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S0 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the drift of the Samkhya philosophy", BM 3, 1850, 281-288 S1 E. Roer, Lecture on the Samkhya Personality. Calcutta 1854 S2 C.B.Schluter, Aristotles' Metaphysik eine Tochter der Samkhya-Lehre des Kapila. Munster 1874 S2.1 Robert Hoskins, The Samkhya Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Boston University 1886 S3 Richard Garbe, Samkhya und Yoga. Strassburg 1896 S4 Richard Garbe, Die Samkhya Philosophie. Leipzig 1897, 1917 S5 Ch. Schoebel, "Le doctrine de l'existence d'après les systèmes Yoga, Vedanta et Samkhya", CIDO 2, 1893, 396-404 S6 Charles Carroll Everett, "The psychology of the Vedanta and Samkhya philosophies", JAOS 20, 1899, 300-316 S7 E.Washburn Hopkins, "Notes on the Svetasvatara", JAOS 22, 1901, 380-387 S8 Joseph Dahlmann, Die Samkhya-Philosophie als Naturlehre und Erlösungslehre. Berlin 1902 S9 K.L.Haldar, "The Samkhya philosophy--how to interpret it", HR 11, 1905, 140-144 S10 Otto Schrader, Bibliography of Samkhya Yoga Samuccaya Works. 1906 S11 K.L.Haldar, "Samkhya doctrine of evolution", HR 15, 1907, 587-598 S12 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Samkhya philosophy in the land of the lamas", JASBe n.s. 3, 1907, 571-578 S13 V.N.Raya, Samkhya Philosophy of Kapila. 1911 S14 T.G.Anantachari, A Comparative Study of the Samkhya System with the Other Systems. Trichinopoly 1913 S15 Otto Strauss, "Zur Geschichte des Samkhya", WZKM 27, 1913, 257-275 S16 Hermann Jacobi, "Über das Verhältnis des Vedanta zum Samkhya", Kuhn 30-39 S17 M. Senart, "Rajas et la théorie indienne des trois gunas", JA 6, 1915, 151-188 S18 Chamupati, "Kapila and Dayanand", VMGS 10, 1917, 843-848 S19 Hermann Oldenberg, "Zur Geschichte der Samkhya-Philosophie", NKWKG 1917-1919 S20 R.G.Bhandarkar, "The Samkhya philosophy", IPR 2, 1918-19, 193-209. Also CWRGB l, 62-78 S21 S.V.Gokhale, "Prof. A.B.Keith's Samkhya System", JIIP 2.3 - 2.4, 1919 S22 S.V.Gokhale, "The metaphysic of evil from the viewpoint of the Samkhya philosophy", JIIP 2.1, 1919 - 2.2, 1919 S23 L. Berndl, "Über das Samkhya", ZBVG 3, 1921: 31, 97 S24 B.N.Mukerjee, "God in Samkhya", VMGS 14, 1921, 413-418 S25 I.Tiwari, "The concept of purusa in Samkhya philosophy", SAMSJV III.1, 41-52 S26 Haraprasad Shastri, "Chronology of the Samkhya literature", JBRS 9, 1923, 151-162 S27 Arthur Berriedale Keith, The Samkhya System. Second edition. Calcutta 1924, 1949 S28 Erich Frauwallner, "Untersüchungen zum Moksadharma", WZKM 32, 1925 - 3, 1926. Also JAOS 45, 1925, 51-67 S29 Richard Garbe, "Guna", ERE 6, 1925, 454-455 S30 Richard Garbe, "Samkhya", ERE ll, 1925, 189-192 S31 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The problem of causality: Samkhya-Yoga view", POWSBSt 4, 1925, 125-151 S32 A.K.Majumdar, "The doctrine of evolution in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 34, 1925, 51-69 S33 V.B.Srikhande, "The nature of the Self", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 105-119. Also RIndPh 275-288 S34 R.R.Iyengar, "Mahabharata philosophy--Moksadharma", IHQ 2, 1926, 509-515 S35 D.K.Laddu, "Some aspects of the Samkhya system as viewed by the Vedantist", SAMV I, 261-276 S36 A.K.Majumdar, "The personalistic conception of nature as expounded in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 35, 1926, 53-63 S37 A.K.Majumdar, "The doctrine of bondage and release in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 35, 1926, 253-266 S38 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Samkhya system: some critical considerations", PQ 2, 1926, 265-282 S39 K.Sendinath Aiyar, "The Samkhya darsana and Brhadaranyaka Upanisad", Jignyasa 1.2, 1927, l-6 S40 Erich Frauwallner, "Zur elementlehre des Samkhya", WZKM 34, 1927, 1-5 S41 E.Hultzsch, "Samkhya und Yoga im Sisupalavadha", AIK 78-83 S42 Shyama Ch. Chatterji, "Satkaryavada of Samkhya", PQ 4, 1928-29, 280-283 S43 F. Lipsius, "Die Samkhyaphilosophie als Vorläuferin des Buddhismus", JSG 15, 1928, 106-114 S44 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Samkhya theory of knowledge in relation to some other Eastern and Western theories", PQ 4, 1928-29, 39-66. Also SPR 164-201 S45 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya view of error", PQ 1929. Also IPS 1, 25-30 S46 E.H.Johnston, "Some Samkhya and Yoga conceptions of the Svetasvatara Upanisad", JRAS 1930, 855-878 S47 J. Ghosh, Samkhya and Modern Thought. Calcutta 1930 S48 A.K.Majumdar, Samkhya Conception of Personality. Calcutta 1930 S49 Jean Przyluski, "La théorie des guna", BSOAS 6, 1930-32, 25-36 S50 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "Samkhya logic", TDG 6.7, 1930, 35-42 S51 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Samkhya system", VK 17, 1930-31, 129 S52 K.A.Krishnaswamy Aiyar, "The Samkhya system", VK 19, 1932-33, 466 ff. S53 Kalipada Bhattacharya, "Some problems of Samkhya philosophy and Samkhya literature", IHQ 8, 1932, 509-520. Also SHIP 2, 42-53 S54 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Samkhya and original Buddhism", IHQ 9, 1933, 585-587 S55 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Is Samkhya non-Vedic?", IC 1, 1934-35, 79-80 S56 J.K.Majumdar, "Isvara in Samkhya philosophy", KK 1, 1934, 149-156 S57 F.Otto Schrader, "Vedanta and Samkhya in primitive Buddhism", IC 1, 1934-35, 543-552 S58 K.R.Srinivasiengar, "Emergent evolution: an Indian view", PR 43, 1934, 598-606 S59 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Some difficulties of the Samkhya system", PQ 11, 1935-36, 146-151 S60 N.S.Junankar, The Criticism of the Samkhya Philosophy in the Texts of Other Indian Systems. B.Litt.Thesis, Oxford University 1935 S61 M.Ledrus, "An introduction to Samkhya", NR 1, 1935, 274-283 S62 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Samkhya theory of evolution in the light of modern thought", PAIOC 8, 1935, 383-393 S63 S.N.Roy, "Problem of error in Samkhya", PQ 12, 1936, 38-45 S64 R.S.N.Venkataraman, "The place of feeling in conduct in Indian philosophy: Samkhya-Yoga", PQ 12, 1936, 157-176 S65 J.Goyandka, "Prakrti and purusa", KK 4, 1937, 745-753; 18, 1953, 536-542 S66 E.H.Johnston, Early Samkhya. RASPPF 15, 1937. Reprinted Delhi 1974 S67 V.Misra, "Introduction au Samkhya", ET 42, 1937, 130-139 S68 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Omniscience", IHQ 14, 1938, 280-292. Also WMN 80-92. Also CPSSS 77-86 S69 H.R.Rangaswami Aiyangar, "An old Samkhya definition of inference", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 66-67 S70 R.Brakell Buys, "Het Samkhyastelsel", TWP 33, 1939, 69-75 S71 S.K.Saksena, "The nature of buddhi according to Samkhya-Yoga", PQ 18, 1942-43, 139-146. Reprinted SSEIP 82-89 S72 B.A.K.Rao, "Theory of relativity and the Samkhya system", PQ 17, 1941-42, 131-137 S73 T.S.Mahabale, "Emergent evolution and Samkhya philosophy", RPR 12.1-2, 1943, 55-64 S74 Gnaneswarananda, "Improvement of personality by controlling the gunas", VATW 8, 1945, 142-150 S75 P.C.Divanji, "Bhagavadgita and Samkhya philosophy", JGJRI 7, 1949-50, 187-213 S76 P.Chakravarti, Origin and Development of the Samkhya System of Thought. CalSS 30, 1952 S77 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya system", PEIP 51-58. Also CHI 1, 317-329 S78 N.Subrahmania Sastri, "Bibliography of Indian philosophy: Samkhya system", JSVRI 13.l, 1952, 52 pp. S79 Satkari Mookerjee, "Samkhya-Yoga", HPE 242-257 S80 Katayanidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of subtle body in Samkhya philosophy", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 113 S81 George P. Conger, "A naturalistic approach to Samkhya-Yoga", PEW 3, 1953, 233-240 S82 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya", CHI 3, 41-52 S82.1 P. D. Padhye, "Some difficulties of the Samkhya system", JPA 1.2, 1953, 1-3 S83 V.Raghupati, "A new approach to the Samkhya philosophy", JBHU 2.1, 1953, 76-84 S84 Tsuruji Sahota, "The development of the conception of purusa" (summary). JSR 4, 1953, 188-190 S85 G.V.Devasthali, "Samkhya in the Bhagavadgita", JUP 3, 1954, 130-138 S85.1 Katyayanidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of subtle body in the Samkhya philosophy", JPA 1.3-4, 1954, 23-24 S86 William F. Goodwin, "Theories of consciousness and liberation in the Samkhya philosophy and the philosophy of George Santayana", PQ 27, 1954, 201-206. Also ProcIPC 29.l, 1954, 41-51 S87 William F. Goodwin, "Samkhya and the philosophy of Santayana", ARWEP 127-134 S88 K.Kimura, "Samkhya theory (II)", BK 8.1, 1954, 70-73 S89 T.Murakami, "Samkhya theory (I)", BK 8.1, 1954, 64-69 S90 Srinivas Dixit, "The meaning of guna in the Samkhya system", JUP 5, 1955, 69-74 S91 Indukala Jhaveri, "Concept of kala and akasa in the Samkhya-Yoga system", JOI 5, 1955-56, 417-419 S92 S.T.Kenghe, "Samkhya theory of evolution", OT 1, 1955, 53-58. Summarized PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 247 S93 Gikai Matsuo, "The characteristics of buddhi in Samkhya philosophy", JIBSt 3.2, 1955, 452-456 S93.1 Mukhyananda, "The Samkhya, modern Western science, and Advaita Vedanta", VK 82, 1955: 86, 142, 180, 265 S94 F.Otto Schrader, "Samkhya, original and classical", ALB 19, 1955, 1-2 S95 Nils Simonsson, Indisk filosofi. Samkhya. Stockholm 1955 S96 Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya, "Studies in Samkhya philosophy", KCBSP I, 127-214 S97 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Samkhya realism: a comparative and critical study", SPR 202-217. Also RIndPh 130-143 S98 K.Mallik, "Godhead in Samkhya", PQ 29, 1956, 23-28 S99 Walter Ruben, "The beginning of the epic Samkhya", ABORI 37, 1956, 174-189 S100 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "Studies in Samkhya", JAOS 76, 1956 - 77, 1957. Reprinted SILP S101 Richard V. de Smet, "Elements of permanent value in Samkhya", OT 3.2-4, 1957, 133-156 S102 Indukala H. Jhaveri, "Process of parinama in the Samkhya-Yoga system", ABORI 37, 1957, 296-299 S103 Indukala H. Jhaveri, "Concept of akasa in Indian philosophy", ABORI 37, 1957, 300-307 S104 Esho Yamaguchi, "On acetana and ajna in the Samkhya system", JIBSt 5.1, 1957, 33-36 S105 Jayadeva Yogendra, "Samkhya in the Moksa-parvan", JUBo 26, 1957, 55-59 S106 N.P.Anikeev, "Materialism and atheism of the Samkhya system at the beginning of the middle ages" (in Russian). Vestnik moskovskogo Ouoniversitata 1958, 61-77 S107 Erich Frauwallner, "Zur Erkenntnislehre des Klassische Samkhya-system", WZKSOA 2, 1958, 84-139 S108 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of prakrti in the Samkhya philosophy", PO 23.1-2, 1958, 1-7 S109 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya in Mahabharata", VK 45, 1958-59, 423-428 S110 B.C.Chaudhri, "The reality behind Samkhya philosophy", Vikram 3, 1959, 84-88 S111 Nirgunananda, "The Vedanta and Samkhya theory of many purusas", PB 64, 1959, 340-343 S112 K.T.Pandurangi, "Concept of gunas in the Samkhya system", JKU 3.2, 1959, 19-23 S113 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Spinoza and Samkhya", JPA 6, 1959 - 8.29-30, 1961 S114 G. Srinivasan, "Spinoza and Samkhya", JPA 6, 1959 - 7, 1960 S114.1 Bratindra Kumar Sen Gupta, "The basic conception in perception in Samkhya and Advaita", JAssamRS 13, 1959, 45-47 S115 B.Suryacaitanya, "The Samkhya darsana", PB 64, 1959, 424-430 S116 B.K.Sengupta, "Traces of Samkhya doctrines in the Srimadbhagavatam", IHQ 35, 1959, 327-332 S117 J. Yogendra, "The problem of prakrti and purusa relationship in atheistic Samkhya and theistic Yoga", JUBo 28 (Arts) 1969, 146-153 S118 V.M.Bedekar, "Moksadharma studies: place and function of the psychical organism", ABORI 40, 1960, 262-298 S119 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "In defence of Samkhya dualism", PQ 32, 1960, 245-256 S120 Priti Kanji Lal, Concept of Mind in the Samkhya-Yoga System: An Analytical Study. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Lucknow 1960 S121 D.D.Vadekar, "The Samkhya arguments for the purusa", PQ 32, 1960, 257-260 S122 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of Samkhya", SVUOJ 3, 1960, 27-34 S123 Bengali Baba, "Importance of the Samkhya-Yoga in the Vedic structure of society", PO 26.1-2, 1961, 12-23 S124 Latika Chattopadhyaya, Self in Samkhya Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Visvabharati University 1961 S125 J.Dash, "Logical and metaphysical arguments for purusa in the Samkhya", PQ 34, 1961, 187-192 S126 Paul Hacker, "The Samkhyization of the emanation doctrine shown in a critical analysis of texts", WZKSOA 5,1961, 75-112. Also Purana 4, 1962, 298-338. Also PHKS 167-204 S127 M.M.Kothari, Modern Evolution (of the West) and Parinamavada (of India). Ph.D.Thesis, University of Rajasthan 1961 S128 Umesh Mishra, "Pramanas and their objects in Samkhya", ALB 25, 1961, 371-380 S129 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Bhagavata-Purana and Kapila-Samkhya", SPP, special number, March 1961, 15-24 S130 K.C.Varadachari, "Studies in Samkhya philosophy", SVUOJ 4.1-2, 1961, 21-35 S131 Ram Suresh Pandey, A Comparative Study of Samkhya Philosophy in Mahabharata and the Puranas. Ph.D.Thesis, Gorakhpur University 1962 S132 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The Samkhya philosophy in the Carakasamhita", ALB 26, 1962, 193-205 S133 Anima Sengupta, Chandogya Upanisad: Samkhya Point of View. Kanpur 1962 S134 Anima Sengupta, "In defence of Samkhya purusa and its multiplicity", PB 67, 1952, 52-55. Also ESOSIP 28-36 S135 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan theory of knowledge", SVOJ 1962 S136 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan God and souls", SVOJ 1962 S137 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan analogies", SVOJ 1962 S138 Tarapada Bhattacharya, "The Samkhya and God", CR 169, 1963, 226-232 S139 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The gunas of prakrti according to the Samkhya philosophy", PEW 13, 1963, 61-72 S140 Anima Sengupta, "Ethics of the Samkhya philosophy", VK 50, 1963-64, 605-608 S141 Minoru Hara, "Pasupata and Samkhya-Yoga", JOR 34-35, 1964-66, 76-87 S142 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The Buddhacarita and the Samkhya of Arada Kalama", ALB 28, 1964, 231-241 S143 Hiravallabha Sastri, "Samkhyadarsana", P 10.1, 1964, 86-94 S144 Anima Sengupta, Influence of Samkhya on the Ayurveda. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1964 S145 Anima Sengupta, "Katha Upanishad: Samkhya point of view", PB 69, 1964 - 70, 1965 S146 Anima Sengupta, "The basic principles of the classical Samkhya philosophy", ESOSIP 1-8 S147 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya in the Mahabharata", ESOSIP 9-20 S148 H.S.Sinha, "Psychological bipolarity in Samkhya system", MRJ 1, 1964, 73-79 S149 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "The large atman", HistR 4.1, 1964, 103-114 S150 Adidevananda, "Theistic Samkhya in the Bhagavata", PB 70, 1965, 393-396 S151 Bhupendranath Bhattacharya, Samkhya Theory of Evolution and its Influence on Later Works. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1965 S152 Anima Sengupta, "The Samkhya conception of subha and asubha (good and evil)", PB 70, 1965, 454-463 S153 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya theory of knowledge: determinate and indeterminate", PB 70, 1965, 257-261 S154 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya conception of tanmatra: a critical exposition", VK 52, 1965-66, 315-318 S155 Brij Behari Choubey, "Samkhya concept of self", IPC 11.4, 1966, 37-46 S156 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Theism of Pre-Classical Samkhya. Mysore 1966 S157 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the upamana pramana", VK 52, 1966, 483-485 S158 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya on validity and invalidity of knowledge", VK 53, 1966-67, 248-254 S159 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya approach: analysis of human experience", VK 53, 1966-67, 329-330 S160 Anima Sengupta, "Meaning of svatah-grahyatva in regard to pramanya and apramanya", VK 53, 1966-67, 430-432 S161 G.Srinivasan, "Sartre and Samkhya", AP 37, 1966, 540-545 S162 Tapo Nath Chakravarti, "Matter according to the Samkhya system of thought", KAG 80-102 S163 K.C.Das, "A comparative study of the concept of the unconscious in Samkhya-Yoga and Freudian psychology", ProcIPC 1967, 167-173 S164 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "The three qualities of the Samkhya system", KAG 126-135. Also CIDO 26, 1969, 385-390. Reprinted in SILM 93-109 S165 C.T.Kenghe, "Samkhya and yoga", YM 9.4, 1967, 23-41 S166 P.M.Modi, "Scriptural source of the Samkhya dualism", JOI 17, 1967-68, 230-236 S167 Anima Sengupta, Katha Upanisad: Samkhya Point of View. Kanpur 1967 S168 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Time in Samkhya-Yoga", VJP 4.1, 1967, 72-89 S169 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta", PB 72, 1967, 392-395 S170 Anima Sengupta, "Inference: Samkhya point of view", PB 72, 1967, 216-220 S179 I.K.Taimni, "The 'I' and its attenuation", AB 89, 1967-68, 23-35 S180 Esho Yamaguchi, "A consideration of pratyayasarga", JIBSt 30, 1967, 972-979 S181 S.Bhattacharya, "The concept of videha and prakrtilaya in the Samkhya-Yoga system", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 305-312 S182 Francis Victor Catalina, A Study of the Self Concept of Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy. Delhi 1968 S183 K.C.Das, "Samkhya philosophy: its attitude towards God and morality", JUG 19, 1968, 28-34 S184 C.T.Kenghe, "The problem of the pratyayasarga in Samkhya and its relation with Yoga", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 365-373 S185 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Buddhi and purusa", JYI 14, 1968-69, 4-6 S186 Paul Mus, "Où finit purusa?, LRCV 539-564 S187 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Time in Samkhya-Yoga", IPQ 8, 1968, 406-426 S188 Anima Sengupta, "Advaita Vedanta and Samkhya on erroneous perception", VK 55, 1968-69, 233-236 S189 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya conception of liberation", PB 73, 1968, 151-155 S190 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta: a comparative study", in M.P.Pandit 50th Birthday Commemoration Volume (ed. A.V.Shastri) (Pondicherry 1968), 130-140 S191 Yogendra, "About prana", JYI 14, 1968-69, 145-147 S192 S.Bhattacharya, "The visesa and the avisesa", SMFV 487-499 S193 K.C.Das, "The role of will in Kant and Samkhya", JUG 20, 1969, 80-84 S194 Megumu Honda, "Samkhya in the Buddhagotra", JIBSt 35, 1969, 434-441 S195 Gerald J. Larson, "Classical Samkhya and the phenomenological ontology of Jean-Paul Sartre", PEW 19, 1969, 45-58 S196 Anima Sengupta, Classical Samkhya: A Critical Study. Lucknow 1969 S197 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya philosophy: its source", VK 56, 1969-70, 346-352 S198 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Taoism of ancient China", JOI 19, 1969-70, 228-233 S199 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Advaita Vedanta", VK 56, 1969-70, 52-56 S200 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and drstisrstivada of the Bhamati school", VK 56, 1969-70, 267-270 S201 G.Srinivasan, "The dialectic of the individual", AP 40, 1969, 242-245 S202 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Samkhya-Yoga theory of causality: an Advaitic study", CR n.s. 2, 1970-71, 45-60 S203 C.B.Dvivedi, "Samkhya framework of mind, senses and intellect and its relationship with language and thought", P 16, 1970-71, 171-184 S204 Tuvia Gelblum, "Samkhya and Sartre"., JIP 1, 1970-71, 75-82 S205 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta on inference", VK 57, 1970-71, 406-408 S206 Esho Yamaguchi, "The concept of purusa in the Samkhya system of philosophy", JOR 40-41, 1970-72, 167-178 S207 Sumitrosankar Banerjee, "Prakrti and creation", IPC 16.3, 1971, 223-237 S208 K.S.Joshi, "On Samkhya-Yoga dualism", YM 14.1-2, 1971, 65-75 S208.5 H. Mishra, "Is Samkhya atheistic?", PAOPA 3, 1971, 60-63 S209 S.Joshi, "Relative idealism of the Samkhya system", Darshana 44, 1971, 91-96 S210 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya on validity and invalidity of knowledge", TBIC 79-86 S211 S.R.Talghatti, "Concept of purusa in the Samkhya philosophy", JUP 35, 1971, 10-29 S212 A.L.Hiremath, "The Samkhya-Yoga systems", MO 5, 1972, 126-130 S213 Rocque Lobo, Samkhya-Yoga und spätantiker Geist: eine Untersüchung der Allegeröse des Origines im Lichte der indischen philosophie. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Munich 1972 S213.5 Gerald J. Larson, "A possible mystical interpretation of ahamkara and the tanmatras in the Samkhya", in Arabinda Basu, etc., Sri Aurobindo: A Frech Garland of Tributes (Pondichery 1973), 79-87 S214 Shinkan Murakami, "The Samkhya philosophy with regard to the arguments of the negation of ego" (summary). ARTU 23, 1973 S215 Deva Brata Sen, "Samkhya conception of purusa", KUJ 7, 1973, 227-230 S216 Anima Sengupta, Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta: A Comparative Study. Patna 1973 S217 Asha Tandon, Critical Study of the Psychic Elements in the Systems of Samkhya and Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1973 S218 Anima Sengupta, "The Samkhya-Yoga conception of personality", VK 61, 1974-75, 256-260 S219 I.N.Sinha, "Anisvaravada of the dualistic Samkhya", VK 61, 1974-75, 24-26 S220 D.T.Tatacharya, "The suksmavisesas of Samkhya", CDSFV 396-399 S221 Muktaram Banerjee, "Evolution of the cosmos in the Samkhya philosophy", CR n.s. 1, 1975-76, 164-168 S222 Kumar Nath Bhattacharya, The Concept of Isvara in Samkhya-Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Burdwan University 1975 S223 K.C.Das, Concept of Personality in Samkhya-Yoga and the Gita. Gauhati 1975 S224 Namita Kar, "A note on Samkhya on kaivalya", PAOPA 5, 1975, 63-64 S225 Gerald J. Larson, "The notion of satkarya in Samkhya: toward a philosophical reconstruction", PEW 25, 1975, 31-40 S226 Harsh Narain, "Vedic origins of the Samkhya dialectic", Sambodhi 4.1, 1975, 21-34 S227 P.K.Sasidharan Nari, "Concept of purusa in the Samkhya system", AOR 25, 1975, 565-569 S228 Klaus Ruping, "Zur Emanationslehre im Moksadharma", SII 2, 1976, 3-10 S229 Deba Brata Sen, "The Samkhya conception of guna, its relevance in sadhana", KUJ 10, 1976, 332-336 S230 D.P.Sen, "A review of the Samkhya theory of knowledge", QFT 209-216 S231 Anima Sengupta, "Does man really seek relief from pain (the Samkhya-Yoga view)", VK 62, 1975-76, 55-58 S232 D.Sen Sharma, "A fresh light on the twofold creation in the Samkhya system", ABSP 7, 1975-76, 13-18 S233 K.P.Sinha, "The problem of isvara in the Samkhya philosophy", JUG 26-27, 1975-76, 7-19 S234 Narayan Kumar Chatterji, "Epistemology: an approach from the Samkhya and Yoga systems of thought", CR n.s. 2, 1976-77, 133-170 S235 A.G.Javadekar, "Modern ecology and the relevance of Samkhya", JOI 25, 1976, 260-264 S236 D.P.Sen, "A review of the Samkhya theory of knowledge", QFT 209-216 S237 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya-Yoga on seer and seen", VK 63, 1976-77, 52-54 S238 Y.K.Wadhwani, "Subtle bodies postulated in the classical Samkhya system", Sambodhi 5.1, 1976-77, 29-40 S239 Bijayananda Kar, Analytical Studies in the Samkhya Philosophy. Bhubaneshwar 1977 S240 J.Frank Kenney, "The concept of suffering in classical Samkhya", JD 2, 1977, 295-301 S241 A.M.Patel, "Samkhya thought in Srimad-Bhagavata Purana", PTG 11.3, 1977, 26-38 S242 Frank Podgorski, "Samkhya-Yoga meditation: psycho-spiritual transvaluation", JD 2, 1977, 152-163 S243 Subhash Ch. Saha Ray, "Fallacies of perception", Philosophica 6.4, 1977, 1-6 S244 Anima Sengupta, "Philosophy of Samkhya: its value in the present age", ESOSIP 173-177 S245 Anima Sengupta, "Logic in the Samkhya school", ESOSIP 178-181 S246 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Taoism of ancient China", ESOSIP 212-219 S247 Nagin J. Shah, "Rajas and karman", Sambodhi 6.1-2, 1977, 57-62 S248 David Bastow, "An attempt to understand Samkhya-Yoga", JIP 5, 1978, 191-208 S249 Michael Hulin, Samkhya Literature. Wiesbaden 1978 S250 G.D.Khare, "The Samkhya cult in the Bhagavadgita", PTG 12.3, 1978, 14-32 S251 Ashok Malhotra, "The philosophy of Sartre versus Samkhya-Yoga", Asian Thought and Society 3.7, 1978, 68-81 S252 P.K.Sasidharan, "Gunas and their contradictory traits in Samkhya philosophy", JMKU 7.2, 1978, 55-56 S253 Anima Sen Gupta, "Samkhya and the Advaita Vedanta", VK 65, 1978, 124-128 S254 Janaki Ballabha Bhattacharya, "Theist version of Samkhya", Our Heritage Special Number. Sanakrit College 150th Anniversary 1824-1974 (Calcutta 1979), 243-258 S255 V.G.Rahurkar, "The Samkhya as depicted in the Mahabharata", Rtam 11-15, 1979-83, 315-322 S256 David White, "Proto-Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta in the Bhagavadgita", PEW 29, 1979, 501-508 S257 Meera Chakravorty, "The problem of purusabahutva and bhoktrbhava in Samkhya darsana", PAIOC 29, 1980, 435-441 S258 Shivnarayan Joshi, "Is parama-samya possible?", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 293-298 S259 Stephen A. Kent, "Valentinian gnosticism and classical Samkhya: a thematic and structural comparison", PEW 30, 1980, 241-260 S259.1 Shiv Kumar, "Samkhya-Yoga definition of pramana", CASSt 5, 1980, 99-110 S260 P.K.Sasidharan, "A critical notes on the way to attain the goal of life in the Samkhya and the Yoga philosophies", JMKU 9.2, 1980, 19-22 S261 Anima Sen Gupta, "Basic approach of Samkhya-Yoga philosophy", VK 67, 1980, 176-180 S262 P.K.Sasidharan, "A critical note on the way to attain the goal of life in Samkhya and Yoga philosophies", MKUJ 9.2, 1980, 19-22 S263 Alex Wayman, "Some accords with the Samkhya theory of tanmatra", CIS 115-122 S264 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Yoga and sesvara Samkhya", JIP 9, 1981, 309-320 S265 Shiv Kumar, "Knowledge and its gnosis in Samkhya-Yoga", ABORI 62, 1981, 17-32 S266 Shiv Kumar, "Nature of perception in Samkhya-Yoga", SVUOJ 24.l-2, 1981, 59-76 S266.1 G. Srinivasan, "The problem of subjective change in Samkhya", Darshana 21.1, 1981, 71-76 S267 Heinz Zimmerman, "Vor-Samkhyistisches und Proto-Samkhyistisches in ältern Upanisaden", AS 35.2, 1981, 185-200 S268 Hans Bakker, "On the origin of the Samkhya psychology", WZKSOA 26, 1982, 117-148 S269 M.K.Bannerjee, "General systems philosophy and Samkhya-Yoga: some remarks", PEW 32, 1982, 99-104 S270 B.C.Bera, "The wisdom of Samkhya in the Gita", VK 69, 1982, 293-297 S271 R.S.Bhattacharya, "Is Kapila the founder of the Samkhya-system identical with the destroyer of the sons of King Sagara?", Puranam 24, 1982, 190-207 S272 Latika Chattopadhyay, Self in Samkhya Philosophy. Calcutta 1982 S273 Stephen A. Kent, "Early Samkhya in the Buddhacarita", PEW 32, 1982, 259-278 S274 N.V.Koppal, "The problem of truth and error in Samkhya and Yoga doctrines", PTG 17.1, 1982, 29-39 S275 V.G.Rahurkar, "The Samkhya as depicted in the Mahabharata", PAIOC 30, 1982, 399-405 S276 Rama Ray, "Is parinamavada a doctrine of causality?", JIP 10, 1982, 377-396 S277 Anima Sen Gupta, "The concept of divine grace in Samkhya Yoga", VK 69, 1982, 440-444 S278 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, "Prakrtilina in the Samkhya-Yoga systems and pralayakala in the Trika system", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 277-290 S279 Johannes Bronkhorst, "God in Samkhya", WZKSOA 27, 1983, 149-164 S280 Shiv Kumar, Samkhya Thought in the Brahmanical Systems of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1983 S281 Gerald James Larson, "An eccentric ghost in the machine: formal and quantitative aspects of the Samkhya-Yoga dualism", PEW 33, 1983, 219-234. Also IASWRP 1-30. S281.1 Gerald J. Larson, "McClain's mathematical acoustics and classical Samkhya philosophy", Journal of Socialand Biological Structures 6, 1983, 161-167 S282 Prithwindra Mukherjee, Le Samkhya. Sources. Meditations. Applications. Paris 1983 S282.5 Frank R. Podgorski, "Immortality in Samkhya", IASWRP 43-48 S283 Daniel P. Sheridan, "The Bhagavatapurana: Samkhya at the service of nondualism", Puranam 25, 1983, 225-234 S284 Nellai K. Subramanian, "The impact of Samkhya on Cankam literature", PHT 211-226 S285 Tripurananda, "Samkhya as presented in the Gita", VK 70, 1983, 398-402 S286 M.C.Bhartiya. "Function of manas in Samkhya philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 333. Also Meerut University Sanskrit Research Journal 9.2, 1984, 73-76 S287 Kumarnath Bhattacharya, "Liberation of purusa according to Samkhya-Yoga" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 334-335 S287.1 Lallanji Gopal, "The mulikarthas in Samkhya", IHR 11, 1984-85, 45-55 S287.2 Pitambar Jha, "The concept of citta", YM 23.1, 1984, 63-80 S287.2.5 S. V. Kandaswamy, "A comparative study of Samkhya and Saiva Siddhanta", JTS 26, 1984, 1-24 S287.3 Gopal Chandra Khan, "A note on the Samkhya concept of moksa", DM 1, 1984, 45-49 S288 Shiv Kumar, Samkhya-Yoga Epistemology. Delhi 1984 S288.1 Shiv Kumar, "Samkhya-Yoga concept of time:, ABORI 64, 1984, 1298-135 S289 Surendramohan Mishra, "On the problem of God in the Samkhya", VIJ 22, 1984, 178-183 S290 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Time and change in Samkhya-Yoga", JIP 12, 1984, 35-49 S290.1 Aruna Goel, "The concept of liberation in Samkhya-Yoga", Darshana 25.3, 1985, 71-75 S291 N. Jayashanmukham, "The development of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, its relation to the Samkhya, and its relevance to the modern age", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 169-180 S292 Rodney J. Parrott, "The experience called 'reason' in classical Samkhya", JIP 13, 1985, 235-264 S293 Tapasyananda, "Samkhya and the Gita", VK 72, 1985, 55-58 S294 Tapasyananda, "The Bhagavata Samkhya and its background", VK 72, 1985: 245, 286 S295 Shujun Motegi, "On tanmatra", JIBSt 68, 1986, 953-958 S296 Rodney J. Parrott, "The problem of the Samkhya tattvas as both cosmic and psychological phenomena", JIP 14, 1986, 55-78 S296.5 Amalia Pezzali, "Evoluzione e involuzione dellla prakrti secondo il Samkhya", Atti del Terzo Convegno nazionale di Studi Sancriti (ed. O. Botto). (Torino 1986), 39-46 S297 M.S.Shastri, "Samkhya and Yoga", QJMS 77, 1986, 217-230 S297.1 Vladimir Shokhin, "Classical Samkhya about the ultimate elements of the material world", in Wolfgang Morgenroth (ed.), Sanskrit and World Culture: Proceedings of the 4th World Sanskrit Conference of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies (Berlin 1986), 556-559 S298 Gerald J. Larson, "Introduction to the philosophy of Samkhya", Samkhya 3-103 S98.5 Peter Connolly, The Concept of "prana" in Vedic Literature and its Development in the Vedanta, Samkhya and Pancaratra Literature. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Lancaster 1987 S299 B. David Burke, "Transcendence in classical Samkhya", PEW 38, 1988, 19-29 S299.5 Alpana Chakraborty, "Mind-body dualism of Descartes and Samkhya: a comparative study", Darshana 28.1, 1988, 47-51 S299.6 S. J. Chakravarty, "From Samkhya to Buddhism", FTI 1988, 66-72 S300 M.R.Yardi, "Samkhya and Yoga in the Moksadharma and the Bhagavadgita", ABORI 68, 1987, 309-319 S301 V. Brodov, "The materialism of the Samkhya philosophy", GAISE 145-151 S301.01 V. K. Shokhin, "Samkhya and Buddhism: a few notes", Darshana 28.1, 1988, 52-55 S301.1 Brahmachari Suryachaitanya, "The Samkhya darsana", SRV 12.1, 1988, 25-37 S302 Dharmamegha Aranya, Epistles of a Samkhya-Yogin. Madhupur, Bihar 1989 S303 S. Kak, The Riddle of Samkhya. Delhi 1989 S303.1 Nirgunananda, "The Vedanta and the Samkhya theory of many purusas", SRV 12.2, 1989, 9-15 S303.6 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Self as consciousness in classical Samkhya", SelfandC 79-103 S304 Satya Vrat, "Identification of Sastitantra", Ajaya-Sri 585-590 S304.1 Christopher Chapple, "The unseen seer and the field-consciousness in Samkhya and Yoga", PPC 53-70 S305 K.P.Nampoothiri, The Concept of Apavarga in Samkhya Philosophy. Delhi 1990 S306 Rodney J. Parrott, "The worth of the world in classical Samkhya", ABORI 71, 1990, 83-108 S306.1 Rodney J. Parrott, "Soteriology of prakrti: the world as guru in classical Samkhya", ABORI 70, 1990, 65-88 S307 Koki Aruga, "Some problems of anumana in Samkhya", JIBSt 39.2, 1991, 11-13 S308 Saradindu Banerji, "Avidya, ahamkara and psycho-analysis", JIAP 30.1, 1991, 1- 19 S308.0 H. L. Chandrasekhara, "The concept of prakrti and purusa in Samkhya", JMysoreU 54, 1992, 105-112 S308.1 K.P.Jog, "The ultimate in the Samkhya philosophy", UAITD 77-80 S309.1 Prabhakar Mishra, "The concept of change and the satkaryavada of the Samkhya system", PBh 6, 1992, 151-154 S310 Lalaji Gopal, "The Samkhya: its origin and historical evolution", Prabhakara-Narayan-Srih 237-243 S310.0 S.N.Kandwamy, "A comparative study of Samkhya and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 27.2, 1993, 27-50 S310.0.1 Shiv Kumar, "God and universe: the Samkhya-Yoga view", PPIBPS 235-244 S310.0.2 Paul Schweizer, "Mind/consciousness dualism in Samkhya-Yoga philosophy", PPR 53, 961-963 S310.1 Anima Sengupta, "Philosophy of Samkhya: its value in the present age", RIPMC 160-164 S311 S.G.M.Weerasinghe, The Samkhya Philosophy: A Critical Evaluation of its Origin and Development. Delhi 1993 S311.1 Vladimir Shokhin, "Ancient Samkhya-Yoga: an aspect of the tradition", HIndPh 87-95 S311.2 Mukta Biswas, "The concept of Samkhya and Yoga philosophy as reflected in Kalidasa's works", VIK 31, 1993-94, 123-128 S312 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The qualities of Samkhya", WZKSOA 38, 1994, 309-322 S313 H. L. Chandrasekhara, "The epistemology of Samkhya", JMysoreU 56.1-2, 1994, 129-132 S313.5 T. S. Rukmani, "The concept of jivanmukti in the Advaita-Vedanta and Samkhya-Yoga traditions", PNRBFV 1994, 311-318 S314 R. K. Das Gupta, "Vivekananda on Samkhya", BRMIC 46, 1995, 174-180 S314.5 Kunt Axel Jacobsen, Prakrti: the Principle of Matter in the Samkhya and Yoga Systems of Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara 1994 S315 Knut A. Jacobsen, "The anthropocentric bias in Eliade's interpretation of the Samkhya and the Samkhya-Yoga system of religious thought", Religion 25, 1995, 213-226 S315.0 Subodh Kumar Pal, "A note on Samkhya denial of a creator God", VJP 31.2, 1995 S315.1 M. P. Rege, "Samkhya theory of matter", Prakrti 3, 115-118 S315.5 Christopher Key Chapple, "Living liberation in Samkhya and Yoga", LLHT 1996, 115-130 S316 Knut A. Jacobsen, "The female pole of the Godhead in Tantrism and the prakrti of Samkhya", Numen 63, 1996, 56-81 S316.1 Thomas Manickam, "Human person perspectives of Samkhya and Gita", JD 21, 1996, 5-16 S316.2 S. Revathy, "The Samkhya theory of perceptual cognition", ALB 60, 1996, 251-260 S316.8 Lallanji Gopal, "Samkhya--theistic or atheistic?", JGJRI 52-53, 1996-97, 21-34 S317 Indira Mahalingam, "Samkhya-Yoga", CEAP, 1997, 155-171 S318 A. C. Palit, "The Sakhya path to liberation", PB 102, 1997, 747-751 S319 Vladimir Schokhin, "Samkhya on the ends of man (purusartha)", ZII 21, 1997, 199-212 S320 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence: Samkhya", BRMIC 48, 1997: 331, 388, 43 S330 Knut A. Jacobsen, "Kapila, founder of Samkhya and avatara of Visnu", OS 67, 1998, 69-86 S341 Peter Bisschop and Hans Bakker, "Moksadharma 187 and 239-241 reconsidered", AS 53, 1999, 459-472 S343 John Brockington, "Epic Samkhya: texts, teachers, terminology", AS 53, 1999, 473-490 S344 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The contradiction of Samkhya on the number and the size of the different tattvas", AS 53, 1999, 679-692 S347 Eli Franco, "Avita and avita", AS 53, 1999, 563-578 S349 Luis O. Gomez, "Seeing, touching. Counting, accounting. Samkhya as formal thought and intuition", AS 53, 1999, 693-712 S350 Masaaki Hattori, "On Sesvara-Samkhya", AS 53, 1999, 609-618 S351 Jan E.M. Houben, "Why did rationality thrive, but hardly survive in Kapila's system? On the pramanas, rationality and irrationality in Samkhya (part I)", AS 53, 1999, 491-512 S352 Michel Hulin, "Reinterpreting ahamkara as a possible way of solving the riddle of Samkhya metaphysics", AS 53, 1999, 713-722 S354 Knut A. Jacobsen, Prakrti in Samkhya-Yoga: Material Principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications. Asian Thought and Culture 30. New York 1999 S356 Gerald J. Larson, "Classical yoga as neo-Samkhya: a chapter in the history of Indian philosophy", AS 53, 1999, 723-732 S358 Angelika Maliner, "Prakrti as samanya", AS 53, 1999, 619-644 S360 Shujun Motegi, "The teachings of Pancasikha in the Moksadharma", AS 53, 1999, 513-536 S361 Shinkan Murakami, "What is caitanya--eternal or non-eternal?", AS 53, 1999, 645-666 S363 T.S.Rukmani, "Samkhya and Yoga: where they do not speak in one voice", AS 53, 1999, 733-754 S365 Peter Schreiner, "What comes first (in the Mahabharata): Samkhya or Yoga?", AS 53, 1999, 755-778 S366 Ernst Steinkellner, "Die altesten Satze zur Theorie der Eahrnehmung in Indien: Eine Sammlung von Fragmenten des klassischen Samkhya-systems", Psychologie des Bewusstseins, Bewusstseins der Psychologie. Giseher Guttmann zur 65. Geburtstag (ed. T. Slunecker). WUV 1999 S367 Raffaela Torella, "Samkhya as samanyasastra", AS 53, 1999, 553-562 S369 Albrecht Wezler, "On the origins of the guna-theory. Struggling for a new approach (I): Wrestling with Frauwallner", AS 53, 1999, 537-552 S370 Ian Whicher, 'Classical Samkhya, Yoga, and the issue of final verification", AS 53, 1999, 779-798 S372 Koichi Yamashita, "Parinama-vada: some aspects of the Samkhya view", BudCompL 125-145 S372.5 Kkoki Aruga, "Bondage in Samkhya", WL 61-74 S373 Rahaysam Brahmachari and Baidyanath Basu, "Origin of the universe: modern and Samkhya views", BRMIC 51, 2000, 268-281 S374 Lallanji Gopal, Retrieving Samkhya.History: an Ascent from Dawn to Meridian. New Delhi 2000 S375 Rupa Bandyopadhyay, "Whose bondage? Whose Liberation? An analysis of the concepts of bondage and liberation from the Samkhya perspective", RBJP 7, 2001, 132-142 S376 Deepti Dutta, Samkhya, a Prologue to Yoga. New Delhi 2001 S377 D. Himalayanath, "Bhagavad Gita as a historical document: a study of Samkhya-Yoga", JRJRI 57, 2001, 245-252 S378 Shojun Motegi, "The knower in the Samkhya", WL 47-60 S379 Roy W. Perrett, "Computationality, mind and value: the case of Samkhya-Yoga", AsPOxford 11, 2001, 5-14 S382 V. Shekhawat, "Samvada Ganita or Pratika Anviksiksi", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 163-178 S383 Sunirmalananda, "What Samkhyans teach us", VK 88, 2001, 178-181 S384 Debabrata Das, Samkhya Philosophy and Zoroastrianism. VK 89, 2002, 107-109 S385 Knut A. Jacobsen, Prakrti in Samkhya-Yoga: Material Principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications. Delhi 2002 S386 Gerald James Larson, "Samhya philosophy's relevance for modern science", BRMIC 53, 2002: 148, 198 S387 Sudipta Dutta Roy, "Sabda pramana in Samkhya", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 85-94 S388 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "The Samkhya argument for the self and some related issues", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 99-124; 20.1, 2003, 125-152 S390 Sunirmalananda, "Some thoughts on Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 53, 2002, 319-321 S392 Dharmamegha Aranya, So Havd We Heard. Translated by ILndira Gupta. Madhupur 2003 S394 Bijayananda Kar, The Samkhya Philosophy. An Analytical Study. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New Delhi 2003 S396 Gerald James Larson, "World view in Samkhya and modern science", BRMIC 54, 2003, 506-517 S400 Angelika Molina, "Completeness through limitations on the classification of tattvas in Samkhya philosophy", BIS 15-17, 2003, 307-326 S404 K. V. Raghupati, "Therapeutic value of yama and niyama", VK 90, 2003, 189-192 S405 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "The Samkhya argument for the self and some related issues", JICPR 20, 2003, 125-152 S406 Joy Bhattacharya, "The essentials of Samkhya ontology", Kalyan Bharati 8, 2004 S408 M. D. Paradkar, "The Samkhya system", IndPT 3-35; glosary 219-270 S410 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Manyness of selves: Samkhya and K.C.Bhattacharyya", PEW 54, 2004, 425-457 S412 D. N. Tiwari, "Notes and queries", JICPR 21.4, 2004, 193-194 S414 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay, "Illusory knowledge–a Samkhya-Yoga approach", CR 11.1-2, 2005, 98-103 S415 Kolla Chenchulakshmi, The Concept of Parinama in Indian Philosophy: A Critical Study with reference to Samkhya-Yoga. New Delhi 2005 S416 Knut A. Jacobsen, "In Kapila's cave: a Samkhya-Yoga renaissance in Bengal", TPY 333-350 S417 P. Pratap Kumar, "The Samkhya-Yoga ifluence on Srivaisnava philosophy with special reference to the Pancaratra system", TPY 129-142 S418 P.K.Sasidharan Nair, The Samkhya System. New Delhi 2005 S424 V. V. Sovani, A Critical Study of the Samkhya System. Delhi 2005 S426 Mukta Biswas, Samkhya: Yoga Epistemology. New Delhi 2006 S428 Dewabrata Dasa, Reflections on Samkhya Philosophy: a Twenty-First Century Approach. Kolkata 2007 S430 Sudipta Dutta Roy, Philosophies of Samkhya and Locke: Views of Matter and Self. Delhi 2006 S431 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Nature of man in Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 57, 2006, 270-276 S432 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Concept of matter in Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 57, 2006, 541-546 S434 Johannes Bronkhorst, "On the nature of pradhana", EMH 373-384 S435 Mikel Burley, Classical Samkhya and Yoga. An Indian Metaphysics of Experience. New York 2007 S440 Deepti Dutta, Samkhya–a Prologue to Yoga. A Study of its Development through Ancient Texts. Delhi 2007 S443 Meena P. Pathak, "The tenets of Samkhya philosophy in the Varyupurana", JOI 56, 2006-2007, 67-73 S445 Roy W. Perrett, "Samkhya-Yoga ethics", IECTC 149-160 S450 Samkhya Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 21. 2008 S460 Marzema Jakubczak, "Living liberation (jivanmukti) in Samkhya and Yoga", EIPRL 363-372 S465 Philipp A. Maas, "Valid knowledge and belief iln classical Samkhya-Yoga", LBIP 371-380 S467 Shujun Motegi, "Early concepts ofl logic in Samkhya", LBIP 351-370 |