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Y1 N.C.Paul, A Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy. Benares 1851; Bombay 1899 Y2 Anonymous), "Yogadarsana", SDCh 5, 1881, 1-196 Y3 Taylor, The Yoga Philosophy. Bombay 1882 Y3.5 Ksitish Chandra Chakravarti, Lectures on Hindu Religion, Philosophy and Yoga. Calcutta 1893 Y4 B.R.Chatterji, Yoga Philosophy. Sukkur 1894 Y5 E.Washburn Hopkins, "Yoga-technique in the great epic", JAOS 22, 1901, 333-379 Y6 Huxley, Yoga: Hindu Delusions, with its Explanation. Madras 1902 Y6.5 William Walker Atkinson, The Hindu-Yoga Science of Breath. Chicago 1903 Y7 Ramacharaka, The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath. Chicago 1903. Translated into German as Die Kunst des Atmans der Hindu-Yogis. Freiburg 1958 Y8 Dharmananda Mahabharati, The Yogi and His Message. Calcutta 1904. Y9 T.M.Nathubhoy, "Pranayam, or the suspension of breath", Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay 8, 1904, 209-324 Y10 Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson), Fourteen Lessons in Yoga Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. Chicago 1904, 1911; Bombay 1977; Rombord, England 1983; New York 2005 Y11 Ramacharaka, Hatha Yoga; or the Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-being. Chicago 1904, 1905 Y12 P.T.Srinivasa Aiyangar, "The physiology of the nervous system according to the Hindus", Theosophical Review 39, 1906, 327-337 Y13 Charles Byse, "La théosophie hindoue ou la philosophie des Yoga", Revue de theologie et de philosophie 39, 1906, 457-485 Y14 Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson), A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. London 1906, 1908; Bombay 1905-1906, 1960. Translated into Spanish, Buenos Aires 1990s Y15 Poul Tuxen, Yoga. Kopenhavn 1911 Y16 R.B.S.C.Vasu, An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy. SBH 15.4, Allahabad 1915 Y17 K.N.Aiyar, Yoga: Lower and Higher. Madras 1916 Y18 Ramacharaka, Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. London 1917 Y19 F.I.Winter, "The Yoga-system and psychoanalysis", Qu 10, 1917-18, 182-196 Y20 Chamupati, "The practice and philosophy of Yoga", VMGS 11, 1918, 25-33 Y21 Charles R. Lanman, "The Hindu Yoga-system", Harvard Theological Review 11, 1918, 335-375 Y22 S.V.L.Varman, The Shabd-Yoga. Jhelum 1918 Y23 J. Haughton Woods, "La théorie de la connaissance dans le système du Yoga", JA (11th series) 11, 1918, 385-390 Y24 E.H.Leuba, "The Yoga system of mental concentration and religious mysticism", JP 16, 1919, 197-206 Y25 G.R.S.Mead, "A word on yoga", Quest 11, 1919-20, 380-394 Y26 Annie Besant, An Introduction to Yoga. Madras 1920 Y27 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Yoga psychology", Qu 13, 1921-22, 1-19. Also PAIOC 3, 1924, 427-438 Y28 O.A.H.Schmitz, Psychoanalyse und Yoga. Dharmstadt 1923 Y29 Surendranath Dasgupta, Yoga as Philosophy and Religion. London 1924; Delhi 1973, 1978 Y30 Panduranga Sarma, "An outline of the history and teaching of the Natha Panthiya Siddhas", PAIOC 3, 1924, 495-502 Y31 J.F.C.Fuller, Yoga. A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists. London 1925 Y32 H. Gomperz, Die indische Theosophie vom geschichtlichen Standpunkt gemeinverstandlich dargestellt. Jena 1925 Y33 Anandacarya, Yoga of Conquest. Gaurisamkarmath 1926; Hoshiarpur 1971 Y34 Richard Garbe, "Yoga", ERE 11, 1925, 831-833 Y35 Heinrich Zimmer, Kunstform und Yoga im indischen Kultbild. Berlin 1926 Y36 F. Hartmann, Samadhi. Der Yoga Schlaf. Second edition, Leipzig 1927 Y37 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Some aspects of the history and doctrines of the Nathas", POWSBSt 6, 1927, 19-43 Y38 Rudolf von Lossow, "Yogaschülung und Seelenwanderung", Die Gegenwart 57, 1928, 253-256 Y39 R. Rosel, Die psychologischen Grundlagen der Yoga-Praxis. Stuttgart 1928 Y41 John Woodroffe, Shakti and Shakta. Madras 1929 Y42 Surendranath Dasgupta, Yoga Philosophy in Relation to Other Systems of Indian Thought. Calcutta 1930; Delhi 1974 Y43 J.W.Hauer, Der Yoga im Licht der Psychotherapie. Leipzig 1930 Y44 Hermann Jacobi, "Über das Ursprüngliche Yoga-system", Sitzungsberichte der Konigliche Preusssischen Akademie der Wissenschaft 1930, 322-332 Y45 S.D.Ramayandas, Introduction to Laya Yoga. London 1930 Y46 Vasant Gangaram Rela, The Mysterious Kundalini. Bombay 1930 Y47 Jean Filliozat, "Sur le 'concentration oculaire' dans le Yoga", Yoga-Forschung I.1 (Harburg-Wilhelmsburg), 1931, 93-102. Translated as "On 'ocular concentration' in Yoga" by M. Shukla, RPY 269-291 Y48 J.W.Hauer, "Yoga und Zeitwende" in H. Palmiee (ed.), Yoga 1.1 (Harburg 1931) Y49 Kuvalyananda, Asanas. Bombay 1931, 1971 Y50 Kuvalyananda, Pranayama. Bombay 1931, 1966 Y51 P.V.Pathak, The Heyapaksha of Yoga, or Towards a Constructive Synthesis of Psychological Material in Indian Philosophy. Ahmedabad 1931 Y52 Ernest Wood, Seven Schools of Yoga. Madras 1931 Y53 John Woodroffe, "Kundalini sakti", Yoga 1, 1931, 65-73 Y54 John Woodroffe, The Serpent Power. Madras 1931 Y55 Heinrich Zimmer, "Lehren des Hathayoga, Lehrtexte", Yoga 1, 1931, 45-62 Y56 S. Lindquist, Die Methoden des Yoga. Lund 1932 Y57 J.A.Ghosh, A Study of Yoga. Calcutta 1933; Delhi 1977 Y58 Umesh Mishra, "Place of Yoga among the various schools of Indian thought" (reference lost) Y59 P.V.Pathak, "A critique of the psychological material of Yoga praxis in Indian philosophy", JUBo 2, 1933, 89-96 Y60 Elizabeth Scharpe, The Philosophy of Yoga. London 1933 Y61 Paul Brunton, The Secret Path. London 1934 Y62 Geraldine Coster, Yoga and Western Psychology. London 1934; Delhi 1968, 1974 Y63 O. Frobe-Kapteyn (ed.), Yoga und Meditation im Osten und im Westen. Zurich 1934, 1956 Y64 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The life of a yogin", POWSBSt 9, 1934, 1-15 Y65 Aurobindo Ghose, Lights on Yoga. Howrah 1935 Y66 Ernest Wood, Raja Yoga: The Occult Training of the Hindus. Paris 1935 Y67 Mircea Eliade, Yoga: essai sur les origines de la mystique indienne. Paris 1936 Y68 A.D.Aiyar, The Ramayana as an Illustration of Yoga Sastra. Kumbakonam 1937 Y69 Paul Brunton, Yogis. Verborgene Weisheit Indiens. Hamburg 1937. Translated as A Search in Secret India, London 1947 Y70 S.B.Dasgupta, "Freudian and Yoga conceptions of repression", PQ 13, 1937, 148-154 Y71 Surendranath Dasgupta, "An interpretation of the Yoga theory of the relation of mind and body", CHI 1, 38-48 Y72 V.Ramachandra Dikshit, "Synthesis of Patanjali's Yogasastra", CHI 1, 368-379 Y73 Mircea Eliade, "Cosmical homology and Yoga", Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art 1937, 188-203 Y74 Olivier Lacombe, "Sur le Yoga indien", Etudes Carmelitaines 27, 1937, 107 ff. Y75 Heinrich Zimmer, "Umrisse indischer Seelenführung", Reich der Seele 2, 1937, 58-59 Y76 K.T.Behanan, Yoga: A Scientific Evaluation. London 1938 Y77 Santinatha, Sadhana or Spiritual Discipline--Its Various Forms. Poona 1938 Y78 Boris Sacharow, Theorie und Praxis des Yoga. Riga 1939 Y79 A.K.Banerjee, "Philosophical background of yoga", KK 7, 1940, 57-64 Y80 Gopinath Kaviraj, "An introduction to the study and practice of yoga", KK 7, 1940, 6-19 Y81 Jaideva Singh, "The role of bhavana in moral and spiritual development", PQ 16, 1940-41, 199-207 Y81.5 Krishnananda, The Mystery of Breath. New York 1941 Y82 S.M.Sreenivasachar, "The unconscious in Yoga and psychoanalysis", PQ 17, 1941-42, 261-268 Y83 Jean Filliozat, "Les limites des pouvoirs humains dans l'Inde", Limites de Humaines (Etudes carmelitaines), Paris 1943, 23-38 Y84 Mahendranath Sircar, "Samadhi", VK 30, 1943-44: 117, 168, 199 Y85 Hari Vinayak Date, The Yoga of the Saints. 1944; New Delhi 1974 Y86 Sivananda, Gyana Yoga. Rishikesh 1944; Delhi 1973 Y87 J. Monchanin, "L'Inde et la contemplation", Dieu Vivant 3, 1945 Y88 K.C.Varadachari, "Yoga psychology in the minor Upanishads", JGJRI 3, 1945-46, 47-62. Also JSVRI 8, 1947, 116-141 Y89 C.D.Deshmukh, "Some clear advantages of the methods of Yoga over those of modern psychoanalytical schools", PQ 20.3, 1946, 193-198 Y90 C.D.Deshmukh, "The analysis of the psyche in the new psychology and Yoga philosophy", PAIOC 13.2, 1946, 318-321 Y91 Jean Filliozat, "Les origines d'un technique mystique indienne", RP 136, 1946, 208-220 Y92 Pavitrananda, Common Sense about Yoga. Calcutta 1946 Y93 P.H.Plott, Yoga on Tantra. Leiden 1946. Translated by Rodney Needham as Yoga and Tantra, The Hague 1966 Y93.5 Emil Abegg, Yoga. Basel 1947 Y93.8 Aprabuddha, The Science of Yoga. Two Volumes. Nagpur 1949, 1957 Y94 K. Pal, "Yoga and psychoanalysis", PB 52, 1947: 119, 173, 204 Y95 Emil Abegg, "Die Anfange des Yoga. Der Klassische Yoga", Ciben Zeitschrift 1948, 4122-4138 Y96 Mircea Eliade, Techniques du Yoga. Paris 1948. Translated into Italian as Tecniche dello yoga, Torino 1952 Y97 K.C.Varadachari, "Yoga psychology", PKCV 229-234 Y98 Alain Danielou, Yoga: The Method of Re-Integration. London 1949. Reprinted as Yoga: Master of the Secrets of Matter and the Universe, Rochester, Vt. 1991 Y99 Jean Filliozat, "Taoisme et Yoga", Dan Viet-nam 3 (August 1949), 113-120 Y100 Mani D. Patel, Christian Prayer and Raja Yoga. Study in Correlation. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Southern California 1949 Y101 A.K.Banerji, "Meaning of citta in Patanjali's Yoga", PB 55, 1950, 284-289. Translated into French in LB 62, 1958, 183-193 Y102 Theos Bernard, Hatha Yoga. London 1950 Y103 Theos Bernard, Heaven Lies Within Us. An Exposition of an Indian Yoga. 1950 Y104 Hubert Risch, Le Hatha Yoga. Dissertation medicale, Paris 1950 Y105 Hans Schar, Erlösungsvorstelungen und ihre psychologischen Aspekt. Zurich 1950 Y106 Sivananda, Yoga Vedanta Dictionary. Rishikesh 1950; Delhi 1973 Y107 Sivananda, Sichere Wege zum Lebenserfolg und Zur Gotterkenntnis. Zurich 1950-1954 Y108 Sivananda, Raja Yoga. Theory and Practice. Rishikesh 1950 Y109 Yatishwarananda and J. Herbert, Les Yogas hindoues et autres études. Paris 1950 Y109.5 Harvey Day, About Yoga: The Complete Philosophy. London 1951,1952; New York 1954 Y110 Jean Herbert, Wege zum Hinduismus. Zurich 1951 Y111 Gustav Schmeltz, Östliche Weisheit und westliche Psychotherapie. Stuttgart 1951 Y112 Akhilananda, Mental Health and Hindu Philosophy. London 1952 Y113 A.K.Banerji, "Phenomenology of yoga", PB 57, 1952,384-388 Y114 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Yoga psychology", CHI 3, 53-90 Y115 Harvey Day, About Yoga. The Complete Philosophy. London 1952 Y116 P.C.Divanji, "Karmayoga tradition", JOI 1, 1952, 229-237 Y116.5 J. Filliozat, "Continence et sexualitè dans le bouddhisme et les disciplines de Yoga", Mystique et continence (Paris 1952), 70-81. Translated by M. Shukla as "Continence and sexuality in Buddhism and in the discipline of Yoga", RPY 327-339 Y117 Theotonius A. Ganguly, Purusa and Prakrti (Self and Nature). A Philosophical Appraisal of Patanjala-Samkhya-Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Notre Dame University 1952 Y118 Roger Godel, Essais sur l'experience liberatrice. Paris 1952 Y119 C.Kerneiz, Hatha-Yoga. Munchen 1952 Y120 Pavitrananda, Was Yoga ist. Zurich 1952 Y121 Sivananda, Konzentration und Meditation. Munich 1952 Y121.5 Harvey Day, The Study and Practice of Yoga. New York 1953, 1955. Translated into Spanish as El yogsa: teoria y practica, Barcelona 1972 Y122 Werner Bohm, Chakras. Lebenskrafte und Bewusstseinkraft im Menschen. Munchen 1953 Y123 Jnanananda Deva, The Philosophy of Union. Bhaktiyogadarsanam. Translated by Nityapadananda. Navadvip 1953, 1968 Y124 Jean Filliozat, "Le Yoga", in L.Renou and J. Filliozat (eds.), L'Inde Classique 2, 1953, 44-55 Y125 Jacques Masui (ed.), Yoga, Science de l'Homme Integral. Paris 1953 Y126 N. Mishra, "Samskaras in Yoga philosophy and Western psychology", PEW 2, 1953, 308-316 Y127 Mahendranath Sircar, "Yoga and stature of being", PB 58, 1953, 180-181 Y128 Sivananda, Kundalini-Yoga. Munchen 1953, 1955 Y130 I.M.Spath, Yoga--Wege der Befreiung. Zurich 1953 Y131 Alan W. Watts, "Indian psychology and modern psychiatry", American Journal of Psychoanalysis 13.1, 1953, 25-30 Y132 Therese Brosse, "Contributions to the experimental study of altruism. Instrumental explorations", FTASG 1-12 Y133 Maryse Chooisy, Essai sur les techniques indiennes de la sublimation. La metaphysique des Yogas. Geneve 1954 Y134 P.C.Divanji, "Brhad-Yogi Yajnavalkya-Smrti and Yoga Yajnavalkya", ABORI 34, 1954, 1-29 Y135 Mircea Eliade, Le Yoga, Immortalité et liberté. Paris 1954. Translated as Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. London 1958 Y136 K.C.F.Feddersen, "Yoga und Arzt", Medizionischer Monatsspiegel 2, 1954 Y137 J. Hohlenberg, Der atmende Gott. Yoga und der europaische Mensch. Translated to German from Danish. Hamburg 1954 Y138 Jacques Masui, "Introduction to the study of Yoga", FTASG 13-22 Y139 Jacques Masui, "The principal yogas: a summary of their aims and disciplines", FTASG 85-92 Y140 Boris Sacherow, Die verborgenen Seite des Yoga. Munchen 1954 Y141 Sivananda, Der dreifache Yoga. Budingen-Gettenbach 1954 Y142 Sivananda, Die ersten Stufen des Yoga. Budingen-Gettenbach 1954 Y143 Sivananda, Hatha Yoga. Gelnhausen 1954-56 Y144 Sivananda, Kriya-Yoga. Gelnhausen 1954-56 Y145 Ch. Waldemar, Das Geheimnis des Kaiser-Yoga.Sersheim 1957 Y146 Agehananda Bharati, "Lebensregeln und yoga: meditation in indischer Monetum", Universitas 10, 1955, 1177-1185 Y147 Harvey Day, The Study and Practice of Yoga. New York 1955 Y148 Gerbrand Dekker, "Der Kundalini Yoga", AS 9, 1955, 45-64 Y149 Jean Filliozat, "L'arrière-plan doctrinal du Yoga", Ent 1955, 13-20. Translated by M. Shukla as "Yoga and its underlying doctrine", RPY 365-373 Y150 J.Gouillard, Der Herzensgebet. Mystik und Yoga der Östkirche. Munchen 1955 Y151 Gunde Rao Harkare, "In defence of Yoga philosophy", PAIOC 19, 1955, 460-463 Y152 C.Kerneiz, Der Karma-Yoga. Munchen 1955 Y153 Jules Monchanin, "Yoga et hèsychasme", Ent 1955, 1-12 Y154 Sivananda, Tantra-Yoga, Nada-Yoga, Kriya-Yoga. Rishikesh 1955 Y155 Sivananda, Yoga-Asanas. Madras 1955 Y156 Sivananda, Übungen zu Konsentration und Meditation. Munchen 1955 Y157 M.N.Tolani, "Psychoanalysis and Yoga", URS 1955, 72-79 Y158 Y.S.Bharati, Secrets of Yoga. Delhi 1956 Y159 Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya, "Studies in Yoga philosophy", KCBSP I, 215-238 Y160 K.R.Dhawan, "Yoga und seine psychologistischen Bedeutungen", Medizinische Klinik 1956, 2231-2233 Y161 W.Holmann, G.S.Mukerji and W.Spiegelhoff, "Stoffwechsel, Atmung und Kreislauf bei Yogaubungen", Artzt und Sport 4, 1956 Y162 Q.F.Miravite, Concept of Citta in Yoga. Ph.D. Thesis, Visvabharati University 1956 Y163 Prem Nath, "The philosophy of Yoga", PB 61, 1956, 145-149 Y164 M. Scaligero, "Sketch of a psychology founded on Yoga", EAW 6, 1956, 342-348 Y165 Aram M. Frenkian, "La théorie du sommeil, d'après les Upanisads et le Yoga", Studia et Acta Orientalia (Bucarest) 1, 1958, 149-162 Y166 Mohan Singh, Botschaft eines Yoga. Zurich 1956 Y167 Sivananda, Yoga Vedanta Sutras. Rishikesh 1956 Y168 Ernest Wood, Yoga Dictionary. New York 1956 Y169 Paramahamsa Yogananda, Meditations zur Selbstverwirklichung. Munchen 1956 Y170 L.Holldack, "Die Asanas oder Körperhaltungen der Hatha-yoga", Krankengymnastik 9, 1957, 164 Y171 J. de Marquette, L'essence de l'hindouisme, dieux, cultes, yoga. Paris 1957 Y172 A. Frenkian, "La theorie du sommeil d'après les Upanisads et le Yoga" (reference lost) Y173 Marie Potel, Le divine reallisation synthese des Yogas. Saint-Maux-la-Varenne 1957 Y173A B.J.Riha, Hatha-Yoga. Villach 1957 Y174 Boris Sacharow, Yoga aus dem Urquell. Stuttgart 1957, 1977 Y175 A. Schulze, "Yogaubungen", Krankengymnastik 9, 1957, 51 Y176 Ch. Waldermar, Das Geheimnis des Kaiser-Yoga. Sersheim 1957 Y178 J.W.Hauer, Der Yoga. Ein indischer Weg zum Selbst. Stuttgart 1958 Y179 Fritz Held, "Studie zur Psychologie der Meditation am Modell der indischen Lehren", Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Psychotherapy 6, 1958, 249-261. Also in Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapy und medizinische Psychologie 5, 1955, 122-133 Y180 Gustav R. Heyer, "Yoga und psychotherapie", Jahrbuch fur Psychologie und Psychotherapy 6, 1958, 330-355 Y181 Sivananda, Sadhana. Rishikesh 1958, 1967 Y182 Y.Brahmalingaswamy, "Yoga and scientific thought", Triveni 29, 1959, 278-289 Y183 Lucien Ferrer, Étude et pratique du Hatha-Yoga par l'image. 1959 Y184 S.S.Goswami, Hatha Yoga. London 1959 Y185 Ramamurti S. Mishra, Fundamentals of Yoga. New York 1959 Y186 V.K.Palekar, Science of Yoga. Nagpur 1959 Y187 M.P.Pandit, Kundalini Yoga. A Brief Study of Sir John Woodroffe's 'The Serpent Power'. London 1959 Y188 Boris Sacharow, Kriya Yoga. Schopfheim 1959 Y189 S.P.Srivastava, "Yogic and psychoanalytic techniques of tension-reduction and personality-adjustment", AnnualJP 1, 1959-60, 31-40 Y190 Ernest Wood, Yoga. London 1959, 1975 Y190.5 Abhedananda, The Yoga Psychology. Calcutta 1960, 1973, 1983 Y191 J. Brune, "Yoga et training autogens", Critique 1960, 798 Y192 James Hewitt, Yoga. London 1960 Y193 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Sadhana. Studien und Übungshefte zum Raja- und Kriya-Yoga. Heidenheim 1960 Y194 Wladimir Lindenberg, Yoga mit dem Augen eines Arztes. Berlin 1960 Y195 V.P.Varma, "The origins of Yoga", JGJRI 17, 1960-61, 52-58 Y196 Roy Agard, The Still Mind. A Western Interpretation of Patanjali's Yoga. London 1961 Y197 J.Wilhelm Hauer, "Ist der Yoga ein Weg zum Heil?", Kairos 3, 1961, 189-195 Y198 Hans Jacobs, Western Psychotherapy and Hindu Sadhana. London 1961. Published in German as Indische Weisheit und westliche Psychotherapie. Munchen 1965 Y200 Tej Singh, "Positive methods of Patanjali Yoga", IPC 6, 1961, 344-349 Y201 Ernest Wood, Grundris der Yogalehre. Stuttgart 1961 Y202 Yogigupta, Yoga and Yogic Powers. New York 1961 Y203 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Conzentration und schopferisches Denken. Heidenheim 1962 Y204 K. Sasamoto, "Samadhi and hypnotism", Psychologie 5, 1962, 73-74 Y205 Sivananda, Conquest of Fear. Rishikesh 1962 Y206 B.S.Agnihotri, "The concept of yoga in the Bhagavata Purana", JBRS 49, 1963, 178-185 Y206.5 Therese Brossard, Etudes instrumentales des dechniques du yoga: experimentation psychosomatique. Preceded by Jean Filliozat, La natur du yoga dans sa tradition. Paris 1963, 1976 Y207 Therese Brosse, (ed.), Études instrumentales des techniques du Yoga. Paris 1963 Y208 Jean Filliozat, "La nature du yoga dans sa tradition", in Th. Brosse (ed.), Études instrumentales 1963, i-xxviii. Translated by M. Shukla as "The nature of yoga in its traditions", RPY 355-414 Y209 C.G.Jung, "Zur Psychologie östlicher Meditation", Gesammelte Werke, Band 11, 1963, 605-621 Y210 C.G.Jung, "Über den indischen Heilingen. Vorwort zur H. Zimmer, Der Weg zum Zelbst", Gesammelte Werke, Band 11, 1963, 622-632 Y211 Kuvalyananda and S.L.Vinekar, Yogic Therapy: Its Principles and Methods. New Delhi 1963 Y212 Dietrich Langen, Archaische Ekstase und asiatische Meditation mit ihren Beziehungen zum Abendland. Stuttgart 1963 Y213 J. Leeming, Yoga and the Bible. London 1963 Y214 Sivananda, Necessity for Samnyasa. Rishikesh 1963 Y215 Sivananda, Thought Power. Rishikesh 1963 Y216 Anton Zigmund-Cerbu, "The Sadangayoga", HistR 3, 1963, 128-134 Y217 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Heilkraft in Yoga. 1964 Y218 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Bewusste Atempflege. Munchen 1964 Y218.5 Aurobindo J. Jani, An Analysis of Certain Basic Psychological Concepts in the Yoga System. M.A.Thesis, Duke University 1964 Y219 Gerhard R.F. Oberhammer, "Gott, Urbild der Emanzierten Existenz im Yoga des Patanjali", Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie 86.2, 1964, 197-207 Y220 D. Schlinghoff, Ein Buddhistische Yogalehbruch.Berlin 1964 Y221 D.Schlinghoff, "Yogavidhi", IIJ 7, 1964, 146-155 Y222 Sivananda, Licht, Kraft und Weisheit. Gelnhausen 1964 Y223 Sivananda, Die Überwindung der Furcht. Gelnhausen 1964 Y224 Jurg Wunderli, Yoga und Medizin. Zurich 1964 Y224.5 Haridas Chaudhuri, Integral Yoga: the Concept of Harmonious and Creative Living. Wheaton, Ill. 1965 Y225 Harshananda, "The Patanjala Yoga darshana", PB 7, 1965, 57-64 Y226 K.S.Joshi, "Is samadhi a state of concentration?", PQ 38, 1965, 55-59 Y227 K.S.Joshi, "The concept of liberation in Yoga philosophy", JUS 16.1, 1965-67, 78-94 Y228 Ramakant Sinari, "The method of phenomenological reduction and Yoga", PEW 15, 1965, 217-228 Y229 A.K.Sinha, "Yoga and Western psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1965, 79-92 Y230 Sivananda, Practice of Karma Yoga. Rishikesh 1965 Y231 I.K.Taimni, The Science of Yoga. Second edition. Madras 1965 Y232 Alfonso Verdu, Abstraktion und Intuition als Wege zur Wahrheit in Yoga und Zen. Munchen 1965 Y233 S.L.Vinekar, "Mind as a sentient radiating energy in Yoga", YM 8.2, 1965, 31-40 Y234 Adidevananda, Yoga as a Therapeutic Fact. Mysore 1966 Y235 Adolf Janacek, "Negative impulse in nidra", JYI 11.7, 1966, 101-103 Y236 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Stages in yoga", POWSBSt; reprinted AOIT Y237 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Citta made of three gunas", JYI 12, 1955, 5-6 Y238 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Categories of citta", JYI 12, 1966, 37-39 Y239 Ram Ugra Mishra, "The cloud of virtue", JYI 12, 1966, 68-70 Y240 Odeyamadath Kunjappa Nambiar, Walt Whitman and Yoga. Bangalore 1966 Y241 Kumar Pal, Yoga and Psychoanalysis. New Delhi 1966 Y242 M.P.Pandit, Shining Harvest. Studies in Yoga, Philosophy and Mysticism. Madras 1966 Y243 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Yoga and psychology", UPHSJ 14, 1966, 1-36 Y244 Saraswati Satyananda, Dynamics of Yoga. Edited by A.M.Patwardhan. Monghyr 1966 Y245 Tej Singh, Secrets of Patanjala Yoga. Farukhabad 1966, 1969 Y246 Tej Singh, "Yogic klesas and actualism", IPC 11.4, 1966 - 14.3, 1969 Y247 Shri Yogendra, "God in Yoga", JYI 12, 1966: 49, 65 Y248 Abhedananda, How to Be a Yogi. ACW 3, 3-79 Y249 Abhedananda, Yoga Psychology. ACW 3.83-319 Y250 Abhedananda, Yoga, Its Theory and Practice. ACW 3. 323-433 Y251 Abhedananda, True Psychology. ACW 3.438-598 Y252 Abhedananda, Thoughts on Yoga, Upanishad and Gita. ACW 10, 315 ff. Y252.5 Haridas Chaudhuri, Being, Evolution, and Immortality: an Outline of Integral Philosophy. Wheaton, Ill. 1967, 1974 Y253 Chinmayananda, Meditation and Life. Madras 1967 Y253.5 Harvey Day, Practical yoga. Wellingsborough, England 1967 Y254 Chandra Bal Dwivedi, "Yogadarsana: a nucleus towards the synthesis of Indian psychology", PB 72, 1967, 69-75 Y254.5 Gnaneswarananda, Yoga for Beginners. Chicago 1967, 1975; Madras 1976, 1990 Y255 S.S.Goswami, Jesus Christ and Yoga. London 1967 Y256 E.M.Hoch, "Bhaya, shoka, moha" in W.Bitter (ed.), Abendlandische Therapie und Östliche Weisheit (Stuttgart 1967), 139-160 Y257 Harisamkara Josi, Vedic Yogasutra. Varanasi 1967 Y258 Kanhaiya Lal Kalla, The Influence of Yoga Philosophy on Hindi Poetry. Dehradun 1967 Y259 D.D.Meteyev, "Hatha Yoga: the Indian system of physical training", JYI 13, 1967-68: 134, 151, 167, 182 Y260 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Yoga in Markandeya Purana", JYI 13, 1967-68: 85, 116 Y261 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Prakrti-purusa relation", JYI 13, 1967-68, 148-149 Y262 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Yoga in Garuda Mahapurana", JYI 13, 1967-68, 164-167 Y263 D.Seyfort Ruegg, "On a Yoga treatise from Quizil", JAOS 87, 1967, 157-165 Y264 T.R.Sharma, "The seven bhumikas of Yoga in the sectarian Upanisads", Smrtigrantha 281-286 Y265 Tej Singh, "The theory of Yoga philosophy", IPC 12.4, 1965 - 16.2, 1971 Y266 V.M.Bedekar, "Yoga in the Moksadharmaparvan of the Mahabharata", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 43-52 Y267 Paul Brunton, Die Philosophie der Wahrheit--Tiefster Grund des Yoga. Zurich 1968 Y268 Paul Brunton, Entdocke dich selfst. Meditation und Yoga. Zurich 1968 Y269 William J. Flagg, Yoga or Transformation. New York 1968 Y270 T.R.Kulkarni, "Empirical basis of yoga", YM 10.3, 1968, 1-10 Y271 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Total destruction of citta", JYI 14, 1968-69, 131-133 Y272 Victor Ordonez, An Exposition of the Concept of Man's Nature in the Yoga System of Hindu Philosophy. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Santo Tomas (Manila) 1968 Y273 Sivananda, Erfolg in Leben und Selbstverwirklichung. Weilheim 1968 Y274 A.N.Upadhye, "On some under-currents of the Natha-Sampradaya or the Carpata-sataka", JOI 18, 1968-69, 198-206 Y275 Shri Yogendra, "Vedanta Yoga", JYI 14, 1968-69, 65-74 Y276 Shri Yogendra, "Purity citta", JYI 14, 1968-69, 161-164 Y277 Jean Filliozat, "Taoisme et yoga", JA 1969, 41-88 Y278 Surendra Singh Majithia and Y.G.Krishnamurti, The Great Yogic Sermon. Bombay 1969 Y279 James McCartney, Yoga. The Key to Life. New York 1969 Y280 Corrado Pensa, "On the purification concept in Indian tradition, with special regard to Yoga", EAW 19.1-2, 1969, 194-228 Y281 Ramakrishnananda, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", BV 4, 1969, 179-189 Y282 Vedule Satyananda Rao, Sri Prabhuji's Lectures Divine on the Theory, Practice and the Technology of Raja Yoga. Edited by N. Sarojani. Alamura 1969 Y283 Eva Ruchpaul, Hathayoga. Heidenheim 1969 Y284 Edith B. Schnapper, "An approach to yoga", AP 40, 1969: 5, 60 Y286 U.A.Asrani, "Reflections on samadhi and the sahaja state", MP 7, 1970, 124-128 Y287 B.L.Atreya, "Yoga and modern life", Darshana 40, 1970, 1-10 Y288 Suddhananda Bharati, Secrets of Sama Yoga. Madras 1970 Y289 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "It is the yogi who can translate the works on Yoga", JYI 16, 1970-71, 136-138 Y290 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "What yogins have to say in vyadhi", JYI 16, 1970-71 - 21, 1974-75 Y291 Dakshinamurti, Yoga. Madurai 1970 Y291.5 Harvey Day, Yoga para Mujeres. Barcelona 1970, 1974 Y292 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yogasanavijnana. The Science of Yoga. New York 1970 Y293 Dhanjoo N. Ghista and Vimalananda Avadhuta, "An introduction to the medical physics of yoga", Cosmic Society 8.11, 1970, 6-9 Y294 C.B.Hills, "Yogic method of knowing", Darshana 39, 1970, 3-13 Y295 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and religion", Bhavan's Journal 17.7, 1970 Y296 Hermann Jacobi, On the Original System of Yoga. Translated by R.D.Vadekar. YM 13.3, 1970 - 15.4, 1973 Y297 Gaspar M. Koelman, Patanjala Yoga. Poona 1970 Y298 Raghunathashastri Kokaje, Smarta Yoga. Translated by C.T.Kenghe. Lonavla 1970 Y299 James M. McCartney, Yoga: The Key to Life. Bombay 1970 Y300 Troy Organ, "The yogic man", Darshana 39, 1970, 14-18 Y301 R.Puligandla, "Phenomenological reduction and yogic meditation", PEW 20, 1970, 19-34 Y302 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Variety of psychological-Yogic interaction", Shakti 7.2, 1970, 56-81 Y303 Satchidananda, Integral Hatha Yoga. New York 1970 Y304 Kiran Shankar, "The science of the five-fold yama", Cosmic Society 8.4, 1970, 28-30 Y305 Lal Amarendra Singh, Yoga Psychology: Methods and Approaches. Varanasi 1970 Y306 Lalan Prasad Singh, "The kundalini yoga", Cosmic Society 8.6, 1970, 9-14 Y307 Phulgendra Sinha, Yoga: Meaning, Values and Practice. Patna 1970 Y308 Sivananda, Fourteen Lessons in Raja Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y309 Sivananda, Practice of Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y310 I.K.Taimni, "The nature of samadhi", AB 91.2, 1970: 167, 236 Y311 Yogesvarananda, First Steps to Higher Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y312 Anandacarya, Kalima Rani, or Lecture on Yoga. Second edition. Hoshiarpur 1971 Y313 Bettina Baumer, "Meditationspraxis im heutigen Indien", Stimmen der Zeit 187.2, 1971, 98-104 Y313.5 Harvey Day, Yoga Illustrated Dictionary. Bopmbay 1971, 1974; New York 1977 Y314 G. Feuerstein, "The essence of yoga", RofY 1-47 Y315 G. Feuerstein, "The meaning of suffering in Yoga", RofY 86-94 Y316 Georg A. Feuerstein and Jeanine Millar, A Reappraisal of Yoga. London 1971 Y316.1 Georg Feuerstein, "Studies in classical yoga", YQR 1-5, 1971-72 Y317 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of samapatti and samadhi in the Patanjala Yogasastra", FRSD 145-148 Y318 C.T.Kenghe, "The concepts of viparyaya and avidya in the Yogasastra and depth psychology", Darshana 41, 1971,93-96 Y319 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of vitarka in the Patanjala Yogasastra", Darshana 41, 1971, 39-42. Also JYI 17, 1971-72, 20-25 Y320 C.T.Kenghe, "Some further observations on the problem of the original Yogayajnavalkya", ABORI 52, 1971, 49-65 Y321 Andre von Lysebeth, Pranayama. La dynamique du souffle. Paris 1971 Y322 Andre von Lysebeth, Durch Yoga zum eigenen Selbst. Munchen 1971 Y323 Kumar Pal, "Comparison of Yoga and psychoanalysis", Darshana 41, 1971, 49-67 Y324 Purvezji Jamshedji Saher and Dharma Nirvana, Die Verborgene Weisheit. Wege zum tranzendentalen Bewusstsein. Wuppertal 1971 Y325 Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga. Rishikesh 1971 Y325.1 Karel Werner, "The existential situation ofman in European and Indian philosophy and the role of Yoga", YQR 2, 1971, 9-36 Y326 Yogendra, Facts about Yoga. Bombay 1971 Y327 Akhandananda, Pranayama, Jaipur 1972 Y328 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, The Perfection of Yoga. Los Angeles 1972 Y329 Taja Bhavan, "Yoga and Western psychology", YWW 72-8 Y330 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "A wrong translation of Sivasamhita-verse", JYI 18, 1972-73, 166-169 Y331 Siddheswar Bhattacharya, Study of the Yoga Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Darbhanga University 1972 Y332 George Burch, Alternative Goals in Religion: Love, Freedom, and Truth. Montreal 1972 Y333 S.C.Chakravarty, "The Yoga and the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Anviksiki 5.3-4, 1972, 1-13 Y333.5 Harvey Day, Karma Yoga: The Philosophy of Contentment. New York 1972 Y334 Didaaraji and Mahajot Sahai, Yogakosa (Sanskrit-English), Volume I.1-2, Lonavla 1972 Y335 Georg A. Feuerstein, "Studies in classical yoga", Yoga Quarterly Review 1-5, 1972-73 Y335.1 G. Feuerstein, "Viparita-karani-mudra: a clarification", YQR 3, 1972, 7-18 Y336 Raghunath Krishna Garde, Principles and Practice of Yoga Therapy. Bombay 1972 Y337 Gitananda, Pranayama, the Science of Vital Control. Pondicherry 1972 Y338 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Synthesis of Yoga", BV 7, 1972, 177-185 Y339 S.R.Sundaram Iyengar, "The scope of yoga", YWW 64-71 Y340 P.V.Karambelkar, "Samyama", YM 15.2, 1972, 1-16 Y342 Gopi Krishna, The Secret of Yoga. Edited by Ruth Nanda Ansher. New York 1972. Translated into German as Die neue Dimension der Yoga. Bern 1975 Y343 R.Kulkarni, Upanishads and Yoga. Bombay 1972 Y344 Ch. W. Leadbeater, The Chakras. Wheaton 1972 Y345 Ruud Lohman, Das Haus des Leibes. Yoga-Ubungen für das Bewusstsein. Translated from Dutch by Hugo Zulauf. Dusseldorf 1972 Y346 G.M.Patel, "Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita", PTG 6.2, 1972, 50-56 Y347 J.M.Patel, "Yama niyamas in Patanjala Yoga", PTG 7.1, 1972, 82-84 Y347.1 Corrado Pensa, "The powers (siddhis) in Yoga", YQR 5, 1972, 9-50 Y348 Corrado Pensa, "Observations and references for the study of Sadangayoga", YQR 4, 1972, 9-24 Y348.1 Corrado Pena, "The powers (siddhis) in Yoga", YQR 5, 1972, 9-50 Y349 Ramakrishnananda, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", BV 7, 1972, 128-137 Y350 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Yama and niyama in Yoga", JYI 18, 1972-73, 119-122 Y350.1 J.H.Schulta, "Autogeneous training and Yoga", YQR 3, 1972, 19-30 Y351 L.K.L.Srivastava, "Purification of mind: its nature and significance", P 17.2, 1972, 105-112 Y352 Yogasakti, Yoga Sadhana. Bombay 1972 Y353 Saraswati Yogeshwarananda, Science of Soul. Rishikesh 1972 Y354 S.P.Atreya, "An introduction to Hatha Yoga", Darshana 13.1, 1973, 44-56 Y355 M.M.Bhamgara, "Yoga and ecology", YL 4.10-11, 1973 Y356 Agehananda Bharati, "Hinduism, psychotherapy and the human predicament", in Religious Systems and Psychotherapy (ed. Cox) 1973, 167-179 Y357 Stephen F. Brena, Yoga and Medicine: The Merging of Yogic Concepts with Modern Medical Knowledge. New York 1973 Y358 Sarath Chandra Chakravarti, Samadhi and Beyond. Calcutta 1973 Y359 Leon Cyboran, Filozofia Jogi. Proba mowej interpretacji. Warszawa 1973 Y359.5 Harvey Day, Yoga for the Athlete. London 1974 Y360 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yoga Hilft Heilen. Freiburg 1974 Y361 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yoga Progressiv. Freiburg 1974 Y362 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Meditation--Hindu Yoga", YL 4.7-9, 1973 Y363 Raghunath Krishna Garde, Biodynamics of Shadanga Yoga. Bombay 1963 Y364 Gitananda, "Yoga as a psychological therapy", YL 4.2, 1973, 16-23 Y365 Gitananda, "Siddhis and riddhis", YL 4.10-11, 1973 Y366 K.S.Gopal, "Hatha Yogic disciplines of pranayama and asanas", YL 4.4, 1973, 26-27 Y367 K.S.Gopal and S.Lakshmanam, "Some observations on Hatha Yoga--the bandhas", YL 4.1, 1973, 3-18 Y368 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Yoga--Arbeit am Selbst. Munchen 1973 Y369 S.R.Sundaram Iyengar, "Psycho-therapy and Yoga system", YL 4.2, 1973, 8-15 Y369.5 Jyotirmayananda, Jnana yoga (Yoga Secrets of Wisdom). Miami, Fla. 1974 Y370 C.Kerneiz, Karma yoga ou l'action dans la vie selon la sagesse hindoue. Paris 1973 Y371 C.Kerneiz, Postures et respirations du Hatha Yoga. Paris 1973 Y372 C.Kerneiz, La relaxation à le lumière du yoga. Paris 1973 Y373 C.Kerneiz, Le Yoga. Paris 1973 Y374 Gerald J. Larson, "Mystical man in India", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 12, 1973 Y375 B.C.M.Mascarenhas, Yoga and Christian Thought. Bombay 1973 Y377 Dilip Kumar Roy and Indira Devi, Der Weg der grossen Yogis. Weilheim 1973 Y378 A.Sambucy and J.J.Laubry, Pour comprendre le yoga et les lois brahmaniques. Paris 1973 Y379 Saraswati Satyananda, Kundalini Yoga. Monghyr 1973 Y380 Saraswati Satyananda, Taming the Kundalini. Monghyr 1973 Y381 Saraswati Satyananda, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha. Compiled from lectures. Monghyr 1973 Y382 I.K.Taimni, Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga. Madras 1973 Y383 Jean Varenne, Le yoga et la tradition hindoue. Paris 1973. Translated by Derek Coltman as Yoga and the Hindu Tradition. Chicago 1976. Y384 Yogiraj Ravi Brahmacarya, "Organic yoga", YL 5.12, 1974, 1-15 Y385 Walter Ames Compton, Hatha Yoga. New York 1974 Y386 Meenakshi Devi, "Pranayama--the control of the vital life force", YL 5.6, 1974, 3-8 Y387 Paul Drago, Pathways to Liberation. An Essay on Yoga-Christian Dialogue. New Delhi 1974 Y388 Georg Feuerstein, The Essence of Yoga. London 1974 Y389 Gitananda, "Kriyas and prakriyas of pratyahara", YL 5.3, 1974, 11-16 Y390 Gitananda, "Dharana--concentration", YL 5.4, 1974, 7-12 Y391 Gitananda, "Bindu concentration", YL 5.6, 1974, 9-18 Y392 Gitananda, "Concentration points and bija mantras for Hatha Yoga asanas", YL 5.7, 1974, 3-12 Y393 Gitananda, "Mandala pranayama", YL 5.8, 1974, 3-6 Y394 Gitananda, "The theory and technical practice of the triple restraint of the breath as taught in Rishi yoga", YL 5.9, 1974, 19-24 Y395 Gitananda, "Dhyana-meditations", YL 5.10-12, 1974 Y396 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharaman, S.Balachander and S.D.Nishith, "The cardiorespiratory adjustments in pranayama, with and without bandhas, in Vajrasana", YL 5.9, 1974, 11-18 Y397 C.T.Kenghe, "Yoga as depth psychology", JDBSUD 2, 1974, 1-14 Y398 Gopi Krishna, Higher Consciousness. The Evolutionary Thrust of Kundalini. New York 1974. Translated into German as Hoheren Bewusstsein. Freiburg 1975 Y399 Friso Melzer, Konzentration, Meditations, Kontemplation. Kassel 1974 Y400 Ramamurti S. Mishra, Vollendung durch Yoga. Munchen 1974 Y401 Narayan, Shanti Yoga: the Yoga of Mental Peace. New Delhi 1974 Y402 Ruth Reyna, "Yoga", HinduReg 4, 1974 - 5, 1975 Y403 Kirpal Singh, The Crown of Life. A Study in Yoga. Delhi 1974 Y404 Sivananda, Mind: Its Mysteries and Control. Rishikesh 1974 Y405 Neelam Srivastava, Critical Study of Sanskrit Commentaries on the Patanjala Yogasutras. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1974 Y406 Ernst Sturmer, Der Yoga-Report. Wien 1974 Y407 Satyakam Varma, "A physiologist's view of astangayoga", Hindutva 5.4, 1974, 11-18 Y408 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Wrong views about the practice of padmasana", JYI 20, 1975, 93-95 Y409 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Are the yogangas to be practiced successively?", JYI 21, 1975-76, 179-183 Y410 Dhirendra Brahmachari, Yoga--Yogic Suksma, Vyayana. New Delhi 1975 Y411 G.S.Chhina and Baldev Singh, "The state of research in Yoga", YL 6.12, 1975, 3-9 Y412 Digambar, Collected Papers on Yoga. Lonavla 1975 Y413 Swami Digambar, "Some thoughts about a few concepts in yoga", DCPY 29-32 Y414 R.R.Diwakar, "Yoga: the science and art of conscious human evolution", DCPY 1-10 Y415 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", YL 6.7, 1975, 12-13 Y416 Georg Feuerstein, Textbook of Yoga. London 1975 Y417 Gitananda, "Yoga nidra", YL 6.11, 1975, 6-16 Y418 Gitananda, "Samadhi--cosmic consciousness", YL 6.1, 1975, 17-23 Y419 Gitananda, "The therapeutic value of Hatha Yoga", YL 6.7, 1975, 14-16 Y420 Gitananda, "Yoga--an ancient system to attain spiritual unity: applicable to modern man", YL 6.8, 1975, 3-5 Y421 K.S.Gopal, A.Nataranjan and S. Ramakrisna, "Biochemical studies in foreign volunteers practising Hatha Yoga", YL 6.9, 1975, 3-12. Criticism by Gitananda, 13-16 Y422 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharam, S.D.Nishita and O.P.Bhatnagar, "The effect of yogasanas on muscular tone and cardio-respiratory adjustments", YL 6.5, 1975, 3-11 Y423 Richard Lowell Hittleman, Yoga: the Eight Steps to Health and Peace. New York 1975 Y424 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and religion", BVa 10, 1975, 155-159 Y425 C.T.Kenghe, Yoga Depth-Psychology and Para-Psychology. Two volumes. Varanasi 1975-76 Y426 Gopi Krishna, "The importance and some implications of a scientific investigation of the phenomenon of kundalini", Dilip 2.5, 1975, 43-54 Y427 Gopi Krishna, The Awakening of Kundalini. New York 1975 Y429 Satya Prakash, Patanjala Raja Yoga. New Delhi 1975 Y430 Ram Kumar Rai, Encyclopedia of Yoga. Varanasi 1975 Y431 Mahajot Sahai, "Yoga concepts corresponding to consciousness", DCPY 23-28 Y432 R.G.Kokaje Shastri, "A historical review of yoga", DCPY 11-22 Y433 Harish Chandra Vidyalankar, "Yoga through the classical age", YL 6.12, 1975, 10-11 Y434 Vasudev V. Vyas, "Yoga and Ayurveda--their several relationships", YL 6.2-3, 1975 Y435 Jayadeva Yogendra, "Karma yoga philosophy of yogis", JYI 20, 1975, 116-120 Y436 Ajaya, Yoga Psychology. A Practical Guide to Meditation. Glenview, Ill. 1976 Y437 T.R.Anantram, "Yoga as science", P 21-23, 1976-77, 68-72 Y438 U.A.Asrani, "Hatha yoga, raja yoga, jnana yoga", YL 7.10-12, 1976 Y438.5 Swami Rama (Rudolph Ballantine) and Swami Ajaya (Allan Weinstock), Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness. Glenwiew, Ill. 1976 Y439 V.M.Bhat, Yogic Powers and God Realization. Bombay 1976 Y440 Brahmananda, "Yoga and life", AISC 220-223 Y440.5 Roger Clerc, Yoga de l'energie; du physique au psychique. Paris 1976 Y441 Paul Copeland, "The physiology of stress and yoga", YL 7.4, 1976, 3-6 Y442 M.L.Gharote, "Rationale of asanas", YM 18, 1976, 10-14 Y443 Gitananda, "Hasthe bindu manrahanam. Acupressure points on the hands", YL 7.9, 1976, 17-24 Y444 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharaman, S.D.Nishita and U.P.Bhatnagar, "The effect of Yoga asanas on muscular tone and cardio-respiratory adjustments", YL 7.2, 1976, 11-18 Y445 B.S.Gupta, "Yoga and para-psychology", PY 59-66 Y446 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Der volle Yoga (Purna Yoga). Freiburg 1976 Y447 S.Janakiraman, "Principles of Yoga therapy", YL 7.1, 1976, 3-12 Y448 P.V.Karambelkar, "Yama-niyama", YM 18, 1976, 102-109 Y448.5 Kevin and Venika Kingsland, Complete Hatha Yoga. Newton Abbott, England 1976; New York 1983 Y449 Kumaraswami, "The secret of yoga", AISC 83-93 Y450 B.Kuppuswamy, "Yoga and self-actualization", Darshana 16.1, 1976, 13-16 Y451 Manuvaryaji, "Yoga and its scope", PY 23-30 Y452 G.S.Melkote, "Yoga--a science", YL 7.1, 1976, 13-16 Y453 L.F.Mooney, Storming Eastern Temples. A Psychological Explanation of Yoga. London 1976 Y454 Ramakant Pandey, "Yoga: the mechanics of consciousness", P 21-23, 1976-77, 73-92 Y455 S.L.Pandey, "A non-Patanjala Raja yoga", YM 18, 1976-77, 98-101 Y456 Raghunath Safaya, Indian Psychology: A Critical and Historical Analysis of the Psychological Speculations in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1976 Y457 D.B.Sen, "Yoga vibhutis, a philosophical study", PY 13-22 Y458 B.L.Sharma, "Yoga: a way of life", PY 31-36 Y459 Siddheswarananda, Le meditation selon le Yoga-Vedanta. Paris 1976 Y460 Sivananda, Divine Nectar. Delhi 1976 Y462 S.L.Vinekar, "Scientific basis of yoga", YM 18, 1976-77, 89-97 Y463 Selvarajan Yessudian, Yoga Week by Week. Exercises and Meditations for all the Year Round. London 1976 Y463.5 Usharbudh Arya (Swami Veda Bharati), Superconscious Meditation. Honesdale, Penn. 1977 Y464 U.A.Asrani, Yoga Unveiled. Delhi 1977 Y464.1 B.L.Atreya, "Yoga-siddhis and parapsychology", Darshana 17.2, 1977, 5-14 Y465 Chidananda, Practical Guide to Yoga. Shivanandanagar 1977 Y466 Meenakshi Devi, "The spiritual 'yes' and 'no'", YL 8.3, 1977, 11-15 Y467 Josef Dvorak, "The concept of prana in relation to the non-respiratory activity of the respiratory system", YL 8.6, 1977, 3-6 Y468 Jean Feys, "Patanjala Yoga and integral yoga", PhilR 205-209 Y469 Jajneshwar Ghosh, The Study of Yoga. Second edition. Delhi 1977 Y470 Gitananda, "Kundalini: the eternal sakti of yoga and tantra", YL 8.2, 1977, 19-24 Y471 Gitananda, "Bhakti path vs. yoga: devotional submission vs. union", YL 8.4, 1977, 1-14 Y472 Gitananda, "Prana--a scientific view", YL 8.6, 1977, 7-12 Y473 Gitananda, Yoga Samyama (Raja Yoga). Pondicherry 1977 Y474 Gitananda, "Yoga: step-by-step", YL 8.10-11, 1977 Y475 K.S.Gopal, S.Lakshmanam and M.Batmanabne, "A study on the effect of bandhas in pranayama on pulse rate, heart rate, blood pressure and pulse pressure", YL 8.1, 1977, 11-15 Y476 Gopi Krishna (interviewed by Evelyn Ferrentini", "Yoga and kundalini shakti", YL 8.1-2, 1977 Y477 James Hewitt, Gesund und Selbstbewusst durch Yoga. Munchen 1977 Y478 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga--a path to Atma Darshan", BVa 12, 1977, 125-126 Y479 Sally Janssen, "Yoga--a way of life", YL 8.8, 1977, 17-22 Y480 R.K.Karanjia, Kundalini Yoga. New Delhi 1977 Y481 C.Lakshmikanthan, "Yoga and the heart", YL 8.9, 1977, 15-20 Y482 Gerhard Oberhammer, Strukturen yogischer Meditation. Untersüchungen zur Spiritualität des Yoga. OAWV 13, 1977 Y483 O.V.Raiah, "Streamlining research on yoga: unique features of yoga",YL 8.11, 1977, 3-11 Y484 R. Santhanam, "The effect of practice of selected asanas on energy expenditure", YL 8.5, 1977, 11-16 Y485 Arvind Sharma, "Self-realization in Yoga and Jungian psychology", JASBo 52-53, 1977-78, 251-259 Y486 J.Clement Vaz, "Yoga as a spiritual philosophy", PTG 11.4, 1977, 24-31 Y487 J.Clement Vaz, "Yogic mental prayer", Dilip 4.1, 1977, 34-37 Y488 Karel Werner, Yoga and Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1977 Y489 Saraswati Yogeshwarananda, Bahiranga Yoga: First Steps to Higher Yoga. Translated by Ram Pujari Sastri. Rishikesh 1977 Y490 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "An ill-conceived Yogic practice", Hindutva 9.5, 1978, 16-17 Y490.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "The historical eight limbs of yoga", Hinduism (London) 1979, 89-94 Y490.5 Nuddhananda, Chela, Moola Bandha: the Mater Key. Monghyr, Bihar 1978. Y491 Giulio Cogni, "The unitary interpretation of the world through Yoga and Vedanta and parapsychology", ITaur 6, 1978, 125-132 Y492 Harold G. Coward, "Jung's encounter with Yoga", Journal of Analytical Psychology 23, 1978, 339-357 Y493 P.Y.Deshpande, The Authentic Yoga. London 1978 Y494 Gitananda, "Samadhi: an imploding state of enstatic consciousness", YL 9.1, 1978, 9-19 Y495 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga defined", BVa 13, 1978, 173-175 Y495.1 K.D.Kanev, "About the Yogist mental concentration:, Darshana 18.4, 1978, 1-9 Y496 G.Oberhammer, "Das Transzendenzerfahrung, Vollzughorizont des Heils. Das Problem in Indischer und Christlicher Tradition", Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 5, Wien 1978 Y497 Sangam L. Pandey, "Non-Patanjala Rajayoga", WIP 103-107 Y498 R.Ravindra, "Is religion psychotherapy? an Indian view", Religious Studies 14, 1978, 251-260 Y499 T.S.Rukmini, "The theory of knowledge in the Yoga system", JGJRI 34.1-2, 1978, 81-90 Y500 O.P.Sachdeva, Yoga and Depth Psychology. Delhi 1978 Y501 Udupa Singh and Settiwar, "Studies on physiological, endocrine and metabolic response in practice of yoga", YL 9.2, 1978, 13-19 Y502 Frits Staal, "On and around Yoga", JIP 6, 1978, 177-188 Y503 R.S.Bhattacharya, "What is the means other than the isvara-pranidhana?", LSFV 485-489 Y504 Joan Cooper, The Ancient Teaching of Yoga and the Spiritual Evolution of Man. London 1979 Y505 Harold Coward, "Mysticism in the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the yoga psychology of Patanjali: a comparative study", PEW 29, 1979, 323-326 Y506 Sailendra Bejoy Das Gupta, Kriya Yoga and Swami Sriyukteshvar. Calcutta 1979 Y507 Nileshvari Y. Desai, "Exposition of yoga in the Markandeya-Purana", JOI 29, 1979, 66-73 Y507.5 J. Filliozat, "Seience et Yoga", Yoga et Vie 22, 28 (Paris 1979, 1981). Translated by M. Shukla as "Science and Yoga", RPY 461-470 Y508 Oscar Marcel Hinze, Tantra Vidya. Based on Archaic Astronomy and Tantric Yoga. Delhi 1979 Y509 Mahesh Mehta, "Kundalini in the light of Vedanta and Yoga", Indica 16, 1979, 127-142 Y510 Rohit Mehta, "Yoga--the slaying of the mind", AB 100, 1979, 5-7 Y511 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Yoga--a lesson of experience", VK 66, 1979, 325-328 Y512 R.K.Shringy, Yoga of Effortless Action. Varanasi 1979 Y513 Vijananda, "Meditation according to Ashtanga-yoga", VK 66, 1979, 422-426 Y514 R.Balambal, "Concept of God in Yoga", AOR 30.1, 1980, 1-3 Y515 Ronald Maxwell Barnes, A Study of the Psychological Structures of Transcendental Yoga and Ignatian Meditation as Allied Phenomena. Ph.D.Thesis, Duquesne University 1980 Y516 John B.S.Coats, "Integral approach to Yoga", AB 102, 1980, 95-100 Y516.5 T.K.V.Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga: Lecture on Theory and Practice. Ed. by Mary Louise Skelton and John Ross Carter. Washington, D.C. 1980 Y517 Georg Feuerstein, The Philosophy of Classical Yoga. Manchester 1980 Y518 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and the asanas", BVa 15.2, 1980, 40-46 Y519 Shiv Kumar, "Concept of isvara in Yoga", AICL 48-51 Y520 Marlene Meixner, Verhaltensandrung durch Yoga-training. Ph.D.Thesis, Innsbruck 1980 Y520.2 Mahajot Sahai, "Asamprajnata yoga", YM 21.1-2, 1980, 77-80 Y520.8 Usharbudh Arya (Swami Veda Bharati), Mantra and Meditation. Honesdale, Penn. 1981 Y521 M.V.Baxi, "Freudian psychoanalysis and psycho-dynamics of Yoga", VJP 10, 1981-82, 136-144 Y521.5 Bernard Bouanchaud and Rene Recape, La pratique du yoga. Paris 1981 Y522 Chidananda, "Yoga: its implications, objectives and its place in your life", VK 68, 1981, 450-455 Y523 S.K.Das, Glimpses of Divine Light. Treasury of Important Yoga Systems with their Secret Techniques. New Delhi 1981 Y524 Harshananda, "Attainment of yoga: maladies and remedies", VK 68, 1981,493-497 Y524.5 Krishnananda, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga. Shivanandanagar 1981, 1983 Y525 B.Kuppuswamy, "Yoga and altered states of consciousness", VK 68, 1981, 419-424 Y526 Anima Sen Gupta, "The theistic aspect of Yoga philosophy", VK 68, 1981, 424-430 Y527 S.Shankaranarayana, "Yoga and tantra", VK 68, 1981, 462-466 Y528 H.L.Sharma, The Psychodynamics of Yoga. Delhi 1981 Y529 Someshwarananda, "Dharana: some yogic practices", VK 68, 1981, 479-484 Y530 Virupakshananda, "The Yogic view of life", VK 68, 1981, 488-492 Y531 Trevor Leggett, Encounters in Yoga and Zen: Meetings of Cloth and Stone. London 1982 Y531.5 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Die Gottesfahrung in eder yogischen Meditation", OHCHB 145-166 Y532 S.S.Raghavachar, "Visishtadvaita and Yoga", VK 69, 1982: 56, 98, 172. Also SRamanuja 6.4, 1983, 5-21 Y533 Ranganathananda, "The science of consciousness in the light of Vedanta and Yoga", PB 87, 1982, 144-148 Y534 Arion Rosu, "Yoga et alchemie", ZDMG 132, 1982, 363-379 Y535 Janet Irene Warren, The Therapeutic and Developmental Potential of Two Traditional Eastern Psychologies. DSW, U. of California at Berkeley, 1982 Y536 Vivian Worthington, History of Yoga. London 1982 Y537 Selvaraj Yesudian, "Yoga and bhoga", BVa 17.4, 1982, 37-38 Y538 Amitabha Banerjee, "Yoga's conception of a composite substance", JIAP 21.2, 1983, 24-32 Y539 T.R.Anantharaman, "Yoga-vidya and yoga-vidhi", Dilip 9.5, 1983, 7-20 Y539.5 John Borelli, "Impression and archetype in the cognitive theories of classical Yoga and analyitical psychology", IASWRP 120-161 Y539.7 John B. Chethimatam, "Yoga and immortality", IASWRP 79-102 Y540 Roy Eugene Davis, "Is the practice of yoga useful to people in today's world?", Dilip 9.3, 1983, 29-31 Y541 S.Gopalan, "On yoga", PhOR 47-56 Y541.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "Visistadvaita and yoga", SRV 6.4, 1983, 5-21 Y543 Debi Prasad Sen, "The secret of mantra yoga", AB 105, 1983, 339-342 Y544 Debi Prasad Sen, "Yoga as meostasis", AB 104, 1983, 461-464 Y545 K.Seshadri, "Yoga therapy", VK 70, 1983, 326-328 Y546 Yatiswarananda, "Yoga and supersensuous experience", PB 88, 1983, 95-100 Y547 Giridhar Yogeshwar, "Yogic cleansings: the satkarmas", VIJ 21, 1983, 68-72 Y547.5 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, Yoga Psychology of Patanjali and Some Other Aspects of Indian Psychology. Calcutta 1984 Y548 H.P.Devaki, "Origin of Yoga philosophy", (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 342 Y549 Mahesh M. Mehta, "Vrttijnana and svarupajnana. Advaita and Yoga views" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 351 Y550 Ramakant Pandey, "Yoga: the psychodynamics of biofield", P 29.2-30.1, 1984, 63-70 Y551 Frank R. Podgorski, Ego: Revealer-Concealer. A Key to Yoga. Lanham, N,Y. 1984 Y552 T.S.Rukmini, "Two interpretations of samprajnata samadhi", RandP 199-206 Y552.1 T.S.Rukmini, "Samprajnata samadhi in the Patanjala Yoga system", JGJRI 40, 1984, 47-58 Y553 J.K.Sarkar, "Anatomical and physiological basis of raja yoga", PB 89, 1984, 388-396 Y554 Shraddhananda, "Mantra-yoga", PB 89, 1984, 411-414 Y555 Viniya Wanchoo, "The yoga of suffering", PB 89, 1984, 258-265 Y555.5 Usharbudh Arya (Swamil Veda Bharati), Philosophy of Hatha Yoga. Honesdale, Penn. 1985 Y556 Shrikant Bahulkar, "On the nine categories of yogins (mentioned in the commentaries on Yogasutra I.20-22)" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 376-377 Y557 Motilal Pandit, "Pre-Patanjali sources of yoga", PTG 19.3, 1985, 42-58 Y557.0 A. C. Paranjpe, "Parapsychology and Patanjali's Yoga", JIndPsych 4, 1985, 13-20 Y557.0.5 Bernard Bouanchaud, Le Yoga: comment l'adapter a la personalite. Paris 1986 Y557.1 Georg Feuerstein, "Jnana-yoga and the way of radical understanding", YM 25.1-2, 1986, 1-24 Y557.2 Albrecht Frenz, Yoga in Christianity. Madras 1986 Y558 Motilal Pandit, "An outline of Yogic philosophy and praxis", PTG 20.3, 1986, 22-67 Y558.1 T.S.Rukmani, "Avidya in the system of Yoga and an analysis of the negation in it", ALB 50, 1986, 526-534 Y559 Karunesha Shukla, "The Natha Yoga in the Indian tradition", JGJRI 41, 1986, 37-56 Y560 Jodh Singh, "Riddhis and siddhis: a religious perspective", JRS 14, 1986, 43-49 Y561 Vishwanath Prasad Verma, "The philosophy of life: hathayoga, samadhiyoga and bhaktiyoga", VIRB 5, 1986, 195-224 Y562 Karel Werner, "Yoga and the old Upanishads", PIRKW 1-8 Y563 Yogeshwar, Simple Yoga and Therapy. Madras 1986 Y564 Shri Arabuddha, The Science of Yoga. Nagpur 1987 Y565 P. Bandyopadhyaya, Yoga Sadhana and Samadhi. Calcutta 1987 Y566 Gopinath Bhattacharyayya, "An analytical study of Yoga philosophy", BRMIC 38, 1987, 217-227 Y567 M.V.Bhole, "Comparison of two yoga techniques--uddiyana bandha and uddiyanaka with Mueller's and Valsalva manoevres on the basis of breathing patterns and intra-gastric pressure changes", SYogaC 151-161 Y568 Bhutesananda, "The relevance of yoga in today's life", PB 92, 1987, 93-98 Y569 R.G.Chaturvedi, "The nescient Yoga", SYogaC 35-47 Y570 F. Chenet, "Bhavana et creativité de la conscience", Numen 34, 1987, 45-94 Y571 Harold Coward, "'Desire' in Yoga and Jung", JICPR 5.1, 1987-88, 57-64 Y571.5 C. B. Dwivedi, "On Yogadarsana's asampramosa doctrine of memory", JIndPsych 6, 1987, 1-6 Y572 Georg Feuerstein, "The concept of God (isvara) in classical Yoga", JIP 15, 1987, 385-398 Y572.1 Bernard Guay, "Yoga: the tradition and the question of therapy", YM 27.1-2, 1987-88, 128-150 Y572.2 P. Jha, "Klesoccheda yogah", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 124-129 Y572.3 V. K. Jha and M. V. Bhole, "Technique of siddhisadhana as found in selected Sanskrit texts on Yoga", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 111-122 Y573 Chand Prakash Mehra, "Secrets of mind control or citta nirodha", SYogaC 48-60 Y573.1 Mahesh Mehta, "The dynamics of self-knowledge in Advaita and Yoga: vrttijnana and svarupajnana", BhP 45-47, 1985-87, 92-98 Y574 R. Mehta, The Secret of Self-Transformation: A Synthesis of Tantra and Yoga. Calcutta 1987 Y575 H.R.Nagendra, "The basis for an integrated approach in Yoga therapy", SYogaC 72-89, 101 Y576 Manindra Chandra Panchatirtha, "Sat Cakra Nirupanam--location and determination of six cakras or lotuses", MGKCV 246-260 Y577 Swami Rama, "Dimensions of Yoga", SYogaC 11-22 Y577.1 G. S. Sahay, "Vibhuti and its spiritual importance", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 103-110 Y577.2 Peri Subbaraya, "Is the enquiry of Yoga and Samkhya clinical?", YM 26.1, 1987, 58-67 Y577.3 M. V. Bhole, "Sandhi, samadhi and vyadhi: some considerations", YM 28.2, 1989, 44-53 Y577.4 M. V. Bhole and Mahesh Dove, "Adhi, vyadhi, and pranagati: some considerations", YM 28.2, 1989, 44-53 Y577.5 M. L. Gharote, "Asana: a historical and definitional analysis", YM 28.2, 1989, 29-43 Y577.6 Pitambar Jha, "Astamagga and astangayoga: a comparative study", YM 27.3-4, 1988-89, 59-66 Y577.8 Robin Munro, A.K.Ghosh and Daniel Kalish, Yoga Research Bibliography. Cambridge, Enbgland 1989 Y578 Andre Padoux, "Yoga and ritual", SIRVJ 85-92 Y578.1 K.P.Sinha, "The problem of isvara in Yoga", JUG 35, 1989-90, 1-8 Y578.6 Anandamurti, Yoga Psychology. Calcutta 1990 Y579 Chetananda, Dynamic Stillness. Part One: The Practice of Trika Yoga. Cambridge 1990 Y579.0 Gerald J. Larson, "Is South Asian yoga 'philosophy', 'religion', noth or neither", in U. Bianchi, ed., Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the International Association of the History of Religions (Rome, 1990), 201-270 Y579.1 K.K.Shah, "Yoga", IHDAB 148-160 Y579.2 I.K.Taimni, "Yoga and the common man", IHDAB 161-176 Y579.3 Adidevananda, "What is yoga?", TL 14.5, 1991, 4-14 Y580 Anindita Balslev, "The notion of klesa, and its bearing on the Yoga analysis of mind", PEW 41, 1991, 77-88 Y580.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, Yoga, Meditation and the Guru. New Delhi 1993 (same as Y583.4.1) Y580.2 R.Boegle, Yoga - Ein Weg fur dich, Einblick in die Yogalehre. Zurich 1991 Y581 A.N.Dwivedi, Yoga, Its Nature, Form, and Scope. New Delhi 1991 Y581.0 J. Filliozat, "Le yoga et les substances", Yoga et Vie 26, 1980. Translated by M. Shukla as "Yoga and psychotropic substances", RPY 471-475 Y581.1 Lallanji Gopal, "Aristas in the Yogic tradition", Prajnajyoti 333-342 Y581.2 B.R.Modak, "The ultimate in the Yoga system", UAITD 55-58 Y581.3 N.T.Nair, The Yoga Philosophy. Singapore 1991 Y582 Moti Lal Pandit, Towards Transcendence: A Historico-Analytical Study of Yoga as a Method of Liberation. New Delhi 1991 Y582.1 Subhash Ranade, "Yoga and Ayurveda", TL 14.3, 1991, 67-77 Y582.5 Carol Fedun, "Ways of perfection East and West: the mysticism of Yoga and St. John of the Cross", IJIS 2.2, 1992, 87-140 Y583.1 Catherin Kiehnle, "Patanjala Yoga and Nath Yoga: the pranava", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 514-515 Y583.2 S. Kandanarayan, "The sciences of the unseen forces III: the science of concentration or yoga", Dilip 18.1-2, 1992, 28-29 Y583.2.0 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Hatha-Yoga", EnBud 5, 1992, 416-418 Y583.2.1 B.R.Modak, "The ultimate in the Yoga system", UAITD 55-58 Y583.4 Radha Sivananda Swami, Kundalini Yoga. Delhi 1992 Y583.4.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, Yoga, meditation and the Guru. New Delhi 1993 (same as Y580.1) Y583.4.2.Tara Michael, "La valeur libératrice de la prise de posture (asana) dans le Yoga classique", L'Herme, 1993, 138-157 Y584 Rajeshwi Rama, Hatha Yoga for All. Delhi 1993 Y584.1 Mrtyunjaya Rao, Insight into Yoga: The New Socratic Didactic Method. Delhi 1993 Y585 Aviyogi Suran, Cyclopedia of Yoga. Two volumes. Meerut 1993 Y585.1 Kali Sankar Bose, "Yoga, yogic exercise (asanas) and meditation", JASBe 36.1, 1994, 30-34 Y586 Gavin and Yvonne Frost, Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Raising Kundalini Power. Delhi 1994 Y586.0 Koichi Yamashita, Patanjali Yoga Philosophy with reference to Buddhism. Calcutta 1994 Y586.1 (see Y587) Y586.2 (see Y588) Y586.9 S. Gopalan, "Radhakrishnan's approach to yoga", NEPSR 1995, 129-142 Y587 Thomasd Kadan Kavil, "Holiness and culmination of Yoga", JD 20, 1995, 254-269 Y588 Ras Koche, Stilling the Brain: the True Patanjali Yoga: a Scientific Interpretation. Bombay 1995 Y588.5 Gerald Larson, "Classical Yoga philosophy and some issues in the philosophy of mind", RelST 13-14.1, 1995, 36-51 Y589 Frank R. Podgorski, "Paths to perfection: Yoga and Confucianism", AsPOxford 4, 1995, 151-164 Y589. P. V. Krishna Rao, "Yoga: its scientific and applied aspects", JIndPsych 13.2, 1995 Y590 Ravi Ravindra, "Yoga and the quintessential search for holiness", JD 20, 1995, 245-253 Y591 Arundhati Sarasvati, "Yoga: a holistic approach to mental health", JD 20, 1995, 287-296 Y592 Ian Whicher, "Cessation and integration in classical Yoga", AsPOxford 5.1, 1995, 47-58 Y592.5 Bernard Bouanchaud and Rene Recape, Le Yoga: premiers pas. Palaisseau 1996 Y593 Koichi Yamashita, Patanjali Yoga Philosophy with Reference to Buddhism. New Delhi 1995 Y593.2 T. R. Anantharaman, Ancient Yoga and Modern Science. Delhi 1996 Y593.5 V. P. Chaudhury, "Vedantic view of Yoga", in Vestal Studies in Vedic and Sanskrit Literature. Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Gupta Commemoration Volume (=Dharmendraparamitam)(ed. Raghu Nath Airi and Raman Kumar; New Delhi 1996), 60-62 Y594 Jeffrey Gold, "Plato in the light of Yoga", PEW 46, 1996, 17-32 Y594.1 Jaydev Jani, "Treatment of Yoga in the Satsangvivaranam", Srijnanamrta. 1996, 290-301 Y595 B.C.Joshi, "The autonomic nervous system in relation to Yoga", Darshana 36.4, 1996, 56-67 Y601 S. Piano, Enciclopedia dello Yoga. Torino 1996 Y603 Frank R. Podgorski, "Paths to perfection: Yoga and Confucius", MSAP 125-144 Y610 Ian Whicher, "Cessaiton and integratio in classical Yoga", MSAP 92-108 Y619 Subhas Chandra Dash, "Yoga and personality development", QJMS 88.1, 1997, 19-27 Y621 Yohanan Grinshpon, "Experience and observation in traditional and modern Patanjala Yoga", BOr 557-566 Y626 George Kalamaras, "The center and circumference of silence" Yoga, poststructuralism, and the rhetoric of silence", IJHS 1.1, 1997, 3-18 Y631 H.R.Nagendra, "Yoga and holistic health", VK 84, 1997, 179-183 Y638 N. E. Sjoman, "Speculations on the origins of the Yoga system", JASBo 72, 1997, 152-158 Y641 Ian Whicher, "The final stages of purification in classical Yoga", ALB 61, 1997, 1-44 Y642 Ian Whicher, "Nirodha, yoga praxis and the transformation of the mind", JIP 25, 1997, 1-67 Y647 Kriyananda, The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga. Chicago 1998 Y650 Raman Dass Mahatyagi, New Horizons of Yoga and Tantra. Varanasi 1998 Y654 G.K.Pungaliya, Yogasastra. Science of Attaining and Experiencing Nirvana. Poona 1998 Y658 Ian Whicher, The Integrity of the Yoga Darsana: a Reconsideration. New York 1998 Y661 Yatishwarananda, "Yoga and Western psychology", BRMIC 49-50,1999, 68 Y662 Stephen Cope, Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. New York 1999 Y664 M.G.Gupta, Essentials of Yoga: Aspects of Indian Mysticism. Agra 1999 Y666 Gerald James Larson and Ian Whicher, "On the integrity of the Yoga Darshana", IJHS 3.2, 1999, 193-199 Y667 Santidev, Encyclopedia of Indian Mysticism Volume Five: Mysticism and Yoga Tantra. New Delhi 1999 Y669 Kath Watson, The Little Book of Yoga: a Yoga Manual: the Cakras (Chakras). Duncan, B.C. 1999 Y671 Gerald James Larson, "Classical yoga philosophy and some issues in the philosophy of mind", ConK 132-151 Y675 Sures Chandra Banerji, A Companion to Yoga with glossarial index and bibliography. Calcutta 2000 Y677 R.Boegle, Im Einklang mit dem inneren Mond, 28-Tage-Yoga fuer Frauen. Muenchen 2000. Y677.5 A. A. Bornstein, "Notes on states of consciousness in yoga", JUJI 6, 2000, 1-10 Y678 Bhagirathaprasada Tripathi, Shakti, Shiva and Yoga. Varanasi 2000 Y679 Mikal Burley, Hatha Yoga (Its Context, Theory and Practice). Delhi 2000 Y682 Gregory P. Fields, "Liberation as healing in classical Yoga", JIPR 5, 2000, 15-25 Y684 R.I.Ingalalli, "Pramanas in Yoga philosophy and mental health", PTG 34.4, 2000, 28-36 Y688 Rakan Singh Sindhu, "Yoga as dynamic system in six schools of Indian philosophy", KUJ 34, 2000, 105-109 Y691 Ian Whicher, "Patanjali's classical Yoga a: an epistemological emphasis", ConK 322-340 Y692 Ian Whicher, The Integrity of the Yoga Darshana: a Reconstruction of Classical Yoga.New Delhi 2000 Y693 Ian Whicher, Tradition and Transformation. Richmond 2000 Y694 R. S. Bajpai, The Splendour and Dimensions of Yoga. Two volumes. New Delhi 2001 Y695 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "The concept of nidra in the Patanjala-Yoga system", CR 10, 2001, 91-96 Y695.5 P. M. Dinesh, "Patanjala Yoga", JKU 42, 1999-2001, 76-79 Y696 Ashok Kumar Malhotra, An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy. Aldershot 2001 Y697 James Morley, "Inspiration and expiration: Yoga practice through Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the body", PEW 51, 2001, 73-82 Y699 Vinod Verma, Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga. Delhi 2001 Y705 Georg Feuerstein, The Yoga Tradition. Delhi 2000 Y706 Chidananda, The Philosophy, Psychology and Practice of Yoga. Tehri Garhwal 2002 Y706.4 B.K.S. Iyengar, The Tree of Yoga: Yoga Vrksa. Boston 2002 Y707 Yohanon Grinshpon, Silence Unheard: Deathly Otherness in Patanjala-Yoga. Albany, N.Y. 2002 Y710 K.V.Raghupathi, "Dimensions of Yoga", VK 89, 2002, 67-68 Y711 Sundar Sarukkhai, "Inside/outside: Merleau-Ponty/Yoga", PEW 52, 2002, 459-478 Y712 Ch. Srikrishna, "Yoga: a way for harmonious living", SRP 163-168 Y712.5 Roderick Wahsner, Yoga–Lebensphilosophie und Erfahrungs wissenschaft. Frankfurt-am-Main 2002 Y713 Ian Whicher, "Revisioning classical Yoga: getting it right with prakrti", StudinR 31, 2002, 195-208 Y713.1 Ian Whicher, "An overview of the Astanga Yoga", ALB 66, 2002, 87-112 Y713.2 Adiswarananda, Meditation and its practices: a definitive guide to techniques and traditions of mediation in Yoga and Vedanta. Woodstock, Vt. 2003 Y713.3 Klaus Butzenbarger, "Subjekt, objekt and prozell in Yoga", BIS 15-17, 2003, 99-132 Y713.8 Georg Feuerstein, The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice. Boston 2003 Y714 P. Govindarajan, "What is Yoga?", VK 90, 2003, 430-432 Y716 Harasingh Charan Panda, Yoga-Nidra: Yogic Trance. New Delhi 2003 S718 Joseph Sen, "Freedom of mind: Locke and some Yogic parallels", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 103-112 Y721 Vinod Verma, "Astanga Yoga and its timeless wisdom", VarPl 321-327 Y721.5 Akhandananda, The Siddha Yoga Message for 2004. South Fallsburg, N.Y. 2004 Y722 Joseph S. Alter, Yoga in Modern India: the Body between Science and Philosophy. Princeton 2004 Y725 D. S. Dhillon, "Sikhism and the Yoga tradition", CIPY 137-144 Y732 Kireet Joshi, "Yoga: science and technology of consciousness", CIPY 3-10 Y734 Jyotirmayananda, "What is yoga?", Dilip 30.1, 2004, 33-40 Y736 R. N. Lakhotia, "Yoga and vegetarianism", Dilip 30.3, 2004, 32-34 Y737 B. Mukhopadhyay and S. Renukadevi, "Cakra meditation in achieving altered states of consciousness", CIPY 130-136 Y739 Keshav Sharma, "The science of kriyayoga", CIPY 177-190 Y740 Siddhinathananada, "Yoga darsana", PB 109, 2004, 155-159 Y743 Adiswarananda, The Spiritual Quet and the Way of Yoga: the goal, the journey and the milestones. Woodstock, Vt. 2005 Y744 Bernard Bouanchaud, Le yoga individual: methode et practiques. Palaisseau 2005 Y745 David Buchta, "The Vedantic refutation of Yoga", JVaisS 14.1, 2005, 181-208 Y745.1 Ellen Goldberg, "Hathayoga sadhana and the paradox of self-cultivation", JD 30, 2005, 3-72 Y745.3 A. Ramaswamy Iyengar, "On sthitaprajna and yogarudha", EnIW2, 47-51 Y745.5 Kunt A. Jacobsen, "Introduction: Yoga traditions", TPY 1-28 Y746 Nitin Korpal and Ganesh Shankar, Hatha Yoga for Human Health. New Delhi 2005 Y747 N. G. Kulkarni, "The Yoga of Patanjali", IndPT 36-46; glossary, 219-270 Y747.3 P. G. Lalye and Kak Muk, "A note on yogaksema", EnIW2m 44-46 Y747.5 Patrick Mahaffey, "Jung's depth psychology and Yoga sadhana", TPY 385-408 Y747.3 Moti Lal Pandit, The Discolsure of Being.A Study of Yogic and Tantric Methods of Enstasy. New Delhi 2005 Y747.7 Hukam Chand Patyal, "The concept of karman in the Yoga-system", FacInd 183-190 Y748 T. K. Rajagopalan, Hidden Treasures of Yoga. Delhi 2005 Y749 Ramsvarup, Yoga: a Divine Vedas Philosophy. Kangra 2005 Y749.5 P. C. Sahoo, "Pranayama in Y oga and Vedic ritual", FacInd 237-241 Y750 Graham M. Schweig, "The Varja Gopikaras: master of yoga", JvaisS 14.1, 2005, 281-294 Y752 Gordon Stavig, "Swami Vivekandna, Samkhya and modern physics II: mahat and akasa", VK 92, 2005, 189-216 Y753 Saral Jhingram, "Yoga: an experience of unification with the universe", JRS 36, 2005, 56-67 Y754 Ian Whicher, "The liberating role of samskara in classical Yoga", JIP 33, 2005, 601-630 Y760 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Le yoga: enstase et ideologie religieuse", LFDP 79-89 Y768 David Frawley, Yoga and the Sacred Fire. Self-Realization and Planetary Transformation. Delhi 2006 Y772 Rajarshi Muni, Yoga: A Synthesis of Psycholigcal Metaphysics. Delhi 2006 Y775 N. V. C. Swamly and Heisnan Jina Devi, "Patanjala Yoga and scientific value system", VK 93, 2006: 101, 151 Y780 R. Venkata Reddy, "Meditation in Yoga and Vedanta: a comparison", PappuSV 149-156 Y782 Gudrun Buhnemann, Twenty-Four Asanas in Yoga: A Survey of Traditions with Illustrations. New Delhi 2007 Y783 K. V. Raghupati, "What is suffering?–a Yoga view", VK 94, 2007, 103-105 Y783.5 S. Vijaya Kumari, "Ayurveda and the science of yoga", QJMS 99.2, 2008, 68-75; 100.2, 2009, 101-106 Y783.9 Gerald James Larson, "The notion of 'God' in Y oga philosophy: a new approach to 'worship' and 'prayer'", BRMIC 59, 2008, 74-83 Y784 Gerald James Larson, "The philosophy of Yoga", EnIndPh 12, 2008, 21-159 Y784.5 Philip Maas, "The concepts of the human body and disease in classical Yoga and Ayurveda", WZKSOA 31, 2007-2008, 125-162 Y74.7 Gregor Maehle, Ashtanga Y oga: Practice and Philosophy. New Delhi 2008 Y785 Andrew J. Nicholson, "Samadhi: the numinous and cessation in Indo-Tibetan yoga", PEW 58, 2008, 157-159 Y790 Yoga Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 20. 2008 Y795 Kolla Chenchulaksmi, Yoga. The Ancient Tradition in a New Millennium. Ambala Cantt., 2009 Y795, Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Yoga Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 |