It is said that the first work of Srimadacharya is
Bhagavadgita Bhashya, a commentary on the Gita. He wrote this work and
took it to Badari and recited before the Lord. The benedictory verse
'devam NArAyAnam natvA ....' ended with the word '
shakitah' ,meaning that he has written the 'bhashya' according to
his ability . But,he and his sishyas who had accompanied him heard a
voice from the Lord's vigraha that he should change the word 'saktitah'
to 'lesatah' indicating that he had the ability to give more
interpretation of the 'Gita' than what he had written . By this the Lord
gave his approval of the Acharya's commentary. In
this Bhashya Srimadacharya has not commented on each sloka of the Gita,
but has given explanation to about 250 to 300
stanzas, starting with the 11th sloka of ch.2
'ashOchyAnavashOchastvam'.. Brevity is an
quality of his bhashya as in the case of all his
works. His sentences are impregnant with meanings which only masters
Srinivasatirtha could explain to
ordinary sadhakas. Another greatness of
Srimadacharya's commentaries is that he hardly makes a statement which
he does not support with quotations. Regarding Srimadacharya's
presentation NArAyanapandithAchArya says in Sumadhvavijaya :'
bAlasanghamapi bOdhayadbrisham durnirUpampicha panditai:h' meaning that
his works can be understood easily(to some extant) by even
boys(beginners) and is hard to follow (fully) even by 'pandits'. This
applies to all his works,especially to the Gita Bhashya. If we study it
repeatedly we
find that we had lost some meaning in the previous
reading. To conclude I shall give his interpretation of only one sloka,
Gita ch 2,sloka 41:
'vyavasayatmikabuddhihi EkEhakurunandana
buddhayO(a)vyavasAyinAm.' Srimadacharya's
interpretation to this verse 'yOgE imAm buddhim
srunU ....' states that the right knowledge ,that is the correct
interpretation by right thinking persons, is only one,and that is
whatI(Krishna) have given here;.there are many interpretations given by
persons who do not have the right thinking or knowledge.
We must, therefore, stick to
the right interpretation of Shastras by
Srimadacharya ,who is also known as
Sarvajnacharya,whom Sri Guru Raghavendra has called as 'asmadAdiguru'
in Pratah sankalpa gadya,and gain the true knowledge.