(Primary & Authoritive Scripture) |
The Vedas are apaurusheya "not of
human agency", are supposed to have been directly revealed, and
thus are called śruti ("what is heard"). The four Samhitās are
metrical (with the exception of prose commentary interspersed in
the Krishna Yajurveda). The term samhitā literally means
"composition, compilation". The individual verses contained in
these compilations are known as mantras. Some selected Vedic
mantras are still recited at prayers, religious functions and
other auspicious occasions in contemporary Hinduism. |
Upa Veda |
The term upaveda ("applied knowledge") is used in traditional
literature to designate the subjects of certain technical works.
Lists of what subjects are included in this class differ among
sources. The Charanavyuha mentions four Upavedas: Ayurveda,
Dhanurveda, Gandharva Veda, Stapatya Veda |
Vedanga |
The Vedanga ( vedāṅga, "member of the Veda") are six auxiliary
disciplines traditionally associated with the study and
understanding of the Vedas. 1. Shiksha (śiksā): phonetics and
phonology (sandhi), 2. Kalpa (kalpa): ritual, 3. Vyakarana (vyākarana):
grammar, 4. Nirukta (nirukta): etymology, 5. Chandas (chandas):
meter, 6. Jyotisha (jyotisa): astronomy for calendar issues,
such as auspicious days for performing sacrifices.
Traditionally, vyākarana and nirukta are common to all four
Vedas, while each veda has its own śiksā, chandas, kalpa and
jyotisa texts. The Vedangas are first mentioned in the Mundaka
Upanishad (at 1.1.5) as subjects for students of the Vedas.
Later, they developed into independent disciplines, each with
its own corpus of Sutras. |
Samhita * |
Samhita (Sanskrit saṃhita "joined" or "collected") may refer to"
the basic metrical (mantra) text of each of the Vedas,
specifically, these texts with sandhi applied. |
Aranyaka * |
The Aranyakas (Sanskrit āranyaka आरण्यक) are part of the Hindu
śruti, the four Vedas; they were composed in late Vedic Sanskrit
typical of the Brahmanas and early Upanishads; indeed, they
frequently form part of either the Brahmanas or the Upanishads. |
Brahmana * |
The Brāhmanas (Devanagari: ब्राह्मणम्) are part of the Hindu
śruti literature. They are commentaries on the four Vedas,
detailing the proper performance of rituals. |
Upanishad (Vedanta Darshana) |
The Upanishads are mostly the concluding part of
the Brahmanas, and the transition from the latter to the former
is identified as the Aranyakas. All Upanishads have been passed
down in oral tradition. |
Yoga Darshana |
Yoga-darsana (the philosophy of Yoga) is based
on the exposition of the epistemological, metaphysical, and
methodological ideas of an age-long meditative tradition
codified in the work of Patanjali and widely known as Yoga
Sutras. As distinct from the Tantra and Hatha-Yoga traditions,
Yoga-darsana is concerned primarily with acquisition and
perpetuation of two states of mind referred to as "collocative"
(sapaksa) with Yoga, namely, the state of the onepointed mind (ekāgratā)
and the state of the inhibited mental functions (niruddha). The
Yoga itself is being equated with samādhi. |
Sankhya Darshana |
Samkhya, also Sankhya, Sānkhya, or Sāmkhya
(Sanskrit: सांख्य, IAST: sānkhya;) is one of the six schools of
classical Indian philosophy. Sage Kapila is traditionally
considered as the founder of the Samkhya school, although no
historical verification is possible. It is regarded as one of
the oldest philosophical systems in India. |
Mimamsa Darshana |
Mīmāmsā (मीमांसा), a Sanskrit word meaning
"investigation", is the name of an astika ("orthodox") school of
Hindu philosophy whose primary enquiry is into the nature of
dharma based on close hermeneutics of the Vedas. The nature of
dharma isn't accessible to reason or observation, and must be
inferred from the authority of the revelation contained in the
Vedas, which are considered eternal, authorless (apaurusheyatva),
and infallible. |
Vyesheshika Darsana |
Vaisheshika, or Vaiśesika, (Sanskrit:वैशॆषिक) is
one of the six Hindu schools of philosophy (orthodox Vedic
systems) of India. Historically, it has been closely associated
with the Hindu school of logic, Nyaya. |
Nyaya Darshana |
Nyāya (Sanskrit ni-āy?, literally "recursion",
used in the sense of "syllogism, inference") is the name given
to one of the six orthodox or astika schools of Hindu
philosophy—specifically the school of logic. The Nyaya school of
philosophical speculation is based on texts known as the Nyaya
Sutras, which were written by Aksapada Gautama |
Purana * |
The Puranas (Sanskrit: पुराण purāna, "of ancient
times") are a genre of important Hindu, Jain or Buddhist
religious texts, notably consisting of narratives of the history
of the universe from creation to destruction, genealogies of
kings, heroes, sages, and demigods, and descriptions of Hindu
cosmology, philosophy, and geography. |
Aagama Shastra |
Agama (Sanskrit आगम) means, in the Hindu
context, "a traditional doctrine, or system which commands
faith". Elaborate rules are laid out in the Agamas for worship,
construction of temple, and so on. |
Smriti * |
Smriti (Sanskrit: स्मृति, Smrti, IPA: [smriti]
?) literally "that which is remembered," refers to a specific
body of Hindu religious scripture, and is a codified component
of Hindu customary law. Smriti also denotes non-Shruti texts and
is generally seen as secondary in authority to Shruti. |
Tantra Shastra * |
The word Tantra also applies to any of the
scriptures (called "Tantras") commonly identified with the
worship of Shakti. Tantra deals primarily with spiritual
practices and ritual forms of worship, which aim at liberation
from ignorance and rebirth, the universe being regarded as the
divine play of Shakti and Shiva. |
Sutra * |
In Hinduism sutra denotes a distinct type of
literary composition, based on short aphoristic statements,
generally using various technical terms. This literary form was
designed for concision, as the texts were intended to be
memorized by students in some of the formal methods of
scriptural and scientific study (Sanskrit: svādhyāya). Since
each line is highly condensed, another literary form arose in
which commentaries (Sanskrit: bhāṣya) on the sutras were added,
to clarify and explain them. |
Itihasa |
The ancient Sanskrit epics, the Ramayana and
Mahabharata, also termed Itihāsa (History) or Mahākāvya ("Great
Compositions"), refer to epic poems that form a canon of Hindu
scripture. Indeed, the epic form prevailed and verse was and
remained until very recently the preferred form of Hindu
literary works. Hero-worship was and is a central aspect of
Indian culture, and thus readily lent itself to a literary
tradition that abounded in epic poetry and literature. |
Gita |
The Gītās (Song of God), also more simply known
as Gita, is a sacred Hindu scriptures, though its philosophies
and insights are intended to reach beyond the scope of religion
and to humanity as a whole. It is at times referred to as the
"manual for mankind" and has been highly praised |