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NV0.1 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the philosophy of the Hindus: Part II-On the Nyaya and Vaisesika systems", TRAS 1, 1927, pp. 92-118. Reprinted ILAR 26-58 NV0.2 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the Nyaya system of philosophy and the correspondence of its divisions with those of modern science", BM 1, 1848-49, 276-293, 494-502 NV0.3 H.T.Colebrooke, Concerning criticism in Oriental matters in general and the Nyaya in particular", BM 2, 1849, 186-200 NV0.8 Pratnavidyalayira, "The Nyaya philosophy and Henry Thomas Colebrooke", BM 2, 1849, 127-132 NV1 J.R.Ballantyne, "On the Nyaya system of philosophy", Pan 1, 1866: 22, 38, 50 NV2 Hermann Jacobi, "Über tejas, vayu, akasa speciall in der Vaisesika Philosophie", ZDMG 29, 1875, 241-246 NV3 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "The influence of Buddhism on the development of Nyaya philosophy", JBTSI 6.3, 1898, 4-9 NV4 B.V.Kamesvara Aiyar, "Elements of Indian dialectics", SJ 3, 1898, 85-89 NV5 W.Handt, Die Atomische Grundlage der Vaisesika Philosophie. Roostock 1900 NV6 Haraprasad Shastri, "History of Nyaya-sastra from Japanese sources ", JASBe n.s.1, 1905, 177-180 NV7 V.Vedantatirtha, "Optimism in ancient Nyaya", JASBe n.s. 1, 1905, 177-180 NV8 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "The Buddhist version of the Nyaya philosophy", JBTSI 7.4, 1906, 6-16 NV9 V.Chakravarti, "The pramanas of Hindu logic", JASBe n.s. 6, 1910, 289-300 NV10 J.C.Chatterji, The Hindu Realism. Allahabad 1912; Delhi 1975 NV11 Ganganatha Jha, "Sadholal lectures on Nyaya", IT 4, 1912 - 8, 1916 NV12 V.Chakravarti, "The nature of moksa in the Nyaya and Vaisesika systems", JASBe n.s. 10, 1914, 93-95 NV13 M.Chakravarti, "History of Navya-nyaya in Bengal and Mithila", JASBe n.s. 11, 1915, 259-292 NV14 N.Ramanujacharya, "Nyaya philosophy", VK 2, 1915-16: 67, 103 NV15 Arthur Berriedale Keith, Indian Logic and Atomism. Oxford 1921; New York 1968 NV16 Satischandra Chatterjee, "On the ascertainment of pramana in the Nyaya system", SAMSJV III.1, 177-188 NV17 F.W.Thomas, "On the Indian doctrine of perception and error", ProcAristSoc 22, 1921-22, 23-42 NV18 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Viewpoints of Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", POWSBSt 1, 1922, 27-45 NV19 Mysore Hiriyanna, "An Indian view of 'present' time", QJMS 14, 1924, 233-237. Also in IPS 1, 121-126 NV20 Gopinath Kaviraj, "History and bibliography of Nyaya-Vaisesika literature", POWSBSt 3, 1924 - 7, 1927. Also ISPP 2 - 3, 1961. Reprinted Calcutta 1962 NV21 Richard Garbe, "Nyaya", ERE 9, 1925, 422-424 NV22 Richard Garbe, "Vaisesika", ERE 10, 1925, 568-570 NV23 Paul Masson-Oursel, "L'atomisme indienne", RP 99, 1925, 342-368 NV24 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Nyaya doctrine of pramana", JDL 16, 1927, 1-62 NV25 K.Gopalakrishnamma, "The Nyaya conception of valid thinking", QJAHRS 2, 1927, 73-80. Summarized in PAIOC 3, Summaries 1924, 153 NV26 Kshetreshachandra Chattopadhyaya, "A peculiar meaning of yoga", JRAS 1927, 854-858 NV27 Mysore Hiriyanna, "What is samavaya?", ProcIPC 3, 1927. Also IPS 1, 107-120. Also RIndPh 212-222 NV28 Hermann Jacobi, "Vita und avita", AIK 8-16 NV29 Hermann Jacobi, "Mimamsa und Vaisesika", ISCRL 145-165 NV30 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Vaisesika system", VK 16, 1929-30: 344, 461 NV31 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Nyaya conception of knowledge", PQ 5, 1930, 270-277 NV32 Henry N. Randle, Indian Logic in the Early Schools. Oxford 1930; Delhi 1968 NV33 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Nyaya conception of truth and error", RPR 1.2, 1931, 19-24. Also IPS 1, 18-24 NV34 Saileswar Sen, "The historical origin of the distinction between svarthanumana and pararthanumana", JIH 10, 1931: 29, 187 NV35 Rasvihary Das, "Relations in modern Indian logic", CR 45, 1932, 143-160 NV36 T.R.V.Murti, "The theory of judgment in the Indian systems", PQ 8, 1932-33, 381-393 NV37 Satischandra Chatterji, "Extraordinary perception in Indian philosophy", COJ 2, 1934-35, 165-181 NV38 Umesh Mishra, "Smrti theory according to Nyaya-Vaisesika", KBPCV 177-186 NV39 Malati Sen, "Some literary anecdotes: stories about Naiyayikas", COJ 2, 1934-35, 247-249 NV40 Jaideva Singh, "Some problems in connection with the Nyaya theory of perception", PQ 10, 1934, 225-235 NV41 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The conception of the soul in the Nyaya system", PQ 11, 1935-36, 156-163 NV42 G.Hanumantha Rao, "Dialectic of pramanya with special reference to Nyaya and Mimamsa", PAIOC 8, 1935, 329-335 NV43 Erich Frauwallner, "Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nyaya", WZKM 43, 1936, 263-278 NV44 Umesh Mishra, Conception of Matter according to Nyaya-Vaisesika. Allahabad 1936 NV45 A.B.Dhruva, "Are the Samkhya and the Nyaya-Vaisesika realistic?", POS 39, 1937, 145-150 NV46 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Epistemology of Nyaya-Vaisesika and modern thought", PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 47-48 NV47 Saileswar Sen, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of salvation", CHI 1, 449-458 NV48 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The theory of paksata in Indian logic", PQ 14, 1938, 52-59. Also CR 66, 1938, 287-292 NV49 Satischandra Chatterjee, The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge. Calcutta 1939, 1950 NV50 P.T.Raju, "The reality of negation", PR 50, 1941, 585-601 NV51 N.S.Sastri, "Syllogistic reasoning", JSVRI 3, 1942, 191-203 NV52 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Negation according to Navyanyaya", JGJRI 1, 1943-44, 395-402 NV53 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "Upamanam or the special source of the valid knowledge called upamiti", PB 48, 1943, 367 ff. NV54 Sadananda Bhaduri, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of mind", BCLV II, 38-47 NV55 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Relation according to the new school of Indian logic (Navya-nyaya)", JGJRI 2, 1945, 389-401 NV56 A.S.V.Pant, "Doctrine of isvara in early Nyaya-Vaisesika works", PAIOC 12, 1946, 422-427 NV57 Sadananda Bhaduri, Studies in Nyaya-Vaisesika Metaphysics. Poona 1947; Delhi 1968 NV58 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Navya-nyaya theory of perception of the entire denotation as connotation (samanyalaksana)", JGJRI 4, 1947, 95-105 NV59 C.Bulcke, The Theism of the Nyaya-Vaisesika. Calcutta 1947; Delhi 1968 NV60 Ganganatha Bhattacharya, "Contribution of Mithila to Nyaya-sastra", PAIOC 14.1, Summaries 1948 NV61 Srinivas Dixit, "The redundance of the vyatirekavyapti of the Nyaya system", PQ 23, 1950, 13-16 NV62 Gikai Matsuo, Study on Nyaya School. Ph.D.Thesis, Kyoto University 1950-51. Summarized in JSR 4, 1953, 179-182 NV63 Vibhuti Bhushan Bhattacharya, "Later Nyaya-Vaisesika", HPE 231-241 NV64 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Early Nyaya-Vaisesika", HPE 219-230 NV65 Surendranath Dasgupta, "An analysis of the epistemology of the new school of logic of Bengal", MCV 459-568 NV66 H.R.Kapadia, "A note on prthaktva", JUBo 21, 1952, 120-122 NV67 Edward Johnstone Machle, Mysticism and Realism in the Philosophical Systems of Nyaya-Vaisesika, James Bissett Pratt, and Friedrich, Baron von Hugel. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1952 NV68 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of knownness: the Nyaya view", CR 1953. Reprinted KKBLKO 151-166 NV69 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of salvation", PB 58, 1953, 294-296 NV70 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "Navya-nyaya", CHI 3, 125-150 NV71 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Pre-existence and immortality of the soul", OH 1, 1953, 247-262 NV72 Ganganatha Jha, "Religion of the Nyaya and Vaisesika", CHI 3, 471-474 NV73 Gikai Matsuo, "The basic position of the Vaisesika philosophy", JIBSt 2.1, 1953, 37-39 NV74 Satkari Mookerjee, "Nyaya-Vaisesika", CHI 3, 91-124 NV75 Anantlal Thakkur, "Some lost Nyaya works and authors", PAIOC 17, 1953, 385-394 NV76 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Visayata or knowledge-object relation in Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta", OH 2, 1954, 143-152 NV77 Brahmananda Gupta, "The nature of perception", OH 2-3, 1954-1955 NV78 Satkari Mookerjee, "Impediments to universalhood", Sarup 153-161 NV79 Karl H. Potter, "Are the Vaisesika gunas qualities?", PEW 4, 1954, 239-264 NV80 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Interpretation of Vaisesika categories", PQ 28, 1955, 217-226 NV81 Hari Mohan Jha, "The function of avacchedakata in Indian logic", PQ 28, 1955, 207-212 NV82 A.S.V.Pant, "Upamana as discussed in early Nyaya-Vaisesika texts", PAIOC 18, 1955, 392-396 NV83 G.Patti, Der Samavaya im Nyaya-Vaisesika System. Rome 1955 NV84 Karl H. Potter, "Logic and Nyaya", AP 26, 1955, 9 ff. NV85 Brahmananda Gupta, "Savikalpaka pratyaksa (judgmental perception) as visistajnana", OH 4, 1956, 107-114 NV86 Hari Mohan Jha, "Concept of avacchedakata in Indian logic", PatUJ 10, 1956, 20-32 NV87 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Knowledge of knowledge: a meta-hypothetical study of Nyaya theory of knowledge", JPA 1957; reprinted KKBLKO 220-232 NV88 Agehananda Bharati, "The place of inductive reasoning in Navya-nyaya logic", JIBSt 5.1, 1957, 14-18 NV89 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "A study on the eternity of sound", CR 142, 1957, 61-71 NV90 Daniel H. H. Ingalls, "Human effort versus God's effort in the early Nyaya", FVSKB 228-235 NV91 Karl H. Potter, "More on the unrepeatability of gunas", PEW 7, 1957, 57-60 NV92 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Wittgenstein versus Naiyayika", CR 147, 1958, 27-44; reprinted in KKBLKO 107ff. NV93 Bishnupada Bhattacharya, "Connotation of words (a comparative study of the viewpoints of grammarians, Mimamsakas and Naiyayikas)", OH 5, 1958, 147-167 NV94 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, A History of Navya-Nyaya in Mithila. Darbhanga 1958 NV95 Srinivas Dixit, "A critical evaluation of the Vaisesika categories", PQ 31, 1958, 37-42 NV96 Hari Mohan Jha, "The analysis of negation in Navya-nyaya", JBRS 44, 1958, 177-181. Also PQ 32, 1960, 283-288 NV97 Anima Sengupta, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of soul (a critical exposition)", PB 63, 1958, 119-123 NV98 J.Frits Staal, "Means of formalization in Indian and Western logic", PICP 12.10, 1958, 221-228 NV99 Atsushi Uno, "The determination of terms in Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 7.1, 1958, 61-65 NV100 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Is Nyaya-Vaisesika realistic?", CR 152, 1959, 47-52 NV100.1 R. Das, "The problem of self-consciousness", SAJ 1, 1951-52, 83-92 NV101 E.I.Gosteeva, "Study of the atom in the Vaisesika system" (in Russian). VF 13, 1959, 93-98 NV102 J.S.Jetly, "Contribution of Jain writers to the Nyaya-Vaisesika literature", Bh 3, 1959-60, 105-128 NV103 Arjuna Misra, The Treatment of Universal in Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Lucknow University 1959 NV104 B.B.Banerjee, "The Nyaya philosophy", CR 158, 1960, 237-244 NV105 Vijay Lakshmi, Psychological Material in Nyaya and Vaisesika System. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1960 NV106 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Doctrine of karana in grammar and logic", JGJRI 17, 1960, 63-69 NV107 Harsh Narain, "Concept of category in Nyaya tradition", Bh 4, 1960-61, 49-76 NV108 P.S.Sastri, "Akhandartha or the theory of judgment", PB 65, 1960, 296-304 NV109 L.P.N.Sinha, "Perceptual doubt", JBRS 46, 1960, 263-266 NV110 Atsushi Uno, "One aspect of extraordinary perception (samanyalaksana-pratyaksa)", JIBSt 8.2, 1960, 38-41 NV111 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya view of the apprehension of cognitive validity", JPA 8.29-30, 1961, 1-14 NV112 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, Studies in Nyaya-Vaisesika Theism. Calcutta 1961 NV113 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika doctrine of qualities", PEW 11, 1961, 143-151 NV114 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Alaukikasannikarsa in Nyaya theory of perception", PAIOC 21, 1961, 286-294 NV115 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Reflections on the Indian theory of avayavipratyaksa", JIAP 1, 1961-62, 30-41. Reprinted in his Phenomonology and Ontology (The Hague 1970), 183-197 NV116 Harsh Narain, "Finding an English equivalent for guna", PEW 11, 1961, 45-52 NV117 Ernst Steinkellner, "Die Literatur des älteren Nyaya", WZKSOA 5, 1961, 149-162 NV118 Atsushi Uno, "The ascertainment of truth of knowledge in the Nyaya-Vaisesika", JIBSt 9, 1961, 34-39 NV119 V.Varadachari, "Note on the pramanyavada of the Nyaya school", JGJRI 17.3-4, 1961, 265-274 NV120 V.Varadachari, "Anaikantika fallacy in the Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", SVUOJ 4.1-2, 1961, 40-43 NV121 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The technique of the insertion of paryapti (paryaptinivesa) in the Navya-nyaya dialectics", Bh 6, 1962-63, 65-94 NV122 C.N.Mishra, "The nature and status of recollection (smrti) in the Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", JBRS 48, 1962, 69-76 NV123 Sitaramji Shastri, "A discussion connected with the darsanas", SPP 3.1, 1962, 8-11 NV124 Atsushi Uno, "The concept of vyapti in the Nyaya school", Acta Asiatica 3, 1962, 16-29 NV125 V.Varadachari, "A note on the mangalavada of the Nyaya-Vaisesika school", ALB 26, 1962, 28-35 NV125.5 George Chemparathy, Aufkommen und Entwicklung der Lehre einen Wesen in Nyaya und Vaisesika. Wien 1963 NV126 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Nyaya theory of self", IPC 8, 1963, 1-6 NV127 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The intensional character of laksana and samkara in Navya-Nyaya", IIJ 8, 1964, 85-95 NV127.5 Jitendranath Mohanty, "The Nyaya theory of doubt", VJP 3, 1965, 15-35. Reprinted IPE 1, 351-372 NV128 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Der svabhavikasambandha: ein geschichtlicher Beitrag zur Nyaya-Logik", WZKSOA 8, 1964, 131-181 NV129 Dharmendra Nath Sastri, Critique of Indian Realism. Agra 1964 NV130 K.C.Varadachari, "Pratibha", BhV 24, 1964, 69-74 NV131 S.S.Barlingay, "The philosophy of samanya or jati", Shakti 2.7, 1965, 20-24 NV132 S.S.Barlingay, "Induction and Indian logic", Shakti 2.10, 1965, 20-28 NV133 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Fallacy in Nyaya", V.V.Mirashi Felicitation Volume (Nagpur 1965). Reprinted in SILM 45-73 NV134 S.D.Joshi, "The Nyaya theory of the denotation of roots and verb-ending suffixes", Shridhar Shastri Ware Commemoration Volume (Wai 1965), 308-312 NV135 Hidenori Kitagawa, "On upadhi", JIBSt 27, 1965, 430-436 NV136 V.Varadachari, "Requisites of a good hetu", ABORI 46, 1965, 43-48 NV136.5 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Language and reality (a metaphysical essay). Anviksa 1, 1966, 13-23 NV137 Chandrodaya Bhattacharya, "The philosophy of Nyaya", JIAP 5, 1966 - 7.2, 1968, 58-69 NV138 Masaaki Hattori, "The characteristic features and the historical background of the Naiyayika arguments concerning atman", Journal of Philosophical Studies (Kyoto) 53.6, 1966, 5-6 NV139 Hemanta Kumar Ganguli, "The problem of generalisation and the limits of doubt", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 1-12 NV140 Umesh Mishra, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume II: Nyaya-Vaisesika. Allahabad 1966 NV141 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Nyaya theory of doubt", VJP 3.1, 1966, 15-35. Reprinted in his Phenomenology and Ontology (The Hague 1970), 198-219 NV142 Giuseppe Pipitone, "Antologia Vaisesika", Vidya 13-14, 1966, 19-26 NV143 Priyaranjan Ray, "The theory of chemical combination in ancient Indian philosophy", IJHS 1, 1966, 1-14 NV144 S.N.Sen, "The impetus theory of the Vaisesika", IJHS 1, 1966, 34-45 NV145 Sushanta Sen, "The nature of samavaya (inherence)", VJP 3.1, 1966, 105-117 NV146 N.J.Shah, "On the early history and nature of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa in the Vaisesika and the Nyaya schools", JOI 16, 1966, 18-23 NV147 B.L.Sharma, "Paksata: the motivational conditions of inference according to Navya-Nyaya", Darshana 21, 1966, 103-107 NV148 V.Varadachari, "Conditions for the rise of perceptual cognition", SKBCV 248-251 NV149 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The concept of tarka in Navya-nyaya", Anviksa 2.2, 1967, 65-71. Reprinted in GMBNN 69-76 NV150 S.C.Chatterji, "Chemical theories of ancient India", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 53-55 NV151 George Chemparathy, "Theism and early Vaisesika system", KAG 109-125 NV152 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causation: an Advaitic study", IPC 13.4, 1968 - 14.2, 1969 NV152.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "The middle term", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9, 1968, 229-232. Reprinted IPACR 139-142 NV153 Dinesh Chandra Guha, Navya Nyaya System of Logic: Some Basic Theories and Techniques. Varanasi 1968; Delhi 1979 NV154 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Indian theories of knowledge and truth", PEW 18, 1968, 321-334 NV155 Narayana Mishra, "The non-inherent causality and the special qualities of the soul", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 5-8 NV156 S.N.Mishra, Vaisesika Darsana. Varanasi 1968 NV157 Karl H. Potter, "Is Nyaya intensional or extensional?", JAOS 88, 1968, 711-717 NV158 Karl H. Potter, "Astitva jneyatva abhidheyatva", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 275-280. Reprinted IPE 1, 299-304 NV159 Anima Sen Gupta, "Vaisesika categories", VK 55, 1968-69, 502-503 NV160 Siddheswar Varma, "Plurality--philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit tradition", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 1-4 NV161 Shodo Yamagami, "The concept of 'whole' in the orthodox school of Indian logicians" (in Japanese with English summary). TGK 55, 1968, 176-190 NV162 George Chemparathy, "The little-known fragments from early Vaisesika literature on the omniscience of isvara", ALB 33, 1969, 117-134 NV162.5 Hemanta Kumar Ganguly, "Metaphysics of meaning", Anviksa 2.1, 1967, 38-48; 2.2, 1967, 13-24; 3.1, 1968, 61-72; 3.2-4.1, 1979, 71-84 NV163 A.S.V.Pant, "Epistemology in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system with special reference to sabda", PAIOC 25, 1969, 357-363 NV164 Anantlal Thakur, "Adrsta and dharma in the Vaisesika philosophy", Rtam 1.1, 1969, 51-58 NV165 V.Varadachari, "Scope and basis of laksana in the Nyaya-Vaisesika schools", Rtam 1.1, 1969, 143-149 NV166 Sunilkumar Bera, "Place of meaningful word in Navya-Nyaya philosophy", ProcIPC 1970, 38-45. Also Darshana 12.3, 1972, 20-25 NV167 Tarashankar Bhattacharya, The Nature of Vyapti according to the Navya-Nyaya. Calcutta 1970 NV168 Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya, "The concept of upadhi in Nyaya logic", JIP 1, 1970-71, 146-166 NV169 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Remarks on the Vaisesika concept of samanya", Anjali 137-151 NV170 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Reference and existence in Nyaya and Buddhist logic", JIP 1, 1970-71, 83-110. Reprinted IPACR 231-258 NV171 Karunesha Shukla, "The Vaisesika schools", VIJ 8, 1970, 153-159 NV172 Anantlal Thakur, "Lost and little-known Nyaya works", Rtam 1.2, 1970, 31-38 NV173 Atsushi Uno, "Satpratipaksa as a fallacy in the Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 37, 1970, 1023-1035 NV175 Gopi Nath Bhattacharya, Application of Mimamsa to Nyaya. Ph.D.Thesis, Burdwan University 1971 NV176 Saranath Bose, "Some considerations on Nyaya-Vaisesika ontology", VJP 8.1, 1971, 31-34 NV177 George Chemparathy, "The number of qualities in isvara", JGJRI 27.1-2, 1971, 11-16 NV178 C.Sampurna, "The definition of perception in the Nyaya and the Advaita systems", RJRU 6-7, 1971, 81-91 NV179 Karunesha Shukla, "Origin of the Vaisesika system", SPP 11, 1971, 28-36 NV180 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "On a mistranslation of the terms visesya and prakara", PEW 22, 1972, 93-96 NV181 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "On the Nyaya view of consciousness", JIAP 11.1, 1972, 44-53 NV182 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The import of certain expressions like 'either-or' etc., in the light of Navyanyaya, and its application to the complete meaning of the judgment", VJP 8.2, 1972, 45-47 NV183 Srinarayana Mishra, "Order of enumeration of the Vaisesika categories", SVUOJ 15, 1972, 129-136 NV184 Laxman C. Mullati, The Navya-Nyaya Theory of Inference. Ph.D.Thesis, University of British Columbia 1972 NV185 A.D'Almeida, Nyaya Philosophy: Nature and Validity of Knowledge. Alwaye 1973 NV185.5 Sunil Kumar Bera, Realist Philosophy of Language. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Madras 1973. Published Calcutta 1994 NV186 B.N.Hazarika, "Debates and symposia in Vedic India", JUG 24-25, 1973-74, 94-101 NV187 Kishore Nath Jha, Problem of Self in Nyaya Philosophy. D. Litt. Thesis, Bihar University 1973 NV188 Chhabinath Mishra, "The nature of perception as elucidated in Vaisesika philosophy", RJRU 9, 1973, 1-7 NV189 Durga Madhav Praharaj, "A note on the ascertainment of vyapti", Darshana 13.4 (52), 1973, 35-40 NV190 C.Ramiah, "Avayavin--a central concept in the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causation", IPC 18, 1973, 174-189 NV191 C.Ramiah, "Can we conceive of niranvaya-vinasa in Nyaya-Vaisesika?", IndPQ 1, 1973-74, 42-51 NV192 Viswanath Sen, "Nyaya concept of necessity in relation to vyapti", RBJ 6, 1973, 53-57 NV192.5 M.C.Bharatiya, "Definition of a cause in Nyaya-Vaisesika system", PICP 48, 1974, 113-116 NV193 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The concept of paksata in Navya-nyaya", CDSFV 337-343. Reprinted in GMBNN 77-84 NV194 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some features of Navya-Nyaya logic", PEW 24, 1974, 329-342 NV194.5 Hari Mohan Jha, "The Navya Nyaya technique of analysis", PICP 48, 1974, 1-16 NV195 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A note on the Nyaya fallacy sadhyasama and petitio principii", JIP 2, 1974, 211-224 NV196 Umesh Mishra, Smrti Theory according to Nyaya-Vaisesika. Indological Research Series 3, Varanasi 1974 NV197 Karl H. Potter, "On the realistic proclivities of Navya-Nyaya as explicated by Bhattacharya", PEW 24, 1974, 343-348 NV198 Tomoyasu Takenaka, "The theory of the universal in Indian realism--on the proof of the reality of the universal and the relation between the universal and individuals" (summary). ToG 48, 1974, 9-11 NV199 Anantlal Thakur, "Peep into the less-known Nyaya authors and works", ISUD 3, 1974, 168-174 NV200 Anantlal Thakur, "The Mahabharata and the Nyayasastra", PAIOC 27, 1974, 403-408 NV201 Anantlal Thakur, "The Trairasikas and the Vaisesikas", VIRB 2, 1974, 45-47 NV202 R.K.Tripathi, "Categories in Nyaya and Kant", IPA 10, 1974-75, 29-32 NV203 Siddheshwar Varma, "The basic philosophical approach of the Vaisesika system", CDSFV 407-409 NV204 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Vyadhikaranabhava--a type of negation", WZKSOA 19, 1975, 199-212 NV205 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "To speak clearly", KCV; reprinted in KKBLKO 3-14 NV206 Kisor Chakrabarti, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of universals", JIP 3, 1975, 363-382 NV207 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, "Some comparisons between Frege's logic and Navya-Nyaya logic", PPR 36, 1975-76, 554-563 NV208 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Conceptualizations of 'Being' in classical Vaisesika", WZKSOA 19, 1975, 183-198 NV209 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Causality in the Nyaya-Vaisesika school", PEW 25, 1975, 41-48 NV210 Keichi Miyamoto, "A study on natural philosophy in India--Vaisesika theory of pakajotpatti" (in Japanese with English summary). Skenk 225, 1975, 29-50 NV211 Jatilcoomar Mookerjee, "Vada", JDPUC 1, 1975, 81-95 NV212 Shinkan Murakami, "Arguments for the existence of atman in the Vaisesika philosophy" (summary). ARTU 25, 1975, 160 NV213 Karl H. Potter, "Some thoughts on the Nyaya conception of meaning", JIP 3, 1975, 209-216 NV214 Anantlal Thakur, "Perception in Nyaya philosophy", Bharata Manisha 1.1, 1975, 49-58 NV215 Atsushi Uno, "A study of pratiyogin", JIBSt 23.2, 1975, 7-13 NV216 B.M.Awasthi, "A critique of Nyaya theory of triple causation", QFT 250-253 NV217 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Double negation in Nyaya logic and in formal logic", JDPUC 2, 1976, 151-161 NV218 Sivajiban Bhattacharya, "Some principles and concepts of Navya-Nyaya logic and ontology", OH 24.1, 1976 - 25.1, 1977. Reprinted DoubtBK 201-244 NV219 Raja Ram Dravid, "Pramanya Vada", IndPQ 4, 135-146 NV220 Sarita Gupta, "Svarupa Sambandha--a peculiar relation of Navya-Nyaya", JGJRI 32, 1976, 181-186 NV221 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Zum Begriff der Substanz (dravya) in Vaisesika", WZKSOA 20, 1976, 141-166 NV222 Y. Krishan, "Role of the Nyaya-Vaisesikas in Indian religion and society", Prachya Pratibha 4.1, 1976, 67-74 NV223 A.K.Mukherjee, "The definition of pervasion in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 4, 1976, 1-50; 7, 1979, 107-152 NV224 Shinkan Murakami, "Arguments for the existence of atman in the Vaisesika philosophy" (in Japanese with English summary). TDBKN 25, 1976, 1-56 NV225 Mohini Mullick, "Implication and entailment in Navya-nyaya logic", JIP 4, 1976, 127-134 NV226 Harsh Narain, Evolution of the Nyaya-Vaisesika Categoriology. Volume I. Varanasi 1976 NV227 C.Ramaiah, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of numbers", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 129-134 NV228 J.L.Shaw, "Subject and predicate", JIP 4, 1976, 155-180 NV229 Esther A. Solomon, Indian Dialectics. Two volumes. Ahmedabad 1976, 1978 NV230 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Tarka and implication", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 91-102 NV231 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Sabdabodha as a separate type of pramana", JIP 5, 1977, 73-84. Reprinted in GMBNN 85-98 NV232 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "On anyonyabhava", ITaur 5, 1977, 37-42 NV233 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "The cognitive relation: would A.C.Ewing's view have been acceptable to the neo-logicians of India?", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 65-80. Also CPP65-80 NV234 M.P.Marathe, "An ontological slum in Navya-nyaya", Philosophica 6.2, 1977 - 6.3, 1977 NV234.1 Allen Hillel Merkrebs, The Concept of Adrsta in Vaisesika Philosophy and An Explanation for the Law of Karma. University of Michigan 1977 NV235 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Nyaya-Vaisesika. Volume VI, Fascicule 2 of J. Gonda (ed.), A History of Indian Literature. Wiesbaden 1977 NV236 L.C.Mullatti, The Navya-Nyaya Theory of Inference. Dharwar 1977 NV236.1 A. S. Viswanatha Pant, "The theory of anumana as discussed in the early Vaisesika texts", JOR 47-55, 1977-86, 145-150 NV237 Karl H. Potter (ed.), Nyaya-Vaisesika up to Gangesa. Volume II of Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Delhi 1977. Published as Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology, Princeton, N.J. 1978 NV238 Nirmal Rani, "On the nature of satpaksi", KUJ 11,1977, 271-276 NV239 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Radhakrishnan's assessment of Navya-Nyaya", IPA 12, 1977-78, 217-226 NV240 Y.Wadhwani, "Heaven and hell in the Purva-mimamsa and the Nyaya-Vaisesika systems", BDCRI 37, 1977-78, 182-186 NV241 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "On injunctive sentences", GMBNN 99-104 NV242 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Navadvipa's contribution to Navya-nyaya", GMBNN 3-11 NV243 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika and other notions of freedom", Philosophica 7.4, 1978, 1-19 NV244 Bijon Biswas, "The Nyaya theory of perception", Philosophica 7.4, 1978, 1-14 NV245 Kisor Chakraborty, "Definitions of vyapti (pervasion) in Navya-nyaya: a critical survey", JIP 5, 1978, 209-236 NV246 Kisor Chakraborty, "Determination of universal concomitance", JIP 5, 1978, 291-310 NV247 Kisor Chakraborty, "The Nyaya concept of svabhavikasambandha: a historical retrospect", JIP 5, 1978, 385-392 NV248 Kisor Kumar Chakraborti, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of negative entities", JIP 6, 1978, 129-144 NV249 G. Chemparathy, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika as interpreters of sruti", JD 3, 1978, 274-291 NV249.1 George Chemparathy, A discussion of the early Nyaya-Vaisesika on the nature of isvara", BhV 39.1, 1979, 31-38 NV250 Arjun Mishra, "Universals in Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 567-569 NV251 Curtis P. Oliver, "Perception in early Nyaya", JIP 6, 1978, 243-266 NV251.5 J. L. Shaw, "The Nyaya on existence, knowability and nameability", JIP 5, 1978, 255-266. Reprinted IPE 1, 305-316 NV252 John Vattanky, "Aspects of early Nyaya theism", JIP 6, 1978, 393-404 NV253 K.P.Bahadur, The Wisdom of Vaisheshika. Delhi 1979 NV253.1 George Chemparathy, "A discussion of the early Nyaya-Vaisesika on the notion of isvara", BhV 39.1, 1979, 31-38 NV254 Harsh Narain, "Anviksiki as dialectic", LSFV 579-592 NV255 Hari Shankar Prasad, "The Nyaya view of present time as duration", P 24-26, 1979-80, 201-212 NV256 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Arthapatti -- as a pramana", JUG 30-33, 1979-82, 171-175 NV257 P.K.Sen et al. (eds.), Logic, Ontology and Action. JSP 1, 1979 NV258 Hans-Georg Tuerstig, "Ein Beitrag zur atom-theorie des Nyaya-Vaisesika Systems", AS 73, 1979, 9-22 NV258.1 Shailaja Bapat, "Samyoga and samavaya in Vaisesika system", CASSt 5, 1980, 161-167 NV259 V.K.Bharadwaj, "A theory of tarka sentences", PPR 41, 1980-81, 532-546 NV259.1 V. K. Nharadwaj, "Logic of the Nyaya anumana", PTA 1980, 61-69 NV260 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "On samsargamaryada in Navya-nyaya", PWIAI 79-84 NV261 Maya Das, "Prayojana with special reference to the Nyaya and the Advaita Vedanta", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 70-77 NV262 Veena Gajendragadkar, "The Vaisesika categories: a logical perspective", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 107-120 NV263 Jayashree Gune, "The meaning of lin according to the Nyaya and the Vyakarana schools", PWIAI 155-168 NV264 Sarita Gupta, "Svarupa-sambandha--a peculiar relation of Navya-nyaya", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 247-252 NV265 Wilhelm Halbfass, "The Vaisesika concept of guna and the problem of universals", WZKSOA 24, 1980, 225-238 NV266 V.N.Jha, "Naiyayikas' concept of pada and vakya", PWIAI 85-94. Also SILLE 45-53 NV267 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Double negation in Navya-Nyaya", SISDI 1-10 NV267.1 C. Ramiah, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of cause", PTA1980, 50-60 NV268 S.Sankaranarayanan, "Threefold inference of the Naiyayikas: a historical study", ALB 44-45, 1980-81, 107-l19 NV269 J.L.Shaw, "The Nyaya on cognition and negation", JIP 8, 1980, 279-302 NV270 Anantalal Thakur, "Members of the pararthanumana: later phases", CIS 123-131 NV271 K.K.Banerjee, "A note on the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causality", JSP3 159-190 NV272 Lawrence Davis, "Tarka in the Nyaya theory of inference", JIP 9, 1981, 105-120. Reprinted IPACR 153-168 NV272.1 Nirmala Rani Gupta, "The concept of rejoinder (jati) in Indian logic", BhV 44.3-4, 1981, 64-68 NV273 Arvind Sharma, "The concept of apavarga in Nyaya-Vaisesika", MO 14, 1981, 88-92 NV274 Virendra Shekhawat, "Nyaya syllogism and causal explanation", IndPQ 9, 1981-82, 391-404 NV275 A.L.Thakur, "The Mahabharata and the Nyayasastra", PBh 1, 1981, 94-99 NV276 John Vattanky, "The language of negation in Nyaya", JD 6, 1981, 7-17 NV277 A. Wezler, "Proposal for a joint Indo-German project in the field of Navya-Nyaya literature and tradition", IIG 44-47 NV278 C.D.Bijelwan, The Analysis of Jnana and Ajnana in the Light of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1982 NV279 Sri Jiban Biswas, "Some reflections on samanyalaksana", OH 30.2, 1982, 59-84 NV280 V.N.Jha, "On ubhayabhava, anyatarabhava and visistabhava", ABORI 63, 1982, 99-120. Also SILLE 146-153 NV289 Keiichi Miyamoto, "Anumana and nyaya of the Naiyayikas", JIBSt 30.2, 1982, 20-25 NV290 Yuko Miyasaka, "The concept of paryapti in Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 30.2, 1982, 17-19 NV291 Pradyot Kumar Mondal, "Some aspects of perception in old Nyaya", JIP 10, 1982, 357-376 NV292 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, "The philosophy of universals", JSP 4, 1982, 209-245 NV293 G. Oberhammer, "Transzendenz als Heil im älteren Nyaya", EDH 27-39 NV294 Hans-Georg Turstig, Über Entstehungsprozesse in der Philosophie des Nyaya-Vaisesika-Systems. Wiesbaden 1982 NV295 S.R.Bhatt, "The Navya-nyaya theory of jati and samanya", Aruna-Bharati 23-33 NV296 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of the Navya-nyaya theory of inference", JIAP 22.1, 1983, 36-56. Also DoubtBK 245-267. Reprinted ILAR pp. 162-182 NV297 B.David Burke, "On the measure parimandala", PEW 33, 1983, 273-284 NV298 George Chemparathy, L'autorité du Veda selon les Nyaya-Vaisesika. Louvain-la-Neuve 1983 NV299 Satya Dev, "The secret of Nyaya", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 18-21 NV300 R.D.Hegde, "A note on visesa", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 1-4 NV301 H.M.Joshi, "Some fragments of Indian logic", JOI 33, 1983, 265-271 NV302 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "'Virtue is not blue': Navya-nyaya and some Western views", JIP 11, 1983, 325-338 NV303 S.B.Raghunadacarya, Means of Valid Cognition according to Nyaya and Mimamsa. A Critical Study. Tirupati 1983 NV304 Arvind Sharma, "A point of intersection between the Nyaya theories of perception and error", Triveni 51.4, 1983, 41-43 NV305 Basavaraj Siddhasrami, "Upamana as a distinct pramana in Nyaya system", PTG 18.l, 1983, 20-22 NV306 L.P.N.Sinha, Nyaya Theory of Perception. New Delhi 1983 NV307 K.Vijayan, "Nyaya and yoga", Journal of Manuscript Studies 24, 1983, 4 pp. NV308 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Navya Nyaya theory of pervasion", JIAP 23.1, 1984. Reprinted DoubtBK 268-300 NV308.5 K. C. Dash, "Semantic analysis of simple sentence in Navya-Nyaya", JUJI 1.1, 1984, 65-73 NV309 Erich Frauwallner, "Der Navyanyayah", EFNW 43-55 NV310 Erich Frauwallner, "Der Navyanyayah, ein Artikel für das 'Wörterbuch der Philosophie'", EFNW 57-62 NV311 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, Indian Logic in its Sources on Validity of Inference. New Delhi 1984 NV311.5 Dipak Ghosh, Abhavavimarsa. Varanasi 1984 NV312 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "The concept of visayata in Navya-nyaya", ALB 48, 1984, 65-77 NV313 V.N.Jha, "On occurrence-exacting relations" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1983-85, 347 NV313.1 V.N.Jha, "Navya-nyaya philosophy", SVUOJ 27, 1982, 65-74 NV314 Sukla Kanungo, "The Nyaya notion of hybridity (samkara)", JIAP 23.2, 1984, 60-63 NV315 Madhusudan Maitra, "Verbal communication as a source of knowledge of negation: a critical estimate of Nyaya view" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 349-350 NV316 P.K.Mandal, "Some technicalities in Navya-nyaya explained", IndPQ 11, 1984-85, 51-66 NV317 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Grammaticality and meaninglessness", Amrtadhara 263-272 NV318 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Knowing that one knows", JICPR 2.1, 1984, 19-48. Reprinted IPE 1, 143-172 NV319 S.N.Mishra, "Concept of bheda (difference) in Vaisesika philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 353-354 NV320 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Is samavaya (inherence) an internal relation?", IndPQ 11.3, 1984, Student's Supplement 1-8 NV321 Harsh Narain, "Evolution of non-being as a Vaisesika category", AligarhJOS 1, 1984, 129-137 NV322 Gerhard Oberhammer, Wahrheit und Transzendenz. Eine Beitrag zur Spiritualität des Nyaya. Wien 1984 NV323 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "The Nyaya and Russell on empty terms", PEW 34, 1984, 131-146 NV324 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "Negative entities and negative facts in Navya-nyaya", JIP 12, 1984, 237-263 NV325 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Time a substantive reality in Nyaya-Vaisesika", EAW 34, 1984, 233-266 NV326 Subhash Chandra Saha Roy, "Essential characteristics of valid inferences" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 365-366 NV327 Ananta Lal Thakur, "The Buddhist and orthodox Nyaya system", JDBSDU 8.1, 1984, 31-38 NV328 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of pramanya in Navya-Nyaya school", RKV 17-28 NV329 Hirendra Nath Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya concept of vyaptigraha", IndPQ 12.4, 1985, Student Supplement 9-15 NV330 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Abstraction, analysis and universals: the Navya-nyaya philosophy", APCP 189-202 NV330.1 Sivajivan Bhattacharya, "Being in Aristotle and Navyanyaya", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 101-112 NV331 Douglas D. Daye, "Some epistemologically misleading expressions: 'inference' and anumana, 'perception' and pratyaksa", APCP 231-252 NV332 Bimal K. Matilal, "Awareness and meaning in Navya-nyaya", APCP 373-392. Reprinted CEBKM 114-132 NV332.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On the theory of number and paryapti in Navyanyaya", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 13-21. Reprinted CEBKM 133-140 NV332.2 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Pandit Madhusudana Nyayacharya and Navya Nyaya studies", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 1-2 NV333 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "The traditional critique of Vaisesika category of samavaya: an appraisal", IndPQ 12.3, 1985, Student's Supplement 11-19 NV333.5 J.N.Mohanty, "Psychologism in Indian logical theory", APCP 203-211. reprinted IPACR 2, 143-152 NV334 Roy W. Perrett, "A note on the Navya-nyaya account of number", JIP 13, 1985, 227-234 NV335 Karl H. Potter, "A speech-act model for understanding Navya-nyaya epistemology", APCP 213-230 NV336 J.L.Shaw, "Proper names: contemporary philosophy and the Nyaya", APCP 327-372 NV337 Lata Bapat, "Role and significance of drstanta in anumana", IPQ 13, 1986, Supplement 299-308 NV338 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The Navya-Nyaya theory of abstraction", FPS 312-329 NV338.1 Arindam Chakravarti, "Understanding falsehoods: a note on the Nyaya concept of yogyata", JASBe 28.1, 1986, 10-11 NV339 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Vaisesika account of the phenomenon of dream", Philosophica 15-16, 1986-87, 179-184 NV339.1 Sitanath Goswami, "Validity of the Vedas--Nyaya view", Anviksa 8, 1986. Reprinted IndTrad II, 9-20 NV340 R.I.Ingalalli, "The concept of definition (laksana) in Nyaya", Philosophica 15-16, 1986-87, 162-167 NV341 V.N.Jha, "Avacchedakatva--a particular svarupasambandha? Why?", SILLE 118-125 NV342 V.N.Jha, "On the delimiting relation of a counterpositiveness", SILLE 126-136 NV343 V.N.Jha, "Temporal relation in Navya-Nyaya", SILLE 137-145 NV345 V.N.Jha, "The rationale of a yogic perception", SILLE 154-162 NV347 V.N.Jha, "Nature of sabdapramana in Nyaya-Vaisesika", SILLE 36-44 NV347.1 Shinkan Murakami, "Vaisesika theory of direct perception (pratyaksa) and verbal expression" (summary), TDBKN 36, 1986, 200-199 NV348 Sukharanjan Saha, "Kindred points in an old epistemology", OH 34.1, 1986, 1-46 NV349 Sabujkoli Sen (Mitra), "The concept of aprama (non-valid knowledge) in Nyaya school", VJP 23.2, 1986, 76-81 NV350 Walter Slaje, "Untersuchungen zur Chronologie einiger Nyaya-Philosophen", SII 11-12, 1986, 245-278 NV351 Walter Slaje, "Nihsreyasam im alten Nyaya", WZKSOA 30, 1986, 163-178 NV351.1 V.Varadachari, "Tamo'ri and Timirari", JOR 47-55, 1977-86, 151-156 NV352 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Implication and entailment in Navya-nyaya logic", JIP 15, 1987, 149-154 NV353 Chandidas Bhattacharya, "Can there be empirical evidence for general truth?", JIP 15, 1987, 333-348 NV353.1.Antonelle Comba, "Carakasamhita, Sarirasthana I and Vaisesika philosophy", in G.Jan Meulenfeld and Dominik Wujastyk (eds.), Studies on Medical History, Groningen Oriental Studies Vol. 2, Groningen 1987, pp. 43-61 NV354 Raghunath Ghosh, "A problem concerning Nyaya theory of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa", IndPQ 14, 1987, 209-216 NV355 Raghunath Ghosh, "Gopinath Kaviraj on the doctrine of pratibha with special reference to Nyaya-Vaisesika", MGKCV 58-65 NV355.1 P.K.Maity, "The Nyaya concept of self and some European parallels and contrasts:, RBJPS 2, 1987, 73-78 NV356 Pradyot Kr. Mandal, "Some problems of perception in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 15, 1987, 125-148 NV357 Ernst Prets, "Notes on the anadhyavasitahetvabhasa", WZKSOA 31, 1987, 131-140 NV358 C. Ramaiah, "The problem of personal identity--Nyaya-Vaisesika perspective", IPA 20, 1987-88, 68-84 NV359 Cesare Rizzi, Introduzione al Nyaya. Bologna 1987 NV360 Sukharanjan Saha, Perspectives on Nyaya Logic and Epistemology. Calcutta 1987 NV361 Vibha, The Nyaya Concept of Abhava. Delhi 1987 NV362 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Prama-pramana and knowledge-justification", KKBLKO 233-251 NV363 Arindam Chakrabarti, "The end of life: a Nyaya-Kantian approach to the Bhagavadgita", JIP 16, 1988, 327-334 NV364 Sunil Kumar Das, The Nyaya Theory of Supernormal Perception. Calcutta 1988 NV365 Aruna Goel, Nyaya-Vaisesika and Modern Science. New York 1988 NV366 V.N.Jha, "Artha, visaya and karaka", SIRVJ 123-126 NV367 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Sabdabodha and the problem of knowledge-representation in Sanskrit", JIP 16, 1988, 107-l22 NV367.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of no-soul", FTI 1988, 85-104. Reprinted JIP 17, 1989, 61-80. NV368 Sabita Mishra, "The origin and history of Navya Nyaya", PB 193, 1988, 430-435 NV369 Arati Mukherjee, A Critique of Verbal Testimony. Calcutta 1988 NV369.1 S. Revathy, "On the definition of 'definition' according to Nyaya", LP 2, 1988, 107-116 NV370 S. Sankaranarayanan, "Problem of definition in Indian logic", ALB 52, 1988, 114-127 NV370.1 B. Sansom, "Strawson and the Nyaya on meaning", Darshana 28.4, 1988, 42-52 NV370.5 J.L.Shaw, "The Nyaya on double negation", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29, 1988, 139-154. Reprinted 123-138 NV371 Toshihiro Wada, "Qualifier (visesana) in Navya-nyaya philosophy", JIBSt 37.1, 1988, 7-13 NV372 Asoka Chatterjee Sastri, "Determination and position of tarka: Naiyayikas vis-a-vis Sankarites", POSankara 156-166 NV372.1 Anant Lal Thakur, "Joy, suffering, and eternal bliss in Nyaya philosophy", NBLBS 53-58 NV372.1.5 M. Veeraiah, The Structure and Grounds of Inference in Nyaya and Aristotle. Tirupati 1988 NV372.2 Gokamohan Bhattacharya, "On avacchedaka in Navya-Nyaya", Dharma-Nirajan 1989, 182-189 NV373 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The empirical subject: a comparative study of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta theories", POSankara 126-142 NV374 Nisith Nath Chakravorty, "Nyaya-Vaisesika atomism (paramanuvada): a critical exposition", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 77-82 NV374.1 Amita Chatterjee, "Can there be an incontinent action in the Nyaya scheme of intentional action?", JJP 1.1, 1989, 60-74 NV374.1.1.Subhas Chandra Dash, "A note on avayavasakti vs. samudayasakti", SVUOJ 27, 1989, 103-108 NV374.2 Raghunath Ghose, "The role of tarka in the phenomenon of vyaptigraha", Purnatrayi 16.2, 1989, 1-8 NV375 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of anuvyavasaya in Nyaya logic: a phenomenological analysis", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 32-38 NV376 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Observations on sattasambandha and the history of Vaisesika ontology", JAOS 109, 1989, 553-558 NV376.1 V. N. Jha, "Nature of sabdapramana in Nyaya-Vaisesika", Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 307-314 NV376.2 Harsh Kumar, "The Nyaya method of philosophy", Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 328-329 NV376.3 Shiv Kumar, "Nature of upamana in the Nyaya system, "Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 260-269 NV377 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of non-souls", SelfandC 173-192 NV378 Keiichi Miyamoto, "Artha according to the Naiyayikas and Vaisesika", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 1-10 NV378.1 Harsh Narain, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika categoriology: an appraisal:, Dharma-Niranjana 1989, 205-217 NV379 Claus Oetke, "Zur interpretation der drei merkmale des logischen grundes", ZDMG, Supplement 7, 1989, 402-409 NV380 A.S.Viswanatha Pant, "The theory of anumana as discussed in the early Vaisesika texts", JOR 47-55, 1989, 145-150 NV381 K. Preisedanz, "On atmendriyamanorthasannikarsa and the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of vision", BIS 4-5, 1989, 39-48 NV381.1 S.Sankaranarayanan, "Liberation in early Nyaya-Vaisesika systems", ALB 53, 1989, 163-180 NV382 J.L.Shaw, "Singular existential sentences: contemporary philosophy and the Nyaya", RCT 211-240 NV382.1 John Vattanky, "On the causes of verbal knowledge", Purnatrayi 16.2, 1989, 23-30 NV383 Toshihiro Wada, "Describer (nirupaka) in Navya-Nyaya", ABORI 69, 1989, 183-194 NV383.1 Vinayak P. Bhatta, "Theory of verbal cognition (sabdabodha)", BDCRI 49, 1990, 59-74 NV384 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Some features of the technical language of Navya-Nyaya", PEW 40, 1990, 129-150. Reprinted IPACR 2, 101-122 NV385 Amita Chatterjee, "Can there be inconsistent action in the Nyaya scheme of intentional actions?", VJP 26.2, 1990, 49-62 NV386 Santimoy Chowhdury, "Is knowledge an act (kriya)?", VJP 27.1, 1990, 10-17 NV386.5 Antonelli Comba, "Universal (samanya) and particular (visesa) in Vaisesika Ayurveda", JEAS 1, 1990, 7-32 NV387 Vibha Gaur, The Navya Nyaya Logic (Concept of Abhava). Delhi 1990 NV388 Raghunath Ghosh, The Justification of Inference: A Navya-Nyaya Approach. Delhi 1990 NV388.1 P. I. Gradinarov, Phenomenology and Indian Epistemology: Studies in Nyaya Vaisesika. Transcendental Logic and Atomism. Sophia Indological Series 2, New Delhi 1990 NV388.2 H. Isaacson, A Study of Early Vaisesika and the Mimamsa. Thesis, U. of Groningen 1990 NV389 R.I.Ingalalli, Tadatmya-Sambandha: A Study in Relation of Identity. Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series 107. Delhi 1990, 1995 NV389.0.H.Isaacson, A Study of Early Vaisesika and the Mimamsa. Thesis, U. of Groningen 1990 NV389.01 S.D.Jhala, "Historical survey of Vaisesika literature", Sambodhi 14, 1990, 7-12 NV389.02 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika view of jivanmukti: an analysis:, VIJ 28, 1990, 111-120 NV389.1 Sukharanjan Saha, "Thought and language", JICPR 8.1, 1990, 17-56 NV390 Toshihiro Wada, Invariable Concomitance in Navya Nyaya. Delhi 1990 NV391 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "Kali Krishna Banerjee on metaphysics", JJP 3.1, 1991, 1-8 NV391.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Reason and revelation: some Indian themes and theories", JIAP 30.2, 1991, 47-71 NV391.2 Tushar Kanti Bhattacharya, "How is samavaya known? The Naiyayikas and the Vaisesikas", VJP 28.1, 1991, 69-76 NV392 Arindam Chakrabarti, "I touch what I saw", PPR 52, 1992, 103-116 NV393 Kisor Kumar Chakraborti and Chandana Chakraborti, "Toward dualism: the Nyaya-Vaisesika way", PEW 41, 1991, 477-492 NV394 Keshab Chandra Dash, Relations in Knowledge Representation: An Interdisciplinary Study in Nyaya, Mimamsa, Vyakarana, Tantra, Modern Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. Delhi 1991 NV394.1 Subas Chandra Dash, "Samaya: the word-meaning relationship in Nyayavaisesika system", JOI 41, 1991, 57-66 NV395 Srilekha Datta, The Ontology of Negation. Calcutta 1991 NV395.1 Srilekha Datta, "On the nature of koti of samsaya", JJP 3.2, 1991, 35-44 NV395.2.D.D.Daye, "On the translation of the basic Nyaya language: paksa, hetu and drstanta", AspJ 3, 164-173 NV396 Raghunath Ghosh, "Some reflections on the Nyaya theory of action", IndPQ 18, 1991, 581-594 NV397 V.N.Jha, "On the formulation of the definition of paksata", Prajnajyoti 143-148 NV397.1.V.N.Jha, "Ultimate principle according to the Nyaya-Vaisesika", UAITD 129-136 NV398 Daya Krishna (ed.), Samvada: A Dialogue between Two Philosophical Traditions. New Delhi 1991 NV399 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Knowledge, truth and pramatva", JNMP 169-182. Reprinted CEBKM 149-161 NV400 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Sabdabodha and the problem of knowledge-representation in Sanskrit", Prajnajyoti 179-191 NV401 Aruna Ranjan Mishra, "On the causality of sky", JIP 19, 1991, 133-142 NV402 Prabhat Misra, "The concept of tatparya in Indian philosophy of meaning", IndPQ 18, 1991, 595-608 NV403 J.N.Mohanty, "Recollections and response", JNMP 199-218 NV403.1 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, The Nyaya Theory of Linguistic Performance. Calcutta 1991 NV403.1 S. Revathy, "Why the asamavayikarana?", ALB 55, 1991, 98-103 NV403.2 Sukharanjan Saha, Meaning, Truth and Predication: A Reconstruction of Nyaya Semantics. Calcutta 1991 NV404 Ratna Datta Sharma, "Analysis of 'Nyaya' in classical Nyaya", JJP 3.1, 1991, 33-62 NV405 J.L.Shaw, "Professor Mohanty on meaning and transformation in Indian philosophy", JNMP 143-168 NV406 J.L.Shaw, "Universal sentences: Russell, Wittgenstein, Prior and the Nyaya", JIP 19, 1991, 103-120 NV406.0 K.V ijayan, "The Vaisesika theory of atom:, Purnatrayi 18.2,1991, 27-34 NV406.01 O. Viswanathan Achari, "A few topics of science dealt with by Vaisesika", Purnatrayi 19.1, 1992,62-70 NV406.02 Toshihide Adachi, "Linga in the Vaisesika and the Mimamsa", Machikanayam Ronso (Philosophy) 26, 1992, 27-41 NV406.1 V.P.Bhatta, "Theory of nirupya-nirupaka-bhava", RelationsIP 67-78 NV406.2.Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Meaning and skepticism: some Indian themes and theories", PGI 1-20 NV406.3.J.Bronkhorst, "Quelques axiomes du Vaisesika", Les Cahiers de Philosophie 14, 1992, 95-10 NV407 Arindam Chakrabarti, "On knowing by being told", PEW 42, 1992, 421-440. Reprinted IPE 1, 331-350 NV407.0 Sadhan Chakrabarti, "Two faces of triple negation", JJP 4.1, 1992, 59-68 NV407.1 Nini Chanda, "The Cartesian problem of the duality of mind and body", JIAP 31, 1992, 39-52 NV407.2 B.K.Dalai, "Samavaya", RelationsIP 11-28 NV407.3 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Nyaya modal knowledge-base and relational representation:, RelationsIP 161-168 NV407.3.5 Keshab Chandra Dash, Logic of Knowledge Base: A Nyayayika Reader for Designing Computational Lexicon. Delhi 1992 NV407.4 Subas Chandra Dash, "Laksana in Nyaya system",. RelationsIP 109-120 NV408 Eli Franco, "Valid reason, true sign", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 660 NV408.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of 'relation' in Navya-Nyaya with special reference to jnapya-jnapaka-bhava relation", VJP 28.2, 1992, 33-41 NV408.2 Raghunath Ghosh, "Jnapya-jnapaka-bhava relation:, RelationsIP 79-88 NV408.3.Raghunath Ghose, "Some problems concerning the comprehension of meaning", PGI 157-164 NV408.4 Aruna Goel, "Visesa as a padartha in Vaisesika-darsana", VIJ 30, 1992, 73-88 NV409 Wilhelm Halbfass, On Being and What There Is. Albany, N.Y. 1992 NV409.1 K.N.Hota, "The qualifier and qualificand relation", RelationsIP 89-98 NV409.1.1 Kashinath Hota, "Instrumental cause of inferential cognition", JOI 42.1-2, 1992, 55-62 NV409.2 R.I.Ingalalli, "On relation of identity (tadatmya-sambandha)", RelationsIP 35-48 NV409.3 V.N.Jha, "The paryapti-relation in Navya-nyaya", RelationsIP 49-60 NV409.3.5 V. N. Jha, "Prakara and samarga in sabdabodha", Vidya-Vratin 1992, 145-154 NV409.4 Nirmala Kulkarni, "Samyogasambandha in Nyaya-Vaisesika", RelationsIP 1-10 NV410 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Pramana as evidence", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 659-660 NV410.1 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Syllogism: Aristotle and Nyaya", VJP 28.2, 1992, 27-32 NV411 Arthur Nieuwendijk, "Semantics and comparative logic", JIP 20, 1992, 377-418 NV411.00 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Der frühe Nyaya: Bemerkungen zur inneren Gestalt seines Denkens" in A.W.van der Hoek, D.H.A.Kolff and M.S.Oort (eds.), Ritual, State and History in South Asia: Essays in Honour of J.C.Heesterman (Leiden 1992), 244-258 NV411.0.Claus Oetke, "Zur interpretation drei Merkmale des logischen Gundes" in XXIII.Deutscher Orientalistenlag, Ausgewählte Vorträge, Stuttgart, 391-402 NV411.1 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "The Nyaya theory of sabdapramana", JOI 42.1-2, 1992, 39-48. Reprinted RKBSSS 34-47 NV411.2.Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume VI. Indian Philosophical Analysis from Gangesa to Raghunatha Siromani. Ed. K.H.Potter and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. Princeton, N.J. 1992 NV412 Ernst Prets, "Notes on the anadhyavasitahetvabhasa", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 658-659 NV412.1 H.V.Nagaraja Rao, "What is sabdabodha?", MO 16, 1992, 57-59 NV413 Brinda Sen, "The concept of kartrtva in the Nyaya-Vaisesika, IndPQ 19, 1992, 327-334 NV413.0 Brinda Sen, "Is akasa a proper noun?", JJP 4.1, 1992, 43-58 NV413.1 Baliram Sjukla, "The history of svarupasambandha", RelationsIP 29-34 NV414 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha, "The Nyaya on the meaning of some words". Translated by J.L.Shaw. JIP 20, 1992, 41-88 NV415 John Vattanky, "The referent of words: universal or individual, the controversies between Mimamsakas and Naiyayikas", JIP 21, 1993, 51-78 NV416 John S. Vattanky, Development of Nyaya Theism. New Delhi 1993 NV416.1 Jyoti Prasad Bhattacharya, "Causal law regarding qualificative cognition", JJP 5.1, 1993, 1-12 NV416.2 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Mohanty on sabdapramana", in F.M.Kirkland and D.P.Chattopadhyaya (eds.), Phenomenology--East and West. Netherlands 1993 NV417 N.S.Dravid, "A pseudo-problem about Nyaya definition of inference and its pseudo-solutions", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 65-70 NV417.1 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Grammarians and philosophers", RIBP 203-208 NV418 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Mysticisme et rationalité en inde: Le cas de Vaisesika", AS 47, 1993, 559-570 NV418.1 Plamen, Gradinarov, "Man and universe", PPIBPS 217-234 NV419 Harunaga Isaacson, "Yogic perception (yogipratyaksa) in early Vaisesika", SII 18, 1993, 139-160 NV419.0 V.N.Jha, "Meaning and referent", PPIBPS 166-174 NV419.0.5 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature and definition of word: some Navya-naiyayikas approach", JJP 5.1, 1993, 37-51 NV419.1 Victoria Lysenko, "The atomistic theory of Vaisesika problems of interpretation", CracowIS 1 (1992-1993), 189-198; also HIndPh 56-71 NV419.2.Claus Oetke, Studies on the Doctrine of Trairupya. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 33, Wien 1993. NV420 Jagat Pal, "Nyaya inference: deductive or inductive?", IndPQ 20, 1993, 265-280 NV420.0 G.C.Pande, "Time in Buddhism", RandT 182-207 NV420.1 Vasant Parikh, "Concept of the individual self in the Nyaya-Vaisesika", Samamnaya 2, 1993, 79-91 NV420.2 Biswanarayan Shastri, Samavaya Foundation of Nyaya-Vaisesika. Delhi 1993 NV420.2.1 Brinda Sen, "A note on the claim that akamksa is padarthagata", VJP 30.1, 1993, 24-27 NV420.3 Bishwanath Sen, "Nyaya view of perception of composite objects", BRMIC 44, 1993, 251-257 NV420.3.1 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Nature and criterion of truth: the Nyaya view", PPIBPS 130-156 NV420.4 J.C.Sikdar, "Bird's-eye view on Indian atomism", Dilip 19.1, 1993, 13-17 NV421 Heeraman Tiwari, "One and many: the early Naiyayikas and the problem of universals", Prabhakara-Narayan-Srih 206-232 NV422 Toshihide Adachi, "On the size and mobility of the atman in the early Vaisesika", AS 48, 1994, 653-664 NV423 S. S. Barlingay, "Paryapti relation:, JPS 2.1, 1994, 1-7 NV423.5 Vinayaka P. Bhatta, "Navya-Nyaya concept of samsargamaryada", BDCRI 54-55, 1994-95, 149-156 NV424 Sibajiban Bhsttacharyya, "Epistemology of testimony and authority: some Indian themes and theories", KW 69-98 NV424.5 Tushar Kanti Bhattacharya, Samavaya and the Nyaya-Vaisesika Realism. Calcutta 1994 NV425 Visvabandhu Bhattacharya, "Proper names and individuals", KW 325-346 NV425.5 Uma Chattopadhyaya, "Computational semantics and Nyaya theory of upamana", IndS 202-213 NV426 Raghunath Ghose, "Can there be ontological argument in Nyaya-Vaisesika?", IndPQ 21, 1994, 119-128 NV427 Jan E.M. Houben, "Liberation and natural philosophy in early Vaisesika: some methodological problems", AS 48, 1994, 711-748 NV427.1 V. N. Jha, Contribution of Nyaya System of Indian Thought Structure. Calicut University Sanskrit Department Series 6, Calicut 1994 NV427.1.1 V. N. Jha, "Verbal decoding–an ancient Indian approach", IndS 52-61 NV427.2 K. Kapoor, "Concept of padartha in language and philosophy", BDCRI 54-55, 1994-95, 197-222 NV428 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature of relationship between word and word-meaning (vrtti-svarupa): Nyaya view", JJP 6.2, 1994, 51-82 NV428.2 R. R. Karnik, "Knowledge base of Nyaya system", IndS 96-107 NV428.5 Satyajit Layak, "The treatment of chala in Nyaya darsana", CultInd 233-235 NV429 Victoria Lysenko, "'Atomistic mode of thinking' as exemplified by the Vaisesika philosophy of number", AS 48, 1994, 781-806 NV430 Bimal Matilal, "Understanding, knowing and justification", KW 347-366. Reprinted CEBKM 162-181 NV431 J.N.Mohanty, "Is there an irreducible mode of word-generated knowledge?", KW 29-60. Reprinted ExinP 35-55 NV432 Claudius Nenniger, "Samanyato-drsta anumanam--analogical reasoning in early Nyaya-Vaisesika", AS 48, 1994, 819-832 NV432.1 Claus Oetke, Vier Studien zum altindischen Syllogism. Philosophia Indica, Einsichten-Ansichten Volum 2. Reinbek 1994 NV432.5 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Apavarga in Nyaya and Bhedabheda soteriology", JOI 43.3-4, 179-184. Reprinted RKBSSS 68-78 NV433 Amit Kumar Sen, "Nyaya inference--deductive-inductive pattern", IndPQ 21, 1994, 179-184 NV434 Badrinath Shukla, "On propositions: a Naiyayika response to a Russellian theory", KW 315-324 NV434.5 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha (tr. J.L.Shaw), "The Nyaya on indexicals and the quantifier", JIAP 33.1-2, 1994, 40-72 NV435 J. Vattanky, "Is the God of the Naiyayikas transcendent?", HermE 215-222 NV435.5 K. Vijayan, "The Vaisesika theory of atom", CultInd 266-270 NV436 Toshihiro Wada, "The structure of the world in Indian realism and its schematization", Vacaspatyam 150-158 NV437 Joy Bhattacharya, "Nature of knowledge--a Nyaya exposition", BRMIC 46, 1995, 217-219 NV437.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of the Navya-Nyaya theory of language", LLSI 1995, 217-219 NV438 Arindam Chakravarti, "Is Nyaya realist?", JICPR 12.2, 1995, 151-154. Reprinted DDIP 228-232 NV439 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, Definition and Induction: a Historical and Comparative Study. Monographs of the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy 13, Honolulu 1995 NV440 N.S.Dravid, "Anomalies of the Nyaya-Vaisesika concept of self", IndPQ 22, 1995, 1-12 NV440.4 N. S. Dravid, "Nyaya is realist par excellence", JICPR 13.1, 1995, 169-173. Reprinted DDIP 243-246 NV440.6 Aruna Goel, "Concept and role of non-existence (abhava) in Nyaya-Vaisesika--a critical evaluation", MO 17, 1995, 147-154 NV440.6.5 Aruna Goel, "Moksa in Nyaya-Vaisesika: critical and comparative analysis", JMysoreU 57, 1995, 86-94 NV440.7 Nirmal Rani Goel, "The aims and objectives of chala, jati and nigrahasthana in Nyaya system", Srijnanamrtam 478-484 NV440.8 Madhu Kapoor, "Laksana-vrtti-svarupa: a defense from the Nyaya point of view", JJP 7.2, 1995, 17-32 NV441 Daya Krishna, "Is Nyaya realist or idealist?", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 161-163. Reprinted DDIP 225-228 (with responses) NV441.1 K. Krishnamoorthy, "Nature of mind according to Nyaya, Mimamsa and Vedanta", SSJ 197-201 NV441.5 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A realist view of perception", in The Philosophy of P.F.Strawson (New Delhi 1995), 305-326. Reprinted CEBKM 182-200 NV442 Keiichi Miyamoto, "The concept of samjna according to the early Vaisesika", Sambhasa 16, 1995, 91-100 NV442.05 J.N.Mohanty, "Is Nyaya realism or idealism?", JICPR 13.1, 1995, 167-168. Reprinted DDIP 232-235 NV442.1 A. K. Rai, "Paksata in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 23, 1995, 1-8 NV443 Walter Slaje, "Asubhasamjna und pratipaksabhavana: Zur Tradition einer 'Vergegenwâtigung der Wideswârtigen' in den Soteriologie des Nyaya", ZDMG 145, 1995, 109-124 NV443.5 John Vattanky, New perspectives in Nyaya research", CCIP 221-240 NV444 N. Veezhinathan, "On vyanjanavrtti", ALB 59, 1995, 249-258 NV445 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Appearance, reality, nothing, and the law of contradiction", PDK 1996, 1-16 NV445.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Nyaya: realist or idealist:", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 164. Reprinted DDIP 246-247 NV445.7 N. S. Dravid, "Aharya cognition in Navya Nyaya", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 164-168. Reprinted DDIP 341-346 NV445.8 N.S.Dravid, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika explanation of illusion", JIP 24, 1996, 37-48 NV445.9 N.S.Dravid, "Nyaya is realist par excellence (a supplementary note)", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 164-166. Reprinted DDIP 243-246 NV446 Jonardon Ganeri, "'Akasa' and other names. Accounts of paribhasiki terms in Nyaya and Vaisesika texts", JIP 24, 1996, 339-362 NV446.1 Jonardon Ganeri, "Numbers as properties of objects: Frege versus the Nyaya", Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 3: Epistemology, Logic and Ontology after Matilal (Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996) pp. 111-121 NV446.5 Daya Krishna, "Can Navya-Nyaya analysis make a distinction between sense and reference?", JICPR 13.1, 1996, 151. Reprinted DDIP 272-273 NV447 Keiichi Miyamoto, "The early Vaisesika on asamavayikarana and the term 'apeksa", ITBC 31-46 NV448 Ujjwala Panse, Some Issues in Nyaya, Mimamsa and Dharmasastra. Delhi 1996 NV448.0 S. Revathy, "On the meaning of the potential suffix (lin) according to the schools of Vyakarana, Mimamsa and Nyaya", SVUOJ 39, 1996, 89-98 NV448.1 Vijendra Shekhawat, "Problems of formalization in Samvada Sastra", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 77-96 NV449 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha", "Cognition of cognition" (translated by J.L.Shaw). JIP 24, 1996: 165, 231. NV450 S.R.Bhatt, "Nyaya-Vaisesika", CEAP 132-154 NV451 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "A note on identity and mutual absence in Navya-nyaya" RSB 1997, 224-230 NV452 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Introduction to the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of language", EssInP 423-438 NV453 Visvabandhu Bhattacharya, "Pratibadhya-pratibandhaka-bhasya", with English summary by Sukha Ranjan Saha. EssInP 395-406 NV457 Arindam Chakrabarti, 'Why Nyaya remains realist: second round", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 165-166, Reprinted DDIP 273-276 NV458 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Seeing daffodils, seeing as daffodils, and seeing things called "daffodils"", RSB 1997, 119-127 NV459 Srilekha Datta, "An analysis of prama and pramana in Nyaya", EssInP 233-248 NV464 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of aharyajnana in Navya Nyaya: some reflections", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 119-127. Reprinted DDIP 347-354 NV465 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Happiness: a Nyaya-Vaisesika perspective", RSB 1997, 150-163 NV465.2 Kashi Nath Hota, "On kevalavyatireka inference", BDCRI 56-57, 1996-97, 293-304 NV466 V.N.Jha, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of meaning",ABORI 87.1, 1997, 281-284 NV466.1 V. N. Jha, "Word and meaning: identical?" in Pandit Govind Jha Felicitationo Volume (ed. Anand Misra et al.)(Patna 1997), 76-81 NV466.0 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature of relation-seam (samsarga-maryada)", JJP 9.1, 1997, 39-59 NV466.1 Victoria Lysenko, "The Vaisesika notions of akasa and dis from the perspective of Indian ideas of space", BOr 417-448 NV467 D.K.Mehta, "Various topics in Nyaya", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 135-136 NV468 Madhabendra Nath Mitra, "Samavaya and the relation of predication", EssInP 212-232 NV470 Sujata Nar, "The concept of mind in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system", SVUOJ 50, 1997, 81-92 NV473 Claus Oetke, "Pragmatic principles and maxims of interpretation", SII 21, 1997, 133-152 NV473.5 Bruce M. Perry, "Early Nyaya and Hindu orthodoxy: anviksiki and adhikara", BOr 449-470 NV474 D. Prahladachar, "Difference between the various terms which Navya Nyaya uses frequently", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 160-164 NV475 D. Prahladachar, "On the Krodapatras: a brief discussion of some of the issues contained in this new genre of philosophical writings in India", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 999-120. Reprinted DDIP 354-382 NV475.5 Brinda Sen, "Understanding a sentence", JJP 9.2, 1997, 29-40 NV476 Sukharanjan Shah, "Savyabhicara hetvabhasa in Nyaya and Vaisesika schools", EssInP 407-422 NV477 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Nyaya realism: some reflections", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 138-156. Reprinted DDIP 247-272 NV478 J. L. Shaw, "Descriptions: some contemporary problems and their solutions from the Nyaya perspective", JIAP 36, 1977, 39-62; 37, 1998, 53-76 NV479 Bacchu Lal Avasthi, "Re-organizing the categories of Nyaya-Vaisesika", RIST 1-8 NV479.5 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Nyaya theory of tatparya", Anviksa 17, 1998, 3-9 NV480 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Logical principles in Navya-Nyaya", RIST 9-16 NV481 Achyutananda Dash, "Pariskara-prakriya in Navya-Nyaya: the model, the method and its conceptual re-organization", RIST 17-41 NV483 Ashok Kumar Goswami, "The term apta (purusa), aptopadesa and aptavakya in Nyaya philosophy", IndTrad I, 159-161 NV480 Kashi Nath Hota, "Dharma as a property", BDCRI 58-59, 1998-99, 279ff. NV491 Walter Slaje, "Über Wahrheit (Skt. tat-tva)", BIS 11-12, 1998, 239-258 NV500 V.N.Jha, Is 'ghato ghatah' necessarily a meaningless sentence in Navya-Nyaya framework?", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 171. Reprinted DDIP 299 NV502 Daya Krishna, "Have the neo-Naiyayikas been leading us up the garden path? A comment on the Krodapatras by D. Prahlada Char", JICPR 15.3, 1998, 123-140. reply by Prahlada Char, 141. Reprinted DDIP 382-412 NV505 R. Pathiaraj, "Language philosophy of Nyaya school", IndPQ 25, 1998, 205-212 NV507 Sveta Prajapati, Influence of Nyaya Philosophy on Sanskrit Poetics. Delhi 1998 NV508 Punita Sharma, Concept of Sentence Analysis in Nyaya Philosophy. Delhi 1998 NV512 Laksahira Gogoi Chutia, Studies on Laksana-vrtti. Aspects of Secondary Significance in Sanskrit Technical Literature. New Delhi 1999 NV513 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Apasudradhikarana and its interpreters", Anviksa 18, 1999, 6-16 NV514 Francis X. Clooney, "The existence of God, reason, and revelation in two classical Hindu theologies", FPh 16, 1999, 523-543 NV515 Achyutananda Dash, "Sabdabodha, cognitive priority, and odd stories on prakaratavada and samsargatavada", JIP 27, 1999, 325-376 NV515.5 Achyutananda Dash, "Lost dimensions and turning points: samanyadikaranam", TPIST 42-68 NV516 Nilakantha Dash, "On the meaning of samanyalaksanapratyasatti", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 109-120 NV517 Nilakanta Dash, "Sense-object contacts, normal and supernormal: a turning point", TPIST 23-33 NV517.1 N.S.Dravid, "Navya-Nyaya view of tautology", JICPR 17, 1999, 134-136. Reprinted DDIP 300-302 NV517.2 N.S.Dravid, "Have the neo-Naiyayikas been leading us up the garden path?", JICPR 16.3, 1999, 134-139. Reprinted DDIP 412-418 NV517.3 Jonardon Ganeri, Semantic Powers. Meaning and the Means of Knowing in Classical Indian Philosophy. Oxford 1999 NV517.5 V.N.Jha, "Turning point in the history of development of the Nyaya-Vaisesika system", TPIST 16-22 NV518 Roy W. Perrett, "Is whatever exists knowable and nameable?", PEW 49, 1999, 401-414. Reprinted IPE 1, 317-330 NV519 Sushit Kumar Sarkar, "Implications involved in the Aristotelian and the Nyaya syllogism", PQJNMU 5, 1999, 59-74 NV520 J.L.Shaw, "Belief-sentences: contemporary philosophy and Nyaya", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 224-233 NV522 P. Sudarsan, "The logistics of argumentation: Habermas and Nyaya (a comparison)", IndPQ 26, 1999, 355-368 NV523 Anantalal Thakur, "Nyaya-Vaisesika studies and their revival", JASBe 42.1-2, 1999, 107-1187 NV525 V. P. Bhatta, "Meaning of the accusative desiderative", Makaranda 115-122 NV530 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Against immaculate perception; seven reasons for eliminating nirvikalpaka perception from Nyaya", PEW 50, 2000, 1-8 NV531 D. Prahlada Char, "Reaction on the expression 'ghato-ghatah' by V.N.Jha", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 168-170. Reprinted DDIP 302-303 NV531.5 Srilekha Datta, "The Nyaya view of sentence-meaning reconsidered", RRRPKS 217-227 NV532 Eli Franco, "The earliest extant Vaisesika theory of gunas", WZKS 44, 2000, 157-164 NV532.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Rationality as a method of research into the Nyaya system", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 147-156 NV533 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Nyaya concept of tarka: an analysis", SICSL 89-94 NV533.1 Raghunath Ghosh, Knowledge, Meaning and Intuition: Some Theories in Indian Logic. Delhi 2000 NV533.4 V. N. Jha, "Meaning and referent in Indian perspective", Vanmayi 74-82 NV533.5 V. N. Jha, "Act and retribution in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system of Indian philosophy", SICSL 85-88 NV533.6 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Nyaya-Vaisesika view of jivanmukti", RKBSSS 21-33 NV533.7 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Navya-Nyaya concept of svarupasambandha", RKBSSS 48-55 NV533.8 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Nyaya methodology: some aspects", RKBSSS 56-67 NV533.9 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Logic of Navya-Nyaya and its formality", RKBSSS 79-88 NV534 Stephen Phillips, "Two problems about perception and mental intermediaries in the Nyaya dualism: focus and 'extraordinary' sensory connection with perceived properties", JIPR 5, 2000, 1-14 NV534.5 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Nyaya-Vaisesika psychology on Alamkarasastra", TSPM 46-51 NV534.7 S. Revathy, "Advaita and Navyanyaya on God, soul and the world", TVOS 25.1-2, 2000, 167-201 NV535 Sukharanjan Saha, "The thesis of nirvikalpaka in Nyaya and Vaisesika", JIPR 5, 2000, 111-124 NV536 Brindha Sen, "A note on some identity-sentences: Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta", IndPQ 27, 2000, 195-200 NV537 J.L.Shaw, "Knowledge: some contemporary problems and their solutions from the Nyaya perspective", ConK 244-261 NV538 J. L. Shaw, "Conditions for understanding the meaning of a sentence: the Nyaya and the Advaita Vedanta", JIP 28, 2000, 273-293 NV540 John Vattanky, The Nyaya Theory of Inference. Richmond 2000 NV541 John Vattanky, "Is theism central to Nyaya?", IndPQ 27, 2000, 411-420 NV543 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "A note on formalism in Indian logic", JIP 29.1-2, 2001, 17-23 NV543.5 Reeta Bhattacharya, "A short introduction to the Nyaya theory of knowledge", Anviksa 23, 2001, 68-74 NV544 Monima Chadha, "Perceptual cognition: a Nyaya-Kantian approach", PEW 51, 2001, 197-209 NV544.8 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Truth, recognition of truth, and thoughtless realism: Nyaya without Fregean fetters", P20WCP 12, 41-60 NV544.9 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Reply to Stephen Phillips", PEW 51, 2001, 114-115 NV545 Kisor Kuma Chakrabarti, Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind. The Nyaya Dualist Tradition. Delhi 2001 NV545.5 N.S.Dravid, "Is Nyaya realist or idealist? Has the debate ended? A rejoinder," JICPR 18.1, 2001, 196-204. Reprinted DDIP 235-242 NV545.6 N.S.Dravid, "Further observations on the Navya Nyaya view of tautology: on the note of Dr. Raghunath Ghosh published in the JICPR Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 170-171 under the heading 'A note on identity relation'", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 256-258 NV546 Raghunath Ghosh, "Is samanya real? A critique of the Vaisesika view", IndPQ 28, 2001, 363-372 NV546.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "A logical illumination of tadatmya relation in Navya Nyaya", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 227-235 NV547 Kuniko Hosono, "Necessity in the Nyaya-school", JIBSt 49.2, 2001, 17-21 NV547.7 Subhash Kak, "Physical concepts of the Samkhya and Vaisesika systems", LTC 413-437 NV548 Daya Krishna, "Nyaya: realist or idealist. Is the debate ended, the argument concluded?', JICPR 18.1, 2001, 179-196. Reprinted DDIP 276-298 NV548.8 Keiichi Miiyamoto, "Universals and particulars in the early Vaisesika", WL 123-132 NV549 Yasutaka Muraya, "The impermanence of sabda in classical Vaisesika", WL 133-148 NV550 Stephen H. Phillips, "There's nothing wrong with raw perception: a response to Chakrabarti's attack on Nyaya's nirvikalpaka pratyaksa", PEW 51, 2001, 104-113, with reply by Arindam Chakrabarti, do 114-115 NV555 Vladimir Schokhin, "What are the sixteen padarthas of Nyaya? An attempt to solve the dilemma of long standing", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 107-128 NV557 Rajaram Shukla, "On krodapatra", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 224-227 NV560 B.N.K.Sharma, "An inbuilt weakness in the Nyaya view of paratah-pramanya", BNKSRP 35-36 NV561 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Prahlada Char's observations on the question whether Nyaya is realist or idealist", JICPR 19.1, 2001, 194-195 NV561.5 John Vattanky, "General definition of fallacy", RBJP 7, 2001, 53-69 NV562 Toshihiro Wada, "The analytical method of Navya-Nyaya", JIP 29, 2001, 519-530 NV562.1 Toshihiro Wada, "Liberation in early Navya-Nyaya", WL 107-122 NV563 T. Aryadevi, "Navya Nyaya theory of interpretation", ITH 446-451 NV564 Arindam Chakrabarti, "In what sense is Nyaya realist" (third round)", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 190-193 NV565 D. Prahlada Char, "Observations on some of the points raised by Prof. Daya Krishna while discussing whether Nyaya is 'realist' or 'idealist'", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 187-189 NV565.1 D. Prahlada Char, "Development of the Nyaya school of philosophy during the 18th century and onwards", DIPECO 156-181 NV565.2 D. Prahlada Char, "Krodapatra", DIPECO 188-208 NV565.3 D. Prahlada Char, "Nyaya-realist or idealist? Response to the reaction this note received", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 169-174 NV565.5 Amitabha Dasgupta, "Sabdabodha and the epistemic primacy of sense: an exercise in comparative philosophy of language", PLCIT 99-136 NV565.6 Raghunath Ghosh, "In search of the seed of laksana", PLCIT 147-154 NV565.7 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Naive realism, Nyaya realism and the causal theory", CEBKM 97-113 NV565.8 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Some issues of Nyaya realism", CEBKM 141-148 NV567 Arun Mishra, "Is drstanta necessary in an inferential process?", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 169-178 NV568 S. Perukarini, "Nyaya-Vaisesika padarthas--an evaluation", ITH 363-374 NV569 S. Revathy, "Liberation: a comparative view of Nyaya and Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2002, 119-133 NV571 Prayash Sarkar, "Placing Nyaya epistemology properly in the Western tradition", PQJNMU 8.3-4, 2002, 133-146 NV572 P. N. Sastri, "Sabdabodha according to Nyaya system", ITH 375-388 NV572.5 Brinda Sen, "A Nyaya interpretation of proper names", PLCIT 137-146 NV572.5 John Vattanky, "Word--a separate sense of valid knowledge", PLCIT 23-38 NV573 Rupa Bandyopadhyaya, "Dreamless sleep. An analysis of the Advaita, Madhva and the Nyaya theories", PerspC 58-72 NV573.5 Sarbani Banerjee, "Theory of Nyaya: some observations", IndPQ 30, 20-03, 103-110 NV573.7 V. P. Bhatta, "Theory of expressive power", BDCRI 62-63, 2002-2003, 209-216 NV574 K. Chenohulakshmi, "Emergent evolution and arambhavada: a comparison", IndPQ 30, 2003, 371-379 NV574.0 B. K. Dalai, "On the concept of anyathasiddha", Pramodasindhu 152-161 NV574.1 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Computational Sanskrit: a fresh approach on karaka theory of Navya-Nyaya philosophy", JUJI 8, 2003, 21-28 NV574.2 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Navya-Nyaya–a brief profile", VarPl 229-235 NV574.4 V.N.Jha, "Functions of sakti and tatparya in Nyaya-Vaisesika", VarPl 203-206 NV574.6 R.N.Mukherji, "Reply to the query about abhava published in JICPR 19.2", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 183-194 NV574.7 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, "Explaining consciousness: an alternative philosophical perspective", PhilandS 82-110 NV575 Claus Oetke, "Indian logic and Indian syllogism", IIJ 46.1, 2003, 53-69 NV576 Takuyu Ono, "Anyataratva as prakranasama-hetvabhasa. The Nyaya procedure of judging two inferences conflictive with each other", JIBSt 51.2, 2003, 20-22 NV577 Madhusudana Penna, "Samanyalaksanapratyasatti in Indian logic", Pramodasindhu 168-176 NV578 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Nyaya-Vaisesika on Alankarasastra", VarPl 207-214 NV579 S. Revathy, "Liberation, a comparative view: Nyaya and Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2003, 119-133 NV579.5 Sukharanjan Saha, Epistemology in Pracina- and Navya-Nyaya. Jadavpur 2003 NV579.5 Proyash Sarkar, "What happened to the Naiyayika attempt of understanding perception in causal terms?", RBJP 9, 2003, 17-33 NV580 J.L.Shaw, The Nyaya on Meaning: a Commentary by Pandit Visvabandhu.Kolkata 2003 NV581 J. L. Shaw, Some Logical Problems Concerning Existence. Kolkata 2003 NV581.1 J.L.Shaw, "Consciousness: mental states and mind–a comparative study", PhilandS 244-287 NV581.2 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language in contemporary Western philosophy", JIAP 42.1-2, 2003, 12-37 NV581.3 Navjyoti Singh, "Theory of experiential contiguism", PhilandS 111-159 NV581.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, Development of Nyaya Philosophy and its Social Context. Delhi 2004 NV581.8 Monima Chadha, "Perceiving particulars-as-such is incoherent–a reply to Mark Siderits", PEW 54, 2004, 382-389 NV582 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Seeing without recognizing? More on demanding perceptual content (comment and discussion)", PEW 54, 2004, 365-366 NV582.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Ratonality as a method of research into the Nyaya system", EIPRL 353-362 NV583 Klaus Glashoff, "On Stanislaw Schayer's research on Nyaya", JIP 32, 2004, 295-319 NV584 Katsunori Hirano, "The two types of cognitive process: the Vaisesika philosophy", TMSR 421-430 NV584.4 Arbind Kumar Jha, The Nyaya Philosophy: Epistemological Education. New Delhi 2004 NV584.5 V.N.Jha, "Treatment of natural property and contextual property in Navya-nyaya", TMSR 431-438 NV584.5.1 V. N. Jha, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika system of Indian philosophy as logic", IndPT 46-63;glossary 271-326 NV585 Viktoria Lysenko, "The human body composition in statics and dynamics: Ayurveda and the philosophical schools of Vaisesika and Samkhya", JIP 32, 2004, 31-56 NV588 Masanobu Nozawa, "Svasvamisambandha in the Vaisesika system", TMSR 403-420 NV590 Stephen H. Phillips, "Perceiving particulars blindly: remarks on a Nyaya-Buddhist controversy", PEW 54, 2004 NV591 Satyamurti, "Is salvation a nonexistence in the Nyaya school?, ABORI 84, 2004, 143-150 NV592 Taisei Shida, "The theory of truth in the classical Nyaya system on the condition of pravrtti and the means of justification", Sambhasa 24, 2004, 115-128 NV592.5 Mark Siderits, "Perceiving particulars: a Buddhist defense", PEW 54, 2004, 367-382 NV593 Saulius Sileikis, "Being and becoming in Nyaya-Vaisesika", AOV 5, 2004 NV594 Toshihiro Wada, "The origin of Navya-nyaya and its place within the history of Indian logic", TSMR 439-462 NV596 Joy Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of knowledge", BRMIC 56, 2005, 201-205 NV596.1 Joy Bhattachayra, "Is the self eternal?–a Nyaya exposition", VK 92, 2005, 428-429 NV597 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The empirical subject: a comparative study of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta theories", TVOS 30.2, 2005, 82-102 NV598 B.K.Dalai, Problem of Inherence in Indian Logic. Delhi 2005 NV599 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Distinctive feature of Navya-Nyaya" EnIW2, 3-7 NV599.3 Mrinal Kanta Gangopadhyay, "The Nyaya-Buddhjist controversy", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 7-11 NV599.5 R. I. Ingalalli, "Ethical values in Nyaya philosophy", FacInd 177-182 NV600 Patrick Nyman, "On the meaning of yathartha", JIP 33, 2005, 533-570 NV601 Bhagaban Panda, "Concept of trtiyalingaparamarsa and its necessity", FacInd 242-247 NV602 T. R. Sharma, "Buddhism: a way to integration of body, mind and spirit", EnIW2, 197-200 NV602.3 Baliram Shukla, "(Tejas) Energy and its forms (Vaisesika view)", FacInd 191-195 NV603 John Vattanky, "Nyaya theory of implication and interpretation", JD 30, 2005, 293-304 NV604 Joy Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of dream", JIAP 45, 2006, 92-98 NV605 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "On the language of Navya-Nyaya: an experiment with precision through a natural language", JIP 34, 2006, 5-13 NV605.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Some features of Navya-Nyaya semantic theory", PCRSIT 1, 689-704 NV605.6 Sibajiban Bhattahcaryya, "Some formal features of Navya-Nyaya", PCRSIT 1, 321-346 NV606 P. Bilimoria, "Prameyas and J. L. Shaw", CPJLS 1-38 NV608 Monioma Chadha, "Yet another attempt to salvage pristine perceptions!", PEW 56, 2006, 333-342 NV609 Arindam Chakrakborty, "Knowledge from trusted tellings and its preventers", SPIP 30-52 NV610 M. K. Chakraborty, "Nyaya-negation: some comments and questions", CPJLS 84-94 NV611 D. Prahlada Char, "The concept of anumana: alternative views", PCRSIT 1, 409-418 NV611.1 D. Prahlada Char, "Avayava: members of an inference", PCRSIT 1, 319-446 NV611.2 D. Prahlada Char, "Paksata", PCRSIT 1, 447-466 NV611.3 D. Prahlada Char, "Paramarsa", PCRSIT 1, 467-480 NV611.4 D. Prahlada Char, "Reply to query by Daya Krishna on anuyogi and pratiyogi published in JICPR 22.1", JICPR 23.4, 2006, 200-202 NV611.5 Prahlada Char, "Discussion on vyapti and samanadhikaranya", JICPR 23.1, 2006, 221-222 NV612 Srilekha Datta, "Meanng and truth of a sentence", CPJLS 142-151 NV612.1 Srilekha Datta, "The concept of abhava", PCRSIT 1, 85-96 NV614 Jonardon Ganeri, "Number", PCRSIT 523-546 NV615 Paul Gochet, "Epistemic logic and Shaw's Nyaya on indexicals", CPJLS 66-83 NV616 Nirmalya Guha, "Valid cognition in Navya-Nyaya: a reconsideration", IndPQ 33, 2006, 215-220 NV617 R.I.Ingalalli, "Independence of sabdapramana (testimony as autonomous source of knowledge)", SPIP 90-97 NV618 V.N.Jha, "Nyaya theory of linguistic communication", SPIP 1-6 NV618.1 V. N. Jha, "Pada and vakya", PCRSIT 1, 645-651 NV619 Gangadhar Kar, "The genesis of a verbal cognition and the temporal sequence of its antecedents", SPIP 118-134 NV619.5 Sung Yang Kong, "Die Carakasamhita in der Geschichte der indischen Philosophie: .Nyaya and Carakasamhita", WZKSOA 50, 2006, 143-176 NV620 David Lumsden, "Noun phrases, sentences and truth", CPJLS 109-121 NV622 Shyamapada Misra, "The Nyaya view of vyapti", PCRSIT 1, 289-308 NV623 R. Mukhopadhyay, "Towards a theory of predication", CPJLS 134-141 NV623.5 Sharda Narayanan, "Nature of sound as per sastra", JICPR 23.4, 2006, 121-132 NV624 G. C. Nayak, "Adrsta", PCRSIT 1, 135-144 NV625 Srinivasa Rao, "Logical value", ES3WB 564-607 NV627 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Samsaya", PCRSIT 1, 243-256 NV628 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language to contemporary Western philosophy", CPJLS 175-221 NV632 Blyth Sensom, "Strawson and Shaw's Nyaya on meaning", CPJLS 122-133 NV633 Bali Ram Shukla, "Relation (sambandha)", PCRSIT 1, 51-56 NV634 Hemanta Kumar Tarkatirtha, "Hetvabhasa: the Nyaya theory", PCRSIT 1, 481-506 NV634.5 V. P. Bhatta, "Theory of validity as authoritativeness (pramanyavada), ascertainment of validity (jnaptivada)", BDCRI 66-67, 2006-2007, 349-366 NV634.6 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "Will the true anulambhika please stand up?", Anviksa 28, 2007, 13-18 NV635 Jonardon Ganeri, "Epistemology in pracina and navya Nyaya", PEW 57, 2007, 120-123 NV635.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "The role of tatparya in sabdabodha", Anviksa 28, 2007, 21-31 NV636 Nirmalya Guha, "Pervasion in Nyaya: some confusions and clarificatoins", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 117-139 NV637 K.N.Hota, "On the two-fold character of an object", BDCRI 66-67, 2006-2007, 287-294 NV238 K. G. Kumary, "Causes for vakyarthajnana", JSORI 9.1, 2007 NV640 Victoria Lysenko, "Origins of the idea of universal: the Vaisesika or Vaiyakarana", CIPR 27-46 NV642 C. Krishna Kulty Nair, "Tarka in Tarkasastra", JSORI 9.1, 2007 NV643 Masaobu Nozawa, "On the Vaisesika definition of moksa", EMH 385-400 NV645 Ernst Prets, "Implications, derivations and consequences: prasanga in the early Nyaya tradition", Pramanakirti 669-682 NV648 J. A. F. Roodbergen, "Praise and blame of Grammarians, Naiayikas and Mimamsikas", ABORI 87, 2007, 105-121 NV648.5 A.C.Sarani, "An Indian approach to sense and reference", Anviksa 28, 2007, 32-46 NV649 K. K. Ambikadevi, "Nyaya traditions in Kerala", JSORI 9.2, 2008. NV649.3 Rupa Bandyopadhyay, "An analysis of the Vaisresika category of substance with special emphasis on the five elemental substances", PRCSIT 2, 99-120 NV649.4 Srilekha Datta, "Gunas (qualities) in Nyaya-Vaisesika ontology", PRSCIT 2, 121-148 NV650 P. N. Laijamma, "Nyayasastra as a Pramanasastra", JSORI 9.2, 2008 NV650.2 Arun Ranjan Mishra, Nyaya Concept of Cause and Effect Relationship. Delhi 2008 NV651 S. Sivakumar, "Nyaya and Vaisesika: two sister systems of Indian philosophy", JSORO 9.2, 2008 NV652 Joerg Tuske, "Teaching by example: an interpretation of the role of upamana in early Nyaya philosophy", AsPOxford 18, 2008, 1-16 NV670 Piotr Balcerowicz, "What exists for the Vaisesika?", LBIP 241-348 NV680 Eli Franco, "The discussion of pramanas in the Spitzer Manuscript", LECI 121-138 NV690 Katsunori Hirono, "New light on the commentary texts in ancient India", IPTS 135-156 NV695 Birgit Kellner, "The logical reason called virodha in Vaisesika: its significance for connection-based theories of reasoning", LECI 87-120 NV700 Claus Oetke, "Pramana, logic and belief", LBIP 39-64 NV710 Takanori Suzuki, "Text, context and author's intention: two frames of reference in the Vaisesika school", IPTS 157-182 |