the bold Jaina conception", Glory of Knowledge 161-165 J478.1 Jai Singh, "Jaina view on verbal testimony", JRS 18.1, 1990, 42-50 J479 Navjyoti Singh, "Jain theory of measurement and theory of transfinite numbers", JainJ 25, 1990: 1, 77 J480 K.P.Sinha, The Philosophy of Jainism. Calcutta 1990 J481 Robert J. Zydenbos, "Jain influence in the formation of Dvaita Vedanta", JainJ 25, 1990, 103-109. Reprinted Jainthology 178-184 J482 Bansidhar Bhatta, The Canonical Niksepa: Studies in Jaina Dialectics. Delhi 1991 J482.1 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "The logical structure of syadvada", JICPR 8.3, 1991, 73-82 J482.1.5 S. Gopalan, Jainism as Metaphilosophy. Delhi 1991 J482.0 Kapoor Chand Jain, Bibliography of Prakrit and Jaina Research. Second edition. Khatauli 1991 J482.1.1.T.G.Kalghatgi, "The concept of mind in Jainism", AspJ 3, 125-130 J482.2 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Anekanta: both yes and no?", JICPR 8.2,1991, 1-12. Reprinted IPACR 2, 169-180 J482.3 Jagdish Chandra Jain, The Jaina Way of Life. Gurgaon 1991 J483 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Reconciliation of different philosophical viewpoints--an attempt made by Jaina philosophers", YSS 1-15 J484 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Refutation of Advaita Vedanta in major Jaina works", YSS 16-27. Reprinted Jainthology 134-145 J485 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Doctrine of degrees of reality in Jainism, Buddhism and Vedanta", YSS 33-52 J486 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Conception of existence and substance in Jainism", YSS 75-82 J487 J.C.Sikdar, Theory of Reality in Jaina Philosophy. Varanasi 1991 J487.1 J.C.Sikdar, "Basic religious attitude of Jainism towards Tantricism", JRS 19.2, 1991, 68-86 J487.2.J.C.Sikdar, "Concept of jiva (soul) in Jaina philosophy", AspJ 3, 96-119 J488 Jayendra Soni, "Dravya, guna and paryaya in Jaina thought", JIP 19, 1991, 75-88 J488.1.P.M.Upadhye, "Ultimate principle in Jain religion and philosophy", UAITD 227-232 J488.8 Jethlal S. Zhaveri, "Metaphysical view of anekanta", in Microcosmology: Atom in the Jain philosophy and Modern Science (Ladnum 1991). Reprinted FJPRC 71-84 J489 Robert J. Zydenbos, "On the Jaina background of Dvaita Vedanta", JIP 19, 1991, 249-272 J489.0 Himanshu Shekhar Acharya, "The Jaina view of darkness", Sambodhi 18, 1992, 71-73 J489.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Jain ethic of voluntary death, A Report from India", Bioethics 6, 1992, 331-355 J490 Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar, "Nature of spiritual suicide (sallekhana) in Jainism", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 636-638 J490.1 Brahmeshananda, "The ideal of service in Jainism", VK 79, 1992, 427-430 J491 Klaus Bruhn, "The kasaya concept in Jaina soteriology", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 520-521 J491.0 Tara Chatterjee, "Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya and anekhantavada", JICPR 10.1, 1992. Reprinted KFIP 77-88 J491.1 Paul Dundas, The Jains. London 1992 J492 M.R.Gelra, "Sallekhana is not suicide", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 635-636 J492.00 Dashrath Jain, Basic Tenets of Jainism. New Delhi 1992 J492.0 L. C. Jain, The Tao of Jaina Sciences. Delhi 1992 J492.1 Sagar Mal Jain, "Jainism", BRMIC 43, 1992: 239, 284 J492.2 Tushar Sarkar, "Some reflections on Jaina aneikantavada", JJP 4.2, 1992, 13-38 J492.3 K. P. Sinha, "On the term darsana in Jainism", SVUOJ 35, 1992, 71-78 J492.3 Nalini Balbir, "Jaina exegetical terminology: PK vibhasa: 'detailed exposition'", JSHJD 67-84 J493 O. Filita Bharucha, Role of Space-Time in Jaina's Syadvada and Quantum Theory. Delhi 1993 J493.1 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Remarks on the history of Jaina meditation", JSHJD 151-162 J493.2 Brahmeshananda, "The ladder of spiritual ascent according to Jainism", JainJ 27, 1993, 141-153 J493.3 Klaus Bruhn, "The concept of mana (pride) in Jaina dogmatics", JSHJD 163-206 J494 Roderick S. Bucknell, "Reinterpreting the jhanas", JIABS 16.2, 1993, 375-409 J494.000 Virchand R. Gandhi, Religion and Philosophy of the Jainas (ed.Nagin J. Shah). Ahmedabad 1993 J494.005 Atsushi Hashimoto, "Explanation of the Madhyamika doctrine by the Jaina logicians", SMT 184-186 J494.00 Bhag Chandra Jain and Ananda W.P.Guruge, "Jainism", EnBud 5.4, 1993, 609-619 J494.0 Hem Chandra Jain, "Anekantavada--the theory of relativity", JainJ 27, 1993, 219-225 J494.0.0 N. L. Jain, Jain System in a Nutshell. Satna 1993 J494.0.1 Vincent Sekhar, "Implications of ahimsa on ecology: a Jaina perspective", JainJ 28, 1993, 93-100 J494.1 Ramjee Singh, Jaina Perspective in Philosophy and Religion. Varanasi 1993 J494.3 N. M. Tatia, "The affinity between early Jainism and Buddhism", IJBS 5.2, 1993, 1-24 J495 Atsushi Uno, "Vyapti in Jainism", SBWarder 1993, 160-167 J496 Frank van den Bossche, "Jain relativism: an attempt at understanding", JSHJD 457-474 J496.1 Shiv Muni, "The Jaina theory of karma and the self", JainJ 28, 1993-94, 139-146 J497 Pierre Amiel, "Anekantavada: La doctrine pluarlité des Jainisme", Jinamanjari 9.1, 1994, 105-117 J497.00 S. S. Barlingay, "A background picture of Jainism and Buddhism", JRS 24, 1994, 14-26 J497.0 Dayanand Bhargava, "A few modern interpretations of non-absolutism", PNRBFV 1994, 391-396 J497.1 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, Jaina Logic and Epistemology. Calcutta 1994 J497.1.5 Bansidhar Bhatt, "Twelve anuvakkhas in early Jainism", FestKB 171-194 J497.2 Brahmesananda, "Bhakti in Jainism", PB 99, 1994, 469-473 J497.2.5 Klaus Butzenberger, "Jainism and Madhyamaka Buddhism (a survey of the Ganadharavada, section 4)", FestKB 225-254 J497.3 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Nyaya critique of the concept of vyapti in Jaina logic", VJP 31.1, 1994. J497.4 Adalbert J. Gail, "Ein Jaina-monch, beim parinirvana des Buddha", FestKB 333-338 J497.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Nyaya critique of the concept of vyapti in Jaina logic", VJP 37.1, 1994, 69-75 J498.1 Richard Gombrich, "The Buddha and the Jains", AS 48, 1994, 1069-1096 J498.1.1 Bhagchandra Jain, "Rudiments of anekantavada in early Pali literature", PNRBFV 1994, 383-390 J498.1.1.1 Prem Suman Jain, "Equivalent views about the Ultimate Reality in Buddhism and Jainism", JPAMI 325-338 J498.1.2 L. V. Joshi, "Nyaya criticism of anekanta", PNRBFV 1994, 397-416 J498.1.3 V. M. Kulkarni, "Relativity and absolutism", PNRBFV 1994, 377-382 J498.2.Sancheti Asoo Lal and Bhandari Manak Lal, First Steps to Jainism (Part Two). Jodhpur 1994 J498.2.0 Gerald J. Larson, "Are Jains really Hindus? Some parallels and differences between Jain and Hindu philosophies", in The Peaceful Liberators: Jain Art from India (ed., Pratapaditya Pal) (Los Angeles 1994), 57-61 J498.2.0.5 Mukul Raj Mehta, "Stages of spiritual development in Jainism", CIPY 117-122 J498.2.0.8 Harshad Sanhrajke, "Jainism" a brief introduction", IndPT 188-200; glossary 434-514 J498.2.1 Acharya Tulsi, Transmutation of Personality through Preksha Meditation. Translated by R. K. Seth. Ladnum 1994 J498.3.Satya Vrat, Studies in Jaina Sanskrit Literature. Delhi 1994 J498.4 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The Buddha and the Jainas reconsidered", AS 49, 1995, 333-350 J498.5 Partha Ghose, "Syadvada, relativity and complementarity", LLSI 1995, 80-91 J498.6 N. L. Jain (comp.), Glossary of Jaina Terms. Ahmedabad 1995 J499 R.K.Jain, "The theoretical sciences of Jaina Yoga and meditation:, Jinamanjari 11, 1995, 12-22 J500 Sagarmal Jain, "Samayika and dhyana: equanimity and meditation", Jinamanjari 11, 1995, 7-11 J500.1.W.J.Johnson, "The religious function of Jaina philosophy: anekantavada reconsidered", Religion 25, 1995, 41-50 J500.2 Sashikant K. Mehta, "Essentials of Jainism", PB 100, 1995, 914-917 J501 Gautam Prasad, "Anekantavada: the doctrine of manifold aspects", Jinamanjari 11, 1995, 70-74 J501.1 Vincent Sekhar, "The humanperson from Jaina and Buddhist perspectives", JainJ 30, 1995, 55-68 J501.2 Nathmal Tatia, "The non-absolutistic view and the Middle Way (anekanta and madhyama pratipad)", IJBS 5.1, 1995, 1-21 J502 N. Vasupal, "Yoga and meditation in Jainism", Jinamanjari 11, 1995, 1-6 J502.0 P.B.Adhikari, "A side-view of syadvada", FJPRC 323-325 J502.1 Pushpa Bothra, The Jaina Theory of Perception. Delhi 1996 J502.1.1 Brahmeshananda, "Tapas in Jainism", VK 83, 1996, 53-58 J502.2 K. R. Chandra, Jain Philosophy and Religion. Ahmedabad 1996 J502.9 Paul Dundas, "Jain attitudes toward the Sanskrit language", ISS 137-156 J503 Paul Dundas, "Somnolent sutras: scriptural commentary in Svetambara Jainism", JIP 24, 1996, 73-101 J503.0 N. L. Jain, "Defenders of religion and Jainism", Nirgrantha 2, 1996, 92-100. Reprinted Nandanavana 1-12 J503.0.1 N. L. Jain, "Theory of relativity and relativism", in Tulasi Prajna 22.2, 1996, 47-69. Reprinted Nananavana 23-45 J503.1 K. V. Kapadia, The Scientific Foundations of Jainism. Delhi 1996 J503.2 Rajjan Kumar, "Philosophy of sallekhana", JainJ 31, 1996, 75-79 J503.2.5 Ch. Lalitha, "The Jain concept of liberation with special reference to the Sutrakrtanga", Darshana 36.3, 1996, 57-63; 37.4, 1997, 19-21 J503.3 Suzuko Ohara, "Jainism and unification thought", JainJ 31, 1996, 85-97 J503.3.3 R.C.Pandeya, "The conception of syadvada", FJPRC 314-322 J503.3.7 Arvind Sharma, "The doctrine of syadvada: examination of different interpretations", FJPRC 326-338 J503.3.5 Sukhlalji Sanghvi, "Anekantavada: the principal Jaina contribution of logic", FJPRC 33-50 J503.4 Ramvallabh Somani, "Jains under the Rastrakutas of Deccan", JainJ 31, 1996, 80-84 J503.5 J. Soni, "The notion of apta in Jaina philosophy", 1995 Roop Lal Jain Annual Lecture, Toronto, 25 November 1995 (Toronto: The University of Toronto Centre for South Asia Studies 1996). J504 Fuginaga Sin, "The concepts of bhavya in early Jainism", Jinamanjari 13.1, 1996, 8-18 J504.0 Nathmal Tatia, "Anekantavada, syadvada and saptabhangi". FJPRC 151-182 J504.1 Shripad Bhat, "Refutations of God in Jainism", JLE 126-136 J504.2 Vinayaka P. Bhatta, "Jaina concept of meaning and referent", JLE 49-59 J504.3 Richard J. Cohen, "History of Jainism: post-Mahavira", GOJ 33-44 J504.5 Paul Dundas, "The Laicisation of the bondless doctrine: a new study of the development of early Jainism", JIP 25, 1997, 495-516 J504.6 Duli Chandra Jain, Pearls of Jaina Wisdom. Varanasi 1997 J505 Prem Suman Jain, "Sallekhana in Jain religion and euthanasia", Jinamanjari 15.1, 1997, 62-63 J505.1 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Bhavyatva and abhavyatva: a Jain doctrine of 'predestination'", GOJ 85-102 J506 Sagarmal Jain, "Isabhasiyam: Jaina work on ancient Indian philosophers", Jinamanjari 15.2, 1997, 16-20 J506.1 Sneh Rani Jain, "History of Jainism: ancient period", GOJ 1-32 J506.1.5 P. M. Joseph (ed.), Jainism in South India. Thirvananthapuram 1997 J506.2 L. V. Joshi, "The concept of pratyaksa in Jaina epistemology", JLE 1-8 J506.3 Ujjwala Panse, "Concept of avadhi in Jaina epistemology", JLE 155-163 J506.4 V. V. S. Saibaba, "Jaina critique of the metaphysical doctrines of the heretics with special reference to the doctrine of 'self' as presented in the Sutrakrtanga", JLE 89-111 J506.5 Tushar K. Sarkar, "Jaina logic in perspective", EssInP 355-394 J507 Vincent Sekhar, "Early sramana concept of sou l and the nature of personhood", Jinamanjari 15.2, 1997, 55-62 J507.1 Jayandra Soni, "Jaina dharma as the law of beings and things", JD 22, 1997, 441-459 J508 Yashodhava Wadhwani-Shah, "Some key concepts of Jainism discussed and correlated", ABORI 87.1, 1997, 167-178 J508.1 Satya Ranjan Banerjee, "Research in Sanskrit and Jaina literature", JainJ 33, 1998, 59-80 J509 Harimohan Bhattacharya, "Essentials of Jaina metaphysics and epistemology", JainJ 33, 1998, 92-100 J510 Phyllis Granoff, "Divine delicacies" monks, images, and miracles in the contest between Jainism and Buddhism" IMAAR 55-96 J511 Dharan Chand Jain, "Contribution of the Jain logicians to Indian epistemology", JainJ 33, 1998, 1-23 J511.1 Sagarmal Jain, Jaina Literature and Philosophy. Edited by Ashok Kumar Singh. Varanasi 1998 J512 Rolf Heinrich Kooch, "Subhuma in dem Jaina-versionen der Parasurama-erzählungs", BIS 11-12, 1998, 123-158 J512.5 S. M. Kumar, The Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion, with special reference to Jainism. New Delhi 1998 J513 Nyayavijaya, Jaina Philosophy and Religion. Translated by Nagin J. Shah. Delhi 1998 J513.1 Nyayavijaya, "Concern for the poor in Jainism", VK 85, 1998, 470-471 J514 Kiyomi Nagao, "Jaina theory of transmigration", Jinamanjari 18.2, 1998, 25-32 J514.0 Olle Qvarnstrom, "Stability and adaptability: Jain strategy for survival and growth", IIJ 41, 1998, 33-55 J514.1 Vincent Sekhar, "The sramana response to the human predicament", JainJ 33, 1998, 37-58 J514.2 Kamal Chand Sogani, "The conception of dravyas in Jain philosophy", JainJ 32, 1998, 115-128 J514.3 J. Soni, "Jaina philosophy", Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (ed. Edward Craig). New York/London 1998 J514.5 Shreeranjan Surideva (tr. K.K.Vidyarthi), Three Lectures on Jainism. VIRB 14, 1998, 1-87 J515 Atsushi Uno, "A study of syadvada", Jinamanjari 18.2, 1998, 14-20 J515.3 J.P.Atreya, "Jain epistemology and parapshchology", Darshana 39.2, 1999, iii-v J515.4 Piotr Balcerowicz, "How could a cow be both synchronically and diachronically homogeneous? or On the Jaina notions of tiryak-samanya and urdhvata-samanya", AJSP 211-237 J515.5 Bhagchandra Jain Bhaskar, "A treatment of nature of reality: Anekantavada (non-absolutism)", MDAA 48-76 J516 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "Essentials of Jaina metaphysics and epistemology", JainJ 33, 1999, 92-100 J517 N.N.Bhattacharya, Jain Philosophy: Historical Data. Second edition. New Delhi 1999 J518 W.B.Bollee, Adda or the oldest extant dispute between Jains and heretics (Suyagada 2, 6) Part 2", JIP 27, 1999, 411-437 J518.4 Jayanta Kumar Chakraborty, "The Buddhist and Jaina concepts of nirvikalpaka", OH 39.2, 1999, 51-80 J518.5 Bool Chand, Lord Mahavira. Translated into French by Pierre Amiel as "Mahavira - Le grand heros des Jains", Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris 1999 J518.6 Chandana Roy Chaudhury and R.L.Brahmachary, "Germs of modern physics in Jaina philosophy'", JainJ 34, 1999, 107-112 J519 Phyllis Granoff, "Refutation as commentary: medieval Jain arguments against Samkhya", AS 53, 1999, 579-592 J520 Ramesh S. Betai, "Application of aneikantavada", MDAA 118-130 J521 V. M. Doshi, "Application of anekantavada in conflict resolution", MDAA 137-144 J522 Helmuth von Glasenapp, Der Jainismus: Eine Indische Erlösungreligion translated by Srhidhar B. Shastri as Jainism: an Indian Religion of Salvation. Delhi 1999 J522.5 Gour Hazra, "The Jaina concept of pratyabhijna: an appraisal", VJP 33.1, 1997-99, 74-80 J523 Hemachandra Jain, "Anekantavada", MDAA 103-110 J524 L. C. Jain, "Syadvada and intellectual ahimsa", MDAA 189-197 J524.2 L.C.Jain and Padmavatamma, "Mathematical philosophy in Jaina thought", Jinamanjari 19.1, 1999, 8-12 J524.3 L.C.Jain and Padmavatamma, "Mathematical contents of Jaina thought", Jinamanjari 19.1, 1999, 18-23 J524.5 Mahendra Jain, "Asti and syad in Jaina thought", Jinamanjari 19.9, 1999, 13-17 J525 N. L. Jain, Biology in Jaina Treatise on Reals. Chennai 1999 J526 N. L. Jain, "Jain relativism (anekantavada) and theory of relativity", MDAA 77-102 J527 Rajmal Jain, "Environment and anekanta", MDAA 163-169 J527.5 Daya Krishna, "How anekanta is anekanta? Some reflections on Jain theory of anekantavada", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 121-128. Comments by Acharya Mahaprajna in JICPR 18.1, 2001, 205-218 J528 Rajesh Kumar, "Application of anekantavada", MDAA 173-188 J1528.1 Rajjan Kumar, "Theory of knowledge", JainJ 34, 1999, 73-83 J529 T. U. Mehta, "Syadvada and judicial process", MDAA 150-158 J530 Utpala Modi, "Application of anekantavada in various disciplines", MDAA 131-136 J530.5 Shantilal Mukherji, "Acquaintance with Jainism", PB 104, 1999, 527-534 J530.7 Nyayavijayaji, Jaina Darsana, translated as Jaina Philosohy and Religion by Nagin J. Shah. Delhi 1999 J531 S. L. Pandey, "Indian philosophical schools and anekantavada", MDAA 208-215 J531.5 Vilas Sangave, Aspects of Jaina Religion. Translated into French by Pierre Amiel as "Le Jainisme-Philosophie et religion de l'Inde. Tredaniel Paris 1999. J532 Hasmukh Savlani, "Personnel management by anekantavada", MDAA 159-162 J533 M. B. Shah, "Anekantavada and jurisprudence", MDAA 145-149 J534 Navin K. Shah, "Multi-dimensional reflections on anekantavada", MDAA 1-47 J535 Shekhar, S.J., "Anekantavada: a strategy for conflict resolution and integral cosmic development", MDAA 216-2257 J536 J. J. Shukla, "Anekantavada and phenomenology", MDAA 170-172 J537 Ramjee Singh, "Multi-dimensionality of human personality", MDAA 111-117 J537.3 Tomoyuki Uno, "A debate between materialists and Jainas on the interpretation of Brhadaranyakopanisad 2.4.12", AJSP 238-249 J537.5 Narendra K. Wagle and Olle Qvarnstrom (eds.), Approaches to Jaina Studies. Philosophy, Logic, Etudes and Symbols. South Asia Studies papers 11, Toronto 1999 J538 Achinta Yajnika, "Relevance of syadvada for modern psychology", MDAA 206-207 J539 Nalini Balbir, "Jain-Buddhist dialogue: materials from the Pali scriptures", JPTS 26, 2000, 1-42 J539.5 Satya Ranjan Banerjee, "Origin and growth of Jainism and some doctrines of Jainism", JASBe 42.1-2, 2000, 7-28 J539.7 Dayanand Bhargava, "A few modern interpretations of non-absolutism", JTMFRT 111-118 J540 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Syadvada in the view of three modern scientists", JainJ 35, 2000, 19-22 J542 Christopher Key Chapple, "Sources for the study of Jaina philosophy: a bibliographic essay", PEW 50, 2000, 408-411 J542.1 M. P. Chaurasa, "Relevance of karma, freedom and human destiny in Jainism", JASACF 59-77 J542.5 Chandana Roy Chowdhury and R.L.Brahmachari, "Gems of modern physics in Jaina philosophy", JainJ 34, 1999-2000, 107-112 J543 John E. Cort, "'Intellectual ahimsa' revisited: Jain tolerance and intolerance of others", PEW 50, 2000, 324-347 J544 B.K.Dalai, "Jaina concept of sabda pramana", PRSK 173-200 J544.5 P. D. Dharwarkar, "Jainism, the parallel stream of ancient Indian philosophy", PTG 34.3, 2000, 45-56 J544.6 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "The logical structure of syadvada", JTMFRT 75-86 J545 Jagdish Prasad Jain Sahak, "Samyag-darsana: the gateway to peace and happiness", JainJ 35, 2000, 28-31; also MJS 38, 2001, 24-27 J545.1 Pragati Jain, "Saptabhangi: the Jaina theory of seven-fold predication: a logical analysis", PEW 50, 2000, 385-399 J545.5 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Ahimsa: a Jaina way of spiritual discipline", CPJS 3-19. J545.5.5 L. M. Joshi, "Nyaya criticism of anekanta", JTMFRT 95-110 J545.6 John M. Koller, "Syadvada as the epistemological key to the Jaina middle way: a metaphysics of anekantavada", PEW 50, 2000, 400-407 J545.6.5 D. M. Kothari, "The complementarity principle and syadvada", JTMFRT 87-94 J545.6.7 V. M. Kulkarni, "Relativity and absolutism:, JTMFRT 61-66 J545.7 S.A.Bhuvendra Kumar, "Soul and its functional mechanism in Jainism", JainJ 35, 2000, 1-18 J545.9 Jeffrey D. Long, Plurality and Relativity:Whitehead, Jainism and the Reconstruction of Religious Pluralislm. Ph.D.Dissertation, U. of Chicago 2000. Two volumes. J546 Mahapragya, Jainism and its Philosophical Foundations. New Delhi 2000 J547 B. K. Matilal, "Anekanta: both yes and no", JTMFRT 1-16 J548 Mukul Raj Mehta, Dictionary of Jaina Terms. Varanasi 2000 J549 Dineshbhai Mody, "Jain wisdom", VK 87, 2000, 156-159 J550 Kokila H. Shah, Nyaya and Jaina Epistemology. Ahmedabad 2000 J551 Nagin J. Shah, Jaina Theory of Multiple Facets of Reality and Truth. Delhi 2000 J551.5 Arvind Sharma, A Jaina perspective on the Philosophy of Religion. New Delhi 2000 J551.7 Ramjee Singh, "Relevance of anekanta in modern times", JTMFRT 127-134 J552 Jayendra Soni, "Basic Jaina epistemology", PEW 50, 2000, 367-377 J552.4 Tattvanandavijaya, Dharma-beej, a tract on the four basic pious feelings. Ahmedabad 2000 J553 Atsushi Uno, "A study of syadvada", JTMFRT 33-60 J554 V. Venkatachalam, "The seven-plank epistemological form--a search for its rationale", JTMFRT 67-74 J556 Kristi L. Wiley, "Colors of the soul: by-products of activity or passion?", PEW 50, 2000, 348-366 J558 Mahaprajna Yuvacarya, Jainism and its Philosophical Foundations. New Delhi 2000 J558.5 Shivram S. Antarkar, "Veneration of nature, use of nature, and self-improvement of humankind by technology in the Sramana tradition (Buddhism and Jainism)", NTWR 99-120 J559 Piotr Balcerowitz, "The logical structure of the naya method of the Jainas", PEW 29, 2001, 379-403 J559.5 A.K.Bandyopadhyay, "Jainism--religion and philosophy", JAALP 12-18 J559.7 Brahmesananda, "The ladder of spiritual ascent according to Jainism", JainJ 36, 2001, 16-196 J559.8 Brahmesananda, "Bhakti in Jainism", JainJ 36, 2001, 89-95 J560 John E. Cort, Jains in the World. Oxford 2001 J560.5 Paul Dundas, "Jainism and Buddhism", EnB 1, 2001, 383-384 J561 S.C.Goswamy, "Anekantavada: a complementarity of one and many", JAALP 48-52 J561.5 Jagdish Prasad Jain, "The Jaina concept of nonabsolutism", MJS38, 2001, English section 18-20 J561.6 Jagdish Prasad Jain, "The concept of paryaya and Jaina way of life", JainJ 36, 2001, 57-65 J561.7 L.C.Jain, "Scientific ideas in Jaina writings and traditions", LTC 813-841 J561.8 Sagarmal Jain, "Origin and development of Jainism up to third century A.D.", LTC 683-721 J561.9 N.M.Kansara, "Jainism, Mahavira, Buddha and nirvana", JainJ 36, 2001, 6-15 J562 Daya Krishna and Acarya Mahaprajna, Anekant: Reflections and Clarifications. Ladnun 2001 J563 M. Rajagopala Rao, "Conception of jiva (soul) in Jainism: consideration in historical perspective", JAALP 231-239 J563.5 K. Sankarnarayan, "Ahimsa in Jainism and Buddhism in comparative light", JAALP 268-275 J564 Vincent Sekhar, "Significance of Jain philosophy for preserving life and environment", JD 26, 2001, 47-59 J564.3 Hemant J. Shah, "Jain theory and practice of anekanta", JAALP 107-114 J564.4 Kokila Hermchand Shah, Nyaya and Jaina Epistemology. Ahmedabad 2001 J564.5 Jayandra Soni, "A note on the Jaina tattva/padartha", Vasantagaurava 135-140 J564.6 Arvind Sharma, A Jaina Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion. Delhi 2001 J564.6.5 Gopal Stavig, "Abu Bakr Al-Razi and Jain philosophy", JainJ 36, 2001, 79-81 J564.6.8 Maria Luisa Tornotti, "Some reflections about anekantavada", JainJ 36, 2001, 1-5 J564.6.9 Brahmesananda, "Principles of Jainism and practical Vedanta", PB 107, 2002, 284-288 J564.7 John E. Cort, "Bhakti in the early Jain tradition: understanding devotional religion in South Asia", HistR 42, 2002, 59-86 J564.7.3 Bata Kishore Dalai, "Jaina theory of error", AnyaV 380-394 J564.7.7 Jonardon Ganeri, "Jaina logic and the philosophical basis of pluralism", History and Philosophy of Logic 23, 2002, 267-281 J564.7.9 Gour Hazra, "The Jaina concept of omniscience", JainJ 37, 2002, 163-169 J564.7.9.5 Hiralal Jain, Jaina Tradition in Indian Thought. Edited by D. C. Jain. Delhi 2002 J564.8 Jagdish P. Jain 'Saddhak', "The concept of pajjaya in Jaina metaphysics", Jinamanjari 25.1, 2002, 38-45 J564.8.1 Jagdish Prasad Jain, "Jaina perspective on Advaita Vedanta", JainJ 37, 2002, 88-96 J564.9 Pradyumna Kumar Jain, Jaina and Hindu Logic: A Comparative Study. Delhi 2002 J564.9.5 Shashi Kant, "Adoration in Jainism", PB 107, 2002, 38-41 J564.9.7 Rajjan Kumar, "Avadhijnana: the supersensuous knowledge", JainJ 37, 2002, 11-19 J565 Jack C. Laughlin, "Jain monasticism in an age without eminence": religious gifting and the acquisition and transfer of merit", AS 55, 2002, 321-348 J566 Santilal Mukherjee, "Jainism and Bhagavan Mahavira", BRMIC 53, 2002, 473-479 J567 Vincent Sekhar, "Jaina dharma: a little known faith for deeper understanding and enriching life", JD 27, 2002, 554-562 J568 Krivov Serguei, "Eco-rationality and Jain karma theory', JPASIC 271-283 J570 Alok Tandon, "Anekantavada and ahimsa: a framework for inter-religious dialogue", IndPQ 29.1, 2002, 105-116 J571 Pierre Amiel, "Les Jains aujourd'hui dans le monde", L'Harmattan, Paris 2003 J574 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Some remarks on the naya method", EJPR 37-68 J574.5 Madhusena Baxi, "Theory of many-sidedness (anekantavada) and culture of tolerance", JASBo 77-78, 2002-2003, 7-16 J576 Klaus Bruhn, "The mahavratas in early Jainism", BIS 15-17, 3-98 J577 Binaryendra Nath Chaudhury, "Advent of Mahavira and Jaina philosophy", JDPUC 12, 2003, 3-10 J578 Raghunath Ghosh, "A logical illumination of syadvada", IndPQ 30, 2003, 119-126 J578.7 Kamalesh Kumar Jain, Jaina Udaharana Kosa (A Collection of the Citations in the Jaina Texts, Comentaries and the Like). Volume I. Delhi 2003 J579 Prem Suman Jain, "The family of anekantavada and its significance", JainJ 38, 2003, 65-74 J579.5 S. M. Jain, Pristine Jainism (Beyond Rituals and Superstition). Varanasi 2003 J580 Klaus Mylius, "Die Zeit in der Philosophie der Jainas", AS 57, 2003, 55-62 J581 Kokila H. Shah, "The doctrine of karma and lesya–the Jaina perspective", Sambodhi 26, 2003 J582 Dinanath Sharma, "Jain theory of naya and laksana: a comparative study", Sambodhi 2003, 3-66 J582.5 Vincent Sekhar, Dharma in Early Brahmanic, Buddhist and Jain Tradition. Delhi 2003 J583 Kiyokuni Shiga, "Jain objection against trividha-hetu: an opinion attributed to Patrasvamin", JIBSt 52.1, 2003, 4-7 J583.4 B.K.Dalal, "Jain concept of mind: a critique", J583.4 J583.5 Christoph Emmerich, "Das westliche Gewand der Jainas. Europaische und indische Uberrformungen jinistischen Gelehrsamheit." RelimS 357-376 J583.8Mani Kuntala Haldar, "Mahavira and aspects of Jaina philosophy", JDPUC 12, 2003, 25-29 J584 B.K.Sood, "Jain concept of soul and the human psyche", JRS 34, 2003, 135-138 J585 Kristi L. Wiley, "Extrasensory perception and knowledge in Jainism", EJPR 89-109 J585.5 Nalini Balbir, "Grammatical riddles for Jain works", Jambujyoti 269-309 J586 Satya Ranjan Banerjee, "Understanding Jain religion in a historical perspective", JainJ 28, 2004, 161-179 J586.1 Satya Ranjan Banerjee, "Anekantavada and language", JainJ 28, 2004, 236-261 J586.2 Saty a Ranjan Banerjee, "Jainism and non-violence", JASBe 46.1, 2004, 17-38 J586.5 Bansidhar Bhatta, "Jainism vis-a-vis Brahmanism", Jambujyoti 1-47 J586.7 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "Jain sources for the study of pre-Carvaka materialist ideas in India", JainJ 38, 2004, 145-160 J587 Sanani Charitrapragya, "Anekantavada in Jainism and contemporary context", AAJ 75-84 J587.5 John E. Cort, "How Jains know what they know" a lay Jain curricu lum", Jambujyoti 399-413 J588 Paul Dundas, "Beyond anekantavada: a Jain approach to religious tolerance", AAJ 123-136 J588.5 Isha Gamloth, "Post-Aristotelians and Jains", PTG 40.3, 2004, 51-56 J589 Phyllis Granoff, "Reflections on reflections: shadow and darkness in Jain philosophical texts", TMSR 331-352 J589.5 Hiralal Jain, Contribution of Jaina Religion to Indian Culture. Ahmedabad 2004 J590 Kamla Jain, "Anekanta in present day social life", AAJ 113-122 J590.5 Mahendra Kumar Jain, "Meaning of the word itthi in Jain metaphysics", Jinamanjari 30.2, 2004, 1-4 J590.8 Padmanabh S. Jaini, "Ahimsa and 'just war' in Jainism", AAJ 47-61 J591 John M. Koller, "Why is anekantavada important?", AAJ 85-98 J591.5 Rajjan Kumar, "Life science and Jainism", JainJ 39.1, 2004, 20-30 J591.5.2 Shashiprabha Kkumar, Ahimsa in Jaina ethics and Patanjala Yoga", in Ashe Mukherjee (ed.), Cognition, Man and World. (Delhi 2004). Reprinted SelfSV 162-171 J591.7 Y. G. Nighoskan, "Sources and methods of knowledge in Jainism", PTG 40.1, 2004, 57-62 J591.8 R. P. Poddar, "Religion (dharma)– a social necessity: Jaina perspective", JRS 35, 2004, 1-15 J592 Olle Qvarnstrom, "Dharma in Jainism–a preliminary survey", JIP 32, 2004, 599-610 J593 Vincent Sekhar, "Jain plural perspective: a handy resource to the ministry of dialogue and reconciliation", JainJ 38, 2004, 131-144 J594 Tara Sethia, "Jainism and Mahavira in Indian history textbooks", AAJ 161-186 J594.1 Tara Sethia, ed. Ahimsa, Anekanta and Jainism. Delhi 2004 (See AAJ) J595 Natubhai Shah, Jainism: the World of Conquerors. Two volumes. Delhi 2004 J596 Kim Skoog, "The Jaina response to terrorism", AAJ 25-46 J596.5 Atsushi Uno, "Antarvyapti interpreted in Jainism", Jambujyoti 310-323 J597 Anne Vallely, "Anekanta, ahimsa and the question of pluralism", AAJ 99-112 J597.5 P. Viswanathan, "In God we trust–the Jain experience", Jinamanjari 30.2, 2004, 5-11 J598 Kristi Wiley, "Views on ahimsa, compassion and samyaktva in Jainism", AAJ 15-24 J599 Deven Yashwant, "Anekanta and its parallels between Jain and Hindu mythologies", JainJ 39.1, 2004, 124-140 J601 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Jain views on svabhava: a survey", JainJ 40.1, 2005, 21-27 J602 Balabhadra Bruce Costain, "Nature and characteristics of soul in Jainism", Jinamanjari 31.1, 2005, 44-54 J604 . B. K. Dalai, "Jaina theory of causality", FacInd 481-498 J605 Jatinder Jain, "The contemporary relevance of Jainism", JRS 36, 1005, 119-124 J606 N. L. Jain, "Mathematical formulary of Mahavifan precepts", Nandanavana 46-53 J606.1 N. L. Jain, "Some thoughts on chantes in order of some Jaina chains of concepts and practices", Nandanavana 54-79 J606.2 N. L. Jain, "Tirthankaravada of Jainas", Nandanavana 80-87 J610 Roopa Shah, "Consuming the environment: a Jain exploration", Jinamanjari 31.1, 2005, 55-61 J615 Ann Vallely, "The Jain plate: the semantics of the diaspora diet", Jinamanjari 31.1, 2005, 62-79 J615.5 Nalini Balbir et al., Catalogue of the Jain Manuscripts of the British library including the holdings of the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Three volumes. London 2006 J615.6 Madhusudan Baxi, "Anekantavada and pramanas: limits of synthesis in Jaina logic", JICPR 23.1, 2006, 169-186 K615.7 Madhusudan Baxi, "Some notes on vyapti and anekantavada", JICPR 23.1, 2006, 222-226 J615.8 Bansidhar Bhatt, "A new perspective on Jainism", VIJ 43-44, 2005-2006, 141-155 J616 Brahmesananda, "Relevance of Jainiosm in India today", BRMIC 57, 2006, 322-328 J616.5 Paul Dundas, "A non-imperial religion? Jainism in its 'dark age'", BTE 383-414 J617 Peter Flügel, "Jainism and society", BSOAS 69.1, 2006, 91-112 J617.5 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, "Vyapti: Bauddha and Jaina views", PCRSIT 1, 309-320 J617.6 Sagarmal Jain, "Human solidarity and Jainism", JainJ 41, 2006, 67-76 J617.6.1 Sagarmal Jain, Jainalhasadarsana. Jaina Philosophy of Language. Transdlated by Surendra Varna, edited by Sriprakash Pandey. Varanasi 2006 J617.7 Rudi Jansma and Sneh Rani Jain, Introduction to Jainism. Jaipur 2006 J617.7.5 m. Whitney Kelting, "Negotiating karma, merit, and liberaiton: vow-taking in the Jain tradition", DWD 187-200 J617.8 Rajjan Kumar, Different Aspects of Jainism. New Delhi 2006 J618 Dibakar Mohanty, Jainism in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 2006 J619 Bhashishta Narayana Sinha, "Philosophy of non-violence in the Jaina tradition", VIRB 19, 2006, 12-41 J620 Jayendra Soni, "Introduction", EnIndP 11, 2006, 3-40 J625 K. K. Jain, "Source of Jaina time measure", JCV 147-154 J626 P. C. Jain 'Prem", "Nativity and marks of Tirthankaras and Varanasi's contribution", JCV 27-48 J626.5 S. C. Jain, Structure and Functions of Soul in Jainism. New Delhi 2006 J626.1 Subhash Chandra Jain, "A logical perspective of karma doctrine", JainJ 41, 2007, 164-184 J627 Sagarlal Jain, "Kasi in Jaina tradition"k JCV 7-18 J627.1 Sagarmal Jain, "How appropriate is the proposition of the neo-Digambara school?", JainJ 41, 2007, 119-127 J627.5 Pradip Kuimar Majumdar, "Sankhya and samuha", PCRSIT 1 564-580 J628 B. S. Mehta, "Tithankaras of Kasi", JCV 19-26 J628.2 V. N. Seshagiri Rao, "The Jaina way of life", PTG 41.4, 2006, 17-21 J628.5 Brahmesananda, "Principles of Jainism and practical Vedanta", PK 94, 2007, 257-261 J629 Colette Caillat, "Ahimsa–cur et quamodo? Eines vierfache Antwort in einen alten Jain-Text", BIS 18, 2007, 79-100 J630 Christopher Key Chapple, "Purgation and virtue in Jainism: toward an ecological athic", IECTC 217-228 J630.2 Paul Dundas, "Akarananiyama–a transectarian type of ethically positive action", SIPSR 358-362 J630.4 Dulichand Jain, "The Jaina way of life", SIPSR 471-477 J630.5 Raja Ram Jain, Jaina Manuscripts and Inscriptions: an Overview, Roorkee 2007 J630.6 Sagarmal Jain, "The concept of non-violence in Jainism", SIPSR 401-412 J631 Bhuvendra Kumar, "Understanding Jain doctrine of ahimsa and anekanta", Jinamanjari 36.2, 2007, 28-34 J632 Mahaprajna, "The Jain contemplative tradition", PB 112, 2007, 109-112 J632.5 Yashwant K. Maliaya, "Giants from the annals of Jain history", Jinamanjari 37.1, 2008, 3-29 J633 Mohan Lal Mehta, "Jaiuna Yoga and meditation", Jinamanjari 36.2, 2007, 49-55 J634 Mukul Raj Mehta, "Divine aspect i n samvara-nirjara in Jainism", SIPSR 321-332 J635 Chimanlal J. Shah, Jainism in North India (800 B.C. - A.D.526). 2007 J637 Ramnik V. Shah, "The notion of samyaktva in Jainism", Jinamanjari 36.2, 2007, 47-48 J640 K. Sivaraman, "Reflections on anekantavada doctrine of reasoning and raitonale", Jinamanjari 36.2, 2007, 38-46 J641 Jayendra Soni, "Anekantavada revisited–for dosas", IETMH 477-490 J642 T.K.V.N.Sudarsanacharya, "Some parallel concepts of Jainism and Vedanta", SVUOJ 50, 2007, 23-30 J643 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Some remarks on the opening verses in Jaina epistemological treatises", Sastrarambha 25-82 J644 Sin Fujinaga, "Dharma and adharma in Jain ontology ", JS 61-68 J645 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, "Bauddha and Jaina concepts of matter", PCRSIT 2, 93-98 J646 N.L.Jain, "Anekantavada and conflict resolution", JS 69-86 J647 B.S.Kulkarni, "Jainism and Buddhism", QJMS 99.3-4, 2008, 98-106 J648 Kristi L. Wiley, "Early Svetambara and Digambara karma literature: a comparison", JS 43-60 J649 Piotr Balcerowicz, Jainism and the Definition of Religion. Mumbai 2009 J649.5 N.N.Bhattacarya, Jainism: A Concise Encyclopedia. Mumbai 2009 J650 Bruno Demers, "Paradigmatic incommensurability of Thomoas Kuhn, interdisciplinary study of Jainism, and ISSJS 2007", Jinamanjari 39.1, 2009, 5-25 J655 Pankaj Jain, "Jainism: a classic world religion of India. An evaluation with Hindu ism and Buddhism", Jinamanjari 39.1, 2009, 64-82 J660 Sohan Raj Tater, The Jaina Doctrine of Karma and the Science of Genetics. Ed. Narayan Lal Kchhara. New Delhi 2009 J670 Peter Flugel, "Power and insight in Jain discourse", LBIP 79-209 |