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PM1 J.R.Ballantyne, "The eternity of sound", Pan 1, 1866: 68,86 PM2 A.V.Gopalacharia, "Purvamimamsa", BV 6, 1901:649, 695, 737 PM3 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "The Prabhakara school of karmamimamsa", PAIOC 2, 1920, 407-412 PM4 Arthur Berriedale Keith, The Karma-Mimamsa. London 1921 PM5 K.A.Nilakantha Sastri, "The Mimamsa doctrine of works", IA 50, 1921: 211, 240 PM6 Pasupatinath Sastri, Introduction to the Purva Mimamsa. Calcutta 1923 PM7 P.V.Kane, Brief Sketch of the Purva-Mimamsa System. Poona 1924 PM8 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "Further light on the Prabhakara problem", PAIOC 3, 1924, 474-482 PM9 Richard Garbe, "Mimamsa", ERE 8, 1926, 648 PM10 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Mimamsa view of error", ProcIPC 2, 1926. Also UPS 1, 31-38. Also RIndPh 15-24 PM11 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The Mimamsa manuscripts in the Government Sanskrit Library (Benares)", POWSBSt 6, 1927, 165-196 PM12 Ksitish Chandra Chatterjee, "Misconceptions about some terms in Mimamsa literature", IHQ 4, 1928, 783-787 PM13 Satkari Mookerjee, "Critical estimate of the Mimamsa theory of soul from the Buddhist standpoint", CR 33, 1929, 220-236 PM14 Ajarananda, "Purvamimamsa", VK 17, 1930-31, 431 PM15 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Prabhakaras--old and new", JOR 4, 1930, 99-140. Also IPS 2, 49-59 PM16 Otto Strauss, Die Älteste Philosophie der Karma-Mimamsa. Berlin 1932 PM17 T.R.Chintamani, A Short History of Purvamimamsa Sastra. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras 1933 PM18 Otto Strauss, "Mimamsa, die altindische Rituallehre in ihrer methodischen Bedeutung", ZMR 48, 1933, 257-272 PM19 Ganganatha Jha, "Karma-marga and the two Mimamsas", KK 1, 1934, 282-283 PM20 R.S.Venkatarama Sastri, "Verbal testimony in Purvamimamsa", VK 21, 1934-35, 22 PM21 T.R.Chintamani, "History of Purvamimamsa literature", JOR 11-12, 1937-38, Supplement PM22 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The origin and development of the Bhatta and Prabhakara Schools in Purvamimamsa", IC 6, 1939, 141-150 PM23 Ganganatha Jha, "Purvamimamsa", JSVRI 1.1, 1940, 3-6 PM24 Janakivallabha Bhattacharyya, "Prabhakara view of negation", PAIOC 11, Summaries 1941, 109 PM25 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Bhavabhuti and Mimamsa", Chettiar 490-495 PM26 Ganganatha Jha, Purva-Mimamsa in its Sources. Banaras 1942, 1964 PM27 P.C.Divanji, "Purusartha, daiva and niyati", ABORI 26, 1944-45, 142-151 PM28 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The doctrine of niyoga", JOR 15, 1945, 37-47. Also IPS 2, 87-96 PM29 C.Kunhan Raja, "Bhagavadgita and the Mimamsa", ALB 10, 1946, 9-22. Also PQ 21, 1949, 193-202 PM30 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Aim and scope of Purvamimamsa", JGJRI 5, 1947-48, 48-51 PM31 D.T.Tatacharya, "Rgveda and the Purvottaramimamsa methods of interpretation", JSVRI 9.l-2, 1948 PM32 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Dharma--its definition and authority", JGJRI 7, 1949-50, 29-42 PM33 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Mimamsaka conception of bhavana", Vak 1, 1951, 80-87 PM34 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Arthavadas", Sarup 165-172 PM35 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Purva-Mimamsa", HPE 268-271 PM35.1 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Mukhya and gauna words in language", DCRIB 14, 1952, 183-194 PM36 C.Kunhan Raja, "In defence of Mimamsa", ALB 16, 1952: 115, 168 PM37 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Import of sentence (anvitabhidhanavada)", OH 1, 1953, 77-84 PM38 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The origin of the Prabhakara school of Mimamsa", PAIOC 16, Summaries 1953, 132 PM39 Yogendranath Tarka-Vedantatirtha, "Different view of ancient Mimamsa" (synopsis). OH l, 1953, 100-102 PM40 P.Tarkabhusana, "Purvamimamsa", CHI 3, 151-167 PM41 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Elliptical sentence--Indian theories", PAIOC 19.2, 1957, 126-129 PM42 P.T.Raju, "Activism in Indian thought", ABORI 39, 1958, 185-226 PM43 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Some doctrinal differences between the Prabhakara schools of Mimamsa and their sources", AOR 15, 1958-59: 1, 1-8; 2, 1-9 PM44 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Categories according to the Prabhakaras", AOR 15, 1959, 9 pp. PM45 S.Sreekrishna Sarma, "Syntactical meaning--two theories", ALB 23.1-2, 1959, 41-62 PM46 Kevalananda Sarasvati (ed.), Mimamsakosa. Volumes 5-6, Wai 1960-62. Volume 7, 1966 PM47 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Final release according to Mimamsakas", JMU 31, 1960, 219-223 PM48 Govardhan P. Bhatt, Epistemology of the Bhatta School of Purva Mimamsa. Varanasi 1962 PM49 P.S.Sastri, "The relation between the two Mimamsas", PB 67, 1962, 36-80 PM50 Esther A. Solomon, "The problem of omniscience (sarvajnatva)", ALB 26, 1962, 36-80 PM51 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of the Mimamsa", ProcIPC 1962. Also Darshana 14, 1964, 1-11 PM52 T.K.Gopalaswamy Aiyyangar, "A pre-Nyaya school of Mimamsa", JGJRI 20-21, 1963-65, 71-84 PM53 Balbir Singh Gauchwal, "The Good in the Prabhakara school of Purvamimamsa", PQ 36, 1984, 217-224 PM54 Sushanta Sen, "The Mimamsa concept of universal", VJP 1.1, 1964, 78-86 PM55 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The Mimamsa views on causation: an Advaitic approach", PB 71, 1966, 249-252 PM56 Dhirendra Sharma, "Epistemological negative dialectics of Indian logic--abhava versus anupalabdhi", IIJ 9, 1966, 291-300 PM57 Vachaspati Upadhyay, Theory of Self-Validity of Knowledge in Mimamsa Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1967 PM58 Giuseppina Scalabrino Borsani, Le Doctrine Gnoseologiche della Mimamsa. Torino 1968 PM59 Erich Frauwallner, Materialen zur ältesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa. Wien 1968 PM60 Atsushi Uno, "Mimamsa views on the verbal judgment--abhidhana and abhihitanvaya", JIBSt 34, 1969, 917-925 PM61 Kunio Harikai, "Über die Authentizität der arthavada", JIBSt 19.2, 1970, 42-48 PM62 R.Balasubrahmaniam, "The two Mimamsas", PB 76, 1971, 259-267 PM63 Gangesh Tryambak Deshpande, "Purva Mimamsa: the Indian science of law", in his Indological Papers: Volume I (Nagpur 1971) PM64 S.G.Moghe, "Paribhasas of Vyakarana and the Mimamsa rules of interpretation--a comparative study", FRSD 90-100 PM65 K.R.Potdar, "Concept of god-hood (devatva) according to the Mimamsakas", PBDFV 360-366 PM66 G.V.Devasthali, "Prof. M. Hiriyanna as an exponent of Mimamsa", MO 5, 1972, 120-125 PM67 Kanta Gupta, "Niyoga in ancient India", JDBSUD 2.1, 1972, 20-32 PM68 K.T.Pandurangi, "Prof. Hiriyanna on Purva-Mimamsa", MO 5, 1972, 11?-119 PM69 G.P.Bhatt, "The evolution of Purva Mimamsa", Smrtigrantha 248-250 PM70 Krishna Gopal Goswami, "Incarnation of law from Mimamsa standpoint", CDSFV 359-364 PM71 S.D.Joshi, "The Mimamsa theories of verbal denotation", VIJ 12, 1974, 139-144 PM72 Charles Malamoud, "Convergence d'un raisonnement mimamsaka et d'un motif poétique de l'Atharvasamhita", ITaur 3-4, 1975-76, 307-312 PM73 S.G.Moghe, "Sayana's equipment of Purva-Mimamsa", JOI 24, 1975, 257-268 PM74 N.S.Junankar, "The Mimamsa concept of dharma", CIDO 29, 1976, 363-366 PM75 Pradipa Kumar Mazumdar, The Philosophy of Language in the Light of Paninian and the Mimamsaka Schools of Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1977 PM76 S.G.Moghe, "The Dattalacandrika and Purvamimamsa", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 61-68 PM77 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Purva Mimamsa and Puranic interpretation", Puranam 20, 1978, 276-277 PM78 V.V.Bhide, "The concept of the sentence and the sentence- meaning according to the Purva-Mimamsa" PWIAI 137-142 PM78.1 K.N.Chatterjee, "Deities in Mimamsa--verbal or physical?", BhV 39.3, 1979, 26- 30 PM79 M.G.Dhadphale, "Mimamsa and Vyakarana on multiple meaning (especially synonymity)", PWIAI 57-68 PM80 V.N.Jha, "The upamanapramana in Purvamimamsa", ABORI 61, 1980, 87-99 PM80.1 V.N.Jha, "On the Mimamsaka's general definition of pramana", CinSasVol 16-22 PM81 Haruo Kurata, "Samyogaprthaktvanyaya as a basis of the theory of moksa", JIBSt 28.2, 1980, 13-18 PM82 P.D.Navathe, "On the Mimamsa doctrine of ekavakyata", PWIAI 189-194 PM82.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Pramanas in the Prabhakara-Mimamsa", ITaur 15-16, 1989-90, 319-324 PM83 Jayadeva Ganguly Shastri, "Vayu rupabhavavan: how do we know it?", CIS 79-84 PM84 Y. Krishan, "Purva Mimamsa and the doctrine of karma", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 152-164 PM85 D.N.Shanbhag, "The theory of error of the Prabhakara Mimamsakas", KUJ 26, 1982, 17-24 PM85.5 V. Swaminathan, "In defense of a Prabhakara standpoint", PM85.5 PM86 Atsushi Uno, "The Mimamsaka vyaptivada" (in Japanese with English summary). HDBK 42, 1982 - 43, 1983 PM87 Othmar Gachter, Hermeneutics and Language in Purva Mimamsa. Delhi 1983 PM88 Shlomo Biderman, "Orthodoxy and philosophy in India: philosophical implications of the Mimamsa school", OHDI 73-84 PM88.1 Edwin Gerow, "Language and symbol in Indian semiotics", PEW 34, 1984, 245-260 PM88.2 Bijayananda Kar, "The problem of sentential meaning in the Purvamimamsa philosophy of language", VJP 21.1, 1984, 60-79 PM89 S.G.Moghe, "Paribhasas of Vyakarana and Mimamsa rules of interpretation--a comparative study", SPM 14-27 PM90 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and astrological interpretation", SPM 43-57 PM91 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and Pauranic interpretation", SPM 58-67 PM92 S.G.Moghe, "The position of Haradatta as a Mimamsaka", SPM 165-178 PM93 S.G.Moghe, "Mm. Dr. P.V.Kane's view on Purva-Mimamsa", SPM 238-255 PM94 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakara Mimamsa" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 360 PM95 Saral Jhingram, "The ritualistic tradition of Mimamsa and Hindu morality", JRS 13.2, 1985, 58-61 PM96 G. Srinivasan, "The infrastructure of the Indian value-system as the basis for the development of human personality", IPA 18, 1985-86, 15-32 PM96.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Eternality of the Vedas--Mimamsa-Vedanta view", Anviksa 9, 1986. Reprinted IndTrad II, 21-41 PM97.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Mimamsa doubts about God" (abridged), Philosophy of Religion Reader, 1987, 133-146 PM97.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Dharma Prabha", Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor B.M.Srikanthia (Bangalore 1987), 347-355 PM98 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Tantra and prasanga", AligarhJOS 3, 1986, 77-80 PM99 Francis X. Clooney, "Why the Veda has no author: language as ritual in early Mimamsa and post-modern theology", JAAR 55, 1987, 659-686 PM100 Sadashiv A. Dange, "Moral value and the Purva-Mimamsa", HSAJIS 59-67 PM100.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Mimamsa doubts about God" (abridged). Philosophy of Religion Reader 1987, 133-146 PM100.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Dharma Prabha", Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor B. M. Srikanthia (Bangalore 1987), 347-355 PM100.3 G. L. Chaturvedi, "Operation of the law of karma according to Bhatta school of Mimamsa", Darshana 27.1, 1987, 84-88 PM100.4 V. N. Jha, "The upamana-pramana in Purvamimamsa", SILLE 1986, 77-91 PM100.5 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakar Mimamsa", JGJRI 43, 1987, 75-80 PM101 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The two Mimamsas--not one scriptural authority", TVOS 12, 1987, 183-196 PM102 Jean-Marie Verpoorten, "Le droit à l'adhyayana selon la Mimamsa", IIJ 30, 1987, 23-30 PM103 Jean-Marie Verpoorten, Mimamsa Literature. Wiesbaden 1987 PM103.0 B.K.Dalai, "Bhatta refutation of inherence: a critique", DCRIB 47-48, 1988-89, 23-26 PM103.1 B.B.Chaubey, "Fundamental principles of the Purva-Mimamsa system", LP 2, 1988, 117-126 PM104 Francis X. Clooney, "Devatadhikarana: a theological debate in the Mimamsa-Vedanta tradition", JIP 16, 1988, 277-298 PM104.1 P.K.Dalai, "Bhatta's refutation of inherence: a critique", BDCRI 47-48, 1988-89, 23-26 PM105 B.K.Matilal and P.K.Sen, "The context principle and some Indian controversies over meaning", Mind 97, 1988, 73-97 PM105.5 M. Srimannarayana Murti, "Intention of the speaker according to the Grammarians", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 20-34 PM106 K. Kunjunni Raja, Mimamsa Contribution to Language Studies. Calicut University Sanskrit Series 2, Calicut 1988 PM107 R.N.Sarma, Mimamsa Theory of Meaning. SGDOS 75, 1988 PM107.0 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", JGJRI 43, 1987, 75-80 PM107.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Triputipratyaksavada of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", JUG 34, 1988, 236-239 PM107.2 Rajendranath Sarma, "A note on the bhavana of Mimamsakas", LP 2, 1988, 133-140 PM107.2.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "The idea of authorless revelation (apauruseya)", in Roy W. Perrett (ed.), Indian Philosophy of Religion (Dordrecht 1989), 143-166 PM107.2.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Hindu-Mimamsa against scriptural evidence on God", Sophia (Victoria) 28.1, 1989, 20-31 PM107.2.1 Hemanta Kumar Ganguli, "The rational and the irrational in ancient Mimamsa", NHRI 139-152 PM107.3 K.N.Hota, "Prabhakaras on the nature of arthapatti", VIJ 27, 1989, 109-114 PM108 Hiroshi Marui, "What prompts people to follow injunctions? An elucidation of the correlative structure of interpretations of vidhi and theories of action", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 11-30 PM109 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-mimamsa and rasa interpretation", MO 15, 1989, 39-51 PM110 Subodh Kumar Pal, "A note on the Mimamsa conception of apurva", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 50-52 PM111 Ujjwale Panse, A Reconstruction of the Third School of Purvamimamsa. Delhi 1989 PM112 Sheldon Pollock, "Mimamsa and the problem of history in traditional India", JAOS 109, 1989, 603-610 PM113 N.N.Sarma, Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimamsa. Delhi 1989 PM114 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Epistemology of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", MO 15, 1989, 25-30 PM115 John A. Taber, "The theory of the sentence in Purva-Mimamsa and Western philosophy", JIP 17, 1989, 407-430 PM115.1 V.K.Chari, "The limits of the meaning of a sentence", ALB 59, 1990, 42-53 PM116 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Hindu doubts about God: towards a Mimamsa deconstruction", IPQ 30, 1990, 481-500. Reprinted IPE 4, 87-106 PM 116.1 K. Harikai, The Hermeneutics of Classical India. The Study of Arthavada and Mantra of the Mimamsa School. Kyoto 1990 PM117 Subodh Kumar Pal, "Mimamsaka's polemic against the notion of a personal God", VJP 27.1, 1990, 39-46 PM117.1 R. N. Sarma, Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimamsa. SDOS 60. Delhi 1990 PM118 John A. Taber, "The Mimamsa theory of self-recognition", PEW 40, 1990, 35-38 PM118.1 B.B.Chaubey, "The ultimate as seen in the Purva-Mimamsa systems", UAITD 115-122 PM118.2 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and Dharma-Sastra", JGJRI 47, 1991, 145-156 PM119 Ujjwala Panse, "Prabhakaras on negation", Kalyanamittam 265-268 PM120 H.S.Prasad, "The context principle of meaning in Prabhakara Mimamsa", Kalyanamittam 283-45 PM121 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Is anvitabhidhana preferable to abhihitanvaya?", Kalyanamittam 179-182 PM121.1 G. Prathapa Simha, Arthapatti: A Criticaland Comparative Study of the Views of Purva Mimamsa, AdvaitaVedantaand Nyaya Vaisesika Systems. Tirupati 1991 PM122 Shlomo Bideman, "Dharma in Hinduism: the limits of interpretation", IntptR 111-128 PM123 V.K.Chari, "Sabdapramanya: an analysis of the Mimamsa argument", JOR 55- 62, 1986-92, 96-105 PM123.0 Krishnanath Chatterjee, "Deities in Mimamsa", Corpus 171-173 PM123.1 Francis X. D'Sa, "Mimamsa and hermeneutic: the hermeneutic concern of the Mimamsa", WZKSOA 36, 1992, Supplement 273-292 PM123.2 B.K.Swain, "Mimamsa view of pindapitryajna", ALB 56, 1992, 22-30 PM123.3 Daya Krishna, "Mimamsa before Jaimini: some problems in the interpretation of sruti in the Indian tradition", JICPR 9.3, 1992, 103-112 PM123.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of dharma in Purvamimamsa", JRS 22.1, 1993, 73-78 PM123.6 K.N.Hota, "The varieties of arthapatti: the stand of the Prabhakara school", BhV 53.1-2, 1993, 50-53 PM124 K.T.Pandurangi, "The concept of tyaga in Purvamimamsa and in Bhagavadgita", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 117-119 PM124.1 Daya Krishna, "Does Mimamsa treat the theory of karma as purva paksa?", JICPR 11.2, 1993, 127. Reprinted DDIP 203204 PM124.2 K.T.Pandurangi, "A note on the concepts of nitya-karma, naimittika-karma and kamya-karma", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 118-121 PM124.3 Alexei Pimonov, "On the correlation of the philosophical and ritualistic aspects of Mimamsa", HIndPh 1993, 96-106 PM124.4 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Buddhist and Mimamsa views on laksana", RIBP 1993, 195-207 PM124.8 P. K. Acharya, "Knowledge representation in Mimamsa", IndS 162-167 PM127 G.P.Bhatta, "Mimamsa as a philosophical system: a survey", StudinM 3-26 PM128 Shlomo Biderman, "Escaping the paradox of scripture: the Mimamsa solution", StudinM 87-104 PM129 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Autpattika: the 'originary' signifier-signified relation in Mimamsa and deconstrucive semiology", StudinM 187-206 PM130 Francis X. Clooney, S.J., "The principle of upasamhara and the development of Vedanta as an Uttara Mimamsa", StudinM 271-278 PM130.1 Subhas Chandra Dash, "History of laksana", JASBe 36.1, 1994, 79-88 PM130.2 F. X. d'Sa, "The happening of tradition. The Mimamsa's Vedapramanam", HermE 1994, 75-96 PM131 Kunio Harikai, "On the three-fold classification of the arthavada", StudinM 299-312 PM131.5 B. Kar, "Anvtiabhidhana and abhihitanvayavada", IndS 62-80 PM132 Hajime Nakamura, "Problem of categorical imperative in the philosophy of Prabhakara school: a brief note", StudinM 169-185 PM132.1 K. T. Pandurangi, "A note on the concepts of nitya-karma, naimittika-karma and kamya-karma", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 317-346 PM133 Hari Shankar Prasad, "The content principle of meaning in Prabhakara Mimamsa", PEW 44, 1994, 317-346 PM134 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Mimamsa views on sentence-meaning: some problems", StudinM 207-214 PM135 P.T.Raju, "Activisim in Indian thought", StudinM 131-168 PM136 Tomoyasu Takenaka, "The theory of anumana in the Bhatta Mimamsa: niyama and the means to determine niyama", StudinM 105-116 PM137 Albrecht Wezler, "Credo, quia occidentale: a note on Sanskrit varna and its misinterpretation in literature on Mimamsa and Vyakarana", StudinM 221-242 PM138 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Authorless voice, tradition and authority in the Mimamsa: reflections in cross-cultural hermeneutics" Sambhasa 16, 1995, 137-160 PM139 R. K. Das Gupta, "Vivekananda on Purva-Mimamsa", BRMIC 46, 1995, 174-180 PM140 Y. Krishan, "Nitya and naimittika karma in the Purva Mimamsa", ABORI 75, 1995, 177-184 PM141 Daya Krishna, "The Mimamsaka versus the Yajnika--some further problems in the interpretation of sruti in the Indian tradition", JICPR 12.2, 1995, 63-80. Comments on this paper by N.S.R.Tatacharyaswami, Surya Prakash Shastri, E.S.Varadacarya, Laxminarayan Murti Sharma, N.K.Ramanuja Tatacharya and N.S.Ramanuja Tatacharya, JICPR 12.3, 1995, 139-144 PM141.5 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry,m "Mimamsa in Kerala",Vidyotini 1995, 55-61 PM142 Sampat Narayana and Sri RamSharma, "Does Mimamsa treat the theory of karma as a purvapaksa? Two responses to the query", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 163-166. Reprinted DDIP 216-223 PM142.5 A Ramulu, A Study of the Differences between Bhatta and Prabhakara Schools (Mimamsa). Jagadavpur, dt. Medak, A.P. 1995 PM142.6 Dipak Ghosh, "Syncretism in Mimamsa system of Indian philosophy", OH 38.1, 1996, 15-21 PM142.6.5 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Laksana in Prabhakara-Mimamsa", VIJ 33-34, 1995-1996, 195-198 PM142.7 R. Thanjaswami Sarma, ed. Mimamsamanjari. New Delhi 1996 PM142.8 Sabujkoli Sen (Mitra), "The Bhatta definition of prama and the problem of dharavahika pratyaksa: an analysis", VJP 32.1, 1995-96, 9-95 PM143 R.C.Pandeya and Manju, "Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta", CEAP 172-188 PM143.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Philosophy and Vedic exegesis in the Mimamsa", BOr 359-372 PM150 Uma Pandey, "Dialogue between the two Mimamsas as one science", JGJRI 52-53, 1996-97, 81-86 PM161 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Does the Veda have an author? A reply to Professor Stephen H. Phillips", AS 52, 1998, 5-14 PM165 K.N.Hota, "The varieties of arthapatti: the stand of the Prabhakara school", ResIn 138-141 PM176 S.G.Moghe, Studies in Applied Purva-Mimamsa. Delhi 1998 PM178 A. Ramanna, "Pramana-Mimamsa", ResIn 142-147 PM180 Srikanta Samanta, "The concept of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa in the Mimamsa system", JICPR 15.3, 1998, 79-86 PM183 Ujjwale Panse, "Turning points in Mimamsa epistemology", TPIST 34-41 PM184 Eli Franco, "A Mimamsaka among the Buddhists: three fragments on the relationship between word and object", ManSC 2, 269-286 PM184.5 Kei Kataoka, "Reconstruction of the dharma-abhivyakti-vada in the Mimamsa tradition", WL 167-182 PM185 Lawrence McCrea, "The hierarchical organization of language in Mimamsa interpretive theory", JIP 28.5-6, 2000, 429-459 PM185.5 Mangala Mirasdar, "Mimamsa and the modern law", ABORI 81, 2000, 287-291 PM185.7 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Concept of jivanmukti and the Prabhakara scnool", RKBSSS 6-12 PM186 C. Ram-Prasad, "Knowledge and action I: Means to the human end in Bhatta Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta; II: Attaining liberation in Bhatta Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta", JIP 28, 2000, 1-41 PM190 Daniel Arnold, "Of intrinsic validity: a study on the relevance of Purva Mimamsa", PEW 51, 2001, 26-53 PM190.5 Nandita Bandyaopadhyay, "The Prabhakara and the early Vaisesika and the world of things: a brief comparison", Anviksa 23, 2001, 21-27 PM191 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The origin of Mimamsa as a school of thought", Vidyarnavavandanam 83-104 PM193 Kishore Nath Jha, "Mimamsa, the science of interpretation", LTC 309-373 PM194 V. N. Jha, "On the Mimamsaka's general definition of pramana", JUJI 6, 2001, 169-172 PM196 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Purvamimsmsa on Alamkarasastra", ALB 65, 2001, 73-82 PM197 Tara Chatterjee, "Svatah-pramanyavada in Mimamsa", KFIP 41-64 PM198 Rupendra C. Das, "The Mimamsaka on yogaja pratyaksa: a critique", IndPQ 29, 2002, 419-434 PM200 Ujjwala Jain, Mimamsa Philosophy of Language. Delhi 2002 PM2001 Mohini Mullick, "Word and act: Purva Mimamsa's prescriptions for heaven", PLCIT 197-208 PM2002 S. Panneerselvam, "Can action be the import of all sentences?--a dialogue with the Prabhakaras", PLCIT 181-196 PM203 Thangaswami Sharma, "Development of the literature pertaining to the Mimamsa system of philosophy from A.D. 16th century to A.D.20th century", DIPECO 79-96 PM203.5 Ujjwala Jha, "Some Recent Mimamsa Works in Sanskrit", SWIII 287-296 PM204 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Uttaramimamsa", CracowIS 4-5, 2002-2003, 113-120 PM207 Kei Kataoka, "The Mimamsa definition of pramana as a source of new information", JIP 31, 2003, 83-103 PM207.2 Hemlata Pandey, "Tatparya in Mimamsa system of philosophy", JDPUC 12, 2003, 68-75 PM207.5 D. N. 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